HomeMy WebLinkAbout26-88patagni"a AcQu9symb av AND W149" a-anDRUED, MAIL in, City of Bakersfield City Engineer 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield,, Ca. 93301 U66 PAGE 0121 Wx f, (SECTION 66499.35t GOVERNMENT CODE) PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 26-88 (Being a consolidation and resubd1vision of Late 60 7, and a of Tract No. 4639,, recorded in Book 33 of Mapso Page 87 in the office of the Kern County Recorder.) (Assessor's Parcel No."s,391-342-10, 391-342-9p 391-342-8) The undernIgned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield., designated by ordinances at sad. d City as Advisory Agency with resP eon. -to Parcel Map Waivors and Lot Line Adjustments and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakeralield, hereby certlfies that the Parcel Map Waiver for the hereinafter- described parcels of land complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State 01 California and. 'Chapter- 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating d1visione of land. Said parcels of land,. being situated in the City of Bakersfield.. Co'unty of Kern,. State of Callforniag are more part1cularly'describad as follows. on Exhibit A and shown an Exhibit BA Q,2xroc,r?RN.TA h1PRVEr_.T rNC. is the ov;rser of the described Parcels of lando Dated this 21st day of Septemberg 1988. E. W. SCHULZ it Engineer City of Bakersf ield ,� �� f 1f ���� 022 EXHIBIT "All All that portion of Lots 6, 7 and 8 of Tract Number 4639 Recorded in Map Book 33., Page E37 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder, also being a portion of Section S. T.30S.v R.27E.$ M.D.M., County of Kern, State of California described as follows: Parcel A Beginning at the Southwest torner of said Lot 6; thence O.70 llt33"Wll. 11 '144.07 feet to a point on the Southerly right-of-way Of Serrant Court being 60 feet wide, said polint also being a point on a non-tangent curve concave Southerly having a radius of 7RO.00 feet from which point a radial bears S.4 016 f 41 "E. ; thence Easterl� 64.26 feet along said curve through a central angle of 5 06'&9"; thence S. e9 0 0'9'52"E.v 102.16 feet* tht:�nce S 0:0 0 50'08"W.., 145.00 feet- thence N,8900?'52"W,, 142.50 feet; thence 9.88 4912711W., 3.75 feet to the poirt of beginning. Containing 22,633.99 square feet net4 Parcel 8 Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 19* thence 1 .199 09E-5211W.� 26cF.51 feet; thence N. 50'0811E.,j 145.00 feet to a point an the Southerly right-of-way of Serrant Court being 60 feet wide; thence S.89 0 09'52"E.w .1.01 feet to the beginning of a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 25.0-0 feet from which p-oint a radial bears. S.0 50108"W.; thence Southeas-terl� 18.69 feet along said curve-through a central angle of 42 50*00" to a point on a reverse curve concave Northeasterly having a rad-of 50.00 feet from which point a radial bears N.43 0 ius 40'08"E; thence Southeasterly 37- 38 feet along said curve through a central angle of 42 0 50'0011-, thence S.89 0 09152"E., 63.50 feet to the beginning of a curve concave Northwesterly having a radii-is of 50'.00 feet from which point a raddal bears N. 50'08"E.; thence Northeasterly 36.08 feet along said curve through a central 0 . a angle of 41 20'57"; thence S.40 3014911E., 183.12 feet to the point of beginning, Containing 27,476..40 square feet net.. r z 0 11 0 0 0 U66 FAU U23 rft a "ok Ago& vAKr,EL MAP WAIVER, NO,, 26==88 v AVARAM A 4 30' V w 3* io `4 350-00 0 0 c LA w fu m Orr < m m 0 (n (a In 10D w w 0 w 0 llk� b. 0 r 0 w m w m 6J� > Ul ft) M M Ln tfl Lq M M A, f%) hQlu .1-4 0 Z z m 2: li m r; -4 tA' -0D 0 W 0 ommmmm)3. w 00 0000000 cn + 'io $Jib r- * 1. . � k . 00000o - cwww> --j 00000ocn- 0 LA %J: 0 0 N :0050*08"E 145.00 — 0 Ut 0 M 0 w z CY) m m ID w lu 0 4 + 4 0 0 a m M OD CD 0) DD � Z CD r Lq W 00 Now %imb. z Y 1p 0 t w 1! 0 (A 0 m w 0) A) -i V). w Ln 0 ozzoozo 00%J %J w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to to 0) M -4 > w m W 0 m xmmmmmm 0 W %J W M 0 u x `6 Mp (A w ro Ul fulu m (A) fit 0 r dpmo m m r EXHIBIT &No 6A 0 0