HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-0179RUE."ATES11-0 BY AND i h WIIENAECOI 11, TQ L44 First Ame'ricari We ompany CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 1RUXTt.JN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 9330 1. James Map lesiAssessor-Recorder Kern County Off'lci.al Records DOCUMENT #-*0199099749 sit CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 664.9935, GOVERNMENr CODE) PARCELMAP WAIVER NO. P-99-0179 ON Pages 6 7/1-3/1999 Fees — , 22,00 Taxes Other T 0­1! A:L PA 11D, 22..00 Stat. Types:? Being a division of that portion of land shown: as Parcel 2 on that Certificate of compliance for Parcel Map Waiver .q P98-01.67, -recorded May 7, 1998, as Document No. 0 198059976t Official Records, beffig a portion of -the SW,' of Asse.s.-sor s'Par.celN*u-..mbe.r: 001400-01-00-5. Property Owners: C.4RL R. JARRETT and JAA WE L. JARRETT, hiishatid and wife as community property. Th's Certif I icate-ofCom.pl.ia+ncel*s being -issue-da�,n..dr-e-cord-ed-fo.r parce ..I., , 2 1C At the request of -the property owner, the -undersigned City En.gmepr of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Wai 40 vers, Lot in Adjustnients, and Certificates of Compliance and actipg. h elin. on behialf ofthe City, of Bakersfield hereby states that those portions of land described. on the attached Exhibit "'A" and shown on fth. ibit "B" comply with the. provisions of the SubdiNdsion Map Act of the State of Callfom.ia and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield . Municipal Code regulati VISIons -of land. This certificate relates onty to issues mlinornoncompliance with the. Subdivision Map +A and local. ordm*ances enacW pursuant thereto. The pateels described herein may be sold leased, or finan-ced wi u. t -further T Itho Compliance with the Subdivision Map. Act or any local ordffiance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcels may require. issuance of a pemit or pemits, or otherg"n.t. or grants of approval. :bated .Mk 24,19-99- RAI,JL M. ROJAS RCE-'No. 39.880 Expiration Dece m-ber. 31, 2001 City .Engipeer City of Bakersfield SIGNIATURE MUST BENOTARIZED 11.57 S:\Nfinor Land DiV'-PN4-W`%P99.0179 coc.wpd. Piuwe I of 6 114aes 16" t "' LIFORNIA ALL.&PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMEN-T ;A State ofCalifornia SS. County of gp. GO On j ., bef6re me, L i ..,r;L& .... . ......... .. ... ....... I ...... ..... . ........ I'de of E)--ce. NJ. St Name and T :P ersonally appeared Name(s*" c. '34W... "s) 'low. . . ........ ....... . .... . ...... ... .... . ........ .......... OV A_ 164� ........... . ... .. .... onally known to me, 141-lef .1149 9 to be the personN whose nameo.)Q[-15_-. w subscri.bed to the wlthu' i-Instrument. and ted acknowledged to me.. execu the. same In h :..: Y pthori - 7, that capact a . _6 signature'00 on the instrument the e" rsonW- , or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted,, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seat. ............. Place. Notary SeW Abcive ........................ � OPTIONAL ------ ------ ---- - ----------- Though the inlWmation below is not required by law. it mavarave valuable to persons relying on the docatnent and, could prevent fraudulent re oaf and -reattachment of this form to another document. A, Jf Dese.ription of Attached DocuR�ent fe, r A 'ntle or Type of Docum'ent: y ...... mp .. .................................. .. .. ...... . 143A Date Number of Page Document o Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: -A . ...... aid Capacity(Jes) C.Iai:m.?. - Signer Signer's Name., - I dividual :n >4Ctorporate Officer — Title (s) F] Partner — I Limited General F! Attorney in Fact 0 Trustee F Guardian orConservator Other: '. V0, V.4 Signer Is Representing- r 3 0 - RO, Box 2402 - Ghruswo; ffis, CA �91;313-24012 Ptod. No. 5907 Reorder Call Tot-Free 1-800-876-6827 De'Sot*.Ave... ' : �. �: PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. P99-0179 BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. -0167 AS EVIDENCED THAT CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED MAY 71 998 AS. DOCUMENT N. 01' 98059976. BERN COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS, ALSO BEING A. PORTION OF SECTION 241 TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 27EAST, M. .I ., CITY 'OF BAKERSPIELD, COUNTY OF KERN7 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, EING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ,PARCEL CONTAINING: 23,000 SQUARE FEES`. 'ee1M BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 2 SAID CORNER BEING POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID ECTI I 2 � WHICH BEARS t' . ° " ; 225.10 FEET FROM THE INTERSECTION • F GILMORE AVENUE AND ARROW STREET MARKED BY CONCRETE MONUMENT TAGGED R.C.,E. 17564; THENCE S 890 30'23m E. ALONG G THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID 2 A DISTAN.I.C.-Ell 184.76 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUTH MAP LINE, . * � 33" , 107.52 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OFPARCEL I OF SAID PARC EL WAIVER. NO. P98-0167; THENCE 1 890 30'27"W, ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE A DISTANCE F 184.76 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST WEST CORNED. OF SAID ARCL °I :, SAID CORNER BEING POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 4# THENCE S 000. 2W 331" W., ALONG SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE .5 FEET TO'THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 19,865 SQUARE FEE I . {.Vk: 0 ' ' ais.. '•:. •i ax2i,s' •. • Y.::: '�' >.,11 � is Y t . PAGE 3 OF 6 PAGES :y.. L.S4 53.32 EXPR:5 ell. Q)f BEING A DIVISION Of' PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. P98-0167 AS EWDENCED BY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED MAY 7► 1998 AS DO NT NO.. 0,198059:976 IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER - ALS-0 BEiNG A PORTION OF SECTION 24, T-2 9S., R.27E., M.D.M... I CITY OF SAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA . jr WT rC :W CARL R. 'I TT AND JANICE. L. JARRETT 3321 SILLECT AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. 933008 Ewa cwt A.P.N. 001-400-01 AND 11 ZONING.- M-1 SEWER- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER: CALIF. WATER SERVICE EXISTING USE: ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR BUt-LDING ON PARGEL A PROPOSED. USE: ELECTRIC, P.G. AND E. GAS: P.G. AND E. TOTAL SITE AREA: 42,863 SQUARE FEET ALL 'BEARINGS AND DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON ARE `EEORD OR CALCULATED: FROM RECORD PER PARCEL MAP WAIVER O. 31-86 AS ENADENCED BY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED JANUARY' 19, 1987 IN BOOK 5-960-, PAGE 9.57., OFFICIAL RE-CORDS OF KERN COUNTY. :&Aq*m*fOR 001 HAROLD ROBERTSON 01, OR X �q. A cf 1200 21ST STREET' BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. 93301 0 4. (661) 327-0362 �Al : il: �k IT x ro Ls. 5332 EXPr 12-31-99 HAROLD W. ROBERTSON L. S., 5332 EXPIRES 12/31 /9-9! .0-p A PAGE 4 OF 6 PAGES TA OF m "Nobb. f=Al&TlNlG cli al h KV, CCRNER SECTION 24, T. 9S.. R-,27E, 0 KERN COUNTY �URVEYOWS SRASS CAP ON CO C. MONT. PER PARCEL MAP INO. 7035 z .......... . ..... ....... ... ....... .......... ................ ............. ...... ............ . ............ . ............ Cl ZI uD_iu'/_t$ R 12.45,.00" T 56.26" L 112.44" N89ate *0'27" #W 488.26 1 -- — — — — — — — — — — 10' VADE CALIF NIA. WATER S 20' WOE CITY OF B AKE RSFIEL Di CO. EASCMENT PER -00 SEWER EASEMENT PER 800K. SK. 5985, PG., 1041 O.R. If PACE 33. 10.K j5 19' WDE LANDSCAPE MCEL 1: STRIP RESERVAMON PARCEL Am'aAF WAIVER P963'—olol d A, P. N. 001-400-01--00--6 EXISPNG GURS, GUTTER: A ALIM11%. AND 5.0' SDEWALK VACANT LA Nu: ltool-" 3W PUSUC STREET RIGHT—OF—WAY BOCK 5963, PAGE 220. O.R. DUMPS iq 1. PER -4 I ENCLO� loft. 454 415-92* A-F 0 . . . . . ............ IP N89*3V2 '* 7"W r 7'l UTURE DRAINAGE EASEMENT F .30 PUS. STR*EE- T RICHT- BY RESERVATION .......... . ... ...... Rig OF—WAY PER 8K.596"M r CHAMJNUN. 4! V—GUTTER PG2207, O.R,. FENCE AROUND A.C. PAVIW SUMP C' OD 0 M.-I CE VACAW LAND $ Aft WAREHOUSE *w MN"'" z E PRG A N& S FE O RMER PA Rk 5 p L ' N89-30".23'w 383,17 .10 LIGHT "�� 6* CHAINUW MOE P.G. AN O E. FACILITIES F-ENCING SEWER LATE EASEMENT PER BOOK 57:26, PAOE 3-14. O.R, AND PER BOOK 57534 PAGE 656, O.R. SEWER MANHOLE -"-EYJ0 CURB AND CUTTEF X7;5, 4 W mo 00 900 tow 45,' A 15' kADE P.(;:. &/-E.. PIPEUNE EASEMENT PER 1�001< 1-670,. PAGE 208* O'R. lifif H SCALE 1*- 80' .......... mw* Ail ............. ... PAGE 5 OF 6 PAGES .......... . . .. .... .......... 1 3B Lu c 1 if re) 0510"28" NX CORNER SECTION 24, T,29S, a,27E,, R = 1245.00:* KERN COU-NTY SURVEYOR'S BRASS CAP ON CONC� T = 56,26" MONT., PER PARCEL MAP NO, 7035 z L = 112-44' N89-301270V 48.8_26' 10' WEE CALIF'ORNIA WATER 20" I& """""" WI V DE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SERVICE CO. EASEMENT PER O 30,00* SEWER EASEMENT PER BOOK 5286.. SK. 5.985, PG. 10-41 O.R. PAGE 33, 0-R. 19"' VWDE LANDSCAPE < PARCEL 1 STRIP RESERVATION :� � � N PARCEEL m"AP WAIVEER P98-0-01:01 ARN. 00:1-40-0-01­00-6 1 30* PUBLIC STREET RICHE—OF—WAY PER BOOK 5963. PAGE 2207.. O.R. 45" N-89*30'27"W 415.92 . . . . . ... ... ..... . 30, PUB., STRE-Ei.RIGGHT- 184.76" 2.31 16" OF—WAY PER 8K.5963pr FUTURE BR :IN ACE EASEMENT BY RESERVATION �N PARCEL A C114 .. .... 'PA- ........ . . . . . . . . . c tot 1 0 CN C-4 231:000 S.F. (GROSS) 19,.86.5 F. (GROSS): 23,000+ S.F. (NET) 16,64-0 S.F. (NET) -Z AI z cl. 184.7-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . A. NTIONINO -N8'9*3V.231`V 383,17 At 7,5--o pz AVE, '"" "w"w"' *w. +'- -w 30' WD P�G, AND. E, FACIUTIES SEWER R LATER. - - SEWER- MANKULE DIAL, EASEMENT PER BOOK 6728, PAGE 314., O.R. AND PER BOOK 5753, PAGE 656, OX SEVER MANHOLE. � 4f 0 *01 rARUEL A t PARCEL M 4.5 Aorm", WAlVE=­,*-,_m t pp .: 31-86 ON, 15+ DE P. G, & E. PIPE NON EASEMENT PE OOK 1670, AGE 208, 0.-R-, 45* NOR THXST CORNER OF PARCEL MAP NO- 7035 P* 0 dw — ---- -------- ------ Apr ul L MOW. A VENUE SEWER MANHOLE oft AM, ZI. ow- :V) N ,.EWER MANHOLE' L am"Al",'% N(o)'% 70,30 0- t- ow 0. Of SCALE 1 8v mom; mwft ft .8 Mawr PARC.EL MAr I. -N-+O.o P-99 v17,9 PAGE 6 OF 6 PAGES.