HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-0270jo REQUESTED BY AND vo WME N RECORDED. MAIL TO: Firsl American Title Company CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, C. 93-301 St at. Types : I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE "'SECTION 664-99-35, GOVERNMENT CODE) Being a -merger and r ivi*sion -of those portionsof land shovm as Parcels 1, 2, 3, 8, and 9 of Amended Parcel Map Mg- , 10236, filed in Book 49 of Parcel Maps, Page 100, be" M. t. he NW V4off` Section. 28, T. 29 S. R 7 E. C M. D. M.r. M the City of Bakersfield., County of Kern., State of Califomia. Assessoils Parcel Nwnbers: 368-060-66.-00-1. 368-060:-67-00-41 368-060-68-00-7.1 368-060-73-00-11 and 368-060-74-00-4,: Property:Owner: LOWE"S H I W1 1N.C., a Virginia corpo . w This Certificate of Compliance is being issued: and recorded for 2 — Parcels. -At, the re uest:of the. prope.q ow s� City Engineerof the City .q der igned field, desli ated by ordinan.ces of -s d. Ci as.Advisory , of Bakes -P ai Ity -Agen cy -.1 W it respect to Parcel Map W * vers, of C li e and act' herein on. behalf ofth - a , Lot Lmel.Adjustments, and Certl jeates .omp ianc M. ,e CitY Of Bakersfic.14, hereby states that -those portions of land described on the attached Exhibit "A" and sbown on. Exhibit "B" comply with the r is'-o -.s of the Subdiv-1 ;b ion M p.Act of the p ov.1 I - n s State of CaE for nia and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield -Municlipal Code regulating divisions of land. This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncomp . .1. ance with the Subdivision Map Act. and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described here-i-in may be: siold, leased, or financed withou... t - -further compliance with the Subdi'VIS1*011 Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcels may require issuance, of a permit: -or permits, o r other grant or grants of approval. Dated May 2 1.:1 999 .RAUL M. ROJAS RCE No. 39880. Expiration December 31 � 2001 City Engffittr, Clity of Bakersfield SIGN.ATURE MUST BE N01-7,NRIZE,1D 826 \M or Land Dh,\PMNV\P99-0270 c oww-pd Page. I of 6 Page._; ... .. .. .. W. State of California County of . ....... ..... 34 - W.� W v: before On . ........ ... t4ame and 1 7 personally appeared ...... .. .N . . . . . ......................... Plao,e Notary Seat Above NT1We(,5:) of Vgparys) .1 X, personally known to me to be the person,* whose nameta) subscribed to the within instrument an0l acknowledged to me thla J-te-: exec' ted U the sa-me in authorized hill an..: capacny -hat. 1b y signature�40--. on the instrument the person*, or the entity upon behalf of which the perso acted., executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. A 7 f . ry P Mc ...................... OPTIONAL ........ Though the information below is not requiredby laws it mcay prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraud-ulent removal and reaffpchment of this for to another d-oc. ume 30 V '0A J, 41 it Des,crip. of Attached Doc:umen C. A i 4J ............................ " 41 A ....... i.: ......... . L ............... . ................. . ........... Title or Type of Document: 4 ....... . . ..... Number of Pages., Document Date . ............... . ......... . ... .. --j X.!.; j-.4-Pi i - A. Signer(s) Other Than Narned Above-, ... ..... 14 ........ Capaclty(ie's) Clallmqd� by Slgn�er Kf ;­J Signer's Name . ........ . . R I ....... ............. .. . ...... Individual t. f thumb 'N� orporate. Officer Title(s): T' [71 Partner (711: Limited General 1_111 Attorney in Fact F-1. Trustee Ll Guardian or Conservator I ..... Other-. %%! a. . S er s Representing: .. .. ......... ign 19-97 N fional Notary AssnciaUion - 14-355.0 De Satoo Me,, P,(), Box M1,2' -. Chat-4vvv V 10 :a dih., CA 911.,'313-240.2 Prod.. No, 591, Rear-de.r.- (';(0 76H-Free 1-800-$76-6827 )MACYr* 4? 0-r a R04 49L 5, EXHIBIT "All in a merger and redivision of Parceels 1, 2, 3,, 8 and 9 of amended Parcel Map No. 102-36, recorded in Parcel Map Book 49 Page 100 "I.-n the o. % ffice of the Kern County Recorder, also being a Portion of the Northwest Quarter of section 28, Township 29 South,, Range 27 East, M.D.M. in the C*Iq of Bakersfield, County of Kern , State of Californi-a. -PARCEL 1 : . . Parcels 13 21 33 8 and 9 of Amended Parcel Map No. 10236, recorded In Parcel Map: Book 49: at Pa-ge 100 :in the Office of the Kern County Reco-rder, Excqp :n.g therefrom al I those portions of said Parcels 1 an.0 being more particularly described as follows: Beg .ng :at the Southeast corner of said Parcel 9, thence. N89048'4511W, along the South I Ine thereof ¢ 2.66 feet to the Siouthwe:st c6r:ner thereof thence along the West I 'Ine of said Parcels 9 and 1: N42054136-t"W 66,64 feet; N29030122' 261;.30 feet; and N1402213.6"Wj 40,25 feet * thence S6505315,ft 5 7 E 1 664, 40 feet to a point on the Eas kine of said -Parcel 9.* thence 523036' "W along said East line. 49.35 feet to the Point 5P — of Beginning. Containing 13.84 acres., more or less. PARCEL .2. ­­­ . ........ t�. A.111 titiose portions of said Parcels 1 -and being: more part is .r destri"be.d. as follows- Beginning at the. Southeast corner of saII'd Parcel S., t hey :..,e N89048'.45"W, along the South l'ine thereof, 402.66 feet to the Southwest corner thereof; thence along the West line of said Parcels 9 and 1: N4205413�6"W. 66.64 feet; N291030"22"W:, 261-30 feet.*, an'd N1:402 .2'36"V; 40.25 feet; thence S650531.57"E, 664.40 feet 'to a point on the East H of- said - thence Parcel 9 S231136'44"'W alon ne I g said East Jine 49.35 feet to-the Point of B.-eg i nn i n.g. Sv ZT, Page 3 of 6 Pages EXHIBrT -B "THIS. MAP IS PROVIDED FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY lif BEING A MERGER AND REDIVISION OF PARCELS 1, 2-1 3o 8 AND 9 OF AMENDED PARCEL MAP NO. 10236, RECORDED IN BOOK 49,, PAGE 100 IN THE. OFF1 CE OF THE -KERN COUNTY RECORDER, ALSO BEING -A PORTION OF THE N.W. QUARTER OF SECTION 28, T..29S., R.2 7E,,., M.D.M. IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN,, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. E S st ~vf ...... ...... -S Gv JAMES K DELMARTER DATE N& 17384 ..C.E. 17564 EXP. 6-30-20-01 0/30 mi �,�4�. +��' PREPARED BY DELMARTER AND DEIFEL 2,901 H STREET,, SUITE NO, 3 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805.) 327-1486 BASIS---- OF BEARING ALL 13L GS AND DISTANCES SHOWN ON THIS MAP, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED.. ARE RECORD OR CALCULATED FROM RECORD . PER AMENDED PARCEL MAP NO. 10236, PARCEL MAP BOOK 49,, PAGE 100 IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, ST . D ST OWNERS: LOWES'S H I Wo INC., A VIRGINIA PAGE 4 OF 6 PAGES CORPORA-InON 1530 FARADAY AVENUE., SU-IT E 125: CARLSBAD "ALIF. 92008 (7.60) -918--0132 A.P.N..4-6 368-060-66it 67, 681 73 & 74 ZONE: M-2 WATER. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD POWER: P# :G. & E. is SEWER: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CABLE& 'BARN R, CABLE TELEPH:ONE: PACIFIC BELL PAGE 4 OF 6 PAGES qu� EXHIBIT "B" It. THIS MAP IS PROVIDED FOR IL:LUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY po PARCEL M-AP WAIVER NO. P99-0270 AMENDED P.M. NO. 102-35 BK. 434 PG. 100 4 5 ul N 89*47 - --- ----------- 5-07.44� 4,55.61 PAR-CEL 3 (2.x-6 C. GROSS) (2.46 AC. NET) ,� S 89*47*4e E 4.23.69 PARCEL 2 (1.47 AC. GROSS.). (1.47 AC. NET) x ao f S8!9"47"44,rE 362,73 PARCEL 1 ev At (1,47 AC. GROSS) 4r (1.47AC. NET) I - - ----- '* =692 �'35 A .2 .UN e _LQ-TTA JN ♦ At. 40 BLANKET EASEMENT IN FAVOR :OF (4.58 AC. NET) PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC. CO. PER DOC. # 0198104208, -OFFICIAL r. 142*54"36*W RECO-RDS. 66.6.4 ----------- S89`48`4 50E 402-.66" Q: N 4WD PARCEL 8: WNW (5.7.8 AC* -GROSS) Q. (5.78 AC. NET) 0. SET 20 IRON PIPE W/BLABS TAG STAMPED R.C.E. 17564 PER CORNER N V 181,4744*E L=14-&V 54.20' 7=83.OW A=23*12"19 R— 200.00F PARCEL :9 ♦ (4:,.,58 AC. GROSS (4.58 AC. NET) r. 142*54"36*W 66.6.4 ----------- S89`48`4 50E 402-.66" A. AMENDED P M. NO, 10-236 LEGEND SK. 49, PG. 100- 0 5/8" REGAR- W/ PLAS11C CAP STAMPED L.Sl, 4258 PER AMENDED P.M. NO. 1-0236v 8K.- 49s PG. 100 0. SET 20 IRON PIPE W/BLABS TAG STAMPED R.C.E. 17564 PER CORNER RECORD FILED IN THE OFFICE OF TH E KERN CO. SURVEYOR 0 SET NAIL & TIN W/BRASS TAG STAMPED R.C.E. 17564 PER CORNER RECORD FILED IN THE OFFICE OF Di E KERN. C0♦ SURWYOR "Ati EX''01-i PAGE 5 OF 6 PAGES .... ............... . ......... .......... ........................................ ...... ............. 4 I LLJl 1. WW___------ --------- -- -- - - - - -- w: ----- N 89*47",Or t 17 3: � 963.06 UNPLO OLE EASE MIENI BLANKET EASEMENT IN. FAVOR OF PACIFIC GAS: AND ELECTRIC CO. PER 00C. #019810,4208, OFFICIAL RECORDS., of. PARCEL 1 14 (13..84 AC, GROS,$) (1-3.84 AC. NET) k \ xMp ip FARCEL 2 It'd 1.92 AC. GROSS) (1,92 AC. NET). 4-9,350• *W N42454!36*' S89*48:'450E 441/2.66 A .AMENDED - P.M. NO. 10236 LEGEND: SK. 49t ?G,,. 100 RE BAR W/ PLASTIC CAP STAMPED L. S. 4258 PER AMENDED P.M. NO.. 10*2361.1 K. 49, G. 100 SET .2" RON PIPE W/BRASS TAG STAMPED R.C.,*E. 17564 PER CORNER RECORD FILED IN THE 0110E OF THE KERN CO. SURVEYOR SET NAIL & MN W/ BRASS TAG STAMP-ED R.C.-E. 17.56* PER CORNER RECORD nL.Eo IN THE 01MCE OF THE KERN CO� SURVEYOR PAGE 6 OF 6 PAIGE$