HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST-MONT. 2004 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 13 MONITORING PLAN - PAGE 1 IE TYPEOF AC'T'ION ❑ 1.NEW PLAN ❑ 2.CHANGE OF INFORMATION Mot. PLAN TYPE ❑ MONITORING IS IDENTICAL FOR ALL USTs AT THIS FACILITY. M°z (Check one item only) ❑ THIS PLAN COVERS ONLY THE FOLLOWING UST SYSTEM(S): FACILITY ID#(Agency Use Only) BUSINESS NAME(Same as FACILITY NAME) " 1 uD f M°3• BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 112U> c�c S W& U M04. (�I Y M05. � � 1 H. EQU PWNT nSTING AND:PREVEMVE MADMNANCE State law requires that testing,preventive maintenance,and calibration of monitoring equipment(e.g.,sensors,probes,line leak detectors,etc.)be performed at the frequency specified by the equipment manufacturers' instructions,or annually,whichever is more frequent,and that such work must be performed by qualified personnel. MONITORING EQUIPMENT IS SERVICED ANNUALLY Mo6. ❑ 99.OTHER(Specify): Mo7 This monitoring plan must include a Site Plan showing the general tank and piping layouts and the locations where monitoring is performed(i.e.,location of each sensor, line leak detector,monitoring system control panel,etc.). If you already have a diagram(e.g.,current UST Monitoring Site Plan from a Monitoring System Certification form,Hazardous MataWs Business Plan etc.)which shows all required information,include it with this plan. �. -A -190..-7 OR IG MONITORING IS PERFORMED USING THE FOLLOWING METHOD(S):(Check all that apply) M10. CONTINUOUS ELECTRONIC MONITORING OF TANK ANNULAR(INTERSTITIAL)SPACE(S)OR SECONDARY CONTAINMENT VAULT(S) SECONDARY CONTAINMENT IS: 'Z"a.DRY ❑ b.LIQUID FILLED ❑ c.PRESSURIZED ❑ d.VACUUM Mil.. PANEL MANUFACTURER 't M12. MODEL#: M13. LEAK SENSOR MANUFACTURER \3 Q Ct eX M14 MODEL#(S): 400 M15. ❑ 2.AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING(ATG)SYSTEM USED TO MONITOR SDMX WALL TANK(4) PANEL MANUFACTURER M16 MODEL#: MI7. IN-TANK PROBE MANUFACTURER MIt• MODEL#(S): M19. LEAK TEST FREQUENCY: ❑ a.CONTINUOUS . ❑ b.DAILY/NIGHTLY ❑.c.WEEKLY M20. ❑ d.MONTHLY ❑ e.OTHER(Specify): bal. PROGRAMMED TESTS: ❑ a.0.1 g,p.h. ❑ b.02 g.p.h. ❑ c.OTHER(Specify): M22. M23. ❑ 3.INVENTORY RECONCILIATION ❑ a.MANUAL PER 23 CCR§2646 ❑ b.STATISTICAL PER 23 CCR§2646.1 M24. ❑ 4.WEEKLY MANUAL TANK GAUGING(MTG)PER 23 CCR§2645 TESTING PERIOD: ❑ a.36 HOURS ❑ b.60 HOURS M25. ❑ 5.INTEGRITY TESTING PER 23 CCR§2643.1 TEST FREQUENCY: ❑ a.ANNUALLY ❑ b.BIENNIALLY ❑ c.OTHER(Specify): M26. M27. ❑ 6.VISUAL MONITORING: ❑ a.DAILY ❑ b.WEEKLY ❑ 99.OTHER(Specify): Mee. MONITORING IS PERFORMED USING THE FOLLOWING METHOD(S)(Check all that apply) �0 CONTINUOUS MONITORING OF PIPING SUMP(SYMENCH(ES)AND OTHER SECONDARY CONTAINMENT SECONDARY CONTAINMENT I : DRY ❑ b.LIQUID FILLED ❑ c.PRESSURIZED t ❑ d.VACUUM M31• PANEL MANUFACTURER -t- M32. MODEL#:Tc^£�•3 Duo M33. LEAK SENSOR MANUFACTURER - M34. MODEL#(S): M35. WILL A PIPING LEAK ALARM TRIGGER AUTOMATIC PUMP(i.e.,TURBINE)SHUTDOWN? YES ❑ b.NO M36. WILL FAILURE/DISCONNECTION OF THE MONITORING SYSTEM TRIGGER AUTOMATIC PUMP SHUTDOWN? .f a.YES ❑ b.NO M31. 79-2.MECHANICAL LINE LEAK DETECTOR (MILD) THAT ROUTINELY PERFORMS 3.0 g.p.h. LEAK TESTS AND RESTRICTS OR SHUTS OFF PRODUCT FLOW WHEN A LEAK I}� � _C11 y )(LLD MANUFACI'URIIt(s): I C�2C>�y C c (� M38. MODEL#(S): M39. ❑ 3.ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR(ELLD)THAT ROUTINELY PERFORMS 3.0 g.p.h.LEAK TESTS C � ELLD MANUFACTURER(s): M40- MODEL#(S): M41. PROGRAMMED IN LINE TESTING: ❑ a.MINIMUM MONTHLY 02 g p.h. ❑ b.MINIMUM ANNUAL 0.1 g.p.h. M42. WILL ET I DETECTION OF A PIPING LEAK TRIGGER AUTOMATIC PUMP SHUTDOWN? ❑ a.YES ❑ b.NO M43. WILL ELLD FAILURE/DISCONNECTION TRIGGER AUTOMATIC PUMP SHUTDOWN? ❑ a.YES ❑ b.NO M44. ❑ 4.INTEGRITY TESTING TEST FREQUENCY: ❑ a ANNUALLY ❑ b.EVERY 3 YEARS ❑ e.OTHER(Specify) M45. M46. ❑ 5.VISUAL MONITORING: ❑ a.DAILY ❑ b.WEEKLY ❑ c.MIN.MONTHLY&EACH TIME SYSTEM OPERATED, M47. .Allowed for monitoring of unburied emergency generator fuel piping only per MC 425261.5(6)(3) ❑ 6.SUCTION PIPING MEETS EXEMPTION CRITERIA PER 23 CCR§2636(ax3) ❑ 7.NO PRODUCT OR REMOTE FILL PIPING IS CONNECTED TO THE UST(s) ❑ 99.OTHER(Specify) Mae. hwfwrc-d(924/04)-114 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 14 IE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PLAN-PAGE 2 MONITORING OF AREAS BENEATH DISPENSER(S)IS PERFORMED USING THE FOLLOWING METHODS)(Check all that apply) 0 -44.CONTINUOUS MONITORING OF UNDER DISPENSER CONTAINMENT(UDC) PANEL MANUFACTURER- MODEL#: 2' R LEAK SENSOR MANUFACTURER d1P dVir Ms9. MODEL#(S): LA eS CO M54' WILL DETECTION OF A LEAK IN THE UDC TRIGGER AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS? ❑ a.YES b.NO M5- WILL A UDC LEAK ALARM TRIGGER AUTOMATIC PUMP SHUTDOWN? a.YES ❑ b.NO Mse. WILL FAILURE/DISCONNECTION OF UDC MONITORING SYSTEM TRIGGER AUTOMATIC PUMP SHUTDOWN? Ej�-&YES ❑ b.NO Msz ❑ 2.MECHANICAL CONTINUOS MONITORING(e.g.,FLOAT AND CHAIN ASSEMBLY)IN UDC TRIPS SHEAR VALVE IN CASE OF LEAK MANUFACTURER; Mst. MODEL#(S): M39. ❑ 3.VISUAL MONITORING DONE: ❑ a.DAILY ❑ b.WEEKLY M60• ❑ 4.NO DISPENSERS ❑ 99.OTHER(Specify) Met. r , ❑ L WE HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED BY THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD THAT WE MUST PERFORM ENHANCED LEAK 0 DETECTION(ELD)FOR THE UST(S)COVERED BY THIS PLAN,PER 23 OCR§2644.1,ELD IS PERFORMED EVERY 36 MONTHS AS REQUIRED —77- � REFERENCE DOCUMENTS MAINTAINED AT FACILITY(Check all that apply) Mw. 1. THIS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PLAN(Required) 2. PERATING MANUALS FOR ELECTRONIC MONITORING EQUIPMENT(Required) 3. M THE FACILITY'S BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES(Required as of January 1,2005) 4. ❑ CALIFORNIA UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REGULATIONS 5. ❑ CALIFORNIA UNDERGROUND STORAGE.TANK LAW 6. ❑ STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD (SWRCB) PUBLICATION: "HANDBOOK FOR TANK OWNERS - MANUAL AND STATISTICAL INVENTORY RECONCILIATION' 7. ❑ SWRCB PUBLICATION:"WEEKLY MANUAL TANK GAUGING FOR SMALL UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS" 99. ❑ OTHER(Specify): Msr. Personnel with UST monitoring responsibilities are familiar vAth all of e above documents relevant to theirjob duues and can access those documents w n needed. By January 1,2005,this facility will have a"Designated UST Operator"who has passed the California UST Sytem Operator Exam administered by the International Code Council(ICC). By July 1,2005,and annually thereafter,the "Designated UST Operator"will train facility employees in the proper operation and maintenance of the UST systems.This training will include,but is not limited to,the following: D Operation of the UST systems in a manner consistent with the facility's best management practices. The facility employee's role with regard to the leak detection equipment. The facility employee's role with regard to spills and overfills. D Whom to contact for emergencies and leak detection alarms. For facility employees hired on or after July 1,2005,the initial training will be conducted within 30 days of the date of hire. .. r Please use this section to include any additional UST system monitoring-related information(e.g.,additional information required by your local agency): Mes. Y'L AS OF JANUARY 1, 2005, THE "DESIGNATED UST OPERATOR" IDENTIFIED IN SECTION III OF THE CURRENT UST OPERATING PERMIT APPLICATION-FACILITY FORM WILL HAVE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY FOR PERFORMING TIM MONITORING ACTIVITIES AND MAINTAINING LEAK DETECTION EQUIPMENT COVERED BY THIS PLAN TITLE 23 CCR§2715(c),AND WILL PERFORM AND DOCUMENT MINIMUM MONTHLY VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF THE FACILITY'S UST SYSTEMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 23 CCR§2715(c). CERTIFICATION:.I certify that the information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowied e. OWNER/OPERATOR SIGNATURE REPRESENTING: DATE: W. ❑Owner M90. El Operator OWNER/OPERATOR NAME(print): M92. OWNER/OPERATOR TITLE: M' (Agency Use Only) This plan has been reviewed and: ❑Approved ❑Approved With Conditions ❑Disapproved Local Agency Signature: Date: Comments/Special Conditions: hwfwrc-d(9124/04)-3/4 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK RESPONSE PLAN-PAGE 1 (Oneformperfacility) TYPE OF ACTION ❑ 1.NEW PLAN ❑ 2.CHANGE OF INFORMATION Rol' �. 'r FACILITY ID# (Agency Use Only) BUSINESS NAME(Same as FACILITY NAME) R02. BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS R63 ' C R04 This plan addresses unauthorized releases from UST systems and supplements the emergency response plans and procedures in the facility's Hazardous Materials Business Plan. If safe to do so,facility personnel will take immediate measures to control or stop any release(e.g.,activate pump shut-off,etc.)and,if necessary,safely remove remaining hazardous material from the UST system. ➢ Any release to secondary containment will be pumped or otherwise removed within a time consistent with the ability of the secondary containment system to contain the hazardous material,but not greater than 30 calendar days,or sooner if required by the local agency. Recovered hazardous materials,unless still suitable for their intended use,will be managed as hazardous waste. ➢ Absorbent material will be used to contain and clean up manageable spills of hazardous materials. Absorbent material may be reused until it becomes too saturated. to be effective. It will then be managed property.Used absorbent material,reusable or waste,will be stored in a properly labeled and sealed contains. D Facility personnel will determine whether any water removed from secondary containment systems, or from clean-up activity, has been in contact with any hazardous material..If the water is contaminated, it will be managed as hazardous waste. If the water has a.petroleum sheen (i e., rainbow colors), it is contaminated A thick floating petroleum layer may not necessarily display rainbow colors. Water(hazardous or non-hazardous)from sumps,spill containers,etc. will not be disposed to storm water systems. We will review secondary containment system for possible deterioration if any of the following conditions occur. 1. Hazardous material in contact with secondary containment is not oompatible with the material used for secondary containment; 2. Secondary containment is prone to damage from any equipment used to remove or clean up hazardous material collected in secondary containment; 3. Hazardous material,other than the product/waste stared in the primary containment system, is placed inside secondary containment to treat or neutralize released product/waste,and the added material or resulting material from such a combination is not compatible with secondary containment VIII. ':�PML C()NM,,0L AND Ci.E N LTP E.Q.J- -A. NTT PERIODIC MAINTENANCE: Spill control and clean-up equipment kept permanently on-site is listed in the facility's Hazardous Materials Business Plan. This equipment is inspected at least monthly,and after each use,supplies are replenished as needed. Defective equipment is repaired or replaced as necessary. EQUIPMENT NOT PERMANENTLY ON-SITE BUT AVAILABLE FOR USE IF NEEDED: (Complete ly if applicable) EQUIPMENT LOCATION AVAILABILITY RIO. R20. R30. Kit. R21. R31. R12 R22. R32. R13. R23. R33. R14. R24. R34. R15. 9�rR23. R35. THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S)ISIARE RESPONSIBLE FOR AUTHORIZING ANY WORK NECESSARY UNDER THIS RESPONSE PLAN: NAME R40. TITLE � ^� R50. NAME R41. TrrLE /�J R51. NAME R42. TrmE Rsa NAME R43. 'TITLE R53. TO TRECTRAZAIMMETEMMNA This information is required Qnly when the presence of the hazardous substance can not be verified directly by the monitoring method used(e.g.,where liquid level measurements in a tank annular space or secondary piping are used as the basis for leak determination). THE FOLLOWING STEPS WILL BE TAKEN TO VERIFY THE PRESENCE OR ABSENCE OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE IN THE SECONDARY CONTAINMENT IF MONITORING INDICATES A POSSIBLE UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE: R60. hwfwrc-e(9124/04)-113 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK RESPONSE PLAN-PAGE 2 ANDVE MC This infomnation is required cot Jy for motor vehicle fuel UST systems constructed per the Alternate Construction Requirements of 23 CCR§2633,and only if the Leak Interception and Detection System (LIDS)does not meet the volumetric requirements of 23 CCR §2631(d)(1)through (5)(i.e., when accounting for nunfall and backfill material,the secondary containment volume is less than 4 00%of primary tank volume for a single UST;or in the case,of multiple USTs in shared secondary containment,150%of the largest primary tank volume or 10%of aggregate primary tank volume,whichever is greater). ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL PAGE TO T141S PLAN CONTAINING THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: D The volume of theLIDS in relation to the volume of the primary container, ➢ The amount of time the LIDS shall provide containment related to the time between detection of an unauthorized release and cleanup of the leaked substance; ➢ The depth from the bottom of the LIDS to the highest anticipated level of groundwater, ➢ The nature of the unsaturated soils under the LIDS and their ability to absorb contaminants or to allow movement of conuminants; ➢ The methods and scheduling for removal of all hazardous substances which may have been discharged from primary containment and are located in the unsaturated soils between the primary containment and R{ undwater including the LIDS We will report/record any overfill,spill,or unauthorized release from a UST system as indicated in this plan. Recordable Releases: Any unauthorized release from primary containment which the UST operator is able to clean up within eight(9)boors after the release was detected or should reasonably have been detected,and which does not escape from secondary containment,does not increase the hazard of fire or explosion,and does not cause any deterioration of secondary containment,must be recorded in the facility s monitoring records. Monitoring records must include: D The UST operator's name and telephone number, A list of the types,quantities,and concentrations of hazardous substances released; ➢ A description ofthe actions taken to control and clean..up the release; ➢ The method and location of disposal of the released hazardous substances,and whether a hazardous waste manifest was or will be used; ➢ A description of actions taken to repair the UST and to prevent future releases; ➢ A description of the method used to reactivate interstitial monitoring after replacement or repair of primary containment. Reportable Releases: Any overfill,spill,or unauthorized release which escapes from secondary contaitunent(or primary containment if no secondary containment exists),increases the hazard of fire or explosion,or causes any deterioration of secondary containment,is a reportable release. Reportable releases are also recordable. Within 24 hours after a reportable release has been detected,or should have been detected,we will notify the local agency administering the UST program of the release,investigate the release,and take immediate measures to"the release. If necessary,or if required by the local agency,remaining stored product/waste will be removed from the UST to prevent farther releases or facilitate corrective action. If an emergency exists,we will notify the State Office of Emergency Services. Within five(5)working days of a reportable release,we will submit to the local agency a full written report containing all of the following information to the extent that the information is(mown at the time of filing the report ➢ The UST owner's or operator's name and telephone number, ➢ A list of the types,quantities,and concentrations of hazardous materials released; ➢ The approximate date of the release; ➢ The date on which the release was discovered; ➢ The date on which the release was stopped; ➢ A description of actions taken to control and/or stop the release; ➢ A description of corrective and remedial actions,including investigations which were undertaken and will be conducted to determine the nature and extent of soil,ground water or surface water contamination due to the release; ➢ The method(s)of cleanup implemented to date,proposed cleanup actions,and a schedule for implementing the proposed actions; D The method(s)and location(s)of disposal of released hazardous materials and any contaminated soils,groundwater,or surface water, ➢ Copies of any hazardous waste manifests used for off-site transport of hazardous wastes associated with clean-up activity; ➢ A description of proposed methods for any repair or replacement of UST system primary/secondary containment systems; D A description of additional actions taken to prevent future releases. We will follow the reporting procedures described above if any of the following conditions occur. D A recordable unauthorized release cannot be cleaned up or is still under investigation within eight(8)hours of detection; ➢ Released hazardous substances are discovered at the UST site or in the surrounding area; ➢ Unusual operating conditions are observed,including erratic behavior of product dispensing equipment,sudden loss of product,or the unexplained presence of water in the tank,unless system equipment is found to be defective and is immediately repaired or replaced,and no leak has occurred; ➢ Monitoring results from UST system monitoring equipment/methods indicate that a release may have occurred,unless the monitoring equipment is found to be defective and is immediately repaired,recalrbrated,or replaced,and additional monitoring does not confirm the initial results. Record Retention: Monitoring records and written reports of unauthorized releases must be maintained on-site(or off-site at a readily available location,if approved by the local agency)for at least 3 years. Hazardous waste shipping/disposal records(e.g.,manifests)must be maintained for at least 3 years from the date of shipment. VW. -,GWNEWG' ERA qZflRSI43NA J CERTMCATION;1 certify that the information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. OWNER/OPERATOR SIGNATURE DATE Rro. O R/OP TOR NAME(print) Rru. OWNER/OPERATOR TITLE Rn. (Agency Use Only) This plan has been reviewed and: ❑Approved ❑Approved With Conditions ❑Disapproved Local Agency Signature: Date: hwfwre-e(9124/04)-3/3