HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST (3) KLElNFELDEIt 111 17 IIIIIIIIIIIII Ilil IE WORK PLAN FOR i SITE INVESTIGATION FORMER UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK t FORMER MESA MARIN SPEEDWAY FACILITY" 11000 KERN CANYON ROAD 1 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA l_ CoC�(O ' v tFebruary 9, 2006 t 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 18 ' IE ' This document may be used only b the client and only or the purposes stated and within a reasonable time fromlits issuance. Y P P ' 55850/FRE6R141 i February 9, 2006 Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. 1 I ' A work plan prepared for Mr. Roy Van Dorst/ ftA-a-' ' California Homes 3202 West March Lane, Suite A Stockton, California 95219 209 ( � Sl , SL*44 WORK PLAN FOR ' SITE INVESTIGATION . FORMER UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK FORMER MESA MARIN SPEEDWAY FACILITY 11000 KERN.CANYON ROAD ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Kleinfelder Job No.: 55850 Prepared by: Ja n R. Paul, P.G. 7557 ' S for Geologist t Chris Skelton, P.G.7414 Environmental"Group Manager ' KLEINFELDER, INC. 1410 F Street Fresno, California 93706 (559) 486-0750 1 February 9, 2006 1 ' 55850/FRE6R141 ii February 9, 2006 Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. ` ---- --`--- -- -- ---- �� K L E E N F E L D E R ' TABLE OF CONTENTS Cha $eP Page 1. ..................... INTRODUCTION ................................................................................1 2. SITE DESCRIPTION AND PROJECT HISTORY....................................................2 ' 2.1 SITE DESCRIPTION....I................................................................................2 2.2 PROJECT HISTORY...................................................... ..............................2 t 3. SCOPE OF WORK..................................................................................................3 3.1 SOIL SAMPLING...........................................................................................3 ' 4. REPORT..................................................................................................................6 5. SCHEDULE.............................................................................................................7 ' 6. LIMITATIONS..........................................................................................................8 APPENDICES ' A Plates 1 Site Vicinity Map ' 2 Site Plan 3 Proposed Boring Locations ' B Health and Safety Plan C Kleinfelder's Standard Field Procedures ' 55850/FRE6R141 iii February 9, 2006 ' Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. 1 k'9 KLEINFELDER ' 1. INTRODUCTION One 10,000-gallon racing fuel underground storage tank (UST) was removed from the Mesa Marin Speedway Facility (site) in 2004. According to the City of Bakersfield Fire Department (CBFD) representative present at the removal, the UST was in good ' condition and no staining or odors were noted during the removal. However, analytical results of soil samples, collected at the time of the UST removal were not on file with the CBFD, as they were reportedly never submitted to a laboratory for analysis. The CBFD has not granted closure for'the former UST due to lack of soil analytical data on I file. Kleinfelder, on behalf of Mr. Chris;Colston, contacted the CBFD for direction on CBFD requirements for closing the site UST investigation. The CBFD indicated that a site tinvestigation consistent with California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, Tri-Regional Board Staff Recommendations For Preliminary rInvestigation and Evaluation of Underground Tank Sites (2004), would be required. This work plan was prepared to outline proposed site assessment activities to meet the requirements of the CBFD, to that site closure may be pursued. 55850/FRE6R141 1 February 9, 2006 Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER 2. SITE DESCRIPTION ARID PROJECT HISTORY 2.1 SITE DESCRIPTION The former Mesa Marin Speedway property is located in the northeast quarter of ' Section 20, Township 29 South, Range 29 East, Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian, at 11000 Kern Canyon Road, Bakersfield, California (Plate 1). The site is 1 approximately 690 feet above mean sea level. According to the Kern County Water Agency, the nearest water well monitored by the ' agency is located approximately one mile southwest of the site. Depth to water in the vicinity of this well was 400 to 500 feet below ground surface (bgs) as of May 2005. Depth to groundwater on site is not known, but is anticipated to be in excess of 100 bgs. California Department of Water Resources does not maintain water elevation data for this area. r2.2 PROJECT HISTORY ' One 10,000-gallon racing fuel underground storage tank (UST) was removed from the Mesa Marin Speedway Facility (site) in 2004. Although the UST was reported to be in ' good condition with no staining or odors noted during the removal, samples collected from beneath the former UST were apparently not submitted to an analytical laboratory for analysis. No additional soil sampling or site assessment has been completed at the former UST location. 1 1 55850/FRE6R141 2 February 9, 2006 Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. ---- - -------- -- ',�``� K L E I N F E L D E R 3. SCOPE OF WORK Kleinfelder proposes site assessment of the former UST location to assess the 1 presence of fuel hydrocarbons in soil at the site. A Health and Safety Plan (HSP) is attached as Appendix B. Field activities will be ' performed in general accordance with Kleinfelder's standard protocols attached (Appendix C). A copy of the HSP will be on site for the duration of the field activities. Project work will be performed under the direction of a California professional geologist. Drilling will be performed by a C-57 licensed drilling contractor. 3.1 SOIL_ SAMPLING Three soil borings will be advanced to collect soil samples for analysis. Two borings will be located at the approximate ends of the former UST. The third soil boring will be placed at the former location of the fuel dispenser. An additional fourth boring may be advanced dependent on field ;conditions. If field monitoring equipment indicate detectable hydrocarbons greater than ten feet beneath the assumed bottom of the former UST (fifteen feet bgs), one lateral soil boring will be placed approximately fifteen feet from the boring in which impacted soil was identified. The purpose of the additional ' soil boring is to assist in evaluation of lateral extent of impacted soil. If impacted soil is identified in more than one soil boring, additional soil borings may be necessary to evaluate lateral extent. Groundwater sampling is not proposed. Kleinfelder will not complete additional sampling than proposed without first contacting the CBFD. Approximate proposed soil boring locations are shown on Plate 3. The soil borings will ' be field located based on existing landmarks at the site. The borings will be drilled using the direct-push sampling method. Soil samples will be ' collected at approximate 5-foot intervals, examined for preparing lithologic logs and field screened using a photo-ionization or flame-ionization detector (PID or FID). Borings will be advanced.to thirty feet, or until two successive samples collected at a five-foot interval do not exhibit field evidence of petroleum hydrocarbon constituents. At least 55850/FRE6R141 3 February 9, 2006 Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. i Q KLEINFELDER one soil sample per 15 linear feet of boring will be submitted to the analytical laboratory for analysis. Two samples collected at a five-foot interval at the bottom of each boring will also be submitted for analysis. Necessary permits for drilling soil borings will be obtained from the CBFD. Soil samples submitted to the analytical laboratory will be analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) and methyl-tert butyl ether (MTBE) by EPA Method 8021, and for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) by EPA Method 8015M. The analyses will be performed by a state-certified laboratory. 55850/FRE6R141 4 February 9, 2006 Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. --- �`� ICLEINFEL®ER 4. QUALITY ASSURANCEIQUALITY CONTROL 1 An integral part of the sampling and analysis plan is the quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) program to document the reliability and compatibility of all the data generated during the investigation. In order for the sampling and analysis plan to provide representative and reliable data for the assessment, an integrated quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) program will be incorporated into; the investigation. Analytical data developed during investigation of the site will be evaluated to assess whether the level of the reported concentrations is acceptable. The data evaluation will be performed on numerous data sources including field monitoring data for health/safety purposes to analysis of soil analytical data. Data evaluation would review: • Analytical Method: review the appropriate methods for the specific compounds of interest. It also reviews whether the proper equipment (i.e. portable versus laboratory equipment) is utilized and which data is used in the site evaluation. • Analytical Detection Limits: detection limits of a particular method will be reviewed in order to ,verify that low enough limits are technically available at the appropriate percent reliability. The detection limits will be sufficient for risk assessment purposes Qualified Data: qualifiers attached to the analytical data (usually by the laboratory) will be addressed prior to using the data received in the evaluation. iThe chemicals, which have not been eliminated by the above assessment, are considered the potential chemicals of concern (COC) for the site. These COCs will be used for evaluation of impacts to the site. 55850/FRE6R141 5 February 9, 2006 Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. r KLEINFELDER ' 5. REPORT A final report will be prepared summarizing the field activities, analytical methods, and results of the soil sampling. The report will be submitted to the CBFD. The report will include boring logs, laboratory documentation, tabulated soil analytical data, and documentation of field methods and observations. The report will include evaluation of ' the results and recommendations for site closure, further assessment, or remedial action, as applicable. ' 55850/FRE6R141 6 February 9, 2006 Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. y KLEINFELDER ' 6. SCHEDULE Kleinfelder anticipates that fieldwork will begin within 30 days following CBFD approval of this work plan. A final report will be submitted to the CBFD within 60 days of receipt of soil analytical data. ' 55850/FRE6R141 7 February 9, 2006 Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. KLE( NFELDER ' 7. LIMITATIONS Kleinfelder will perform its services in a manner consistent with the standards of care ' and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession practicing under similar conditions in the geographic vicinity and at the time the services will be performed. No ' warranty or guarantee, express or implied, is intended. ' 55850/FRE6R141 8 February 9, 2006 Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. a � a o s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX A ' TOP01 map printed on 08/24/04 from"Callfumia.tpo"and"Untitled.tpg" 118°54.000'W 118°53.000'W WGS84118°52.000'W z z V�l 00 vi kk °'ail 1 i• �O'Y' r ;•.� (� ) f\ ((/ \/ FIE aD .°� '�.�J /r\i - I .i V •1 !� \ 1;l PiJ x to �. s �� .I I w C +„ �0/ .•� \ ! ''Rio 0— ' �= e n I �l� (yy�\\ �"—\-� -�� gip/:•;' \ a� SITE ------- z t = - 3 ° r, .e AI Y !/A�_ \ \\ `0 L— F E�L ,33 118°54.000'W 118053.000'W WGS84118°52.000'W ' TN tfM N --— Hit d o ,ato Htl o, sro �aprirttRs Pr:ntW fi®TOPO!07000 Nel—]°eogephk HoNmp(—topomm) VICINITY MAP PLATE kq K L E I N F E L D E R FORME MESA ' 11000 KERN CANYON ROAD PROJECT NO. 55850 FDATE: 2-6-06 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 1 i i I I Highway 178 i I Former j first Aid `' ' ` Building �. � f :< — r Former fuel UST location Former 1t p ;y Grandstands ko �' 1 iormer Concessions, 1 Parldng j 1 restrooms, offices, announcer's booth 1 lot .b Kern Canyon �,,� . �' • Road ' — — — — Site Boundaries SITE PLAN PLATE KLEINFELDER FO SPEEDWAY 11000 Kern Canyon Road 2 PROJECT NO.55850 DATE:2-6-06 Bakersfield, California ' approximate location of former fuel dispenser I ' I -•� estimated location ' I of former product r -- t' dispenser piping former First Aid I building (foundation) I ' I I approximate location of former 10,000-gallon racing fuel UST Approximate scale: ' = Proposed Soil Boring locations 1 inch represents approximately 10 feet K L E I N F E L D E R Proposed Boring Locations Plate ' KH former Mesa Marin Raceway ' Drawn By: L. Sutton Date: 2-6-06 1 1 000 Kern Canyon Road 3 Project Number: 55850 Bakersfield, California 0 0 0 a 0 o � a a 0 a 0 0 a a 0 0 a 0 a 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KLEIN FELDER AreEivnix B � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - ------ — — �� Kt_EtNEEt_DP;R 1 HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN Project No. Date Client California Homes Address 3202 West March Lane, Suite A Stockton, California 952191 Site Contact Mr. Chris Colston Site Phone No. (209) 951-5444 Job Location 11000 Kern Canyon Road, Bakersfield, California Work Objectives drill three soil borings for collection of soil samples Key Individuals: Project manager Lorin Sutton Site Health and Safety Jason Paul , " Prepared by Jason Paul Reviewer/Approver Hospital/Clinic Phone Rio. Address: 1 Paramedic 911 Fire Dept. 911 Police Dept. 911 1 Emergency/Contingency Plans: Stop work and evaluate situation. Shut down heavy equipment and stabilize victim(s). Notify health and safety officer or site project ' manager. Apply first aid and/or seek medical aid as necessary. Move injured personnel only if injuries permit. Call Ambulance and/or Medical Personnel to transport injured to hospital. Health and safety officer to notify Client and appropriate personnel of situation. 15 Minute Eyewash Required Fire Extinguisher Required First Aid Kit Required Site Control Measures: Work area restricted to authorized personnel. Personal Decontamination Procedures: Skin that comes in contact with chemicals or soil/water with suspected contaminants shall be washed immediately with soap and water. Hands and face shall be thoroughly washed prior to eating, drinking, smoking, or other hand to mouth contact. 55850/FRE6R141 B-1 February 9, 2006 Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. KLERNFELDER CHEMICAL. HAZARDS (not expected) Chem'm' Name CASE Ex ectec6 ( ) Health HazarcJls Concen ration Soil: Water: Soil: Water: PHYSICAL HAZARDS X Heat X Slip, Trip, Fall Excavations/Trench Cold X Electrical Hazards X Moving Equipment Wet X Underground Hazards Confined Space X Noise X Overhead Hazards Other PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT R = Required A = As Needed q e de d R Hard Hat R Safety Eyegear: glasses w/side protection R Safety Boots Respirator (Type): Full-face Half-face A Orange Vest Filter Type: Organic vapor Acid gas HEPA_ A Hearing Protection A Gloves (Type): Neoprene PVC Nitrile Tyvek Coveralls R Other Mobile phone 5 Minute Escape Respirator MONITORING EQUIPMENT . X Organic Vapor PID with lamp of eV, (in PPM) Analyzer (FID) Oxygen Meter Detector Tube (specify) Combustible Gas Passive Dosimeter Meter H2S Meter _ Air Sampling Pump W. B. G. T. Filter Media 55850/FRE6R141 B-2 February 9, 2006 Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o � o o a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX C ---`------- ----- — -^ K L E I N F E L D E R :IPROTOCOE DRILLING ARID SOIL SAMPLING PROCEDURES I INTRODUCTION This protocol presents the procedures used by Kleinfelder to obtain consistent, reliable data during the drilling, sampling, and sealing of boreholes. The procedures described herein are intended to be of general use. As work progresses, appropriate revisions may be made at the discretion of the project manager. 2 PROCEDURES FOR DRILLING AND SOIL SAMPLING 2.1 . Permitting Kleinfelder will prepare applications for appropriate permits, unless otherwise instructed ' by the client. Copies of signed permits will be on site during drilling operations, and will be available for inspection by appropriate agencies. r 2.2 Equipment Cleaning Drilling equipment will be thoroughly steam-cleaned prior to arriving on site to prevent ' the introduction. of. contamination from off site. Clean equipment will be stored in a clean location when not in use. Hydrocarbon based lubricants will not be used on drilling equipment. Kleinfelder recommends that food grade-solid, vegetable shortening, or a TeflonTM based lubricant be used. Equipment will be steam-cleaned on site, and will be cleaned only in,designated areas, prior to reuse. 2.3 Sampler Cleaning Soil samplers will be disassembled, washed with a solution containing TSP or non- phosphate detergent, or steam-cleaned, rinsed with steam distilled water, and air-dried 55850/FRE6R141 C-1 February 9, 2006 ' Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER immediately prior to use. Samples will be lined with similarly cleaned and dried brass tubes, and reassembled for use. 2.4 Drilling The drilling method used will be determined based upon the material to be drilled, depth and diameter of the boring, sampling requirements, site access, and other site-specific conditions. A drilling method whichl frequently will be used is the hollow-stem auger method, which employs the use of a six-inch hollow-stem auger advanced by a truck mounted drill rig. Another common method employed is the direct-push method, which employs the use of a one to two-inchisampling tube. The subsurface stratigraphy will be interpreted by observing the materials recovered during drilling, and by sampling.undisturbed soils. Soils will generally be sampled at a minimum of once per each five feeti drilled, or at noticeable changes in lithology, until ground water is encountered. Sampling intervals may vary depending upon project requirements. Soils will be sampled using a California-modified sampler containing cleaned brass liners, or a standard penetration sampler. Lithologic logging of the boring is discussed in Section 2.5, and sampling is discussed further in Section 3.1. Boring depths will be based upon the nature and extent of the materials encountered, and upon project requirements. 2.5 Preparation of Boring logs The Kleinfelder field geologist will lithologically log the borings during drilling. The geologist and the drilling operator will discuss changes in material penetrated by the drill, changes in drilling conditions, hydraulic pressure, drilling action, and drilling fluid circulation rate, and the geologist will record such changes by time and depth. The geologist will evaluate the relative moisture content of the samples and note zones that produce water. 55850/FRE6R141 C-2 Februa ry 9, 2006 Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER 2.6 Sealing of Boring Boreholes will be abandoned by backfilling to the surface with soil cuttings, or with a bentonite cement grout. 3 SOIL SAMPLING 3.1 Sampling Interval in Borings Soil samples will be taken at 5-foot intervals, or as necessary, based upon project- specific requirements. Soils will be sampled by driving a California-modified sampler 18 inches beyond the bottom of the drill)bit. The sampler will be driven using a 140-pound slide hammer. The number of blows necessary to drive the sampler each 6 inches will Obe recorded to help evaluate soil consistency. The sampler will contain three brass liners. Soils collected in the bottom liner may be labeled, sealed, and preserved in an ice-cooled container for potential laboratory analyses. Selected soil samples may be delivered under a chain-of-custody record to a State-certified laboratory for chemical analyses. Soils which are collected in the upper and middle liners from the sampler may be extruded in the field, and examined by Kleinfelder's geologist to help provide detailed lithologic information. 3.2 Qualitative Field Screening An organic vapor analyzer, using a flame ionization detector or a photo ionization detector, will be used to provide a ;qualitative screening of each soil sample collected 1 during drilling. The field screening procedure consists of sealing a soil sample in a clean glass jar, allowing the sample!to equilibrate for 5 to 15 minutes, and scanning the headspace in the jar for vapors. The screening readings will be noted on the boring log and/or on the daily field log. 55850/FRE6R141 C-3 February 9, 2006 Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. ------`-- — KLEiNFELDER 3.4 Sample Preservation The sample(s) selected for chemicallor physical testing will be sealed in the brass liner in the field. TeflonTM sheeting covers will be placed on the ends of the liner directly on the exposed soils, and held in place iby clean plastic caps. Sealed soil samples will be labeled and placed in a covered ice-cooled container. 4 SAMPLE HANDLING Sample containers will not be opened, except by laboratory personnel who will perform the chemical analyses. Soil samples will be analyzed by a laboratory certified by the State of California, Department of Health Services. Requests for sample analyses will be made in writing and will be included as part of the chain-of-custody record. 4.1 Custody Seal If it is necessary for samples or sample chests to leave the immediate control of the ' sampler prior to being delivered to the laboratory, a custody seal will be placed on each sample container and/or sample chest to discourage tampering during transportation. ' The custody seal will contain the sampler's signature, and the date and time seal was emplaced. 4.2 Chain of Custody Procedures ' In order to document and trace sample possession from time of collection to time of analysis, a chain-of-custody record will be filled out by the sampler, and will accompany the sample through the laboratory analyses. The completed chain-of-custody record will accompany the final laboratory, analytical report. 1 Information contained on the duplicate, carbonless chain-of-custody form will include: ® date and time the sample was taken; sample number and the number of sample containers; El analyses required; 55850/FRE6R141 C-4 February 9, 2006 ' Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER ' ❑ remarks, including preservatives added and any special conditions; and ' ❑ container number in which sample has been packaged. Blank space on the chain-of-custody record between last sample number listed and signatures at the bottom of the sheet will be lined out. 1 55850/FRE6R141 C-5 February 9, 2006 ' Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder, Inc.