HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST (2) California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valle Y Region ion Karl E. Longley,ScD,E.E.,Chair Linda S.Adams Arnold Secretaryfor Fresno Branch Office Rchwarzenegger Environmental 1685 E Street,Fresno,California 93706 4.;. Governor Protection, (559)445 5116•Fax(559)445-5910 I IIIIIII VIII III IIII 47 hit p://www:i ater6oards'Ica.gov/centralvalley-. IE 21 July.20.08. Regional Board Case No: 5715000888 Mr. Bong Un Kang c/o Pierce Kang 2604 Oakcrest Court Bakersfield, California 93311 CASE CLOSURE - UNDERGROUND TANK RELEASE, KANG'S ARCO, 1102 34T" STREET, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY This letter confirms the completion of a site investigation and corrective action for the underground storage tanks formerly located at the above-described location. Thank you for your cooperation throughout this investigation. Your willingness and promptness in responding to our inquiries concerning the former underground storage tanks are greatly appreciated. Based on the information in the above-referenced file and with the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of site conditions, this agency finds that.the site investigation and corrective action carried out at your,underground storage tank site is in compliance with the requirements of subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section 25296.10 of the Health and Safety Code and with corrective action regulations adopted pursuant to Section 25299.3 of the Health and Safety Code and that no further action related to the petroleum release at the site is required. A summary of the information in the above-referenced file is included in the Case Closure Summary, a copy of which is enclosed. This notice is issued pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 25296.10 of the Health and Safety Code. Please contact Mr. John M. Noonan at our office if you have any questions_ regarding this matter. Sinc ely, PAME CREEDON Executive Officer Enclosure cc: Ms. Barbara Rempel, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacramento Mr. Howard H. Wines III, Bakersfield Fire Department; Bakersfield Mr. Robert Becker, Soils Engineering, Inc., Bakersfield C:\Documents and Settings\staff\Desktop\KangsArcoClsreLtr7-OB.doc IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 48 IE California Environmental Protection Agency pia Recycled Paper California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region o'p Karl E.Longley,ScD,P.E.,Chair . Linda S.Adams Arnold Secretaryjor Fresno Branch Office Schwarzenegger Environmental 1685 E Street,Fresno,California 93706 559 445-5116 Fax 559 Governor Protection � � • '445-5910� � hftp://www.waterboards.ca.gov/centralvalley, TO: JOHN M. NOONAN FROM: JOHN D. WHITING Senior WRC Engineer Engineering Geologist DATE: 21 July 2008 SIGNATURE: SUBJECT: CASE CLOSURE SUMMARY- UNDERGROUND TANK RELEASE, KANG'S ARCO, 1102 34' STREET,BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY Background Information The subject site was formerly a convenience store with retail motor fuel sales and is currently . unpaved vacant commercial property. Three 12,000-gallon gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs), eight dispensers, and associated piping were on-site. Leakage from the underground storage tank (UST) system turbines at the two 12,000 7gallon gasoline USTs north of the dispenser island was discovered and abated during October 2001 UST relining ' activities. The Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) requested that the extent of the release be investigated by letter dated 17 December 2001 and subsequent letters. A previous fueling system release was discovered during 1989, remediated during 1994, and closed by the BFD by letter of 6 November 1995. Investigation to determine the extent of the UST release north of the-dispenser canopy was conducted during October 2003. Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) and benzene-up-#o-5,400 and 0:83-milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), respectively, were detected in soil samples and MTBE up to 32 mg/kg was confirmed by EPA Method 8260. Toluene, .ethylbenzene, and xylenes up to 330 mg/kg were also detected. TPH-g and benzene concentrations up to 34,000 and 120 microgram per liter (µg/L) were detected in grab groundwater samples and MTBE was confirmed at up to 1,200 µg/l_ by EPA Method 8260. The extent of impacted soil and groundwater were not defined. The subject case was referred to our agency by the BFD by letter of.December 2003. Additional soil investigation was conducted and three groundwater monitoring wells were installed during February 2005 and additional soil assessment and one additional monitoring well installation was conducted during March 2006. These investigations further defined the extent of impact beneath the USTs and also discovered and defined extent of additional impacted soil beneath the dispenser canopy and in an area characterized by lower gasoline constituent concentrations west and south of the canopy. TPH-g and MTBE up to 21,000 and California Environmental Protection Agency pAa Recycled Paper Kang's Arco Closure Summary - 2 - 21 July 2008 1.5:mg/kg,:respectively,were detected. Toluene,.ethylbenzene; and xylenes.'up.to 660 mg/kg were;also�detected:: ... The USTFsystem,.'was.rerimoved.,under:BFD,roversight on 29 March 2007 and some gasoline- impacted�soil�was also;iremoved -Rern edial:;excav_atio.n,o_f;;im,pacted,soil,beneath.the former: dispenser:,.islands.,wasr conducted:on*,30-March-,2007;and additional_excavatlon beneath.the_.... former;:UST:cIu ster•was�con du,cted-on.4,to,9 April 2007.;,;Approximately;1,079 cubic yards`of: soilvas,transported�off-site for disposal. Excavation-readied a maximum de 244e,e't bgs. TPH-g concentrations greater than 10'0 mg/kg were initially detected in three of the eleven confirmation samples collected from the dispenser island excavation and in three of the seven confirmation samples collected from the UST excavation. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and MTBE were also detected. TPH-g concentrations generally less than 30 mg/kg and BTEX and MTBE generally less than 1 mg/kg were detected in final confirmation samples collected after the excavations were completed. Nine groundwater monitoring events were conducted from 3 February 2005 through 3 December 2007. Depth-to-water ranged from approximately 20 to 28 feet below;the tops of the well casings during the monitoring history and shallow groundwater flow was usually toward the southwest. Shallow.groundwater is present due to proximity to the Kern River. TPH-g, benzene, and MTBE was detected at up to 2,200, 40, and 420 micrograms per liter (Ng/L), respectively in,monitoring wells. near the source area. . The highest concentrations were detected during.2006. .TRH-g;:.benzene,.,and MTBE were detected up,to 300, 8, and 53 pg/L, respectively,-in an on-site�wellidowngradient of the source area ,TPIJ'g;•benzene, and MTBE concentrations detected-in:;the:-monitoring,network had,declined;to-a m_axlmum of;1.20, 0 62, and 6.4,pg/L; respectively.during_the final-event Soil:vapor sampling was conducted on 29 November 2007 to evaluate human health risk from the remaining effects of the fueling system release. . Gasoline constituent concentrations were below Commercial California Human Health Screening Levels (CHHSLs) or San Francisco Bay Regional Water Board Environmental Screening Levels (ESLs) in all but one of the nine soil gas samples...Regional Water Board staff concluded that gasoline remaining in soil and groundwater was unlikely to pose a health risk for present and future site use. On 4 April 2008, 1 In ailed.a pre-closure Public Notice to the landowner and vicinity landowners and tenants. Public comments were not received.during the 30-day comment period. Groundwater monitoring, SVE, and soil vapor.sampling wells were destroyed on 13 June 2008 and I have received a report documenting well destruction. Conclusions :Gasoline remaining in subsurface soil a.nd gt6dndwater;does not threaten human health. Shallow groundwater is not'currently used. .;Drinking-water is:supplied by municipal wells not'in the immediate site vicinity and extracting groundwater from the deeper regional aquifer. Remaining;ga'soline�,constituentsr.are:;expected to naturally degrade. I recommend-that a- : standard underground tank site closure letter be mailed to the responsible party. R:\Reg\UGT\Projects\JDW_files\2008 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield Cases\Kang's ArcoClsreMemo7-08.docFile: UST/Kern/Kang's Arco, 1102 34th St., Bakersfield/5T15000888 California Regional Water Quality Control Board. r I IN Central Valley Region Karl E. Longley,ScD,P:E:;'CFiair Linda S.Adams Arnold Secretary for 'Fresno Branch Office Schwarzenegger Environmental 1685 E Street,Fresno,California 93706 Governor Protection (559)445-5116•Fax(559)445-5910 http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/centralvalley 26 February 2008 RWQCB Case'No. 5T15000888 Mr. Bong Un Kang c/o Pierce Kang 2604 Oakcrest Court Bakersfield, California 93311 UNDERGROUND TANK RELEASE, KANG'S ARCO, 1102 34T" STREET, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY You submitted. Soil Gas Survey Report dated 7 January 2008 and 4th Quarter 2007 Monitoring 'Report dated 14 January 2008. Soils Engineering, Inc., Bakersfield prepared the reports in your behalf. These and other reports you.have submitted indicate that-soil remediation has removed the majority of source area gasoline mass, that groundwater gasoline constituent concentrations have attenuated to concentrations expected to naturally degrade, and that remaining gasoline in soil and groundwater,are unlikely to pose a public health risk. Regional Water Board staff has determined that corrective action is near completion. This letter informs you of tasks remaining prior to case closure of your underground storage tank (UST) release site. Pursuant to Section 2728 of the California,Code of Regulations, Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16, the Regional Water Board is required to provide interested parties in the site vicinity with the opportunity to participate in the case closure process: To implement this public participation activity, you will need to submit a list of property owner and occupant mailing addresses by conducting.an Off-Site Property Owner Survey (Survey). You should conduct the Survey by obtaining the property owner names and mailing addresses, property mailing addresses for all businesses and residences, and assessors' parcel numbers for properties overlying soil and groundwater where constituents from the UST release are present and all properties adjacent to parcels where constituents from.the•release, are present. The data should be presented in a table or spreadsheet. The Survey should include assessor's parcel maps for the properties and a map depicting the extent of impacted groundwater. Please submit the Survey by 15 April.2008 . I will mail notification of the proposed case closure,to interested parties at the addresses you provide in the Survey. If closure is still appropriate after a 30-day public comment period, I will request that you submit a report documenting groundwater monitoring network destruction or submit a plan to maintain the monitoring network. The groundwater monitoring network should be maintained until you receive my letter. California Environmental Protection Agency p�a Recycled Paper Mr.-Bong Un Kang - 2 - 26 February 2008 You may discontinue quarterly groundwater monitoring. Please notify meat least five days prior,to fieldwork. Should you have any,questions regarding this matter, please contact meat (559).445-5504. JOHN D. WHITING, P.G. No. 5951 Engineering Geologist Underground Storage Tanks Unit cc: Ms. Barbara Rempel, SWRCB, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacramento FMr.-Howard=H, Wins`1.11,=Bakersfield-Fire-Department,.Bakersfield Mr. Robert Becker, Soils Engineering,' Inc., Bakersfield File: UST/Kern/Kang's Arco, 1102 34`h St., Bakersfield/5715000888 R:\Reg\UGT\Projects\JDW_files\2008 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield Cases\Kangs preclsrePPaddressregst1-08.doc SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. March 17, 2008 File Number 04-10879 Mr. John Whiting Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region 1685 E Street Fresno, CA. 93706-2020 Subject: Off-Site Property Owner Survey Former Kangs Service Station 1102 34th Street Bakersfield, CA. Mr. Whiting: An Off-Site Property Owner Survey (Survey) has been conducted in accordance with a request from the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) in a letter dated February 26, 2008. This Survey is part of the process in granting closure of this site. Soils Engineering Inc. (SEI) researched the ownership of the surrounding properties of 1102 34`h Street, Bakersfield, CA (site). Table 1 was prepared during this Survey and includes property addresses, parcel numbers, owner name and the owners mailing address. This information was gathered mainly from the Kern County Assessors Office and Kemdata.com. The,location of each property is also shown on Plate 2 and parcel maps (4) are attached showing each adjacent property. None of these surrounding parcels have been significantly impacted by the release of gasoline constituents from the subject site. Minor gasoline constituents may be present in the shallow groundwater just south of the site, but not at concentrations that would require mitigation. See Plate 2 and 3 for the estimated groundwater plume area on December 3, 2007. Following the approval of site closure the five (5) groundwater monitoring wells will be abandoned per Kern County Environmental Health Services Department regulations. .Please call Soils Engineering, Inc. at (661) 831-5100 if you have any questions concerning this Survey. Sincerel eS��R� Gad o ONM T �1\R Eli J. Q F No.5076 No. 20074 N Robert J. Becker,'' , REA II, C.E.G. / „U., o Environmental Division Manager REN ly * e: `P Exp. NO�Q 9 OF CALIF 0 F OF CAL\F0� 4400 YEAGER WAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 • PHONE (661) 831-5100 •"`r `" : (661) 831-2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Off-Site Property Owner Survey file Number 04-10879 Former ARCO Service Station March 17,2008 1102 34th Street,Bakersfield, CA. Page 2 Enclosures: Table 1, Off-Site Property Owner Survey Location Map, Plate l Adjacent Property Map, Plate 2 Groundwater Plume 12/3/07, Plate 3 Parcel Maps (4) cc: Mr. Pierce Kang, 2604 Oakcrest Court, Bakersfield, CA. 93311 Mr. Howard Wines, BFD, Office of Environmental Services t/ TABLE 1 OFF-SITE PROPERTY OWNER SURVEY e-- -: _ — --- -- --- - - Subject Site: Kang's Arco Address: _ 1102 34th Street _ Bakersfield, CA. RW_QCB Case___#- 5T15000888 Owner:- - -Bong Un &Souk JA_K_ang 2604 Oakcrest Court Bakersfield, CA 93311 ----------APN: 120-130-11 ---- — ------- --------___ - Adjacent Property Information Property Address Owner Name Owner Mailing Address APN 1008 34th Street Darrell Hood & Lisa Tucker 1000 Airport Drive, Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 120-163-08-4 1010 34th Street Darrell Hood & Lisa Tucker 1000 Airport Drive, Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 120-163-05-0 1021 34th Street Fred & Iris Miller Rev Trust 6640 Ethel Ave., N. Hollywood, CA 91606 002-031-02 1031 34th Street Mc Guire Family Trust 252 Las Flores Drive, Bakersfield, Ca. 93305 002-031-01 1101 34th Street David C. Long 9444 Pioneer Dr., Bakersfield, Ca. 93306 002-280-16-2 1117 34th Street David C. Long 9444 Pioneer Dr., Bakersfield, Ca. 93306 002-280-15-4 1125 34th Street Banducci Farming LLC P.O. Box 81506, Bakersfield, Ca. 93380-1506 002-280-14-7 3409 Jewett Avenue Erica Ussery 4217 Newcombe Av, Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 120-130-10-9 3400 M Street Ekdahl Living Trust 3000 21st Street, Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 120-120-11-8 3402 M Street Kern Electric Distributors 415 30th Street, Bakersfield, Ca. 93301-2513 120-130-13-3 3414 M Street Kern Electric Distributors 415 30th.Street, Bakersfield, Ca. 93301-2513 1120-130714-1 N .'rra Gi`IR.• "` -"i 4.,rM,, t ;h\ �. �vf� , e, •,p ,�+i' i%-'i- •° r Si i. ' } tipIa,�L'!� W COLUMBUS , N., COLUMBUS f !' v ` 4(11}t Sr 1 `�n ST 41v 4 51 11 ' ,G^}! CP 'FOfJ e f �`c` ..! ����• �. ' ' rr � .., .. �• _a•EFr�[l •Si }`� t , at, r iiC ►ti t7,3E3Ti(. 5T Fi1N ST J[fFF[t f - ` "r1— w - Gt -1 `�UL"5 IF ��'.' � �>�� -1. 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I VA � 4 ..-3: }' ...�.r._.i--�-"'.: �fFe ' `^�-•. /.'..GDI. �f•: •r:ur�in.."{y Cj' !.ter-"* �Cr••....Q�.� �: :;I� �1 ~i i'lt! 4t -t1` GIYJUYff d r i1AKER5l7ftD.' �. kt 1 t ( .- Yl fRxs _$7 iFOf�N, _C All 5 ' • E In [07k S[?i! f0' i E z R ill C ST 9TtE 3T E .i 1� 4-• .. �C.+ i k t �b ' K ti. LN t/'l �: 8 1 t " k Ci? a � I tr w POTCf1Af.'r CHERPd ST 7TH 15T: zTTH ST O E 1TH SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. KANGS SERVICE STATION PLATE '4400 Yeager way 1102 34th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA (661) 831 - 5100 4-10879 L ocation Map PROJECT 0 I I I I N I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I ' 1008 I I 34th St. I I 3414 3409 Jewett Avenue ; APN. 120-163-08 M Street Residence APN: 120-130-14 APN: 120-130-10 N 1010 Roll-A-Rama 3402 1102 SITE 34th St. M Street 34th Street 0 APN: 120-130-13 Kan g�Arco. A-Furniture 3400 MTBE Outlet, M Street it Plume APN: 120-120-11 APN: 120-130-11 i APN:120-163-05 --------------Wh Street------------- ---------------------------------- I 1125 1117 1101 i 1031 1021 34th St. 34th St. 34th Street 34th Street 34th St. APN: Residence Vacant Building i APN: 002-031-01 -Ole Bar APN: APN: APN: 002-280-16 002-280-14 002-280-1 I I I I I Legend ' MTBE Plume in Groundwater 1.3/3/07 ' 0 50' Approx. Scale F NGINEERING, INC. KANGS SERVICE STATION PLATE 00 Yeager way 1102 34th St. rsfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA 61) 831 - 5100 3/08 AdjaCent Property Map T: 10879e Monitoring Well Location N Residential Fence <50 Former <0.5 MW_l 1200O Gallon USTs <0.5 L ................. ................................................................ ............................................................... ...................... ................................................................ STORE 1000 N................................................................. ............ MW-4 MW-2 100 <50 • 0.62 Former Former <0.5 6.4 7--Canopy <0.5 Analytical Islands Dispenser Result in Water TPHg (ppb) Benzene (ppb) MTBE (ppb) ....................................................................... 000 • 000 MW-3 MTBE >5 ppb Groundwater Plumes 1016 . = = = * TPHg>1000 ppb <0•5 ■ m ■ ■ Benzene>1 ppb MW-510 0.73 MTBE>5 ppb 120 0.62 4 PP Approx. Scale, --4 34th Street 191) 14'. SOILS ENGINEERING,INC. KANGS SERVICE STATION Groundwater Plunle PLATE 4400 Yeager Way,Bakersfield,CA 93313 1102 34th St, Bakersfield, CA 1213/07 120-13 VENDOME SCHOOL DIST 140-13 1- 446 O � :J N ✓EWET T AVE. 82.5 Jo 02 25 1 25 129. I I I I I 1 41.25 4425 15 10 I O lI 1 I eK2 O 144 1143 1421 141 1401 139 1381 137 136 1 135 134 I l33 132 1131 130 I l29 1281 127 126 1 125 124 1 1231 122 1 121 O ,U 1 25 S 5 97 196 19 1 /00. /0/ 1102 103 104 /OS 106 107 /OB /09 I.//O /// I //2 113 1114 //5 1116 117 1118 119 1120 -6 kz ®AVR I i 1 I I I I ► I E 41 2S 025 B25 2gd7 2S 2. 25 25 Z.R7! J Al ST. e I 12 F;/ad� Oc%26,/926 . i fw ."W.t pwpoes 1101,. This mD is s co.1r twd w pwtroyin p ego o rD or divisions of fond for purposes of zoning or subdivision 1". ASSESSORS .MAP NO.. -ZQ=.13 COUNTY OF KERN 2_28 NOME SCHOOL DIST. /-/ 2-28 BK.120 f J I i �� L 3 4 TH. ST. m i 60 , , ` 3S-97 BLS /-=80• I � I r I I 4) `Jj �Q 32 I I 33 r,-?23! I /. i 2 1 3 1 4 5 1 6 7 8 A10 // 1/2 13 1/4 /5 I/6 17 /8 19 120 21 122 124 25 126 27128 29 130 3/ 1321331 3 4 68 167 66 65.164163 1626/ 60159 58157 56 155 54153 52 5/ 50 149 1 48 147 145 44 43 42'41 40 39 38,37 136 135 � h I I 1 i 1 I I I I I I I i 1 I I I I I I 1 60 134A3 e2s ti 33 RD. ST. 25 26 Note: This map is for onessmant purposes Revised: Apr. 11, 2001 . only. It Is not to be construed as portraying p - legal ownership or divisions of land for purposes of zoning or subdivision law. ASSESSORS MAP. NO......._Z__-__2$__.. COUNTY OF KERN 120--16 JEWETT SUBD• SCHOOL DIST./-¢Q6 120-16 Za z4 RE—SUBD. OFNORTHERN DIVISION OF BAKERSFIELD 1-302 Is 1-32 O sr. iVACATED PER.DEED 6068—IOSO II/19�V R./ 1 _ _/ I'"15T7' /3761 — — — —/JZ62 B2.S /J762 /J7.61 60 —/J761 — — — —/3762 82.5 /s ..n.2s I /%zs //zs e �d ~ �O b 'c O 5 6 ----5 5 6 17 I 4 3 2 / 4' 3' 2 / I I O O �O I�Q/ . O ( 6 3 I 656A I See Ne A 63 B I O 6312A O IN I O I I P R?6 P h h 2 z I N I" N v © O h It) , /sl;ii.zs ic2s.: �'g2BL 68.8/ 68.8/ _688/' 625 68.8/ 68.8/ 6881 1 6&81' 60 6881 r / 6881 68.81 82.5 h ✓E WE 77 m A VE. 13 Fi/ed.-Ju/y/5./909 � Note: A. For mobilehomes see page 27 No1Q: Thit TOp It fW asstsament pylpOtQ3 on1 • It Is rot to Ae eonshued os portroylnq IQQu I. owa ,Vp or divisions of Iona for purposes of zoning a supdivision lo.. ASSESSORS MAP NO.i nMU ._.- COUNTY OF KERN 1 f 2-03 HOMAKER SCHOOL DIST. /-� 2-03 `+ E;ARK ' r e.. ► i 1 L 34TH. ST. Pti 9q e25 167 20 50 so so so V4 90 So 64 75 251 10 1 O O ^ ~ N h l 4j too I,./00' 7 Q '-ltio O op R I ti N I _ O/ 32 ©/ O I 3 O /0 / // /2 / o /3 ' /3 0o O 25 I /5 lob 10 1 2s I 1 04 /6 / 0 / p0 /00 /00 -p0 /4O @ 15 O/ /9 /B / /7 /4 /8 4 5 /0 O 6 e'e n o �,o roe B � -----�- o 26 O �'1a 77 82.5 167 50- SO 50 SO• SO 50 30 50 50 50 64 O b O b %. b ► V O ! O P C4' O �O 00 `p0 9 9 9 9 q0 q0 60 33RD. ST. os Note: This map is for assessment pwpo?es only. If is not to be eonstrwd os portraying legal ownership or divisions of land for purposes Of toning or subdivision low. Revised: Apr. 11, 2001 ASSESSORS MAP NO._.----- 2._- COUNTY OF KERN ,t California Region al.Water_Quality Control.Board Central Valley Region o Karl E.Longley,ScD,r.E.,Chair Linda S.Adams Arnold Secretaryfor Fresno Branch Office Schwarzenegger Environmental 1685 E Street,Fresno,California 93706 Governor Protection (559)445-5116-Fax(559)445-5910 http-//WWW.waterboards.ca.gov/centraiv'alley 9 October 2007 RWQCB Case No. 5T15000888 Mr. Bong Un Kang c/o Pierce Kang 2604 Oakcrest Court Bakersfield, California 93311 UNDERGROUND TANK RELEASE; KANG'S ARCO, 1102 34TH STREET, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY You submitted Soil Gas Survey Work Plan (Work Plan) dated September 2007, received on 14 September 2007, and prepared in your behalf by Soils Engineering, Inc., Bakersfield (SEI). The Work Plan proposes investigation to evaluate human health.risk'from the effects of an underground storage tank (UST) release at the subject site. This letter contains my summary of key Work Plan elements, identifies my concerns, notes my concurrence.or non- concurrence, and sets dates for tasks associated with the proposed investigation.. . Work,Plan Summary- SEI will install nine vapor sampling probes to a depth of fve'feet below,ground surface (bgs) within and surrounding the limits of soil eiccavated during March and April 2007. Probe locations will evaluate gasoline vapor concentrations in permeable excavation fill and adjacent native soil characterized by low gasoline constituent concentrations. SEI will install the probes using direct-push drilling technology and will construct the probes using 1/8-inch inert tubing connected to a sampling tip equipped with intake ports. A one-foot.thick filter pack of clean sand will be placed around the tip and overlain by one foot of dry granular,bentonite followed by hydrated bentonite to surface grade. Installations will be finished with flush-mounted well boxes. Purging and vapor sampling will begin at least 30 minutes after probe installation. Vacuum integrity, purge volume, and leak tests will.be conducted. Vapor-samples will be analyzed by an. on-site mobile laboratory for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA-Method TO-15 or 8260. Tetraethyl and tetramethyl lead (TEL.and TMEL) .analysis by NIOSH Method 2533 and 2534,.respectively, will be conducted off-site at a fixed laboratory. :TEL and TMEL.sample volumes of 100 lite-rs'will be. collected at a4low rate of 1liter per minute or less. $El will not:collect;shallow soil samples. o,evaluate dermal contact as shallow contaminated .. soil was removed during excavation. California Environmental Protection Agency Co Recycled Paper Mr. Bong Un Kang - 2 - 9 October 2007 1 SEI will submit a technical report of findings for the investigation, including an assessment of risk conducted in.accordance with methodology in the California Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) Preliminary Endangerment Assessment Manual. Maximum VOC concentrations will be input into the Johnson and Ettinger (J&E) air intrusion model spreadsheet. SEI will submit a report of findings following receipt of analytical data. SEI will conduct monthly or quarterly soil vapor monitoring if concentrations.of concern are detected. Samples will be collected in'tedlar bags and analyzed for TPH-g and VOCs by EPA Method 8260B at a fixed laboratory. Analysis for TEL and TMEL.by NIOSH Methods 2533 and 2534 will also be conducted if these compounds are detected during the initial sampling event. Comments The Work Plan is approved with the following provisions: • It is not necessary to conduct a risk assessment in accordance with DTSC PEA manual methodology. Comparison of soil gas analytical data to California Human Health Screening Levels (CHHSLs) and San Francisco Bay Regional Water Board Environmental Screening Levels should be adequate for the screening level risk evaluation I request. Additional vapor monitoring or a site-specific risk assessment will be necessary should maximum detected concentrations exceed screening levels. • You will need-to�.conduct at least one confirmation vapor sampling within three months after the initial event should maximum concentrations equal or exceed CHHSLs or ESLs. The sampling schedule for additional events will be dependent upon the results of the initial and confirmation sampling. Please contact me after receipt of analytical data. • Purge volume should include the volume of both tubing and filter pack. • . Collecting the laboratory's requested sample volume in appropriately sized containers can minimize.VOC sampling time. For example, you may,choose to collect samples in a 400-milliter volume Summa canister rather than,a six-liter capacity Summa canister. • I do not recommend tedlar sampling bags.for risk assessment sampling as sample integrity may be compromised. Screening levels for some chemicals, such as benzene are very low and research has demonstrated vapor diffusion through these bags. • Samples for TEL and,TMEL analysis may be collected at a maximum NIOSH Method 2533 flow rate of 1.0 liter per minute, which exceeds the maximum NIOSH Method 2534 flow rate. TEL sample integrity is necessary since TEL concentrations are compared to CHHSLs but TMEL concentrations are not compared.. • You should contact the laboratory prior to sampling to confirm that detection limits below CHHSLs or ESLs can be achieved: Mr. Bong Un Kang - 3 - 9 October 2007 I concur with SEI that shallow soil sampling to evaluate dermal contact is not necessary. Please submit a report of findings for the proposed investigation by 11.February 2008. You will need to submit a report of findings for confirmation vapor sampling, if necessary, by 9 April 2008. Please contact me at least five days in advance of fieldwork. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, you can contact me at (559) 445-5504. JOHN D. WHITING, P.G. No. 5951 Engineering Geologist Underground Storage Tanks Unit cc: Ms. Barbara Rempel, SWRCB, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacramento M�:Howard_H_1Nines_LII;_Bakerffield�FireiDepartment, Bakersfield Mr. Robert Becker, Soils Engineering, Inc., Bakersfield File: UST/Kern/Kang's Arco, 1102 34`h St., Bakersfield/5T15000888C:\Documents and Settings\staff\Desktop\KangsSoilgasWP9-07.doc California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region Karl E.Longley,SeD,P.E.,Chair Linda S.Adams Arnold Secretary for Fresno Branch Office Schwarzenegger Environmental 1685 E Street,Fresno,California 93706 Governor Protection (559)445-5116•Fax(559)445-5910 http://www.water6oards.ca.gov/centralvalley 26 March 2007 Regional Water Board Case No. 5T15000888 Mr. Bong Un Kang c/o Pierce Kang 2604 Oakcrest Court Bakersfield, California-9331-1- - - UNDERGROUND TANK RELEASE, KANG'S ARCO, 1102 34TH STREET, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY You requested an extension for submittal of an updated soil vapor extraction (SVE) work plan with air sparging (AS) specifications and results of recent,site investigation by an e-mail message (Message) of 15 March 2007. Soils Engineering, Inc., Bakersfield (SEI) submitted the Message in your behalf. Regional Water Board staff (Staff) requested that you submit the work plan by a letter of 21 February 2007. The message requests a thirty-day extension.for work plan submittal to allow data collected during recent soil assessment and monitoring well installation activities to be included in the next quarterly groundwater monitoring report and work plan. The message indicates that gasoline-stained soil and odor was observed in borings B13 and B14 and monitoring well boring MW-5 and that groundwater in MW-5 also appeared to be impacted. A site map depicting boring and monitoring well locations was attached to the message. The message also informs Staff that removal;of the underground storage tanks (USTs) should be finished by the end of March 2007. Staff grants the requested extension.. A report summarizing the soil investigation and monitoring well installation may be combined with the first quarter 2007 groundwater monitoring report. Submit the combined report by 2 May 2007. The presence of gasoline constituents in B13, B14, and MW-5 significantly increases the volume of impacted soil west and southwest of the dispenser canopy and the lateral extent of impact appears to be undefined. By a letter of,21,February 2007,.SVE and AS.pilot testing was postponed, as you"would be `f removing the.USTs,and.certain proposed m ..installations would be within the' UST reoval - : 4 excavation. You were directed to submit a technical report summarizing additional soil' investigation, monitoring well installation, and SVE and AS well installations and pilot testing 120 days after the UST removals. Submit a technical report documenting the UST removals, California Environmental Protection Agency �a Recycled Paper Mr. Bong Un Kang - 2 - 26 March 2007 including removal of impacted soil, and confirmation soil sampling, if applicable, by 120 days after the UST removals. By the letter of 21 February 2007,.staff requested that you submit a site plan depicting revised SVE well installation locations, and a"brief work-plan for AS well installations and testing at- least two weeks prior-to fieldwork or by 14 March.2007. ;Submit the requested information by 2 May 2007. Please contact me at least five days prior to fieldwork. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact me at (559) 445-5504. JOHN D. WHITING, PG No. 5951 Engineering Geologist Underground Storage Tanks Unit c: Ms..Barbara Rempel, SWRCB, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacramento Mr.Howard H. Wines III, Bakersfield Fire Department, Bakersfield Mr. Robert Becker, Soils Engineering, Inc., Bakersfield File: UST/Kern/Kang's Arco; 1102 34th St., Bakersfield/5T15000888 R:\Reg\UGT\ProjectsWDW_files\2007 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield cases\Kang'sArcoexensl3-07.doc a SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. March 30, 2007 File Number 04-10879 Mr. John Whiting Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region 1685 E Street Fresno, CA. 93706-2020 Subject: Remedial Over-Excavation Workplan Former Arco Service Station . 1102 34th Street Bakersfield, CA. Mr. Whiting: This Remedial Over-Excavation Workplan (Workplan) is submitted by Soils Engineering, Inc. (SED for the removal of gasoline-impacted soil at the former ARCO service station at 1102 34th Street in Bakersfield,CA. (site). •The three (3) underground storage tanks (UST's)were removed from the site on March 29, 2007. Based on historical analytical results and visual observations we propose to over-excavate the most gasoline impacted soil beneath the western UST's and the southern dispenser islands while the equipment is on-site. We..believe these two.(2) excavations will remove >90% of the gasoline source impacting the water table-beneath the site and is cost effective. The following describes the proposed:field work. See Plate 1, and 2 for a Location Map and Plot Plan for the-site. See Table l for historical analytical results of the assessment sampling conducted at the site. PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK Over-Excavation of Gasoline Impacted Soil-Beneath Western UST's SEI proposes to remove the most gasoline-impacted. soil, beneath' and adjacent to the southwestern UST and the southern dispenser islands while we have the equipment. on-site for the UST removal. This will involve excavating to a depth of approximately 25' beneath the former location of the southwestern UST and just south of the southwestern tank to cover the boring B-3 area, all with TPHg concentrations,>100 ppm. The excavation will be. sloped .to ensure that the building,and adjacent properties are not undermined. The site is currently fenced to,prevent•public access. Once the excavation appears-to be complete'in an area, confirmation soil samples will'be collected at the base,(minimum of 2) and'sidewalls (minimu`m of 4) of•the excavation and analyzed for TPHg, BTEX and MTBE by EPA methods 8015m'and 802113 at a State certified analytical laboratory.. The proposed cleanup goals will be 100 ppm TPHg, and 4400 YEAGER WAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 PHONE (661) 831-5100 FAX: (661) 831-2111 • SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Over-Excavation Workplan File Number 04-10879 Former ARCO Service Station March 30,2007 1102.34th Street,Bakersfield, CA. Page 2 benzene <100 ppb. See Plate 3, for the estimated extent of the excavation and approximate confirmation.soil sample locations. Excavation of Southern Dispenser Area Following the successful removal of the gasoline impacted soil at the western UST's, the over- excavation of the southern dispenser islands will take place to an estimated depth'of 15' to 18' and will cover the soil impacted with gasoline constituents as defined by assessment borings B8; B9 and B12 and the pending soil sample analytical results for the dispensers with TPHg >100 ppm. Soil samples will be collected at the base and sidewalls of this excavation and.analyzed for TPHg, BTEX and MTBE by EPA Methods 8015m and 8021B at a State certified analytical laboratory. The'proposed cleanup goals will be 100 ppm TPHg,and benzene <100 ppb. See Plate 3 for the estimated extent of the excavation and approximate confirmation soil sample locations. Disposition of Removed Soil The gasoline-impacted soil will be segregated from the clean stockpiled soil, profiled for disposal and hauled off-site for appropriate disposal.- The estimated amount of soil to be removed and disposed of is about*500 cubic yards. The loaded trucks will be covered and take appropriate transportation routes•to the chosen disposal/recycling facility (Waste Management's McKittrick Waste Facility or Kettleman Hills). : Backfilling of Excavations Following the completion of these excavations they will be backfilled and compacted with clean on-site soil and or off-site soil to match existing grade. Remedial Action Report Once completed the results of this remedial action will be submitted to the RWQCB for review and approval. The report will include the UST removal analytical results, results of confirmation soil samples, locations of soil samples and extent of excavations, waste manifests, along with conclusions and recommendations for the site.' HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN SEI has previously prepared a Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan for the field work which will be conducted. In general, all employees that will.work at the site will have received the Health and Safety training required by OSHA for hazardous waste site operations (29 CFR 1910.120). Gasoline constituents are the identified hazardous substances at this site. Highly volatile components, such as benzene, pose the greatest health hazard. Because of the outdoor location and the intermittent nature of excavation operations, it is not considered likely that personnel will be exposed, to elevated levels of hydrocarbon vapors for any length of time. Under these conditions personnel will work-under `..`Class D" protection. A PID or FID will be used to monitor ambient concentrations of organic vapors.-Personnel will have access to air-purifying respirators (APR) with organic vapor canisters that can be donned if conditions warrant. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Over-Excavation Workplan File Number 04-10879 Former ARCO Service Station March 30,2007 1102 34th Street,Bakersfield, CA. Page.3 A detailed site specific Health and Safety Plan, will be distributed to and adhered to by all contractor personnel, subcontractors, and all site visitors. A "tailgate" safety meeting will be' held at the site prior to commencing operations during which all site hazards and the Health and Safety Plan will be reviewed. Please call Soils Engineering, Inc. at (661) 831-5100 if you have any questions concerning this Addendum. ��RE� Geo Sincerel , j C� �P�J @Fc Oc IRON N No:5076 9 �`�� ART J. T'9 `�, Off, eFc N Ro ert J. Be r, R.G.,,REA II, C.E:G. Co Environmen Division Manager REN1 0 1Vo. 20074 * cn Enclosures: Table 1, Historical Soil Sam P 1e�9 ��� cn ExP- ate � L Location Map, Plate 1 �P Plot Plan, Plate 2 OF CALIFO��¢` Vadose Plume &Proposed Over'Excavations cc: Mr. Pierce Kang, 2604 Oakcrest Court, Bakersfield, CA. 93311 Mr. Howard Wines, BFD, Office of Environmental Services TABLE 1 HISTORICAL SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS Former ARCO Service Station, 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA TPHg. Volatile Organics EPA 8021B or 8260B (ppb) Sample No. Sample Date (ppm), Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes MTBE SOIL SAMPLES B1 10' 10/22/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 B1 20' 10/22/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 B2 10' 10/22/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 B2(5-)20' 10/22/03 0.83 <5 <5 <5 12 47 B3@10' 10/22/03 5400 830 49000 50000 330000 2200 B3 @20' 10/22/03 1000 <500 1 6100 8900 55000 <500 B3@25' 10/22/03 1800 <500 10000 15000 80000 <500 B4 10' 10/22/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 510 <5 134@20' 10/22/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 31 MW1-10' 2/1/2005 <0.250 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 MW1-20' 2/1/2005 <0.250 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 MW1-30' 2/1/2005 <0.250 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 MW2-10' 2/212005 <0.250 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 MW2-20' 2/2/2005 0.33 <5 <5 <5 18 110 MW2-25' 2/2/2005 <0.250 <5 <5, <5 <5 5.7 MW3-10' 2/1/2005 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 MW3-20' 2/1/2005 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 MW3-25' 2/1/2005 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 65-10' 2/1/2005 0.27 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 135-15' 2/1/2005 10 <25 32 34 290 500 B5-20' 2/1/2005 0.56 <5 <5 <5 5.4 15 66-10' 2/1/2005 0.77 <5 <5 <5 24 66 66-20' 2/1/2005 3.3 <5 <5 <5 20 8.3 66-25' 2/1/2005 0.27 <5 <5 <5 <5 14 B7-10' 2/1/2005 2.5 <5 <5. <5 <5 5.6 B7-20' 2/1/2005 0.26 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 67-25' 2/1/2005 <0.250 <5 <5 <5 <5 30 68-5' 2/1/2005 3500 <13000 62000 30000 110000 <1300i- 138-10' 2/1/2005 21000 <13000 710000 190000 660000 15000 B8-20' 2/112005 0.83 <5 5 6.4 32 <5 B8-25' 2/1/2005 73 <25 190 130 3300 <25 B9-10' 2/1/2005 6700 <5000 13000 27000 140000 <5000 B9-20' 2/1/2005 2.2 <5 <5 5.3 31 <5 B10@10' 03/23/06 1.81 22.8 5.12 116 588 478 B 10@20' 03/23/06 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 11.5 64.7 B10@25' 03/23/06 <0.5 <5 12.6 7.03 40.9 209 B11@10' 03/23/06 2.97' <5 18.7 38.7 308 487 1311(&15' 03/23/06 2.04 <5 <5 <5 33.8 48.3 B11@20' 03/23/06 1.91 <5 <5 9.18 73.1* 145 B 11 25' 03/23/06 245 <250 1260 1690 5250 <5 1312@10' 03/23/06 961 <1000 10800 12000 90000 440 B12@15' 03/23/06 48.20 <250 2540 853 6470 5760 1312@20' 03/23/06 24.4 47.9 343 592 955 356 B12 25' 03/23/06 577 <1000 11900 12600 62000 1660 MW4 10' 1 03/23/06 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <5 7.15 MW4 20' 03/23/06 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <5. 11.4 MW4 25' 03/23/06 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 12.4 MW-5-10' 03/08/07 <1 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 MW5-20' 03/08/07 <1 <5 4.4 6.1 35 84 MW5-25' 03/08/07 3.1 4.3 2.3 20.0 100.0 270.0 613-10' 03/08/07 <1 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 613-20' 03/08/07 <1 <5 3.7 8.2 46.0 35.0 1313-25' 03/08/07 <1 <5 1.8 3.7 22.0 22.0 B14-10' 03/08/07 <1 2.3 4.6 18.0 110.0 210.0 614-15' 03/08/07 <1 <5 9.8 12.0 78.0 44.0 B14-25' 03/08/07 0.15 <5 21.0 24.0 150.0 75.0 "Regulatory Action Levels >100 100 15000 70000 175000 50 Notes:ppm=parts per million(mg/kg),ppb=parts per billion(ug/kg),TPHg=Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline, ND=None Detected above detection limits,NA=Not Analyzed,Bold=Elevated Concentration, =Regulatory Action Levels from Regional Water Quality Control Board.&Confirmed By BFD. age `-'4 sa'9F£IR i•.. ..� ��i6�. :��*_.-� I sa,ittl l5 � � -XS-s ��•e� / �i /`?' +ucs�fn r MIN r ,( �M 1! 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SbMN Sr 4 ;ST ST W j mtc 1 K-:19TH sr {ST ' v) u.A Im ulL- a J = ST I - 9TH 1 18111 ST N.I - _�• �J�.,! _ .wM LK' ..._O ! _mil •♦i•1„ ^^•....-- f N.� srI I tm+ I aBt .t_ u _�L-_. c ST rh Asr` i H j i ;art• 5 f� , a ' :: K'- -• mjAV, I _ ■..� TRUXFUN �I �' AV - E TRUXTU _ S-r r _ iIGTH = iKtnt`u� Gf CM CM;1 iM s :At Vf__ ~_ N t/R✓•F VLM _ •(, .-�^'.�.._. :VTlI� .SI/A -•�-- -r- �"—�laTl I _ I;i j ?57 d 0 t 11 CZNXNfJ Su RSFIE(D 1--T 1 �1AC J! ':!E ^~ 'ci, vs I VJgPF.1l/' r ;I(o1y e,� GA IF RNA , AV In` - E E.WY G 11 9 i .G .__._ ' � _uT1, _sr1 � i tl AV IOi St( 61 E G l0 —i E 11 - 9 Si I 9TH ST! ,E. E-1 IN ST L 8 0. 1 ?RY 'T CHEMWRRY ST_ 1TH r« •:iI I .,r, 3. T j 2 :nfi R 4 _; tr S G 1 C7 :E 7TH ST ; ST � C6 AdmA.. ;t - I ► . 1 uc5 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. KANGS SERVICE STATION PLATE 4400 Yeager way 1102 34th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. (661) 831 - 5100 PROJECT: 04-10879 Location & Hospffal Map ' ` New Monitoring Well 0 New Soil Boring ���,�, - - Monitoring Well Location (401 Previous Soil Boring Location 1 r -Proposed Vapor Extraction/AS Well Residential MW-1 Fence All ND Former <0-5 12 000 Gallon USTs <5 <5 0. B-2 0 `5 O 0.83 1.93 2.7 0 B-4 E� STORE :3200 4 W 30 (10'-25') B6 Pi in EW1 B7 3.3 ND MW-2 10 S 2.5 66 = MW-4 0.33 ND ❑ <5 OND ND Former . <5 110 W3 500 30 (5'-15') Canopy 12.4 Analytical ' B8 Results in'Soil ND 21000 10 TPHg (ppm) ND Benzene(ppb) ND - B12 ❑ 2 ❑ 1.81 B13 35 (20') 961 22.8 MTBE (ppb) 47.9 B 6700 478 5760 (10') ND <5000 (10') _MW-3 3.1 B 1 245 (25') •All ND 4.3 <5. a' 270 (25') Q <1 487 MW-5 2.3 B14 210 (10') PP Approx. Scale 34th Street 1"= 14' SOILS ENGINEERING,INC. KANGS SERVICE STATION PLOT PLAN PLATE 4400 Yeager Way,Bakersfield, CA 93313 1102 34th St, Bakersfield, CA 2 0 New Soil Boring -New Monitoring Well � Proposed Confirmation Monitoring Well Location (4031) Previous Soil Boring Location SOP! Sample N l TPH BTEX E Proposed Vapor Extraction/AS Well Residential � 9� , MTB ) ;,.. MW-1 Fence All ND Former Proposed <0.5 12,000 Gallon USTs Over-Excavation <5 Area to 2 ' <5 0. _ 0 `5 O 0.83B-2 1.93 <5 N 2.7 B-4 j ]1:1 E� STORE W 8 B6 P 3 i in 7 3.3 ND MW-2 10 5 2.5 ° 66 MW-4. 0.33 ND ° ND 30 ° Former 110 �' 5 Canopy <5 Highest Analytical I h B8'a <5 Results in Soil ND ° 21000 10 12.4 TPHg(ppm) ND 12 ° N 2 ° 1.81 Benzene(ppb) B13 35 (20') Proposed 61 22,8` MTBE(ppb) Over-Excavation B 670C;' 478 Area to 15'to 18' 7.1900 f ND 5760 (10# � 0, 00 (10') MW-3 3.1 B 1 245 All ND 4.3 <5 270 (25') Q <1 MW-5 2.3 B14 210(io') PP Approx. Scale 34th Street 1"= 14' SOILS ENGINEERING,INC. KANGS SERVICE STATION �Vadose Plume & PLATE L4400 Yeager Way,Bakersfield,CA 93313 1102 34th St, Bakersfield, CA 3 ro � / t California Regional Water Quality Control Board = ;, t Central Valley Region Karl E.Longley,ScD,P.E.,Chair Linda S.Adams Arnold Secretaryfor Fresno Branch Office Schwarzenegger Environmental 1685 E Street,Fresno,Califomia 93706 Governor Protection,, (559)445-5116-Fax(559)445-5910 - hftp://www.waiirboards.ca.g6v/ceniralValldy'-,. 18 April 2007 Regional Water Board Case No. 5T15000888 Mr. Bong Un Kang c/o Pierce Kang 2604 Oakcrest Court Bakersfield, California 93311 UNDERGROUND TANK RELEASE, KANG'S ARCO, 1102 34TH STREET, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY You submitted Remediation Over-Excavation Workplan (Excavation Work Plan) dated 30 March 2007 and prepared in your behalf by Soils Engineering, Inc., Bakersfield (SEI). The Excavation Work Plan proposes excavation of gasoline-impacted soil in the areas of the former underground storage tanks (USTs) and dispenser islands at the above referenced UST release site. I requested the Excavation Work Plan by an e-mail message of 29 March 2007 and,verbally approved the Excavation Work.Plan•during a telephone conversation with Robert Becker of SEI on.2 April 2007. Lim ited'overexcavation and confirmation sampling beneath the USTs had been previously approved during the UST removals by my letter of 21 February 2007. 1 conditionally approve the Excavation Work Plan. You are to submit a technical report summarizing the proposed remedial action. A Summary of the Excavation Work Plan and my comments follow. Excavation Work Plan Summary SEI proposes to excavate subsurface soil'in the areas of the highest known gasoline constituent concentrations and dispose of the contaminated soil off-site. SEI will remove soil from beneath the former southwestern gasoline UST and from an area surrounding the southern dispenser islands in separate excavations'. Excavation will extend to approximately 25 feet below ground surface (bgs) in the UST area and to approximately 18 feet bgs in the dispenser islands area. SEI proposes a cleanup level of 100 parts per million total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) and 100 parts per million (ppb) benzene. The excavations Will,-be sloped to prevent,undermining.the,facility building and adjacent properties and the site will.be fenced,to-prevent public_access.,.i .; Two confirmation samples will be collected from the floor and four confirmation samples will be collected from the sidewalls of each excavation. Samples-will be analyzed in the laboratory for TPH-g by EPA Method 8015M, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) by EPA Method 8021 B. California Environmental Protection Agency p�a Recycled Paper Mr. Bong Un Kang - 2 - 18 April 2007 Gasoline-impacted soil will be segregated from clean soil and temporarily stored on-site prior to removal for disposal to Waste Management's McKittrick or Kettleman.Hills facilities. Trucks transporting soil off-site will be.covered to reduce fumes and dust. SEI estimates that approximately 500 cubic yards of soil will be removed.' The excavations will be backfilled and compacted with clean soil from the excavations and imported fill. SEI will conduct-compaction testing during backfill operations. SEI will follow the previously prepared Health and Safety Plan. SEI will submit a report summarizing the remediation including confirmation soil sample analytical reports, waste manifests, and conclusions and recommendations. Comments Remedial action proposed by the Excavation Work Plan provided that you follow the comments below: • Cover on-site soil stockpiles and soil loads in trucks transporting soil off-site to minimize volatile emissions, dust, and soil loss to roads. • Secure the excavations with fencing to prevent access by the public. • Backfill the excavations using multiple soil lifts and multiple compaction tests. You are to submit a technical report documenting the UST removals, including removal of impacted soil and confirmation soil sampling by 18 July 2007. postponed soil vapor extraction and air sparging (SVE and AS) pilot testing by a letter of 21 February 2007, as you indicted by a letter of 13 December 2006 that you would be removing the USTs. I requested by the letter that you submit a technical report summarizing additional soil investigation, monitoring well installation, and SVE and AS well installations and pilot testing 120 days after the UST removals. Please submit the report by 20 August 2007. Please contact.me at least five days prior to fieldwork. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact me at (559)_445 75504. /JOHN D. WHITING, PG No. 5951 Engineering Geologist Underground Storage Tanks Unit c: Ms. Barbara Rempel, SWRCB, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacramento Mr.Howard H. Wines III, Bakersfield Fire Department, Bakersfield Mr. Robert Becker, Soils Engineering, Inc., Bakersfield File:UST/Kern/Kang's Arco, 110234th St., Bakersfield/5T15000888 R:\Reg\UGT\Projects\JDW_files\2007 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield cases\Kang'sArcoExcavWP4-07.doc 1 - SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 41h QUARTER 2007 MONITORING REPORT 1 ' For FORMER ARCO SERVICE STATION 1102 34th Street in 1 Bakersfield, California Prepared For: ' Mr. Bon Un Kan Bong g ' 2604 Oakcrest Court Bakersfield, CA 93311 File No. 04-10879 Prepared By: 1 ' Soils Engineering, Inc. 4400 Yeager Way ' Bakersfield, CA 93313 ' January 2008 1 t4400 YEAGER WAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 • PHONE (661) 831-5100 FAX: (661) 831-2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 1 January 14, 2008 File Number 04-10879 1 Mr. John Whiting ' Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region 16.85 E Street ' Fresno, CA 93706-2020 Subject: 4`1' Quarter 2007 Monitoring Report ' Former Arco Service Station 1102 34th Street ' Bakersfield, CA Mr. Whiting: ' This Quarterly Monitoring Report is submitted by Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) for the continued monitoring of groundwater conditions at the former ARCO service station at 1102 34th Street in ' Bakersfield, CA (site). BACKGROUND ' Three (3) 12,000 gallon gasoline USTs were formerly present at the site. Elevated petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in soil samples collected adjacent to the west end of the two (2) northwestern USTs in November 2001 during a test of the USTs' interior liners. On October 22, ' 2003, SEI advanced four (4) soil borings to depths of 20 to 30 feet below ground surface (bgs). Soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals beginning at 5' bgs. Groundwater samples were collected at soil borings B-2 and B-3 after encountering groundwater at a depth of approximately 25' bgs. The highest TPHg, benzene and MTBE concentrations reported were in soil sample B3 @10' at 5400 ppm, 830 parts per billion (ppb) and 3200 ppb, respectively. Soil samples ' B3 @20' and B3 @25' also had significant gasoline constituents reported. Minor TPHg, xylenes, and MTBE were reported in soil sample B2 @20'. No TPHg or benzene concentrations were reported in the soil samples analyzed from soil borings B-1 and B-4. Water sample B-2 had ' 1600 ppb TPHg, 25 ppb benzene, 17 ppb toluene, 57 ppb ethylbenzene, 250 ppb total xylenes and 160 ppb MTBE (130 ppb confirmed) reported. Water sample B-3 had 34000 ppb TPHg, 120 ppb benzene, 1900 ppb toluene, 1000 ppb ethylbenzene, 6300 ppb total xylenes and 1500 ppb MTBE (1200 ppb confirmed) reported. Additional assessment of soil and groundwater conditions were conducted in February 2005 in which 5 soil borings were conducted in the area of the fuel dispensers to further define the soil ' plume. Three (3) soil borings were also drilled to a depth of 40' and completed as groundwater monitoring wells MW-1 to MW-3. The results of these soil borings indicate that significant ' 4400 YEAGER WAY • BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 • PHONE (661) 831-5100 • FAX: (661) 831-2111 ' I ENGINEERING, INC. SOILS EN N ' *hQuarter 2007 Monitoring Report file Number 04-10879 Former ARCO Service Station January 14,2008 ' 1102 341h Street,Bakersfield, CA Page 2 gasoline constituents are present within the western fuel dispenser area and that the groundwater ' beneath the site does contain some gasoline constituents of concern including MTBE. The groundwater gradient in February 2005 was determined to be to the southeast. In October of 2005, the three monitoring wells were sampled, tested for gasoline constituents and ground water ' gradient was calculated. Water sample MWA had 62 ug/l TPHg and no volatile organics except carbon disulfide at 13 ug/1 reported. No fuel oxygenates or dissolved lead was reported in water sample MW-1. Water sample MW-2 had 78 ug/l TPHg, 270 ug/1 TBA, -1 l ug/l carbon disulfide, ' 420 ug/l MTBE and 13 ug/1 TAME reported. Water sample MW-3 had 57 ug/l TPHg, 78 ug/l TBA, 10 ug/1 carbon disulfide, and 200 ug/l MTBE reported. No benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene or xylenes concentrations above the detection limit of 5 ug/1 were reported in any of the water ' samples. TKN was reported at 0.83 mg/1 in sample MW-1, at 0.79 mg/1 in MW-2 and at 0.75 mg/1 in MW-3. The groundwater gradient was approximately 0.00553'/' in a south 13 westerly direction. Table 2 presents the historical analytical results of groundwater samples collected from this site. The RWQCB recommended the installation of one (1) monitoring well along the eastern property ' boundary and additional investigation in the area of the southern portion of the dispenser islands. Addendum #1 to the Groundwater Assessment Workplan dated October 20, 2005, describing the proposed scope of work, was approved by the RWQCB prior to implementation. ' In March of 2006 four 4 more soil borings were advanced to a depth of 25' as well as the ( ) g p , ' addition and completion of monitoring well MW-4. Gasoline constituents were identified in soil samples at significant concentrations of concern. MTBE concentrations were elevated in most of the soil samples from borings B-10, B-11 and B-12. The highest concentration of MTBE was in ' soil sample B12-15' at 5760 ppb. Most of the soil samples had significant MTBE concentrations, except for samples B11-15' (48.3 ppb), B11-25' (<5 ppb) and all the soil samples from boring MW-4. Water sample MW-1 had no concentrations of volatile organics, fuel ' oxygenates or dissolved lead reported that were above the low detection limits used. Water sample MW-2 had 1300 ug/1 TPHg, 40 ug/1 benzene, 620 ug/1 toluene, 200 ug/1 ethylbenzene, 1,000 ug/1 xylenes, and 7.4 ug/1 TAME reported. Water sample MW-3 had 150 ug/1 TPHg, 7.8 ' ug/1 toluene, and 88 ug/1 xylenes reported. Water sample MW-4 had no concentrations of TPHg, BTEX, MTBE, fuel oxygenates or total lead that were above, the detection limits used. No MTBE, carbon disulfide, ethyl-tertiary-butyl-ether (ETBE), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), TBA or ' total dissolved lead concentrations above the low detection limits utilized were reported in any of the water samples. TKN was reported at 0.47 mg/1 in sample MW-4. Based on previous and current soil sample analytical results, there appeared to be a northern and southern TPHg plume ' at the site. The northern plume was centered around the northwestern USTs as indicated by the analytical results from boring B-3. The south vadose plume appears to be centered at the southern dispenser island as indicated by the analytical results from boring B-8. . The southern ' TPHg vadose zone plume has been adequately defined to the east by boring B-10 and to the south by boring B-11. The southern TPHg plume appears to extend further to the west beyond boring ' SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ' 4thQuarter 2007 Monitoring Report File Nunrher 04-10879 Former ARCO Service Station January 14,2008 ' 1102 34th Street,Bakersfield, CA Page 3 B-12. The southern MTBE vadose plume appears to extend further west of boring B-12, further east of boring B-10 and further south of boring B-11. 1 monitoring well M -5 in the southwestern portion of the In early March of 2007, SEI installed coo rto i g W p ' site and advanced soil borings B-13 and B-14 in the southern and southwestern portions of the site to further assess the soil and groundwater conditions in.this area of the site. The results of this assessment indicated that minor gasoline constituents were present in soil samples from ' borings MW-5, B-13 and B-14. MTBE concentrations were elevated in soil samples MW5-25' (270 ppb), B14-10' (210 ppb) and B14-25' (75 ppb). Soil samples from boring B-13 had no concentrations of concern reported. The initial water samples from well MW-5 indicated that ' MTBE was elevated at this location at 53 ppb and benzene was slightly elevated at 8 ppb. In March of 2007, SEI removed the three (3) 12,000 gallon USTs, the dispensers and associated ' piping, as well as the canopy from the site. In addition, 1079.02 tons or about 829 cubic yards of gasoline-impacted soil were removed from the former UST area and in the area of the former fuel dispensers in accordance with an approved Remedial Over-Excavation Workplan dated March ' 30, 2007. The details of the tank removal activity and remedial over-excavation were included in a UST Removal &Remedial Over-Excavation Report issued to the RWQCB, dated May 7, 2007. The range of TPH on the tank removal samples ranged from less than 1 ppm up to 14000 ppm ' (T2-W72'). Soil sample T2-W-2' also had the highest concentrations of Benzene (<25000 ppb), Toluene (270000 ppb), ethyl benzene (230000 ppb), Xylene (1600000 ppb) and MTBE (<100,000 ppb). The concentrations for the over—excavation confirmation soil samples in the ' area of the former Tank 2 ranged from 4600 ppm (soil sample T2-EX-W-18') to 1.1 ppm (soil sample T2-EX-N-17') for TPHg; 140 ppb (T2-EX-W-18') to 1.1 ppb (T2-EX-BTM-E-24) ' concentration for Benzene; 39000 ppb (T2-EX-W-18') to 1.9 ppb (T2-EX-E-17') concentration for Toluene; 51000 ppb (T2-EX-W-18') to 3.5 ppb (T2-EX-E-17') concentration for ethyl benzene; 370000 ppb (T2-EX-W-18') to 28 ppb (T2-EX-BTM-E-24') concentration for Xylene; ' and 420 ppb (T2-EX-W-18') to 1.8 ppb (T2-EX-N-17') concentration for MTBE. Additional excavation was conducted west of soil sample T2-EX-W-18', with the confirmation soil sample T2-EX-W2-19' having much lower concentrations of gasoline constituents. The proposed ' cleanup goals of 100 ppm TPHg, and benzene <100 ppb was achieved within this excavation, except for the bottom sample T2-EX-BTM-24' (390 ppm TPHg), and the final west sidewall sample T2-EX-W2-19' (162 ppm TPHg). ' Confirmation soil samples were collected at the base (D-EX-BTM-SW-24', D-EX-BTM-E-20', D-EX-NE-BTM-18') and sidewalls (D-EX-E-13', D-EX-NE-13', D-EX-SW-10', D-EX-SE-5', and D-EX-NW-8') of the former dispenser island excavation. Additional bottom and sidewall samples (D-EX-NE-BTM-22' and D-EX-NE-10'-2) were collected and analyzed in the northeastern portion of the excavation after over-excavation was conducted in this area. The ' proposed cleanup goals of 100 ppm TPHg, and benzene <100 ppb was achieved within this excavation, except for the bottom sample D-EX-BTM-20' (249 ppm TPHg). Since this TPHg 1 ' SOILS ENGINEERING INC. ' 4thQuarter 2007 Monitoring Report File Namber 04-10879 Former ARCO Service Station January 14, 2008 1102 34th Street,Bakersfield, CA Page 4 ' concentration was very close to the proposed cleanup goals and the excavation could-not be kept open without significant cave-ins, it was decided not to excavate any further in this area. 1 Following this remedial action, additional ground water sampling events have been conducted. ' On June 8, 2007, all five of the monitoring wells were sampled, tested for gasoline constituents and ground water gradient was calculated. No benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene or xylenes concentrations above the detection limit of 0.5 ug/1 were reported in the water samples for MW 1 ' and MW-4. MW-2 had concentrations of benzene (3.7 ppb), toluene (8.6.ppb), ethylbenzene (25 ppb) and xylenes (130 ppb), as well as TPHg (450 ppb) and MTBE (20 ppb). MW-3 also had concentrations of the following gasoline constituents: TPHg (30 ppb), benzene (0.17 ppb); ethylbenzene (0.29 ppb), xylene (3.8 ppb) and MTBE (0.96). MW-4 had MTBE (10 ppb), and MW-5 also had concentrations of MTBE (8.4 ppb), TPHg(220 ppb), benzene (0.99 ppb), toluene (1.8 ppb), ethylbenzene (11 ppb) and xylene (54 ppb). The groundwater gradient was ' approximately 0.013'/' in a south 19 easterly direction. The next quarterly report was released in November 5, 2007, with five monitoring wells being sampled, tested for gasoline constituents and the calculation for the ground water gradient. Samples MW-1 and MW-4 had no detectable ' TPHg, volatile organics, or fuel oxygenates reported. Sample MW-2 had 420 ppb TPHg, 3.8 ppb benzene, 1.7 ppb toluene, 27 ppb ethyl benzene, 140 ppb xylenes, and 27 ppb MTBE reported. Sample MW-3 had only 0.64 ppb MTBE and no Benzene, Toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene or ' TPHg detected` Sample MW-5 had 120 ppb TPHg; 1.0 ppb benzene, 0.5 ppb toluene, 7.5 ppb ethyl benzene, 33 ppb xylenes, and 11 ppb MTBE reported. The ground water gradient was approximately 0.0075'/' in a southwesterly direction. In November of 2007, a soil gas survey ' was also conducted at the site to evaluate subsurface volatile organic compounds (please see the SEI soil gas survey report, dated January 7, 2008). ' FIELD WORK CONDUCTED Groundwater Sampling and Water Analysis ' On December 3, 2007, the five (5) existing groundwater monitoring wells (MW-1 to MW-5) were purged with a submersible pump until the extracted water ran clear, water quality readings ' were consistent, and a minimum of 3 well volumes was removed from each well The wells were allowed to recover to 80% of the original water levels measured prior to sampling. All water samples were collected by using new disposable bailers attached with new rope, decanted into 40 ' ml VOA bottles, labeled, chilled and transported under a chain of custody to a California state certified laboratory. Each water sample was analyzed for volatile organics and fuel oxygenates by EPA Method 8260B, for TPHg by EPA Method 8015 modified at BC Laboratories, a State of ' California certified analytical laboratory. See attached well development forms for water quality reading data. SOILS ENGINEERING INC. ' 4thQuarter 2007 Monitoring Report File Number 04-10879 Forster ARCO Service Station January 14,2008 ' 1102 34th Street,Bakersfield, CA Page 5 FINDINGS Analytical Results of Water Samples Table 1 presents the analytical results of the water samples from the most recent quarterly ' monitoring event, conducted in December 2007. Samples MW-1 and MW-4 had no detectable TPHg, volatile organics, or fuel oxygenates reported. Sample MW-2 had 100 ppb TPHg, 0.62 ppb benzene, 0.17 ppb toluene, 6.7 ppb ethyl benzene, 33 ppb xylenes, and 6.4 ppb MTBE ' reported. Sample MW-3 had only 16 ppb TPHg, 1.4 ppb toluene, 0.73 ppb MTBE and no benzene, ethyl benzene or xylenes detected. Sample MW-5 had 120 ppb TPHg, 0.62 ppb benzene, 0.25 ppb toluene, 9.2 ppb ethyl.benzene, 37 ppb xylenes, and 4.0 ppb MTBE reported. See Plate 4 for an estimated groundwater plume diagram. See Table 2 for the Historical Groundwater Monitoring Results and Appendix A for complete ' analytical reports. Groundwater Gradient Determination ' Utilizing the depth to water measurements on December 3, 2007 and the surveyed top of casing elevations, groundwater elevations were calculated at each well location. The depth to water readings ranged from 27.94' (MW-4) to 29.20' (MW-2) below the top of the PVC casings, ' indicating a drop in water elevations of approximately 2' from the last monitoring event in September 2007. The groundwater gradient is presented on Plate 3 and is approximately 0.0083'/' in a south 24 west to south 48 west direction. Conclusions ' Based on field observations and analytical results of groundwater samples collected during this monitoring event, the following conclusions are presented: ' ❖ TPHg, benzene and MTBE concentrations decreased significantly in well MW-2 during this sampling event. Benzene and MTBE concentrations decreased in well MW-5 during this sampling event. The concentration of MTBE increased slightly in well MW-3. Fuel ' oxygenates TAME, TBA, DIPE or ETBE were not reported in any well during this sampling event. The only result greater then the RWQCB action levels shown on Table 1 was MTBE at 6.4 ppb in sample MW-2. Wells MW-4 and MW-1 did not have any ' concentrations of gasoline constituents reported that were higher than the low detection limits employed by the lab. During this monitoring event, the groundwater plume seems restricted to the area around well MW-2. Plate 5 shows the estimated groundwater plume ' beneath the site. ❖ The groundwater gradient is approximately 0.0083'/' in a southwesterly direction. 1 1 ' SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ' 4thQuarler 2007 Monitoring Report File Number 04-10879 Former ARCO Service Station January 14,2008 ' 1102 341h Street,Bakersfield, CA Page 6 Recommendations Based on the results of this investigation, SEI recommends the following: ❖ Based on the significant decrease in concentrations of concern in the groundwater, the ' remediation of the groundwater plume appears to not be necessary. This will be further evaluated in the next quarterly event scheduled for to March 2008, when the five (5) existing monitoring wells will be monitored for TPHg, BTEX, MTBE and fuel oxygenates. Please call Soils Engineering, Inc. at (661) 831-5100, if you have any questions concerning this ' Groundwater Monitoring Report. ED G •d C Sincerely, ��`�0��� d 8FC',� ONMj9 No.5076 � qq N0. 20074 N ' Robert J. Becker, , REA II, C.E. REN Environmental Division Manager d UP. Date do ' O1'�'Ial,il` Enclosures: Table 1, Current Quarterly Groun onitoring Resu gTFOF \�0�� Table 2, Historical Groundwater Monitoring Results CAL Location Map, Plate 1 ' Plot Plan, Plate 2 Groundwater Gradient 12/3/07, Plate 3 Groundwater Plume 12/3/07, Plate 4 Appendix A, Analytical Reports and Well Installation &Development Forms cc: Mr. Pierce Kang, 2604 Oakerest Court, Bakersfield, CA 93311 Mr. Howard Wines, BFD, Office of Environmental Services TABLE 1 CURRENT QUARTERLY GROUNDWATER MONITORING RESULTS 12/3/2007 Top Of One Ethyl Sample Well Casing Well Depth to Volume Water TPHg Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylene MTBE TAME TBA DIPE ETBE Date No. Elev. Depth Water Of Well Elevation (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) 12/3/07 MW-1 409.56 39 28.64 1.73 380.92 <50 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 12/3/07 MW-2 409.72 40 29.20 1.80 380.52 100 0.62 0.17 6.7 33 6.4 <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 12/3/07 MW-3 408.73 39 28.22 1.80 380.51 16 <0.5 1.4 <0.5 <0.5 0.73 <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 12/3/07 MW-4 408.66 40 27.94 2.01 380.72 <50 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 12/3/07 MW-5 408.79 40 28.60 1.90 380.19 120 0.62 0.25 9.2 37 4.0 <0.5 1 <10 <0.5 <0.5 RWQCB Cleanup Levels 1000 1.0 150 700 1750 5 NA 12 NA NA Note:TPHg =Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline, MTBE = Methyl-t-butyiether, TAME = Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether, TBA=Tertiary Butyl Alcohol, DIPE =Di-Isopropyl Ether, ETBE = Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether, ppb = parts per billion (ug/1). Bold =concentration higher than RWQCB Cleanup Levels TABLE 2 HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER MONITORING RESULTS Ethyl Total Lead Carbon TPHg Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylene MTBE (dissolved) Disulfide TAME TBA ETBE Well No. Date (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppm) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) DIPE(ppb) (ppb) MW-1 2/3/05 <50 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <0.005 NA <5 <50 <5 <5 10/6/05 62 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <0.05 13 <5 <50 <5 <5 3/23106 <50 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <50 <5 <5 8/4/06 <50 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 NA NA <5 <50 <5 <5 11/15/06 <50 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 NA NA <5 <50 <5 <5 3/8/07 <50 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 NA NA <5 <50 <5 <5 6/8/07 <50 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 NA NA <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 9/17/07 <50 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 NA NA <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 12/3/07 <50 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 NA NA <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 MW-2 2/3/05 870. 28 92 54 230 270 <0.005 <5 <5 <50 <5 <5 10/6/05 78 <5 <5 <5 <5 420 <0.05 11 13 270 <5 <5 3/23/06 1,300 40 620 200 1,000 <5 <5 <5 7.4 <50 <5 <5 8/4/06 2,100 31 180 110 630 110 NA NA <5 <50 <5 <5 11/15/06 2,200 11 73 41 200 150 NA NA <5 <50 <5 <5 3/8/07 520 12 16 34 160 46 NA NA <5 <50 <5 <5 6/8/07 450 3.7 8.6 25 130 20 NA NA 0.56 <10 <0.5 <0.5 9/17/07 420 3.8 1.7 27 140 27 NA NA <1.0 <20 <1.0 <1.0 12/3/07 100 0.62 0.17 6.7 33 6.4 NA NA <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 MW-3 2/3/05 320 <5 7.3 9.7 38 24 <0.005 NA <5 <50 <5 <5 10/6/05 57 <5 <5 <5 <5 200 <0.05 10 <5 78 <5 <5 3/23/06 150 <5 7.8 <5 88 <5 <5 <5 <5 <50 <5 <5 8/4/06 1,900 36 20 200 740 75 NA NA <5 <50 <5 <5 11/15/06 2,200 15 6.6 100 210 100 NA NA <5 <50 <5 <5 3/8/07 120 <5 <5 1 10 50 <5 NA NA <5 1 <50 <5 <5 6/8/07 30 0.17 <0.5 0.29 3.8 0.96 NA NA <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 9/17/07 <50 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.64 NA NA <0.5 1 <10 <0.5 <0.5 12/3/07 16 <0.5 . 1.4 <0.5 <0.5 0.73 NA NA <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 MW-4 3%23/06 <50 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <50 <5 <5 8/4/06 <50 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 NA NA <5 <50 <5 <5 11/15/06 <50 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 NA NA <5 <50 <5 <5 3/8/07 <50 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 NA NA <5 <50 <5 <5 6/8/07 10 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 NA NA <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 9/17/07 <50 <0.5 <0.5. <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 NA NA <0.5 1<10 <0.5 <0.5 12/3/07 <50 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 NA NA <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 MW-5 3/12/07 300 8 10 41 150 53 <2 NA <5 <50 <5 <5 6/8/07 220 0.99 1.8 11 54 8.4 NA NA <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 9/17/07 120 1.0 0.5 7.5 33 11 NA NA <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 12/3/07 120 0.62 0.25 9.2 37 4.0 NA NA <0.5 <10 1 <0.5 <0.5 Note:TPHg=Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline,MTBE=Methyl-t-butylether,TAME=Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether,TBA=Tertiary Butyl Alcohol, DIPE=Di-Isopropyl Ether,ETBE=Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether,ppb=parts per billion(ug/I). Bold=concentration higher than RWQCB Cleanup Levels Pagel 1 1 N 1 t,I ��i1LlR X" f �..v�•n,� 1� \A � n,1�13 f r ,�; �.' �.'c 1 Vr `��/� �!� r � ✓ ��1(M S � I� L!� +.,J� 10 .V I ,.. �:. r!iNl1g tF IA • "'\: ':^ a ;fIH' �•^'� ULUMBUS I -` 3qw{ W COLUMBUS 4 51 °f caJbrFO[�3 noni �r G + _ — r � 't 1 fFr-2 qK( s 1NiFRly u t G r I _ v Le�155c ST zr °I:JEffFEt- 1 313TH ST'S ST t°Ctit;_ r i VT7� ST r Sc `y 31TH' i © t h 33M'V; t St JCrrcrLSu, 'CrFr t ' "+ zr �� \�/o` �• rA�L ® I '�3c}O :3�,;_, ST a h Q-Ch 1 rpra kECYCLF Q i _ STY- t�r1 RtlLN ST tir - $ t 'nutrxY w ,,T t � f � si cy�i Jy Clt \ ST f� o. I� u z(FeCTFlC "p err s`Ej h 2H1H tST I ZIF}I5T tskr°'•� raSs;,� N���S.; 1 ,: ^.• S r ! N r �� �?'� +�.,.;,w"' 2Gf{i W,© �JN ���1 yT "I �a�� ' tt.0 r f All`I(F• `:; ! Ups " i s I$T . . 1 �f..•. 24TH ., �'• -aF'i,�-vrl 12317\ ' tS j. .. 2aTH� \:5T 1 vo r _ 22NrJ S1 p I�- ST 21ST .�_�:...�. I'ST j } I � � ,, ���am, �� �1 �� ....n� �i sr ���• '� �4T'11 �T � ,.. 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Monitoring Well ................................................................. SG6-5' Location _ Q Q Soil Gas Well SG5 5' Q MW-3 Location Q SG7-5' MW-5 PP Approx. Scale 34th Street 199 - 141 SOILS ENGINEERING,INC. KANGS SERVICE STATION PW Plan PLATE 4400 Yeager Way,Bakersfield,CA 93313 1102 34th St, Bakersfield, CA 1213/07 2 Monitoring Well Location N ' ResideTrUal MW-1 380,92' Fence *-,.. -.10 Former 380.80' - .2 000 Gallon USTs 380.901 -- --- %** %.% ................ ........... ..... .... 1380.7011 ...... ................................................. ........... .................................................... STORE ♦% ........... .................N... ......................I MW ............................................... \k8O.52' ...... ............ ............... MW-4 380.72 ---4'-�Former Former Canopy Dispenser Islands Approx. Gradient 0.0083 /' S24W to S48W 380.20 ♦ ...................................................................... \ N. " 380.60� 1380.401 380.51 ' water Elevation MW-5 \ 380.50 ��io MW-3 Approx. Gradient 380.19" -, 380.51 ' Direction PP Approx. Scale 34th Street i 1 =====I 1913 = 14' SOILS ENGINEERING,INC. KANGS SERVICE STATION Groundwater Gradient PLATE SOILS Yeager Way, Bakersfield, CA 93313 1102 34th St, Bakersfield, CA 12/3/07 3 r r Monitoring Well Location IN Residential Fence <50 Former <0•5 MW-1 12 000 Gallon USTs <0.5 N ................................................................; STORE �■. • • `.. ........................................................ - ................ :MW-4 MW-2 100 <50 0.62 : ' Former <0.5 • 6.4 Former --Canopy <0.5 Analytical Dispenser pY Islands Result in Water TPHg (ppb) Benzene(ppb) MTBE b • ....................................................................... (ppb) MW-3 MTBE >5 ppb 1016 Groundwater Plumes TPHg>1000 ppb <0.5 ■ ■ ■ ■ Benzene>1 ppb Mw-516 0.73 MTBE >5 ppb 120 0.62 4 PP Approx. Scale 34th Street 1"= 14, SOILS ENGINEERING,INC. KANGS SERVICE STATION Groundwater Plume PLATE 4400 Yeager Way,Bakersfield,CA 93313 1102 34th St, Bakersfield, CA 12/3/07 4 � - i i i i i SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ' Appendix A ' Analytical Reports and Well Installation & Development Sheets 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 LABORATORIES, INC. Date of Report: 12/12/2007 Bob Becker Soils Engineering 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 RE: Kang BC Work Order: 0714154 Enclosed are the results of analyses for samples received by the laboratory on 12/03/2007 15:30. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Contact Person: Christina Herndon Authorized Signature Client Service Rep All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918 •www.bclabs.com _ _PLEASE COMPLETE: Laboratories,Inc. Chain of Custody Form B Quo-m w: Report To: _ 62773 Client: 501.L e•tow-afl ti C Project#: Page--4– of Attn: Rok t? Project Name: Comments: Street Address:Li oo I I. e-r 414,1 Project Code: •H• s Cit State Zi 33 Sam ler s): e1, x€3.1 t Phone /06 Fax 1� f. ws -.n4-) lu K cfi _ Email Address: I,fie €i. Sample Matrix T Are there any tewith holding times less than or equal to 48 hours? ❑ Yes 0 No Submittal t #: •-I Lt 1 3 3 � - • • • p x c 3 �.3 ' Standard Turnaround= 15 work days • • Sampled to v L1 C+3 Other Notes ICU— �3s ` i. Report Drinking Sample Disposal• Special Reporting Same as above ❑ p y Doc WIP Raw Data Waters on State Form. Return to Client Dis osal b lab Archive: Months___ Client• ❑Yes NO 1. Relinquished B Date T Address: R ei ed By Dat Time ——— � 3 l 153 Send Copy to State of 2. elinqui y Date T in2. Received By Date Time City: State Zip CA? Attn: ❑Yes ❑No 3. Relinquished By Date Time 3. Received By Date Time PO#: BC Laboratories,Inc.–4100 Atlas Ct.–Bakersfield, CA 93308–661.327.4911–Fax.•661.327.1918–www.bclabs.com BC LABORATORIES INC. SAMPLEzFW EIPT FARM Rev.No. 10 01121/04 Page Of Submission #: - 't 15 Project Code:`TM'` - TB<Batch,# P SHIPPING INFORMATION SFjf-PING CONTAINER Federal Express ❑ UPS ❑ Hand Delivery Ice Chest 9 None ❑ BC Lab Field Service ❑ Other❑ (Specify)• Box ❑ Other ❑ (Specify) Refrigerant: Ice ❑ Blue.lce None ❑ Other ❑ Comments: Custody Seals: I eCti`est7Lr a"er None Comments: Am rN '�1' •rat rF�� 791.' ti� �/a � f: (,M�■±M" .N 1'ta( {f.:.it�✓yi •;t I iitY•"lniip. ..•rjZ'}'rjy>,�• ) All samples received? Yes N0 O All samples containers Intact? Yes Nop, Description(s)match COW Yes No O COC Received Ice Chest ID I I missivky 777 Date/Time t2'YES ❑ NO Temperature: °C ,V Container Analyst Ink Thermometer ID: SA SAMPLE CONTAINERS 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 QT GENERAL MINERAL/GENERAL PHYSICAL PT PE UNPRESERVED T INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS 2 PT INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS PT CYANIDE PT NITROGEN FORMS PT TOTAL SULFIDE 2oz.NITRATE/NITRITE 1o0m1 TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON T TOX PT CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND PtA PHENOLICS 40.1 VOA VIAL TRAVEL BLANK 2 v1 40.1 VOA VIAL OT EPA 413.1.413.2,41&1 PT ODOR JRADIOLOGICAL BACTERIOLOGICAL 40.1 VOA VIAL 504 T EPA 508/608/8080 T EPA 515.118150 T EPA 525 T EPA 525 TRAVEL BLANK 100m1 EPA 547 100.1 EPA 531.1 T EPA 548 T EPA 549 T EPA 632 T EPA 8015M T OA/ C ' T AMBER 8 OZ.JAR 32 OZ.JAR SOIL SLEEVE PCB VIAL PLASTIC BAG FERROUS IRON ENCORE Comments: Sample Numbering Completed 8.y Date/Time: `- IH:IDOCSIWPSOILAB DOCSIFORMSISAMREC2.WPDI LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Kang Reported: 12112/2007 13:21 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879e Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Laboratory / Client Sample Cross Reference Laboratory. Client Sample Information 0714154-01 COC Number: --- Receive Date: 12103/2007 15:30 Project Number: --- Sampling Date: 12103/2007 14:05 Sampling Location: --- Sample Depth: --- Sampling Point: MW-1 Sample Matrix: Water Sampled By: Tom Hollenbeck 0714154-02 COC Number: --- Receive Date: 12/03/2007 15:30 Project Number: --- Sampling Date: 12/03/2007 15:05 Sampling Location: --- Sample Depth: --- Sampling Point: MW-2 Sample Matrix: Water Sampled By: Tom Hollenbeck 0714154-03 COC Number: --- Receive Date: 12/03/2007 15:30 Project Number: --- Sampling Date: 12/03/2007 02:35 Sampling Location: --- Sample Depth: --- Sampling Point: MW-3 Sample Matrix: Water Sampled By: Tom Hollenbeck 0714154-04 COC Number: --- Receive Date: 12/03/2007 15:30 Project Number: --- Sampling Date: 12/03/2007 14:20 Sampling Location: --- Sample Depth: --- Sampling Point: MW-4 Sample Matrix: Water Sampled By: . Tom Hollenbeck 0714154-05 COC Number: --- Receive Date: 12/03/2007 15:30 Project Number: --- Sampling Date: 12/03/2007 14:50 Sampling Location: --- Sample Depth: --- Sampling Point: MW-5 Sample Matrix: Water Sampled By: Tom Hollenbeck BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entiren•. All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. Page I of 10 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 -FAX(661)327-1918•www.betabs.com . LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Kang Reported: 12/12/2007 13:21 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879e Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) BCL Sample ID: 0714154-01 Client Sample Name: MW-1, 12/3/2007 2:05:OOPM,Tom Hollenbeck Prep Run Instru- QC MB Lab Constituent Result Units PQL MDL Method Date DatefTime Analyst ment ID Dilution Batch ID Bias . Quals Benzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.12 EPA-8260 12107107 12/08/07 01:17 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08107 01:17 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Methyl t-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12108/07 01:17 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Toluene ND ug/L 0.50 0.12 EPA-8260 12/07107 12/08/07 01:17 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Total Xylenes ND ug/L 0.50 0.33 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 01:17 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND t-Amyl Methyl ether — ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 01:17 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND t-Butyl alcohol ND ug/L 10 9.3 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12108/07 01:17 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Diisopropyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 01:17 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Ethyl t-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.32 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 01:17 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Total Purgeable Petroleum ND ug/L 50 8.2 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 01:17 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Hydrocarbons-=------- --- ---- ------- 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4(Surrogate) 102 % 76-114 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 01:17 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 Toluene-d8(Surrogate) 97.5 % 88-110 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 01:17 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate) 96.3 % 86-115 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08,07 01:17 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody.document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. Paee 2 of 10 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918•www.bclabs.com LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Kang Reported: 12/12/2007 13:21 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879e Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) BCL Sample ID: 0714154-02 Client Sample Name: MW-2, 12/3/2007 3:05:OOPM,Tom Hollenbeck Prep Run Instru- QC MB Lab Constituent Result Units PQL MDL Method Date Date/Time Analyst ment ID Dilution Batch ID Bias Quals Benzene 0.62 ug/L 0.50 0.12 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:59 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Ethylbenzene 6.7 ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:59 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Methyl t-butyl ether 6.4 ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12108/07 00:59 SDU MS-V10 1 BOL0410 ND Toluene 0.17 ug/L 0.50 0.12 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:59 SDU MS-V10 1 BOL0410 ND J Total Xylenes 33 ug/L 0.50 0.33 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:59 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND t-Amyl Methyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:59 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND t-Butyl alcohol ND ug/L 10 9.3 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:59 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND -------- ---- ---- -------- - - — --- — — — - -..__. Diisopropyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:59 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Ethyl t-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.32 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08107 00:59 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Total Purgeable Petroleum 100 ug/L 50 8.2 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:59 SDU MS-V10 .1 BQL0410 ND Hydrocarbons_— 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4(Surrogate) 104 % 76-114 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:59 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 Toluene-d8(Surrogate) 98.9 % 88-110 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:59 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate) 98.2 % 86-115 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:59 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entiren•. All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. Page 3 of 10 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918 •www.bclabs.com LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Kang Reported: 12/12/2007 13:21 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879e Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) 8CL Sample ID: 0714154-03 Client Sample Name: MW-3, 12/3/2007 2:35:OOAM,Tom Hollenbeck Prep Run Instru- QC MB Lab Constituent Result Units PQL MDL Method Date DatelTime Analyst ment ID Dilution Batch ID Bias Quals Benzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.12 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:41 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA 78260 12/07107 12/08/07 00:41 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Methyl t-butyl ether 0.73 ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:41 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Toluene ND ug/L 0.50 0.12 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:41 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Total Xylenes 1.4 ug/L 0.50 0.33 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08107 00:41 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND t-Amyl Methyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:41 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND t-Butyl alcohol ND ug/L 10 9.3 EPA=8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:41 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Diisopropyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:41 SDU MS-V10 .1 BQL0410 ND Ethyl t-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.32 EPA-8260 12/07107 12/08/07 00:41 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND ---------- --_....._---.__...---- -- -- ... --- - -- — -- - ------------- - ------------ -- Total Purgeable Petroleum 16 ug/L 50 8.2 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:41 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND J Hydrocarbons 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4(Surrogate) y 101 % 76-114 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:41 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 Toluene-d8(Surrogate) 97.7 % 88-110 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:41 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate) 95.5 % 86-115 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:41 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. Page 4 of 10 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327=4911 •FAX(661)327-1918-www.bclabs.com LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Kang Reported: 12/12/2007 13:21 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879e Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) BCL Sample ID: 0714154-04 Client Sample Name: MW-4, 12/3/2007 .2:20:OOPM,Tom Hollenbeck Prep Run Instru- QC MB Lab Constituent Result Units PQL MDL Method Date Date/Time Analyst. ment ID Dilution Batch ID Bias Quals Benzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.12 EPA-8260 12/07107 12/08/07 00:23 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND .......-.._......_...__._... ---------- ----------------- ---- ----- ------------ -------- -- - Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:23 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Methyl t-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:23 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Toluene ND ug/L 0.50 0.12 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:23 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 . ND - -- .............--------- -— —----- - — -- ------- -- --- - - Total Xylenes ND ug/L 0.50 0.33 EPA-8260 12/07107 12/08/07 00:23 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND t-Amyl Methyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:23 SDU M5410 1 BQL0410 ND t-Butyl alcohol ND ug/L 10 9.3 EPA-8260 12/07107 12/08/07 00:23 SDU ti1S-V10 1 BQL0410 ND ---------- -- -- --- - - -- -- — - - - - - ...... - Diisopropyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08107 00:23 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Ethyl t-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.32 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:23 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND - -- -- -- Total Purgeable Petroleum ND ug/L 50 8.2 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:23 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Hydrocarbons - --------- -------------- - - 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4(Surrogate) t 102 % 76-114 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:23 SDU MS-V10 t BQL0410 Toluene-d8(Surrogate) 98.4 . % 88-110 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:23 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate) 96.9 % 86 115 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:23 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entiren-. All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. Page 5 of 10 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918 •www.bclabs.com .7W LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Kang Reported: 12/1212007 13:21 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879e Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) BCL Sample ID: 0714154-05 Client Sample Name: MW-5, 12/312007 2:50:OOPM, Tom Hollenbeck Prep Run Instru- QC MB Lab Constituent Result Units PQL MDL Method Date DatelTime Analyst ment ID Dilution Batch ID Bias Quals Benzene 0.62 ug/L 0.50 0.12 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:05 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND --. — ---- ------ ----- -- — — — --- --— ------ ----------- -- - - ----------- Ethylbenzene 9.2 ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:05 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Methyl t-butyl ether 4.0 ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:05 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Toluene 0.25 ug/L 0.50 0.12 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:05 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND J — ---- --------— ---- — - - - - -------- Total Xylenes 37 ug/L 0.50 0.33 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:05 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND ---- ----- - — - -- -------------------------- t-Amyl Methyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:05 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND t-Butyl alcohol ND ug/L 10 9.3 EPA-8260 12107/07 12/08/07 00:05 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Diisopropyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:05 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND - ---------------__...__--.-. ..---- ------------- - -- - - - Ethyl t-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.32 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:05 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Total Purgeable Petroleum 120 ug/L 50 8.2 EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:05 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 ND Hydrocarbons 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4(Surrogate) r 102 % 76-114 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:05 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 Toluene-d8(Surrogate) 97.9 % 88-110 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:05 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate) 95.5 % 86-115 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 12/07/07 12/08/07 00:05 SDU MS-V10 1 BQL0410 BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirer. All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. Page 6 of 10 4100 Atlas Court-Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918 •www.bclabs.com LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Kang Reported: 12/12/2007 13:21 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879e Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) Quality Control Report - Precision & Accuracy Control Limits Source Source Spike Percent Percent Constituent Batch ID QC Sample Type Sample ID Result Result Added Units RPD Recovery RPD Recovery Lab Quals Benzene BQL0410 Matrix Spike 0714047-06 ND 30.490 25.000 ug/L 122 70- 130 Matrix Spike Duplicate 0714047-06 ND 27.770 25.000 ug/L 9.4 111 20 70- 130 __..---------------------- — -- -- ------ -- --- --- —--- --------------------- Toluene BQL0410 Matrix Spike 0714047-06 ND 30.650 25.000 ug/L 123 70- 130 Matrix Spike Duplicate 0714047-06 ND 27.580 25.000 ug/L 11.2 110 20 70-130 1,2-Dich)oroethane-d4(Surrogate) BQL0410 Matrix Spike 0714047-06 ND 9.9200 10.000 ug/L 99.2 76-114 Matrix Spike Duplicate 0714047-06 ND 9.8500 10.000 ug/L 98.5 76-114 Toluene-d8(Surrogate) BQL0410 Matrix Spike 0714047-06 ND 10.170 10.000 ug/L 102 88-110 Matrix Spike Duplicate 0714047-06 ND 10.160 .10.000 ug/L 102 88- 110 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate) BQL0410 Matrix Spike 0714047-06 ND 9.7300 10.000 ug/L 97.3 86-115 Matrix Spike Duplicate 0714047-06 ND 9.5700 10.000 ug/L 95.7 86-115 BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its eniirert. All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. Page 7 of 10 4100 Atlas Court-Bakersfield,CA 93308 -(661)327-4911 -FAX(661)327-1918-www.bclabs.com rr rr rr �r r r r r r rr r� re �r rr r rr rr LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Kang Reported: 12/12/2007 13:21 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879e Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) Quality Control Report - Laboratory Control Sample Control Limits Spike Percent Percent Constituent Batch ID QC Sample ID QC Type Result Level PQL Units Recovery RPD Recovery RPD Lab Quals Benzene BQL0410 BQL0410-BS1 LCS 28.180 25.000 0.50 ug/L 113 70-130 -- --- ------— - ----- —— ------------------- ----— —- — ---------- ------- -- - — -- ...- - ----------. Toluene BQL0410 BQL0410-BS1 LCS 27.640 25.000 0.50 ug/L 111 70-130 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4(Surrogate) BQL0410 BQL0410-BS1 LCS 9.9400 10.000 ug/L 99.4 76-114 Toluene-d8(Surrogate) BQL0410 BQL0410-BS1 LCS 10.110 10.000 ug/L 101 88-110 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate) BQL0410 BQL0410-BS1 LCS 9.6200 10.000 ug/L 96.2 86- 115 SC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entiren'. All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. Page 8 of 10 4100 Atlas Court-Bakersfield,CA 93308-(661)327-4911 -FAX(661)327-1918 -www.bclabs.com LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Kang Reported: 12112/2007 13:21 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879e Bakersfield,CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) Quality Control Report - Method Blank Analysis Constituent Batch ID QC Sample ID MB Result Units PQL MDL Lab Quals Benzene BQL0410 BQL0410-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.12 Ethylbenzene BQL0410 BQL0410-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 Methyl t-butyl ether BQL0410 BQL0410-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 -------- --- -—---- ----- ------ --- --- ------------ --- —--- ---------------- ------ ----------- --- - - -- - - - - Toluene BQL0410 BQL0410-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.12 Total Xylenes BQL0410 1301-0410-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.33 t-Amyl Methyl ether BQL0410 BQL0410-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 - ---- ---...------ -------------- --- -- - - —— --- ---- -- ---- — -------- ---- -- -------- ------ - -- - t-Butyl alcohol BQL0410 BQL0410-BLK1 ND ug/L 10 9.3 Diisopropyl ether BQL0410 BQL0410-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 Ethyl t-butyl ether BOL0410 601-0410-131-K1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.32 Total Purgeable Petroleum Hydrocarbons BQL0410 BQL0410-BLK1 ND ug/L 50 8.2 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4(Surrogate) - — BQL6410 BQL0410-BLK1 102 % 76-114 (LCL-UCL)i Toluene-d8(Surrogate) BQL0410 BQL0410-BLK1 98.3 % 88-110 (LCL-UCL) 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate) BQL0410 BQL0410-BLK1 93.3 % 86-115 (LCL-UCL) BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its enuren•. All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. page 9 of 10 4100 Atlas Court-Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918 -,www.bclabs.com LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Kang Reported: 12/1212007 13:21 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879e Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Notes And Definitions J Estimated Value(CLP Flag) MDL Method Detection Limit ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit PQL Practical Quantitation Limit RPD Relative Percent Difference BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. Page 10 of 10 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308 •(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918 •www.bclabs.com WELL INSTALLATION & DEVELOPMENT FORM Monitoring Well Installation Project#: 10879 Drill Rig: CME 75 Drill Crew: Galvan/Carolina Well#: MW-1 Auger Dia.: 8 in. Logger: Becker Install Date: Feb-06 Well Casing: 2"PVC Depth to Water: 28.64' Well De the 39' Screen Interval: 19'to 39' Top of Casing Elev.: 99.88' Monitoring Well Development ' Depth To PURGE TEMP. CONDUCTIVITY Water WELL TIME(Min.) (oC) (mOhms/cm) pH (') Turbidity Date Surge/Purge Time 5 20.5 235 6.95 154 12/3/2007 10 20.5 233 6.83 153 12/3/2007 Pump Depth 15 20.6 233 6.71 153 12/3/2007 20 20.6 232 6.72 152 12/3/2007 Purge Rate <1 GPM Gallons Purged -10 Well Volume 2.5 SAMPLING ' Method:Disposable Bailer Sample#: MW-1 Date:12/3107 Time: 2:05 PM Sampled By: Hollenbeck Comments: Monitoring Well Installation Project#: 10879 Drill Rig: CME 75 Drill Crew: Galvan/Carolina Well#: MW-2 Auger Dia.: 8 in. Logger: Becker Install Date: Feb-06 Well Casing: 2"PVC Depth to Water: 29.20' Well De the 40' Screen Interval: 20'to 40' Top of Casing Elev.: 100.5 Monitoring Well Development Depth To PURGE TEMP. CONDUCTIVITY Water WELL TIME(Min.) (oC) (mOhms/cm) pH (') Turbidity Date Surge/Purge Time 5 20.5 246 6.73 161 12/3/2007 10 20.5 245 6.61 160 12/3/2007 ' Pump Depth 15 20.6 243 6.55 159 12/3/2007 20 20.6 243 6.51 159 12/3/2007 Purge Rate <1 GPM ' Gallons Purged -10 Well Volume 2.5 SAMPLING Method:Disposable Bailer Sample#: MW-2 Date:12/3107 Time:3:05 PM ' Sampled By: Hollenbeck Comments: WELL INSTALLATION & DEVELOPMENT FORM Monitoring Well Installation Pro ect#: 10879 Drill Rig: CME 75 Drill Crew: Galvan/Carolina Well#: MW-3 Auger Dia.: 8 in. Logger: Becker Install Date: Feb-06 Well Casing: 2"PVC Depth to Water: 28.22' ' Well De the 39' Screen Interval: 19'to 39' Top of Casino Elev.: 99.04' Monitoring Well Development Depth To PURGE TEMP. CONDUCTIVITY Water WELL ,TIME(Min.) (oC) (mOhms/cm) pH (') Turbidity Date ' Surge/Purge Time 5 20 226 7.10 149 12/3/2007 10 20.2 224 6.94 147 12/3/2007 Pump Depth 15 20.2 224 6.85 147 12/3/2007 20 20.3 224 6.80 147 12/3/2007 Purge Rate <1 GPM Gallons Purged —10 ' Well Volume 2.5 SAMPLING Method: Disposable Bailer Sample#: MW-3 Date:12/3107 Time: 2:35 PM Sampled By: Hollenbeck Comments: Monitoring Well Installation Pro ect#: 10879 Drill Rig: CME 75 Drill Crew: Galvan/Carolina Well#: MW-4 Auger Dia.: 8 in. Logger: Meyer Install Date: Mar-06 Well Casing: 2"PVC Depth to Water: 27.94' Well Depth: 40' Screen Interval: 20'to 40' Top of Casing Elev.: 98.99' Monitoring Well Development Depth To PURGE TEMP. CONDUCTIVITY Water WELL TIME(Min.) (oC) (mOhms/cm) pH (') Turbidity Date ' Surge/Purge Time 5 20.4 232 6.94 152 12/3/2007 10 20.3 232 6.80 152 12/3/2007 Pump Depth 15 20.4 232 6.73 152 1213/2007 20 20.5 232 6.68 152 12/3/2007 Purge Rate <1 GPM Gallons Purged —10 ' Well Volume 2.5 SAMPLING ' Method:Disposable Bailer Sample#: MW-4 Date:12/3/07 Time: 2:20 PM Sampled By: Hollenbeck Comments: 1 ' WELL INSTALLATION & DEVELOPMENT FORM Monitoring Well Installation Pro ect#: 10879 Drill Rig: CME 75 Drill Crew: Galvan/Carolina Well#: MW-5 Auger Dia.: 8 in. Logger: Meyer Install Date: Mar-07 Well Casing: 2"PVC Depth to Water: 28.60' Well Depth: 39' Screen Interval: 19'to 39' Top of Casing Elev.: Monitoring Well Development �I Depth To PURGE TEMP. CONDUCTIVITY Water. WELL TIME(Min.) (oC) (mohms/cm) pH (') Turbidity Date Surge/Purge Time 5 20.4 305 5.92 199 12/3/2007 10 20.4 244 6.05 159 12/3/2007 Pump Depth 15 20.4 242 6.09 158 12/3/2007 20 20.4 242 6.07 158 12/3/2007 Purge Rate ' <1 GPM Gallons Purged —10 Well Volume 2.5 SAMPLING Method:Disposable Bailer Sample#: MW-5 Date:12/3/07 Time: 2:50 PM Sampled By: Hollenbeck Comments: 1 1 3rd QUARTER ER 2007 MONITORING NG R EIFORT For FORMER A RCO SERVICE STATION 1102 34th Street llIIIl Ba kersfleR ll9 California a ]Prepared For: Mr. Bong Un Kang 26 04 Oa kcrest Court Bakersfield, CA 93311 File No. 04-1 0879 ]Prepared By: 0 Soils Engineering, Inc. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 November 2007 a a 4400 YEAGER WAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 0 PHONE (661) 831-5100 FAX: (661) 831-2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield,.CA 93313 Transmittal Sheet DATE: November 6, 2007 TO: Mr. John Whiting California.Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region 1685 E Street Fresno, CA 93706 FROM: Bob Becker PHONE: (661) 831-5100 FAX: (661) 831-2111 RE: Former Kangs Arco 3`d QM Report 2007 Message Mr. Whiting — Here is the 3`d Quarter QM Report for the former Kangs ARCO site in Bakersfield, CA for your review. Please call me at (661) 831-5100 if you have any questions. Thanks Bob CC: Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Protection Services ✓' 1600 Truxtun Ave., Ste 401, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ATTN: Howard Wines Mr. Pierce'Kang, 2604 Oakcrest Court, Bakersfield, CA: 93311 4400 YEAGER WAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 PHONE (661) 831-5100 FAX: (661) 831-2111 1 _ SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. November 5, 2007 File Number 04-10879 Mr. John Whiting ' Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region 1685 E Street ' Fresno', CA 93706-2020 Subject: 3rd Quarter 2007 Monitoring Report ' Former Arco Service Station 1102 34th Street Bakersfield, CA Mr. Whiting: This Quarterly Monitoring Report is submitted by Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) for the continued monitoring of groundwater conditions at the former ARCO service station at 1102 34th Street in ' Bakersfield, CA(site). BACKGROUND ' Three (3) 12,000 gallon gasoline USTs were formerly present at the site. Elevated petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in soil samples collected adjacent to the west end of the two (2) northwestern USTs in November 2001 during a test of the USTs' interior liners. On October 22, ' 2003, SEI advanced four (4) soil borings,to depths of 20 to 30 feet below ground surface (bgs). Soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals beginning at 5' bgs. Groundwater samples were collected at soil borings B-2 and B-3 after'encountering groundwater at a depth of approximately ' 25' bgs. The highest TPHg, benzene' and MTBE concentrations reported were in soil sample B3 @10' at 5400 ppm, 830 parts per billion (ppb) and 3200 ppb, respectively. Soil samples B3 @20' and B3 @25' also had significant gasoline constituents reported. Minor TPHg, xylenes, ' and MTBE, were reported in soil sample B2 @20'. No TPHg,or benzene concentrations were reported in the soil samples 'analyzed from soil borings B-1 and B-4. Water sample B-2 had 1600 ppb TPHg, 25_ ppb benzene, 17 ppb toluene, 57 ppb ethylbenzene, 250 ppb total xylenes ' and .160 ppb'MTBE (130 ppb confirmed) reported. Water sample B-3 had 34000 ppb TPHg, 120 ppb benzene, 1900 ppb toluene,. 1000 ppb ethylbenzene, 6300 ppb total xylenes and 1500 ' ppb MTBE (1200 ppb confirmed)reported. Additional assessment of soil and groundwater conditions were conducted in February 2005 in ' which 5 soil borings were conducted in the area of the fuel dispensers to further define the soil plume. Three (3) soil borings were also drilled to a depth of 40' and completed as groundwater monitoring wells MW-1 to MW-3. The results of these soil borings indicate that significant 4400 YEAGER WAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 PHONE (661) 831-5100 FAX: (661) 831-2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ' 3rdQuarter 2007 Monitoring Report File Number 04-10879 Former ARCO Service Statiou November 5,2007 1102 34th Street,Bakersfield, CA Page 2 ' asoline constituents are resent within the western fuel dispenser area and that the groundwater g P beneath the site does contain.some'gasoline constituents of concern including MTBE. The ' groundwater gradient in February 2005 was determined to be to the southeast. In October of 2005, the three monitoring wells were sampled, tested for gasoline constituents and ground water gradient was calculated. Water sample MW-1 had 62 ug/l TPHg and no volatile organics except ' carbon disulfide at 13 ug/1 reported. No fuel oxygenates or dissolved:lead was reported in water sample MW4. Water sample MW-2 had 78 ug/1 TPHg, 270 ug/1 TBA, 11 ug/1 carbon disulfide, ' 420 ug/1 MTBE and 13 ug/1 TAME reported. Water sample MW-3 had 57 ug/1 TPHg, 78 ug/1 TBA, 10 ug/1 carbon disulfide, and 200 ug%I.MTBE reported. No benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene or xylenes concentrations above the detection limit of 5 ug/1 were reported in any of the water ' samples. � TKN was reported at 0.83 mg/1 in sample MW-1, at 0.79 mg/1 in MW-2 and at 0.75 mg/1 in MW-3. The groundwater gradient was approximately 0.00553'/' in a south 13 westerly direction. Table 2 presents the historical.analytical.results of groundwater samples collected from ' this site. The RWQCB recommended the installation of one (1)monitoring well along the eastern property ' boundary and additional investigation in the area of-the southern portion of the dispenser islands. Addendum #1 to the Groundwater Assessment Workplan dated October 20,:.2005, describing the proposed scope of work, was approved by the RWQCB prior to implementation. ' In March of 2006, four (4) more soil borings were advanced to a depth of 25', as well as the addition and completion of monitoring well MW-4. Gasoline constituents were identified in soil ' samples at significant concentrations of concern. MTBE concentrations were elevated in most of the soil samples from borings B-10, B-1 I and B-12. Jn the soil samples, soil sample B12-10' has the highest concentrations of, and .soil sample B12-25' had the 'highest concentrations of ' reported. The highest'concentration of MTBE,was in soil sample B 12-15'.at 5760 ppb. Most of the soil samples had significant MTBE concentrations, except for samples B11-15' (48.3 ppb), ' B11-25' (<5 ppb) and all the. soil samples from boring MW-4- Water sample MW-1 had no concentrations of volatile organics, fuel oxygenates or dissolved lead reported that were above the low detection limits used. Water sample MW-2 had .1300 ug/1 TPHg, 40 ug/1 benzene, 620 ' ug/1 toluene, 200 ug/1 ethylbenzene, 1,000 ug/1 xylenes, and 7.4 ug/1 TAME' reported. Water sample MW-3 had 150 ug/1 TPHg;,7.8 ug/1 toluene, and 88 ug/1 xylenes reported. Water sample MW-4 had no concentrations of TPHg, BTEX,.MTBE, fuel oxygenates or total.lead that were. ' above the detection limits used. No MTBE, carbon disulfide, ethyl-tertiary-butyl-ether (ETBE), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), TBA or total dissolved lead concentrations above the low detection limits utilized were reported in any of the water samples. TKN was reported at 0.47 mg/l in ' sample MW-4. Based on previous and current soil sample analytical-results there-appeared to be a northern and southern TPHg plume at the:site. The northern plume was centered around the northwestern USTs as indicated by the analytical results from boring,B-3. The south vadose ' plume appears to be centered at the southern dispenser island as indicated by the analytical results from boring B-8. The southern TPHg vadose zone plume has been adequately defined to the east by boring B-10 and to the south by boring B-11. The southern TPHg plume appears to 1 ' SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ' 3rdQuarter 2007 Monitoring Report File Number 04-10879 Former ARCO Service Station November S,2007 1102 34th Street,Bakersfield, CA Page 3 ' extend further to the west beyond boring B-12. The southern MTBE'vadose plume appears to ' extend further west of boring B-12, further east of boring B-10 and further south of boring B-11. ' Iri earl March of 2007 SEI installed monitoring well MW-5 in the southwestern portion of the . Y � g p site and advanced soil borings B-13 and B-14 in.the southern and southwestern portions of the ' site to further assess the soil and groundwater conditions in this area of the site. The results of- this assessment indicated that minor gasoline constituents were present in,soil samples from borings MW-5, B-13 and B-14. MTBE concentrations were elevated in soil samples,MW5-25' ' (270 ppb), B14-10' (2 10 ppb) and B14-25' (75 ppb). Soil samples from boring B-13 had no concentrations of concern reported., The initial water samples from well MW-5 indicated that ' MTBE was elevated at this location at 53.ppb and benzene was slightly elevated at 8 ppb. In March of 2007, SEI removed the three (3) 12,000 gallon USTs, the dispensers and associated ' piping, as well as the canopy from the site. In addition, 1079.02 tons or about 829 cubic yards of gasoline-impacted soil were removed from the former UST area and in the area of the former fuel dispensers in accordance with an approved Remedial Over-Excavation Workplan dated March ' 30, 2007. The details of the tank removal activity and remedial over-excavation were included in a UST Removal & Remedial Over-Excavation Report issued to-the RWQCB, dated May 7, 2007. The range of TPH on the tank removal samples ranged from less than 1 ppm up:to 14000 ppm ' (T2-W=2'). Soil sample T2-W-2' also had the highest concentrations of Benzene .(<25000 ppb), Toluene (270000 ppb), ethyl benzene (230000 ppb), Xylene' (1600000 ppb) and MTBE (<100,000'ppb). The concentrations for the over-excavation confirmation soil samples, in the ' area of the former Tank 2 ranged from 4600 ppm.(soil 'sample T2-EX-W-18') to 1.1 ppm (soil sample T2-EX-N-17') for. 'TPHg; :140 ,ppb .(T2-EX-W-18') 'to 1.1 ppb (T2-EX-BTM-E-24) concentration for Benzene; 39000 ppb (T2-EX-W-18') to 1.9 ppb (T2-EX-E-17') concentration ' for Toluene; 51000 ppb (T2-EX-W-18') to 3.5 _ppb (T2-EX-E-17') concentration for ethyl benzene; 370000 ppb (T2-EX-W-18.') to 28 ppb,(T2-EX-BTM-E 24') concentration.for Xylene; and 420 ppb (T2-EX-W-18') to 1.8 ppb (T2-EX7N-17') concentration for MTBE. Additional ' excavation was conducted west of soil sample T2-EX-W-18', with the confirmation soil sample T2-EX-W2-19' having much lower concentrations of gasoline constituents. -The. proposed ' cleanup goals of 100 ppm TPHg, and benzene <100 ppb was achieved within this excavation, except for the bottom sample T2-EX-BTM-24' (390 ppm TPHg), and the .final west sidewall sample T2-EX-W2-19' (162 ppm TPHg). Confirmation soil samples were collected at the base (D-EX-BTM-SW-24', D-EX-BTM-E-20', D-EX-NE-BTM-18') and sidewalls, (D-EX-E=137, D7EX-NE-13', D-EX-SW-10', D-EX-SE-S', ' and D-EX-NW-8') of the former dispenser island,excavation. Additional bottom and sidewall samples (D-EX-NE-BTM-22' and D-EX-NE-10'-2) were collected and' analyzed in the northeastern portion of the excavation after over=excavation was conducted in this area. The ' proposed cleanup goals of 100 ppm TPHg, and benzene <100 ppb was achieved within this excavation, except for the bottom sample D-EX-BTM-20' (249 ppm TPHg). Since this TPHg SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ' 3rdQuarter 2007 Monitoring Report File Number 04-10879 Former ARCO Service Station November 5,2007 1102 34th Street,Bakersfeld,•CA Page 4 ' concentration was very close to the ro osed cleanu p g oafs and the excavation could not be kept open without significant cave-ins, it was decided not to excavate any further in this area. Following this remedial action, additional ground water sampling events have been conducted. On June 8, 2007, all five.of the monitoring wells were sampled, tested for gasoline constituents and ground water gradient was calculated. No benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene or xylenes concentrations above the detection limit of 0.5 ug11 were reported in the water samples for MW 1 and MW-4. MW-2 had concentrations of benzene (3.7 ppb);toluene (8.6 ppb), ethylbenzene (25 and xylenes (130 ppb), as well as TPHg (450 ppb) and MTBE (20 ppb). MW73 also had concentrations of the following gasoline constituents: TPHg (30 ppb), benzene (0.17 ppb), ethylbenzene (0.29 ppb), xylene (18 ppb) and MTBE.(0.96). . MW-4'had,MTBE (10 ppb), and MW-5 also-had concentrations of MTBE(8:4 ppb), TPHg (220-ppb), benzene (0.99 ppb); toluene (1.8 ppb), ethylbenzene (11 ppb) 'and xylene (54 ppb). The groundwater- gradient was approximately 0.013'/' in a-south 19 easterly direction. FIELD WORK'CONDUCTED Groundwater Sampling and Water Analysis ' On September'17, 2007, the five (5) existing groundwater monitoring wells (MW-1 to MW-5) were purged with a submersible pump until the extracted:water ran clear; water quality readings were consistent, and a minimum of 3 well volumes was removed.from each well The wells were ' allowed to recover to 80% of the original water levels measured prior-to sampling. All water samples were collected by using new disposable bailers attached with new rope, decanted into 40 ml VOA bottles, labeled, chilled and transported under a*chain of custody to a California state ' certified laboratory.-Each water sample was analyzed for volatile organics and fuel oxygenates by EPA Method 8260B, for TPHg by EPA Method 8015 modified at-BC Laboratories, a State of California certified analytical laboratory. See•attached well development*forms for water quality . reading data. FINDINGS Analytical Results of Water Samples ' Table 1 presents the analytical results of the water samples from the most recent quarterly monitoring event, conducted in September2007. Samples MW-1 and MW-4 had no detectable TPHg,•volatile organics;or fuel oxygenates reported. Sample MW-2 had 420 ppb TPHg, 3.8 ppb ' benzene, 1.7 ppb toluene, 27 ppb.ethyl benzene, 140 ppb xylenes, and 27 ppb MTBE reported. Sample MW-3 had only 0.64 ppb MTBE and.no.Benzene, Toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene or TPHg detected. Sample MW-5 had 120 ppb TPHg, 1:0 ppb benzene, 0.5-ppb toluene, 7.5 ppb ethyl benzene, 33 ppb xylenes, and, 11 ppb MTBE`reported. See Plate 4 for• an estimated groundwater plume diagram.. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ' 3rdQuarter 2007 Monitoring Report File Number 04-10879 Former ARCO Service Station November S,2007 1102 34th Street,Bakersfield;CA Page S See Table 2 for the Historical Groundwater Monitoring Results and A pp endix A for complete analytical reports. t Groundwater Gradient Determination Utilizing the depth to water measurements on September 18, 2007 and the surveyed top of casing elevations, groundwater elevations were calculated at each well location. The depth to water readings ranged from 25:5' (MW-4) to 26.6' (MW-2) below the top of the PVC casings. The groundwater gradient;is presented on Plate 3 and is approximately 0.0075'/' in a South 19 West direction. ' Conclusions Based on field observations and analytical results of groundwater samples collected during this monitoring event, the following conclusions_ are presented: ' •'• TPH concentrations decreased 'in all of the wells during this sampling event. The • g g P concentration of MTBE increased slightly in both wells MW-2 and MW-5. Fuel ' oxygenates TAME, TBA, DIPE or ETBE did not have concentrations in-any well that were greater then the RWQCB action levels shown on Table 1. Wells MW-4 and MW-1 did not have any concentrations of gasoline constituents that were higher than the low ' detection limits employed by the lab reported. The groundwater plume seems restricted to the area around wells MW-2 and MW-5 during this monitoring event. Plate 5 shows the estimated groundwater plume beneath the site. ' •'• The groundwater gradient is approximately 0.0075'/' in a southwesterly direction. ' Recommendations' Based.on the results of this investigation, SEI recommends the following: ' •'• If the next monitoring event shows a continued decrease in concentrations of concern in • the groundwater, then remediation of the groundwater plume may not be necessary. An ' air-sparge test to evaluate air-sparging of the groundwater at this site may be warranted, if concentrations of concern persist overtime. This will be further evaluated in the next quarterly event scheduled for to December 2007. ' •'• The five 5 existing monitoring wells will be monitored on a quarterly basis and • ( ) g g q Y analyzed for TPHg, BTEX, MTBE and fuel. oxygenates to assess the groundwater ' conditions over-time. The next monitoring event is scheduled for December 2007. ❖ An evaluation of.potential vapor intrusion.into,the current or future buildings will be ' conducted to evaluate this potential human health risk at this site per the DTSC Guidance. This investigation will consist of the installation of multiple soil vapor probes at a depth 1 • SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ' 3rdQuarter 2007 Monitoring Report File Number 04-10879 Former ARCO Service Station November S,2007 ' 1102 34th Street,Bakersfield, CA Page 6 of 5' to be monitored overtime for TPHg,•organic lead compounds and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This work should be completed by November 30, 2007. Please call Soils Engineering; Inc. at (661) 831-5100, if you have any questions concerning this Groundwater Monitoring Report. Sincerely, 0���\R J B£NT,q/' �. `S�Ep?D J.G O`. / No. 20074 0 No.se76 w Robert J. Becker, R.G� A R, C.E.G. °G ����/� 1 Environmental Division Manager Exp. Date REN2F &o9 ' Enclosures: Table 1, Current Quarterly Ground �Aesults If. Table 2, Historical Groundwater Monitorin 'I2i✓sults Location Map, Plate 1 ' Plot Plan, Plate 2 Groundwater Gradient 9/17/07, Plate 3 Groundwater Plume 9/07, Plate 4 ' Appendix A, Analytical Reports and Well Installation&Development Forms ' cc: Mr. Pierce Kang, 2604 Oakcrest Court, Bakersfield, CA 93311 Mr. Howard Wines, BFD, Office of Environmental Services 1 TABLE 1 CURRENT QUA_ RTERLY GROUNDWATER MONITORING RESULTS 9/17/2007 Top Of One Ethyl Sample Well Casing Well Depth to Volume Water TPHg Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylene MTBE TAME TBA DIPE ETBE Date No. Elev. Depth. Water Of Well Elevation `(ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb)_ (ppb) 9/17/07 MW-1 409.56 39 26.14 2.15 383.42 <50 <0:5 <05 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 9/17/07 MW-2 409.72 40 26.6 2.24 383.12 420 3.8 - 1.7 27 - 140 27 <1.0 <20 <1.0 <1.0 9/17/07 MW-3 408.73 39 25.8 2.20 382.93 <50 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5' <0.5 0.64 <0.5 . <10 <0.5 <0.5 9/17/07 MW-4 .408.66 40 25.5 2.42 383:16 <50 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 9/17/07 MW-5 408.79 40- 25.98 2.34 382:81 120 1.0 0.5 7.5 33 11 <075. , -<10 <0.5' :<0.5 RWQCB Cleanup Levels 1000 1.0 150 -700 1750 5 - NA 12 NA NA Note:TPHg =Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline, MTBE = Methyl-t-butylether, TAME =Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether, TBA=Tertiary Butyl Alcohol, bIPE =Di-Isopropyl Ether, ETBE = Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether, ppb,=parts per billion (ug/1). Bold-=concentration higher than'RWOCB Cleanup Levels TABLE 2 HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER MONITORING RESULTS Ethyl Total Lead Carbon TPHg Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylene MTBE (dissolved) Disulfide TAME TBA DIPE ETBE Well No. Date (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppm) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) MW-1 2/3/05 <50 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <0.005 NA <5 <50 <5 <5 10/6/05 62 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <0.05 13 .<5 <50 <5 <5 3/23/06 <50 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <50 <5 <5 8/4/06 <50 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 NA NA <5. =<50- <5 <5- 11/15/06 <50 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 NA NA <5 <50 <5. <5 3/8/07 <50 1 <5 <5. <5 1 <5 <5 NA NA <5 - 1 <50 <5 <5 6/8/07 -<50 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 NA ' NA <0.5 .<10 <0.5 <0.5 9/17/07 <50 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 NA NA <0.5 <10. <0.5 <0.5 MW-2 2/3/05 870 28 92 54• 230 270 <0.005 <5 <5 <50 <5 <5 10/6/05 78 <5 <5 <5 <5 420 <0.05 11 13 270 <5- <5 3/23/06 1,300 40 620 200 1,000 <5 <5 <5. 7.4- <50 <5 <5 8/4/06 2,100 31 180 110 630 110 , NA NA <5 <50 <5 <5 11/15/06 2,200 11 73 41, 200 150 NA NA <5 <50 <5 <5. 3/8/07 520 12 16 34 160 46 NA NA <5 <50 -<5 <5 . 6/8/07- 450 3.7 8.6 25 - 130 120 -NA NA *0.56. <10 <0.5 <0.5 9/17/07 420 3.8 1.7 27 140 27 NA NA - <1.0 <20 <1.0 - <1.0 MW-3 2/3/05 320 <5 7.3 9.7 38 24 <0.005 NA <5 '<50 <5 <5 10/6/05 -57 <5 <5 <5 <5 200 <0.05 10 <5. 78 <5 <5 3/23/06 150 <5 7.8 <5 88 <5 <5 <5 <5 - = <50 <5 <5 8/4/06 1,900- 36 20 200. 740 75 NA NA <5 <50 <5 <5 11/15/06 2,200 . 15 6.6 100 210 100 NA NA <5 <50 <5 <5 3/8/07 120 <5 <5 10 50 <5 NA NA <5 <50 <5 <5 . 6/8/07 30 0.17 <0.5 0:29 3.8 0.96 NA NA` <0.5 '<10 -<0.5 <0.5 9/17/07 <50 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.64 NA . NA <0.5 <10 _ <0.5 <0.5 MW-4 3/23/06 <50 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <50 <5 <5 8/4/06 <50 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 NA NA 55 <50 <5 <5 11/15/06 <50 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 NA NA <5 <50 <5 '<5 3/8/07 <50' <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 . NA NA <5 <50 <5 <5 6/8/07 10 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 NA NA <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0:5 9/17/07 <50 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 NA NA <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 MW-5 3/12/07 300 8 -10 41 1 150 53 <2 NA <5' <50 <5 <5 6/8/07 220 0.99 1.8 11 54 8.4 NA NA <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 9/17/07 120 1.0 0.5 7:5 33 1.1 NA NA <0.5 <10 <0.5 <0.5 Note:TPHg=Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline,MTBE=Methyl-t-butylether,TAME=Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether,TBA=Tertiary Butyl Alcohol, DIPE=Di-Isopropyl Ether,ETBE=Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether,ppb=parts per billion(ug/I).- Bold=concentration higher than RWQCB Cleanup Levels Pagel 1 1 - N 1 "1 _�ir£lR,. r�,.aN 6�J�yr y.1 1= �f Hjiii�L3 t � (� �i+ ,45r•►��tA� v ��F� i?�c x J '�;` '-I - � g�I�:�"�1��-^� t�.ron�'-7 •&I. � } _.. f �B—UI-Ry, � r ^ 1 t1 (COLUMBUS. 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Mij- H 7 au IF7RUxTUN 1 ,:Au I ,._ E f :T t�'ATU E t j ! mlI ,a srvre ,LI E'ri �, 5lvar t ti i _ ST �? a�S( �' iGTII ST J ';C1k L ft6iti D»w taa 14 1 t5ni 77 st tl GTh' YF,uY d• x`7 ( .'�"'�� —• r--r- +` .fl�K£RSF,ftJ' (kJ t�dSiC Cr a ..: �..e.lk; ar C ;~vA I•FOFtN A' b; AV, TOT ! t0 M; CHERRY ST_' M iai I"rvt ,k , V� ST ICE �T' fiTH Q. 71 r Ue S SOILS ENGINEERING,INC. KANGS SERVICE STATION PLATE 1 4400 Yeager Way, 1102 34th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA ' (661) 831 - 5100 4-10879 Locatiommap . PROJECT. 0 - - N Residential Fence • Former MW-1 .12 000 Gallon US.Ts ............................................... E� ................................................................; W . STORE MW-2 ......................................................................... ................. MW-4 Former Former Dispenser Canopy Islands Monitoring W ell 'Location MW-5 MW-3 PP Approx. Scale 1.34th Street. 1"= 14' Plot SOILS-ENGINEERING,INC. KANGS SERVICE STATION - Plan PLATE 4400 Yeager Way, Bakersfield,CA 93313 1102 34th St,Bakersfield,.CA '.9/17/07 2 ` Approx. Gradient Monitoring Well Location 0.0075TS18W Residential Former Fence C38 3 4 0: MW 0 383. 1.69 Former ano Dispenser Islands 383. 10 383.16' water Elevation 382.8 1 ' MW-w3 Approx. Gradient + Direction 38.2.80'1- PP Approx. Scale 34th Street Vi 149 SOILS ENGINEERING,INC. KANGS SERVICE STATION 4400=YSeoagLeSr Way,Bakersfleld,CA 93313 1102 34th St, Bakersfield, CA 9/17/07 3 Monitoring Well Location N Residential Fence <50 ! Former <0.5 Mw_l 12 000 Gallon USTs <0.5 ... . .................................................. [--� STORE :......................... ...................................: •. . ...............................:�............................ ' �• _............... • :MW 4 • MW-2 <so 3.8 Former ; ` Former <0.5 • �' 27 Dispense Canopy <0.5 Analytical ISlands� , Result in Water TPHg(ppb) • _ • Benzene(ppb) • ; s -•.: :` MTBE(ppb) • ,........................ .........................................' ' Benzene >1• ppb ,�'� • .•• MW-3 ••• Groundwater Plumes 000 <50 ME IN TPH9>1000 ppb ■ � •.• <0.5 M E M O Benzene>I ppb �lj`7`I_5 •.• • 0.64 ■ MTBE>5 ppb l 120 ••••• , MTBE >5 ppb 1.0 I. • 11 ' PP Approx. Scale 34th Street • woo 191) SOILS ENGINEERING,INC. KANGS SERVICE STATION �O�IndV1l� Plume PLATE 4400 Yeager Way,Bakersfield, CA 93313 1102 34th St, Bakersfield, CA . 9/17/07 4 ' SOILS ENGINEERING,GINEERING INC. . ' Appendix A Analytical Reports and Well-Installation & Development ' Forms 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LABORATORIES, INC. Date of Report: 10/01/2007 Bob Becker Soils Engineering 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 RE: Water Samples BC Work Order: 0710831 Enclosed are the results of analyses for.samples received by the laboratory on 09/17/2007 16:00. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Contact Person: Christina Herndon Authorized Signature Client Service Rep All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308-(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918 •www.belabs.com Chain of Custod Form p>��EUOTEI> : Laboratories,Inc. V BC�QUOTEro: Report To: / - • - • 6 3 S 1 H Page�_ of Client:s.�i Project#: IO 7 9 Attn:. - ke Project Name: t Comments: Street Address: IVY60 i.e Pl Project Code: City,State Zi [t Sam ler(s): Phone:a5/_-5/00 Fax• .S%-4� Sample Matrix . Are there any tests with holding times less than Email Address: or equal to 48 hours^ Submittal#: 7 O3 ;;t Y ❑ Yes. Nc Description Sample Y 3 = 3 Standard Turnaround=15 work days # Sampled A s C 3 Other Notes 'T E3 t Same as above Report Drinking Sample Disposal Special Reporting Waters on State Form? ❑ Retur e ❑ Disposal by lab - ❑ Archive: Months__ QC WIP ❑ Raw Data Client; ❑Yes 1 Dat Time 1. Rec v d By Dat Time ❑No �i }-� Address: ———_— d �t `i 1� t`t !�O . Send Copy to State of Re• quished Date Ti 2. Received By Date I Time City: Zip CAS Attn: VIV_ El Yes E1 No 3. Relinquished By Date Time 3. Received By Date Time PO#: - BC Laboratories,Inc.-4100 Atlas Ct.-Bakersfield, CA 93308-661.327.4911-Fax:661.327.1918-www.bclabs.com . C LABORATORIES INC. SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM Rev.No. 10 01/21/04 Page Of Submission #: D 4 Pro ect Code: TB Batch # SHIPPING INFORMATION SHIPPING CONTAINER lederal Express ❑ UPS ❑ Hand Deliverk, Ice Chest* None ❑ BC Lab Field.Service ❑ Other❑ (Specify) Box ❑ Other ❑ (Specify) efrigerant: Ice ❑ Blue ice ❑ Nondd Other ❑ Comments: Custody Seals: Ice:C.hest❑:]-- b Coniners None�' Comments:ti Yes 0.0, [1,II samples received? ❑ All samples containers IntactZ--Ys% ff—No❑ Description(s)match COC? No ❑ a '11 ' COC Received ice Chest ID Emissivity Date/Time `tl YES C1 NO Ih2rrn0rn212[112,Temperaiure: V Container Analyst(nit SAMPLE NtJMi3FRS SAMPLE CONTAINERS t 2 1 3 s 1 6 6 1 7 1 B 1 9 1 10 GENERAL MINERAL/GENERAL PHYSICAL 'T PE UNPRESERVED INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS T CYANIDE ME NITROGEN FORMS TOTAL SULFIDE oz.NITRATE/NITRITE Ilfta TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON TOX T CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND PHENOLICS ml VOA VIAL.TRAVEL BLANK Owl VOA VIAL 3 q T EPA 413.1 413. 418.1 ODOR tADIOLOGICAL -JACTFRIOLOGICAL ml VOA VIAL.504 EIr EPA 508/608/8080 EPA SLS.1/8150 EPA S25 RE EPA 525 TRAVEL BLANK OOMI EPA 547 EPA 531.1 RE EPA 548 YF EPA S49 T EPA 632 T EPA 8015M T QAJQC OT AMBER OZ.JAR 12 OZ.JAR IL SLEEVE VIAL PLASTIC BAG ERROUS IRON NCORE ipnmments: le Numbering Completed By: Date/Time: 1T (H.\DOCS%WPa01tA8 DOCS\FORMS%SAMREC2.WPD1 LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Water Samples Reported: 10/01/2007 15:35 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879 Kang Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager.- Bob Becker Laboratory / Client Sample Cross Reference Laboratory Client Sample Information 0710831-01 COC Number: --- Receive Date: 09/17/2007 16:00 Project Number:, --- Sampling Date: 09/17/2007 15:05 .Sampling Location: --- Sample Depth: --- Sampling Point:. MW-1 Sample Matrix: Water Sampled By: --- 0710831-02 COC Number: --- Receive Date: 09/17/2007 16:00 Project Number: --- Sampling Date: 09/17/2007 15:15 Sampling Location: --- Sample Depth: --- Sampling Point: MW-2 . Sample Matrix: Water Sampled By: -- 0710831-03 COG Number: --- . Receive Dater 09/17/2007 16:00 Project Number: --- Sampling Date: 09/17/2007 15:42 Sampling Location: --- Sample Depth: --- Sampling Point: MW-3 Sample Matrix: Water Sampled By: --- 0710831-04 COC Number: --- Receive Date: 09/17/2007 16:00 Project Number: . --- Sampling Date: 09/17/2007 15:25 Sampling Location: --- Sample Depth: --- Sampling Point: MW-4 Sample Matrix: Water Sampled By: --- 0710831-05 COC Number: --- Receive Date: 09/17/2007 16:00 Project Number: --- Sampling Date: 09/17/2007 15:25 Sampling Location: --- Sample Depth: -- Sampling Point: MW-5 Sample Matrix: Water Sampled By: ---. BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entire[. All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. page 1 of 11 4100 Atlas Court-Bakersfield,CA 93308-(661)327-4911 -FAX(661)327-1918-www.bclabs.com LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Water Samples Reported: 10/01/2007 15:35 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879 Kang Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) BCL Sample ID: 0710831-01 Client Sample Name: MW-1,9/17/2007 3:05:00PM Prep Run Instru- QC MB Lab Constituent Result Units PQL MDL Method Date Date/Time Analyst ment ID Dilution Batch ID Bias Quals Benzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.12 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:16 MRR MS-V12 1 BQI0875 ND 1,2-Dibromoethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 09118/07 09/19/07 01:16 MRR -MS-V12 1 BQ10875 ND 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.098 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:16 MRR MS-V12 1 6010875 ND . --... - -- Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 09/18/07 .09/19107 01:16 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875 ND Methyl t-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:16� MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875 ND Toluene ND ug/L 0.50 0.12 EPA-8260 09118107 09119/07 01:16 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875 ND ----._..._.._..__..._...._.. - ---- - - --- -- ---- ------- Total Xylenes ND ug/L 0.50 0.33 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:16 MRR MS-V12 1 B010875 ND t-Amyl Methyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:16 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875 ND t-Butyl alcohol ND ug/L 10 9.3 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:16 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875. ND _.-- _ Diisopropyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 EPA-8260 09/18107 09/19107 01:16 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875 ND ----------- Ethyl t-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.32 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:16 MRR MS-V12 1 6010875 ND Total Purgeable Petroleum ND ug/L 50 . 8.2 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:16 MRR .. MS-V12 1 BQ10875 ND Hydrocarbons 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4(Surrogate) 93.3 % 76-114 (LCL-UCL). EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:16 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875 ------- ----------- 9------ --... -- ---- -- --- -- o - ----- -- — - --- ------- ----- -- - --- - Toluene-d8(Surrogate) 98.4 /0 88-110 (LCL-UCL) . EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:16 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate) 98.7 % 86-115 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:16 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875 BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entiren•. All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. page 2 OF 1 t 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918•www,bclabs.com 11110 11M ' 11M 11M 11M M 110 MEN Ilion M MEN ON 1110 LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Water Samples Reported: 10/01/2007 15:35 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879 Kang Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA _Method 8260) BCL Sample ID: 0710831-02 Client Sample Name: MW-2,9/17/2007 3:15:OOPM Prep Run Instru- QC MB Lab Constituent Result Units PQL MDL Method Date Date/Time Analyst ment ID Dilution Batch ID Bias Quals Beniene 3.8 ug/L 1.0 0.24 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 20:29 MRR MS-V12 2 BQ10875 ND A01 ­­­1-------------- - - _...- -- — ---- ---- --- -- - 1,2-Dibromoethane ND ug/L 1.0 0.26 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 20:29 MRR MS-V12 2 8010875 ND A01 - --. -- —--- ----- — ---- ---- -------- - --- -- 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 0.20 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 20:29 MRR MS-V12 2 BQ10875 ND A01 Ethylbenzene 27 ug/L 1.0 0.26 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19107 20:29 MRR MS-V12 2 BQ10875 ND A01 Methyl t-butyl ether 27 ug/L 1.0 0.26 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 20:29 MRR. MS-V12 2 BQ10875 ND A01 Toluene - 1.7 ug/L 1.0 - 0.24 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 20:29 MRR MS-V12 2 8010875 ND A01 Total Xylenes 140 ug/L 1.0 0.66 EPA-8260 09/18/07. 09/19/07 20:29, MRR MS-V12 2 BQ10875 ND A01 ---- -.._.. - -- --- --- __ ..._ --- -- ---- — - --- -...- -- - ,t-Amyl Methyl ether ND ug/L 1.0 0.68 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 20:29 MRR. MS-V12 2 BQ10875 ND A01 _ _.._._.... .. -.... t-Butyl alcohol ND ug/L 20 19 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 20:29 MRR MS-V12' 2 BQ10875 ND A01 Diisopropyl ether ND ug/L 1.0 0.68 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19%07 20:29 MRR MS-V12 2 BQ10875 ND A01 Ethyl t-butyl ether ND ug/L 1.0 0.64 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 20:29 MRR MS-V12 2 BQ10875 ND A01 - -. ... __..... - -- — -- --------- -- — -- -- -- --------- - _ - Total Purgeable Petroleum 420 ug/L 100 16 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 20:29 MRR MS-V12 2 BQ10875 ND A01 Hydrocarbons 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4(Surrogate) 88.8 % 76-114 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 20:29 MRR MS-V12 2 BQ10875 Toluene-d8(Surrogate) 98.3 % 88-110 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 20:29. MRR MS-V12 2 BQ10875 --------------- -------- ---------------- .. 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate) 100 % 86-115 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 20:29 MRR MS-V12 2 8010875 BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its enriren'. All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting parry:BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,.detachment or third party interpretation. page 3 of 11 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93.308 •(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918 •www.bclabs.com LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Water Samples Reported: 10/01/2007 15:35 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879 Kang Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) 'BCL Sample ID: 0710831-03 Client Sample Name: MW-3,9/17/2007 3:42:OOPM Prep Run Instru- QC MB Lab Constituent Result Units PQL MDL Method Date Date/Time Analyst .ment ID Dilution Batch ID Bias Quals Benzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.12 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:40 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875 ND 1,2-Dibromoethane - ND ug/l- 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:40 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875 ND 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.098 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:40 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875 ND Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 09/18107 09/19/07 01:40 MRR MS-V12 1 B010875 ND Methyl t-butyl ether 0.64 ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:40 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875 ND -------------------- -------------- ----- — ------ ----------------------------------- Toluene . ND ug/L 0.50 0.12 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:40 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875 'ND ---............ --"-..._ - Total Xylenes AD ug/L 0.50 0.33 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:40 MRR MS-V12 1 6010875 ND t-Amyl Methyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:40 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875 ND t-Butyl alcohol ND . ug/L 10 9.3 EPA-8260 09/18/07 . 09/19/07 01:40 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875 ND - - - - Diisopropyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.34, _ EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:40 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875 ND Ethyl t-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.32 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:40 MRR MS-V12 1. BQ10875 ND Total Purgeable Petroleum ND ug/L. 50 8.2 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:40 ,MRR MS-V12 .1 BQ10875 ND Hydrocarbons 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4(Surrogate) 92.9 % 76-114 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:40 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875 Toluene-d8(Surrogate) 97.7 % 88-110, (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 01:40 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10875 —-------- — -- --- —---- -- -------- - 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate)" 98.5 % 86-115 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/0701:40 MRR MS-V12 1 B010875 BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. page 4 of I 1 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661')327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918•www.bclabs.com . LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Water-Samples Reported: 10/01/2007 15:35 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879 Kang Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) BCL Sample ID: 0710831-04 Client Sample Name: MW-4, 9/17/2007 3:25:OOPM Prep Run Instru QC MB Lab Constituent Result Units PQL MDL Method Date Daterrime Analyst ment ID Dilution Batch ID Bias Quals Benzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.12 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 02:52 MRR MS-V12 1 B0I6B74 ND 1,2-Dibromoethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 02:52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 ND 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.098, EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 02:52 MRR MS-V12 1 .r BQ10874 ND Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07,02:52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 ND Methyl t-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19)07 02:52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 ND Toluene ND ug/L 0.50 0.12 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 02:52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 ND - -- --- - -- --- --- ------ Total Xylenes ND ug/L 0.50 0.33 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 02:52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 ND t-Amyl Methyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 02:52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 ND .___... ... __. t-Butyl alcohol ND ug/L 10 9.3 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 02:52 MRR ' MS-V12 1 B010874 ND - - - -------------- ._ — Diisopropyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0:34 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 02:52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 ND --- - - -._.. - ---- ----- --- --------- ------- — - Ethyl t-butyl ether ND ug/L .0.50- 0.32 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 02:52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQI0874 ND Total Purgeable Petroleum ND ug/L 50 8.2 EPA-8260 09/18/07 . 09/19/07 02:52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 ND Hydrocarbons 1,27Dichloroethane-d4(Surrogate) 90.6 % 76- 114 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 02:52 MRR MS-V12 1 8010874 Toluene-d8(Surrogate) 98.8 % 88-110 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 02:52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate) 98.7 % 86-115 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 02:52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its enriren•- All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,.detachment or third party interpretation. page 5 of I 1 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308 •(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918•www.bclabs.com LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Water Samples Reported: 10/01/2007 15:35 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879 Kang Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Volatile Organic Analysis: (EPA Method.8260) BCL Sample ID: 0710831-05 Client Sample Name: MW-5,9/17/2007 3:25:0OPM Prep Run Instru- QC MB Lab Constituent Result Units PQL MDL Method Date Date/Time Analyst ment ID Dilution Batch ID Bias Quals Benzene 1.0 ug/L 0.50 0.12 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 00:52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 ND - -..._.. ..........._....-_..._. ---- - --- — - -- --- -- -- -- -- - -- - - .. . 1,2-Dibromoethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 _09/18/07. 009/07 00:52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 " ND 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.098 " EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 00:52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 ND " -..---_---- - - Ethylbe-nze'ne' 7.5 ug/L . 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 00`52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 ND Methyl t-butyl ether 11 ug/L 0.50 0.13 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 00:52 KARR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 ND Toluene 0.50 ug/L 0.50 0.12 EPA-8260 -09/18/07 09/19/07 00:52 MRR 'MS-V12 1 BQ10874 ND Total Xylenes 33 ug/L 0.50 0.33' EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 00:52 MRR MS-V12 1 8010874 ND t-Amyl Methyl ether ND ug/L 0.5.0 0.34 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 00:52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 ND ----------__._.._..- - - ----- ...------ - - --- - - . t-Butyl alcohol ND ug/L 10" 9.3 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 00:52 MRR MS412 1 ' BQ10874 ND Diisopropyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 .0.34 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 00:52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 ND Ethyl t-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.50 0.32 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 00:52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 ND Total Purgeable Petroleum 120 ug/L 50 8.2 EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 00:52 MRR MS-V12 1 B010874 ND" Hydrocarbons ----------- ._..,...--- - .....--- ---- - ......- - ---- 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4(Surrogate) 96.0 % 76-114 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 00:52 MRR MS-Y12 1 BQI0874 _._.._... ---....._.--- ... --._._.._.__._._... --- .... - ---- -- - ----- -- -- --- Toluene-d8(Surrogate) 96.6 % 88-110 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 00:52 MRR MS-V12 1 BQ10874 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate) 101 % 86-11 5 (LCL-UCL) EPA-8260 09/18/07 09/19/07 00:52 MRR MS-V12 1 8010874 BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its enriren". All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,.detachment or third party interpretation. Page 6 of 11 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308 •(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918 •www.bclabs.com LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Water Samples Reported: 10/01/2007 15:35 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879 Kang Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA-Method 8260) Quality Control Report - Precision & Accuracy Control Limits Source Source Spike Percent Percent Constituent Batch ID QC Sample Type Sample ID Result Result Added Units RPD Recovery RPD Recovery Lab Quals Benzene BQ10874 Matrix Spike 0710532-02 ND 17.640 25.000 ug/L 70.6 70-130 Matrix Spike Duplicate 0710532-02 ND 19.960 25.000 ug/L 12.2 79.8 20 . 70-130 ----------- .... -- ---- --- ------- --- --- - -- - -- -- ------- --- -- Toluene BQ10874 Matrix Spike 0710532-02 ND 17.690 25.000 ug/L 70.8 70-130 -Matrix Spike Duplicate 0710532-02 ND 19.750 25.000 ug/L 10.9 79.0 - .20 70- 130 - ---- _..-------------------- -- -.-._ - ---- . - - - - ---------------- - - ----- ------- - ------ --.._. - 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4(Surrogate) BQ10874 Matrix Spike 0710532-02 ND 9.5700 10.000 ug/L 95.7 76-114 Matrix Spike Duplicate 0710532-02 ND 9.4700 10.000 ug/L 94.7 76-114 _......._...__............._.__.._ .._._.__.. _.---------...._-.....- - --- --- -------------------------- - ------- Toluene-d8(Surrogate) BQ10874 Matrix Spike 0710532-02_ ND 9.7700 10.000 ug/L 97.7 88- 110 Matrix Spike Duplicate 0710532-02 ND 9.9000 10.000 ug/L 99.0 88-110 ............... - 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate) 6010874 Matrix Spike 0710532-02 ND 10.500 10.000 ug/L 105 86-115 Matrix Spike Duplicate 0710532-02 ND 9.9200 10.000 ug/L 99.2 86-115 Benzene BQ10875 Matrix Spike 0710698-01 ND 18.640 25.000 ug/L 74.6 70-130 Matrix Spike Duplicate 0710698-01 ND 21.700 25.000 ug/L 15.1 86.8 20 70- 130 Toluene BQ10875 Matrix Spike 0710698-01 ND 18.680 25.000 ug/L 74.7. 70-130 Matrix Spike Duplicate 0710698-01 ND 22.150 25.000 ug/L 17.0 88.6 20 70-130 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4(Surrogate) BQ10875 Matrix Spike '_ 0710698-01 ND 9.6000 10.000 ug/L 96.0 76-114 Matrix Spike Duplicate 0710698-01 ND 9.5100 10.000 ug/L 95.1 76- 114 _...._..._._._ ..._...--..............._. ----- _..._... - _.-._. .. - ----- --- ----- -- --- - -- - --- --- - --- - Toluene-d8(Surrogate) BQ10875 Matrix Spike 0710698-01 ND 9.9100 10.000 ug/L 99.1 88-110 Matrix Spike Duplicate 0710698-01 ND 9.9600 10.000 ug/L 99.6 88-110 -------- - - - ------------- --------- -------------- - ---- ------ ---- --- -- - -._.. - -- -- - 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate) BQ10875 Matrix Spike 0710698-01 ND 9.9700 10.000 ug/L 99.7 86-115 Matrix Spike Duplicate 0710698-01 ND 10.300 10.000 ug/L 103 86-115 BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entiren•- All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. Page 7 of I 1 4100 Atlas Court-Bakersfield,CA 93308-(661)'327-4911 -FAX(661)327-1918 -www.bclabs.com LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Water Samples Reported: 10/01/2007 15:35 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879 Kang Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA-Method 8260) Quality Control Report - Laboratory Control Sample Control Limits Spike Percent Percent Constituent Batch ID QC Sample ID QC Type Result Level PQL Units ' Recovery RPD Recovery RPD Lab Quals Benzene BQ10874 B010874-BS1 LCS 22.250 25.000 0.50 ug/L 89.0 70-130 Toluene BQ10874 BQ10874-BS1 LCS 22.920 25.000 0.50 ug/L 91.7 70-130 __.------..__... - ._._._....._.... -- ---.. -- - - - - -- ------ ------- -- ---- ---- -- — -- -- --- ...--- - --- 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4(Surrogate) BQ10874 BQ10874-BS1 LCS 9.5200 10.000 ug/L 95.2 76-114 Toluene-d8(Surrogate) BQ10874 BQ10874-BSI . LCS 9.9900 10.000 ug/L 99.9 88-110 ---- -._...-- - ------ ---------.......... - ------— --- --- ------ - - ---------------- - ----...-- 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate) BQ10874. BQ10874-Ml LCS 9.9800 10.000 ug/L 99.8 86-115 Benzene BQ10875 BQ10875-BS1 LCS 23.020 25.000 0.50 ug/L 92.1 70-130 - - ._.... .. --- Toluene B010875 BQ10875-BS1 LCS 22.6,10 25.000 0.50 ug/L 90.4 70-130 _..-----..... ------- - - --...--. ._... - - ---- - - -- - -- - ----- ---- ----- ---------- ----- --- - _...-- - _.. - 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4(Surrogate) 8010875 6010875-BS1 LCS 9.5900 10.000 ug/L 95.9 76-114 _...-- - .... - ._. - --._...__.,_._._.... -- - ---- - - ----- -- -------- - ---- - - ---- - _. ------------- --- ------------ - Toluene-d8(Surrogate) BQ10875 BQ10875-BS1 LCS 9.7900 10.000 ug/L 97.9 88-110 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate) BQ10875 BQ10875-BS1 LCS 10.330 10.000 ug/L 103 86-115 BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entiren•. All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 -FAX(661)327-1918•www.bclabs.com Page 8 of t I LABORATORIES.. INC. - Soils Engineering Project: Water Samples Reported: 10/01/2007 15:35 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879 Kang Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) Quality Control Report - Method Blank Analysis Constituent Batch ID QC Sample ID MB Result Units PQL MDL Lab Quals Benzene BQ10874 BQ10874-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.12 1,2-Dibromoethane BQ10874 BQ10874-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 1,2-Dichloroethane BQ10874 BQ10874-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.098 Ethylbenzene BQ10874 8010874-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 Methyl t-butyl ether BQ10874 BQ10874-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 Toluene BQ10874 8010874-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.12 Total Xylenes BQ10874 BQ10874-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50- 0.33 t-Amyl Methyl ether 6610874 BQ10874-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 t-Butyl alcohol BQ10874 BQ10874=81-K1 ND ug/L 10 9.3 Diisopropyl ether BQ10874 BQ10874-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 -- ._.._ - - - -- - - .. _. ---- - - - -._.. - --- ------ - -- -- - ---- - .-... - - - - Ethyl t-butyl ether BQ10874 BQ10874-BLK1 ND u 9/L 0.50 0.32 Total Purgeable Petroleum Hydrocarbons BQ10874- BQ10874-BLK1 ND ug/L 50 8.2 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4(Surrogate) BQ10874 BQ10874-BL'K1 95.2 % 76- 114 (LCL-UCL) _..----------- - -----------------..._._..-_........-- --._...- - - - - -- ---- - - -------------...----------- ---------- - -- - - -- - -- __ Toluene-d8(Surrogate) BQ10874 BQ10874-BLK1 98.7 % 88-110.(LCL-UCL) 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate) 6QI0874 6010874-BLK1 99.3 % 86- 115 (LCL-UCL) -- --- ----- --- --- ....-------------- --------- - --- -- -- --------- - -...- --- --------- .. ...... .... - - - - Benzene B010875 BQ10875-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.12 1,2-Dibromoethane BQ10875 BQ10875-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 -- --- - ._-....... ...._..._....... --- -- --- - ----- -----..._. ------------------ - - -------- ---- - -------- -- - 1,2-Dichl6roethane BQ10875 BQ10875-BLK1 ND. ug/L 0.50 0.098 Ethylbenzene BQ10875 BQ10875-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 ---------- - --- --..... -- ------- --- ------ ---------- -------- ----------------------- --- - -- - -- _ .. Methyl t-butyl ether BQ10875 B010875-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.13 ------------------------------ --------- ---- ------------ --------- - -- ------ --- - --- -- - ---- Toluene B010875 BQ10875-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.12 --- ..-- .._.._...- - - ---- - -- -- - ----- --- ------ - - - ----- --- -- - ------- - -- -...- _.. - - ---- - Total Xylenes BQ10875 8010875-BLK1 ND ug/L 1.0 0.33 .... -------- -..- - -- -- - - t-Amyl Methyl ether BQ10875 BQ10875-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 t-Butyl alcohol BQ10875 BQ10875-BLK1 ND ug/L 10 9.3 BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entiren-. All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918•www.belabs.com Page 9 of 1 I LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Water Samples Reported: 10/01/2007'15:35 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879 Kang Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) Quality Control Report - Method Blank Analysis Constituent Batch ID QC Sample ID MB Result Units PQL MDL Lab Quals Diisopropyl ether B010875 BQ10875-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.34 Ethyl t-butyl ether BQ10875 BQ10875-BLK1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.32 ---- ---- ---._ Total Purgeable Petroleum Hydrocarbons BQ10875 B010875-BLK1 ND ug/L . 50 _ 8.2 -- ... -- - _._ ._ _.. ..._._. . ..-._ .. _. .. - - - - ------ -- --- ---- - ----- --- -- ----- o -- -- - 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4(Surrogate) BQ10875 BQ10875-BLK1 95.6 /a 76-114 (LCL-UCL) ---- -----_............. --._.... -- -- - --- — - ---------... -------- - ---------- --- -- --- --------- ----- Toluene-d8(Surrogate) BQ10875 BQ10875-BLK1 99.3 % 88-110 (LCL-UCL) - ............ . - --- -------- -- --- -- ----- - ------ - — -- - ---- -------------- - -._.... -.._._..... ...... .. 4-Bromofluorobenzene(Surrogate) BQ10875 BQ10875-BLK1 97.9 % 86-115 (LCL-UCL) BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirenv. All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no reiponsibility for report alteration,separation, detachment or third party interpretation. Page 10 of I I 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308 •(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918•www.bclabs.com LABORATORIES, INC. Soils Engineering Project: Water Samples Reported: 10/01/2007 15:35 4400 Yeager Way Project Number: 10879 Kang Bakersfield,-CA 93313 Project Manager: Bob Becker Notes And Definitions MDL Method Detection Limit ND ' Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit PQL Practical Quantitation Limit RPD Relative Percent Difference A01 PQL's and MDL's are raised due to sample dilution. BC Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its emiren. All results fisted in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,,detachment or third party interpretation. Page 1 1 of 1 1 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)3274911 •FAX(661)327-1918•www.bclabs.com WELL INSTALLATION & DEVELOPMENT FORM Monitoring Well Installation Pro ect#: 10879 Drill Rig: CME 75 Drill Crew: Galvan/Carolina Well#: MW-1 Auger Dla.: 8 in. , Loader: Becker Install Date:• Feb-O6 Well Casing: 2"PVC Depth to Water: 26.14 Well De the 39' Screen Interval: 19'to 39' Too of Casing Elev.: 99.88' ' Monitoring Well Development Depth To ' PURGE TEMP. CONDUCTIVITY Water WELL TIME(Min.) (oC) (mOhms/cm) pH (') Turbidity Date Surge/Purge Time' 5 22.7 499 5.84• 340 9/17/2007 ' 10 21.8 245 6.08 160 9/17/2007 Pump Depth 15 21.6 248 6.12 162 9/17/2007 20 21.7 251 6.16 164 9/17/2007 Purge Rate 25 21.7` 251 6.18 164 9/17/2007 <1 GPM ' Gallons Purged -10 Well Volume .2.5 SAMPLING Method:Disposable Bailer Sample#: MW-1 Date:9/17/07 Time: 3:20 PM ' Sampled By: Hollenbeck Comments: 1 . Monitoring Well Installation ' Project#: 10879 Drill Rig: •CME 75 Drill Crew: Galvan/Carolina Well#: MW4 Auger Dia.: 8 in. Logger: Becker Install Date: Feb-06 Well Casing: 2"PVC Depth to Water: 26.6 Well De the 40' Screen Interval:' 20'to 40' Top of Casina Elev.: 100.5 ' Monitoring Well Development Depth.To PURGE TEMP. CONDUCTIVITY Water ' WELL TIME(Min.) (oC) (mOhms/cm) PH (') Turbidity Date Surge/Purge Time 5 21.2 264 6.81 172 9/17/2007 , 10 21 262 6.76 171 9/17/2007. ' Pump Depth 15 21.1 261 6.76 170 9/1712007 20 21.4 259 6.72 169 9117/2007 Purge Rate 25 21.6 259 6.71 169 9/17/2007 <1 GPM ' Gallons Purged -10 Well Volume 2.5 ' SAMPLING Method:Disposable Bailer Sample#: MW-2 Date:9/17/07 Time:3:05 PM ' Sampled By: Hollenbeck Comments: 1 WELL INSTALLATION & DEVELOPMENT FORM Monitoring Well Installation ' Pro ect#: 10879 Drill Rip: CME 75 Drill Crew: Galvan/Carolina Well#: MW-3 Auger Dia.: 8 in. Logger: Becker Install Date: Feb-06 Well Casing: 2"PVC Depth to Water: 25.8 Well Depth: 39' Screen Interval: 19'to 39' Top of Casing Elev.: 99.04' ' Monitoring Well Development Depth To PURGE TEMP. CONDUCTIVITY Water WELL TIME(Min.) (oC) (mOhms/cm) pH (') Turbidity Date Surge/Purge Time 5 21.2 215 7.05 141 9117/2007 ' 10 20.7 215 6.91 141 9/17/2007 Pump Depth 15• 20.6 215 6.84 141 9/1712007 20 20.7 215 6.8 141 9/17/2007 Purge Rate ' <1 GPM Gallons Purged -10 Well Volume ' 2.5 SAMPLING ' Method:Disposable Bailer Sample#: MW-3 Date:9/17/07 Time: 2:00 PM Sampled By: Hollenbeck Comments: Monitoring Well Installation Project#: 10879 Drill Rig: CME 75 Drill Crew: Galvan/Carolina Well#: MW-4 Auger Dia.: 8 in. Logger: Meyer Install Date: Mar-06 Well Casing: 2"PVC Depth to Water: 25.5' ' Well Depth: 40' Screen Interval: 20'to 40' Top of Casing Elev.: 98.99' . Monitoring Well Development ' Depth To PURGE TEMP. CONDUCTIVITY Water WELL TIME(Min.) (oC) (mOhms/cm) pH (') Turbidity Date ' Surge/Purge Time 5 21.6 218 7.03 143 9/17/2007 10 21 . 220 6.86 144 9/1712007 Pump Depth 15 21.4 221 6.68 145 9/17/2007 20 21.5 221 6.68 144 9/17/2007 ' Purge Rate <1 GPM Gallons Purged -10 ' Well Volume 2.5 SAMPLING ' Method:Disposable Bailer Sample#: MW-4 Date:9/17/07 Time: 2:25 PM Sampled By: Hollenbeck Comments: ' WELL INSTALLATION & DEVELOPMENT FORM Monitoring Well Installation Project#: 10879 Drill Ria: CME 75 Drill Crew: Galvantarolina Well#: MW-5 Auger Dia.: 8 in. Logger: Meyer Install Date. Mar-07 Well Casiria: 2".PVC Death to Water: 25.98' Well De the 39' Screen Interval: 19'to 39' Top of Casing Elev.: ' Monitoring Well Development Depth To ' PURGE TEMP. CONDUCTIVITY Water WELL TIME(Min.) (oC) (mOhms/cm) pH ('► Turbidity Date Surge/Purge Time 5 21 267 7.12 174.0 9/17/2007 10 20.8 268 6.95 175 9/17/2007 Pump Death 15 21 268 6.87 175.0 9/17/2007 20 21.2 269 6.81 176 9/17/2007 Purne Rate 25 21.2 :269 6.77 175 9/17/2007 ' <1 GPM Gallons Purged —10 Well Volume ' 2.5 SAMPLING ' Method: Disposable Bailer Sample#: MW-5 Date:9/17/07 Time: 2:55 PM Sampled By: Hollenbeck Comments: t r . HAZAI . OUS MATERIALS "ISION to TIME CHARGED " CAS BUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME: ADDRESS: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT NUMBER: TIME DATE: NAME: CHGD: COMMENTS: PROJECT COMPLETION: DATE: