HomeMy WebLinkAbout1520 20TH ST (2) CAK010 I 21 IE UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PLAN-(Page I of 2) TYPE OF ACTION ❑ L NEW PLAN ® 2.CHANGE OF INFORMATION 490-1 PLAN TYPE ® 1.MONITORING IS IDENTICAL FOR ALL USTs AT THIS FACILITY. 490-2 (Check one item only) ❑ 2.THIS PLAN COVERS ONLY THE FOLLOWING UST SYSTEM(�l: I',FACILITY`INFORNiATION - FACILITY ID#(Agency Use Only) - _ 1 BUSINESS NAME(Same as FACILITY NAME) AT&T Corp. CAK010BKFDCAOI 3. BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 1520 20th St. 103. CITY Bakersfield 104. ,. II.EQUIPMENT'TESTING AND PREVENTI�?E MAINTENANGEa Testing,preventive maintenance,and calibration of monitoring equipment(e.g.,sensors,probes,line leak detectors,etc.)must be performed at the frequency specified by the equipment manufacturers'instructions,or annually,whichever is more frequent,and that such work must be performed by qualified personnel. 23 CCR 2632,2634,2638,2641) MONITORING EQUIPMENT IS SERVICED ® L ANNUALLY ❑ 99.OTHER(Specify): 490 3a p �)' 490-3b tl _III MONITORING LOCATIONS ®1.NEW SITE PLOT PLAN/MAP SUBMITTED WITH THIS PLAN. 112.SITE PLOT PLAN/MAP PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED. (23 CCR§2632, 2634)490-4 IV TANK 11IONITORING IS PERFORMED USINGaTHE FOLLOWING METHOD'(S): 1.CONTINUOUS ELECTRONIC TANK MONITORING OF ANNULAR(INTERSTITIAL)SPACE(S)OR SECONDARY CONTAINMENT 490-5 VAULT(S)WITH AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS. (23 CCR§2632,2634) SECONDARY CONTAINMENT IS: ® a.DRY ❑ b.LIQUID FILLED ❑ c.PRESSURIZED ❑d.UNDER VACUUM 490-6 PANEL MANUFACTURER: VEEDER ROOT 490-1. MODEL#: TLS-350 490-8 LEAK SENSOR MANUFACTURER: Veeder Root 49°9:, MODEL#(S): 794390420 490-10 2.AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING(ATG)SYSTEM USED TO MONITOR SINGLE WALL TANK(S).(23 CCR§2643) 490-11 PANEL MANUFACTURER: 490-12. MODEL#: 490-13 IN-TANK PROBE MANUFACTURER: 490 14. MODEL#(S): 490-1 s LEAK TEST FREQUENCY: ❑ a.CONTINUOUS ❑ b.DAILY/NIGHTLY ❑ c.WEEKLY 490-16 ❑ d.MONTHLY ❑ e.OTHER(Specify): 490-17 PROGRAMMED TESTS: ❑ a.0.1 h. ❑ b.0.2 h. ❑ c.OTHER490-19 g•P• B•P• (Specify): a9o-19 ❑ 3.MONTHLY STATISTICAL INVENTORY RECONCILIATION(23 CCR§2646.1): 490-20 ❑ 4.WEEKLY MANUAL TANK GAUGING(MTG)(23 CCR§2645). TESTING PERIOD: El a.36 HOURS El b.60 HOURS 4990-22 El 5.TANK INTEGRITY TESTING(23 CCR§2643.1): 490-23 TEST FREQUENCY: ❑ a.ANNUALLY ❑ b.BIENNIALLY ❑ c.OTHER490-24 Q (Specify): 490.25 ❑99.OTHER (Specify): 490-26 490-27 V:PIPENIVIQNITORING ISPERFQRMED USING.THETOLLOWING IVIETHOD(S)(C6eck`all that apply) `, ..' 1.CONTINUOUS MONITORING OF PIPE/PIPING SUMP(S)AND OTHER SECONDARY CONTAINMENT WITH AUDIBLE AND 490-28 VISUAL ALARMS. (23 CCR§2636) SECONDARY CONTAINMENT IS:®a.DRY ❑b.LIQUID FILLED ❑c.PRESSURIZED ❑d.UNDER VACUUM 490-29 PANEL MANUFACTURER: Veeder Root 490-30 MODEL#: TLS-350 490-31 LEAK SENSOR MANUFACTURER: Veeder Root 490-32_ _ MODEL#(S): 794380.208 490-33 PIPING LEAK ALARM TRIGGERS AUTOMATIC PUMP(i.e.,TURBINE)SHUTDOWN. ❑a.YES ®b.NO 490-34 FAILURE/DISCONNECTION OF THE MONITORING SYSTEM TRIGGERS AUTOMATIC PUMP SHUTDOWN. ❑a.YES ®b.NO 490-35 2.MECHANICAL LINE LEAK DETECTOR(MLLD)THAT ROUTINELY PERFORMS 3.0 g.p.h.LEAK TESTS AND RESTRICTS OR SHUTS OFF PRODUCT FLOW WHEN A LEAK IS DETECTED 23 CCR 2636 490-36 MLLD MANUFACTURER(S): I 490-37 MODEL#(S): 490-38 ❑ 3.ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR(ELLD)THAT ROUTINELY PERFORMS 3.0 g.p.h.LEAK TESTS (23 CCR§2636) 490-39 ELLD MANUFACTURER(S) 4900 DEL#(S): 490-41 PROGRAMMED IN LINE LEAK TEST: ❑ 1.MINIMUM MONTHLY 0.2 g.p.h. ❑ 2.MINIMUM ANNUAL 0.1 g.p.h. 49542 ELLD DETECTION OF A PIPING LEAK TRIGGERS AUTOMATIC PUMP SHUTDOWN. ❑a.YES ❑b.NO 490-43 ELLD FAILURE/DISCONNECTION TRIGGERS AUTOMATIC PUMP SHUTDOWN. ❑a.YES ❑b.NO 490-44 ® 4.PIPE INTEGRITY TESTING 490-45 TEST FREQUENCY ® a.ANNUALLY ❑ b.EVERY 3 YEARS ❑ c.OTHER(Specify) 490-4649°-47 5.VISUAL PIPE MONITORING. 490-48 FREQUENCY ❑ a.DAILY ❑ b.WEEKLY ®c.MIN.MONTHLY&EACH TIME SYSTEM OPERATED- 490-49 'Allowed for mnituring ofunburied mergmy genmior fuel piping only pff HSC§25281.5(b)(3 ❑ 6.SUCTION PIPING MEETS EXEMPTION CRITERIA 123 CCR§2636(a)(3)]. 490-50 ❑ 7.NO REGULATED PIPING PER HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE,DIVISION 20,CHAPTER 6.7 IS CONNECTED TO THE TANK SYSTEM 490-51 490-52 ❑ 99.OTHER(Specify) I IIIIIII VIII III IIII 49453 UPCF UST-D 22 Rev.(1212007) IE CAKO 10 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PLAN (Page 2 of 2) VI.UNDER DISPENSER CONTAINMENT(UDC)MONITORING 490-54 1. UDC MONITORING IS PERFORMED USING THE FOLLOWING METHOD 490-54b b El 1.CONTINUOUS ELECTRONIC MONITORING ❑2.FLOAT AND CHAIN ASSEMBLY ❑ 3.ELECTRONIC STAND-ALONE ®4.NO DISPENSERS ❑99.OTHER(Specify): PANEL MANUFACTURER: a90-ss MODEL#: 490-56. --- ---- -- --- _------------ LEAK SENSOR MANUFACTURER: d90=s� MODEL#(S): 490 s0- DETECTION OF A LEAK INTO THE UDC TRIGGERS AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS ❑ a.YES ❑b.NO 490-59 UDC LEAK ALARM TRIGGERS AUTOMATIC PUMP SHUTDOWN ❑ a.YES ❑b.NO 490-60. FAILURE/DISCONNECTION OF UDC MONITORING SYSTEM TRIGGERS AUTOMATIC PUMP SHUTDOWN. ❑ a.YES ❑b.NO 490.61 UDC MONITORING STOPS THE FLOW OF PRODUCT AT THE DISPENSER. ❑ a.YES ❑b.NO 490-62 2.UDC CONSTRUCTION IS ❑1.SINGLE-WALLED ❑2.DOUBLE-WALLED 490-63 IF DOUBLE WALLED: __a90-6710- UDC INTERSTITIAL SPACE IS MONITORED BY: [11.LIQUID ❑2.PRESSURE [13.VACUUM A LEAK WITHIN THE SECONDARY CONTAINMENT OF THE UDC TRIGGERS AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS ❑a.YES ❑b.NO 490-64b VII.PERIODIC SYSTEM TESTING Ll 1. ELD TESTING: THIS FACILITY HAS BEEN NOTIFIED BY THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD THAT ENHANCED 490-65. LEAK DETECTION(ELD)MUST BE PERFORMED. PERIODIC ELD IS PERFORMED-EVERY_ _36 MONTHS AS REQUIRED.(23 CCR§2644.1L —— ®2.SECONDARY CONTAINMENT COMPONENTS ARE TESTED EVERY 36 MONTHS. — 490-66 3.SPILL BUCKETS ARE TESTED ANNUALLY. — 490-67 VIII.RECORDKEEPING The following monitoring/maintenance records are kept for this facility: ®Alarm logs 490-68a ®Visual Inspection Records 490-68b ❑Tank integrity testing results 490-6ac ❑SIR testing results(and supporting documentation records). 490-68d ❑ Tank gauging results(and supporting documentation records). 490-68e ❑ATG Testing results(and supporting documentation records).490-68f ❑ Corrosion Protection 60-day logs 490-688 ®Equipment maintenance and calibration records. 490-68h IX.TRAINING ®Personnel with UST monitoring responsibilities are familiar with all of the following documents relevant to theirjob duties. 490-69. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS MAINTAINED AT FACILITYO(Check all that apply) ® THIS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PLAN(Required)490-69b ® OPERATING MANUALS FOR ELECTRONIC MONITORING EQUIPMENT(Required)490-69 ❑ CALIFORNIA UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REGULATIONS 490.694 ❑ CALIFORNIA UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK LAW 490-69t ❑ STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD (SWRCB) PUBLICATION: "HANDBOOK FOR TANK OWNERS - MANUAL AND STATISTICAL INVENTORY RECONCILIATION"490-69f — ❑ SWRCB PUBLICATION:"UNDERSTANDING AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING SYSTEMS"490-69g ❑ OTHER(Specify):M69k M69i ®This facility has a"Designated UST Operator"who has passed the California UST System Operator Exam administered by the International Code Council(]CC). The"Designated UST Operator"will train facility employees in the proper operation and maintenance of the UST systems annually,and within 30 days of hire.This training will include,but is not limited to,the following: ➢ Operation of the UST systems in a manner consistent with the facility's best management practices ➢ The facility employee's role with regard to the monitoring equipment as specified in this UST Monitoring Plan ➢ The facility employee's role with regard to spills and overfills as specified in the UST Response Plan ➢ Names of contact person(s)for emergencies and monitoring alarms.490-70 X. COMMENTS/ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Provide additional comments here or indicate how many pages with additional information on specific monitoring procedures are attached to this plan.490-71 Fill Tube Shut-Off Valve is the Primary Overfill Protection Device on this system,set to activate at 95%of tank capacity. Overfill Alarm is set to activate at 90%of tank capacity. Ll Fill Sump,L3 Day Tank Ruptuic Basin&Lb Transition Box L7 Remote Pump Cabinet Sensors 4 -794380-208;LA Day Tank Annular Sensor—794390420 XI.PERSONNEL RESPONSIBILITIES The UST Owner/Operator is responsible for ensuring that:1)the daily/routine UST monitoring activities and maintenance of UST leak detection equipment covered by this.plan occurs,2)all conditions that indicate a possible release are investigated,and 3)all monitoring records are maintained properly. The following person(s)are responsible for performing the monitoring and equipment maintenance: NAME Tait Environmental Services 490-22 TITLE AT&T Authorized Vendor Contact List Available 490-73 NAME AT&T Environment Health&Safety 490-74 TITLE Call Center 490-75 The Designated Operator shall perform a monthly visual inspection of the facility, provide a report to the owner/operator, and inform the owner/operator of any conditions that need follow-up action. XII.OWNER/OPERATOR SIGNATURE CERTIFICATION: I certify that the' rmation ro erein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. APPLICANT SIGNATURE 490-76 DATE: 490.77 UERESENTINQ; 1/27/2011 - a[ t tar APPLICANT NAME(print): 490-78 APPLICANT TITLE: 490-79 Steven J.Hall Manager,EMS UPCF UST-D Rev.(12/2007) CAKO 10 ` (Agency Use Only) This plan has been reviewed and: ❑,Approved ❑Approved With Conditions Local Agency Signature: Date:. Comments or Special Conditions: UPCF UST-D Rev.(12/2007) CAKO 10 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK RESPONSE PLAN - PAGE 1 One form er facili TYPE OF ACTION ® 1.NEW PLAN . ❑ 2.CHANGE OF INFORMATION Rol. I. FACILITY INFORMATION FACILITY ID# (Agency Use Only) BUSINESS NAME(Same as FACILITY NAME) 3. AT&T Corp. CAKO10 BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 103. BUSINESS SITE CITY 104. 1520 20th St. Bakersfield II., ,SPILL CONTROL AND-CLEANUP.METHODS This plan addresses unauthorized releases from UST systems and supplements the emergency response plans and procedures in the facility's Hazardous Materials Business Plan(HMBP). ➢ If safe to do so,facility personnel will take immediate measures to control or stop any release(e.g.,activate pump shut-off,etc.)and,if necessary,safely remove remaining hazardous material from the UST system. ➢ Any release to secondary containment will be pumped or otherwise removed within a time consistent with the ability of the secondary containment system to contain the hazardous material,but not greater than 30 calendar days,or sooner if required by the local agency. Recovered hazardous materials,unless still suitable for their intended use,will be managed as hazardous waste. ➢ Absorbent material will be used to contain and clean up manageable spills of hazardous materials. Absorbent material which has become too saturated to be effective or which is no longer intended for use will be managed as hazardous waste unless a waste determination in accordance with 22 CCR§66262.11 finds that it is non-hazardous. Used absorbent material,reusable or waste,will be stored in a properly labeled and sealed container. Waste material shall be disposed of appropriately. ➢ Facility personnel will determine whether any water removed from secondary containment systems, or from clean-up activity, has been in contact with any hazardous material. If the water is contaminated, it will be managed as hazardous waste unless a hazardous waste determination in accordance with 22 CCR §66262.11 finds that it is non-hazardous. If the water has a petroleum sheen(i.e.,rainbow colors), it is contaminated. A thick floating petroleum layer may not necessarily display rainbow colors. Water(hazardous or non-hazardous)from sumps,spill containers,etc.will not be disposed to storm water systems. ➢ We will review secondary containment systems for possible deterioration if any of the following conditions occur: 1. Hazardous material in contact with secondary containment is not compatible with the material used for secondary containment; 2. Secondary containment is prone to damage from any equipment used to remove or clean up hazardous material collected in secondary containment; 3. Hazardous material, other than the product/waste stored in the primary containment system, is placed inside secondary containment to treat or neutralize released product/waste,and the added material or resulting material from such a combination is not compatible with secondary containment. III. SPILL CONTROL AND CLEAN-UP EQUIPMENT PERIODIC MAINTENANCE: Spill control and clean-up equipment kept permanently on-site is listed in the facility's Hazardous Materials Business Plan. This equipment is inspected at least monthly,and after each use,supplies are replenished as needed. Defective equipment is repaired or replaced as necessary. EQUIPMENT NOT PERMANENTLY ON-SITE,BUT AVAILABLE FOR USE IF NEEDED: (Complete nly i a licable EQUIPMENT LOCATION AVAILABILITY RIO. R20. R30. RI 1. R21. R31. RI2. R22. R32. R13. R23. R33. R 14. R24. R34. R15. R25. R35. W. RESPONSIBLE PERSONS THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S)IS/ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR AUTHORIZING ANY WORK NECESSARY UNDER THIS RESPONSE PLAN: NAME R40. TITLE R50. Grant Armstrong AT&T Environmental Site Manager NAME R41. TITLE R51. AT&T EH&S Call Center(Contact List Available NAME R42. TITLE R52. AT&T 01CC Emergency Control Center NAME R43. TITLE R53. V. MONITORING INDICATORS IF MONITORING INDICATES A POSSIBLE UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE,STEPS TO VERIFY THE RELEASE WILL BE MADE AS FOLLOWS: 0 1. ADDITIONAL SYSTEM TESTING OR DATA COLLECTION 0 2. INSPECTION BY QUALIFIED PERSONS 0 3. RECALIBRATION OF EQUIPMENT R60. ❑99. OTHER(Specify): R61. UN-022B www.unidocs.org Rev.04/02/08 CAK010 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK RESPONSE PLAN - PAGE 2 VI. REPORTING AND RECORD KEEPING We will report/record any overfill,spill,or unauthorized release from a UST system as indicated in this plan. Recordable Releases: Any unauthorized release from primary containment which the UST operator-is able to clean up within eight(8)hours after the release was detected or should reasonably have been detected,and which does not escape from secondary containment,does not increase the hazard of fire or explosion,and does not cause any deterioration of secondary containment,must be recorded in the facility's monitoring records. Monitoring records must include: ➢ The UST operator's name and telephone number, • A list of the types,quantities,and concentrations of hazardous substances released; • A description of the actions taken to control and clean up the release; • The method and location of disposal of the released hazardous substances,and whether a hazardous waste manifest was or will be used; ➢ A description of actions taken to repair the UST and to prevent future releases; ➢ A description of the method used to reactivate interstitial monitoring after replacement or repair of primary containment. Reportable Releases: Any overfill,spill,or unauthorized release which escapes from secondary containment(or primary containment if no secondary containment exists),increases the hazard of fire or explosion,or causes any deterioration of secondary containment,is a reportable release. Reportable releases are also recordable. Within 24 hours after a reportable release has been detected,or should have been detected,we will notify the local agency administering the UST program of the release,investigate the release,and take immediate measures to stop the release. If necessary,or if required by the local agency,remaining stored product/waste will be removed from the UST to prevent further releases or facilitate corrective action. If an emergency exists,we will notify the State Office of Emergency Services. Within five(5)working days of a reportable release,we will submit to the local agency a full written report containing all of the following information to the extent that the information is known at the time of filing the report: ➢ The UST owner's or operator's name and telephone number; ➢ A list of the types,quantities,and concentrations of hazardous materials released; ➢ The approximate date of the release; • The date on which the release was discovered; • The date on which the release was stopped; • A description of actions taken to control and/or stop the release; • A description of corrective and remedial actions,including investigations which were undertaken and will be conducted to determine the nature and extent of soil,ground water or surface water contamination due to the release; • The method(s)of cleanup implemented to date,proposed cleanup actions,and a schedule for implementing the proposed actions; • The method(s)and location(s)of disposal of released hazardous materials and any contaminated soils,groundwater,or surface water. • Copies of any hazardous waste manifests used for off-site transport of hazardous wastes associated with clean-up activity; • A description of proposed methods for any repair or replacement of UST system primary/secondary containment systems; • A description of additional actions taken to prevent future releases. We will follow the reporting procedures described above if any of the following conditions occur: ➢ A recordable unauthorized release can not be cleaned up or is still under investigation within eight(8)hours of detection; ➢ Released hazardous substances are discovered at the UST site or in the surrounding area; ➢ Unusual operating conditions are observed,including erratic behavior of product dispensing equipment,sudden loss of product,or the unexplained presence of water in the tank,unless system equipment is found to be defective and is immediately repaired or replaced,and no leak has occurred; ➢ Monitoring results from UST system monitoring equipment/methods indicate that a release may have occurred,unless the monitoring equipment is found to be defective and is immediately repaired,recalibrated,or replaced,and additional monitoring does not confirm the initial results. Record Retention: Monitoring records and written reports of unauthorized releases must be maintained on-site(or off-site at a readily available location,if approved by the local agency)for at least 3 years. Hazardous waste shipping/disposal records(e.g.,manifests)must be maintained for at least 3 years from the date of shipment. VII. OWNER/OPERATOR SIGNATURE CERTIFICATION:I certify that the information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. OWNERIOPERATOR SIGNATURE DATE R70. 4/18/2010 OWNER/OPERATOR NAME(print) R71. OWNER/OPERATOR TITLE R72. Steven J Hall Manager EH&S (Agency Use Only) This plan has been reviewed and: ❑Approved ❑Approved With Conditions ❑Disapproved Local Agency Signature: Date: UN-022B www.unidoes.org Rev.04/02/08 CAK010 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK OPERATING PERMIT APPLICATION-FACILITY INFORMATION (One form per facility) TYPE OF ACTION ❑ 1.NEW PERMIT ® 5.CHANGE OF INFORMATION ❑ 7.PERMANENT FACILITY CLOSURE 400. (Check one item only) ❑ 3.RENEWAL PERMIT ❑ 6.TEMPORARY FACILITY CLOSURE ❑ 9.TRANSFER PERMIT I. FACILITY INFORMATION TOTAL NUMBER OF USTs AT FACILITY 4 14. FACILITY ID# _ _ I' 1 (Agency Use Only) BUSINESS NAME(Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA-Doing Business As) 3• AT&T Corp. CAK010 BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 103. CITY 104. 1520 20th St. Bakersfield FACILITY TYPE ❑ 1.MOTOR VEHICLE FUELING ❑ 2.FUEL DISTRIBUTION 403. Is the facility located on Indian Reservation or 405. ❑ 3.FARM ❑ 4.PROCESSOR ® 6.OTHER Trust lands? ❑Yes ®No H. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION, PROPERTY OWNER NAME 407 PHONE 408. AT&T Corp. 214 464-5591 MAILING ADDRESS 409. 2600 Camino Ramon - Room 3E000 CITY 410. STATE 411. 1 ZIP CODE 412. San Ramon CA 94583 III. TANK OPERATOR INFORMATION TANK OPERATOR NAME 428-1. PHONE 428-2 AT&T Corp. (214)464-5591 MAILING ADDRESS 428.3 2600 Camino Ramon - Room 3E000 CITY 428-4 STATE 428-5 ZIP CODE 42M San Ramon ICA 94583 IV. TANK OWNER INFORMATION TANK OWNER NAME 414. PHONE 415. AT&T Corp. (214)464-5591 MAILING ADDRESS 416. 308 S. Akard St. Room 1700 CITY 417. 1 STATE 418. 1 ZIP CODE 419. Dallas TX 75202 OWNER TYPE: ❑ 4.LOCAL AGENCY/DISTRICT ❑ 5.COUNTY AGENCY ❑ 6.STATE AGENCY 420. ❑ 7.FEDERAL AGENCY ® 8.NON-GOVERNMENT V. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER TY(TK)HQ 44- 1 0 14 14 19 s 1 0 1 Call the State Board of Equalization,Fuel Tax Division,if there are questions. 421. VI.PERMIT HOLDER INFORMATION Issue permit and send legal notifications and mailings to: ® 1.FACILITY OWNER ❑ 4.TANK OPERATOR 423 ❑ 3.TANK OWNER ❑ 5.FACILITY OPERATOR SUPERVISOR OF DIVISION,SECTION,OR OFFICE(Required For Public Agencies Only) 406. VII.APPLICANT SIGNATURE CERTIFICATION: I certify that th ormatioji pEpAjod herein is true accurate and in full compliance with legal requirements. APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE 424. PHONE 425. 1/27/2011 214 464-3131 APPLICANT N 426. APPLICANT TITLE 427 Steven J. Hall Manager, EH&S UPCF UST-A Rev.(12/2007) CAKO 10 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK OPERATING PERMIT APPLICATION-TANK INFORMATION(One form per UST) TYPE OF ACTION (Check one item only. For an UST permanent closure or removal,complete only this section and Sections 1,11,Ill,IV,and IX below) 430 ❑ 1.NEW PERMIT ❑ 3.RENEWAL PERMIT ® 5.CHANGE OF INFORMATION ❑ 6.TEMPORARY UST CLOSURE ❑ 7.UST PERMANENT CLOSURE ON SITE ❑ 8.UST REMOVAL DATE UST PERMANENTLY CLOSED: 430a DATE EXISTING UST DISCOVERED: 430b I. FACILITY.INFORMATION FACILITY ID 4(Agency Use Only) _ I BUSINESS NAME(Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA-Doing Business As) 3 AT&T Corp. CAK010 BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 103 CITY 104 1520 201h Street Baketsfield II.TANK DESCRIPTION TANK ID# 432 TANK MANUFACTURER 433 TANK CONFIGURATION: TIIIS TANK IS 434 CAK01 00001 Joor E LA A STAND-ALONE TANK ❑2.ONE IN A COMPARTMENTED UNIT. Complete one page for each compartment in the unit. DATE UST SYSTEM INSTALLED 435 TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS 436 NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS IN THE UNIT 437 9/1988 8000 1 III.TANK USE AND CONTENTS TANK USE ❑ N.MOTOR VEHICLE FUELING ❑ lb.MARINA FUELING ❑ lc.AVIATION FUELING 439 ❑ 3.CHEMICAL PRODUCT STORAGE ❑ 4.HAZARDOUS WASTE(Includes Uscd Oil) E 5.EMERGENCY GENERATOR FUEL[HSC§25281.5(c)] ❑ 6.OTHER GENERATOR FUEL ❑ 95.UNKNOWN ❑ 99.OTHER (Specify): 439a CONTENTS PETROLEUM: ❑ la.REGULAR UNLEADED ❑ lc.MIDGRADE UNLEADED ❑ lb.PREMIUM UNLEADED 440 E 3.DIESEL ❑ 5.JET FUEL ❑ 6.AVIATION GAS ❑ 8.PETROLEUM BLEND FUEL ❑ 9.OTHER PETROLEUM (Specify): 440a NON-PETROLEUM:❑ 7.USED OIL ❑ 10.ETHANOL ❑ 11.OTHER NON-PETROLEUM S ci • 440b IV. TANK CONSTRUCTION TYPE OF TANK ❑ 1.SINGLE WALL ® 2.DOUBLE WALL ❑ 95.UNKNOWN 443 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT E 1.STEEL ❑ 3.FIBERGLASS ❑ 6.INTERNAL BLADDER 444 ❑ 7.STEEL+INTERNAL LINING ❑ 95.UNKNOWN ❑ 99.OTHER (Specify): 444. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT ❑ I.STEEL ❑3.FIBERGLASS ❑ 6.EXTERIOR MEMBRANE LINER E 7.JACKETED 445 ❑ 90.NONE ❑ 95.UNKNOWN ❑99.OTHER (Specify) 445a OVERFILL PREVENTION 1.AUDIBLE&VISUAL ALARMS [_-] 2.BALL FLOAT 3.FILL TUBE SHUT-OFF VALVE 452. ❑ 4.TANK MEETS REQUIREMENTS FOR EXEMPTION FROM OVERFILL PREVENTION EQUIPMENT V. PRODUCT/WASTE PIPING CONSTRUCTION PIPING CONSTRUCTION ❑1.SINGLE-WALLED E 2.DOUBLE-WALLED ❑99.OTHER 460 SYSTEM TYPE E 1.PRESSURE ❑ 2.GRAVITY ❑ 3.CONVENTIONAL SUCTION ❑ 4.SAFE SUCTION 23 CCR$2636(a)(3)] 458 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT ® 1.STEEL ❑ 4.FIBERGLASS ❑ 8.FLEXIBLE ❑ 10.RIGID PLASTIC 464 ❑ 90.NONE ❑ 95.UNKNOWN ❑ 99.OTHER($ cci ): 4614 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT ❑ 1.STEEL E 4.FIBERGLASS ❑ 8.FLEXIBLE ❑ ]0.RIGID PLASTIC 464b ❑ 90.NONE ❑ 95.UNKNOWN ❑ 99.OTHER(Specify): 464c PIPING/TURBINE CONTAINMENT SUMP TYPE ® 1.SINGLE WALL ❑ 2.DOUBLE WALL ❑ 90.NONE 4644 VI.VENT,VAPOR RECOVERY(VR)AND RISER/FILL PIPE PIPING CONSTRUCTION VENT PRIMARY CONTAINMENT ❑ 1.STEEL 4.FIBERGLASS ❑ 10.RIGID PLASTIC 90.NONE ❑ 99.OTHER(Specify) 464e 464e1 VENT SECONDARY CONTAINMENT ❑ L STEEL E 4.FIBERGLASS ❑ 10.RIGID PLASTIC ❑ 90.NONE ❑ 99.OTHER(Specify) 464f 46411 VR PRIMARY CONTAINMENT ❑ 1.STEEL ❑ 4.FIBERGLASS ❑ 10.RIGID PLASTIC E 90.NONE 99.OTHER(Specify) 464s 464 1 VR SECONDARY CONTAINMENT ❑ 1.STEEL 4.FIBERGLASS ❑ 10.RIGID PLASTIC 90.NONE ❑ 99.OTHER(Specify) 464h 46th I VENT PIPING TRANSITION SUMP TYPE ❑ 1.SINGLE WALL ❑ 2.DOUBLE WALL E 90.NONE 4641 RISER PRIMARY CONTAINMENT E L STEEL 4.FIBERGLASS ❑ 10.RIGID PLASTIC 90.NONE 99.OTHER(Specify) 4641 4641 RISER SECONDARY CONTAINMENT L STEEL E 4.FIBERGLASS 10.RIGID PLASTIC ❑ 90.NONE 99.OTHER(Specify) 461k 464k1 FILL COMPONENTS INSTALLED E 1.SPILL BUCKET E 3.STRIKER PLATE/BOTTOM PROTECTOR E 4.CONTAINMENT SUMP 451 a-c VII.UNDER DISPENSER CONTAINMENT(UDC) CONSTRUCTION TYPE ❑ 1.SINGLE WALL ❑ 2.DOUBLE WALL E 3.NO DISPENSERS ❑ 90.NONE 469a CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL ❑ 1.STEEL ❑ 4.FIBERGLASS ❑ 10.RIGID PLASTIC ❑ 99.OTHER(S ecify) 469b-c VIII. CORROSION PROTECTION STEEL COMPONENT PROTECTION ❑ 2.SACRIFICIAL ANODE(S) ❑ 4.IMPRESSED CURRENT E 6.ISOLATION 448. 1X. APPLICANT SIGNATURE CERTIFICATION: 1 certify that this UST system is compatible with the hazardous substance stored and that the Information provided herein is true,accurate, and in full com li with 1 al re uir ents. APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE a7o. 3/23/2010 APPLICANT print) 471' APPLICANT TITLE 472. Steven J Hall Mana er, EH&S UPCF UST-B Rev.(12/2007) 3t&t Monitoring Plan Site Map Drawing NOT to Scale Business Name: Pacific Bell Telephone Co. dba AT&T Cal. (CAK010) Date: 3/23/2010 Business Address: 1520 20th Street Bakersfield Zip Code: 93301 Fill sump w/ Piping Sump w/ Sensors ————— Sensors i I 8K ST Diesel Annular �.I,� / U Sensor I i Vent Riser Fuel Lines I Overfill Alarm TLS 350 in Transition Sump basement f w/Sensor Pump Cabinet w/Sensor i AT&T building 250 gal.Day tank 4th Floor f w/Sensor Engine Room ( t 3 20th Street N Drawing prepared by: W E Steven J Hall /AT&T g CAKO 10 BUSINESS NAME(Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA-Doing Business As) 3 AT&T Corp. CAK010 BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 103 CITY 104 1520 20's Street Bakersfield 1/27/2011 Revised 1/27/2011 Monitoring Plan Change History Revisiom.Date. �;Re'ason:foiReviston 4/30/2008 Revised to new UniDocs forms 3/26/2009 Updated to add additional inspection and testing criteria 1/27/2011 Add Sensors to Section X Response Plan Chan e History Revision rDate Reasoii foi Reviston,f_r _ 4/30/2008 Revised to new UniDocs forms 3/26/2009 Removed Shaw from Section III and Added ESM to Section IV 4/18/2010 Updated to latest Unidocs form Facility Information Form Change History 4/30/2008 Revised to new UniDocs forms 3/26/2009 Revised Tank owner info 1/27/2011 Revised Permit Holder info Tank Information Form Change History 'Revision-Date Reason for:Revis�6ii- 4/30/2009 Revised to new UniDocs forms 3/26/2009 Changed Fuel Usage from Other to Emergency Generator 3/23/2010 Correct Piping materials Site Plan Change History Reviston�Date Reason forReviston � >_ 4/15/2008 Stantec Site Plan 3/23/2010 New Site Plan created a t M January 28, 2011 UST Compliance Department Bakersfield Fire Department 1501 Truxtun Ave Ste 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Letter of Transmittal FedEx 7943-6798-0323 To whom it may concern, Enclosed please find copy(ies) of: MRP Package - CAK010 (1520 210" St) Please return applicable approval pages to: Steven 3 Hall C/O AT&T EH&S 308 South Akard St. Room 1700 Dallas, TX 75202 If you have any questions or require any additional information, please feel free to contact me at (214) 464.3131 or by email at shi9750att.com. Thank you for your help complying with this requirement. Sincerely, Steven 3 Hall Manager, Environment, Health & Safety AT&T Services Inc. CC: AT&T EH&S National Tank File Retention A 1—Sponwr of the U.S.Olympic Team CAK010 FILE THIS DOCUMENT IN THE HAZARDOUS SECTION MATERIALS PLAN, PROGRAMS, PERMITS, and PLANS BINDER t&t UST Monitoring and Response Plan And Tank Registration Forms 2011 - AT&T Corp. - BKFDCA01 - CAKO10 (Facility Name and ID) 1520 20th St. (Facility Address) Bakersfield (Facility City) Kern (Facility County) Maintain this UST Monitoring and Response Plan until replaced, and/or updated with a new plan. THIS DOCUMENT IS REQUIRED TO BE POSTED ON SITE AND AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW BY GOVERNMENT AGENCY INSPECTORS, SITE ASSESSORS OR AUDITORS. THIS IS A CONDITION OF THE UST OPERATING PERMIT. Monitoring Plan(s)Revised 1/27/2011 Response Plan Revised 4/18/2010 Facility Information Form Revised 1/27/2011 Tank information Form(s)Revised 3/23/2010 Site Plan Revised 3/23/2010