HomeMy WebLinkAbout1701 STINE RD E zC Remediation Environmental Engineering, Consulting and Remediation,Inc. 24 2 08 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII o7 September 0 IE - - Mr. Frank.Hobin 8908.Versailles Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93311 SUBJECT: Third Quarter 2007 Groundwater Monitoring and ; Remediation Status.Report Former Niagara Car Wash 1701 Stine.Road Bakersfield,California Dear Mr. Hobin: The attached report documents.Semi Annual Groundwater Monitoring activities, which were Conducted. in the,Third Quarter 2007;atAhe Former Niagara Car Wash facility (Site) located at 1701 Stine Road in Bakersfield, California. In addition, this report presents the remediation status for the Site. . This work-was conducted in'response to the State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board — Central Valley,Region (RWQCB) letter dated August 26; 2003; and also in compliance with subsequent RWQCB directives, the latest'of which is-dated May 29, 2007. It is'a pleasure to be of service; should you have any questions regarding this submittal', do not hesitate to call the'undersigned at 661=831-6906. Respectfully Submitted, E2C Remediation a F �110"�. bi William A. Lawson, P.G. 7171 fya,Zt�o r Director of.Technical Operations Os Cp cc: Mr.John Whiting, O.G. Regional Water Quality Control Board—Central Valley Region 1685.E Street Fresno,CA 93706-21020 Mr. Howard H.Wines,III; P.G. Hazardous Materials Specialist. City of Bakersfield Fire Department,Office of Environmental Services.. I I II 900 Truxton Avenue, Suite 210 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 08 Bakersfield,CA 93301 IE 5300 Woodmere Drive,Suite 105,Bakersfield,CA 93313 tel 661.831.6906 fax 661.831.6234 www.e2cr.net E 2C Remediation. Environmental Engineering, Consulting and Remediation;Inca r , SEMI-ANNUAL:GROUNDWATER MONITORING 1 .: AND REMEDIATION STATUS REPORT.FOR THE ' THIRD`QUARTER 2007 ' FORMER NIAGARA'CAR".WASH 1701 STINE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 1 ; September 24, 2008 ' Project`Number 1812BK26 Prepared For: rMr .Frank Hobin 8908 Versailles Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93311 r Prepared By: ' E2'C Remediation Environmental/Engineering Consultants 5300-Woodmere Drive, Suite 105 r Bakersfield, CA 93313 1 1 5300 Woodmere Drive,Suite 105,Bakersfield,CA 93313 tel 661.831.6906 fax 661.831.6234 www.e2cr.net ' Proiect Number 1812BK26 September 24.2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS ' TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................. ' LIST•OF FIGURES ii LISTOF TABLES ....................................................................................................................... ii ' LIST OF APPENDICES.............................................................................................................. ii EXECUTIVESUMMARY ............................................................................................................1 Discussion of Groundwater Monitoring and Remedial Data.....................................................1 ' Conclusions............................................................................................ ...............2 Recommendations ............................................................................ ...............2 ....................... 1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 3 1.1 Site Description :3 1.2 Site Hydrogeology........................................................................................................3 ' 1.3 Site History....................................:..............................................................................3 2.0 THIRD QUARTER 2007 GROUNDWATER MONITORING .............................................5 2.1 Groundwater Elevation Monitoring.................................................................................5 ' 2.2 Groundwater Sampling ............................................................................................. .5 2.2.1 Purge Water Recycling............................................... ........................................5 ' 2.3 Groundwater Chemical Analyses..................................................................................6 2.3.1 Summary of Third Quarter 2007 Groundwater Analytical Data..............................6 2.4 AB 2886 Compliance....................................................................................................6 2.5 Discussion of Groundwater Monitoring Data.................................................................6 3.0 REMEDIATION STATUS REPORT .................................................................................7 3.1 Historical Remedial System Operations........................................................................8 ' 3.1.1 Thermal Oxidizer...................................................................................................8 3.2 Compliance with SJVAPCD Permit To Operate.................................... 8 ........................ ' 3.2.1 August 2004 Influent/Effluent Analytical Data........................................................8 3.3 Fuel Hydrocarbon Mass Removal.Rates.......................................................................9 3.4 Discussion of Remedial Efficiency................................................................................9 4.0 CONCLUSIONS............................•...................................................................................9 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS..................................................................................................10 ' 6.0 LIMITATIONS AND REPORT CERTIFICATION ............................................................11 E2C Remediation i .i ' Pro'ect Number 1812BK26 September 24 2008 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map—General Area Figure 2 Site Plan Figure 3 Third Quarter 2007 Groundwater Gradient Plot ' Figure 4 Third Quarter 2007 Groundwater Fuel Hydrocarbon Distribution Plot ' LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Summary of Third Quarter 2007 Groundwater Monitoring Data Table 2 Summary of Historical Groundwater Elevation Data ' Table 3 Summary of Historical.Groundwater Analytical Data Table 4 Summary of VES Monitoring Data Table 5 Summary of Hydrocarbon Mass Removed Using VES LIST OF APPENDICES ' Appendix A Third Quarter 2007 Groundwater Purge Data Sheets Appendix B Third Quarter 2007 Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Report ' Appendix C Groundwater Sampling Purge Water Transport Manifests and Recycling Certificates Appendix D GeoTracker.Upload Reports ' E2C Remediation ii ' Proiect Number 1812BK26 Sedtember24,2008 ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY E2C Remediation (E2C) has completed semi-annual groundwater monitoring activities, which were conducted in the Third Quarter 2007, at ,the Former Niagara Car Wash facility (Site) located at 1700 Stine Road in Bakersfield, California. In addition, this report presents the remediation status for the Site. This work was conducted in response to the State of California ' Regional Water Quality Control Board — Central Valley Region (RWQCB) letter dated August 26, 2003, and also in compliance with subsequent RWQCB directives, the latest of which is dated May 29, 2007. ' Discussion of Groundwater Monitoring and Remedial Data Based on the groundwater analytical data from the Third Quarter 2007, groundwater beneath ' the Site is no longer impacted with fuel constituent COCs from past activities, except for a reoccurrence of MtBE at 100 µg/L.in MW-2. Historically, the principal impact to groundwater was by extremely low concentrations of MtBE (the only COC to have been reported since ' October 10, 2003). MtBE has been reported as non-detect at MW-1 since July 2004 and at MW-3 since October 2004. Throughout that time,the groundwater table elevation fell and rose as much as four (4) feet. Generally, when the groundwater elevation rises it will bring groundwater into contact with residual fuel mass, if present, in the `smear zone' and dissolved- ' phase concentrations will increase. Therefore, it is unlikely that any significant fuel- hydrocarbon mass remains beneath the Site. The reoccurrence of MtBE at MW-2 is anomalous, since MtBE has not been reported at that well for ten (10) quarters. E2C will evaluate the laboratory analytical data generated from the next sampling event to determine if additional actions, if any, are warranted. ' In, June 2006, (as reported in E2C's Second Quarter 2006 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Third Quarter 2006 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Additional Assessment Report of Findings ' and Remediation Status Report, dated November 28, 2006) E2C conducted soil vapor extraction activities to assess whether an unidentified source of fuel constituents was present at the Site. During the testing, the low vapor influent concentrations reported during the additional assessment testing (consisting of an 8-hour continuous test) compared closely to the influent concentrations reported at remedial system shutdown in August 2004. These low concentrations indicate the presence of very minor residual fuel constituent impact in the vadose zone, if any. A significant quantity of fuel constituents were removed from startup through the end of August 2004. -The fuel constituent removal rate showed a rapidly declining trend, from an initial rate of nearly 600 lbs/day at start up (May 14, 2004) to a rate at system shut down of 33 lbs/day (see Table 5 graph). This declining rate suggested a rapid depletion of the `source' material. MtBE concentrations in groundwater were eliminated immediately. This operational data, combined with the June 2006 additional assessment test data, indicated' that remediation may be complete. In order to verify this E2C, implemented an approved Pilot Test Workplan to assess whether a residual mass of fuel constituents occurs near the former UST pit. In May 2007, (as reported in E2C's Residual Mass"Assessment Report of Findings, Human Health Risk Assessment and Request for Site Case .Closure, dated June 11, 2007) E2C ' conducted soil vapor extraction activities for an assessment of residual fuel and to perform a human health risk assessment. Based on current concentrations of fuel constituents in the subsurface at the Site, non-detect in groundwater (except for a reoccurrence of 100 gg/L of MtBE at MW-2) and very low in soil (35 ppmV at end of May 2007 testing), SVE remedial ' E2C Remediation 1 ' Proiect Number 1812BK26 September 24 2008 operations have reduced subsurface fuel constituents to levels that do not pose threats to human health or groundwater. ' Conclusions Based on the site assessment work and groundwater monitoring data obtained at the Site to ' date, E2C concludes the following: ■ In the Third Quarter 2007 the groundwater flow direction was interpreted to be southerly at a gradient of 0.0078 ft/ft; ' ■ The average groundwater table elevation decreased 3.16 feet since the Second Quarter 2007. Recharge and or discharge from the Stine Canal, located along the eastern boundary of the Site, does not appear to control groundwater flow beneath the Site; ' ■ In the Third Quarter 2007, groundwater samples were reported as non-detect for the fuel constituent COCs, except for the reported 100 Vg/L of MtBE at MW-2. COCs have been reported as non-detect for thirteen (13) consecutive quarters at MW-1 and for ' twelve (12) consecutive quarters at MW-3; ■ During its limited operation period (May 14, 2004 through August 31, 2004), between 7,700 Ibs and 8,000 Ibs of fuel constituents were removed from the subsurface at the ' Site; ■ Additional Assessment testing (consisting of an 8-hour continuous test) conducted on June 15, 2006 at vapor extraction point VE-FD demonstrated that no significant fuel ' constituent mass is present beneath the former fuel dispenser island, no benzene or MtBE were present, and that only very minor fuel constituents might remain in the vadose zone; ' Additional Assessment testing (conducted between May 29, 2007 and May 31, 2007) at vapor extraction points VES-As, VES-Bs, VES-Ad, VES-Bd and VES-C demonstrated that no significant fuel constituent mass is present beneath the former UST area, no ' benzene or MtBE were present, and that only very minor fuel constituents might remain in the vadose zone; ■ An assessment of human health risk shows that limited residual fuel impact to medium- depth soils beneath the Site poses no threats to human health or the environment; and • Based on current concentrations of fuel constituents in the subsurface at the Site, non- detect in groundwater (excepting the reoccurrence of MtBE at MW-2) and very low in soil (35 ppmV at end of May 2007 testing), SVE remedial operations have reduced subsurface fuel constituents to levels that do not pose threats to human health or the environment; and ' Based on the above conclusions, it is E2C's professional opinion that further remediation at this Site is not necessary at this time, however, continued monitoring at is warranted to verify the recent detection 'and to evaluate the need for additional remediation, if 1 warranted. Recommendations ' Based on the data presented in this report and the above conclusions, E2C makes the following recommendations: • Continue groundwater monitoring on a semi-annual basis; ■ Analyze groundwater samples for BTEX and five fuel oxygenates. (includes MtBE) using EPA Method 8260b and TPHg using EPA Method 8015M on a quarterly basis; and • Continue status reporting on a semi-annual basis until MtBE concentrations at MW-2 warrant Site Closure. ' E2C Remediation 2 ' Project Number 1812BK26 September 24,2008 r1.0 INTRODUCTION E2C Remediation (E2C) has completed semi-annual groundwater monitoring activities, which were conducted in the Third Quarter 2007, for the Former Niagara Car Wash facility (Site) located at 1700 Stine Road in Bakersfield, California. In. addition, this report presents the remediation status for the Site. This work was conducted in response to the State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board — Central Valley Region (RWQCB) letter dated August r 26, 2003, and also in compliance with subsequent RWQCB directives, the latest of which is dated March 12, 2007. 1.1 Site Description The Site is currently utilized as an operating car.wash (W hitewater Car Wash) located in ' Bakersfield, California, at 1700 Stine Road between Stine Road and Hasti Acres Drive (see. . Figures 1A and 1 B for Site Location Maps). The Site encompasses approximately 1.7 acres and is located approximately 200 feet south of Ming Avenue. The Site is located in Section 11, Township 30 South, Range 27 East MDBM. Three (3) 12,000:gallon gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs) were located as shown on Figure 2 (Site Plan). The USTs were removed in April 2003. The fuel dispensers under the ' canopy area were removed, as well as the associated piping. One (1) 2,000-gallon waste oil UST is still located at the Site as shown on Figure 2. ' 1.2 Site Hydrogeology Regionally, the depth to groundwater had been estimated at approximately 190 feet bgs ' according to the 1996 Water Supply Report published by the Kern County Water Agency. During March 2003 drilling activities, first encountered groundwater was found at a depth of approximately 163 feet bgs. In July 2005 groundwater was encountered at approximately 170 feet bgs. ' The surrounding area well survey identified four (4) production wells within a 2,500-foot radius of the Site. All of these wells were noted to be,operating during a field reconnaissance. 1 The Stine Canal (irrigation and runoff) traverses the Site from northeast to southwest between the carwash building"and Stine Road. The canal continues beneath the Site as a concrete pipe culvert which extends from north of Ming Avenue to the southern boundary of the Site. The canal is an unlined channel to the south of the Site. Water generally flows in the canal on a year-round basis. 1.3 Site History A detailed Site History was discussed in the June 17, 2003 report, `Site Characterization Report of Findings, Report of Surrounding Area Well Survey, SVE System Installation and Pilot Test Report of Findings & Workplan to Implement Remedial Action, Former Niagara Car Wash, 1701 Stine Road, Bakersfield,'California'(1 RAP). In March 2003, E2C installed one (1) groundwater monitoring well to assess groundwater conditions at the Site. In addition, six (6) VE wells were installed and two (2) 40-foot soil 1 borings were advanced on either side of the`dispenser islands. Upon completion of the well installations, the remediation wells were plumbed to a manifold in the equipment pad area. This work was reported in the Site Characterization. Report of Findings, dated June 17, 2003. In a letter, dated August 26, 2003, the RWQCB requested additional groundwater characterization. ' E2C Remediation 3 ' Prot ect Number 1812BK26 September 24.2111 Groundwater monitoring wells MW-2 and MW-3 were installed during the week of September 28, 2003, after which the wells were developed. Initial.groundwater monitoring/sampling was conducted at the new wells in October 2003 and that data was reported in the Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring Report, dated February 2004. In May 2005, vapor extraction well (VE)-VE-FD was installed at the Site, as approved by the RWQCB in a letter dated March 15, 2005. Installation of the well was reported in the following 1 document: First Quarter 2005 Groundwater Monitoring. Report, Second Quarter 2005 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Third Quarter 2005 Groundwater Monitoring Report, and Remediation Status Report, Former Niagara Carwash, 1701 Stine Road, Bakersfield, California, ' dated September 5, 2005. In June 2006, (as reported in E2C's Second Quarter 2006 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Third Quarter 2006 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Additional Assessment Report of Findings and Remediation Status Report, dated November 28, 2006) E2C conducted soil vapor extraction activities to assess whether an unidentified source of fuel constituents were present at the Site. During the testing, the, low vapor influent concentrations reported during the additional assessment testing (consisting of an 8-hour continuous test) compare closely to the influent concentrations reported at remedial system shutdown in August 2004. These low concentrations indicate the presence of very minor residual fuel constituent impact in the vadose zone. Since the radius of influence at VE-FD is at least 105 feet, the additional assessment testing ' demonstrated that no significant fuel constituent mass is present within the radius of influence of VE-FD. If significant residual fuel constituents were present in the vadose zone beneath the former fuel dispensers, or in the vicinity of the.former USTs, reported influent concentrations would have reflected this and resulted in higher influent concentrations that increased throughout the duration of the test. 1 In May 2007, (as reported in E2C's Residual Mass Assessment Report of Findings, Human Health Risk Assessment and-Request for Site Case Closure, dated June 11, 2007) E2C conducted soil vapor extraction activities for an assessment of residual fuel and to perform a human health risk assessment. Based on current concentrations of fuel constituents in the subsurface at the Site, non-detect in groundwater and very low in soil (35 ppmV at end of May 2007 testing), SVE remedial operations have reduced subsurface fuel constituents to levels that do not.pose threats to human health or groundwater. In I r 9 7 In a letter, May 2 , 200 , the RWQCB requested a reduction in the frequency of the monitoring to a semi-annual basis. E2C Remediation 4 Proiect Number 1812BK26 September 24 2008 2.0 SEMI-ANNUAL GROUNDWATER MONITORING Semi-annual groundwater-monitoring activities were conducted on July 17, 2007. ' 2.1 Groundwater Elevation Monitoring The initial task performed was evaluating the wells for presence of free-product using a clear ' bailer. Free-product was not present in any well. The depth of freestanding groundwater was then measured to the nearest one-hundredth (0.01) of a foot using a Solinst water level indicator and an attached measuring tape. Current semi-annual groundwater monitoring data are summarized in Table 1 and are presented with historical groundwater elevation data in Table 2. ' The groundwater flow direction for the Third Quarter 2007 has been interpreted as southerly at a gradient of 0.0078 foot of vertical drop.per foot of horizontal distance (ft/ft) (see Figure 3), a very flat gradient. In the Third Quarter 2007, the groundwater table elevation decreased an average of approximately 3.16 feet across the Site (see Table 2). Based on historical groundwater flow directions interpreted at the Site, it does not appear that recharge or discharge from the Stine.Canal control the groundwater flow direction beneath the ' Site. This is likely due to the depth (156 feet bgs or greater) at which groundwater occurs beneath the Site. Therefore, groundwater flow beneath the Site may be regionally controlled and/or controlled by regional pumping.southeast of the Site. 2.2 Groundwater Sampling Groundwater was purged at each monitoring well by hand bailing using a new disposable bailer. A minimum of 3 casing volumes was removed from each well prior to sampling groundwater., A casing volume is calculated by multiplying the height of the freestanding water column in the well by the cross-sectional area of the well casing. The temperature, pH and conductivity of the purged water were measured periodically to verify sufficient purging, as indicated by stable measurements on field instruments. When the measurements were within 10% of the previous readings-the groundwater was considered stable for sampling (see Appendix A for Third Quarter 2007 groundwater purge data sheets). Each sample was collected using a new disposable bailer. Liquid in the bailer was decanted into two 40-milliliter volatile organic analysis (VOA) vials. Each VOA was sealed using a tight fitting Teflon-lined screw cap. Care was taken so that no headspace or bubbles existed after sealing each VOA with the lid. All samples were labeled and documented on a Chain-of- ' Custody record immediately after sealing. The samples were placed into an iced cooler maintained at 4° Centigrade for transport to the analytical laboratory. Note: For this sampling event, the sample labeled MW-4 on the Chain-of-Custody is a duplicate of the sample from ' MW-3. 2.2.1 Purge Water Recycling Groundwater sampling purge water was transported to Remedy Environmental Services of Bakersfield, California for recycling (Appendix C contains copies of the non-hazardous purge water transport manifests and the recycling certificates). ' E2C Remediation 5 1 Proiect Number 1812BK26 September 24.2008 2.3 Groundwater Chemical Analyses Groundwater samples were transported to and analyzed at ProVera Analytical Laboratories, ' Inc. (ProVera) (State Certification #2606) of Bakersfield, California in accordance with State guidelines and EPA protocols for the following: • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) using EPA Method 8015M; ' • The volatile aromatic compounds of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (total) (BTEX) using EPA Method 8260b; and • The five fuel oxygenates of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MtBE), tertiary-butyl alcohol (TBA; a.k.a. tert-butanol), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl-tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE), and tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME) using EPA Method 8260b. Note: In a letter, dated February 9, 2006, the RWQCB directed the.discontinuation of annual analysis of groundwater samples using EPA Method 8260b full-scan. 'in a letter, dated May 29, 2007, the RWQCB requested a reduction in the frequency of monitoring to a semi-annual basis. 2.3.1 Summary of Third Quarter 2007 Groundwater Analytical Data The analytical laboratory report for the Third Quarter 2007 is included as Appendix B. The July 1 17, 2007 groundwater analytical data are presented in Table 1, are presented with historical analytical data in Table 3, and are summarized following: • BTEX compounds were reported as non-detect at all three (3) wells; • TPHg was reported as non-detect afall three (3) wells; ■ MtBE was reported at one (1) well (MW-2) at a concentration of 100 4g/L; and • TAME, TBA, DIPE, and ETBE were reported as non-detect at all three (3) wells. ' 2.4 AB 2886 Compliance Groundwater analytical data for this quarter have been uploaded to the GeoTracker database in accordance with State of California Assembly Bill 2886 (AB 2886). Groundwater elevation data have also been uploaded to the database. Finally, a copy of this status report has also been uploaded to the database. Appendix D contains copies of the available upload confirmation ' reports through the Third Quarter 2007. Any upload confirmation reports not included in this report will be included in the next semi-annual status report. ' 2.5 Discussion of Groundwater.Monitoring Data Based on the groundwater analytical data from the Third Quarter 2007, groundwater beneath the Site is no longer impacted with fuel constituent COCs from past activities, except for a reoccurrence of MtBE at 100 µg/L in MW-2. Historically, the principal impact to groundwater was by extremely low concentrations of MtBE (the only COC to have been reported since ' October 10, 2003). MtBE has been reported as non-detect at MW-1 since July 2004 and at MW-3 since October 2004. Throughout that time, the groundwater table elevation fell and rose as much as four (4) feet. Generally, when the groundwater elevation rises it will bring groundwater into contact with residual fuel mass, if.present, in the `smear zone' and dissolved- 1 phase concentrations will increase. Therefore, it is unlikely that any significant fuel- hydrocarbon mass remains beneath the Site. The reoccurrence of MtBE at MW-2 is anomalous, since MtBE has not been reported at that well for ten (10) quarters. E2C will evaluate,the laboratory analytical data generated from the next sampling event to determine if additional actions, if any, are'warranted. 1 E2C Remediation 6 Proiect Number 1812BK26 September 24.2008 ' 3.0 REMEDIATION STATUS REPORT Remedial operations at the Site were previously conducted utilizing a vapor extraction system ' (VES). To date, six (6) vapor extraction (VE) wells have been installed at the Site. Two (2) of the VE wells (VES-AD and VES-BD) are screened deep (approximately 75 to 110 feet bgs), three (3) (VES-AS, VES-BS and VE-FD) are screened shallow (approximately 10 to 75 feet bgs) and one (1) (VES-C) is screened at medium depth (approximately 40 to-85 feet bgs). On May 14, 2004, the VES equipment (Baker Furnace 250-CFM Thermal/catalytic Oxidizer with a propane-powered generator) was brought on line. The system, prior to shutdown on August 31, 2004, was operating with wells VES-AS, VES-BS, and VES-C open and with VES-AD and VES-BD closed. This wellfield configuration yielded the highest influent concentration. During remedial system operations, the wellfield configuration was adjusted on a weekly basis to 1 optimize the system effectiveness. Note: During the first ten (10) days of system operation, the oxidizer shut down intermittently ' due to low temperature or low pressure, so that only seven (7) days of actual runtime were achieved. This problem was repaired and the system operated continuously until August 31, 2004 when the SJVAPCD Startup Inspection was conducted. During the inspection, the SJVAPCD Inspector indicated that an individual Permit To Operate (PTO) would also be required for the generator providing the electrical power. As such, the remediation system was shut down pending receipt of the additional PTO. It must be noted that the SJVAPCD originally permitted the site remediation equipment with a propane generator. A permit application for the generator was prepared and submitted to the SJVAPCD for their review and approval. On December 8, 2004, the SJVAPCD issued the PTO. Upon receipt of the PTO, E2C reviewed the permit conditions, which included a mandatory requirement for independent monthly testing of the generator emissions. This required testing consisted of monthly Site visits to measure/test the generator emissions for an extensive suite of analytes. E2C solicited bids from several independent testing contractors and determined that testing costs and propane costs would increase operational costs significantly, and that electrical service provided.by PG&E would be substantially more cost-effective. Therefore, E2C applied to PG&E for installation of the permanent power supply. E2C received the contract documents from PG&E and found the cost to install permanent power to be excessive. 1 However, on June 15, 2006, E2C conducted additional assessment testing on extraction well VE-FD, and the results of that testing demonstrated.the presence of very minor fuel constituent impact to the vadose zone soils. In May 2007, E2C conducted an assessment of residual subsurface gasoline mass at the Site using SVE testing at existing VE wells in the area of the former underground storage tanks (USTs). The work was conducted in accordance with a Workplan dated February 22, 2007, which was approved by the RWQCB by letter, dated March 12, 2007. Initially, all VE wells were individually tested to determine which well, or combination of wells, would yield the highest influent concentration(s). VES-C showed the highest concentrations during this testing; however, concentrations dropped at this well until at the end of testing 28 hours later, the concentration at VES-C was only 35 ppmV, a fuel hydrocarbon removal rate of ' only 2.1 pounds per day (Ibs/day). This indicates that continued operation of an SVE system would extract soil vapors at less than 2.1 Ibs/day over any long-term period. Additionally, testing of the shallow and deep zones individually and collectively yielded very low (25-50 ' ppmV) influent concentrations. As such, the minor mass of fuel hydrocarbons remaining beneath the Site does not warrant continued remedial action. E2C Remediation 7 1 Project Number 18126K26 September 24.2008 Based on current concentrations of fuel constituents in the subsurface at the Site, non-detect in groundwater (except for a reoccurrence of 100 gg/L of MtBE at MW-2) and very low in soil (35 ppmV at end of May 2007 testing), SVE remedial operations have reduced subsurface fuel ' constituents to levels that do not pose threats to human health or the environment. 3.1 Historical Remedial System Operations ' 3.1.1 Thermal Oxidizer The remedial system consisted of vapor extraction using a Baker Furnace 250-CFM thermal oxidizer capable of adding a modular catalytic cell as concentrations fall. The unit's minimum operating temperature in thermal mode was 1,400 deg. F. This temperature was set to maximize vapor oxidation at reasonable electrical unit cost via the propane-powered generator. The unit was equipped with a regenerative or PD type vapor extraction blower. For improved reliability and safety, the valve controls, actuators, and components were controlled by relay logic switches. The unit was equipped with a water knockout pot, automatic air dilution Icapability, and a noise-reducing muffler. This equipment was designed to shut down and lock out in the event of a system malfunction. The various safety features include high and low oxidizer bed temperatures, high and low ' blower pressure, high intake'LEL, high and low air pressure, high and low exhaust temperature, and water knockout malfunction sensor. At least 99% destruction efficiency is stated in the manufacturer's specifications for the unit. Prior to shutdown, the remediation equipment was monitored on a weekly basis to perform routine maintenance, record oxidizer parameters (temperature, flow rate and operating hours)' and measure influent and effluent constituent concentrations. Although the oxidizer parameters were continuously recorded digitally on a Zip disk, weekly monitoring of these parameters verifies accuracy of the measuring devices. Fuel constituent concentrations were also measured in the field using a portable hydrogen flame ionization detector (FID) and the data were used in applicable formulas to calculate the mass of fuel constituents removed on both.a monthly and cumulative basis. ' Adjustments were continually made to the configuration of the unit to maximize vapor flow from the wellfield while maintaining the chamber temperature above 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) as required in the SJVAPCD permit and below the manufacturer's recommended temperature limit of 1,850 OF in the stack. Note: Due to declining influent concentrations, a catalytic cell was added to the system on August 18, 2004. ' 3.2 Compliance with SJVAPCD Permit To Operate Compliance was demonstrated by monitoring of the influent and effluent streams with a FID or PID instrument during regular system operations and weekly monitoring visits. From May 14 through May 24, 2004, the influent averaged 4,800 ppmv with `zero' effluent, which equated to 100% destruction efficiency. Field records including sampling results, cumulative runtime, flow rate, and catalytic oxidizer temperature will be maintained and retained for a minimum of two (2) years. When operating, system operation temperature was maintained at a minimum of 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) in the combustion chamber of the thermal oxidizer, and at a,minimum of 600°F after the August 18, 2004 conversion to catalytic operation. I3.2.1 August 2004 Influent/Effluent Analytical Data On August 31, 2004, during the SJVAPCD Startup Inspection test, Tedlar@ bag samples were ' collected from the influent and effluent sample ports. The samples were submitted to ProVera for analyses Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) using Modified EPA Method ' E2C Remediation 8 1 Proiect Number 1812BK26 September 24 2008 ' TO-3 and for volatile aromatics (BTEX) using Modified EPA Method TO-15. The results are summarized following (the data was previously reported): ' The influent BTEX components were reported at a total concentration of 64 ppmv, and the effluent concentration was reported as non-detect; ■ The influent TPHg were reported at.a concentration of 500 ppmv, and the effluent concentration was reported as non-detect; and Based on this data, the TPHg/BTEX destruction efficiency was 100%. 3.3 Fuel Hydrocarbon Mass Removal Rates Hydrocarbon removal rates were estimated using two different methods of calculation. The first method uses a straight-line extrapolation of influent measurements based on actual hourly run- time. Using this method, the mass of fuel constituents removed, from startup through August 31, 2004, was calculated at approximately 7,700 pounds (Ibs) (see Table 4). The second - nmethod uses the average-influent-over the-average daily--ruri=time per month.. Using-this-____- - method, the total mass of fuel constituents removed, from startup through August 31, 2004, was calculated at approximately 8,000 Ibs (see Table 5). ' 3.4 Discussion of Remedial Efficiency A significant quantity of fuel constituents were removed from startup through the end of August 2004. The fuel constituent removal rate showed a rapidly declining trend, from an initial rate of nearly 600 Ibs/day at start up (May 14, 2004) to a rate at system shut down of 33 Ibs/day (see Table 5 graph). This declining rate suggested a.rapid depletion of the `source' material. MtBE concentrations in groundwater were eliminated immediately. This operational data, combined 1 with the recent additional assessment test data, indicated that remediation may be complete. In order to verify this E2C, implemented the approved Pilot Test Workplan in May 2007 to assess whether an unidentified mass of fuel constituents exist near the former.UST pit. The results of the SVE testing in the former UST area demonstrated that benzene and MtBE were absent in the subsurface soils, and that the minor residual-mass offuel hydrocarbons in the vadose zone did not pose a risk to human health or the environment. 4.0 ' CONCL USIONS Based on the site assessment work and groundwater monitoring data obtained at the Site to date, E2C concludes the following: ■ In the Third Quarter 2007 the groundwater flow direction was interpreted to be southerly at a gradient of 0.0078 ft/ft; ■ The average groundwater table elevation decreased 3.16 feet since the,Second Quarter 2007. Recharge and or discharge from the Stine Canal, located along the eastern boundary of the Site, does not appear to control groundwater flow beneath the Site; ■ In the Third Quarter 2007, groundwater samples were reported as non-detect for the fuel constituent COCs, except for the reported 100 pg/L of MtBE at MW-2. COCs have been reported as non-detect for thirteen (13) consecutive quarters. at MW-1 and for ' twelve (12) consecutive quarters at MW-3; ■ During its limited operation period (May 14, 2004 through August 31, 2004), between 7,700 Ibs and 8,000 lbs of fuel constituents were removed from the subsurface at the Site; ' E2C Remediation 9 Project Number 1812BK26 September 24.2008 ■ Additional Assessment testing (consisting of an 8-hour continuous test) conducted on June 15, 2006 at vapor extraction point. VE-FD demonstrated that no significant fuel constituent mass was present beneath the former fuel dispenser island, no benzene or MtBE were present, and that only very minor fuel constituents might remain in the vadose zone; ■ Additional Assessment testing (conducted between May 29, 2007 and May 31, 2007) at vapor extraction points VES-As, VES-Bs, VES-Ad, VES-Bd and VES-C demonstrated that no significant fuel constituent mass is present beneath the former UST area, no benzene or MtBE were present, and that only very minor fuel constituents might remain in the vadose zone; ■ An assessment of human health risk showed that limited residual fuel impact to medium-depth soils beneath the Site poses no threats to human health or, the environment; and ■ Based on current.concentrations of fuel constituents in the subsurface at the Site, non- detect in groundwater (excepting the reoccurrence of MtBE at MW-2) and very low in soil (35 ppmV at end' of May 2007 testing), SVE remedial operations have reduced subsurface fuel constituents to levels that do not pose threats to human health or the environment; and ■ Based on the above conclusions, it is E2C's professional opinion that further remediation at this Site is not necessary at this time, however, continued monitoring at is warranted to verify the recent detection and to evaluate the need for additional remediation, if warranted. 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the data presented in this report and the above conclusions, E2C makes the following recommendations: ■ Continue groundwater monitoring on a semi-annual basis; ■ Analyze groundwater samples for BTEX and five fuel oxygenates (includes MtBE) using EPA Method 8260b and TPHg using EPA Method 8015M on a quarterly basis; and ■ Continue status reporting on a semi-annual basis until MtBE concentrations at MW-2 warrant Site Closure. 1 1 I E2C Remediation 10 Project Number 1812BK26 ember 24'200 e Sent 8 . 6.0 LIMITATIONS AND REPORT CERTIFICATION E2C performed this investigation in accordance with the generally accepted standards of care existing in,California;at this time.' '- It should be recognized. that definition and,evaluation of ' geologic conditions'is a difficult and inexact science. Judgments leading to conclusions and recommendations are,generally made with limited knowledge of subsurface.conditions present. No warranty, expressed or)rriplied, is made. 1 " This report has been prepared .by E2C under the' professional`supervision of the registered professional whose seal and signature appear herein. The conclusions of this report are based solely on the'Scope of Services outlined and.the sources.of information referenced in this report. Any`additional information:..that becomes available concerning -the Site: should, be submitted to E2C, so that our conclusions may be.reviewed and modified,: if necessary. This report,was prepared for the sole use of Mr: Frank Hobin and/or agent(s), the.RW_ QCB, and the Bakersfield Fire Department. NAL Prepared By: Fir ott, P:G. #8158 fioF cA`��o?' Reviewed By: GFp� oil William A: 'Lawson; P.G. .Senior Geologist Geologist 1 1 1 1 - 1 , 1 . ' E2C Remediation 11 Pro•ect Number 1812BK26 September 24 2008 FIGURES ' Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Plan Figure 3 Third Quarter 2007 Groundwater Gradient Plot ' Figure 4 Third Quarter 2007 Groundwater Fuel Hydrocarbon Distribution Plot E2C Remediation Figures �z 3S?191000'N 35 920.000;N 35°21.000'N 35°22.000'N • 34°40.000'.N 34°52.000'-N -35*01.000'N 35°10.000`N ,35°19.000'N 35°28.000'N 35°37.000'N 35°46.000'N 35°55.000'N Co CJ1 X 7c O {rt r ` "w..1 (D O Q ♦J N r�..; ;ti _ -`gyp--w��.— - _ :> zp�, 1 _',— N o •V �., M M `' I_ 1- - �1 I y W W D (� 6 fit tj a` r'_jJ n'r* `AS a gy t. (� Y. * a:.4.1 "„+ 'qt`r" x 1 1 �1^•.: i h#S+ 'y �,'�+" "-a Y /' `.' t r r z 4 L r o O cy) W � �• ° s} *r, ` ��eF� ��r`51 ,r N' ea s: I � ,'�� ��,:. f F �t� �F t. N N d'B -1 P2 i fj a >: f d;t. W O W �c �{ k1s�k"�e r �^ i' v' ►� 6 'O Z o I D M+ @ep C! bx L I r CD 3 0 r't 5 a1 ,t r \F F + a }Y S _, „e i y .,{ �i<t 'r 4a'r.•"'+ e 0 p --3(1t N 33 o ' $t Q® 8g9 :Vle W Op®t a { TD /� ic m � 0. m N 2�3 G, �,_o,.,•Iwlnt�F 94, * Wr ♦ c 1 }1 O R1 co D n r - gg ZD >s `Q O n m �J'� "N (1 �S— £��� I ! 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MW3 Groundwater Monitoring ?� _ 2 • e 2 Well with Groundwater Auto Detailing 217.49 217.49 Elevation in Feet Above MSL ' Center Groundwater Elevation ?j) Contour in Feet Above MSL S,, (Dashed where approximate, *,3 queried where unknown) UST Underground Storage Tank • EZC Remediation FORMER NIAGARA CARWASH ' 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 1701 STINE ROAD FIGURE Bakersfield, CA 93313 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ' Phone: (661)831-6906 THIRD QUARTER 2007 3 Fax: (661) 831-6234 GROUNDWATER GRADIENT PLOT 1 ' B-9 Om 0A ` o Ji LUbe (HAS° HA PA = Ky Canopy I o Io�j Canopy Building a LL ' O€� € o U c LL LL m R B-6 v V VE-FD d y ' ` 3 2,000-gal B� ; Waste Oil UST iMW-2 C HA TPHg=ND BTEX=ND MtBE=100 Y (n V W > B•2 •L VES-BD 13 VES-BS B-1 ■ Q Equipment€ C Compound - - - +' = VES-AD = = e VES-AS o ,VES-C 0 40 FT LL ' Scale LEGEND MW-3 Groundwater Monitoring Well with Contaminants of Concern ND in Micrograms per Liter(ug/L) MW-1 Q 0 Vapor Extraction Well Location ' TPHg=ND B-4 BTEX=ND 1999 Soil Boring Location MIZE=ND B-5 — 2003 Soil Boring Location ' tt MW-3 HA o Hand Auger Boring Location � '1 Auto Detailing TPHg=ND UST Underground Storage Tank Center sTEX=ND MtBE=ND UST Methyl tert-butyl ether B-6 i • E2C Remediation FORMER NIAGARA CARWASH 5300 Woodmere Dr.,Suite 105 1701 STINE ROAD FIGURE Bakersfield, CA 93313 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ' THIRD QUARTER 2007 Phone: (661)831-6906 FUEL HYDROCARBON 4 Fax: (661)831-6234 DISTRIBUTION PLOT L Proieot Number 1812BK26 September 24,2008 TABLES Table 1 Summary of Third Quarter 2007 Groundwater Monitoring Data rTable 2 Summary of Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Table 3 Summary of Historical Groundwater Analytical Data ' Table 4 Summary of VES Monitoring Data Table 5 Summary of Hydrocarbon Mass Removed Using VES t . t E2C Remediation Tables Project Number 1812BK26 September 24,2008 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF THIRD QUARTER 2007 GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA FORMER NIAGARA CARWASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California July 17, 2007 Well ID TOC Elevation Depth to Water GW Elevation B T E I X I TPHg I MtBE I TBA DIPE I ETBE TAME 1,2-DCA EDB feet MSL) feet BTOC feet MSL u L MW-1 378.01 _ 159.60 218.41 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 -- --- MW-2 380.03 161.02 219.01 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 100 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 -- -- MW-3 379.24 161.75 217.49 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 --- --- duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 --- --- Notes: 1,2-DCA= 1,2-Dichloroethane B= Benzene BTOC=Below top of casing DIPE=Di-isopropyl Ether dup=duplicate sample E= Ethylbenzene EDB= Ethylene Dibromide (a.k,a. Dibromo Methane) ETBE= Ethyl tertiary-butyl Ether GW=Groundwater MtBE=Methyl tertiary-Butyl Ether na=Not available nd= Not detected at or above the Method Detection Limit,which is indicated by value. PCE=Tetrachloroethene(a.k.a. perchloroethene) =Toluene TAME=Tertiary-Amyl Methyl Ether BA=Tertiary-Butyl Ether(a.k.a tert-butanol) OC=Top of casing PHg=Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline ug/kg=micrograms per liter X=Total xylenes MW-4 on COC is a duplicate sample collected from well MW-3 for quality control. E2 C Remediation Table 1-1 1 Project Number 1812BK26 September 24,2008 TABLE'2 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA . ' FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California ' Total Well Depth to GW TOC GW Elevation GW Elevation WELL ID DATE Depth, Elevation Change (feet BTOC) (feet BTOC feet MSL feet MSL feet ' 4/2/03 180.00 162.30 6/30/03 180.30 165.00 Sp -2.70 10/10103 180.05 167.58 210.43 -2.58 ' 1/22-/04 165.00 213.01 2.58 4/23/04 180.00 163.60 214.41 1.40 7/27/04 180.00 167.40 210.61 -3.80 ' 10/7/04 180.00 169.42 208.59 -2.02 1/19/05 180.00 166.92 211.09 2.50 4127/05 180.00 166.00 212.01 0.92 1 MW-1 7/29/05 180.00 168.46 209.55 -2.46 1017/05 180.00 169.00. 378.01 209.01 -0.54 1/17/06 180.00 164.92 213.09 4.08 ' 4/11/06 180.00 165.20 212.81 -028 7/28/06 180.00 162.80 215.21 2.40 10/26/06 180.00 162.70 215.31 0.10 1/12/07 180.00 159.22 21.8.79 3.48 ' 4/20/07 180.00 156.34 221.67 2.88 7/17/07' 180.00 159.60 218.41 -3.26 10/10/03, 178.00 169.77 210.31 1/22/04 167.41 212.62 2.31 4/23/04 178.00 165.79 214.24 1.62 7/27/04 178.00 _ . 169.50 210.53 -3.71 ' 10/7104 178.00 171.55 208.48 -2.05 1/19/05 178.00 169.24 210.79 2.31 4/27/05 178.00 168.16 211.87 1.08 7/29/05 178.00 170.55 209.48 -2.39 MW-2 10/7/05 178.24 171.15 380.03 208.88 -0.60 1/17/06 178.24 167.24 212.79 3.91 ' 4/11/06 178.24 167.15 212:88 0.09 7/28/06 178.24 164.22 215.81 2.93 10/26/06 178.24 164.74 215.29 -0.52 1/12/07 178.24 161.50 218.53 3.24 4/20/07 178.24 158.42 221.61 3.08 7/17/07 178.00 161.02 219.01 -2.60 ' E2 C Remediation Table 2=1 Project Number 1812BK26 September 24,2008 r . TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA ' FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California Total Well TOC GW Elevation WELL ID DATE Depth Depth to GW Elevation GW Elevation Change ' feet BTOC feet BTOC feet MSL feet MSL feet 10/10/03 184.90 170.07 209.17 1/22/04 166.61 212.63 3.46 4/23/04 184.90 165.25 213.99 1.36 7/27/04 184.90 168.94 210.30 -3.69 10/7/04 185.00 . 171.05 208.19 -2.11. 1/19/05 185.00 168.50 210.74 2.55 ' 4/27/05 185.00 167.54 211.70 0.96 7/29/05 185.00 170.05 209.19 -2.51 MW-3 10/7/05 185.00 170.48 379.24 208.76 -0.43 ' 1/17/06 185.00 166.54 212.70 3.94 4/11/06 185.00 166.26 212.98 0.28 7/28/06 185.00 164.70 214.54 1.56 10/26/06 185.00 164.42 214.82 0.28 ' 1/12/07 185.00 160.82 218.42 3.60 4/20/07 185.00 15812 221.12 2.70 7/17/07 185.00 •161.75 217.49 -3.63 NOTES: (feet) BTOC=Below Top of Casing 4Q.04- 1 Q.05 2.45 GW=Groundwater 1Q.05-2Q.05 0.99 MSL=Mean Sea Level 2Q.05-3Q.05 -2.45 ' SP=Survey Pending 3Q.05-4Q.05 -0.52 OC=Top of Casing 4Q.05- 1Q.06 3.98 1 Q.06-2Q.06 0.03 ' 2Q.06-3Q.06 2.30 3Q.06-4Q.06 -0.05 4Q.06- 1Q.07 3.44 1Q.07-2Q.07 2.89 ' 2Q.07-3Q.07 -3.16 1 E2 C Remediation Table 2-2 rr r illnr r i■r Illr r r rr r Illlr irr illllr r Ir r rr r Ir Project Number 1812BK26 September 24,2008 TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California Well ID Sample Date B T E X TPH TPHd MtBE TBA DIPE ETBE TAME 1,2-DCA EDB. PCE Lead N9/L 4/2/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 102 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 6/30/03 _ nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 64 8 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 nd<50 8 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 10/10/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 _nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 1/22/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 2 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 4/23/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 1 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 7/27/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<5.0 duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 10/7/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0:5 na MW-1 1/19/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 4/27/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 hd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 7/29/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2:5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 10/7/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 1/17/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 4/28/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 7/28/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 10/26/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 1/12/07 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 4/20/07 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 7/17/07 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na E2 C Remediation Table 3-1 Project Number 1812BK26 September 24,2008 TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California Well ID Sample Date B T E X TPH TPHd MtBE TBA DIPE ETBE TAME 1,2-DCA EDB PCE Lead Ng/L 10/10/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5. nd<0.5 nd<0.5 60 ns 20 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 1/22/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 6 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 1.5 nd<5.0 4/23/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 16 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5. nd<0.5 na 7/27/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 4 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<5.0 10/7/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 3.3 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 1/19/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na _ duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5- 'nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 _na 4/27/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 7/29/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na MW-2 10/7/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<M nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 1/17/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd¢0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 4/11/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5. nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<Q.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5. nd<0.5 na . na 7/28/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 10/26/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd4.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 1/12/07 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5, nd<0.5 na na 4/20/07 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd4.5 _nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 7/17/07 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 100 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na E2 C Remediation Table 3-2 M I Pr r r r M Ilr I� r r Ir r r rr �r Pro/ec umber BK2 - September 24,rr 2008 TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield,.California Well ID Sample Date B T E X TPHg TPHd MtBE TBA DIPE: I ETBE I TAME 11,2-DCAI EDB I PCE I Lead N9/L 10/10/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 I nd<0.5 80 ns 150 nd<0.5 nd<0,5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 1/22/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 14 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<17.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 1.6 nd<5.0 duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 14 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 1.7 . na 4/23/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 20 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 21 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 7/27/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 . nd<50 ns 1 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<5.0 10/7/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 'nd<0.5 6d<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5- nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 1/19/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 4/27/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 7/29/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 'ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5- nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5' na MW-3 10/7/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 1/17/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 4/11/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns _ nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 7/28/06 -nd<0.5 nd<0.5. nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na. 10/26/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 .nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na duplicate nd<0:5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 1/12/07 nd<0.5 nd<0.5' nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 4/20/07 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 7/17/07, nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd4.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na EZ C Remediation Table 3-3 � � Illllr III M M Viii• Illlis I� I� �a �■s I� 08 Pro/ec umber BK2 September 24,2008 TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California Well ID Sample Date B T E X TPHg TPHd I MtBE TBA DIPE I ETBE I TAME 11,2-DCAI EDB I PCE I Lead pg/L Results in micrograms per liter(µg/1)=parts per billion(ppb) Analytical Methods: BTEX,oxygenates, 1,2-DCA, EDB&VOCs by EPA Method 8260b;TPHg by EPA Method 8015M;-dissolved lead by EPA 6010B Method Detection Limits:.BTEX-0.5 pg/L;TPHg-50 pg/L; MtBE;ETBE,TAME,and DIPE-0.5 pg/L;TBA-2.5 pg/L 1,2-DCA= 1-,2-Dichloroethane PCE=Tetrachloroethylene(a.k.a. perchloroethene) B=Benzene; T.=Toluene; E= Ethylbenzene; X=Xylenes TAME='Tertiary Amyl methyl Ether DIPE=Di-isopropyl Ether TBA=Tertiary Butyl Alcohol(a.k.a. tert-butanol) Dis. Lead=Dissolved lead' TPHd-Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as.diesel fuel EDB=Ethylene dibromide TPHg-Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline ETBE= Ethyl tertiary-butyl Ether 7127/04 Lead results are for dissolved lead MtBE= Methyl-tertiary-butyl ether nd=Not-Detected at or above Method Detection Limit, indicated by value na=Not analyzed " ns=Not Sampled E2 C Remediation Table 3-4 Project Number 1812BK26 September 24,2008 TABLE 4 SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California Cumulative Cumulative Inlet Catalytic Well Well Well Well Well Dilution Field Field Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Date Calendar perating Operating Flow LEL Combustion Outlet VES-C VES-BS VES-BD VES-A VES-AD Air Valve TPH in TPH out Lbs./Hr. Lbs. Lbs. Gallons \Aonitorec Days Hours Hours (scfm) Temp.IF Temp.IF valve valve valve valve valve (%) (ppmv) (ppmv) Extracted .Extracted Destroyed Extracted 5/14/04 0 0 0 252 0.2 1451 1447 O O C O C auto 7,280 0 24.94 0.0 0.0 0.0. 5/17/04 3 43.0 43.0 252 0,2 1451 1447 O O C O C auto 7,000 0 23.98 1031.3 1031.3 161.1 5/18/04 4 59.0 59.0 253 0.4 1500 1489 O O C O C auto 4,000 0 13.76 -1251.5 1251.5 195.5 5/24/04 10 118.0 118.0 250 0.6 1484 1468 O O C O C auto 3,225 0 10.96 1898.3 1898.3 296.6 5/26/04 12 . 160.0 160.0 250 0.5 1448 1436 O O C O C auto 2,450 0 8.33 2248.1 2248.1 351.3 5/27/04 13 170.0 170.0 248 0.5 1453 1441 O O C O C auto 2,750 0 9.27 2340.8 2340.8 365.8 6/6/04 23 314.0 314.0 225 0.4 1450 1439 O O C O C auto 3,980 0 12.18 4094.1 4094.1 639.7 6/8/04 25 355.0 355.0 226 0.6 1460 1444 O O C O C auto 3,000 30 8.97 4462.1 4458.1 697.2 6/14/04. 31 403.0 403.0 230 0.7 1476 1459 O O C O C auto 3,100 24 9.69 4927.4 4920.2 769.9 6/21/04 38 460.0 460.0 223 0.2 1451 1447 O O C O C auto 22900 0 . 8.79 5428.6 5421.2 848.2 6/25/041 42 498.0 ' 498.0 215 0.0 1446 1445 O PO C O C auto 1,490 10 4.36 5594.1 5585.4 874.1 7/2/04 49 540.0 540.0 215 0.3 1470 1462 O O C O C auto 3,080 10 9.00 5972.3 5962.3 933.2 7/6/04 53 576.0 576.0 224 0.2 1453 1447 O C C O C auto 2;375 10 7.23 .6232.7 6221.5 973.9 7/20/04 67 619.0 619.0 200 0.4 1452 1441 C O C O C auto 3,820 0 10.39 6679.4 6668.3 1043.7 7/27/04 74 692.0 692.0 213 0.6 1453 1437 C O C O C auto 1,409 0 4.08 6977.3 6966.0 1090.2 8/4/04 82 .694.0 694.0 221 0.2 1441 1435 O PO C O C auto 1,800 0 5.41 6988.1 6977.1 1091.9 8/18/04 96 736.0 736.0 206 0.0 650 649 PO PO PO O C auto 1,440 t 4 4.03 7157.5 7146.1 1118.4 8/24104 102 880.0 880.0 202 0.2 652 658 PO PO PO PO C auto 815 0 2.24 7479.8 7468.1 1168.7 8/31/04 109 1048.0 1 1048.0 203 0.2 693 687 PO PO PO PO C auto 500 0 1.38 7711.7 7699.6 1204.9 Notes: %LEL estimated based on differences in oxidizer and stack temperature-1%LEL=approximately 25°F temperature difference Hydrocarbons Removed(Ibs/month)=Influent Concentration(ppmv)X 10-6 X Influent Flow Rate(scfm)X 1 lb-mole/379.5 ft3 X 86(lb/lb-mole)X 1440(min/day)X Run Time(days/month) 5/14/04-Started system 6/18/04-Switch to ECAT Operations 8/31/04-Initial SJVAPCD Inspection;question regarding use of generator for power under SJVAPCD approved permit;shut system down pending permitting resolution open=O;partially open=PO;closed=C E2 C Remediation Table 4-1 Project Number 1597BK26 September 24,2006 ' TABLE 5 SUMMARY OF.HYDROCARBON MASS REMOVED USING VES (based on influent concentrations) ' FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield,California Date HC Removed Cumulative HC Influent Flow Rate Run Time Daily Removal Removed Concentrations Rate (month/year) (Ibs/month) (Ibs) (ppmv) scfm) (days) (Ibs/day) ' May-04 2510 2510 4384 247 7 353.5 Jun-04 2131 4641 . 2900 225 10 , 213.1 Jul-04 1958 6598 2329 215 12 163.1 ' Aug-04 1383 7981 11.93 209 17 81.4 average 202.8 Where: Hydrocarbons Removed(Ibs/month)=Influent Concentration (ppmv)X 10-6 X Influent Flow Rate(scfm) X 1 lb-mole/379.5 ft3 X 86(lb/lb-mole)X 1440(min/day)X Run Time(days/month ' SUMMARY OF FUEL HYDROCARBON MASS REMOVED USING SVE 9000 (based on influent concentrations) 3000 8000 -----------------------------------------------r-------------------- _M 7000 2500 d6000 ----------------------- ------------- --------------------- 2000 5000 -------___�_ ---------------------�-- ------- -------- --------- ea4000 -------------- -----;-------------------------------------------- 1500 ' E 3000 ----- .--;---------------------- ----------------- 2000 -------------------- ---- 1000 v 1000 0 0 ' May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 —+--cumulative Ibs — --Ibslmonth month-year ' SUMMARY OF FUEL HYDROCARBONS REMOVED USING SVE (Ibs/day) EMPIbs/day ' 400 —Linear(Ibs/day) 300 H 200 100 - 0 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 ' month-year E2 Remediation Table 5-1 Proiect Number 1812BK26 September 24.2008 1 ' 1 1 ' APPENDICES Appendix A Third Quarter 2007 Groundwater Purge Data Sheets Appendix B Third Quarter 2007 Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Report Appendix C Groundwater Purge Water Transport Manifests and Recycling Certificates. ' Appendix D GeoTracker Upload Confirmation Reports. 1 I 1 , E2C Remediation Appendices Project Number 1812BK26 Se emb r 24 2008 1 1 . 1 1 1 _ . APPENDIX A .Third Quarter 2007 Groundwater Purge Data Sheets i 1 1 1 1 1 � . E2C Remediation Appendix A E2G Ramadiation Groundwater scientists : Environmental Consultants Water Quality Sampling Record ' 5300 Woodmere Drive,Sufte 105; Bakersfield,Cal•Romia 93313 Telephone: (661)831-0"906 / Facsimile: (661)831-6234 and Well Development Data .. ..... ..... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................... ..... SAMPLE ID 1 WELL a: r4 tj DEPTH TO WATER: I'M- 40 EZC RSL PROJECT L SL vL. TOTAL DEPTH OF WELL: I O, OO PROJECTNAME: IN�� AC-,R / . WELL DIAMETER; DATE SAMPLED: 7- 1-7--a-7 CASING VOLUME: A3.71 SAMPLED BY: L&M 4 J 0-ke PURGE METHC0: 3�l BA Lae - �t.� , ..- 'tl^`e7a�'�`>' ct��?'�.y. `- .+..<�.3� `�' *�3r^:k.''a.:-•"„�s,?cr:4 ,Y,�r°X�,ti<�w�',?r".-.' ti:.r = ,)�"p=- r-"1.-YG s,� - . ..rY�r.�?:n,,.c=,'.':4�.�"St�Wrs+s-��++....-.,r���i:�. .�.,..f't.-�1`f...a.trt,._•:�^K':�:k.._�IrLu:��.�71� �%,n�•'..-Tom-..; .t� '� .tip may~ ���' 'F�CREF€AILIS lC.5~'�=��_>:: TEMP .�-=-�-.-�..•......,. . _ ,.. pH SEC REMARKS TIME. INTAKE RATE CUM.V0L WELL VOL (0-) (KNITS) (mmhos1cm) (COLOR,TURBIDITY,ETC.) DEPTH (GPM) (GAL) PUMPED 675O t 7D- 9,2-1- rt a -- fro ODOR 13 _ Ola r SD C.LE A'2_— PC)n©A r-- �� Ls 2(� . � �.f32., a� Ct.e J p`•r- r+0 C DO� SAtP O K3 ^k:Ti,�.-;� =�- Rte. � t _`i:�•`t-`} y�..��J{ ��'�".fs-�'�,_�.r.=_���_.-=tr �5�5:-"" �.�a��,,.:� ..a tFYz7r -•a _ jy'.. �.�.^'.�G+.Fi�niWle-.�%:-aid.�:i4�.�iS.. S_. .� '�SS/-� _ ��� �-a•hl.+�+. x Well Capaaty: . Z- 0.1632 gallon/linear foot 4•- 0.6528 gallon/llnear that . 6-- 1.4688.gaAoN6near foot ONaY!S: 'a .ewnr.N.. ":i� � ,,,, +,Lr''"'"'r'- r`,• y'1'"�.`+ .'i ='' `n'�e: •-a°•^ a ,y,IR SAMPLED A l 3.1a FT.FINAL DEPTH TO WATS:L' I�I.� FT. 3 CASING VOLUMES= 35t-`�S GALS• NOTES: i� 1 E2C Remediation GroundwaterSciendsts : Environmental Consultants Water Quality Sampling Record 5300 Woodmere Drive,Suite 105; Bakersfield,Callromia 93313 and W Telephorw .(661)831-6906 / Facsimile: (661)831-6234 Well Development elopment Data . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. ...... ...................................................................................................... SAMPLE ID/WELL s: DEPTH TO WATER: 62, E2C REM.PROJECTS I UIo2 TOTAL DEPTH OF WELL: 170-0c, PROJECT NAME I A C IZ4 WELL DIAMETER; y �� DATE SAMPLED: -7- 1-7- 0-7 CASING VOLUME: ;O I SAMPLED BY: I PURGE METHOD: A 1 Lo&- lsa,�v,��..�. ..� `�-�.r� ��:�;� :�.e?.!�t�-tRt-:ice� ��� "'''^�y�" ...c.,`iy�MYB?�'h�r"�:r;�r.cF•�,r� .4.�.,_......,•,>_ 7 °°"a`=i,ti+�:�nT/4t..'...yF:.;:. . ..:'::`-kdxi=.'LTA>.�'N��"_.,..3.1_:.� :aT�c� _:�_:;k _�i�:��la-•.;x�yl?�'F'.i�_sr.-_-r ,*{�Li� ;tc. �s1;?�Y'_�a:.•-.,,9`t�` ..i.+' •:F ...... _ _. pH • SEC REMARKS TIME INTAKE RATE CUfvL VOL WELL VOL (F-) (UNITS) (mmhosicin) (COLOR TURBIDITY,ETC.) DE°TH (GPM) (GAL1 PUMPED 676S I +� -�- 71 5 T io `-° 071( It 2 ���3 - ooa2 0727 22 42q,7 `7,771 ccojoY-Na © Qa 07.3 33 s 4.7S a e .t: .�.'.1c,1.:..e-ar,-:7.-�_=_s. :.�.c.. 'S.: .tom r .bs.�``�.:�y..r.� _•�+�'t�3v v„ '�•�• ` _ Well Capacity: 7- 0.1632 gallon/Gnear foot 4'- 0.6528.galloNGnear feat 6'- 1.4688 galloN6near foot SAMPLED A Id T- FT.RNAL DEPTH TO WATEZ 1�I ZZ Ff. 3 CASING VOLUMES= �J�-2 S GALS. '.NOTES: E2C. Remediation ' Groundwater Scientists : Environmental Consultants Water Quality Sampling Record 5300 Woodmere Drive,Suite 105; Bakersfield,California 93313 and Well Development Data Telephone: (661)831-6906 / Facsimile: (661)831-66234 ............................................................ ......................................�.............._. Y SAMPLE ID 1 WELL-: W ' 3 DEPTH TO WATER: S i E2C REM.PROJECT ' TOTAL DEPTH OF WELL: IRS-, DO PROJECT NAME: N i A c,e,4 WELL DIAMETER; DATE SAMPLED: -7- 17-0-7 CASING VOLUME: 15A7 SAMPLED BY: 7 r.h + PURGE M' E T HOD: 3 Ill LO Q-- .y::,, ..M ..-w_.,7y:r'�vK,a 7� ='�� - -"= �.. _:�k` =." �'S?rr :�i•�%�rd ..�:s•�c;+�:As -bi:ire _ �.'c�_ys>'!-.a.. M-fit.-a?::.`'Y�'::;. a �n:r �+: •a' � „.:�_ f+r�'-iC�•:atin �. pi -•sy';_ - e"`'._"' f�" �.�-.- +�C:'v'•':+J1�r_�y}1t=:°L12SyYS.t'-L�+aaa"-'7'r�'":`�5�'•�".':a'�.<?iL7z�x=�S'i; �vi7'.��;^;iE!.'-^_-:kr�.tir`:.L.�."��••`;a�yl`�P�c'�F_-'.i•rr.�='4'.."w.��cc^.,.�."�.^,'-•'.ReFS?_i7:.,_��.'�;;�_ 3ai'��`J°i:�'='3`l�e _r��.L=�.`_^r�.�_ F€AF (� IIS��',lCVVx�°- TEMP PH SEC REMARKS T)ME INTAKE RATE CUM.VOL WELL VOL T ) (UNITS) (mmhosicin) . (COLOR,TURBIDrIY,ETC.) DEPTH (GPM) (GAL) PUMPS 0 S5 '70•L 9 .24 .3.1 Cam- Oil 0 30 (04-11 4`.:f S 33 CAE -N 000.E 4S $-© -33 C. -YO 00 04- h'•�. :-�.w.-a��' +y0•;u:DC�s- 1`.`r ..yv .q. -. -.yn�.`•.;,y,_e.�r. _.•- w Y"... -..s_•.-:J. +a_•'?}_,ypr�:-i-�'�->�...eS?",:c} ,„�� 2�..ieLr'�'4�_.?y' s� i�' "'�er R � •-ins. ¢,eYi^a. ` i „r.�•`r _ ,�^�e__-_ •y�•`"'`�} •'R."._ - v"'�+-e.ti?.;•c,F.._.rw�.'7.: _fi`3+.' -,_..�.. .. ., e3 ,e-_ .,ts. .,:-�.eLn __.—fir•-'•`ire=cam ' :�C� .0 '. >= Well Capa*: 2*- 0.1632 gallon/Cnear fact 4'- 0.6528 gallonftear foot 6'- 1.4688 gaAanirinear That `�2;ts�a•?+.�'tl"'`-•:wW:Six`',��,�•�:��'�'=SY�.4.ir' ��"`-Sar�'�f""'. .:'r-�s�,,,.w-�-"�i�'.-°`r'�' �.� ' '' .. �"'"- ��" ' ..•�'n��um= .... 'a��s�,." .,`�:abi^a'�3RYh�.�..�..:. __.r'�a7" ir�'.,t.'-`r���-�-�3x`%.a`;��:.�1.'�.=. SAMPLED A 1105.6 FT.FINAL DEPTH T'0 WATER: I f >b " FT. 3 CASING VOLUMES= �S•5 3 GALS NOTES: 1JlW— l S 14e— ?byE'L1dW E KL>—3 Proiect Number 1812BK26 September 24,2008 1 APPENDIX B Third Quarter 2007 Groundwater Analytical Report 1 1 ' E2C Remediation Appendix B r f� f1� � it f� f� fffffifl• f� r r � ffffflflti fffff/ it fr � � r PROVERA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Chain of Custody Form Client Name: e d� •On Analysis Requested Sample Matrix Project Name: .1 C f�E4 G4 Q E./qs AI W 3 � ® Aqueous N N Client Address: 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA ; co O° N a Q Q - N N a°vo � m W W CL Co CM N a SOII Project Manager: �; C�U�� r;.J./� a ¢ co a ° 8 a a o Sampler Name: w w ui W (D w w � Acidified i;S � � F a. ° o o Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type > J m Comments 7,-1 -b77 leowt, X. X 93� -mot c�'74 2 1'C ^ 002 603 rw� - 7C X 4 003.. oq2 Iw - X k k. �o y 77,11-67 Qq 3 Sampling Event: 0,-7 ' EDF Type:GW Monitoring X Other Turnaround Time Requested: 24 Hour 48 Hour 5-Day Standard Relinquished By: Date: "1-(7-61 Relinquished By: Date: Received By: Date. ,L9_C2 . -Received By: Date: I ProVera Analytical Laboratories;.Inc. tLaboratory'Repprt 'Certification#.2606 ' CLIENT:;- E2C Reinediation Project Name: Niagra Car Wash . 5300 Woodmere:Drive, Suite 105 'Bakersfield,CA 93313 ..: Matrix: Aqueous ' Sampled by: D.Anderson&J.Irwin TESTS:' TPH Gas by EPA 8015M TPH g Analysis: Date of Report: 7/20/20.07' ' . Units:ug/1 Sample#: 9369-001•- 9369=003- ,9369-002 9369-004'. 9369-005 ' Date Sampled:' 7/17/2007 7/17/2007 '7/17/2007 7/17/2007 '7/17/2007 lbt ug/1 Sample Description: Travel Blank MW-1 MW-2' MW-3 MW4 ' TPH.Gasoline ND. . ND* ND ND ND 50 Sun oRate Recovery.% 92 94 93` ..90: 91 r DL=Detection Limit ND-Non-Detect at given DL *.Result does not include MTBE ' Pr ncipal Analyst:Alexander Candia 1 , t _ 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:•(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 r _ J r ProVera - Analytical Laboratories,Inc. rCertification #2606 CLIENT: E2C Remediation r 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield,_ 9331,3 Project ID :. Niagra Car Wa§h 1 , Analysis Type:. EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 7/19/2007 Report Date 7/20/2007 Sample ID : . 9369-001 Travel Blank Method.RL Multiplication r Analyte Result Units " Method RL Factor 5 Oxygenates. t-Butanol(T.BA)"Tert=Butyl Alcohol ND ug/L 2.5 1 r MethylTert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND ug/L 0.5 1 Diisopropyl Ether:(DIPE) . .: ND ug/L 0.5 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl-Ether:(ETBE) ND ug/L; 0.5 1 . Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND' ug/L 0.5 1 rBTEX Components Benzene ND - . ug/L 0.5 1 Toluene ND ug/L 0.5 1 ' Ethylbenzene ND ug/L . 0:5 1 m, p&o Xylenes ND ug/L 0.5 1 Internal Standards Results %Recovery Benzene,fluoro 50 100% r -d5chloro 100%Benzene J 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% . Surrogate Standards . Methane,dibromofluoro- 60 120% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 54 108% Toluene-d8 57 114% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 57 114% 1 Principal Analyst.;Alexander Candia 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:'(661) 827-5240 Fax., (661)827-5244 r " J , ProVera Analytical Laboratories,Inc. . Certification #2606 CLIENT: E2C Remediation 53,00.Woodmere Drive, Suite.105 Bakersfield,,CA 93313 Pro'ectID.: Nia'ra.Car Wash J . g.. Analysis,Type' 'EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 7/19/2007. Report Date:' 7/20/2007 Sample ID .9369-003 MW-1 ' Method RL Multiplication Analyte• Result Units Method RL _ Factor 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND ug/L 2:5 1 ' Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE). ND ug/L 0.5, 1 Diisopropyl Ether.(DIPE) ND ug/L. 0.5 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND ug/L 0.5-. 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND ug/L 0.5 1 BTEX.Components ' Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 1 Toluene ND ug/L . 0:5 1 Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 1" ' m, p&o Xylenes ND' ug/L 03 1 Internal Standards Results %Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,'chloro- 50. 100% 1,4-Dichloroben2en'e=d4 50 100% ' Surrogate Standards Methane, dibrom.ofluoro- 62 124% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 55 110% Toluene-d& 62 124% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 59 118% k ILL o N_ncipAl gnal t:Alexander Candia ' 5221.Woodmere Drive, Bakersf eld,.CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 . ProVera Analytical Laboratories,Inc. ' Certification#2606 CLIENT: E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere,Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield,CA_•93313, 1 Project Car:Wash ect ID : Nia ' Analysis Type: . EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: .7/19/2007 Report Date : 7/20/2007 Sample ID : 9369-002 MW-2 Method RL '. Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl.Alcohol ND ug/L 2.5 1 Methyl Tert=Butyl Ether(MTBE) 100 ug/L 5.0 10 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND ug/L. 0.5. 1 Ethyl.Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND ug/L 0.5 1 Tert-Amyl Me4hyl.Ether(TAME) ND ug/L 0.5 1 ' 'BT-EX Com p onents t Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 1 Toluene ND ug/L 0.5 1 Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 1 m, p&o Xylenes ND' ug/L 0.5 1 ' Internal Standards Results %Recovery Benzene,fluoro 56 100,% ' Ben2ene-d5;chloro- 50 100%• .1,4-Dichloroben2ene=d4 50 100% Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro.- 60 120% ' 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4. 51 102% Toluene-d8 60 120% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 58 116% ' OT dipal M alyst:A xander Candia 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: 661 827-5240 Fax•. (661)827-5244 I qw, ::!.I ProVera U ; Analytical Laboratories,,Inc. Certification#2606 CLIENT: E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield,CA°933.13 °Project ID': Niagra Car 'Wash. Analysis Type: EPA.Method,8260b Analysis Date: 7/19/2007 Report Date.: 7/20/2007 Samplc,ID 9369-004 MW 4 Method RL Multiplication Analyfe Result Units Method RL Factor ' 5 Oxygenates t-Butanot(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND ug/L 2:5 1 ' Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND ug/L 0.5 1 . Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE). ND ug/L 0:5 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl.Ether(ETBE) ND ug/L 0:5' 1. Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND ug/L 0.5 1 1 BTEX Components. ' Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 1 Toluene ND ug/L , 0.5 1 Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 1 ' m,p&o Xylenes ND ug/L 0.5 .1 Internal Standards Results %Recovery Benzene,fluoro 50 '100% ' Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100%. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4. . 50 1000% ' Surrogate Standards Methane, dibromofluoro- 60 1.20% ' 1',2-Dichloroethane-d4 58 116%' Toluene-d8 61- 122% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 59 118% ' Principal nalyst:.Alexander Candia ' 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 1 , P rove ra i Analytical Laboratories,Inc. Certification"#2606 CLIENT: E2C Rernediation 5300.Woodmere.Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield;CA 13313 1 Pr e jct ID Nia ra Car Wa§h J g.. . Analysis Type: EPA Method 8260b ' Analysis Date- 7/19/2007 Report Date : 7/20/2007 Sample ID : 9369=005,MW-4 Method.RI_ Multiplication Analyte, Result Units Method RL Factor .5 Oxygenates t-Butanol (TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND ug/L 2.5 1 ' Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND ug/L 0.5 l Diisopropyl Ether.(DIPE) ND. ug/L 0.5 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND ug/L 0.5 l ' Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND ug/L 0:5 1. BTEX Components Benzene ND ug/L Toluene ND ug/L 0.5 1 Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 1 m, p&o Xylenes ,; ND ug/L 0.5 l Internal Standard's Results %Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% Surrogate Standards Methane, dibromofluoro- 62 .124% ' 1,2-Dichlotoethane-d4 54 108% Toluene-d8'. 61 122% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 59 118% ' Principa Ana y :Alexander Candia 5221 Woodmere Drive',.Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240'Fax: (661)827-5244 f P rove ra. L/. Analytical Laboratories,lnc:. ' EPA 8260B ,QA-QC Report EPA.8015n7 QA-.QC Report Certification#2606 t CLIENT: E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105 -:Bakerstield,CA 93313 Projects Covered by this QA-QC: Ningra Car%.Wash Analysis Date: 7/19/2007 Matrix: AQ ' Bt,13: Internal Standards Results %Recovery Benzene,nU6ro 50 100%. Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% ' 1,4-Dich1orobenzene-d4 50 100%- Surrogntc standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 63 126%, r2-Dichloroethane-d4 59 118% Toluene-dS- 54, 108% p-Bromolluorobenzene (BFB) 63 126% IB: Internal Standards Results %Recovery Benzene;Iluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- .50- - 100% - - 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% ' Surrogate Standards Methane,.dibromofluoro- 58 116%; 1;2-Dichloroethane-d4 52 104% ' Toluene-d8 52 104% p-Bromolluorobenzene (BFB) 61 122% MS: Results %Recovery I,1-Dichlomethene 63 126% Trichloroethene 59 118% Chlorobenzene 60 120% Toluene 59 118% .' Benzene 58 116% p-Bromolluorobenzene (BFB) 52 104% MSD: Results %Recovery ' 1,1-Dichloroethcne 65 130% Trichlomo thene 56 112% Chlorobenzciie 55 110% Toluene 52 104% ' Benzene 55 110% p-Btomolluorobenzene (BFB) 61 122% 8015\1-"1'P FI G %Recovery BFB 93% 1B 93% MS 107% ' MSD 168% ' 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 Project Number 18128K26 September 24.2008 1 1 1 . r APPENDIX C Groundwater Purge Water Transport Manifests and Recycling Certificates t E2C Remediation Appendix C M014-HAZARDOUS -1•Generator ID Number 2.Page 1 of 3:Emergency Response Phone.,,, 4.Waste Tracking Number , -'o c ; w :'S.Generator's'Name:and!Mailing'Address Generators.Site Address(if different than mailing address) ; 760 5irtit-�D , sFS'; :Generators Phone. 6 Transporter 1 Company Neme U.S EPA ID Number; ,v 1 , 7'Transporter 2 CompanyiName U.S EPKID Number F 1' n , X8 Designated Faclllty,Name and Site Address U.S EPA ID;Number ,R a+ Facility's;Phone. 10.'Containers, 11 Total 12 Umt 9'Weste'Shipp! Name end Deseriptton No' Quantity WtNof ` yj Type a ) r hG0'N 1f�2 �.,ovS ?4k&e �Ac-iE rwi 2. ` '-'- , ,4. 13..Special Handling Instructions and Additional:lnformation A f= ,14..GENERATOR'S`CERTIFICATION:I cankthe materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for-reporting proper disposal of.Hazardous Waste. a Generator' erorsPrinted/Lyped me Signet re Month Day Year r. ~ .;�j 15.International'Shipments ' ;�_ ❑Import to U.S.' ❑Export from U.S. Port of entrylexk: ?' Transporter Si nature for exports only): .Date leaving U.S.: ;W X16.TransponerrAcknoMedgment of.Receipt of:Matehais ;Transporter dnted1,Typed Name_. Signature Month Day Year O N. ;Z' Transporter . dlTyped Name Signa Month Day Year UN Z F L f 17.'Discrepanoy 17a.,Discrepancy.Indication Space I ❑Full Rejection ❑Quantity El ❑Residue ❑Partial Rejection Manifest Reference Number: 17b.Alternate Facility(or Generator) U.S.EPA ID Number .J U rai Facility's Phone: .w 17c.Signature of Alternate Facility(or Generator) Month Day Year a z c7 sit:: , qg's r 4 W j o-� " 3a " ' �r 4" 's'rr ?-' .�ytr�,l" ya6 � ` ." `; ta ,' '�. �z;"t-Yr F 9:t0'' 18.Designated Facility Owner or Operator.Certification of receipt of materials,covered by the manifest except as noted in Item 17a Printedrryped Name Signature Mon Day. Yea 3 69-BLC-0 5 11977(Rev.8/06) DESIGNATED FACILITY TO GENERATOR 4r �77 ��CM . . ....... -NA lk grr, v UK 444 ->5 r4q, 4W, Project Number 1812BK26 September 24.2008 t ' APPENDIX D GeoTracker Upload .Confirmation Reports 1 1 ' E2C Remediation Appendix D Your EDF file has been successfully uploaded! Confirmation Number: 6808375656 ' Date/Time of Submittal: 12/14/2007 2:40:49 PM Facility Global ID: T0602993719 Facility Name: CARWASH OF AMERICA ' Submittal Title: 2Q 2007 Hobin Niagra Submittal Type: GW Monitoring Report Click here to view the detections report for this upload. t CARWASH OF AMERICA Regional Board(lead agency)-Case#: 5T15000808* 1701 STINE RD CENTRAL VALLEY RWQCB (REGION 5F)-(JDW) BAKERSFIELD,CA 93304 Local Agency-Case#:280013c ' BAKERSFIELD,CITY OF (RAL) w�YI� B 0N8E 3#7 I ;T MfA'��,��5E :x T�el °SUBMIT�DATE STATUS ' w � ��� � Ph�I Goalwm�a s 12/14/200Z„ 3 PENDING REVIEWY {{ 1 1 1 i f EX Remediation Environmental Engineering, Consulting and Remediation,Inca October 3,2008 Mr. Frank Hobin 8908 Versailles Dr: Bakersfield, CA 93311 SUBJECT: First Quarter•2008.Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Remediatidn Status Report Former:'Niagara Car Wash 1701 Stine Road:. 'Bakersfield, California' Dear Mr: Hobin: The attached report docurhents.the First Quarter 2008 Semi-Annual Groundwater, Monitoring. activities for the Former Niagara Car Wash facility (Site) .located at ..1701 Stine Road In, Bakersfield, California.' In addition,.this report presents the.remediation status for•the Site. This work was conducted in response to.the State of California Regional Water Quality.Control Board Central Valley.Region (RWQCB) letter.dated August 26, 2003, and also,in compliance with subsequent'RWQCB directives, the'.latest of which.is hated May 29, 2007. It is a pleasure to be of service, should you have any questions regarding this submittal, do not hesitate to call the undersigned.at 661-831-6906: Respectfully Submitted, E2C Remediation NAt t�4� William Lawson, Director of.Technical Ope ions cc: Mr.John Whiting,.P:G:. Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region 1685 E Street Fresno,CA 93706-2020 Mr. Howard H.Wines,lll,P.G. Hazardous Materials Specialist City of:Bakersfield Fire Department,Office of Environmental Services. 900 Truxton Avenue, Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 5300 Woodmere Drive,Suite 105,Bakersfield,CA 93313 tel 661.831.6906 fax 661.831.6234 www.e2cr.net. EC Remediation Environmental Engineering, Consulting and Remediation,Inc. FIRST QUARTER 2008 SEMI-ANNUAL GROUNDWATER MONITORING AND REMEDIATION STATUS REPORT FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH .1701 STINE ROAD; BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA October 3, 2008 Project Number 1812BK26 Prepared For:. Mr Frank Hobin 8908 Versailles Dr. Bakersfield,,.CA 93311 Prepared By: E20 Remediation Environmental/Engineer.ing Consultants 5300,'Woodmere Drive;'Suite 105 ' Bakersfield, CA 93313 ' 5300 Woodmere Drive,Suite 105,Bakersfield,CA 93313 tel 661.831:6906 fax 661.831.6234 www.e2cr.net ' Pro' N 1 1 BK2 sect Number u e 8 2 6 October 3.2008 ' TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................ ' LIST OF FIGURES............................. .................................................................................... ii LISTOF TABLES ........................................................................................................................ LISTOF APPENDICES.............................................................................................................. u EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 Discussion of Groundwater Monitoring and Remedial Data.....................................................1 ' Conclusions...................................................................... ................................... ............2 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................3 t 1.0 INTRODUCTION...........................�..................:.................................................:............. 4 1.1 Site Description .4 1.2 Site Hydrogeology ............................................. ....4 1.3 Site History..... .. ....................................................................:.:.............................4 2.0 FIRST QUARTER 2008 SEMI-ANNUAL GROUNDWATER MONITORING.....:...............5 2:1 Groundwater Elevation Monitoring................................................................................5 ' 2.2 Groundwater Sampling and Analysis........................................................................ .6 2.2.1 Purge Water Recycling................:.........................................................................6 ' 2.2.2 Groundwater Chemical Analyses............................................................................6 2.2.3 Summary of First Quarter 2008 Semi-Annual Groundwater Analytical Data..........7 2.2.4 Quality Control Samples... .................................................................................7 2.3 AB 2886 Compliance....................................... ........................................................7 2.4 Discussion of Groundwater Monitoring Data............:....................................................7 3.0 REMEDIATION STATUS REPORT ..................................................................................8 3.1 Historical Remedial System Operations......................................................................:.9 3.1.1 Thermal Oxidizer...................................................................................................9 ' 3.2 Compliance with SJVAPCD Permit To Operate.......:................................:........:..........9 3.2.1 August 2004 Influent/Effluent Analytical Data......................................................10 ' 3.3 Fuel Hydrocarbon Mass Removal Rates....................................:................................10 3.4 Discussion of. Remedial Efficiency....................................I.............................. ........10 4.0 CONCLUSIONS.............................................................................................................10 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS..................................................................................................11 6.0 LIMITATIONS AND REPORT CERTIFICATION .......................................................... 12 1 E2C Remediation i Proiect Number 1812BK26 October 3 2008 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map—General Area Figure 2 Site Plan Figure 3 First Quarter 2008 Groundwater Gradient Plot Figure 4 First Quarter 2008 Groundwater Fuel Hydrocarbon Distribution Plot LIST OF TABLES . Table 1 Summary of First Quarter 2008 Groundwater Monitoring Data Table 2 Summary of Historical Groundwater Elevation Data ' Table 3 Summary of Historical Groundwater Analytical Data Table 4 Summary of VES Monitoring Data Table 5 Summary of Hydrocarbon Mass Removed Using VES r . LIST OF APPENDICES ' Appendix A First Quarter 2008 Groundwater Purge Data Sheets Appendix B First Quarter 2008 Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Report ' Appendix C Groundwater Sampling Purge Water Transport Manifests and Recycling Certificates Appendix D GeoTracker Upload Reports ' E2C Remedia[ion ii Proiect Number 1812BK26 October 3.2008 ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY E2C Remediation (E2C) has completed First Quarter 2008 Semi-Annual groundwater monitoring activities for the Former Niagara Car Wash facility (Site) located at 1700 Stine Road in Bakersfield, California. In addition, this report presents the remediation status for the Site. This work was conducted in response to the State of California Regional Water Quality Control ' Board —Central Valley Region (RWQCB) letter dated August 26,-2003, and also in compliance with subsequent RWQCB directives, the latest of which is dated May 29, 2007. Discussion of Groundwater Monitoring and Remedial Data Based on the groundwater analytical data from the First Quarter 2008 semi-annual event, groundwater beneath the Site is no longer impacted with fuel constituent COCs from past - - ---.----.activities,_.except-for.-.a_-reoccurrence_of_-MtBE_at._219.µg/L_in-MW-2. the principal impact to groundwater was by extremely low concentrations of MtBE (the only COC to have been reported since October 10, 2003). MtBE has been reported as non-detect at MW-1 since ' July 2004 and at MW-3 since October 2004. Throughout that time, the groundwater table elevation fell and rose as much as four (4) feet. Generally, when the groundwater elevation. rises it will bring groundwater into contact with residual fuel mass, if present, in the `smear zone' ' and dissolved-phase concentrations.will increase. Therefore, it is unlikely that any significant fuel-hydrocarbon mass remains beneath the Site. MtBE was reported at MW-2 in July 2007 at a concentration of 100 µg/L and at 219 gg/L in ' February 2008. The reoccurrence of MtBE at MW-2 is unclear, as MtBE had not been reported, at that well for ten (10) quarters. E2C will evaluate the laboratory analytical data generated from the next sampling event to determine if additional actions, if any, are warranted. ' In June 2006, (as reported in E2C's Second Quarter 2006 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Third Quarter 2006 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Additional Assessment Report of Findings , ' and Remediation Status Report, dated November 28, 2006) E2C conducted soil vapor extraction activities to assess whether an unidentified source of fuel constituents was present at the Site. During the testing, the low vapor influent concentrations reported during the additional assessment testing (consisting of an 8-hour continuous test) compared closely to the influent concentrations reported at remedial system shutdown in August 2004. These low concentrations indicate the presence of very .minor residual fuel constituent impact in the ' vadose zone, if any. A significant quantity-of fuel constituents were removed from startup through the end of August 2004. The fuel constituent removal rate showed a rapidly declining trend, from an initial rate of ' nearly 600 lbs/day at start up (May 14, 20 04) to a rate at system shut down of 33 lbs/day (see Table 5 graph). This declining rate suggested a rapid depletion of the `source' material. MtBE concentrations in groundwater were eliminated immediately. This operational data, combined with the June 2006 additional assessment test data, indicated that remediation may be complete. In order to verify this E2C, implemented an approved Pilot Test Workplan to assess whether a residual mass of fuel constituents occurs near the former UST pit. In May 2007, (as reported in E2C's Residual Mass Assessment Report of Findings, Human Health Risk Assessment and Request. for Site .Case Closure, dated June 11, 2007) E2C conducted soil vapor extraction activities`for an assessment of residual fuel and to perform a human health risk assessment. Based on current concentrations of fuel constituents in the E2C Remediation 1 ' Pro'e t Number 1812BK26 October 3 2008 subsurface at the Site, non-detect in groundwater (except for a reoccurrence of 100 gg/L of MtBE at MW-2) and very low in soil (35 ppmV at end of May 2007 testing), SVE remedial operations have reduced subsurface fuel constituents to levels that do not pose threats to ' human health or groundwater. Conclusions ' Based on the site assessment work and groundwater monitoring data obtained at the Site to date, E2C concludes the following: ■ In February 2008 the groundwater flow direction was interpreted to be west- ' southwesterly at a gradient of 0.0067 ft/ft; The average groundwater table elevation decreased 3.14 feet since July 2007. Recharge._and_or_discharge_from_the_Stine_Canal,_located_along_the eastern bounda_ry_of ' the Site, does not appear to control groundwater flow beneath.the Site; ■ In February 2008, groundwater samples were reported 'as non-detect for the fuel constituent COCs, except for the reported 219 gg/L of MtBE at MW-2. COCs have been reported as non-detect for fourteen (14) consecutive quarters at'MW-1 and for thirteen (13) consecutive quarters at MW-3; • DIPE, ETBE, TAME and TBA have been reported as non-detect at all three (3) Site monitoring wells since they were installed in 2003; • During its limited operation period (May 14, 2004 through August 31, 2004), between 7,700 Ibs and 8,000 Ibs of fuel constituents were removed from the subsurface at the Site; • Additional Assessment testing (consisting of an 8-hour continuous test) conducted on June 15, 2006 at vapor extraction point VE-FD demonstrated that no significant fuel constituent mass is present beneath the former fuel dispenser island, no benzene or MtBE were present, and that only very minor fuel constituents might remain in the ' vadose zone; ■ Additional Assessment testing (conducted between May 29, 2007 and May 31, 2007) at vapor extraction points VES-As, VES-Bs, VES=Ad, VES-Bd and VES-C demonstrated ' that no significant fuel constituent mass is present beneath the former UST area, no benzene or MtBE were present, and that only very minor fuel constituents might remain in the vadose zone; ' An assessment of human.health risk shows that limited residual fuel impact to medium- depth soils beneath the Site'poses no threats to human health or the environment; and ■ Based on current concentrations of fuel constituents in the subsurface at the Site, non- detect in groundwater (excepting the reoccurrence of MtBE at MW-2) and very low in. soil (35 ppmV at end of May 2007 testing), SVE remedial operations have reduced subsurface fuel constituents to levels that do not pose threats to human health or the ' environment; and ■ Based on the above conclusions, it is E2C's professional opinion that further remediation, at this Site is not necessary at this time; however, the MtBE concentration at MW-2 ' warrants continued monitoring to determine whether additional remedial efforts will be required. ' E2C Remediation 2 Proiect Number 1812BK26 October 3.2008 Recommendations Based on the data presented in this report and the above conclusions, E2C makes the following recommendations:, ■ Continue groundwater monitoring on a semi-annual basis; ■ Analyze groundwater samples for BTEX and five fuel oxygenates (includes MtBE) using EPA Method.8260b and TPHg using EPA Method 8015M on a quarterly basis; ■ Discontinue analysis for'DIPE, ETBE,TAME-an'd' AME-and.TBA; and ■ Continue status reporting on a semi=annual basis until MtBE concentrations at MW-2 ' warrant Site Closure or additional activities. 1 r E2C Remediation 3 ' Pr '��ect Number 1812BK26 October 3 2008 1.0 INTRODUCTION E2C Remediation (E2C) has completed First Quarter 2008 semi-annual groundwater monitoring activities for the Former Niagara Car Wash facility (Site). located at 1700 Stine Road in Bakersfield, California. In addition, this report presents the remediation status for the Site..This work was conducted in response to the State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board — Central Valley Region (RWQCB) letter dated August 26, 2003, and also in compliance with subsequent RWQCB directives, the latest of which is dated March 12, 2007. 1.1 Site Description rThe Site is:currently utilized as an operating car wash (Whitewater Car Wash) located in Bakersfield, California, at 1700 Stine Road between Stine Road and Hasti Acres Drive (see Figures_1_A.and. 1B for Site The Site encompasses approximately 1.7 acres and is located approximately 200 feet south of Ming Avenue. The Site is located in Section 11, Township 30 South, Range 27 East MDBM. ' Three (3) 12,000-gallon gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs) were located as shown on Figure 2 (Site Plan). The USTs were removed in April 2003. The fuel dispensers under the canopy area were removed, as well as the associated piping. One (1) 2,000-gallon waste oil UST is still located at the Site as shown on Figure 2. 1.2 Site Hydrogeology ' Regionally, the depth to groundwater had been estimated at approximately 190 feet ,bgs according to the 1996 Water Supply Report published by the Kern County Water .Agency. During March 2003 drilling activities, first encountered groundwater was found at a depth of ' approximately 163 feet bgs. In July 2005 groundwater was encountered at approximately 170 feet bgs. ' The surrounding area well survey identified four (4) production wells within a 2,500-foot radius of the Site..,All of these wells were noted to be operating during a field reconnaissance. The Stine Canal (irrigation and runoff) traverses the Site from northeast to southwest between the carwash building and Stine Road. The canal continues beneath the Site as a concrete pipe culvert which extends from north of Ming Avenue to the southern boundary of the Site. The canal is an unlined channel to the south of the Site. Water generally flows in the.canal on a year-round basis. 1.3 Site History A detailed Site History was discussed in the June 17, 2003 report, `Site Characterization Report of Findings, Report of Surrounding Area Well Survey, SVE System Installation and Pilot Test ' Report of Findings & Workplan to Implement Remedial Action, Former Niagara Car Wash, 1701 Stine Road, Bakersfield, California'(1 RAP). In March 2003,. E2C installed .one (1) groundwater monitoring well to assess groundwater conditions at the Site. In addition, six (6) VE wells .were installed and two (2) 40-foot soil borings were advanced on either side of the dispenser islands. Upon completion of the well installations, the remediation wells were plumbed to a manifold in the equipment pad area. This work was reported in the Site Characterization Report of Findings, dated June 17, 2003. In a letter, dated August 26, 2003, the RWQCB requested additional groundwater characterization. ' E2C Remediation 4 ' Pr oiect Number 1 8128 K 26 Oc tober 3 2 0 08 Groundwater monitoring wells MW-2 and MW-3 were.installed during the week of September 28, 2003, after which the wells were developed. Initial groundwater monitoring/sampling was conducted at the new wells in October 2003 and that data was reported in the Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring Report, dated February 1, 2004, In May 2005, vapor extraction well (VE) VE-FD was installed at the Site, as approved by the ' RWQCB in a letter dated March 15, 2005. Installation of the well was reported in the following document: First Quarter 2005 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Second Quarter 2005 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Third Quarter 2005 Groundwater Monitoring Report, and Remediation Status Report, Former Niagara Carwash, 1701 Stine Road, Bakersfield, California, . dated September 5, 2005. ' In June 2006, (as reported in E2C's Second Quarter 2006 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Third Quarter 2006 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Additional Assessment Report of Findings and Remediation Status Report, dated November 28, 2006) E2C conducted soil vapor extraction activities to assess whether an unidentified source of fuel constituents were present at the Site. During the testing, the low vapor influent concentrations reported during the additional assessment testing (consisting of,an 8-hour continuous test) compare closely.to the influent concentrations reported at remedial system shutdown in August 2004. These low concentrations. indicate the presence of very minor residual fuel constituent impact in the vadose zone. Since the radius of influence at VE-FD is at least 105 feet, the additional assessment testing demonstrated that no significant fuel constituent mass is present within the radius of influence of VE-FD. If,significant residual fuel constituents were present in the vadose zone beneath the ' former fuel dispensers, or in the vicinity of the former USTs, reported influent concentrations would have reflected this and resulted in higher influent concentrations that increased throughout the duration of the test. In May 2007, (as reported in E2C's Residual Mass Assessment Report of Findings, Human Health Risk Assessment and Request for Site Case Closure, dated June 11, 2007) E2C ' conducted soil vapor extraction activities for an assessment of residual fuel and to perform a human health. risk assessment. Based on current concentrations of fuel constituents in the subsurface at the Site, non-detect in groundwater and very low in soil (35 ppmV at end of May ' '2007 testing), SVE remedial operations have reduced subsurface fuel constituents to levels that do not pose threats to human health or groundwater. In a letter, dated May 29, 2007, the RWQCB requested a reduction in the frequency of the monitoring to a semi-annual basis. ' 2.0 FIRST QUARTER 2008 SEMI-ANNUAL GROUNDWATER MONITORING E2C conducted First Quarter 2008 semi-annual groundwater-monitoring activities as described below. 2.1 Groundwater Elevation Monitoring The initial task performed was evaluating the wells for presence of free-product using a clear ' bailer. Free-product was not present in any well. The depth of freestanding groundwater was then measured to the nearest one-hundredth (0.01) of a foot using a Solinst water level indicator and an attached measuring tape. First Quarter 2008 semi-annual groundwater monitoring data are summarized in Table 1 and are presented with historical groundwater elevation data in Table 2. E2C Remediation 5 ' Project Number 1812BK26 October 3 2008 The groundwater flow direction for February 8, 2008 has been interpreted as west- southwesterly at a gradient of 0.0067 foot of vertical drop per foot of horizontal distance (ft/ft) (see Figure 3), a very flat gradient. The groundwater table elevation decreased an average of ' approximately 3.14 feet across.the Site since July 2007(see Table 2). Based on historical groundwater flow directions interpreted at the Site, it does not appear that recharge or discharge from the Stine Canal control the groundwater flow direction beneath the Site. This is likely due to the depth (156 feet bgs or greater) at which groundwater occurs beneath the Site. Therefore, groundwater flow beneath the Site may be regionally controlled ' and/or controlled by regional pumping southeast of the Site. , 2.2 Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Groundwater was purged at each monitoring well using a new disposable bailer. A minimum of three (30) casing volumes was removed from each well. prior to sampling groundwater. A casing volume is calculated by multiplying the height of the freestanding water column in the ' well by the cross-sectional area of the well casing. The temperature, pH and conductivity of the purged water were measured periodically to verify sufficient purging, as indicated by stable measurements on field instruments. When the measurements were within 10% of the previous ' readings the groundwater was considered stable for sampling (see Appendix'A for First Semi- annual 2008 groundwater purge data sheets). ' Each sample was collected using a new disposable bailer. Liquid in the bailer. was decanted into two 40-milliliter volatile organic analysis (VOA) vials. Each VOA was sealed using a tight fitting Teflon-lined screw cap. Care was taken so that no headspace or bubbles existed after sealing each VOA with the lid. All samples were labeled and documented on a Chain-of- Custody record immediately after sealing.. The samples were placed. into an iced cooler maintained at 4° Centigrade for transport to the analytical laboratory. Note: For this sampling event, the sample labeled MW-4 on the Chain-of-Custody Is a duplicate of the sample from ' MW-3. 2.2.1 Purge Water Recycling ' Groundwater sampling purge water was transported to Remedy Environmental.Services of Bakersfield, California for recycling (Appendix C contains copies of the non-hazardous purge water transport manifests and the recycling certificates). Groundwater Chemical Analyses Groundwater samples were transported to and analyzed at ProVera.Analytical Laboratories, ' Inc. (ProVera) (State Certification #2606) of Bakersfield, California in accordance with State guidelines and EPA protocols for the following: • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) using EPA Method 8015M; ' • The volatile aromatic compounds of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (total) (BTEX) using EPA Method 8260b; and • The five fuel oxygenates of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MtBE), tertiary-butyl alcohol ' (TBA; a.k.a. tert-butanol), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl-tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE), and tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME) using EPA Method 8260b. ' Note: In a letter, dated February 9, 2006, the RWQCB directed the discontinuation of annual analysis of groundwater samples using EPA Method 8260b full-scan. In a letter, dated May 29, 2007, the RWQCB requested a reduction in the frequency of monitoring to a semi-annual basis. E2C Remediation 6 Proiect Number 1812BK26 October 3.2008 t2.2:3 Summary of First Quarter 2008 Semi-Annual Groundwater Analytical Data The analytical laboratory report for the First Quarter 2008 semi-annual -event is included as ' Appendix B. The February 8, 2008 groundwater analytical data are presented in Table 1, are presented with historical analytical data in Table 3, and are summarized following: • BTEX compounds were reported as non-detect at all three (3) wells; ' • TPHg was reported as non-detect at all three (3).wells', • MtBE was reported at one (1) well (MW-2) at a concentration of 219.µg/L; and • TAME, TBA, DIPE, and ETBE were reported as non-detect at all three (3) wells. 2.2.4 Quality Control Samples The duplicate sample collected from well MW-3'was reported to contain similar or identical ' concentrations of COCs as the primary sample from that well. The trip blank.was reported as non-detect for any of the COCs at their respective detection limits, and the laboratory control samples all had recoveries within acceptable ranges. These results indicated that the analytical ' data are usable and are of adequate quality and reproducibility to satisfy data validity, requirements. 2.3 AB 2886 Compliance Groundwater analytical data for this quarter have been uploaded to the GeoTracker database in accordance'with State of California Assembly Bill 2886 (AB 2886). Groundwater elevation data ' have also been uploaded to the database. Finally, a copy of this status report has also been uploaded to the database. Appendix D contains copies of the available upload confirmation reports through the First Quarter 2008 semi-annual event. Any upload confirmation reports not ' included in this report will be included in the next semi-annual status report. 2.4 Discussion of Groundwater Monitoring Data Based on the groundwater analytical data from the First Quarter.2008 semi-annual event, groundwater beneath the Site is no longer impacted with fuel constituent COCs from past activities, except for a reoccurrence of MtBE at 21.9 gg/L in MW-2. Historically, the principal impact to groundwater was by extremely low ,concentrations of MtBE (the only.COC to have been reported since October•10, 2003). MtBE has been reported as non-detect at MW-1 since July 2004 and at MW-3 since October.2004. Throughout.that time, the groundwater table elevation fell and rose as much as four (4) feet. Generally, when the groundwater elevation rises it will bring groundwater into contact with residual fuel mass, if present, in the 'smear zone' and dissolved-phase concentrations will increase. Therefore, it'is unlikely that any significant fuel-hydrocarbon mass remains beneath the Site.. MtBE was detected at MW-2 in July 2007 at a concentration of 100 gg/L and at 219 gg/L in ' February 2008. The reoccurrence of MtBE at MW-2 is unclear, as MtBE had not been reported at that well for ten (10) quarters. E2C will evaluate the laboratory analytical data generated from the next sampling event to determine if additional actions, if any, are warranted. ' Note: DIPE, ETBE, TAME and TBA have all been reported as non-detect at all.three (3) Site wells since they were installed in 2003. These analysis should be discontinued. 1 ' E2C Remediation 7 Proiect Number 1812BK26 October 3.2008 ' 3.0 REMED/ATION STATUS REPORT Remedial operations at the Site were previously conducted utilizing a vapor extraction system ' (VES). To date, six (6) vapor extraction (VE) wells have been installed at the-Site. Two (2) of the VE wells (VES-AD and VES-BD) are screened deep (approximately 75 to 110 feet bgs), three (3) (VES-AS, VES-BS and VE-FD) are screened shallow (approximately 10 to 75 feet ' bgs) and one (1) (VES-C).is screened at medium depth (approximately 40 to 85 feet bgs). On May 14, 2004, the VES equipment (Baker'Furnace 250-CFM Thermal/catalytic Oxidizer with ' a propane-powered generator)'was brought on line. The system, prior to shutdown on August 31, 2004, was operating with wells VES-AS, VES-BS, and VES-C open and with VES-AD and VES-BD closed. This wellfield configuration yielded the highest influent concentration. During remedial system operations', the wellfield configuration was adjusted on a weekly basis to optimize the system effectiveness. Note: During the first ten'(10) days of system operation, the oxidizer shut down intermittently 1 due to low temperature or low pressure, so that only seven (7) days of actual runtime were achieved. This problem was repaired and the system operated continuously until August 31; 2004 when the SJVAPCD Startup, Inspection was conducted. During the inspection, the. SJVAPCD Inspector indicated that an .individual Permit To Operate (PTO) would also be required for the generator providing the electrical power. As such, the remediation system was shut down pending receipt of the additional PTO. It must be noted that the SJVAPCD originally permitted the site remediation equipment with a propane generator. A permit application for the generator was prepared and submitted to the SJVAPCD for their ' review and approval. On December 8, 2004, the SJVAPCD issued the PTO. Upon receipt of the PTO', E2C reviewed the permit conditions, which included a mandatory requirement for independent monthly testing of the generator emissions. This required testing.consisted of monthly Site visits to measure/test the generator emissions for an extensive suite of analytes. E2C solicited bids from several independent'testing contractors and determined that testing costs and propane costs would increase operational costs significantly, and that electrical service provided by PG&E would be substantially more cost-effective. Therefore, E2C applied to PG&E for installation of the permanent power supply. E2C received the contract documents from PG&E and found the cost to install permanent power to be excessive. However, on June. 15, 2006, E2C conducted additional assessment testing on extraction well VE-FD and the results of that testing demonstrated the presence of very minor fuel constituent impact to the vadose zone soils. In May 2007, E2C conducted an assessment of residual subsurface gasoline mass at the Site using SVE testing at existing VE wells in the area of the former underground storage tanks ' (USTs).- The work was conducted in accordance with a Workplan dated February 22,-2007, which was approved by the RWQCB by letter, dated March 12, 2007. ' Initially, all VE wells were individually tested to determine which well, or combination of wells, would yield the highest influent concentration(s). VES-C showed the highest concentrations during this testing; however, concentrations dropped at this well until at the end of testing 28 hours later, the concentration at VES-C was only 35 ppmV, a fuel hydrocarbon removal rate of jonly 2.1 pounds per day (Ibs/day). This indicates that continued operation of an SVE system would-extract soil vapors at less than 2.1 Ibs/day over any long-term period. Additionally, E2C Remediation 8 Project Number 1812BK26 October 3.2008 testing of the shallow and deep zones individually and collectively yielded very low (25-50 ppmV) influent concentrations. As such, the minor mass of fuel hydrocarbons remaining beneath the Site does not warrant continued remedial action. Groundwater is encountered at a minimum of 156 feet bgs. Based on current concentrations of fuel constituents in the subsurface at the Site, non-detect in groundwater (except for a reoccurrence of 100 µg/L of MtBE at MW-2) and very low in soil (35 ppmV at end of May 2007 testing), SVE remedial'operations have reduced subsurface fuel . ' constituents to levels that do not pose threats to human health or the environment. 3.1 Historical Remedial System Operations . 3.1.1 Thermal Oxidizer The remedial system consisted of vapor extraction using a Maker Furnace 250-CFM thermal ' oxidizer capable of adding a modular catalytic cell as concentrations.fall. The unit's minimum operating temperature in thermal mode was 1,400 deg. F. . This temperature was set 'to maximize vapor oxidation at reasonable electrical unit cost viea the propane-powered generator. The unit was equipped with a regenerative or PD type vapor extraction blower. For improved reliability and. safety, the valve controls, actuators, and components were controlled by relay logic switches. The unit was equipped with a water knockout pot, automatic air dilution capability, and a noise-reducing muffler. ' This equipment was designed to shut down and lock out in the event of a system malfunction. 9 Y The various safety features include high and low oxidizer bed temperatures, high and low ' blower pressure, high intake LEL, high and low air pressure, high and low exhaust temperature, and water knockout malfunction sensor. At least 99% destruction efficiency is stated in the manufacturer's specifications for the unit. Prior to shutdown, the remediation equipment was monitored on a weekly basis to perform routine maintenance, record oxidizer parameters (temperature, flow rate and operating hours) ' and measure influent'and effluent constituent concentrations. Although the oxidizer parameters were continuously recorded digitally. on 'a Zip disk, weekly monitoring of these parameters verifies accuracy of the measuring devices. Fuel constituent concentrations were also ' measured in the field using, a portable hydrogen flame ionization_detector (FID) and the data were used in applicable formulas to calculate the mass of fuel constituents removed on both a monthly and cumulative basis. Adjustments were continually made to the configuration of the unit to maximize vapor flow from the wellfield while maintaining the chamber temperature above 1,400 degrees. Fahrenheit (°F) as required in the SJVAPCD permit and below the manufacturer's recommended temperature limit of 1,850 OF in the stack. Note: Due to declining influent concentrations, a catalytic cell was added to the system on August 18, 2004. ' 3.2 Compliance with SJVAPCD Permit To Operate Compliance was demonstrated by monitoring of the influent and effluent streams with a FID or. PID instrument during regular system operations and weekly monitoring visits. From May 14 through May 24, 2004, the influent averaged 4,800 ppmv with 'zero''effluent, which equated to 100% destruction efficiency. Field records including sampling results, cumulative runtime, flow rate, and catalytic oxidizer temperature will be.maintained and retained for a minimum of two (2) ' E2C Remediation 9 Proiect Number 1812BK26 October 3.2008 ' years. When operating, system operation temperature was maintained at a minimum of 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) in the combustion chamber of the thermal oxidizer, and at a minimum of 600°F after the August 18, 2004 conversion to catalytic operation. 3.2.1 August 2004 Influent/Effluent Analytical Data On August 31, 2004, during the SJVAPCD Startup Inspection.test, TedlarO bag samples were ' collected from the influent and effluent sample ports. The samples were submitted to ProVera for analyses Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as, gasoline (TPHg) using Modified EPA Method TO-3 and for volatile aromatics. (BTEX) using Modified EPA Method TO-15. The results are summarized following (the data was previously reported): ■ The influent BTEX components were reported at a total concentration of 64 ppmv, and the effluent concentration was reported as non-detect; and ' The influent TPHg were reported at a concentration of 500 ppmv, and the effluent concentration was reported as non-detect. Based on this data, the TPHg/BTEX destruction efficiency was 100%. 3.3 Fuel Hydrocarbon Mass Removal Rates ' Hydrocarbon removal rates were estimated using two different methods of calculation. The first method uses a straight-line extrapolation of influent measurements based on actual hourly run- time. Using this method, the mass of fuel constituents removed, from startup through August 31, 2004, was calculated at approximately 7,700 pounds (Ibs) (see Table 4) The second method uses the average influent over the average daily run-time per month. ' Using this method, the total mass of fuel constituents removed, from startup through August 31, 2004, was calculated at approximately 8,000 Ibs (see Table 5). ' 3.4 Discussion of Remedial Efficiency A significant quantity of fuel constituents were removed from startup through the end of August 2004. The fuel constituent removal rate showed a rapidly declining trend, from an initial rate of 1 nearly 600 Ibs/day at start up (May 14, 2004) to a rate at system shut down of 33 Ibs/day (see Table 5 graph). This declining rate suggested a rapid depletion of the `source' material. MtBE concentrations in groundwater were eliminated immediately. This operational data, combined with the recent additional assessment test data, indicated that remediation may be complete. In order to verify this E20, implemented the approved Pilot Test Workplan in May 2007 to assess whether an unidentified mass of fuel constituents exist near the.former UST pit. The results of ' the SVE testing in the former UST area demonstrated that benzene and MtBE were absent in the subsurface soils, and that the minor residual mass of fuel hydrocarbons in the vadose zone did not pose a risk to human health or the environment. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on the site assessment work and groundwater monitoring data obtained at the Site to date, E2C concludes the following: ■ In February 2008 the groundwater flow direction was interpreted to be west- southwesterly at a gradient of 0.0067 ft/ft; ■ The average groundwater table elevation decreased 3.14 feet since July 2007. Recharge and or discharge from the Stine Canal, located along the eastern boundary of ' the Site, does not appear to control groundwater flow beneath the Site; E2C Remediation 10 ' Project Number 1812BK26 October 3 2008 ' In February 2008, groundwater samples were reported as non-detect for the fuel constituent COCs, except for the reported 219 gg/L of MtBE at MW-2. COCs have been ' reported as non-detect for fourteen (14) consecutive quarters at MW-1 and for thirteen (13) consecutive quarters at MW 73; • DIPE, ETBE, TAME and TBA have been reported as non-detect at all three (3) Site ' monitoring wells since they were installed in 2003; ■ During its limited operation period (May, 14, 2004 through August 31, 2004), between 7,700 Ibs and 8,000 Ibs of fuel constituents were removed from the subsurface at the ' Site; ■ Additional Assessment testing (consisting of an 8-hour continuous test) conducted on June 15, 2006 at vapor extraction point VE-FD demonstrated that no significant fuel ' constituent mass is present beneath the former fuel dispenser island, no benzene. or MtBE were present, and that only very minor fuel constituents might remain in the vadose zone; ' Additional Assessment testing (conducted between May 29, 2007 and May 31, 2007) at vapor extraction points VES-As, VES-Bs, VES-Ad, VES-Bd and VES-C demonstrated that no significant fuel constituent mass is present beneath the former UST area, no ' benzene or MtBE were present, and that only very minor fuel constituents might remain in the vadose zone; • An assessment of human health risk shows that limited residual fuel impact to medium- depth soils beneath the Site poses no threats to human health or the environment; and ' ■ Based on current concentrations of fuel constituents in the subsurface at the Site, non- detect in groundwater (excepting the reoccurrence of MtBE at MW-2) and very low in ' soil (35 ppmV at end of May 2007 testing) , SVE remedial operations have reduced subsurface fuel constituents to levels that do not pose threats to human health or the environment; and ' • Based on the above conclusions, it is E2C's professional opinion that further remediation at this Site is not necessary at this time; however, the MtBE concentration at MW-2 warrants continued monitoring to determine whether additional remedial efforts will be required. 5.0 RECOMMENDATION'S Based on the data presented.in this report and the above conclusions, E2C makes the following recommendations: ■ Continue groundwater monitoring on a semi-annual basis; ' ■ Analyze groundwater samples for BTEX and five fuel oxygenates (includes MtBE) using EPA Method 8260b and TPHg using EPA Method 8015M on a quarterly basis; ■ Discontinue analysis for DIPE, ETBE, TAME and TBA; and ' ■ Continue status reporting on a semi-annual basis until MtBE concentrations at MW-2 warrant Site Closure or additional activities. 1 E2C Remediation 11 ' October 3 2008 Project Number 1812BK26 6.0 LIMITATIONS,AND REPORT CERTIFICATION E2C performed this investigation.in.,accordance with the_generally alccepted standards,of care existing in California at.this time. It should be recognized.:that .definition and evaluation of ' geologic,conditions is a difficult and inexact science. Judgments leading,to conclusions and recommendations are generally made with limited knowledge of.subsurface conditions present. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. This, report.has;been prepared by E2C under the professional supervision of the registered i professional whose seal.and signature:appear herein. The conclusions of this report are based . solely on the. Scope of Services outlined and the.sources of information:referenced. in this.,. report: . Any additional information that. becomes available concerning the Site..should be submitted to E2C so,that our.conclusions.may be reviewed and modified, if necessary. This. report was prepared for the sole use of Mr.: Frank.Hobin and/or agent(s), the RWQCB, and the ' Bakersfield Rre..Department: ' Prepared By �\lD4Q�F ono � w DANIEL J. u, HIDALGO -'` NO. 659. Daniel Hidalgo, Sei for Hydroyeulogist Cgl�taQ C.H.G.`#659,Reg.Ex.6-30-09 Reviewed By: pNAL Q Mk44 i - �j1-j� ..,. William A. Lawson, P:,G. 1.71 Director of Technical Opera ions. pf Ca 1 _ 1 . ' E2C Remediation 12 Proiect Number 1812BK26 October 3.2008 FIGURES ' - - -Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 ,Site Plan Figure 3 . First'Quarter 2008..Groundwater Gradient Plot ' Figure 4 First Quarter 2008-Groundwater Fuel Hydrocarbon Distribution Plot 1 1 1 1 1 " E2C Remediation Figures 35°19.000'N 35°20.000'N 35°211000'N 35°22.000'N • 'z 34°40.000'N .34°52.000'N 35001.000'N 35°10.000'N 35°19.000'N 35°28.000'N 35°37.000'N 35°46.000'N 35°55.000'N CO Cil tea. t ..} g •4 _ I i ill S 7C O to Gan G i t a<w CD CD CD k• ►` � 01 W � Q ,o � /'lob s i� �( �' I 4 ed a. n �,� � d r� ' /` 1 �•LF o 4�, W W- $ o Z `adtq CD _ � .7 �+ r2 � �, � i1� S,'" thsO,' c.a` ��'�' I� � � }' � $8 `p - , s �•+ f 1 ` ei"c N o D 5 t , , E,• v. _ � ,CO I8 s of O y > X8.0 0 ; - u ��. _• col ( - "°� N v, o O €®' < y �"i�% �. y „ : _ �� ��•f., / ', .1 mow'` i. 4 �1 F m N O /v •'°O y� .�,� r�- 1 .>.n 9 cwv.- A.m.i .Y.,S l" -L,1 �, f ` •+ p on r -n Z lPs� ° Id ktq 2 \r x,; ; SFr, °Oy d •J AA? J.` ` p ^i m cn D. `L � trgyd,:t��; 'g° jb,; .. �/ m,• 3 - d ;�• Md' :+ 1t9,:. tx,'. ii ., 1tP 1�' t.. k - E o Ai Q � � gg'W 23 r-• .� A w _ > �•�<aw. .w ,,x � � . 1 � � � i 3. y y o Z r 0 n 8 ' ° d� J.: �— ' s a �� •>k a F zrz r ";a o $ 0. YI 2 O fin.- C 1 S O: J`-y 0' J E's .!•}, ° /`k -. f / 3"e )•"�+ u �, �\'� �; / e� �+nf s MT' iF y, � ����a i x, mac. It s I� O I - •t 3 a.. N.T Ns _ L - _ CD CD Ci 34°40.000'N 34°52.000'N •35°01.000'N 35°10.000'N 35°19.000'N 35°28.000'N 35037.000'N 35046.000'N 35°55.000'N ea Mm Jiffy Lube Canopy " i5 0 0 "o Canopy Building f ®LL O B-8 C V VE-FD E y ' t0 2,000-gal B-4 >> ` Waste Oil UST C t0 HA ' o MW-2 Y ' � Y v � N > � B-2 •` VES-BD Q VES-BS B-1 t; t1 tt > C Q Equipment � Compound _ _ - - - = VES-AD i VES-AS .VES-C 0 40 FT B-3 �( Scale ' LEGEND MW-1 MW-3 Groundwater Monitoring 2 Well Vapor Extraction Well Location B-4 1999 Soil Boring Location B-5 tt MW-3 B-8 2003 Soil Boring Location � Auto Detailing o Hand Auger Boring Location ' Center UST Underground Storage Tank B-6 1 • E2C Remediation FORMER NIAGARA CARWASH 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 1701 STINE ROAD FIGURE Bakersfield, CA 93313 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ' Phone: (661) 831-6906 SITE PLAN 2 Fax: (661)831-6234 N HEA H Jiffy Lub Canopy c c o Ho Canopy Building OLL OLL CL 0 O M ®° Ch C = m 3 2.000-gal > Waste Oil UST C R MW-2 V V ' 215.67 ♦ Y ♦ rn ♦♦ zo> .O 1 V ' � m ms's d Q Equipment 000 0or 13 ♦ , ' U) Compound ♦ ♦ U) ♦ ? ♦ 0 40 FT ♦ Scale 0 0 MW-1 ' 214.69 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ LEGEND ♦ MW-3 MW-3 Groundwater Monitoring t 2 Well with Groundwater Auto Detailing 215.14 215.14 Elevation in Feet Above MSL Center Groundwater Elevation ?�s Contour in Feet Above MSL 00 (Dashed where approximate, �� queried where unknown) UST Underground Storage Tank • E2C Remediation . FORMER NIAGARA CARWASH 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 1701 STINE ROAD FIGURE Bakersfield, CA 93313 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ' Phone: (661)831-6906 FIRST QUARTER 2008 SEMI-ANNUAL 3 Fax: (661)831-6234 . GROUNDWATER GRADIENT PLOT B-9 F� C C C 1 --Jiffy Luber_ Canopy Mi5 0 o Ho Canopy Building LL lL o n N c B-8 L VE-FD E y C d 2,000-gal B-4 � Waste oil UST tt MW-2 - O HA V O TPHg=ND BTEX=ND MtBE=219 Y m V W > B-2 . •` VES-BD VES-BS tv B-1 V o C Q Equipment + 1 M _ _ = VES-AD VES-AS s '.VES-C 0 40 FT 1 ' Scale LEGEND ' MW-3 Groundwater Monitoring Well 2 with Contaminants of Concern ND in Micrograms per Liter(ug/L) MW-1 Vapor Extraction Well Location ' TPHg=ND B-4 BTEX=ND tt 1999 Soil Boring Location MtBE=ND.. B-5 - 2003 Soil Boring Location ' tt MW-3' o Hand Auger Boring Location Auto.Detailing TPHg=ND UST Underground Storage Tank ' Center BTEX=ND MtBE=ND UST Methyl tert-butyl ether B-6 • E2C Remediation FORMER NIAGARA CARWASH 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 1701 STINE ROAD FIGURE Bakersfield, CA 93313 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIRST QUARTER 2008 SEMI-ANNUAL Phone: (661)831-6906 FUEL HYDROCARBON 4 Fax: (661)831-6234 DISTRIBUTION PLOT Proiect Number 1812BK26 October 3,2008 1 1 TABLES ' Table 1 Summary of First Quarter 2008 Groundwater Monitoring Data ' Table 2 Summary of Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Table 3 Summary of Historical Groundwater Analytical Data Table 4 Summary of VES Monitoring Data Table 5 Summary of Hydrocarbon Mass Removed Using VES. ' E2C Remediation Tables r rr r r r r r r r r r r r r >� r r ■r r Project Number 1812BK26 October 3,2008 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIRST(QUARTER 2008 SEMI-ANNUAL GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA FORMER NIAGARA CARWASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California February 8, 2008 Well ID TOC Elevation Depth to Water GW Elevation B T E X TPHg MtBE TBA DIPE ETBE TAME 1,2-DCA EDB (feet, SL) feet BTOC feet MSL ugIL MW-1 378.01 163.32 214.69 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 --- --- MW-2 380.03 164.36 215.67 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50' 219 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 - -- MW-3 379.24 164.10 215.14 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 nd<0.5 nd<2.5 'nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 --- --- duplicate Labeled MW-4 on COC nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 --- --- Notes: 1,2-DCA= 1,2-Dichloroethane B=Benzene BTOC=Below top of casing DIPE=Di-isopropyl Ether . dup=duplicate sample E= Ethylbenzene EDB= Ethylene Dibromide(a.k.a. Dibromo Methane) ETBE= Ethyl tertiary-butyl Ether GW=Groundwater MtBE= Methyl tertiary-Butyl Ether na=Not available d= Not detected at or above the Method Detection Limit,which is indicated by value. PCE=Tetrachloroethene(a.k.a. perchloroethene) =Toluene TAME=Tertiary-Amyl Methyl Ether '=Result does not include MtBE BA=Tertiary-Butyl Ether(a.k.a tert-butanol) OC=Top of-casing PHg=Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline ug/kg=micrograms per liter X=Total xylenes MW-4 on COC is a duplicate sample collected from well MW-3 for quality control. E2 C Remediation Table 1-1 1 Project Number 1812BK26 October 3,2008 TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA ' FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California ' Total Well Depth to GW TOC GW Elevation GW Elevation WELL ID DATE Depth Elevation Change ' feet BTOC (feet BTOC) (feet MSL feet MSL feet 4/2/03 180.00 162.30 SP 6/30/03 180.30 165.00 -2.70 10/10/03 180.05 .167.58 210.43 -2.58 ' 1/22/04 165.00 213.01 2.58 4/23/04 180.00 163.60 214.41 1.40 7/27/04 180.00 167.40 210.61 -3.80 ' 10/7/04 180.00 169.42 208.59 -2.02 1/19/05 180.00 166.92 211.09 2.50 4/27/05 180.00 166.00 212.01 0.92 ' MW-1 7/29/05 180.00 " 168.46 209.55 -2.46 10/7/05 180.00 169.00 378.01 209".01 -0.54 1/17/06 180.00 164.92 213.09 4.08 4/11/06 180.00 165.20 212.81 -0.28 7/28/06 180.00 162.80 215.21 2.40 10/26/06 180.00 162.70 215.31 0.10 1/12/07 180.00 159.22 218.79 3.48 ' 4/20/07 180.00 156.34 221.67 2.88 7/17/07 180.00 159.60 218.41 -3.26 2/8/08 180.00 163.32 214.69 -3.72 ' 10/10/03 178.00 169.72 210.31 1/22/04 167.41 212.62 2.31 4/23/04 178.00 165.79 214.24 1.62 7/27/04 178.00 169.50 210.53 -3.71 10/7/04 178.00 171.55 208.48 -2.05 1/19/05 178.00 169.24 210.79 2.31 ' 4/27/05 178.00 168.16 211.87 1.08 7/29/05 178.00 170.55 209.48 -2.39 MW-2 10/7/05 178.24 171.15 380.03 208.88 -0.60 1/17/06 178.24 167.24 212.79 3.91 4/11/06 178.24 167.15 212.88 0.09 7/28/06 178.24 164.22 215.81 2.93 10/26/06 178.24 164.74 215.29 -0.52 1/12/07 . 178.24 161.50 218:53 3.24 4/20/07 178.24 158.42 221.61 3.08 7/17/07 178.00 161.02 219.01 -2.60 2/8/08 178.00 164.36 215.67 -3.34 1 ' E2 Remediation Table 2-1 Project Number 1812BK26 October 3,2008 1 TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA ' FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California Total Well TOC GW Elevation WELL ID DATE Depth Depth to GW Elevation GW Elevation Change feet BTOC feet BTOC feet MSL feet MSL feet ' 10/10/03` 184.90 170.07 209.17 1/22/04 166.61 212.63 3.46 4/23/04 184.90 165.25• 213.99 1.36 7/27/04 184.90 168.94 210.30 -3.69 10/7104 185.00 171.05 208.19 -2.11 1/19/05 185.00 168.50 210.74 2.55 1 4/27/05 185.00 167.54 211.70 0.96 7/29/05 185.00 170.05 209.19 -2.51 MW-3 10/7/05 185.00 170.48 379.24 208.76 -0.43 1/17/06 185.00 166.54 212.70 3.94 4/11/06 185.00 166.26 212.98 0.28 7/28/06 185.00 164.70 214.54 1.56 10/26/06 185.00 164.42 214.82 0.28 1/12/07 185.00 160.82 218.42 3.60 4/20/07 185.00 158.12 221.12 2.70 7/17/07 185.00 161.75 217.49 -3.63 ' 2/8/08 185.00 164.10 215.14 -2.35 NOTES: (feet) BTOC=-Below Top of Casing 4Q.04- 1Q.05 2.45 GW=Groundwater 1Q.05-2Q.05 0.99 MSL=Mean Sea Level 2Q.05-3Q.05 -2.45 ' SP=Survey Pending 30.05-4Q.05 -0.52 OC=Top of Casing 4Q.05- 1Q.06 3.98 1Q.06-2Q.06 0.03 2Q.06-3Q.06 2.30 3Q.06-4Q.06 -0.05 4Q.06- 1Q.07 3.44 1 Q.07-2Q.07 2.89 2Q.07-3Q.07 -3.16 3Q.07-1Q.08 -3.14 1 r E2 C Remediation Table 2-2 Project Number 1812BK26 October 3,2008 TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California Well ID Sample Date B T E X TPHg TPHd I MtBE I TBA DIPE I ETBE I TAME 11,2-DCAI EDB7 PCE Lead N9/L 4/2/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 102 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 6/30/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 64 8 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 nd<50 8 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 10/10/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 1/22/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns. 2 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 4/23/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 1 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 7/27/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<5.0 duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 rid<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 10/7/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 1/19/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na MW-1 4/27/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 7/29/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 10/7/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 1/17/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 4/28/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 'nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 7/28/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 10/26/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 1/12/07 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na. 4/20/07 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 7/17/07 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 2/8/08 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 ns ns ns ns E2 C Remediation Table 3-1 Pro/ec umber 8 28K26 M October 3,2008 TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California Well ID Sampie Date B T E X TPHg I 7PHd MtBE I TBA' DIPE I ETBE I TAME 11,2-DCAI EDB, I PCE Lead pg/L 10/10/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 60 ns 20 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 1/22/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 6 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 1.5 nd<5.0 4/23/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 16 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 7/27/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 4 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<5.0 10/7/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 3.3 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 1/19/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na duplicate 'nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 4/27/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 7/29/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 1017/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na MW-2 1/17/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na duplicate nd<0.5. nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd 4.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 4/11/06. nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 7/28/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 .nd<2.5. nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 10/26/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 1112107 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 _nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 4/20/07 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 7/17/07 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 100 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 2/8/08 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 219 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 ns ns ns ns E2 C Remediation Table 3-2 Project Number 1812BK26 October 3,2008 TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California Well ID Sample Date B T r E X -TTPHg I TPHd MtBE TBA I DIPE r ETBE TAME 11,2-DCAI EDB I CE Lead N9/L 10/10/03 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 80 ns 150 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 1/22/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 14 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 1.6 nd<5.0 duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 14 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 1.7 na 4/23/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 20 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 .nd<50 ns 21 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 7/27/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns 1 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<5.0 10/7/04 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 1/19/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 I ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 4/27/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0Z nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0:5 nd<0.5 na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 7/29/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5. nd<0.5. nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na 10/7/05 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns. nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na MW-3 1/17/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5" nd<51 ns nd<0.6 nd<2.6 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 4/11/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 7/28/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd4.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na. duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 10/26/06 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 1/12/07 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 4/20/07 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na _ na 7/17/07 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 'nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 na na 2/8/08 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 ns ns ns ns duplicate nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<50 ns nd<0.5 nd<2.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 nd<0.5 ns ns ns ns E2 C Remediation Table 3-3 Project Number 1812BK26 October 3,2008 TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California Well ID. Sample Date B T E X TPHg TPHd MtBE TBA DIPE ETBE I.TAME 1,2-DCA EDB PCE Lead Ng/L Results in micrograms per liter(µg/1)=parts per billion (ppb) Analytical Methods: BTEX,oxygenates, 1,2-DCA, EDB&VOCs by EPA Method 8260b;TPHg by EPA Method 8015M; dissolved lead by EPA 6010B Method Detection Limits: BTEX-0.5 pg/L;TPHg-50 pg/L; MtBE, ETBE,TAME, and DIPE-0.5 pg/L; TBA-2.5 pg/L 1,2-DCA= 1,2-Dichloroethane PCE=Tetrachloroethylene(a.k.a. perchloroethene) B=Benzene; T=Toluene; E=Ethylbenzene; X=Xylenes TAME=Tertiary Amyl methyl Ether DIPE=Di-isopropyl Ether TBA=Tertiary Butyl Alcohol (a.k.a.tert-butanol) Dis. Lead=Dissolved lead TPHd-Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel fuel EDB= Ethylene dibromide TPHg-Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline ETBE= Ethyl tertiary-butyl Ether 7/27/04 Lead results are for dissolved lead MtBE=Methyl tertiary-butyl ether nd=Not Detected at or above Method Detection Limit, indicated by value na=Not analyzed ns=Not Sampled EZ C Remediation Table 3-4 Project Number 1812BK26 October 3,2008 TABLE 4 SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield, California Cumulative CumulativE Inlet Catalytic Well Well Well Well Well Dilution Field Field Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Date Calendar loperating Operating Flow LEL Combustion Outlet VES-C VES-BS VES-BD VES-A VES-AD Air Valve TPH in TPH out Lbs./Hr. Lbs. Lbs. Gallons \Aonitorec Days Hours Hours (scfm) Temp.°F Temp. *F valve valve valve valve valve (%) (ppmv) (ppmv) Extracted Destroyed Extracted 5/14/04 0 0 0 252 0.2 1451 1447 O O C O C auto 7,280 0 24.94 0.0 0.0 0.0 5/17/04 3 43.0 43.0 252 0.2 1451 1447 O O C O C auto 7,000 0 23.98 1031.3 1031.3 161.1 5/18/04 4 59.0 59.0 253 0.4 1500 1489 O O C O C auto 4,000 0 13.76 1251.5 1251.5 195,5 5/24/04 10 118.0 118.0 250 0.6 1484 1468 O O C O C auto 3,225 0 10.96 1898.3 1898.3 296.6 5/26/04 12 160.0 160.0 250 0.5 1448 1436 O O C O C auto 2,450 0 8.33 2248.1 2248.1 .351.3 5/27/04. 13 170.0 170.0 248 0.5 1453. 1441 O O C O C auto 2,750 0 927 2340.8 2340.8 365.8 6/6/04 23 314.0 314.0 225 0.4 1450 1439 O O C O C auto 3,980 0 12.18 4094.1 4094.1 639.7 6/8/04 25 355.0 355.0 220 10.6 1460 1444 O O C O C auto 3,000 30 8.97 . 4462.1 4458.1 697.2 6/14/04 31 403.0 403.0 230 0.7 1476 1459 O O C O C auto 3,100 24 9.69 .4927.4 4920.2 769.9 6/21/04 38 460.0 . 460.0 223 0.2 1451 1447 O O C O C auto 2,900 0 8.79 5428.6 5421.2 848.2 6125104- 42 498.0 498.0 215 0.0 1446. 1445 O PO C O C auto 1,490 10 4.36 5594.1 5585.4 874.1 7/2/04 49 540.0 540.0 215 0.3 1470 1462 O O C O C auto 3,080 10 9.00 5972.3 5962.3 933.2 7/6/04 53 576.0 576.0 224 0.2 1453 1447 O C C O C auto 2,375 10 7.23 6232.7 6221.5 973.9 7/20/04 67 619.0 619.0 200 0.4 1452 1441 C O C O C auto 3,820 0 10.39 6679.4 6668.3 1043.7 7/27/04 74 692.0 692.0 213 0.6 1453 1437 C O C O C auto 1,409 0 4.08 6977.3 6966.0 1 1090.2 8/4/04 82 694.0 694.0 .221 0.2 1441 1435 O PO C O C auto 1,800 0 5.41 6988.1. .6977.1 1091.9 8/18/04 96 736.0 736.0 206 0.0 650 649 PO PO PO O C auto 1,440 4 4.03 7157.5 7146.1 1118.4 8/24104 102 880.0 .880.0 202 0.2 652 658 PO PO PO PO C auto 815 0 2.24 '7479.8 .7468.1 1168.7 8/31/04 109 1048.0 1048.0 203 10.21 693 687 PO PO PO PO C auto 500 0 1.38 7711.7 7699.6 1204.9 Notes: %LEL estimated based on differences in oxidizer and stack temperature- 1%LEL=approximately 25°F temperature difference Hydrocarbons Removed(lbs/month)=Influent Concentration(ppmv)X 10-6 X Influent Flow Rate(scfm) X 1 lb-mole/379.5 ft3 X 86(Ib/Ib-mole)X 1440(min/day)X Run Time(days/month) 5/14/04-Started system 6/18/04-Switch to ECAT Operations 8/31/04-Initial SJVAPCD Inspection;question regarding use of generator for power under SJVAPCD approved permit;shut system down pending permitting resolution open=O;partially open=PO;closed=C E2 Remediation Table 4-1 Project Number 1597BK26 October 3,2008 t TABLE 5 SUMMARY OF HYDROCARBON MASS REMOVED USING VES (based on influent concentrations) ' FORMER NIAGARA CAR WASH 1701 Stine Road Bakersfield,California ' Date HC Removed Cumulative HC Influent Flow Rate Run Time Daily Removal Removed Concentrations Rate (month/year) (Ibs/month) (Ibs) (ppmv) (scfm) (days) (Ibs/day) May-04 2510 2510 4384 247 7 353.5 Jun-04 2131 4641 2900 225 10 213.1. Jul-04 1958 6598 2329 215 12 163.1 Aug-04 1383, 7981 1193 209 17 81.4 average 202.8 ' Where: Hydrocarbons Removed (Ibs/month)=Influent Concentration (ppmv)X 10-6 X Influent Flow Rate(scfm) X 1 lb-mole/379.5 ft3 X 86 Ib/Ib-mole X 1440(min/day)X Run Time(days/month) ' SUMMARY OF FUEL HYDROCARBON MASS REMOVED USING SVE ' 9000 (based on influent concentrations) 3000 8000 ------------- - ---------------------r-------------------- _a 7000 -------------- 2500 d6000 ---------------------- ------------- --------------------- 2000 �.�—. 5000 ----------------------- 4000 --------------- -----;-------------------------------------------- 1500 ' E 3000 ----------------------=-------------------------------------------- 1000 2000 -- 1000 -----------------------------------------------r- -------------------- 500 ' 0 0 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 cumulative Ibs ' f Ibs/month month-year ' SUMMARY OF FUEL HYDROCARBONS REMOVED USING SVE (Ibs/day) 0lbs/day ' 400 Linear(Ibs/day) 300 w 200 .c 100 0 +_ May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 ' month-year ' E2 C Remediation Table 5-1 Proiect Number 1812BK26 October 3.2008 1 1 1 APPENDICES Appendix A First Quarter 2008 Groundwater Purge Data Sheets ' Appendix B First Quarter 2008 Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Report Appendix C Groundwater Purge Water Transport Manifests and Recycling Certificates Appendix D GeoTracker Upload Confirmation Reports 1 1 i 1 1 EzC Remediation Appendices 1 Proiect Number 1812BK26 October 3,2008 1 APPENDIX A First Quarter.2008 Groundwater.Purge Data Sheets t - t E2C Remediation Appendix A PROVERA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ' , Chain of Custody Form Client Name: E 1 C eti-1E,ptPon o,._ Analysis Requested Sample Matrix Project Name: o 0 a � � X Aqueous 00 00 N LO Client Address: 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA a �O o o w W N 5011 Project Manager: �' o ¢ N S m O ►FL eAwi� ¢ ¢ c w a� N ¢ d �- a. W C r_ W o Acidified Sampler Name: -9 ,,t Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type 00 > to or- m Comments 02-o$-di� OG4S ,a��� 13�w►�..� 3i Y, >4 S Mw 2 At 090 1 Mw o�St� Mw-3 x x X -Oy.0 I ( 00 L M1 — LA -1'2veR1 K Sampling Event: 01GLzor'k EDF Type:GW Monitoring �4 'Other Turnaround Time Requested: 24 Hour 48 Hour 5-Day Standard 'X _ Relinquished By: LL_ Date: Z_g. of Relinquished By: Date: Received By: J Date: Received By: Date: � � � � i� � � iii � � � � � � if• � iti1� � � PROVERA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ' Chain of Custody Form Client Name: E 1 C ezme-v OV p Analysis Requested Sample Matrix Project Name: N a` N Aqueous ca Client Address: 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA V a 0O N "' cn a n a ° Q o0 , N N a°vo ip W W n L 501) Project Manager: �/"- w ° N ° ¢ N y a M L 1pOA Q Q L W v ¢ o ° ° ° �' ° Acidified _ w m N c C 5 N Sampler Name: ►-a+EDS�— '"� �'' • � m Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type I'00' > '" `° Comments o2-og-d� 674-0 Sampling Event: ��'C =Gc�.rA EDF Type:GW Monitoring _. Other Turnaround Time Requested: 24 Hour 48 Hour 5-Day Standard %A .. Relinquished By: Date: .?-g. of Relinquished By: Date: Received By: Date: Received.By: Date: 1 . ? i; E2C Remedla#ior� Groundwater scientists : EnvftnmentalConsultants Water Quality Sampling Record j $300 Woodmere Drive,Suite 105; Bakersfield,Calftmia 93313 and Well Development Data ' Telephone: (661)831-6906 / Facsimile: (661)831-6234 ............................... ............................................................................................................. SAMPLE ID/WELL DEPTH TO WATER: 1 3.3 2— tROL PROJECT 9: TOTAL DEPTH OF WELL: ( O 0 8 { PROJECT NAME: 141 A UA C At-U't&t• WELL mmETER; L4 DATE SAMPLED: CASING VOLUME: SAMPLED 8Y: �;Q n o rAS c JAW# PURGE METHOD: 73 A I LA 2 ! i TEMP PH SEC RBAARKS Y 1 . TIME INTAKE RATE CUM.VOL WELL VCL (Fy (UNITS) (6fts/dn) (COLOR.TURBIDITY,ETC.) j OEDTH GPM) GAL) PUMPED 8q ZZ 4'. 3 i ,0.0 - .SS1 3 000%, _tea aoo/L +I 3 i � ��l'+� TSr?+x"t�4. '��'.°��.�:� - `�'. :d4w;a=,�.���--•�:.��r"^�..�s"�T'�r•,''a'w�_. -.., �'�,.,1`�.�''_'��".`'�'"��.����C '2''°�'`avSS��.�.-_�1'ii.'�''`�'-'"�'',c a Well Capaw.. Y- 0.1 fi32 gdanftear foot 4'- 0.6528 gdari Mear fact 1.4688 9211oNMear foot ' r; ,SAMPLED A FT.RNAL DEPTH TO WATER: 1 3 .46 FT. 3 CASING VOLUMES 3 Z•�°�► GALS. j i NOTES: E • f I . 2C Remediation Groundwater Scientists : Environmental Consultants Water Quality Sampling Record 5300 Woodmere Drive,Suits log; Bakersfield,California 93313 Telephone: (661)831-6906 Facsimile: (661)831-6234 and Well Development Data ............................... ................... .................................. SAMPLE ID I WELL DEPTH TO WATER: (.il REM.PROJECTS- TOTAL DEPTH OF WELL: PROJECT NAME. Nj"kk 044-L 3t-w+ WELL DIAMETER; 4" is DATE SAMPLED: Q2-7!Or 01( CASING VOLUME- TA6 r SAMPLED BY•. 1).Q rwo 2AIt- PURGE METHCO: T' BAlt-Ok- NNW N�L -- - V 1:13 W5 TEMP PH S EC REMARKS P TIME INTAKE RATE M.VO VOL I:CU (UNITS) sldn) (=hos (COLOR.TURBIDITY.EM). DEPTH (GPM) (GAL) PUMPED 6745 4 a Z7 a-bex4, 754- 4r& 0 Ir 3-0 -21. C L 0 0 4- b Oro 0. 0 f.;2L e, Lp%j wr 67. V �r. zi 6 9 Got*— i. 7- Ro 1-4—PA Wrz �=-b 1 0-1-0 001-0 E 9 W5 0 09 M�0�0 9 11 0M 4km—n E 51-1 Well Capacity: Z'- 0.1=,*oftftewroot r. 0.6528gdonftearroot 60- 1.4688gaRonAnear foot &AMSAMPLED A I L7. r Fr.FINAL 09"To WATEIt t`4.4 5 3 CASING VOLUMES GALS. o NOTES: i t ; E2C Rernedia#ion Groundwater Sclent#sts : Environmental Consultants Water Quality Sampling Record 5300 Woodmere Drive,Suite 105; Bakersfield,Califomia 93313 and Well Development Data Telephone: (661)831-6906 / Facsimile: (661)831-6234 p ;. SAMPLE ID!WELL : M W 3 DEPTH TO WATER: I(.4.10.: LREBL PROJECT I S TOTAL DEPTH OF wELI.: O PROJECT NAME: N1 Ir6. A CA&—L3A3r►• WELL DIAMETER; L4 i- DATE SAMPLED: OZ—OC-011! CASING VOLUME: 13 SAMPLED BY: 1). E!a,1 4 �•.�atw�� PURGE METHOD: MEMO P� i ��` a.`': :���� TEMP . PH SEC REiIAARKS + ya TIME INTAKE RATE CUM,VOL WELL VOL (F") (UNRS) (WheSlein) (COLOR.7UR810fIY.ETC.) OEPTH (GPM) GAL) PUMPED ,. q 1 2 . `.±.� Cr7 .2_a 4'LS (.q .3 8.71 .23 c - d•-�eDOp� I !; 53 a 00A.- 3 A,r1 P -` i 09.5 f: i' well Capadty: r- 0.1632 pflanftear That 'r- 0.6=galloNMear feat 6-- 1.4688 gdanftew foot s sAMPLED A Fr.mwL oS"TO WATER: 1(x,4.Ll Fr. 3 CAsiw VOLuMes 40,c13 GALS. ; NOTES:_ M(�- t S `CRF- t of U c--A r F or 1 i ' Project Number 1812BK26 Octo be r 3,20 8 0 t 1 t APPENDIX B ' First Quarter 2008 Groundwater Analytical Report ort P 1 ' E2C Remediation Appendix B PROVERA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Chain of Custody Form Client Name: E 1 C �.1� Apr o,_ Analysis Requested Sample Matrix Project Name: N Co/�S �a`�a .� H 0 _ X Aqueous N N w co' co N Client Address: 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA ¢ ¢ ^ N o w w m a E:1 N Project Manager: �/ �" a a. a o w a 1 ►! L �pOh�Vlw- o W N N = = w N Acidified Sampler Name: � 4L ,�,,iu� w W � .� m = _ � m to Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type m �. � to _J m Comments X -OD' 69 1 S �1t.J—2 .# X X �C —Cot 0901 MW — l X X '� moo X o�Sco Mw.3 x x _ oo -0y.o Y (0o L r1 — LA �ZvertS ��� Sampling Event: ls� (,�T—"Gt_')rA EDF Type:GW Monitoring . Other Turnaround Time Requested: 24 Hour. 48 Hour 5-Day Standard Relinquished By: Date: Z_g. of Relinquished By: Date: Received By: Date: Z_ ,U Received By: Date: ProVera Analytical.Laboratories,hic. '• Laboratory.Report, Certifications#2606 - CLIENT:. E2C Remediation Project Name: Niagra Car Wash t 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite.105 Bakersfield,CA 93313 Matrix:' AQ Sampled'by: D.Anderson&J.Irwin ' TESTS: :TPH Gas by EPA 8015M TPH g Analysis: 2/14/2008 Date of Report: 2/20/2008 ' Units ug/l , Sample#.. 9669-001. 9669-003 9669-002, 9669-004 9669-005 Date Sampled: '2/8/2008 2/8/2008 . "2/8/2008 2/8/2008 2/.8/2008 DL ug/l . tSample Description:. Travel Blank MW-1 MW-2 MW-3" MW-4 TPH Gasoline ND 'ND ND* ND ND 50.0 • ' Surrogate Recovery% 87.5 88:9 88.1 88.7 ' 89.2. . DL=Detection Limit ' ND'-Non-Detect at given DL. *TPHG result does not include MTBE Principal Analyst:Alexander Candia ' 5221 WoodMere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 a PrOVera' Li Atialytical.Luboratories,h4c. ' Certification #2606. CLIENT: E2C Remediation 1 5300 Woodmere Drive,. Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project ID : Niagra Car Wash 1 Analysis Type::,. EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 2/12/2008 Report Date : 2%20/2008 . Sample ID': 9669-001 Travel Blank . Method RL ' Multiplication, Analyte Result Units ..Method RL factor, 5 Oxygenates t-Butahol (TBA)Tert=Butyl Alcohol ND ug/L' Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND ug/L 0.5 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND ug/L` 0:5 1 Ethyl Taft-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND. 0.5 1 Tert-Amyl•Methyl Ether(TAME) ND ug/L 0.5 1 BTEX Components .Benzene ­ND .­ ug/L 0.5 I Toluene. ND ug/L 0':5 : I Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 1 m;p&`o Xylenes ND ug/L 0.5 1 Internal..Standards Results %Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro 50.0. 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50.0 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 100% Surrogate Standards - Methane, dibromofluoro- 41.7'- 83% . ' 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 45.3 91% Toluene-d8 47.9 96% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BF 44.2 88% ' rincipa Analyst:Alexander Candia ' 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 Certification #2606 1 P roVe ra _) r Anal ytica.1 Laboratories,Inc. CLIENT: E2C Re'mediation 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield;CA 9,3313. ., ' Project ID Niagra Car:Wash Analysis Type: EPA Method 8260b . Analysis-Date: 2/12/2008 - Report Date 2/20/2008 Sample ID 9669-003 MW4 Method RL Multiplication. ' Analyte Result Units Method RL, Factor 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol (TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND ug/L 2.5 l Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE). ND ug/L 0.5 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND ug/L 0.5 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl'Ether(ETBE) ND. ug/L. 0.5 1 Ti rt-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND. ug/L 0.5 1 BTEX Components Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 1 Toluene ND ug/L 0.5. 1 ' Ethylbenzene. ND ug/L 0:5 1 m;p&o Xylenes ND ug/L 0.5 1 ' intern6l.Standards Results %Recovery Benzene,fluoro 50.0 .100% Benzene-d5,chioro- 50:0 100% ' 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 . 100% Surrogate Standards : ' Methane, dibromofluoro 50.7 101% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 43.0 86% Toluene-d8 . 49.8 100% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 51:5 103% Principal nalyst:Alexander.Candia 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240.Fdx: (661)827-5244 Certification #2606 ProVera Analytical Laboratories,Inc. = CLIENT: .: E2C Rem'ediation 5300 Woodmere Drive,,Suite`105 Bakersfield,,CA,93313 Project ID : Niagra'Car.Wash,� ' Analysis.Type: EPA Method 8260h Analysis.Date: .2/12/2008 Report Date : 2/20/2008 '. Sample.ID : 9669-002 MW-2 . 'Method RL..' Multiplication ' . Analyte Result Units- Method RL Factor: 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol (TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND _ug/L ` . .2,5 1 Methyl Tert=Butyl Ether(MTBE) 219 ug/L. "5.0' 10 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) NI). ug/L 0.5 l ' 'EthyLTert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND ug/L 0.5 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND ug/L 0.5 1 BTEX Components Benzene ND ug/L , 0.5 1 Toluene: ND :ug/L .0.5 1 ' Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 1 m, p&o Xylenes ND ug/L 0.5 1 Internal Standards: Results %Recovery Benzene„fluoro 50.0 100% .. Benzene-d5, chloro 50:0 100% ' 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0' . 100%. Surrodate Standards ' Methane, dibromofluoro= 45:5 91% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 48.2 . 96% Toluene=d8. 52.9 106% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 50:7 101% Principa Analyst:Alexander Candia 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 Certification #2606 5a, ProVera Analytical Laboratories;Inc.` CLIENT: EX Remediation 5300 Wood mere Drive,,:Suite.105 " ' Bakersfielld,CA 93313, Project ID,: Nragra Car.Wash ' Analysis' Type: . EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date:' 2/12/2008 ' Report,Date : 2/20/2008 Sample ID : 9669-004 MW-3 Method RL Multiplication ' Analyte . Result Units Method RL Factor . 5 Oxygenates t= Butanol (TBA).Tert-Butyl Alcohol -'ND ug/L 2.5 1 Methyl,Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND ug/L 0.5 _ l; ' Diisopropyl Ether,(DIPE) ND ug/L 0.5 Ethyl Tert=Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND ug/L 0.5 I Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND ug/L: 0.5. 1 ' BTEX Components Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 I Toluene ND ug/L 0:5 I' ' Ethylbenzene ND ug/L' 0.5 I m, p,&.o Xylenes ND ug/L 0.5 ] Internal Standards Results %Recovery Benzene,,fluoro 50.0 100% Benzene-d5, chloro- 50.0 . 100% . 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0' 100% Surrogate Standards, Methane, dibromofluoro- 45.3 91.% . 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 48.5 97% Toluene-d8 55.3 111 p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 50.5 101% Principal Analyst:Alexander Candia ' 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661)'827-5240 Fax: (661)82 Certification #2606 P rove ra Analytical Laboratories;Inc. CLIENT: E2C Remediation 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105 . . ',• Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project ID : Niagra Car Wash' ' Analysis Type: EPA Method 8260b. Analysis Date:- 2/12/200.8' Report Date : . 2/20/2008 . ' Sample ID : : 9669=005 MW-4 , Method.RL Multiplication . ' A nalyte Result- , Units Method RL Factor - 5 Oxygenates . t-Butanol•(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol. ND ug/L 2.5 l Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND ug/L 00 1 Dl&propyl Ether(DIPE) ND . ug/L Ethyl Tert=Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND ug/L 0.5 I Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND ug/L 0.5 1 BTEX Components . ` Benzene ND, ug/L 0.5 1 Toluene. ND ug/L 0.5 I Ethylbenzene .ND . ug/L 0.5 1 m,'p&o Xylenes ND ug/L 0.5 1 Lnternal Standards Results %Recovery Benzene,fluoro 50.0 100% Benzene-d5, chloro- 50.0 1000% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 100% Surrogate Standards Methane, dibromofluoro- 44:9 90% ' 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 47:3 95% Toluene-d8 51.7 103% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB): 48.5 . 91% 1 Principal Analyst:Alexander Candia ' 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661)'827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 ProVera �, �1! Analytical Laboratories,lnc. ' EPA 8260B QA-QC Report EPA 8015M.QA-QC Report Certification#2606 CLIENT: E2C Remediatioq = ' 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield,CA 93313 Projects Covered by this QA-QC: Niagra,Car Wash ' Analysis'Date:, 2/12/2008 Matrix: -AQ . . BFB: ' Internal Standards Results %Recovery' Benzene,fluoro 50.0 100% Benzene-6;chloro- 50.0 106%• ' 1,4-Dichlarobenzene=d4 50.0. 100% Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 50.3 101% ' 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 47.1 94%' Toluene-d8 50.7 101% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 54.1 108 6/u IB: , lnternal Standards Results %Recovery Benzene,fluoro 50.0 100% Benzen e-d5;chloro- 50.0 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50.0 100% ' Surrogate Standards Methane;dibromofluoro- 46.6 93°/ 1,2-Di chloroethane-d4 47.2 94% Toluene-d8 50.3 ]Ol%. ` ' p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 56:2 112° MS: Results %Recovery 1,1-Dichloroethene 55.8 112% Trichloroeihcne. 54.8 110% Chlorobenzene 48,4 97% .Toluene ' Benzene 56.4 113% p-Bronwfluorobenzene (BFB) 53.2 106° MSD: Results' %Recovery ' 1;1-Dichloroethene 54.0 108% Trichloroethene 47.4 95% Chlorobenzene. 47.0 94% Toluene 49.2 98% Benzene 54.4 109% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 52.3 105% 8015M=TPHG %Recovery.. BFB 92A% IB 93.4 MS '116% ' MSD 119% ' 5221 Woodmere Drive,-Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 82.7-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 Proiect Number 1812BK26 October 3 2008 1 1 APPENDIX C ' Groundwater Purge Water Transport Manifests and Recycling Certificates 1 1 r ' EZC Remediation Appendix C NON-HAZARDOUS 1•Generator ID Number 2.Page 1 of 3.Emergency Response Phone 4.Waste Tracking Number WASTE MANIFEST 5.Generator's Name and Mailing Address . Generator's Site Address(if different than mailing address) 4 _ ti r.� Y^+('^••°i �-i^ e i(� - f ,'.i Generator's Phone: 6.Transporter 1 Company Name U.S.EPA ID Number 1.Transporter 2 Company Name 'U.S.EPA ID Number. h 8.Designated Facility Name and Site Address U.S.EPA ID Number Facili s Phone: ' 9.Waste Shipping Name and Description 10.Containers 11.Total 12.Unit - No. Type Quantity WtJVol. � r� t �t'? 5.., 1"i.d1_ ? Fe'.: :,?mf••}.-1_l': l 'L'1.}- J•..i'Y"1 _ Y - r-../�` �� d �i� ki,A�'.Y4 �4+�tt 2 Y) 3• '✓r try„ tiwz az: I. I CC 4. j1rT� K 4 .. sC c'fii1*" 1 Y�5F� Xt.er�. 13:'Special Handling'Instructions and Additional Information 14.GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION:I certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper,disposal of Hazardous Waste. Generatoes/Offeroes Pdhted/Typed Name., Signature �'"� i ! 1 l - Month Day Year 15.International Shipments ❑Import.to U.S. ❑ Z Export from U.S. Port of entry/exit Transporter Si nature for exports only): Date leaving U.S.: . m 16.Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Materials w i Transporter t PnntedlTyped Name . ;�. Signature i Month Day year k Z Transporter 2 Printed(Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 17.Discrepancy 17a..Discrepancy Indication Space . � Quantity ❑Type ❑Residue _ ❑Partial Refection ❑Full Rejection Manifest Reference Number. 17b.Alternate Facility(or Generator_) ` _—"-- `”'--""" U.S.EPA ID Number --- LL Facility's Phone: w ,17c.Signature of Alternate Facility(or Generator) Month Day Year a 18.Designated Facility Owner or Operator,Certification of receipt of materials covered by the manifest except as noted in Item 17a Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year, ' Y n 169-OLC-0 5 11977(Rev..8/06) DESIGNATED FACILITY'S COPY NON-HAZARDOUS 1.Generator ID Number 2.Page 1 of 3.Emergency Response Phone 4.Waste Tracking Number WASTE MANIFEST i` 1 i; i' r— "; — �° ...: w'-d L.t La 5.Generator's Name and Mailing Address Generator's Site Address(if different than malling address) Generators Phone: !s !:'a v 3, ''o 6.Transporter 1 Company Name U.S.EPA ID Number 7.Transporter 2 Company Name U.S.EPA ID Number B.Designated.Facility Name and Site Address U.S.EPA ID Number r }} Facility's Phone: 9.Waste Shipping Name and Description 10.Containers 11.Total 12.Unit No. Type Quantity WtJVol. �is � ,♦ 1. ���,, ��� v� t 1 � >; �;. M � ' >•.!C1�_ ( ir; 4, \ 1 t s C7 f 2. c 3. 4. 'i al Y'• - � €s �a}h `yin.,C.yv s , 13. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information. .14.GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION:I certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for_reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste. Generator iVOfferoes PrintedtTyped Named Signature - ( Month Day Year .j 15.International Shipments ❑Import to U.S. ❑ Z p Export from U.S. Port of entry/exit: Trans orter Si nature for exports only): Date leaving U.S.: ` x 16.Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Materials TransporterrPrnted(fypedName ;" Signature `1. Month Day Year, a'w zQ Transporter 2 Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day. :Year 2 17.Discrepancy 17a.Discrepancy Indication Space ❑Type ❑Partial Rejection ❑Full Rejection . ❑Quantity yp ❑Residue Man Pest Reference Number. --- ----- 17b.Alternate Facility(or Generator) �-"""--'.°--'�'- � U.S.EPA ID Number U ua. Facility's Phone: W 17c.Signature of Alternate Facility(or Generator) Month Day Year a- 9 z D H' € :r �' f + k° J.. 1 ,,..✓ r E [ t cq rR .�nNa 77P A111t `t M, +, 18.Designated Facility Owner or Operator.Certification of receipt of materials covered by the manifest except as noted in Item 17a Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year, 169-BLC-0 5 11977(Rev.8/06) TRANSPORTER#1 NON-HAZARDOUS 1•Generator ID Number 2.Page 1.of 3.Emergency Response Phone 4.Waste Tracking Number WASTE MANIFEST ' '. f �, �'. r ? ) C= j;;. .. I 5.Generators Name,and Mailing Address Generators Site Address(if different than mailing address) Generators Phone: 6.Transporter 1 Company,Name U.S.EPA ID Number 7.Transporter 2 Company Name U.S.EPA ID Number 8.Designated Facility,Name and Site Address U.S.EPA ID Number Facili 's Phone: 9.Waste Shipping Name and Description 10.Containers 11.Total 12.Unit No Type Quantity WtJVol. cc q 1 QS T�..�- y..- .r"1s:" :•`•.. s a.�. _t .F.f'• :... i 1...i..^ ,. i -3. 1 _ „2'`apst� r ' �' cc W 2. i � 3. 4• CC .divaY. Flub ofiyY r3..,�"'" 13. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 14.GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION:I certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for,reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste. Generatbei/Offerors Printed/typed Name,, Signature Month Day Year l + ;..7 f , 15.International Shipments ❑Import to U.S. ❑Export from U.S. Port of entry/exit ? Transporter Signature for ex its only): Date leaving U.S.: W 16.Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Materials Transporter 1-Printed/Typed Name ! Signature ;`` f Month Day Year N Z Transporter 2 Pdnted/ryped Name Signature Month Day Year F- 17.Discrepancy 17a.Discrepancy Indication Space ❑Quantity ❑Type ❑Residue ❑Partial Rejection ❑Full Rejection Manifest Reference Number. r 17b.Alternate Facility(or Generator) —u"` -"""-`— - — -` U.S.EPA ID Number V ua Facility's Phone: U 17c.Signature of Alternate Facility(or Generator) Month Day Year a z { Q { t _ ff ✓14f '�y/�'t > t•?c c�1 4 y T [., 1 a �'; 3t ' �x ) 40, r �Ia J,.: * •`,� r f t "® ty" F� i T- � 18.Designated Facility Owner or Operator.Certification of receipt of materials covered by the manifest except as noted in Item 17a Printed/Typed Name ld. Signature Month Day Year 169-BLC-0 5 11977(Rev.8/061 TRANSPORTER42 1 1 NON-HAZARDOUS 1.Generator ID Number 2.Page 1 of 3.Emergency Response Phone 4.Waste Tracking Number WASTE MANIFEST ' 6 1-5 7-p W 5.Generator's Name and Mailing Address Generator's Site Address(if different than mailing address) 1`701 -a'T AG R.b. . ¢�Y.cr :eA u� — 83r -64?o 6 Generator's Phone: 6.Transporter 1 Company Name U.S.EPA ID Number G—a2.0 '12-e ,,,+ " ,)q(- c ov a3aaq� 7.Transporter 2 Company Name U.S.EPA ID Number 8.Designated Facility Name and Site Address U.S.EPA ID Number (2, aoo0 E $ru VLJ-',5C, 6aj�td/0-4 Facili 's Phone:: 3 � 9�/-� - d a GA-L 00� 20 398 9.Waste Shipping Name and Description 10.Containers . 11.Total 12.Unit k� No. Type Quantity Wtivol. NO Uige q� z 1 2 ", ` 3• i r - 4. � f f ' +y A,F 13. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 14.GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION:I certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste. Generator's/Offeroes Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year F 15.International Shipments ❑Import to U.S. ❑ rt from U.S. Port of entry/exit: z Transporter Signature for exports only): Date leaving U.S.: r¢ 16.Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Materials Transporter 1 Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year N 30 Og . a' Transporter 2 Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year I-< 17.Discrepancy 17a.Discrepancy Indication Space ❑Type❑Quantity, yp ❑Residue ❑Partial Rejection ❑Full Rejection Manifest Reference Number: 17b.Alternate Facility(or Generator) U.S.EPA ID Number J U • w Facility's Phone: C 17c.Signature of Alternate Facility(or Generator) Month Day Year a z § w tr Y' I 16.Designated Facility Owner or Operator:Certification of receipt of materials covered by the manifest except as noted in Item 17a Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Year 51 b 169-BLC-0 5 11977(Rev.8106) DESIGNATED FACILITY TO GENERATOR Z 3 P f KR c' J- ti I°F TE FT L t CEtiRT 5 ICS O RECYC ING r O TAL E REMEDY ENVIR NMEN �S RVICES M .,? 9p Thi �certificate,is resented, asp roof that the hi 'inept=listed l as been Rec cled/, eclaimed.b , re melt or ",rocessmg to recover intrinsic value Remedy Environmental Services, Adams International and;Adams affiliate companies certify that_ all state;: . - local and federal laws were complied within the reeyclmg process � � �r � ' t .. 'r. Generator . Niagara Car Washf Receiving Facility� �Remedy`Environmental Services 1701 Stine-Road 2000E Brundage�Lane Bakersfield; CA Bakersfield CA 93307 _ Material Description Generator Certified Non Hazardous f Date Received � � 05/13/2008 Y - �. : � ,.; Water - ,� Amount Received 0097 units.° µ s 0 ,v 7 1 15 ifest Number E2C 21 > Y L , f- r 18839 �; Authorized=Signature, ,f WE E T esha ohnson jg 1 k , _?a Office Manager .. �.-.. j Proiect Number 1812BK26 October 3.2008 1 1 t 1 APPENDIX D GeoTracker Upload Confirmatioh Reports 1 1 1 E2C Remediation Appendix D 1 Your EDF file has been successfully uploaded! Confirmation Number: 6808375656 ' Date/Time of Submittal: 12/14/2007 2:40:49 PM Facility Global ID: T0602993719 Facility Name: CARWASH OF AMERICA ' Submittal Title: 2Q 2007 Hobin Niagra Submittal Type: GW Monitoring Report' ' Click here to view the detections report for this upload. ' CARWASH OF AMERICA Regional Board(lead agency)-Case#: 5T15000808* 1701 STINE RD CENTRAL VALLEY RWQCB (REGION 517)-(JDW) BAKERSFIELD,CA 93304 Local Agency-Case#:280013c BAKERSFIELD CITY OF (RAL) 5`a {'"x Arss,�R "-iii`. a r •5 Y v f u"�K1 CONF# �> xr t� p� TITLE e QUART ER x `i ^� i'a; i p..h.�a,,.A,'�"r �a°in's'+' }i�43xwav�-:�;r�e#,�t`x-,.r..�',�'v) k a: t 'f' �°`t;1"'+��•�,a• ,'�`,s"'�.kb�r`�`.'S;(z'.�,'��3,.� �� � 12/14/2007 � � PENDING REVIEW IP.a �:fiY�"•..�G�a.�...'.l'.�e'.x���i�:r ;�M�:+r=:�i8 _ri��i?�,G...r�?,�n?ta=.��...,� �„w„�,`�;��.:�"t3r�t€,fi:t`eics�'u�r�`��e�t�f;`�i� �s`��;s�r,.' `ex� , 1 1