HomeMy WebLinkAboutFMC 2010 MONLTOR.ING.SYSTEM CERTII .ICATWN For Use By f}l1.ItJPi,5Y�1C[IOY1S Wi[hin fhe:Stu[e of California i Authority Citeil-- Chaplet-6.7,,Health and'Safely,.C.'ode,:Chapf& 16; Oivis_iun 3; title 23, C alffnrnia E"o&,,(1"Ret;rihi[iims This lorm.musi be usW- to docirtnent testing-and servticing..gf-ti onitgring uquipnccnl A.kparatc'certihcatign or:r< wri mutil,he PiCiitrui_litr _n i urin sjstcm control nano!by,:the lechnieiab who-pgrfomts.tht work': A ci py of lliis form must be provided to,tht hnk sy.�Ie ,owner/operator The owner;uparaiprmwat tnhr it a copy;cif this form ttrthc local tigcncy regalatine,1JS l'sys(emti W'ithJ 30 day",of t:datc: { A. Gen:erai 110brmation Facility Naive: FIESTA LIQUORS B;fi1g:No;*.. -- ---- Site Address: 2023 BAKER ST City: BAKERSFIELD _ Zip: Facility Contact Person: Contact Rhone No.- Make/Model:of klonitoring System: TLS460 ERNIE RAEDINA ON-SITE Date'o:f Tesling.Se,rvicin�, 9127/2010 B. Inventory ofEquip�ent Tested/Certified IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Check the.a ro date boxes to indicate specific'c iii mentins ctcd/serviced: IE Tank 1W, UNL87 Tank:ID: . PLUS89 ®In-tank GAar,n ;fnilic; Model: MAGI ®In='t'aitk Gauging:l'riihc: Mciilel- MAG1 -- ❑'Annular Spacc or Va tilt'Scns . Model: ❑Arinutar Space or Vault Sensor. Llodet; []piping Sump/ hbdcl iiin,Smt I solso*). MvOel:[ P Y hill Sump Scnsogs). Moth -: ❑1-ill::Sump Seitsor(s). Model: ❑Mechanical Line ltak lktcct ir. Mold ❑McclianicaP[:int Lcak Detector. Moddc . ®1;4�aronici.ine Leak Docc;tor;: :Modc) WP,LLD. ®1:1 rti ic l;iiic 1 oak Ikteocw. Mocicl` WPLLD ® lankt)�c 11 l,I,lith-Lcv�lSCiisiir: i odcl FLAPPER_ ® Iatik,(hcrlillllli fi-RcvclSinxur. 'Nlo&l: FLAPPER ❑Othe (soccilk.-equipment ty}ic:and;nuidcl:in Scction l pn.l'igo.2): ❑t)thef(spccify"cquipmmt;typc and'modcl in SeLiioii F,4111 t'auc?): Tank i fY PREM91. Tank I.W. TRANSITION SUMP D.IwTank Gatremi_,Jlitlx:., Mod61: MAG1 .: ❑in-Tank Ciauging l'rohc: Mo&+ AnntilaTr Spacc or Vaiili Sensof:. ,Model: ❑Annulai Spncc;or:VaUlt'Scnsm Modclr. ❑1'iping$ump.! I'rcnch.Suisor(s}. Model- ®Piping Sunip/'I rt nch`si nstir(s). MoiicL 208. - iil Sump Scn-wr(s). Wcideh Q, 'ill sump Scnsix(§): modcl:, - ❑`1cclttmscal Line,lx8k,[7Gccior. Mndcl'`...`. .- ❑:'Mechanical tine Leak Wteclor. Modia:: - --. ®1-:1ectronic Line;Lcak:lh;tceior: Miidel: WPLLD ❑'I;lcctrumgl.inc L�ik.:i?otuliir: Miidel: —�. ®aank.Ovcrlill l i_h=l.avcl Sensor- ivlzidcl: FLAPPER ` n Wank Q.wriill I I ligh-lAwil Sensor: Mo4LA: . --'.. [l other,(spccilj cgiiipmcnt type'and model in Sc(•tion is on.Pagc 2)-: ❑a)thcr-(%Ocil'y'cgiripment:tyTc and model in'Scetiona Dispenser ID: 1-2 Dispenserin 3-4 �Dispoiwr Conwinmcnt Sensor(s), Model: 406 N d'AspenserC'onlammentScntior(s): Mo i1' 406:; Y , ®)lis encer( plarnmcnt I lost s:and Chain s)-. ❑t "enter C ontaiiiiitcnt(.loat(z)and Chain(:) _ p Diispenser,ID:_ Dispenser iD: ❑1)ispcnar(`:onlainmenl 5cnscx(sj. Niidcl: ..... Q 1)islxnscrConiainment Scnso tsl. MNel. . ❑'Shear Valw(s).: Shear .ahT(s) . ❑,bispenserContainment Hoat(s)and Chain(s). ❑t)ispcnser Ciintaitimbit'Uhiat(s)and C)ham(%),. Its Dis euser )� . , Dispenser,)U: i ❑,DispcnscrContainmcnt Sensor{sj." Modei: E]J)spcnscrC'cintaironcntScnsortsj: �igdil. .,,,. ❑Shear VBlvcts}: ❑;shear Valve(s). ' ❑1)is onur C't?ritpcnmenJl!oat(s).and-Chain v ' waf thi .f cciiity contains niurc;iariisor'dispvbtic rti,cupyahis fosm:,[ncludc ipfoiTiiation fgi cv"cryt<nnk and dispciturt the:facility; C CertifiextiUn -.1 certify that:the equipment identified,in this do wits inspei ted7serviced in accordance with the manufaeturen' guidelines. Attnctied to this Certification is'information (e.g manufacturers' cheeklists)necessary to verify-,thet this information is. correct-and a<Plot IPlan'',showing the layout of tnonitoring equipment., i''or any equi ment capable of gencratingrsuch reports, ["have also atwOcd a copy ck of the report;(che q#:&r Applti}, 0 System set=up rm fiistgq report. Technician Name.(print): RYAN MAS6N, Signature roHture _ Si :. ,. Certification No:: A27367 ICC#8029371-UT License.-N6.:- C 1 D40 809850 Rich EvionmeaTestin Company Name- one No 661 3994087;_. a .. .. Testing Company Address: 56.43'BROOKS CT.-6AKERSF,IELD, CA,93308 Date of"l csting/Servicing 41271 2010: Page: 1 of 4 I IIIIIII-f!4 78 VIII IIi IIII l.� at3(i' "www.unidots.org 1tc�.Qll17/t)$•, : IE Nionitoring;SyWrn Certification ]). 'Results of Test.ing/Servicing Software Version Installed: .321:40• C9tn:,lefe.the,fcifii�win :cficcklist: ,. p Is the.audibie alarm o ,"rational.? ._ ®; Yes ❑-Nei* , e'. . ,M Yes ❑ Nu* is.the>visual.alarm operational? ; 9 -Yes D No* Were.all'sensors visUally;inspected,functionally tested,and confirmed operational? M Yes O Nei* Were all,sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned,sd thaivthei;Ouipment will not interfere with their proper operation? _—.-_ p Yes ❑ .Nod If alarms,�m relayed to `a: remote monitoring,:station, is alf commimications equipmcni (e.g., modem) Z N/A operational? ® Yes :ED No* F-or pressurized piping systems tides the turbine automatically shut down it the piping secondary contaiixnent. ❑ N/A monitoring:system detects:a.leaK iai.ls to�operatc;-orris elecincally:.diseonncctcd'? If y' 'hich sc[!sors initiatc . positive shut`-down? (Check all Jfiuf,i ply) ®Sump(`Ctench Sensors; ❑!Uispenscr Contammcnt,en ors: Did you.confiriti positive shut=down,,due to lealcs'arid_sensor.failure/disconnection? M YO-, 0 NO. ❑. Yes ❑ No* For,tank systems that utilize the tribrnitoring system as the priinary'tank overijll wa hind de ice (ic,, rioi l� N/A mechanical overfiilk prevention valve is;installed), is the overfill•warning alarm visible:an�I : dih.lt:at tht,tbnkr ' till points} and operating properly? If so,at yihaipercent oftank capacity:docs tlic alarm irit;;cr" :'% D Yes* ® No Vas'any monitoring equipmentreplaced? If yes;;identify specific sensors„probes;or<othcr cquipiiiimt replaced and list the manufacturer name:and model;for all replacement:parts in'Sectiori 1:1, below. ❑ Yes* 0 No Was liquid found inside any secondary containmert systems designed as dry systems? .(c.'hi�k ulliahul:u�,l ltil p Aroducl; p Water: lfyes,describe causes in Section !?, below: -.® Yes ;❑ ,Na* Was monitoringsystem setup reviewed to ensure'proper settings?Attach setup'reports;if applicable Y.es ❑ No Is all;monitoringequipntent.operational per manufacturer's,specitications? *'1n:Section E below.,describ:6 ow•an'd.when these.deflciencies were.o.r vi il,l;;be corrected. E. (>ommeQtS i c ,Page 2- of 4 t:036—114 w ww:uniila�c��r Rcv_a l i f 7408 Monitoring System Certifieatiori ✓O � .1 F. In-7'xnll (.augtng l; I12 E_quipm'e�nt' Check this.box if.tank;gadging is'u.•p .only ipr'invcntory:control. 0 Cheek'this boz if no-tank gaugia»,or`Slft'equipment;is inswiled. This section n ust_be completer if in=tank gauging,, uipment is used to perform leak detection mo nitonng: Complete th:e'folluwing checklist: 0 Yes ❑ No* Has all input Wiringbeen Inspected for proper.entry.;and'.terra ination,'including testing Or grotsnd'faulis? 0 'Yes ❑ No* Were all tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and residue buildup? ❑ Yes 1] No* Was.accuracy of system.product level readings tested? ❑ Yes C3 No* Was accuracy of system water level,readings tested'? El Yes ❑ Nit* Were all,prObes reinstalled:properly? El Yes D No* Were alLitetns on the-equlpment`nianufacturer's maintenance checklist.completed? ln.Section H,below;d.eseribe h.ow a-nd whenthese deficiencies we.re:or will be corrected: G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): p! Check this box if l IA)s,are,not installed: , Com let,be: o Monitorw$System;Certifeatln US'I'Nlonitorin Ske PI % � Site Addrm,: � . - _. . . .- - - .. _ _ _ _ r . F- I - - - - - - - - - 'w w - - - - - - - - - - - - - QTI - --- - - - - - - . . . . . . . .. . - - - - - z' - - - - - - - - - - - Date map was drawn Ins'~urfious If you already`have a diagram;that shows�all required:information,yoa.may include it,rather than-th is, ge,with your, MonitgJing System Certification: On•your site_plan;show the?general:tayout,'of tanks and piping C1earYy identify locations,ofO follot?ving equipmn pn if installed:>monitoriag systectt conCrol,panels;sensors monitoring tank annular spaces,sumps,dispenser Par�s,•:spill.cquiaimrs;or other secondary contaiianent areas .me 6iiical or electronic line leak detectors,and in-taiik liquid tevet`piobes(if 6sed1for.leak detection)..M the spice provided,note a date this Site Plan was prepared: Page -—Of DSFOU RICH ENVIRONMENTAL 5643 BROODS CT. BAKMSFIELD, CA 93308 OFFICE:(661).1,2=8687 FAX(661)392-062, PRODUCT LINE LEAK.DETECTOR TEST WORK.SHEET FACILITY NAME FIESTA LIQUORS FACILITY,ADDRESS:, 2023 BAKER ST: , BAKERSt♦IF,LI),,.CA PRODUCT LINETYPE'i PRESSURE PRODUCT LEAK DETECTOR'TYPE TEST' TRIP PASS. OR j SERIAL NUMBER FAIL UNL$7 L/D TYPE:, ELECTRONIC PASS YES 0 SERIAL-#. WPLLD. P.L.US89 L/D TYPE ELECTRONIC t'ASS YES 0 SERIAL.# WPLLD: p PRE.M91 L/D TYPE: E1IECTRUNIC; PASS YES 0, SERIAL:# . WPLLD L1D'I'Y PE YES PASS SERIAL#` N(1 FAIL f C1!RTIFY THE ABOVE TESTS WERE CONIDUCTED'OfV .THIS DATE ACCORDING TO RI:D JACKET PUMPS F.1ELI)TEST APPARATUS TESTING PROCEDURE AND LIMITA'T`IONS: THE MECHANICAL LEAK.DETECTORI TEST PASS,/-FAI1'I$ DETERMINED BY USIN(: A:> LOW'FLOW THRESHOLD:TRIP RATE OF'3 GALLONS PER.WOUR OR LESS AT 1`0.P.S..1. 1 ACK NOWLEDGE`THAT ALL DATA COLL# CTED,tS TRUE.ANDCO.R1iECT T.0J.HL BEST OFMV KNOWLEDGE'. TECHNICIAN: RYAN MASUN SIGNATURE,: DATE: 9-27-10, SWRCII ,,ianuary 2(1{)6, Spill Bucket`Testing Report Form. This°ftir ni is't»lerrcic�d,for use-by enntrpclors per arming annual Cc�sling"irf US`T spill crirrtainwent strucluret:'rh cuntnlelecl,�rirrrr uriJ pricttqulsfi-omlests`(d'appfi dhle),shi uld bePrrnided 16 the facilil) own&Aiprratorfor.submiltul io:lhe lu cell rc�nrlul ir',ya gency. 1 FACILITY,:iNFORMATION. . .d. _._ Facility Nanie: FIESTA LiQU.ORS'. Date.of`f'est ng: 9-27- fU, Facility Address: 2023 BAKER'.ST. _BAKEg$,!ELD;.CA F•ae i l try"Contact: Phone: Date Local Agency Was Notified.of Testing,: Name of'E;ocal Agency.Inspector(if.present during iewlinl): ERNIir MEDINA I TESTING CONTRACTOR INIFORNIATION :Company Name:L',' RWH,ENVIRONMFNTAI; Technician.Conducting est:. RYAN... N Credentials': !.:CS1,B1 Contractor _ <X ICC Service Tech':, 'I+SWRC9Tank Tester .,;1 Other(,S cirfyJ License Nuniber(s): 802937:1;t)T 3. BUCKETTES.TING INFORMATION... . Test Method Used: X Hydrostatic �;;Vacuum: :.I Other , Test Equipment Used:VISUAL a Equipment Resolution o:.QO identi fy" Spill Rucket(B3 76nk t 2 3 4 N'itirrher;,$h)red Product„elc. UN S7 P[•tiS$9 RRER1$.1 Bucket Installation T X Diif& Bury X Direct`Bury X:Direct,Bury I :Direct fury yam' I t Contained.in..Sum 1 t Contained in Sump I I Contained in Sump ;.1(ontained in Sum Bucket Diameter: 12” 12" 12" Bucket Depth: 1,6" 16'' l C Wait time:between applying vacuumlwaterand;sfartoftest. 30.MI:N 30'NIiN 30 MIN Test Start i`imc;.(1',):' 9 OOAM!' 9:0 AM 9-00AM g(,. . _ Initial Readin 1ti): 1'4" 14„ 14"" ^ Test t'nd�'I'ime - -- - .------- -----:. 10;OQAM' . . :: 10:00AM --�- - - - hinal heading{R,:);. 14" 14 14 I'esfDuration:(1',:- T,). 1-HOUR 1,H.O,l1R 1-I,IOUR Change in Reading(Ri:=Ri): t)" Or 0'° - — Pass/Fail"threshold or +/ 0:00 !I=A:UO ;1-0:00 Criteria: "' TrrstRCsult ;.. X h"ass L3tIik ' Ii',IEr�ss "Cf FaIl1 X PasS;' `11Fas1' I I P §s LI`Fsil, tomtneilts-(include in ormation on rte airs made prior lo teslin and r'ecommerided yllcitiv tt ur cxrlccl lc+ta �* CERTIFICATION OF-TPeANICiAN.RESPONSI':B;LE FOR CON, TiNE:`I HiS TF,ti'1'IN( 7 hetefiy:cerlify lhut,tr!/flee info mnlion,.eontained.,i* this report iti true,nccurate,a►erl in full compliance wNlr leKi�l:reyuiremeritc. Technician's Signature':. 1 :�-. Dates 9-27-110 . State laws-and're(Fulations.do ncutirre6ill qugelesting.to be performed'by a qualified contractor. l Igwcvcf; Focal requirements may be inore stringent: 114TANK SETUP — - - --- -- SOFTWARE REVISION LEVEL $ T 1 :91 T 2:.87 VERSION' 326.0.0 PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT` CODE 1 2 SOFTWARE# 346326-1-00,-A THERMAL :COEFF .000700: THERMAL COEFF : .000700 CREATED 05 11 04 I5 05., TANK DIAMETER 95..00 TANK. DIAMETER 95:00 TANK PROFILE 1. PT u : TANK. PROFILE . 1 PT N0'S MODULE �. FULL'VOL 11845. :SYSTEM . FULL VOL 1,18'45 w PERIOD Ff4 TA¢ ANNUAL I N TANK �{ FLOAT SIZE: 4.0: M. FLOAT S I ZE 4..:0 I N., WATER WARNING. : 4.:0 WATER WARNI140 :# HIGH 'WATER:.LIMLT: 4::0 HIGH WATER LIM1 3. 0` MAX 4R LABEL VOL : 11:845 MAX OR-LABEL VOL`: 11845 OVERFILL LIMIT 90;, OV£RF I LL.L'i,M I:T 90x; 1'06`60 10660: HIGH PRODUCT 66b `HIGH PRODUCT 9596 11252 11252 DEL,IUERY- LIMIT � I;0% 1184 LIMIT 10% SYSTEM .SETUP _ _ - - - 11'84 11 .84 SEP 27. 2 01.0 1`0:21 AM LOW.'_PRODUCT. 500 LOW PRODUCT 500 LEAK,.,ALARM:.,LIMIT: 99 LEAK.'ALARM :LIMIT 99 SUBDEN I:OSS L1M'IT.: 99 SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT 99 TANK TILT TANK..:TILT:.. : 5.80. 3:30 SYSTEM UNI'r5 'PROBE- OFF$E'f' 0.:00 U.S PROBE: OFFSET 0:00. SYSTEM LPiNGUAG£ ENGLISH, � SiPHON :MANIFOLDED TANKS SIPHON MANIFOLDED TANKS' SYSTEM i?F1TE/T.IME FORMAT Ttt• NONE TO':_ NONE MON DD YYIY HH:MM SS. xM LINE MANIFOLDED TANKS LINS MANIFOLDED TANKS TO; NONE; FIESTA LIQUOR TO' NONE, 2023 BAKER ST 661-323-4684 L:EAK 'MIN ,PERIODIC: 0 LEAK . N P IODIC: Ml 0 PER IOD.I:C TEST .TYPE PER.I OD I C TEST TYPE , SHIFT TIME 1 : DISABLED STANDARD STANDARD SH I:FT T:I ME 2 DI SABL:ED SHIFT TIME 3 DZ�LEA PER.IO111C TEST FAIL PERIODIC OD I G. TEST 'FAIL: SHIFT TIME 4 DISABLED -ALARM" D:I SABLED ALARM :DI'SABL'ED TAW{ PER TST NEEDED WRN GROSS TEST. FAIL: DISABLED GROSS TEST FA:I L: ALARM D ISAI34EDE TANK ANN. TST NEEDED .WRN ALARM` DISABLED Y DISABLED PER TEST AVERAG<I PIG'` ' 0it' PER TEST AVERAG'I NG; OFF ;ti LINE RE=ENABLE METHOD TANK .TEST NOTIPY O-: i, " p PASS LI:NE 'TEST TANK TEST NOTIFY: OFF LI:fJE PER TS'€: QED WRN::•;.` TNK. TST SIPHON _BREAK::OFF TNK T$T SIPHON BREAK:-0FF DISA �+ ' DELI.VERY. DELAY 15 MIN LfNE. � tr�wR III=LLVERY DELAY 15 MIN: PUMP THRESHOLD 10.00: DISABLED PUMP THRESHOLD 10;:0 , PRINT TG- VOLUMES. ENABLED TEMP COMPENSATION VALUE CDEG F' . : ST-IGK:HEIGHT OFFSET DISABLED H-PROTOCOL DATA FORMAT HEIGHT ... PRECISION TEST DURATION: HOURS' 12 DAYLIGHT SAVING 'TIM . DISABLED RE-DIRECT' LOCAL PRINTOUT DISABLED EURO PROTOCOL PREFIX S SYSTEM SECURITY CODE : 000000 TAW CHART SECURITY DISABLED WPLLD LINE LEAK, SETUP L:I9UID :SEN$4R SETUP PRODUCT CODE 3 THERMAL C.OEFF . .000700 ' L 1 PIPING SUMP TANK DIAMETER 9500. W 1 :91 TRI STATE (SINGLE.FL•OAT) TANK PROFdLE 1 PT CATEGORY' . PIPING :SUMP• FULL VOL 1.1;8.45 TYP:`2.0 I N STEEL. ... L1.NE.•LENGTH: 50.FEET SHUTDOWN RATE±: 3-(3�GP-'H PLUAT SIZE: 4.0 TN. T• :1:9.1 DISPENSE MODE. WATER.WARNING': 2.0 STANDARD 'HIGH WATER ,`LIMIT: 3.0 PRESSURE,: OFFSET:: 0.0PSI MAX OR LABEL VOL: '1184.5 OVERFILL LIMIT ;90% - 1Ofi60 HIGH PRODUCT 95% 11252 OUTPUT RELAY SETUP DELIVERY LIMIT lot 1184 R 1.:91 LOW PRODUCT 500 TYPE;:. .LEAK ALARM LIMI.T;_. 99 STANDARD: SUDDEN LOSS.'L.IMIT: 99 NORMALLY :OPEN: TANK T1,LT 4.00 PROBE. OFFSET 0:'OD ' W 287 TYP::2.0/3..0 I N FIBERGLASS. I N-.TAIVK ALARMS SIPHON MANI'FOLDED TANKS 2.'O,IN DIA. LEN-500 FEET' ALL,.LM ALARM T#s NONE 3.OIN 'DIA LEN: 0 FEET LINE .MAN,IFOLDED TANKS SHUTDOWN RATE 3.0 GPH R.2`e7 T#: NONE T. .2.87' TYPE DISPENSEMODE: TANDARD. NORMALLY OPEN: STANDARD NO LEAK MIN PERIODIC: -0%: : 0 PRESSURE OFFSET 3.OPSI IN-TANK,ALARMS.. PERIODIC TEST TYPE ALARM STANDARD PERIODIC TEST FAIL R 3;:8.9 ALARM DISABLED TYPE: .:STANDARD GROSS TEST FAIL NORMALLY OPEN ALARM' D ISABLED .. PER TEST At/ERAG!I NG: IN=TANK ALARMS OFF ALL:L-EAK''ALARM TANK TEST NOTIFY: OFF W 3:89 TNK. TST SIPHON BREAK:OFF TYP 2,.,0. I N.STEEL DELIVERY DELAY : 15 MIN LINE LENGTH: ., 50 FEET PUMP THRESHOLD : 1.0.00%x` SHUTDOWN RATE: .3.Q. .GPH T 38J DISPENSE. 110DE: STANDARD PRESSURE OFFSET'.: D.OPS I WPI:L.D L I WE D I SABLE S ET Up LIQUID:SENSOR ALMS ALL:;FUEL _ALARM LEAK TEST METHOD ALL:SENSOR OUT -ALARM ` _ ALL:",SHORT ALARM . TEST WEEKLY ALL TANk W 2:8.7 MON START TIME 2:00.<AM LIGIUID SENSOR; ALMS TEST'RATE 70.20 GAL/.HR' 'ALL.-FUEL ALARM . DURATION 2 HOURS LINE LEAK LOCKOUT SETUP ALL.:SENSOR:,QUT ALARM _ ALL:SHORT ALARM TST EARLY STOP:DI:SABL:ED LWKOUT SCHEDULE DAILY:W 3`:69 LEAK TEST .REPORT FORMAT START.TIME: DISABLED NORMAL. 'TIME DISABLED LIQUID SENSOR ALMS ALL.:FUEL:: ALARM ALL.:SEIISOR 6L1T ALARM ALL:SHORT ALARM REARM HISTORY REPORT` ALARM HISTORY REPORT ----- SYSTEM ALARM: ----- PAPER -OUT ---- IN-TANK ALARM ---r- JUL. 8, 2030 5:20 PM PRINTER ERROR T 2:87' ALARM HISTORY REPORT JUL 8, 2010 5:'21 PM BATTERY IS OFF SUDDEN LOSS ALARM -- SEN50R ALARM ----- NOV 4, 2005 8:00' AM FEB 12. 2030 1.0.;:1;2 AM L 1 :FIRING SUMP FEB 9., 2010 12:31. PM PIP `I;NG 8U1°1P FEB. 8, 2010. 1,0:05: AM SENSOR (?UT :ALARM SEP 27, 20.10 8:14 AM L VALID FUEL LEVEL. JUN 4, 2010. 6-:51 Pm. FUEL ALARM FEB 23. 2010 7:31 AM SEP'27. 20t:0 `8:;;10 AM DELIVERY NEEDED JUN A, 2010 7:'59 PM ?� x END . xx . x.;END x END ALARM H18TORY REPORT .: ---- 'IN-TANK ALARM ----- T 1 :91 HIGH WATER ALARM ALARM HISTORY REPORT APR 8, J2bto I.1.:i'S AM APR 4. :20.1;0 5:22 AM ----- SENSOR ALARM ----- • s 1 : OVERFILL ALARM OTHER: SENSORS APR 4­201'0 3:42 AM ALARM H I STORY REPORT APR 4, 20.10 3:41 AM LOW PRODUCT ALARM -- I;N-TANK ALARM ----' APR • 4:. .201.0 5:Ol AM T 3:89 � APR A. 2010 4:46 AM. APR 4, '2020 4:13 AM LOW;:PRODUCT ALARM JANI 15, 2010 9.2.0 AM SUDDEN TOSS ALA FEB 24, 201'0 1:1'-":58 AM, SUDDEN: LOSS ALARM R * * END ii "k FEB 24; :2010 11:03 PM HIGH PRODUCT ALARM APR 4. :201`0 5'00, AM INVALID FUEL LEVEL APR 4, 2010 4 02 AM: JUN 9 2010 .4,:41 PM APR 4. _2010 3:31 AM MAR 6,. 201,0 16;:48 AM INVALID FUEL LEVEL. . FEB ,20_.. 20T 0 7:57 AM: APR 4: 2010, 7:35: AM APR 4. 2010 5:21 AM DELIVERY NEEDED APR 4 :20Y0 5:01 AM A= 9, 20.10 1;0`:51 AM JUN 4, 201:0 4:23 PM PROBE. OUT MAR 18. `,201.0, 12:,20 PM .APR -8> "2010 11 :01 AM APR 7 2010 6:07 AM: APR '7, .2010 1 :46 'AM. HIGH 'WATER WARNING. APR 8. 20.10 1.1 :15 AM APR 4, 2010 5::22 AM DELIVERY NEEDED :SEP 2. 201'0 10:57 AM .JUL 1, 201 x. 0 7:01 AM * * ' .X END * x x MAY 5, 20110 1 :15 PM MAX PRODUCT ALARM APR .4, 2010 5:00 AM APR" 4. 2010 4:02. AM APR 4, 2010 3:31 AM LOW TEMP WARNING APR 4. 2010 10:18 AM APR 4. _2010 '7:.44. AM :APR. 4,. 2010 7:°35' AM: ALARM HI STORY REPORT SENSOR ALARM: ----- -°— W 87: WPLLD SHUTDOWN.. ALM ALOIRM HISTORY REPORT SEP 2 71 20110 6::32 AM ALARM 1iISTORY. REPORT -- — SENSOR :ALARM ----- GROSS',LINE. FAIL —=— NR ALARM — W 1 51 S£P 27. 2'010 8 t:32-AM W 3 69 WPLLD S}UTDOWN ,ALH WPLLD SNllTDOl-, ."-5 SEP= 2?. 2010 9:00 AM SEP 27 201:0 9::53 AM WPLLD SHUTDOWN ALM_ SEP 27 2010 14 ,AM. GROSS LINE 'FAI 9 30 AM GROSS L-1 WS'FAIL SEP 27. 2010 -a SEP 2?r 2010 9-::53 AM WPLLD SHUTDOWN ALIh, SEP 27. 2010 $:1�0 .AM WPLLD SHUTDOWNB 'a 41PLLD `SHUTDOWN AL M_ SEP 27, 2010 SEP 27. 2010 8:14 AM WPLLD COMM ALARM WPLLD SHUTDOWN ALM JUN 25. 20.10 12:31 PM WPLLD SHUTDOWN 1ALM SFF 27. 20tQ 8:i0 AM SEP 27,. 2014 8:10 AM FUEL OPT JUN 2.2010: 9::23 AM WPLI:B COMM RLARM WPLLD,CQMM flLARK. JUN 27. 2010 .10 AM' JUN 6 25.. 201Q 4::.07 . PM WPLLD.SHUTDOWN ALM FEB 12' 20t,Q'' 4 '12 :PM GROSS L LYE FAIL FER I Z2 20.10 4 t 12 ,PM' LN EQUIP_FAULT ALK . JAN 15,. 201,0' 10':45 AM END END :LN :EQUIP :'FAULT:.ALM ;JAN 15. 20.10: '9:52 AM �c * .END X,; X 'X "X .x MONI'T'OR CERT..FAILURE REP:'ORT SITE?NAMf;, FIESTA 1:,IQUORS' DATE- 4-27-1() ADT)R SS 2023 BA ER,ST TECHNICJAN RYAN MASON CITY: BAKERSFIELD,: SIGNATUi2E: REPAIRS. - REPLAC:ED SYPHON JET ASSEMBLY SIN PLUS89-TURBINE, PARTS INSTALLVJ).! 1 1-E PETRO.SYPHON JET ASSEMBLY THE ABOVE NAMED.PERSON TAKES FULL'RESP.ONSIBILITY OF NOTl Yi THE APPROPRIATE PARTY TO.HAVE CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN TO REPAIR . THKABOVE LISTED PROBLEMS AND NOTI'FY:ING RICH EN:VIRONMANTAL FOR ANY NEEDED RETESTING.THIS,ALSO RELEASES RICH ENVIRONMENTAL.:OF ANY FINES OR PEN.ALT.IES OCCURING_FR.FROM NON-COMPLIANCE. A COPY OF THIS.DOCUMENT.HAS'BEtN LEFT ON E, YOUR CON VI ENENCE.