HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 3/31/2010 IIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIII 39 SIG THE IE environmental SOURCE-GROUP,.INC. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: March 31, 2010 299 West Hillcrest Dr., Suite 220 Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Delivered via: Telephone: (805) 373-9063 Facsimile: (805) 373-9073 ■ U.S. Mail ❑ Next Day ❑ Courier ■ Other: Signature Conf.#9410803699300005797693 Attention: Mr. John T. Mitchell, Esq. Company: Kern County District Attorney's Office—Consumer and Environmental Protection Unit Address: 1215 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield CA 93301 Project: Former Sunland Oil Refinery. 2152 Coffee Road. Bakersfield. CA Subject: Annual Remediation Summary Report (2009) Enclosed or: ❑ Proposal ❑ Per Your Request ❑ Contract ■ For Review ■ Report ❑ For Approval ❑ Letter ❑ For Signature ❑ Other: Your Information ❑ Return ❑ Other: Comments Sent by: Mark Labrenz, C.HG. cc: Mr. Philip Jay, SJVAPCD Mr. Russell Walls, California RWQCB-CVR 'M IHowa WinwesWCity o[Bake sfield Mr. Michael Romey, Latham &Watkins Ms. Christine Mirabel, World Oil Corp. Mr. John Hundley, World Oil Corp. (electronic copy only) IIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIII 40 IE SG' THE ' environmental SOURCE GROUP, INC. March 31, 2010 ' Mr. John T. Mitchell, Esq. Deputy District Attorney Kern County District Attorney's Office Consumer and Environmental Protection Unit 1215 Truxtun Avenue ' Bakersfield, California 93301 Subject: Annual Remediation Summary Report (2009) ' January 1 through December 31, 2009 Former Sunland Oil Refinery, 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California ' Cleanup and Abatement Order No. 95-702 Dear Mr. Mitchell: ' On behalf of World Oil Corp. (World), The Source Group, Inc. (SGI) is pleased to submit this Annual Remediation Summary Report for the former Sunland Oil Refinery located in Bakersfield, California ' (Figure 1). The remediation data obtained and monitoring activities conducted during January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009 are summarized in this report. INTRODUCTION This report has been prepared pursuant to the "Final Judgment Pursuant to Stipulation" (KCSC No. ' 228 399-RA). The Final Judgment directs Sunland Refining Corporation to comply with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board —Central Valley Region's (CVRWQCB) Cleanup and Abatement Order (CAO) No. 95-702 dated April 27, 1995. Item 8 of the Final Judgment requires the submittal of an annual summary regarding the status of site remediation efforts to ' contain and remediate groundwater. and soil impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons under CAO No. 95-702. ' The former Sunland Refinery site is divided into three main areas: the former West Tank Farm (WTF), the former refinery plant/former South Tank Farm (STF), and the former North Tank Farm (NTF) (Figure 2). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ' Based on a review of the remedial activities performed during this reporting period, the following summary and conclusions are presented: ' Remedial Activities — From January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009, the high capacity vapor extraction system (HCVES) removed approximately 522 tons of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) mass and 4.6 tons of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MtBE) from the subsurface. A cumulative total of 4,474 and 26 tons of hydrocarbons and MtBE, respectively, have been removed to date. Approximately 1,650 gallons of liquid phase hydrocarbons (LPH) were removed during the reporting period as vapor condensate. 299 West Hillcrest Drive Telephone: (805)373-9063 Suite 220 Facsimile: (805)373-9073 Thousand Oaks, California 91360 e-mail: mlabrenz @thesourcegroup.net Mr. John T. Mitchell, Kern County District Attorney's Office March 31,2010 Annual Remediation Summary Report(2009) Page 2 1 Assessment Activities — On February 19, 2009, SGI submitted a workplan to the CVRWQCB for ' the installation of four additional groundwater monitoring wells (TSG-MW-1 17A/B/C/D) to be installed approximately 1,000 feet to the west_northwest of existing monitoring well TSG-MW-115. The well installation was conditionally approved by the CVRWQCB in a letter to World dated June 12, 2009. World is continuing to work with the property owner to finalize an access agreement prior to installing the wells. ' REMEDIAL ACTIVITIES FOR 2009 Remedial activities at the former Sunland Refinery facility began on March 22, 1996 following the ' installation of a vapor extraction system and an air sparging system. The vapor extraction and air sparging systems were operated at the STF until June 19, 1998 and at the WTF until July 30, 1998. Installation of a HCVES (utilizing a John Zink flare as an abatement device) replaced the former ' vapor treatment system and operation of the HCVES and AS systems started on September 16, 1998. A Baker Furnace thermal oxidizer and 4,000-gallon above ground storage tank were added to the STF remediation compound in early 2005. Following completion of oxidizer installation in April of ' 2005, system operation began With the thermal oxidizer as the main abatement device in early May 2005. Due to dropping water levels, which has increased the soil column available to soil vapor extraction (SVE), hydrocarbon mass removal rates have increased, necessitating switching ' abatement devices from the thermal oxidizer to the John Zinc flare. The switch from the thermal oxidizer to the flare took place on May 29, 2009. Figure 3 shows the layout of existing remediation wells and the treatment compound locations. ' System Operations and Monitoring ' During the reporting period (January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009), remedial operations were performed in accordance with the requirements contained in the operational permit(s). During the reporting period, the HCVES removed approximately 522 tons of petroleum hydrocarbons and 4.6 tons of MtBE. A cumulative total of 4,474 tons of hydrocarbons and 26 tons of MtBE have been ' removed to date (Figures 4 and 5). HCVES operations for the reporting period are summarized in Appendix A. ' Due to dropping water levels, which has increased the soil column available to SVE, hydrocarbon mass removal rates have increased, necessitating switching abatement devices from the thermal oxidizer to the John Zinc flare. The switch from the thermal oxidizer to the flare took place on May ' 29, 2009. A letter to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) was submitted on June 3, 2009, documenting the change in abatement device use. SGI operated the HCVES utilizing the John Zinc flare as the primary abatement device through the second half 2009 reporting ' period. Approximately 1,650 gallons of LPH were removed during the reporting period as vapor condensate associated with the operation of the HCVES and manual bailing from wells TSG-SVE-120 and -121. All extracted liquids were transported by Asbury Environmental Services to Demenno Kerdoon in Compton, California for disposal/recycling. The total volume of LPH removed since December 1996 ' is approximately 16,849 gallons. LPH removal activities are summarized in Appendix A. Due to dropping water levels, selected air sparge well casings were modified to accommodate soil vapor extraction and tied via above ground vapor conveyance lines to the HCVES. The deep ' The Source Group,Inc. ' Mr. John T. Mitchell, Kern County District Attorney's Office March 31,2010 Annual Remediation Summary Report(2009) Page 3 sparge casing from air sparge wells SE-AS-30, SE-AS-31, AS-77, AS-78, AS-79, and AS-80, as well ' as the sparge casing from dual purpose wells ASNE-73, ASNE-74, and ASNE-76 were converted to allow soil vapor extraction. Well modification was completed on June 10, with system restart on June 12, 2009. ' Air sparging was used for the remediation of dissolved phase hydrocarbons as well as the enhancement of vapor phase hydrocarbon recovery. Wells SE-AS-30, SE-AS-31, SE-ASNE-45, ' SE-ASNE-46, TSG-ASNE-52, TSG-ASNE-53, TSG-ASNE-54, TSG-ASNE-55, GMX-ASNE-63, GMX-ASNE-64, GMX-ASNE-65, AS-73, AS-76, AS-77, AS-78, AS-80, AS-81, TSG-AS-86, TSG- AS-87, TSG-AS-88, TSG-AS-89, TSG-AS-103, TSG-AS-104, TSG-AS-105, TSG-AS-106, TSG-AS- 107 and TSG-AS-108 were all employed in air sparging during the reporting period. ' During second quarter 2009, SGI discontinued air sparging at the former WTF and former STF areas of the Sunland site, as well as the PG&E property north of the railroad tracks due to dropping ' groundwater levels. Currently installed sparge wells are screened at levels that currently do not encounter groundwater. ' Monitoring of subsurface conditions was performed periodically during weekly operation and maintenance (O&M) of the HCVES as well as during periods of LPH removal and during semi- annual groundwater gauging and sampling. During HCVES operation, weekly O&M activities included measuring.extraction flow rates, total system influent hydrocarbon concentrations in the vapor stream, system vacuum, processing temperatures and utility usage for electricity and supplementary natural gas. Selected individual remediation wells were monitored approximately once a month for groundwater and product levels, hydrocarbon concentrations in the vapor stream, and vacuum. Vapor samples were collected from the inlet header(s) for laboratory analysis once a month. From weekly data and monthly data, the system was adjusted to optimize the removal of subsurface contaminants. ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES FOR 2009 ' On February 19, 2009, SGI submitted a workplan to the CVRWQCB for the installation of four additional groundwater monitoring wells (TSG-MW-1 17A/B/C/D) to be installed approximately 1,000 ' feet to the west-northwest of existing monitoring well TSG-MW-115. The proposed wells will be installed as a well cluster (individual wells installed into separate boreholes drilled approximately five feet apart) with the objective of defining the lateral as well as vertical extent of hydrocarbon constituents [total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg), benzene, and MtBE] in groundwater downgradient of the former Sunland Refinery site. On April 17, 2009, World received correspondence from the CVRWQCB requesting additional information be provided regarding well ' installation. On May 22, 2009, SGI submitted a Revised Well Installation Workplan to the CVRWQCB for the installation of the above referenced wells. The Revised Well Installation Workplan was conditionally approved by the CVRWQCB in a letter to World dated June 12, 2009. ' World issued a letter to the property owner on June 24, 2009 requesting permission to access the property (APN 368-010-13), west of the PG&E Former Kern Power Plant for the purpose of installing monitoring well cluster TSG-MW-1 17A/B/C/D. World and the owner of the offsite property (APN ' 368-010-13) were in negotiations throughout the remainder of 2.009 regarding the access agreement for well installation. ' The Source Group,Inc. ' Mr. John T. Mitchell, Kern County District Attorney's Office March 31, 2010 Annual Remediation Summary Report(2009) Page 4 ' On May 15, 2009, SGI installed Bio-Trap samplers into wells TSG-MW-20D and TSG-MW-115B in order to conduct microbial testing to confirm that in-situ biodegradation of MtBE and tert-butanol (tBA) may occur in groundwater underlying the site. The Bio-Trap samplers were retrieved on June ' 30, 2009. Analysis of the results from the Bio-Trap samples is in progress. On September 18`h, 2009, SGI submitted a workplan for the installation of four additional SVE wells ' to be installed within the former South Tank Farm/Refinery area. The workplan was approved br the CVRWQCB in a letter to World dated October 12, 2009. During the period November 16 through November 23rd, 2009, four new SVE wells (TSG-SVE-118 through TSG-SVE-121) were installed to supplement existing SVE wells and to allow soil vapor extraction within newly exposed vadose zone at a depth from 120 feet to approximately 150 feet bgs. The new wells were additionally screened approximately 20 feet into groundwater to accommodate a potential further decrease in groundwater elevation. The wells can additionally be used as groundwater monitoring ' points to monitor groundwater conditions within the source area. The four new wells were tied into the HCVES between December 7 and December 11, 2009. ' GROUNDWATER MONITORING ' Groundwater monitoring and sampling events were performed in March and October 2009. Groundwater monitoring well locations are depicted on the site map included as Figure 2. The groundwater elevation data and analytical results for the two sampling events are summarized in ' Tables 1, 2, and 3. Over the reporting period, the calculated groundwater gradient ranged from 0.003 feet/foot to 0.004 ' feet/foot to the west and west-southwest, which is similar with the gradient measured in previous years. Groundwater data, summarized in the 2009 Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Status Reports, are presented in Appendix B. Groundwater contour and hydrocarbon concentration maps for 2008 are included in Appendix C. SCHEDULE ' Operation of the remediation system and semi annual groundwater monitoring will continue in 2010. The next groundwater monitoring and sampling event is scheduled for March 2010. 1 ' The Source Croup,Inc. Mr.John T. Mitchell, Kern County District Attorney's Office March 31,2010 Annual Remediation Summary Report(2009) Page 5 1 ' If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact Mr. John Hundley of World Oil Corp. at (562) 928-0100 or Mr. Mark Labrenz of The Source Group, Inc. at (805) 373- 9063, Ext. 203. ' Sincerely, The Source Group,Inc. 5 OEA�9F 0 ' � o No.5961 2� CERTIFIED N \J1 a HYDROGEOLOGIST ' Chris Peters (P EXP. �'1O Mar Labr z, C.HG. Project Engineer 'y� Q�� Princip Geologist OF CAL�FG Attachments: Figure 1 - Site Location Map ' Figure 2 - Site Map Showing Groundwater Monitoring Well Locations Figure 3 - Site Map Showing Remediation Well Location Map Figure 4 - Cumulative Mass of Vapor-Phase TPHg Removed ' Figure 5 - Cumulative Mass of Vapor-Phase MtBE Removed Table 1 - Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results ' Table 2 - Historical Additional Fuel Oxygenate Results Table 3 - Historical Natural Attenuation Parameters Appendix A - HCVES and LPH Removal Summary Table - 2009 ' Appendix B - Groundwater Monitoring and Status Reports - 2009 Appendix C - Groundwater Contour and Hydrocarbon Concentration Maps - 2009 cc: Mr. John Hundley, World Oil Corp. Ms. Christine Mirabel, World Oil Corp. Mr. Philip Jay, San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Mr. Russell W. Walls, California RWQCB - Central Valley Region Mr. Howard Wines, City of Bakersfield, Hazardous Materials Division Mr. Michael Romey, Latham & Watkins ' The Source Group,Inc. Figures 1 1 1 f ' The Source Group,Inc. 1 Ni , a ?t;�di • o�• o -tom. _ 9 n• .__24_.. °` `': � �:• .` a.0e a '�' • �° p". 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Q n• 'r,wv ! s� a L / p 29 ®0a � • •d•S Q3tRe6rnrry r+a I ....: 1 x►Mtr� - .r 'RO a ak iL Rkt "� •.;j b3saaxa� adtinaa ' r Oat �'9�-'yam � ,,...y� - .�++,. : f! �j �`�r� � � .-��.• ''~ �✓ ,� .—�'`� `�. _-._ �..,\ •' mix �� '• ,. y� z .�j, ; •Alap created with TOPOI and used with permission 0 2004 National Geographic" 1 SOURCE: USGS 7.5 MINUTE TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS, OILDALE QUADRANGLE. 1954 PHOTOREVISED 1968 & 1973 GOSFORD QUADRANGLE, 1954 PHOTOREVISED 1968 &: 1973 1 1 N 1 0 2000 4000 1 a APPROXIMATE SCALE(FEET) FOR: FIGURE: SG I The SUNLAND REFINING CORPORATION SUNLAND REFINERY Source Group, Inc. 2152 COFFEE ROAD SITE LOCATION MAP 1 1 299 West Hillcrest Drive,Suite 220 BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA Thousand Oaks,CA 91360 (805)373-9063/373-9073(Fax) PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: DATE: 1 02-WOC-078 R.ERDMAN 12/19/06 .......... ........ .... General Site Legend: ... .... Rosedale Highway 58 _..ma. _......... Sunland Property Boundary ' -°�° n Center Line of Coffee Road U 6 Ft. Chain-Link Fence Line C30 0 Power Pole/Tension Wire Line i E 5 E3 1 1 f Earthen Containment Dike Single Nested Groundwater ♦ Monitoring Well 0 Double Nested Groundwater ' ® i Monitoring Well Groundwater Monitoring Well Groundwater Monitoring/Soil Vapor Extraction Well 0 Groundwater Monitoring/Air Spurge Point Well zs 0 0 40-Mr4hf-1148/C —67A/B/C GMX Inv 61+ FM - ............ —8 --T- TSG-0-1-14A ®R _j 1z::P 0 0 17-1 17-1 17-1 113 0 0 0 0 .:.c;,L_=' [34 1711 17-1 ED ED 0 0_00 C000000 PG&E FACILITY C I L I T Y ri no '75;_W�W TSG40_84A/B 1W-VIV-M 1E-MIllf-5 t 00 mp-p-es" 0 ❑ General Site Notes: 1. Source. Evans Land Surveyin and Mapn surveys YW-*W-1159/C conducted September 29, 8ctober 1b04 and FORMER February 22, 2007. NORTH �72,— TANK F A RIM Included in this surve y or are the Monitoring and Remediation Well Locations, North Tank Farm and GMX-W-M/D Berms. Property Line information shown for reference only. Record Data was used to generate all additional Go TrSXG,-w property line information on this map. 2. Additional Reference Information from: USGS Georefenced Satellite Imagery, August 1994 - ----- Air cm zipm 15_� photo Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, June 2003 Atchison Ope an t�,,.,IT.qpe Kern County On-line GIs Database, 2004 SE-MW-20S/D *TSG_W_I 168/C �28 ISG-W4113C 13 'SE-W-SR if, ' FORMER `1 IEST TANK FA" WW-14+ mw-116 FORMER SOUTH TANK FARM it I- W-7 o__ MW-8+ SE-MW-26+ = CU WM SSE-W-4 111114 SE -IS(R) ­115 MW-10(R)_4 SE-MW-23S,1) PG&E Mw-A+ 0 +MW-12 i I 0 400 800 E A S E M E N T If I. APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET DATE- PROJEGT NO. 03/09 02-WOC-088 ' y o LA:mw-1 I World Oil Corp ' - - r Site Map Showing Groundwater Monitoring Well Locations Former Suand Oil Refinery SE-MW-22+ 2152 Coffee nl Road,Bakersfield,CA SE411111-211+ The FIGURE SGI I envirartmenta Source Group, Inc. 2 T\/ /' ■ FORMER Ts(;- _7t SCALE HOUSE IW-85C \ Y AW-51 I -----.—_-- `"�">,t"Z", UP i T5G-YE790 ( . ( I ■ U IRAC -TSG- i 1SC-AS-88A/B I 1 I", Q) I TSC- -e7c I j Ir 4 J / ff TSG-AS-87A/B I I '. N 0 R T i -- ' o ;-72_ TANK FY (3) r i ■ � / SWITCH YARD O i f' '7SG-1 ■ GMX-MW- -MW-B?A/B TSG- 94 O I I 1 TSG- 89C i ■ I TSG- 95 SG-AS-89A/0 l GMX- 66 ------ _I = Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad 156103' �` �5E-4-4150-�105� 156- -106 156- -98 AS -52 TSC-AS -53 7SG-A -54 SE-AS -45 ■ TSG-AS-104- TSC-VE-112$ �iSG-VE-118 �Y TSG-AS/VE-55 SE AS-34­ _. ■ TSG- -97 _731St- - SE- -9R I- 9gg AS�74 ATSG-VE-110* TSG- 111* +AS-78 +TSG-VE-119' lr SE- AS-36 I AS-77 TSG- -113• SE--333 '0 ET SE- GMX-AS� 1+ M-ASV-fi 579 �TSC-VE-47 AS#g1 �-�5 �4 VI/ E S T T A IV 5_E-A5-39 F A R 1 V 1 TSG-�-69 SE-AS(VE-46 W IAW-16_j_ 5E-�-43 TSC- -8 ASJ:71 -+ 1�VE-70 +AS/VE-75 (�O R M E R TSG-AS-1080 SE-;748 GMX- 63 SSE-VE/AS-38 T 12M' v U T H TAM E ■ TSC- -57 7� -49 - 3j\ F A SE-YE AS-35 SE-AS-30 SE- _4t FMX-7 T5G- 102 156- 121• i WATER ` SALES O TANK OFFICES MdW-'8 1 ��p■ r� _ _58 TREATMENT, COMPOUND Y� ` ■ SE-4:32 (SOUTH SIDE FACILITY) 75C-VE-59' i SE-MW-24S/D 'O 1 ca SE-VE_V-37 ( _WW O SE-�50 TSC- -58 II �. ?` ■ _15 s ■, ' ■ O SE-MW A43S/D ■' �.—� O Y g l I WWA MW-12+ TRUCK _t PARKING General Site Legend: General Site Notes: — Sunland Property Boundary 1. Source: Evans Land Surveying and Ma p ingg survey Center Line of Coffee Road conducted September 29 and October 27�, 2004. s Included in this survey are the Monitoring and --—— 6 Ft. Chain—Link Fence Line Remediation Well Locations, North Tank Farm and 0 120 240 Power Pole/Tension Wire Line Berms. Property Line information shown for reference only. Record Data was used to generate all property APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET ----- ——— Former Earthen Containment Dike line information on this map. DATE: PROJECT No. + Single Nested Groundwater 2. Additional Reference Information from: 02/10 02-WOC-98 Monitoring Well USGS Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, August 1994 + Double Nested Groundwater Airphoto Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, June 2003 World Oil Corp Monitoring Well Kern County On—line GIS Database, 2004 + Groundwater Monitoring Well Site Map Showing g + Nested Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) Well Remediation Well Locations + Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) Well + Air Sparge (AS) Well Former Sunland Oil Refinery Well Locations not Surveyed 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,CA � The FIGURE i� SGI Source Group, Inc. 3 M mill M M Figure 4: Cumulative Mass of TPHg Removed by HCVES World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery - Bakersfield, CA 5.0 [ Abatement Device Switched from Thermal 4.5 Oxidizer to Flare on 05129109 4.0 Or 3.5 X N C O .r , 3.0 m 0 E 2.5 N N M 2.0 _N 7 1.5 V 1.0 HCVES Startup on 3/22/96 0.5 0.0 CP 00 00 0� 0� 00 00 CP 00 00 0o d` o'` 00 00 0k o'� 00 0�' 00 00 �4X �a� 40 'o e �o�' Date (Month - Year) The Source Grano.Inc. Figure 5: Cumulative Mass of MtBE Removed by HCVES World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Refinery - Bakersfield, CA 30 25 Abatement Device Switched from Thermal Oxidizer to Flare on 05/29/09 N 20 o �fN r V m 0 E as 15 U) U CU m E 10 U HCVES Startup on 5 3/22/96 0 o�' o° o`O �A �A 0� olb o° o° o° o° o'` o'` o`l' o`L o`� o`� o°` o°` o`' o`' d) 0) 0A oA o`b (§' o°' o° Date (Month -Year) The Source 6rolno_Inc. .aul luois 831nos oql 1 1 1 1 1 I i solgel 1 1 Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL 101 ETHYL- TOTAL MTBE HYDRO- GROUND- TOP OF j'EPrT H TO SCREENINTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH TPHg BENZENE TOLUENE MTBE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO BENZENE XYLENES 8020 or CARBON WATER CASING BOTOM (feet-De DATE 8015M 82808• 82609' 8260B• 82608• 82608, 82608 80218 PRODUCT WATER THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL [Sample Depth] Units: (1719114 feet-TOC) eel-TOC)I (feel) i (feet-MSL) (feet-MSL) (feet-TOC) MW-1 828/1998 - 0.16 0.0007 <O.D005 c0.0005 0.0097 - 0.155 NA 73.08 0.00 NC NS NM (74-84) 324/1999 - 1.3 0.0022 0.0017 0.17 D.086 - <0.05 NA 64.40 0.00 NC NS NM 1 011 5/1 9 9 9 <0.2(COB-C44) 0.69 c0.0005 0.00058 c0.0005 0.0042 - <0.005 NA 65.29 0.00 NC NS NM 3192000 0.29(COB.C28) 0.73 0.0072 0.0089 0.25 0.053 0.0058 0.006 NA 65.61 0.00 321.40 387.01 NM 9/152000 <'(COS-C44) 1.1 0.00051 0.0011 ND= 0.063 - <0.005 NA 88.79 0.00 318.22 387.01 NM 5/1812001 0.36(CID-C14) 0.21 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 X0.001 0.0065 0.011 NA 78.80 0.00 30821 387.01 NM 10/82001 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.01 82.69 31112002 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry-----------------_------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.01 NM 10212002 _____.......................Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.01 8377 31312003 ----_......_----------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.01 8285 9222003 ----_-----------------------Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.01 82.78 41132004 ----_-----------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.01 8290 918/2004 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 388.24 82.90 322/2005 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------_----- NA DRY NA NA 38824 8280 91142005 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 388.24 82.80 3/152008 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 388.24 8280 9262006 --------------------------__Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 388.24 82.80 4212007 -----------_----------------Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 388.24 82.80 10112007 -----------•----------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 38824 82.89 3242008 ____________________________Not Sampled or Gauged------------------------------ NA NM NA NA 388.24 NM 9/152008 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Insufficient Water------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 38824 82.85 3/162009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 38824 82.81 10/52009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 38824 82.82 MW-4 313/1998 ------------------------•-------Not Sampled---------------------------------- 50.55 52.30 1.75 337.01 389.31 NM (33.53) 82811998 ------------------_---------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.38 NM 32211999 ...._-------------_---------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.38 NM 10/13/1999 ----------------------------Not Sampled=Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.38 NM 3172000 ------------------.---------Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 390.40 NM 91122000 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry---:-------------------------- NA DRY NA NA 390.40 NM 5192001 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA. 390.40 52.80 10/8/2001 -----.----------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 390.40 54.81 3/112002 ____________________________Not Sgrrpfed_Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 390.44 NM 10212002 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 390.44 NM 31312003 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 390.44 52.69 9222003 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 390.44 52.70 41132004 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 390.44 52.80 9/812004 ------------------------- Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 391.52 52.10 32712005 ------------------------- Not Sampled-Wen Dry----------------_............. NA DRY NA NA 391.52 52.80 911412005 ......................... Not Sampled-Wen Dry-----•------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 391.52 52.80 3/152008 _____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 391:52 5280 9282008 ----------•--=--------------Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 391.52 52.80 422007 --•-------------------Not Sampled-Unable to Locate Wen------------------------ NA NM NA NA 391.52 NM 10/12007 ----------------------Not Sampled-Unable to Locate Wen------------------------ NA NM NA NA 391.52 NM 3242008 ----------------------Not Sampled-Unable to Locate Wen------------------------ NA NM NA NA 391.51 NM 9/152008 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Insufficient Water------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 391.52 5271 3/16/2009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry-----------------............. NA DRY NA NA 391.52 52.80 10/52009 ---___----------------------Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 391.52 52.81 MW-5 11/8/1996 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 97.49 97.92 0.43 NC 392.09 NM (75-100) 3/1711997 -------- ----------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 85.30 87.39 2.09 NC 392.09 NM 6/11/1997 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 81.39 82.30 0.91 NC 392.89 NM 9/19/1997 --•----------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 87.45 89.17 1.72 NC 392.09 NM 12/12/1997 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 77.54 78.71 1.17 NC 392.09 NM 3x!/1998 -•-----------------Not Sampled Me to Presence of Free Product-------------- 75.79 77.18 1.39 NC 39209 NM 828/1998 ----•--------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------.------ 64.45 67.05 2.60 NC 366.82 NM 324/1999 ------•------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 55.73 68.42 1269 NC 386.82 NM 10115/1999 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 59.91 61.52 1.61 NC 386.82 NM 3n2000 -•-----------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 61.40 63.40 200 NC 390.19 NM 91132000 ••-----------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product-------------- 64.40 69.30 4.90 NC 390.19 NM Page 1 of 24 The Son=GrOER mG Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ �}1yL_ TOTAL MTBE HYDRO- GROUND• TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH I TPHg BENZENE I TOLUENE MTBE �,T.TO DEPTH TO (feel-bgs) DATE BOtSM 82608• 82808' 82808' BENZENE %YLENES 62608 8020 or RODUCT WATER CARBON I WATER CASING BOTTOM [Sample Depth) 8260B' 82608' 80218 THICKNESS ELEVATON ELEVATION OF WELL Units: (r^BIL) aat-TOC) (feet-TOC) (feet) I (feet-MSQ (feet-MSL) I(feel-TOC) MW-5 5/92001 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 77.34 85.81 8.47 NC 390.19 NM (75-100) 10182001 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product-------------- --- 89.69 91.58 1.87 NC 390.19 NM (Continued) 31112002 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 93.85 94.47 0.82 NC 390.21 NM_ 101212002 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 100.75 100.81 0.06 NC 390.21 NM 3/312003 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 39021 100.78 9222003 ____________________________Not Sampled-Weft Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 390.21 99.86 41132004 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 39021 NM 9/82004 ------------­--------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 39127 100.90 3222005 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 39117 100.80 91142005 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 39117 100.80 3/152006 ________________________________Not Sampled---------------------------------- NM NM NM NC 391.27 100.81 9282008 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 81.00 83,64 2.64 NC 39117 100.81 422007 -------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 74.76 76.76 2.00 NC 39127 NM 10/112007 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product----^-------------- 9D.74 93.18 2.44 NC 391.27 NM 31242008 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 100.42 100.59 0.17 NC 39117 NM 9/152008 -------------------Not Sampled-Insufficient Water------------------- NA DRY NA NA 391.27 100.80 31182009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wed Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 39117 100.85 10152009 ---------------------------Not Sampled-Wen Dry--------------------------- NA DRY NA NA 39117 100.87 MW-6 11/811996 3,0(CO6-Ct6) 2.56 19 3.3 0.160 0.68 - 0.054 NA 100.37 0.00 287.50 387,87 NM (80-105) 325/1997 - 56 28 18 0.38 1.6 - 0.050 NA 90.88 0.00 296.99 387,87 NM 611311997 - 83 37 21 0.69 4.0 - <0.25 NA 85.13 0.00 302.74 387,87 NM 911911997 - 90 28 25 0.67 3.9 - <01S NA 81.85 0.00 3D6.02 387.87 NM 12/12/1997 - 13 33 36 0.90 5.5 - <0.00s NA 89.63 0.00 298.24 387.87 NM 82811998 - 81 14.1 18.5 1.39 7.94 - 0.234 NA 71.48 0.00 316.39 387.87 NM 32511999 - 74 17.0 22 12 8.1 - <70 NA 63.31 0.00 324.58 387-87 NM 10115/1999 6.6(COB-C14) 86 12 9.3 0.71 7.3 0.33 <0.5' NA 62.98 0.00 324.89 387.87 NM 3/102000 92(COB-CIS) 55 16.0 1,0 3.4 6.2 0.16 0.21 NA 83.41 0.00 304.46 387.87 NM 9/152000 <I(COB-Ca4) 13 5.0 <0.025 <0.025 c0.05 0.50 0.51 NA 67.97 0.00 319.90 387.87 NM 5/182001 0.74(CIO-C14) 1.5 0.80 0.001 0.00083 0.0064 0.69 0.63 NA 78.97 0.00 308.90 387.87 NM 101132001 6.6(COS-C22) 19.0 8.6 0.045 0.31 4.1 0.69 c0.25 NA 89.28 0.00 298.59 387.87 103.72 3/142D02 10(CO6-C2S) 30 4.70 0.004 0.80 4.2 0.061 - NA 93.31 0.00 294.56 387.87 105.(10 10242002 5.5(COB-C44) 17 7.20 1 0.004 1 0.52 0.2 <0.2 - NA 101.64 0.00 266.23 387.87 103.63 3/312003 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA 103.86 0.00 284.01 387.87 103.89 9222003 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.87 103.98 4/132004 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry______________________________ NA DRY NA NA 387.87 104.00 9/8/2004 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 389.08 103.50 31222005 ---------------------------•Not Sampled-Well Dry--------------------•----•---- NA DRY NA NA 389-08 103.90 9/142005 ----------------------------NOt Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 389.08 103.90 3/152006 ________________________________Not Sampled---------------------------------- NA 95.79 NA NA 389.09 104-00 10142006 0,64(C10-C24) <0.05 <D.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 N.0015 <0.002 - NA 84.41 0.00 3D4.67 369.08 103.89 4872007 <0.10(C06-C44) 0.000 <0.0005 <0.0005 c0.00D5 <0.0015 0.063 - NA 79.80 0.00 30928 389.08 103.85 10/42007 4.9(COB-C32) 0.099 0.0012 0.00053 0.00071 <0.0015 0.021 - NA 9129 0.00 297.79 389.08 103.88 3/27/2008 3.3 CD 8-C32) <0.05 <O.ODOS 0.0013 0.00051 0.0011 0.041 - NA 100.32 0.00 288.76 369.08 103.86 9/15/2008 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Insuf dent Water-r-- ------------------------- NA DRY NA NC 389.08 103.90 311 S20o9 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 389.08 103.86 10/52009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 389.08 103.88 MW-7 3117/1997 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product----------^-------- 81.33 81.49 0.16 NC 385.55 NM (15.95) 6/11/1997 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product---------_^-------- 76.03 86.46 10.43 NC 385.55 NM 9/1911997 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 75.35 75.48 0.13 NC 385.55 NM 1211211997 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- NM NM 0.00 NC 385.55 NM 3/3/1998 ­------------- Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- NM NM NA NC 385.55 NM 828/1998 -----------•-------Not Sampled Me to Presence of Free Product------------------- 63.90 72.70 8.80 NC 385.55 NM 324/1999 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 54.45 73.34 18.89 NC 385.55 NM 10115/1999 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- NM 58.45 0.00 NC 385.55 NM 3/7 ___________________Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product___________________ NM NM 0.O0 NC 385.55 NM 9/13/2000 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- NM NM 0.00 NC 385.55 NM 5192001 --------- ---------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------ NM NM 0.00 NC 385.55 NM t0AW001 --------------------Not Sampl ed Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 8722 6715 013 NC 385.55 NM Page 2 of 24 The Sown Groom INC. M -M Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ ETHYL- TOTAL MTSE HYDRO- GROUND- TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH TPHg BENZENE TOLUENE MTSE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO BENZENE XYLENES 8020or CARBON WATER I CASING BOTTOM (feet-bps) DATE 8015M 8260B' 62608' 82608' 8280B' 8280B' 62608 80218 PRODUCT WATER THICKNESS ELEVATON ELEVATION OF WF1L [Sample Depth) Units (mg1L) (feel-TOC)I(feet-TOC (feet) (feet-MSL) I (feet-AASL) (feet-TOC) MW-7 3/122002 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry_-____________________________ NA NM NA NA 385.55 NM (75-95) 10212002 ____________________________Not Sampled.Well Dry-_________-________________.__ NA DRY NA NA 385.55 94.55 (COminued) 3/312003 ____________________________Not Sampled_Well Dry-_____________________________ NA DRY NA NA 385.55 98.55 9222003 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry______________________________ NA DRY NA NA 385.55 93.54 _ 4/132004 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.55 93.70 982004 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 386.34 93.60 3/22/2005 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 388.34 93.70 9/142005 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA NM NA NA 386.34 93.70 31152006 ________________________________Not Sampled---------------------------------- NA 91.05 0.00 29529 386.34 93.62 9282008 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 78.72 86.10 7.38 NC 386.34 93.68 422007 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 71.40 79.85 8.45 NC 386.34 NM 10/72007 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 87.63 89.00 1.37 NC - 386.34 NM 3242008 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 93.38 93.42 0.04 NC 388.34 NM 9/152008 -------------------Nat Sampled-Insufficient Water------------------- NA DRY NA NC 386,34 93.70 31182009 -------------------Not Sampled-Insufficient Water------------------- NA 93.19"' NC NC 386.34 93.55 10!52009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wert Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 388.34 93.57 MW-8 3117/1997 •--------------•---Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 82.60 82.70 0.10 NC 388.83 NM (70-90) 6/11/1997 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- NM 78.62 0.00 310.01 388.63 NM 911911997 --------•----------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 8250 8265 0.15 NC 388.63 NM 12/12/1997 - 85 2.8 5.5 2.5 22 - :0.005 NA 74.80 0.00 313.83 388.63 NM 3/3/1998 - 110 2.2 5.0 3.0 24 - :0.005 NA 76.33 0.00 312.30 388.63 NM 82811998, - 68 I 0.405 I 5.58 2.61 21 - 0.222 NA 61.65 0.00 323.04 394.69 NM 312411999 -•-------------•---Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- NA 54.57 SHEEN 330.12 364.69 NM 10115/1999 6.0(C='11i1) 3.0 0.04 0.042 0.011 0.18 I :0.005 I 0.062 NA 56.92 0.00 327.77 384.69 NM 392000 5.7(COB-C76) 19 0.082 024 0.12 1.6 c0.025' NA 5926 0.00 328.92 388.18 NM 91152000 5.4(C08-C14) 14 0.018 0.0098 0.014 0.87 :0.805 0.026 NA 61.94 0.00 32624 388.18 NM 51192001 11(COB-C18) 14 0.14 0.0065 0.039 0.32 :0.02 0.069 NA 76.55 0.00 311.63 388.18 NM 1 0/812 0 01-' -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- NA- 87.87 0.00 300.31 388.18 91.20 31122002 -----------_----------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------_.._________ NA DRY NA NA 388.18 9121 10212002 ----------------•-----------Not Sampled-Wei)Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 388.18 89.75 3/312003 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 388.18 91.19 9222003 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry______________________________ NA DRY NA NA 388.18 91.12 4!132004 ---•------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 388.18 9120 982004 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 38924 92.10 31222005 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 389.24 92.10 9/142005 -----------_--------------------Not Sampled------------------------------__._ NA 98.86 0.00 298.38 389.24 92.10 3/152006 ________________________________Not Sampled------------------------------.... NA 6919 0.00 308.05 38914 92.10 10/62006 1.0(C10-C24) 0.81 :0.0005 :0.0005 0.0013 0.00070 :0.002 - NA 77.73 0.00 311.51 38924 92.10 4111/2007 <0.10(r-01 4) I %8' I :0.0005 :0.0005 :0.0005 I :0.0015 I :0.002 - NA 71.80 0.00 317.41 389.24 92.05 10152007 3.7(COB-C32) 0.85 :0.0005 0.00089 0.0027 0.00089 :0.002 - NA 88.51 0.00 300.73 369.24 91.16 3242808 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Insufficient Water------------------------------ NA 91.08 0.00 298.16 38924 9205 9/152008 ----------------------------Nat Sampled-Insufficient Water______________________________ NA DRY 0.00 NC 38924 92.10 3116/2009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Insufficient Water------._---------------------- NA 91.04"' 0.00 NC 38924 91.11 1082009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 38924 91.13 SE-MW4(R) 3117/1997 ----------------•--Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- NM 94.84 0.00 293.55 388.39 NM (60-125) 611111997 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- NM 85.59 0.00 302.80 388.39 NM 9119/1997 ----------•-•------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- NM 83.24 0.00 305.15 388.39 NM 1282/1997 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- NM NM 0.00 NC 388.39 NM 31V1998 ---•---------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- NM NM 0.00 NC 388.39 NM SIM1998 - I 3.2 I 0.745 I 0.033 I 0.136 I 0.072 I - I 0.021 NA 70.21 0.00 31B.08 38829 NM 3)14/1999 --•----------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- NM 62.88 0.00 325.43 38829 NM 1085/1999 5.1(COB-C26) 22 6.1 4/.05 013 <0.1 :0.05 c0.5' NA 62.47 0.00 325.82 38829 NM 3802000 15(COB-C32) 25 6A 0.90 :0.025 0.072 - :0.05' NA 83.41 0.00 304,68 36829 NM 9/152000 10(C06C24) 16 4.6 :0.025 1.0 :0.05 - :015' NA 6720 0.00 321.09 38829 NM 5/192001' 16(COB-C24) 8.1 12 :0.025 8.92 0.092 <0.02 0.53 NA 78.69 0.00 309,60 38829 NM 10112/2001 30(COB-C32) 9.7 1.8 <0.025 - 0.78 0.51 :0.01 :025 NA 89.94 0.00 298,35 38829 121.15 3/152002' 35(COB-C28) 15 20 4/.005 0.50 0.83 :0.02 - NA 93.72 0.00 294,57 38829 125.00 1021202 0 ------ -------- Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product-----------------•- TRACE 10281 0.00 285,48 38829 12515 Page 3 of 24 The SOmce Gf9llix Inc. Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Fortner Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ ET}fYL- TOTAL MTBE HYDRO- GROl1N0. TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE 7FPH TPHp 8F_NZENE I TOLUENE MTBE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO BENZENE XYLENES 8020 or CARBON WATER CASING BOTTOM (feet-bgs) DATE BMW 82608• 8280B• 82808• 82808' 82808' 82608 80218 PRODUCT WATE-R THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL [Sample Depth] Units: - (mg/L) (feet-TO() (feel-TOC) (feeU I (feel-MSL) (feet-MSL) (reel-TOC) SE-MW-9(R) 3/312003 --------- ---------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 104.42 104.44 0,02 NC 38829 NM (60-125) 9222003 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- TRACE 106.17 0.00 282.12 38829 120.85 (Cominueo 4/132004 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 104.99 105.00 0.01 NC 38829 NM 91812004 -------------------------Not Sampted-Well Inaccess ible------------------------- NA NM NA NA 386.64 NM 3/302005 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 117.86 117.94 0.08 NC 386.64 118.00 9/142005 -------------------------Not Sampled-Wep Inaccess ible------------------------- 117.86 110.75 0.08 NC 386.64 121.20 31152006 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 90.62 90.68 0.06 NC 386.64 118.00 9262006 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 94,77 85.47 0,70 NC 386.84 118.00 422007 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 68.52 68.60 0.08 NC 388.64 NM 10/12007 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 92.09 92.43 0.34 NC 386.64 NM 3242008 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 1D1.65 101.75 010 NC 386.64 NM 911812008 69(COB-C32) I 4.1 I -0.0005 I -0.0005 I <0.OWS I -0.0015 I 0.025 I - NA 114.97 D.DO 271.67 386.64 118.02 31182009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 386.64 12028 10/52009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 386.64 120.30 MW-10(R) 3/8/1998 10.051 - 0.0016 0,0035 -0.0005 0.0016 - -0.005 NA 101.76 0.00 285.21 386.97 NM (60-160) 8/11/1998 <0.051 - <0.0005 -0.0005 4.0005 <0.005 - -0.005 NA 92.65 0.00 294.32 386.97 NM 820/1996 - <0.05 0.0013 0.0028 0.0031 0.0017 - <0.005 NA 88.03 0.00 298.94 386.97 NM 11/8/1996 -0.05 -0.05 0.0046 1 0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 - -0.02 NA 81.81 0.DO 305.16 386.97 NM 3/20/1997 - 10.1 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.001 - <O.D2 NA 72.89 0.00 314.28 386.97 NM 811211997 - <0.1 <0.0005 1 0.0005 -0.0005 <O.D01 - -0.02 NA 68.97 0.00 318.00 386.97 NM 9119/1997 - 4.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 - -0.02 NA 65.85 0.00 321.12 385.97 NM 12/12/1997 - -0.05 1 0.0005 0.0018 <0.0005 0.0025 - 4005 NA 65.74 0.00 321.23 386.97 NM 3!311998 - -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 - -0.005 NA 64.21 0.00 322.76 386.97 NM 828/1998 - -0.05 -0.0005 0,00062 1 0.0005 <0,0005 - <0.005 NA 57.60 0.00 329.37 386.97 'NM 32411999 - <0.05 -0.0005_ -0.0005 -0.0005 0.00062 - -0.01 NA 51.54 0.00 335.43 386.97 NM 10/15/1999 4.2(COB-C44) -0.1 <O.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.001 - -0.005 NA 51.39 0.00 335.58 386.97 NM 3192000 4.2(CO6-C44) 4.1 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.001 - <0.005 NA 54.35 0.00 332.59 386.94 NM 9/142000 <1(C06-C44) 4.1 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 4.001 - -0.005 NA 56.47 0.00 330.47 386.94 NM 5/192001 <1(C06-C44) c0.1 <O.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.001 - -0.005 NA 72.56 0.00 314.38 386.94 NM 101122001 11(C06-C44) 10.1 <0.0D05 O.W42 10.0005 0,0024 - -0.005 NA 84.35 0,00 302.59 386.94 160.36 31132002 <0.1(C06-C44) 10.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <O.0015 -0.002 - NA 86.33 0.00 300.61 386.94 160.00 10222002 10.1(COB-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0D05 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 96.52 0.00 290.42 386.94 16026 411/2003 <0.1(C10-C72) -0.05 10.0005 <O.W05 -0.0005 <02015 -0.002 - NA 96.15 0.00 290.79 386.94 160.35 9232003 10.1(COB-C44) -0.05 4.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 94.71 0.00 29223 386.94 160.35 4282004 4.1(CO&C44) -0.05 1 0.0005 <0.0005 -O.ODDS -0.0015 0.0028 - NA 93.53 0.DO 293.41 386.94 160.50 9222004 10.1(CDS-C44) -0.05 0.0018 <0.OD05 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 102.72 0.00 285.46 388.18 160.60 3292005 10.1(C06-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 111.51 0.00 276.67 388.18 160.40 92112005 10.1(C06C44) -O.D5 -0.0005 10.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 95.97 0.00 29221 388AII 160.40 3202006 10.1(C08-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 10=5 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 82.39 0.00 305.79 388.18 160.40 10/62006 <0.10(CO6-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 4.002 - NA 71.77 0.00 316.41 388.18 106.41 4/112007 4.10(COB-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 66.40 0.00 321.78 388.18 160.37 10/52007 4.10(COB-C44) <0.05 4.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 85.13 0.0D 303.05 388.18 160.35 326/2008 -0.10(COB-C44) 4.05 <0.0005 <0.0D05 1 0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 96.38 0.00 291.8 388.18 160.40 9/192008 -0.10(COB-C44) 10.1 4.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 113.75 0.00 274.43 388.18 160.42 10192009 -0.10(COB-C44) 4-1 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 13621 0.00 251.97 388.18 160.45 MW-11 820/1998 - 11 026 0.018 0.034 0.31 - -0.01 NA 9238 0.00 291.99 384.35 -NM (72-102) 111811996 0(COBC12) 0.34 0.057 0.0043 0.010 0.068 - <,02 NA 86.78 0.00 297.57 384.35 NM 325/1997 - 2,a 0.13 0.023 0.017 0.30 - 0.037 NA 76.19 0.00 308.16 384.35 NM 6/1311997 - 1.9 0.03 -0.0005 0.0018 0.14 - 0.025 NA 72.66 0.00 311.89 384.35 NM 9119/1997 - 0.2 0.0011 0.0012 <0.0005 0.017 - 0.025 NA 70.35 0.00 314.00 384.35 NM 12112/1997 - 0.85 0.01 0.0043 0.0015 0.068 - -0.005 NA 69.98 0.00 314.37 384.35 NM 3/311998 - 3.7 0.34 1.0 0.066 0.51 - 4.005 NA 6822 0.00 316.13 394.35 NM 828/1998 - 4.0 0.394 0.818 0.093 0.561 - 0.002 NA 81.54 0.00 32281 384.35 NM 325/1999 - 0.06 0.0029 0.0043 0.0065 0.0099 - 10.01 NA 52.18 0,00 332.17 384.35 NM 10/1511999 10.2(COB-C44) 4.1 4.0005 4.0005 4.0005 -0.001 - -0.005 NA 54.72 0.00 329.63 384.35 NM 319/2000 42(COB-C44) 0.21 0.0055 0.004 0.011 0.022 - <0.W5 NA 5724 0.00 32724 384.48 NM 9/ (C06-C44) 4 000 <1(C0644) .1 4.0005 -0.0005 10=5 -0.001 - -0.005 NA 59.05 0.00 325.43 384.48 NM 5/192001` <7(COS-C44) 4.1 -0.0005 0.0018 4.0005 1 0.0018 -0.005 NA 74.45 0.00 310.03 384.48 104.16 Page 4 of 24. The Some Urea.Inc. Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL to/ ETHYL- TOTAL MTBE HYDRO GROUND- TOP OF, DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH TPHg BENZENE TOLUENE MTBE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO (feet-bps) DATE 8015M 82608' 82801- 82608' BENZENE XYLENES 82808 8020 or PRODUCT WATER CARBON WATER - CASING BOTTOM )Sample Depth) 8260B' SMB• 80218 THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL Units: (mg/L) (feet-TOC) (feet-TOC I (feet) I (feel-MSL) (feet-MSL) (feel-7pC) MW-11 10/132001 0.17(C22-C44) <0.1 '0.0005 :0.0005 '0.0005 '0.001 '0.002 0.0055 NA 86.18 0.00 298.30 384.48 104.14 (72-102) 3M 32002 <0.1(COB-C44) 0.091 0.005 0.0029 0.0012 0.007 '0.002 - NA 89.51 0.00 294.97. 384.48 104.16 (Continued) 10232002 32(C06-C76) 7.0 OA055 1.8 0.24 1.1 '0.002 - NA 96.09 0.00 286.39 384.48 104.45 4112003 0.037(COS 10) -0.05 -0.00115 '0.0005 '0.0005 '0.0015 -0.002 - NA 97.85 0.00 288.53 384.48 104.15 9232003 4.1(Cc-r '0.05 '0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 '0.002 - NA 96.47 0.00 288.01 384.48 104.14 4232004 4.1(COB-C44) -0.05 '0.0005 '0.0005 -0.0005 '0.0015 '0.002 - NA 95.66 0.00 288.82 384.48 10420 9/82004 ----------------------------Not Sampled-We0 pry______________________________ NA DRY NA NA 385.59 10420 3=005 ' ___________________________'Not Sampled-Well Dry-----------_------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.59 . 104.20 912005 <0.1(C06-C44) '0.05 -0.0005 <O.ODOS -MODOS 4.0015 <0.002 - NA 100.93 0.00 284.66 385.59 104-20 -3202008 <0.1(CO6-C44) 4.05 <0.0005 '0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 '0.002 - NA 88.74 0.00 298.85 385.59 104.20 1082006 0.10(COB-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.OD05 <0.0005 '0.0015 <0.002 - NA 75.26 0.00 310.33 385.59 104.20 4/102007 :0.10(COS-C44) '0.05 <0.0005 '0.0005 <O.0005 <0.0015 '0.002 - NA 68.66 0.00 318.93 385.59 104.15 10/52007 '0.10(C06-C44) 4.05 <0.D005 '0.0005 <0.0005 4.0015 <0.002 - NA 86.81 0.00 298.78 385.59 104.10 3282008 '0.10(CO6-C44) <0.05 '0.0005 4.0005 <0.0005 '0.0015 -0.002. - NA 97.00 0.00 288.59 385.59 104.15 9/152008 ____________________________Not Sampled-Insuftioierd Water------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 385.59 10422 31162009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry__________________f___________ NA DRY NA NC 385.59 104.15 10/52009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 385.59 104.17 MW-12 3/8/1998 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry----------------------------- NA DRY NA NA -386.27 NM (74-104) 6/11/1996 70(COS-Cl 1)5 - 17.0 9.3 2.1 11.0 - 4.005 NA 98.71 0.00 289,56 386.27 NM 8/20/1996 - 35 5.0 0.93 0.33 2.2 - '0.125 NA 9173 0.00 293,54 38827 NM 11/8/1996 5.4(C06-C16) Z 5.1 6.9 0.96 0.14 1.1 - <0.05 NA 86.81 0.00 299,46 388.27 NM 325/1997 - 1.8 0.21 0.017 0.00083 0.0069 - 0,041 NA 76.90 - 0.00 309,37 386.27 NM 6112!1997 - 1.8 0.12 MOM 0.0053 0.026 - 0.039 NA 72.81 0.00 313,46, 38627 NM 9119/1997 - 1.1 0,08 0.0021 -0.0005 0.06 - 0.039 NA 70.07 0.00 31620 38627 NM 12/12/1997 - 3.4 0.10 0.01 MOM 0.058 - <0.005 NA 69.46 0.00 316.81 388.27 NM 313/1998 - 5.0 0.28 0.63 0.042 0.32 - <0.005 NA 68.01 0.00 31526 383.27 NM 828/1998 - 4.3 0.484 0.221 0.107 0.502 - 0.049 NA 59.45 0.00 323.82 38327 NM 325/1999 - NA'2 NA NA NA NA - NA NA 52.52 0.00 330.75 38327 NM 10115/1999 <02(CO6-C44) 0.58 0.0021 0.0013 <0.0D05 0.0019 - <0.005 NA 55.07 0.00 328,20 38327 NM 3192000 -02(COB-C44) 0.58 0.0036 0.014 0.044 0.073 - <0.005 NA 57.60 0.00 329.32 385.92 NM 9/152000 <1(CO6-C44) <OA 0.0093 <0.0005 0.001 0.0013 - '0.005 NA 60.04 0.00 326,88 388.92 NM 51192001 <1(CO6-C44) <0.1 4.0005 4.0005 '0.0005 <0.001 - '0.005 NA 75.42 0.00 311,50 .386.92 NM 10/132001 <1(C06-C44) 55 '0.0005 0.00062 0.0036 0.0014 - '0.005 NA 86.64 0.00 300.28 386.92 106.65 3/142002 0.48(COB-C14) 1.3 DAD 0.0013 0.022 0.095 4.002 - NA 89.96 0.00 296.98 386.94 104.00 10232002 028(COS-C32) -0.05 '0.0005 0.0012 0.00089 0.006 <0.002 - NA 98.53 0.00 288,41 386.94 106,45 4112003 0.026(COS-C70) 4.05 -0.0005 4.0005 -0.00115 4.0015 '0.002 - NA 98.48 0.00 288.46 386.94 106.58 9232003 c 0.1(COB-C44) <0.05 4.0005 c 0.0005 4.0005 4.0015 4.002 - NA 97.19 0.00 289.75 386.94 106.58 4232004 <0.1(CO6-C44) 4.05 <O-DWS 4.0005 4.0005 <0.0015 4.002 - NA 96.28 0.00 290.66 386.94 106.70 91820134 ----------------------------Not sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 388.03 104.30 3222005 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 388.03 106.60 9/142005 --------------------------------Not Sampled-------------------------•-------- NA 100.48 0.00 287.55 388.03 106.60 31152006 -----_--------------------------Not Sampled-------------------------------___ NA 86.92 0.00 301.11 388.03 106.84 107612006 4.10( '0.05 '0.01105 '0.0005 '0.0005 '0.0015 '0.002 - NA 75.68 0.00 312.35 388.03 106.82 4/112007 4.10(CO6-C44) <0.05 '0.0005 <0.0005 '0.0005 :0.0015 4.002 - NA 69.50 0.00 318,53 388.03 106.57 10/5/2007 4.10(COS-C44) <0.05 4.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 '0.0015 <0.002 - NA 8728 0.00 300.75 388.03 106.55 32S2OOS 4.10(C06-C44) '0.05 4.0005 4.0005 4.0005 '0.0015 '0.002 - NA 97.74 0.00 290.29 388.03 108.59 9/152008 ----------------------------Not Sampled-InsuHiderd Wafer------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 388.03 106.63 3/162009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry______________________________ NA DRY NA NC 388.03 106.59 10/52009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry______________________________ NA DRY. NA NC 388.03 106.61 MW-13 11/8/1996 1.9(COS-C18) 0.78 0.010 0.0027 - 0.0031 0.0019 - 0.054 NA 103.88 0.00 281.61 385.49 NM (85-115) 320/1997 - 3.1 1.9 0.005 0.045 0.0051 - 0.19 NA 93.06 0.00 292.43 385.49 NM 6113/1997 - 4.6 2.4 .0088 0.036 0.0055 - 0.46 NA 89.19 0.00 296.30 385.49 NM 9911997 - 1.1 0.058 0.01 0.011 0.017 - 0.46 NA 86.74 0.00 298.75 385.49 NM 1211211997 - 0.12 0.0031 0.0011 0.0015 0.00096 - 0.77 NA 84.92 0.00 300.57 385.49 NM 3r4M998 - 1.0 0.51 0.0016 0.010 0.0011 - 0.32 NA 82.15 0.00 303.34 385.49 NM 828/1998 - 0.15 0.002 0.00055 4.005 4.005 - 0.218 NA 75.78 0.00 309.71 385.49 NM 324/1999 - 0.002 0.0029 11.00079 0.0012 0.0038 - 0.140 NA 87.40 0.00 318.09 385.49 NM 10/15/1999 42(COB-044) 0.55 0.0054 0.00084 0.0024 0.005 0.017 -NA 68.31 0.00 317.18 1 385.49 NM Page 5 of 24 The Soame Gmilk hm Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ ETHYL- TOTAL MME HYDRO• GROUND- TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH TPHg BENZENE TOLUENE MTBE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO (feet-Egs) DATE 8015M 82608' 82808' 82608' BENZENE XYLENES 62808 8020 of PRODUCT WATER CARBON WATER CASING BOTTOM [Sample Depth) 82608' 82808' 80218 THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL Units: (m9/-) (feet-TOC) (feet-TOC) (feet) I (feet-mw (feet-msL I(feel-TOC) MW-13 319/2000 0.63(COS-C15) 1.8 0.071 0.015 0.023 0.064 0.0089 0.01 NA 68.11 0.00 317.38 385.49 NM (85-115) 91152000 <1(COS-C44) 0.62 0.01 0.00059 -0.0005 0.0011 -0.005 0.0056 NA 71.83 0.00 313.66 385.49 NM (Continued) 5/182001 0.49(CO8-C12) 0.74 0.04 0.00075 0.00069 0.0013 0.0035 0.0082 NA 8227 0.00 30322 385.49 NM 10/132001 0.5(008-C24) 0.35 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.001 0.055 0.077 NA 92.94 0.00 292.55 385.49 111.95 31132002 0.41(COB-C16) 0,58 0.0014 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 0.032 - NA 96.25 0.00 28924 385.49 115.00 10232002 1.5(COB-C32) 0.56 -0.00175 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 0.0066 - NA 105.70 0.00 279.79 385.49 111.92 422003 0.51(COB-C22) 0.10 <0.0005 c0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 107.72 0.00 277.77 385.49 111.74 9242003 0.83(COS-C22) 015 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 0.01 - NA 109.53 0.00 275.96 385.49 111.94 423/2004 0.66(C0B-C18) 0.52 0.10 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0:0015 0.11 - NA 108.42 0.00 277.07 38SAII 112.00 9/82004 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry:----------------------------- NA DRY NA NA 386.70 111.80 3222005 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry-----------------._:------_.... NA DRY NA NA 388.70 111.80 9/142005 -------------------------Not Sampled-Wenl necoessitde------------------------- NA NM NA NA 386.70 111.80 3202006 0.56(COB-C2d) 0.10 0.00075 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 0.064 NA 100.42 0.00 286.28 386.70 117.65 10/42006 1.0(C10-CZ6) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 :0.0005 :0.0015 0.021 - NA 90.27 0.00 296.43 396.70 111.98 41102007 0.78(COB-C24) 0.080 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 0.024 - NA 82.55 0.00 304.15 386.70 111.94 1016/2007 -0.10(CO6-C44) -0.05 :0.0005 :0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 94.77 0.00 291.93 386.70 112.92 3272008 1.7(COB-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 0.00053 -0.0005 -0.0015 0.012 - NA 103.75 0.00 282.95 386.70 111.95 91152008 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Insufficient Water------------------------------ NA DRY 0.00 NC 386.70 111.99 31162009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY 0.00 NC 386.70 111.94 10/52009 ---------------------------Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------- NA DRY 0.00 NC 386.70 111.95 MW-14 11/8/1996 <0.05 -0.05 -0.0005 -<0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 - 0.120 NA 99.51 0.00 284.52 384.13 NM (80-120) 320/1997 - 10.1 0.0019 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.001 - 0.034 NA 88.37 0.D0 295.76 384.13 NM 6/13/1997 - -0.1 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 0.0031 - -0.02 NA 83.97 0.00 300.18 384.13 NM 9/19/1997 - 10.1 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 0.0017 - -0.02 NA 81.40 0.00 302.73 384.13 NM 12fl2f1997 -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 - 0.220 NA 79.35 0.00 304.76 384.13 NM 31311998 - -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.00059 - 0.07 NA 77.30 0.00 308.83 384.13 NM 6/2811998 <0.05 -0.0005 0.0005 <0.0005 0.00060 - <0.005 NA 70.93 0.00 31320 384.13 NM 32411999 -0.05 0.00057 -0,0003 0.00044 0.00160 - -0.10 NA 82.18 0.00 321,95 384.13 NM 10115/1999 102(CDS-C44) 10.1 0.0026 0.0019 -0.0005 0.0015 - -0.005 NA 63.33 0.00 320,80 384.13 NM 3192000 102(COB-C44) 10.1 -0.0005 -0.0005 0.00053 0.0013 - -0.005 NA 63.71 0.00 320.42 384.13 NM 9/152000 -1(COS-C44) 10.1 <0.0005 -0.0005 <O.0005 -0.001 - -0.005 NA 67.02 0.00 31711 384.13 NM 5/182001 -1(COB-C44) 10.1 -0.0005 0.0015 -M(1005 0.002 - -0.005 NA 75.06 0.00 306,07 384.13 NM 1 0/1 3 2 0 01 0(COB-C44) 10.1 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.001 -0.002 0.0081 NA 89.16 0.00 294.97 384.13 102.66 3/132002 10.1(C09-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 93.19 0.00 290.94 384.13 102.55 10/232002 2.6(COB-C24) 2.8 0.00083 0.0017 <0.0005 0.0014 0.003 - NA 100.00 0.00 284.13 384.13 102.55 422003- ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 384.13 102.65 9/222003 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 384.13 102.54 41132004 ------•---------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 384.13 102.70 91812004 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry______________________________ NA DRY NA NA 385.34 102.50 3222005 ------_--------_------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.34 102.70 91142005 ......_-------•.------------Not Sampled•Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.34 10270 3/152006 ________________________________Not Sampled---------------------------------- NA 101.05 0.00 28429 385.34 10280 10142006 -0.10(COB-G14) -0.05 -0.0005 - -0.0005 -0.0005 <OA015 <0.002 - NA 86.23 0.00 299.11 385.34 102.68 4/102007. 10.10(COB-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 :0.00115 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 78.75 0.00 308.59 385.34 10262 10/6/2007 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 89.82 0.00 295.52 385.34 102.63 327/2008 10.10(C06-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 0.00066 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 97.48 0.00 287.88 385.34 10264 9/15/2008 --------------------_-------Not Sampled-lnsu0ldent Water------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 385.34 102.68 - 3/162009 ---------------_--------_---Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------- NA DRY NA NC 385.34 10265 10/52009 ------_--------_--------____Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 385.34 1 102.67 MW-15 82011996 - 21 3.3 0.020 0.70 0.40 - -0.125 NA 97.04 0.00 288.13 .385.17 NM (2-92) 11/8/1996 13(COB-C18) 8.19 8.7 0.110 2.1 1.1 - -1 NA 91.68 0.00 293.51 385.17 NM 321/1997 - 5.5 028 0.013 0.18 02 - 0.081 NA 81.42 0.00 303.75 385.17 NM 6/1311997 - 17 8.1 0.028 -0.025 0.11 - <.25 NA 76.68 0.00 308.49 385.17 NM 9/19/1997 - 33 9.9 0.87 2.3 0.93 - 1.25 NA 74.18 0.00 310.99 385.17 NM 12112/1997 - 25 5.5 0.095 2.2 0.09 - -0.005 NA 73.67 0.00 311.50 385.17 NM 3!3/1998 - 22 3.5 0.050 2.3 0.075 - -0.005 NA 71.45 0.00 313.72 385.17 NM 82811998 - 13 127 0.010 229 0206 - 0.076 NA 62.40 0.00 322.77 385.17 NM 325/1999 4.4 0.15 0.025. 1.8 1 0.250 <0.40 NA 56.88 0.00 328.31 385.17 NM Pape 6 of 24 The SCUM GMUR lae. Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ ETHYL- TOTAL MTBE HYDRO- GROUND- TOP OF DEPTH TO DEPTH TO SCR(EE�I�VAL SAMPLE DATE !'�M 82608, BENZENE I TO826UOENE BENZENE 62608 62808'5 8 60B I 80218 PRODUCT[DEPTH WATER I TM(CRfQJESS I ELEVAONI ELEVATION BOTTOM 8020 [Sample Depth] UNts (MOIL) (feet-TOC) (feet-TOC) (feeD I (feel-MSU eet-MSL) I(feet-TOC) MW-15 10/15/1999 -0.2(COB-C44) 2.S 0.049 0.0014 0.1 0.0053 - 0.0075 NA 57.37 0.00 327.80 385.17 NM (72-92) 3/102000 1.0(CDS-C7B) 5.8 029 0.69 0.0018 -0.001 - -0.005 NA 59.66 0.00 325.51 385.17 NM (Continued) 9/152000 2.4(COB-C12) 10 0.26 -0.005 1.9 0.011 -0.005 0.049 NA 62.57 O.DD 322.60 385.17 NM 5/192001 5.6(COB-C7S0 14 10 0.0067 0.75 <0.005 -0.02 0.061 NA 75.75 0.00 309.42 385.17 NM 10/132001 3.7(C06-C18) 15 5.4 <10 0.57 0.059 -0.02 0.11 NA 86.63 O.OD 298.54 38517 107.00 31142002 2.4(CO6-C22) 21 4.5 0.015 0.051 0.022 -0.002 - NA 91.13 0.00 294.04 385.17 107.05 10242002 7.8(COS-C22) 16 7.8 0.075 -0.05 0.290 10.2 - NA 99.31 0.00 285.86 385.17 105.95 4212003 5.5(CD6-C26) 11 S.5 -0.025 <0.025 <0.075 10.1 - NA 100.15 0.00 285.02 385.17 107.05 9/252003 0.97(006-C18) 1.6 0.092 4.0005 0.0088 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 9924 0.00 285.93 385.17 107.03 4/232004 0.16(COB-C18) 0.27 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 98.19 0.00 286.98 385.17 107.10 9162004 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 386.43 107.10 3/22/2005 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry______________________________ NA DRY NA NA 386.43 107.10 9/1412005 ---------------------------•____Not Sampled---------------------------------- NA 105.14 O.DD 28129 386.43 107.20 3/1520D6 --------------------------------Not Sampled--------------------•------------- NA 90.66 0.00 295.77 36843 10720 10/52006 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 <OA02 - NA 7927 0.00 307.16 386.43 107.10 4/702007 -0.10(CO6-C44} -0.05 -0.0005 0.0018 10.0005 0.0039 -0.002 - NA 71.82 0.00 314.61 386.43 107.12 10/52007 5.8(COS-C32) 0.14 0.003 0.00054 0.0041 0.008 <0.002 - NA 87.87 0.00 298.56 386.43 107.00 328/2008 2.7(C08-C32) 0.061 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -O.DO2 - NA 97.72 0.00 288.71 386.43 107.15 9/152008 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Insufficient Water------------------------------ NA DRY 0.00 NC 386.43 107.12 31162009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Wen Dry--------------------•--------- NA DRY 0.00 NC 386.43 107.04 10/52009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY 0.00 NC 386.43 107.08 MW-16 812011996 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 104.90 109.93 5.03 NC 385.13 NM (78-108) 111811996 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 96.64 109.92 13.28 NC 385.13 NM 3117/1997 -------- ----------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 87.60 90.80 3.20 NC 385.13 NM 6/11/1997 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 79.80 89.49 9.69 NC 385.13 NM 911 SIM 997 - I 8.3 I 0.50 I 0.011 I 0.012 I 0.082 I - I - 75.35 75.48 0.13 NC 385.13 NM 12/12/1997 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- NM NM NA NC 385.13 NM 3/3/1998 .-------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------ 73.69 73.92 0.03 NC 385.13 NM 82811996 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 67.75 68.10 0.35 NC 355.13 NM 3124/1999 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 59.70 60.00 0.30 NC 385.13 NM 10/1511999 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 60.41 60.42 0.01 NC 385.13 NM 3172000 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 61.38 61.39 0.01 NC 385.13 NM 9/132000 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 64.37 64.60 0.23 NC 385.13 NM 5192001 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 76.08 76.10 0.02 NC 385.13 NM 10/82001 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 86.84 92.85 6.01 NC 385.13 NM 3/122002 -------------•-----Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 91.35 100.08 8.73 NC 385.13 NM 10232002 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 99.42 104.16 4.74 NC 385.13 NM 3/312003 --------•-•-----•--Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 103.15 107.53 4.35 NC 385.13 NM 9/222003 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 107.31 109.82 2.51 NC 385.13 NM 41132DD4 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 103.59 103.59 MOD 281.54 385.13 107.30 9162004 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.90 107.40 3222005 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.90 107.40 91142005 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.90 107.40 31152006 -•________________ -------------Nol Sampled---------------------------------- NA 96.02 SHEEN 289.88 385.90 107.40 9/262006 ----------------•--Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 82.70 84.64 1.94 NC 385.90 107.40 422007 ---------------------Nut Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product--------------------- 73.52 73.92 0.40 NC 38S.90 NM • 10/12007 ------------------•--Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product--------------------- 88.66 88.92 0.28 NC 385.90 NM 3242008 ---------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product--------------------- 100.67 105.05 4.38 NC 385.90 NM 9/152008 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 385.90 107.42 31182009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 385.90 107.38 10/52009 -------------------------- Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 385.9D 107.40 SE-MW-18(R) 32011997 - 0.74 0.15 0.00097 0.00051 0.092 - <0.02 NA 82.64 0,00 NC NS NM (60-125) 611311997 - 10.1 0.00051 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.001 - 10.02 NA 79.74 0,00 NC NS NM 9119/1997 - 0.11 0.001 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.007 - 10.02 NA 77.69 0,00 NC NS NM 12/12/1997 - 0.110 0.00078 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.00074 - <0.DD5 NA 75.79 0,00 NC NS NM 3/371998 - 0.15 -0.0005 -0.0005 0.001 0.0076 - -0.005 NA 73.02 0,00 NC NS NM 8/2811998 - 2.7 0.018 0.0031 0.292 0.730 - 0.0045 NA 66.04 0,00 NC NS NM 3/24/1999 3.4 0.012 0.0052 0.360 0.980 x.10 NA 57.41 O,OD NC NS NM Page 7 of 24 Th WIN GIVIER IOG Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ ETF11'L- TOTAL MTBE HYDR0. GROUN0. TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH TPHg BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLENES MTBE �� DEPTH TO DEPTH TO CARBON WATER CASING BOTTOM (feet-bgs) DATE 8015M 82606' 8260B' 82608• 82808• 82808' BZ60B 80216 PRODUCT WATER THI0104ESS ELEVATION ELEVATION I OF WELL (Sample Depth. Units: Rn91L) (feel-TOC) (feet-TOC) (feet) (feet-MSW Oeet-M% (feet-TOC SEl4W-18(R) 10/15/1999 0.35(CD8C12) 1.8 0.00081 0.0012 0.00081 0.011 - -0.005 NA 58.34 0.00 NC NS NM (60-125) 3192000 3.8(COB-C18) 5.3 0.0049 0.051 0.014 0.25 - -0.005 NA 59.20 0.00 323.75 38295 NM (Continued) 9/152000 1.1(C10-C14) 2.4 0.0013 -0.0005 0.0022 0.0016 - -0.005 NA 82.39 0.D0 320.56 382.95 NM 57182001" 3.3(COB-C14) 4.0 0.0055 0.001192 0.0021 0.0024 0.0028 0.012 NA 74.72 0.00 308.23 38295 121.08 10/132001 0.60(COB-CIS) 1.3 0.014 -0.0025 0.0097 0.0023 -0.002 0.014 NA 88.58 0.00 296.37 382.95 121.06 3/142002 027(C08-016) 2.5 0.21 0.0016 0.0028 0.0048 -0.002 - TRACE 90.33 0.00 292.52 382.95 121.08 10242002 12(COS-CIS) 1.3 0.35 0.11 0.029 0.1230 -0.004 - NA 9827 0.00 284.68 382.95 120.80 4212003 1.5(COB-C18) 2.3 4.3 0.001 0.0011 -0.0015 0.0027 - NA 100.37 0.00 28258 382.95 120.88 9242003 0.83(COS-C 18) 1.9 0.77 0.001 0.0026 0.003 -0.004 - NA 103.67 0.00 27928 382.95 12077 4292004 0.40(C08-C16) 2.0 0.11 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <O.002 - NA 100,84 0.00 28211 38295 120.80 9212004 <0.1(COB-C44) 1.5 0.23 -0.0005 0.0032 <O.0015 -0.002 - NA 110.13 0.00 272.82 383.54 120.10 3/302005 OAT(CO6-C74) 0.80 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 117,08 0.00 266.46 383.54 12010 9212005 0.39(C06-C16) 0.33 cO.O1105 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.01115 -0.002 - NA 11029 0.00 273.25 383.54 120.10 3212008 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 4.0005 <O.0015 -0.002 - NA 94,09 0.00 289.45 383.54 120.10 10142006 0.22(C16-C32) 4.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 4.0015 -0.002 NA 80,73 0.00 302.81 383.54 122.82 4812007 -0.10(COSC44) <O.05 <0.0005 <O.ODDS -0.0005' -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 71,85 0.00 311.69 383.54 122.85 101512007 <0.10(COB-C44) <0.05 <O,pp05 <O.0005 <0.0005 <0,0015 <0.002 - NA 87.32 0.00 29622 383.54 12229 3272008 0.048(COB-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 96.15 0.00 287.39 383.54 122.85 9/182008 020(COB-C44) 0.11 4.0005 <O.DOOS <0.0005 -0.0015 4.002 - NA 114.35 0.00 269.19 383.54 122.82 3/182009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 383.54 121.95 10152009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 383.54 121.97 MW-19 31911996 __________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry-------------------- NA DRY NA NA 383.48 NM (84-104) 6111119% 11(COS-C24)' - 10.0 0.22 0.55 0.17 - 4.005 NA 99.07 0.00 284.41 383.48 NM 82011996 - 10 0.25 0.030 0.030 0.30 - <0.125 NA 95.15 0.00 288.33 383.48 NM 11811996 14(COB-C20) - 9.5 1.8 0.040 0.48 1,5 - -0.02 NA 89.71 0.00 29377 383.48 M 32111997 - 3.8 0.45 0.0039 -0.0005 0.043 - 0.064 NA 79.16 0.00 304.32 383.48 NM 321/1997 Dup - 3.9 0.46 0.0041 4.0005 0.044 - 0.65 NA M 0.00 NC 383.48 NM 611311997 - 0.98 0.016 0.0014 <O.0005 -0.001 - 0.027 NA 74.81 0.00 308.67 383.48 NM 9/1911997 - 15 1.0 0.081 0.003 7.4 - 0.027 NA 72.52 0.00 310.95 383.48 NM 12/12/1997. - 45 1.2 0.070 2.9 14 - -0.005 NA 71.80 0.00 311.68 383.48 NM 3811998 - 21 0.47 -0.0005 1.2 5.4 - 4.005 NA 69.87 0.00 313.61 383.48 NM 812811998 - 29 0.366 0.023 213 7.76 - 0.049 NA 83.02 0.00 320.46 383.48 NM 325/1999 - 13 D.22 0.014 0.82 2.2 - -0,40 NA 55.48 0.00 328.00 383.48 NM 10/15/1999 1.8(COB-C14) 35 0.52 0.43 1.2 1.1 -0.05 -0.51 NA 56.36 0.00 327.12 38348 NM 31102000 3.9(CDB-CIS) 8.8 0.093 0.70 0.0017 D28 - <0,005 NA 58.45 0.00 . 325.03 383.48 NM 9/152000 2.1(C08-C12) 7.6 0.068 <0.0025 0.49 0.045 - -0.0251 NA 60.90 0.00 322.58 363.48 NM 5/192001 6.9(COB-C14) 10 0.15 -0.0025 0.97 <0.005 -0.02 0.044 NA NM 0.00 NC 383.48 104.00 101132001 0.61(CO8C44) 0.11 0.0027 20.0005 <0.0005 -0.001 - 4005 NA 86.09 0.00 297.39 383.48 104.00 31142002 2.1(C06-C20) 4.9 14 0.0089 0.014 0.0108 <0,002 - NA 89.64 0.00 NA 383.48 104.00 10242002 4.9(COB-C34) 28 13 0.12 <0.1 <0.3 <0.4 - NA 98.09 0.00 NA 383.48 103.85 4/32003 3.7(CD5-CM 14 6.0 -0.025 <0.025 <0.075 <0.1 - NA 98.68 0.00 NA 383.48 103.98 9252003 1.7(COB-C20) 3.4 0.18 4.0005 0.0082 0.0012 -0.002 - NA 97.93 0.00 285.55 383.48 103.95 4232004 0.31(COS-ClS) 0.39 <0.0005 I -0.0005 i -0.0005 I <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 96.73 0.00 286.75 383.48 104.00 982004 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry--------------------- -------- NA DRY NA NA 383.48 104.10 3222005 -------------_-----_________Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 383.48 104.00 9/142005 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 383.48 104.00 3115/2006 ________________________________Not Sampled__________________________________ NA 88.93 0.00 294.55 383.48 104.00 10/52008 <0.1(CO6-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0002 - NA 77.42 0.00 306.06 383.48 103.98 4/102007 025(C1UC16) 0.19 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0,002 - NA 70.16 0.00 313.32 383.48 103.95 1082007 0.88(CB-C32) <0.05 <O.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0,002 - NA 66.82 0.00 2%.66 383.48 103.93 3282008 1.53(C8-C32) 0.073 0.0028 -0.0005 0.00065 -0.0015 -0,002 - NA %.56 0.00 286.92 363.48 103.% 9/152008 -Not Sampled-Insufficient Water------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 383.48 103.99 31162009 ____________________________Not Sampled_Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 383.48 103.98 10/52009 _______________________I!_____Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC IJ 383.48 104.00 SE-MW-20(S) X820/1995 9((COS•24)° I 0.90 I 096 I 0.0018 c0.0005 00.0125 I .047 NA I 10275 0.00 2268.31.86 I 38263 ( M 11/811996 -1(COB-C10) 0.13 O.OD22 Page 8 of 24 The Seeree 61"a IOE. Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ ETHYL- TOTAL MTBE HYDRO- GROl1ND- TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH I TPHg I BENZENE I TOLUENE M111E I DEPTH TO DEPTH TO BENZENE XYLENES 8020 or CARBON WATER CASING BOTTOM (feet-lDe DATE 8015M 82608' 82608' 82608• 8260B' 82608' 82608 80218 PRODUCT WATER THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL [Sample Depth] Units: (mgly - (feet-TOC)I(feel-TOC) (feet) (feet-MSL) (feeFMSy (feet-TOC) SE-MW-20(S) 3/21/1997 - 4.6 2.2 0.0082 0.54 0.018 - 0.24 NA 92.08 0.00 290.55 382.63 NM (77-137) 6/12/1997 - 3.9 1.1 -0.0005 0.15 0.0073 - -0.05 NA 88.20 0.00 294.43 382.63 NM (Contlnued) 9/19/1997 - 9.5 1.9 0.022 0.052 0.05 - 10.05 NA 85.97 0.00 296.66 382.63 NM 12112/1997 - 7.9 1.6 0.0048 0.65 0.039 - 0.14 NA 84.20 0.00 298.43 382.63 NM 3/3/1998 - 51 1.3 0.012 0.51 0.029 - 0.15 NA 80.76 0.00 301.87 382.63 NM 828/1998 - 4.3 0.658 0.010 0.090 0.215 - 0.166 NA 74.78 0.00 307.87 3.2.63 NM 32411999 - 3.3 0,43 -0.006 0.058 0.014 - -0.20 NA 66.15 0.00 316.48 382.63 NM 10/15/1999 102(COB-C44) 2.0 0.20 0.0034 0.019 0.0048 0.018 0.019 NA 77.11 0.00 305.52 382.63 NM 31812000 1-1(COS-CIS) 3.6 8.76 0.049 0.036 0.063 0.049 0.04 NA 66.77 0.00 315.86 382.63 NM 9/142000 <1(CO6-044) 2.9 0.56 0.0065 10.0025 <0.005 0.042 0.076 NA 69.87 0.00 31276 382.63 NM 5/182001 <1(CO6-C44) 10.1 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.001 - -0.005 NA 80.50 0.00 30213 382.63 NM 101122001 <1(COOL-C44) 10.1 0.00053 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 - - -0.005 NA 90.44 0.00 292.19 382.63 13277 3113/2002 0.46(CID-CIS) 1.1 0.035 0.0021 0.0011 0.0057 0.012 - NA 94.03 0.00 288.6 38263 137.00 10222002 0.66(CO6-C22) 0.46 0.0086 '0.0005 0.00083 <0.0015 0.300 - NA 103.98 0.00 278.73 382.63 132.62 4/12003 0.90(COS C26) 0.79 0.003 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 8.37 - NA 105.95 0.00 276.68 382.63 13269 91242003 - 1.1(CO6-C20) 12 0.48 -ODDO5 <O.D005 <0.0015 0.22 - NA 108.15 0.00 274.48 382.63 132.63 4292004 1.8(C06-C20) 4.6 1.5 -0.005 0.084 <0.0015 0.36 - NA 106.90 0.00 275.73 382.63 133.10 9222DD4 22(COOL-C20) 2.5 0.39 -0.0025 -0.0025 <D.0D75 0.21 - NA 112.37 0.00 271.48 383.85 133,30 3/312005 1.3(CDS-C18) 6.1 1.5 -0.0025 -0.0025 -0.0075 0.72 - NA 119.12 0.00 264.73 383.85 133.00 9212005 2.7(CO8-C34) 0.083 -0,0005 '0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.067 - NA 114.87 0.00 268.98 383.85 133.00 3202006 0.80(CO8-C28) 0.86 0,032 <O.ODO5 0.0076 -0.0015 0.035 - NA 104.48 0.00 279.37 383.85 133.00 10/52006 0.65(CfO-C24) 5.7 0,018 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 0.016 - NA 89.48 0.00 294.37 383.85 133.02 4/52007 026(COS-Ci6) 12 <0,0DO5 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.005 - NA 81.26 0.00 302.59 383.85 132.98 10182007 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 <0.0005- -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 92.78 0.00 291.07 383.85 132.87 3/272008 <0.10(CO6-C44) -0.05 <O.OD05 0.00077 -0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 98.82 0.00 285.03 383,85 -132.96 9/182008 0.16 (CO6-c") 0.1 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 '0.0015 0.048 - NA 115.62 0.00 268.23 383.85 133.04 3202009 0.85(COB-C44) 0.15 0.00081 -0.0005 <0.0005 0.00267 0.038 - NA 127.45 8.00 256.4 383.85 132.96 10/5/2009 ---------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 383.85 133.98 SE-MW-20(D) 3/8/1996 -0.055 - 0.0018 0.0010 <0.0005 0.0022 - -0.005 NA 125.75 0.00 257.81 383.56 NM (144-184) 6111/1998 - - 0.0017 0.00032 0.0014 0.0020 - 0.016 NA 124.56 0.00 259.00 383.56 NM 82011996 < - 2.6 <0.0005 '0.0005 10.0005 <0.0005 - -0.005 NA 117.86 0.80 265.70 383.56 NM 11/8/1998 11(COB-Ci2) 0.38 0.15 0.0029 0.0031 0.0024 - -0.02 NA 110.19 0.00 273.37 383.56 NM 321/1997 - 1.9 0.62 0.004 0.11 0.0091 - <0.02 NA 100.80 0.00 282.96 383.56 NM 611211997 - 6.5 1.7 0.0073 0.46 0.012 0.18 NA 98.89 0.00 284.67 383.56 NM 9/19/1997 - 1.3 0.47 0.011 0.0024 0.009 - 0.18 NA 99.49 0.00 284.07 383.56 NM 12/1711997 - 8.7 2.5 0.0039 0.092 0.017 - <0.005 NA 92.83 0.08 290.73 383.56 NM 313!1998 - 6.9 1.8 0.0048 0.094 0.012 - -0.005 ,NA 89.35 O.OD 294.21 383.56 NM 828/1998 - 4.8 0.529 0.011 0.104 0.017 - 0.059 NA 84.60 0.00 298.96 383.56 NM. 3/2411999 - 0.77 0.130 - 0.004 0.053 0.0086 - -0.050 NA 75.43 0.00 308.13 383.56 NM 1011511999 102(CO6-C44) 1.3 0.07 0.002 0.0014 0.0037 -0.005 -0.005 NA 67.15 8.00 316.41 383.56 NM 318/2000 102(C06-C44) 1.8 021 0.017 0.0027 0.0019 <0.005 0.011 NA 74.73 0.00 308.83 383.56 NM 91142000 <1(COB-C44) 2.8 0.32 0.0021 <0.0005 0.005 <0.005 0.043 NA 8020 0.00 303.36 383.56 NM 5/182001 0.50(C10-C14) 1.5 0.079 0.0017 -00005 0.0017 0.0025 0.014 NA 88.99 0.00 294.57 383.56 NM 10/132001 0.22(COB-C44) 0.39 0.0057 10.0005 10.0005 0.0812 0.0038 0.013 NA 98.33 0.00 28523 383.56 184.37 3/132002 11(CO&C16) 11 1.7 0.0078 0.0064 0.0306 0.0032 - NA 100.48 0.00 283.08 383.56 164.08 10232DO2 2,3(COB-C24) 9 4.5 024 0.059 0.30 0.17 - NA 110.11 0.00 273.45 383.56 184.30 4r2J2003 1.6(COB-C22) 5.8 2.1 0.013 0.012 -0.03 -0.04 - NA 111.21 0.00 272.35. 383.56 184.45 9242003 0.97(CO6-C78) 5.0 24 0.0074 0.027 0.0234 0.031 - NA 114.55 0.00 269.01 383.56 184.41 4292004 027(CD6-C78) 023 0.17 0.00073 <0.0005 0.0051 0.020 - NA 113.7 0.00 269.86 383.56 184.50 - - 9/222004 0.90(CO8-Ci 8) 210 0.59 0.0019 -0.0005 0.0043 0.014 - NA 119.81 0.00 264.97 384.78 184.60 3730/2005 0.13(COB-CIS) 0.18 0.012 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 0.013 - NA 123.59 0.00 261.19 384.78 184.60 9212005 1.4(COB-C22) 4.7 0.47 0.0018 10.0005 0.06217 0.15 - NA 118.87 0.00 265.91 384.78 184.80 3202006 0.88(C06-C32) 12 0.013 <O.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 0.030 - NA 99.03 0.00 285.75 384.78 184.60 10752006 0.18(C10-C24) 12 0.0017 0.0013 '0.0005 -0.0015 0.013 - NA 96.68 0.00 288.10 384.78 184.60 4/52007 0-40(COS-CIS) 1.8 0.0030 -0.0005 <0.0005 <O.DOIS 0.098 - NA 89.40 0.00 295.38 384.78 184.55 10/6 87 -0.22(COS-C76) 0.75 <O.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.082 - NA 100.44 0.00 284.34 384.79 164.42 3272008 0.076(C06-C75) -0,05 -0.0005 0.00054 N.0005 -0.0015 0.056 NA 107.32 0.00 277.46 384.78 184.60 Page 9 Of 24 The Source Groom Inc. -rr r r r r� r r� -r� -ir �r -r rr -r r r r rr r ■r Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. FormerSuniand Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ ETHVL- TOTAL MTBE HYDRO- GROUND- TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREENINTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH I TPHg BENZENE TOLUENE MTBE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO (feet-bgs) DATE BDtSM 82608• 82808• g26Og• BENZENE XYLENES 826013 8020 PRODUCT WATER CARBON WATER CASING BOTTOM [Sample Depth] 82608• 82608' 80218 THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL UnBZ (myy Qeet-TOC) (feet-TOC (feet) I (f--MSta (feel-(SL) 1(feet-TOC) SE-MW-20(0) 9/182008 0.38(C06-C16) 0.74 0.019 10.0005 <o.0005 W.0015 0.062 - NA 121.58 0.00 263.2 384.78 184.62 (144-184) 3202009 0.56(Cos-C16) 1.7 1.1 0.0031 0.0016 0.00267 0.068 - NA 131.46 0.00 253.32 384.78 184.52 (Continued) 10/8/2809 0.26(COB-C26) 10.1 0.0017 10.0005 <0-0005 10.0015 0.0055 - NA 141.13 0.00 243.55 384.78 I 184.54 SE-MW-21 3/811996 10.051 - 10.0005 10.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 - -0.005 NA 105.64 0.00 278.59 385.23 NM (57-182) 6/11/1998 10.051 - 10.0005 10.0005 10.0005 10.0005 - 10.005 NA 98.12 0.00 287.11 38523 NM 82011998 - 10.05 -0.0005 10.0005 10.0005 10.0005 - -0.005 NA 94.40 0.00 290.83 38523 NM 11/811996 10.05 10.05 <0.0005 10.0005 10.0005 10.0005 - 10.02 NA 88.80 0.00 296.43 385.23 NM 321/1997 - 10.1 10.0005 10.0005 -0.0005 10.001 - <0.02 NA 78.48 0.00 306.77 38523 NM 811211997 - 10.1 <0.0W5 10.0005 10.0005 10.001 - <0.02 NA 75.18 0.00 310.05 385.23 NM 9/19/1997 - <0.1 <0.0005 10.0005 10.WO5 <O.001 - <0.02 NA 73.39 0.00 311.84 38523 NM 12/1211997 - 10.05 10.0005 4.0005 <O.0005 10.0005 - 10.085 NA 73.00 0.00 31223 38523 NM 3/3/1998 - 10.05 10.0005 10.0005 10.0005 10.0005 - 10.005 NA 71.42 0.00 313.81 385.23 NM 828/1998 - 10.05 <0.0005 0.00856 <0.0005 10.0005 - 10.005 NA 64.59 0.00 320.64 385.23 NM 324/1999 - <0.05 '0.0005 10.0003 10.0005 <0.000s - <0.010 NA 56.98 0.00 32825 385.23 NM 10/15/1999 10.2(COB-C44). 10.1 10.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 10.001 -0.005 0.0076 NA 58.38 0.00 326.85 385.23 NM 3/812000 102(C06-C44) 10.1 10.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 10.001 10.005 0.0072 NA 6128 0.00 324.17 385.23 NM 9/142000 <1(COB-C44) 10.1 .0.0005 <O.0005 10.0005 10.001 - <0.005 NA 63.07 0.00 32216 385.23 NM 5/172001 <7(COS-C44) <0.I 10.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 - <0.005 NA 77.91 0.00 307.32 38523 176.53 10/122001 <7(CO6•C44) <0.1 <0.0005 10.0005 <0.0005 10.001 - 10.005 NA 89.68 0.00 295,57 385.23 176.40 3113/2002 10.10(COB-C44) 0.074 10.0005 0.00061 -0.0005 -0.0015 10.002 - NA 9215 0.00 292,48 38523 176.53 10212002 10.10(C08-C44) 10.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 10.0005 <0.0015 10.002 - NA 101.75 0.00 283.48 38523 176.55 422003 10.10(COS-C44) 10.05 10.0005 10.0005 10.0005 <0.0005 <0.002 NA 101.31 0.00 283.92 385.23 176.36 923/2003 10.10(COB-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 10.0005 10.0005 <0.0005 -0.002 - NA 99.85 0.00 285.38 385.23 178.30 4292004 10.10(C08-G44) <0.05 <O.0005 10.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 98.93 0.00 286.30 38523 178.30 923/2004 10.10(CO6-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 0.0037 0.0023 0.0137 10.002 - NA 107.86 0.00 278.58 386.44 178.00 3292005 10.10(COB-C44) 0.10 0-00071 0.0020 0.00081 0.0023 <0.002 - NA 116.57 0.00 269.87 388.44 177.80 9212005 10.10(COB-C44) 10.05 10.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 104.93 0.00 281.51 386.44 177.80 3212006 10.10(COS-C44) 10.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 89.70 0.00 296.74 386.44 177.80 10152006 10.10(COS-C44) 10.05 10.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 10.002 - NA 78.35 0.00 308.09 386.44 177.80 4/52007 10.10(C06-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 :0.0005 10.0005 10.0015 10.002 - NA 71.15 0.00 31529 388.44 177.75 10/62007 10.10(COB-C44) 10.05 10.0005 10.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 10.002 - NA 89.93 0.00 296.51 388.44 179.88 3272008 10.10(CO6-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 10.0005 10.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 100.05 0.00 286.39 388.44 177.76 911SM08 10.10(COB-C44) 10.01 10.0005 10.0005 <0.0005 10.0015 <0.002 - NA 118.50 0.00 267.94 388.44 177.82 3202009 10.10(COB-C44) 10.01 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 130.52 0.00 255.92 388.44 177.73 10/82009 10.10(CIS-C26) <0.01 10.0005 10.0005 <0.OWS -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 142.89 0.00 243.55 386.44 177.75 SE-MIN-22 3871996 10.055 - <0.0005 <0.0005 10.0005 10.0005 - 10.005 NA 98.12 0.00 290.40 388.52 NM (60-180) 6/11/1996 <0.055 - <0.0005 <0.0W5 <0.0005 10.0005 - <0.005 NA 89.97 0.00 298.55 388.52 NM 820/1996 - 10.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 - -0.005 NA 86.45 0.00 302.07 388.52 NM 11/811996 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 - <0.02• NA 60.95 0.00 307.57 388.52 NM 3/19/1997 - 10.1 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 '0.001 - '0.02 NA 71.70 0.00 316.82 388.52 NM 611311997 - <0.1 '0.0005 -0.0005 10.0005 <0.001 - <0-02 NA 68.63 O.00 319.89 388.52 NM 911911997 - -0.1 <0.0005 10.0005 10.0085 <0.001 - <0.02 NA 6622 0.00 32230 388.52 NM 1211211997 - 10.05 <0.0W5 <0.0005 <O.0005 <0.0005 - <0-005 NA 67.00 0.00 321.52 388.52 NM 38/1998 - 10.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 10.0005 -0.0005 - <0.005 NA 65.22 0.00 323.30 388.52 NM 828/1998 - 0.12 0.0005 0.00061 0.00082 0.0042 - 0.0011 NA 58.45 0.00 330.07 388.52 NM 324/1999 - 10.05 -0.0005 10.0003 <0,0003 <0A006 - <0.010 NA 52.53 0.00 335.99 388.52 NM 10115/1999 102(COB-C44) 10.1 <0.0005 -0.0005 10.0005 10.001 - 10.005 NA 52.86 0.00 335.86 388.52 NM 3172000 102(COB-C44) <0.1 10.0005 -0.0005 10.0085 10.001 - -0.005 NA 5729 0.00 331.23 388.52 NM 9/142000 <1(COS-C44) 10.1 <0.0005 10.0005 <0.0605 10.001 - c0.005 NA 58.34 0.00 330.18 388.52 NM 51172001 <1(C08-C44) 101 10.0005 10.0005 <0.0005 10.001 - -0.005 NA 7627 0.00 31225 388.52 172.32 10/112001 0(COS-C44) 10.1 _ 10.0005 N.Oms c0.0005 10.001 0.024 0.0064 NA 87.40 0.00 301.12 388.52 172.25 WIWI 02 -0.10(C06-C44) 10.05 <O.0005 6.00092 c0.0005 10.0015 10.02 - NA B9.8 0.00 298.72 388.52 17232 1021/2002 10.10(COB-C44) 10.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 10.0015 -0.002 - NA 98.67 0.00 289.85 388.52 172.35 4212003 10.10(COBL44) 0.1 0.013 0.031 0.0035 0.021 10.002 - NA 96.61 0.00 291.91 388.52 171.98 9262003 10.10(C08-C44) 10.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 10.0015 -0.002 - NA 9131 0.00 29621 388.52 172.06 4292004 10.10(CO6-C44) 10.05 <0-0005 <0.0005 <0-0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 93.35 0.00 295.17 388.52 172.30 9242004 10.10(COB-C44) 0.090 10.0005 0.0030 0.0019 0.0104 10.002 - NA 103.80 0.00 286.02 389.82 175.50 3/302005 -0.10(C06.044) 10.05 :0.0005 0.0014 10.0005 0.00272 10.002 NA 112.36 0.00 277.46 389.82 175.50 Page 10 of 24 The Seame group,enL Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ ETHYL- TOTAL MTBE HYDRO- GROUND- TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH TPHg BENZENE TOLUENE MTBE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO BENZENE XYLENES 8020 of CARBON WATER CASING BOTTOM (feet-bps) DATE 8015M 82808• 82608• 8280B• 82808• 82608• 82808 80218 PRODUCT WATER THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL [Sample Depth] Units: ( ) (feet-TOC)I(feel-TOC)I (feet) (feet-MSL) I (feel-MSL) (feet-TOC) SE4M-22 9212005 -0.10(C08-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 96.68 0.00 293.14 389.82 175.50 (60-180) 3222006 -0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 82.81 0.00 307.01 389.82 175.50 (Continued) IDWO08 -0.10(COS-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 71.42 0.00 318.40 369.82 175.50 41112007 <0.10(CO6-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 66.72 0.00 323.10 389.82 174.82 10/52007 -0.10(COS-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 87.98 0.00 301.84 389.82 174.82 3282008 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 98.72 0.00 291,1 389.82 174.85 9/192008 <0.10(CO6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 116.91 0.00 272.91 389.82 NM 3/192009 -0.10(CDS-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <O.OWS -0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 129.36 0.00 260.46 389.82 174.78 70/92009 <0.10(C06-G4) <0.1 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 141.58 0.00 248.24 389.82 174.80 SE4M-23(S) 3/8/1998 120(CO5-C14)° - 42.0 60.0 3.2 20.0 - 0.31 NA 106.41 0.00 278.43 384.84 NM (50-130) 6/11/1996 150(CO5-C72)5 - 41.0 55.0 2.9 18.0 - -0.005 NA 97.34 0.00 287.50 384.84 NM 82011996 - 22 28 38 2.2 13 - <0.005 NA 93.58 0.00 291.26 364.84 NM 71/8/1996 62(COS-C16) 9.7 40 49 2.9 17 - <0,5 NA 87.74 0.00 297.10 384.84 NM 32511997 - 28 6.6 8.2 0.27 3.7 - <0.02 NA 77.70 0.00 307.14 384.84 NM 6/1311997 - 130 31 53 25 20.0 - -0.05 NA 73.43 0.00 311.41 384.84 NM 9/1911997 - 150 15 26 1.6 11 - -0.05 NA 73.80 0.00 311.04 384.84 NM 1211211997 - 160 22 43 2.2 17 - <0.005 NA 70.27 0.00 314.57 384.84 NM 3/3/1998 - 190 19 55 3.3 21 - -0.005 NA 68.40 0.00 316.44 384.84 NM 82811998 - 171 22.1 41.9 3.31 18.9 - -0.400 NA 61.85 0.00 321.72 383.57 NM 325/1999 - 48 8.5 1.6 3.40 7.0 - <2.0 NA 52.07 0.00 331.50 383.57 NM 10/15/1999 6.7(COB-C14) 59 2.6 3.1 3.2 11 -0.05 <0.5' NA 56.28 0.00 327.29 383.57 NM 3/92000 10(COB-C14) 59 0.40 1.4 13 7.4 - -0.5' NA 60.78 0.00 325.64 386.42 NM 9/152000 10(CO8-C12) 42 0.24 0.17 0.56 11 - -0.5' NA 63.92 0.00 322.50 366.42 NM 51192001 62(COS-C10) 110 5.8 37 3.0 15 0.016 <0.25 NA 75.60 0.00 310.82 386.42 NM 101122001 2.7(C08-C14) 70 1.2 29 1.9 11 0.016 -0.25 NA 87.28 0.00 299.14 386.42 131.53 31152002' 45(COS-C114) 140 0.24 16 2.5 17 <0.2 - NA 90.70 0.00 295.82 386.52 132.00 10232002 25(C06-C16) 40 0.016 1.6 1.4 5.4 <0.002 - NA 9923 0.00 287.29 386.52 132.40 101232002 Dup - 40 0.016 1.4. 1.4 5.4 -0.002 - NA 98.53 0.00 287.99 386.52 132.40 04/01103 30(C06-C20) 16 0.0052 0.008 0.31 3.4 -0.02 - NA 99.33 0.00 287.19 386.52 131.53 9252003 40(COS-C22) 31 0.031 0.029 1.4 9.4 <0.02 - NA 98.31 0.00 288.21 386.52 131.04 4282004 35(COB-C20) 30 0.052 <0.01 0.67 5.28 -0.04 - NA 97.40 0.00 289.12 386.52 130.50 9232004 6.8(C066C18) 11 -0.005 0.0087 0.96 1.105 -0.020 - NA 105.24 0.00 28234 387.58 130.60 31312005 2.2(CDS-C/8) 4.1 -0.005 <0.005 0.33 0.110 -0.020 - NA 114.68 0.00 272.90 387.58 130.60 9212005 10(CD6-C26) 10 0.013 -0.0025 0.31 0.194 -0.01 - NA 102.36 0.00 285.22 387.58 130.60 3272008 14(C06-C32) 18 0.015 0.0039 0.40 0.754 <0.002 - NA 88.89 0.00 298.89 387.58 130.60 10/62006 19(COS-C32) 4.5 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 0.0191 <0.002 - NA 77.22 0.00 310.36 387.58 130.60 4/102007 0.37(COS-C22) 0.050 -0.0005 <O.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 71.21 0.00 316.37 387.58 130.72 10/52007 8.5(COS-C26) 3.1 0.0021 0.0016 0.022 0.068 -0.002 - NA -06 0.00 299.52 387.58 130.10 3282008 13.2(COS-C26) 18 <D.0005 0.00085 0.22 0.67 --0.002 - NA 98.18 0.00 289.4 387.58 130.75 9/192008 1.1(C0S-C26) 0.36 0.0018 -0.0005 0.065 0.00056 <0.002 - NA 115.33 0.00 27215 387.58 130.61 3/192009 1.5(COS-C28) 1.0 0.0052 0.00072 0.027 0.00226 -0.002 - NA 127.42 0.00 260.16 387.56 130.70 10/52009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 387.58 130.72 SE-MW-23(D) 3/8/1998 13.0(C05-012)5 - 2.0 2.0 0.40 1.2 - 0.07 NA 108.54 0.00 276.30 364.84 NM (160-165) 6/11/1996 14.0(CO5-C12)5 - 3.4 2.7 0.38 NO - -0.005 NA 100.45 0.00 28439 384.84 NM 620/1998 - 30 4.3 4.0 0.43 2.0 - -0.125 NA 96.58 0.00 28816 384.84 NM 1101996 9.8(COB-C14) 9.7 5.4 4.0 0.53 2.0 - <0.05 NA 90.41 0.00 294.43 384.84 NM 32511997 - 150 30 48 2.5 17 - 0.059 NA 80.14 0.00 3D4,70 384.84 NM 6/13/1997 - 47 12 18 0.36 6.4 - 0.053 NA 76.28 0.00 308,56 384.84 NM 9/19/1997 - 140 21 40 3.2 21 - 0.053 NA 70.80 0.00 314,04 384.84 NM 12/12/1997 - 81 11 23 1.4 8.8 - <O.005 NA 72.92 0.00 311,92 384.64 NM 3/317998 - 120 12 30 2.0 12 - <0.005 NA 70.70 0.00 314.14 384.84 NM 828/1998 - 59 3.95 15.5 121 9.56 - -0100 NA 64.45 0.00 319,03 383.48 NM 325/1999 - 75 5.4 29 1.8 12 - <10 NA 56.85 0.00 326,63 383.48 NM 10/15/1999 4.9(COS-C72) 3.0 1.7 0.68 0.58 7.0 -0.05 <0.5' NA 58.90 0.00 324,58 383.48 NM 319/2000 11(COS-C32) 62 3.1 24 2.2 11 - <0.5' NA 58.32 0.00 32820 386.52 NM 9/152000 12(CO8-C16) 37 1.4 -0.05 1.1 1.7 - <0.5' NA 60.62 0.00 325.90 386.52 NM 51192001 65(COS-Cl 0) 92 4.7 38 2.8 15 -0.02 0.053 NA 77.66 0.00 308.86 386.52 162.50 10/132007 30(CO6-C76) 700 0.72 35 32 21- -0.02 <0.5 NA 88.67 0.00 297,91 386.52 16268 Page 11 of 24 The Some 6feGR 118f Iwo M M M M M 601 Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ ETHYL- TOTAL MTBE HYDR0. GROUND- TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH I TPHg BENZENE TOLUENE MTBE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO BENZENE XYLENES 8020 or CARBON WATER CASING BOTTOM (feet DATE 8015M 82608• 82606• 82608• 82808• 8280B• 82608 80218 PRODUCT WATER THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL [Sample Depth] Units: (m9/L) (feet-TOC)I(feet-TOC)I (feet) I (feet-MSL) I (feet-MSL) I(feet-TOC) SE-MW-23(0) 31152002 23(C06-C18) 2.8 0.082 0.0019 0.0012 0.0051 0.0052 - NA 91.77 0.00 294.66 386.43 162.50 (160-165) 10232002 50(COB-C36) 20 0.094 55 3.1 19 0.0020 - NA 100.44 0.00 285.99 386.43 162.70 (Continued) 4/12003 79(COB-C16) 90 -0.05 27 1.7 13.7. <0.2 - NA 100.61 0.00 285.82 386.43 162.80 92512003 25(CO6-C28) 38 <0.05 12 1.5 8.7 <0.2 23 NA 100.44 0.00 285.99 386.43 163.03 41282004 16(COG-C20) 20 0.034 1.2 0.65 0.305 -0,01 - NA 99.55 0.00 286.88 386.43 162.80 9232004 48(CO6-C16) 98 0.015 20 2.7 16.6 <0.010 - NA 106.99 0.00 280.5 387.49 162.90 3/312005 11(CO8-C14) 36 0.092 0.12 0.72 9.2 <0.2 - NA 115.39 0.00 272.10 387.49 162.90 9212005 7.3(CO8-C26) 14 -0.005 0.11 0.80 2.4 -0.02 - NA 103.67, 0.00 283.82 387.49 162.90 3212006 72(C06-C32) 7.8 <0.005 0.13 0.25 0.366 <0.02 - NA 90.38 0.00 297.11 387.49 162.90 10/62006 9.5(C06-C28) 16 0.0080 0.12 1.0 0.460 -0.01 - NA 79.33 0.00 308.16 387.49 162.90 4/102007 3.8(CO8-C26) 2.6 0.0010 0.0034 0.014 0.0461 -0.002 - NA 73.81 0.00 313.68 387.49 162.94 10/52007 11(COSC26) 30 0.0087 2 0.65 2.94 <0.01 - NA 89.87 0.00 297.62 387.49 162.42 3282008 142(CO6-C26) 17 -0.01 0.16 1.5 3.65 <0.04 - NA 99.66 0.00 287.83 387.49 162.95 9/192008 24.3(COS-C26) 39 <0.01 0.89 3.9 11.99 <D.04 - NA 116.18 D.00 271.31 387.49 162.92 31192009 24(COB-C26) 56 -0.05 2.5 5.1 21 <0.2 - NA 128.18 0.00 259.31 387.49 162.92 10/82009 21(COS-C14) 38 0.33 1.2 3.4 14.2 <0.1 - NA 138.46 0.00 249.03 387.49 162.94 SE-MW-24(S) 3/8/1996 3.6(CD5-C74)5 - 1.0 0.022 0.16 0.016 - 0.034 NA 118.03 0.00 267.92 383.95 NM (60-160) 3/8/1996 DUP 3.5(CO5-C12)5 - 0.10 0.0018 0.016 0.0012 - 0.033 NA NA 0.00 NC 383.95 NM 6/11/1996 6.7(COS-C14)' - 1.4 0.004 0.33 0.0096 - c0.005 NA 108.87 0.00 275.08 383.95 NM 6/11/1996 DUP 6.3(COS-C12)' - 1.4 0.0058 0.33 0.016 - c0.005 NA NA 0.00 NC 383.95 NM 82011996 - it 2.0 0.013 0.17 0.0092 - <0.125 NA 105.01 0.00 278.94 383.95 NM 11/8/1996 32(C06-C16) 2.68 1.4 0.014 0.78 0.017 - -0.02 NA 98.03 0.00 285.92 383.95 NM 11/8/1996 DUP - - 2.1 0.017 0.94 0.020 - -0.02 NA NA 0.00 NC 383.95 NM 325/1997 - 3.6 0.64 0.0032 0.013 0.029 - <0.02 NA 86.76 0.00 297.19 383.95 NM 6/13/1997 - 14 2.9 0.55 0.78 0.30 - <0.1 NA 82,91 0.00 301.04 383.95 NM 91/9/1997 - 0.17 0.0096 -0.0005 -0.0005 0.0011 - -0.1 NA 80,94 0.00 303.01 383.95 NM 1211211997 - 6.7 1.6 0.0055 0.17 0.04 - 0.04 NA 79,36 0.00 304.59 383.95 NM 1211211997 DUP - 5.8 1.6 -0.0005 0,13 0.034 - 0.20 NA NA 0.00 NC 383.95 NM 3/3/1998 - 12 0.73 0.037 0.90 0.057 - -0.005 NA 76,46 0.00 307.49 383.95 NM 313/1998 DUP - - 1.2 0.70 0.018 0.85 - 0.038 - <0.005 NA NA 0.00 NC 383.95 NM 828/1996 - 4.2 0.275 0.013 0.505 0.124 - 0.044 NA 70,43 0.00 313.52 383.95 -NM 82811998 DUP - e.4 0.392 0.015 0.574 0.182 - 0.172 NA NA 0.00 NC 383.95 NM 32511999 . - 2.8 0.25 -0.003 0.19 -0.006 - <0.1 NA 62.13 0.00 321.82 383.95 NM 325/1999 DUP_ - 2.7 0.30 0.0078 0.22 -0.006 - <0.1 NA NA 0.00 NC 383.95 NM 10/15/1999 0.63(C06-C14) 6.6 0.32 0.015 0.11 0.031 - 0.038 NA 63,16 0.00 320.79 383.95 NM 3/102000 1.6(COS-C16) 7.0 0.29 0.25 0.025 0.093 - <0.005 NA 63.74 0.00 320.21 383.95 NM 31102000 DUP - 7.5 0.28 0.25 0.026 0.083 - <0.005 NA NA 0.00 NC 383.95 NM 9/152000 1.7(C08-1C16) 5.2 0.12 0.0038 0.27 0.0086 -0.005 0.03 NA 67.58 0.00 316.37 383.95 NM 9/152000 DUP 2.2(COB-C16) 4.5 0.11 0.0035 0.25 0.0076 <0.005 0.025 NA NA 0.00 NC 383.95 NM 51192001 6.1(COB-C14) 8.6 0.27 0.084 1.0 0.062 -0.02 0.045 NA 79.16 0.00 304.79 383.95 NM 51192001 DUP 6.3(COB-C14) 11 0.31 -0.005 0.97 <0.01 <0.02 0.052 NA NA 0.00 NC 383.95 NM 10/122001 1.9(COB-C76) 4.7 0.63 c1.0 0.55 0.043 -0.01 0.019 NA 89.89 0.00 NC 383.95 153.50 3/142002 1.8(C08-C18) 8.9 0.83 0.0024 0.076 0.0076 -0.02 - NA 98.35 0.00 287.6 383.95 160.00 3/142002 DUP 1.8(C06-C18) 8.5 0.81 [0.0026 0.081 0.0082 -0.02 - NA 96.35 0.00 287.6 383.95 160.00 10/22102 2.3(CO6-C18) 2.8 0.84 -0.0025 0.43 <0.0075 -0.01 - NA 105.08 0.00 278.87 383.95 156.70 4/32003 3.1(CD6-C78) 8.7 0.65 -0.0025 0.34 <0.0075 <0.01 - NA 106.16 0.00 277.79 383.95 156.77. 9252003 1.7(C06-C16) 3.8 0.17 -0.0025 0.69 <0.0075 -0.01 - NA 107.64 0.00 276.31 383.95 156.91 42820D4 1.6(COB-C22) 1.5 0.003. <O.DDD5 -0.0005 <0.0015 0.068 - NA 108.32 0.00 277.63 383.95 156.70 9222004 1.7(COB-C18) 4.7 0.062 <0.0005 0.018 c0.0015 -0.002 - NA 112.80 0.00 274.99 387.79 156.80 313MOOS 0.51(C06-C14) 1.5 0.0011 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 119.91 0.00 267.88 387.79 156.80 9222005 1.7(COB-C16) 2.1 0.0034 0.00064 0.16 0.0077 0.0049 - NA 112.04 0.00 275.75 387.79 156.80 3212006 0.62(C14-C28) <0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 0.0015 -0.002 - NA 97.54 0.00 290.25 387.79 156.80 10/52006 0.85(C12-C28) 0.13 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 0.0085 - NA 86.73 0.00 301.06 387.79 156.80 4/102007 140(COS-C22) 1.4 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 0.0028 <0.002 - NA 79.58 0.00 NC NS 156.78 10/52007 0.42(COS-C32) 0.37 - -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 94.11 0.00 NC NS 156.51 3282008 5.0(COS-032) 023 c0.0005 -0.0005 :0.0005 -0.0015 c0.002 NA 1 02.98 0.00 NC NS 158.80 Page 12 of 24 The Soam Group,lot. Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Suniand Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ ETHYL- TOTAL MTBE HYDRO- GROUND- TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH TPHp BENZENE TOLUENE MTBE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO BENZENE XYLENES 8020 or CARBON WATER CASING BOTTOM (feet-bps) DATE 8015M 82606' 82806' 82608' 82608' 8250B' 82608 80218 PRODUCT WATER THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL [Sample Depth] Units: (m62) (feet-TOC)I(feel-TOC) (feet) (feet-MSL) (feet-MSL) (feet-T(3C) SE-MW-24(S) 9/182008 9.9(CO6-C32) ( <0.1 0.11 -0.0005 0.0032 0.004 O.OD78 = NA 118.09 0.00 NC NS 158.82 (60-160) 3/172009 1.3(CO6-C32) 2.0 0.012 -0.0005 0.0079 -0.0015 0.0029 NA 130.82 0.00 NC NS 156.76 (Continued) 10/82009 0.81(C06-C26) 0.78 0.0094 -0.0005 -0.1X105 -0.0015 0.018 NA 140.88 0.00 NC NS 156.78 SE-MW-24(D) 31811996 1(COS-C18)5 - 0.0085 0.011 0.007 0.016 - 0.005 NA 119.67 0.00 263.49 383.16 NM (170-175) 6/11/1996 92(C05-C18)5 - 2.4 0.0053 0.60 0.025 - 0.005 NA 122.85 O.OD 260.31 383.16 NM 820/1996 - 15 2.4 0.013 0.45 0.015 - -0.125 NA 116.07 0.00 267.09 383.16 NM 111B/1996 <7(C08-C14) 0.24 0.28 . 0.003 0.081 0.0033 - <0.02 NA 106.71 0.00 276.45 383.16 NM 325/1997 - 7.0 0.89 0.012 <0.0005 0.015 - 0.024 NA 98.75 0.00 284.41 383.16 NM 325197 DUP - 3.5 0.72 0.010 0.021 0.032 - -0.02 NA NA 0.00 NC 383.16 NM 6/13/1997 - 5.6 1.6 0.052 0.018 0.09 - <0.05 NA 98.38 0.00 264.78 383.16 NM 9/19/1997 - 22 7.5 0.014 0.40 0.07 - <0.05 NA 100.02 0.00 283.14 383.16 NM 9119197 DUP - 19 7.2 0.17 5.9 0.085 - -0.05 NA NA 0.00 NC 383.16 NM 1211211997 - 6.2 1.8 0.011 0.11 0.047 - 0.042 NA 92.06 0.00 291.10 383.16 NM 3/311998 - 2.5 0.15 0.0015 0.18. 0.023 - -0.005 NA 88.60 0.00 294.56 383.16 NM 628/1998 4.7 0.047 0.0051 0.365 0.033 - 0.019 NA 86.09 0.00 297.07 383.16 NM 325/1999 - 0.51 0.058 <0.0006 0.049 <0.0012 - <0.02 NA 77.47 0.00 305.69 383.16 NM 1011511999 0.92(CO6-C28) 2.9 0.034 0.0023 -0.0005 0.0058 - 0.016 NA 77.12 0.00 306.04 383.18 NM 3/102000 1.4(C06-C16) 5.8 0.30 0.27 0.059 0.16 - -0.005 NA 74.76 0.00 308.40 383.16 NM 91152000 <7(COB-C44) 5.5 0.26 -0.001 0.18 0.014 <0.005 0.037 NA 80.46 0.00 302.70 383.16 NM 5192001 1.6(COB-C14) 3.3 0.062 0.0013 0.0043 0.0086 -0.002 0.016 NA 89.66 0.00 293.50 383.16 NM 10/132001 1.4(CO6-C28) 3.0 0.17 0.0034 0.054 0.0075 <0.002 0.018 NA 98.34 0.00 284.82 383.16 174.60 31142002 2.B(CO6-C32) 60 1.0 0.0034 0.035 0.0103 <0.002 - NA 101.65 0.00 281.51 383.16 175.00 10242002 1.8(COB-C18) 5.5 0.78 0.43 0.160 0.28 -0.004 - NA 111.29 0.00 271.87 383.16 177.45 4132003 3.0(CDB-C16) 6.2 . 0.43 0.0036 0.15 0.0075 <0.01 - NA 111.20 0.00 271.96 383.16 177.78 9252003 0.75(CO6-C28) 3.8 0.05 0.001 0.15 0.0045 -0.004 - NA 113.27 0.00 269.89 383.16 177.69 4282004 1.2(C06-C/8) 2.0 0.041 <0.0005 0.037 0.0015 0.036 - NA 112.46 0.00 270.70 383.16 177.50 9122/2004 2.0(C06-C32) 6.5 0.0089 -0.0005 0.150 0.0014 -0.002 - NA- 120.51 0.00 26728 387.79 175.00 3/302005 0.87(C08-C18) 1.5 0.0019 <0.0D05 0.0029 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 124.91 0.00 262.88 387.79 175.00 9212005 0.93(C06-C20) 1.9 0.0031 <0.0D05 0.035 0.0035 -0.002 - NA 103.67 0.00 283.82 387.49 162.90 3/15/2005 1.1(CO8-C32) 021 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 103.23 0.00 284.28 387.49 162.90 10/5/2006 0.45(ClS-C28) <0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 98.39 O.Dp 289.10 387.49 162.90 41102007 0.12(C10-C18) 0.18 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 92.57 0.00 295.22 387.79 174.98 10152007 0.46(CO6-C32) 0.15 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 106.00 0.00 28119 387.79 177.40 328/2008 1.1(C06-C32) 0.18 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 112.23 0.00 275.56 387.79 175.00 9/182008 0.27(COS-C32) 41 <0.D005 <0.0005 <0.D005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 129.50 0.00 - 258.29 387.79 175.02 31172009 1.4(CO6-C32) 1.5 0.0087 <0.0005 0.017 <0.0015 0.0044 - NA 137.90 0.00 249.89 387.79 174.96 10/52009 0.31(C08-C26) <0.1 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 151.43 0.00 238.36 387.79 174.98 SE-MW-25 3/8/1996 -0.055 - -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 - -0.005 NA 87.83 0.00 299.55 387.38 NM (60-165) 6/1111996 -0.055 - <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 - <0.005 NA 80.32 0.00 307.06 387.38 NM 820/1996 - -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.D005 <0.0005 - -0.005 NA 76.98 0.00 310.40 367.38 NM 11/8/1996 <0.05 -0.05 <0.D005 <0.00GS -0.0005 <0.0005 - <0.02 NA 71.52 0.00 315.86 387.38 NM 311911997 - <0.1 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.001 - <0.02 NA 63.13 0.00 324.25 387.38 NM 6/13/1997 - <0.1 <0.0005 <O.DD05 <0.0005 <0.001 - <0.02 NA 60.52 0.00 326.86 387.38 NM 9/1911997 - <0.1 <0.0005 <0.OD05 -0.0005 -0.001 - -0.02 NA 58.40 0.00 328.98 387.38 NM 12112/1997 - -0.05 -0.0005 <O.OD05 <0.0005 <0.0005 - -0.0005 NA 60.18 0.00 32720 387.38 NM 3/3/1998 - -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 - <0.0005 NA 58.51 0.00 328.87 387.38 NM 828/1998 - <0.05 <O.OW5 <0.0D05 -0.0005 -0.0005 - -0.0005 NA 52.87 0.00 334.51 387.38 NM 324/1999 - -0.05 <0.0005 0.00056 -0.0003 0.001 - <0.01 NA 48.08 0.00 339.30 387.38 NM 10/15/1999 <0.2(C08-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <O.D01 - -0.005 NA 48.11 0.00 33927 387.38 NM 3/72000 <0.2(CO6-C44) <01 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.001 - -0.005 NA 53.68 0.00 333.74 387.42 NM 9/142000 <1(C08-C44) <0.1 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 - -0.005 NA 53.77 0.00 333.65 387.42 NM 5/172001 -1(COB-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.001 - -0.005 NA 73.19 0.00 31423 387.42 164.50 1011212001 0(COB-C44) <0.1 <O.OD05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.001 - -0.005 NA 83.85 0.00 303.77 387.42 164.30 3/122002 -0.10(COs-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 85.27 0.00 302.15 387.42 164.50 10212002 <0.10(CO6-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.OD05 -0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 94.54 0.00 292.88 387.42 164.12 4rS2003 <0.10(C06-C4) 0.15 <0.013 0.037 0.0045 0.026 <0.002 - NA 90.86 0.00 296.56 387.42 164.06 9262003 -0.10(C06-C44) <0.05 <D.D005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 85.97 0.00 301.45 387.42 164.02 4282004 <0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 NA 86.59 0.00 300.83 387.42 164.00 Page 13 of 24 The Some SmuR Inc. Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID! ETHYL- TOTAL WME HYDRO- GROUND- TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH TPHg BENZENE TOLUENE MTBE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO BENZENE )MENES 8020 or CARBON WATER CASING BOTTOM (feel-bps) DATE 8015M 82608' 82608' 82806' 82608' 8260B' 82609 8021B PRODUCT WATER THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL [Sample Depth] Units: 0n91L) (feet-TOC) (feat-TOC) (feet) I (feet-MSL) I (feet-MSL) I(feel-TOC) SE4M.25 9232004 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 -0.005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 98.82 0.00 289.78 388.60 167.00 (60-185) 31302005 -0.10(COS-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 108.82 0.00 281.78 388.60 164.20 (Continued) 9212005 -0.10(C06-C4/) <0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 88.33 0.00 300.27 388.60 166.80 3222006 <0.10(COS-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 74.65 0.00 313.95 388.60 166.80 10162006 <0.10(COS-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.00D5 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 83.14 0.00 325.46 388.60 166.80 41112007 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 60.62 0.00 327.98 388.80 166.61 10/52007 -0.10(COS-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 4.0015 <0.002 - NA 84.35 0.00 304.25 388.60 16628 3282008 -0.10(CO6-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 95.80 0.00 292.8 388.60 166.64 9/192008 <0.10(C06-C44) <0.1 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 114.12 0.00 274.48 388.60 167.02 3/192009 -0.10(COS-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <O.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 126.75 0.00 261.85 388.60 166.58 10192009 <0.10(COS-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 141.03 0.00 247.57 388.80 166.60 SE-MW-26 3/811996 40.05° - <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 - <0.005 NA 130.88 0.00 254.19 385.07 NM (62-187) 6/11/1996 <0.05° - <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 - <0.005 NA 129.82 0.00 255.25 385.07 NM 820/1996 - <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 - <0.005 NA 120.84 0.00 264.23 385.07 NM 11/8/1996 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 - -0.02 NA 113.93 0.00 271.14 385.07 NM 32111997 - <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.001 - <0.02 NA 102.25 0.00 282.82 385.07 NM 6/1211997 - 40.1 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.001 - -0.02 NA 98.87 0.00 28620 385.07 NM 9/19/1997 - <0.1 -0.0005 <O.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 - <0.02 NA 99.12 0.00 285.95 385.07 NM 1211211997 - 0.250 0.023 0.073 0.004 0.029 - <0.005 NA 93.64 0.00 291.43 385.07 NM 3/311998 - -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 - <0.005 NA 89.99 0.00 295.08 385.07 NM 82811998 - <0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 - -0.005 NA 85.23 O.DO 299.84 385.07 NM 325/1999 - <0.05 <0.0003 <0.0003 <O.0003 <0.0006 - -0.01 NA 70.16 0.00 314.91 385.07 NM 1 011 5/1 99 9 <0.2(C06-G44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 - -0.005 NA 74.86 0.00 310.21 385.07 NM 3/82000 <02(COB-C44) 40.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.001 - -0.005 NA 70.63 0.00 314.44 385.07 NM 9/142000 Q(COS-C44) -0.1 <0.0005 -0.()005 -0.0005 <0.001 - <0.005 NA 77.61 0.00 307.46 385.07 NM 5/182001 <7(C06-C44) <0.1 c0.0005 -0.0005 <O.0005 -0.001 - -0.005 NA 86.37 0.00 298.70 385.07 188.83 1 0/1 2 2 0 01 <1(COS-C44) 40.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.001 - -0.005 NA 96.38 0.00 288.69 385.07 188.67 31132002 -0.10(C06-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 100.12 0.00 284.95 385.07 188.83 1022/02 <0.10(CO6-C44) -0.05 0.002 -0.0005 0.0051 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 110.28 0.00 274.79 385.07 188.90 402003 -0.10(C06-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 112.78 0.00 272.29 385.07 188.56 9232003 <0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 116.02 0.00 289.05 385.07 188.61 4292004 <0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 114.9 0.00 270.17 385.07 188.70 9232004 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 120.21 0.00 266.09 386.30 188.90 3292005 -0.10(C06-044) -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 125.14 0.00 261.16 386.30 188.90 921/2005 <0.10(CO6-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 122.89 0.00 26141 386.30 188.90 3212008 -0.10(CO6-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 107.57 0.00 278.73 386.30 188.90 10/52006 -010(COS-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 97.74 0.00 290.86 388.60 188.90 4/5/2007 -0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 88.83 0.00 297.47 386.30 168.86 10812007 -0.10(C06-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 98.52 0.00 287.78 386.30 188.54 3272008 -0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 0.0011 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 106.50 0.00 279.80 386.30 188.88 9/182008 -0.10(CO6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 121.65 0.00 264.65 386.30 188.92 31192009 -0.10(COB-C44) 40.1 <0.0005 <D.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 133.82 0.00 252.48 386.30 188.85 10/82009 <0.10(COS-C44) 40.1 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 147.90 0.00 238.40 386.30 188.90 SE-MW-27 38/1996 <0.Oe - <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 - -0.005 NA 122.73 0.00 264.99 387.72 NM (72-197) 6/11/1996 <0.05° - <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 - <0.005 NA 121.38 0.00 266.34 387.72 NM 82011996 - <0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 - <0.005 NA 116.44 0.00 271.28 387.72 NM 11/8/1996 -0.05 -0.05 <0.0005 0.00031 <0.0005 <0.0005 - -0.02 NA 109.09 0.00 278.63 387.72 NM 3/18/1997 - <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.001 - -0.02 NA 98.41 0.00 289.31 387.72 NM 6/1211997 - 40.1 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.001 - -0.02 NA 94.11 O.DO 293.61 387.72 NM 9119/1997 - 40.1 <O.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.001 - <0.02 NA 91.24 0.00 296.48 387.72 NM 12/1211997 - - <0.05 -0.0014 0.0032 <0.0005 0.00070 - -0.0005 NA 89.41 0.00 298.31 387.72 NM 3/3/1998 - -0.05 -0.0005 <0.O005 <0.0005 -0.0005 - -0.0005 NA 85.78 0.00 301.94 387.72 NM 8128/1998 - -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 - <0.0005 NA 79.63 0.00 308.09 387.72 NM 32411999 - -0.05 -0.0003 <0.0003 <O.0003 <0.0006 - <0.01 NA 68.61 0.00 319.11 387.72 NM 10/15/1999 <0.2(CO6-C44) <0.1 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.OD05 <0.001 -0.005 -0.005 NA 7027 0.00 317.45 387.72 NM 3/72000 40.2(COB-C44) <0.1 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.001 - -0.005 NA 69.79 0.00 317.93 387.72 NM 9/142000 <1(C06-C44) -0.1 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.001 - -0.00.5 NA 75.53 0.00 312.19 387.72 NM 51172001 <1(C06-C44) <0.1 -0.0005 -0.0005 <O.0005 -0.001 -0.005 NA 83.82 0.00 303.90 387.72 NM Page 14 of 24 The Semite Gream hm Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ ETHYL- TOTAL MTBE HYDRO- -R-"N- TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH TPHg BENZENE TOLUENE MTBE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO (feet-bps) DATE 8015M 82608• MOB* 8280B• BENZENE XYLENES MOB 8020 or PRODUCT WATER CARBON WATER CASING BOTTOM [Sample Depth] MOB* MOB* 80218 THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL Units: (mg/L) (feet-TOC) (feel-TOC) - (feet) (feet-MSQ (feet-MSL) (feet-TOC) SE-MW-27 10/112001 <l(COS-C44) <0.1 0.0012 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 0.0092 0.015 NA 94.68 O.DO 293.04 387.72 197.14 (72-197) 3/122002 -0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 <O.ODO5 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 97.18 0.00 290.54 387.72 197.00 (Continued) 1021/02 -0.10(COB-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 0.00064 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 106.52 0.00 281.20 387.72 197.25 4112003 0.12(COB-C12) 0.16 0.0087 0.033 0.0051 0.031 <0.002 - NA 108.41 0.00 279.31 387.72 197.12 9282003 -0.10(COS-C44) 2.0 022 0.038 0.12 0.051 0.57 - NA 112.65 0.00 275.07 387.72 197.08 4282004 <0.10(CO6-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 112.25 O.DO 275.47 387.72 197.20 9212004 <0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 0.0027 <0.002 - NA 119.20 0.00 269.68 388.88 197.00 3/302005 <0.10(COS-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 0.0027 -0.002 - NA 122.43 0.00 266.45 368.88 197.20 9202005 0.16(C20-C32) <0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 108.72 0.00 280.16 388.88 197.20 3222006 0.10(C20-C32) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <O.ODO5 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 100.71 O.DO 288.17 388.88 197.20 10/42006 -0.10(CO6-C44) -0.05 <O.DO05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 91.21 O.DO 297.67 388.88 197.20 4/6/2007 -0.10(CO6-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 88.91 0.00 299.97 388.88 197.25 10/612007 -0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 98.09 0.00 290.79 388.88 197.15 3272008 <0.10(COS-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 0.0021 <0.0005 0.00058 <0.002 - NA 105.55 0.00 283.33 388.88 19724 9/18/2008 <0.10(CO13-C44) <0.1 <O.D005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 118.71 0.00 270.17 388.98 197.22 3/172009 -0.10(CO6-C44) <O.1 -0.0005 <O.0005 <0.0005 <O.DO15 <0.002 - NA 127.84 0.00 261.04 388.88 197.24 10/72009 <0.10(C06-C44) -0.1 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 142.60 0.00 24628 388.88 197.26 SE-ASIMW.28(S) 111811996 4.0(COSLi 8) 3.05 6.10 0.0044 0.32 0.46 - 0.14 NA 105.92 0.00 282.59 388.51 NM (70-120) 320/1997 NA 13 4.8 0.015 0.53 1.5 - 0.074 NA 95.95 O.DO 292.56 388.51 NM 6/13/1997 - 0.96 0.14 0.00077 0.0014 0.0019 - 1.5 NA 91.42 0.00 297.09 388.51 NM 9/19/1997 - 5.4 1.7 0.0059 0.018 -0.001 - 1.5 NA 88.19 0.00 300.32 388.51 NM 12/12/1997 - 8.9 3.2 0.052 0.45 0.064 - 0.30 NA 82.89 O.DO 305.62 388.51 NM 3/3/1998 - 7.1 2.9 0.003 0.21 0.011 - 0.25 NA 80.24 0.00 308.27 388.51 NM 8/28/1998 - 1.4 0.085 0.0036 0.013 0.035 - 0.338 NA 74.21 0.00 314.30 388.51 NM 324/1999 0.79 0.140 0.0032 0.0046 0.0086 - 0.29 NA 62.81 0.00 325.70 388.51 NM 10/15/1999 <0.2(CO6-C44) 1.7 0.0054 0.00087 0.0049 0.0035 - -0.061 NA 66.84 0.00 321.67 388.51 NM 3/92000 0.26(COB-C16) 2.4 0.052 0.028 0.019 0.039 0.035 0.045 NA 64.30 0.00 321.73 386.03 NM 3/92000 DUP - 2.2 0.055 0.027 0.017 0.038 0.041 0.045 NA NA O.DO NC 386.03 NM 9/152000 <1(CO6-C44) -0.1 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.001 - -0.005 NA 74.49 0.00 311.54 388.03 NM 5/182001` <1(COS-C44) 0.3 0.00074 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0015 0.041 0.08 NA NM 0.00 NC 386.03 NM 10/132001 2.3(CO6-044) 1.2 0.0015 0.00054 0.00078 0.0028 0.018 0.027 NA 91.05 0.00 294.96 386.03 116.99 3/1412002 4.9(COB-C32) 3.8 0.10 0.0019 0.0025 0.0055 0.0049 - NA 95.22 0.00 290.81 386.03 120.00 10242002 3.7(CO6-C34) 2.7 0.30 0.00058 0.0054 -0.0015 0.26 - NA 104.81 0.00 281.22 386.03 117.00 422003 2.0(COS-C26) 0.83 0.0026 <0.0005 <O.ODO5 <0.0015 0.088 - NA 107.56 0.00 278.47 388.03 116.97 9232OD3 2.2(COS-C22) 6.0 2.7 0.0062 0.57 0.0032 0.038 - NA 109.43 0.00 276.60 386.03 116.94 4232004 2.3(COS-C20) 17 10 -0.025 0.44 <0.075 <0.10 - NA 108.31 0.00 277.72 386.03 117.20 9222004 9.7(CD6-C40) 15 7.4 -0.025 0.12 <0.075 <0.10 - NA 114.08 0.00 273.21 387.29 117AD 3222005 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry--•--------------•------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.29 117.40 9222005 13(CD6-C24) 0.46 0.079 -0.0005 O.OD88 0.0052 0.077 - NA 114.84 0.00 272.45 387.29 117.40 3202006 IA(COS-C24) 0.52 0.087 -0.0005 0.0013 4.0015 0.032 - NA 100.85 0.00 286.44 387.29 117.39 10142006 1.6(Cl O-C26) 1.1 0.27 0.00063 0.039 0.0015 <0.002 - NA 89.97 0.00 297.32 387.29 117.39 4162007 1.8(COS-C32) <0.05 <O.DDO5 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 81.00 0.00 306.29 387.29 117.42 1018/2007 4.6(COS-C32) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 92.26 0.00 295.03 387.29 117.37 3272008 5.8(COS-C32) -0.05 <0.0005 0.0018 <O.0D05 0.001 -0.002 - NA 100.32 0.00 288.97 387.29 117.44 9/152008 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Insufficient Water------------------------------ NA 116.68 0.00 270.61 387.29 117.40 3/162009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY 0.00 NC 387.29 117.34 10/52009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY 0.00 NC 387.29 117.35 SE-ASIMW-28(D) 11/7/1996 - - - - - - - NA NA 0.00 NC 389.16 NM (128.130) 3/17/1997 - - - - - - - - NA NA 0.00 NC 389.16 NM 611111997 - - - - - - - - NA NA 0.00 NC 389.18 NM 9/811997 - - - - - - - - NA NA 0.00 NC 389.16 NM 12/911997 - - - - - - - NA NA 0.00 NC 389.16 NM 3!!11998 - - - - - - - - NA NA 0.00 NC 389.16 NM 828/1998 - - - - - - - - NA 'NA D.00 NC 389.16 NM 32211999 - - - - - - - - NA NA 0.00 NC 389.16 NM 10/1311999 - - - - - - - - NA 70.77 0.00 318.39 389.16 NM 3772000 - - - - - - - - NA NA 0.00 NC 386.13 NM 9/152000 1.4(C10-C16) 1.4 0.0027 -0.0005 0.0009 0.0031 <0.005 0.062 NA 7023 0.00 315.90 386.13 NM Page 15 0124 The Soulu GreeA IDL Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ ETHYL- TOTAL MTBE HYDRO- GROUND- TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH TPHg BENZENE TOLUENE MTBE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO BENZENE XYLENES 8020 or CARBON WATER CASING BOTTOM (feet-hgs) DATE 8015M 8260B• 82608' 82608• 82808• 82608• 82608 80218 PRODUCT WATER THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL [Sample Depth] Units: (mgfU (feet-TOC I(feet-TOC)I (feet) (feet-MSL) (feet-MSL) (feet-TOC) _ SE-ASIMW-28(D) 51182001° 2.3(C08-C18) 1.9 0.00098 <0.0005 -0.0005 0.0018 0.043 0.04 NA NM 0.00 NC 386.13 NM (128-130) 10/132001 3.3(COS-C44) 0.12 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 0.028 0.05 NA 94.57 0.00 291.56 386.13 127.65 (Continued) 3/142002 1.0(COB-C32) 0.30 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.028 - NA 97.81 0.00 288.32 386.13 130.00 10242002 2.7(C06-C44) 0.077 0.0011 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 0.0020 - NA 106.81 0.00 279.32 386.13 127.35 422003 1.5(CO8-C34) 0.15 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 0.015 - NA 108.56 0.00 277.57 386.13 127.58 9242003- 0.40(C06-C24) 0.13 <0.D005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.018 - NA 111.45 0.00 274.68 388.13 127.94 4292004 0.54(CO(5-C22) 0.92 029 <O.DD05 <0.0005 0.00078 0.18 - NA 110.65 0.00 275.48 386.13 127.40 9222004 1.1(C06•C36) 7.2 3.3 0.0018 0.011 0.0013 022 - NA 116.65 0.00 270.66 387.31 127.00 31302005 2.1(COS-C24) 1.8 1.2 <0.0005 0.003 <0.0015 0.10 - NA 122.00 0.00 265.31 387.31 127.50 9222005 --- ------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA 127.38 0.00 259.93 387.31 127.50 3202008 3.1(CO8-C36) 0.27 0.0087 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0023 0.14 - NA 101.99 0.00 285.32 387.31 127.45 10/42006 0.34(C16-C28) 0.090 c 0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 0.076 - NA 92.22 0.00 295.09 387.31 127.45 4/62007 0.44(C14-C34) 0.070 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 0.074 - NA 85.51 0.00 301.80 387.31 127.52 10/62007 0.68(CIO-C40) 0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 0.084 - NA 97.34 0.00 289.97 387.31 127.41 3272008 3.5(CIO-C40) -0.05 <0.0005 0.0011 <0.0005 -0.0015 0.051 - NA 105.33 0.00 281.98 387.31 127.53 9/1 B2OO8 3.2(C10-C40) <0.1 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0D05 0.0022 0.024 - NA 110.60 0.00 276.71 387.31 127.47 3/162009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 387.31 127.50 10152009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 387.31 127.52 SE-VE/MW-29(A) 11!7/1996 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.30 NM (10-60) 3117/1997 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.30 NM 6111/1997 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.30 NM 918/1997 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.30 NM 121911997 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.30 NM 3/311998 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ . NA DRY NA NA 385.30 NM 82811998 -•..........................Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.30 NM 322/1999 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.30 NM 1011311999 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA' 385.30 NM 3/72000 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 38439 NM 9/122000 ............................Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 384.39 NM 5192001 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 384.39 NM 10/82001 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry--------------------'---.------ NA DRY NA NA 384.39 58.34 10212002 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 384.39 58.00 3/312003 ............................Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 384.39 58.21 9232003 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 384.39 58.18 4/132004 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 384.39 58.20 9/82004 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.52 59.80 3/222005 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.52 5820 9/142005 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.52 58.20 3/152006 ............................Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.52 58.20 9262006 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.52 5820 4/212007 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.52 5822 10/12007 ............................Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.52 58.28 3242DO8 ----------------------------Not Sampled or Gauged------------------------------ NA NM NA NA 385.52 NM 9/152008 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.52 58.20 3/162009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.52 58.22 10152009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.52 58.23 SE VE/MW-29(8) 11/811996 <1(C14-C20) -0.05 <0.0005 0.01 -0.0005 0.01 - 1.00 NA 101.50 0.00 283.81 385.31 NM (70-130) 3/20/1997 - 7.80 3.2 0.07 023 0.022 - 0.098 NA 92.90 0.00 292.41 385.31 NM 611311997 - 0.35 <0.0005 c0.0005 <O.DD05 0.052 - 0.47 NA 88.72 0.00 296.59 385.31 NM 9/19/1997 - 2.6 3.63 0.008 0.023 0.410 - 0.47 NA 85.84 0.00 299.47 385.31 NM 12/1211997 - 0.35 0.034 4c0.0005 0.0022 0.020 - 0.34 NA 81.84 0.00 303.47 385.31 NM 3311998 - 0.56 0.0% O.DO14 0.0008 0.0055 - 0.42 NA 79.30 0.00 306.01 385.31 NM 828/1998 - 023 0.00088 <0.0005 -0.0005 0.0044 - 0.175 NA 73.90 0.00 311.41 385.31 NM 324/1999 - 0.94 0.0430 0.0021 0.057 0.025 - -0.02 NA 63.63 0.00 321.58 385.31 NM 10/1511999 <0.2(COB-C44) 1.5 0.0058 0.0014 -0.0005 0.0047 - <0.005 NA 65.61 0.00 319.70 385.31 NM 3192000 1.8(COS-C16) 5.5 0.36 0.011 0.019 0.059 - <0.005 NA 85.40 0.00 318.90 384.30 NM 9/1521100 <1(C06-C44) 0.38 0.00059 <0.0005 -0.0005 0.0098 - <0.005 NA 68.95 ODD 315.35 384.30 NM 5/182001' 1.0(C05-C14) 1.1 0.02 <0.0005 0.00164 0.002 0.0036 0.0067 NA NM 0.00 NC 384.30 NM Page 16 of 24 The Saw=Groom In M ' M M M M " M M M m Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ ETHYL- TOTAL MTBE HYDRO- GROUND• TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH IPHp BENZENE TOLUENE MTBE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO BENIFNE XYLENES 8020 or CARBON WATER CASING BOTTOM (feet-Egs) DATE 8015M 8280B' 82608' 82808' 8260B' 82608' 82806 80218 PRODUCT WATER THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL (Sample Depth) Units, (me2) (feet-TOC) (feel-TOC) (feet) (feet-MSL) (feel-MSL) I(feet-TOC) SE-VEtMW-29(B) 101122001 1.6(COB-C18) 2.1 0.13 0.0012 4.0005 0.0058 0.0022 0.0058 NA 89.17 0.00 295.13 354.30 128.61 (70-130) 31142002 2.9(COS-C32) 2.8 0.058 0.0015 4.0005 0.0043 -0,002 - NA 93.48 0.00 290.84 384.30 130.00 (Continued) 10232002 4.8(C06-C32) 2.8 0.038 0.000681 0.0044 0.0017 0.050 - NA 99.91 0.00 284.39 384.3D 128.55 422003 1.7(COS-C26) 0.57 0.002 -0.0005 <0.0005 4.0015 0.0074 - NA 105.59 0.00 278.71 384.30 128.43 9242003 1.2(COB-C22) 1.9 1.0 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 0.10 - NA 108.12 0.00 276.18 384.30 128.62 4232004 1.6(COB-C20) 3.5 1.2 <0.0005 0.0052 <0.0015 -0.02 - NA 106,65 O.DO 277.65 384.30 128.70 9/22/2004 12(CO6-C22) 0.65 0.027 <O.DDDS <0.0005 <0.D015 0.091 - NA 111.80 0.00 273.58 385.38 130.00 3/302005 0.49(COB-CI4) 0.14 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 0.093 - NA 119.70 0.00 265.68 385.38 130.00 9212005 1.6(C08-C26) 0.60 0.0058 <O.ODOS -0.0005 <0.0015 0.16 - NA 113.83 0.00 271.55 385.38 130.00 3/212006 1.8(COB-C24) 1.5 0.070 4.0005 0.00057 <0.0015 0.0048 - NA 113.83 0.00 271.55 385.38 130.00 10142006 0.99(C08-C18) 2.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.00170 <0.0015 0.0025 - NA 89.68 0.00 295.70 385.38 130.00 4/102007 <0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 80.76 0.00 304.62 385.38 '129.98 10/8/2007 4.10(C06-C44) -0.05 4.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 <0202 - NA 90.50 0.00 294.88 385.38 128.45 - 3272008 1.4(COB-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 0.0016 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 97.65 0.00 287.73 385.38 129.96 9/182008 0.57(COB-C44) <01 4.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0,002 - NA 116.45 0.00 268.93 385,38 130.02 . 3/162009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 385.38 128.39 10152009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry---------------•-----•-------- NA DRY NA NC 385.38 128.41 SE-M-51 828/1998 - 1.12 <0.0D05 <0.0005 -0.0005 4.0005 - 3.89 NA 81.40 0.00 302.06 383.46 NM (55-105) 325/1999 -0.05(C08-040) -0.05 0.00053 <0.0003 <0.0003 4.0006 017 0.19 NA 72.34 O.Do 311.12 383.46 NM 10/15/1999 -0.2(COB-C44) 0.12 4.0005 <0.DD05 <0.0005 <0.001 023 020 NA 70.70 0.00 312.76 383.46 NM [73 ft.r 3/82000 <0.2(CO6-C44) 0.41 0.016 0.015 0.071 0.096 0.0097 0.0091 NA 68.76 0.00 314.70 383.46 NM 190 ft.] 382000 <02(0O6-C44) 0.41 0.014 0.012 0.06 0.081 0.014 0.011 NA NA 0.00 NC 383.48 NM (77 ft.] 9/13/2000 <1(C06-C44) 1.3 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.001 2.6 32 NA 73.77 0.00 309.69 383.48 NM [100 ft.] 9/132000 <1(C06-C44) 1.3 -0.0005 -0.0005 4.0005 <0.001 3.1 3.1 NA NA 0.00 NC 383.46 NM 183 ft.] 5/182001 -1(COS-C,44) 0.38 0.008 0.00084 4.0005 0.0011 0.79 0.85 NA 81.45 0.00 3D2.01 383.46 102.88 [100 ft.) 5/16/2001 <1(CDB-C44) 0.72 D.DD58 <O.DOD5 <0.0005 -0.001 1.1 1.1 NA NA O.DO NC 383.46 NA 10/112001 <t(COS-C44) 0.14 0.006 0.00064 <0.0005 0.0011 0.49 0.51 NA 90.19 0.00 29327 383.46 102.65 3/112002 4.10(CO6-C44) 0.36 <0.0005 <O.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.35 - NA DRY NA NA 383.46 102.60 10212002 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------- NA DRY NA NA 383.46 102.60 31312003 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 383.46 102.60 9232003 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 383.46 102.60 41132004 -------- -------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 383.46 102.70 9182004 ----------------------------Nat Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.99 102.80 3222005 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.99 102.70 91142005 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.99 102.70 3/152008 -------•-----------------•--Net Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 385.99 102.65 10132006 <0.10(C08-C44) I -0.05 I -0.0005 <U.0005 -0.0005 I <0.0015 :0.002 - NA 98.52 0.00 287.47 385.99 102.65 4/32007 -0.10(C08-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <O.OD75 -0.002 - NA 89.52 0.00 296.47 385.99 102.60 10/22007 -0.10(COB-C44) :0.05 <0.0005 <O.OD05 <0.DD05 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 95.02 0.00 290.97 385.99 102.42 3242008 --------•-•-•-•-----------•Not Sampled due to Insufficient Water----------------------------- NA 102.20 0.00 283.79 385.99 102.60 31162009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 385.99 102.90 10/52009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 385.99 102.92 G 1W-60 (45145-11(Y) 3182000 3.9(COB-C24) 45 1.8 0.13 0.088 0.21 90 76 NA 68.33 0.00 320.70 389.03 NM [90 ft.] 382000 5.5(COS-C20) 37 4.5 0.23 0.07 0.27 58 44 NA NA 0.00 NC 389.03 NM [75 ft.] 9/1420W 1.8(C08-C18) 29 6.4 4.05 0.19 0.15 25 27 NA 72.83 0.00 316.20 389.03 NM 1105 ft.) 9/142000 2.3(COS-C16) 33 9.5 <0.05 0.33 0.50 14 16 NA NA 0.00 NC 389.03 NM 185 ft.] 5/172001 7.4(CO6-C22) 22 8.8 4.05 0.14 <0.1 15 18 NA 82.85 0.00 306.18 389.03 10921 1105 ft.] 5/172001 3.6(008-C18) 24 6.2 -0.025 0.16 0.069 14 16 NA NA 0.00 NC 389.03 NA [105 ft.] 5/1781 DUP 6.3(COB.C22) 25 6.1 <0.005 0.078 0.041 18 19 NA NA 0.00 NC 389.03 NM 101102001 - 27 12 <0.05 0.71 0.33 22 23 NA 93.23 0.00 295.80 389.03 109.02 1105 ft.] 3/122002' 2.3(CO6-C24) 35 6.9 <0.05 0.18 0.15 20 - NA 97.11 0,00 291.92 389.03 NM 10/22/2002 0.58(COS-C32) 3.6 0.032 -0.005 -0.005 <0.015 3.5 - NA 105.97 0.00 283.06 389.03 108.98 10232002 Dup <0.1(COG-C44) 3.7 0.031 4.005 4.005 -0.015 3.7 - NA 105.97 0.00 283.06 389.03 108.98 3/312003 0.18(COB-C20) 0.79 0.0023 <O.OD05 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.54 - NA 108.08 0.00 280.95 389.03 109.03 9232003 ----------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA 108.67 O.OD 280.36 389.03 109.02 4/132004 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------_----------------------- NA DRY NA NA 389.03 109.10 Page 17 of 24 The Seuree Group,11136. Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ i ETHYL- TOTAL MTBE HYDRO- GROUND. TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH TPHg BENZENE TOLUENE MTBE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO (feet-bgs) DATE 8015M 82608' 82808' g2gpg• BENZENE XYLENEB 82808 8020 or PRODUCT WATER CARBON WATER CASING BOTTOM [Sample Depth] 8280B' 8260B' 8D21B THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL Units: (m91L) (feet-TOC)I(feel-TOC) (feet) feet-MSL) I (feel-MSL) (feet-TOC) GMX-MW-60 9182004 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 390.17 109.10 (45-110) (Continued) 327!2005 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 390.17 109.10 9/142005 ............................Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 390.17 109.00 3/152006 --------------------------------Not Sampled---------------------------------- NA 101.18 NA NA 390.17 114.12 10/32006 <0.1(CO64C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 90.65 0.00 299.52 390.17 109.05 4/52007 0.37(COB-C22) -0.05 '0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 0.0069 - NA 84.71 0.00 305.46 390.17 108.98 1022007 1.2(CO8C22) 0.13 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 0.012 - NA 95.30 0.00 294.87 390.17 109.00 32512008 2.8(C08C22) 0.065 -0.0005 '0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 0.073 - NA 104.78 0.00 285.39 390.17 109.00 9/152008 ---------------------------Not Sampled due to Insufficient Water----------------------------- NA DRY 0.00 NC 390.17 109.52 3/162009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Weil Dry------------------------------ NA DRY 0.00 NC 390.17 109.03 10152009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY 0.00 NC 390.17 109.05 GMX-MWJt1 (48-113) 181 ft.] 3/72000 0.24(COS-C10) 0.83 0.039 0.021 0.13 0.14 0.017 0.03 NA 76.92 0.00 310.93 387.85 NM 190 ft.] 3!72000 10.2(COSC44) 0.85 0.035 0.023 0.13 0.15 0.016 0.017 NA NA 0.00 NC 387.85 NM [85 ft.] 9/132000 <1(C06-C44) 10.1 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.001 - <0.005 NA 81.02 0.00 308.83 387.85 NM [105 ft.] 9/132000 0(Coswc") 10.1 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 '0.001 - -0.005 NA NA 0.00 NC 387.85 NM 190 ft.] 5/172001 0(C08-C44) 10.1 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.001 - -0.005 NA 86.86 0.00 300.99 387.85 113.38 1105 ft.] 5/172001 '1(C08C44) 10.1 0.0022 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.001 - <0.005 NA NA 0.00 NA 387.85 NA 10/112001 <i(COB-C44) 10.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.001 - <0.005 NA 95.34 0.00 292.51 387.85 113.33 31112002 <0.10(C06-C44) <0.05 0.00065 0.0084 0.0016 0.017 <0.002 - NA 100.39 0.00 287.46 387.85 NM 10222002 <0.10(CDO-C44) -0.05 '0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 109.25 0.00 278.6 387.85 113.30 31312003 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA 112.58 0.00 27517 387.85 113.35 9232003 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.85 113.04 4/132004 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.85 113.00 9/82004 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 388.95 113.30 32212005 -----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 388.95 113.10 9/1412005 ............................Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 388.95 113.10 3/152006 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 388.95 117.80 10/32008 <0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 '0.002 - NA 105.93 0.00 283.02 388.95 113.09 4/3/2007 -0.10(COSC44) '0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.D005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 97.88 0.00 291.07 388.95 113.06 1022007 -0.10(COB-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 101.70 0.00 287.25 388.95 113.02 3252008 -0.10(COSC44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 107.61 0.00 281.34 388.95 113.05 9/152008 ---------------------------Not Sampled due to Insufficient Water----------------------------- NA DRY NA NC 388.95 113.15 3/162009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 388.95 113.10 1O/5/2009 ____________________________NOt Sampled-WeII Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 388.95 113.12 GMX-MW-62(S) (46-111) [81 ft.] 3/82000 -0.2(COS-C44) 0.43 0.02 0.013 0.07 0.083 0.013 0.012 NA 74.00 0.00 312.48 386.48 NM [90 ft.] 3/8/2000 <0.2(COS-C44) 0.45 0.021 0.013 0.072 0.083 0.013 0.011 NA NA 0.00 NC 386.48 NM (81 ft.] 9/132000 <1(CO&C44) <0A 10.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.001 - '0.005 NA 76.48 0.00 310.00 386.48 NM [105 ft.] 9/132000 0(CDBC44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 - -0.005 NA NA 0.00 NC 386.48 NM 190 ft.] 51162001 <1(COB-C44) <0.1 0.0008 0.0011 <0.0005 0.0017 - <0205 NA 86.33 0.00 300.15 386.48 108.50 [105 ft.] 5/162001 0.11(C26-C28) 0.20 0.0013 0.0012 <0.0005 0.0012 0.0078 0.0094 NA NA 0.00 NC 386.48 NA 10/112001 <1(COB-C44) <0.1 0.0008 0.0011 <0.0005 0.0017 - 0.005 NA 94.31 0.00 292.17 386.48 108.00 31112002 <0.1(CDSC44) <0.05 '0.0005 0.0010 -0.0005 -0.001 02 5 <0.0 - NA DRY NA NA 386.48 107.90 10212002 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry----------------_____......... NA DRY NA NA 386.48 107.90 3/312003 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 386.48 107..92 9232003 ............................Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 388.48 107.93 4/132004 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 386.48 108.00 9=4004 ____________________________NOt Sampled-WeO Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.67 108.10 3222005 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.67 108.00 9/142005 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.67 108.00 . 3/15/2006 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.67 110.96 Pape 18 of 24 TIM SCUM gfOOR 11114 Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ ETHYL- TOTAL MTBE HYDRO- GROUND- 70P OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH TPNp BENZENE TOLUENE MTBE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO BENZENE XYLENES 8020 or CARBON WATER CASING BOTTOM (feet-bps) DATE 6015M 82808` 8280B• 82808' 62608' 82608• 82608 80218 PRODUCT WATER THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL [Semple Depth) Units: (m9/L) (feet-TOC) (feet-TOC (feel) (feel-MSL) (feel-MSL) (feet-TOC) GMX.7WE2(S) 10/32008 <p 1(COB,C44) 10.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 102.05 0.00 286.90 388.95 108.05 (48-111) (continued) 4/42007 <0.1(COB-C44) - 10.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 4.0005 -0.0015 <O.002 - NA 93.11 0.00 294.58 387.67 107.99 10/42007 <0.1(COB-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 99.63 0.00 288.04 387.87 108.02 3242008 ---------------------------Not Sampled due to Insufficient Water----------------------------- NA 106.94 0.00 280.73 387.67 107.90 9/152008 ---------------------------Not Sampled due to Insufficient Water----------------------------- NA DRY NA NC 387.67 108.07 2009 3/16 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 387.67 108.00 10152009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 387.67 108.04 GMX-MW-62(D) W72000 113.2(COB-C44) 0.95 0.042 0.024 0.13 0.16 0.24 0.20 NA 77.86 0.00 308.66 386.52 NM (148.5-158) 9/132000 <1(CO6-C44) 0.12 0.0068 <0.0005 0.00052 0.0047 0.042 0.048 NA 62.28 0.00 304.26 386.52 NM 51162001 <1(COB•C44) 0.9 0.52 0.0021 0.0037 0.0034 0.012 0.017 NA 89.68 0.00 296.84 386.52 NM 10/102001 - 10.1 0.011 0.00055 -0.0005 0.0014 0.031 0.037 NA 98.74 0.DO 287.78 386.52 155.84 31112002 <0.1(COB-C44) 0.2 0.00085 0.016 0.0016 0.020 0.12 - NA 102.38 0.00 284.14 386.52 NM 10222002 0.31(CID-C32) 3.4 <0.ows <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 2.5 - NA 111.91 O.DO 274.61 386.52 155,75 31312003 0.14(COB-C18) 4.0 <0.0025 0.0059 <0.0025 0.011 3.8 - NA 114.31 -0.00 272.21 386.52 155.78 9222003 c0.1 5.4 -0.005 c0.005 -0.005 -0.015 5.1 - NA 118.67 0.00 267.85 388.52 155.70 9222003 Dup - -0.050 <0.00061 -0.0025 <0.00077 -0,0066 -0.002 - NA 118.67 0.DO 267.85 386.52 155.70 4262 B-C44)004 -0.1(CO 1.1 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 1.1 - NA 118.41 0.00 268.11 386.52 155.80 9202004 0.2(C10-C32) 0.53 -0.005 <0.005 <0.005 -0.015 0.65 - NA 123.45 0.00 264.25 387.70 157.00 3292005 0.61(COB-Cis) 2.0 0.56 -0.005 <0.005 -0.015 0.11 - NA 127.08 0.00 260.62 387.70 157.00 9202005 1.4(COB-C24) 5.2 3.5 0.0046 0.0064 0.0038 0.11 - NA 125.02 0.00 262.68 387.70 157.00 3232008 0.36(COS-C34) 0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0025 0.019 - MA 111.34 0.00 276.36 387.70 157.00 10/32006 10.10(CO6-C44) <0.05 <O.DO05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 103.19 0.00 264.51 387.70 157.00 4/42007 <0.10(COS-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 95.03 0.00 292.67 387.70 157.06 10/32007 -010(CO6-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0W5 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 103.25 0.00 284.45 387.70 156.68 3252008 <0.10(CO6-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 109.66 0.00 278.04 387.70 151.05 9/172008 10.10(C06-C44) 10.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 123.70 0.00 264.00 387.70 156.98 3/182009 10.10(CO6-C44) 10.1 -0.0005 10,0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 133.28 0.00 254.44 387.70 156.98 10/82009 -0.10(COB-C44) 10.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0015 <0.002 - NA 142.16 0.00 245.54 387.70 157.00 TSB-67A 10/112001 <1(COB-C44)) I <0.1 -0.0005 I -0.0005 -0.0005 I -0.001 - I -0.005 NA 97.49 0.00 290.43 387.92 111.78 111 3/122002 <0.10(CO6-044 II 1.2 0.0059 Il 0.0011 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 NA 102.65 0.00 285.27 387.92 NM 10212002 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.92 111.60 31312003 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.92 111.26 9222003 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387.92 111.31 4113)2OD4 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 387,92 111.40 9/82004 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 389.02 111.40 322/2005 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 389.02 111.30 9/142005 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 389.02 111.30 3/152006 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 389.02 113.68 31152006 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA 110.89 0.00 278.13 389.02 111.34 4132007 <0 (COB-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 101.95 0.00 287.07 389.02 111.29 1013/2007 c 0.10(COB-C44) -0,05 -0,0005 I <OA005 I <0,0005 I -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 104.34 0.00 284.68 389.02 111.32 3262008 <0.10(COB-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 108.80 0.00 28022 389.02 111.30 9/152008 ---------------------------Not Sampled due to Insufficient Water----------------------------- NA DRY NA NC 389.02 111.36_ 31162009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 389.02 111.36 10/52009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA INC 389.02 111.38 T8G-MW-6TB 10192001 <1(C06-C44) 10.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.001 - -0.005 NA 101.21 0.DO 286.68 387.89 151.99 (127-152) 31122002 10.1(CO6-c") 0.31 0.18 0.0065 0.01 0.018 0.011 - NA 104.92 0.00 282.97 387.89 NM 10222002 -0.1(COB-C44) -0.05 0.0022 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0012 0.0084 - NA 114.23 0.00 273.66 387.89 151.55 31312003 0.18(C06-C14) <0.05 0.0015 0.0069 0.0012 0.0035 -0.002 - NA 116.96 0.00 270.93 387.89 151.51 9222003 021(COB-C14) -0.05 <0.0005 0.0011 <0.0005 0.0034 0.0031 - NA 112.52 0.DO 275.37 387.89 151.41 4262004 <0.1(CO6-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.OW5 c0.0015 -0.002 - NA 123.41 0.00 264.48 387.89 151.50 4282004 Dup - -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA NA NA NA NA NA 9202004 -0.10(COB-C44) <0.05 0.00063 0.0012 -0.0005 0.0011 <0.002 - NA 127.75 0.00 25120 388.95 151.50 3282005 -0.10(COG-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 130.51 0.00 258.44 388.95 151.50 9/192005 <0.10(COB-G4) <0.05 -0.0005 -0.11005 <0.0W5 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 130.70 0.00 25825 388.95 151.50 3222006 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 117.87 0.00 271.08 388.95 151.50 10/32006 <0.10(C06-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <O.DO05 <0.0015 -0.002 NA 110.67 0.DO 27828 388.95 151.50 Pape 19 of 24 The Source Group,tuG Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ ETHYL- TOTAL MTBE HYDRO- GROUND- TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH T'PHp BENZENE TOLUENE MTBE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO BENZENE XYLENES 6020 or CARBON WATER CASING BOTTOM (feet-bgs) DATE 8015M 82609• 8260B' 82608' 8260B' 8260B' 82608 80219 PRODUCT WATER THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL [Sample Depth] Units: (m9/y (feet-TOC) (feet-TOC) (feet) (feet•MSL) (feet-MSL) (feet-TOC) TSG-MWb7B 4/3/2007 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 102.54 O.oa 286.41 388.95 151.46 (127-152) 10/32007 -0.10(Cos-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 <0.0W5 <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 108.34 0.00 280.61 388.95 151.10 (Continued) 31262008 <0.10(COS-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 113.41 0.00 275.54 388.95 151.48 9/172008 -0.10(COB.C44) <01 -0.0005 <0.0005 4.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 125.15 0.00 263.80 388.95 151.52 3/172009 <0.10(CoB-C44) -0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005- <0.065 <0.002 - NA 133.71 0.00 255.24 388.95 151.46 10!72009 <0.10(CD D8-C44) <0.1 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 141.85 0.00 247.10 388.95 151.50 TSG.MW-6?C 10/92001 <7(COS-C44) -0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.001 - <0.005 NA 113.34 0.00 274.54 387.88 203.78 (183-203) 3/122002 -0.10(COO-C44) -0.05 0.055 0.003 0.0037 0.0077 0.0046 - NA 112.35 0.00 275.53 387.88 NM 10222002 -0.10(COO-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <O.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 124.09 0.00 263.79 387.88 203.75 3/312003 <0.10(C06-C44) 0.06 -0.00081 0.0071 0.0017 0.0094 -0.002 - NA 123.92 0.00 263.98 387.88 203.78 922/2003 <D.10(COS-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 132.24 0.00 255.64 387.88 203.63 4262004 -0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 129.60 0.00 258.28 387.88 >200 9202004 -0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 0.00056 -0.0005 0.00071 <0.002 - NA 137.41 0.00 251.53 388.94 >2W 3282005 -0.10(COS-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 135.24 0.00 253.70 388.94 203.70 9/192005 -0.10(COS-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 134.03 0.00 254.91 388.94 203.70 3222006 -0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 <0.O. - NA 118.17 0.00 270.77 388.94 203.70 10132006 -0.10(COS-C44) <0.05 <0.D005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 -. NA 115.04 0.00 273.90 388.94 203.68 4132007 <0.10(C08-C44) 0.095 0.0027 0.004 0.0024 0.0079 -0.002 - NA 107.00 0.00 281.94 388.94 203.64 10/32007 <0.10(CO6-C44) c0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 117.33 0.00 271.61 388.94 203.63 3262008 -0.10(C06-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 121.71 0.00 26723 388.94 203.65 9/172008 <0.10(CO6-C44) -0.1 -0.0005 -0.0005 <O.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 136.14 0.00 252.80 388.94 203.70 31172009 <0.10(COB-C44) -0.1 -0.0005 <0.0005 <O.DD05 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 142.05 0.00 246.89 388.94 203.65 10/72009 <0.10(COS-C44) <0.1 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 153.43 0.00 235.51 388.94 203.70 TSG-MW-71 10/132001 <1(COS-C44) 0.063 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.001 0.19 0.19 NA 92.10 0.00 298.02 390.12 102.99 (62-102) 3/142002 0.13(CO8-C12) 0.93 0.008 0.00065 -0.0005 <0.0015 0.3 - NA 96.83 0.00 NA 390.12 101.00 10212002 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 390.12 102.94 3/312003 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 390.12 103.00 91=003 ----•---•-------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 390.12 103.15 4/132004 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 390.12 103.10 9/8/2004 ____________________________Not Sampled-Welt Dry------_----------------------- NA DRY NA NA 391.18 102.50 3222005 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 391.18 103.00 9/142005 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 391.18 103.00 3/152006 ----------------------------Not Sampled•Well Dry------------------------------ NA 102.96 NA NA 391.18 103.02 10/42006 -0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 I -0.0005 I -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 I -0.002 - NA 90.73 0.00 300.45 391.18 103.01 4/62007 -0.10(CO6-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 88.03 0.00 303.15 391.18 102.96 10/42007 -0.10(CO6-C41) <0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 95.13 0.00 296.05 391.18 103.00 3242008 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 391.18 102.97 9/152008 ---------------------------Not Sampled due to Insufficient Water----------------------------- NA DRY NA NC 391.18 103.02 31162009 --•-----•-------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 391.18 103.01 10/52009 ____________________________Not Sampled.Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 391.18 103.03 TSG-MW-72 10/132001 <1(C 0.20 0.0022 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.001 0.54 0.63 NA 93.44 0.00 297.92 391.38 108.14 (68.108) 3/142DO2 0.11(:.10) 0.12 -0.0005 0.00066 -0.0005 <0.0015 0.042 - NA 97.61 0.00 293.75 391.38 106.00 10232002 <0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.0022 - NA 106.38 0.00 284.98 391.36 108.15 3/312003 ............................Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA 108.02 0.00 283.34 391.36 108.12 9222003 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 391.36 108.17 4/132004 ____________________________Not Sampled•Well Dry------------------------------- NA DRY NA NA 391.36 10820 9/812004 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 392.42 107.30 3222005 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 392.42 10820 9/142005 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 392.42 10820 3/15/2006 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NA 392.42 108.25 10/42006 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 90.69 0.00 301.73 392.42 108.12 48/2007 -0.10(CO6C44) -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 86.58 0.00 305.86 392.42 107.98 10/42007 -0.10(CO6-C44) I <0.05 1 -0.0005 1 <0.0005 <O.OW5 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 96.11 0.00 296.31 392.42 108.10 3242008 ---------------------------Not Sampled due to Insufficient Water-------------------••-•------ NA 108.98 0.00 285.44 392.42 107.96 9/152008 ---------------------------Not Sampled due to Insufficient Water----------------------------- NA DRY NA NC 392.42 108.16 3/162009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 392.42 108.12 10/52009 ____________________________Not Sampletl-WeII Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 392.32 108.11 Pape 20 of 24 The Seam Group.Ine. Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID I ETHYL- TOTAL MTBE HYDRO, GROUND- TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH TIP BENZENE TOLUENE 8260 DEPTH TO DEPTH TO (feele De DATE 8015M 62608' 82608' 82608' BENZENE X8260B* 82608 8020 or PRODUCT WATER CARBON WATER CASING BOTTOM [Sample Depth] 82608' 82808' 80218 THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL Unf s: (m91L) (feet-TOC) (fed-TOC)I (feet) I (feet-M51) (fee!-MSL) (feel-TOC) TSG-MW-82A 4272004 1.4(CO6-C 16) 3.8 0.58 0.013 0.15 0.44 0.27 - NA NM NM NC NM NM (130-160) 9212004 <0.1(C04-C44) 5.3 0.39 0.007 0.17 0.74 0.34 - NA 120.10 0.00 270.66 390.76 162.30 3292005 <0.1(CO6-C44) <0.05 0.00069 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 0.016 - NA 124.90 0.00 265.88 390.76 162.30 9/202005 0.62(C20-C32) <0.05 .0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 116.11 0.00 274.65 390.76 162.30 6202006 <0.10(COB-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 105.97 0.00 284.79 390.76 162.33 10/3/2006 0.24(COB-C26) 0.17 -0.0005 -0.0005 0.0042 -0.0015 0.0084 - NA 96.37 0.00 294.39 390.76 162.33 4/52007 <0.10(C06-C44) <0.05 <O.000S <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 89.90 0.00 300.86 390.76 162.29 10/22007 -0.10(COB-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 .0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 101.18 0.00 289.58 390.76 162.40 3252008 <0.10(CO6-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 108.77 0.00 281.99 390.76 162.30 9/162008 <0.10(COB-C44) <0.1 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 121.80 0.00 268.96 390.76 162.34 [135 ft.] 3/182009 <0.10(COB-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0W5 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 132.87 0.00 257.89 390.76 162.30 10/82009 0.12(C1(I-C20) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.0024 - NA 141.28 0.00 249.48 390.78 162.31 TSG-MW-828 4272004 <0.10(COB-C44) 0.12 0.0053 0.00053 0.0038 0.0132 <0.002 - NA NM NM NC NM NM (181-191) 9212004 <0.10(COB-C44) 2.0 0.002 <0.0005 0.00058 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 129.00 0.00 261.67 390.67 193.30 31292005 <0.10(C06-C44) 1.2 <0.0005 .0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <O.W2 - NA 130.26 0.00 260.41 390.67 193.30 9202005 -0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 123.79 0.00 266.88 390.67 193.30 3232006 <0.10(C06-C44) <0.05 .0.0005 <O.000S <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 109.46 0.00 28121 390.67 193.30 10/32006 <0.10(CO6-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002- - NA 104.53 0.00 286.14 390.67 193.30 _ 4152007 <0.10(CO8-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 98,67 0.00 29200 390.67 193.25 1022007 <0.10(CO6-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 111.25 0.00 279.42 390.67 194.12 325/2008 <0.10(COs-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 117.80 0.00 272.67 390.67 19315 9/162008 <0.10(CO6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <O.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 134.52 0.00 256.15 390.67 193.32 [186 ft.] 3/182009 <0.10(COB-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 141.13 0.00 249.54 390.67 193.28 108/2009 -0.10(COB-C44) <0.1 .0.0005 0.0026 <0.0005 0.00178 <0.002 - NA 153.03 0.00 237.64 390.67 193.30 TSG-MW-83A 4272004 0.18(C10-C36) 0.19 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.15 - NA NM NM NC NM NM (163-178) 9202004 0.37(C10-032) 0.17 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.17 - NA 132.36 0.00 256.90 389.26 183.10 3292005 <0.1(CO6-C44) 0.21 <0.0005 .0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.13 - NA 132.56 0.00 256.70 389.26 183.05 9202005 0.92(C12-C34) 0.12 0.0016 0.00059 <0.0005 0.0020 0.21 - NA 129.14 0.00 260.12 389.26 183.05 3232006 0.22(C14-C32) 0.070 <0.0005 0.0005 .0.0005 <0.0015 0.12 - NA 114.12 0.00 275.14 389.26 183.05 10/3/2008 <0.10(CO8-C44) 0.58 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.23 - NA 108.87 0.00 280.39 389.26 183.05 4/42007 <0.10(CO6-C44) 0.31 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.051 - NA 101.47 0.00 287.79 389.28 183.07 10/42007 -0.10(COB-C44) <0,05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.0058 - NA 112.45 0.00 276.81 389.26 182.72 3/252008 -0.10(COB-C44) -0,05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 .0.0015 -0.002 - NA 118.18 0.00 271.08 389.26 183.08 9/172008 -0.10(C06-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 134.61 0.00 254.85 38926 183.07 1168 fL] 3/18/2009 <0.10(COB•C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <O.0005 <0.0005 <O.OD15 <0.002 - NA 141.41 0.00 247.85 389.26 183.02 10172009 <0.10(C06C44) <0.1 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 152.20 0.00 237.06 389.26 183.05 TSG-MW-838 4272004 <0.10(COB-C44) 0.13 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.11 - NA NM NM NC NM NM (192-212) 9202004 <0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 .0,0005 <0.0015 0.025 - NA 135.02 0.00 254.61 389.63 >200 3292005 <010(COS-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.025 - NA 134.19 0.00 255.44 389.63 215.50 9202005 0.69(C1B-C28) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.020 - NA 130.48 0.00 259.15 389.63 215.50 3232008 <0.10(C06-C44) 0.080 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.076 - NA 114.97 0.00 274.66 389.63 215.46 10/32008 <0.10(C(I6-C44) 0.11 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.076 - NA 110.69 0.00 278.94 389.83 215.46 4/42007 <0.10(C06-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 N.OD05 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 103.49 0.00 286.14 389.83 215.52 10/42007 <0.10(C06-C44) 0.096 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <O.0015 0.21 - NA 115.18 0.00 274.45 389.63 215.40 3252008 0.047 COS-C44) 0.068 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 0.11 - NA 120.90 0.00 268.73 389.63 215.50 9/172008 <0.10 C06-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.OD05 <0.0005 <0.D015 0.066 NA 137.88 0.00 251.75 389.63 215.47 (197 ft.] 3(182009 <0.10 COB-C44) -0.1 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 0.035 - NA 143.92 0.00 245.71 389.63 215.43 10(72009 <0.10 COB-C44) .0.1 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 .0.002 - NA 155.13 0.00 234.50 389.63 215.45 TSG-MW414A 4262004 0.28(COB-C28) 0.29 -0A005 0.0028 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.26 - NA NM NM NC NM NM (87-147) 9202004 0.14(C10_C20) 0.47 -0.0005 0.00081 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.93 - NA 122.35 0.00 265.17 387.52 139.50 3282005 <0.10(COB-C44) 0.16 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.21 - NA 126.21 0.00 261.31 387.52 139.50 9202005 <0.10(C0B-C44) 0.19 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.30- - NA 123.79 0.00 263.73 387.52 139.50 3222006 <0.10(COS-C44) <0.10 <0.0005 -0.0005 .0.0005 <0.D015 0.013 - NA 110.88 0.00 276.64 387.52 139.50 1013/2006 <0.10(COB-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 102.80 0.00 284.72 387.52 139.50 4142007 <0.10(COB-C") <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 4.0015 <0.002 - NA 94.89 0.00 292.63 387.52 139.46 10/42007 -0.10(COB-C44) .0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 101.89 0.00 285.63 387.52 14122 3282008 -0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 0.00057 -0.0005 .0.0015 <0.002 NA 108.53 0.00 278.89 387.52 139.48 Page 21 of 24 The Seuree Group,Inc. Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ ETHYL- TOTAL MTBE HYDRO- GROUND. TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH TPHg BENZENE TOLUENE MTBE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO (feel-bps) DATE 8015M 82603' 82608' 32383• BENZENE XYLENES 82603 8020 or PRODUCT .WATER I CARBON WATER I CASING BOTTOM (Sample Depth) 82608' 82608' 8021B THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL Units: (m9/L) (feet-TOC)I(feel-TOC)I (feet) I (feet-MSL) (feet-MSL) (feet-TOC) TSG-M4" 9/152008 -0.10(C I -0.1 -0.0005 I -0.0005 I -0.0005 <0.0015 I -0.002 - NA 122.10 0.00 265.42 387.52 139.52 (87-147) 3/182009 <0.70(CO6-044) <0.1 -0.805 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 0.016 - NA 131.67 0.00 255.85 I 387.52 139.48 (Continued) 10/5/2009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 387.52 140.13 TSG-M -94B 4262000 0.16(008-032) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0O15 0.00085) - NA NM NM NC NM NM (163-178) 9202004 -0.10(COB-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.010 - NA 131.82 0.00 255.59 387.41 179.70 3282005 <0.10(COB.C44) <0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 131.16 O.00 256.25 387.41 179.70 9202005 <0.10(CO6-C44) <0.05 <0.0005, <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 127.69 0.00 259.72 387.41 179.70 31=006 <0.10(CO6-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 112.53 0.00 274.88 387.41 179.70 10/32006 <0.10(COB-044) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 108.19 0.00 279.22 387.41 179.70 4/4/2007 <0.10(COB-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 101.07 . 0.00 286.34 387.41 179.64 10/42007 <0.10(CO&C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 112.25 0.00 275.18 387.41 179.39 3262008 -0.10(CO6-C44) <0.05 <0.0W5 0.00071 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.0029 - NA 117.80 0.00 269.61 387.41 179.65 91172008 <0.10(CO&C44) -0.01 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <O.0015 <0.002 - NA 134.00 0.00 253.41 387.41 179.71 3/182009 -0.10(CO&C44) <0.01 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 140.16 0.00 247.25 387.41 179.68 10/6/2009 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.01 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 1 151.52 0.00 235.89 387.41 179.70 TSG-MW-W 4262004 <0.10(C06-C44) <O.OS <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.004 - NA NM NM NC NM NM (192-212) 9202004 -0.10(C04-C44) <O.05 -0.8005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.0031 - NA 131.41 0.00 255.35 386.76 >200 3282005 <0.10(COB-C44) -0.05. <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 130.60 0.00 256.16 386.76 215.21 9202005 <0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002- - NA 127.09 0.00 259.67 386.76 215.21 3222006 -0.10(CO6-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 111.89 0.00 274.87 386.76 215.21 10!32006 <0.10(CO6-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 107.60 0.00 279.16 386.76 215.21 4/42007 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 100.49 0.00 286.27 386.76 215.25 10142007 -0.10(COS-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <O.OW5 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 111.68 0.00 275.08 386.76 215.11 3262008 <0.10(CO6.C44) <0.05 -0.0005 0.0018 <0.0005 0.0016 <0.002 - NA 117.22 0.00 269.54 386.76 21527 91172008 <0.10(C06-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <O.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 133.40 0.00 253.36 386.76 215.22 31182009 <0.10(CO6-C44) <0.1 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.OD05 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 139.58 0.00 247.18 386.76 215.18 10/62009 <0.10(C06-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <O.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 150.92 0.00 235.84 386.76 215.20 TSG-MW45A 4272004 <0.10(COS-044) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.0024 - NA NM NM NC NM NM (115435) 9212004 <0.10(COB-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 0.0092 - NA 117.06 0.08 269.35 388.41 136.50 3/28/2005 <0.10(COB-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 122.12 0.00 264.29 386.41 136.50 91192005 <0.10(COB-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 0.026 - NA 116.11 0.00 270.30 386.41 136.50 3232006 -0.10(C06-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.026 - NA 105.15 0.00 281.26 386.41 136.50 10132006 0.10(C18-C28) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 96.41 0.00 290.00 386.41 136.50 4/32007 <0.10(CO&C44) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 90.42 0.00 295.99 386.41 136.48 1022007 -0.10(COS-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 98.26 O.00 288.15 386.41 136.86 3252008 <0.10(COS.C44) <0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 105.30 0.00 281.11 386.41 136.48 91162008 -0.10(COS-044) -0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 c 0.0015 <0.002 - NA 118.10 0.00 268.31 386.41 138.52 3/18/2009 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 .0.0015 <0.002 - NA 128.20 0.00 258.21 386.41 136.48 10/52009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 388.41 136.46 TSG-M-55B 4272004 <01(COB-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA NM NM NC NM NM (163-178) 9212004 <01(C04-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 127.90 0.00 258.47 386.37 179.00 3282005 0.11(C18-C26) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0815 -0.002 - NA 127.66 0.00 258.71 386.37 179.00 9/192005 2.1(CV-C32) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 122.56 0.00 263.81 386.37 179.00 323/2006 <010(COB-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 108.20 0.00 278.17 386.37 179.00 10/32006 0.13(C18-C28) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 103.48 0.00 282.89 386.37 179.00 4/3/2007 -0.10(C06-C44) 0.12 0.0045 0.0050 0.0027 0.0102 -0.002 NA 97.17 0.00 289.20 386.37 178.96 1022007 4.10(C06-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 108.61 0.00 277.76 386.37 178.70 3252008 0.14(COB-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 4.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 114.17 0.00 272.20 386.37 178.96 9/16/2008 0.18(COB-C44) 4.1 4.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 130.51 0.00 255.86 388.37 179.03 [168 ft.1 3/182009 -0.10(CO&C44) <0.1 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0,0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 137.04 0.00 249.33 386.37 178.98 108/2009 4.10(CO&044) c0.1 I <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 148.73 0.00 237.64 388.37 179.00 TSG-M -UC 4272004 <0.10(COB-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA NM NM NC NM NM (192-212) 921/2004 -0.10(CO6-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0805 <O.0005 <O.0015 <0.002 - NA 127.72 0.00 258.46 386.18 >200 32SM05 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 128.43 0.00 257.75 386.18 212.30 9/192005 -0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 122.30 0.00 263.88 386.18 21230 3232006 -0.10(CO&C44) -0.05 <0.00 S <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 107.93 0.00 278.25 386.18 212.30 1013/2006 <0.10(COS-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 NA 10323 0.00 28295 388.18 212.30 Page 22 of 24 The Some Croup,lor. Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Suniand Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,Caiifomia WELL ID l ETHYL- TOTAL MTBE HYDRO- GROUND- TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH TPHg BENZENE TOLUENE NITBE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO (feet-bps) DATE 8015M 8260B' ( 82606' I 82608' BENZENE XYLEBE 82608 8020 or PRODUCT WATER I CARBON WATER CASING BOTTOM (Sample OeplhJ 82608' 82606' 80218 THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL Units: (m91L) reel-TOC creel-TOC>I creep I treetHdsL) I (reef-MSc) I(feet-TOC TSG-M -85C 4132007 :0.10(COB-C44) 0.090 0.0058 0.0039 -0.0005 0.0065 -0.002 - NA 96.90 0.00 289.28 386.18 212.26 (192-212) 1022007 <0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 108.37 0.00 277.81 388.18 212.25 (Continued) 3252008 -0.10(COS-C44) <0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 114.15 020 272.03 386.18 21225 9/152008 <0.10(COS-C44) <0.1 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 130.30 0.00 255.88 386.18 215.24 3/162009 -0.10(COS-C44) -0.1 -0.0005 <0.0005 :0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 136.83 0.00 249.35 386.18 212.28 10/62009 -0.10(COS-C44) -0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 :0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 148.53 0.00 237.65 386.18 212.30 TSG-MW-113C 3/312005 9.7(C06-cls) I 30 I 0.36 I 0.49 0.31 1.95 I 102 - NA 118.91 0.00 NC NS 125.20 (85125) 9222005 550(C06-C26) 1,200 0.12 II 8.4 4.7 108 III -200 - NA 106.70 0,00 NC NS 127.40 3212006 9.8(CO6-C32) 12 0.039 0.030 0.22 1.68 <0.02 - NA 93.86 0.00 NC NS 12520 9/262008 -----•--•----------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 82.57 82.58 0.01 NC NS 125.20 422007 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 77.11 77.14 0.03 NC NS NM 10112007 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product-------------------. 92.60 93.26 0,66 NC NS NM 3242008 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product------------------- 102.61 102.91 0.30 NC NS NM 9/152008 -------------------Not Sampled Due to Presence of Free Product--------------•---- 118.82 119.36 0.54 NC NS NM 31162009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC NS 126.80 10152009 ----------------------------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC NS 126.82 TSG-MW-114A 4/3/2007 <0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 101.95 0.00 284.11 386.06 13227 10/32007 <0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 :0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 :0.002 - NA 107.58 0.00 278.48 386.06 132.03 (80-130) 3282008 -0.10(CO6-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 0.001158 10.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 112.18 0.00 273.87 388.08 132.30 9/162008 -0.10(COB-C44) c0.1 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 124.50 0.00 261.56 386.06 130.02 3/162009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 386.06 132.25 10/52009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 386.06 132.27 TSG-MW-1148 4132007 <0.10(CO6•C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 105.51 0.00 280.24 385.75 179.12 10/3/2007 10.10(C08-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 115.34 0.00 270.41 385.75 179.02 (165-175) 3282008 <0.10(COS-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 119.90 0.00 265.85 385.75 179.15 9/162008 -0.10(COB-C44) <0.1 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 135.64 0.00 250,11 385.75 175.03 3/172009 -0.10(COS-C44) -0.1 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 141.18 0.00 244.57 385.75 179.00 10/72009 -0.10(C06-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 :0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 152.41 0.00 233,34 385.75 179.03 TSG-MW-114C 4/32007 -0.10(CO6-C4) <0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 105.37 0.00 280,37 385.74 210.12 10132007 -0.10(COB-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 115.51 0.00 270,23 385.74 210.05 (198-208) 3262008 -0.10(C06-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <O.0005 :0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 119.97 0.00 26537 385.74 210.14 91162008 -0.10(C06-C44) 10.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 135.68 0.00 250.06 385.74 208.02 31172009 -0.10(CO6C44) 10.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 141.43 0.00 244.31 385.74 210.11 10!72009 -0.10(C06-C44) 10.1 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 1 152.46 0.00 233.28 385.74 210.14 TSG-MW-115A 4142007 -0.10(CO6-C44) I -0.05 -0.0005 I -0.0005 I -0.0005 I -0.0015 :0.002 - NA 94.24 0.00 288.84 383.08 128.75 10/32007 -0.10(CO6-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 II :0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 100.43 0.00 282.65 383.08 128.50 (80-130) 3262008 -0.10(COB-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 0.00053 :0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 106.38 0.00 276.70 383.08 128.77 9/162008 -0.10(C08-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 119.45 0.00 263.83 383.08 130.02 3/162009 ----------------------------Nod Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 383.08 127.50 10/52009 ---------------------•------Not Sampled-Well Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 383.08 127.52 TSG-MW-1158 4/42007 -0.10(COB-C44) 0.090 0.00052 0.00057 <0.0005 1 0.0015 0.11 - NA 100.55 0.00 282.63 383.18 173.36 10/3/2007 -0.10(COB-C44) 0.064 :0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.13 - NA 111.53 0.00 271,65 383.18 173.23 (160-170) 3/262008 0.048(COS-C44) 0.081 <0.0005 0.00099 <0.0005 <0.0015 0.12 - NA 116.97 0.00 266.21 383.18 173.40 9/162008 0.078(CO6-C44) 0.12 0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 0.15 - NA 133.78 Will 249.40 383.18 170.02 3/172009 <0.10(CO6-C44) <0.1 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 0.12 - NA 139.64 0.00 243,54 383.18 173.30 10/72009 -0.10(COS-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 0.056 - NA 150.55 0.00 232.63 383.18 173.35 TSG-MW-115C 4/42007 -0.10(COSC44) 0.10 0.022 0.015 0.0022 0.0119 0.0023 - NA 100.56 0.00 282.60 383.16 210.11 10132007 -0.10(CO6-C44) 0.098 0.015 0.0088 0.0013 0.0075 <0.002 - NA - 111.56 0.00 271.60 383.16 210.11 (2DO-210) 3262008 0.072(CO6-C44) -0.05 0.002 0.0017 0.00065 0.0044 0.0031 - NA 117.00 0.00 266.16 383.16 210.13 9/162D08 0.089(COB-C44) 10.1 0.00056 <0.W05 -0.005 <0.0015 0.0029 - NA 133.80 0.00 249.36 383.16 210.11 3/172009 -0.10(COB-C44) 10.1 0.00056 <0.0005 <O.DO5 <0.0015 0.0028 - NA 139.67 0.00 243.49 383.16 210.10 10/72009 -0.10(C14-C78) 10.1 0.0022 <0.0005 <0.005 -0.0015 0.0027 - NA 150.60 0.00 232.56 383.16 210.13 TSG-MW-116A 4152007 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 10.002 - NA 93.70 0.00 293.34 387.04 127.71 10/42007 -0.10(C08-C44) I -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 100.75 0.00 286.29 I 387.04 127.68 3262008 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 NA 107.55 0.00 279.49 387.04 127.73 Pape 23 of 24 The Soaree GreaR Inc. Table 1 Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield,California WELL ID/ ETHVL- TOTAL MTBE HYDRO GROUND- TOP OF DEPTH TO SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE TEPH TPHg BENZENE TOLUENE I MTBE DEPTH TO DEPTH TO BENZENE X82608*S 8020 w CARBON WATER CASING BOTTOM (feel•bgs) DATE 8015M 82608. 82608' 82808' 82808• 82608' 82608 80218 PRODUCT WATER THICKNESS ELEVATION ELEVATION OF WELL [Sample Depth] Units: (mg/L) (feet-TOC)I(feet-TOC) (feet) (fee6MSL) (feet-TOC) TSG-MW-116A 9/172008 -0.10(COB-C44) I <0.1 I <0.0005 I -0.0005 I -0.0005 1 -0.0015 I <0.002 I - NA 1 121.80 0.00 26524 I 387.04 ( 129.02 (78-129) 31162009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry______________________________ NA DRY NA NC 387.04 126.39 (Continued) 10/52009 ____________________________Not Sampled-Wen Dry------------------------------ NA DRY NA NC 387.04 126.42 TSG-MW-1168 4152007 <0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 97.54 0.00 289.10 386.64 175.05 10/42007 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 108.16 0.00 278.48 386.64 175.00 3282008 -0.10(C06-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 114.81 0.00 271.83 366.64 175.05 9/172008 _ <0.10(COS-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 131.10 0.00 255.54 386.64 170.02 (160-170) 31192009 <0.10(COS-C44) <0.1 <O.OW5 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 139.77 0.00 246.87 386.54 175.03 10/82909 0.10(C12-C20). <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <6.002 - NA 149.84 0.00 236.80 386.64 175.05 TSG-MW-116C 4/52007 -0.10(CO6-C44) <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <O.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 103.02 0.00 283.98 387.00 209.75 10142007 -0.10(COB-C44) -0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0015 -0.002 - NA 115.00 0.00 272.00 - 387.00 209.20 3262008 -0.10(C05-C44) -0.05 -0.0005 -0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0015 <0.002 - NA 120.98 0.00 266.02 387.00 209.80 91172008 -0.10(COB-C44) .50.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 -0.0015 <0.002 - NA 138.44 0.00 248.56 387.00 208.02 (198-208) 31192009 <0.10(COB-C44) <0.1 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.002 - NA 144.20 0.00 242.80 387.00 209.71 10/82009 <0.10(CO6-C44) <0.1- <0.0005 <0.0005 1 -0.0005 1 -0.0015 I -0.002 - NA 155.21 0.00 231.79 387.00 209.73 NOTES: All results presented in micrograms per liter(mg/L) -100=Not detected above detection limn shown TEPH=Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons bgs=Below ground surface NA=Not applicable TPHg=Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline TOC=From Top of Casing NC=Not calculated MTSE=Methyl tert-Butyl Ether MSL=Mean Sea Level NS=Not surveyed J=Estimated value DUP=Duplicate sample NM=Not measured -=Not sampled or not analyzed = Earlier analytical methods for TPHg1BTEX were 8015MIS020 a=Lab report mislabeled well as MW-9R LPH not detected during gauging b-Lab report mislabeled well as MWAOR -"=Water gauged is residual water trapped in bottom cap of well and does not reflect depth to water table. c-Lab report and gauging sheet mislabeled well as MW-28S 1=Sample was diluted due to matrix interference. d=Lab report mislabeled well as MW-28D 2=Laboratory report Indicates that hydrocarbon does not match a gasoline pattern. - e=Lab report mislabeled well as MW-290 3=Sampled at indicated depth below TOC. f=Gauging sheet mislabeled well as SE-MW-11 4=(CB-C44)Carbon range analyzed if TEPH was not detected,or carbon range in which TEPH was detected. 5=Total extractable petroleum hydrocarbons by ASTM 2887. Page 24 of 24 The Source Group,Inc. Table 2 Historical Additional Fuel Oxygenate Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Refinery 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,California WELL ID DATE DIPE EtBE tAME tBA Ethanol Methanol EDB EDC SAMPLED (µg/L) (µg/L). (µg/L) (µg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (µg/L) (µg/L) Method Reporting Limit: 2 2 2 10 1.0 1.0 0.50 0.50 TSG-MW-114A 413/2007 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-114A 10/3/2007 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-114A 3/26/2008 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-114A 9/16/2008 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-114A 3/16/2009 Not Sampled,Well Dry TSG-MW-114A 10/5/2009 Not Sampled,Well Dry TSG-MW-1148 413/2007 <2.0 <2.0 -2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-114B 10/3/2007 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-114B 3/26/2008 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-114B 9/1612008 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-114B 3/1712009 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0* <1.0* <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-114B 10/7/2009 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-114C 4/3/2007 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-114C 10/3/2007 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-114C 3/26/2008 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-114C 9/1612008 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-114C 3/17/2009 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0* <1.0* <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-114C 10!7/2009 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-115A 4/4/2007 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-115A 10/3/2007 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-115A 3/26/2008 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-115A 9/1612008 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.50 Sunland 2H09 Page 1 of 3 The Source Groum Inc. r r r r �r r rr r r r ri r r� r r r r r r Table 2 Historical Additional Fuel Oxygenate Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Refinery 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,California WELL ID DATE DIPE EtBE tAME tBA Ethanol Methanol EDB EDC SAMPLED (µ9/L) (R9/L) (N9/L) (µ9/L) (m9/L) (m9/L) (µ9/L) (119/L) Method Reporting Limit: 2 2 2 10 1.0 1.0 0.50 0.50 TSG-MW-115A 3/16/2009 Not Sampled,Well Dry TSG-MW-115A 10/5/2009 Not Sampled,Well Dry TSG-MW-1156 4/412007 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-1158 10/3/2007 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 13 - - - - TSG-MW-115B 3/26/2008 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-1158 9/16/2008 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-115B 3/17/2009 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 13 NS NS <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-1158 1017/2009 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-115C 4/4/2007 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-115C 10/3/2007 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-115C 3/26/2008 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-115C 9/16/2008 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-115C 3/17/2009 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0* <1.0* <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-115C 10/7/2009 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-116A 4/5/2007 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-116A 10/412007 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-116A 3/26/2008 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-116A 9/17/2008 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-116A 3/1612009 - -Not Sampled,Well Dry TSG-MW-116A 10/5/2009 Not Sampled,Well Dry TSG-MW-1168 4/5/2007 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-1166 1 10/4/2007 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - Sunland 2H09 Page 2 of 3 The Soum Grew Inc. Table 2 Historical Additional Fuel Oxygenate Results World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Refinery 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,California WELL ID DATE DIPE EtBE tAME tBA Ethanol Methanol EDB EDC SAMPLED (µg/L) (µg/L) (µg/L) (µg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (pg/L) (µg/L) Method Reporting Limit: 2 2 2 10 1.0 1.0 0.50 0.50 TSG-MW-1168 3/26/2008 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-1168 9/17/2008 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-116B 3/19/2009 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0' <1.0' <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-1168 10/8/2009 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-116C 4/5/2007 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-116C 10/4/2007 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-116C 3126/2008 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 - - - - TSG-MW-116C 9/17/2008 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-116C 3/19/2009 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0' <1.0' <0.50 <0.50 TSG-MW-116C 10/8/2009 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.50 Notes: mg/L.=Milligrams per liter mg/L=Micrograms per liter DIPE=Di-isopropyl Ether EtBE=Ethyl tert Butyl Ether tAME=Tert Amyl Methyl Ether tBA=Tert-Butanol EDB=1,2-Dibromoethane EDC=1,2-Dichloroethane -=Not analyzed or available NS=Not Sampled-Bio-Trap installed within well TSG-MW-1158. "=Sample date 05121/2009 <XX=Not detected above reporting limit shown. Sunland 21-109 Page 3 of 3 The S00rce Group,Inc. Table 3 Historical Natural Attenuation Parameters World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery ' 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California WELL ID NO./ DO DO ORP ORP SAMPLE Nitrate Ferrous Dissolved SCREEN INTERVAL DATE First Last First Last Sulfate as N Iron Methane ' (ft bgs) Reading') Reading(') Reading(') Reading(') (PPM) m mV mV (mg/L (mg/L (mg/L m /L Method Reporting Limit: -- -- -- 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.002 ' Upgradient Groundwater Monitoring Wells MW-10(R) 10/12/01 14.54 14.39 -24 -12 14 0.26 <0.1 <0.1 (60-160) 03/13/02 6.01 8.71 27 144 20 0.49 <0.1 <0.1 10/22/02 5.00 4.22 196 205 28 0.15 <0.1 <0.1 ' 04/01/03 8.6 8.9 -58 4 31 . 0.39 0.62 <0.0002 09/23/03 13.1 11.0 -26 1 15 0.11 <0.1 <0.002 04/28/04 10.4 9.6 -63 -42 19 0.24 < 0.1 <0.002 09/08/04 10.3 == 24 __ =- == =- -= 05124/05 8.73 120 09/14105 6.60 -- 190 -- -- -- -- -- 03/15/06 7.40 -- 75 -- -- -- -- -- 10/06/06 7.62 7.29 4.39 4.41 04/11/07 9.50 9.22 75 80 10/05/07 7.52 8.66 -12 -21 -- -- -- -- ' 03/24/08 8.07 7.95 -9 -11 09/19/08 7.75 7.79 -94 -95 03/19/09 5.26 7.38 237 224 10/09/09 5.70 5.30 85 85 ' SE-MW-22 10/11/01 16.64 14.00 90 119 20 0.49 <0.1 <0.1 (60-180) 03/13/02 6.99 9.45 164 190 25 0.56 <0.1 <0.1 04/02/03 5.9 10.0 -59 39 22 2.4 <0.1 <0.0002 ' 09/26/03 11.2 11.9 98 61 _= <0.1 <0.002 04/29/04 10.6 8.4 59 91 <0.1 <0.002 09/08/04 8.2 -- 199 -- -- -- -- -- 05/24/05 10.56 -- 106 -- -- - -- -- 09/14/05 10.48 �= 205 == 03/15/06 8.39 86 10/06/06 6.22 6.16 308 305 -- - -- -- 04/11/07 8.06 7.96 103 104 N 10/05/07 8.29 9.53 69 60 03/24/08 8.37 8.43 163 165 - -- 09/19/08 9.45 9.48 22 24 -- -- -- -- 03/19/09 4.99 6.72 222 219 -- -- -- -- 10/09/09 6.20 6.00 82 89 SE-MW-25 10/12/01 11.10 11.93 143 132 28 0.75 <0.1 <0.1 ' (60-165) 03/12/02 9.03 9.48 2 196 26 1.3 <0.1 <0.1 10/23/02 9.03 9.48 26 26 26 2.5 <0.1 <0.1 04/03/03 6.3 7.5 -57 -7 20 1.7 <0.1 <0.0002 09/26/03 13.7 12.2 104 114 21 0.75 <0.1 <0.002 04/28/04 9.0 11.0 106 111 26 0_63 <0.1 <0.002 09/08/04 9.0 190 05/24/05 10.98 -- 126 -- -- -- -- - ' 09/14/05 8.81 =_ 225 == 03/15/06 6.90 89 10/06/06 7.17 7.28 300 302 -- -- -- -- 04/11/07 11.87 11.63 87 88 -- -- -- -- ' 10/05/07 8.26 9.13 1 -39 -47 1 -- -- -- -- Page 1 of 10 The Source Group,Inc. Table 3 ' Historical Natural Attenuation Parameters World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California ' WELL ID NO./ DO DO ORP ORP SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE DATE First Last First Last Sulfate Nitrate Ferrous Dissolved ' as N Iron Methane (ft bgs) Reading') Reading�') Reading(') Reading�'� (PPM) m mV mV (mg/L (Mg/L (mg/L m /L Method Reporting Limit: - -- -- -- 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.002 ' SE-MW-25 03/24/08 8.41 . 8.39 -42 -43 -- -- -- -- (60-165) 09/19/08 10.94 10.95 -18 ' 19 (Continued) 03/19/09 5.20 4.54 146 '211 -- - -- -- 10/09/09 6.20 5.40 71 93 -- - -- -- ' Source Groundwater Monitoring Wells SE-MW-9(R) 10/12/01 9.97 7.20 -128 -140 <0.5 < 0.1 12 5.5 (60-125) 03/15/02 9.38 4.06 152 -80 <0.5 < 0.1 8.6 5.3 ' MW-19 03/15/06 1.20 -- 58 - -- -- -- -- (84-104) 10/05/06 1.93 1.88 322 308 04/10/07 2.98 2.85 -10 -12 -- - -- -- 10105/07 3.79 4.25 -107 -- ' 03/24/08 4.67 NM -125 NM -- -- -- -- 09/15/08 NM NM NM NM 03/16/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- - -- ' 10/05/09 NM NM NM' NM - -- -- -- SE-MW-23S 10/12/01 11.24 8.68 -129 -144 <0.5 < 0.1 0.43 2.1 (50-130) 03/15/02 12.73 4.03 -52 -98 23 <0.1 2.4 0.92 ' 10/23/02 5.24 3.37 -86 -117 49 <0.1 3.1 0.92 04/01/03 3.2 2.9 426 480 1,000 < 0.1 11 0.42 09/25/03 4.9 6.6 126 165 590 < 0.1 13 2.4 04/28/04 8.4 9-3 -115 -147 220 < 0.1 17 089 05/24/05 1.24 366 09/14/05 2.42 -- -199 -- -- -- -- -- ' 03/15/06 0.53 - -243 -- 10/06/06 1.08 1.10 -96 -100 04/10/07 2.56 2.32 -74 -78 -- -- -- -- 10/05/07 3.79 4.36 -108 -110 -- -- - -- ' 03/24/08 2.08 1.92 -146 -148 -- -- -- -- 09/19/08 2.43 2.37 -132 -134 -- -- -- -- ' 03/19/09 0.00 0.03 -45 -47 10/05/09 NM NM NM NM SE-MW-23D 09/25/03 3.8 2.8 -53 -125 11 <0.1 -- -- ' (160-165) 10/24/03 0.5 0.8 -126 -122 -- -- 5�6 1.9 04/28/04 9.8 4.7 -148 -132 65 < 0.1 09/08/04 1.6 -- 114 -- -- -- -- 05/24/05 0.90 �= -113 09/14/05 2.11 -193 03/15/06 1.57 -- -172 -- -- -- -- -- 10/06/06 1.21 1.28 -66 -135 -- -- -- -- ' 04/10/07 1.72 1.33 -193 -198 -- -- -- -- 10/05/07 3.99 4.16 -110 -121 -- -- -- -- ' 03/24/08 1.42 1.35 -166 -167 -- -- -- -- Page 2 of 10 The Source Group,Inc. Table 3 ' Historical Natural Attenuation Parameters World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California ' WELL ID NO. / DO DO ORP ORP SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE First Last First Last Sulfate Nitrate Ferrous Dissolved DATE ��� ��� ��� ��� as N Iron Methane ' (ft bgs) Reading Reading(') Reading m m mV mV (mg/L (mg/L (mg/L m /L Method Reporting Limit: -- -- -- -- 0.5 0.1 0:1 0.002 ' SE-MW-23D 09119/08 1.05 1.01 -122 -123 -- -- -- (160-165) 03/19/09 4.04 0.00 8 -23 (Continued) 10/08/09 5.90 3.80 -60 -32 -- -- -- -- ' TSG-MW-113C 09/14/05 3.15 -- -63 -- -- -- -- -- (85-125) 03/24/08 ------------------- Contains LPH----------------- 09/19/08 ------------------- Contains LPH----------------- ' 03/16/09 ------------------- Contains LPH----------------- 10/05/09 NM NM I NM NM I -- -- -- -- Crossgradient Groundwater Monitoring Wells ' MW-6 03/15/06 3.25 - '25 -- (80-105) 10/04/06 1.74 1.69 361 369 04/06/07 1.39 1.32 98 99 -- - -- -- 10/04/07 3.98 4.21 -26 -22 -- -- -- -- 03/24/08 1.84 NM . -97 NM 09/15/08 NM NM NM NM 03/16/09 NM NM NM NM ' 10/05/09 NM NM NM NM MW-15 09/14/05 1.87 -165 (72-92) 03/15/06 2.38 -- -199 -- -- - -- -- 10/05/06 2.04 1.98 296 289 -- -- -- -- ' 04/10/07 4.96 4.82 -4 -11 - =� 10/05/07 3.90 4.26 -99 -108 03/24/08 5.91 NM -120 NM -- -- -- -- ' 09/15/08 NM NM NM NM Y =� 03/16/09 NM NM NM NM 10/05/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- SE-MW-20S 10/12/01 8.34 11.38 -137 -118 71 < 0.1 0.17 <0.1 (77-137) 03/14/02 8.37 8.34 -149 -110 22 < 0.1 <0.1 1.6 10/22/02 3.02 5.00 -130 -130 22 < 0.1 < 0.1 4.8 04/01/03 5.0 4.7 -104 -119 26 < 0.1 <0.1 7.5 ' 09/24/03 3.4 9.0 -142 -135 65 - < 0.1 5.7 04/29/04 8.2 8.0 -122 -128 0.10 0.58 09/08/04 1.1 -- 158 - -- -- -- -- ' 05/24/05 2.01 -180 09/14/05 1.38 -45 03/15/06 1.34 -142 10105/06 1.16 1.08 80 16 - -- -- -- ' 04/05/07 1.85 0.95 -132 -128 10/06/07 4.04 4.10 -84 -95 03/24/08 2.00 1.95 -42 -45 -- -- -- -- 09/18/08 2.72 2.68 -122 -124 -- 03/20/09 5.88 6.33 30 29 10/05/09 NM NM NM NM SE-MW-20D 03/15/06 1.24 -- -95 -- -- -- -- -- ' 144-184 10/05/06 1.58 1.55 283 140 -- -- -- -- ' Page 3 of 10 The Source Group,Inc. Table 3 ' Historical Natural Attenuation Parameters World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 21.52 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California ' WELL ID NO./ DO DO ORP ORP SCREEN INTERVAL DATE SAMPLE First Last First Last Sulfate Nitrate Ferrous Dissolved ' as N Iron Methane (ft bgs) Reading('� Reading(') Reading(" Reading�'� (PPM) m mV m (mg/L (mg/L (mg/L m /L Method Reporting Limit: -- -- -- -- 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.002 ' SE-MW-20D 04/05/07 1.42 1.14 -122 -128 -- -- (144-184) 10/06/07 4.99 5.62 -15 -8 (Continued) 03/24/08 6.98 6.94 21 23 09/18/08 2.75 2.65. -204 -204 -- -- -- -- 03/20/09 3.89 0.90 -19 -56 == == == 10/08/09 5.80 3.40 -104 -93 SE-MW-21 10/12/01 11.22 11.80 134 126 22 1.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 ' (57-182) 03/13/02 7.14 6.86 202 189 25 1.0 < 0.1 <0.1 10/22/02 5.52 7.02 169 160 26 0.67 <0.1 <0.1 04/02/03 7.40 7.20 149 148 17 0.43 <0.1 <0.0002 09/23/03 11.4 12.9 84 88 -- -- <0.1 <0.002 04/29/04 10.6 7_9 12 40 < 0.1 <0_002 09/08/04 9.3 200 05/24/05 8.66 -- 118 -- - -- -- -- ' 09/14/05 9.43 =� 147 == 03/15/06 7.95 -17 10/05/06 7.80 7.56 423 428 -- -- -- 04/05/07 9.72 9.17 -62 -14 ' 10/06/07 8.98 9.31 75 79 =- 03/24/08 8.63 8.00 -92 -72 09/18/08 9.01 8.93 -47 -43 -- -- -- -- ' 03/20/09 4.62 6.88 98 148 -- �= 10/08/09 6.40 5.90 78 71 SE-MW-26 10/12/01 14.33 11.17 70 74 55 7.6 <0.1 <0.1 (62-187) 03/13102 7.77 10.11 193 172 42 4.6 <0.1 <0.1 ' 10/21/02 7.42 6.82 136 119 28 1.3 < 0.1 <0.1 04/02/03 7.2 7.6 154 164 28 3.3 < 0.1 <0.0002 09123/03 12.0 11.0 74 82 -- -- <0.1 <0.002 ' 04/29/04 7.3 6.9 -33 -30 = == <0.1 <0.002 09/08/04 2.7 72 05/24/05 1.82 -- 9 -- - -- -- -- 09/14/05 2.90 -- 93 -- -- -- -- -- ' 03/15/06 7.07 -- 14 -- =� = 10/05/06 6.06 5.98 407 411 04/05/07 8.23 7.98 2 5 -- -- -- -- ' 10/06/07 8.90 8.18 45 37 03124/08 8.71 8.66 10 12 09/18/08 7.55 7.52 50 51 -- -- -- -- 03/19/09 4.89 5.81 85 134 -- -- -- -- ' 10/08/09 4.30 5.00 69 84 -- -- -- -- SE-MW-27 10/11/01 18.21 15.19 89 108 24 2.0 < 0.1 <0.1 (72-197) 03/12/02 9.67 18.99 144 161 24 2.2 < 0.1 <0.1 ' 10/21/02 9.67 18.99 202 67 21 4.6 <0.1 <0.1 04/01/03 8.3 10.8 120 113 24 5.3 <0.1 <0.0002 09/26/03 10.0 10.1 107 99 -- -- < 0.1 <0.002 04/28/04 10.1 10.0 -38 -28 -- -- <0.1 <0.002 ' 05/24/05 8.95 -- 61 -- -- -- -- -- Page 4 of 10 The Source Group,Inc. 1 Table 3 ' Historical Natural Attenuation Parameters World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California ' WELL ID NO./ DO DO ORP ORP SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE First Last First Last Sulfate Nitrate Ferrous Dissolved DATE ��� g��� ��� as N Iron Methane ' (ft bgs) Reading Reading(') Reading(') Reading m m mV mV (mg/L (mg/L (mg/L m /L Method Reporting Lirnit:1 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.002 ' SE-MW-27 09/14/05 8.02 103 (72-197) 03/15/06 7.54 39 (Continued) 10/04/06 6.46 6.38 416 413 04/06/07 9.35 9.23 55 58 -- -- -- -- ' 10/06/07 8.60 9.26 57 61 03/24/08 8.97 8.91 147 142 09/18/08 7.85 7.83 -42 -43 -- -- -- - ' 03/17/09 0.47 4.86 -24 154 10/07/09 4.50 5.20 46 30 SE-MW-51 10/10/01 12.75 12.97 132 122 7.7 0.14 <0.1 <0.1 (55-105) 03/11/02 7.31 6.82 212 188 9.7 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 ' 10/03/06 5.58 5.26 363 372 04/03/07 10.49 10.07 143 -11 10/02/07 8.06 7.99 149 152 -- -- -- -- ' 03/24/08 NM NM NM NM 09/15/08 NM NM NM NM 03/16/09 NM NM NM NM 10/05/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- GMX-MW-62S 10110/01 15.04 10.08 97 162 19 1.5 <0.1 0.10 (49-134) 03/11/02 11.00 8.00 173 230 26 1.4 <0.1 < 0.1 10/03/06 4.53 4.26 436 441 - -- -- -- ' 04/04/07 5.36 3.89 -131 -44 10/04/07 6.02 5.90 39 47 03/24/08 NM NM NM NM -- - - -- 09/15/08 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- ' 03116/09 NM NM NM NM 10/05/09 NM NM NM NM TSG-MW-71 10/04/06 5.69 5.46 431 426 -- -- -- -- (62-102) 04/06/07 9.19 8.88 111 113 10/04/07 9.50 9.08 115 105 03/24/08 NM NM NM NM -- - -- -- 09/15/08 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- 03/16/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- 10/05/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- TSG-MW-72 03/15/06 7.00 -- 43 -- -- - -- -- ' (68-108) 10/04/06 6.89 7.05 395 401 04/06/07 7.15 6.96 113 116 10/04/07 7.02 6.59 112 107 -- -- -- -- 03124/08 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- ' 09/15/08 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- 03/16/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- ' 10/05/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- Downgra die nt Groundwater Monitoring Wells MW-14 10/04/06 2.12 2.02 137 139 -- - -- -- ' 80-120 04/10/07 7.53 NM 171 NM -- -- -- -- Page 5 of 10 The Source Group,Inc. Table 3 Historical Natural Attenuation Parameters ' World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California ' WELL ID NO./ DO DO ORP ORP SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE First Last First Last Sulfate Nitrate Ferrous Dissolved DATE ��� ��� ��� ��� as N Iron Methane ' (ft bgs) Reading Reading(') Reading m m mV mV (mg/L (mg/L (mg/L m /L Method Reporting Limit: -- -- -- -- 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.002 1 MW-14 10/06/07 5.75 5.31 162 173 _ =- == =- (80-120) 03/24/08 7.62 NM 44 NM (Continued) 09/15/08 NM NM NM NM 03/16/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- ' 10/05/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- GMX-MW-60 10/10/01 9.79 11.82 -115 -116 <0.5 < 0.1 1.5 1.9 (45-110) 03/12/02 3.94 6.80 -63 -68 0.56 < 0.1 2.8 2.2 ' 10122/02 3.81 5.17 -104 -107 3.0 <0.1 0.27 0.89 03/31/03 9.20 9.3 -81 -81 1.7 <0.1 <0.1 0.64 03/15/06 1.16 -- -67 -- -- -- -- -- 10/03/06 2.08 2.01 356 353 -- -- -- -- ' 04105/07 1.87 1.84 82 63 10/02/07 5.35 4.40 -35 -42 03/24/08 3.29 NM -38 NM -- -- -- -- 09/15/08 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- ' 03/16/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- 10/05/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- - -- GMX-MW-61 10/10/01 16110 16.20 108 97 36 3.9 <0.1 <0.1 (48-113) 03/11/02 10.04 8.41 293 235 61 2.7 <0.1 <0.1 10/22/02 7.76 7.69 40 -71 66 1.5 <0.1 <0.1 10/03/06 9.66 6.61 299 408 -- - -- -- ' 04/03/07 10.54 10.44 50 53 10/02/07 7.99 8.22 1 11 03/24/08 8.41 8.35 -16 -18 -- -- - -- 09/15/08 NM NM NM NM - -- -- -- ' 03/16/09 NM NM NM NM �= == =� =� 10/05/09 NM NM NM NM TSG-MW-67A 10/09/01 10.93 10.75 49 -153 35 0.61 <0.1 <0.1 ' (73-108) 03/11/02 11.00 8.00 173 230 26 1.4 <0.1 < 0.1 04/03/07 5.48 4.28 64 68 10/02/07 5.92 7.19 124 137 -- -- -- -- 03/24/08 6.21 NM 44 NM -- -- -- -- ' 09/15/08 NM NM NM NM 03/16/09 NM NM NM NM 10/05/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- ' TSG-MW-67B 10/22/02 8.18 8.13 21 48 13 0.55 <0.1 < 0.1 (127-152) 03/31/03 5:2 6.3 -105 -78 9.1 1.5 <0.1 0.0025 09/22/03 10.5 _ 11.0 -271 -161 32 2.0 <0.1 <0.002 04/26/04 8.5 9.6 100 65 78 2.1 1 <0.1 <0.002 09/08/04 9.8 217 05/24/05 10.80 59 09/14/05 8.54 -- 136 -- -- -- -- -- 10/03/06 5.37 5.40 330 336 _- 04/03/07 7.43 5.29 63 65 10/03/07 6.79 8.09 128 131 -- -- -- -- 03/24/08 1 6.98 6.34 1 46 50 1 -- -- -- -- ' Page 6 of 10 The Source Group,Inc. Table 3 ' Historical Natural Attenuation Parameters World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California ' WELL ID NO./ DO DO ORP ORP SAMPLE Nitrate Ferrous Dissolved SCREEN INTERVAL DATE First Last First Last Sulfate as N Iron Methane (ft bgs) Reading'' Reading(') Reading(') Reading(') (PPM) m mV mV (mg/L (mg/L (mg/L m /L Method Reporting Limit: -- - - 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.002 ' TSG-MW-67B 09/17/08 8.12 8.09 44 46 -- -- -- (127-152) 03/17/09 0.69 5.31 39 130 (Continued) 10/07/09 5.80 5.50 51 48 -- -- -- -- TSG-MW-67C 10/22/02 8.34 8.16 70 86 13 0.89 <0.1 <0.1 ' (183-203) 03/31/03 9.60 9.70 -63 4 11 1.4 <0.1 <0.0002 09/22/03 15.4 15.30 -35 -6 13 1.7 <0.1 <0.002 04/26/04 9.70 9.60 60 75 16 1.8 <0.1 <0.002 ' 09/08/04 6.90 226 05/24/05 9.98 68 09/14/05 8.65 -- 118 -- -- -- 10/03/06 5.79 5.92 339 327 -- -- -- -- ' 04/03/07 9.11 9.05 -81 -23 10/03/07 8.45 8.39 124 129 03/24/08 8.01 7.89 47 44 -- -- -- -- ' 09117/08 7.29 7.31 51 53 03/17/09 NM NM NM NM 10/07/09 6.00 5.70 45 42 -- -- -- -- TSG-MW-8211 . 09/08/04 1.6 == -169 Y (181-191) 05/24105 NM* 09/14/05 NM* 10/03/06 1.81 1.66 335 330 -- -- - -- ' 04/05/07 5.70 5.23 12 15 10/02/07 4.63 4.49 -69 -67 03/24/08 4.02 3.75 -54 -51 -- -- -- -- 09/16/08 3.99 3.95 9 11 -- -- -- -- 03/18/09 NM* NM NM NM 10/06/09 5.60 5.30 44 42 TSG-MW-83A 09/08/04 1.6 -- -188 -- -- -- -- -- (163-178) 05/24/05 1.34 -234 09/14/05 1.64 -229 03/15/06 1.02 -- -168 -- -- -- -- -- ' 10/03/06 1.24 1.26 293 52 04/04/07 3.54 3.34 -114 -115 10/04/07 4.75 4.76 -10 -11 03/24/08 3.91 3.86 40 45 -- -- -- -- ' 09/17/08 4.82 4.75 -54 -56 �= = 03/18/09 NM NM NM NM 10/07/09 4.20 3.80 40 35 -- -- -- -- TSG-MW-83B 09/08/04 1.6 -- -210 -- -- -- -- -- ' (192-212) 05/24/05 1.60 -229 =� _ __ -- 09/14/05 1.80 -261 -_ 03/15/06 4.56 -- 47 -- -- -- -- -- ' 10/03/06 1.93 1.96 384 363 04/04/07 4.01 3.29 -99 -88 10104/07 5.06 4.78 19 20 -- -- -- -- ' 1 03/24/08 2.96 2.87 1 -82 -86 1 -- -- -- -- ' Page 7 of 10 The Source Group,Inc. Table 3 ' Historical Natural Attenuation Parameters World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California ' WELL ID NO./ DO DO ORP ORP SCREEN INTERVAL SAMPLE First Last First Last Sulfate Nitrate Ferrous Dissolved DATE ��� ��� ��� ��� as N Iron Methane (ft bgs) Reading Reading Reading Reading m m mV mV (mg/L (Mg/L (mg/L m /L Method Reporting Limit: -- -- -- 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.002 TSG-MW-83B 09/17/08 3.65 3.60 -28 -31 -- -- -- -- (192-212) 03/18/09 NM NM NM NM (Continued) 10/07/09 5.20 3.90 45 41 TSG-MW-84A 09/08/04 0.9 -- -195 -- -- -- -- -- (87-147) 05/24/05 1.76 -193 09/14/05 1.27 -200 03/15/06 1.39 -- -54 -- 1 10/03/06 4.23 4.18 334 339 04/04/07 7.02 6.92 -16 -11 10/04/07 8.12 8.30 80 90 03/24/08- 7.10 7.05 123 125 -- -- -- -- 09/17/08 3.76 3.72 46 47 03/18/09 0.11 0.28 105 116 10/05/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- ' TSG-MW-84B . 09/08/04 1.9 -151 =- (163-178) 05/24/05 5.58 74 09/14/05 4.25 -- 26 -- -- -- -- -- 03/15/06 4.17 -- 63 -- -- -- ' 10/03/06 2.26 2.21 334 330 04/04/07 3.40 2.86 -29 -26 10/04/07 6.02 5.65 48 40 -- - -- -- ' 03/24/08 2.85 2.77 102 103 09/17/08 3.65 3.60 45 46 03/18/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- 10/06/09 4.90 4.30 55 58 -- -- -- -- ' TSG-MW-84C 09/08/04 1.5 =� -200 (192-212) 05/24/05 3.22 64 09/14/05 4.26 -- 60 -- -- - - -- ' 03/15/06 . 4.24 -- 23 -- 10/03/06 2.62 2:54 338 331 04/04/07 4.91 3.82 -62 -46 -- -- -- -- 10/04/07 5.65 5.61 7 8 -- -- -- -- ' 03/24/08 5.25 4.98 86 89 09/17/08 6.52 6.45 39 41 03/18/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- ' 10/06/09 5.80 540 44 46 TSG-MW-85A 09/08/04 1.4 -201 (115-135) 05/24/05 1.01 -- -140 -- -- -- -- -- ' 09/14/05 2.93 �_ 94 - =� 03/15/06 2.75 48 10/03/06 2.77 2.75 303 306 04/03/07 4.90 3.61 5 -13 -- -- -- -- ' 10/02/07 5.58 6.58 143 22 03/24/08 4.59 4.43 -127 -129 09/16/08 2.88 2.84 -66 -68 -- -- -- -- 03/18/09 0.09 0.92 2 41 -- -- -- -- 10/05/09 1 NM NM I NM NM I -- -- -- -- ' Page 8 of 10 The Source Group,Inc. Table 3 ' Historical Natural Attenuation Parameters World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery, 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California WELL ID NO./ DO DO ORP ORP SCREEN INTERVAL DATE SAMPLE First Last First Last Sulfate Nitrate Ferrous Dissolved ' as N Iron Methane (ft bgs) Reading") Reading") Reading(') Reading(') (PPM) m mV mV (mg/L (mg/L (mg/L m /L Method Reporting Limit: -- -- -- -- 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.002 ' TSG-MW-85B 09/08/04 6.3 77 -- -- -- -- (163-178) 05/24/05 6.03 -6 09/14/05 5.64 -- 97 -- -- -- -- -- 03/15/06 3.17 -- 38 -- 10/03/06 1.56 1.71 314 305 04/03/07 9.93 4.38 -2 -91 10/02/07 4.64 4.56 -100 -103 -- -- -- -- ' 03/24/08 2.18 2.06 -205 -207 -- -- = 09/16/08 2.60 2.55 -129 -131 03118/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- 10/06/09 5.40 5.20 64 61 -- - -- -- ' TSG-MW-85C 09/08/04 2.3 -- 61 -- -- -- -- -- (192-212) 05/24/05 4.40 -- -69 -- -- -- 09/14/05 4.70 -- 126 -- -- -- -- -- 1 03/15/06 2.55 -- 39 -- -- -- -- -- 10/03/06 2.21 2.00 349 345 04/03/07 4.14 4.66 -84 -83 -- -- -- -- ' 10/02/07 6.13 6.05 76 80 03/24/08 .2.80 2.47 60 58 09/16/08 3.95 3.92 29 27 03/18/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- 10/06/09 5.10 5.00 56 54 - - -- -- ' TSG-MW-114A 10/03/07 7.79 8.26 125 128 -- - - - (80-130) 03/24/08 NM NM NM NM - -- -- -- 09/16/08 NM NM NM NM 03/16/09 NM NM NM NM 10/05/09 NM NM NM NM TSG-MW-114B 10/03/07 7.98 8.30 125 134 -- -- -- -- ' (165-175) 03/24/08 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- = 09/16/08 NM NM NM NM 03/17/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- ' TSG-MW-114C 10/03/07 6.49 7.00 131 124 -- -- -- -- (198-208) 03/24/08 NM NM NM NM 09/16/08 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- 03/17/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- ' 10/05/09 NM NM NM NM TSG-MW-115A 04/04/07 8.25 8.02 120 112 (80-130) 10/03/07 7.98 7.49 122 125 -- -- -- -- ' 03/24/08 6.94 6.96 94 96 -- -- -- -- 09/16/08 NM NM NM NM 03/16/09 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- ' 10/05/09' NM NM NM NM TSG-MW-1158 04/04/07 2.10 2.06 -266 -269 (160-170) 10/03/07 4.99 5.42 . -202 -211 -- -- -- -- 03124/08 2.13 2.08 -148 -150 -- - -- -- ' Page 9 of 10 The Source Croup.Inc. Table 3 ' Historical Natural Attenuation Parameters World Oil Corp. Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California ' WELL ID NO./ DO DO ORP ORP SAMPLE Nitrate Ferrous Dissolved SCREEN INTERVAL DATE First Last First Last Sulfate as N Iron Methane ' (ft bgs) Reading"' Reading(') Reading(') Reading(') (PPM) m mV mV (mg/L (mg/L (mg/L m /L Method Reporting Limit: -- -- -- -- 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.002 TSG-MW-1158 09/16/08 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- ' (160-170) 03/17/09 NM NM NM NM -- (Continued) 10/07/09 4.20 3.90 40 37 -- -- TSG-MW-115C 04/04/07 1.65 1.16 -273 -297 -- -- -- -- ' (200-210) 10/03/07 4.59 4.22 -229 -239 03/24/08 9.36 9.42 -126 -129 09/16/08 NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- ' 03/17/09 NM NM NM NM == == == 10/07/09 4.40 3.10 -69 -75 NOTES: (mg/L)=milligrams per liter DO=Dissolved oxygen (ppm)=parts per million ORP=Oxidation-reduction potential ' (mv)=millivolts N=Nitrogen <##=Not detected above the method reporting limit shown. ft bgs=feet below ground surface =Not sampled or not applicable "= Well casing bend-Horiba probe could not reach the water level. ' (1) DO and ORP values shown are first and last measurements taken at the time of sampling. Between September 2004 and March 2006, DO and ORP were only measured during gauging(pre-purge). 1 ' Page 10 of 10 The Source Group,Inc. 1 Appendix A ' HCVES and LPH Removal Summary Table - 2009 1 1 ' The Source Group,Inc. ' TABLE A HCVES/ASILPH SUMMARY FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD JANUARY 1,2009-DECEMBER 31,2009 ' WORLD OIL CORPORATION,FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA Client Contact: John Hundley Consultant: The Source Group,Inc. ' Lead Agency: RWOCB,Central Valley Region Reporting Period: January 1,2009-December 31,2009 SVES Operating Mode: Flare/Thermal Oxidizer SJVUAPCD Authority to Construct Permit No.: S-207-42-5(1/1/04-9/20/04),S4294-1-0(9120104-present) ' Equipment Inventory: Baker Furnace SX1500 Thermal/Catiytic Oxidizer John Zink Flare (2)250-gallon Knockout(KIO)Vessels,Transfer Pumps and Piping 125 psi,100 scfm Air Compressor 115 psi,219 cfm Air Compressor ' (1)4,000-gallon Above Ground Storage Tank 2 Positive Displacement Blower,Sutorbilt Legend,Model 7M HCVES PROCESS SUMMARY ' Process Concentrations at System Start Up: STF:101711996 WTF:3/22/1996 Laboratory Reported TPHg Concentration: STF:7,100 ppmv WTF:31,090 ppmv Laboratory Reported Benzene Concentration: STF:94 ppmv WTF:130 ppmv WTF:MW-7,SE-SVE40b/c,SE-SVE-41c,SESVE-42b/c, SE-SVE-43b/c,TSG-VE-109c,TSG-VE-110c, ' TSG-VE-111c,TSG-VE-112c, TSG-VE-113c STF: MW-4,MW-5,SE-AS-30d,SE-AS-31 d,SE-ASNE-45a/b SE-ASNE-46a/b,SE-VE-47c,SE-VE-48a/b,SE-VE49a/blc,TSG-ASNE-52a TSG-ASNE-53a,TSG-ASNE-54a,TSG-ASNE-55a,TSG-VE-56,TSG-VE-57 ' Vapor Extraction Sources this Period: GMX-ASNE-63b,GMX-ASNE-64a/b,GMX-ASNE-65a/b, TSG-VE-69c,TSG-VE-70b/c,ASNE-73c/d,ASNE-74c/d,ASNE-75c, ASNE-76ctd,AS-77c,AS-78c,AS-79c,AS-80c,AS-81 alb/c,TSG-VE-97, TSG-VE-99,TSG-VE-100,TSG-VE-101,TSG-SVE-118,TSG-SVE-119 TSG-SVE-120,TSG-SVE-121 ' PG&E:TSG-VE-90,TSG-VE-91,TSG-VE-92,TSG-VE-93, TSG-VE-94,TSG-VE-95,TSG-VE-96 Process/Influent Concentrations(STF,WTF,PG&E combined): Field observed TPH concentration: 4,600-33,500 ppmv Lab Reported TPHg/Benzene/MTBE Concentrations (January 2009): 6,357.00/40.69/124.82(01/28/09) ppmv (February 2009): 7,335.00/50.08 1 55,47(02124/09) ppmv (March 2009): 8,068.50/53.21/77.66(03/25/09) ppmv ' (April 2009): 6,112.50/50.08/52.70(04/22/09) ppmv (May 2009): . Not Sampled ppmv (June 2009): 9,046.50/68.86/80.44(06103/09) ppmv (July 2009): 11,002.50/100.17/94.31(07101/09) ppmv ' (August 2009): 12,225.00 178.26/83.21(08/11109) ppmv (September 2009): 31,785.00 1 147.121388.32(09116109) ppmv Blower 1 It wer2 (October 2009): 12,958.50187.65/113.72(10/28/09) 5,379.00/29.42/27,74(10/28/09) ppmv Blower 1 wer 2 (November 2009): 15,159.00 1 65,73/213.57(11118/09) 6,357.00/22.54/33.28(11/18/09) ppmv ' Blower 1 Blower 2 (December 2009): 19,804.50/87.65/221.89(12/16/09) 110,513.50/31.30/88.76(12116/09) ppmv Flow Rate this Period: 131-1,471 scfm Manifold Vacuum this Period: 3.9-52 in.H2O Cumulative TPHg Destroyed this Period: 522 tons ' Cumulative TPHg Destroyed Since Start Up(3/22/96): 4,474 tons Cumulative MTBE Destroyed this Period: 4.6 tons Cumulative MTBE Destroyed Since October 1996: 26 tons Operating Time this Period: 6,060 hr Number of Auto'Shutdowns During this Period: 23 ' AS SYSTEM PROCESS SUMMARY System Started: 10/30196 SE-AS-30d,SE-AS-31d,SE-ASNE45a/b,SE-ASNE-46b,TSG-ASNE-52a TSG-ASNE-53a,TSG-ASNE-54a,TSG-ASNE-55a,GMX-ASNE-63b ' Air Sparge Wells this Period: GMX-ASNE-64a/b,GMX-ASNE-65a/b,TSG-AS-73d,ASNE-76d,AS-77c AS-78c,AS-80c,AS-81c,TSG-AS-86c,TSG-AS-87c,TSG-AS-88c TSG-AS-89c,TSG-AS-103d,TSG-AS-104d,TSG-AS-105d,TSG-AS-106d TSG-AS-107d,TSG-AS-108d Air Sparge Flow Rate per Well: 10 scfm ' LPH REMOVAL SUMMARY Net Volume of LPH Removed this Period: 1,650 gallons LPH Removal Sources this Period: TSG-SVE-120,TSG-SVE-121 Cumulative LPH Removed Since Start(12196): 16,849 gallons ' Legend/Notes STF=Former South Tank Farm Product removal based on 5%total fluids removed during the year, WTF=Former West Tank Farm All product recovered this period was a result of condensation and entrainment in the HCVES. AS=Air Sparge ' LPH=Liquid Phase Hydrocarbons The Source Group,Inc. 1 Appendix B Groundwater Monitoring and ' Status Reports - 2009 1 1 ' The Source Group,Inc. Date: June 1. 2009 � ' �>IHE ' environmental SOURCE GROUP, INC. ' SEMI-ANNUAL GROUNDWATER MONITORING AND STATUS REPORT FIRST HALF -2009 Client: World Oil Corp. Location: Former Sunland Refinery, 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California Client Cc ntact/Ph one No.: Mr. John Hundley/(562)92B-0100 Consulting Co./Contact Person/Phone No.: The Source Group, Inc. /Mark'Labrenz/(805)373-9063 The Source Group Project No.: 02-WOC-088 Agency/Regulatory ID No.: RWQCB-Central Valley Region/ Mr. Daniel Carlson/ File#CAO 95-702 WORK PERFORMED (January 2009 through May 2009): 1. Wayne Perry, Inc. (WPI)measured groundwater(and liquid petroleum hydrocarbon [LPH] levels,when present)in the groundwater monitoring wells on March 16, 2009. ' 2. WPI purged and sampled.on-and off-site groundwater monitoring wells on March 17 through 20, 2009 and May.21,2009. Purge water was temporarily stored on site and subsequently transported to DeMenno /Kerdoon for recycling. Dissolved oxygen(DO)and oxidation-reduction potential(ORP)were additionally measured during purging of select wells as part of the ongoing natural attenuation study. During the initial ' sampling event of March 17 through 20,2009,groundwater samples from wells TSG-MW-114A-C,TSG- MW-115A-C, and TSG--MW-116A-C were to be analyzed for ethanol and methanol. However, due to a sampling oversight, these analytes were not included for analysis. Wells TSG-MW-1 14B/C,TSG-MW- ' 115C, and TSG-MW-1 16B/C were re-purged by WPI on May 21, 2009 and sampled for ethanol and methanol. The A-casings for each of the aforementioned wells were dry during the first half 2009 sampling event and were therefore not sampled. Groundwater from well TSG-MW-115B was additionally not sampled for ethanol nor methanol during the first half 2009 sampling event due to the fact that a Bio- ' Trap sampler was installed within this well on May 15, 2009, precluding the collection of a groundwater sample during the May 21,2009 sampling event. 3. SGI operated the high capacity vapor extraction system (HCVES) utilizing the Baker Furnace thermal oxidizer as the primary abatement device through the first half 2009 reporting period. 4. SGI continued air sparging at the former West Tank Farm (WTF)and former South Tank Farm (STF) ' areas of the Sunland site, as well as the PG&E property north of the railroad tracks. 5. On February 19, 2009,SGI submitted a workplan to the CVRWQCB for the installation of four additional groundwater monitoring wells(TSG-MW-1 17A/B/C/D)to be installed approximately 1,000 feet to the west- , northwest of existing monitoring well TSG-MW-115. The proposed wells will be installed as a well cluster (individual wells installed into separate boreholes drilled approximately five feet apart)with the objective of defining the lateral as well as vertical extent of hydrocarbon constituents[total petroleum hydrocarbons as ' gasoline (TPHg), benzene, and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MtBE)] in groundwater downgradient of the former Sunland Refinery site. On April 17,2009,World received correspondence from the CVRWQCB .requesting additional information be provided regarding well installation. A Revised Well Installation Workplan was submitted to the CVRWQCB on May 22, 2009. ' 6. On May 15,2009,SGI installed Bio-Trap samplers into wells TSG-MW-20D and TSG-MW-115B in order to conduct microbial testing to confirm that in-situ biodegradation of MtBE may occur in groundwater underlying the site. 299 West Hilicrest Drive Telephone: (805)373-9063 ' Suite 220 Facsimile: (805)373-9073 Thousand Oaks, California 91360 e-mail: miabrenz@thesourcegmup.net ' Date: June 1, 2009 WORK PROPOSED FOR NEXT PERIOD (June 2009 through December 2009): ' 1. Complete roundwater gauging, and sam ling in August 2009. p 9 9 9 9 P ' 2. Continue operation and maintenance of the high capacity vapor extraction system (HCVES) and air sparge (AS) system. Continue LPH removal from affected on-site wells using a vacuum truck and/or stingers. 3. Retrieve Bio-Trap samplers and assess in-situ microbial activity downgradient of the Sunland Refinery ' site. MONITORING RESULTS: ' Current Phase of Project: Remediation (Assmnt, Remed. etc) Frequency of Groundwater Monitoring: Semi—Annual (Quarterly, etc.) ' Depth to Groundwater(SHZ 1A): 125.79 to 133.82 (Range, in feet) Groundwater Flow Direction/Magnitude: West-Southwest/0.003 (feet/foot) Flow/Gradient Consistent w/ Previous: No (Yes/No) ' Detectable TPHg Concentration Range: 0.15 to 56 (milligrams per liter) Detectable Benzene Concentration Range: 0.00061 to 1.1 (miiligrams per liter) ' Well with Highest Benzene Concentration: SE-MW-20(D) (Well) Detectable MtBE Concentration Range: 0.0028 to 0.12 (milligrams per liter) Well with Highest MtBE Concentration: TSG-MW-115B (Well) ' LPH Present(at the Site): None detected this'quarter (Yes/No) Surface Waters and Downgradient Wells Friant-Kern and Calloway (Name/[D) within 2,000 Feet of the Site*: Canals, PG&E Wells#1,#2, ' and 29S/27E-29K1 Distances &their Respective Directions: Canals along eastern (Distance and Direction) ' margin of site; wells 2,000 feet to northwest Current Remediation Techniques: HCVES/AS/LPH removal (SUES, Prod.Remov., etc.) ' Groundwater Discharge Permits: N/A (NPDES, POTW, etc.) Groundwater Purged this Event: 796 (Approx. gallons) ' Disposal/Recycling Facility: DeMenno/Kerdoon, Compton (Name and Location) ' Agency Directive: Continue semi-annual groundwater monitoring; and conduct vapor extraction, air sparging, and LPH removal. Notes: "=Distance as measured from northwest comer of former South Tank ' Farm (intersection of Old Coffee Road and Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Crossing). ' 2 The Source Group,Inc. ' Date: June 1, 2009 �\ONAL GFO p �Q` No.5981 ¢ CERTIFIED p' HYDRpGE010GIST EXP. 1t/io ��9�F L�FOQ� ' REVIEWED BY: OF CA ATTACHED: ' Figure 1 -Site Location Map • Figure 2 - Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1A Groundwater Elevation Map - March 2009 • Figure 3 -TPH in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 A- March 2009 • Figure 4- Benzene in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 A- March 2009 • Figure 5- MtBE in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1A—March 2009 • Figure 6 - Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 B Groundwater Elevation Map - March 2009 • Figure 7 -TPH in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 B -.March 2009 ' Figure 8 -Benzene in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 B - March 2009 • Figure 9.-MtBE in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 B- March 2009 • Figure 10-Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 C Groundwater Elevation Map- March 2009 ' Figure 11 -TPH in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 C- March 2009 • Figure 12- Benzene in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1C - March 2009 • Figure 13- MtBE in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 C-March 2009 • Figure 14- Groundwater Elevations of Selected Wells Versus Time ' Table 1 - First Half 2009 Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results • Table 2- First Half 2009 Additional Fuel Oxygenate Results • Table 3 - First Half 2009 Natural Attenuation Parameters • Table 4- Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results • Table 5- Historical Additional Fuel Oxygenate Results ' • Table 6- Historical Natural Attenuation Parameters • Table 7- Historical Arsenic and Chromium Groundwater Analytical Results • Appendix A- Groundwater Monitoring Procedures ' • Appendix B - First Half 2009 Laboratory Reports and Chain-of-Custody Records • Appendix C - Groundwater Monitoring and Purging Field Data Sheets • Appendix D -Purgewater Recycling Documentation 1 ' 3 The Source Croup,Inc. ' Date: June 1 2009 ' GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROCEDURES FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, CA 1 Groundwater Gauging. Each well was located and inspected prior to gauging by Wayne Perry, Inc. (WPI). Using a Solinstr oil/water interface probe, each well was then gauged for depth to ' groundwater, depth to liquid-phase hydrocarbons (LPH) if present, and total well depth (if no LPH was present). Gauging devices were decontaminated between each well using a triple-rinse method of tap water with non-phosphate detergent, tap water, and then deionized water. The sampling ' sequence was based on the analytical results obtained during the previous sampling event. Wells showing petroleum hydrocarbon sheen during gauging or purging were sampled only if sheen was not observed following purging and recovery. Wells containing floating product were not sampled; ' however, the thickness of floating product in LPH affected wells was measured and recorded. Groundwater Purging and Sampling. Groundwater monitoring wells were purged and sampled by ' WPI. Wells were purged of water using either a PVC bailer,electric pump, or micro-purged using a RediFlow pump. Fast recharging wells were purged of three well casing volumes of water. Slow recharge wells were purged until dry and allowed to recover for two hours or until the well recovered ' 80 percent of the initial water column height before sampling. During purging, water parameters including pH, temperature, conductivity, and turbidity were monitored to ensure stabilization within 10% of each parameter and ensure that groundwater representative of the aquifer was entering the well. Additionally some groundwater monitoring wells were also measured for dissolved oxygen ' (DO) and oxygen reduction potential (ORP) using a field monitoring device. DO and ORP were measured through a flow cell during both the beginning of purging (identified as pre-purge)as well as at the end of purging (identified as post-purge). ' The bailer used for well purging was decontaminated between each well using a triple-rinse method of tap water and non-phosphate detergent, tap water, and then deionized water. The pump was ' decontaminated by cycling the washwater through the pump followed with a deionized water rinse. Groundwater samples were collected using a polyethylene disposable bailer attached to new nylon cord. Samples were transferred to containers provided by the laboratory appropriate to the analysis ' to be performed. The containers were capped with TeflonTm septa, labeled, and placed on ice for transport to State-certified American Analytics,of Chatsworth, Califomia. New sampling equipment (nylon cord, bailer, etc.)was used on each well to deter potential cross-contamination. ' Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)Samples. Quality control samples submitted to the laboratory included one laboratory-prepared trip (or travel) blank. One trip blank was kept in the ' sample cooler and submitted to the laboratory with the groundwater samples. WPI initiated a Chain- of-Custody record in the field immediately following sample collection to accompany the samples to the laboratory. ' Liquid-Phase Hydrocarbon (LPH) Removal. LPH is removed from wells using one of the following methods: • Flexible PVC stingers that extract the LPH via airlift created by the vacuum extraction ' blower; • Bailing of affected wells; or Vacuum truck service. ' Waste Disposition. Purge water generated during this monitoring event was removed by vacuum truck and transported under manifest to DeMenno/Kerdoon in Compton. First half 2009 waste recycling/disposal documentation is provided within Appendix D of this report. t1 The Soume Group,Inc. 1 ' SEMI-ANNUAL GROUNDWATER MONITORING AND STATUS REPORT SECOND HALF-2009 ' Client: World Oil Corp. Location: Former Sunland Refinery,2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California Client Contact/Phone No.: Mr.John Hundley/(562)928-0100 Consulting Co./Contact Person/Phone No.: The Source Group. Inc./Mark Labrenz/(805) 373-9063 ' The Source Group Project No.: 02-W OC-091 Agency/Regulatory ID No.: RWQCB-Central Valley Region/Mr. Daniel Carlson/File#CAO 95-702 ' WORK PERFORMED(June 2009 through December 2009): ' 1. Wayne Perry, Inc. (WPI)measured groundwater(and liquid petroleum hydrocarbon [LPH]levels, when present)in the groundwater monitoring wells on October 5, 2009. 2. WPI purged and sampled on-and off-site groundwater monitoring wells on October 6 through October 9, ' 2009. Purge water was temporarily stored on site and subsequently transported to DeMenno/Kerdoon for recycling. Dissolved oxygen(DO)and oxidation-reduction potential(ORP)were additionally measured during purging of select wells as part of the ongoing natural attenuation study. ' 3. Due to dropping water levels,which has increased the soil column available to soil vapor extraction(SVE), hydrocarbon mass removal rates have increased, necessitating switching abatement devices from the thermal oxidizer to the John Zinc flare. The switch from the thermal oxidizer to the flare took place on May 29, 2009. A letter to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District(SJVAPCD)was submitted on June 3,2009, documenting the change in abatement device use. SGI operated the high capacity vapor extraction system (HCVES) utilizing the John Zinc flare as the primary abatement device through the second half 2009 reporting period. t4. Due to dropping water levels,selected air sparge well casings were modified.to accommodate soil vapor extraction and tied via above ground vapor conveyance lines to the HCVES. The deep sparge casing ' from air sparge wells SE-AS-30, SE-AS-31, AS-77, AS-78, AS-79, and AS-80, as well as the sparge casing from dual purpose wells ASNE-73,ASNE-74, and ASNE-76 were converted to allow soil vapor extraction. Well modification was completed June 10, with system restart on June 12, 2009. 5. During second quarter 2009, SGI discontinued air sparging at the former West Tank Farm (WTF)and ' former South Tank Farm (STF) areas of the Sunland site, as well as the PG&E property north of the railroad tracks due to dropping groundwater levels. Currently installed sparge wells are screened at levels that currently do not encounter groundwater. ' 6. On May 15,2009,SGI installed.Bio-Trap samplers into wells TSG-MW-20D and TSG-MW-115B in order to conduct microbial testing to confirm that in-situ biodegradation of MtBE and 1BA may occur in ' groundwater underlying the site. The Bio-Trap samplers were retrieved on June 30,2009. Analysis of the results from the Bio-Trap samples is in progress. 7. On May 22, 2009, SGI submitted a Revised Well Installation Workplan to the Central Valley Regional ' Water Quality Control Board (CVRWQCB)for the installation of four additional groundwater monitoring wells(TSG-MW-1 17A/B/C/D)to be installed approximately 1,000 feet to the west-northwest of existing monitoring.well TSG-MW-115. The well installation was conditionally approved by the CVRWQCB in a letter to World Oil Corp. dated June 12, 2009. World Oil Corp. issued a letter to the property owner on ' June 24, 2009 requesting permission to access the property in question for the purpose of installing the well cluster. No response was received to the initial request, therefore, a second letter dated July 29, 2009 was sent to the property owner. In August of 2009, World received a telephone call from the ' property owner, in which the property owner verbally denied access to their property. On October 15, ' 1 The Source Croup,Inc. 1 ' World sent a letter to the CVRWQCB requesting assistance in accessing the property(APN 368-010-13), west of the PG&E facility. 8. On September 18th,2009,SGI submitted a workplan for the installation of four additional SVE wells to be ' installed within the former South Tank Farm/Refinery area. The workplan was approved by the CVRWQCB in a letter to World Oil Corp.on October 12,2009. During the period November le through November 23`t, 2009, four new SVE wells (TSG-SVE-118 through TSG-SVE-121) were installed to ' supplement existing SVE wells and to allow soil vapor extraction within newly exposed vadose zone at a depth from 120 feet to approximately 150 feet bgs. The new wells were additionally screened approximately 20 feet into groundwater to accommodate a potential further decrease in groundwater ' elevation. The wells can additionally be used as groundwater monitoring points to monitor groundwater conditions within the source area. The four new wells were tied into the HCVES between December 7 and December 11, 2009. ' WORK PROPOSED FOR NEXT PERIOD (January 2010 through May 2010): ' 1. Complete groundwater gauging, purging, and sampling in March 2010. 2. Continue operation and maintenance of the high capacity vapor extraction system (HCVES). Continue liquid-phase hydrocarbon(LPH)removal from affected on-site wells using a vacuum truck and/or stingers, t where necessary. 3. Continue to work with the CVRWQCB as well as the property owner to access the property west of the former PG&E Kern Power Plant for the purpose of installing additional groundwater monitoring wells for ' the purpose of down-gradient delineation. MONITORING RESULTS: ' Current Phase of Project: Remediation (Assmnt, Remed. etc) Frequency of Groundwater Monitoring: Semi—Annual (Quarterly, etc.) ' Depth to Groundwater(SHZ 1A): 136.21 to 147.90 (Range, in feet) Groundwater Flow Direction/Magnitude: Westerly/0.004 (feet/foot) Flow/Gradient Consistent w/Previous: Yes (YeslNo) ' Detectable TPHg Concentration Range: 0.78 -38 (milligrams per liter) Detectable Benzene Concentration Range: 0.0017-0.33 (milligrams per liter) ' Well with Highest Benzene Concentration: SE-MW-23(D) (Well) Detectable MtBE Concentration Range: 0.0024-0.056 (milligrams per liter) Well with Highest MtBE Concentration: TSG-MW-115B (Well) LPH Present(at the Site): None detected this quarter (Yes/No) Surface Waters and Downgradient Wells Friant-Kern and Calloway (Name/ID) within 2,000 Feet of the Site*: Canals, PG&E Wells#1, #2, ' and 29SI27E-29K1 Distances&their Respective Directions: Canals along eastern (Distance and Direction) ' margin of site;wells 2,000 feet to northwest Current Remediation Techniques: HCVES/AS/LPH removal (SVES, Prod. Remov., etc.) Groundwater Discharge Permits: N/A (NPDES, POTW, etc.) Groundwater Purged this Event: 575 (Approx. gallons) Disposal/Recycling Facility: DeMenno/Kerdoon,Compton (Name and Location) ' 2 The Source Group,Inc. Agency Directive: Continue semi-annual groundwater monitoring; and ' conduct vapor extraction, air sparging, and LPH removal. Notes: = Distance as measured from northwest corner of former South Tank Farm (intersection of Old Coffee Road and Atchison Topeka and ' Santa Fe Railroad Crossing). 1 AL QFO i-A�RF No.5961 N CERTIFIED ' fl- HYDROGEOLOGIST EXR i 2DlD .� top) �q�� ' OF CA�- REVIEWED BY: ATTACHED: ' • Figure 1 -Site Location Map • Figure 2 Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1A Groundwater Elevation Map-October 2009 • Figure 3 -TPH in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1A-October 2009 t • Figure 4-Benzene in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1A-October 2009 • Figure 5-MtBE in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1A—October 2009 • Figure 6 Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1B Groundwater Elevation Map -October 2009 Figure 7 -TPH in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 B - October 2009 ' • Figure 8- Benzene in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 B-October 2009 • Figure 9- MtBE in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 B- October 2009 Figure 10-Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 C Groundwater Elevation Map - October 2009 ' . Figure 11 -TPH in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 C- October 2009 • Figure 12- Benzene in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 C-October 2009 • Figure 13- MtBE in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 C- October 2009 ' • Figure 14-Groundwater Elevations of Selected Wells Versus Time • Table 1 Second Half 2009 Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results Table 2-Second Half 2009 Additional Fuel Oxygenate Results ' Table 3-Second Half 2009 Natural Attenuation Parameters • Table 4-Historical Groundwater Analysis and Gauging Results • Table 5 -Historical Additional Fuel Oxygenate Results ' Table 6-Historical Natural Attenuation Parameters • Table 7- Historical Arsenic and Chromium Groundwater Analytical Results ' Appendix A-Groundwater Monitoring Procedures • Appendix B-Second Half 2009 Laboratory Reports and Chain-of-Custody Records • Appendix C-Groundwater Monitoring and Purging Field Data Sheets • Appendix D-Purgewater Recycling Documentation 1 ' 3 The Source Group,Inc. GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROCEDURES ' FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, CA ' Groundwater Gauging. Each well was located and inspected prior to gauging by Wayne Perry, Inc. (WPI). Using a Solinsfrm oil/water interface probe, each well was then gauged for depth to ' groundwater, depth to liquid-phase hydrocarbons (LPH) if present, and total well depth (if no LPH was present). Gauging devices were decontaminated between each well using a triple-rinse method of tap water with non-phosphate detergent, tap water, and then deionized water. The sampling ' sequence was based on the analytical results obtained during the previous sampling event. Wells showing petroleum hydrocarbon sheen during gauging or purging were sampled only if sheen was not observed following purging and recovery. Wells containing floating product were not sampled; ' however, the thickness of floating product in LPH affected wells was measured and recorded. Groundwater Purging and Sampling. Groundwater monitoring wells were purged and sampled by WPI. Wells were purged of water using either a PVC bailer,electric pump,or micro-purged using a RediFlow pump. Fast recharging wells were purged of three well casing volumes of water. Slow recharge wells were purged until dry and allowed to recover for two hours or until the well recovered 80 percent of the initial water column height before sampling. During purging, water parameters ' including pH,temperature, conductivity, and turbidity were monitored to ensure stabilization within 10%of each parameter and ensure that groundwater representative of the aquifer was entering the well. Additionally some groundwater monitoring wells were also measured for dissolved oxygen (DO) and oxygen reduction potential (ORP) using a field monitoring device. DO and ORP were measured through a flow cell during both the beginning of purging (identified as pre-purge)as well as at the end of purging (identified as post-purge). ' The bailer used for well purging was decontaminated between each well using a triple-rinse method of tap water and non-phosphate detergent, tap water, and then deionized water. The pump was ' decontaminated by cycling the washwater through the pump followed with a deionized water rinse. Groundwater samples were collected using a polyethylene disposable bailer attached to new nylon cord. Samples were transferred to containers provided by the laboratory appropriate to the analysis to be performed. The containers were capped with Teflon TM septa, labeled, and placed on ice for ' transport to'State-certified American Analytics,of Chatsworth, California. New sampling equipment (nylon cord, bailer, etc.)was used on each well to deter potential cross-contamination. ' Quality Assurance/Quality Control(QA/QC)Samples. Quality control samples submitted to the laboratory included one laboratory-prepared trip (or travel) blank. One trip blank was kept in the sample cooler and submitted to the laboratory with the groundwater samples. WPI initiated a Chain- ' of-Custody record in the field immediately following sample collection to accompany the samples to the laboratory. ' Liquid-Phase Hydrocarbon (LPH) Removal. LPH is removed from wells using one of the following methods: • Flexible PVC stingers that extract the LPH via airlift created by the vacuum extraction ' blower, • Bailing of affected wells; or • Vacuum truck service. ' Waste Disposition. Purge water generated during this monitoring event was removed by vacuum truck and transported under manifest to DeMenno/Kerdoon in Compton. Second half 2009 waste ' recycling/disposal documentation is provided within Appendix D of this report. ' 1 The Source Group,Inc. 1 I Appendix C ' Groundwater Contour and ' Hydrocarbon Concentration Maps - 2009 ' The Source Group,Inc. -7 ' J ? ! ' ! ' !! General Site Legend: n Ll Sunland Property Boundary C30 0 Center Line of Coffee Rood C 1— j EE j I 6 Ft. Chain-Link Fence Line Earthen Containment Dike ' i $0 EJ If Former Earthen Containment Dike Multiple Nested Groundwater i O 1 1 I ;' Monitoring Well + Groundwater Monitoring Well ' _ s i I �- $ Groundwater Monitoring/Soil Vapor Extraction Well Groundwater Monitoring/Air Sparge Point Well•' I ( v ! Well Casing Not Surveyed 67i I Groundwater Monitoring Legend 90-4M-61, + 8AST., (262.39) Groundwater Elevation in Feet Above Mean TSG-WW-1 14A 0 i Sea Level (Data Collected 03/16/09) (D" L 117-1 Groundwater Contour Arrows Indicate _j r= Direction of Groundwater Flow Can =a" 0 Groundwater Contour Interval = 5.00' ' _ _ _ — h _ 0 (Dashed Where Inferred) 0 C3 17-1 ED 0 (DRY) Not Enough Water in Well to Gauge or 0 0 4, Sample 0 J. MI+ SE­11111111-mV�,\ ED -71 17-1 0 0 11 (LPH) Liquid-Phase Hydrocarbon 11 (261.04)'- 0 r o.. jlr _Q 0 (NM) Not Measured PG& E FACILITY (NC) Not Calculated r + 00 TSG-MW-84A TSG-MW II TW-MW-71 General Note: (2WM) 0 (M21). * ASTS SE-11111111-51, 8 n This drawing presents one interpretation only; other LW '// M E0 FORM interpretations may be possible. o NOR ' g + General Site Notes: -4— TsG-ww-ll5A TANK FARM a. ny ve (DRY) Q,;4 r s MIN- su 1 1. Source: Evans Land Surveying and Mappi 0 (DRY) J� conducted September 29 and October 7, 2 X and February 22, 2007. Included in these surveys AST -MW-62S are the Monitoring and Remediation Well Locations, 0 AST ' ' North Tank Farm and Berms. Property Line information !-,GlJX-MW-60.. shown for reference only. Record Data was used (D. to enerote all additional property line information -----4LMW-6 ---- on his map. ........... (DRY). 2. Additional Reference Information from: ' r - 23 III n Leka a a k:­:e airoad LISGS Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, August 1994 ......--------- SE-MW-20S 11­ Airphoto Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, June 2003 "A611I SE AS 1111IIIII LMI 1 13C* 6 County On-line GIS Database, 2004 (256.40) 1 1 SE-MW-9R TSC- a ( f i MW-13-4 (DRY)' 1 :1 3. Only wells with screens that intersect the water table asc-111W-116K .1 r (2) 1 j RIM. (DRI). SE41E/P-29A/11; MI during the current monitoring event are used to prepare .. 1. 1. , 1, (DRY) 11111111-4 i z I i MW­�'14 (DI (D". -16� (DRY)' the Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone (SHZ) 1A map. WW rz (DRY). (DRY) +MJ SE­Wm-26+ 0 AST mw--B+ (252.46) SE-MW22 -mw-i N -1,%R-4 +MW-15" MW-10 Q. SE-111,11I + P G & E' (DRY) ww-ii+ (260.18) +1111 (DRY) EASEMENT (my) UNDEVELOPED jai FORMER REFINERY/ FARMLAND 0 400 800 SOUTH TANK FARM 1 12,i I APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET L* f_i; 1 ww-i DATE: PROJECT NO (D" 02-WOC-090 0 11 05/09 k . ......... E z Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Status Report:First Half 2009 World Oil Corp. N %\ Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1A ' o ;I Groundwater Elevation Map SE-WI-22 (260.46) March 2009 \SE­ 21+ .92) Former Sunland Oil Refinery 6 - 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,CA _-SE-WW-25-. (261.85) FIGURE SG The 2 environmental Source Group, Inc. I General Site Legend: U Sunland Property Boundary 00 U ii 0 Center Line of Coffee Road 6 Ft. Chain Link Fence Line Earthen Containment Dike ' j# f -----------w! Former Earthen Containment Dike 0 Multiple Nested Groundwater Monitoring Well 1 o C [� (i l i Groundwater Monitoring Well ' € ? ;i Groundwater Monitoring/Soil Vapor Extraction Well 0 Groundwater Monitoring/Air o i o l i t, Sparge Point Well:, � Groundwater Monitoring Legend [DRY] [0.15] Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as I 8AST9 -et _FT_ Gasoline Concentration (mg/L) 7SG-WW-1 14A Groundwater lsoconcentration Line (mg/L) [DM ❑ E-1 10 (Dashed Where Inferred) L_j Not Detected Above Method Detection 0 f. <0.10 Limit Shown r 0 DRY Not Sampled, Well Dry 0 0 0 E3 El ED F-1 r I F-1 0 NS Not Sampled, Unable to Locate 4S —Phase Hydrocarbon -MW-27 F� ❑ LPH Liquid 91 CIO C MW-3 SE E3 +[1+s] Groundwater samples collected March 16 through 0 ED C3 171 F7 0 0 March 20, 2009. F A C IL I T General Note: This drawing presents one interpretation only; other 00 TSG-WW-M ❑ TSG-WW-&5A -4jj� TSG-MW-71 ASTs 0 [<0.10] SE-WW-51 [DM interpretations may be possible. L[D" ❑ ❑ M co I FORM R General Site Notes: NOR 1. Source: Evans Land Surveying and Mapping surveys °' 'i' a TSG-M*-115A conducted September 29 and October 27, 20 4 TANK FARM and February 22, 2007. Included in these surveys CL 72— are the Monitoring and Remediation Well Locations, [DRI ❑ Awyl North Tank Form and Berms. Property Line information 0 GMX EQ 7MW762S-, shown for reference only. Record Data was used AST 0 + AST to generate all additional property line information M-MW40 on %s map. I JD"' 2. Additional Reference Information from: —————————— USGS Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, August 1994 .... ....... ... *MW-6 [DRY) Airphoto Georeferenced Satellite lmoge June 2003 ...... tchlSon To.eke Kern County On—line GIS Database, 2004 _a 6. Raftac —------------ 3. Only wells with screens that intersect the water table SE4W_2 % dunn the current monitoring event are used to prepare SE7AS MW-28S. Mw-1 SE-W-4R [0.151 �w 13# [DR N the ?hallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone (SHZ) 1A map. 7SG-mMW-ll6A .�JD_RY] �i r _LDFM-- 1 /0 ;-, MW:w5+*1 4. Contouring around wells not sampled based on SE�VMWm 296/13 , LP Fj MW-4 ID" 'DIM historical concentrations in these wells. III DRY] mw-it Z;DMT VO 1: MW 1 7 SE-Mw-26$ 0 /MW-8+ [<0.1] 'Z�10224S4 Mw-2 '[2], ...i mw_wl VW_10JR).4 [NS]l 11 N SE-MW-18(R)V�- I* [<0.1 SE-0-2 PG& E 1DRfl + -MW-12 ASEMENT DMI A UNDEVELOPED FORMER REFINERY/ FARMLAND 0. 0 400 800 SOUTH TANK FARM 1 j, I E APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 5 L+Mw-11(DRY] DATE: PROJECT NO. -4 05/09 02-WOC-090 HSemi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Status Report:First Half 2009 -0 World Oil Corp. 'A TPH in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic 0 SE-MW-22+ Zone 1 A - March 2009 SE-<0.1UW-21+ [ ] Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2t_MW_z3 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,CA nGURE `� '; j ' 3 j environmental The C. 3 Source Group, In 71� ' # 3 # ,l -- General Site Legend: n U Sunland Property Boundary 00 Center Line of Coffee Road 0 ji E I— 6 Ft. Chain-Link Fence Line Earthen Containment Dike ------- Former Earthen Containment Dike ❑ ' ; E €D] Multiple Nested Groundwater Q C ( 1! f% + Monitoring Well Groundwater Monitoring Well L_ Groundwater Monitoring/Soil Vapor Extraction Well Groundwater Monitoring/Air Sparge Point Well + TSC�--MW-67k, Groundwater Monitoring Legend ................ P 8ASTI; G k 61+- [0.0052] Benzene Concentration (mg/L) + n V M-MW 114A Groundwater Isoconcentration Line (mg/L)❑ -A [DM E: (Dashed Where Inferred) <0.0005 Not Detected Above Method Detection Limit Shown ' _ ., — - 0 0 DRY Not Sampled, Well Dry Fi E3 NS Not Sampled, Insufficient Water _ED E3 O o LPH Liquid Phase Hydrocarbon 0 0 ED 0 MW-3 +SE-MW-27�,\ Groundwater samples collected March 16 through O m ED 0 00 March 20, 2009. 00CCOM G& E CI �F AP L I T Y General Note: ................... . This drawing presents one interpretation only; other ASTS +ISG- A 00 2 +M-MW-71 0 0�'IW_MW_85AP interpretations may be possible. o _1<0=51 SE—MW 51, .[DRY] IF 0 OM 80 FORMER General Site Notes: NOR 1. Source: Evans Land Surveying and Mapping urve s 27'. 20N conducted September 29 and October TsG=7 -115A TANK R M and February 22, 2007. Included-in these surveys <F 1 ❑ are the Monitoring and Remediation Well Locations, MW 2-­tf [DRI Property Line information Se 0 GMX7MW762S ❑ North Tank' Form and Berms. Record Data was used shown for reference only. AST to generate all additional property line information 0 AST 6AX on 'This map. ...... 2. Additional Reference Information from: - ' � ' -..- - - � _.....__..._... - -='�ff-..•..\..., l _-. ------ LISGS Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, August 1994 _*MW I '_ -6 ------------ -- Airphoto Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, June 2003 chiso 'Tcpeka [DM. Kern County On-line GIS Database, 2004 - 3. ni wells with screens that intersect the water table SE4W-:20S ��IDRYI SE�� -28S _TSG_MW_1 13C during the current monitoring event are used to prepare 4" * ' ­911 [DR the hollow Hydrostratigraphic Zone (SHZ) 1A map. 10=61] 1,71 - I r- SE-MW- TSG-MW-116A MW-13 --IDRYI. Y3 [DRY] 00�0- MW-5+t [DRY], SE-VE/W-29A_,_B' 4. Contouring around wells not sampled based on historical concentrations in these wells. As� -0'// (Z) [DRY] MW 7 70 L 'S ky- 11�1 t MW-8 SE-MW-26 rr_ : 10.01 11 1101 MW-2, — 0.00, _MW� 'MW MW 15 �10 R� + ' 8 [00121 SE t 8(R) SE-MW-2 +MW-1Z P G& E [0-00521.. [DM 9ASEMENT UNDEVELOPED FORMER REFINERY/ ;-;5 FARMLAND SOUTH TANK FARMUj 0 400 800 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET �K -11 1-1 i I MW DATE: PROJECT NO [DRY], - 05/09 02 WOC-090 IT Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Status Report:First Half 2009 N World Oil Corp. Benzene in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic SE-mw' -22+ Zone 1A - March 2009 sE-Mw-21 [<0.00D51 Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,CA .............SE-MW-25 p cooixi5 , FIGURE The ' environment, Source Group, inC. 4 FILE NAME: Z:\TSG\WORLD OIL CORP\SUNLAND OIL\GW_MAPS\GW_MAPS.2009\SEMI ANNUAL\iH-09\WOM-SRC-GM-1H.0509-UPPER.DWG O �O I (1 I _...._ $ $ O ,$ woo 0 C oI Tt z >0 $ xrn < C) AM z D 8 $ Z0 o D; ❑ _ om $ CD ❑ :. ❑ o N DE:a` ❑ i D r. --i m D + _ 0 D cn"0 / O ©U((�� 00 000 . ® I i2: F _ ITIMM O .... ` . 7 .. L m /fiI U r. f"_.�: �.::..... ❑ 0 Alz 7 ml EL- m. p � ,.•moo a - w r4: r ........._. _.. Ro bid ad -Coffee _...... _...�____ .. .... _ 01d Coffea Rci tl I' I __ " 1 ° 1 ___. ..___......_ iI: I _.... ___... ; I .. s^� n I Off _ �° \ � D ° i -----.... n w op D 77" f -- - D m r r mZ i�-___-a •�„% D m I� :0� I .•ice/r Fnant Kern Canal T In o .A w Ut OR O m s. N3 n3. �' > nSnpT.DCDortcnzoOA O) N CD A g ( CD ^ o fD �v �a 7 0 0 � 7a3 c° CD m a CD �c� = N o $ I N y�♦ c - O (nip 7 S(n CL -� rt O -1 0 -1 N la 7 o m 7 O�d A C Q rtf ISO O F'-:' 7 ��-C N N O CL I I N m a W O O O °_3 Oc000 3Q -2: mm �� Z oa $ $ $ I I y9 O _m A A p�+� aon� N rn Nf CD I N m OJ N 'o. O o f.`� Om., 'o m a 7 V)j v (D I 0 X� O O °c a? � 0�� ” °moo �pV/ O oy N�� o o ro v� om I m N 7 � vi N '� 77 w .+rn 7mj N 37• r- 6 �G m Oy C rt rt art O C 7 .+ O I CD O S O a A m A 7 0 7 m N �.7. 0° o N N "v s7 m`< u)C) <O O 3� m rn n cn CID g:o j7NA C1.A 710 37 m A (D mn7 CIS O O m C �. CL D� 7 3 rtN 7 A N A aN a0 dO�Cr O- -0 -V 3 3 =� �-0 � O O O 'O O O j ._. .� -T1 3 7_ (7 I O O I 7 — DO(7A a(nj E CO700N O fD � � OA frtD �O 7 �7 � 7 7 ''�'U S '� fD O D 1 M. m NN �� O6, OOmo�I� c O 7 to O F rm `L � r� O — m 7 � ;,� s� U-) , 77 , N A rn m 7m 7 0o mo. o n 7m 7 n a _ -D O Z��o 0,o o o cD 3 ° <po �� n m o a n � 0 7� N vo ,xmo o co z ° (� o r O 7 M 0 O rt rt o— m .M< 0-_. O m O rt .r � .� 7 -O N o D n,m ommo m 7 = D A .. I m om m m s o 3 m C 0 d � � � 7rn � '�° � or._� o��mA �co m i;�a rn m o >> 3Cfl cD � , A� � grt � 7. I oo O w � _m cmn 3 m fi o 0' � n p ao ao v m o m m m �� 0 0 3 m a °. r m ,■ r�-h y C) Z m� D ul f/1 O �, m O� Ort m 7 m o. A (� C7 r7.v �O 7 0 O O O NOm � mn =mcmi fDOmo `< apoa�a o � � m m a° rt -r: fir« r+ c �..r C m m vcrt �� _ �G7 =r+ '_� O O rt " �O. S O m0 O C 7 y, Cfl LQ O N Q y rt.0m 7 0r Cr CI O n 7 OS 7 m 7 —7 7 7 3 rt 7 m C O vOi Dam O? D m°7•N Sm� 7 7 a co to to a CD p 7 ■ N T 0D m m c om -m -3-° o f rt F � o _0 0 a 3 o F �U, rn 7 m v m D (� o 0 m r- o 0 c7 m Cfl 0 °vrn mrt 0NO0N� :< o m m m CL � O m � 3 roc c M, rA. rr N N O LrI C ° 1 NOS N O m O(zD S u m c°o m Cr O j, o m p =),< m to N W'A 7d7Nrn �m =r FILE NAME: Z:\TSG\WORLD OIL CORP\SUNLAND OIL\Gw-mAPS\GW-MAPS.2009\SEMI ANNUAL\2H-08\WOM-SRC-GW09-1H.0509-MID.DW(; 0 0 + 00 co 01a 0 0 250,0 to bs -n z D0 M < m .................. > z 0-0 IT! ❑ -n > T + 0 ❑ m ❑ + m > 00 00 000 ❑ m G) OF] QOn .......... .4 MITI 000 i 09 M u 0 T 0 0 o aT mm ,-I-�c5�, 2 0, rub 0 ........... Old-(306(�-RbM ........... Coffie ----- - -------- 0 -500 ........... -T1 U) r------ -n F� > A00 ;o -Ti -n >M m iii fii >M iii iii iii /ii ........ friant Kern Canal ........... ............. I..........4 G) 'n 0 E gn CD G) -4 I CID Ln 03 CD -I CD 7' ro 3 =L CL 0 0 Ix C> .0 Sr OZ 01 1., 00 In C: CD �wl :1 - 0 -D c CD (D CD 0 J C) L :T rt a 0 0 a) 0(.n :To 0 5* ---nc R — cat (D a .0 C 6 A 0 = Z -0 ms 0 0 Cc):03 C-D :0) NCO 0 0. 0 at cc 3 a 0, x-rnc Im :3,0 G) Cil 0 < 0 0 13!�S?o w a ID x a CD -a CD 17- Q'.o 0 V) Cc, ;,o- 03 Z 3 a Tc Do, 0. c CD 0 CL C > -1 -0 m - 0 C,;0 U Co iq 0-(D 0 0 0 In CD U)'D Ug r- - < QD-Ct CDL -CDL o m +,I 10� C,11 C M n ��m C/) 5 3 Cl) Me !R 5 a- I (D = m 0 CD a CD 'o:0, < r,9: -q M a) 0 (n D 0 .. (D 0 c 0 .0 (D c CL (D CD :E * m =-3 om'o 'cL 3 (n 13, 11 —0 0 x a- mm :3 CL(D L:�, m -1 0 OC -00, Cc '24 F 4 �2 n DOU = L M, 3 CO 5: X. W 0 -0 0 -1 'D m CD 6, to ((,x 0 CDM,0 0 o CL—o cc, 1, 0 :3 000 00 m m 'a. ' a. 0, M 0 to CD 0 0 3 -9 C,0 "0 a—M—, r- Z -:3 c < T 2z ror, o > M w 0 lm�—AE-3w——sl:) a —-1 6:— S:�5 5� :,, -o:3 a C-) 0 0—=-3 (DM< 0-M L" 0 , (00 ;� 0 5' -0 CD Ln C, .0 CD "'D CI) 2, (D > 3 o�(:j 5' -,,-S 0- , -, u 3 2 r (D 0 < 2) 9 , 0 0 5* 0 E:)'a 3 (o' o 05�> CD CL 0 C:) M 0 0 0 .0 2:M C) 3 77 0 (D -1 z 2 CD =ao'o. - 0 M' , 0 -0 Co -n a) 00 C, mono a- :01 0, a 2 0. -n CD :3. C N 0 3 0' 0 m "Cb. 0 'o 0. 0 0 :3 :3 L4" (m to U3 0. - F� * 10--1.0 CD 0 (n 0 ooq > co 0, o ° ■ 0 OD c a --2. 0 CD a 0. CL g § () — 5. ;�g En o 3 0 :3 co 0 0 m CD tJk 0 m Cl. c') AL 6 0 02 c-: -1* 5"(D 0 0 �,< k a , :3 -C o m �o �00-0 00 , j. 0 M (D C) CD 3 � Qc c C: - 0 mo fj 0 3 cn:2 NO co X, C) a 0 m H M o " rn O.PL -4 -9 00 C4 FILE NAME: Z:\TSG\WORLD OIL CORP\SUNIAND OIL\CW-MAPS\(;W-MAPS•2008\SEMI ANNUAL\iH-09\WOM-SRC-GW09-1H.0509-MID.DWG 0 1 I + 0 ti 0000 j-{t IX m C: TI z D0 �m - o ❑ z El m ❑ ; O u� D ,t ❑ � x 0 0 _' D oQ 0 0 o00 ° Ll��----jl iZ Q0 R ro a an mm 8 �, Eil r _ � -- L.--f ...� 0 9 / D O I o r. I„I . /-: V.?:';oa / ..77� ;' - ' Co as I ❑ r, w 1_ a c rn i - L....: IA i oI o O(d Coffee Read' ' _........... .. —., ..._... ...._..... Old Coffee Road ..... _ —r_ rZ � 1 r / Ill IS _m if------i ZZOO Aom I Zm T I� ----= D"Im rf ji T Z I I i t ri I ( r rr r >M ;0;D I I r r\�o rr r 1 rig,rir rr /fir rir rjr r r rr __....... _ ---_---..__.......___ _._._ ....... ....... r Frianl Kem Canal _...... .__...... _ _ ..... : .. ... ... .. o D W N S S. ♦♦//�� N 3 r NO T.DCD O .*rn ZO°A 0 CD U N CD p 4 I 3 y/ 09! aD o > > a ° oSOma� c N (D ° N KGB ° � j [D 3 1i^♦ 0 3 mK °0_yn �#s a� CD o° v_ F3 o C1 y I I 1 @ n •--� 00y �N� nO�7 y � 0o0 (pAN '.� A 3 T I I cn 0 W ° �-n� Qrt (n 07 Z 7a Q 0a = p O 3tN jG7�- 30 -KcaT ' ait° O Nf CD 1 ((D y� a0 ? C\JT x' N ° (D � ° O -n:03 ° (D -0 CD Oo -' I I r L9 w- N � a p � oWA °mm � mo ?.� (n° Z 3 � m rz^c� C)� K ( CD O d £ C� .. O��(D .� O m N O O N N� O 0p °rt O C 7 N T7 ?(D O (D j 3 r CD (D O w 4`. c y0° 7 1 CD =+� Sy Ox ° I fD �n °a° ��+ m� Cn Qrt �° o �a 3 cno o� G7 � - o o rn c ,� o — a Wo° a � � am ago.° NO�o n. �' -0 sM ° rtrnM '. o� o� °c � rt J rt .'+ o D o � aCn— a. oOOOMN o o m f .A+ �m no �° � > > Ov �ID rn � o 0 o rt° r: � °� oomav c ° rn m0_ a CL = I'o o'er Z-�-.s N o�D °-`� 3 "Z3 N `D A a co '00 c m v o h o o �o z ° c� o r a< N A n O LI y p rt rt 3 !� 01 (O� Q.= O D (D A °3 0.lrtD frtD N (D 7 0 j m O Q 4 D N ° (D ° 3 O j fD rt (D Q 0 fi (D 7 ° N rOi r �.�5 rt= r'! O A O t° N A O 7 O -�2 7 " 0 N ((DD O (n C C) _ .«gyp °O °0 N D�rt(Da7 (�D O_ N Oa (�Dj O j j O 3 T C7`G N " H Noz toM m3CDo CL; 0. o (D a.°. °0 o �0 0 0 ° m n °�� oD O 0) X -n m ' 2_ ° �G 7 - rt rr ° rt vO^° fD C rt O 0 O p ° N N c m =° • 0 o _ — NN n ( < N ° O m N n N 100A J(A CO Z p O p N� c Z O 0y o 611" O ° O CD W (T1 0 A � °.jNN S .............. 7, ' i ' I ;I General Site Legend: n I! I U Sunland Property Boundary 00 it 0 Center Line of Coffee Road E 1—0— I II 6 Ft. Chain-Link Fence Line Earthen Containment Dike ----------- Former Earthen Co tainment Dike Multiple Nested Groundwater + Monitoring Well Groundwater Monitoring Well Groundwater Monitoring/Soil Vapor Extraction Well Groundwater Monitoring/Air Spurge Point Well ' �/ t l + I- A Groundwater Monitoring Legend + TSG-MW-1 148 8ASTs n Benzene Concentration (mg/L) 10 Groundwater Isoconcentration Line (mg/L) L_j (Dashed Where Inferred) <0.0005 Not Detected Above Method Detection 0 Limit Shown 0 17-1 17-1 0 Groundwater samples collected March 16 through r®- ­4 = 7. �- 0 March 20, 2009. ED 0 0 0 171 Ei 0 0 PG & E 4. ....... General Note: FACILITY This drawing presents one interpretation only; other 0 TSG- + interpretations may be possible. 00 TSG�MW-&913 0 ASTS 0 General Site Notes: 0 F1 FORMER [�0.00951 + TSG-MW-1159 q NORTH 1 Source: Evans Land Surveying and Ma ppinj surveys ' ! Ij; it !! \\\ \\ conducted September 29 and October 7, 2004 TANK FARM 22, 2007. and February Included in these surveys are the Monitoring and Remediation Well Locations, 1<00 North Tank Farm and Berms. Property Line information 0 GMX 62D shown for reference only. Record Data was used AST to generate all additional property line information T"a-&IA* ti ' 1 t[<D.WO5] -MW-8 I on Vis map. ,jq <0. I I 2. Additional Reference Information from: 7- USGS Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, August 1994 .......... Airphoto Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, June 2003 ' o _ ....___ _ __.._ f twhlson Kern County On-line GIS Database, 2004 a P K 8 KI 3. Only Wells Screened Within Shallow Hydrostratigraphic [-•OD051 �[DF� Zone (SHZ) 1 B Shown on This Map (i.e. Wells screened TSG-MW-116B 7 SE-,AS/MW-28D. 0 .0 from approximately 130 to 175 feet bgs) 0 4. Contouring around wells with elevated detection limit 01 FORMER REFINERY/ based on historical concentrations in these wells. . z Q00', SOUTH TANK FARM 11 I v 2 1-��SE [0. -WW-2 SE —[<0.0J5 P G& E L ND<O.()o EASEMENT �ki 05 I -E UNDEVELOPED I'' Ij FARMLAND 0 400 Boo g! 51 : APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET DATE: PROJECT NO. 05/09 02-WOC-090 'I I Sernim-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Status Report:First Half 2009 0 I f World Oil Corp. o A Benzene in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic 0 it is Zone 1 B March 2009 Former Sunland Oil Refinery q 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,CA ' ;, URE The SG I I environmental Source Group, Inc.78 General Site Legend: j 71LI Sunland Property Boundary n C30 F 0 Center Line of Coffee Road Cam- 6 Ft. Chain—Link Fence Line Earthen Containment Dike -———————— ❑ -- Former Earthen Containment Dike Multiple Nested Groundwater Monitoring Well E:1 Groundwater Monitoring Well ' _ I ?; ! $ Groundwater Monitoring/Soil Vapor Extraction Well Groundwater Monitoring/Air Sparge Point Well + -B?G-MW-67B ' , I Groundwater Monitoring Legend [0.0021 \X Bic—mW-1 14B 8ASTs n ' -- ` [ Methyl Tertiary—Butyl Ether ❑ [0.121 -1 Concentration (mg/L) o L Groundwater lsoconcentrotion Line (mg/L) (Dashed Where Inferred) 0 ....... _j I, <0.002 Not Detected Above Method Detection 0 Limit Shown 0 © E3 ED F 0 4 ❑ Groundwater samples collected March 1'6 through 0 0 F--1 0 F-I ED E3 ED 0 0 - 0 0 March 20, 2009. PG & E FACILITY o Y General Note: I LCEL� This drawing presents one interpretation only; other ' r- [<0=21, interpretations may be possible. 00 T%[ 0 TSG-MW-.&58 0 ASTs =040 010 ❑ ❑ M m r] General Site Notes: 'x [6:127 FORME d NORTH 1 Source: Evans Land Surveying and Mappiny surveys 0 r r--\ conducted Se tember 29 and October 7su2 ' �„on TANK FARM and February 22, 2007. Included in these surveys are the Monitoring and Remediation Well Locations, 0 0 [<0.0m] North Tank Form and Berms. Property Line information GMX-MW-62D shown for reference only. Record Data was used TSG-MW-0Ak* to enerate all additional property line information 7 on Vis map. 2. Additional Reference Information from: USGS Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, August 1994 Air photo Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, June 2003 .................. lVil.ull 10 K A.11 ;inip.Pr ni roac Kern County On—line GIS Database, 2004 3. Only -Wells Screened Within Shallow Hydrostratigraphic [<0.602] SE 20D -MW-116B + i7�4/MW�281)._ Zone (SHZ) 1B Shown on This Map (i.e. Wells screened MW TSG 00 TM81 from approximately 130 to 175 feet bgs) TO 00� Q01 4. Contouring around wells not sampled based on �__<0 FORMER REFINERY/ j= historical concentrations in these wells. Tz IL SOUTH TANK FARM 0 AST SE-MW-241) C4 SE-MW-23 PG& E ASEMENT A, [<0.2] E UNDEVELOPED FARMLAND 0 400 800 1,21 i APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET DATE: PROJECT NO. 05/09 02—WOC-090 Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Status Report:First Half 2009 0 World Oil Corp. 8 ' � s`- � � I I I � � MtBE in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 B - March 2009 N Former Sunland Oil Refinery ' ^' 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,CA ' 1 FIGURE The SGI LnAronmentall Source Group, Inc. 9 FILE NAME: Z:\TSG\WORLD OIL CORP\SUNUWD OIL\GN-MAPS\GW-MAPS.2009\SEMI ANNUAL\2H-08\WOM_SRC-GW09-iH.0509_LOW.DWG Ong w I .. au N: g' �o ; ..R Z D� �m �m p ' 8 Dr orn ❑w . p V p I x T -�"' p .. ❑ m a o° " f � m 7; pt o� `, 000 l a m rn _ C1 Q c� c� 9 _, :. ... I — Cam+ . ` c O a rl OEM= rdb7lFu-drzz 'Old'Coffee_Road m ... � .. hJ }i - .. .-... _._.. ...._.... . Coffee I .- (nom I r I 2 m D „ zzn r/ ! -n Z >M �'C I II lr�rJ Friant Kern Canal -..._ _...._ _ CD �T �m > N +n m O N a3' r� p0 X,co 70�0�700 7 ° a M C ( N 3 nm D ° - 3O a o �Oa� c (D CD cD �oc z � + (n C) 2:2)n _ ° an d v� v ': o °mo � �� M- o 3' Z v I I r+ 7 O N— C O (D 7:° CD ° o 0 0 °.�N �o 3 0 �m c l:L : 0 O ^G)v G) cn G� 0) ( I ID y n0 O C\J1 '-`• to z mp 3��° �� �t j ° a � v CD 0 0 0 0 D - o", 0 � I I � n O D f7 n '� (D Ol° rt`Z U)O Z 3 .C n C 0 � m (0 �p mti° O „Oc�D °rp�o � N o a N m°a'°a ra 1 m (n 0- `� p `�o� I � c°i � ° � ° °N° ° N Q:3 aQOQ mo N0 <v v �� -q m rn 0 V) CD o x �o£°n m � ate'`° 3° m N ��o� rm oo vo 0 � c ° > > CL mz -0 �- ° °0am ° a°O�a ���� �., , c oc c 3 m CD -n .-r 0 O D N° (D E- X 7 0(D N 0 m v �. Ia 7 7 7 N m d n CD � rt� = G7a y, j 7 °-�l C 0 � W C�vC) �m fD a a a � N � 7 D 3 C� N d m o� Z-�r�?� No rD ��3 N� y ° c S °1 N -ou0, rt,2°,. 0, to Z a 0 o r � N rn (° Q-. 7 0-:3 0- ° O 7 0 CD n1(B n AD o �y v, 3 3-, 05. m� o C)o I'D 2CD m 'WD s On I co v N N ° _N ° m rD C ac O- N (D to +_. m "11 a C m m o m CL Q rt O _° (D V ° CD rtfD rf (D C7 0 3 7r O`G p _? NoZ �=� m3�° � ° moaoa :° m�0 CL -r: :: « !. o m •.,, a) . 7 n o 1 TI v�_ O —a� -.0,y' 0?1 y N M, N�. CO. r0+ '7 CD O ITl `G N 3 O 0 ° O N > O j 7 N C 1—�— N r�T �aofD °o��rta ° °• v o ° r m O 00 N0 �� � oom�m(D�. o II a \� D L\n a 3 m 0 ° a O o � rt 7 N 0 6 -0 0 4 `G O OCD N O a'O O�O tll o (D O(D 7 (D S ° m m 000 0 L4 7ajtlly5. FILE NAME: 2:\T5G\WORLD OIL CORP\SUNLAND OIL\GW-MAPS\GW-MAPS•2009\SEMI ANNUAL\2H-08\WOM-SRC-GW09-1H.0509-LOW.DWG I 0000 a P. P. 0 �• fi K C �Z D� Am rn ❑ _•� Dro I O 0-0 ♦ El ❑ ❑ Z o . m ❑� o : � � a ❑�..� �: 1 � m ♦ >v ❑i: i❑ � r--Qo ❑ _m ❑ . �_ ❑ ❑ m I ` ❑ .. Icn-o 1 0 a0 00 000 ° �--r mm D g Li _ o _ ❑♦ a❑ �� i -,y h - ..`• I I: a Cl ._..... OId,Coffee Road OI(j Coffee i2gad.. _ .._ _.. _ -TI 1 co 0I OA ice-----'-_.:.-._ I MM D I z rm I -n -n _._�' Dim rir r,J ,nZ I >M f,. __...._ __......_ /r Friant Kern Canai i — r o cLm oD W N ,7�5 i I c O T.D O D O�*w zp p CD m N (D n 0 1 tU 5. v, Iv a 3' �•�' o 7 fD (nd 7 O So 7 O o 7 0 .n° C I CD n m U o^`� 3 o No j ?�Co 0 o o p o Q. ..�y1 d ;u I CL N __ °c C�71 _°x�V Oo 3 0 0,'rKc am r' vii`p 0 Nf N ( (yE N _ O > oc,�� o �r�P`D� o3.�cn7 Z 3� �m r_ z0� I ! I (D y (� ,.• q OO ("N �"^lp ON O p 0 N� O p0 O I C x Q (n m N� 7 rD -� r .. pN art 0 1 O �Za �•jNn O.n CID N37 D rtl �3 o 7-0 O p O1- O O CAD c CL D, -.M�p 00' �_ 59 (D, O. pC pC C 7 " Q O D O .� fD r► Cfl 7 0(D N O fD O n O to 7 7 7 '•'� fSD 7 C2 7. ..7 -• .npN7 OOcDQ�I� c .O 7 y O (Da n a ° - D S Ort�` 7 7 g N 7 O O- 7•(D 7 0 CL Q = m N O S Z-��'N T 7 N O O _K y .Zl (0,2 Q-, O a n C fD ��. '�.pr .pi tp Z (7 O 7 f3 v p �, p+r;3 rn D ro 3 �.(� o cD m S o 7 m , �-► Q D N (n p(D M p �'p 7 . .+• N Q .7+ O .7•. n rt 7 .7i• I •°° CD CL my v° 3 7 v m p_a v m m _.a go °o o > > N- N Z Z '��f ai p �. °Q• m °• O-, fD 7 7 7 7 G7 j 3 T. 0 �G (D N o iD _`° 3 m .� n`D O a o m °o —fi g r« r: ° Co p T1 VI ' 2 ip ° — O O O O C �• rt m C O ^Q v�p O`_z D3 m��- 7 S a 0 CT O ip ip a rOD n CID CD l r O to �, 'P c _.p m =(D �. O O vul D (n *L a, v m r• Op p L 7 _O N (p `Z S O m � N rt 00 -0 � 4 7 m - - m a CD 3 p c c 'I C: m Q m NJ p c 3 =:Z N O O O [L O rf C Oto C:co rD 00 S to 7 O 7 W m OD 0 W 7 CL 7!A u) S General Site Legend: n U Sunland Property Boundary 0 — Center Line of Coffee Road C IELI 6 Ft. Chain—Link Fence Line Earthen Containment Dike ' j -——------ ❑ -- Former Earthen Containment Dike Multiple Nested Groundwater Monitoring Well E3 F-1 Groundwater Monitoring Well ' I ! i {; Groundwater Monitoring/Soil Vapor Extraction Well Groundwater Monitoring/Air Sparge Point Well -TS13-40-476-11 1�0-0005 E<0.0005] Groundwater Monitoring Legend TSG-MW-1 14C LL== 6ASTS ' --- = = EU _ �!�`ti, [0.01005] Benzene Concentration (mg/L) 01 I L-i Groundwater Isoconcentration Line (mg/L) (Dashed Where Inferred) Not Detected Above Method Detection 0 0 <0.0005 Limit Shown 0 ED C__3 I--] C:I CI 0 Groundwater samples collected March 16 through 0 March 20, 2009. El 171 171 E3 E3 m 5 0 000 P G & F 0000000 8 F Cl AP L I T Y m 1751, h" L-[50.0005] j/ General Note:♦00 0 ASTs ❑ C3 C3 cr EU!!_=Trrt ff-V i fl This drawing presents one interpretation only; other 10 FORMER interpretations may be possible. C<0.0005] .:2 1 1 TW-MW-1 15C NORTH AsTe 1'f f General Site Notes: ' ',,'' ❑ TANK FARM 1 Source: Evans Land Surveying and Mapping surveys conducted September 29 and October 27, 20N q - ————- 9 0 1 and February 22i 2007. Included in these surveys AST 0 ♦TSG-MW-&3B are the Monitoring and Remediation Well Locations, T AST [<0--] North Tank Farm and Berms. Property Line information shown for reference only. Record Data was used to enerate all additional property line information on Ks map. --------------- ............. 2. Additional Reference Information from: W f'Tcpeka I ant Sarj*�a F6 Na5roaa USGS Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, August 1994 Pam Airphoto Geo ref erenced Satellite Imagery, June 2003 [<-MW-ll6c 0.60m] Kern County On—line GIS Database, 2004 + TSG 3. Only Wells Screened Within Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone (SHZ) 1C Shown on This Map (i.e. Wells screened FORMER REFINERY/ i from approximately 192 to 212 feet bgs) SOUTH TANK FARM 0 AST N P G & E EASEMENT UNDEVELOPED FARMLAND 0 400 800 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET DATE: PROJECT NO --------------- 05/09 02-WOC-090 ' N — ( ! i----------- ii Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Status Report:First Half 2009 :2 World Oil Corp. ' 3 I I Benzene in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 C - March 2009 Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,CA FIGURE The p 12 Source Grou , Inc. General Site Legend: n U L Sunland Property Boundary ;I t k t � I I -—- Center Line of Coffee Road t 6 Ft. Chain-Link Fence Line #1 f Earthen Containment Dike I t' f ----------- Former Earthen Containment Dike 1 ❑ ® 1 i Multiple Nested Groundwater E I! I I Monitoring Well Asr ; Groundwater Monitoring Well Groundwater Monitoring/Soil Vapor Extraction Well a asTasr Groundwater Monitoring/Air #[ Sparge Point Well 1 + [<0.0021 Groundwater Monitoring Legend 6a�srs 14C ' CJ L} El l Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether ❑ -t I r ` Concentration (mg/L) o� L_j Groundwater Isoconcentration Line (mg/L) (Dashed Where Inferred) a ° �� ��� Not Detected Above Method Detection <0.002 m © 0 © ED ED o Limit Shown ❑ — Groundwater samples collected March 16 through ED ❑ D March 20, 2009. c� ooao © o a � a o .. ' PG& E FACILITY [LEI r-i, n TSG-IIYV ° ° 11�-[<0W2] General Note: O ASTs TSG=1AW=fl4C ❑ ❑ o o T 1 11 X'. � ' [<000x] $ �.j..=�zr®��� � �f� �� This drawing presents one interpretation only; other aL U j FORMER , °ai interpretations may be possible. M-uw-lts I �: 1, o I I N O R T H �� 00 �� c��Ato ��� ;: j � TANK FARM ` ���� General Site Notes: t 002 !%{. ' I I�---- lI ��� 1. Source: Evans Land Surveying and Mappingg surveys z ; ❑ 11 I �� conducted September 29 and October 27, 2004 o 11 F ?; G1 ❑ t 111 I -�� --- and February 22, 2007. Included in these surveys AST o TSG-m'-83e i,'=';'� are the Monitoring and Remediation Well Locations, _ - T :.[0.035], ,'`tj 1 1 1 I ' l t i' North Tank Farm and Berms. Property Line information -; - �� ! ;i 'j shown for reference only. Record Data was used 0� f j �- _ - to ge p nerate all additional property line information on his map. i H 2. Additional Reference Information from: 'trhison Topeka -- - a#road - - ,.... ' USGS Ge oreferenced Satellite Imagery,a August ust 1994 A irph oto 'G a or of er nce Satellite Imagery, une 2003 4 ' 1S6 11W ]16C Kern County On-line GIS Database, 2004 } t 3. Only Wells Screened Within Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone (SHZ) 1C Shown on This Map (i.e. Wells screened FORMER REFINERY/ # from approximately 192 to 212 feet bgs) t SOUTH TANK FARM li ? o AST I# !I N I PG & E ASEMENT [ 1 UNDEVELOPED FARMLAND 1�,?Yi � ? I 0 400 800 ' } N IY?# I APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 1 DATE: PROJECT NO. c `, i I 05/09 02-WOC-090 i , l C' Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Status Report:First Half 2009 World Oil Corp. I MtBE in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic 9 I l Zone 1C March 2009 Former Sunland Oil Refinery ' I 3 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,CA W t1 I The FIGURE ( tI S�GIt Source Group, Inc. 13 e General Site Legend: n i1 ,I — — U } Sunland Property Boundary ' 0 ( 1 l I! - - Center Line of Coffee Road -C� I i 1 I! I !I I I 6 Ft. Chain—Link Fence Line i! Earthen Containment Dike 13 ! --------- ❑ -- Former Earthen Containment Dike Multiple Nested Groundwater asr i i I Monitoring Well L] Groundwater Monitoring Well Groundwater Monitoring/Soil Vapor Extraction Well t Groundwater Monitoring/Air 8 Sparge Point Well +_ Well Casing Not Surveyed 1SG-YN-67A%.w�� Groundwater Monitoring Legend GMx=MW46t�- + $tee ( rl 11 \X Groundwater Elevation in Feet Above Mean TS J �� t�� (246.28) —114A Sea Level (Data Collected 10/05/09) ' g C� 1❑ ye�`��� Groundwater Contour Arrows Indicate n �` Direction of Groundwater Flow Groundwater Contour Interval = 5.00' _ 00 (Dashed Where Inferred) m 17-1 17-71 p o (DRY) Well Dry __ __ ''- — ❑ \�` NM Not Measured o ED a o (NC) Not Calculated ' PG& E a 61 FACILITY ' 00 ASTS �❑❑C O 3 - w G*a sE�st c. 79G=YaW-71 f®� General Note: ' ca This drawing pr esents one interpretation only; other ❑ FORMER ®`���`� interpretations may be possible. o o I l NOR 7 General Site Notes: ' Mr.-W-415A , I i I TANK FARM ( �: o i _M--il � 1. Source: Evans Land Surveying and Mapping surveys S o cNx taw-s2s a ❑ ( r 1 /®����� conducted September 29 and October 27, 2004 I --- -- 22, 2007. Included in these surveys nsr no are the Monitoring and Remediation Well Location , t N / .It I North Tank Farm and Berms. Property Line information G MC I I j 1� shown for reference only. Record Data was used to generate all additional property line information l _ I on this .map. 2. Additional Reference Information from: ho USGS Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, August 1994 i - tcn�cn o eka a Santa a a3€roa g ry, 049 �� Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, June 2003 Airphoto ostoR+1 28S — TsG-ttw-ttx+ Kern County On—line GIS Database 20 Tsc-Mew--116p I Nrr-t -t # r R I I I 3. Only wells with screens that intersect the water table o = -_"_:; ( � �: ! I I during the current monitoring event are used to prepare o Mw-t4+ (o�) (DR+9_: MW t6 (aM I I 1 the Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone (SHZ) 1A map. r7S (2MW 2 -6 N ( ., II I) i 0) SE-IIW:Y4S� o,tsr MW=2; 11 MW $ R) mss. SE-Mw"23S (yst�j. P G & E MW-t9 $1 W-12 i 13 EASEMENT 4" II ! UNDEVELOPEC FORMER R INERY/ 11=11 ' FARMLAND SOUTH TAN FARM 1 + 11 0 400 800 1 I x.11 m IYI1 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET Mw=t1:. I I^I !ml t DATE: PROJECT N0. ' I 12/09 02-WOC-090 Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Status Report:Second Half 2009 o I I I World Oil Corp. !I I I Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1A ' a SE-W-22+ Groundwater Elevation Map - (24&24) r; October 2009 (2 t+ 1 1 1! Former Sunland Oil Refinery It i 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,CA ' — (2247� FIGURE !' SGI �e I1 Ii jenvironmental Source Group, Inc. 2 General Site Legend: �n g L! ! j; Sunland Property Boundary °o j €I -— - Center Line of Coffee Road 6 Ft. Chain-Link Fence Line Earthen Containment Dike 1 © ® 1 j I ----------- Former Earthen Containment Dike 1[ !3 t Multiple Nested Groundwater C $ Monitoring Well Groundwater Monitoring Well Groundwater Monitoring/Soil f ( yt Vapor Extraction Well Groundwater Monitoring/Air O O airy li Sparge Point Well ' 7%-W-67A, �� Groundwater Monitoring Legend Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as $ g,�e _ �t fl ��el�ti [�'t) Gasoline Concentration (mg/L) >si 11 4A _ C J L, �s`�h Groundwater Isoconcentration Line (mg/L) �� (Dashed Where Inferred) El o L� \�� `� Not Detected Above Method Detection <o.to Limit Shown _..._...—...—...— 0 ° ��� ��\ DRY Well Dry 1 m O p C3 O p o NS Not Sampled ❑ i� Li $ Groundwater samples collected October 6 through . 11W-3 -mw- � 0 0 0 0 © Q o o r [NSl 1..... [ +l �� �� October 9, 2009. o ' PG & E FACILITY General Note: 0 / \\\°dam.° This drawing resents one interpretation only; other 00 $ >sc=ury-e�A ❑ rsc=ww-a�► I Esc-ww=7t .f > 9 P P Y: °AM [ 1:' ❑ SE AM j '$'-;i°e+7: ��.�® may interpretations P Y be P ossible. ° a rm C° 0 i FORMER oho $ o l j NORTH � ����� General Site Notes: 1 TSC=uw-ttsn ! II ! TANK FARM `�� 1. Source: Evans Land Surveying and Mapping surveys ❑ hs�W-72— i �� �� [D" II ,� �� conducted September 29 and October 27, 2004 and o Gloc-Yw-s2s J ❑ February 22, 2007. Included in these surveys are the AST o $ l I r • i I ♦ ,� ry Y asr # ! ' I ( I et t Monitoring and Remediation Well Locations, North Tank 1 ppt�yyl�p I ! ! [ ! �� Farm and Berms. Property Line information shown for reference only. Record Data was used to generate all additional property line information on this map. � - 2. Additional Reference Information from: USGS J Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, August 1994 Airphoto tcrison o e a a., anta a aiiroa _ _ _ eoreferenced Satellite Imagery, June 2003 Kern County $ sE IX $ [�+7 sE-ns -2es ND<0.10 7sc=�iw=ttx o - - G �} On-line GIS Database, 2004 ayrr,-t3 t -9R W II II 3. Only wells with screens that intersect the water table TSG=YIN General Site Legend: J II 11 - - aD � �� j� � Sunland Property Boundary C30� c #! ## I -—- Center Line of Coffee Road ' LI— 6 Ft. Chain-Link Fence Line Earthen Containment Dike © # t ----------- Former Earthen Containment Dike !# # Multiple Nested Groundwater #I I E $ Monitoring Well [3 p #! II $ Groundwater Monitoring Well Groundwater Monitoring/Soil i t Vapor Extraction Well 11 t + Groundwater Monitoring/Air O O t Sparge Point Well + Groundwater Monitoring Legend ..75G-Yw-67A�-,; [0.0094] Benzene Concentration (mg/L) 7sc=uw-lun8e Groundwater Isoconcentration Line (m 9/L) © �"���� ^� (Dashed Where Inferred) ❑ 4� L_j Not Detected Above Method Detection IZZL a �\ <0.0005 Limit Shown _..._..._...—...—..._ o ° DRY Well Dry ' C=1 © C] E3 p p o ��� ``� Ns Not Sampled F b O i] i i ' 3$ $ _``��` Groundwater samples collected October 6 through 0 D O C] C7 O C] O o o `0 ��� `�� October 9, 2009. 1 PG & E C1 FACILITY General Note: M. ooze $,15c=uw-e�nr,, ❑ ❑ -�rr-rt n? €$,i_sc=ww-Zt `°�do�`�, This drawing. presents one interpretation only; other ' i3 st; interpretations may be possible. ❑ ❑ m FORMER o°� roi ;c_ # N O R ,�, $ i ` General Site Notes: isc=M�115n I # TANK F A R M 1. Source: Evans Land Surveying and Mapping surveys i : conducted September 29 and October 27, 2004 and S p G10c=42S ❑ [t i.[�7.: I r---1i---- rsr February 22, 2007. Included in these surveys are the A% ] # € I t I `� Monitoring and Remediation Well Locations, North Tank tc,►otso. I I I I # t Farm and Berms. Property Line information shown for I �i�f 1 reference only. Record Data was used to generate all additional property line information on this map. =—=--- ;�, 2. Additional Reference Information from: USGS - tcF Esen o eta a anta a anroa Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, August 1994 Ai hoto Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, June 2003 Kem County X205 { +J SExass ND<0.0005- - 15cuw-�tx On-line GIS Database, 2004 t I 3. Only ells with screens that intersect the water table 1111M-+113 -1 # ' " � Ww=5$; ?I I I dune the current monitoring event are used to prepare t „[bbl SE=tiE/Yw 29q/B% � • I 9 9 P P ' MA4$ (ogYl [ori � Yw=.ts [�7 [a++7 I I €# the Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone (SHZ) 1A map. $ ;.[4R+7,a l0 p01 [0R11 � #I # 4. Due to declining groundwater levels beneath the site, _s It t ;I $[orirl °AlT I# I only one well (SE-MW-24S) in the "recent" Zone 1A g 00 �5E=ww=j4s� i? 7+ [0 +7$ MW-2' '# plume area showed groundwater; therefore, only SEE-1nw-18'(R)$ ( Nw=15, _ [ I I I limited/queried contouring is possible and almost entirely P G& E [0�7 raw_t9ri ;[a+!7: $ $Mw-12 € I !1 based on historical sample results from Zone 1A wells. EASEMENT 11 +I UNDEVELOPED - FORMER REFINERY/ 11�! . I ' 0.001 A #€#€0111 0 400 800 FARMLAND ND<0.0005 r SOUTH TANK FARM r I z !)Y! APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET Ww-11 #I I1 DATE PROJECT N0. 12/09 02-WOC-090 Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Status Report:Second Half 2009 o I World Oil Corp. Benzene in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic ' - $ !I I Zone 1 A - October 2009 I ' I€ 1$ I I I Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,CA The FIGURE (( #j f eS I Source Group, Inc. 4 General Site Legend: 11 ,1 - - �� I I! II I! i I Sunland Property Boundary 0o I I !1 u - - Center Line of Coffee Road 6 Ft. Chain-Link Fence Line l i j Earthen Containment Dike ' O ; ! I I ----------- Former Earthen Containment Dike 0 0 r I Multiple Nested Groundwater I! Monitoring Well Groundwater Monitoring Well Groundwater Monitoring/Soil 111 Vapor Extraction Well Groundwater Monitoring/Air Sparge Point Well 15G�-67A `,t, Groundwater Monitoring Legend $ � I � $ GIX'7,61 t t� Methyl Tertiary-But y.1 Ether 8AST. $- n j l� 11` [o.ots] Concentration (mg/yL) �SGAAV-114A I; �t ' — — J L, �t Groundwater Isoconcentration Line (mg/L) C, 1 0 �t� (Dashed Where Inferred) 4 O a L ���\�� <0.002 Not Detected Above Method Detection Limit Shown DRY Well Dry m ED 0 o a a o NS Not Sampled D / Mw=3$ Groundwater samples collected October 6 through C3 o © a a o O o o [!'s]' October 9, 2009. ' PG& E a000000 r` r �� CEI FACILITY General Note: 0 0 ❑ � 0 ova �ryt5c,-uw ❑ ❑ T ay _ t $rsc-10,7t `��d7�•°� This drawing presents one interpretation only; other [ooie�• Ia++1g=�=51 interpretations may be possible. ❑ ❑ m m Li Z FORMERS\%\` 0000 o I I NORTH \� s $ I General Site Notes: ' rsc-ww-ttyt TANK F A R M 1. Source: Evans Land Surveying and Mapping surveys - -EI ____ conducted September 29 and October 27, 2004 and C3 o arc-ilw-szs< ;, ❑J 1 t ! I r I f�li j ���, ��`� February 22, 2007. Included in these surveys are the AST � '� I I l I 1 r Monitoring and Remediation Well Locations, North Tank ' `i qa=ytpp I I I 1 1 li; Farm and Berms. Property Line information shown for w[�+1; I I I I 1111 It reference only. Record Data was used to generate all ___�__L_ I_ _ _ _ I additional property line information on this map. Nw=s -------- 2. Additional Reference Information from: USGS 14 ND<0.002- �tchison 00eka a anta e arrow ' Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, August 1994 Airphoto eoreferenced Satellite Imagery, June 2003 Kern County $ SE,%= $ �- �� SE 4!S —? I Esc=Ww=ttx On-line GIS Database, 2004 tsc=MW=ttra atrw_13 SE-+w-9R 0.01 [�++9 ! 3. Only wells with screens that intersect the water table �[ort±7,_s :> _ I - f n� [ ?+7 uw=5$ I I !i 9 9 prepare vamw� W- -4 Burin the current monitoring event are used to re are ' r�-`14� [oRrf;[o� wrr[�-`t�s [ YJ I I 11 the Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone (SHZ) 1A map. _ -7, !1 !! 4. Due to declining groundwater levels beneath the site, Mw- s$ i OAST if !I only one well (SE-MW-24S) in the "recent" Zone 1A WW4?� °`2 ? [ + W-4 11 plume area showed groundwater; therefore, only ' e[0.0 Mw-to ) I !I SE-;W-18(R) � Mw=tS j !1 I limited/queried contouring is possible and almost entirely P G& E [ +7-= 9. [D� SE-#Iw-2x Mw-t2 [ ! based on historical sample results from Zone 1A wells. EASEMENT 0.01 UNDEVELOPED ND<0.002 FORMER REFINERY/ jl 0 400 800 FARMLAND SOUTH TANK FARM 11`11 IY!! APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET MW-11; I E c1 i DATE: PROJECT NO. a N - =1 I 12/09 02-WOC-090 Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Status Report:Second Half 2009 0 1 I World Oil Corp. 1i MtBE in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic ' a SE-W-22$ if Zone 1 A - October 2009 1<0=1 I I I! SE Mw-2t$ / i! ! I Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,CA me nGURE SGI n , Source Group, Inc. 5 I General Site Legend: n U ; - - Sunland Property Boundary 0 ! i -—- Center Line of Coffee Road 6 Ft. Chain-Link Fence Line )3 it ! I Earthen Containment Dike ❑ I ----------- Former Earthen Containment Dike Multiple Nested Groundwater 1 O [! € Monitoring Well L� EJ O ( 1 [i Groundwater Monitoring Well Groundwater Monitoring/Soil 1 l 1 Vapor Extraction Well i� 11 O O Groundwater Monitoring/Air ���{ �'•1 � Sparge Point Well ' -10-1 "'t0�` �� Groundwater Monitoring Legend 1SG-MW-1148 b�sre n � Groundwater Elevation in Feet Above Mean C; O t���l`` � �' � Sea Level (Data Collected 10/05/09) ❑ o L_j Groundwater Contour Arrows Indicate C::D= Direction of Groundwater Flow o o ��� ��� Groundwater Contour Interval = 5.00' ' — — ( a s���� (Dashed Where Inferred) El C3 a © C 3 C3 o� Well Dry Elevation Data Not Used for Contouring; O © I� 0 . \ o o �� °�� • Well Screened Into Upper Portion of ' P G & E Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone1 B Elevation Data Not Used for Contouring; ell FACILITY ❑ �� I ; ����,� « Now Screened Across Water Table �ue to Continued Decline in Groundwater Elevations. 00 ASTa 0 + : p 1SG=MW=&58 ��'�fe e f �® �,� General Note: N 0 ❑ m LE I �\�;O�� This drawing resents one interpretation only; other FORMER V\ g p y' oopa + 16`-0-11158 IJ o' I j NORTH �\ \�` interpretations may be possible. -tci !t I TANK FARM General Site Notes: 2�1. f -� (�o II { > >� 1. Source: Evans Land Surveying and Mapping surveys J Gt ! I --- --- « conducted September 29 27, 200 ' S D ��. I � tl l � l � p and October 4 asr n / l i I + I1t 1' and February 22, 2007. Included in these surveys N �_ « I ► I I 13 are the Monitoring and Remediation Well Locations, North Tank Farm and Berms. Property Line information shown for reference.only. Record Data was used to - t !- - - _ t :' generate all additional property line information on this map. 07 I 2. Additional Reference Information from: ^h son oaeka a anta e- as-ireac - -' - Georeferenced Satellite Imagery,gery, Aust 1994 U S GS Airphoto Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, June 2003 >>� SE-10-20 1 AS =�D Kern County On-line GIS Database, 2004' I I 11 3. Only Wells Screened Within Shallow Hydrostratigraphic I !I Zone (SHZ) 1B Shown on This Map (i.e. Wells screened .' FORMER REFINERY/ ! ! !I from approximately 130 to 175 feet bgs) asr SOUTH TANK FARM i� =ww-y40 fsse.x) I I i I ' SE-MW-23D + P G & E (24S:o3) ? I# J EASEMENT \ I [_It I UNDEVELOPED 11= I FARMLAND I[;II 0 400 800 Ii_!! APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET DATE: PROJECT NO. N A I 12/09 02-WOC-090 Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Status Report:Second Half 2009 p ( I I World Oil Corp. Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 B S l l l Groundwater Elevation Map s October 2009 I I Former Sunland Oil Refinery !I I 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,CA \ - - - - - - - - The FIGURE W 1113 SGI Source Group, Inc. 6 General Site Legend: �I �U U Sunland Property Boundary 1 00 CT_ Center Line of Coffee Road i I I (# 6 Ft. Chain-Link Fence Line I I l i Earthen Containment Dike 1 0 © la ----------- Former Earthen Containment Dike Multiple Nested Groundwater Monitoring Well Groundwater Monitoring Well 1 i t i j Groundwater Monitoring/Soil i 1} Vapor Extraction Well jlt 1t! Groundwater Monitoring/Air Sparge Point Well 1S6�1M�o11�8 [`0.10 ` l Groundwater Monitoring Legend J \ l��e 1381 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as 1 C� O �� Z Gasoline Concentration (mg/L) 4 �� Groundwater Isoconcentration Line (mg/L) n ' >;, �` ^� (Dashed Where Inferred) I ' i — � Not Detected Above Method Detection<o.to _..._... Limit Shown a © o o a (DRY) Well Dry Groundwater samples collected October 6 through D O D Q ° October 9, 2009. ' °o°°mu Z 61 o FACILITY 00 ❑ ❑ ,,,� General Note: 1 [co fo) [eta] This drawing presents one interpretation only; other [Za:io) ° FORMER ``d���� interpretations may be possible. Tsr.-W-1158 ro,! I NORTH 00 I ,�� `� General Site Notes: 1 "�° iA �I .I TANK FARM �. \� ❑ i�-----il 1. Source: Evans Land Surveying and Mapping surveys y[�to1 ] I l ___ conducted September 29 and October 27, 2004 g o ��0 C1 ❑ 4 It 'I I -- �� `�1 and February 22, 2007. Included in these surveys asr are the Monitoring and Remediation Well Locations, North Tank Farm and Berms. Property Line information 1 I i l shown for reference only. Record Data was used JJj [<o to I I I I t I ;i I, to enerate all additional property line information on his map. y� - 2. Additional Reference Information from: 1 tcn scn o eka a anta a USGh GeoGre er er nce Satellite ai[roa f ite Imagery, August 1994 A p oto eoref e d Satellite Imagery, June 2003 [w+°��� sE m boo � $�p - - o - } Kern County On-line GIS Database, 2004 i 3. Only Wells Screened Within Shallow Hydrostratigraphic I I I I Zone (SHZ) 1B Shown on This Map (i.e. Wells screened - 1 FORMER REFINERY/ j from approximately 130 to 175 feet bgs) 4 SOUTH TANK FARM II [ OAST )I I SE-10-241) ` P G & E SE-W-2M +j EASEMENT J �/ II l UNDEVELOPED N0c0. � � ll=ii 1 FARMLAND f 1 13 f c,li 0 400 800 Y(S APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET DATE PROJECT NO. 12/09 02-WOC-090 1 � 1 IILL;I l i I Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Status Report:Second Half 2009 World Oil Corp. [8� i �+ TPH in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic 1 I I I I Zone 1 B - October 2009 II it Former Sunland Oil Refinery - - - - - - - - I 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,CA SG 'Me FIGURE i II Source Group, Inc. 7 M ernimnmmilttl 1 General Site Legend: �U ( ! j I Sunland Property Boundary 1 -— � � {{ �? Center Line of Coffee Road am— L I[ 6 Ft. Chain-Link Fence Line i( I Earthen Containment Dike ----------- Former Earthen Containment Dike Multiple Nested Groundwater Monitoring Well L j j i i Groundwater Monitoring Well Groundwater Monitoring/Soil Vapor Extraction Well Groundwater Monitoring/Air Sparge Point Well J [ 1 [`0000 s Groundwater Monitoring Legend $ TsG-W-1148 { t$Asrs 1 [0.33] Benzene Concentration (mg/L) t� ==9' C El -1 10 �� Groundwater Isoconcentration Line (mg/L) �_j °.� �`, (Dashed Where Inferred) a Not Detected Above Method Detection O Limit Shown m r-1 0 17-1 17-1 © O (DRY) Well Dry '° �" ❑ [ Groundwater samples collected October 6 through C� F-1 0 0 O © 0 6 Ua o October 9, 2009. 'L J F A C 1&T Y � ® ��' `� ' �°°� ��.. General Note: This drawing presents one interpretation only, other o0D-r ❑ [ 1. _ � interpretations may be possible. AM 8 ❑ C3 m m Q i _ ate` General Site Notes: [� � ' FORMER ��°�� Copp + 7SG-MW-.1158 ti's � _ [ I NORTH �� \` 1. Source: Evans Land Surveying and Mappingg surveys ' " � TANK FARM conducted September 29 and October 27, 2004 and February 22, 2007. Included in these surveys ❑ I ----_�I �� are the Monitoring and Remediation Well Locations, $ a North Tank Farm and Berms. Property Line information AST shown for reference only. Record Data was used N ( i' to generate all additional property line .information on this map. 2. Additional Reference Information from: - - USGS Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, August 1994 Oin: - Airphoto Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, June 2003 -+ tchisen o s€:a s Santa a allrca _ Kern Count On-line GIS Database, 2004 y 3. Only Wells Screened .Within Shallow Hydrostratigraphic [`°°-11 5f 0M17]-D SEAS ( - - n - ;,` Zone (SHZ) 1B Shown on This Map (i.e. Wells screened -1j� [QAD1� d from approximately 130 to 175 feet bgs) FORMER REFINERY/ ' os00o� 1 i ND<0.0005— `SOUTH TANK FARM is 1 € -►iw=240 0.01 P G & E .t ♦ , -�w-z� ;I I; I� EASEMENT 0.001- I; € UNDEVELOPED FARMLAND . 11 0 400 800 H1 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET I'_;= DATE: PROJECT NO. 12/09 02-WOC-090 Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Status Report:Second Half 2009 World Oil Corp. a ? Benzene in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone 1 B - October 2009 ✓ i I I i Former Sunland Oil Refinery 1 I i l 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,CA C�' Th FIGURE I I J ermimnmerftt Source Group, Inc. g i General Site Legend: — �L1 Sunland Property Boundary ' i°o o [� �? E Center Line of Coffee Road CT— 11 9' 6 Ft. Chain—Link Fence Line I 1 j Earthen Containment Dike 1 Q j ----------- Former Earthen Containment Dike i 1 ' Multiple Nested Groundwater Monitoring Well ED 1 I Groundwater Monitoring Well Groundwater Monitoring/Soil Vapor Extraction Well Groundwater Monitoring/Air Sparge Point Well 0 o a I � a 114B � Groundwater Monitoring Legend Methyl Tertiary—But I Ether C L 1❑ �tt,��� [a' ] Concentration (mu7L) 1 ° Groundwater Isoconcentration Line (rl �� �� �� (Dashed Where Inferred) —•• —..•—...—...—. <a o02 Not Detected Above Method Detection 1 m o a 1-71 171 O o `�� Limit Shown ❑ I ��\ ��` (DRY) Well Dry D Groundwater samples collected October 6 through October 9, 2009. 1 P G & E oomoca �� F A C I L I T Y r ��� �`. General Note: This drawing presents one interpretation only; other 00ASrs ❑ ❑ `? '� ,yr ^�\ � f`�� interpretations may be possible. 13 m m j i i. F O RR General Site Notes: �aeJ; 0000 + Ise-MW—.tt5e ro! c: I I NORTH ®����� 1. Source: Evans Land Surveying and Mappingg surveys 2 TANK F A R M �;, conducted September 29 and October 27, 2004 and February 22, 2007. Included in these surveys o ❑ are the Monitoring and Remediation Well Locations, S � ❑ I I� it �---J f----� ,., �� North Tank Farm and Berms. Property Line information shown for reference only. Record Data was used -e�► / I I 1 ! I « tit to generate all additional property line information on this map. ( ] I I I t I I I i 1 2. Additional Reference Information from: ' ___—._ I} USGS Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, August 1994 a Air photo Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, June 2003 1 _ -- tchisen o,e€a a ants a a;irca Kern County On—line GIS Database, 82004 3. Only Wells Screened Within Shallow Hydrostratigraphic — — Zone (Sl 1B Shown on This Map (i.e. Wells screened t�� ��cp0 sE( 1 piI from approximately 130 to 175 feet bgs) 0? 0.01 __ 4. Contouring around wells not sampled based on 1 III FORMER REFINERY/ j ; historical concentrations in these wells. SOUTH TANK FARM 0 AST S-_il I N tai _—j I i 1 P G& E -taw-zm I I I EASEMENT t�rl 1[m1j I UNDEVELOPED FARMLAND 1fM 0 400 800 1 Ilyi 1)81! APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET n d o I ` i DATE: PROJECT NO. sN I l 12/09 02-WOC-090 c'� Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Status Report:Second Half 2009 o l 11 World Oil Corp: � [ ll 1 11 li MtBE in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic 1 i i i Zone 1 B - October 2009 1 ' �I Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,CA - 1 1 !? FlGURE I SG I Source Group, Inc. 9 1 ;1 � � 1t '1 emtronmental 1 FlLE NAMAE: Z:\IW\WORLD OIL OORP\SUNLAND OIL\GW-MAPS\GW-MAPS.2oo9\SEMI MWJAL\2H-M\WOM-M-G 09-2H.11o9-LM.DWG 1 Owl 00, m I i � � o moo ZE2 � ac 0 .00 z D� xm D� �0 . ❑: o ❑ om ♦ ❑ ❑ o 005 ❑ �. Vii/ -n ❑ ❑ r Q0 ❑ oo ❑ :.. .00 �m ❑ - �❑ m > a 00 0, 000 . cn-0 GEI LE: K90 p L zm Q �_�...�) ❑ 1 09 n ♦ ❑ �.. e ❑ n 0 M ® 8 ❑ 0 O Old°Coffee,Roai1 m _ s �' I — --- Coffee.Roatl:_._ _ .._.... _-------- I -T- -n — -� f. x I I c:� -i tii ,ter =m D n sii e�i I 70 ZZO T`0;Q tri �fi D� 1i h j fit fjf �. Zm i}----= D-i � I T` IS '�I = ie ee 1 „Z i I iie fie i i tt >M 1 i i ii i ✓/ � e Fdant Keen Canal_ = ( t y._-__..._.._._-_... --_'_......._.s_ -.___r T m 3 C♦V�A�� Nom�m�0.•�con m m Z n I,7 C C p Q 2 t ° �d m N O m N =3. g 000 tD S c^D ' o°o ao IN (5) ° oN CL . ° ;�fDO.oe CD CD :: :3 ? .4o f =r o. " vS-, l mu� O CCGL° 11 O p ry � nN - NO «+ E� 3 vS c 0 � O Q � O 030 7 Z oapxM + m O c I 1 1 I N cr D oc pa Cos 9 � CD � o°m-D 'n.p� v CD am -PL 2 ° °pm'° °° CD 91- 7=-o --a 0 mNp o m Q Z �� N an°c _: o e v o�K 'n m CD n n ' >� aN � m +n mo O c a . ° rt ' O a�n C O C C . o n O ^ N O < � - � c o °p- -7• o C 7 C o m J N ° ° ° o D m (D -x 0 z m n now � � G 77 O D 0 7 + 5•' D ID 0!0< c mN OQ N o � CD ma ° O°O a ,3� , a m� m C-� a°. .0. CO pO p N za z o-^f m 3 tO �� m o o p a m a -�: r; r; o -n �, m CD , to a m o 0 0 0 0 E 0 ,, n• 0 C m v'*�N 3 _O 7 3 O O O O y J 0 '�, �. 7. c .�,r '� 3 fD 7 Z 7 —7 7 7 ° N c vN 2-o. O ° ° C�r.� f� O ,° %0 U3 a • 9 O (D aD H3 0"Q ° om�m��. II a (:) P rt 3 m o °0. 0 1* _ 3,� m ' C L OCD _ yN N N N° Nt0 rtO O '�OZ .+ N O 0 to c4 c°n n c7i w� 0 0 0.3!0 ° °CD General Site Legend: } f1 i — — =U ! II 1 Sunland Property Boundary ' � �_ � i! �I -—- Center Line of Coffee Road i 6 Ft. Chain-Link Fence Line t 11 it Earthen Containment Dike ' C 1 11 (1 ----------- Former Earthen Containment Dike 1 I l i t Multiple Nested Groundwater O i 1 J Monitoring Well L j I Groundwater Monitoring Well ' I 11 It I Groundwater Monitoring/Soil I t } Vapor Extraction Well I t Groundwater Monitoring/Air v l l�ti Sparge Point Well � �c-uw-s7c ' [ +o]14C `� ` Groundwater Monitoring Legend d�sre � ll�t [<0.10] Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as tit Gasoline Concentration (mg/L) 1 10' ❑ 4 L� �� �`�� <0.10 Not Detected Above Method Detection Limit Shown o o r Groundwater samples collected October 6 through C° ° C C C C C_ o October 9, 2009. ° CCCCCCC 0 � °0 o coamm PG LCO FAC (L TY M" r5l 0 Oasta ,,o ♦ ❑ o ♦ -- �od� General Note: ' 8 � * f =�K a a 1� �`:����� This drawing presents one interpretation only; other owe c! � I I interpretations may be possible. [<o ie] FORMER sc-rn-1150 o N O R T H General Site Notes: Ir I TANK FARM ----�I 1. Source: Evans Land Surveying and Mappingg surveys conducted SepPtember 29 and October 27, 2004 g o U' o I 1y iii ---N�---� « �l and February 22, 2007. Included in these surveys " _" I i 1 I nsro ♦ [ 01 f l i I l t �� �� are the Monitoring and Remediation Well Locations, North Tank Farm and Berms. Property Line information I Ise ro�o• I 1 t t'I shown for reference only. Record Data was used t° I 1 I 1 ti to enerate all additional property line information 3 {------ on this map. Additional Reference Information from: ' ._+7 jEtchison IoDeka I a _ a-nroad U S GS G e or efer need Satellite Imagery,gery, August 1994 rr Airphoto Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, June 2003 4 + TSG-uw-116c g Kern County On-line GIS Database, 2004 is i l I I 3. Only Wells Screened Within Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone (SHZ) 1C Shown on This Map (i.e. Wells screened FORMER REFINERY/ j j from approximately 192 to 212 feet bgs) SOUTH TANK FARM 11 11 -- o Asr i 3 ' PG & E EASEMENT 11 II I UNDEVELOPED liml FARMLAND 3[ 11 0 400 800 =i i IY1 j APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET DATE: PROJECT N0. ° 12/09 02-WOC-090 1 Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Status Report:Second Halt 2009 o I l I j World Oil Corp. i 1 11 I i i TPH in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic s ' i i c Zone 1 C - October 2009 Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,CA IV S G' The FlGURE environmental Source Group, Inc. 11 _�3" s"�=•,�!'�F^R.Sid3k. a_] !!gRDr,. _ _ _ '_ _ 4. _ «. ' i I General Site Legend: =n U € Sunland Property Boundary ' C T— l -—- Center Line of Coffee Road I 6 Ft. Chain-Link Fence Line Earthen Containment Dike I I I I I —------ ---- Former Earthen Containment Dike }t I r Multiple Nested Groundwater € II }, Monitoring Well L� 0 j it }! + Groundwater Monitoring Well I l l I} Groundwater Monitoring/Soil Vapor Extraction Well t I Groundwater Monitoring/Air Sparge Point Well + t Esc-ww�c ' ltt� c � ��� Groundwater Monitoring Legend ?jasre [000zzJ Benzene Concentration (mg/L) t El g L J❑ ,: \��ll�� Groundwater Isoconcentration Line (mg/L) o �� (Dashed Where Inferred) Not Detected Above Method Detection oo \ �\ <0.0005 Limit Shown ® � O f] p a �\� ��� Groundwater samples collected October 6 through " ❑ ��� October 9, 2009. ' P G& E J�FACILITY n OOoasra Ts��w-arc♦ ° ❑ o o ♦t-[�• sl _— ���a�P\e� General Note: ' (<o 000s] 8 I � !� This drawing presents one interpretation only; other ° ❑ m m F1 i FORMER ®�� P Y o interpretations may be possible. o $ Tsc- 7--1l5c a } NORTH General Site Notes: l\ l } TANK FARM ' 0.001J 1. Source: Evans Land Surveying and Mapping surveys ❑ IL------� �e 9 2 y NDc } I �� -conducted September 2 and October 7, 2004 g o 0 00p5 ❑ } l i r l I - --- °� �� and February 22, 2007. Included in these surveys rsr ♦ I ti �� are the Monitoring and Remediation Well Locations, North Tank Farm and Berms. Property Line information N I I I it shown for reference only. Record Data was used I I to enerate all additional property line information J on t } S 3 3 t g his map. i=-- ----=_ 2. Additional Reference Information from: ' _ tchscn oce a a auto a aiiroa - U SGS Geore ere Satellite magery, August 1994 arp oto Ceoref er ace Satellite Imagery, June 2003 [ 1 + >struw-ttsc r,,iff - - - �} Kern County On-line GIS Database, 2004 3. Only Wells Screened Within Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone (SHZ) 1C Shown on This Map (i.e. Wells screened FORMER REFINERY/ i j j from approximately 192 to 212 feet bgs) SOUTH TANK FARM II I _ -- o asr ' PG& E `, it }j l EASEMENT { 11 }} I UNDEVELOPED 4 li=li ' FARMLAND ICI} 0 400 800 i�l€ iY}} APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET DATE PROJECT N0. 12/09 02-WOC-090 j ( Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Status Report:Second Half 2009 o j I I} World Oil Corp. Benzene in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic a i i Zone 1 C - October 2009 it it Former Sunland Oil Refine ry c2 }( } 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,CA H — — — — — — — — It I FIGURE S G I The 12 Source Group, Inc. n 'I x General Site Legend: Il (1 — — �� j !( i( Sunland Property Boundary Center Line of Coffee Road ���-[r- I! I I 6 Ft. Chain-Link Fence Line I I I{ Earthen Containment Dike ❑ I ----------- Former Earthen Containment Dike ° no Multiple Nested Groundwater Monitoring Well O El Q I I l l $ Groundwater Monitoring Well yj i Groundwater Monitoring/Soil ' II 11 Vapor Extraction Well 1 t\ I Groundwater Monitoring/Air O O O t \1 Sparge Point Well \\ 1 [ [��:o ;\ Groundwater Monitoring Legend M-1111111-1 14C Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether bASTS -= — — C� h 1� ��� Concentration (mg�L). ' 4 � 1 10 `�� ��� Groundwater Isoconcentration Line (mg/L) 4� a ` �, \ (Dashed Where Inferred) O �� Not Detected. Above Method Detection ' _.Q _..._..._...- o \` \` <0.002 Limit Shown m a a D ❑ Groundwater samples collected October 6 through — — — — — — — ❑ ❑ i •��tip, October 9. 2009. - - - - - - ❑ o ❑ ao ❑ ao 0P E3 o o '` �. G& E °°°°°°° P L,....... �� ' FACILITY n _snl ' �V, General Note: �W. ♦ ♦�-'[0.0021. m ~��d f� ° 0PSTa [a ❑ °° j� -� `�R��\ This drawing presents one interpretation only; other 8 ❑ ❑ m 00 I `��dod�`� interpretations may be possible. ! FORMER " 10=71- s I NORTH �����, General Site Notes: oopo `� tsc-►nr-ttsc-Np�O Oo2 , I I TANK FARM �\����� 1. Source: Evans Land Surveying and Mappingg surveys o/t ❑ I IL------il ��� conducted September 29 and October 27, 2004 ❑ I ! i I I - I( ��\ti��� and February 22, 2007. Included in these surveys S rsr ♦ yW I ! I I I �� are the Monitoring and Remediation Well Locations, [moaai: I ( I \\ \\ North Tank Farm and Berms. Property Line information t5uw- B I I I I 1t shown for reference only. Record Data was used to generate all additional property line information on this map. --- 2. Additional Reference Information from: - tc ison o e a a ants a Railroad USGS Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, August 1994 ----- Airphoto Georeferenced Satellite Imagery, June 2003 - - - - - - r;:- ' — Kern County On-line GIS Database, 2004 15Gu6C - "�® I 3. Only Wells Screened Within Shallow Hydrostratigraphic Zone (SHZ) 1C Shown on This Map (i.e. Wells screened FORMER REFINERY/ j y from approximately 192 to 212 feet.bgs) SOUTH TANK FARM 11 11 o AST j } ' PG& E 1j 11 EASEMENT II II UNDEVELOPED 111! FARMLAND Ila I 0 400 800 j j�1 j APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET wI I DATE PROJECT NO. ( ( 11 11 12/09 02-WOC-090 Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Status Report:Second Half 2009 o ! ( I( World Oil Corp. � V i i (i MtBE in Shallow Hydrostratigraphic IZone 1 C - October 2009 1 I I I Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road,Bakersfield,CA �� - - - - - - - - i i i The FIGURE SGI Source Grou Inc. 13 ,, �I SO p, 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; .