HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST-MONIT CERTS 9/28/2010 IIIIIIIIIIIII III 75 MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION IE For Use By All.lurisdictions Within the Stale of C alrforniu Authority Cited: Chapter 6:7,.Health and Safety Code; Chapter 16, DiVish)h 3, Title 23, California C'odevj'Regulatioiis This worm must be used to dix umcnt testing rtd:scrvicin' of monitirrin ui mcnt:.,A separate c c rlifica i in ur,rc on musi,bc.nrcparcil'li>r caih I. 1 >? b ul. P t mmoojjiiring system ciintro•I�ncl by the techniciawwho performs the!work.,.A copy ofthis.furm hi'UA tx.pmvtcled ki%h�tiInk'system owiicrlopi;rator:. The'o�ync;rh�rcrauir trust submit a copy pf thisl'prm;to the ti'ical`agtncy rq�ulating:11S I �ystcmc within 3(l:iiays ol'tisl dulii: A. Geneiral_1'nfonnation Facility Name' DOWNTOWN CHEVRO ORTH` bldg.No Site Address: 2317 L ST City..BAKERSFIELU lip: Facility Contact Person:__ Contact Phone No.: , Make/Model of Monitoring System- TLS- e of" 'etin5cicing 2 /2 g 010 B. Inventory of:Equipment Tested/Gertrled CI►eckthc approprinte boats to indicates ific t tii ment.ins ted/serviccJ: -_ Fnk UNL87 SPLIT PLUS89 7`ank:iD: PLUS89 SPLIT.UNL87 Mo&_l:,MAG I In=1`a�ik:Gauging1'rcihc Modcl: MAG1Sp)1cc,or Vaeih 5empr, tyOcl: .420': (�Annular°Spaceor Vault Sensor. Model; 420.tmtp/ I'rcnch Sensor{sj. Mridol: 208 ; - ®Piping Skimp/Trench Scnsor(0. Mock]: 208' ❑°Filfslumpscnwgs). M6del [�fi)1`Sump:S&wr(s).. ®Mcchanictll l:ine:.l'cak t?ctccter Moths FX1V:. .; 0 Mcc6anical:Line eakI)e1ector.: MiidiL Fkly . Pk ❑. �ciromc'[.inc'I:cal:Oelector. Model []Iacstrbmc t,mc f:cak 1)cicctor; •Miidcl: n T'ank,lhcrtill t tligh4xvcl Scnwr. .Model-MAGI'.. .,,. ®'Tank Ovcifill l 1:liglt-l::cvel Sensor. :Model MAGi: ;❑Other(spccit'y cquipimni type acid mcxkt in Scclion;l."nn Pagc'2). ❑Other(spcciiy:u)uipmcht lyprand,mNO in Sax,tiona on P? g+ 2). Tank,1D; .PREMOI SPLIT DIESEL: Tank In: "DIESEL SPLIT,PREM91- . ®In lank Gauting 1'mtic. Modet: MAGI, ®Iii-:Funk Gatring.l'rohc. vltidel: MAGi; ®:Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Mo kl-_4201...,. ®Annular SOU or:Vault Sensor. Mods f 420 ®l'iping.SumpJ Trench Scnsor(s)., Model 20.8 Z Piping Sump)/'1'rcnch'Sensor(s): Model 208: ❑Till Skimp Sensor(~}; Model: _ ❑f ih Sump Sciisor(s). Miidcl R Mechanical l ioc;l;�k Ikacc(or. 1000 FX1V ®Mechanical Uric Leak[hlector. Motif : FX4V Ewa.u ❑"Geclronica.inc Lcak;[htcctor.. Model: ❑Elcc(ronic'l,ine I,.eakaklis:for Model ®yank Overfill/af igh-Level Sensor: :Model:;MAGI, ® lank Overfill/!hgh-1 cvt l Sc:niir> Mtidcl MAGI' ❑(khcr(spccify equipment type and niodci m 9`edj,on.e gn;Page 2) Other(specify a ui ment't c an&.model in Seaton l on l.a u2); I)ispenserlD: ')�2 Di&penser 1I): ,3=4 Bispenscr CAmtuininimt sensor(s)..� Model: 20$: ®Uispc nscr C iiritamment Sin t(c) Vlixkl 208 ®;ShcarValvc(s): ®Shear-Valvc(s).. " pin 'uniainmcnt vloat(s)and;Chain(s).. ❑_l)islicnserConibinTnent 11(:it(s),and C`bain(s). 1)is k r C Dispenser iD: :5=6; Dispenser tD: 7 ®'t)ispeit cr.(gi�tammeni Scmor(S): Model.,2d8'. ®a)ispctiscr Containment Scmor(sl. Mod 208 ❑- pcmcr s(ti) ®Shear VaT�c(sl, ®,hsear Va C?ontainmcnl t lnat(s)ante Chain(s),_, ❑Dispenser ContainmGnf l'loal(giind'C7iain(s}.. Dispenser7D:... . Dispenser ID:.: [J I)ispi nsor Cimtamment'SCnsor(s),"Model:. ❑,I)ispen�cr Ctrntainment'St,nutr(sj" Mcuiel, ❑:Shear Valve(s). ❑Shear VaT.vc(s), onlainrnent Floats and;t'hain s) ❑1)icpcnser,Containment Float,(s),and:Chain(s) ❑lltslit.ntit,r C'., O" {.`... , •I,fthe facility coritains.more tanks or dispensers,copyihis form.: Include intorl-rkition ior`every tans and.dispenser at the laci i(v. C. Certirka:tio n_-I certify that the equipment;identified inAhis document was inspected/sery iced'in accordance with ihe.manufacturers' guidelines. Attached to this Certification is informstion (e.g. manufacturers' checklists) necessary.to verify that this tnforrnation i i corrkC,and apPlot Plan showing the layoutofmpyitoring eq ipy ent. For any,equipment capable o,g P rattng-such re{>orts,hhaVe also; attached a co.. of the m rt : eked-all that apply) S stem set-up tartn histor ke oft Technician Name(print):: ..,RYAN MASON._. Signature:: _ H, Certification NO; A27367 tCC#8029371.=UT license:No:: 611 _ 4� 809850 :._�__:,. ------.-•. Testing Company Name: Rlcti:Environmentaf.. ; . Pho e No,.,�661�J392-8687 Testing Ccimpany Address: 5643 BROOKS CT,. BAKERSFIELD;CA 93308 _ Date of'I&lh, > rviceing 9128/2010 Page ! of 4 IIIIIII VIII III II 76 f��-03G—1t1. ww:w.unid4csxrrg Rev.01/1110 IE i . M:opltorinb$ystem._Certi.fc>3tion I):, ,ReWt5 of TestinglServicing Software Version`Installed: 329,00' Com leteahe followin ehecklistt ® Yes No, Is.the audible.alarm'operational? ® Yes p No.* Is the viSualalarm operational? ® 'Yes Ej No* Were=alJ sensors visually inspected;functionally.;iested,and confirmed operational:T R Yes El Na* Were ail sensors instail ed.at,lowest point of'secondary containment and positioned so,that (it her eq u i pmcnt.will . not interfere with their proper.operation? ❑ Yes .p No:* If alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring :station, is alI .communications equipment (e,g, modem) ® N/A operational? , • 'Yes p No* For pressurized piping systems; does the.turbitie automatically shut down if the-'piping secondary containment.. I El NIA monitoringsystem`detects a leak,fails to operate,;or is electrically disconnected? ft yes: which sensors initiate: p ( pply). ® Sumpr French Sensors, ,❑ Dispenser Containment Scnsors. positive shut-down? CtieckalCthal u I Did you confirm positive shut-down due to teaks and sensor failure(disconnection? 9 Yes; p.No. • Yes I] No* For tank systems.that utilize the monitoring system:as the .primary tank overfill warrring;device te_, no. s , El.N/A. mechanical overfill,prevention valve is installed), is,the overfill warning.alarm vi ible and 9'16diblel a%.the tank. fifl.pomt(s)and operating properly? 'If so,�at.what;perccnt.oftank capacity does the alarm:triaoi r?:9Q°/a []"Yes* . 0`No Was-any monitoring equipment-replaced? `If yes, identify specitic sensor's„Ovci6es;,de'h equipment replaced arid:list the;manufacturer.name and:model for all'replacerneaparts in Section”E.,below.. ❑ Y:es* ® No Was liquid'.found irisideilany secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? (('heck all har arlalvj ❑Product; a Water.,,;If yes,describe'causes.in;Section) ,below. :} `'Yes, p 'No* Was; Monitoring System Certification J F. In=Tank Gauging%StR'Equipment; ® Check this'box if tank gauging�s used only for inventory-control. ❑ Ched-this box if no tank gauging:or 5'llt cguipn ent,is installedi: Tbis section must be completed tt-ln-tank gauging;equipment is used,.to perform leak &tecttgn rnoni:tor.ing. Completeahe following checklist: ;{ ❑ Yes ❑ NO Has.all input wiring been inspectedfor proper entry,and termination;including testing inr ground`faults?; ll Yes ❑ No* Were all tank gauging probes Visually inspected:fordamage and residue buildup?. ❑ Yes ❑:No* Was accuracyof system°product level..readings tested? Yes ❑ No* Was accuracy.ofaystem water level readiines'tested? 0°Yes ❑ No!` Were all.probes:reinstalled properly? !]Yes 13 'No* Were all items.on t6 equi.pment,manufacturer.'s maintenance checklist completed? In'Section H,below,deWrifie how and'•when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. G. :Line Leak,Detectors (LLD):• Q Checkthis box".if LI`Ds are not installed. Complete the;follow:in checklist:. ®.Yes O No* For equipment start-up, or;annual 'equipment certification was a leak simulated`tip verify LLl) performance? Q N/A (('heck all tha[a !`. Simulated leak;rate;', ❑ g p:h , p 0:`l g p.h,.,' El 0:2 g;p.h., Pp YI.. ® Yes 0 No* Were all LLQs confirmed>o erational and accurate,within regulatory requiremOts? p ® Yes ❑ No* Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated`? N Yes ❑ N671 For mechanical LLDs,does the LLD restrict:product flow if it:dctects.a,leak? N/A : 0 Ycs ❑, NW1 For electronic I.Lb5i does'ihe;turbine autonmatically:shut.off if the F,1:,Xdetccts a icak? ® NIA ❑ Yes :❑. No* For electronic LLD§,.floes the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system �s;;disabled ®, N/A or disconnected? [] Yes '.Q :No* Forelectronic.LLps;does,t}ieaurbine"automatically shutoff ifany portion of the monitoring system'malfunctions M N/A or fails guest?' 'Yes ❑ NR* For electronic.LLbs,have all accessible wiring connections been ti iisually inspected? ® NIA ®'Ye s p No* Were alL item's on•the equipment manufactueer'"s maintenance checklistcompleted? *In:Section A,bellow,dlescrihe:how and'•when, hese'deficiencies`were or will be corrected: H. Comments; rage 3 of 4 . (,V 1)3f,—314 www uni-locs Ur _ Iicv:O i;a:7l(i8 Monitoring System Certification 0 1-7 UST Monitoring Site Plan Site Address: L S . . . . . . . : . . . . . tN 3. . . .: : : . .. : . . . . . . . . .. . Wte,maPMa%;draww. g )Q Instructions tf you already have-a:diagcam.ahat shows gall required;information you ma .include,.it; rather than tl is page,.with your Monitoring 'System Certification. Qn.your site plan;,show the general aayout o£tanks!and piping. Clearly:identiy..localions of the fnl oiling equipment;: if installed. rn6nitorhig;system. control :panels;, sensors monitoring,tank annular.spaces;:sumps, dispenser pans. spill containers; or other secondary cbntarnment,ar6,%;mechan,icaf or.electronic line leak detectoms .and in-ta»k liquid.level.probes.(i.f used for leak detection). ln-the space:proy►ded,:note the date this Site Plan was prepared. Page 4 of 4 ! i (:Y-036-4?4 www unid6cs.org. Rev.-0T to SYSTEM S SETUP SEP 218., 2:010: 1-:09 PM' COW- UN1CATIONS SETUP. SOFTWARE" RI V I, T q,,4_L;EVEi. — — — — — — — — VERSION 329, `(3 ' SYSTEM UNITS 30FTWARlR* 34 t§ 100"A PORT SETT I NG3: = j CREATED? 08.11 09;`1'7.,08 SYSTEM LANGUAGE v ' ENGL T SH COMM BOARD' 1 "(ED fM Y *►~ S-MODULE# 330160"004=a SYSTEM DATEiT,I1yE FORMAT RS-232 ;SECURITY' S4r .FEATURES: MON DD YYYY HH,MM:SS )hM CODE "D I SABLE PERIODIC IN—TANK TESTS ANNEAL IN—TANK.,TESTS DOWNTOWN CHEVRON NO. C.4MM ;BOARD 2 't<RS-232} ISD 231,7 L ST HAUD `RATE: 9600 BA}CERSFIELD:CA PARITY EVEN STOP BIT 1 STOP SHIFT TIME 1 DISABLED DATA .I;E,NGTH 7 DATA . RS-232 SECURITY SHIFT TIME 2: : :DISABLED CODE, : DISABLED SHIFT �T:IME 3. DISABLED SHIFT TIME 4 ': DISABLED COMM BOARD 3 (FXMOD) TANK PER TST NEEDED WRN HAUD" RATE 2400 PARITY ODD DISABLED STOP Bi_T I STOP TANK,.ANN TST NEEDED WRN; DATA LENGTH: 7 DATA, DISABLED.. RS=232'S'', ' .TY CODE : DI:SAHLED LINE' RE-ENABLE METHOD DIAL TYPE s TO PASS. LI NE.TEST ANBWER ON. 1 RING MODEM SETUP STRING LINE,:PER. TST :NEEDED WRN DISABLED D,['AL TONE INTERVAL: 32 UNE ANk TST NEEDED WRN DISABLED AUTO TRiANSM I T :SETTINGS: PRINT TC.`VOLUMES: ENABLED AUTO LEAK' :ALARM LIMIT D I SRBLEIl TEMP COMPENSATION ;` ' ? AUTO: Hi'GF WATER LIMI, VALUE YDEG F ? : 60.t): DISABLED. j� STICK HE:IGHT 'OFFSET' AUTO ,OVERFILL 'LIMIT DISABLED DISABLED ULLAGE 9N AUTO LOW PRODUCT D I'$ABLED H'=PROTOCOL DATA FORMAT AUTO THEFT LLMIT k IGHT DISABLED DAYL[GHT SAVI;NC TIME AUTO' DELIVERY S 1'PiRT ENABLED DISABLED. START :DATE AUTO ;.DELIVERY END MAR'`:, ., WEEK 2 SUN DISABLED% START TIME. AUTO: EXTERNAL .I;NPUT :ON 2';00: AM. DISABLED END' DATE AUTO'EXTERNAL iI-NPUT OFF NOV :WEEK..;1 SON DISABLED END TIME AUTO SENSOR FUEL ALARM 00 AM DISABLED AUTO SE.NSOR 'WATER-.ALARM. RE-DIRECT LOCAL PRINTOUT DISABLED DI.'SABLED AUTO­SHNSOR OUT "ALARM DISABLED EURO PROTOCOL. PREFIX S SYSTEM SECUR:I TY RECE I.VER,,SETUP;: CODE` 000000 MAINTENANCE HISTORY NONE DISABLED TANK CHART SECURITY D`I SABED. ' CUSTOM ALARMS' DISABLED AUTO DIAL TIME SETUP: SERV I,CE NOTICE T 2 UNLEADED IN— : ODE PRODUCTC T $:SUPREME T HERMAL, COEFF I .,.00070.0 PRODUCT CODE — — — TANK DIAMETER : 120:00, THERMAL COEFF .0007.00. TANK; PROFILE I PT TANK DIAMETER T 1 :;PLUS 1` FULL, VOL 12D44. TANK PROFILE PRODUCT CODE FULL VOL 1. PT THERMAL CO. ; .000700 8029 TANK::ID IAMETE.R 12-©.pfd; FLOAT S;I ZE: 4.0 I N. TANK PROFILE , FLOAT SIZE;: 4.,Q IN. FULL VOL 9029 WATER .WARNI'NG: 2:,0 HIGH WATER LIMIT: 3,;0 WATER WARNING FLOAT SIZE;: 4.0 1 N,. H 1.04 WATER LIMIT:, 3.10 MAX OR' LABEL VOL: 12044., WATER WARNING 2.0 OVERT ILL ;LIMIT 90% MAX OR LABEL VOL,: 8029 : 10839 OVEkFILL 'LIMTT HIGH WATER LIMIT: 3.0 HIGH .PRODUCT 95 11441 ?,226 MAX OR LABEL VOL: 802'3 DELIVERY LIMIT 10% HIGH PRODUCT 9591 OVERFILL LIMIT : '90% 1:204 7627 7226 DELIVERY LIMIT 0y; HIGH PRODUCT 95% LOW PRODUCT 500 E102 7627 LEAK ALARM LIMIT: 99 DELIVERY LIMIT IO% LOW PRODUCT 500. 802 SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: 50 ' LEAK ALARM LIMIT;, 99 TANK'TI'LT,.. '0'.00' SUDDEN LOSS LIM.I'T :q.9 PROBE OFFSET : 0:.00' TANK°TILT LOW PRODUCT 5C10 0 wl"t, tIZAK ALARM LIMIT', 99 PROBE OFFSET _.00 SUIJDEN LOSS LIMIT: 50 SIPHON MANIFOLDEtS TANKS TRNK TILT 0.60 Ttt_ NONE PROSE OFFSET 0,00. SIPHON MANIFOLDED TANKS LINE MAN IFOLDED TANKS Tit: NONE Tii:: NONE LINE PMAN,IFOLDED TANKS SIPHON MAN:IFOLDED TANKS. TO:. NONE NONE, LEAK M'I:N PERIODIC: 10% LINE MANI FOLDED TANKS 12041. LEAK. MIN P£RIOD:IC: 104 T :, NONE LEAK' MI"N ANNUAL 7, 1.0% 802 3 204 LEAK MIN: ANNUAL LEAK NI I N. 1�ER;I OD I C' 1 U' 1 Osc: 602; 902 LEAK MI;N ANNUAL 1.0% PERI�ODI'C TEST TYPE 802 BUICK PERIODIC TEST TYPE ANNUAL'PEST FAIL STANDARD ALARM DISABLED.. A PERIODIC 'TEST TYPE ANNUAL: TEST ;FA'It, QUICK PERIODIC TI:AT' FAI.L ALARM DISABLED ALARM;DISABLED PER ANNUAL TEST. FAIL Is3IiIC':TEST.FAIL ALARM DISABLED' GROSS TEST :FAIL ALARh1 D I SliBL RR) ALARM' DISABLED GROSS TEST FAIL PERIODIC TEST F'AIL. ... ALARM bTl§ABLED ANN TEST AVERAGI'NG': OFF ALi4RM ;IT"I$ABLEDr;g GROSS TEST FAIT PER TEST AVERAGING OFF ANN TEST AVERAG1`NO; OFF1 ALARM DISABLED PER TEST AVERAGING OFF ,, _. TANK TEST NOTIFY; OFF TANK` TEST NOT I'FY-: ANN, TEST AVER , OFF TNK 'TST SIPHON BREAK.:OFF OFF i,ER' TEST AVERAGI'NG': OFF TNK TST SIPHON BREAK OFF` .OFF DEL I tlER1t DIrI.A1! ! M.I N TANK TEST 1dp.T>IFY:' PUMP THRESHOLD 10.00% DELIVERY DELAY. 1 MIN. TNK 'TST ST,PHON BREAK .OFF PUMP THRESHOLD. : 10''Oai DELIVERY, DELAY 1` MIN PUMP THRESHOLDS 1.0.Obs� . Of_R'PUT;:RELAY 'SETUP ' . T'4:D I ESEL LEAK TEST METHOD PRODUCT CODE 4 R 1 :POS SHUTOFF THERMAL C:OEFF : .000450 TEST: ON.,DATE ALL TANK TYPE: TANK DIAMETER 1.20 00 OCT , 9, :2008 . STANDARD TANK PROFILE .: 1 ,PT START T I,M5 D I88ABLED NORMALLY CI.08Ep FULL VOL, 1'2044 TEST. RATE :0 201i GAL�,HR DURATIQ.N 2 HOURS TANK >tt.:. 1 Y , FLOAT SIZE: 4-0, IN. TST EARLY STOP:DISABLED Ld Qtl I D.SiNsOR ;AL`:A4s. WATER WARNING , 2.0 LEAK TEST REPORT FORMAT ALL FUEL:ALARM, HIGH WATER LIMIT: 3.0 NORMAL ALL SENSOR OUT' ALAR�1•` MAX OR LABEL VOL,: 120744 ALL:SHORT .ALARM' OVERFILL'L'IMIT 90 ISD SITE ALARMS, 10839 ISD GROSS 'PRES FA.IL- RI'GH PRODUCT 959, ISD DEGRD PRES' FAFL 11441 ISB VAPOR LEAK' FATL DELLVERY LIMIT : 109 I$D VR PRES FAIL 1.204 J.-SD VP ;STATUS FAIL LOW PRODUCT 1:200 ISD'H ALARMS LEAK..ALARM..L I M 1 T 59: ALL,'e GROSS COLLECT FA`I;I SUDDEN ,LOSS LIMLT: ti �9 LIQUID: SENSOR SETUP ALL�DEGRb COLLECT FA'II TANK....T'I LT 2:.:66 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ALL*LOW COLLECT FA I L PROBE OFFSET 0;00 L 1 .85 STP R 2:OVERFILL ALARM TRLSTATE (SI`NGLE FLOAT), TYPE _ CATEGORY: : STP° SUMP SIPHON�MRNIFOLDED TANKS STANDARD . NONE NORMALLY OPEN. LI.NE MANIFOL:DED TANKS TO.: NONE I, 2:'69 87 ;ANN TANK # '`', NONE. T,R i'-$TATS (B I NGLE FLOAT>. LEAK.MIN PERIODIC 1,OX CATEGORY ANNOLAR ;SPACE I N TANK ALARMS' 1204 ALL.:4VHRF I LI ALARM LEAK MIN ANNUAL 1C19� ALL:HI ,.RRODUCT ALARI":N L 3:87 STP ALL:MAX PROAUST ALARM "' 1204: TRW-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) . CATEGORY :'SO'P SUMP ;' ~P 1 PERIODIC. TEST TYPE STANDARD' L; 4:91 STP TRI= .ALARM HISTORY REPORT ALARM HISTORY REPORT' 'SYSTEM ALARM IN-TANK ALARM ALARM HISTORY REPORT PAPER-OUT 41) 2.8', 2010 1:09 PM T IN'TANK. ALARM 2. ADED PRINTER ERROR. SEP -2R. 9010 4 05 PM SETUP DAtA WARNING T .3 MAR 5, 21309" 1 :Ds PM UWAOD06t ALARM SEP 28, OVERFILL ALA§H AUG -21) i44 Am SEP OVERFILL 20A 4:23 AM 2009, 9,:'32 Am AUG 31, 2010 1 '63' AM JUL 1.. 2010 4::05,ml 'HICK PRODUCT ALARM N SEP- v' 2010 ll :' ' 51 :AM AUG.:�20 HIGH PRODUCT :ALARM: AU I G �O:T 2009 1 :44 PM SEP 28, 2010 1,1:;46 AM 2009 1�0:23_ AM END x NOV 2211 2009 5,66 AM SEP '7:1. 2005 10,49 PM INVALID. .FUEL . LEVEL SEP m MO 11 :44 AM INVALID- FUEL LEVEL AUG 201 9069; 9:29 Am, AUG 26. 2065 .9'29 AM PROBE. OUT :SE f PROBE :OUT. R 28.1''20110 1­54, Flht SEP 213r 1 46 AM SEP, '2e. 2610 -114,44:"W, �A=�'2 SEP 28. 2010, 11:42:'AM 2009 Am 0 806-AM AUG 2. 09 DELIVERY NEEDED DELIVERY NEEDED SEP -280. 201,0 11 :44'. AM ALARM HISTORY REPORT AUG 20o. 2009. 9,:3.2; AM AUG :261- 2009 5:32-AM N-TANK ALARM MAX PRODUCT.ALARM. UCT LARM , MAX PROD A i AUG 20, 2,00 1 44 PM SEP 20:' 2010 11, 46 AM PLUS AUG 20 200 AUG 20,. :2 10.o 0 9:53 AM MAR ' 5 ..9: IZ0..?23 Am 009 1,:08 Pm SETUP DATA WARNING . �AUG r20,, 2009 I I& PM: LOUD TEMP WARNING AUG 40" 200'9 1 :15,1•pm. AUG, 20. 2009 10:30 AM LOW, TEMP- WARNING AUG' 20 i 22009 11 :22 AM AUG 20 :nO 10;31, AM HlGH,PkODUCT ,ALARM SEP 2.0., k.10 I I 44� Am AUG 20 2009 1 1.,6 PM. AUG m 200(5 I t 16, Pm PROBE OUT- SEP 26, 2010 11 :49 AM SEP 28, MID 11 :44 AM AUG 28, 2009 8:06 AM x_K END MAX PRODUCT ALARM a All SEP 26, 2010 11':'49 1 W, AUG 20, :M09 10:26 ,A.M : Jfj AM All LOW TEMP WARNING ;SEP 28'>. 2010 11 :45 AM 2009 34:07 PM END X x :W,w 4 ALARM HISTORY I21_P4RT ALARM OI,STORY REPORT --- SENSOR ALARM ----= -�-- i.N-TANK ALARM, -.--- AI.AT�M .HISTOW REPORT L .-,s7 ANN T 4.:LI;E8EL ANNULAR BPACE FUEL ALARM SENS60 ,ALARM .:_�___, OVERFILL ALARM SEP ;28. 201:0 11:2&' AM' L 3::;87 STP STP SUMP' AUG 30, 2009 12 1:50 AM FUEL ALARM SENSOR OUT ALARM LOW PRODUCT ALARM OCT' 10 2009 7.:08 AM SEP 28, :2010 :A 1 30 AM SEP' 28;, 201.0 11 :4.4 AM $SNSOR O JUN 17UT ALARM SENSOR: OUT ALARM , . ..: 2010 522 AM OCT 10; 2009 7:Qfi'.AM MAY 8,. 2010 4:28 .PM: OCT 10. 2009 6:53 AM SENSOR OUT ALARM. HIGH. PRODUCT ALARM' OCT 10. 2,009 7:01 AM ,SEP' 28. 201.0 11 :50 AM AUG 20,; 2609 10:27 AM INVALID FUEL LEVEL SEP' 28, 2010 11.44 AM PRQB'E OUT SEP 28 2.01011 .50: AM, w END, )i �' * � '* ,SEP ,28;: 2010 1 i.4;3 .AM° AUG 28, 200:9 8,:..27''AM DELIVERY NEEDED SEP ;28. 2.010 1 i -44 AM JUN 17. 2010. 5.48 AM MAY B. 2010 4:2B PM MAX PRODUCT _ALARM SEP 28. 2010 1°1 .5Q AM AUG 20, 2009 10,27 AM ALARM HISTORY REPORT -- SENSOR ALARM L 3-;67 STP -__-- ALARM NIST.QRY :REPORI q , STP SUMP.. - `,SENSOR ALARM -- FUEL,ALARM L 4;:q 3 STP --- SEP 28. 201:0: 11:30 AM, STP SUMP SENSOR OUT ALARM FUEL .ARMM AL OCT 1.0, N09­ 7:06 AM SEP 28, 201.0 II ; g .AM; * * * * SENSOR GUT ALARM. SENSOR OUT ALARM END . OCT° 10. 200 3 7':0.1 AM OCT 10-, 2009 7':01 AM SENSOR: OUT ALARM Oct 101 :2009 b':::56 AM ALARM HISTORY REPORT * *' X K END ; ----- SENSOR ALARM ----- -x R * * ' L 1 :89 STP END x, STP SUMP' FUEL ,ALARM SEP 28. 2g10 :11:31 AM SENSOR OUT ALARM OCT 1'0, 2009 7:05 AM SENSOR OUT ALARM. OCT 1:0, 2009 7:05 'AM ALgM HISTORY REPORT SENSOR.-ALARM L 5;:;91, DOL ANN ALARM H.tsww REPORT ANNULARSPACE FUEL ALARM" =- $ENSOR ALARM.: - -= ALAR11 Hl$TfiRY FtFVo9T a.EP 28. 2010 11:°33' AM L 8 PAN: 17-.18 DISPENSER PAN -= :SENSOR ALARM ----- SENSOR OUT ALARM FUEL 'ALARM L 10 t PAN 13-14 WIT 10 :2009 7.:::09 AM SEP 28.. ,2010'. 11.133.AM DISPENSER ,PAN: SENSOR OUT ALARM FUEL ALARM " FU£L :ALARM. . OCT '10. 2009 7:07 AM SEP 1.7: 2010 1'-`06 PM SEP 2E3:. 2010 11 34 AM SENS 'OUT ALARM, FUEL.:ALARM SEP 15. 2010 3 i 55 PM aEP .i'5 2O i3O 3':07 PM FUEL ALARM :SEP 1'5. `201 L1. '21-151 PM * END * *. END.::x .R x ALARM H I:STORY REPORT: - SENSOR:ALARM Tw 7.PAN , 15-.16 ALARM H I St6RY REPORT DISPENSER PAN FutL ALARM -_ _- SENSOR ALARM` ----- SEP 2$. ;2010 11 :38 AM L. 9:PA`N 14-20 ALA RM fi ISTORY REPORT DISPENSER PAN - -- BENSOR` ALARM ___-- FUEL ALARM FUEL ALARM L 5:DSI STP SEP 28. 201'0 11 :35 AM SEP 2L, 2010 1.1 :37 AM STP SUMP SENSOR OUT ALARM SENSOR` OUT ALARM FUEL ALARM. OCT 10', 2009 7;-11 AM OCT 10^ .2009 7°:12 AM' $EP 28. 2010 "1,1.':32 :AM FUEL :ALARM. I FUEL ALARM OCT 1-0, 2009 7:1:2 AM SEP f%­20110 7:22 :AM' SENSOR OUT ALARM OCT Y0'. 2009 ;12:46 AM 14 : �k END ,R END. x';X x _X A: x x ENA * x * X A rZ RICH ENVIR6XMENTAL 564.3 BROOKS.CT> BAKERSFJELD,CA 93308 OFE.( b X 92=0621 9 63 PRODUCT LINE LEAK DETECTOR TEST WORK SHEET WZO#: FACILITY NAME: DOWNTOWN CHEVRON'..NORTH FACI LI."1'Y ADDRESS: 2317 L.ST .BAKERSII ELD,CA. PRODUCT LINE TYPE;; PRESSURE PRODUCT LF,AK`D:F,TECTOR TYPE TEST TRIP PASS SELOW P.S.1. OR SERIAGNUMBEIt 3 G.P.H. FAIL UNL87 L/D.TV PE MECHANICAL PASS YES SERIAL# RED JACKET. PLUS89 1:,/D TYPE: ..MECHANICAL 11 PASS. YES _SERIAL,'# RED JACKET PREM91 WD TYPE MECHANICAL M0 PASS YES SERIAL# RED JACKET DIESEL L/D TYPE MECHANICAL YES. 1.2 PASS SERIAL#' RED JACK'FT NO 1 CERTIFY THE ABO.VE:TESTS WERE.CONDUCTtWON THIS:DATE ACCORDIN4 TO RED JACKET PUMPS FIELD TEST APPARATUS TESTING PROCEDURE AND LIMITATIONS: THE MECHANICAL LEAK.,DETECTOR. TEST'PASS/-FAIL IS DETERMINED'BX ll$IN(;A LOW FLOW:THRESHOLD TRIP RATE_OF 3.GALLONS PER.HOUR:OR LESS A e 10'P:S.I. t` ACKNOWLEDGE THAT ALL DATA CQLLECTED IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE B)FS 1,` OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 'TECHN'ICIAN: RYAN MASON SIGNATURE: DATE: 9-28-10.24 5�1!2C13,.1am rry 2.006 Spilt Bucket Testing Report:Form This, inl nded for use by eonlraclors perfor»iing ponuc�(lcsliri tai US%'spill crintainment:clruchtre,v.,Yhc.trim lc veil fr�rrir and printrjuls front lesly(if hpplicable)' should.he prorided.io thcr fiwd v vwric>rloperulor.for.suhmitlul Io the lei al regulatory u ency. 2. FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Name: UOWN i OWN CFi'EVRON NORCH "Date'of'(ctitinb: 9 28-1'0 1'acilit y Address: 23'17'1,ST AAKFRSFIELI�'CA :Facility Contact: _ Date Local.Ageney Was Notified ofTe'sting,.: . Name:c f Local Agency Inspector(f presenl-dirringxslin)r 2.. TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Company Name: R1CH ENVIRONMEN`1'AI;,, " Technician Conducting Test: R,YAN;MASON Credentials': i CSi,B Contractor X.'1CC Service Tech I SWRC13 T ank Tester r1 Other(S'pe...- y& License Number(s): $0293;71`-UT 3. SPIILL-BUCKET TESUNG INFORMATION .... .... Test Methoda)sed: X Hydrostatic I Vacuum i Other. Test Equ+pmcnTUscd:;V1Sl1AL - Equiprricnt Rcsoluiion:'0.00 Identify Spill Bucket(!3},Turk a 2 3 4' Vurnbe11,,Slured Pmducl; e"!c.% - 1(Vt 87 FILL 1'LFa!{9 F'[l.l; t'.RbiV191aill.t.: p1Fal LFILL Direct.Bury Bury, ..Bucket Installation'Type: - X Direct Bury X Direct Bury �X`Contai ed n.Surn XContain d n Sum I I Contained in Surii : I Contained in Sum p Bucket diameter: .. 12 12"" 12 12" Bucket U.eptl a 16" 16, 16" 16" Wait time between applying, 30 MIN 30 MIN. 3� MIN —;O MIN - vacuum;wate rand.start.of test: Pest Start Time(.T,): 11:OOAIVf VI 1 i:00AM 1 1:00A M initial Reading;(Rj) 14 14,' 1.4' �Qr 'Test End'I Mme 12:00P.M 12.40PM' 110UPM: 1;2 U01'1vl Final:.Reading(Rr)'' 14" P4 14;; 44•" 'Test Duration T,:—T, : l HOUR; 1-HOUR 1-110U R 1�-11011 R I� Change n Reading.(RI -.R,):.. :O„ V PaCs/Fall Threshold or l-0.00 Os00 �a- 0:00 Y-0._00 Criteria;, 'Pest Result X;Piss, C11 ►� ; ; P 5s (I l±a t 'Pass I h Fail X Pass I f fall Comments­ rncltrcle'r armarran nrr re arrs made. rior 1r?.t�cttn , axd recommended f)lln1ti tr (- � . 1' p g .l -_h�r1r fnrlc CERTIFICATION OAF TECHNIC AN RESPONSIBLE FO..R,CONUl1CTJ'N6 TWlS'TF,STING 1 hereby certify tha t all file nformaJlvtr contained,ut this report h-true,.nccurafe,und in fu/l c omplinnee u itli.le��ul requi>emerth` Technician's Signature: _ ' State laws and regulations do currently.require;testing:to be. perfoinied by.:a:qualified conirdctor. I[nwevcr, IacaJ rcquircments may be more stringent: �� MONITOR CERT. FAILURE FREPORT SITE.NAME .1)QVVNTO.VvN CHEVRON NORTH DATE: 9-28--lo ADDRESS: 2311 L S`I' TECHNICIAN: RYAN MASON CITY: KAKERSFIE_LD SIGNATURE.. RFPAIRS NONE . PAWrS.INSTALLED: NONE THE ABOVE NAMED PERSON TAKES'.ULL RESPONSIBILITY OF NOTIFYING THE APPROPRIATE PARTY TO HAVE CORRECTIVE. ACTION TAKFN TO:-RF.PAIR THE ABOVE LISTED PROBLEMS AND NOTIFYING RICH;ENYIRONNIANTAL FQ-K ANY NEEDED RETESTING.THIS ALSO RELEASES RICH .ENVIRONMENTAL":OF ANY FINES OR PENALTIES OCCURING FROM NON-COMPLIANCE. A COPY Of THIS DOCUMENT HAS.BEEN LEFT ON-SITE FOR YOUR CONVI EN ENCE. MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION , h'or Use Bjt.All.lurisdiclr<ins Wrthin°1fu;Slute rif L'ul f�riaia Arilhnri(),(`i1ed: C'hup(er 6.7, HeaA a n :Safety C?ade;C'traj?ler 16,:QNIS1Un 3, 7i11e 23; C'alifnrnicr:E`ude r f Kc��ulcili{;rrs this form mast he k1scd to document testing and scrvicing:of.monitoring cgtii6tndn1_A scpoi-atc certificatiOn iir r�rt mint b_�rcp _i ii)r each. rnonitorin )stent>ctintnil ncl by{lie technician' lia pc rlormsll+c wgtk.:"A cti(iy of this'.I'orni,niust.be provided to thc,iank tijstean tiwnu/(iperator: -i be ownerioperator,must submit a co of this,f6rna-t6 the local agency.regu tali ng_US 1`syswm,;,ti•ithin 30 daysof t6st date. A. Generallnformation Facility Name: DOVWNTOWN CHEVRO. SOUTH. Bldg 'No:: . Site Address: 2317 L ST __ City:.BAKERSFIELp L)p: Facility Contact Person:_ Contact.Phone No.; _ Make/Model of Monitoring System' TLS-350 .:INSPECTOR ON-SITE .. Date of Testing,/Servicing B. Inventory of Egviplment Tested/Certified Check the s ro riateboxcs to indicate specific i.:td tint ins rted/sernviccd: Tank ID,: UNIL8.7 SPLiT PREM91 `Tanti'ID: PLUS89 ®,in=lank Gauging 1'rdbe: Model: MAGI N In-wank Geugina!Tithe., WdeL MAGI; Model' N,Aiundar Space:orVault Sensor. ®rtnnu(nr Space nr:Vau(t Sc+iuir. Mfitk l 420-: ®:.Piping Sump."/Trench Scrnsor(s):, Modc. 208 N Piping Sump/ [rcnch,ScnmT(s). MCI:-208. .._ Q':1'itlSump Scnsur(sj, N(cidc(: []Fitl:Sump'•5cnstrr(s);, Mod I- 0 Michanical f inc l:cak i)c(ector; Miuicl_ FX1V _ ®Mechanicat(;inc.l.c:ak.i)etector. Modcl FX1V ❑:Rlectrouic.lane,l,cak<lktcctix. Model:' ❑lilcetcgnic i.ine-1,eak I)ctccWT: at�idel . N`Tank Ovcrtifi/_iligti=l:cvct Sensor; Model MAGI, ®Tank l.)vcrii!)l 1hgh-tkvc1 tierisor, Model:.MAGI } ❑(hhcr(speFi y cil`p tit:• >n,1?arc 2). Other(apCCiir equipincnitype and Inodel in Section I on Pa e 2 ut rrient.ty and mcxld,�n Section l ,c, Tank-iD:,PREM91 SPLIT UNL87 Tank.iD: N;In-f arik Gauoi+u£'I'iuhc:. Model;.MAGI d ln-Tank Gauging Probe; Meiilcl: ®,AnnularSpaci:cir Vault Sensor. Model, 420" C1 Annular$pace or Vault.Sensor, lylodel" ®i'iping Sump"/Trench Svnsor(s). Model: 208 : ❑Niping Sump/l'rcncht Scnsor(s). Model; Fill Sum Sensors Model: ❑:Hill Sump:Sensor(s). ivli)iliL ®Mechanical:.l.ina-t:cakWvetor. Model: FX-1V _ ❑Mcchanlcal,l.inc Leak jkteclor. ModeIr Q taectrcriic I:inc Leak 1)ctectur. Vlildcl: :. ❑ (ilccironic.LinvJ cak;1)ctector., Model " N'tank Overfill/I ligh-Level"Scnsar. Model: MAGI ❑:rank overtili/l ligtr-(,cvc!"Sei1% Model• Chher(spccily equipmcnl t)pe and;m(SdO:jn.Soction 1,on Page 2j. ❑Other Oyx.pif equip,wil type and model in Section l or:Page 2) Dispenser ln: 1-2 Dispenser-AD: 3-4 ®I)ispcnszr('i;ntainmcnt.Sensor(s): Model: 20$ ®'I)iSpcnscrContainmentSensc!r(s): Moxict:'Z08 ., ®Shear Valv.40 ®Shi r VaIVOS). ❑l)ispcnscr.Ctoniainmcnt Floags)and C.'hain(s).. ❑lhspcnser,C ontainment'i'loat(s)ancf Dispenser"IU: 5-6 . Dispenser 16: 7-8 0:1)iti enscr Conlainmnt Scnsor s:, Model. 28 )icpM men; cn"Sensor(sj :Model: C t 208 �:Sticar V+Iv_i(s}, ®Shear Valvc(s): , Q"I)ispenser Containment Float(%)andcmin(5).° ❑Dispenser Containment l:lcat(s):and chain(%); Dispenser,1"D: 9-1'0 Dispenser,ID;_11:-12 ®;t)spcn tirConl6 nntut(Sutsnr(s): Modd.- 3M N Di%pcn%er(_,'ontainmcnt Scrosor(s) Model-:208 ®=Shear Valv4s), ®Shear Valvc(s)° ' ❑i)ispcnscr Cimisiiimcnta'toaC(s)and C'h'airO. ❑Dispchser Containment l'loat(s).and(;hain(s)'., _ ?If the factiity'eonlains more ankS:oc dispc+iscrs cgpy ihis.ftirm: Include.i information for:cvcry:tank and iispc nscr at the facility. C. Certification -I certify,that the equipment identified tnahis document was inspected/serviced'rn accordance with the manufacturers' gui felines. Attached:to this Certification"is•information (e g. manufacturers"checklists) necessary to verify that this.information is correct and:a Plot"Plan showing-the layouVof monitoring egwpment. For;apy equipment capable of generating:such."rep6ets;I have Also attached a cdpy of the report;(ekeck 4H that apply): System set-up" qn history report Technician Hattie(print): RYANVASON Signatt re:: Certification No.: A27367' 1CC#8629371-UT License No:: C Af D4011 8098.5o Testing Company Name: Rich Environmental: Phone No.: 661)92-8687 _ Testing Company'Address: 5643 BROOK&:CT. BAKERSFIELD,CA.93308 Date of Testing/Scrvicing 9128/2010, Page 1 of 4 �J 1)1=036—174 ffww.ua+dncs:org Itev::Of/VA18 - Monitoring System Certification 3,o: A R. esults of Testing/Servicing Software Version lnstalled: 329:00 .Com letethe fellowin checklist:; Z Yes El. No'* Is the:audible;alarm operational? �9'Yes ❑ No* is the visual:alarm;operational? :Yes ❑ No* W:ereall sensors uisually inspected;.funGfonally tested;and confirmed operational" ® Yes ❑ 'Ng* Were:all sensors installed at lowest poinCOfsecondary comainment.and positioned`.so`that other equipment will not interfere with their proper operation? Yes ❑ No* if alarms are relay,4 to a remote monitoring station, is all communications 'equipment (e:g, modem) ® NlA operational? Yes to No* For,pressurized piping systems, does the turbine automatically shut down if the-piping secondary containment N/A monitoring system..detects.a"leak,fails to opera,le.�_or is electrically disconriccted7 if yes; which sensors initiate positive shut-down? (Check all that<upply) ®Sump%french Sensors; M,Dispenser C ontainment.Sensoi;s,. Did you confirm positlye:shut-down_due to leaks and:sensor.:failurefdisconnection? ® Yes; ❑ No. Yes ❑ 'No* For tank systems tfiat utili2e the monitoring system as the. primary tank overfill 11.11-1.ring device Ox., no El NIA mechanical-overfill pre,Sention valve is installed};is the overfill warning.alam,' vi'slblcAnd audible at the tank fll point(s).and,operating.propeelyC If so;at what percent of'tank capacity does the:atarin txlger? '9Q% ❑ Yes* ® No Was any monitoring;equipment replaced?. if yes, .identify specific sensors,probcs,or other eq' Uipmcht,rcplace l` and list the manufacturer name^and:model for.all replacement parts in Section E,below;:_ D Yes* 0 No Was liquid found inside any secondary.containment, ystems designed as dry-systems? -((`:heck off lha[,upnly,) Ej Product; p Water: If yes,describe causes in.,Sectlon I ,:below; ® Yes ❑ NP* Was monitoring system,set-up reviewed to ensure proper settings?.Attach set_up:rcports, if appllcal le, Yes Q ,NO is.all ittonito"ring equipment operatio..r►al per manufaeturer'sspecifications? i [n.Section E"below,describe how and::when.these:deficiencies welt or will be correcte& F. Comments- —V_— 7 l Page 2' of 4 i N4136>2/4 www:iinidocs.M Itcv.ai17T.71f18 Monitoring System Certification < ✓ '� F. In-Tank Gauging/SIR Equipment: ® iAeck this box i,f tank;gauging is,used only for inveniorycontrol, ❑ .Check this box if no;tank gaugin3 or SIR It equipir+ent is inst<iIled. This section must be.corhpleted if in=tank:,gauging equipmerit is i�Sed:to perform leak:de,teclictn naon coring Complete the following checklist: :. Yes ❑ .No* Has all input wiring been inspected for proper entry and termination;_including testing ffor°ground faults? El Yes ❑ No* Were all tank gauging.probcs visually;inspected for damage and residue buildup? ❑ Yes ❑ No* Was accuracy of system product level readings tested?. ❑ Yes ❑ No* Was accuracy of system Water level readings tested? 10? Yes ❑ No' Were all probes re..installed properly?. Yes ❑ No* Were all,items on:the;equipment:manufac#urer s.maintenance checkl st,completed? * In Section H,below,describe how and vvhen these:deficiencies were or wilL,be corrected. G. Line Leak Detectors°(LLD} p Check tfiis.box if LLDs are not installed. Complete the followin checklist: ®, Yes ❑ No* For.equipment start=up.or annual equipment certification, was a teak simulated td verify LID,performance?. 'NSA (Check all brat arp�ily); Simulated I'ak:rate: ® 3 g.p;h:; ,❑0.1 g:p.h [10.2 g.p.h. Yes 0 No* Were all LLDs corifirmed operational:and,accurate'within regulatory requirements-Yes ❑ .Na* 'Was the testing apparatus propedy.calibrated? ® Yes ❑ No* For mechanical LLDs,.does the LLD restrict product flow if-it detects;a leak? ❑ N/A. [] Yes ❑ No* For electronic LLDs;does the turbipe automatically,shut:off if the;,L ,D detects a leak`' ® N.!A ❑ Yes O No" For electronicLLD sAoes 4he turbine automatically;shut;off if any portion:.of.the monitoring system is disabled ® N/A _ or disconnected? * or Fails atest? - Y. Y po, Yes �l] No For;electronic,LLDs,does the turbine automatrcall shut off ifan rtio.n Pf'the rrion,toring system malfunctio+ts,; . 2 NIA 0 :Yes ❑ No* For.electronic LLDs,have,all,accessible.wiring connections::.been visually.inspected? ® Yes ❑':No* Were;ail items on`the-equipment manufacturer s maintenance:checklist comple led?. In Section",below,describe,how and when these„tleficiencies were or wilt be corrected. H Comments: Page 3 of 4 UN-036—374 www,unidors pry ltbv,:fq/f Mon poring SyAem.Certification UST Monitoring Site`Plan Site Address- .... . . . . . . . i . .. . .. . L�•-J. . ? . . . . . . . L j . .. . . . . . c Date map was drawn; !' ,' 1 / Instructions. ]f ypu already have a diagram that,shows all'required'information, .you may include it„ rather than this page; w{11i"ycwr Mcint'orin System Certification. Un your site•plan, show the!,general layout of Tanks and piping. Gleacty idenfity..{ocati«ns cif,'the fofi�iwing- equipment, if installed: monitoring system control panels;; sensors monitoring.tank,annular spaces; sumps;"dispenser panti;. spill containers,or other secondary.containment areas; mechanical:or electronic-:]ine;leak detectors; and in tank liquid Aevel probes"fif used for leak detection), In.the space.provided.,0te the date this. Site Plan was prepared. Page 4 cif ,4 v4=1136.=414 `www. jfldoc-m Rev.f►1/.{'7/flR �$3 � RICH ENVIRONMENTAL 5643.:BRQOKS'C',. BAKERSFIELD;.CA. 93308 .0 FICE;(66l)392=8687 FA.X(661)3,0 -6621 PRODUCT LINE.LEAK DETECTOR TEST WORK SHEET. FACILITY NAME: :.DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SOUTH. FACILITY ADDRESS: 2,317 L S T: BAKERSFIELD,CA PRODUCT LINE TYPE; PRESSURE PRODUCT LEAK DETECTOR TYPE TEST ' TRIP PASS BELOW P:S.I. OR SERIAL.NUMBER 3 Gip;H. FAIL UNL87 L/D TYPE:. MECHANICAL PASS YES 1p . SERIAL# RED JACKET PLC1S89 LID TYPE:, MECHANICAL ` YASS Y:IJS 14 SERIAL,# RED JACKET PRENl91 LlD TYPE: MECHANICAL, PASS. YES 10 SERIAL,# RED JACKET L/D TYPE YES :PASS SERIAL# NO FAIL I.CER IFY'THE ABOVE TESTS WERE.CONDUCTED ON THI$DATE ACCORDING TO Ii'F.!D JACKET PUMPS FIELD:T..EST APPARATUS TESTING PROCEDURE AND:,LIMITATIONS. THE MECHANICAL LEAK,'DETECTOR TEST PASS:/,FAIL�;IS-DETERMINED SY USING A; LOW FLOW THRESHOLD"TRIP RATE;OF3,GALLONS:PER..HOUROR.LESS AT I. f.&L I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT ALL DATA COLLECTED.1 TRUE ANb'CORRECTT.O. TN.E BEST OF MY KN.OWLEDGE. TECHNICIAN RYAN MASON SIGNATURE: DATE.:: 9-2840 sWK X13 �.-.., anuary 006 Spill Bucket Testing,Report Form This farm is intended for use,fey-cvnlracl6rs per 9?rTing annual testing.of USTspil(conlaininen-'t siruclurec:. Z'he completed.or_m:und printuuts:frum:tesls(if applicable); shoidd he provided to the facility owner/operatur.for.suhrhittiid.lu l}icr litcal rct zilrrl ncy. 1,. , FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Name: DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SOUTH Date..of Testing; 2.x-16 Facility Address 23-17 L.ST BAKERSFIELD;.C.A Facility Contacl: Phone: '. Date LocalAgeney Was Notffied.of'Tes6ng,: ;Name of Local Agency:Inspector(ifpresent during testing: 2, TESTING CONTRACTOR�INEORMATL01�.. Company'Na.rr►c` RICH:FNVI,R4NMENTAI: Technician Conducting Test: RYAN MMON Credentials,: I ':CSL9 Contractor X;ICC Service Tech: 11 SWRCB Tank Tester I Other(Specify) LicenseNumber(s): 8029371-UT ' .3, .,SPILL ]N1a BUCKET TESTING ORMATIION; Test Method Used: X Hydrostatic I;Vacuum' 1 I Other. ti Test Equipment Used: VISUAL a., Equipment Resolution O:00 Identify Spill Bucket(Ay Tank: i 2: 3 4 Numher,..4tored Product;etc: UNIX, CL1,189 PREN191 Bucket Installation Type: X Direct Bury X DirectBury X Direct;Bury i"Direct:Rury Im I Contained in,Sunip- [,Cont:ained in:.Sump, I I'Contained in.Sum i t Contained in, Bucket Diameter: 12" 12 12'' Bucket Uep#h: 16„ I6" .Wait time between applying vacuurri/wafer:and-start;of test: 30 1NfN .3.0 M:IN 30 MIN Test:Start.`t inte:.(T) 9 OOAM R OOAM' 9:00Akf,, Initial,Reading(R;): 14" 14" 14" Test End Time(Ti:); IU:OOAM i0 O4AM 10:00AM Final Reading(RF): 14" 14" '14" Test Duration(7•F T,) 1. HOUR -HOUR: I-HOUR Change in Reading(Rr-Rj): 0„ 0" 0 Pass/.Fail`Threshold di 0:00 Criteria: t I Pass fJ lsad Comments—(include nformation.on repairs made.prior-fo:testing.:and reeomrnended:f)!low=up fnr;failed 108 s) =G. i CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICIAN RESPOIM.I.BLET0,11 CONDUCTING THIS TESTING 1 herebj,certify tJrat:nll-the;i�rformatlon contained »a l&report is true,accurgte,,and"in full compliance 04111 legal regyiremenx ?'4Technician's.Signature° Date-9 28-;10_:_�._ State (aws.and regulations.do n .curren, r quire t,dsting:to be performed:by a qualitied;contractor. However, local,require=nts may be more.stringent: SYSTEM SECLIR:LTY CODE 0000100 MAINTENANCE HJISTORY DiSABLED - SOFTWARE REVISIOW LEVEL T 1 :SUPREIME UER;3I(}N, 329,00: PRODUCT -CODE 1 SOFTWARE1t 3463297100'-A TANK CHf1RT :EECUIR I TY CREATED 08.10 09.1?:OB DISABLE DD THERMAL :COEFF ':OD0700 TANK DIAMETER :1O AO TANK PROF:I L E .: . : 1. PT S-M4DULEts 330'1.:60-004-� fiULL 0L. BW4 SYSTEM,FE.ATURES r CUSTOM .ALARMS PER101.0 IN-TANK TESTS DISABLED ANNUAL. (N-TANK'TESTS I:SD FLOAT SIZE; 4.0 1N'.. SERVICE NOTICE' WATER.,WARNING: 2.0 DISABLED HIGH WATER WIMll: 3.0 ISO 31.66 COUNTRY MAX-OR LABEL VOL: 8;1.04 CODE'.: OVERFILL LIMIT 729 HIGH PRODUCT ::9596 7698 MAS£ IjENS I TY DE[L I VERB/ Lf M I,T :10%1 D:I:SABLED 810 ,SYSTEM SETUP _ _ gEP 2B: '20:10 10:59 AM LOW PRODUCT : '800 LEAK ALAI ? LIMIT: 99 SUDDEN`LOSS'LLMIT: 9:9' TANK. TILT. , 2.86. SYSTEM UNITS P901BE OFFSET 0.00. U.S. SYSTEM LANGUAGE SIPHON MAN.IFOLDED TAWS, ENGLISH Tq:..,NONE SYSTEM DATE TIME FORMAT LTNE_ , MANIFOLDED TANKS MON 'DD YYY1l HH:MM':SS xM TO. 'NOh}E DOWNTOWN CHEVRON S:. COMMUN:ICATIONS: SETUP - - 2.o 17 .L STREET LEAK W N PERIODIC: 109:; BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 BlD 66:1-638-0310 PORT SETTINGS: SHIFT TIME 1 6.:00 AM COMM.BOARD, t. (ED IM ) LEAK; MLN: ANNUAL 109x. SHIFT TIME 2 DISABLED RS=232 SECURITY 810, SHIFT TIME 3 DISABLED CODE DISABLED SHIFT TIME 4 DISABLED PERIWTI3- TEST TYPE TANK PER TS NEEDED':WRN. COM11 HOARD. '2; (RS-232:) STANDARD BAUD., RATE 9600 DISABLED PARITY. EVEN ANNUAL; TEST FAIL: TANK ANN .TST NEEDED 'WRR STOP BIT I .STOP ALARM DI:SA$L.I±D` DISABLED DATA LENGTH: 7' DA.T.A RS-232 SECURITY PERIODLC TEST,.,_FAIL LINE RE-ENABLE METHOD CO DE DISABLED ALARM DISABLED: PASS L 1:NE TEST` CQMHM BOARD 3' GF}Slr1OFi? GROSS, TEST FA`I'L L.I NE. PER TSf NEEDED WRN, BAUD RATE 2400 ALARM DISABLED DISABLED PARITY. 0 LINE ANN TST NEEDED WRN STOP BI,T, 1 STOP DISABLED DATA LENGTH': 7 DATA ANN: TEST AVERAdI,NG': OFF RS-232 SECURITY PER' TEST AVERAGING: OFF PRINT TC VOLUMES CODE DISABLED TANK TEST NOTIFY OFF ENABLED. Ii.IAL TYPE TONE ANSWER ON. 1' RING TNK- TST SIPHON BREAK:OFF TRAP COMPENSATION MODEM SETUP STRING VALUE {DEG .F ) :. _ .. 60.0 STICK HEIGHT O .FSET DIAL TONE INTERVAL: 32 PUHP 'THR DELAY : 1,O N. DISABLED . — . — ' �PUMP� 'THRESHOLD �,: .ID..00S ULLAGE: 90K H-PROTOCOL DATA FORMAT AUTO TRANSMIT SETTINGS HEIGHT AUTO LEAK ALARM ;L.IMIT DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME DISABLED ENABLED AUTO HIGH WATERLIMI.T START DATE, DISABLED MAR WEEK 2: SUN AUTO OVERFILL.'LjMIT START TIME DISABLED: 2:00 AM AUTO LOW 'PRODUCT END DATE. DISABLED NOV WEEK 1 ,SUN AUTO THEFT LIMIT END TLWIE. D.I.SABLED 2:00 AM AUTO DELIVERY START 051, T. :2.:PL US. _ DE T 3:.UNLEADED DUCT CO 2 PRODUCT COD 3 THERMAL COEFF : .0007.00 THERMAL COEFF. : .0007000 TANK DIAMETER' : 95.00 TANK DI'AMEM- 1217.6G TANK DIAMETER' t PT TANK PROFILE 1 PT FULL VOL 10145 FULL VOL 1204'1 L:IQPTb-, SENSOR SETUP FLOAT SIZE: 4.0; IN. FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 IN. L 1 PLUS: STP TR I STATE (S.i'NGLE FLOAT,-)' WATER WARNING: _ 2,10 WATER::WARNI_NG : 2.10 CATEGORY STP SUMP H`tGH WATER:.LIMIT: 3.0 HIGH WATER:LIMIT:: 3;:0 MAX OR LABEL VOL: :1204;! MAX OR LABEL. VOL: 1,0145 L..2 UNL :SUP ;ANN OVERFILL LIMIT 90�,� OVERFILL. LIMIT 90% TRI. STATE (SINGLE FLOAT:) 10837 CATEGORY ; ANNULAR SPACE 9.130 HIGk PRODUCT 95% HIGH PRODUCT 95% 11439 9637 DELIVERY LIMIT IN DELIVERY LIMIT 10i 1.204 h .3 UNL STR . ... ., 1014 LOW PRODUCT : 1200 TRTI STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) LOW PRODUCT 1000 LEAK ALARM. LIMIT: 99 CATEGORY STP SUMP LEAK ALARM.LIMIT: 99 SUbDEN:LOSS LIMIT: 99 SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT:. 99 TANK TILT 1 ..10 �, 4;; SUP STP TANK TILT 0.73 pROBE OFFSETO..QO PROBE OFFSET 0..00 TR1-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGGORY' SO SUMP sIFHON MANfFOLDED TANKS SIPHON:MANIFOLDED TANKS ,T#1:1 NONE TO: NONE L..S °PLUS ANN..' LINE MAN I FOLDED TANKS LINE MANI FOLIiED TANKS TR.i-STFITE (SINGLE' FLOAT?) TO,: NONE T#: NONE CA.T£GORY :. .ANNULAR SPACE LEAK MIN PERIODIC: 10% LEAK MI N PERT OD.I C'; 1.0% 1204 1:014 L. -9 DISP 1-2 . . NORMALLY CLOSED .. LEAK MIN ANNUAL 10% LEAK MI:N ANNUAL 1:0% CATEGORY DISPENSER PAN: 1 l204 014 PER I'dD:I=C° TEST .TYPE PER TOD I' TYPE_C TEST PE L i 0 D I:SP 3--4, STANDARD STANDARD TRI STATE (SINGLE. FLOAT) ANNUAL TEST FAIL ANNUAL TEST FAIL CATEGORY :, DISPENSER PAN ALARM DISABLED ALARM :D I SA>3I;ED. PERIODIC; TEST FAIT: .... PERIOD'IC .TEST FAIL LlI DISP 5-6 . ALARMb[SAHLED �I-STATE (SI:NGLE.FLOAT) FiLiARP1 bI:SAHLED CATEGORY D.I;sPENSER PAN GROSS TEST FAIL GROSS TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED ALARM DISABLED. ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF :ANN TEST AVERAGING:. OFF L1..4:DI'SP 1.1-.12 PER.'TEST AVERAGING:: OFF TR I-STATE (S;I NGLE AFLOAT):. PER TEST AVERAGING" CATEGORY DI9PENSER.,PAN TANK TEST NOT I,FY: OFF 'TANK TEST NO'f:I FY—: OFF TNK. TST SIPHON BREAK;OFF TNK TST SIPHON BREAK:OFF L15 DISP 7=8 ,DELIVERY DELAY 1, MIN 'DELIVERY DELAY 1 MIN NORMALLY CLOSED PUMP THRESHOLD 10.,00% PUMP THRESHOLD 10.00`/ CATEGORY c DJ PAN!; LERK TEST M HOD: TEST ON DATE: ; ALI. TANK OCT 9.,. 20D8. . START TIME : .DISABLED, TEST,,RATE :.0.20 GAI.IHR DURATION : :2' HOURS OUTPUT RELAY SETUP ALARM H1SF'ORY REPORT ALARi� HISTORY 'REPORT - - - - - - - - _ - - SYSTEM .ALARM ----- ---- ,IN-TANK 'ALARM "----' R EPOS SHUTOFF PAPER OUT TYPE.` BEP. 28. :201 D 6 -40 W�1 T 2 rPLUS STANDARD PRINTER ERROR. NORMALLY CLOSED 28 2010 8':,40 AM HIGH, PRODUCT ,ALARM. SEP-'28 2010 9:46 ,AM TANK 4: k AUG: 20. 2005 1.,:11 PM PROBE OuT.. LIQUID:SENSOR ALMS SEP 28. 201.0 9:46" AM' ALL:FUEL,ALARM SEP 2010 9:43 AM ALL:SENSOR OUT ALARM AUG 28, 2009 3-:.38 PM ALL:PHQRT ALARM, ALL:WATT R ALARM LOW TEMP WARNING I.SD SITE ALARMS ;* * END )( X ,AUG, 20. 2009' 1 t1:4 PM ISD GROSS PRES FAIL I:SD DEGRD PRES, FAIL I:SD VAPOR; .LEAK. FA I L I SD VP PRES FAIL: : IBD VP STATUS, FAIL ISD"HOSE ALARMS: ALL:GROSS COLLECT FAIL ALL:DEGRD COLLECT FAIL; ALL::FLOW COLLECT FAIL. R R ENB .* . . R 2;OVER FILL ALAPH ALARM HISTORY REPORT TYPE:: STANDARD ---- IN-TANK,ALARM -."---- NORMALLY OPEN T ! :SUPREME TANK;1 NONE LOW PRODUCT ALARM SEP 3. 201q 10;.29 PH I;N-TANK ALARMS. MAR 4.i 2010 7:48 PM. ALL 'OVERFILL ALARM ALL .HIGH PRODUCT ALARM HIGH PRODUCT ALARM ALL. MAX PRODUCT ALARM SEP< , ' `-RP1 ALARM H T,STORY REPORT AUG,!20: 200J 1 1 1 PM> -- IN=TANK ALARM -- PROBE OUT SEP .28. 2010 9:.45 AM T 3• UNLEADED BEP 28. 2010 9.:42. AM' FEH' .26. 2010 7:53 .AM OVERFILL ALARM : ' SEP 23. 20.1-.0. 4 ;4(Y'AM SEP 7. 2010; 3 36: AM DELI VERY .NEEDED JUL 20. 201`0 4 1:4: "AID SEP 3'. 2010 L0.:07 PM MAR' Q. 2010 6:50 PM IOW PRODUCT.;ALARM SMARTSENSOR SETUP AUG 25, 20,10 5 ,16''"PM (3" 2Q 10 '" 4:12 PM LOW 'TEMP: WARNING FEB 10.1 20110 5:'27' PM s, ;I `FM. 1:-2 AUG 20, 2009 12,::24 PM CATEGORY. AIR FLOW METER HIGH PRODUCT:ALARM SEP 28: 20-10 9:44. AM s 2;FM 3-4 SEP' 24.. 2009 2:25 AM CATEGORY A"IR FLOW METER AUG 20.- 2009 1 ::12 :PM s.3FM. 5-6: PROBE OUT CATEGORY AIR FLOW METER SEP 28 20.1.0 9:44 AM. SEP 28. 201,0 9";4,1. AM. s 4" FM 7-8 FEB :26. 201;0 8:32 AM CATEGORY AIR' FLOW METER *; � .�i X x END X s 5FM 9-10 'DELIVERY NEEDED CATEGORY AIRFLOW METER AUG 25:r 20:10 5:1.4 PM MAR• 8'. 201 0- 4:1`1, PM s '61 FM 11-12 FEB 10. 2010 5:26 ki CATEGORY AIRFLOW METER s 8:P8.3-4 LOW TEMP WARNING CATEGORY VAPOR PRESSURE SEP 2S. 2Q,10: -9:45 AM -� FEB 25. 201.0; iS_W2 PM FEB 25, NO: ;5.:`3 ;PM ALARM HISTORY REPORT ' ALARM' HISTORY REPORT StNWR ALARM ----- L 4 _ ----- Sirs „COR ALARM: STP SUMP L .1 :'.PLUS STP FUEL ALRM STP SUMP S.E'P 28, 2010 9::1.0: AM: FUEL ALARM SEP 28, 2010 9,:13 .AM SENSOR OUT ALARM SENSOR,bUT'ALARM SEP 28, 20110, 4:5.I AM � ' T OCT 9,- -200 -�.o �.M 19 SENSOR OUT ALARM SEP 23 201'0 z.. 6, PM SENSbR :OUT ALARM OCT 9, 2009 2:119 PM ri E14D ALARM HISTORY REPORT ALARM HISTORY REPORT -- SENSOR ALARM ----- 5:7 PLUS ANN SENSOR ALARM. ANNULAR: SPACE L MWL-suP ANN 'FUEL ALARM ANNULW,SPACE SEP 28. 201'0 9:1.4 All FULL ALARM; SEP 28o20.10 g:,i 6 AM SENSOR OUT ALARM SENSOR OUT ALARM OCT '�9, 2.009 2'.'29 'PM DEC 09 3:14 AM SENSOR OUT ALARM SENSOR OUT ALARM OCT 9, 2009. 28 PM nog 3:08 AM X X K X-END A x 'x x 'A x END X X ALARM HISTORY REPORT ALARM HISTORY REPORT SENSOR ALARM. ---- --.-- - L 9::D:ISP 1-2: - .sENsoR ALARM ----- r�,I�Pl EN.SER PAN. L FUEL .ALARM STP SUMP SEP 25Z� 12010 9:17 AM FUEL ALARM ,SEP 28, 2010 9:11 AM FUEL ALARM' JAN IS 1010 1 :30 PM FUEL ALARM FEB 24, '2010 6:30 PM FUEL ALARM vi lm AT Apm AUG 20, 2009 1 :36 PM ALARM: HISTORY REPORT ALARM HISTORY REPORT SENSOR .ALARM ---- W,D: DISP. a-4 -- SENSOR ALARM -__-- DISPENSER' PAIV L14::DISP 11-12 FUEL ALARM DISPENSER PAN, SEP 28, 2010 9:`l B AM, FUEI, .ALARh1 • gEP 28.. 2010 5:38 AM SENSOR OUT ALARM DEC 11., 2009 34 t.9 AM SETUP DATA WARNI=NG SEP 28, 2010 9:36 AM SENSOR OUT ALARM DEC 11., 2009 !,:'14 AM SETUP DATA WARNING OCT 9, 2009 2 IS PH x x x END, X x 'END x ALARM HISTORY REPORT ALARM. RISTgRY REPORT ----- SENSOR ALARM =--- L11 :D1SP 5-6, ---- SENSOR ALARM ----- D:ISPEkSER PAN L1;5.;DISP .7-8 FUEL ALARM Li:ISPE.NSER PAN SEP 28.. 20110 9:19 AM F.UEL. ALARM SEP 28, :201 b '9:20: AM. SENSOR OUT ALARMS: . DEC I I i,;2005 3:28`AM FUEL ALARM' . SEP 2, 2009 4.30: PH SENSOR OUT ALARM DEC 1..1. 2p09 3:.28 .AM SENSOR OUT ALARM. tEP 1. 2fl09 3:.09 PM END x * END MONITOR CERT.. FAILURE REPORT. Sfll,NAME: DOWNTOWN CHEVRONi SOUTH DATE: 4-28-10 ADDRESS: 2317 -ST ;'IECNNIC.IAN: EZYAN IyIASUN CITY: BAKERSFIELD SIGNATURE: REPAIRS: ONE PARTS INSTALLED: NONE. THE ABOVE NAMEWPERSON TAKES FULL RESPONSIBILITY`OF NQTII+VING THEAPPROPRIATE PARTY TO HAVE CORRECTIVE:ACTION TAKEN TO REPAIR THE ABOVE LISTED`PROBLEMS',AND NOTIFYING RICH.:ENVIRONMANTAL FOIL ANY NEEDED RETESTING.THIS.ALSO RELEASES RICH ENVIRONMENTAI.:OF ANY:FINES OR.PENALTIES OCCURING FROM.NON-COMPLIA:NCF. A=COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN,"LEFT ON-SITE FOR YOUR. CONVIENEN I..