HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 3/22/2010 r E-TR Cow _061" EnvtronmentalNanagement Services March 22, 2010 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 37 IE Mr. Tim Sullivan Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC 150818th Street, Suite 222 Bakersfield, California, 93301 FOURTH QUARTER 2009 PROGRESS AND 2009 SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE SULLIVAN PETROLEUM COMPANY DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION 2317"L"STREET, BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA (SWRCB/USTCF CLAIM NO. 15187 AND CRWQCB-CVR CASE NO.5T15000836) Dear Mr. Sullivan: 'VEIR Corp is pleased to present the following Fourth Quarter 2009 Progress and 2009 Summary Report for the groundwater monitoring and remediation activities being performed at the Sullivan Petroleum Company Downtown Chevron Service Station (site). This work is being required by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region (CRWQCB-CVR) as a result of the discovery of gasoline-containing soil and groundwater in and around the area of the premium grade unleaded gasoline product pipeline extending to the southeastern multiple product dispenser (MPD) at the site. In accordance with State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Resolution 2009-0042, the revised California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation of Underground Tank Sites, Appendix A— Reports, dated April 16, 2004, requires an annual evaluation of hydrologic conditions, contaminant trends, and remediation status. 'V£7R Corp has reduced the frequency of groundwater monitoring from quarterly to semi-annual. The CRWQCB-CVR, in its letter dated July 15, 2009, directed that the semi-annual groundwater monitoring be performed during the second and fourth quarters of the year, except for wells MW-8, MW-8d, MW-12, MWA 3, and MW-14,that will continue to be sampled on a quarterly basis. The CRWQCB-CVR reaffirmed the verbal authorization to discontinue operation of the on-site soil vapor extraction (SVE) system but to continue on-site air sparging (AS) of the groundwater aquifer. The CRWQCB-CVR has also verbally indicated that they are suspending the requirement to install and operate an off-site groundwater pump and treat (GWPT) system, but will continue to require that additional off-site groundwater monitoring wells MW-13d, MW-15, and MW-16d be constructed. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 38 IE 4560 California Ayenue Suite mo, Bakersfiefd,, California.93309 (661) -631-8347 - (661) 632-8007 ax Contras tors£icens, 920738-' A'Z W-VVIV.veir.net t f Mr. Tim Sullivan Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC March 22, 2010-Page 2 SITE DESCRIPTION The site is located at 2317"L" Street, Bakersfield, Kern County, California (see Figure 1 - Site Location Map). The site is located within the commercial district, which flanks 23rd and 24th Streets. The Bakersfield City School District operates the Downtown Elementary School, 1,250 feet south of the site and San Joaquin Community Hospital is located 1,500 feet northwest of the site. The site is at an elevation of 404 feet above mean sea level (MSL), and the topography is relatively flat with a slight slope to the southwest. The site is located within the northwest quarter of Section 30, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian. The site is a newly constructed retail fuel sales facility and mini mart, which opened during the first quarter of 1999. The subject site is the location of double-walled USTs and product piping (see Figure 2—Plot Plan). The property owner contact is Mr. Tim Sullivan, President, Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC, 1508 18th Street, Suite 222, Bakersfield, California, 93301, (661) 327-5008. The consultant contact is Mr. Mark R. Magargee, PG, CHg, WEIR Corp, 4560 California Ave, Suite 110, Bakersfield, California, 93309, (661) 631-8347. The regulatory agency contact is Mr. John Whiting, California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region, 1685 "E" Street, Fresno, California, 93706, (559) 445- 5504. TOPOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY,AND HYDROGEOLOGY TOPOGRAPHY The site is located at an elevation of 404 feet above MSL, and the topography slopes slightly to the southwest (see Figure 1). The subject site is located on the eastern flank of the San Joaquin Valley and west of the southern Sierra Nevada. GEOLOGY The surface of the San Joaquin Valley is composed primarily of unconsolidated Pleistocene (1.6 million to 11,000 years ago) and Recent (11,000 years ago to the present) alluvial sediments. Beneath the alluvial sediments are older, predominantly lakebed deposits. These lie unconformably on Mio-Pliocene marine sediments, which extend to a crystalline basement at 50,000 feet below ground (fbg) (CDMG, 1965, Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet). At the site, surface deposits consist of Quaternary (recent) unconsolidated alluvium overlying Quaternary (Pleistocene) nonmarine sediments. Geologic deposits in the study area include Pleistocene alluvial sediments that form a homocline dipping gently to the southwest. The deposits are alluvium consisting of indurated and dissected fan deposits (CDMG, 1965). Surface soils are classified by the Soils Conservation Services as Kimberlina- Urban Land-Cajon Complex and are characterized as 35 percent 1 � Mr. Tim Sullivan Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC March 22, 2010-Page 3 Kimberlina fine, sandy loam with moderate permeability; 30 percent Urban land with impervious surfaces and altered fills; and 20 percent Cajon loamy sand with high permeability. Subsurface soils observed at nearby UST sites, and during the construction of water supply wells in the area are characterized as fine-grained to coarse-grained sands with significant intervals of gravels, cobbles, and boulders, and minor intervals of thinly bedded silts and clays through the depth of groundwater at 110 fbg. The site is located in the southern portion of the Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley is a north-south-trending valley, 400 miles long by 50 miles wide, the southern portion of which is known as the San Joaquin Valley. Surface water and groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley are derived predominantly from the Sierra Nevada to the east and are transported by five major rivers, the closest to the site being the Kern River. The subject site is located 1 mile south of the Kern River. HYDROGEOLOGY The depth to the regional, unconfined aquifer is approximately 135 fbg, and the groundwater gradient is to the southwest, away from the Kern River and toward the ancient Kern Lake bed. Perched groundwater at depths as shallow as 20 fbg is known to be present flanking the current course of the Kern River, but is not known to extend to the site. WATER WELLS CWSC operates Well #7, approximately 1,000 feet southeast of the site, and Well #64-01, approximately 2,400 feet southeast of the site. Hydrocarbons have not been detected in water samples collected from Well#7. However, MTBE has been detected in water samples collected from well#64-01 and this well is currently inactive. No additional active water supply wells are located within 2,500 feet of the site. PREVIOUS WORK During April 1999, product reconciliation records indicated a potential release in_ the product piping extending from the premium UST to the southeastern MPD. A breach was observed in the product piping. Therefore, Sullivan Petroleum filed An Unauthorized Release Report (URR) with the Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services Division (BFDESD). On May 10, 1999, a hand-augered soil boring adjacent was advanced to the location of the product piping breach. Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX), and methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) were detected in the soil sample collected at a depth of 5 fbg. Based on the soil sampling and laboratory analytical results, the BFDESD, required performance of a site assessment. Between 1999 and 2009 there have been numerous phases of site assessment activities. There are currently 16 groundwater-monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW-14, MW-5d, and MW-8d); six vapor extraction wells (VW-1s, VW-1i, VW-1d, and VW-2 through VW-4), four air sparge wells (SW-1 through SW-4), and one groundwater extraction well (EW-1) at the site (see Figure 2 for the well locations). Mr. Tim Sullivan Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC March 22, 2010-Page 4 Installation of an additional downgradient off-site monitoring well (MW-15) has been pending obtaining an access agreement with the off-site property owner, the Kern Community College District (KCCD). During the fourth quarter of 2006 the access agreement was obtained from KCCD. "VEIR Corp anticipates the installation of monitoring well MW-15 during 2010. Phase separated hydrocarbons (PSH)were initially observed in well VW-1d, but have not been observed since the first quarter of 2004. During the most recent groundwater monitoring event TPH as gasoline and benzene were not detected in the groundwater monitoring wells, and MTBE was detected at a maximum concentration of 0.51 pg/l. However, groundwater samples were only able to be collected from five,of the 18 wells normally monitored due to the other wells becoming dry during the extended drought conditions (see Table 1 - Groundwater Sample Analytical Results for Organic Compounds and Attachment 1 for the Groundwater Elevation and Contaminant Histograms). Groundwater samples have also been analyzed for physical and chemical characteristics. The results of the laboratory analysis indicated that the groundwater beneath the site is potable (see Table 2 - Summary of Groundwater Sample Analytical Results for Physical and Chemical Characteristics). During the fourth quarter of 2002 SVE was initiated at the site, and during July 2006 simultaneous SVE and AS operations were initiated. It is estimated that the mass of gasoline hydrocarbons extracted from the subsurface since startup is approximately 142,129 pounds, which is equivalent to approximately 22,208 gallons of gasoline. During the first quarter of 2009, the CRWQCB-CVR verbally authorized discontinuing SVE, but required continuing operation of the on-site AS unit. The CRWQCB-CVR also verbally indicated that they are suspending the requirement to install and operate an off-site GWPT system. The CRWQCB-CVR, in its letter dated May 5, 2008, requested submittal of a work plan to install additional deep zone monitoring wells downgradient of off-site monitoring well MW-8 and upgradient of CWSC Wells 64, 93, and 10. There are currently three water table monitoring wells (MW-12 through MW-14) that are downgradient of monitoring well MW-8 that do not detect hydrocarbons and there are two deep zone monitoring wells (MW-5d and MW-8d) downgradient from the petroleum release that do not detect hydrocarbons. WEIR Corps Additional Off-Site Deep Monitoring Wells Installation Work Plan, dated July 24, 2008, proposed to install a deep zone monitoring well (MW-13d) adjacent to existing water table monitoring well MW-13, and a deep zone monitoring well (MW-16d) midway between monitoring well MW-13 and CWSC Well 64. The CRWQCB-CVR approved implementation of the work plan in its letter dated October 16, 2008. The downgradient deep zone monitoring wells will be installed upon the BDPW issuance of encroachment permits to install the monitoring wells within the public right- of-way. Off-site groundwater monitoring well MW-15 will be constructed at the time the additional deep zone monitoring wells are constructed. Mr. Tim Sullivan Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC March 22, 2010-Page 5 GROUNDWATER MONITORING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES On December 28, and 29, 2009 the depth to groundwater within groundwater monitoring wells MW-1 through MW-14, groundwater extraction well EW-1, and vapor extraction well VW-1d was measured to an accuracy of ±0.01 foot. Due to the ongoing drought, monitoring wells MW-1 through MW-5, MW-6 through MW-8, MW-9 through MW-12, and VW-1d were observed to be dry. Before sampling the monitoring wells were checked for an immiscible layer and none was observed. The wells were then purged prior to extracting samples representative of the in-situ groundwater. During the purging process, the conductivity, temperature, and pH of the groundwater were monitored and recorded on water sample logs. Purging continued, until a minimum of 3 casing volumes were produced and the measured parameters had stabilized. Groundwater samples were collected after the wells had recharged to greater than 80 percent of their initial static water levels (see Attachment 2 for the Groundwater Monitoring, Sampling, Sample Management Procedures and Attachment 3 for the Water Sample Logs). Disposable TeflonTm bailers were used to sample the wells. All groundwater samples were placed in chilled VOA vials containing hydrochloric acid as a preservative, labeled, sealed, and recorded on a chain-of-custody record in accordance with the procedures outlined in the CRWQCB-CVR LUFT guidance document. The groundwater samples contained no visible, suspended matter, and no headspace was observed in any of the vials. The samples were then placed in a container filled with Blue-Ice TM for cooling purposes and transported to Oilfield Environmental and Compliance (OEC), a California State-certified laboratory, for analysis. QA/QC sampling included a trip blank, instrument blanks, spikes,,and duplicates. FOURTH QUARTER 2009 GROUNDWATER MONITORING The depth to groundwater in the wells was measured to range from approximately 135 to 155 fbg and the direction of groundwater flow was to the southeast (see Figure 3 -Groundwater Elevation Contour Map). The groundwater samples were analyzed for TPH as gasoline using EPA Method 8015 (M); and BTEX, MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, and TAME using EPA Method 8260B. TPH as gasoline and benzene was not detected in the groundwater samples collected from the groundwater monitoring wells. MTBE was detected in the groundwater sample collected from monitoring well MW-13 at a concentration of 0.51 pg/l (see Figure 4— MTBE Concentrations in Groundwater, Table 1, and Attachment 4 for the Laboratory Reports). Mr. Tim Sullivan Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC March 22, 2010-Page 6 SUMMARY OF THE FOURTH QUARTER 2009 GROUNDWATER MONITORING RESULTS DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER TPH AS WELL � DATE BENZENE MTBE ID SAMPLED GROUNDWATER ELEVATION GASOLINE fb feet ASL ( /1 (Ng/1) I (pg/1) VW-1 d :....12/28/09... DRY: N/A: .. MW-1 12/28/09 DRY N/A -- -- -- N W-2 „12/28/09:. DRY . .. i ,.:N/A ,. -- -- I -- MW-3 i 12/28/09 DRY N/A -- -- i -- M1IV=4:. 12/28%09;._ ;'DRY. MW-5 12/28/09 DRY N/A -- -- -- MW-5d 12/28/09 139:23 26,4:15:. ND, ND NO MW-6 12/28/09 DRY N/A -- -- -- MW_7 12/28/09 DRY N/A -- -- -- MW-8 12)28/09 DRY N/A -- ! -- -- MW-8d 12/29/09 1'51 0:21 254.39. ND ND ND MW-9 12/28/09 DRY N/A -- -- -- MW_-10 12%28/09: i DRY N/A, -- MW-11 12/28/09 j DRY N/A -- -- -- 29/09s .. ..; , . ' DRY -- MW-13 i 12/29/09 153.85 251.77 ND ND j! 0.51 MWA4. . 12/29/09 155.35, 249.45.. ND ND, 1 ND.,. EW 1 12/28/09 134.81 _ 268.41 ND ND _ _ ND___ ND= Not detected above minimum detection limit. T FOURTH QUARTER 2009 REMEDIAL ACTION REPORT On May 13, 2002, SJVUAPCD PTO #S-3267-2-0 was obtained for the installation and operation of a thermal oxidation VES. During the third quarter of 2002, the remediation compound was constructed and the vapor extraction wells MW-1, VW-1s, VW-1i, VW-1d, VW-2, VW-3, and VW-4 were connected by 2-inch-diameter underground PVC piping to a collection manifold in the remediation equipment compound. On November 4, 2005, monitoring wells MW-10 and MW-11 were connected to the VES manifold and extraction from these wells was initiated. VES operations were initiated during the fourth quarter of 2002. During the second quarter of 2005, the direct-fired thermal oxidation VES unit was converted to the catalytic oxidation mode, and during the second quarter of 2007 the catalytic oxidation VES unit was replaced by a carbon absorption VES unit. During July of 2006 simultaneous SVE and AS operations were initiated at the site. During the first quarter of 2009, the CRWQCB-CVR verbally authorized discontinuing SVE, but required continuing operation of the on-site AS unit. Mr. Tim Sullivan Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC March 22, 2010-Page 7 The CRWQCB-CVR verbally indicated that they are suspending the requirement to install an off-site GWPT system. It is estimated that the mass of gasoline hydrocarbons extracted from the subsurface since startup is approximately 142,129 pounds, which is equivalent to approximately 22,208 gallons of gasoline (see Figure 5 - Influent and Effluent TPH Concentrations, Figure 6 - Cumulative Extraction Curve, Table 3-Summary of Vapor Analytical Results, and Table 4-Summary of VES Monitoring Data). 2009 SUMMARY REPORT There are 16 groundwater monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW-14, MW-5d, and MW-8d), six vapor extraction wells (VW-1s, VW-1i, VW-1d, and VW-2 through VW-4), four air sparge wells (SW-1 through SW-4), and one groundwater extraction well (EW-1) at the site (see Figure 2 for the well locations). There were no drilling activities at the site during 2009. In order to further investigation of the downgradient concentration of MTBE in groundwater, 'VEIR Corp anticipates the installation of additional off-site monitoring wells MW-13d, MW-15, and MW-16d during 2010. Due to the ongoing drought conditions, the depth to groundwater declined from initial levels of approximately 110 fbg to in excess of 135 fbg during the fourth quarter of 2009 (see Table 1). Throughout 2009 the direction of groundwater flow was to the southeast (see Attachment 5 for the 2009 Quarterly Groundwater Elevation Contour Maps). PSH was originally observed in well VW-1d, but has not been observed since the first quarter of 2004. TPH as gasoline was detected at a maximum concentration of 6,600 pg/I in the groundwater samples collected during the first quarter of 2009, and was not detected in the groundwater samples collected during the fourth quarter of 2009. MTBE was detected at a maximum concentration of 11,000 pg/I in the groundwater samples collected during the first quarter of 2009 and 0.51 pg/I in the groundwater samples collected during the fourth quarter of 2009. Benzene was not detected in the groundwater samples collected during the 2009 (see Table 1, Attachment 1, and Attachment 6 for the 2009 Quarterly TPH as Gasoline/Benzene/MTBE Concentrations in Groundwater). During the fourth quarter of 2002 SVE was initiated at the site and during July 2006, simultaneous SVE and AS operations were initiated. It is estimated that the mass of gasoline hydrocarbons extracted from the subsurface since startup is approximately 142,129 pounds, which is equivalent to approximately 22,208 gallons of gasoline (see Figures 5 and 6, and Tables 3 and 4). During the first quarter of 2009, the CRWQCB-CVR verbally authorized discontinuing SVE, but required continuing operation of the on-site AS unit. The CRWQCB-CVR also verbally indicated that they are suspending the requirement to install and operate an off-site GWPT system . The CRWQCB-CVR has also verbally indicated that they will continue to require that additional off-site groundwater monitoring wells MW-13d, MW-15, and MW-16d be constructed. `VEIR Corp anticipates the installation of additional off-site monitoring wells MW-13d, MW-15, and MW-16d during 2010. � 1 Mr. Tim Sullivan Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC March 22, 2010-Page 8 ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2010 During the first quarter of 2010, the following activities will be completed: • Conduct groundwater monitoring and sampling, in accordance with the quarterly and semiannual scheduled specified in the CRWQCB-CVR letter, dated July 15, 2009; and • Construct additional off-site groundwater monitoring wells MWA 3d, MWA 5, and MWA 6d. WEIR Corp trusts that you will find this Fourth Quarter 2009 Progress and 2009 Summary Report to your satisfaction. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. Mark R. Magargee, PG, CHg, at(661) 631-8347 or at e-mail address mmagargee @veir.net. Respectfully submitted, EO SFO� Q�MAG49cFC.� No.4892 Mark R. Magargee, P g 6101 / f' Consulting Hydrogeologist MRM/jlt:clm Enclosures: Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Plot Plan Figure 3 - Groundwater Elevation Contour Map Figure 4 - TPH as Gasoline/Benzene/MTBE Concentrations in Groundwater Figure 5 - Influent and Effluent TPH concentrations Figure 6 - Cumulative Extraction Curve Table 1 - Summary of Groundwater Sample Analytical Results for Organic Compounds Table 2 - Summary of Groundwater Sample Analytical Results for Physical and Chemical Characteristics Table 3 - Summary of Vapor Sample Analytical Results Table 4 - Summary of VES Monitoring Data Table 4 - Summary of VES Monitoring Data Attachment 1 - Groundwater Elevation and Contaminant Histograms Attachment 2 - Groundwater Monitoring, Sampling, Sample Management Procedures Attachment 3 - Water Sample Logs Attachment 4 - Laboratory Reports Attachment 5 - 2009 Quarterly Groundwater Elevation Contour Maps Attachment 6 - 2009 Quarterly TPH as Gasoline/Benzene/MTBE Concentrations in Groundwater cc: Mr.John Whiting, CRWQCB-CVR Mr. Howard H.Wines, III, BFDESD •� r f "�51 � � �r5 {r 4 '�,� tijk �` •� max, .� Y'c.. 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HIGHWAY 178 MW-2 CANOPY;r• EW-1 i VW-1dMW-1 M® Will mw-,7 23rd M -6 MW-5d MW-5 MW-10 MW-15 MW-9 22nd STREET ® MW-8d MW-8 ®MW-12 W W W W W Ill W Of w Of Of Ix N I— U) U) U Y Z O *MW-13d 21 st STREET MW-13 ® MW-14 23rd STREET MW-16d LEGEND SULLIVAN PETROLEUM COMPANY, LLC ® GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION �- PROPOSED GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LOCATION 2317"L"STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2-PLOT PLAN TEIR Corp REVISION DATE:MARCH 16,2010 24th STREET /X HIGHWAY 178 MW-2 EW-1 DRY f4'l"x'L"T�'AQl Ry 268.41 [�ubifywmlll/MW-4 MW-3 DRY 0669 DR i_ MW- ti 23rd STREET —I 6 sl d DRY Y 264.15 D Do mw- 7--l'm -5s DR MW-10 DRY tihh MW-9 22nd STREET DRY MW-8d® 54.39 MW-0—DRY MW-12 DRY F- F- F- w w w w w W W w w w Of x U) cn U) F- F- 0 MW-13 21st STREET S251.77 (9 MW-14 249.45 GROUNDWATER LEVELS MEASURED DECEMBER 28,AND 29, 2009 23rd STREET LEGEND SULLIVAN PETROLEUM COMPANY, LLC GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION 2317"L"STREET BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA GROUNDWATER ELVATION CONTOUR (FEET ABOVE MSL) FIGURE 3-GROUNDWATER ELEVATION GROUNDWATER FLOW CONTOUR MAP GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DIRECTION 'VEIR Cory REVISION DATE:MARCH 16,2010 24th STREET r m,r HIGHWAY 178 MW-1 MW-21W-2 DRY DRY EWEW-1 ND MW4 ORYi.I -1 ,,,,, /DRY ® DRY1 ND®-7 23rd STREET DRY OU -5d MW-6 ,It 5 ND DRY "� MW-10 MW-5 DRY DRY MW-9 1 22nd STREET DRYS MW-8d®MW-8d D k11Rh@ DRY DRY I— F- I w w W w w W U) U) U) Y Z O MW-13d 21st STREET 0.51 114 GROUNDWATER SAMPLED DECEMBER 28,AND 29, 2009 MW-16d 23rd STREET LEGEND SULLIVAN PETROLEUM COMPANY, LLC ® GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION # MTBECONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER(pg/1) 2317"L"STREET I- BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA # MTBE CONCENTRATON CONTOUR(Ng/1) FIGURE 4-MTBE CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER ND NOT DETECTED ` 7EIR Corp REVISION DATE:MARCH 16,2010 � � � • �' • 11 111 �� 1 111 � 0 111 (1� r~� � � ' � �. �. 1 : : ,� • I � � '� - = .� ,� �� , r � i ■ � I . ■ I� 1 1 1 11 1 11 � • FIGURE 6 - CUMULATIVE EXTRACTION CURVE 150,000 125,000 u L X = 100,000 H W 0 75,000 0 a � a� }' 50,000 M E v 25,000 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 Cumulative Operating Weeks � • • - • • L kkk • - �� ��®00000©00000000©vo©m .- _�.- Im ��� �: e��mE �� ��aaee� ����eeaaeeaeaaaaaao ®� E �moomoamoeaaaomc�����eeaaaaaaaaaeaao ����o�a��m���maaee�m��m���eeeaeaeeaaaeo ����anaaaaaaaeaeaaveaeeeeaeeaaaaeaeo 75--126 m0000MEO M ONO I[W2 0�aaeeaaaeaeeaveeaeeaaaaaeeeaae© Ka SOMEONE����aaeaaaaeaeeaeeaeeeaaaaaaaaaaa© o�fl �aaaaaaaeaaaaeeaeeaaaaaaaaaaaao i�a�r�� eaaaaeaaMARINE eaeeeaaeaaaaaaaaeaeeo m�omim eaaaaeeaeeaaeaeaeaaeaeaaer� m�� ���o o�� aaaaaaaaeaaaeeaaeaaeeaaaaaaae© ME�E�22am��� �maaeee��m�c��c�©m IUM ���� MIM��ea��ae�eaMUMo o 11111m momm meeea��eeeeeeaeaaaaaaaeaao ��������mEaoeaea�maeeveeaaaaaaaeaeaao ��������m�®maaee®�aeeaeeaaaaaaeeeeaeo eaeae�������m�m���eaaaaaaaaaaa© m����maaeaa����©m�mmm�veaaaaeaeaaaaa� ������aaeaa����©m�m�m�eeeaaaaaaaaaaeo ������aeaee�����m�m� eeeaeaaaaaeeeaa� eeaaaaeeaaeaaa� �xn�� �����meeea�m����eeeaaaaaaa aaaaE• f��� �i�����meaaa������eeaaaeaaaaaaeaa� � ®MMUM�i��maaae�� ���aeaeaaaeaaaaaa� monammomm ��® o�aaaa�����eeaeaaaaaaaaaao NKIME ® MMMMWaaaaaaaaaeaaeeaaeaaaaaaeaaaaam m�ommomm��aaaaeaaaeaeaeeaeeaaeeaaaaaeaam 110�111111� �aaaaeeaaeaeaeeaeeaaaaaaaaaaaem Mll� IMMEMO) m IIER am aaeaaeeaaaeeeeeaeeaaaaaaeaar ����aaaaeaaaaaeaeeaaeaaaaaaaaaaaa© �eeee������eeeeeaeeaeaeeeo ��m��m�meaea�m�m���meeeaeaASEAN o MINIMUM ®o�����aaae�m�m���maaaaaeeaeaeeo OEM eaaaaaaaaaee© MIUMm © VIM ANIMEE�m mu ©mmummimeMIDAM ISO aaeeeeeeaeaaao �0momalum MIGN��������������W m® IMINo ��� aaeae���a���������aaeeaeaeeeaao INIVEMINIMEM MENEM � �� aaaaa��m��������maaaaaaeaaeee© o� aeaaaeaeaaeaeeaeeaaaaaaeaoeaarul �ommummomom © MEMO ago o11111am mookamomigim ASCII aao �� � ����maaeeaeeaaeaaaeeeeaaa aao ® �m���,n®®�aaeeaeeaeeaaaaaaaaaaaao aaeeaae© m � �maeaea� ���m�m���evaaaeaaaaaaaa� ����©maaaae®���m©m����aeaeeeaaaaeeaeu ������aaaaa®©���o����eeaaaaaaaaaeeeo �m�,a� ������aeaa�����eeeaeeaeaeeaaa© ����������eeaa�����aeaeeeaaeeeaaam ��� ������aaaa�����evaaaaaaaaaeea� mu�llmllum NOUN����aeaa�����eeaaaaaaaaaaea© � ������i�aeea�����eeaeaaaeaaaaaao �v ���.v��n��aeaa�����eeeeaaaeaaaaaem ����eaaaaaaaaaeaeeeeeaaaeeaaaam ��n� ��aaeeaeeaaaeaeeeeeeaaaaaaa aaaaaa am ���aeeaeeeaaeeaeeaeeeaaaaaaeaeeeM nommKo�� o�moKm a aaaeaaaaeeaeeaaaaaaaaeaaem � aaaaaaeaaaaaeeaeeeaaaaaaaaaaa[EM �����o����n�aeea��m����aaaaaaeaaaaao ����rl l�®����eeaa�������eaaeaaeaaaaao m� ©�®�®�aeaa���m���aaaaaaaaeaee© JJJJEW� MGM ONKMONNUM�eeea���m���aeeaaeaeeeaao �momomil MENEM EMmMEMBELM © �aaaaa�®������m���aaaaaaaaeaaaWE mmmmammmmmmmm � eae�ME! 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SUMMARY OFGROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR ORGANIC COMPOUNDS DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA M1E894i® W�1FA TI�tlOFS9 BEVAty! ¢<WUE FoB✓$E 101118E NE ]MFI® utBE NE TODOE BFlffiE TOiKIMIIEe NE lfl� DPE E10E T111E 1,NiA ID /2 U,E 1�1A 9BJ>8E 1d1HE 1®[ ®lgTE NE BO!ffiE NE BBJffiE w[s 1✓ff �Yql lmW Px8 9_y11 94q 990 909 990 649 U90 90+1 690 690 900 WW1 990 900 648 690 690 000 9a9 989 89'9 999 800 600 800 849 990 090 990 EPA ANALYTICAL METHOD 8015 M 8021 8260 8260 A CCR TITLE 22 DRINKING WATER MCL 1 100 680 1,750 13 1 100 680 1,7501 13 N/A « « « « » « « « « « « REPORTING LIMIT ARIESSEE RA ORY REPORTS - VARIES-SEE LABORATORY REPORTS WA -10 1-3604 113.81 0.00 289.46 84000 - - 3,400 15000 1,00 9,500 56,000 ND ND 1400 26 ND ND 2 420 ND ND ND D D D K 403.27 4-26-04 112.85 0.00 290.42 40,000 - - - - 2,500 9000 1,500 8,800 44,000 ND D ND ND ND ND ND EN No ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 00 ND L 7-20-04 115.07 0.00 288.20 85000 - No 11.000 ND 00 51000 ND ND ND ND ND ND M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8-3604 115.25 O.OD 288.02 M 10.22-04 116.65 0.00 286.62 60,000 - - - - 1400 5000 890 6,200 29,000 24,000 ND No No ND ND ND ND ND ND 700 5-2-G 112.8 0.00 290.49 63000 760 2,300 380 3.400 3,500 17000 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND O 52-05 111.95 0.00 291.32 50,000 700 1 300 330 2,800 46,000 37 000 P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7-26-05 115.30 0.00 287.97 78,000 1,200 5400 820 5.400 60,000 26,000 p _ 10.27-05 114.35 0.00 288.92 48,000 110 270 94 920 47000 39,000 R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-24-M 0.50 0.00 292.77 12,000 110 140 81 620 7600 3,300 ND ND ND ND ND 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4-25-05 108.40 0.00 294.87 13000 120 350 110 920 17000 8800 ND ND ND T _ 7-28-06 110.80 0.00 292.87 37,000 30 95 62 390 31,000 10,000 ND ND 25 U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10.17-08 111.92 0.00 291.35 26000 - 62 150 83 540 6,900 4700 ND ND 2 V _ _ _ _ 1-16-07 108.45 0.00 294.82 10,000 160 62 200 450 3,000 5,800 2200 ND ND ND W _ 413-07 109.90 0.00 293.37 3600 25 21 66 130 2,900 2,400 ND ND ND ND X _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7-17-07 110.20 0.00 293.07 90 ND 0.69 27 7.6 ND 6.5 ND ND ND ND Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10.11-07 114.21 0.00 289.06 230 0.94 15 19 39 8.3 11 ND ND ND No Z _ 2-18-08 115.07 0.00 288.20 8.400 16 340 240 230D 270.0 190 No No No ND AA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4-15-08 117.22 0400 286.05 5000 6.4 350 180 1,600 ND ND ND ND ND ND Be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8-12-08 120.08 0.00 283.19 ND ND ND ND ND 9.8 10 No No ND No CC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1031-08 127.50 0.00 275.77 No ND ND ND No ND No ND ND ND ND DD _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-2&09 129.00 0.00 274.27 ND ND ND ND ND ND NO ND ND ND ND EE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5-0-09 128.30 0.00 274.97 ND ND ND ND ND FF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12-28-09 DRY WA DR - - - - - ND ND NO ND ND GO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mw-1 1 13604 113.66 0.00 289.57 46.000 11 310 55 9,400 27000 ND ND 130 3.9 ND D 21 310 No ND O D ND ND K 403.23 4-26-04 112.85 0.00 290.38 8,100 ND ND ND 2400 3,400 ND D D ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND D NO ND ND 820 340 N 7-20-04 115.21 0.00 288.02 14,000 - ND ND 28D 320 000 ND ND ND ND ND ND M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B-30-04 115.75 0400 287648 - M 10.22-04 116.58 0.00 288.85 6,400 ND ND 74 230 4,300 3,700 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 160 ND ND N 2-21-05 112.75 0.00 290.48 12.oo ND ND ND ND 14.000 13..00 ND ND ND ND NO N ND ND ND ND ND O 5-2-05 111.90 0.00 291.33 12.000 5.8 ND 13 180 34,000 24,000 P 7-26-05 113.90 0.00 289.33 3,000 ND ND ND No 1,500 11,000 p _ 10-27-05 114.45 0.00 288.78 24000 ND ND ND ND 17,000 13,000 R _ 1-24-06 110.45 0.00 292.78 00 1.5 ND 1.7 86 3,880 2,200 ND ND 4.3 ND ND S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4-26-06 108.43 0.00 292.80 810 - - ND 0.6 0.7 24 81 49 No No No T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7-28-08 110.80 0.00 292.43 1400 - - ND ND ND 2.8 28 NO ND ND ND U 10.18-M 112.00 0.00 291.23 500 ND ND ND 0.68 250 90 ND ND ND V _ 1-18-07 108.55 0.00 294.68 62 ND END ND ND 49 35 ND NO ND ND W _ 413-07 110.10 0.00 293.13 810 ND 1.8 ND 830 1,100 400 ND ND ND X _ 7-17-07 110.45 0.00 292.8 ND ND ND ND ND 1.4 ND ND ND ND Y _ 10.11-07 114.70 0.00 288.53 No ND ND No No ND ND ND ND ND Z 2-18-08 115.31 0.00 287.92 ND NO ND 1.8 ND ND ND ND ND NO_ _ _ _V10-21-04 117.88 0.00 285.35 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND BB _124.60 0.00 278.63 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND CC _8 DRY 0.00 WA DD DRY 0.00 WA - EE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DRY 0.00 WA FF _ 9 DRY 0.00 WA GG _MW-12 137.35 0.00 269.73 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND D ND ND ND ND D N M 407.08 4 137.05 0.00 270.03 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NO ND ND ND 131.88 0.00 275.20 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NO ND O 130.8 0.00 276.30 ND ND ND ND ND ND P 134.15 0.00 272.93 ND ND ND ND ND ND 5 35.301 0.00 271.78 ND ND ND ND ND ND R 1-23-06 130.721 0.00 276.36 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NO ND S _ _ _ _ _ 4-24-05 28.801 0.00 278.28 NO ND No ND ND ND ND ND ND ND _ -24-06 731.45 0600 275.63 NO No ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND U _ 1-1647 131.88 0.00 275.20 ND No ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-18-07 128.90 0.00 278.18 ND ND ND No No ND ND ND ND ND ND W 4-12-07 129.90 0.00 277.18 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND X _ _ _ _ fff 7-16-07 129.53 000 277.55 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND N10.10-07 13285 0.00 274.23 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Z _2-15-08 13221 0.00 274.87 ND ND ND ND D ND ND ND ND ND ND AA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 415-08 134.11 0.00 272.97 ND ND ND ND D ND ND ND ND ND ND Be 8-11-08 140.81 0.00 268.27 N ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND CC 10-30-08 143.40 0.00 263.68 NO ND ND ND ND ND ND ND No ND ND DD 1-28-09 742.60 0.00 284.48 ND ND ND No ND ND ND ND ND ND ND EE 5-7-09 144460 0.00 282.48 ND ND ND ND ND F 12-29-09 DRY WA WA ND ND ND ND ND GG �� ®�� �rn®0000©00000©o©��000©m m mmm� �aaeaa°� EMOMMMERM aa �°°��e°�ea�aeeaeeaeeeaae�°aaaa� ® a No"��°°�eaeaeaeeaae°°�saaae�raaaaeo °°�oaaaaaQeaee°eaaaaaaaa°eo WOMEM ��°e°e°°°°°a°a°a°ae°°e°aa°°a°o ® a��� a�o�a°tea°�aa© ���,�mmmmm��eaaeINEEZ90mm���eea°aaaa°eaaaa IMEEKBONEMM-3 woom°°°�aaaa�����°e°a�saa°aaaaaa� MM MILM KNENCM mm mza a°a°a°�i'• ��ee°°aeaaaaaaaam °°��aeaa�����ee°e�seaa°aaaaam ����:x���� °°°ma�•�ae�� ��ee°°eeaaaaaaaam ����°��sae°°oeeaa���n��eeaaeeaaaaaa°am =OEM= �m�ae°°ea�a°aaaaa© ���• ®����°°�eaaaaadeaae°°eea°ae°aaam MKEMI��a� °°�aa°aaaeeeeeaa�sa�aa°�aaaaeo a.�������m°°tea°�aaea�ee°e°°aaeaee°aaem ��an�aa°ea��ma�a�mm�°�aa°aeee�aaaaed ��a� aaa°a� wee°°�saaeaa°a°ao �k•Dr, e°e°a ���,,��,,���,���,��`,, air•Mot.u°°e°°e°°°e°a°a°°°°°e°a°a°a°eu ��saw—".`.•" sT ikLflt ,.�,,•, �� eaaa �iL] �:L]°e °°a°aaew i6F�Y� ������.}YC.:,,i,�`j•]iil� ;;�il�iiL9aaaa mil:] �•�•r t�:L]°eee�sea°°ea°ae� iEF_R:i•�kY■eji�)riYAx:I:I-�1]] ` `•��.�n°Qaea °°°aaaae°ea°°et� NEW U., `•�] `•i.u�va��ee °°°a��ase•ae��e��°eL`:] �sc�,ra■ i�a��::M-�;}? �� • �.?aeae „°�r•. °°°°oea°e�ae°eaua ■ ar'u�av� ar� •�.0 °aaa �?�.0 cram,.' 9 �� aaae �ti °eveveaeave°ae ■ °a� ae°eaevaea `•°eee�sa�°eoaeaem °av �.ue°a°a°��.u�.•t°��..ts� °e°aaea°veaaeo� ilE - 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SUMMARY OFGROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR ORGANIC COMPOUNDS DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA W91OIM Gind+4Y Ni00nlCr oaorrmwsaar nMh9 ETM- rota Enln- nYYE acmann. P60RiaP1t WHO wmOPrl 1rW41yN tear anao TaVE1Hn TAEn,n ono+ ae+� w�snvt® wr,1m mar aerrm, wxas€ aeasc mu,a� ee� xneas ,rte eeaae iauFle eeaeE mraRnaES a� rer. ova � �a¢ ,.sow ms r�IO� 1rsc,a � ittuer< mores ee� eo¢t� aea>a� eeot� aeaf� wm arf 0--sU &.0 lb+s%J Gem nevi aob a" ao11 m ao9 m a" norm ao8 mA ado 4" 4" 6e9 age bop 6" -w m mA MA "A 4" nee 4" boo EPA 1 M D 80 S M 8021 A CCR 22 DRINKING WATER M L 11 100 080 1 50 13 1 1 680 -1:7W 13 A REPORTING M I SS LABO O EPORT ARIESSEE RA R RE MA 403.89 1.30-00 11271 0.00 290.98 K 403,40 1.30.04 11440 0.00 288.60 K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 403.21 1J0-04 113.29 0.00 289.92 K 403.12 1J004 NM 0.00 WA K TRIP BLANK 12-28-09 WA WA WA ND ND ND ND ND GG ego erenca. - 8P IX e. = o .-= an - - •Measured to the too of the web casimr. -No CCR Title 22 MCL established. A=Hol9ndn,Fahan&Associates,Inn's(HFA§)report dated June 25.2001. B=HFA'!report dated February 19,2002. C=HFNrr report dated May 29.2002 D=Central Sierra Environmental,LLC's(CSE'a)report dated September 10,2002 E=CSE'f report dated November 14,2002 F=CSE's report dated March 3.2003. G=CSE's report dated April 13,2003 H=CSE's report dated August 22 2003 1=CSE's report dated October 20,21103. J=CSEY report dated February 3,2004. K=CSE'8 report dated May 13,2004. L=LSE's report dated September 24,2064. M=CSE's report dated November 19,2004. N=CSE's report dated March 7,2005. O=CSE'a report dated April 13.2005. P=CSE's report dated July 18,2005. O=CSE's report dated October 20,2005. R=GBes report dated February 15,2008. S=CSE's report dated July 10,2006. T=CSE's report dated August 9.2006 U=CSE's report dated November 2,2006. V=Res report dated January 30,2007. W=CSE%report dated April 30.2007. X=CSE's report dated July 31,2007. Y=CSE's report dated October 15,2007 Z=CSE's report dated January 17,2007 AA=VEIR's report dated April 29.2008. BB=VEIR's report dated July 23.2008. CC=VEIR'a report dates October e,2ao9. DD=VEIR Coro's report dated February 3,2009. EE=VEIR Corp's report dated Apri115.2009. FF=VEIR Corp's current report December 11,2008. GG=VEIR Corps current report TABLE 2. SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA WELL ID DEPTH TO FLOATING GROUND- AND DATE GROUND- PRODUCT WATER ELEVATION' SAMPLED WATER THICKNESS ELEVATION TDS EC pH CHLORIDE SULFATE NITRATE CALCIUM MAGNESIUM SODIUM POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE CARBONATE BICARBONATE TKN REF feet-MSL) (fb g) (feet feet-MSL (m g/1) umhos/cm H units m A (m g/1) (m g/1) (m g/1) (m g/1) (m g/1) m m / m A m m /1 EPA ANALYTICAL METHOD 160.1 9050 1 9040 300.0 1 6010 310.1 351.2 N/A REPORTING LIMIT VARIES-SEE LABORATORY REPORTS N/A VW-1d 403.81 3-28-02 114.54 0.25 289.27 617 951 7.38 93 82 2.1 120 21 44 5.1 NO ND 350 0.8 A MW-1 3-28-02 114.53 0.00 289.13 424 664 7.12 46 68 40.4 79 14 39 4.1 ND NO 200 0.71 A 403.66 8-22-02 120.02 0.00 283.64 250 490 6.6 30 51 18 76 23 37 18 ND NO 140 ND B MW-2 3-28-02 113.30 0.00 290.15 382 576 7.21 31 74 46.3 66 11239 3.8 ND ND 160 0.8 A 403.45 8-22-02 118.72 0.00 284.73 310 550 6.7 33 66 38 71 17 37 11 ND ND 140 NO B MW-3 3-28-02 113.30 0.00 289.84 382 576 7.21 31 74 46.3 66 12 39 3.8 ND ND 160 0.8 A 403.14 8 22-02 118.84 0.00 284.30 310 480 6.7 25 59 38 97 25 37 16 ND ND 140 NO B REF=Report reference. WA=Not applicable. ND=Not detected. 'Measured to the top of the well casing. A=Holguin,Fahan&Associates,Inc.'s,report dated May 29,2002. B=Central Siena Environmental,LLC's report dated November 14,2002. TABLE 3. SUMMARY OF VAPOR SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SAMPLE DATE TPH AS ETHYL- TOTAL SOURCE SAMPLED SAMPLE ID GASOLINE BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLENES MTBE (ppmv) my ( pmv) (ppmv J---(vp-mv) my REF EPA ANALYTICAL METHOD 8015(M) 1 8020 1 N/A DETECTION LIMIT 1 0.1 0.1 0.11 0.11 0.11 N/A S INFLUENT 10-10-02 1 0210153-1 5,5001 581 290 32 220 1,9001 A EFFLUENT 10-10-02 0210153-2 1 NDI NDI NDI NDI NDI 0.311 A INFLUENT 12-12-02 0212180-1 1 8,6001 1101 3201 441 2601 2,2001 A INFLUENT 2-21-03 0302259-1 1 11,0001 1201 1901 1001 2901 1,4001 B EFFLUENT 2-21-03 1 0302259-2 1 NDI NDI NDI ND NDI ND B INFLUENT 6-25-03 0306310-1 1 3,8001 161 1501 34 2011 480 C INFLUENT 10-21-03 0310240-1 1 1,1001 41 391 8.6 651 180 D EFFLUENT 10-21-03 0310240-2 1 NDI NDI NDI NDI ND ND D INFLUENT 11-12-03 1 0311114-1 1 3,4001 141 1501 281 210 680 D INFLUENT 12-28-03 1 0312351-1 1 9101 2.51 291 7.31 51 110 D EFFLUENT 12-28-03 1 0312351-2 1 NDI NDI NDI NDI NDI NDI D INFLUENT 3-29-04 1 0403358-1 1 3301 0.81 131 2.11 301 1307-E EFFLUENT 3-29-04 0403358-2 NDI NDI NDI NDI NDI NDI E INFLUENT 5-27-04 0405368-1 3001 0.581 31 0.751 151 831 F INFLUENT 6-30-04 1 0407003-1 1 201 NDI 0.31 NDI 0.971 ND F EFFLUENT 6-30-04 1 0407003-2 1 ND) NDI NDI NDI NDI ND F INFLUENT 8-26-04 1 0408426-1 190 0.321 0.641 0.13 3.6 66 G INFLUENT 9-30-04 0410016-1 591 0.11 NDI NDI 0.151 12 G INFLUENT 11-19-04 1 0411271-1 1 3801 NDI 1.61 0.61 9.61 110 H INFLUENT 12-27-04 1 0412320-1 1 1601 0.16 4.61 1.41 7.41 1.5 H INFLUENT 1-27-05 1 0501339-1 1 5501 0.391 71 1.7 261 971 1 INFLUENT 2-21-05 1 0502268-1 1 261 NDI 0.491 0.141 2.9 71 1 INFLUENT 3-24-05 1 0503336-1 1 NDI NDI NDI NDI NDI 0.381 1 INFLUENT 4-22-05 1 0504300-1 1 4601 0.911 121 4.11 421 1401 J EFFLUENT 4-22-05 1 0504300-2 1 NDI NDI NDJ NDI NDI ND J INFLUENT 5-25-05 1 0505328-1 1 3301 NDI 8.51 3.21 381 70 J INFLUENT 6-27-05 0506364-1 1 2701 NDI 6.71 2.61 321 391 J INFLUENT 1 9-26-05 0509384-1 431 0.111 0.341 NDI 2.41 NDI K INFLUENT 12-20-05 0512261-1 4701 0.221 2.71 3.71 571 37 L INFLUENT 3-27-06 1 0603381-1 1001 NDI 0.711 0.651 141 42 M INFLUENT 5-31-06 1 0605418-1 381 NDI 0.161 0.141 37-261 N INFLUENT 7-27-06 1 0607385-1 171 NDI ND NDI 0.371 2.11 O INFLUENT 8-30-06 1 0609074-1 361 NDI NDI NDI 0.31 7.21 O INFLUENT 7-24-07 1 207380-1 1 15.8661 NDI ND NDI 0.5471 6.6941 P EFFLUENT 7-24-07 1 207380-2 1 4.7511 NDI NDI NDI 0.4391 10.3151 P INFLUENT 9-26-07 1 207503-1 1 25.611 0.0681 0.19481 0.08871 1.76941 10.53421 P INFLUENT 12-18-07 1 207674-1 1 19.7871 NDI NDI NDI 1.14041 7.27011 Q INFLUENT 4-29-08 1 208235-1 1 71.2771 NDI 0.1451 NDI 1.2051 5.296 R INFLUENT 6-25-08 1 208360-1 1 265.21 0.1051 1.2931 0.5911 10.4971 7.291 R INFLUENT 8-13-08 208457-1 1 32.45 0.0081 0.00561 0.0059 0.1248 0.2868 S EFFLUENT 8-13-08 208457-2 0.03 NDI 0.02891 NDI NDI NDI S TABLE 3. SUMMARY OF VAPOR SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SAMPLE DATE TPH AS ETHYL- TOTAL SOURCE SAMPLED SAMPLE ID GASOLINE BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLENES MTBE (p my) (ppmy (p my) (ppmv) ( my) (p my) REF NALYTICAL EPA A METHOD 8015(M) 1 8020 N/A REF= Report reference. N/A= Not applicable. ND= Not detected. A=Central Sierra Environmental, LLC's(CSE's) report dated March 3,2003. B=CSE's report dated April 13,2003. C =CSE's report dated August 22,2003. D=CSE's report dated February 20,2004. E=CSE's report dated May 12, 2004. F=CSE's report dated September 24,2004. G =CSE's report dated November 19, 2004. H =CSE's report dated March 7,2005. 1 =CSE's report dated April 13,2005. J =CSE's report dated July 18,2005. K=CSE's report dated October 20, 2005. L=CSE's report dated February 15,2006. M=CSE's report dated July 10,2006. N =CSE's report dated August 9,2006. O =CSE's report dated November 2, 2006. P=CSE's report dated October 15,2006. Q=CSE's report dated January 16,2008. R=VEIR's report dated July 23, 2008. S=VEIR's report dated October 6,2008. TABLE 4. - SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Outlet Inlet Dilution 662'035) Field Reduction Cumulative lbs. Cumulative Cumulative Date Calendar Operating Operating Operating Operating Temper- now MW-1 V-1s V-1i V-1d V-2 V3 Vd MW-10 MW-11 Air TPH Out Efficiency Total Lbs. lbs. Destroyed lbs. Gallons Monitored Days Hours Hours Days Weeks ature rn (scfm) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve (valve (valve (valve (valve) (ppmv) Q90%) Extracted Extracted perevent Destroyed Extracted 10-8-02 1 0 0 0 0 1,450 175 O O O PO O 00 PO 10 100% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 10-10-02 2 15 15 1 0 1,470 205 o 0 o PO o o O PO 10 100% 187.01 187.01 26722 26722 29 10-15-02 7 62 77 3 0 1,455 235 O O O PO o O O PO 10 1DD% 1,106.68 1,293.68 1,329.61 1,596.83 202 1D-18-02 10 39 116 5 1 1,470 250 O O o PO O O o PO 10 100% 837.91 2,131.59 912.14 2,508.96 333 10-22-02 14 52 168 7 1 1,435 225 O O O PO O O O PO 10 100% 1218.36 1 3,349.95 1,152.90 3,661.86 1 523 1D-24-02 16 25 193 8 1 1,460 230 O O O PO O O O PO 6,530 10 100% 555.23 3,905.18 593.45 4,255.31 610 1D-30.02 22 75 268 11 2 1,450 215 O O O PO O o O PO 6,745 10 100% 1,783.26 5,688.44 1,719.11 5,974.42 889 11-1-02 24 26 294 12 2 1,465 235 o O O PO o O O PO 6,950 10 100% 596.91 6,285.35 671.23 6,645.66 982 11-6-02 29 63 357 15 2 1,440 205 O PO O O O O O PO 7,120 10 100% 1,628.94 7,914.29 1,453.55 8,099.21 1,237 11-8-02 31 29 386 16 2 1,485 240 O PO O O O O O PO 7,280 10 100% 670.11 8,584.39 800.97 8,900.19 1,341 11-12-02 35 52 438 18 3 1,460 265 O PO O O o O O PO 7,445 10 100% 1,438.33 10,022.72 1,621.84 10,522.03 1,566 11-15-02 38 39 477 20 3 1,455 220 O PO O O O O O PO 7,535 10 100% 1,218.11 11,240.83 1,022.04 11,544.07 1,756 11-1802 41 37 514 21 3 1,490 215 O PO O O O O O PO 7,6410 10 100% 971.00 12,211.83 965.85 12,509.91 1,908 11-21-02 44 40 554 23 3 1,470 230 O PO o O O O O PO 7,825 10 100% 1,045.61 13,257.45 1,138.13 13,648.04 2,071 11-25-02 48 53 607 25 4 1,435 205 O PO O O O O O PO 8,060 10 10D% 1,510.08 14,767.53 1,384.52 15,032.56 2,307 1130-02 53 62 669 28 4 1,450 225 O PO O O O o O PO 8,175 10 100% 1,621.78 16,389.31 1,803.05 16,835.61 2,561 12-3-02 56 0 669 28 4 1,465 240 O PO O O o O O PO 8,320 10 100% 0.00 16,389.31 0.00 16,835.61 2,561 12802 59 39 708 30 4 1,440 210 O PO O O O O O PO 8,455 10 100% 1,232.85 17,622.16 1,094.86 17,930.47 2,753 12-1 D-02 63 52 760 32 5 1,485 195 O PO O O o O O PO 8,525 10 10D% 1,461.67 19,083.83 1,366.77 19,29724 2,982 12-12-02 65 28 768 33 5 1,460 235 O PO O O o O O PO 8,600 10 100% 736.88 19,820.71 894.74 20,191.98 3,097 12-16-02 69 50 838 35 5 1,450 220 O PO O O O O O PO 8,475 10 100% 1,599.74 21,420.45 1,474.00 21,665.98 3,347 12-19-02 72 41 879 37 5 1,465 215 PO PO O O O O O PO 8,135 10 100% 1,210.20 22,630.65 1,133.76 22,799.74 3,536 12-24.02 77 64 943 39 6 1,455 235 PO PO O O O O o PO 7,955 10 1o0% 1,772.10 24,402.75 1,891.55 24,69129 3,813 12-26-02 79 27 970 40 6 1,465 255 PO PO O O o O O PO 7,550 10 100% 799.07 25,201.82 821.78 25,513.07 3,938 12-30-02 83 52 1,022 43 6 1,460 240 PO PO O O O O O PO 7,230 10 100% 1,584.90 26,786.72 1,428.35 26,939.42 4,185 1-4-03 88 61 1,083 45 6 1,465 235 PO PO O O O O o PO 7,465 10 100% 1,675.68 28,462.41 1,691.69 28,631.11 4,447 1-7-03 91 40 1,123 47 7 1,470 245 PO PO O O O O O PO 7,615 10 100% 1,110.89 29,573.29 1,179.78 29,810.89 4,621 1-9-03 93 26 1,149 48 7 1,485 250 PO PO O O O O O PO 7,750 10 100% 767.93 30,341.22 796.40 30,607.29 4,741 1-14-03 98 65 1,214 51 7 1,460 225 PO PO O O O O O PO 8,025 10 100% 1,993.73 32,334.95 1,855.56 32,462.85 5,052 1-17-03 101 38 1,252 52 7 1,455 230 PO PO O O O O o PO 8,450 10 100% 1,08623 33,421.19 1,167.70 33,630.56 5,222 1-20-03 104 40 1,292 54 8 1,490 215 PO PO O O O O O PO 8,795 10 100% 1,230.71 34,651.90 1,195.96 34,826.52 5,414 1-23-03 107 42 1,334 56 8 1,470 235 PO PO O O O O o PO 1 9,230 10 100% 1,257.29 35,909.19 1,440.56 36,267.08 5,611 1-27-03 111 49 1,383 58 8 1,435 205 PO PO O 0 O O o PO 9,630 10 100% 1,682.59 37,591.78 1,529.69 37,79677 5,874 1-30-03 114 39 1,422 59 8 1,450 240 PO PO O O O O O PO 99875 10 100% 1,218.87 38,810.65 1,461.70 39,258.47 6,064 2-3-03 118 52 1,474 1 61 9 1,465 265 PO PO O O O O O PO 10,080 10 100% 1,951.03 40,761.68 2,196.68 41,455.14 6,369 2-7-03 122 49 1,523 63 9 1,440 220 PO PO O O 1 o PO o PO 10,345 10 100% 2,072.12 42,833.79 1,763.65 43,218.79 6,693 2-10-03 125 38 1,561 65 9 1,485 215 PO PO O 0 O o PO 10,530 10 100% 1,369.14 44,202.94 1,360.57 44,579.36 6,907 2-14-03 129 51 1,612 67 10 1,460 230 PO PO O O O O PO 10,645 10 100% 1,827.89 46,030.82 1,974.79 46,554.15 7,192 2-17-03 132 37 1,849 69 10 1,450 205 PO PO O O O O PO 10,870 10 100% 1,434.13 47,464.95 1,303.97 47,858.13 7,416 2-21-03 138 54 1,703 71 10 1,465 225 PO PO O O O O PO 11,000 10 100% 1,904.97 49,369.92 2,113.78 49,971.91 7,714 2-25-03 140 0 1,703 71 10 1,455 240 PO PO O O O o PO 10,750 10 100% 0.00 49,369.92 0.00 49,971.91 7,714 2-28-03 143 39 1,742 73 10 1,465 210 PO PO O O O O PO 10,685 10 100% 1,592.93 50,962.85 1,384.00 51,355.90 7,963 34-03 147 50 1,792 75 11 1,475 200 PO PO PO O O O PO 10,650 10 100% 1,776.13 52,738.99 1,684.31 53,04022 8,240 3-7-03 150 42 1,834 76 11 1,485 235 PO PO PO O O O o PO 10,580 10 100% 1,416.25 54,155.24 1,651.50 54,691.71 8,462 311-03 154 49 1,883 78 11 1,490 220 PO PO PO O O O o PO 101535 10 100% 1,928.69 56,083.93 1,796.08 56,487.79 8,763 3-14-03 157 41 1,924 80 11 1,480 215 PO PO O O PO O O PO 10,475 10 100% 1,504.36 57,588.29 1,460.31 57,948.10 8,998 3.18-03 161 50 1,974 82 12 1,485 235 PO PO O O PO O O PO 10,415 10 1D0% 1,782.68 59,370.98 1,935.38 59,883.47 9,277 3-21-03 164 39 2,013 84 12 1,475 255 PO PO O 0 PO O O PO 10,380 10 100% 1,511.14 60,882.11 1,632.57 61,516.04 9.513 324-03 167 40 2,053 86 12 1,480 245 PO PO O O O PO O PO 10,335 1 10 100% 1,676.14 62,558.25 1,601.78 63,117.82 9,775 3-28-03 171 1 49 2,102 88 13 1,470 250 PO PO O O O PO O PO 10,290 10 100% 1,96420 64,522.45 1,993.50 65,111.32 10,082 3-31-03 174 41 2,143 89 13 1,465 240 PO PO O O O PO O PO 10,275 10 10D% 1,669.75 66,192.19 1,598.97 66,710.28 10,343 43-03 177 38 2,181 91 13 11485 235 PO PO PO O O O PO PO 10,125 10 100% 1,483.50 67,675.70 1,429.89 68,140.17 10,574 4.7-03 181 54 2,235 93 13 1,470 225 PO PO PO O O O PO PO 9,975 10 100% 1 2,034.08 1 69,709.78 1,916.62 70,056.80 10,892 4-10-03 184 1 40 2275 1 95 14 1 1,455 220 PO PO PO 1 0 1 0 1 O I PO PO 9,935 10 100% 1 1,42124 1 71,131.02 1,382.60 71,439.39 11,114 TABLE 4. SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Outlet Inlet Dilution Feld Field Reduction Cumulative Lbs. Cumulative Cumulative Date- Calendar Operating Operating Operating Operating Temper- Flaw MW-1 V-1s V-11 V-1d V-2 V-0 V-4 MW-10 MW-11 Air TPH In TPH Out Efficiency Total Lbs. Lbs. Destroyed Lbs. Gallons Monitored Days Hours Hours Days Weeks atureM (scfm) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve (valve (valve (valve (valve) (ppmv) (ppmv) (>90%) Extracted Extracted per event Destroyed Extracted 4-14-03 188 51 2,326 97 14 1,435 N240 PO PO O O PO O O PO 91855 10 100% 1,764.71 72,895.73 1,708.86 73,148.25 11,390 4-17-03 191 37 2,363 98 14 1,450 PO PO O O PO 0 O PO 9,780 10 100% 1,241.11 74,136.84 1,316.16 74,464.40 11,584 4-21-03 195 11 2,374 99 14 1,465 PO PO O O PO O O PO 9,655 10 100% 391.72 74,528.55 344.29 74,808.70 11,645 4.24-03 196 42 2,416 101 14 1,440 PO PO O O O PO O PO 9,480 10 100% 1,316.04 75,844.59 1,416.65 76,225.35 11,851 4-28-03 202 53 2,469 103 15 1,485 PO PO O O 0 PO O PO 9225 10 100% 1,789.69 77,63428 1,855.52 78,080.87 12,130 5.1.03 205 38 2,507 104 15 1,460 PO PO O O O PO O PO 8,950 10 100% 1,331.91 78,965.19 1,129.32 79,210.19 12,338 58-03 210 63 2.570 107 15 1,450 PO PO PO O O O PO PO 8,780 10 100% 1,874.54 80,840.73 1,705.49 80,915.68 12,631 5.9-03 213 41 2,611 109 16 1,465 PO PO PO O O O PO PO 8,445 10 100% 1,111.28 81,952.01 1286.52 82,202.19 12,805 5-13-03 217 49 2,660 111 16 1,455 220 PO PO PO O O O PO PO 8,110 10 100% 1,539.49 83,491.50 1,382.23 83,584.42 13,046 5-16-03 220 40 2,700 113 16 1,465 215 PO PO PO O PO O O PO 7,825 10 100% 1,129.84 84,621.33 1,063.90 84,648.32 13,222 6-20-03 224 49 2,749 115 16 1,460 N2350 PO PO O O PO O O PO 7,255 10 100% 1,305.05 85,926.39 1,320.61 85,968.94 13,426 5-23-03 227 41 2,790 116 17 1,465 PO PO O O PO O O PO 6,785 10 100% 1,106.63 87,033.02 1,12126 87,090.20 13,599 5-26-03 230 42 2,832 118 17 1,470 PO PO O O O PO O PO 6,235 10 100% 1,150.41 88,193.43 99327 88,083.47 13,779 5-29-03 233 38 2,870 120 17 1,485 PO PO O O O PO O PO 5,890 10 100% 900.21 89,083.64 831.18 88,914.65 13,919 5-30-03 234 16 2,888 120 17 1,460 PO PO O O O PO O PO 5,450 10 100% 350.60 89,43424 337.56 8925221 13,974 6-3-03 238 51 2,937 122 17 1,455 PO PO PO O O O PO PO 5,035 10 100% 1,078.06 90,512.30 1,014.16 90,266.37 14,143 6-5-03 240 29 2.966 124 18 1,490 PO PO PO O O O PO PO 4,855 10 100% 577.90 91,090.20 500.41 90,766.78 14,233 6-9-03 244 50 3,016 126 18 1,470 PO PO PO O O O PO PO 4,615 10 100% 864.68 91,954.88 83826 91,605.04 14,368 6-12-03 247 37 3,053 127 18 1,435 215 PO PO PO O PO O O PO 4,430 10 100% 621.75 92,576.62 556.55 92,161.59 14,465 6-16-03 251 52 3,105 129 16 1,450 240 PO PO PO O PO O O PO 4225 10 100% 784.07 93,360.70 832.64 92,99423 14,588 -8-19-03 254 42 3,147 131 19 1,465 245 PO PO O O PO O O PO 4,075 10 100% 674.22 94,034.91 662.10 93,656.33 14,693 6-23-03 258 50 3,197 133 19 1,460 230 PO PO O O O PO O PO 3,950 10 100% 790.27 94.825.18 717.19 94,373.52 14,816 6.25-03 260 25 3,222 134 19 1,470 235 PO PO O O O PO O PO 3,800 10 100% 359.56 95,184.75 352.44 94,725.96 14,873 6-30-03 265 64 3286 137 20 1,475 240 PO PO O O O PO O PO 3,810 10 100% 904.78 96,089.53 923.88 95,849.84 15,014 7-2-03 267 27 3,313 138 20 1,460 225 PO PO O O O O PO PO 3,835 10 100% 390.85 96,480.38 367.80 961017.64 15,075 7-11-03 276 113 3,426 143 20 1,450 220 PO PO PO O O O PO PO 3,795 10 100% 1,543.61 98,023.99 1,489.36 97,507.01 15,316 7-15-03 280 50 3,476 145 21 1,465 215 PO PO PO O O O PO PO 3,765 10 100% 660.87 98,684.87 638.92 98,145.93 15,420 7-18-03 283 37 3,513 146 21 1,440 235 PO PO PO O PO O O PO 3,730 10 100% 474.15 99,159.02 S11.98 98,657.91 15,494 7-22-03 287 51 3,564 149 21 1,485 255 PO PO PO O PO O O PO 3,705 10 100% 707.72 99,866.73 760.62 99,418.53 15,604 7-25-03 290 42 3,606 150 21 1,460 240 PO PO O O PO O O PO 3,680 10 100% 628.19 100,494.92 585.65 100,004.08 15,702 7-29-03 294 50 3,656 152 22 1,455 235 PO PO O O PO PO O PO 3,655 10 100% 699.10 101,194.02 677.91 100,681.99 15,812 91-03 297 40 3,696 154 22 1,490 245 PO PO O O O PO O PO 3,680 10 100% 543.91 101,737.93 569.29 101,25128 15,897 84.03 300 39 3,735 156 22 1,470 250 PO PO O O O PO O PO 3,720 10 100% 556.66 102,294.59 572.56 101,823.83 15,984 8-7-03 303 0 3,735 156 22 1,435 225 PO PO PO O O PO PO PO 3,685 10 100% 0.00 102,294.59 0.00 101,823.83 15,984 8-11-03 307 49 3,784 15823 1,450 230 PO PO PO O O O PO PO 3,635 10 100% 643.17 102,937.77 646.64 102,470.48 16,084 8-14.03 310 40 3,824 159 23 1,465 210 PO PO PO O PO O PO PO 3,620 10 100% 529.42 103,467.19 479.97 102,950.45 16,167 8.18-03 314 53 3,877 16223 1,440 235 PO PO PO O PO O PO PO 3,595 10 100% 637.85 104,105.04 706.75 103,657.20 16,266 8-21-03 317 38 3,915 163 23 1,485 205 PO PO O O PO O O PO 3,560 10 100% 508.23 104,61327 437.71 104,094.91 16,346 8-25-03 321 51 3,966 165 24 1,460 240 PO PO 0 O PO PO O PO 3,525 10 100% 589.23 105,202.50 680.99 104,775.90 16,438 8-28-03 324 37- 4,003 167 24 1,450 270 PO PO O O O PO O PO 3,590 10 100% 495.55 105,698.05 566.10 105,342.00 16,515 9-1-03 328 52 4,055 169 24 1,465 220 PO PO O O O PO O PO 3,630 10 100% 797.95 106,496.00 655.49 105,997.49 16,640 9-5-03 332 50 4,105 171 24 1,455 215 PO PO PO O O PO PO PO 3,655 10 100% 632.14 107,128.13 620.20 106,617.70 16,739 9.8-03 335 41 4,146 173 25 1,465 230 PO PO PO O O O PO PO 3,595 10 100% 510.06 107,638.19 535.10 107,152.80 16,818 9.11-03 338 37 4,183 174 25 1,460 245 PO PO PO O PO O PO PO 3,520 10 100% 484.33 108,122.52 503.63 107,656.42 16,894 9-15-03 342 52 4,235 176 25 1,465 250 PO PO PO O PO O PO PO 3,480 10 100% 709.94 108,832.47 714.02 108,370.44 17,005 9-19-03 346 54 4,289 179 26 1,470 235 PO PO O O PO O O PO 3,455 10 100% 743.75 109,576.21 691.96 109,062.41 17,121 9-22-03 349 38 4,327 180 26 1,485 215 PO PO 0 O PO PO 0 PO 3,430 10 100% 488.44 110,064.65 442.25 109,504.66 17,198 9-26-03 353 51 4,378 182 26 1,460 240 PO PO O O O PO O PO 3,420 10 10()% 595.41 110,660.06 660.65 110,165.31 17.291 929-03 356 37 4,415 184 26 1 1,470 225 PO PO O O O PO O PO 3,415 10 100% 480.79 111,140.85 448.67 110,613.98 17,366 10-343 360 54 4,469 186 27 1,465 245 PO PO PO O O PO PO PO 2,850 10 100% 656.87 111,79772 1 594.70 111208.67 17,468 10-7-03 364 52 4,521 188 27 1,505 230 PO PO PO O O O PO I I P01- O 2,565 10 100% 574.81 112,372.53 483.64 111,692.32 17,558 1010-03 367 41 4,562 190 27 1,495 225 PO PO PO O PO O PO P 1 2235 10 100% 382.92 112,755.45 324.85 112,017.16 17,618 1013-03 370 38 4,600 192 27 1,480 230 PO PO PO O PO O PD PO 1,975 10 99% 30252 113,057.97 271.80 1 112288.96 1 17,665 1017-03 374 55 4,655 194 28 1,455 215 PO PO O O PO O O PO 1,650 10 99% 395.52 113,453.49 306.88 112,595.84 17,727 TABLE 4. _ SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Outlet Inlet Dilution Fleld Field Reduction Cumulative Lbs. Cumulative Cumulative Date Calendar Operating Operating Operating Operating Temper- Flow MW-1 V-1s V-1i V-1d V-2 V-3 V-4 MW-10 MW-11 Air TPH In TPH Out Efficiency Total Lbs. Lbs. Destroyed lbs. Gallons Monitored Days Hours Hours Days Weeks ature(°F) (sctm) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve (valve (valve (valve (valve) (ppmv) (ppmv) (>90%) Extracted Extracted per event Destroyed Extracted 10-21-03 376 49 4,704 196 28 1,470 235 PO PO O O PO PO O PO 1,100 10 99% 275.19 113,728.68 198.59 112,794.43 17,770 10-25-03 382 52 4,756 198 28 1,435 205 PO PO O O O PO O PO 1,355 10 99% 212.80 113,941.48 226.86 113,02128 17,803 10-28-03 386 42 4,798 200 29 1,460 240 PO PO O O O PO O PO 1,960 10 99% 184.69 114,126.18 311.08 113,332.36 17,832 10-30-03 387 29 4,827 201 29 1,450 265 PO PO PO O O PO PO PO 2,400 10 100% 215.96 114,342.14 290.70 113,623.07 17,866 11.403 392 62 4,889 204 29 1,465 220 PO PO PO O O O PO PO 2,780 10 100% 624.25 114,966.39 598.00 114,221.06 17,963 11-7-03 395 39 4,928 205 29 1,446 215 PO PO PO O PO O PO PO 3,175 10 100% 377.61 115,344.00 420.04 114,641.11 18,023 11-12-03 400 67 4,995 208 30 1,485 230 PO PO PO O PO O PO PO 3,400 10 100% 724.05 116,068.06 826.86 115,467.96 18,136 11-18-03 406 78 5,073 211 30 1,460 205 PO PO O O PO O O PO 3,265 10 100% 965.64 117,033.69 823.78 116,291.75 18,287 11-21-03 409 37 5,110 213 30 1,455 225 PO PO O O PO PO O PO 3,070 10 100% 392.06 117,425.75 403.20 116,694.95 18,348 11.2403 412 40 5,150 215 31 1,490 240 PO PO O O O PO O PO 2,855 10 100% 437.41 117,863.16 432.28 117,12724 18,416 11-28-03 410 51 5,201 217 31 1,470 210 PO PO O O O PO O PO 2,675 10 10096 553.22 118,416.39 451.73 117,578.97 18,503 12-1-03 419 42 5,243 218 31 1,435 195 PO PO PO O O PO PO PO 2,525 10 100% 373.51 118,789.90 325.99 117,904.96 18,561 12.5-03 423 50 5,293 221 32 1,450 235 PO PO PO O O O PO PO 2,480 10 100% 389.74 119,179.64 459.34 118,364.30 18,622 12-9-03 427 49 5,342 223 P333 1,465 220 PO PO PO O PO O PO PO 2,305 10 100% 452.09 119,631.73 391.55 118,755.84 16,692 12-12-03 430 41 5,383 224 1,440 215 PO PO PO O PO O PO PO 2,270 10 100% 329.15 119,960.88 315.29 119,071.13 18,744 12-16-03 434 55 5,438 227 1,485 235 PO PO O O PO O O PO 21155 10 100% 424.95 120,385.83 438.77 119,509.91 18,810 12-20-03 436 51 5,489 229 1,460 255 PO PO O O PO PO O PO 1,890 10 99% 408.88 120,794.71 388.94 119,696.85 16,874 12-22-03 440 29 5,518 230 1,450 240 PO PO O O O PO O PO 1,375 10 99% 22126 121,015.98 150.33 120,047.18 18,909 12.28-03 446 76 5,594 233 1,465 235 PO PO O O O PO O PO 910 10 99% 397.04 121,413.02 254.29 120,301.47 18,971 1-9-04 458 225 5,819 242 1,472 229 PO O PO O O PO PO O 789 10 99% 760.52 122,173.54 633.88 120,935.35 19,090 1-22-04 471 237 6,056 252 36 1,485 204 PO O PO O O O PO o 623 5 99% 67825 122,851.79 472.98 121,408.33 19,196 1-30-04 479 132 6,188 258 37 1,479 178 PO O PO O PO O PO O 556 5 99% 266.55 123,118.34 205.54 121,613.87 19,237 2.6-04 486 123 6,311 263 38 1,488 183 PO O PO O PO O PO O 468 5 99% 192.15 123,310.49 164.36 121,778.23 19,267 2-11-04 491 82 6,392 266 38 1,496 167 PO O O O PO O O O 397 5 99% 110.64 123,421.13 84.47 121,862.70 19,285 2-18-04 498 138 6,530 272 39 1,484 189 PO O O O PO PO O O 438 5 99% 144.59 123,565.72 178.31 122,041.01 19,307 2-26-04 506 150 6,680 278 40 1,472 231 PO O O O O PO O O 404 5 99% 196.27 123,761.99 218.34 122,259.36 19,338 3.1-04 510 76 6,756 281 40 1,476 229 PO O O O O PO o 0 375 5 99% 112.05 123,874.03 101.64 122,361.00 19,355 3-5-04 514 96 6,852 285 41 1,468 236 PO O PO O O PO PO O 416 5 99% 130.51 124,00455 147.30 122,508.30 19,376 3-24-04 533 285 7,137 297 42 1,409 242 PO O PO O O O PO O 389 5 99% 442.96 124,447.50 418.94 122,927.24 19,445 329-04 530 119 7,256 302 43 1,468 228 PO O PO O PO O PO O 330 5 98% 177.35 124,624.85 139.46 123,066.69 19,473 4-8-04 548 166 7,421 309 44 1,456 217 PO O PO O PO O PO O 368 5 99% 197.25 124,822.10 206.31 123,273.00 19,503 421-04 561 231 7,652 319 46 1,459 243 PO O PO O PO O O O 434 5 99% 291.88 125,113.98 380.76 123,653.76 19,549 428-04 568 134 7.787 324 46 1,465 222 PO O PO O PO PO O 0 371 5 99% 224.39 125,338.38 172.72 123,826.48 19,584 5.104 573 92 7,879 328 47 1,473 245 PO O PO O PO PO O O 362 5 99% 120.48 125,458.86 127.83 123,954.32 19,603 5.12-04 582 177 8,056 336 48 1,465 237 PO O PO O PO PO o O 348 5 99% 248.69 125,707.54 227.73 1249182.05 19,642 5-17-04 587 80 8,137 339 48 1,471 229 PO O PO O O PO PO O 324 5 98% 104.98 125,812.52 92.89 124,274.93 19,658 5.27-04 597 120 8,257 344 49 1,462 234 PO O PO O O PO PO O 300 5 98% 141.19 125,953.71 131.21 124,406.15 19,680 6-1-04 602 51 8,308 346 49 1,434 215 PO O PO O PO PO PO O 287 5 98% 56.68 126,010.39 48.89 124,455.04 19,689 6.7.04 600 65 8,373 349 50 1,410 204 PO O PO O PO O PO O 246 5 98% 63.50 126,073.88 50.51 124,505.55 19,699 6-14-04 616 182 8,555 356 51 1,420 226 PO O PO O PO o PO o 158 2 99% 144.59 126,218.48 101.50 124,607.05 19,722 6.17.04 618 220 8,775 366 52 1,405 231 PO O PO O PO PO PO O 75 1 99% 124.37 126,342.84 59.48 124,666.53 19,741 630-04 631 70 8,845 369 53 1,460 219 PO O PO O PO PO O o 20 0.5 98% 1920 126,362.04 4.72 124,671.26 19,744 7$04 637 26 8,871 370 53 1,425 223 PO O PO O PO PO O O 296 5 98% 1.80 126,363.84 26.68 124,697.94 19,744 7.14-04 645 145 9,016 376 54 1,427 230 O O PO O O PO PO o 318 5 98% 151.52 125,515.37 165.08 124,863.02 19,768 7-19-04 650 41 9,057 377 54 1,435 234 O O PO O O PO PO o 384 5 99% 47.47 126,562.84 57.52 124,920.53 19,775 7-2604 657 13 9,070 378 54 1,428 229 PO O PO O PO O PO O P294 5 98% 18.49 126,581.33 12.76 124,933.29 19,778 7-29-04 660 8 9,078 378 54 1,432 204 PO O PO O PO O PO O 2 98% 8.00 126,589.34 2.73 124,936.02 19,780 83-04 665 35 9,113 380 54 1,432 179 O O PO O PO PO O O 5 98% 12.21 126,601.54 28.62 124,964.65 19,781 69-04 671 133 9246 385 55 1,423 181 O O PO O PO PO O O 5 98% 110.81 126,712.35 119.13 125,083.77 19,799 620-04 682 224 9,470 395 56 1,427 177 O O PO O O PO PO O 5 98% 204.11 126,916.46 157.28 125,241.05 19,831 62604 688 58 9,528 397 57 1,432 185 O O PO O O PO PO O 2 99% 41.61 126,958.07 31.91 125,272.96 19,837 93-04 690 66 9.594 400 57 1,431 231 PO O PO O O O PO O 2 99% 36.73 126,994.79 39.79 125,312.75 19,843 9-10-04 703 39 9,633 401 57 1,429 229 PO O PO O O O PO O 2 99% 23.82 127,018.61 18.64 125,331.40 19,847 9-16-04 700 16 9,649 402 57 1,428 236 0 0 PO 0 PO 0 0 0 118 2 98% 7.69 127,026.31 6.86 125133826 19,848 TABLE 4. - SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Outlet Inlet Dilution Field Field Reduction Cumulative Lbs. Cumulative Cumulative Date Calendar Operating Operating Operating Operating Temper- Flow MWA V-1s V-1i V-1d V-2 V-3 V-4 VW-10 MW-11 Air TPH In TPH Out Efficiency Total Lbs. Lbs. Destroyed Lbs. Gallons Monitored Days Hours Hours Days Weeks ature(°F) (scfm) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve (valve (valve (valve (valve) (ppmv) (ppmv) Q90%) Extracted Extracted per event Destroyed Extracted 9-23-04 716 19 9,668 403 58 1,423 225 O 0 PO O PO O O O 87 2 98% 8.45 127,034.75 5.79 125,344.05 19,849 9-30-04 723 24 9,691 404 58 1,428 211 O O PO O PO PO O O 60 1 98% 7.29 127,042.04 4.55 125,348.60 19,850 10-8-04 731 17 9.709 405 58 1,435 224 O O PO O PO PO 0 O 114 2 98% 3.41 127,045.45 6.85 125,355.46 19,851 10.13-04 736 2 9,711 405 58 1,448 208 PO 0 PO O O PO PO O 178 2 99% 0.97 127,046.42 1.39 125,356.84 19,851 10.18-04 1 741 32 1 9,743 406 58 1,455 215 PO 0 PO O O PO PO O 204 1 5 98% 18.64 127,065.06 1 21.50 125,378.35 1 19,854 10-25-04 748 24 9,766 407 58 1,451 221 0 0 PO O O 0 PO O 256 5 98% 16.33 127,081.39 20.63 125,398.97 19,856 11404 758 48 9,814 409 58 1,446 225 0 O PO 0 O O PO O 311 5 98% 42.99 127,124.38 5226 125,45123 19,863 11-11-04 765 30 9.845 410 59 1,442 234 O 0 PO O PO 0 0 O 356 5 99% 33.50 127,157.88 3928 125,490.52 19,868 11-19-04 773 77 9,922 413 59 1,437 230 0 0 PO 0 PO O O O 380 5 99% 101.86 127,259.74 105.37 125,595.89 19,884 11-28-04 782 193 10,115 421 60 1,439 222 PO O PO 0 PO PO O O 347 5 99% 267.04 127,526.79 231.75 125,827.64 19,926 12-9-04 793 214 10,329 430 61 1,469 216 PO 0 PO 0 PO PO 0 O 303 5 98% 260.79 127,787.57 217.65 126,045.30 19,987 12-1509 799 192 10,521 438 63 1,564 206 0 0 PO 0 0 PO PO O 256 5 98% 199.10 127,986.67 157.07 128,202.36 19,998 12-24-04 808 166 10,687 445 64 1,522 209 O 0 PO O 0 PO PO O 198 2 99% 138.59 128,125.26 107.57 126,309.94 20,020 12-27.04 811 73 10,760 448 64 1,514 216 O O kPO 0 0 0 PO 0 160 2 99% 47.82 128,173.08 39.41 126,349.34 20,027 1405 819 13 10,773 449 64 1,512 223 O 0 0 PO 0 O O 913 5 99% 7.11 128,180.20 41.66 126,391.00 20,028 1-1305 828 16 10,789 450 64 1,411 231 PO O O PO 0 O O 117 2 98% 51.57 128,231.77 6.72 126,397.72 20,036 1-19-05 834 57 10,846 452 65 1,446 229 PO 0 O PO PO O 0 345 5 99% 24.39 128,256.16 70.19 126,467.91 20,040 1-27-05 842 94 10,940 456 65 1,872 236 O O O PO PO O O 526 2 100% 117.57 128,373.73 192.41 126,660.32 20,058 2-2-05 848 124 11,064 461 66 1,750 242 0 O O O PO PO O 343 2 99% 254.81 128,628.53 161.94 126,822.26 20,098 2-9-05 855 33 11,097 462 R67 1,608 228 O O O O PO PO O 212 2 99% 43.36 128,671.90 25.00 126,847.26 20,105 2-16-05 862 80 11,177 466 1,777 217 O O O O 0 PO O 81 2 98% 6122 128,733.11 21.67 126,868.93 20,115 2-21-05 867 1 11,178 466 1,485 243 PO O PO O PO O 0 O 54 0.5 98% 0.28 128,733.39 0.10 126,869.03 20,115 31-05 875 54 11,232 468 1,435 222 PO O PO O PO O 0 O 176 5 97% 5.40 128,738.79 32.39 126,901.42 20,115 37-05 881 32 11,264 469 1,433 245 O O PO O PO PO O O 319 5 98% 19.79 128,758.59 38.93 126,940.35 20,119 31305 887 5 11.269 470 1,471 237 O O PO O PO PO 0 O 117 5 96% 6.19 128,764.77 2.10 126,942.45 20,119 324-05 898 152 11,421 476 1,785 229 O 0 PO O O PO PO O 67 02 98% 66.73 128,831.50 5.39 126,947.84 20,130 330-05 904 4 11,424 476 1,546 234 O 0 PO O 0 PO PO O 99 2 98% 0.13 128,831.63 1.29 126,949.13 20,130 4-7-05 912 7 11,432 476 1 68 1,467 239 PO 0 PO O O 0 PO O 296 5 98% 2.71 128,834.34 8.14 126,95727 20,130 4-18-05 923 167 11,599 483 69 620 242 PO 0 PO O PO O O 0 645 10 98% 187.03 129,021.38 405.88 127,363.15 20,160 4-22-05 927 99 11,698 487 70 680 245 O 0 PO O PO 0 O O 460 10 98% 244.64 129,266.01 172.56 127,535.71 20,198 4-28-05 933 143 11,841 493 70 686 244 O 0 PO O PO PO O O 634 10 98% 255.14 1 129,521.15 344.35 127,880.05 20,238 5-5-05 940 98 11,939 497 71 670 244 0 0 PO 0 PO PO O O 718 10 99% 240.00 129,761.15 267.78 128,147.84 20,275 5-9-05 944 109 12,048 502 72 671 244 O O PO O 0 PO PO O 614 10 98% 302.31 130,063.46 254.05 128,401.89 20,322 518-05 953 188 122W 510 73 672 243 PO 0 PO 0 0 PO PO O 481 5 99% 445.89 130,509.35 344.03 128,745.92 20,392 525-05 960 184 12,420 517 74 667 240 PO O PO O 0 0 PO O 330 5 98% 340.47 130,849.82 226.99 128,972.91 20,445 6-8-05 974 332 12,752 531 76 672 241 O O PO O PO O O 0 418 5 99% 41627 131,266.09 522.74 129,495.68 20,510 6.15-05 981 178 12,930 539 77 760 241 O O PO 0 PO 0 O O 398 5 99% 283.87 131,549.97 266.68 129,762.34 20,555 6-2305 989 33 12,963 540 77 730 240 O O PO 0 PO PO O 0 313 5 98% 50.11 131,600.08 38.58 129,800.92 20,563 6-27-05 993 101 13,064 644 78 691 236 O 0 PO 0 PO PO O O 270 5 98% 120.11 1 131,720.19 99.88 129,900.80 20,581 7-&05 1,004 29 13,093 546 78 718 237 O O PO 0 PO PO O O 376 5 99% 29.25 131,749.45 40.33 129,941.13 20,586 7-13-05 1,009 16 13,109 546 78 672 235 O O PO O PO PO O O 455 5 99% 22.57 131,772.02 26.77 129,967.90 20,569 7-20-05 1,016 51 13,160 548 78 741 235 O O PO 0 PO PO 0 O 538 10 98% 86.33 131,858.35 100.06 130,067.96 20,603 7-28-05 1,024 204 13.364 557 80 751 238 O O PO 0 PO PO 0 O 602 10 98% 408.31 132266.66 454.55 130,522.50 20,687 8.2-05 1,029 42 13,406 559 80 670 235 O O PO 0 PO PO 0 O 656 10 98% 9527 132,361.92 100.84 130,623.34 20,682 611-05 1,038 6 13,412 559 80 672 237 O O PO O PO PO O O 720 10 99% 14.64 132,376.57 15.97 130,639.31 20,684 8-16-05 1,043 60 13,472 661 80 681 236 O 0 PO O PO PO 0 O 688 10 99% 162.09 132,538.65 151.84 130,791.16 20,709 8.26-05 1,053 68 13,540 564 81 670 235 O O PO 0 PO PO 0 O 614 10 98% 174.79 132,713.45 152.64 130,943.80 20,736 9-5-05 11063 73 13,613 567 81 720 234 O O PO 0 PO PO O O 342 5 99% 166.75 132,880.20 91.05 131,034.84 20,763 9-9-05 1,067 172 13,785 574 82 692 233 0 O PO O PO PO O O 97 2 98% 217.91 133,098.11 60.19 131,095.04 20,797 9.16-05 1,074 127 13,912 580 83 674 231 0 O PO O PO PO O O 65 1 98% 45.44 133,143.551 131,124.73 20,804 9-2605 1,084 11 13,923 580 63 678 230 O O PO O PO PO O O 45 1 98% 2.61 133,146.17 1.68 131,126.41 20,804 16305 1,091 126 14,049 585 84 670 232 O O PO O PO PO O O 67 1 99% 19.73 133.165.891 30.51 131,156.92 20,807 -10-05 1,098 163 14,212 592 85 681 234 0 O PO O PO PO O O 53 1 98% 40.10 133,205.99 31.35 131,18827 20,813 1100-1 7-05 1,105 167 14,379 599 86 692 233 0 O PO O PO PO O 0 56 1 98% 32.80 133,238.79 33.85 131,222.12 20,819 TABLE 4. - SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Outlet Inlet Dilution Reid Feld Reduction Cumulative Lbs. Cumulative Cumulative Date Calendar Operating Operating Operating Operating Temper- Flow MW-1 V-1s V-11 V-1d V-2 V-3 V-4 MW-10 MW-11 Air TPHIn TPHOW Efficiency Total Lbs. Lhs. Destroyed tbs. Gallons Monitored Days Hours Hours Days Weeks ature(*n (scfm) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve (valve (valve (valve (valve) (ppmv) (ppmv) (>90%) Extracted Extracted per event Destroyed Extracted 10-27-05 1,115 239 14,618 609 87 683 231 O O PO O PO PO O O 49 1 98% 49.37 133,288.16 41.90 131,264.02 20,826 11-4-05 1,123 187 14,805 617 88 695 230 O O PO O PO PO O O O O 350 5 99% 33.51 133,321.67 234.69 131,498.71 201832 11-11-05 1,130 168 14,973 624 89 695 235 O O PO O PO PO O O O O 294 5 98% 214.10 133,535.77 180.43 131,679.14 20,865 11-15-05 1,134 97 15,070 628 90 676 233 O O PO O PO PO O O O O 286 5 98% 106.10 133,641.86 100.43 131,779.56 20,882 11-25-05 1,144 239 15,309 638 91 694 231 O O PO O PO PO O O O O 281 5 98% 252.13 133,894.00 240.95 132,020.51 20,921 12-0-05 1,155 266 15,575 649 93 691 233 O O PO O PO PO O O O O 429 5 99% 273.35 134,167.34 415.71 132,436.21 20,964 12-15-05 1,184 214 15,789 658 94 694 231 O O PO O PO PO O O O O 518 5 99% 338.39 134,505.73 400.92 132,637.13 21,017 12-20-05 1,169 133 15,922 663 95 692 230 O O PO O PO PO O O O O 487 5 99% 25225 134,757.98 225.30 133,062.43 21,056 12-28-05 1,177 173 16,095 671 96 688 232 O O PO O PO PO O O O O 451 5 99% 295.72 135,053.70 282.85 133,345.29 21,102 1-3-06 1,183 143 16,237 677 97 701 233 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 387 5 99% 236.14 135,289.84 200.71 133,545.99 21,139 1-9-06 1,189 152 16,389 683 98 695 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 419 5 99% 216.47 135,506.31 228.41 133,774.40 21,173 1-19-06 1,199 243 16,632 693 99 691 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 394 5 99% 370.73 135,877.04 343.90 134,118.30 21,231 1-27-06 1,207 118 16,750 698 100 690 233 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 217 5 98% 169.28 136,046.33 92.14 134,210.44 21,257 2-1-06 1,212 121 16,871 703 100 712 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 345 5 99% 96.85 136,143.18 149.65 134,360.09 21,272 2-9-06 1,220 199 17,070 711 102 699 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 367 5 99% 249.98 136,393.16 262.07 134,622.16 21,311 2-15-06 19226 137 17,207 717 102 694 231 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 343 5 99% 182.81 136,575.97 168.93 134,791.09 21,340 2-24-06 1,235 215 17,422 726 104 704 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 314 3 99% 269.94 136.845.91 243.54 135,034.63 21,382 3.7-06 1,246 263 179685 737 105 710 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 262 3 99% 300.69 137,146.60 247.84 135,282.47 21,429 3-14-06 1,253 168 17,853 744 106 705 237 O O PO O PO PO PO 1 O O O 206 3 1 99% 160.27 137,306.87 127.84 135,410.30 21,454 3-20-06 1,259 33 17,886 745 106 694 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 131 3 98% 25.51 137,332.38 15.36 135,425.66 21,458 3-27-06 1,266 131 18,017 751 107 689 227 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 99 2 98% 62.49 137,394.86 46.07 135,471.73 21,468 4.5-06 1,275 212 18,229 760 109 677 229 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 147 2 99% 76.07 137,470.93 111.17 135,582.91 21,480 4-10-06 1,280 120 18,349 765 109 672 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 195 2 99% 64.12 137,535.05 84.50 135,667.40 21,490 4-17-06 1,287 169 18,518 772 110 684 229 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 203 2 99% 119.99 137,855.05 123.07 135,790.47 21,509 4-24-06 1,294 168 18,686 779 111 677 224 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 210 2 99% 123.64 137,778.69 123.84 135,914.31 21,528 5-1-06 1,301 100 18,786 783 112 675 221 O O PO O PO PO PO O O o 168 2 99% 74.47 137,853.16 58.03 135,972.34 21,540 5-8-06 1,308 163 18,949 790 113 674 220 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 112 2 98% 95.81 137,948.96 62.37 136,034.71 21,555 5-15-06 1,315 433 19,382 808 115 674 220 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 95 2 98% 168.90 138,117.87 140.05 136,174.76 21,581 531-06 1,331 120 19,502 813 116 681 221 O O PO O PO 12� PO O O O 105 2 98% 39.70 138,157.57 43.19 136,217.94 21,587 6506 1,337 142 19,844 818 117 664 220 O O PO O PO PO O O O 114 2 98% 52.17 138,209.74 55.32 136,273.27 21,595 6-13-06 1,344 25 19,669 820 117 666 214 O O PO O PO PO O O O 109 2 98% 10.01 138,219.74 9.12 136,282.39 21,597 6-19-06 1,350 143 19,812 825 118 667 203 O O PO O PO PO O O O 102 2 98% 52.73 138,272.48 45.82 136,328.21 21,605 6-26-06 1,357 169 19,981 833 119 668 204 O O PO O PO PO O O O 96 2 98% 55.40 138,327.88 51.22 136,379.44 21,614 7-300 1,364 78 20,059 836 119 669 204 O O PO O PO PO O O O 122 2 98% 24.18 138,352.06 30.19 136,409.63 21,618 7-10-06 1,371 256 20,315 846 121 664 204 O O PO O PO PO O O O 119 2 98% 100.87 138,452.92 96.61 136,506.24 21,633 7-17.06 1,378 160 20,474 853 122 671 203 O O PO O PO PO O O O 144 2 99% 61.34 138,51426 72.76 136,579.00 21,643 7-24-06 1.385 178 20,653 861 123 665 201 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 97 2 98% 82.56 138,596.82 53.84 136,632.84 21,656 7-27-06 1,388 0 20,653 861 123 695 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 64 1 98% 0.00 138,596.82 0.00 136,632.84 21,656 8-3-06 1,395 123 20.776 866 124 673 225 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 403 5 99% 28.66 138,625.48 174.23 136,807.07 21,660 8-11-06 1,403 139 20,915 871 124 665 229 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 320 5 98% 199.53 138,825.02 158.57 136,965.64 21,691 8.18-06 1,410 153 21,068 878 125 687 232 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 206 5 98% 177.50 139,002.51 112.77 137,078.41 21,719 8-22-06 1,414 1 21,069 878 125 683 227 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 152 2 99% 0.76 139,003.27 0.54 137,078.95 21,719 830-06 1,422 17 21,086 879 126 1 683 236 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 119 2 98% 9.29 139,012.55 7.42 137,086.37 21,721 9-5-06 1,428 44 21,130 880 126 679 227 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 96 2 98% 19.56 139,032.12 14.84 137,101.21 21,724 9-11-06 1,434 30 21,160 882 126 685 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 103 2 98% 10.35 139,042.47 11.02 137,112.23 21,725 9-18-06 1,441 60 21,220 884 125 691 231 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 97 2 98% 22.50 139,064.97 20.82 137,133.05 21,729 9-24-06 1,447 67 21,287 887 127 675 233 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 125 2 98% 23.77 139,088.74 30.37 137,163.41 21,733 9-27.06 1,450 70 21,357 890 127 672 232 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O R129 2 99% 32.20 139,120.94 36.13 137,199.55 21,738 142-06 1,455 99 21,456 894 128 654 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 2 98% 52.08 139,173.02 45.81 137,245.36 21,746 1411-06 1,464 216 21,672 903 129 671 233 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 2 99% 101.46 139,274.48 115.43 137,360.78 21,762 1416-08 1,469 117 21,789 908 130 870 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 2 99% 63.44 139,337.92 70.24 137,431.02 21,772 142606 1,479 0 21,789 908 130 664 221 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 2 99% 0.00 139,337.92 0.00 137,431.02 21,772 1430-06 1,483 72 21,861 911 130 668 223 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 2 99% 43.83 139,381.75 46.48 137,477.50 21,778 11.6-06 1,490 137 21,998 917 131 654 233 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 2 99% 69.48 139,471.22 96.96 137,574.46 1 21,792 TABLE 4. - SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Outlet Inlet Dilution Feld Feld Reduction Cumulative Lbs. Cumulative Cumulative Date Calendar Operating Operating Operating Operating Temper- Flow MW-1 V-19 b(vaive) V-td V-2 V-3 V-4 MW-10 MW-11 Air TPH In TPH Out Efficiency Total Lbs. Lbs. Destroyed Lbs. Gallons Monitored Days Hours Hours Days Weeks ature(*n (scfm) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve (valve (valve (valve (valve) (ppmv) (ppmv) Q90%) Extracted Extracted per event Destroyed Extracted 11-9-06 1,491 104 22,102 921 132 655 227 O O O PO PO PO O O O 167 2 99% 74.42 139,545.65 61.62 137,636.08 21,804 4-19-07 1,491 0 22,102 921 132 166 O O O PO PO PO O O O 92 2 98% 0.00 139,545.65 0.00 137,636.08 21,804 4.23-07 1,495 94 22,196 925 132 167 O O O PO PO PO O O o 58 1 98% 22.73 139,568.37 14.02 137,650.10 21,808 4-30-07 1,502 167 22,363 932 133 163 O O O PO PO PO O O O 45 1 98% 25.39 139,593.76 18.75 137,668.85 21,812 5.8-07 1,510 192 22,655 1 940 134 166 O O PO O PO PO PO 1 O O O 63 1 98% 22.10 139,615.86 31.24 137,700.09 21,815 5-14-07 1,516 144 22,699 946 135 169 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 57 1 98% 23.84 139,639.70 21.39 137,721.47 21,819 5-22-07 1,524 195 22,894 954 136 167 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 59 1 98% 29.53 139,66923 29.86 137,751.33 21,823 5-31-07 1,533 212 23,106 963 138 161 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 52 1 98% 33.07 139,702.30 27.45 137,778.78 21,828 6-"7 1,537 96 23,202 967 138 157 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 53 1 98% 12.70 139,715.00 12.31 137,791.09 21,830 6.10-07 1,543 169 23,371 974 139 155 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 56 1 98% 22.14 139,737.13 22.60 137,813.70 21,834 6-20-07 1,553 220 23,591 983 140 154 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 60 1 98% 30.02 139,767.15 31.43 137,845.13 21,839 6-26-07 1,559 141 23,732 989 141 155 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 58 1 98% 20.52 139,787.67 19.65 137,864.78 21,842 7-0-07 1,569 240 23,972 999 143 144 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 59 1 98% 34.10 139,821.77 31.84 137,896.62 21,847 7-11-07 1,574 119 24,091 1,004 143 156 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 55 1 98% 16.09 139,837.85 15.93 137,912.55 21,850 7-16-07 1,579 121 24,212 1,009 144 173 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 44 1 98% 16.53 139,854.38 14.09 137,926.64 21,852 7-24-07 1,587 101 24,313 1,013 145 198 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 18 0.2 99% 12.06 139,866.44 4.95 137,931.60 21,854 8-2-07 1,596 216 24,529 1,022 146 198 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 56 1 98% 10.74 139,877.18 36.98 137,968.58 21,858 8507 1,600 93 24,622 1,028 147 197 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 60 1 98% 16.24 139,893.42 . 17.09 137,985.67 21,858 8-15-07 1,609 203 24,825 1,034 148 199 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 61 1 98% 37.99 139,931.41 38.31 138,023.98 21,864 8-20-07 1,614 133 24,958 1,040 149 198 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 40 0.5 99% 25.68 139,957.09 16.33 138,040.31 21,868 8-27-07 1,621 169 25,127 1,047 150 199 O O PO O PO PO PO O O o 52 1 98% 21.03 139,978.12 27.11 138,067.42 21,872 9-"7 1,629 191 25,318 1,055 151 198 O O PO O PO rpo PO O O O 64 1 98% 31.29 140,009.41 37.43 138,104.85 21,876 9-14-07 1,639 243 251561 11065 152 176 O O PO O PO PO O O O 69 1 98% 48.52 140,057.93 46.11 138,150.95 21,884 9-19-07 1,644 121 25,682 1,070 153 184 O O PO O PO PO O O O 67 1 98% 23.40 140,081.33 23.26 138,174.22 21,888 9-24-07 1,649 117 25,799 1,075 154 180 O O PO O PO PO O O O 57 1 98% 22.97 140,104.30 18.54 138,192.76 21,891 10-4-07 1,659 167 25,966 1,082 155 195 O O PO O PO PO O O O 64 1 98% 27.03 140,131.33 32.44 138,225.19 21,896 10-8-07 1,663 95 26,061 1,086 155 197 O O PO O PO PO O O O 57 1 98% 18.77 140,150.10 16.57 138,241.76 21,898 1411-07 1,666 72 28,133 1,089 156 198 O O PO O PO PO O O O 50 1 98% 12.80 140,162.90 11.04 138,252.81 21,900 10-16-07 1,671 1 26,134 1,089 156 199 O O PO O PO PO O O O 43 1 98% 0.16 140,163.06 0.13 138252.94 21,900 10-24-07 1,679 191 26,325 1,097 157 199 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 38 0.5 99% 25.87 140,188.93 22.54 138,275.48 21,905 10-31-07 1,686 140 26,465 1,103 158 199 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 33 0.5 98% 16.76 140,205.69 14.32 138,289.80 21,907 11.6-07 1,692 144 26,609 1,109 158 198 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 56 0.5 99% 14.97 140,220.66 25.03 138,314.83 21,909 11-15-07 1,701 126 26,735 1,114 159 198 O O PO O PO PO PO O O o 34 0.5 99% 22.12 140,242.78 13.22 138,328.05 21,913 11-19-07 1,705 95 26,830 1,118 160 199 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 21 0.5 98% 10.12 140,252.90 6.12 138,334.17 21,915 11-28-07 1,714 220 27,050 1,127 161 199 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 16 0.2 99% 14.55 140,267.46 10.94 138,345.11 21,917 12-7-07 1,723 214 27,264 1,136 162 198 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 19 0.2 99% 10.78 140,278.24 12.59�. 138,357.70 21,918 12-12-07 1,728 123 27,387 1,141 163 169 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 23 0.2 99% 7.34 140,285.57 7.51 138,365.21 21,920 12-18-07 1,734 141 27,528 1,147 164 184 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 20 0.2 99% 8.68 140,29425 8.04 138,37325 21,921 12-28-07 1,744 242 27,770 1,157 165 188 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 17 0.2 99% 13.95 140,308.20 12.09 138,385.34 21,923 13-08 1,750 122 27,892 1,162 166 191 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 14.3 0.1 99% 6.19 140,314.39 525 138,390.59 21,924 1-10-08 1,757 141 28,033 1,168 167 183 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 117 0.1 99% 6.10 140,320.49 5.56 1381396.15 21,925 1-16-08 1,763 124 28,157 1,173 168 188 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 11.9 0.1 99% 4.92 140,325.41 4.35 138,400.49 21,926 1-28-08 1,775 245 28,402 1,183 169 179 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 10.4 01 99% 8.67 140,334.08 7.14 138,407.63 21,927 2-7-08 1,785 131 28,533 1,189 170 184 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 9.9 0.1 99% 3.86 140,337.93 3.73 138,411.36 21,928 2-12-08 1,790 120 28,653 1,194 171 188 .0 O PO O PO PO PO O O O 10.6 0.1 99% 3.46 140,341.39 3.75 138,415.11 21,928 2-20-08 1,798 88 28,741 1,198 171 179 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 8.5 0.1 99% 2.78 140,344.17 2.09 138,417.20 21,929 2-28-08 1,806 192 28,933 1,206 172 184 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 8.1 0.1 99% 4.62 140,348.79 4.47 138,421.67 21,929 3-5-08 1,812 138 29,071 1,211 173 191 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 5.0 0.1 98% 3.26 140,35205 2.04 138,423.72 21,930 3-14-08 1,821 191 29,262 1,219 174 183 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 13.2 0.1 99% 2.89 140,354.94 724 138,430.96 21,930 3-21-08 1,828 193 29,455 1,227 175 171 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 16.0 0.1 99% 7.38 140,362.32 8.30 138,439.26 M21,936 3-28-08 1,835 148 29,603 1,233 176 184 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 11.8 0.1 99% 6.41 140,368.73 5.04 138,444.30 4 -08 1,842 190 29,793 1,241 177 181 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 36.1 0.2 99% 6.53 140,375.26 19.54 138,463.84 4-11-08 1,849 165 29,958 1,248 178 176 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 28.6 0.1 100% 17.07 140,392.33 12.18 138.476.02 4-18-08 1,856 165 30,123 1,255 179 171 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 63.4 0.3 100% 12.23 140,404. 28.17 138504.19 TABLE 4. SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Outlet Inlet Dilution Field Feld Reduction Cumulative Lbs. Cumulative Cumulative Date Calendar Operating Operating Operating Operating Temper- Flow MW-1 V-1s V-11 V-1d V-2 V-3 V-4 MW-10 MW-11 Air TPH In TPH Out Efficiency Total Lbs. Lbs. Destroyed Lbs. Gallons Monitored Days Hours Hours Days Weeks ature(°F) (sdm) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve (valve (valve (valve (valve) (ppmv) (ppmv) (x90%) Extracted Extracted per event Destroyed Extracted 4-25-08 1,863 194 30,317 1,263 180 166 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 30.1 0.2 99% 33.30 140,437.85 15.23 138,519.43 21,943 4-29-08 1,867 70 30,387 1,266 181 161 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 31.6 0.1 100% 5.54 140,443.39 12.70 138,532.12 21,944 51.08 1,869 _ 48 30,434 1,268 181 189 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 102 0.7 99% 8.63 140,452.02 14.40 138,546.52 21,946 55-08 1,873 100 30,535 1,272 182 204 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 174 1.1 99% 30.67 140,482.69 56.06 138,602.60 21,950 5-8-08 1,876 71 30,606 1,275 182 201 O O PO O PO PO PO O O 1 O 158 0.9 99% 40.06 140,522.74 35.62 138,638.22 21,957 514-08 1,882 141 30,747 1,281 183 198 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 145 0.8 99% 70.75 140,593.49 63.58 138,701.80 21,968 519-08 1,887 122 30,869 1,286 184 168 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 134 1.8 99% 55.45 140,848.94 42.84 138,744.64 21,978 5-30-08 1,898 288 31,157 1,298 185 190 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 151 22 9996 10264 140,751.58 128.75 138,873.39 21,992 6.2-08 1,901 48 31,205 1,300 186 196 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 149 1.8 99% 21.80 140,773.39 21.90 138,895.30 21,996 6-9-08 1,908 168 31,373 1,307 187 188 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 127 2.0 98% 77.67 140,851.06 6242 138,957.72 22,008 6-17-08 1,916 190 31,563 1,315 188 191 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 180 0.9 100% 71.82 140,922.88 10285 139,060.57 22,019 6-25-08 1,924 193 31,756 1 1,323 189 1 190 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 239 1.1 100% 105.04 141,027.92 153.27 139,213.84 22,036 6-30-08 1,929 123 31,879 1,328 190 184 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 193 1.8 99% 98.12 141,126.04 68.45 139,28229 22,051 7-7-08 1,936 166 32,045 1,335 191 194 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 223 1.8 99% 93.32 141,219.36 112.70 139,394.99 22,066 7-14-08 1,943 169 32214 1,342 192 198 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 237 1.3 99% 115.75 141,335.11 124.81 139,519.80 22,084 7-22-08 1,951 188 32,402 1,350 193 198 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 210 1.6 99% 139.66 141,474.77 122.74 139,642.54 22,105 51-08 1,961 239 32,641 1,360 194 199 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 364 2.8 99% 157.32 141,632.09 271.80 139,914.34 22,130 84-08 1,964 76 32,717 1,363 195 211 O O PO O PO PO PO O O O 394 3.9 99% 87.15 141,71925 98.96 140,013.31 22,144 511-08 19971 5 32,722 1,363 195 221 O O O O O O O O O O 5.1 0.1 100% 6.58 141,725.83 0.57 140,013.88 22,145 8-20-08 1,980 216 32,938 1,372 196 220--0--- O O O O O O O O O 44.6 0.2 100% 24.52 141,75035 33.39 140,047.27 22,148 8.25-08 1,985 193 33,131 1,380 197 226 O O O O O O O O O O 136 0.1 100% 29.98 141,780.33 93.84 140,141.10 22,153 93-08 1,994 214 33,345 1,389 198 111 O O O O O O O O O O 86 1.4 98% 104.13 141,884.46 31.74 140,172.85 22,169 9-8-08 1,999 103 33,448 1,394 199 114 O O O O O O O O O O 68 1.3 98% 15.57 141,900.03 12.37 140,185.21 22,172 9-15-08 2,006 167 33,615 1,401 200 112 0 O O O O O O O O O 74 1.8 98% 20.49 141,920.52 21.31 140,206.52 22,175 9-22-08 2,013 166 33,781 1,408 201 118 O O O O O O O O O O 55 1.1 98% 21.78 141,942.30 16.67 140,223.19 22,178 10.2.08 2,023 180 33,961 1,415 202 119 O O O O O O O O O O 67 1.2 98% 18.49 141,960.79 22.26 140,245.45 22,181 10-6-08 2,027 72 34,033 1,418 203 121 O O O O O O O O O O 64 1.0 98% 9.09 141,969.88 8.67 140,254.13 22,183 110- 8 2,036 162 34,195 1,425 204 116 O O 1 O O O O O O O O 61 0.9 99% 19.86 141,989.74 17.85 140,271.97 22,186 10-20-08 2,041 90 34,285 1,429 204 113 O O O O O O O O O O 59 1.0 98% 10.08 141,999.83 9.32 140,281.29 22,187 1629-08 2,050 162 34,447 1,435 205 122 O O O O O O O O O O 57 0.8 99% 17.10 142,016.92 17.55 140,298.84 22,190 11-3-08 2,055 80 34,527 1,439 206 118 O O O O O O O O 56 0.6 99% 8.81 142,025.73 8.27 140,307.11 22,192 11-10-8 2,062 143 341670 1,445 206 124 O O O O O O O O O O 52 1.0 98% 14.96 142,040.69 14.28 140,321.39 22,194 11-17-08 2,069 172 34,842 1,452 207 123 O O O O O O O O O O 33 0.8 98% 17.56 142,05825 10.75 0,332.14 22,197 11-23-08 2,075 187 35,029 1,460 209 118 O O O O O O O O O O 10.1 0.6 94% 12.02 142,07028 3.29 140,335.44 22,198 12-5-08 2,087 241 35,270 1,470 210 124 O O O O O O O O O 21.3 0.5 98% 4.55 142,074.81 9.81 140,345.25 22,199 12-11-08 2,093 148 35,418 1,476 211 126 O O O O O O O O O O 34.1 0.6 98% 6.19 142,081.00 9.87 140,355.12 22,200 12-15-08 2,097 96 35,514 1,480 211 121 O O O O O O O O , O O O 35 0.6 98% 6.53 142,087.53 6.31 140,,361.43 22,201 12-2308 2,105 195 35,709 1,488 213 118 O O O O O 0 O O O O 30.3 0.5 98% 13.07 142,100.60 10.83 140,372.26 22,203 12-30-08 2,112 166 35,875 1,495 214 119 O O O O O O O O O O 27.4 0.4 99% 9.41 142,110.02 8.44 140,380.71 22,205 1-7-09 2,120 186 36,061 1,503 215 116 O O O O O O O O O O 18.9 0.4 98% 9.58 142,119.60 6.29 140,387.00 22,206 1-12-09 2,125 120 36,181 1,50 215 120 O O O O O O O O O O 10.6 0.2 98% 4.16 142,123.77 2.37 140,389.36 22,207 1-18-09 2,131 143 O O O O O 7.7 0.1 99% 2.87 142,1 391.45 22,207 8,42 O 90 2 % 1.6O O 9 6 0 0 1 O O O O -09 2,138 1,519 217 118 O O O O 4.5 0 125 10 140,392.49 22,208 9 2.139 72 6,523 52 27 124 O O O O 9.14 0.36 140,392.85 22,208 9 1-0 2,145 13 36,536 522 217 119 O O O O 1 O 1 O 1 O 1 O O O 3.4 1 0.05 1 99% 1 0 .129.201 0.08 140,392.94 22,208 Open= O Closed= O Partially open=PO ATTACHMENT 1. GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAMS MONITORING WELL VW-1d GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 260 CO ZO 10,000 ~ 250 Z O 1,000 P L) 240 W Z J W L) 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 11 01 N\o� 14' o\oti o\(Z ^\Z 4j\o� ,�o`' o\o`' \o`' \o`' \o`° o\o`° \o`° \o`° o\o� 0\01 0\01 \,Zs, DATE 0 TPH as Gasoline —A Benzene —0—MTBE t GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL VW-1d GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND FREE PRODUCT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 0.5 300 290 0.4 280 270 m N U) 0.3 260 a z v 250 z O v H 0.2 240 w w J a w w 230 w L 0.1 220 210 0.0 200 ZO DATE -+-PSH —f—GW Elevation MONITORING WELL MW-1 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 280 1,000,000 270 100,000 260 vi Q Z 10,000 }' O m 250 Z Z 1,000 z240 w J W V 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 °° (o �?°o o`°j COP 11 411 4,j 4j o�°� 1A° COO 4� o�°° 1\°° o�°o °� o5°� 1� �? o�°° ° .,�ti o\ti o�ti 'S ^,� ti� ��ti o� �,���. ��o ��ti ��ti ^°�ti �ti �,� ,��ti ^°�ti ,��ti ��ti A\ �°��. ,���. N\�. �. �. �. ��. DATE —+—TPH as Gasoline —e—Benzene MTBE —GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL MW-2 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 CP 260 a Z 10,000 O d d 250 Z Z 1,000 0 z240 w O v 100 w 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 1b\'j OP ADZ' (P�rbP� �o�\�N�"' q\)Q' ILP��o�P' lb�Q' N\ 11P rjo�\lb�o'�o^���o�\���o�\���o�\���oo���o����01\���0�\^��o�\��o� DATE 0 TPH as Gasoline Benzene —E—MTBE —t GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ugA and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ugA. MONITORING WELL MW-3 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 c 260 CO) Z 10,000 r m O T 250 Z Z 1,000 Z 240 w O w v 100 --� 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 DATE +TPH as Gasoline Benzene —f—MTBE —F GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL MW-4 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM - DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 280 1,000,000 270 100,000 260 a Z 0 10,000 250 Z Z 1,000 z240 w O J v 100 w 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 �\���o��\��o^�\��o��\�o�orx�\���o�\�o�o o\��o���o��\�o� \���o^\���o��\���o 40�o�\�b�o� \�A\o��\�b�01�\�b�01�\�cb�010\�^�0 �o� \�o�o� �b DATE —s TPH as Gasoline Benzene f MTBE --■—GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL MW-5 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM - DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 rn 260 Z 10,000 a O d 250 Z ~ 1,000 Z240* O J v w 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 00 00 0o Off` Off` Off` Off` O� O� O� O� OHO OrO OrO OHO F, O� `b\p\ �, \�o,\ D\gyp\ 'l\��\ ,�O\��,\ �Lv�, `o\p\ 'l\��\ o\ 4,\ t.\T 'l\gyp\ ,�O\gyp\ \�O\ o\gyp\ 'l\gyp\ ,�O\ , NCO DATE —0 TPH as Gasoline Benzene —F MTBE —1111—GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ugA and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ugA. MONITORING WELL MW-5d GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 260(a Z 0 10,000 250 Z Z 1,000 O z240 w O V 100 ♦ 230 w 10 220 1 210 0 200 Off` Off` Off` Off` O� O� Ob O� OHO OrO OrO OHO OA OA OA OA 00 00 O°b O0� O°' DATE t TPH as Gasoline --A Benzene MTBE —0—GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL MW-6 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM - DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 tZ 260 ai .. Q zo 10,000 250 Z Z 1,000 0 z240 w J V 100 W 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 ,�.���o� �\O �\000� �\o �\o�o��'\o�'����\o�D���\o� �\O�O�^�\o�.�^�\o�D�^�\0�1�^�\0� o� y�\o�D�^�\o� DATE 0 TPH as Gasoline —A Benzene MTBE f GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ugA and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ugA. MONITORING WELL MW-7 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 260 ai � a oz 10,000 250 Z Z z 1,000 z240 w O J V w 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 Off` Off` O1>1 Ob, O� Oh 00 OD Oro Oro Oro Oro 01 O� O� OA `a 00 O`a `b 0Z 0Z 00� �L q\v NOOK A\�g� �o�\ �\�O� N\r4 AST �0��0\ N\I t A" "Z\� �y 1\11, §11 111§j .��O\ O\ DATE —6 TPH as Gasoline 6 Benzene --*--MTBE —i*—GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL MW-8 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM - DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 260 a Z 0 10,000 250 Z Z 1,000 Z240 w O J w V 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 i i i i 200 Off` Off` Off` Off` O� O� O� O� Oro Oro O'0 Oro OA 0A OA OA 1\gyp\ �\ �y�\ tk\�O\ 1\arc\ ,gyp\arc\ n�\ p\ 1\��\ •`\ to\ [k\�rl\ DATE 0 TPH as Gasoline Benzene t MTBE -f GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL MW-8d GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 260 ai zo 10,000 a m Lou Z Z 1,000 Z240 w p J v 100 W • • • • •- • • • • • • ♦ �- • • • • • • ♦ 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 �O�` �O�` �O� �Ob �Ob �Ob �O�o �O`O �O�O �Q �OA 1b\ A\�oZ �O� BOO �O� �O`b �O� IP �O°' �o°' NZ N DATE --♦—TPH as Gasoline Benzene GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ugA and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ugA. MONITORING WELL MW-9 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM - DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 260 a Z 0 10,000 250 Z Z 1,000 Z240 w O -j v 100 w s s —• a--�- • o • • • • • • • • • 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 Off` Off` Off` o.` 00 00 00 00 OHO 00 OIrO O� OA O'A O� O°' OCb 10 149'11 \�O\ A\rp ^p\r.`� \ \ �p\�O\ DATE --0 TPH as Gasoline &Benzene —a—MTBE GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL MW-10 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM - DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 280 1,000,000 270 100,000 260 a ZO 10,000 d ~ 250 Z O Z 1,000 v 240 w Z J W v 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 4 p\ 10 ^p\ �y\ h 1\ gyp\ N\V p\V 1\ ^p\ 11 t\ DATE t TPH as Gasoline Benzene —F MTBE —F GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL MW-11 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM - DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 280 1,000,000 270 100,000 260 Q Z 0 10,000 LOU Z Z 1,000 Z 240 w O J C.) 100 w —� 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 Off` Off` Off` Off` O O� O� O� OrO OHO OHO 00 O' O' OA O� O`b 00 OI �\00� N\T A\T X41 fL ��q A�,�O\ ^O��'l� ^\��� �\��� 4P �0���\ O� ^�\ ,�'l� �\ DATE t TPH as Gasoline —,n—Benzene —*--MTBE —■—GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL MW-12 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 260 a oz 10,000 250 z w 1,000 a L) 240 w O J v w 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 o� � ob 1 o\ ��\� o\� o��\^ � �'i N111 4Zi '41 4 j 4o4Z �-0 ��01 0 �00\Q' 4111 1N\oo16 �-0 \0 40 "p DATE —*--TPH as Gasoline Benzene f MTBE ---GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL MW-13 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 260 a Z 0 10,000 250 Z Z 1,000 0 z240 w O J v 100 w ♦ 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 ^o �\��\oh 00�\�b\o (O\oh�\�'p\ono���'b\o����'�\o�o�^Ib\o�'.��h\o����0\0�1���\0�o��o\"Z ti�\o�a���\'Z§' 'o 'o ����\o'b �'�\oj��o\o� DATE —0 TPH as Gasoline Benzene —F MTBE GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL MW-14 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 260 CO) a ZZ 10,000 250 Z Z 1,000 v 240 w Z J U 100 W • • • • •- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ♦ 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 b o`' o`' o`' o`O o0 o`O o`O P A oA oA oA o`� o`� o0 00 00) o°' o°' o\"3 .o���\ 11P <0 �\'P x.40 �Krp tkP ���'�\ �.o��o\ ����\ tk��\ A�' ^o��o\ ti��o\ ����\ % ^��o\ �;o\ ,��f DATE —♦—TPH as Gasoline Benzene t MTBE GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL EW-1 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM - DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 260 ai a ZO 10,000 250 Z Z 1,000 O z240 w O -j v 100 w ♦ 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 �\�o;oa\���o�\�41 o\�<P��14d)�\lb\&41'\\o�\�0&\�4P \���o�\�A\o�\�41Z, \^%\,Zl r0\01 \^0161 ��o��18P \�tP \�o�\�N\o�\���o�4b P�o� DATE 0 TPH as Gasoline Benzene f MTBE —F GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. ATTACHMENT 2. GROUNDWATER MONITORING,SAMPLING,SAMPLE MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES ATTACHMENT 3. WATER SAMPLE LOGS WATER SAMPLE LOG Date: December 28, 2009 Client: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Well Number: VW-1d Project Name: Downtown Chevron Well Depth: 124.61' Well Casing Diameter: 4° Weather Conditions: sunny and cool Observation/Comments: Well dry, no sample collected (e.g., floating layer, odor, color) Quality Assurance Water Sampling Method: Teflon TM bailer Water Level Measurement Method: Electronic water level meter Pump Lines/Bailer Ropes: Cleaned Method of Cleaning Bailer/Pump: QA/QC Method of Purging Water: Bailer pH Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Yes Specific Conductance Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Checked Comments: pH STD. Calibration STD. Field Temp. °C 4 34170-127 4 7 34170-130 7 Date Time Discharge Temp. pH Conductivity Color Odor Turbidity(NTU's) (gallons) (°C) 1 (pmhos/cm)field @ 12/28/09 1300 Depth to Groundwater at Start of Purging: DRY Depth to Groundwater at End of Purging: N/A Depth to Groundwater at Sampling: N/A Total Discharge: N/A Casing Volumes Removed: N/A Method of Disposal of Discharged Water: N/A Sample Containers Filled: N/A Water Sample Description (e.g., color,turbidity): well dry, no sampled collected Sample Identification Numbers: VW-1d Data Collected By: Mark Magargee -YT-,r-w Cow 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-VE I R (8347) FAX (661) 631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG Date: December 28, 2009 Client: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Well Number: MW-1 Project Name: Downtown Chevron Well Depth: 124.32' Well Casing Diameter: 2° Weather Conditions: sunny and cool Observation/Comments: Well dry, no sample collected (e.g., floating layer, odor, color) Quality Assurance Water Sampling Method: Teflon TM bailer Water Level Measurement Method: Electronic water level meter Pump Lines/Bailer Ropes: Cleaned Method of Cleaning Bailer/Pump: QA/QC Method of Purging Water: Bailer pH Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Yes Specific Conductance Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Checked Comments: pH STD. Calibration STD. Field Temp. -C 4 34170-127 4 7 34170-130 7 Date Time Discharge Temp. pH Conductivity Color Odor Turbidity(NTU's) (gallons) (°C) (pmhos/cm)field @ 12/28/09 1305 Depth to Groundwater at Start of Purging: DRY Depth to Groundwater at End of Purging: N/A Depth to Groundwater at Sampling: N/A Total Discharge: N/A Casing Volumes Removed: N/A Method of Disposal of Discharged Water: N/A Sample Containers Filled: N/A Water Sample Description (e.g., color, turbidity): well dry, no sample collected Sample Identification Numbers: MW-1 Data Collected By: Mark Magargee vy7r c 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-VE I R (8347) FAX (661) 631-8007 1 , WATER SAMPLE LOG Date: December 28, 2009 Client: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Well Number: MW-2 Project Name: Downtown Chevron Well Depth: 123.51' Well Casing Diameter: 2° Weather Conditions: sunny and cool Observation/Comments: Well dry, no sample collected (e.g., floating layer, odor, color) Quality Assurance Water Sampling Method: Teflon TM bailer Water Level Measurement Method: Electronic water level meter Pump Lines/Bailer Ropes: Cleaned Method of Cleaning Bailer/Pump: QA/QC Method of Purging Water: Bailer pH Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Yes Specific Conductance Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Checked Comments: pH STD. Calibration STD. Field Temp. °C 4 34170-127 4 7 34170-130 7 Date Time Discharge Temp. pH Conductivity Color Odor Turbidity(NTU's) (gallons) (°C) (pmhos/cm)field @ 12/28/09 1310 Depth to Groundwater at Start of Purging: DRY Depth to Groundwater at End of Purging: N/A Depth to Groundwater at Sampling: N/A Total Discharge: N/A Casing Volumes Removed: N/A Method of Disposal of Discharged Water: N/A Sample Containers Filled: N/A Water Sample Description (e.g., color,turbidity): well dry, no sample collected Sample Identification Numbers: MW-2 Data Collected By: Mark Magargee vE17z Cow 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-VEI R (8347) FAX (661) 631-8007 r , WATER SAMPLE LOG Date: December 28, 2009 Client: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Well Number: MW-3 Project Name: Downtown Chevron Well Depth: 121.32' Well Casing Diameter: 2" Weather Conditions: sunny and clear Observation/Comments: Well dry, no sample collected (e.g., floating layer, odor, color) Quality Assurance Water Sampling Method: Teflon TM bailer Water Level Measurement Method: Electronic water level meter Pump Lines/Bailer Ropes: Cleaned Method of Cleaning Bailer/Pump: QA/QC Method of Purging Water: Bailer pH Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Yes Specific Conductance Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Checked Comments: pH STD. Calibration STD. Field Temp. °C 4 34170-127 4 7 34170-130 7 Date Time Discharge Temp. pH Conductivity Color Odor Turbidity(NTU's) (gallons) (°C) (pmhos/cm)field @ 12/28/09 1315 Depth to Groundwater at Start of Purging: DRY Depth to Groundwater at End of Purging: N/A Depth to Groundwater at Sampling: N/A Total Discharge: N/A Casing Volumes Removed: N/A Method of Disposal of Discharged Water: N/A Sample Containers Filled: N/A Water Sample Description (e.g., color, turbidity): well dry, no sample collected Sample Identification Numbers: MW-3 Data Collected By: Mark Magargee v�l.W co;�p 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-VEI R (8347) FAX (661) 631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG Date: December 28, 2009 Client: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Well Number: MW-4 Project Name: Downtown Chevron Well Depth: 126.34' Well Casing Diameter: 2° Weather Conditions: sunny and cool Observation/Comments: well dry, no sample collected (e.g., floating layer, odor, color) Quality Assurance Water Sampling Method: TeflonTm bailer Water Level Measurement Method: Electronic water level meter Pump Lines/Bailer Ropes: Cleaned Method of Cleaning Bailer/Pump: QA/QC Method of Purging Water: Bailer pH Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Yes Specific Conductance Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Checked Comments: pH STD. Calibration STD. Field Temp. -C 4 34170-127 4 7 34170-130 7 Date Time Discharge Temp. pT(pmhos/cm)Conductivity Color Odor Turbidity(NTU's) (gallons) (°Q) field @ 12/28/09 1430 Depth to Groundwater at Start of Purging: DRY Depth to Groundwater at End of Purging: N/A Depth to Groundwater at Sampling: N.A Total Discharge: N/A Casing Volumes Removed: N/A Method of Disposal of Discharged Water: N/A Sample Containers Filled: N/A Water Sample Description (e.g., color, turbidity): well dry, no sample collected Sample Identification Numbers: MW-4 Data Collected By: Mark Magargee ?T-,r-w corms 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-V E I R (8347) FAX(661) 631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG Date: December 28, 2009 Client: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Well Number: MW-5 Project Name: Downtown Chevron Well Depth: 138.97' Well Casing Diameter: 2" Weather Conditions: sunny and cool Observation/Comments: Well dry, no sample collected (e.g., floating layer, odor, color) Quality Assurance Water Sampling Method: Teflon TM bailer Water Level Measurement Method: Electronic water level meter Pump Lines/Bailer Ropes: Cleaned Method of Cleaning Bailer/Pump: QA/QC Method of Purging Water: Bailer pH Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Yes Specific Conductance Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Checked Comments: pH STD. Calibration STD. Field Temp. °C 4 34170-127 4 7 34170-130 7 Date Time Discharge Temp. pH Conductivity Color Odor Turbidity(NTU's) (gallons) (°Q I (pmhos/cm)field @ 12/28/09 1450 Depth to Groundwater at Start of Purging: DRY Depth to Groundwater at End of Purging: N/A Depth to Groundwater at Sampling: N/A Total Discharge: N/A Casing Volumes Removed: N/A Method of Disposal of Discharged Water: N/A Sample Containers Filled: N/A Water Sample Description (e.g., color, turbidity): well dry, no sample collected Sample Identification Numbers: MW-5 Data Collected By: Mark Magargee -Vmw corms 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-VE I R (8347) FAX (661) 631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG Date: December 28, 2009 Client: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Well Number: MW-5d Project Name: Downtown Chevron Well Depth: 168.87' Well Casing Diameter: 2" Weather Conditions: sunny and cool Observation/Comments: No floating layer, no petroleum hydrocarbon odor (e.g., floating layer, odor, color) Quality Assurance Water Sampling Method: TeflonTm bailer Water Level Measurement Method: Electronic water level meter Pump Lines/Bailer Ropes: Cleaned Method of Cleaning Bailer/Pump: QA/QC Method of Purging Water: Bailer pH Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Yes Specific Conductance Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Checked Comments: pH STD. Calibration STD. Field Temp. °C 4 34170-127 4 7 34170-130 7 Date Time Discharge Temp. pH Conductivity Color Odor Turbidity(NTU's) (gallons) I (°C) I (pmhos/cm)field @ 12/28/09 1500 Depth to Groundwater at Start of Purging: 139.23' 12/28/09 1510 5 21.8 7.22 434 clear none 352 12/28/09 1520 10 22.0 7.36 417 clear none 389 12/28/09 1530 15 22.2 7.42 402 clear none 408 12/28/09 1530 Depth to Groundwater at End of Purging: 142.37' 12/28/09 1 1540 Depth to Groundwater at Sampling: 139.51' Total Discharge: 15 gallons Casing Volumes Removed: 3.1 Method of Disposal of Discharged Water: Stored on-site in 55-gallon drums Sample Containers Filled: Four VOA vials Water Sample Description (e.g., color,turbidity): no color, turbidity 408 Sample Identification Numbers: MW-5d Data Collected By: Mark Magargee ? :nr_W cow 4660 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-VEI R (8347) FAX (661) 631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG Date: December 28, 2009 Client: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Well Number: MW-6 Project Name: Downtown Chevron Well Depth: 139.43' Well Casing Diameter: 6° Weather Conditions: sunny and cool Observation/Comments: Well dry, no sample collected (e.g., floating layer, odor, color) Quality Assurance Water Sampling Method: TeflonTm bailer Water Level Measurement Method: Electronic water level meter Pump Lines/Bailer Ropes: Cleaned Method of Cleaning Bailer/Pump: QA/QC Method of Purging Water: Bailer pH Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Yes Specific Conductance Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Checked Comments: pH STD. Calibration STD. Field Temp. °C 4 34170-127 4 7 34170-130 7 Date Time Discharge Temp. pH Conductivity Color Odor Turbidity(NTU's) (gallons) (°C) (pmhos/cm)field @ 12/28/09 1440 Depth to Groundwater at Start of Purging: DRY Depth to Groundwater at End of Purging: N/A Depth to Groundwater at Sampling: N/A Total Discharge: N/A Casing Volumes Removed: N/A Method of Disposal of Discharged Water: N/A Sample Containers Filled: N/A Water Sample Description (e.g., color, turbidity): well dry, no sample collected Sample Identification Numbers: MW-6 Data Collected By: Mark Magargee ? E-T-T Cow 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-VEI R (8347) FAX (661) 631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG Date: December 28, 2009 Client: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Well Number: MW-7 Project Name: Downtown Chevron Well Depth: 137.00' Well Casing Diameter: 2° Weather Conditions: sunny and cool Observation/Comments: well dry, no sample collected (e.g., floating layer, odor, color) Quality Assurance Water Sampling Method: Teflon TM bailer Water Level Measurement Method: Electronic water level meter Pump Lines/Bailer Ropes: Cleaned Method of Cleaning Bailer/Pump: QA/QC Method of Purging Water: Bailer pH Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Yes Specific Conductance Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Checked Comments: pH STD. Calibration STD. Field Temp. °C 4 34170-127 4 7 34170-130 7 Date Time Discharge Temp. pH Conductivity Color Odor Turbidity(NTU's) (gallons) (°C) (pmhos/cm)field @ _F 12/28/09 1550 Depth to Groundwater at Start of Purging: DRY Depth to Groundwater at End of Purging: N/A Depth to Groundwater at Sampling: N/A Total Discharge: N/A Casing Volumes Removed: N/A Method of Disposal of Discharged Water: N/A Sample Containers Filled: N/A Water Sample Description (e.g., color, turbidity): well dry, no sample collected Sample Identification Numbers: MW-7 Data Collected By: Mark Magargee v�I7z cow 4660 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-VE I R (8347) FAX (661) 631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG Date: December 28, 2009 Client: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Well Number: MW-8 Project Name: Downtown Chevron Well Depth: 149.30' Well Casing Diameter: 2° Weather Conditions: cloudy and cool Observation/Comments: well dry, no sample collected (e.g., floating layer, odor, color) Quality Assurance Water Sampling Method: TeflonTm bailer Water Level Measurement Method: Electronic water level meter Pump Lines/Bailer Ropes: Cleaned Method of Cleaning Bailer/Pump: QA/QC Method of Purging Water: Bailer pH Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Yes Specific Conductance Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Checked Comments: pH STD. Calibration STD. Field Temp. °C 4 34170-127 4 7 34170-130 7 Date Time Discharge Temp. pH Conductivity I Color Odor Turbidity(NTU's) (gallons) (°C) (pmhos/cm)field @ 12/29/09 0800 Depth to Groundwater at Start of Purging: DRY Depth to Groundwater at End of Purging: N/A Depth to Groundwater at Sampling: N.A Total Discharge: N/A Casing Volumes Removed: N/A Method of Disposal of Discharged Water: N/A Sample Containers Filled: N/A . Water Sample Description (e.g., color, turbidity): no sample collected Sample Identification Numbers: MW-8 Data Collected By: Mark Magargee -Ymw cow 4660 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-V E I R (8347) FAX (661) 631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG Date: December 29, 2009 Client: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Well Number: MW-8d Project Name: Downtown Chevron Well Depth: 180.05' Well Casing Diameter: 2° Weather Conditions: cloudy and cool Observation/Comments: No floating layer, no petroleum hydrocarbon odor (e.g., floating layer, odor, color) Quality Assurance Water Sampling Method: TeflonTm bailer Water Level Measurement Method: Electronic water level meter Pump Lines/Bailer Ropes: Cleaned Method of Cleaning Bailer/Pump: QA/QC Method of Purging Water: Bailer pH Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Yes Specific Conductance Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Checked Comments: pH STD. Calibration STD. Field Temp. °F 4 34170-127 4 7 34170-130 7 Date Time Discharge Temp. pH Conductivity Color Odor Turbidity(NTU's) (gallons) (°F) (pmhos/cm)field @ 12/29/09 0810 Depth to Groundwater at Start of Purging: 150.21' 12/29/09 0820 5 74.3 8.21 414 clear none 57 12/29/09 0830 10 73.8 8.04 387 clear none 89 12/29/09 0840 15 74.5 8.07 394 clear none 72 12/29/09 0842 Depth to Groundwater at End of Purging: 158.03' 12/29/09 0850 Depth to Groundwater at Sampling: 152.74' Total Discharge: 15 gallons Casing Volumes Removed: 3.0 Method of Disposal of Discharged Water: Stored on-site in 55-gallon drums Sample Containers Filled: Four VOA vials Water Sample Description (e.g., color, turbidity): no color, turbidity 72 Sample Identification Numbers: MW-8d Data Collected By: Mark Magargee -Vmr z Corte 4660 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-VE I R (8347) FAX (661) 631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG Date: December 28, 2009 Client: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Well Number: MW-9 Project Name: Downtown Chevron Well Depth: 132.20' Well Casing Diameter: 2° Weather Conditions: sunny and cool Observation/Comments: well dry, no sample collected (e.g., floating layer, odor, color) Quality Assurance Water Sampling Method: TeflonTm bailer Water Level Measurement Method: Electronic water level meter Pump Lines/Bailer Ropes: Cleaned Method of Cleaning Bailer/Pump: QA/QC Method of Purging Water: Bailer pH Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Yes Specific Conductance Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Checked Comments: pH STD. Calibration STD. Field Temp. °C 4 34170-127 4 7 34170-130 7 Date Time Discharge Temp. pH Conductivity Color Odor Turbidity(NTU's) (gallons) N I (pmhos/cm)field @ 12/28/09 1600 Depth to Groundwater at Start of Purging: DRY Depth to Groundwater at End of Purging: N/A Depth to Groundwater at Sampling: N/A Total Discharge: N/A Casing Volumes Removed: N/A Method of Disposal of Discharged Water: N/A Sample Containers Filled: N/A Water Sample Description (e.g., color, turbidity): well dry, no sample collected Sample Identification Numbers: MW-9 Data Collected By: Mark Magargee -yzz-W cow 4660 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-VE I R (8347) FAX (661) 631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG Date: December 28, 2009 Client: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Well Number: MW-10 Project Name: Downtown Chevron Well Depth: 134.23' Well Casing Diameter: 2" Weather Conditions: sunny and cool Observation/Comments: well dry, no sample collected (e.g., floating layer, odor, color) Quality Assurance Water Sampling Method: TeflonTm bailer Water Level Measurement Method: Electronic water level meter Pump Lines/Bailer Ropes: Cleaned Method of Cleaning Bailer/Pump: QA/QC Method of Purging Water: Bailer pH Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Yes Specific Conductance Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Checked Comments: pH STD. Calibration STD. Field Temp. °C 4 34170-127 4 7 34170-130 7 Date Time Discharge Temp. pH Conductivity Color Odor Turbidity(NTU's) (gallons) (°C) (pmhos/cm)field @ 12/28/09 1410 Depth to Groundwater at Start of Purging: DRY Depth to Groundwater at End of Purging: N/A Depth to Groundwater at Sampling: N/A Total Discharge: N/A Casing Volumes Removed: N/A Method of Disposal of Discharged Water: N/A Sample Containers Filled: N/A Water Sample Description (e.g., color,turbidity): well dry, no sample collected Sample Identification Numbers: MW-10 Data Collected By: Mark Magargee -Ymw cow 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-VEI R (8347) FAX (661) 631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG Date: December 28, 2009 Client: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Well Number: MW-11 Project Name: Downtown Chevron Well Depth: 126.13' Well Casing Diameter: 2° Weather Conditions: sunny and cool Observation/Comments: Well dry, no sample collected (e.g., floating layer, odor, color) Quality Assurance Water Sampling Method: TeflonTm bailer Water Level Measurement Method: Electronic water level meter Pump Lines/Bailer Ropes: Cleaned Method of Cleaning Bailer/Pump: QA/QC Method of Purging Water: Bailer pH Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Yes Specific Conductance Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Checked Comments: pH STD. Calibration STD. Field I Temp. °C 4 34170-127 4 7 .34170-130 7 Date Time Discharge Temp. p7(pmhos/cm)Conductivity Color Odor Turbidity(NTU's) (gallons) (00 field @ 12/28/09 1420 Depth to Groundwater at Start of Purging: DRY Depth to Groundwater at End of Purging: N/A Depth to Groundwater at Sampling: N/A Total Discharge: N/A Casing Volumes Removed: N/A Method of Disposal of Discharged Water: N/A Sample Containers Filled: N/A Water Sample Description (e.g., color, turbidity): well dry, no sample collected Sample Identification Numbers: MW-11 Data Collected By: Mark Magargee v�IR cow 4660 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-VE I R (8347) FAX (661) 631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG Date: December 29, 2009 Client: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Well Number: MW-12 Project Name: Downtown Chevron Well Depth: 152.00' Well Casing Diameter: 2° Weather Conditions: cloudy and cool Observation/Comments: well dry, no sample collected (e.g., floating layer, odor, color) Quality Assurance Water Sampling Method: Teflon TM bailer Water Level Measurement Method: Electronic water level meter Pump Lines/Bailer Ropes: Cleaned Method of Cleaning Bailer/Pump: QA/QC Method of Purging Water: Bailer pH Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Yes Specific Conductance Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Checked Comments: pH STD. Calibration STD. Field Temp. °C 4 34170-127 4 7 34170-130 7 Date Time Discharge Temp. pH Conductivity Color Odor Turbidity(NTU's) (gallons) (°C) I (pmhos/cm)field @ 12/29/09 0900 Depth to Groundwater at Start of Purging: DRY Depth to Groundwater at End of Purging: N/A Depth to Groundwater at Sampling: N/A Total Discharge: N/A Casing Volumes Removed: N/A Method of Disposal of Discharged Water: N/A Sample Containers Filled: N/A Water Sample Description (e.g., color, turbidity): well dry, no sample collected Sample Identification Numbers: MW-12 Data Collected By: Mark Magargee -V�ErR cow 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-VEI R (8347) FAX (661) 631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG Date: December 29, 2009 Client: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Well Number: MW-13 Project Name: Downtown Chevron Well Depth: 154.25' Well Casing Diameter: 2" Weather Conditions: cloudy and cool Observation/Comments: No floating layer, no petroleum hydrocarbon odor (e.g., floating layer, odor, color) Quality Assurance Water Sampling Method: TeflonTm bailer Water Level Measurement Method: Electronic water level meter Pump Lines/Bailer Ropes: Cleaned Method of Cleaning Bailer/Pump: QA/QC Method of Purging Water: Bailer pH Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Yes Specific Conductance Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Checked Comments: pH STD. Calibration STD. Field Temp. °C 4 34170-127 4 7 34170-130 7 Date Time Discharge Temp. pH Conductivity Color Odor Turbidity(NTU's) (gallons) (°C) (pmhos/cm)field @ 12/29/09 0910 Depth to Groundwater at Start of Purging: 153.85' 12/29/09 0915 1 73.8 7.75 780 tan none 814 12/29/09 0920 2 73.6 7.56 815 tan none 879 12/29/09 0925 3 74.0 7.62 795 tan none 992 12/29/09 0925 Depth to Groundwater at End of Purging: 154.20' 12/29/09 0930 Depth to Groundwater at Sampling: 153.90' Total Discharge: 3 gallons Casing Volumes Removed: 3 Method of Disposal of Discharged Water: Stored on-site in 55-gallon drums Sample Containers Filled: Four VOA vials Water Sample Description (e.g., color, turbidity): tan color, turbidity 992 Sample Identification Numbers: MW-13 Data Collected By: Mark Magargee -yzz-Z cow 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-VE I R (8347) FAX(661) 631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG Date: December 29, 2009 Client: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Well Number: MW-14 Project Name: Downtown Chevron Well Depth: 157.50' Well Casing Diameter: 2° Weather Conditions: cloudy and cool Observation/Comments: No floating layer, no petroleum hydrocarbon odor (e.g., floating layer, odor, color) Quality Assurance Water Sampling Method: TeflonTm bailer Water Level Measurement Method: Electronic water level meter Pump Lines/Bailer Ropes: Cleaned Method of Cleaning Bailer/Pump: QA/QC Method of Purging Water: Bailer pH Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Yes Specific Conductance Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Checked Comments: pH STD. Calibration STD. Field Temp. OF 4 34170-127 4 7 34170-130 7 Date Time Discharge Temp. pH Conductivity Color Odor Turbidity(NTU's) (gallons) (°F) I (pmhos/cm)field @ 12/29/09 0945 Depth to Groundwater at Start of Purging: 155.35' 12/29/09 0950 1 68.9 7.84 657 tan, none 943 12/29/09 0955 2 70.3 7.92 672 tan none 857 12/29/09 1000 3 72.1 7.89 666 tan none 772 12/29/09 1005 Depth to Groundwater at End of Purging: 157.35' 12/29/09 1 1010 Depth to Groundwater at Sampling: 157.35' Total Discharge: 3 gallons Casing Volumes Removed: 3 Stored on site in 55-gallon drums Method of Disposal of Discharged Water: 9 Sample Containers Filled: Four VOA vials Water Sample Description (e.g., color, turbidity): tan color, turbidity 772 Sample Identification Numbers: MW-14 Data Collected By: Mark Magargee -Ymw ca?p 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-VE I R (8347) FAX(661) 631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG Date: December 28, 2009 Client: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Well Number: EW-1 Project Name: Downtown Chevron Well Depth: 188.04' Well Casing Diameter: 6° Weather Conditions: sunny Observation/Comments: No floating layer, no petroleum hydrocarbon odor (e.g., floating layer, odor, color) Quality Assurance Water Sampling Method: TeflonTm bailer Water Level Measurement Method: Electronic water level meter Pump Lines/Bailer Ropes: Cleaned Method of Cleaning Bailer/Pump: QA/QC Method of Purging Water: Bailer pH Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Yes Specific Conductance Meter: Oakton Calibrated: Checked Comments: pH STD. Calibration STD. Field Temp. °C 4 34170-127 4 7 34170-130 7 Date Time Discharge Temp. pH Conductivity Color Odor Turbidity(NTU's) (gallons) (°C) I (pmhos/cm)field @ 12/28/09 1320 Depth to Groundwater at Start of Purging: 134.81' 12/28/09 1330 10 24.5 7.42 806 gray none 120 12/28/09 1340 20 24.1 7.55 595 gray none 131 12/28/09 1350 30 24.3 7.44 571 gray none 122 12/28/09 1350 Depth to Groundwater at End of Purging: 139.43' 12/28/09 1400 Depth to Groundwater at Sampling: 134.03' Total Discharge: 30 gallons Casing Volumes Removed: 0.4 Method of Disposal of Discharged Water: Stored on-site in 55-gallon drums Sample Containers Filled: Four VOA vials Water Sample Description (e.g., color, turbidity): gray color, turbidity 122 Sample Identification Numbers: EW-1 Data Collected By: Mark Magargee -YE-zw core 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-VEI R (8347) FAX (661) 631-8007 ATTACHMENT 4. LABORATORY REPORTS 4 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. Tim Sullivan VEIR Corp 1508 18th Street#222 Bakersfield, CA 93301 11 January 2010 RE: Downtown Chevron Service Station Work Order: 0904168 Dear Client: Enclosed is an analytical report for the above referenced project. The samples included in this report were received on 31-Dec-09 13:30 and analyzed in accordance with the attached chain-of-custody. Unless otherwise noted, all analytical testing was accomplished in accordance with the guidelines established in our Quality Assurance Manual, applicable standard operating procedures, and other related documentation. The results in this analytical report are limited to the samples tested and any reproduction thereof must be made in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Lisa Race Laboratory Manager TEL: (805) 922-4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925-3376 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. VEIR Corp Project:Downtown Chevron Service Station 1508 18th Street 4222 Project Number: Claim#15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93301 Project Manager: Tim Sullivan 11-Jan-10 13:09 ANALYTICAL REPORT FOR SAMPLES Sample ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Reeeived QCTB 0904168-01 Water 28-Dec-0912:00 31-Dec-0913:30 EW-1 0904168-02 Water 28-Dec-0914:00 31-Dec-0913:30 MW-5D 0904168-03 Water 28-Dec-0915:40 31-Dec-0913:30 MW-8D 0904168-04 Water 29-Dec-09 08:50 31-Dec-09 13:30 MW-13 0904168-05 Water 29-Dec-09 09:30 31-Dec-09 13:30 MW-14 0904168-06 Water 29-Dec-0910:10 31-Dec-0913:30 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922-4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com . FAX: (805) 925-3376 Page 2 of 10 � ' I Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. VEIR Corp Project:Downtown Chevron Service Station 1508 18th Street#222 Project Number: Claim#15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93301 Project Manager: Tim Sullivan 11-Jan-10 13:09 QCTB 0904168-01(Water) Reporting Analyte Result Limit Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Note Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260B Benzene ND 0.50 ug/L 1 A061095 08-Jan-10 08-Jan-10 EPA 8260B Toluene ND 0.50 " " " " " Ethylbenzene ND 0.50 " Xylenes(total) ND 0.50 " Methyl-t-butyl ether ND 0.50 " Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 92.9% 70-130 " Surrogate:Toluene-d8 969% 70-130 " Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 99.0% 70-130 " EW-1 0904168-02(Water) Reporting Analyte Result Limit Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Note TPH as Gasoline by CA-LUFT TPH Gasoline(C4-C12) ND 50 ug/L 1 A001095 08-Jan-10 08-Jan-10 GCMS Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 98.9% 70-130 " Surrogate:Toluene-d8 97.6% 70-130 " Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 98.9% 70-130 " Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260B Benzene ND 0.50 ug/L 1 A001095 08-Jan-10 EPA 8260B Toluene ND 0.50 " Ethylbenzene ND 0.50 " Xylenes(total) ND 0.50 " t-Amyl Methyl Ether ND 0.50 " t-Butyl alcohol ND 10 " Diisopropyl Ether ND 0.50 " Ethyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.50 " Methyl-t-butyl ether ND 0.50 " Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 98.9% 70-130 " Surrogate:Toluene-d8 97.6% 70-130 " Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 98.9% 70-130 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922-4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925-3376 Page 3 of 10 L ' Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. VEIR Corp Project:Downtown Chevron Service Station 1508 18th Street#222 Project Number: Claim#15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93301 Project Manager: Tim Sullivan 11-Jan-1013:09 N W-5D 0904168-03(Water) Reporting Analyte Result Limit Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Note TPH as Gasoline by CA-LUFT TPH Gasoline(C4-C12) ND 50 ug/L 1 A001095 08-Jan-10 08-Jan-10 GCMS Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 94.1% 70-130 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 97.7% 70-130 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 98.9% 70-130 Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260B Benzene ND 0.50 ug/L 1 A001095 08-Jan-10 EPA 8260B Toluene ND 0.50 " Ethylbenzene ND 0.50 " Xylenes(total) ND 0.50 " t-Amyl Methyl Ether ND 0.50 t-Butyl alcohol ND 10 " Diisopropyl Ether ND 0.50 " Ethyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.50 " Methyl-t-butyl ether ND 0.50 " Surrogate:Dibromq/luoromethane 94.1% 70-130 " Surrogate:Toluene-d8 97.7% 70-130 " Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 98.9% 70-130 " Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922-4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925-3376 Page 4 of 10 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. VEIR Corp Project:Downtown Chevron Service Station 1508 18th Street#222 Project Number: Claim#15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93301 Project Manager: Tim Sullivan 11-Jan-10 13:09 N W-8D 0904168-04(Water) Reporting Analyte Result Limit Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Note TPH as Gasoline by CA-LUFT TPH Gasoline(C4-C12) ND 50 ug/L 1 A001095 08-Jan-10 08-Jan-10 GCMS Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 98.2% 70-130 " Surrogate:Toluene-d8 96.9% 70-130 " Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 101% 70-130 Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260B Benzene ND 0.50 ug/L 1 A001095 08-Jan-10 EPA 8260B Toluene ND 0.50 " Ethylbenzene ND 0.50 " Xylenes(total) ND 0.50 " t-Amyl Methyl Ether ND 0.50 " t-Butyl alcohol ND 10 Diisopropyl Ether ND 0.50 " Ethyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.50 " Methyl-t-butyl ether ND 0.50 " Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 98.2% 70-130 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 96.9% 70-130 " Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 101% 70-130 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922-4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925-3376 Page 5 of 10 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. VEIR Corp Project:Downtown Chevron Service Station 1508 18th Street#222 Project Number: Claim#15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93301 Project Manager: Tim Sullivan 11-Jan-10 13:09 MW-13 0904168-05(Water) Reporting Analyte Result Limit Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Note TPH as Gasoline by CA-LUFT TPH Gasoline(C4-C12) ND 50 ug/L 1 A001095 08-Jan-10 08-Jan-10 GCMS Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 101% 70-130 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 98.5% 70430 " Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 100% 70-130 Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260B Benzene ND 0.50 ugfL 1 A001095 08-Jan-10 EPA 8260B Toluene ND 0.50 " " " " " Ethylbenzene ND 0.50 " Xylenes(total) ND 0.50 " t-Amyl Methyl Ether ND 0.50 " t-Butyl alcohol ND 10 " Diisopropyl Ether ND 0.50 " Ethyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.50 " Methyl-t-butyl ether 0.51 0.50 " Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 101% 70-130 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 98.5% 70-130 " Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 100% 70-130 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922-4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925-3376 Page 6 of 10 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. VEIR Corp Project:Downtown Chevron Service Station 1508 18th Street#222 Project Number: Claim#15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93301 Project Manager: Tim Sullivan 11-Jan-10 13:09 MW-14 0904168-06(Water) Reporting Analyte Result Limit Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Note TPH as Gasoline by CA-LUFT TPH Gasoline(C4-C12) ND 50 ug/L 1 A001095 08-Jan-10 08-Jan-10 GCMS Surrogate:Dibromo luoromethane 98.6% 70-130 " Surrogate:Toluene-d8 96.5% 70-130 Surrogate:4-Bromo luorobenzene 103% 70-130 Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260B Benzene ND 0.50 ug/L 1 A001095 08-Jan-10 EPA 8260B Toluene ND 0.50 " Ethylbenzene ND 0.50 " Xylenes(total) ND 0.50 " t-Amyl Methyl Ether ND 0.50 " t-Butyl alcohol ND 10 " Diisopropyl Ether ND 0.50 " Ethyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.50 " Methyl-t-butyl ether ND 0.50 " Surrogate:Dibromo luoromethane 98.6% 70-130 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 96.5% 70-130 Surrogate:4-Bromo luorobenzene 103% 70-130 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922-4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925-3376 Page 7 of 10 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. VEIR Corp Project:Downtown Chevron Service Station 1508 18th Street#222 Project Number: Claim#15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93301 Project Manager: Tim Sullivan 11-Jan-10 13:09 TPH as Gasoline by CA-LUFT-Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch A001095-EPA 5030B VOCGCMS Blank(A001095-BLKI) Prepared&Analyzed:08-Jan-10 TPH Gasoline(C4-C 12) ND 50 ug/L Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 23.7 15.0 95.0 70-130 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 24.3 15.0 97.1 70-130 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 24.9 25.0 99.5 70-130 LCS(A001095-BS2) Prepared&Analyzed:08-Jan-10 TPH Gasoline(C4-C12) 474 50 ug/L 500 94.8 70-130 20 Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 24.4 25.0 97.5 70-130 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 25.2 25.0 101 70-130 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 260 25.0 104 70-130 LCS Dup(A001095-BSD2) Prepared&Analyzed:08-Jan-10 TPH Gasoline(C4-C 12) 469 50 ug/L 500 93.8 70-130 1.06 20 Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 24.6 25.0 98.6 70-130 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 25.2 15.0 101 70-130 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 25.6 25.0 101 70-130 Duplicate(A001095-DUPl) Source:0904168-01 Prepared&Analyzed:08-Jan-10 TPH Gasoline(C4-C12) ND 50 ug/L ND 20 Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 25.4 25.0 102 70-130 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 24.5 25.0 98.1 70-130 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 24.9 25.0 99.5 70-130 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance - The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922-4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805)925-3376 Page 8 of 10 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. VEIR Corp Project:Downtown Chevron Service Station 1508 18th Street#222 Project Number: Claim#15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93301 Project Manager: Tim Sullivan 11-Jan-1013:09 Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260B- Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD lAnalyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch A001095-EPA 5030B VOCGCMS Blank(A001095-BLK1) Prepared&Analyzed:08-Jan-10 Benzene ND 0.50 ug/L Toluene ND 0.50 " Ethylbenzene ND 0.50 " Xylenes(total) ND 0.50 " t-Amyl Methyl Ether ND 0.50 " t-Butyl alcohol ND 10 " Diisopropyl Ether ND 0.50 " Ethyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.50 " Methyl-t-butyl ether ND 0.50 " Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 23.7 15.0 95.0 70-130 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 14.3 25.0 97.1 70-130 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 14.9 25.0 99.5 70-130 LCS(A001095-BS1) Prepared&Analyzed:08-Jan-10 Benzene 23.6 0.50 ug/L 25.0 94.2 70-130 20 Toluene 24.0 0.50 25.0 95.8 70-130 20 Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 23.6 25.0 94.6 70-130 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 24.2 25.0 97.0 70-130 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 25.1 25.0 100 70-130 LCS Dup(A001095-BSDI) Prepared&Analyzed:08-Jan-10 Benzene 23.1 0.50 ug/L 25.0 92.4 70-130 1.93 20 Toluene 23.7 0.50 25.0 94.7 70-130 1.22 20 Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 25.0 25.0 100 70-130 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 24.0 25.0 96.2 70-130 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 25.7 25.0 103 70-130 Duplicate(A001095-DUP1) Source:0904168-01 Prepared&Analyzed:08-Jan-10 Benzene ND 0.50 ug/L ND 20 Toluene ND 0.50 ND 20 Ethylbenzene ND 0.50 ND 20 Xylenes(total) ND 0.50 ND 20 t-Amyl Methyl Ether ND 0.50 ND 20 t-Butyl alcohol ND 10 ND 20 Diisopropyl Ether ND 0.50 ND 20 Ethyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.50 ND 20 Methyl-t-butyl ether ND 0.50 ND 20 Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 25.4 25.0 102 70-130 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 24.5 25.0 98.1 70-130 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 24.9 25.0 99.5 70-130 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922-4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925-3376 Page 9 of 10 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. VEIR Corp Project:Downtown Chevron Service Station 1508 18th Street#222 Project Number: Claim#15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93301 Project Manager: Tim Sullivan 11-Jan-10 13:09 Notes and Definitions DET Analyte DETECTED ND Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit NR Not Reported dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis RPD Relative Percent Difference Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922-4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925-3376 Page 10 of 10 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance CHAIN OF CUSTODY 307 Roemer Way Suite 300,Santa Maria,CA 93454 Highway 33,McKittrick CA phone: (805)922.4772 -fax.- (805)925.3376 MAV.oecusa com phone: 661 762-9143 Page--L of / Company: Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC Tim Sullivan Pro ect Name/#: Downtown Chevron Sery Station Address: 150818th St.9222 Site: Claim#15187 Ci /StateOP• Bakersfield,CA 93301 Analysis Requested Special Insrtuctions: Telephone, 661 327.6008 Fax: E-mail: iab veinnet Report To: VEIR Corp Sampler: Send report via: FAX- LJ PDF- El CoIVLUFT EDF- 0 ED0. El c m m N Tumaround Time: 10 D ays- ❑ 6 Days ❑ 72 hr- © 48 hr- ❑ 24 hr- ❑ ASAP- f=l 0 ~~ aa) OEC Sample ID Date�me Matrix 9 of Cont Client Sample ID a- a. m ' Samoled r ... ...._.......__.. `1 - /;o6 w C Global ID O C[I 70602900789 _................. _..__....._. �'7� z�z ro o o w G(J•-- Relinquished.BY: .._ . ,Date f - /-Q Time: ...(... .` ?._ Comments/POI : Please CC the Invoice to VEIR Corp at: Received Date: d Time: 0 . 2C--;� lab@veir.net Relinquished By_ _ _ _ -Date: __ j Time:. �..1 Received By: Date: Time: Relinquished B)I: _ w_ Date:__.....-.1 _Time:.....15 b._. ._....._..._..._ ........... Received Date: ] / Time: t SAMPLE RECEIPT CLIENT: Sall�vzt v�. OEC ID#: n�lo�f ) toy Temp: (� c ' Rev.muzenni Acceptable Range: 0°C to G°C COC RECEIVED RECEIPT LOGIN DATE/TIME: (2 �+ �C) r33b DATE/TIME: 12- 1 3 !161 It aZ REFRIGERATOR(s): 3 SAMPLE TRANSPORT, RECEIPT, CONDITION& PRESERVATION: Yes No N/A (*) PROBLEM CHAIN FORM D D C90EC Courier/Sampler COC document(s)received with samples ❑* ❑ Custody Seals(circle): Present Absent ❑Delivery(Other than OEC Courier) Correct containers for analysis requested ® ❑* ❑ Samples t": i s Samples Received on Ice Container(s)intact and in good condition ❑* ❑ Intact/Broken* ❑Samples Received Outside Temp.Range* Container label(s)consistent with COC ❑ ❑* ❑ Method of Shipment&Tracking tt(irapplicabte►: ❑Samples Direct from field(Outside Temp) OEC preservative added ("note std ID) 1 ❑After-Hours Outside Drop-off[Brought Inside] Proper preservation on sample label(s) ❑ ❑ (Initials/Date/Time): VOA containers free ofheadspace ❑ ❑* ® (**)OEC Preservative ID: Tedlar Bas free of condensation ❑ ❑* COC CHANGES AND/OR CORRECTIONS: CHANGES AUTHORIZED BY: OEC ID Client ID Container Preservative ResCI Matrix Date/Time Comments/Remarks/ Descri tion / H Sampled Condition Notes,Etc. Sec co (f ! v G)4 � -- � Sic co c Z A-D RECEIPT LOGIN BY: RECEIPT REVIEWED BY: �?_F Page or)- ATTACHMENT 5. 2009 QUARTERLY GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR MAPS 24th STREET >: /MW-2 HIGHWAY 178 ED DRY RY W-1 — LE'D AY "V M -1 @2757T" 76.9.7 1 23rd STREDI R� mw.6(& Mvv- I s W MW-5d ®I DRY 269.01 A MW-5 273.39 DRY 274.21 7 2-10 74.27 mw-9 22nd STREET 269.9Z, MW-Bd(@ 266.7 MW-8ED 266.48 MW-12 (D 264.48 1 v 264Z.48 F- F- LU U w Lu Lu Ill III W lif w III c� Of U) Of co F- F- F- 0 MW-13 21st STREET MW-14 0259.51 ED 258.10 GROUNDWATER LEVELS MEASURED JANAURY28,AND 29, 2009 23rd STREET LEGEND SULLIVAN PETROLEUM COMPANY, LLC GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION 2317"L"STREET /GROUNDWATER ELVATION CONTOUR BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA (FEETABOVE MSL) FIGURE 3-GROUNDWATER ELEVATION GROUNDWATER FLOW CONTOUR MAP 9##.# GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DIRECTION TE-TR Cory REVISION DATE:APRIL 15, 2009 24th STREET �., / HIGHWAY 178 MW -2 RY -1 LDRY 275.21 MW-3 smW4 DRY mw-6 Ns —mw-' —23rd STREL I I s(9 MW-5d sil fi' MW-5 272.63 267. 1 DRY / D S 270.25 MW-10 274.27 MW-9 22nd STREET 269.27S MW-8d®265.41 MW-8S 26548 IMW-12 7— 1 ep 262.48 F- F- Lu LU w LU Lu L11 w Lu af of Cos WELL 262W48 L F- co #7 W U) U) U) 0 MW-13 21st STREET MW-14 (9258.63 (9 256.80 GROUNDWATER LEVELS MEASURED MAY 8,AND 9, 2009 23rd STREET LEGEND SULLIVAN PETROLEUM COMPANY, LLC GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION 2317"L"STREET /GROUNDWATER ELVATION CONTOUR BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA (FEET ABOVE MSL) FIGURE 3-GROUNDWATER ELEVATION GROUNDWATER FLOW CONTOUR MAP GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DIRECTION I 'VEIR Cory REVISION DATE:JANUARY 4,2009 24th STREET ;�,Y�:�s: / HIGHWAY 178 MW-2 EW-' DRY T--.---'fTJ4, RY 268.41 1 MW-3 �JVDWRY' "-MW-4 y S DRY og=v L-mw.11-m 7- 23rd STREET Is DRY WOW 'd M -5s W.5d DRY 264.15 D Mw-lo DRY W R MW-9 22nd STREET DRY MW-8d 54.39 MW-8(!D DRY MW-12 DRY Lu w UJI w UJI LLJ w LU LLI w F- U) U) cn 0 MW-13 / 21st STREET (9251.77 ....................... S MW-1 4 249.45 GROUNDWATER LEVELS MEASURED DECEMBER 28,AND 29, 2009 23rd STREET LEGEND SULLIVAN PETROLEUM COMPANY, LLC GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION 2317"L"STREET GROUNDWATER ELVATION CONTOUR BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA (FEET ABOVE MSL) FIGURE 3-GROUNDWATER ELEVATION GROUNDWATER FLOW CONTOUR MAP GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DIRECTION 17E-TA Cory REVISION DATE:MARCH 16,2010 r ATTACHMENT 6. 2009 QUARTERLY TPH AS GASOLINE/BENZENE/MTBE CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER 24th STREET 0 HIGHWAY 178 mw-1 MW-2 DRY DRYS ND/ND 1e7 ND/ND/ND VW-1d W"1 MW-4 DRY MW-11 23rd STREET DR MW s W-5d Y DRY ND/ND/ND Np/®I p MW-10 M�(✓_5� ND/ND/ND & ND/ND/ND X0.000 000 O MW-9 8d 22nd STREET ND/ND/ND 'Na ® ND/ND 12.2 6,600/ND/1,00 ®MW-12 ND/ND/ND � � H W W W W W cif U U) U) U) ct J Z O ®MW-13 21st STREET ND/ND/ND ([)MW-14 ND/ND/ND GROUNDWATER SAMPLED JANUARY 28,AND 29, 2009 23rd STREET LEGEND SULLIVAN PETROLEUM COMPANY, LLC GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL * NOT USED FOR CONTOURING SCREENED WITHIN AQUIFER DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION 2317"L"STREET TPH AS GASOLINE/BENZENE/MTBE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA #/#/# CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER(Ng/1) FIGURE 4-TPH AS GASOLINE/BENZENE/MTBE # I., MTBE CONCENTRATON CONTOUR(Ng/1) CONCENTRATION IN GROUNDWATER ND NOT DETECTED IVEIR Corp REVISION DATE:APRIL 15, 2009 24th STREET 0 HIGHWAY 178 mw-1 MW-2 DRY DRYS 36 NS ERY D30) W-1 MW-4 mw-ii 23rd STREET D® mw-61W Sd Y ®I� DRY ND MW-10 MVi-5 ND ND O i MW-9 ND® MW-8d 22nd STREET W ND 7,1 0 ®MW--12 ND F I— LLI W w w Of w lY U) U) U) Y c z O ®MW-1 3 21st STREET ND ®MW--14 ND GROUNDWATER SAMPLED MAY 7,AND 8, 2009 23rd STREET LEGEND SULLIVAN PETROLEUM COMPANY, LLC ® GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION # MTBECONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER(Ng/1) 2317"L"STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA # MTBE CONCENTRATON CONTOUR(Ng/1) FIGURE 4-MTBE CONCENTRATIONS ND NOT DETECTED IN GROUNDWATER TEIR Corp REVISION DATE:DECEMBER 11,2009 24th STREET HIGHWAY 178 mw-1 DRY DRY p. EwEW MW4 ND �MWA-"�DRY R lmw sr _mw'll —23rd STREET DRY -----Uw.li DRY MW-7— SMW-5d NDS MMW�6 ND W ,S„-5 DRY MW-10 MW-5 DRY DRY mw-9 DRYS MW-8d 22nd STREET M* S W-8d ND DRY I DRY F- F- F- w w w w w w LLJ w Lij F- F-U) F- F- U) F- U) U) 0 MW-13d I 21st STREET smw�� GROUNDWATER SAMPLED DECEMBER 28,AND 29, 2009 23rd STREET MW-16d LEGEND SULLIVAN PETROLEUM COMPANY, LLC GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION # MTBECONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER(Ng/1) 2317"L"STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA # MTBE CONCENTRATON CONTOUR(Ng/1) FIGURE 4-MTBE CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER ND NOT DETECTED TEIR Cory REVISION DATE:MARCH 16,2010