HomeMy WebLinkAboutWATER QUALITY CONT. 10/16/2008 California Regional Water Quality Control Board - , Central Valley Region Karl E. Longley,ScD,P.E.,Chair m Linda S..Adams . Arnold Secreta-ryfor 1685 E Street,Fresno,.California 93706 Schwarzenegger Environmental (559)445-5116 Fax(559)445-5910 Governor Protection http://www.wateiboards.ca.gov/centr,alvalley IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11 16 October 2008 Regional Board Case No. 5715000836 Mr. Timothy Sullivan, President Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLG 1508 18th Street, Suite 222 Bakersfield, California 93301 UNDERGROUND TANK RELEASE, DOWNTOWN CHEVRON STATION, 2317 "L" STREET, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY You submitted Additional Off-Site Deep Monitoring Wells Installation Work Plan..(Work Plan) dated 24 July 2008. The Work Plan-was-prepared in your behalf by Vestech Environmental Infrastructure and.Restoration; Bakersfield-(Vestech).'-.This'letter-includes a summary.of,the Letter and Work Plan, identifies my, concerns;..notespmy-concu'rr'ence or.non-concurren.ce,..and 'sets dates for*tasks necessa to coin I �w.ith�,re uested actions:"y' ° '` "� s 1 ;.+;;1{ , ., :,rs['_!�; t..i,:7 •.tit 1.• aM. € t ` `: i � - ,r +{ a {1 ae++: t•4 ef�' ,6- + ti 7 r. `yR•i i,i -. •'FE tF d�1,.1,.:. 1Nork Plan`Summary ':r,s1f:"..:N ?.sse !`,''" `.1,'..• •,:. .,, '7 ';E' �,r1. :;ct.i�:';S.` c=-'.is.t,`:.+•..a .� _asp , ri• E P'iE :....i1 �°M1. `. •>��G+ ::,' .a:ti:...i .• ••••. `SVestech-wlll-insfall two deep sentinel monitoring wells screened from approximately 170 to 180 feet below ground surface (bgs) downgradient of the subject underground storage tank (UST) release-site using'dual-wall percussion air rotary drilling. 'Proposed well MW-13d will be placed adjacent to.existing water table monitoring well MW-13 near the northeast corner of 21St and "N"Streets. MW-13 is,currently the most downgradient well in the monitoring network. Proposed well MW-16d will be installed near the southeast corner of 20th and ''O" Streets. 'MW-16d will be downgradient',(southeast) of MW71361 and midway between MW-13 and Bakersfield municipal well 64. Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) was detected in well 64 -during 2000. .�. The wells will be constructed using 2-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) casing with 0.02-inch factory-machined slots in the screened interval, a #3'Monterey sand filter pack extending to five feet above the top of the screen, a 3-foot hydrated bentonite low permeability seal overlain by a 160-foot-cement grout annual seal, and a 2-foot cement grout surface,seal and traffic-. rated well box.` , :.•..,..k,; a. , �..L '.^ :. 1',. �:i �: ,•' ' '• t!` • 1r,, '._.': � .�1.�..;� ni.:V.'.s '..tt:. `."i:' .{Yi t �.i.'' ..G1.. As-thre'm6nitorin• wells are to installed outside�oflthe,area'of gasoline-impacted soil, g 9 p Vestech,•.will log.-d ril l-cuttings and will collect.soil samples at 25-foot intervals to characterize drill cuttings for disposal. The wells will be developed by surging and bailing and wellheads will be surveyed relative�to,existin•d,monitoringjwells',and(a7 perm' nent structures A site-sp,ecific, Health`,antl`Safety'Plan is included,as.-Attachment!6lof.-the=Work-'Plan Fieldwork'w ill.begin, within-45 days.:of.work.plan..acceptance.by'the Regional.Water:Board;,andsecuring rrioriitoring California'Environmental Protection Agency 111111 12 �a Recycled Paper _ IE Mr. Timothy Sullivan - 2 - 16 October. 2008 well permits from the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department and right-of- way encroachment permits from the Bakersfield Department of Public Works. Vestech will submit a.vell-in stallation,-report'approximately 60..days after.fieldwork,is.completed` CommentsP You may proceed with the proposed groundwater monitoring well installations provided that you incorporate the following comments. • Monitoring well screens should be installed within the most transmissive zone encountered at the approximate proposed depth interval below the water table. You will therefore need to investigate aquifer stratigraphy by logging undisturbed soil samples at- 5-foot intervals from approximately 10 feet above the water table to total well boring depth. If water table elevation has greatly decreased since_Work Plan preparation, your consultant-may need to increase-total-well depth, as-dictated-by.best-professional judgement and an estimate of future water table elevations. • Proposed water table monitoring well MW-15 should be installed concurrent with the deep monitoring wells proposed by the Work Plan. MW-15 is necessary to characterize gasoline constituent concentrations in the central portion of the off-site groundwater plume. I approved installation of MW-15 by letter of 22 February 2005 and installation was delayed by a proposed property transfer. By letter of 13 May 2008, VEIR indicated that MW-15 would be installed in the.same work phase as deep wells MW-13d and MW-16d. • Incorporate MW-13d, MW-15, and MW-16 into the groundwater monitoring program and submit a well installation report by 26 January 2009. Groundwater monitoring is to be continued on a quarterly schedule to further characterize concentration trends and plume extent; especially within the off-site MTBE plume (MW-8 and proposed MW-15). On-site soil vapor extraction (SVE).and air sparging (AS) system operation should.also be continued, as the system is still removing source area gasoline mass, including MTBE, based on data contained in.Vestech's.Second Quarter 2008 Progress Report for the Sullivan Petroleum Company Downtown Chevron Station...dated 23 July 2008. Field volatile vapor influent concentrations ranged from 127 t6­_239 parts per million by volume (ppmv) during June 2008 and total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) and MTBE were detected at 265.2 and 7.29 ppmv by laboratory analysis in an influent sample collected on 25 June 2008. Please contact me when-SVE influent concentrations remain below 100 ppmv ..or MTBE is not longer detected in SVE influent:samples and prior to anticipated SVE system modification or shutdown. The third and fourth quarter 2008 groundwater monitoring and remediation status reports are to be.submitted by 4 November 2008 and 3 February 2009, respectively. The first-quarter 2009 groundwater monitoring and remediation status report is to be submitted by 4 May 2009. Vestech confirmed your willingness to proceed with off-site groundwater remediation and ... . notified me of the delay implementing off-site-"pump-and treat" remediation systemm.ib,itallation Mr: Timothy Sullivan - 3 - 16 October 2008 during a 15 October 2008 telephone conversation. Vestech stated.that the delay was due to the process of securing a,permit to discharge.water to the City of Bakersfield sewer system:.::•;,' requested thatsVestech;submit a letter, signed:by`you .stating::that you,plan'ao proceed:witfi .'.r off-site site groundwater remediation, describing,the cause of the delayed,off-site reme' diation system installation, and providing an'expected time schedule for installation and system startup. Please submit the letter by 18 November 2008. i lr, p,::• �� •,�,,1' Please contact me if,you wish to discuss these matters'°and`contactme at least five days in advance of fieldwork at (559) 445-5504. JOHN D. WHITING, P.G. No. 5.951 ` Engineering Geologist Underground,Storage_Tanks Section - c: Ms. Barbara Rempel,.SWRCB, UST Cleanup Fund,.Sacramento Mr. Howard Wines III, City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Bakersfield Mr. Mark:Magargee., VEIR, Bakersfield ..:;� . .. n� n, ...,.,.,�. ;,$•. i•i.++r.'.t,.-t.�s.�'F... ..,� ae ;:°f' .t i• -� ..4.u. �, o�.�'?'� ."ri"' _ tn• t• .,D sy1 �a:;,"ai i �'S: � r...R?<,��,y.a t ��...i.f A'iG � _].'� R'k: 1yN^ ro''ti •,:ry". �� i+"i,K � ,.`.�..�< <_ i '+o`. ',d1.�..°'ua,s'��.. 5 �:� �.+li� "� .�'�zY:,rk. xt. b' f ti.. �k n.. ..'it."��?:....•j7 . r Y,(°' �, f::s..., .vx yit f'.. rs ..,^•Y :�..U? a},i;":., 'a•t x r ... ( aa,.fr ..•.,�.... (..u. ... ,r.. it lr... .. ._ t.i;.:i�- ..9.... �...� L . .i. ��: �.� .;fl �_l S w}ir 1. G: i ,.? "+` !V � ti(.' 7 Y u � � j 1' a �+fi.Yom....,` ,..,..ii ...f-• %�'^ Ty,� °d�Y't'• .i.M . .��.i'f. re ,d:; ° :Y:.71 ?h•• $" +'}, - 41r 14 File:..UST/Kern/Chevron Station/2317, Street, Bakersfield/5T15000836 R:\Re f g\UG-RProjects\JDW_ les\2008 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield Cases\Downt6wnChevrnMWVVP'*10-08.doc October 6, 2008 Mr. Tim Sullivan Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC 1508 18th Street, Suite 222 Bakersfield, California, 93301 THIRD QUARTER 2008 PROGRESS REPORT FOR THE SULLIVAN PETROLEUM COMPANY DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, 2317 "L" STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA (CRWQCB-CVR CASE#5T15000836) Dear Mr. Sullivan: VEIR is pleased to present the following Third Quarter 2008 Progress Report for the above-referenced site. This work was required by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region (CRWQCB-CVR) as a result of the discovery of gasoline-containing soil and groundwater in and around the area of the premium grade unleaded gasoline product pipeline extending to the southeastern multiple product dispenser at the site. SITE DESCRIPTION The site is located at 2317 "L" Street, Bakersfield, Kern County, California (see Figure 1 - Site Location Map), The site is located within the commercial district, which flanks 23rd and 24th Streets. The Bakersfield City School District operates the Downtown Elementary School, 1,250 feet south of the site and San Joaquin Community Hospital is located 1,500 feet northwest of the site. The site is at an elevation of 404 feet above mean sea level (MSL), and the topography is relatively flat with a slight slope to the southwest. The site is located within the northwest quarter of Section 30, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian. The site is a newly constructed retail fuel sales facility and mini mart, which opened during the first quarter of 1999. The subject site is the location of double-walled USTs and product piping (see Figure 2—Plot Plan). The property owner contact is Mr. Tim Sullivan, President, Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC, 1508 18th Street, Suite 222, Bakersfield, California, 93301, (661) 327-5008. The consultant contact is Mr:*Mark Magargee, VEIR, 4560 California Ave, Suite 110, Bakersfield, California, 93309, (661) 631-8347. The regulatory agency contact is Mr. John Whiting, California Regional Water Quality Control Board -Central Valley Region, 1685"E" Street, Fresno, California, 93706, (559)445-5504. Vestech Environmentafinfrastructure and Restoration 4560 Caiifornia Avenue, Suite 110, Bakersfiefd, Caffornia 93309 (661) 631-q,,T 1R(8347 co Tax,(661) 631-8007 i ti. J Mr. Tim Sullivan Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC October 6, 2008- Page 2 TOPOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY,AND HYDROGEOLOGY TOPOGRAPHY The site is located at an elevation of 404 feet above MSL, and the topography slopes slightly to the southwest (see Figure 1). The subject site is located on the eastern flank of the San Joaquin Valley and west of the southern Sierra Nevada. GEOLOGY The surface of the San Joaquin Valley is composed primarily of unconsolidated Pleistocene (1.6 million to 11,000 years ago) and Recent (11,000 years ago to the present) alluvial sediments. Beneath the alluvial sediments are older, predominantly lakebed deposits. These lie unconformably on Mio-Pliocene marine sediments, which extend to a crystalline basement at 50,000 fbg (CDMG, 1965, Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet). At the subject site, surface deposits consist of Quaternary (recent) unconsolidated alluvium overlying Quaternary (Pleistocene) nonmarine sediments. Geologic deposits in the study area include Pleistocene alluvial sediments that form a homocline dipping gently to the southwest. The deposits are alluvium consisting of indurated and dissected fan deposits (CDMG, 1965). Surface soils are classified by the Soils Conservation Services as Kimberlina - Urban Land - Cajon Complex and are characterized as 35 percent Kimberlina fine, sandy loam with moderate permeability; 30 percent Urban land with impervious surfaces and altered fills; and 20 percent Cajon loamy sand with high permeability. Subsurface soils observed at nearby UST sites, and during the construction of water supply wells in the area are characterized as fine-grained to coarse-grained sands with significant intervals of gravels, cobbles, and boulders, and minor intervals of thinly bedded silts and clays through the depth of groundwater at 110 fbg. The site is located in the southern portion of the Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley is a north-south-trending valley, 400 miles long by 50 miles wide, the southern portion of which is known as the San Joaquin Valley. Surface water and groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley are derived predominantly from the Sierra Nevada to the east and are transported by five major rivers, the closest to the site being the Kern River. The subject site is located 1 mile south of the Kern River. HYDROGEOLOGY The depth to the regional, unconfined aquifer is 110 fbg, and the groundwater gradient is to the southwest, away from the Kern River and toward the ancient Kern Lake bed (KCWA, 2000, 1996 Water Supply Report, July 2000). Perched groundwater at depths as shallow as 20 fbg is known to be present flanking the current course of the Kern River, but is not known to extend to the site (KCWA, 2000). WATER WELLS CWSC operates Well #7, approximately 1,000 feet southeast of the site, and Well #64-01, approximately 2,400 feet southeast of the site. Hydrocarbons have not been detected in water samples collected from Well#7. However, MTBE has been detected in water samples collected from well #64-01 and this well is currently inactive. No additional active water supply wells are located within 2,500 feet of the site. t ti Mr. Tim Sullivan Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC October 6, 2008- Page 3 PREVIOUS WORK During April 1999, product reconciliation records indicated a potential release in the product piping extending from the premium UST to the southeastern MPD. A breach was observed in the product piping. Therefore, Sullivan Petroleum filed An Unauthorized Release Report (URR) with the Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services Division (BFDESD). On May 10, 1999, a hand-augered soil boring adjacent was advanced to the location of the product piping breach. Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX), and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) were detected in the soil sample collected at a depth of 5 fbg. Based on the soil sampling and laboratory analytical results, the BFDESD, required performance of a site assessment. Between 1999 and the present there have been numerous phases of site assessment activities. There are currently 16 groundwater-monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW-14, MW-5d, and MW-8d); six vapor extraction wells (VW-1s, VW-1i, VW-1d, and VW-2 through VW-4), four air sparge wells (SW-1 through SW-4), and one groundwater extraction well (EW-1) at the site (see Figure 2 for the well locations). Installation of an additional downgradient off-site monitoring well (MW-15) has been pending obtaining an access agreement with the off-site property owner, the Kern Community College District (KCCD). During the fourth quarter of 2006 the access agreement was obtained from KCCD. VEIR anticipates the installation of monitoring well MW-15 during 2008. The depth to groundwater is approximately 120 fbg and the direction of groundwater flow is to the southeast. PSH was originally observed in well VW-1d, but has not been observed since the first quarter of 2004. TPH as gasoline was detected at a maximum concentration of 8,400 pg/I in the groundwater samples collected during the third quarter of 2008. MTBE was detected at a maximum concentration of 18,000 pg/I in the groundwater samples collected during the third quarter of 2008. Benzene was not detected during the third quarter of 2008 (see Table 1 - Groundwater Sample Analytical Results for Organic Compounds and Attachment 1 for the Groundwater Elevation and Contaminant Histograms). Groundwater samples have also been analyzed for physical and chemical characteristics. The results of the laboratory analysis indicated that the groundwater beneath the site is potable (see Table 2 - Summary of Groundwater Sample Analytical Results for Physical and Chemical Characteristics). During the fourth quarter of 2002 VES operations were initiated at the site. It is estimated that the mass of gasoline hydrocarbons extracted from the subsurface since startup is approximately 141,942 pounds, which is equivalent to approximately 22,178 gallons of gasoline. On April 8, 2005, the direct-fired thermal oxidation vapor extraction unit was converted to the catalytic oxidation mode. VEIR is currently preparing an application to modify the SJVUAPCD PTO for the addition of the air stripper of the GWPT to the remediation system covered under the PTO. In addition, the electric supply from the service station building to the remediation compound was not adequate for the simultaneous operation of the SVE, AS, and GWPT. Sullivan Petroleum requested that PG&E increase the amperage to the service station. During February of 2006, PG&E replaced the existing transformer with a higher capacity transformer. During March of 2006, the AS unit was delivered to the site and during April of 2006, the AS unit was Mr. Tim Sullivan Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC October 6, 2008- Page 4 connected to the electrical supply. During July 2006, simultaneous SVE and AS operations were initiated. The concentration of extracted vapors initially increased to in excess of 400 ppmv during simultaneous SVE and AS operations, but had declined to approximately 150 ppmv by the end of the third quarter of 2006. Because the vapor concentrations declined to less than 150 ppmv, the CRWQCB-CVR, in a verbal communication on November 8, 2006, authorized the removal of the catalytic oxidation VES unit from the site and replacement by carbon absorption VES unit. During the first quarter of 2007, an ATC for the carbon absorption VES unit was obtained and on April 19, 2007 simultaneous SVE and AS operations were re-initiated at the site. VEIR is currently obtaining an industrial wastewater discharge permit from the City of Bakersfield Department of Public Works (BDPW) for the discharge of treated groundwater from an on-site GWPT to the municipal sewer, and upon obtaining the permit VEIR will install and start up operation of the on-site GWPT. Implementation of an off-site GWPT had been dependant on obtaining an access agreement with KCCD. During the fourth quarter of 2006 the access agreement was obtained from KCCD. The off-site GWPT system will be installed after the CRWQCB-CVR re-evaluates whether periodic overpurging of the two off-site impacted monitoring wells is the most cost effective mitigation alternative. If directed by the CRWQCB-CVR to install the second off-site GWPT system, then VEIR will file an application with BDPW to obtain a second separate WDP. The CRWQCB-CVR, in its letter dated May 5, 2008, requested submittal of a work plan prior to August 5, 2008 to install additional deep zone monitoring wells downgradient of off-site monitoring well MW-8 and upgradient of CWSC Wells 64, 93, and 10. There are currently three water table monitoring wells (MW-12 through MW-14) that are downgradient of monitoring well MW-8 that do not detect hydrocarbons and there are two deep zone monitoring wells (MW-5d and MW-8d) downgradient from the petroleum release that do not detect hydrocarbons. VEIR Additional Off-Site Deep Monitoring Wells Installation Work Plan, dated July 24, 2008, proposed to install a deep zone monitoring well (MW-13d) adjacent to existing water table monitoring well MW-13 and a deep zone monitoring well (MW-16d) midway between monitoring well MW-13 and CWSC Well 64. The downgradient deep zone monitoring wells will be installed upon the CRWQCB-CVR approval of the work plan and the BDPW issuance of encroachment permits to install the monitoring wells within the public right-of-way. Off-site groundwater monitoring well MW-15 will be constructed at the time the additional deep zone monitoring wells are constructed. GROUNDWATER MONITORING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES On August 11, and 12, 2008 the depth to groundwater within groundwater monitoring wells MWA through MW-14, groundwater extraction well EW-1, and vapor extraction well VW-1d was measured to an accuracy of ±0.01 foot. Monitoring wells MWA through MW-3, MW-6 and VW-1d were observed to be dry and vehicles obstructed monitoring well MW-9. Before sampling the monitoring wells were checked for an immiscible layer and none was observed. The wells were then purged prior to extracting samples representative of the in-situ groundwater. During the purging process, the conductivity, temperature, and Mr. Tim Sullivan Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC October 6, 2008- Page 5 pH of the groundwater were monitored and recorded on water sample logs. Purging continued until a minimum of 2.7 casing volumes were produced and the measured parameters had stabilized. Groundwater samples were collected after the wells had recharged to greater than 80 percent of their initial static water levels (see Attachment 2 for the Groundwater Monitoring, Sampling, Sample Management Procedures and Attachment 3 for the Water Sample Logs). Disposable TeflonTm bailers were used to sample the wells. All groundwater samples were placed in chilled VOA vials containing hydrochloric acid as a preservative, labeled, sealed, and recorded on a chain-of-custody record in accordance with the procedures outlined in the CRWQCB-CVR LUFT guidance document. The groundwater samples contained no visible, suspended matter, and no headspace was observed in any of the vials. The samples were then placed in a container filled with Blue-Ice TM for cooling purposes and transported to Moore Twining Associates, a California State-certified laboratory, for analysis. QA/QC sampling included a trip blank, instrument blanks, spikes, and duplicates. THIRD QUARTER 2008 GROUNDWATER MONITORING The depth to groundwater in the wells was measured to range from approximately 120 to 144 fbg and the direction of groundwater flow was determined to be to the southeast (see Figure 3 - Groundwater Elevation Contour Map). The groundwater samples were analyzed for TPH as gasoline using EPA Method 8015 (M); and BTEX, MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, and TAME using EPA Method 82608. TPH as gasoline was detected in the groundwater samples collected from wells MW-8 at a concentration of 8,400 pg/I. MTBE was detected in the groundwater samples collected from monitoring wells MW-8, MW-10 and EW-1, reaching a maximum concentration of 18,000 pg/I in the groundwater samples collected from monitoring well MW-8. Benzene was not detected in the groundwater sample collected from groundwater monitoring wells. TPH as gasoline, benzene, and MTBE were not detected in the groundwater samples collected from MW-4, MW-7, MW-8d, MW-11, and the furthest downgradient monitoring wells (MW-12 through MW-14) (see Figure 4 — TPH as Gasoline/Benzene/MTBE Concentrations in Groundwater, Table 1, and Attachment 4 for the Laboratory Reports for Groundwater). REMEDIAL ACTION REPORT FOR THE THIRD QUARTER OF 2008 On May 13, 2002, SJVUAPCD PTO #S-3267-2-0 was obtained for the installation and operation of a thermal oxidation VES. During the third quarter of 2002, the remediation compound was constructed and the vapor extraction wells MW-1, VW-1s, VW-1i, VW-1d, VW-2, VW-3, and VW-4 were connected by 2-inch-diameter underground PVC piping to a collection manifold in the remediation equipment compound. Subsequently, the VES was delivered to the site and connected to electrical and natural gas services. VES operations were initiated on October 8, 2002. The VES unit has operated 24 hours per day since start-up, with only short periods of inactivity for maintenance, draining of the knockout pot, and occurrences when the system has shut down, as well as the unit being shut down 72 hours prior to the second quarter 2005 groundwater monitoring event and restarted after completion of the sample Mr. Tim Sullivan Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC October 6, 2008- Page 6 collection. On April 8, 2005, the direct-fired thermal oxidation vapor extraction unit was converted to the catalytic oxidation mode. On November 4, 2005, monitoring wells MW-10 and MW-11 were connected to the VES manifold and extraction from these wells was initiated. This resulted in an immediate increase in extracted vapor concentrations from less than 50 ppmv to greater than 400 ppmv. The extracted vapor concentrations gradually declined to a level of 100 ppmv at the end of the first quarter of 2006. During July of 2006 simultaneous SVE and AS operations were initiated. This also resulted in an immediate increase in extracted vapor concentrations from less than 100 ppmv to greater than 400 ppmv, and the extracted vapor concentrations have gradually declined to a level of approximately 150 ppmv at the end of the third quarter of 2006. Because the vapor concentrations declined to less than 150 ppmv, the CRWQCB-CVR, in a verbal communication on November 8, 2006, authorized the removal of the catalytic oxidation VES unit from the site and replacement by a carbon absorption VES unit. During the first quarter of 2007, an ATC for the carbon absorption VES unit was obtained and on April 19, 2007 simultaneous SVE and AS operations were re-initiated at the site. On August 13, 2008, vapor sampling of the influent and effluent streams of the VES unit was conducted. The vapor samples were collected using pre-cleaned, 9-liter SummaTM canisters. The canister was equipped with 0.25-inch Teflon TM tubing extension for attachment to sampling ports on the VES piping. Environmental Analytical Service, Inc., a California State-certified laboratory, analyzed the vapor samples for TPH as gasoline using EPA TO-18 and BTEX and MTBE using EPA Method TO-15. TPH as gasoline, benzene, and MTBE were detected in the influent sample at concentrations of 32.45 ppmv, 0.0081 ppmv, and 0.2868 ppmv, respectively. TPH as gasoline was detected in the effluent sample at a concentration of 0.03 ppmv. Benzene and MTBE were not detected in the effluent sample (see Table 3 - Summary of Vapor Analytical Results and Attachment 5 for the Laboratory Report for Vapor). Inlet vapor concentrations ranged from 5.1 to 394 ppmv during the third quarter of 2008 (see Figure 5- Influent and Effluent TPH Concentrations and Table 4 - Summary of VES Monitoring Data). The inlet soil vapor flow rate had been maintained near the maximum stated in the PTO and consistently ranged from 111 to 226 scfm. It is estimated that the mass of gasoline hydrocarbons extracted from the subsurface since startup is approximately 141,942 pounds, which is equivalent to approximately 22,178 gallons of gasoline (see Figure 6-Cumulative Extraction Curve and Table 4). VEIR is currently obtaining an industrial wastewater discharge permit from BDPW for the discharge of treated groundwater from an on-site GWPT to the municipal sewer, and upon obtaining the permit VEIR will install and start up operation of the on-site GWPT. Implementation of an off-site GWPT has been dependant on obtaining an access agreement with KCCD. During the fourth quarter of 2006 the access agreement was obtained from KCCD. The off-site GWPT system will be installed after the CRWQCB-CVR re-evaluates whether periodic overpurging of the two off-site impacted monitoring wells is the most cost effective mitigation alternative. If directed by the CRWQCB-CVR to install the second off-site GWPT system, then VEIR will file an application with BDPW to obtain a second separate WDP. Mr. Tim Sullivan Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC October 6, 2008- Page 7 ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR THE FOURTH QUARTER OF 2008 During the fourth quarter of 2008, the following activities will be completed: • Conduct groundwater monitoring and sampling; • Continue SVE and AS operations; • Install On-Site GWPT, pending BDPW issuance of an industrial wastewater discharge permit, • Implement Additional Off-Site Deep Monitoring Wells Installation Work Plan, pending CRWQCB-CVR approval of the work plan; • Implement Additional Off-Site Groundwater Assessment Work Plan, pending CRWQCB-CVR approval of Additional Off-Site Deep Monitoring Well Work Plan; and • Implement Off-Site Groundwater Treatment System Work Plan, pending CRWQCB-CVR re-evaluating whether periodic overpurging of the two off-site impacted monitoring wells is the most cost effective mitigation alternative. VEIR trusts that you will find this Third Quarter 2008 Progress Report to your satisfaction. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. Mark R. Magargee at (661) 631-8347 or at e-mail address mmagargee @veir.net. RespectfL41.y submitted, �t.{AAGgq c� Mark R. Magargee, G, g No.4892 Consulting Hydrogeologist l�p8' MRM/jlt OF CA���� Enclosures: Figure 1 - Site Loc Figure 2 - Plot Plan Figure 3 - Groundwater Elevation Contour Map Figure 4 - TPH as Gasoline/Benzene/MTBE Concentrations in Groundwater Figure 5 - Influent and Effluent TPH concentrations Figure 6 - Cumulative Extraction Curve Table 1 - Summary of Groundwater Sample Analytical Results for Organic Compounds Table 2 - Summary of Groundwater Sample Analytical Results for Physical and Chemical Characteristics Table 3 - Summary of Vapor Sample Analytical Results Table 4 - Summary of VIES Monitoring Data Attachment 1 - Groundwater Elevation and Contaminant Histograms Attachment 2 - Groundwater Monitoring, Sampling, Sample Management Procedures Attachment 3 - Water Sample Logs Attachment 4 - Laboratory Reports for Groundwater Attachment 5 Laboratory Report for Vapor cc: Mr. John Whiting, CRWQCB-CVR Mr. Howard H. Wines, III, BFDESD kfr'�1. .. ;�r. BT�t � .�-���•• b �� j ; � � y�&ray _. _�ti:�` .� 'e'� Mfr• h �� ' .,t µ,N 1. y �3 cn- - F� }�- m• ,�ty a �r - .. k., a irfei LOf(CAyTION r all, X. t r yi, Fj �_ `J Y ✓ ,,b- iyt - y. ''.f �i - i- �.- 'r- `t.j; :Y,. i '-t. n« -# j•� ``•ii �`, iZ Ell irk$' �'T - i.• C.3_-�f:l �� - �- TQ �'�•�,,; M .. i 1 yf •.'i, -vl ',,J 11 A r6M 4fj Av t�1JT'� _��. •^`, �� f, ,:.. y .ti• Lam'ti, _ - •"�" - LEGEND SULLIVAN PETROLEUM, LLC 0 0.5 1 MILE DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,0000 5 000 FEET 1 2317"L"STREET BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA 0 0.5 1 KILOMETER FIGURE 1 -SITE LOCATION MAP USGS BAKERSFIELD 7.5 MINUTE SERIES QUADRANGLE VEIR - 24th STREET CANOPY UV ,s. TOR HIGHWAY 178 MW-2 CANOPY VES/AS VW_1dMW-1 -. IPMENT 0 EV�1 Me-4 MW-3 0 �+ 23rd STREET MW--10 9 M 11� MW-5d MB 'Mw-5 PROPOSED OFF-SITE REMEDIATION COMPOUND �Gy O� O \ MW-15 MW-9 ` 22nd STREET MW-aLs MW 819 BMW-12 t— W W w W W F- Of F F- •�8 F- St7 (n Y J z O +MW-13d 21st STREET (9MW-13 09 M W-14 23rd STREET MW-16d LEGEND SULLIVAN PETROLEUM COMPANY, LLC GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION ® GROUNDWATER EXTRACTION WELL 2317"L"STREET PROPOSED GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LOCATION BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2-SITE VICINITY MAP VEIR REVISION DATE:SEPTEMBER 24,2008 � t 24th STREET 0 HIGHWAY 178 MW-2 DRY DRY -1 6-w d r wl 278.91 DRY MW-3 SMW-4 DRY 279.40 23rd STREt I � mw-6 278. 3 &9Mmm X10 2740'0 DRY NM NM mw-lo 183.19 INN: MW-8d&269.40/ 22nd STREET MW 8'9 270.44 MW-12 A 266.27 I f— W W Uj W LLI it w ry Y J 2 �6h Z O I z & MW-13 21st STREET 261.81 261.46 GROUNDWATER LEVELS MEASURED AUGUST 11,AND 12, 2008 23rd STREET LEGEND SULLIVAN PETROLEUM COMPANY, LLC GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NM NOT MEASURED DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION ® GROUNDWATER EXTRACTION WELL 2317"L"STREET "GROUNDWATER ELVATION CONTOUR BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA # (FEETABOVE MSQ FIGURE 3-GROUNDWATER ELEVATION GROUNDWATER FLOW CONTOUR MAP ###.# GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DIRECTION VEIR REVISION DATE:SEPTEMBER 24,2008 t 24th STREET 0 HIGHWAY 178 mw-1 MW-2 DRY DRYS _ ND/ND 112 VW-1d r____.DINDIND-1 ND/NOMD MW-4 YJ 1 J �0._ / MW-11 MW-3 23rd STREET DRY MW-5d e MW-6s NS DRY ND/ND ND MW-1 MW-51 ND/ND/1 00 mw-9 NS B \/ND/ND 22nd STREET W-6 8,400/ND/18,000 A MW-12 ND/ND/ND H H ~ W W W W LLI Of of it U) Y J Z O MW-13 21st STREET ND/ND/ND S MW-14 ND/ND/ND GROUNDWATER SAMPLED AUGUST 11,AND 12, 2008 23rd STREET LEGEND SULLIVAN PETROLEUM COMPANY, LLC t9 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL * NOT USED FOR CONTOURING DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION SCREENED WITHIN AQUIFER GROUNDWATER EXTRACTION WELL 2317"L"STREET #/#/# TPH AS GASOLINE/BENZENE/MTBE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER(Ng/1) FIGURE 4-TPH AS GASOLINE/BENZENE/MTBE # .' MTBE CONCENTRATON CONTOUR(ug/1) CONCENTRATION IN GROUNDWATER ND NOT DETECTED VEIR REVISION DATE:SEPTEMBER 24,2008 FIGURE 5' INFLUENT AND EFFLUENT TPHCONCENTRATIONS 100,000 - 10,000 -TPH In 1,000 - CL A Ul 100 - � � + 1O 1 O 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 Cumulative Operating Weeks , FIGURE 6-CUMULATIVE EXTRACTION CURVE 150,000 125,000 100,000 t5 u�S CL N 75,000 0 CL E Lj 50,000 25,000 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 Cumulative Operating Weeks TABLE 1. SUMMARY OFGROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR ORGANIC COMPOUNDS DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA 01C140R00. �Pn/TO FLOATWO cRAU ffLOUR01E- 13,] 13A 13A 1,],] Y ALL 011TE GRW1Jo- MNOOU[-'i WATER ARM ETHri. TOTK ETHYL- TOTK 13- TW1t� OOPROPYL P60PROPYL N11P14 NFROPYL TfUCIIORO TRICILLORO TPGffTMYL TRPA=THYL OTIffA ELEVATgN• 6ANPLED WATER TIYCIDlE59 EtEVATpN OASOLME IEIIIFNE TOLUENE eEN2ENE %YIENEe MfeE eE1QfNE TOLUENE BENZENE 1MEtE9 MfBE TBA OBE ETBE TARO: as EDB ACETONE (CFG12) eEtlg!@ TOLUEI@ IeeK THALENE eENgtE BEllgNE eEt♦g1g eEtIIQff BEIffi!E VOC9 REF (Im) (f00:) (!sM-M]U UUO O96l 0414) (WD ( (4W0 (1W4) NW) (WA) (4W1 (46'0 Pa 0VA) (4W0 WOA) DAt6) (499 Uw0 (Iro10 (4p4) (W'1) (4pR) (t94 DqA) WaN Og10 (4W'1) A I O7 802 I 260 260 I C ITL G •• I i I 001 0I 5 1 131 11 1 801 OI 31 •• •• » » •• .. 1 •. •• .. .. « .. .. » INJA O N O ­­­­KlS NIA 1 10. .0 ,4 0 1 00 120.000 00 D D O OR EPO TS 403.73 11-26-01 115.151 025 288. 5.300,000 72.000 0.000 120.000 800.000 4,100,000 - - 4,100.000 D ND ND ND B 3.28-02 114. 0.25 289.19 1.400,0001 11.000 46.000 ND 29,000 1,300,000 - - - - 1.300.000 ND NO NO ND ND D - - - IND - - - - - - - - C P Saeen 6.27-02 116.98 0.25 275 _ 75'-125' 8-20-02 119.48 0.25 284.25 - - - - - - - - - E 12-3-02 116.41 0.25 287.32 - - - - - - - - - - -2-23-03 113.25 0.17 290 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - G 4-21-03 712.87 0.13 290.88 _8803 712.59 0.08 291.14 11-12-03 117.34 0.18 286.39 1-30-04 715.48 0.07 288.25 4-26-04 111.41 000 29232 32,000 - - - - - NO 3,000 850 6,100 16,000 ND ND NO NO NO ND ND NO NO ND ND 240 ND ND 4200 1.200 D-21-04 114.05 0.00 289.68 20,000 - - - - NO NO ND 2,000 29,000 ND ND ND NO NO ND 28948 - - - - - - - - _ - - - - M 10-25-04 115.20 0.00 288,53 1 0,000 - - - - - 160 6,600 1,800 14,000 53,000 65,000 ND N ND NO ND ND D D 340 NO NO IT 2-22-05 113.75 0.00 289.98 51,000 - - - - - DI 110 200 4.300 110,000 45,000 NO DI NO NO ND ND ND NO NO ND NO O 5-3-05 114.95 0.00 288,78 60,000 96 590 530 10,000 4,000 36,000 P -27-05 114.80 0.00 289.93 71,000 110 100 98 4,200 51,000 38,000 Q 10-28-05 115.00 DOD 288.73 150.000 61 940 1,200 ,800 55.000 75,0001 R 1-25-06 109.20 0.00 294,53 16.000 - - - - - ND 82 85 650 11,000 6,000 ND ND NO NO ND S 4-26-06 707.20 0.00 296.53 14.000 - - - - - ND 140 170 1,200 3,600 1.800 NO NO ND T 7-27-06 109.65 0.00 294.08 6.400 - - - - - ND 200 130 850 5.700 1,700 ND NO NO U 10-18-06 110.65 0.00 293.08 7.400 - - - - - ND 78 100 830 6.900 2,500 ND ND ND V 1-18-07 107.30 0.00 296.43 8300 ND 28 46 320 8.100 - - 4.500 1,300 ND ND ND W 4-16-07 108.70 0.00 295.03 9.000 11 47 58 390 6,200 - - - - 4.500 ND ND ND ND - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X -19-0 108.90 0.00 299.83 11.000 15 43 6 470 81600 - - - - 7.600 4,100 ND ND ND - - - - - - - - IND - - - Y 10-12-07 112.50 0.00 291.23 8,800 12 ND 5 180 4.100 - - 4.300 500 ND ND ND Z 2-18-08 113.96 0.00 289.77 33,000 58 52 1000 5000 NO - - NO NO ND ND ND AA 4-15-08 NMI 0.00 A - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - BB 8-12-08 DRYI 0.00 /A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - CC -2 1 0. 288.0 67,0 3 .00 0 3,000 D D D 403.66 3-2542 114.53 0.00 289.13 48,000 580 1.000 150 780 49,000 49.000 NO NO ND ND ND ND C_8-27-02 117.31 0.00 286. 21,000 ND ND 110 770 ND 29,000 NO ND ND 4.7 NO ND D 2'Saeen &20-02 120.02 0.00 283.86 64,000 1.700 3.300 520 2.400 290,000 - - - 61,000 ND ND NO 11 NO ND E 75'-125' 12-3-02 118.04 0.00 285.62 57,000 2,000 11.000 1.700 13.000 9,400 1,800 8.300 960 4,500 38,000 470 ND NO 27 ND ND NO 32 59 5 ND 210 1,800 430 NO F 2-24-03 114.73 0.00 288.93 33,000 1,700 3.400 1,400 11.000 15000 43,000 ND NO ND 35 NO ND G 421-03 114.03 0.0 289.53 59.000 2.500 7,000 1,800 12.000 17,000 2,200 10,000 1,800 8.800 59,000 NO ND ND ND ND ND NO NO ND NO ND 260 NO NO NO H 8-0-03 113.75 0.00 289.97 190.000 2,100 19,000 5,200 44.000 64,000 310 6,200 1,200 8,300 14,000 ND D ND ND ND ND D NO NO ND ND NQ ND NO NO I 11-12-03 114.6 0.00 289.10 600 - - - - NO 360 800 5000 17,000 ND ND ND ND ND ND J 1 30-04 112.981 0.00 290.68 43.000 100 1,100 100 4,300 12,000 NO ND ND 21 NO ND ND 290 ND ND O K 4-26-04 112.00 000 291.66 4,500 - - - - NO NO NO 430 2,300 ND ND NO ND ND ND - ND ND NO ND ND NQ 860 190 NO -21-04 114.69 0.00 288.97 5,600 - - - - NO NO 89 470 500 NO ND D NO ND ND M 8-30-04 115.60 0.00 288.06 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M 10-25-04 115.81 0.00 287.85 3,100 - - - - NO NO 15 63 240 NO ND D NO ND ND ND NO ND NO ND O ND N 2-23-05 112.481 0.00 291.18 2,800 - - - - NO NO ND NO 1,400 510 D O NO NO ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NO O 5-3-05 114.45 0.00 289.21 4,300 4.9 27 ND 490 5.800 4,200 P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -27-05 113.50 0.00 290.16 2,600 ND ND 11 41 1,700 - - - - 860 Q 10-28-0 113.751 0.00 289.91 ' 1,600 4.21 ND 1.3 21 610 600 R _ _ _ _ 1-25-06 109.80 0.00 293.86 5,900 - - - - - NO 4 ND 640 3,900 3.800 ND N NO ND ND S 4-26-06 109.0 0.00 293.76 8.100 - - - - - 8 8.8 4,4 870 2,100 1,100 ND ND NO T _ 7-27-06 110.351 0.00 293.31 5,600 23 28 4.8 730 2,300 530 NO ND 11 _ 10-18-06 111.30 0.00 292.36 2.400 31 23 1.9 220 7,200 910 ND ND NO 1-18-07 107.8 0.00 295.88 470 D ND ND ND 560 350 180 ND ND D 4-13-0 109.35 0.00 294.31 . 450 D NO ND ND 470 580 200 ND ZNDND_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7-19-0 709.60 0.00 294.06 ND O NO ND NO 4.3 4.1 NO ND 10-12-07 113.10 0.00 29056 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 2-18-08 114.48 0.00 289.16 87 ND NO ND ND 73 - - 57 ND ND AA 4-15-08 11 .61 0.00 287.05 ND ND ND D ND ND - - D ND ND 8 &12-08 DRYI 0.00 NIA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - CC -2 -2 . 6 4 - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - ` 403.45 3.28-02 113.30 0.00 290.15 1,300 65 430 17 1 0 38 - - - 38 NO ND ND ND NO NO C 6.27-02 115.66 0.00 287.9 350 32 110 101 68 500 - - - - 170 NO ND ND ND ND ND - - - - - jUD -2"Sam 8.20-02 118.25 0.00 285.20 53 ND 2.2 O 3.2 110 - - - - 28 NO ND NO ND NO ND - - - - - - - - - - - E 75'-125' 12-3-02 116.26 0.00 287.19 5,400 140 15 24 280 ,100 100 5.4 3.5 105 16.000 00 D ND 3.38 NO ND NO 64 ND ND D NO NO ND 27 18 ND F 2-24-03 113.19 0.00 290.26 74 0.57 ND O ND 90 - - - - 60 NO ND O NO ND ND G 4-21-03 112.64 0.00 290.81 2,900 5.7 0.55 O 3.9 1,600 NO ND ND D 920 NO NO NO ND ND ND ND NO ND ND ND ND NO ND ND ND ND 8-8-03 112.33 0.00 291.12 D - - - - - NO ND ND D ND NO D D ND ND ND ND 35 ND ND ND NO ND ND D ND ND ND 11-12-03 114.46 0.00 288.9.9 . D NO 1.2 ND 8.7 7.8 ND O D NO ND ND 1-30-04 111.69 0.00 291.76 - - - - - 1.9 NO ND ND 22 - - - - NO NO NO 30 ND NO NO NO ND ND NO NO ND ND 4-23-04 110.60 0.00 292.851 D - - - - - NO NO ND ND 7.1 NO D D ND NO NO NO NO ND ND ND NO ND O NO NO NO ND L -21-04 113.25 0.00 290.20 73 - - - - - NO NO ND ND 3.2 ND ND O NO ND ND - - - - - - - - - - - - M 30-04 114.00 0.00 289.45 M 10-22-04 114.40 0.00 289.05 N - - - - - NO NO ND ND D NO ND D ND NO ND ND 20 - - ND ND - - NO - - ND 2-22-0 110.80 0.00 292.65 ND - - - - - O ND Nb ND 1.8 ND ND ND NO ND ND NO 24 NO NO D NO O 5-3-0 770.00 0.00 293.45 NO N ND NO ND 2.6 - - - - 0.87 p -27-05 113.48 0.00 289.97 ND ND ND ND ND 10-27-0 112.20 0.00 291.25 ND ND ND ND ND ND - - - - NO R 1-25-06 108.10 0.00 295.35 NO - - - - - ND ND NO ND D ND NO D NO NO NO 4-26-06 106.23 0.00 297.22 ND - - - - - D ND D ND .9 ND ND NO NO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T -25-06 108,47 0.00 294.98 NO - - - - - D ND NO ND D ND NO ND ND - - - - - - - - - - - - - - U 10-16-06 109,40 0.00 294.05 D ND ND D ND D ND ND NO ND _ 1-16-07 106.00 0.00 297.45 NO ND ND D NO ND - - - - ND ND ND ND ND W 4-13-07 107.70 0.00 295.5 NO ND ND ND ND ND - - - - 2.4 ND ND ND ND K 7-1 -07 108.00 0.00 295.45 D ND ND ND ND ND - - - - 2.7 ND ND ND ND Y 10-12-07 111.50 0.00 291.9 O ND ND ND ND ND - - - - D ND ND ND ND - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Z 2-18-08 113.51 0.00 289. O ND ND NO ND ND - - - - ND ND ND ND ND - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AA 4-15-08 NM 0.00 WA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BB 8-72-08 RY 0.00 A - - - - - - - - - - - - CC /J- TABLE 1. SUMMARY OFGROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR ORGANIC COMPOUNDS DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA o rnAPROo PEPTH TO FIOATWO OROUN6 ffLWROA�- 13A 13.A 13A 1JA VVELLm HID PATE GROUIIa PROPVP! WATER TRf A9 ETHYL- TOTAL ETNYI• TOTAL 13- TNANE LiORROPYL P�BOPROPri NAPlL NiROPri TRICHLORO TRICHLORO TRMETHYL TAO.�THYL OT1�R ELEYATgN' BAAPLED WATER Tlap MW E ATM OASOLWE BENZENE TOILRO: BEIJ?EHF %YLErff4 MTBE BENZENE TOIUEIlE BENZEt✓E XYLE1ff9 MTBE TB.A OIPE ETBE TAME as EPB ACETONE (CFG1T) BEtQENE TOWEE AEBK THAIEHE BENZENE BENirw BEN2ENe eENZENE BENZENE YVC9 REP (he-MSL) (np) (reel (Ne-MSL) gap (PA (yyp gap 9wp Owe) 040 (PA 00 040 04A) U40' 04'0(141) 940 940 940 (w4) Owl) 040 9W) 941) w 04'0 040 UwI) Iwo (191) CCR IC ET O 8 802 8 0 I TITLE 22 DRINKJNU WATFK MCIL •• 11 1001 680 1 1 I il 1001 68 01 131 REPORTING LIMIT- E • O • • I NIA 1- 1 .00 89.18 1 ,4 I cc 403.14 3-28-02 113.68 0.00 289.48 46,000 110 380 36 330 23.000 23,000 NO ND NO NO ND D C 0-27-02 116.41 0.00 286.73 13,000 64 290 60 390 17.000 14,000 ND ND NO 3.7 ND D D 2'Saeen B-20-02 118.86 0.00 284.28 12,000 63 440 59 440 44,000 11,000 ND NO NO 3.7 NO NO I E 75'-125' 12-3-02 117.05 0.00 286.09 2,100 19 46 7. 54 3,400 5.7 16 0.71 61.91 4,100 34 ND NO NO NO-NO NO 190 NO NO NO NO ND NO NO 2.6 0.87 NDI F 2-24-03 113.95 0.00 289.19 1,700 NO - NO O NO 1.700 3,400 NO NO NO NO ND D G 4-21-03 113.39 0.00 289.75 7,600 12 "4.2 2.9 20 8,300 D NO NO 2001 10,000 NO ND ND ND ND D ND NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO H 85-03 113.12 0.00 290.02 81 0.85 1.8 D 2.1 78 ND NO NO NDI 31 NO NO NO NO NO ND NO 85 NO NO NO NO NO NO ND NO NO NO I 11.12-03 115.20 0.00 287.94 470 No NO NO NO 1.900 NO NO NO NO NO ND J "0-04 112.34 0.00 290.80 2,100 8.5 26 1.6 23 2,100 NO NO NO 51 NO NO ND NO NO NO NO NO NO NO K 4.23-04 111.35 0.00 291.79 290 NO NO NO NO 11,000 ND NO NO NO NO ND NO N ND ND NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO L 7.21-04 114.04 0.00 289.10 390 NO NO ND ND 380 ND NO NO NO NO ND M 8.30-04 114.95 0.00 288.19 - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ M 10.22.04 11 .15 .00 287.99 300 2.3 11 0.70 20 140 140 NO NO NO NO NO ND 27 D NO NO 2.7 N 2-22-05 111.55 0.00 291.59 97 NO 0.79 NO 215 48 81 NO NO NO NO NO NO 30 O NO NO NO 0 5.3-05 110.7 0.00 292.39 780 2.9 8.7 12 33 17,000 12.000 P _ 7-27-05 114.20 0.00 288,94 200 0.9 7.9 0.69 16 130 65 p 1427-05 113.00 0.00 290.14 110 NO ND NO ND 120 97 R 1-24-06 108.85 0.00 294.29 6 NO 0.96 NO 3.1 35 850 NO NO NO NO NO S 4-25-08 106.95 0.00 296.18 230 1.1 4.6 0.55 11 160 1,600 NO NO NO T -25-06 109.20 0.00 293.94 130 NO 1.6 NO 4.1 110 240 NO NO NO 10-1 7-DE 110.35 0.00 292179 180 ND NO NO 1.4 73 76 NO O NO V 1-16-07 106.80 0.00 296.34 NO NO NO NO 1.5 4.6 5.1 NO NO ND-ND 1-13-07 108.45 0.00 294.69 NO NO NO NO NO 23 20 NO NO ND O X -17-07 108.68 0.00 294.46 NO D NO NO ND ND 1.3 NO ND O NO 10.11-07 112.60 0.00 290.54 NO -N DI NO NO ND I ND NO NO NO NO 2 2-18-08 113.81 0_00 289.33 ND NO NO NO NO D NO NO NO D NO AA 4-15-08 116.12 0.00 287.02 - ND O NO NO ND ND ND ND NO NO O BB 8-12-08 DR 0.00 N/A CC _ 21-03 .14 0 B. 4,00 0 201 NO 00 D D 0 D D D 403.71 9:6--03 115.73 0.00 287.98 24,000 850 100 1.9 870 19,000 6201 NO NO NO 37.000 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ND NO NO NO NO NO NO 1130-04 117.97 0.00 285.74 510 ND NO N3 10 1.800 NO ND N NO ND J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-30-04 115.22 0.00 288.49 3,500 D 3.5 3 310 7,900 NO O NO 27 NO NO NO 43 NO NO D 80 NO NO 4-23-04 114.00 0.00 289.71 5,700 ND NO O NO 13.000 NO NO NO N NO D NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ND ND 480 NO NO L -20-04 114.00 0.00 289.71 2,000 ND NO NO NO 7,200 ND ND NO NO NO NO M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ &30.04 116.50 0.00 287.21 M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10.22-04 117.90 0.00 285.81 150 NO ND ND NO 78 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 27 NO NO NO NO 2-22-05 114.15 0.00 289.58 800 0.66 NO NO 24 1.700 580 NO NO NO NO NO NO 1 NO 18 ND NO O 6-2-05 113.1 0.00 290.56 1,100 1.1 ND 1.1 26 3,600 2.600 P _ -2605 117.05 0.00 288.88 4,400 NO NO O 66 4,700 3,300 p 10.27-05 115.60 0.00 288.11 170 NO NO NO 130 130 R 1-24-06 1117651 292.16 630 NO NO NO 1.9 6.6 ND ND NO NO ND ND S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4-25-06 109. 0.00 294.18 1,500 2.3 0.7 23 94 300 89 NO ND ND T -26-06 111.8 0.00 291.88 1,500 1.2 NO 8.1 90 170 68 ND NO NO 10-17-08 113.00 0.00 290.71 540 - - - - 0.6 ND 2.3 5.8 46 26 ND NO ND V 1-16-07 109.0 0.00 294.01 300 0.73 NO 9.3 1 9 9.4 ND ND NO NO W 4-16-07 111.10 0.00 292.61 730 1.6 NO 37 24 10 6.6 NO NO NO NO -19-07 111.5 0.00 292.68 100 NO NO NO NO 35 50 NO NO NO NO 10.11-07 114.2 0.00 288.99 ND ND ND ND 10 11 NO NO NO NO 2 _ 2-18-08 M 0.00 WA - AA 4-15-08 M 0.00 WA - BB _ _ 8-12-08 124.31 0.00 279.49 ND ND ND 2.3 N NO NO NO NO NO ND CC _ 21-03 .03 8. 3, 8, 0 00 ,00 ,000 D D O No NO D D 403.41 8-8-03 11 .1 285.90 45,000 4,400 2.100 200 4.000 24.000 ,200 2,100 NO 2,700 87,000 NO NO NO ND D NO NO ND NO NO ND ND ND ND I 11-12-03 119.86 0.00 283.55 8,000 2,100 410 NO 400 28,000 NO NO NO NO NO ND _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-29-04 117.09 0.00 286.32 4,000 BS 340 NO 400 4,100 NO NO 21 2 N NO NO NO NO NO ND NO NO NO K 4-23-04 115.85 0.00 287.56 1,500 - - - - NO NO NO 350 00 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO D O NO NO 1,900 NO 2,100 870 NO NO NO -21-04 118.15 0.00 285.28 6,700 - NO ND NO ND 9,000 NO ND NO NO NO NO M _ 8.30-04 118.85 0.00 284.56 - - M _ 10.25-04 119.45 0.00 283.96 550 - 12 1.8 1.5 19 1,600 1,500 ND O 1.3 NO NO NO 71 NO NO NO 100 N 2.22-05 11 .U21 .00 287.49 2,900 - O NO NO 320 ,300 2,500 ND NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO O 5-3-05 11!,92 0.00 288.19 5,000 38 29 32 200 5.3 0 4.700 p _ 7-27-05 118.80 0.0 284.61 9,000 51 46 57 160 9.300 6.900 0 10.2805 117.50 0.00 285.91 51900 16 2. 34 100 3.800 3.800 R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i 1-25-06 113.5 0.00 289.88 2,900 - 13 i.6 18 54 3.300 1 000 ND D .3 NO NO S 4-26-06 114.45 0.00 288.98 2,400 - 11 1.8 28 81 3.400 580 NO D D T -26-06 113.78 0.00 289.83 4,800 - - 13 3 62 170 4,300 1.900 NO NO .2 U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 19-15-06 115. 0.00 288.19 1,100 - - 4.3 0.60 20 24 980 410 NO D O V 1-18-07 111.50 0.001 291.91 410 0.89 N .2 16 490 330 160 ND ND O W 416-07 112.90 0.00 290.51 1,100 1.2 D 1 63 580 760 D NO NO -18-07 112.80 0.00 290.81 3.800 ND ND 8 130 2,200 2.300 ND NO NO O 10.12-07 118.1 0.00 287.28 3 400 2.9 D 83 600 480 74 NO ND D 2 2-16-08 M 0.00 WA - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - AA 4-15-08 M 0.00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8-12-08 NMI 0.00 WA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE 1. SUMMARY OFGROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR ORGANIC COMPOUNDS - DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD.CALIFORNIA . DIGAOROD- DEPTMTO FLMTWO OROUND. PLOUROME- 111 11,4 1�,4 WELLmAfID GATE OROIMP PROOIIOf WATER TPM AS ETIML TOTAL ETHYL- TOTAL 1)- THANE ISOPROPYL Pi50PROPYL NAPl4 N-0I20PYL TRCMLORO TRC cRO TRA�TMYL TRA@TMYL OTHER ELEVATgN' BAMPIED WATER TIYpQ1E59 ELEVATM]N pA$OIII� BENZENE TCLLEtJF BEN2'ENE %YLENES MTBE BENZENE TOLLENE BEIlgIg XYLEIES MTBE TEA L`�E ETSE TAME IXw EDS ACETOPg (CiG12) BENZENE TOLUEIlE M®I( TMNEIJE SEl SEN2ft3? BEN2Etg BEN2E13! BE2QEIA: VOCS REF (A _MSL) (Rp) (M) (M-MSL) Ow0 OAVO OwD w Ow0 Dw0 (V019 Oro4) Ow0 9w0 9w0 Ow0 UWO U+G17 Oa4) Ow0 9w0 O1W6 OqA) 0174) OIS4) OW) Ow0 OWD Oa9 O+WO D+vO Ow0 C M 8 I G R I 1 OOI OI OI 1 OI OI I " " " I " I 1 I I " 1 MI S-S O OR REPORTS I MW-5d 1-29-04 60 NDI NO D D D ND D 40338 4-22-04 118.00 0.00 287.38 78 NO O ND NO 53 NO NO NO NO NO ND NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO D NO NO NO L 7.21-04 118.40 0.001 284.9 O NO D ND ND NO NO NO NO NO NO NO M _ 8.30-04 118.90 0.00 284.48 N1 !--2 119.50 0.00 283.88 59 - NO NO ND ND ND NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO D NO NO NO N 5.3-05 118.25 0.00 287.13 59 - ND D ND ND ND NO NO NO NO NO NO ND ND D NO ND NO O 5.3-05 115.10 0.00 288.28 O NO NO O NO NO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7-27-05 118.60 0.00 284.58 D NO D NO NO NO p 10.25-05 117.78 0.00 285.60 O O ND NO NO NO R 1-2506 113.65 0.001 289.73 D NO ND ND- ND NO NO NO NO ND NO 5 4-26-06 111.82 0.00 291.58 ND NO ND NO ND NO NO NO NO NO T -28-08 114.40 0.00 288.98 NO NO NO NO D ND NO ND NO NO _ 10.16-06 115.65 0.00 287.73 NO - - - NO NO NO O - NO NO NO NO NO V _ 1-18-07 111.75 0.00 291.63 ND NO ND D NO NO Na NO NO ND NO _ 1-18-07 113.25 0.00 290.13 NO NO ND NO NO NO NO NO ND ND NO X -18-07 113.48 0.00 289.90 ND ND NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Y 10.12-07 118.70 0.00 288.88 NO ND NO I ND NO NO NO NO ND ND ND Z 10.12-07 NM 0.00 WA - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AA . 4-15-08 NM 0.00 WA _ BE _ 12-08 NM 0.00 WA CC -0 21-03 0.00 1 1 ,000 29 D D D D D 403.22 8$93 115.21 0.00 288.01 200 4.6 - ND ND 3.3 190 3 NO NO NO 230 NO NO O 37 O NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ND 1 11-12-03 117.55 0.00 285.57 740 - ND NO NO ND 2.200 NO ND ND NO ND NO J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-29-04 114.65 0.00 288.51 1,00 58 Nb ND ND 12,000 JNDND 2.200 33 O NO NO 8.6 NO NO NO ND NO ND 4-23-04 113.65 0.00 289.57 410 O NO NO NO 11,000 NO NO NO NO NO NO O NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ND L -20.04 116.05 0.00 287.17 520 NO ND ND NO 3.600 NO NO NO NO NO M 8-30.04 118.25 0.00 286.97. - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10.22-04 117.45 0.00 285. 66 O NO NO 66 NO NO NO NO - ND 36 NO NO NO NO N 2-22-05 113.79 0.00 289.43 560 - NO NO NO .NO 7,100 3,100 b ND ND ND 39 ND ND ND ND O 5-3-05 112.97 0.00 290.2 610 NO NO NO NO 8.700 6.500 P -27-05 114.90 0.00 288.32 12,000 NO NO NO 1.6 14000 9,000 10.28-05 115.28 0.00 287.94 6,200 ND ND ND ND .600 6,600 R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-25-06 111.35 0.00 291.8 210 - NO D NO NO 330 160 O NO NO NO NO S 4-26-06 109.38 0.00 293164 230 - NO NO NO NO 420 63 NO NO NO T -25-06 111.65 0.00 291.57 300 - NO NO NO ND 390 130 NO NO NO U 10.18-06 112.90 0.00 290.32 150 - - NO NO NO ND 140 51 O NO NO V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-18-07 110.45 0.00 292.77 ND NO NO NO NO 4.7 4.4 NO NO NO NO W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4-160 110.72 0.00 292.50 NO NO _ND I NO ND NO NO NO ND ND NO -184 110.90 0.00 292.32 ND NO O NO ND NO NO NO O NO NO IF 10.12-07 114.35 0.00 288.87 ND ND NO NO NO ND NO ND O NO NO - Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2-18-08 115.87 0.00 287.35 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ND D NO NO AA 4-15-08 118.80 0.00 284.42 NO NO O NO NO NO NO NO ND NO NO BB B-11-08 DRY 0.00 N/A - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - CC 1-2 22.5 .00 281.171 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _D _ _ D _ 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D _ D _D 403.22 4-22-04 120.321 0.00 282.90 280 - - - NO ND ND NO ND ND NO NO NO NO O NO - NO ND NO NO NO NO NO NO ND NO 7-21-04 122.30 0.00 280.92 260 NO NO NO O 5.4 ND ND ND NO NO NO M 8-30-04 123.88 0.00 279.56 ' - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - M _ 10.22-04 124.00 0.00 27922 150 ND ND ND 15 NO ND NO NO NO D NO 4.1 NO ND NO NO 2-21-05 120.10 0.00 283.12 83 NO NO NO D NO NO NO NO .ND NO N NO 8.8 NO NO NO NO O 4-29-05 119.33 0.00 283,89 NO- NO ND ND D NO p 7-25-05 121.15 0.00 282.07 D ND ND ND NO NO - Q 10.27-05 122.10 0.00 281.12 NO NO NO NO NO 3.2 3.2 1-2546 118.40 0.00 284.82 NO NO NO NO N NO ND N ND ND NO D S 4-25-08 118.32 0.00 286.90 NO NO NO ND O NO NO NO NO NO 7-25-08 118.35 0.00 284.87 NO NO ND NO NO NO O NO NO _ 1418-OB 120.10 0.00 283.1 MID NO ND NO NO D NO NO NO NO NO 1.16-07 116.80 0.00 286.12 NO ND ND ND ND ND ND NO NO NO 4.12-07 117.88 0.00 285._ NO ND ND ND ND ND NO NO ND NO 7-18-07 118.80 0.00 286.32 NO NO ND ND ND ND ND NO NO NO 10.10-07 120.501 0.00 282.2 NO ND ND ND NO NO ND ND ND ND 2-18-08 121.11 0.00 282.11 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 4-14-06 124.32 0.00 278.90 ND ND ND ND ND D ND ND ND ND 129.221 0.00 274.00 ND ND ND NO NO D ND ND ND ND CC TABLE 1. 1 SUMMARY OFGROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR ORGANIC COMPOUNDS DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA O GLL0fi06 OEPiM TO FLwTUAT OR0111� 6LOUR03�- 13.3 t3A 13A tad WELLmAND mm WATER FROOUOi WATER TPH A9 LRHYL- TOTAL ETHYL. TOTAL 13- THANE sEICENEL PdsoFROVrL NAPK HPROPYL TRCaOrio TRL140R0 iiOETHYL TffP.ETMYL OTTER ELEVATION' BN.PIED WATQi THK30ESS ELEVATON CUSOlR1E BENgtE TOLLENE SENgFE IOTEtES MTSE SElffiE TOLOEHE EEIlg1E J(YLENES L(fBE TSA OBE ETSE TAME IXJt E08 ACETONE (LFGt3) BENZQE TOLUElE M®I( THALENE BQQIIIE BEPlg1E BENg!!E BEIIffIIE �QQE WCS REF (h-MSL) (iG4) (tMl) (M-M5L) (PpA) B4A) (WI) (pom 644) (mm Bm10 (y44) w (WA) (W1) 64'8 (mm 04'1) BW) (PA (IW) BOm OGM (W fl) O�VA7 (PG4) (WAI (WA) (YG'» BIWB 94'1) 614'1) M O I 801 1 8260 WA NG E •• 11 OOI I I 1 11 I 68 1 1 OI '• •• •• •• •• I •• •• '• I Fu G p g; p mw-8 1-29-04 12.0 276.88 350 1.6 NO 1 2ND35.000 0 20 D ND 404.38 4.22-04 125.72 0.00 278.66 5,300 NO NO D NO ND O NO ND ND D ND O NO NO ND NO ND O NO NO ND L 7-20-04 127.92 0.00 278.48 90 NO ND O 11,000 NO NO ND ND ND NO M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _8-30-04 129.46 0.00 74.92 M 10.21-04 129.67 0.00 274.71 49.000 NO ND ND 49,000 39.000 NO ND NO ND ND ND NO NO D NO N 2-18-05 125.60 0.00 278.78 8.700 ND D O 3700 NO ND NO ND ND ND D ND NNDND NO NO 0 429-05 124.60 0.00 279.78 40.000 ND O ND ND 61.000 40,000 p _-28-05 126.601 0.00 277.78 22.000 NO NO NO ND 29,000 20,000 O 10.26-0 127.65 0.00 276.73 33.000 ND ND ND ND 34.000 23,000 R 1-23-08 124.00 0.00 28038 5500 NO ND D 8,000 3,00 NO NO 5.6 NO NO S _424-06 121.62 0.00 282.78 9.000 ND ND ND 28,000 12,000 ND ND 23 T _25-06 123.55 0.00 280.83 8.700 NO NO ND 8,700 2,700 NO ND 20 _ 10.17-06 125.57 0.00 278.81 4,300 NO ND ND ND 12,000 9,600 ND NO 8.3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-15-07 122.00 0.00 282.38 22,000 ND NO ND NO 34,000 NO NO ND ND 23,000 7,600 NO NO 37 ND ND ND 35 ND NO ND ND D ND ND ND NO 4-12-07 122.70 0.00 281.68 18.000 O NO NO NO 20,000 110 ND O ND ND 7-18-07 121.80 0.00 282.58 5.000 NO NO D NO 6,400 ,100 NO N&DN ND _10-11-07 125.55 0.00 278.83 24.000 ND ND ND NO 29,000 2000 3,200 N NO 2-15-08 126.06 0.00 27832 34,000 NO NO ND NO 30,000 26.000 ND N NO AA _127.68 0.00 276.0 28.000 ND NO ND ND25,000 30,000 NO NO BB 8-11-08 133.94 0.00 270.44 84001 ND NO ND NDI 7.000 18000 ND ND ND ND CC -6 i 29.97t 0.0 4.631 Di I I D D ND D 5.8 D 404.60 10.21-04 129.95 0.00 274.65 ND ND ND NO NO ND ND INOND NO ND NO NO 4.2 NO ND ND NO N 2-18-05 125.55 0.00 278.05 NO NO I NO NO ND NO ND NO ND NO ND 3.4 NO ND NO NO O 429-05 124.781 0.00 279.82 NO NO NO ND NO NO p _ 7-25-05 128.80 0.00 275.80 NO NO ND NO NO D p _ _10.28-05 128.00- 0.00 278.60 ND ND ND ND ND D R 23-08 12390 000 280.70 ND NDI ND ND ND ND ND NO NO ND 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4-2406 121.82 0.00 282.78 NO NO NO NO NO NO ND NO 7-25-06 124.10 0.00 280.50 D ND O NO NO NO NO D 10.17-08 125.75 0.00 278.85 D NDI ND ND ND ND ND D 1-15-07 122.05 000 282.55 D ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NO NO 413-07 123.10 0.00 281.50 ND ND ND NO NO D NO ND ND 7-17-07 122.73 0.00 287.87 D NO ND ND NO ND ND NO ND 0.17 126.101 0.00 276.50 D ND NO NO ND ND ND ND ND Z 2-15-08 126.561 0.00 276.04 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND D NL) AA 414-08 128.181 0.00 . 278.42 D ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NO B 8-11-08 135.201 0.00 269.4C ND ND ND NO ND ND ND ND ND ND NO CC TABLE 1. SUMMARY OFGROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR ORGANIC COMPOUNDS DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA DICI4g30D D TO FLOATWO ORWNP FLO�. 1,2,3 1,3,1 1,3,1 1?.3 WE116 MID DOTE ORWNP PROpIOf WATER TPII A3 ETHYL- TOTAL ETHYL- TOTAL 1,2- THANE L40PROWL PJSOFROFYL NAPN- N-0ROPYL TRICNLORO IRICNLORO TPE.@TNYI TRAffTHYI OTHER ELEVATKNt SAMRED WATEA T13CIOE39 ELEVATION OASWNE BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XITENE9 MIKE BENZENE TOLUENE BQ�NE 10'LEIg3 MIKE TBA pNE ETBE TARE DC.A EDB ACETONE (CFG12) BENZENE TOLUENE MEII( TNALENE BENZENE BEPLZENE BENZENE pEUTCUV BENZEItE VOCE REF (rae-MSL) (Rq) Ir eO (hr-MSL) Owm OW) OW) OW) OW) OW) U+oB) (mm Owm (410 U6m OW) (Pam(m (mm (16'8 (4'A (m t1xiA) OW) OW) (mm wm Owm (PA (W) P 0 R 22 1 C I 11 1001 1.7501 3 I I 1001 6801 1,750 1 1 Ky REPORT I O O I A O _29.04 .0 .OB D ND D D 403.17 4-22-04 119.85 0.00 283.32 ND ND NO NO NO ND gNDDI_20.04 12222 0.00 280. 56 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND M_8-30-04 12350 0.00 27987 M 10-21-04 123.87 0.00 279.50 ND N ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NDI 21 ND ND ND ND N 2-21-05 119.98 0.00 283.18 ND NO NO ND NO NO NO NO ND ND 26 NO ND NO NO O 4-29-05 11926 0.00 283.91 ND N ND ND NO NO P _7-26-05 12245 0.00 280.72 ND ND NO NO NO NO O 10.27-05 12180 0.00 281.37 NDI NE) NO NO ND ND R 1-24-06 11800 0.00 285.17 ND NO NO NO ND ND ND O NO ND S NM WA N/ NS - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - -7-24-06 11792 000 28525 ND NO NO NO NO N NO - U 10.18-06 118.45 0.00 283.72 NO ND NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO - V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.15-07 116.10 0.00 -2-81-07 NO NO ND NO NO ND NO NO NO NO NO i I W 4.12-07 117.05 0.001 286.12 NO ND ND NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO - X 7.17 07 116.92 0.00 28825 ND NO ND D NO NO NO NO NO ND ND - Y _ 10.11-07 120.45 0.00 282.72 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO - Z - 2-18-08 NM 0.00 WA _ _ - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - AA 4-15-08 NM 0.00 WA - _ - - - - _ _ - - - _ - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - BB 6-12-08 NM 0.00 N/A - - _ - - - - _ - - - - - - _ - - - - - - _ - _ _ - - - - CC mw-lo 1-30-04 T 13.81 .0 8.48 0 3,40 .000 00 ,000 00 - 403.27 4-26-04 jf2.85 0.001 290,42 40.000 2,500 9.000 1.500 8.800 44,000 ND NO NO NO ND ND NO NO ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 2.700 ND L 7-20-04 .07 0.00 28820 85.000 ND 11.000 NO 7.5001 51,000 NO ND NO ND ND NO M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ &30-04 .25 0.00 288.02 M _ _ _ _ 10.22-04 .65 0.00 286.62 60,000 1,400 5,000 890 6,200 29,000 24,000 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 700 N - - 2-21-05 .78 0.W-290.49 83,000 - - 760 2.300 380 3400 3,500 17,000 NO NO ND NO NO NO NO NO NO NO - - NO O 5-2-05 .95 0.00 291.32 50,000 700 1.300 330 2.800 46,000 37,000 P 7-26-05 .30 0.00 287.97 1.200 5.400 820 5.400 0,000 25,000 O 10-27-05 .35 0.001 288.948,000 110 270 94 920 144-06 .50 0.00 292.712,000 110 140 81 6201 bW 4-25-06 .40 0.00 294.87 13,000 120 350 110 920 1 ,000 6,800 ND ND NO 7.26-06 .60 0.00 292.57 37,000 30 95 62 380 31,000 10,000 NO ND 25_ _ _ _ _10.17-08 1.92 0.00 291.3 26,000 62 150 83 540 6.900 4,700 O NO 2 V 1-16-07 .45 0.00 294.82 10,000 160 62 200 450 3.000 5,800 2.200 ND ND ND W M13-07 9.90 0.00 293.37 3,600 25 21 86 130 2,900 2,400 ND ND ND ND X 7-17-07 020 0.00 291.07 90 ND 0.69 2.7 7.6 ND 6.5 ND D ND 'ND Y 16-11-07 .21 0.00 289.06 230 0.94 -15 19 39 8.3 11 NO ND ND NL)18-08 5.07 0.00 288.20 8,400 16 340 240 2,300 270.0 190 NO NO NO NO AA 4-15-08 117.22 0001 286.05 5,000 6.4 350 180 1,800 ND NO NO NO NO NO BB 8-12-08 120.08 0.001 283.19 NDI NL) ND NO P.1 9.8 I I i 10 NO NO D ND CC TABLE 1. SUMMARY OFGROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR ORGANIC COMPOUNDS DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA gC11LOROP - . DEDiM TO FLOATIW GROUIIa - IFLWROME- 1.2.3 13A 1,2A 1,34 WELLNANG GATE OROUNP PROGUOr WATER TR1A3 ETHYL- TOTAL ETHYL TOTK 1,2- THANE ISOraovYL F140PROPYL NAPIt• N-RtOPYL TRIGLLORO TR1C160R0 TR'Ei TRGFTXn ai1ffR ELEVATION• BAMPlEO WATER TIECIWE39 ELEVATION pASOIPZE BEtCFNE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLENES MTBE BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLENE9 MTBE TBA GroE ETBE TAME GOA EDB ACETONE (CF412) BENZENE TOLUENE SBBK TW M BENZENE BEN2Et� BENZENE BEI m BENtEtg VOC9 REF . pmt-MSU IAa) (Ma) pmt-MSC) OW) (RV>) In, UaD OW) DaO Ua10 Oa'0 OWO Uw'0 (IwD OID'0 OAVO OqX) Oc41 OwO Ow0 04Y0 OqA) OwD O+vD (IVA) (wm U+WO OWO Ivat) 60 - (WO E 1 021 0 A CCR TITLE 22 I « I 11 7001 68 I 01 1 I I 1 131 •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• « A TI ARI SSE O TO E TS I .A E_E_ A-ORATORY REPORTS mw_I I 2 . 00 310 9. ,000 D 310 D D D D 403.23 V4-25-06 112.85 0.00 290.38 8100 ND D D 2.400 3,400 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO O ND NO NO ND NO O 820 340 O L 115.21 0.00 288.02 140001 NO NO 280 320 5,000 NO ND NO NO NO NO M 115.75 0.00 287.48 - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - M _ 4 118.58 0.00 288.65 64001 NO NO 74 230 4,300 3,700 NO NO NO NO NO NO ND NO 160 O NO N 112.75 0.00 290.48 12.000 - ND ND ND ND 14,000 13,000 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND D ND D NO O 111.90 0.00 291.33 12.000 .8 ND 13 190 34,000 24,000 - P _ 5 113.90 0.00 289.33 3,000 O NO NO NO 1,500 11,000 p 5 114.45 0.00 288.78 24000 ND ND ND ND 17,000 13.000 R _ 110.45 0.00 292.78 7.500 1. NO 1.7 Be 3.900 2,200 NO ND 4.3 NO ND S 108.43 0.00 294.80 810 NO 0.6 0.7 24 81 49 NO NO D T 110.80 0.00 292.43 1,400 NO ND NO 2.8 26 ND NO O NO U _ 10.18-08 112.00 0.00 291.23 500 NO NO ND 0.68 250 - 90 NO ND NO V 1-16-07 108.55 0.00 294.68 62 D NO N NO I 49 35 ND ND ND ND W 4-13-07 110.10 0.00 293.13 810 NO NO 1.8 NO 830 1100 400 NO ND D X -7-17-07 110.45 0.00 292.8 NO NO NO ND NO NO 1.4 NO NO ND D Y 10.11-07 114.70 0.00 288.53 NO NO NO ND ND NO NO NO NO NO NO Z 2-18-08 115.31 0.00 287.92 NO NO NO ND 1.8 D ND ND ND NO NO AA 4-15-08 117.88 0.00 285.35 NO NO ND ND ND ND NO NO NO D NO BB 8-12-08 124.60 0.00 278.63 NO NO ND ND NO D NO NO NO NO NO - CC MW-2 8-3 37.35 5 1 0.00 269.73 D D D O D D D D D D 407.08 10.21-04 137.05 0.00 270.03 - D NO ND ND NO NO NO NO NO ND ND NO NO NO ND NO ND NO N 2-18-05 131.88 0.00 275.26 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO O NO NO NO O 5-2-05 130.78 0.00 276.30 NO NO NO NO NO NO P 7-25-05 134.15 0.00 272.93 D O NO NO NO NO p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10.26-05 135.30 0.00 271.78 ND ND NO NO NO NO R 1-23-08 130.72 0.00 276.36 NO ND ND NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO S 4-24-06 128.80 0.00 278.28 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO - T _ 7-24-06 131.45 0.00 275.63 NO NO NO O NO NO NO NO ND NO - U _ 10.16-08 131.88 0.00 275.20 ND NO ND ND NO NO NO NO NO NO - V 1-16-07 128.90 0.00 278.18 NO ND ND ND ND NO NO NO NO NO NO - W 4-12-07 129.90 0.00 277.18 NO D NO D- ND NO NO NO NO NO NO - X 7-16-07 129.53 0.00 277.55 ND NO NO NO ND NO ND NO ND NO NO - Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10.10-07 132.85 0.00 274.23 ND ND NO NO ND ND NO ND ND NO NO - Z 2-1 8 132.21 0.00 274.87 ND ND NO D ND ND NO NO N2 NO NO - AA 4-15-08 134.11 0.00 272.97 NL) ND ND D - ND ND ND NO NO NO NO - BB 8-11-08 140.81 0.00 256.27 ND ND NO NO ND ND ND NO NO NO NO CC -13 8J 13.2 0.00 265.9 D D O D D D D D D D D D D 405.62 10.21-04 140.46 0.00 265.16 ND NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ND ND ND ND 4.3 D NO NO NO N 2-1845 136.75 0.00 268.87 NO NO NO NO NO 1.8 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ND NO NO NO O 5-2-05 135.04 0.00 270.58 NO NO NO O NO 4.2 3.8 P _ 7-25-05 137.55 0.00 268.07 ND NO NO NO NO NO E p 10.26-05 139.20 0.00 266.42 NO NO ND ND NO NO R 1-23-06 135.31 0.001 270.31 NO NO NO NO ND 1.7 NO NO NO NO NO NO S 4-24-05 133.12 0.00 272.50 NO NO NO NO NO 1.1 NO NDI NO NO T 7-24-06 13525 0.00 270.37 NO NO NO NO ND NO NO NO NO NO U 10.16-06 13825 0.00 269.37 ND NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO E V 1-15-07 133.55 0.00 272.07 - NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ND NO ND ND ND NO NO 416-07 134.25 0.00 271.37 NO NO NO ND NO NO NO NO NO NO NO X 7-16-07 133.45 0.00 272.1 ND ND ND Nb ND ND NO NO NO D ND Y 10-10-07 138.67 0.00 268.9 ND ND ND NU NO D NO ND NO NO, NO 2 2-15-08 138.34 0.00 269.28 ND ND ND ND NO D ND ND D O ND AA 4-14-08 137.48 0.00 268.14 ND ND ND ND ND ND NO NO NO ND NL) BB 8-11-08 143.81 0.00 261.81 ND ND ND ND ND D ND ND ND D ND CC TABLE 1. SUMMARY OFOROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR ORGANIC COMPOUNDS DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA DEV TO FLOATPIG GROUND - BlOURO]R- 1�,] 1],� 1.ZA 1,],B WELLB)AND [ATE GROUND PRODUCT WATER TPM AB ETHYL- TOTAL ETHYL- TOTAL 1,2- THANE ISOPROPM1 PiSOPROPYL NAPIL NiROPK TRK.f40R0 TRICIB.ORO TRMETHYL TRAB:THYL OTHER ELEVATKW SAW= WATER TMGWESB EL ATATN GASMD!E BENtENff TOLUENE BENZENE %YLENE9 L1iB! BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLEItE4 A1TBE TBA OBE ETBE TAME OG E[B ACETONE (CFD1Z) BENZCUV TOLUENE MIEN TIULLENE BENZENE BENZENE BENZENE BENZENE BENZENE VOC9 REF .(fek-NSL) (IBC) (�) (Tal•MBU (VCA) (CA) mm SAM 'BAH (VWE (4M (mm 04A) (PA _ UIWI WW) wm wm MA (W9 (W1) (W9 (I� 84W9 wa) 9U7 049 (mm 9+W) (m WYU EPA ANALYTICAL T O 80 - 0 - 0 - - C 22 R R 1 I I 1001 6801 1'7501 31 I - OI 1. I •• •• •• •• -•• •• •• O I G I O OR R O TS -- O EIORTS MA -1 & 139.1 0. .6 I DI 1 D D D 404.80 10.21-04 - 139.42 0.00 265.38 NO - NO NO ND -NO NO NO NO ND NO ND NO NO 8.8 No NO NO NO N 2-21-05' 134.00 0.00 270.80 NO NO NO ND O NO NO JND RDIND D O NO 8 ND ND NO NO O 52-05 132.48 0.00 272.32 ND NO ND ND D NO p 7-254 134.50 0.00 270.30 ND NO ND ND ND ND O f0-28-05 138.55 0.00 268.25 ND NO O NO ND NO R 1-2406 132.62 0.00 272.18 NO ND NO NO NO N NO D O S 4-26-06 13000 000 27480 NO NO NO' ND ND ND ND T 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _•1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 .1 _ _ _ _ _ _1 D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 403.22 4 1 _ _ _ _ _ .0 _ MNO NO- -1 11 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ ,1 D I4N11O 11 NRU u 1 .1 - - 1 D 0 - _ _ _ _ J3I2U0 U _ _ _ _ _ _ - 1 1. - _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ 1. 1 _ _ _ _ _ _TO 1 ,1 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ _2 _ _ _ _1 .1 - _ _ _ _ 4 1.0 _1 - _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 2 .2 1 90 - 0 2 - _ _ _1 _ _ _ _1 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 2 .8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 .0 .40 1 1 2 .91 D _ _ _ _ 1 .0 _ _ _ _ 1 2 1 - 403.69 1-30-04 112.71 0.00 290.981 - I - -I I - K 403.40 1 1-30-04 114.80 0.00 288.601 - - '1 - - - 'I - K 403.21 1-30-04 113.29 0.00 289.921 - I - I - - I'- - - K 403.12 1-30-04 NM 0.00 WA - - - - I K TABLE 1. SUMMARY OFGROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR ORGANIC COMPOUNDS DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA DE—TO R Tm OROUI , OrUaOROP . WELL ID AND (An OROUNt' R1001)Ci WATER TRV Aa ETHYL- TOTAL ETHYL- TOTAL t,i- I—IE RORiOVYL PJSOPROPYL NAPIF NpROPYI TWGOARO TR1G10R0 TROETHYL TRP@THYL OTHER ELEVATKIN' aAM o WATER THICIDIE39 ELEVATM OABOLPIE BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE %YLENF9 _ MIBE eENZENE TOLUENE eEHUNE XYIEN MfaE TBA OBE ETBE THE OG EOB AOETOI� (CFC-12) eOQENE TOLUEIR M®It TWYEIg BEN2Ela: BENZENE 9ElQF1g BEI�NE eEtPIIE VOC9 REF (M-MBL) (NO) (fM) (rMt-MSL) W04) -(fwi) (POM WON (W7) (pW) O*q (W1) 0104) (ROM (WD (VNO (VOrO DlVO WWO DW) OsM WQa) (Wr0 (NO'i) (Wa) (NOM (4108) Ots'1) GtOa) (IVN UA'1) (IC4) PA I O 0 60 I 22 I R 1 I OI 1 I 131 I 01 I " I I I I I I 1 REPORTING O PO TS O KhF= re erence. = 0 aD e. e – analyzed. 'Measured to the too of the WOO casino. - - - - 'NO CCR TIDe 22 MCL established. _ A=Holou n.Fahan&Assodates,Inc:s(HFA'e)report dated June 25,2001. B=HFA's report dated February 19.2002. _ C=HFA's report dated May 29.2002. D•Central Sierra Environmental.LLC's(CSE'e)report dated September 10,2002. - E=CSE's report dated November 14,2002. F•CSE's report dated March 3.2003. - G=CSE's report dated ADM 13.2003 H=CSE's report dated August 22,2003 I=CSE's report dated October 20 2003, _ J•CSE's report dated February 3.2004. K=CSE's report dated May 13.2004-- L=CSE's report dated September 24.2004. M=CSE's report dated November 19,2004. _ N•CSE's report datetl March 7,2005. O=CSE's report dated April 13,2005. P•CSE's report dated July 18.2005. - O=CSE's report dated October 20.2005. - R•CSE's report dated February 15,2006. S•CSE's report dated July 10,2006. ' T=CSE's report dated Auaust 9,2006 - U=CSE's report dated November 2.2006. - V•CSE's report dated January 30.2007. W=CSE's report dated April 30,2007. - X=CSE's report dated July 31,2007. - - Y=CSE's report dated October 15.2007 Z=CSE's report dated January 17.2007 AA=VEIR's report dated April 29.2008. BB=VEIR's report dated JOY 23.2008. - CC=VEIR's crarem report. - - - r TABLE 3. SUMMARY OF VAPOR SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SAMPLE DATE TPH AS :EHYL- TOTAL SOURCE SAMPLED SAMPLE ID GASOLINE BENZENE TOLUENE BENE XYLENES MTBE ( pmv ( mv) ( my y ( pmv) ( pmv) REF EPA ANALYTICAL METHOD 8015(M) 1 8020 N/A DETECTION LIMIT 11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.1 0.1 N/A INFLUENT 10-10-02 0210153-1 5,5001 581 290 321 220 1,900 A EFFLUENT 10-10-02 0210153-2 ND ND ND NDI ND 0.31 A INFLUENT 12-12-02 0212180-1 8,600 110 320 447 260 2,200 A INFLUENT 2-21-03 0302259-1 11,000 120 1901 1001 290 1,400 B EFFLUENT 2-21-03 0302259-2 ND ND NDI NDI NDI ND B INFLUENT 6-25-03 0306310-1 3,800 16 1501 341 2011 480 C INFLUENT 10-21-03 1 0310240-1 1 1,1001 41 391 8.61 651 180 D EFFLUENT 10-21-03 1 0310240-2 1 NDI ND NDI NDI NDI ND D INFLUENT 11-12-03 1 0311114-1 1 3,4001 141 1501 281 2101 680 D INFLUENT 12-28-03 1 0312351-1 1 9101 2.51 291 7.31 511 110 D EFFLUENT 12-28-03 1 0312351-2 1 NDI NDI NDI NDI NDI ND i D INFLUENT 3-29-04 1 0403358-1 1 3301 0.81 131 2.1 301 130 E EFFLUENT 3-29-04 1 0403358-2 NDI NDI NDI NDI NDI ND E INFLUENT 5-27-04 1 0405368-1 3001 0.581 31 0.751 151 83 F INFLUENT 6-30-04 1 0407003-1 1 201 NDI 0.31 NDI 0.971 NDI F EFFLUENT 6-30-04 1 0407003-2 1 NDI NDI NDI NDI NDI NDI F INFLUENT 8-26-04 1 0408426-1 1 1901 0.321 0.641 0.131 3.61 66 G INFLUENT 9-30-04 1 0410016-1 1 591 0.11 NDI NDI 0.151 121 G INFLUENT 11-19-04 1 0411271-1 1 380 NDI 1.61 0.61 9.61 1101 H INFLUENT 12-27-04 1 0412320-1 1 1601 0.161 4.61 1.41 7.41 1.51 H INFLUENT 1-27-05 1 0501339-1 1 5501 0.391 71 1.71 261 971 1 INFLUENT 2-21-05 0502268-1 1 261 NDI 0.491 0.141 2.91 71 1 INFLUENT 3-24-05 0503336-1 1 NDI NDI NDI NDI NDI 0.381 1 INFLUENT 4-22-05 0504300-1 4601 0.911 121 4.11 42 1401 J EFFLUENT 4-22-05 0504300-2 NDT NDI NDI NDI ND ND J INFLUENT 5-25-05 0505328-1 1 3301 NDI 8.51 3.21 38 70 J INFLUENT 6-27-05 1 0506364-1 1 2701 NDI 6.71 2.61 32 39 J INFLUENT 9-26-05 1 0509384-1 1 431 0.111 0.341 N D I 2.4 ND K INFLUENT 1 12-20-05 1 0512261-1 4701 0.22 2.7 3.7 571 37� L INFLUENT 3-27-06 0603381-1 1001 ND 0.711 0.651 141 42 M INFLUENT 5-31-06 1 0605418-1 381 NDI 0.161 0.141 3 26 N INFLUENT 7-27-06 1 0607385-1 1 171 NDI NDI NDI 0.37 2.1 O INFLUENT 8-30-06 1 0609074-1 1 361 NDI NDI NDI 0.3 7.2 O INFLUENT 7-24-07 1 207380-1 1 15.8661 NDJ NDI NDI 0.5471 6.694 P EFFLUENT 1 7-24-07 1 207380-2 1 4.7511 NDI NDI NDI 0.439 10.315 P INFLUENT 9-26-07 1 207503-1 1 25.611 0.0681 0.19481 0.08871 1.7694 10.5342 P INFLUENT 12-18-07 1 207674-1 1 19.7871 NDI NDI NDI 1.1404 7.2701 Q INFLUENT 4-29-08 1 208235-1 1 71.2771 ND 0.1451 NDI 1.2051 5.296 R INFLUENT 6-25-08 1 208360-1 1 265.21 0.105 1.2931 0.5911 10.4971 7.291 R INFLUENT 8-13-08 1 208457-1 1 32.451 0.0081 0.00561 0.00591 0.12481 0.2868 S EFFLUENT 1 8-13-08 1 208457-2 1 0.031 NDI 0.02891 NDI NDI ND S t f' TABLE 3. SUMMARY OF VAPOR SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SAMPLE DATE TPH AS ETHYL- TOTAL SOURCE SAMPLED SAMPLE ID GASOLINE BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLENES MTBE ( my) (Ppmy my my my my REF EPA ANALYTICAL METHOD 8015(M) 8020 N/A REF= Report reference. N/A= Not applicable. ND=Not detected. A=Central Sierra Environmental, LLC's(CSE's) report dated March 3,2003. B=CSE's report dated April 13,2003. C=CSE's report dated August 22,2003. D=CSE's report dated February 20,2004. E=CSE's report dated May 12,2004. F=CSE's report dated September 24,2004. G=CSE's report dated November 19,2004. H=CSE's report dated March 7,2005. 1 =CSE's report dated April 13,2005. J =CSE's report dated July 18, 2005. K=CSE's report dated October 20,2005. L=CSE's report dated February 15,2006. M =CSE's report dated July 10,2006. N =CSE's report dated August 9,2006. 0=CSE's report dated November 2, 2006. P=CSE's report dated October 15,2006. Q=CSE's report dated January 16,2008. R=VEIR's report dated July 23,2008. S=VEIR's current report. r TABLE 4. SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Outlet Inlet Dilution Feld Reid Reduction Cumulatve lbs. Cumulative Cumulative Date Calendar Operating Operating Operating Operating Temper- Flow MINA V-1s V-ti V-1d V-2 KO V4 MW-10 MW-11 Air TPH In TPH Out Efficiency Total Lbs. Lbs. Destroyed lbs. Gallons Monitored Days Hours Hours Days Weeks ature(*q (scfm) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve (valve (valve (valve) (ppmv) (ppmv) (-90%) Extracted Extracted per event Destroyed Extracted 10-0-02 1 0 0 0 0 1,450 175 • • • PO • • PO 4,500 10 100% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 10-10-02 2 15 15 1 0 1,470 205 • • • PO • • PO 5,500 10 100% 187.01 187.01 267.22 267.22 29 10-15-02 7 62 77 3 0 1,455 235 • • • PO • • PO 5,775 10 100% 1,106.68 1,293.68 1,329.61 1,596.83 202 10-18-02 10 39 116 5 1 1,470 250 • 0 • PO • • PO 5,920 10 100% 837.91 2,131.59 912.14 2,508.96 333 10-22.02 14 52 168 7 1 1,435 225 • • • PO • • PO 6,235 10 100% 1,218.36 3,349.95 1,152.90 3,661.86 1 523 10-24-02 16 25 193 8 1 1,460 230 • • • PO • • • PO 6,530 10 100% 555.23 3,905.18 593.45 4,255.31 610 10.30-02 22 75 268 11 2 1,450 215 • • • PO • • • PO 6,745 10 100% 1,78326 5,688.44 1,719.11 5,974.42 889 11-1-02 24 26 294 12 2 1,465 235 • • • PO • • • PO 6,950 10 100% 596.91 6,285.35 671.23 6,645.66 982 11-6-02 29 63 357 15 2 1,440 205 • PO • O • • • PO 7,120 10 100% 1,628.94 7,91429 1,453.55 8,099.21 1,237 1143412 31 29 386 16 2 1,485 240 • PO • O • • • PO 7,280 10 100% 670.11 8,584.39 800.97 89900.19 1,341 11-12-02 35 52 438 18 3 1,460 265 • PO • O • • • PO 7,445 10 100% 1,438.33 10,022.72 1,621.84 10,522.03 1,566 11-15-02 38 39 477 20 3 1,455 220 • PO • O • • • PO 7,535 10 100% 1,218.11 11,240.83 1,022.04 11,544.07 1,756 11-18-02 41 37 514 21 3 1,490 215 • PO • O • ro • PO 7,660 10 100% 971.00 12,211.83 965.85 12,509.91 1,908 11-21.02 44 40 664 23 3 1,470 230 • PO • O • • PO 7,825 10 100% 1,045.61 13,257.45 1,138.13 13,648.04 2,071 11-25-02 48 53 607 25 4 1,435 205 • PO • 0 • • PO 8,060 10 100% 1,510.08 14,767.53 1,384.52 15,032.56 2,307 1130-02 53 62 669 28 4 1,450 225 • PO • O • • PO 8,175 10 100% 1,621.78 16,389.31 1,803.05 16,835.61 2,561 12-3-02 56 0 669 28 4 1,465 240 • PO • O • • PO 8,320 10 100% 0.00 16,389.31 0.00 16,835.61 2,561 12-6-02 59 39 708 30 4 1,440 210 • PO • O • • PO 8,455 10 100% 1,232.85 17,622.16 1,094.86 17,930.47 2,753 12-10-02 63 52 760 32 5 1,485 195 • PO • O • • PO 8,525 10 100% 1,461.67 19,083.83 1,366.77 19,29724 2,982 12-12-02 65 28 788 33 5 1,460 235 • PO • O • • PO 8,600 10 100% 736.88 19,820.71 894.74 20,191.98 3,097 12-16-02 69 50 838 35 5 1,450 220 • PO • O • • • PO 81475 10 100% 1,599.74 21,420.45 1,474.00 21,665.98 3,347 12-19-02 72 41 879 37 5 K1,470 215 PO PO • O • • • PO 8,135 10 100% 1,210.20 22,630.65 1,133.76 22,799.74 3,536 12-24-02 77 64 943 39 6 235 PO PO • O • • 0 PO 7,955 10 100% 1,772.10 24,402.75 1,891.55 24,691.29 3,813 12-26-02 79 27 970 40 6 255 PO PO • O • • • PO 7,550 10 100% 799.07 25,201.82 821.78 25,513.07 3,938 1230412 83 52 1.022 43 6 240 PO PO • O • • • PO 7,230 10 100% 1,584.90 28,786.72 1,426.35 26,939.42 4,185 14-03 88 61 1,083 45 8 235 PO PO • O • • • PO 7,465 10 100% 1,675.68 28,462.41 1,681.69 28,631.11 4,447 1-7413 91 40 1,123 47 7 245 PO PO • O • • • PO 7,615 10 100% 1,110.89 29,573.29 1,179.78 29,810.89 4,621 1-9-03 93 28 1,149 48 7 250 PO PO • O • • • PO 7,750 10 100% 767.93 30,341.22 795.40 90,607.29 4,741 1-14-03 98 65 1.214 51 7 1,460 225 PO PO • O • • • PO 8,025 10 100% 1,993.73 32,334.95 1,855.56 32,462.85 5,052 1-17413 101 38 1,252 52 7 1,455 230 PO PO • O • • • PO 8,450 10 100% 1,086.23 33,421.19 1,167.70 33,630.56 5,222 1-20403 104 40 1,292 54 8 1,490 215 PO PO • O • • • PO 8,795 10 100% 1,230.71 34,651.90 1,195.96 34,826.52 5,414 1-23413 107 42 1,334 56 8 1,470 235 PO PO • O • • • PO 9,230 10 100% 1,257.29 35,909.19 1,440.56 36,267.08 5,611 1-27-03 111 49 1,383 58 8 1,435 205 PO PO • O • • • PO 9,630 10 100% 1,682.59 37,591.78 1,529.69 37,796.77 5,874 1-30-03 114 39 1.422 59 8 1,450 240 PO PO • O P. • • PO 9,875 10 100% 1,218.87 38,810.65 1,461.70 39258.47 6,064 23413 118 52 1,474 61 9 1,465 265 PO PO 0 O • • • PO 10,080 10 100% 1,951.03 40,761.68 2,196.68 41,455.14 6,369 2-7-03 122 49 1,523 63 9 1,440 220 PO PO • O • • • PO 10,345 10 100% 2,072.12 42,833.79 1,763.65 43,218.79 6,693 2-10-03 125 38 1,561 65 9 1,485 215 PO PO • O 0 • • PO 10,530 10 100% 1,369.14 44,202.94 1,360.57 44,579.36 6,907 2-14413 129 51 1,612 67 1 10 1,460 230 PO PO • O • • • PO 10,645 10 100% 1,827.89 46,030.82 1,974.79 46,554.15 7,192 2-17-03 132 37 19649 69 10 1,450 205 PO PO • O • • • PO 10,870 10 100% 1,434.13 47,464.95 1,303.97 47,858.13 7,416 2-21-03 136 54 1.703 71 10 1,465 225 PO PO • O • • • PO 11,000 10 100% 1,904.97 49,369.92 2,113.78 49,971.91 7,714 2-25403 140 0 1.703 71 10 1,455 240 PO PO • O • • • PO 10,750 10 100% 0.00 49,369.92 0.00 49,971.91 7,714 2-28413 143 39 1,742 73 10 1,465 210 PO PO • O • • • PO 109685 10 100% 1,592.93 50,962.85 1,384.00 51,355.90 7,963 3.4-03 147 50 1.792 75 11 1,475 200 PO PO PO O • • • PO 10,650 10 100% 1,776.13 52,738.99 1,684.31 53,040.22 8,240 3-7-03 150 42 1.834 76 11 11485 235 PO PO PO O • • • PO 10,580 10 100% 1,416.25 54,155.24 1,651.50 54,691.71 8,462 3-11-03 154 49 1.893 78 11 1,490 220 PO PO PO O • • • PO 10,535 10 100% 1,928.69 56,083.93 1,796.08 56,487.79 8,763 3-14-03 157 41 1,924 80 11 1,480 215 PO PO • O PO • • PO 10,475 10 100% 1 1,504.36 57,588.29 1,460.31 57,948.10 8,998 3.18-03 161 50 1,974 82 12 1,485 235 PO PO • O PO • • PO 10,415 10 100% 1,782.68 59,370.98 1,935.38 59,883.47 9277 3-21-03. 164 39 2,013 84 12 1,475 255 PO PO • O PO 0 • PO 10,380 10 100% 1,511.14 60,882.11 1,632.57 61,516.04 9,513 3-24-03 167 40 2.053 86 12 1,480 245 PO PO • O • PO • PO 10,335 10 100% 1,676.14 62,556.25 1,601.78 63,117.82 9,775 3-28413 171 49 2.102 88 13 1,470 250 PO PO • O • PO • PO 10,290 10 100% 1,964.20 64,522.45 1,993.50 65,111.32 10,082 3.31413 174 41 2,143 89 13 1,465 1 240 PO I PO • 0 • PO • PO 10,275 10 100% 1,669.75 66,192.19 1,598.97 66,710.28 10,343 TABLE 4. SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Outlet Inlat Dilution ReId Reid Reduction Cumulative Lbs. Cumulative Cumulative Date Calendar Operating Operating Operating Operating Temper- Row MW-t V-1s V-ti V-td V-2 V-3 V4 MW-10 MW-11 Ar TPH In TPH Out Efficiency Total lbs. Lbs. Destroyed Lbs. Gallons Monitored Days Hours Hours Days Weeks ature(°F) (sctm) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve (valve (valve (valve (valve) (ppmv) (ppmv) (>90%) Extracted Extracted per event Destroyed Extracted 4-3-03 177 38 2,181 91 13 1,465 235 PO PO PO O • • PO PO 10,125 10 100% 1,483.50 67,675.70 1,429.89 68,140.17 10,574 4-7-03 181 54 2,235 93 13 1,470 225 PO PO PO O • • PO PO 9,975 10 100% 2,034.08 69,709.78 1,916.62 70,056.80 10,892 4-10-03 184 40 2,275 95 14 1,455 220 PO PO PO O • • PO PO 9,935 10 160% 1,421.24 71,131.02 1,382.60 71,439.39 11,114 4-14-03 188 51 2,326 97 14 1,435 215 PO PO • O PO • • PO 9,855 10 100% 1,764.71 72,895.73 1,708.86 73,148.25 11,390 4-17-03 191 37 2,363 98 14 1,450 230 PO PO • O PO • • PO 9,780 10 100% 1,241.11 74,136.84 1,316.16 741464.40 11,584 4.21-03 195 11 2,374 99 14 1,465 205 PO PO • O PO • • PO 9,655 10 100% 391.72 74,528.55 344.29 74,808.70 11,645 4-24-03 198 42 2,416 101 14 1,440 225 PO PO • O • PO • PO 9,480 10 100% 1,316.04 75,844.59 1,416.65 76,225.35 11,851 4-28-03 202 53 2,469 103 15 1,485 240 PO PO • O • PO • PO 9,225 10 100% 1,789.69 77,634.28 1,855.52 78,080.87 12,130 51-03 205 38 2,507 104 15 1,460 K235 PO PO • O • PO • PO 8,950 10 100% 1,331.91 78,966.19 1,129.32 79,210.19 12,338 5-6-03 210 63 2,570 107 15 1,450 PO PO PO O • • PO PO 8,780 10 100% 1,874.54 80,840.73 1,705.49 80,915.68 121631 59-03 213 41 2,611 109 16 1,465 PO PO PO O • • PO PO 8,445 10 100% 1,111.28 81,952.01 1,286.52 82,202.19 12,805 513-03 217 49 2,660 111 16 1,455 PO PO PO O • • PO PO 8,110 10 100% 1,539.49 83,491.50 1,382.23 83,584.42 13,046 516-03 220 40 2,700 113 16 1,465 PO PO PO O PO • • PO 7,825 10 100% 1,129.84 84,621.33 1,063.90 84,648.32 13,712 520-03 224 49 2,749 115 16 1,460 PO PO • O PO • • PO 7,2$5 10 100% 1,305.06 85,926.39 1,320.61 85,968.94 13,426 523-03 227 41 2,790 116 17 1,465 PO PO • O PO • • PO 8,785 10 100% 1,108.83 87,033.02 1,121.26 87,090.20 13,599 526-03 230 42 2,832 118 17 1,470 PO PO • O • PO • PO 6,235 10 100% 1,150.41 88,183.43 993.27 88,083.47 13,779 529-03 233 38 2,870 120 17 1,485 235 PO PO • O • PO • PO 5,890 10 100% 900.21 89,083.64 831.18 88,914.65 13,919 530-03 234 16 2,886 120 17 1,460 245 PO PO • O • PO • PO 5,450 10 100% 350.60 89,43424 337.56 89,252.21 13,974 6-3-03 238 51 2,937 122 17 1,455 250 PO PO PO O • • PO PO 5,035 10 100% 1,078.06 90,512.30 1,014.16 90,266.37 14,143 6.5-03 240 29 2,966 124 18 1,490 225 PO PO PO O • • PO PO 4,855 10 100% 577.90 91,09020 500.41 90,766.78 14,233 (x9-03 244 50 3,016 126 18 1,470 230 PO PO PO O • • PO PO 4,615 10 100% 864.68 91,954.88 838.25 91,605.04 14,368 6-12-03 247 37 3,053 127 18 1,435 215 PO PO PO O PO • • PO 4,430 10 100% 621.75 92,576.62 556.55 92,161.59 14,465 6-16-03 251 52 3,105 129 18 1,450 240 PO PO PO O PO • • PO 4,725 10 100% 784.07 93,360.70 832.64 92,994.23 14,588 6-19-03 254 42 3,147 131 19 1,465 245 PO PO • O PO • • PO 4,075 10 100% 674.22 94,034.91 662.10 93,656.33 14,693 6-2303 258 50 3,197 133 19 1,460 230 PO PO • O • PO • PO 3,950 10 100% 790.27 94,825.18 717.19 94,373.52 14,816 6-25-03 260 25 3,222 134 19 1,470 235 PO PO • O • PO • PO 3,800 10 100% 359.56 95,184.75 352.44 94,725.96 14,873 6-30-03 265 64 3,286 137 20 1,475 240 PO PO • O • PO • PO 3,810 10 100% 904.78 96,089.53 923.88 95,649.84 15,014 7-2-03 267 27 3,313 138 20 1,460 225 PO PO • O • • PO PO 3,835 10 100% 390.85 96,480.38 367.80 96,017.64 15,075 7-11-03 276 113 3,426 143 20 1,450 220 PO PO PO O • • PO PO 3,795 10 100% 1,543.61 98,023.99 1,489.36 97,507.01 15,316 7-15-03 280 50 3,476 145 21 1,465 215 PO PO PO O • • PO PO 3,765 10 100% 660.87 98,684.87 638.92 98,145.93 15,420 7-18-03 283 37 3,513 146 21 1,440 235 PO PO PO O PO 0 • PO 3,730 10 100% 474.15 99,159.02 511.98 98,657.91 15,494 7-22-03 287 51 3,564 149 21 1,485 255 PO PO PO O PO • • PO 3,705 10 100% 707.72 99,866.73 760.62 99,418.53 15,604 7-25-03 290 42 3,606 150 21 1,460 240 PO PO • O PO • • PO 3,680 10 100% 628.19 100,494.92 585.55 100,004.08 15,702 7-29-03 294 50 3,656 152 22 1,455 235 PO PO • O PO PO • PO 3,655 10 100% 699.10 101,194.02 677.91 100,681.99 15,812 8-1-03 297 40 3,696 154 22 1,490 245 PO PO • O • PO • PO 3,680 10 100% 543.91 101,737.93 569.29 101,251.28 15,897 84-03 N3204 39 3,735 156 22 1,470 250 PO PO • O • PO • PO 3,720 10 100% N4965.6565 102,294.59 572.56 101,823.83 15,984 8-7-03 0 3,735 156 22 1,435 225 PO PO PO O • PO PO PO 3,685 10 100% 102,294.59 0.00 101,823.83 15,984 8-11-03 49 3,784 158 23 1,450 230 PO PO PO O • • PO PO 3,635 10 100% 102,937.77 646.64 102,470.48 16,084 8-14-03 40 3,824 159 23 1,465 210 PO PO PO O PO • PO PO 3,620 10 100% 103,467.19 479.97 102,950.45 16,167 8-18-03 53 3,877 162 23 1,440 235 PO PO PO O PO • PO PO 3,595 10 100% 104,105.04 706.75 103,657.20 18,268 8-21-03 38 3,915 163 23 1,485 205 PO PO • O PO • • PO 3,560 10 100% 104,613.27 437.71 104,094.91 16,346 &25-03 51 3,966 165 24 1,460 240 PO PO • O PO PO • PO 3,525 10 100% 105,202.50 680.99 104,775.90 16,438 &28-03 37 4,003 167 24 1,450 270 PO PO • O • PO • PO 3,590 10 100% 105,698.05 566.10 105,342.00 16,515 9-1-03 328 52 4,055 169 24 11,465 !220 PO PO • O • PO • PO 3,630 10 100% 797.95 108,496.00 655.9-503 332 50 4,105 171 24 PO PO PO O • PO PO PO 3,655 10 100% 632.14 107,128.13 62020 106,617.70 16,739 9-8.03 335 41 4,146 173 25 PO PO PO O • • PO PO 3,595 10 100% 510.06 107,638.19 535.10 107,152.80 16,818 9-11-03 338 37 4,183 174 25 PO PO PO O PO • PO PO 3,520 10 100% 484.33 108,122.52 503.63 107,656.42 16,894 9-15-03 342 52 4,235 176 25 PO PO PO O PO • PO PO 3,480 10 100% 709.94 108,832.47 714.02 108,370.44 17,005 9.19-03 346 54 4.289 179 26 PO PO • O PO • • PO 3,455 10 100% 743.75 109,576.21 691.96 109,062.41 17,121 9-22-03 349 38 4,327 160 26 PO PO • O PO PO • PO ,430 t0 100% 488.44 110,064.85 442.25 109,504.66 17,198 9-26-03 353 51 4,378 182 26 PO PO • O • PO • PO 3,420 10 100% 595.41 110,660.06 660.65 710,165.31 17,291 TABLE 4. SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Outlet Inlet Dilution Feld Feld Reduction Cumulative Lbs. Cumulative Cumulative Date Calendar Operating Operating Operating Operating Temper- Flow MW-1 V-1s b V-1d V-2 V-3 V-4 MW-10 MW-11 Air TPH In TPH Out Efficiency Total Lbs. Lbs. Destroyed Lbs. Gallons Monitored Days Hours Hours Days Weeks ature(°F) (selm) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve (valve (valve (valve (valve) (ppmv) (ppmv) P90%) Extracted Extracted per event Destroyed Extracted 9-29-03 356 37 4,415 184 26 1,470 225 PO PO O • PO • PO 3,415 10 100% 480.79 111,140.85 448.67 110,613.98 17,366 10-3-03 360 54 4,469 186 27 1,485 245 PO PO O • PO PO PO 2,850 10 100% 656.87 111,797.72 594.70 111,208.67 17,468 10-7-03 364 52 4,521 188 27 19505 230 PO PO O • • PO PO 2,565 10 100% 574.81 112,372.53 483.64 111,692.32 17,558 10.10-03 367 41 4,562 190 27 1,495 225 PO PO O PO • PO PO 2,235 10 100% 382.92 112,755.45 324.85 112,017.16 17,618 10-13-03 370 38 4,600 192 27 1,480 230 PO PO PO O PO • PO PO 1,975 10 99% 302.52 1 113,057.97 271.80 112,288.96 17,665 10.17-03 374 55 4,655 194 28 1,455 215 PO PO • O PO • • PO 1,650 10 99% 395.52 113,453.49 306.88 112,595.84 17,727 10-21-03 378 49 4,704 196 28 1,470 235 PO PO • O PO PO • PO 1,100 10 99% 275.19 113,728.68 198.59 112,794.43 17,770 10-25-03 382 52 4,756 198 28 1,435 205 PO PO • O • PO • PO 1,355 10 99% 212.80 113,941.48 226.86 113,021.28 17,803 10-28-03 365 42 4,798 200 29 1,460 240 PO PO • O • PO • PO 1,960 10 99% 184.69 114,126.18 311.08 113,332.36 17,832 10-30-03 387 29 41827 201 29 1,450 265 PO PO PO O • PO PO PO 2,400 10 100% 215.96 114,342.14 290.70 113,623.07 17,868 11.4-03 392 62 4.889 204 29 1,465 220 PO PO PO O • • PO PO 2,780 10 100% 624.25 114,966.39 598.00 114,221.06 17,963 11-7-03 395 39 4,928 1 205 29 1,440 215 PO PO PO O PO • PO PO 3,175 10 100% 377.61 115,344.00 420.04 114,641.11 18,023 11-12-03 400 67 4,995 208 30 1,485 230 PO PO PO O PO • PO PO 3,400 10 100% 724.05 116,068.06 826.86 115,467.96 18,136 11-18-03 406 78 5,073 211 30 1,460 205 PO PO • O PO • • PO 3,265 10 100% 965.64 117,033.69 823.78 116,291.75 181287 11-21-03 409 37 5,110 213 30 1,455 225 PO PO • O PO PO • PO 3,070 10 100% 392.06 117,425.75 403.20 116,694.95 18,348 11-24-03 412 40 5.150 215 31 1,490 240 PO PO • O • PO • PO 2,855 10 100% 437.41 117,863.16 432.28 117,12724 18,416 11-28-03 416 51 5,201 217 31 1,470 210 PO PO • O • PO • PO 2,675 10 100% 553.22 118,416.39 451.73 117,578.97 18,503 12-1-03 419 42 5,243 218 31 1,435 195 PO PO PO O • PO PO PO 2,525 10 100% 373.51 118,789.90 325.99 117,904.96 18,561 12.5-03 423 50 5,293 221 32 1,450 235 PO PO PO O • • PO PO 2,480 10 100% 389.74 119,179.64 459.34 118,364.30 18,622 12-9-03 427 49 5.342 223 32 1,465 220 PO PO PO O PO • PO PO 2,305 10 100% 452.09 119,631.73 391.55 118,755.84 18,692 12-12-03 430 41 5,383 224 32 1,440 215 PO PO PO O PO NO PO PO 2,270 10 100% 329.15 119,960.88 315.29 119,071.13 18,744 12-16-03 434 55 5.438 227 32 1,485 235 PO PO • O PO • PO 2,155 10 100% 424.95 120,385.83 438.77 119,509.91 18,810 12-20-03 438 51 5,489 229 33 1,460 255 PO PO • O PO • PO 1,890 10 99% 408.88 120,794.71 386.94 119,896.85 18,874 12-22-03 440 29 5,518 230 33 1,450 240 PO PO • O • • PO 1,375 10 99% 221.26 121,015.98 150.33 120,047.18 18,909 12-28-03 446 76 5,594 233 33 1,465 235 PO PO • O • • PO 910 10 99% 397.04 121,413.02 254.29 120,301.47 18,971 1-9404 458 225 5,819 242 35 1,472 229 PO O PO O • PO • 789 10 99% 760.52 122,173.54 633.88 120,935.35 19,090 1-22-04 471 237 6.056 252 36 1,485 204 PO O PO O • PO • 623 5 99% 678.25 122,851.79 472.98 121,408.33 19,196 1-30-04 479 132 6,188 258 37 1,479 178 PO O PO O PO PO • 556 5 99% 266.55 123,118.34 205.54 121,613.87 19,237 2-6-04 486 123 6,311 263 38 1,488 183 PO O PO O PO • PO • 468 5 99% 192.15 123,310.49 164.36 121,77823 19,267 2-11-04 491 82 6,392 266 38 1,496 167 PO O • O PO • • • 397 5 99% 110.64 123,421.13 84.47 121,862.70 19,285 2-18-04 498 138 6.530 272 39 1,484 189 PO O 0 O PO PO • • 438 5 99% 144.59 123,565.72 178.31 122,041.01 19,307 2-26-04 506 150 6,680 278 40 1,472 231 PO O • O • PO • • 404 5 99% 196.27 123,761.99 218.34 122,259.36 19,338 3-1-04 510 76 6,756 281 40 1,476 229 PO O • O • PO • • 375 5 99% 112.05 123,874.03 101.64 122,361.00 19,355 3-5-04 514 96 6,852 285 41 1,468 236 PO O PO O • PO PO • 416 5 99% 130.51 124,004.55 147.30 122,508.30 19,376 3.24-04 533 285 7,137 297 42 1,409 242 PO O PO O • • PO • 389 5 1 99% 442.96 124,447.50 418.94 122.927.24 19,445 3-29-04 538 119 7,256 302 43 1,468 228 PO O PO O PO • PO • 330 5 98% 177.35 124,624.85 139.46 123,066.69 19,473 4-8-04 548 166 7,421 309 44 1 1,456 217 PO O PO O PO • PO • 368 5 99% 19725 124,822.10 206.31 123,273.00 19,503 4-21.04 561 231 7,652 319 46 1,459 243 PO O PO O PO • • • 434 5 99% 291.88 125,113.98 380.76 123,653.76 19,549 4.28-04 568 134 7,787 324 46 1,465 222 PO O PO O PO PO • • 371 5 99% 224.39 125,338.38 172.72 123,826.48 19,584 5-3-04 573 92 7,879 328 47 1,473 245 PO O PO O PO PO • • 362 5 99% 120.48 125,456.86 127.83 123,954.32 19,603 5-12-04 582 177 8,056 336 48 1,465 237 PO O PO O PO PO • • 348 5 99% 248.69 125,707.54 227.73 124,182.05 19,642 5.17-04 587 8o 8.137 339 48 1,471 229 PO O PO O • PO PO • 324 5 98% 104.98 125,812.52 92.89 124,274.93 19,658 5-27-04 597 120 8,257 344 49 1,462 234 PO O PO O • PO PO • 300 5 98% 141.19 125,953.71 131.21 124,406.15 19,680 6-1-04 602 51 8,308 346 49 1,434 215 PO O PO O PO PO PO • 287 5 98% 56.68 126,010.39 48.89 124,455.04 19,689 6-7-04 608 65 8,373 349 50 1,410 204 PO O PO O PO • PO • 246 5 98% 63.50 126,073.88 50.51 124,505.55 19,699 6-14-04 615 182 8,555 356 51 1,420 226 PO O PO !LO • PO • 158 2 99% 144.59 1%,218.48 101.50 124,607.05 19,722 6-17.04 618 220 8,775 366 52 1,405 231 PO O PO PO PO • 75 1 99% 124.37 126,342.84 59.48 124,666.53 19741 6-30-04 631 70 8,845 369 53 1,460 219 PO O PO PO • • 20 0.5 98% 1920 126362.04 4.72 124,671.28 19744 7$04 637 26 8,871 370 53 1,425 223 PO O PO PO • • 296 5 98% 1.80 126363.84 28.88 124897.94 19744 7-14-04 645 145 9,016 376 54 1,427 230 O O PO PO PO • 318 5 6 7-19-04 650 41 9,057 377 54 1,435 234 O O PO PO PO • 384 5 99% 47.47 126,562.84 57.52 124,920.53 19,775 TABLE 4. SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Outlet Inlet Dilution Reid Feld Reduction Cumulative Lbs. Cumulative Cumulative Date Calendar Operating Operating Operating Operating Temper- Flow MINA V-Is V-ti V-1d V-2 V3 V-4 MW-10 MW-11 Air TPH In iPH Out FBiciency Total Lbs. Lbs. Destroyed Lbs. Gallons Monitored Days Hours Hours Days Weeks at-(*q (scfm) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve (valve (valve (valve (valve) (ppmv) (ppmv) (>90%) Extracted Extracted per event Destroyed Extracted 7-26-04 657 13 9,070 378 54 1,428 229 PO O PO O PO O PO • 276 5 98% 18.49 126,581.33 12.76 124,933.29 19,778 7-29-04 660 8 9,078 378 54 1,432 204 PO O PO O PO O PO • 108 2 98% 8.00 126,589.34 2.73 124,936.02 19,780 8-3-04 665 35 9,113 380 54 1,432 179 O O PO O PO PO O • 294 5 98% 12.21 126,601.54 28.62 124,964.65 19,781 8.9-04 671 133 9,246 385 55 1,423 181 O O PO O PO PO O • 318. 5 98% 110.81 126,712.35 119.13 125,083.77 19,799 8-20-04 682 224 9,470 395 56 1,427 177 O O PO O O PO PO • 256 5 98% 204.11 126.916.461 15728 125,241.05 19,831 8.26-04 688 58 9,528 397 57 1,432 185 O O PO O O PO PO • 190 2 99% 41.61 126,958.07 31.91 125,272.96 19,837 9-3-04 696 66 9,594 400 57 1,431 231 PO O PO O O O PO • 167 2 99% 36.73 126,994.79 39.79 125,312.75 19,843 9.10-04 703 39 9.633 401 57 1,429 229 PO O PO O O O PO • 134 2 99% 23.82 127,018.61 18.64 125,331.40 19,847 9-16-04 709 16 9,649 402 57 1,426 236 O O PO O PO O O • 118 2 98% 7.69 127,026.31 6.86 125,338.26 19,848 9-2344 716 19 9,668 403 58 1,423 225 O O PO O PO O O • 87 2 98% 8.45 127,034.75 5.79 125,344.05 19,849 930-04 723 24 9,691 404 58 1,428 211 O O PO O PO PO O • 60 1 98% 7.29 127,042.04 4.55 125,348.60 19,850 10$04 731 17 9.709 405 58 1,435 224 O O PO O PO PO O • 114 2 98% 3.41 127,045.45 6.85 125,355.46 19,851 10.13-04 736 2 9.711 405 58 1,448 208 PO O PO O O PO PO 4, 1782 99% 0.97 127,046.42 1.39 125,356.84 19,851 10-18-04 741 32 9,743 406 58 1,455 215 PO O PO O O PO PO • 204 5 98% 18.64 127,065406 21.50 125,378.35 19,854 10-25-04 748 24 9,766 407 58 1,451 221 O O PO O O O PO • 256 5 98% 16.33 127,081.39 20.63 125,398.97 19,856 11-4-04 758 48 9,814 409 58 1,446 225 O O PO O O O PO • 311 5 98% 42.99 127,124.38 52.26 125,45123 19,863 11-11.04 765 30 9,845 410 59 1,442 234 O O PO O PO O O • 356 5 99% 33.50 127,157.88 3928 125,490.52 19,868 11-19-04 773 77 9,922 413 59 1,437 230 O O PO O PO O O 4, 380 5 99% 101.86 127,259.74 105.37 125,595.89 19,884 11-28-04 1 782 193 1 10,115 421 60 1,439 222 PO O PO O PO PO O • 347 1 5 99% 267.04 127,526.79 231.75 125,827.64 19,926 12-9-04 793 214 1 10,329 430 61 1,469 216 PO O PO O PO PO O • 303 5 98% 260.79 127,787.57 217.65 126,045.30 19,967 12-15-04 799 192 10,521 438 63 1 1,564 206 O O PO O O PO PO • 256 5 98% 199.10 127,986.67 157.07 126,202.36 19,998 12-24-04 808 166 10,687 445 64 1,522 209 O O PO O O PO PO • 198 2 99% 138.59 128,125.26 107.57 126,309.94 20,020 12-27.04 811 73 10,760 448 64 1,514 216 O O PO O O O PO 41 160 2 99% 47.82 128,173.08 39.41 126,349.34 20,027 1-4-05 819 13 10,773 449 64 1,512 223 O O PO O PO O O • 913 5 99% 7.11 128,180.20 41.66 126,391.00 20,028 1-13-05 828 16 10,789 450 64 1,411 231 PO O PO O PO O O • 117 2 98% 51.57 128,231.77 6.72 126,397.72 20,036 1-19-05 834 57 10.846 452 65 1,446 229 PO O PO O PO PO O • 345 5 1 99% 24.39 128,256.16 70.19 126,467.91 20,040 1-27-05 842 94 10,940 456 65 1,872 236 O O PO O PO PO O • 526 2 100% 117.57 128,373.73 192.41 126,660.32 20,058 2-2-05 848 124 11,064 461 66 1,750 242 O O PO O O PO PO • 343 2 99% 254.81 128,628.53 161.94 126,82228 20,098 2-9-05 855 33 11,097 462 66 1,608 228 O O PO O O PO PO • 212 2 99% 43.36 128,671.90 25.00 126,847.26 20,105 2-16-05 862 80 11,177 466 67 1,777 217 O O PO O O O PO • 81 2 98% 61.22 128,733.11 21.67 126,868.93 20,115 2-21-05 867 1 11,178 466 67 1,485 243 PO O PO O PO O O • 54 0.5 98% 028 128,733.39 0.10 126,869.03 20,115 3.1-05 875 54 11,232 468 67 1,435 222 PO O PO O PO O O • 176 5 97% 5.40 128,738.79 32.39 126,901.42 20,115 3-7-05 881 32 11,264 469 67 1,433 245 O O PO O PO PO O • 319 5 98% 19.79 128,758.59 38.93 128,940.35 20,119 3-13-05 887 5 11,269 470 67 1,471 237 O O PO O PO PO O • 117 5 96% 6.19 128,764.77 2.10 126,942.45 20,119 3.24-05 898 152 11,421 476 68 1,785 229 O O PO O O PO PO • 67 0.2 98% 66.73 128,831.50 5.39 126,947.84 20,130 3-30-05 904 4 11,424 476 68 11546 234 O O PO O O PO PO • 99 2 98% 0.13 128,831.63 1.29 126,949.13 20,130 4-7-05 912 7 11.432 476 68 1,467 239 PO O PO O O O PO 4, 296 5 98% 2.71 128,W4.34 8.14 126,957.27 20,130 4-18-05 923 167 11,599 483 69 620 242 PO O PO O PO O O • 645 10 98% 187.03 129,021.38 405.88 127,363.15 20,160 4-22-05 927 99 11,698 487 70 680 245 O O PO O PO O O • 460 10 98% 244.64 129,266.01 172.56 127,535.71 20,198 4.28-05 933 143 11,841 493 70 686 244 O O PO O PO PO O • 634 10 98% 255.14 129,521.15 344.35 127,880.05 20,238 5-5-05 940 98 11,939 497 71 670 244 O O PO O PO PO O • 718 10 99% 240.00 129,761.15 267.78 128,147.84 20,275 5.9-05 944 109 12,048 1 502 72 671 244 O O PO O O PO PO • 614 10 98% 302.31 130,063.46 254.05 128,401.89 20,322 518-05 1 953 188 12,236 510 73 672 243 PO O PO O O PO PO • 1 481 5 99% 445.89 130,509.35 344.03 128,745.92 20,392 525-05 960 184 12,420 517 74 667 240 PO O PO O O O PO • 330 5 98% 340.47 130,849.82 226.99 128,972.91 20,445 6.8-05 974 332 12,752 531 76 672 241 O O PO O PO O O • 418 5 99% 416.27 131,266.09 522.74 129,495.66 20,510 6-15-05 981 178 12.930 539 77 760 241 O O PO O PO O O • 398 5 99% 283.87 131,549.97 266.68 129,762.34 20,555 6-23-05 989 33 12.963 540 77 730 240 O O PO O PO PO O • 313 5 98% 50.11 131,600.08 38.58 129,800.92 20,563 6.27-05 993 101 13,064 544 78 691 236 O O PO O PO PO O • 270 5 98% 120.11 131320.19 99.68 129,900.80 20,581 74-05 1,004 29 13,093 546 78 718 237 O O 1 PO O PO PO O • 376 5 99% 2925 1311749.45 40.33 129,941.13 20,586 7-13-05 1,009 18 13.109 546 78 672 235 O O 1 PO O PO PO O 4, 455 5 99% 22.57 131,772.02 28.77 129,967.90 20,589 7-20-05 1,018 51 13,160 548 78 741 235 O O PO O PO PO O • 538 10 98% 86.33 131,858.35 100.06 130,067.96 1 20,603 TABLE 4. SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Outlet Inlet Dilution Field Field Reduction Cumulative Lbs. Cumulative Cumulative Date Calendar Operating Operating Operating Operating Temper- Flow MW-1 V-15 V-1i V-1d V-2 V-3 V-4 MW-10 MW-11 Air TPH In TPH Out Efficiency Total Lbs. Lbs. Destroyed Lbs. Gallons Monitored Days Hours Hours Days Weeks ature(09 (scfm) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve (valve (valve (valve (valve) (ppmv) (ppmv) (>90%) Extracted Extracted Pere verd Destroyed Extracted 7-28-05 1,024 204 13,364 557 80 751 238 O O PO O PO PO O • 602 10 98% 408.31 132,266.66 454.55 130,522.50 20,667 8-2-05 1,029 42 131406 559 80 670 235 O O PO O PO PO O • 656 10 98% 95.27 132,361.92 100.84 130,623.34 20,682 8-11-05 1,038 6 13,412 559 Bo 672 237 O O PO O PO PO O • 720 10 99% 14.64 132,376.57 15.97 130,639.31 20,684 8.16-05 1,043 60 13,472 561 80 681 236 O O PO O PO PO O • 688 10 99% 162.09 132,538.65 151.84 130,791.16 20,709 8-26-05 1 1,053 68 13,540 564 81 670 235 O O PO O PO PO O 1 1 • 614 1 10 98% 1 174.79 132,713.45 1 152.64 130,943.80 1 20,736 9-5-05 1,063 73 13,613 567 81 720 234 O O PO O PO PO O • 342 5 99% 166.75 K132,880.20 0 91.05 131,034.84 20,763 9-9-05 1,067 172 13,785 574 82 692 233 O O PO O PO PO O • 97 2 98% 217.91 11 60.19 131,095.04 20,797 9-16-05 1,074 127 13,912 580 83 674 231 O O PO O PO PO O • 65 1 98% 45.44 5 29.69 131,124.73 20,804 9-26-05 1,084 11 13,923 580 83 678 230 O O PO O PO PO O • 45 1 98% 2.61 17 1.68 131,126.41 20,804 10-3-05 1,091 126 14,049 585 84 670 232 O O PO O PO PO O • 67 1 99% 19.73 89 30.51 131,156.92 20,807 10-10-05 1,098 163 14,212 592 85 681 234 O O PO O PO PO O • 53 1 98% 40.10 99 31.35 131,188.27 20,813 10-17-05 1,105 167 14,379 599 86 692 233 O O PO O PO PO O • 56 1 98% 32.80 79 33.85 131,222.12 20,819 10-27-05 1,115 239 14,618 609 87 683 231 O O PO O PO PO O • 49 1 98% 49.37 .16 41.90 131,264.02 20,828 11-4-05 1,123 187 14,805 617 88 695 230 O O PO O PO PO O O O • 350 5 99% 33.51 133,321.67 234.69 131,498.71 1 20,832 11-11-05 1,130 168 14,973 624 89 695 1232 235 O O PO O PO PO O O O • 294 5 98% 214.10 133,535.77 180.43 131,679.14 20,865 11-15-05 1,134 97 15,070 628 90 676 233 O O PO O PO PO O O O • 286 5 98% 106.10 133,641.86 100.43 131,779.56 20,882 11-25-05 1,144 239 15,309 638 91 694 231 O O PO O PO PO O O O • 281 5 98% 252.13 133,894.00 240.95 132,020.51 20,921 12$05 1,155 266 15,575 649 93 691 233 O O PO O PO PO O O O • 429 5 99% 273.35 134,167.34 415.71 132,436.21 20,964 12-15-05 1,164 214 15,789 658 94 694 231 O O PO O PO PO O O O • 518 5 99% 338.39 134,505.73 400.92 132,837.13 21,017 12-20-05 1,169 133 15,922 663 95 692 230 O O PO O PO PO O O O • 487 5 99% 252.25 134,757.98 225.30 133,062.43 21,056 12-28-05 1,177 173 16,095 671 96 688 O O PO O PO PO O O O • 451 5 1 99% 295.72 135,053.70 282.85 1 133,34529 21,102 1-3-06 1,183 143 16,237 677 97 701 233 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 387 5 99% 236.14 135289.84 200.71 133,545.99 21,139 1-9-06 1,189 152 16,389 683 98 695 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 419 5 99% 216.47 135,506.31 228.41 133,774.40 21,173 1-19-06 1,199 243 16,632 693 99 691 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 394 5 99% 370.73 135,877.04 343.90 134,118.30 21231 1-27-06 1,207 118 16,750 698 100 690 233 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 217 5 98% 16928 136,046.33 92.14 134210.44 21,257 2-1-06 1,212 121 16,871 703 100 712 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 345 5 99% 96.85 136,143.18 149.65 134,360.09 21,272 2-9-06 1220 199 17,070 711 102 699 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 367 5 99% 249.98 136,393.16 262.07 134,622.16 21,311 2-15-06 1226 137 17207 717 102 694 231 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 343 5 99% 182.81 136,575.97 168.93 134,791.09 21,340 2-24-06 1,235 215 17,422 726 104 704 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 314 3 99% 269.94 136,845.91 243.54 135,034.63 21,382 3.7-06 1,246 263 17,685 737 105 710 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 262 3 99% 300.69 137,146.60 247.84 135,282.47 21,429 3.14.06 1253 168 17,853 744 106 705 237 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 206 3 99% 160.27 137,306.87 127.84 135,410.30 21,454 3-20-06 1,259 33 17,886 745 106 694 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 131 3 98% 25.51 137,332.38 15.36 135,425.66 21,458 3-27-06 1,266 131 18,017 751 107 689 227 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 99 2 98% 62.49 137,394.86 46.07 1351471073 21,488 4-5-08 1,275 212 18,229 760 109 677 229 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 147 2 99% 76.07 137,470.93 111.17 135,582.91 21,480 4-10-06 1,280 120 18,349 765 109 672 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 195 2 99% 64.12 137,535.05 84.50 135,667.40 21,490 4-17.06 1,287 169 18,518 772 110 684 229 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 203 2 99% 119.99 137,655.05 123.07 135,790.47 21,509 4-24-06 1,294 168 18,686 779 111 677 224 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 210 2 99% 123.64 137,778.69 123.84 135,914.31 21,528 5-1.06 1,301 100 18,786 783 112 675 221 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 168 2 99% 74.47 137,853.16 58.03 135,972.34 21,540 5-8-06 1,308 163 18,949 790 113 674 220 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 112 2 98% 95.81 137,948.96 62.37 136,034.71 21,555 5-15-06 1,315 433 19,382 808 115 674 220 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 95 2 98% 168.90 138,117.87 140.05 136,174.76 21,581 5-31.06 1,331 120 19,502 813 116 681 221 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 105 2 98% 39.70 138,157.57 43.19 136217.94 21,587 6506 1,337 142 19,644 818 117 664 220 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 114 2 98% 52.17 138,209.74 55.32 136,273.27 21,595 6-13-06 1,344 25 19,669 820 117 668 214 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 109 2 98% 10.01 138219.74 9.12 136282.39 21,597 6-19-06 1,350 143 19,812 825 118 667 203 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 102 2 98% 52.73 138272.48 45.82 136,328.21 21,605 6.26-06 1,357 169 19,981 833 119 668 204 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 96 2 98% 55.40 138,327.88 5122 136,379.44 21,614 7-3-06 1,364 78 20,059 836 119 669 204 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 122 2 98% 24.18 138,352.06 30.19 136,409.63 21,618 7-10-06 1,371 256 20,315 846 121 664 204 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 119 2 98% 100.87 138,452.92 96.61 136,506.24 21,633 7-17.06 1,378 160 20,474 853 122 671 203 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 144 2 99% 61.34 138,514.26 72.76 136,579.00 21,643 7-24-06 1,385 178 20,853 861 123 665 201 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 97 2 98% 82.58 138,598.82 53.84 136,832.84 21,858 7-27.06 1,388 0 20,653 861 123 695 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 64 1 98% 0.00 138,596.82 0.00 136,632.84 21,656 8.3-06 1,395 1 123 1 20,778 1 866 124 673 225 0 0 PO 0 PO PO PO 1 0 0 • 403 5 1 99% 28.66 138,825.46 174.23 136,807.07 21,660 TABLE 4. SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Outlet Inlet Dilution Field Feld Reduction Cumulative Lbs. Cumulative Cumulative Date calendar Operating Operating Operating Operating Temper- Flow MW-1 V-1s V-1i V-1d V-2 V-3 V-4 MW-10 MW-11 Air TPH In TPH Out Effrclency Total Lbs. Lbs. Destroyed Lbs. Gallons Monitored Days Hours Hours Days Weeks ature(°F) (scrm) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve (valve (valve valve ( (valve) (ppmv) (ppmv) (-90%) Extracted Extracted per event Destroyed Extracted 8-11-06 1,403 139 20,915 871 124 665 229 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 320 5 98% 199.53 138,825.02 158.57 136,965.64 21,691 BAS-06 1,410 153 21,068 878 125 687 232 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 206 5 98% 177.50 139,002.51 112.77 137,078.41 21,719 B-22-06 1,414 1 21,069 878 125 683 227 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 152 2 99% 0.76 139,00327 0.54 137,078.95 21,719 B-30-06 1,422 17 21,086 879 126 683 236 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 119 2 98% 929 139,012.55 7.42 137,086.37 21,721 0.5-06 1,428 44 21,130 880 126 679 227 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 96 2 98% 19.56 139,032.12 14.84 137,10121 21,724 9-11-06 1,434 30 21,160 882 126 685 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 103 2 98% 10.35 139,042.47 11.02 137,112.23 21,725 9-18-06 1,441 60 21,220 884 126 691 231 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 97 2 98% 22.50 139,064.97 20.82 137,133.05 21,729 9.24-06 1,447 67 21,287 887 127 675 233 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 125 2 98% 23.77 139,088.74 30.37 137,163.41 21,733 9-27-06 1.450 70 21,357 890 127 672 232 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 143 2 99% 32.20 139,120.94 36.13 137,199.55 21,738 10.2-W 1,455 99 21,456 894 128 654 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 129 2 98% 52.08 139,173.02 45.81 137,245.36 21,746 10.11-06 1,464 216 21,672 903 129 671 233 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 147 2 99% 101.46 139,274.48 115.43 137,360.78 21,762 10.16-06 1,469 117 21,789 908 130 670 230 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 167 2 99% 63.44 139,337.92 70.24 137,431.02 21,772 10.26-06 1,479 0 21,789 908 130 664 221 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 174 2 99% 0.00 139,337.92 0.00 137,431.02 21,772 10.30-W 1,483 72 21,861 911 130 668 223 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 185 2 99% 43.83 139,381.75 46.48 137,477.50 211778 11406 1,490 137 21,998 917 131 654 233 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 194 2 99% 89.48 139,471.22 96.96 137,574.46 21,792 11-9-06 1,491 104 22,102 921 132 655 227 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 167 2 99% 74.42 139,545.65 61.62 137,636.08 21,804 4-19-07 1,491 0 22,102 921 132 166 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 92 2 98% 0.00 139,545.65 0.00 137,636.08 21,804 4-2307 1,495 94 22,196 925 132 167 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 58 1 98% 22.73 139,568.37 14.02 137,650.10 21,808 4-30-07 1,502 167 22,363 932 133 163 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 45 1 98% 25.39 139,593.76 18.75 137,668.85 21,812 5-8-07 1,510 192 22,555 940 134 166 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 63 1 98% 22.10 139,615.86 31.24 137,700.09 21,815 514-07 1,516 1 144 22,699 946 135 169 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 57 1 98% 23.84 139,639.70 21.39 137,721.47 21,819 5-22-07 1,524 1 195 22,894 954 136 167 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 59 1 98% 29.53 139,669.23 29.86 137,751.33 21,823 531-07 1,533 212 23,106 963 138 161 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 52 1 98% 33.07 139,702.30 27.45 137,778.78 21,828 6-4-07 1,537 96 23,202 967 138 157 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 53 1 98% 12.70 139,715.00 12.31 137,791.09 21,830 510.07 1,543 169 23,371 974 139 155 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 56 1 98% 22.14 139,737.13 22.60 137,813.70 21,834 6-20-07 1,553 220 23,591 983 140 154 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 60 1 98% 30.02 139,767.15 31.43 137,945.13 21,839 6-26-07 1,559 141 23,732 989 141 155 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 58 1 98% 20.52 139,787.67 19.65 137,864.78 21,842 7-6-07 1,569 240 23,972 999 143 144 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 59 1 98% 34.10 139,821.77 31.84 137,896.62 21,847 7-11-07 1,574 119 24,091 1004 143 156 O O PO O PO PO PO O O 0 55 1 98% 16.09 139,837.85 15.93 137,912.55 21,850 7-16-07 1,579 121 24,212 1009 144 173 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 44 1 98% 16.53 139,854.38 14.09 137,926.64 21,852 7-24-07 1,587 101 24,313 1013 145 198 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 18 0.2 99% 12.06 139,866.44 4.95 137,931.60 21,854 8-2-07 1,590 216 24,529 1022 146 198 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 56 1 98% 10.74 139,877.18 36.98 137,968.68 21,856 8-6-07 1,600 93 24,622 1026 147 197 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 60 1 98% 16.24 139,893.42 17.09 137,985.67 21,858 8-1507 1,609 203 24,825 1034 148 199 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 61 1 98% 37.99 139,931.41 38.31 138,023.98 21,864 8-20-07 1,614 133 24,958 1040 149 1 198 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 40 0.5 99% 25.68 139,957.09 16.33 138,040.31 21,868 B-27-07 1,621 169 25,127 1047 150 199 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 52 1 98% 21.03 139,978.12 27.11 138,067.42 21,872 9-4-07 1,629 191 25,318 1055 151 198 O O 1 PO O PO PO PO O O • 64 1 98% 31.29 140,009.41 37.43 138,104.85 21,876 9-14-07 1,639 243 25,561 1065 152 176 O O PO O PO PO PO O O 0 69 1 98% 48.52 140,057.93 46.11 1389150.95 21,884 9-19-07 1,644 121 25,682 1070 153 184 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 67 1 98% 23.40 140,081.33 23.26 138,17422 21,868 0.24-07 1,649 117 25,799 1075 154 180 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 57 1 98% 2297 140,104.30 18.54 138,192.76 21,891 104-07 1,659 167 25,966 1082 155 195 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 64 1 98% 27.03 140,131.33 32.44 138,225.19 21,896 10.807 1,663 95 26,061 1086 155 197 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 57 1 98% 18.77 140,150.10 16.57 138,241.76 21,898 10.11-07 1,666 72 28,133 1089 158 198 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 50 NO.5 98% 12.80 140,162.90 11.04 138,252.81 21,900 10.16-07 1,671 1 28,134 1089 156 199 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 43 98% 0.16 140,163.06 0.13 1389252=94 21,900 10.24-07 1,679 191 28,325 1097 157 199 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 38 99% 25.87 140,188.93 22.54 138,275.48 21,905 10.31-07 1,686 140 26,465 1103 158 199 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 33 98% 16.76 140,205.69 14.32 138,269.80 21,907 11ti07 1,692 144 26,609 1109 158 198 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 56 99% 14.97 140,220.66 25.03 138,314.83 21,909 11-15-07 1,701 128 26,735 1114 159 198 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 34 99% 22.12 140,242.78 13.22 138,328.05 21,913 11-19-07 1,705 95 26,830 1118 160 199 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 21 98% 10.12 140,252.90 6.12 138,334.17 21,915 11-28-07 1,714 220 27,050 1127 161 199 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 16 99% 14.55 140,267.46 10.94 138,345.11 21,917 12-7-07 1,723 214 27,264 1136 162 198 0 0 PO 0 PO PO PO 0 0 • 19 0.2 99% 10.78 140,278.24 12.59 138,357.70 21,918 TABLE 4. SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Outlet Inlet Dilution Feld Feld Reduction Cumulative Lbs. Cumulative cumulative Date Calendar Operating Operating Operating Operating Temper- Flow MW-1 V-1s V-1i V-1d V-2 V-3 V-4 MW-10 MW-11 Air TPH In TPH Out Efficiency Total Lbs. Lbs. Destroyed Lbs. Ganons MonBored Days Hours Hours Days Weeks ature(T) (safm) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve) (valve (valve (valve (valve (valve) (ppmv) (ppmv) (>90%) Extracted Extracted per event Destroyed Extracted 12-12-07 1,728 123 27,387 1141 163 169 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 23 0.2 99% 7.34 140,285.57 7.51 138,365.21 21,920 12-18-07 1,734 141 27,528 1147 164 184 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 20 0.2 99% 8.68 140,29425 8.04 138,37325 21,921 12-28-07 1,744 242 27,770 1157 165 188 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 17 0.2 99% 13.95 140,30820 12.09 138,365.34 21,923 1308 1,750 122 27,892 1162 166 191 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 14.3 0.1 99% 6.19 140,314.39 5.25 138,390.59 21,924 1-10-08 1,757 141 28,033 1168 167 183 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 13.7 0.1 99% 6.10 140,320.49 5.56 138,396.15 21,925 1-16-08 1,763 124 28,157 1173 168 188 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 11.9 0.1 99% 4.92 140,325.41 4.35 138,400.49 21,926 1-28-08 1,775 245 28,402 1183 169 179 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 10.4 0.1 99% 8.67 140,334.08 7.14 138,407.63 211927 2-7-08 1,785 131 28,533 1189 170 184 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 9.9 0.1 99% 3.86 140,337.93 3.73 138,411.36 21,928 2-12-08 1,790 120 28,653 1194 171 188 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 10.6 0.1 99% 3.46 140,341.39 3.75 138,415.11 21,928 2-20-08 1,798 88 26,741 1198 177 179 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 8.5 0.1 99% 2.78 140,344.17 2.09 138,417.20 21,929 2-28-08 1,806 192 28,933 1206 172 184 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 8.1 0.1 99% 4.62 140,348.79 4.47 138,421.67 21,929 3-5-08 1,812 138 29,071 1211 173 191 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 5.0 0.1 98% 326 140,352.05 2.04 138,423.72 21,930 3-14-08 1,821 191 29,262 1219 174 183 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 13.2 0.1 99% 2.89 140,354.94 7.24 138,430.96 21,930 3-21-08 1,828 193 29,455 1227 175 171 O O PO- O PO PO PO O O • 16.0 0.1 99% 7.38 140,362.32 8.30 138,439.26 21,932 3-28-08 1,835 148 29.603 1233 176 184 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 11.8 0.1 99% 6.41 140,368.73 5.04 138,444.30 21,933 4-4-08 1,842 190 29,793 1241 177 181 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 36.1 0.2 99% 6.53 140,37526 19.54 138,463.84 21,934 ¢11-08 1,849 165 29,958 1248 178 176 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 26.6 0.1 100% 17.07 140,392.33 12.18 138,476.02 21,936 ¢18-06 1,658 165 30,723 1255 179 177 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 63.4 0.3 100% 12.23 140,404.58 28.17 138,504.19 271938 ¢25-08 1,863 194 30,317 1263 180 166 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 30.1 0.2 99% 33.30 140,437.85 15.23 138,519.43 21,943 ¢29-08 1,867 70 30,387 1266 181 161 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 31.8 0.1 100% 5.54 140,443.39 12.70 138,532.12 21,944 5-1-08 1,869 48 30,434 1268 181 189 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 102 0.7 99% 8.63 140,452.02 14.40 138,546.52 21,946 55-08 1,873 100 30,535 1272 182 204 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 174 1.1 99% 30.67 140,482.69 56.08 138,602.60 21,950 1,876 71 30,606 1275 182 201 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 758 0.9 99% 40.08 140,522.74 35.62 738,838.22 21,957 5-14-08 1,882 141 30,747 1281 783 198 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 145 0.8 99% 70.75 140,593.49 63.58 138,701.80 21,968 5-19-08 1,887 122 30.869 1286 184 168 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 134 1.8 99% 55.45 140,648.94 42.84 138,744.64 21,976 5.30-08 1,698 288 31,757 1298 185 190 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 151 2.2 99% 102.64 140,751.58 128.75 138,873.39 21,992 6-2-08 1,901 48 31,205 1300 186 196 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 149 1.8 99% 21.80 140,773.39 21.90 138,895.30 21,996 6-9-08 1,908 168 31,373 1307 187 188 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 127 2.0 98% 77.67 140,851.06 62.42 138,957.72 22,008 6-17.08 1,916 190 31,563 1315 188 191 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 780 0.9 t00% 71.82 140,922.88 102.85 139,060.57 22,019 6-25-08 1,924 193 31,756 1323 189 190 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 239 1.1 100% 105.04 141,027.92 15327 139,213.84 22,036 6.30-08 1,929 123 31,879 1328 190 184 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 193 1.8 99% 98.12 141,126.04 68.45 139,28229 22,051 7-7-08 1,936 166 32.045 1335 191 194 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 223 1.8 99% 93.32 141,219.36 112.70 139,394.99 22,066 7-14-08 1,943 169 32,214 1342 792 198 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 237 1.3 99% 115.75 141,335.17 124.61 139,519.80 22,084 7-22-08 1,951 188 32,402 1350 193 198 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 210 7.8 99% 139.66 141,474.77 122.74 139,842.54 22,105 8-1-08 1,961 239 32,641 1360 194 199 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 364 2.8 99% 157.32 141,632.09 271.80 139,914.34 22,130 8-4-08 1,964 76 32,717 1363 195 211 O O PO O PO PO PO O O • 394 3.9 99% 87.15 141,719.25 98.96 140,013.31 22,744 8-11-08 1,971 5 32,722 1363 195 221 O O O O O O O O O • 51 0.1 100% 6.58 141,725.83 0.57 140,013.88 22,145 8-20-08 1,980 216 32.938 1372 196 220 O O O O O O O O O • 44.6 02 100% 24.52 141,750.35 33.39 140,04727 22,148 &25-08 1,985 193 33,131 1380 197 226 O O O O O O O O O • 136 0.1 100% 29.98 141,780.33 93.84 140,141.10 22,153 9-3-08 1.9% 214 33,345 1389 198 111 O O O O O O O O O • 86 1.4 98% 104.13 141,884.46 31.74 140,172.85 22,169 9-8-08 2 O O 03 33.448 1394 199 114 O O O O O O O 68 1.3 98% 15.57 141,900.03 12.37 140,185.21 22,172 999 16 1401 200 112 74 1.8 98% 20.49 141,920.52 21.31 14026.52 22,175 1,01-1 O 55 1.1 98% 21.78 141,942.30 16.67 140,223.19 22,178 9-2 013 i66 33,781 1408 201 118 O O O O O O O Open= O Closed= • Partially open=PO ATTACHMENT 1. GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAMS MONITORING WELL VW-1d GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 � J 260 a Z 10,000 m 250 z0 w 1,000 a z 240 w O J v w 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 41 \rp��o'` ono'` o�oti ono°` ^\o°` �\o°` �o`' ono`' 1�0� ono`' h�oo o�o0 A0 000 001 001 qP 01 P DATE TPH as Gasoline —& Benzene —11--MTBE ---GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/l. MONITORING WELL VW-1d GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND FREE PRODUCT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA 0.5 300 290 0.4 280 m 270 m U U) z 0.3 260 a Y � U d S V.. v 250 z H O V � � a O 0.2 240 w w a w w u- 230 0.1 220 210 0.0 200 COP DATE —�—PSH —■—GW Elevation MONITORING WELL MW-1 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 � J 260 a Z 10,000 m w 250 z O w 1,000 a C.) 240 w .p J U W 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 �Ao o&& 4& ��o� �.\�� �o\�� ti\P e �Z ^\1 o & 1\o� -\�� A\�� 00\�� h\�� 6�0Z0 A\ w\1Z -0�1Z 4Q 'l\�A 0'l �\�� h\�� ^\ti ��ti lb�ti 4T N� Iti 4 00\ ',"� 1�1b 4rti 4V ,00 4ti 1,� Asti ,,�ry �\rti 4Cti 4r'. � DATE I—* TPH as Gasoline — —Benzene MTBE —f—GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL MW-2 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM - DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 � J v 260 Q Z 10,000 i= 250 z0 w 1,000 Q Z 240 J O ul V 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 �6�°�. ° ��� p°\°�, ° �°� �'`� \6� �� °�°o °�°o �'`�°o �`�°a��oh�\�� ���°h���°h�`'�°°�°§°°�`'�°°�°�°°^°�°1 ^��°A ^��°1 °1 0, 113 DATE �-TPH as Gasoline Benzene -*—MTBE —w—GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/l. MONITORING WELL MW-3 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 tM J 260 a Z 10,000 250 z0 w 1,000 a z 240 w O -1 v w 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 ^�\���o�\���o����o��o�o��\o���\o��N\���R\o���o��o�o�\���o�\���oo\��o���o�'��\o���\����\o���\0���\01��b\0���\0���\o����\01��A\0 "\z 'p DATE 1--*--TPH as Gasoline —A Benzene —*—MTBE —f—GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ugA and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ugA. MONITORING WELL II GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 p) J 260 a Z 10,000 m 250 0 w 1,000 a Z 240 J O uj V 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 5�) 5�5 4z�5 o� 4Q o�oa �oo� o� �\�oh 0111 o\���o� ��o� ��Q R�o��o`^��o� ^\^��oA �\^R�01 �\^��0j N�01 DATE 1—+—TPH as Gasoline 3& Benzene —lit—MTBE GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL MW-5 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM • DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 � J 260 a Z 10,000 � v 250 z0 Z 1,000 a V > 0 240 J v uj 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 rb�\���oo o�41 boo o\o� o\o� �\o� � � �0\00 A\o� o��o\o� o 0\00 0\00 0�^0\00 o� A A o� N DATE TPH as Gasoline —3—Benzene —*—MTBE f GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL MW-5d GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM , DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 280 1,000,000 270 100,000 260 a Z 10,000 250 zz w 1,000 Q 0 240 J V w 100 e • • • • e—e • • • • 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 Grp DATE - --TPH as Gasoline ABenzene —ir— MTBE —m GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL MW-6 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 _ 100,000 J 260 a Z 10,000 d 250 zo w 1,000 a 0 240 J V w 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 o o�\ oo o�oe cooK \ oh ohohohoo 000000 01 01011 0 ^�o� q 000b oor�oo \� Ao � 4o� o� �� � % "4 � ,\� \� � t\' �\� 00 ,\� o � �\ N o DATE 1-4-TPH as Gasoline *Benzene ->•-MTBE --w-GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. s MONITORING WELL MW-7 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM • DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 _ 100,000 J 3 260 a Z 10,000 � w v 250 zo w 1,000 a 0 240 J U W 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 DATE TPH as Gasoline Benzene —*--MTBE —0—GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/1 and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/1. MONITORING WELL MW-8 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 � J 260 a Z 10,000 _ v 250 zo H w 1,000 a 0 240 J U w 100 230 10 220 1 � 210 • A A 0 200 tK ti � N tiCb ti°�o� ti°�o� ti`��o° ti°�o° �`'�06 ° � � A °� DATE 1--*—TPH as Gasoline --* Benzene MTBE —f—GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/l. MONITORING WELL MW-8d GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 280 1,000,000 -- 270 100,000 � J 260 Q Z 10,000 250 zo w 1,000 Q v 240 J Z o w U 100 • • • • • •-�� • • e • • • • 230 10 220 1 210 p 200 Off` OtK OHO OIrO OIo OIro O� O� O� 01 00 00 00 �o\ t\��� �`��� �o\^�� �\^^� DATE --$—TPH as Gasoline Benzene MTBE —a—GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ugA and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ugA. MONITORING WELL MW-9 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 280 1,000,000 270 100,000 v 260 Q Z 10,000 m 250 0 Z 1,000 Q Z 240 J O uj V 100 • —•� -• • • • • • • -• • • 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 \.t` \O� \O� \O� \O� \OHO \O HO \OHO \OA 'A \0A \0A DATE 1-*-TPH as Gasoline Benzene -lily MTBE -t-GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/l. MONITORING WELL MW-10 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 � J 260 a Z 10,000 250 zo w 1,000 -- Q 0 240 J Q w 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 \\o4orx t\c00 1\rJIF, o�`��o� ���oh �\�ob \ti0 ob � \o� � \oo `�\oo �o\oo ��\oo ^601 �0�01 ^A�01 �01 �o\oo \oo oo DATE TPH as Gasoline A Benzene —>•—MTBE —f—GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL MW-11 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 280 1,000,000 270 100,000 p� J 260 a Z 10,000 -- d v 250 z0 w 1,000 a L) 240 J O w V 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 ^\�o�o� �\���o��\�o�o� o\��\oN ����oh �\�o��\���o� o\���o� ^\���o� �\���o��\���o� o\^��o� �\^��01 �\���01 �\^��01�0\^��01 ��o� �\^��o��\fl DATE TPH as Gasoline —A Benzene —1•I—MTBE —s--GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/l. MONITORING WELL MW-12 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 tM J v 260 Q O 10,000 m d 250 z0 w 1,000 a Z 240 J O w V 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 o� � o o�ti�\oo o o '•��o\o� o���o� o� o�^o\o� � o� oo DATE 1—*—TPH as Gasoline —& Benzene —*--MTBE GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL MW-13 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION,BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 p� J 260 a Z 10,000 d 250 zo H w 1,000 a 0 240 J U W 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 1 1 200 o\�1�oo �?��\ob `'\�o� �\���o� o\�o�o� ^\�o�o�o �\���o�o �\���oro o\^��oro b�01 01 �\^001 1 N N DATE 1--o—TPH as Gasoline i& Benzene —fit--MTBE —w—GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL MW-14 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 1,000,000 280 270 100,000 M J 260 a O 10,000 m w 250 z0 H w 1,000 a Z 240 w O U Lu 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 �o\�1�o� ���\�� �\�oh �\���oh o\���oh �\���o� �\���o� �\���o� o\���o� ^\^4)01 V\^�01 �\� 1 0\ 0� DATE TPH as Gasoline Benzene MTBE —■—GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. MONITORING WELL EW-1 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND CONTAMINANT HISTOGRAM DOWNTOWN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 100,000,000 300 10,000,000 290 280 1,000,000 270 100,000 � J 260 a Z 10,000 250 z0 w 1,000 a Z 240 O w U 100 230 10 220 1 210 0 200 ^\�o�oa �\�bFl �\�N\oN o\�0Z ��41o3 h�4Z �\�A�oh o\�o�oh ^\���oro �\�o�oo�\�A�oro o\'`��o�o �01 r0�01 01 0\��01 o� o� o� DATE 1--*—TPH as Gasoline —>& Benzene —w—MTBE GW Elevation NDs for TPH as gasoline are displayed as the detection limit of 50 ug/I and NDs for benzene and MTBE are displayed as the detection limit of 0.5 ug/I. ATTACHMENT 2. GROUNDWATER MONITORING, SAMPLING, SAMPLE MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES GROUNDWATER MONITORING, SAMPLING,AND SAMPLE MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES NOTIFICATIONS Prior to performing any field work, the client, regulatory agency, and property owner/manager with jurisdiction over the subject site are notified. Notifications are made a minimum of 48 hours prior to sampling, or as required by the client or regulator. WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS Prior to performing purge or no-purge sampling, water level measurements are collected according to the following procedures: • All wells are checked for phase-separated hydrocarbons with an acrylic bailer or oil/water interface meter. • To avoid cross contamination, water levels are measured starting with the historically "cleanest" wells and proceeding to the historically"dirtiest." • Water levels within each well are measured to an accuracy of±0.01 foot using an electric measuring device and are referenced to the surveyed datum (well cover or top of casing). When measuring to top of casing, measurements are made to the notched (or otherwise marked) point on casing. If no marking is visible, the measurement is made to the northern side of the casing. • If possible, all wells are gauged within a short time interval on the same day to obtain accurate measurements of the potentiometric surface. • All measurements are reproduced to assure validity, and measuring equipment is decontaminated between wells. PHASE-SEPARATED HYDROCARBON If phase-separated hydrocarbon (PSH) is encountered, its thickness in the well and the depth to the interface between the PSH and the water in the well are measured using one or both of the following methods: • an electronic oil-water interface meter is used to measure the depths to the top of the PSH and to the top of the water, and/or • an electronic water level meter is used to measure the depth to the top of the water and a clear bailer is used to measure the PSH thickness. The potentiometeric surface elevation is calculated as: TOC—DTW+0.74PT Where TOC=top-of-casing elevation, DTW=depth to water(interface),and PT= PSH thickness. If PSH thickness is less than 0.02 foot, and the well is planned for purging prior to sample collection, the well is purged and sampled in accordance with the sample collection section of this SOP. If the PSH thickness is 0.02 foot or greater, the PSH is bailed from the well, and left onsite in a labeled and sealed container. No sample is collected for analysis from wells having a PSH thickness of greater than 0.02 foot. Groundwater Monitoring, Sampling, and Sample Management Procedures Page 2 NO-PURGE SAMPLING Well purging is not conducted prior to sampling if purging is not needed to meet technical and/or regulatory project requirements. Following collection of water level measurements,wells that are not purged are sampled according to the protocol in the sample collection section of this SOP. PURGING PROCEDURES Well purging is conducted prior to sampling if purging is needed to meet technical and/or regulatory project requirements. If purging is conducted, the monitoring wells are purged using a vacuum truck, submersible electric pump, bailer, hand pump, or bladder pump, as appropriate for site conditions. A surge block may be used if it becomes apparent during purging that the well screen has become bridged with sediment or the produced groundwater is overly turbid. During the purging process, groundwater is monitored for temperature, pH, conductivity, turbidity, odor, and color. These parameters are recorded on a water sample log. Purging continues until all stagnant water within the wells is replaced by fresh formation water, as indicated by removal of a minimum number of well volumes and/or stabilization of the above-outlined parameters. Sampling is performed after the well recharges to at least 80 percent of hydrostatic. Purge water is stored on site in Department of Transportation-approved, 55-gallon drums until water sample analytical results are received from the laboratory. If active groundwater treatment is occurring at the site, purge water may be disposed of through the treatment system, or the purge water may be transported off site as non- hazardous waste to an approved off-site disposal facility. If permanent pumps are installed in the wells for groundwater remediation, purging may be accomplished by operating the pumps for at least 24 hours before sampling to ensure adequate purging. SAMPLE COLLECTION PROCEDURES Groundwater samples are collected as follows: • A 1-liter TeflonTm bailer is lowered and partially submerged into the well water to collect a groundwater sample. • If visible PSH is present in the sample bailer, PSH thickness is recorded on the field log, and no sample is collected for laboratory analysis. • For volatile organic analyses, groundwater samples are collected in chilled, 40-milliliter, VOA vials having TeflonTM-lined caps. Hydrochloric acid preservative is added to all vials by the laboratory to lower sample pH to 2. Samples are held at 2 to 4°C while in the field and in transit to the laboratory. Other appropriate containers, preservatives, and holding protocols are used for non-volatile analyses. • VOA vials are filled completely so that no headspace or air bubbles are present within the vial. Care is taken so that the vials are not overfilled and the preservative is not lost. • Sample containers are immediately labeled and sealed after collection to prevent confusion. For VOA vials, the label is placed to overlap the edge of the cap as a custody seal, unless a separate custody seal is being used. • Samples are stored in a cooler while on site and in transport to the laboratory or office. The cooler has sufficient ice to maintain appropriate temperature prior to collecting samples. The VOA vials are kept cool both prior to and after filling. Hot or warm containers are not used when volatile compounds are the target analytes. Groundwater Monitoring, Sampling, and Sample Management Procedures Page 3 DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES Decontamination of monitoring and sampling equipment is performed prior to all monitoring and sampling activities. Decontamination procedures utilize a three-step process as described below: • The initial decontamination is performed using a non-phosphate soap, such as Simple Green or Alconox, in tap water in a 5-gallon bucket. A soft-bristle bottlebrush is used to thoroughly clean the inside and outside of the equipment. • A second 5-gallon bucket of tap water is used as a first rinse. • A third 5-gallon bucket of deionized water is used as a final rinse. • The brush is used in the first bucket only; it does not travel from bucket to bucket with the equipment. This minimizes any transport of the contaminants that should stay in the first bucket. QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SAMPLES At a minimum, a trip blank and a temperature blank are maintained for QA/QC purposes. • A trip blank sample (TRIP) is kept with any samples being analyzed for VOCs. This is a sample of clean water that is supplied by the laboratory and is transported to and from the field and to the laboratory with the field samples. The designation"QCTRIPBK"or"QCTB"is used for sample name on the field label. Samplers record the date that the TRIP is taken to the field for sampling, not the date that the TRIP was prepared by the laboratory on the chain-of-custody(COC). One TRIP per cooler per day is collected. Unused trip blank samples are stored at the consulting office in a cooler dedicated to this purpose. The trip blank cooler is not refrigerated, but is kept in a clean location away from possible VOC contaminants: • Temperature blank sample containers are supplied by the laboratory and kept in a cooler used to transport samples. The temperature blank is placed in the cooler prior to going to the field and kept there until the cooler is delivered to the laboratory. COMPLETION OF CHAIN OF CUSTODY • A separate COG is completed for each day of sampling. If samples are collected on separate days for the same site, a separate COG is completed for each sampling day, and the COG is always kept with.the samples. If samples are shipped off site for laboratory analysis, individual coolers with separate COCs are sent for each day/cooler shipped. • All fields/spaces on the COG are filled out completely, and all persons having control of the samples sign the COG to show transfer of sample control between individuals. At times when the field sampler is not delivering samples directly to the laboratory, the samples may be turned over to a sample manager for shipping. In this instance, the sample manager takes custody of the samples, and both the sampler and sample manager sign and date the COG to clearly show custody transfer. • The COG is placed inside the cooler, and a custody seal is placed on the outside of the cooler prior to shipping. The receiving laboratory indicates if the cooler was received with the custody seal intact. • If samples are sent to the laboratory via UPS, FEDEX, etc., this is indicated on the COG, and the sample manager indicates the date and time custody seal is placed on cooler for delivery to the shipping agent (shipping agent does not sign the COC). • For trip blanks, the COG indicates the date the TRIP was taken to the field for sampling, not the date the TRIP was prepared by the laboratory,which may appear on the VOA label. Groundwater Monitoring, Sampling, and Sample Management Procedures Page 4 • New electronic deliverable format (EDF) requirements of California AB2886 mandate that COCs and laboratory reports maintain consistent and unique names between sites(Global ID) and sample location/well names (Field Point ID). This information must be consistent with the initial information supplied to Geotracker, and for each subsequent quarterly sampling event. SAMPLE HANDLING Refrigerator Storage and Temperature Log Samples may be stored in a refrigerator at the consulting office prior to transport to the laboratory. Refrigerator storage is maintained under the following conditions: • Refrigerators used for sample storage are dedicated for that usage only (no food or other materials are stored in sample refrigerators). • Refrigerators can be locked from the outside by a sample manager, and only the sample manager has access to samples while in storage. • Refrigerators are maintained at temperatures between 2 to 4'C, and are adjusted daily depending on thermometer readings. • Each refrigerator contains a dedicated, reliable thermometer. The thermometer is designed for use in a refrigerator and is fixed/secured to the inside of the unit. The thermometer range is specific for measuring temperatures in the 2 to 4°C range. • A temperature log is kept on the outside of the refrigerator in a lightweight, three-ring binder, or similar logbook. Temperatures are recorded daily or when the refrigerator is open for sample management. • Completed COCs are kept with the samples stored in the refrigerators. The COCs may be held on a clipboard outside the refrigerator, or may be placed inside the cooler if the entire cooler is placed inside the refrigerator. • If a cooler is placed in the refrigerator, the cooler lid remains open to insure that samples are maintained at the refrigerator temperature. Cooler Packing The sample coolers are packed as directed by the receiving laboratory. Standard procedures for cooler packing include: • The cooler contains enough ice to maintain the required temperature of 2 to 4°C (roughly 20 percent of the volume of the cooler). • Water ice(not dry ice or ice packs)is used for shipping. • The ice is placed above and below the samples in at least two sealable plastic bags. This requires that the packing/divider material is removed and replaced. • The COC is placed in the cooler in a sealed plastic bag, and the cooler lid is taped closed to secure it for transport and to minimize loss of temperature. A custody seal is placed vertically across the seam of the cooler lid. ATTACHMENT 3. WATER SAMPLE LOGS r r WATER SAMPLE LOG CLIENT NAME: Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC DATE:August 12 2008 PROJECT NAME: Downtown Chevron WELL NUMBER: EW-1 WELL DEPTH: 186.29' WELL CASING DIAMETER: 6" WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: No floating layer, no odor. (e.g.,floating la er, odor, color QUALITY WATER SAMPLING METHOD: Teflon TM bailer ASSURANCE WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHOD: Electronic water level meter PUMP LINES/BAILER ROPES: Cleaned METHOD OF CLEANING BAILER/PUMP: QA/QC METHOD OF PURGING WATER: Bailer pH METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Yes SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Checked COMMENTS: pH STD. CALIBRATION STD. FIELD TEMP °C 4.0 34170-127 4.0 7.0 34170-130 7.0 CONDUC- DATE TIME DISCHARGE TEMP. pH TIVITY COLOR ODOR TURBIDITY (Nmhos/cm) (gallons) °C field NTU's 8/12/08 1015 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT START OF PURGING: 124.31' 8/12/08 1023 9 25.9 8.85 481 clear none 146 8/12/08 1038 18 24.0 8.65 506 clear none 151 8/12/08 1051 27 24.1 8.70 511 clear none 167 8/12/08 1106 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT END OF PURGING: 124.86' 8/12/08 1110 1 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT SAMPLING: 124.86' TOTAL DISCHARGE: 27 gallons CASING VOLUMES REMOVED: 0.3 METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF DISCHARGED WATER: Stored on site in 55-gallon drums SAMPLE CONTAINERS FILLED: Four VOA vials WATER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (e.g., color, turbidity): no color, turbidity 167 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: EW-1 DATA COLLECTED BY: Conrad Lopez VEIR 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 661 631-VEIR 8347 FAX(661)631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG CLIENT NAME: Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC DATE:August 12 2008 PROJECT NAME: Downtown Chevron WELL NUMBER: MW-1 WELL DEPTH: 124.41' WELL CASING DIAMETER: 2" WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: Well dry, no sample collected (e.g., floating la er, odor, color QUALITY I WATER SAMPLING METHOD: Teflon TM bailer ASSURANCE I WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHOD: Electronic water level meter PUMP LINES/BAILER ROPES: Cleaned METHOD OF CLEANING BAILER/PUMP: QA/QC METHOD OF PURGING WATER: Bailer pH METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Yes SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Checked COMMENTS: pH STD.1 CALIBRATION STD. FIELD TEMP °C 4.0 34170-127 4.0 7.0 34170-130 7.0 CONDUC- DATE TIME DISCHARGE TEMP. pH TIVITY COLOR ODOR TURBIDITY (Nmhos/cm) alIons °C field NTU's 8/12/08 0915 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT START OF PURGING: N/A DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT END OF PURGING: N/A DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT SAMPLING: N/A TOTAL DISCHARGE: N/A CASING VOLUMES REMOVED: N/A METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF DISCHARGED WATER: N/A SAMPLE CONTAINERS FILLED: N/A WATER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (e.g., color, turbidity): Well dry, no sample collected SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: MW-1 DATA COLLECTED BY: Conrad Lopez VEIR 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 661 631-VEIR 8347 FAX(661)631-8007 � r WATER SAMPLE LOG CLIENT NAME: Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC DATE:August 12 2008 PROJECT NAME: Downtown Chevron WELL NUMBER: MW-2 WELL DEPTH: 123.31' WELL CASING DIAMETER: 2" WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: Well dry, no sample collected (e.g., floating la er, odor, color QUALITY I WATER SAMPLING METHOD: Teflon TM bailer ASSURANCE WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHOD: Electronic water level meter PUMP LINES/BAILER ROPES: Cleaned METHOD OF CLEANING BAILER/PUMP: QA/QC METHOD OF PURGING WATER: Bailer pH METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Yes SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Checked COMMENTS: pH STD.1 CALIBRATION STD. FIELD TEMP°C 4.0 1 34170-127 4.0 7.0 111 34170-130 7.0 CONDUC- DATE TIME DISCHARGE TEMP. pH TIVITY COLOR ODOR TURBIDITY (Nmhos/cm) (gallons) °C field NTU's 8/12/08 0948 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT START OF PURGING: N/A DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT END OF PURGING: N/A DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT SAMPLING: N/A TOTAL DISCHARGE: N/A CASING VOLUMES REMOVED: N/A METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF DISCHARGED WATER: N/A SAMPLE CONTAINERS FILLED: N/A WATER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (e.g., color, turbidity): Well dry, no sample collected SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: MW-2 DATA COLLECTED BY: Conrad Lopez VEIR 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 661 631-VEIR 8347 FAX(661)631-8007 i r WATER SAMPLE LOG CLIENT NAME: Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC DATE: August 12 2008 PROJECT NAME: Downtown Chevron WELL NUMBER: MW-3 WELL DEPTH: 121.41' WELL CASING DIAMETER: 2" WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: Well dry, no sample collected (e.g., floating la er odor, color QUALITY WATER SAMPLING METHOD: Teflon T" bailer ASSURANCE WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHOD: Electronic water level meter PUMP LINES/BAILER ROPES: Cleaned METHOD OF CLEANING BAILER/PUMP: QA/QC METHOD OF PURGING WATER: Bailer pH METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Yes SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Checked COMMENTS: pH STD.1 CALIBRATION STD. FIELD TEMP°C 4.0 34170-127 4.0 7.0 34170-130 7.0 CONDUC- DATE TIME DISCHARGE TEMP. pH TIVITY COLOR ODOR TURBIDITY (Nmhos/cm) (gallons) °C field NTU's 8/12/08 0645 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT START OF PURGING: N/A DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT END OF PURGING: N/A DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT SAMPLING: N/A TOTAL DISCHARGE: N/A CASING VOLUMES REMOVED: N/A METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF DISCHARGED WATER: N/A SAMPLE CONTAINERS FILLED: N/A WATER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (e.g., color, turbidity): Well dry, no sample collected SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: MW-3 DATA COLLECTED BY: Conrad Lopez VEIR 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 661 631-VEIR 8347 FAX(661)631-8007 � r WATER SAMPLE LOG CLIENT NAME: Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC DATE:August 12, 2008 PROJECT NAME: Downtown Chevron WELL NUMBER: MW-4 WELL DEPTH: 132.78' WELL CASING DIAMETER: 2" WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: No floating layer, no odor (e.g.,floating la er, odor, color QUALITY WATER SAMPLING METHOD: Teflon TM bailer ASSURANCE WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHOD: Electronic water level meter PUMP LINES/BAILER ROPES: Cleaned METHOD OF CLEANING BAILER/PUMP: QA/QC METHOD OF PURGING WATER: Bailer pH METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Yes SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Checked COMMENTS: PH STD. CALIBRATION STD. FIELD TEMP°C 4.0 1 34170-127 4.0 7.0 111 34170-130 7.0 CONDUC- DATE TIME DISCHARGE TEMP. pH TIVITY COLOR ODOR TURBIDITY (Nmhos/cm) (gallons) °C field NTU's 8/12/08 0658 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT START OF PURGING: 124.31' 8/12/08 0705 1.50 26.6 9.75 554 gray none 169 8/12/08 0720 3.00 22.9 8.59 508 gray none 749 8/12/08 0733 4.75 22.6 8.45 490 gray none 275 8/12/08 0746 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT END OF PURGING: 124.69' 8/12/08 1 0808 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT SAMPLING: 126.69' TOTAL DISCHARGE: 4.75 gallons CASING VOLUMES REMOVED: 3.4 METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF DISCHARGED WATER: Stored on site in 55 gallon drums SAMPLE CONTAINERS FILLED: Four VOA vials WATER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (e.g., color, turbidity): gray color, turbidity 275 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: MW-4 DATA COLLECTED BY: Conrad Lopez VEIR 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 661 631-VEIR 8347 FAX (661)631-8007 f WATER SAMPLE LOG CLIENT NAME: Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC DATE:August 12, 2008 PROJECT NAME: Downtown Chevron WELL NUMBER: MW-5 WELL DEPTH: NM WELL CASING DIAMETER: 2" WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: In Cal Trans right away, unable to sample waiting for new permit (e.g., floating la er, odor, color QUALITY WATER SAMPLING METHOD: TeflonTm bailer ASSURANCE WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHOD: Electronic water level meter PUMP LINES/BAILER ROPES: Cleaned METHOD OF CLEANING BAILER/PUMP: QA/QC METHOD OF PURGING WATER: Bailer pH METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Yes SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Checked COMMENTS: PH STD. CALIBRATION STD. FIELD TEMP °C 4.0 34170-127 4.0 7.0 34170-130 7.0 CONDUC- DATE TIME DISCHARGE TEMP. pH TIVITY COLOR ODOR TURBIDITY (Nmhos/cm) (gallons) °C field NTU's 8/12/08 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT START OF PURGING: N/A DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT END OF PURGING: N/A DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT SAMPLING: N/A TOTAL DISCHARGE: N/A CASING VOLUMES REMOVED: N/A METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF DISCHARGED WATER: N/A SAMPLE CONTAINERS FILLED: N/A WATER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (e.g., color, turbidity): Unable to sample SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: MW-5 DATA COLLECTED BY: Conrad Lopez VEIR 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 661 631-VEIR 8347 FAX(661)631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG CLIENT NAME: Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC DATE:August 12, 2008 PROJECT NAME: Downtown Chevron WELL NUMBER: MW-5d WELL DEPTH: NM WELL CASING DIAMETER: 2" WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: In Cal Trans right away, unable to sample waiting for new pemit (e.g., floating la er, odor, color QUALITY I WATER SAMPLING METHOD: Teflon TM bailer ASSURANCE WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHOD: Electronic water level meter PUMP LINES/BAILER ROPES: Cleaned METHOD OF CLEANING BAILER/PUMP: QA/QC METHOD OF PURGING WATER: Bailer pH METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Yes SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Checked COMMENTS: pH STD. CALIBRATION STD. FIELD TEMP °C 4.0 34170-127 4.0 7.0 34170-130 7.0 CONDUC- DATE TIME DISCHARGE TEMP. pH TIVITY COLOR ODOR TURBIDITY (Nmhos/cm) (gallons) °C field NTU's 8/12/08 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT START OF PURGING: N/A DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT END OF PURGING: N/A DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT SAMPLING: N/A TOTAL DISCHARGE: N/A CASING VOLUMES REMOVED: N/A METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF DISCHARGED WATER: N/A SAMPLE CONTAINERS FILLED: N/A WATER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (e.g., color, turbidity): Unable to sam le SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: MW-5d DATA COLLECTED BY: Conrad Lopez VEIR 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 661 631-VEIR 8347 FAX(661)631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG CLIENT NAME: Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC DATE:August 11, 2008 PROJECT NAME: Downtown Chevron WELL NUMBER: MW-6 WELL DEPTH: 103.71' WELL CASING DIAMETER: 2" WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: Well dry, no sample collected (e.g., floatina la er, odor, color QUALITY WATER SAMPLING METHOD: Teflon TM bailer ASSURANCE WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHOD: Electronic water level meter PUMP LINES/BAILER ROPES: Cleaned METHOD OF CLEANING BAILER/PUMP: QA/QC METHOD OF PURGING WATER: Bailer pH METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Yes SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Checked COMMENTS: PH STD.1 CALIBRATION STD. FIELD TEMP °C 4.0 34170-127 4.0 7.0 34170-130 7.0 CONDUC- DATE TIME DISCHARGE TEMP. pH TIVITY COLOR ODOR TURBIDITY (Nmhos/cm) (gallons) °C field NTU's 8/11/08 0705 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT START OF PURGING: N/A DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT END OF PURGING: N/A DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT SAMPLING: N/A TOTAL DISCHARGE: N/A CASING VOLUMES REMOVED: N/A METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF DISCHARGED WATER: N/A SAMPLE CONTAINERS FILLED: N/A WATER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (e.g., color, turbidity): Well dry, no sample collected SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: MW-6 DATA COLLECTED BY: Conrad Lopez VEIR 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 661 631-VEIR 8347 FAX(661)631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG CLIENT NAME: Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC DATE:August 11, 2008 PROJECT NAME: Downtown Chevron WELL NUMBER: MW-7 WELL DEPTH: 137.38' WELL CASING DIAMETER: 2" WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: No floating layer, no odor. (e.g., floating la er, odor, color QUALITY I WATER SAMPLING METHOD: Teflon TM bailer ASSURANCE WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHOD: Electronic water level meter PUMP LINES/BAILER ROPES: Cleaned METHOD OF CLEANING BAILER/PUMP: QA/QC METHOD OF PURGING WATER: Bailer pH METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Yes SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Checked COMMENTS: pH STD.1 CALIBRATION STD. FIELD TEMP°C 4.0 34170-127 4.0 7.0 34170-130 7.0 CONDUC- DATE TIME DISCHARGE TEMP. pH TIVITY COLOR ODOR TURBIDITY (pmhos/cm) (gallons) °C field NTU's 8/11/08 0728 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT START OF PURGING: 129.22' 8/11/08 0738 6.25 26.1 9.10 486 tan none 3,642 8/11/08 0748 12.50 25.6 8.76 557 tan none 3,304 8/11/08 0806 18.75 24.3 8.81 586 tan none 3,159 8/11/08 0821 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT END OF PURGING: 131.38' 8/11/08 0830 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT SAMPLING: 131.38' TOTAL DISCHARGE: 18.75 gallons CASING VOLUMES REMOVED: 14.1 METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF DISCHARGED WATER: Stored on site in 55-gallon drums SAMPLE CONTAINERS FILLED: Four VOA vials WATER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (e.g., color, turbidity): tan color, turbidity 3,159 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: MW-7 DATA COLLECTED BY: Conrad Lopez VEIR 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 661 631-VEIR 8347 FAX(661)631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG CLIENT NAME: Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC DATE:August 11, 2008 PROJECT NAME: Downtown Chevron WELL NUMBER: MW-8 WELL DEPTH: 149.31' WELL CASING DIAMETER: 2" WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: No floating layer, no odor (e.g.,floating la er, odor, color QUALITY WATER SAMPLING METHOD: Teflon TM bailer ASSURANCE WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHOD: Electronic water level meter PUMP LINES/BAILER ROPES: Cleaned METHOD OF CLEANING BAILER/PUMP: QA/QC METHOD OF PURGING WATER: Bailer pH METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Yes SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Checked COMMENTS: pH STD. CALIBRATION STD. FIELD TEMP °C 4.0 34170-127 4.0 7.0 34170-130 7.0 CONDUC- DATE TIME DISCHARGE TEMP. pH TIVITY COLOR ODOR TURBIDITY (Nmhos/cm) (gallons) °C field NTU's 8/11/08 0950 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT START OF PURGING: 133.94' 8/11/08 1001 2.5 26.6 8.52 627 clear none 12.9 8/11/08 1015 5.0 26.0 8.44 642 clear none 26.1 8/11/08 1030 7.5 25.8 8.40 639 clear none 22.4 8/11/08 1043 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT END OF PURGING: 134.31' 8/11/08 1051 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT SAMPLING: 134.31' TOTAL DISCHARGE: 7.5 gallons CASING VOLUMES REMOVED: 3 METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF DISCHARGED WATER: Stored on-site in 55 gallon drums SAMPLE CONTAINERS FILLED: Four VOA vials WATER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (e.g., color, turbidity): no color, turbidity 22.4 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: MW-8 DATA COLLECTED BY: Conrad Lopez VEIR 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 661 631-VEIR 8347 FAX(661)631-8007 1 WATER SAMPLE LOG CLIENT NAME: Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC DATE:August 11 2008 PROJECT NAME: Downtown Chevron WELL NUMBER: MW-8d WELL DEPTH: 179.60' WELL CASING DIAMETER: 2" WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: No floating layer, no odor. (e.g., floating la er, odor, color QUALITY WATER SAMPLING METHOD: Teflon TM bailer ASSURANCE WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHOD: Electronic water level meter PUMP LINES/BAILER ROPES: Cleaned METHOD OF CLEANING BAILER/PUMP: QA/QC METHOD OF PURGING WATER: Bailer pH METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Yes SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Checked COMMENTS: PH STD.1 CALIBRATION STD. FIELD TEMP °C 4.0 34170-127 4.0 7.0 34170-130 7.0 CONDUC- DATE TIME DISCHARGE TEMP. pH TIVITY COLOR ODOR TURBIDITY (Nmhos/cm) (clallons) °C field NTU's 8/11/08 0840 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT START OF PURGING: 135.20' 8/11/08 0855 5.25 25.1 8.87 393 clear none 51.9 8/11/08 0905 10.50 23.6 8.78 392 clear none 28.2 8/11/08 0921 15.75 24.8 8.67 395 clear none 28.1 8/11/08 0935 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT END OF PURGING: 136.10' 8/11/08 0941 1 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT SAMPLING: 136.10' TOTAL DISCHARGE: 15.75 gallons CASING VOLUMES REMOVED: 2.2 METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF DISCHARGED WATER: Stored on site in 55-gallon drums SAMPLE CONTAINERS FILLED: Four VOA vials WATER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (e.g., color, turbidity): no color, turbidity 28.1 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: MW-8d DATA COLLECTED BY: Conrad Lopez VEIR 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 661 631-VEIR 8347 FAX(661)631-8007 1 1 WATER SAMPLE LOG CLIENT NAME: Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC DATE:August 12, 2008 PROJECT NAME: Downtown Chevron WELL NUMBER: MW-9 WELL DEPTH: NM WELL CASING DIAMETER: 2" WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny and clear OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: Well obstructed by vehicle, no sample collected. (e.g., floating la er, odor, color QUALITY WATER SAMPLING METHOD: Teflon TM bailer ASSURANCE WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHOD: Electronic water level meter PUMP LINES/BAILER ROPES: Cleaned METHOD OF CLEANING BAILER/PUMP: QA/QC METHOD OF PURGING WATER: Bailer pH METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Yes SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Checked COMMENTS: pH STD.1 CALIBRATION STD. FIELD TEMP °C 4.0 34170-127 4.0 7.0 34170-130 7.0 CONDUC- DATE TIME DISCHARGE TEMP. pH TIVITY COLOR ODOR TURBIDITY (Nmhos/cm) (gallons) °C field NTU's 8/12/08 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT START OF PURGING: N/A DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT END OF PURGING: N/A DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT SAMPLING: N/A TOTAL DISCHARGE: N/A CASING VOLUMES REMOVED: N/A METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF DISCHARGED WATER: N/A SAMPLE CONTAINERS FILLED: N/A WATER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (e.g., color, turbidity): Unable to sample SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: MW-9 DATA COLLECTED BY: Conrad Lopez VEIR 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 661 631-VEIR 8347 FAX(661)631-8007 1 WATER SAMPLE LOG CLIENT NAME: Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC DATE:August 12, 2008 PROJECT NAME: Downtown Chevron WELL NUMBER: MW-10 WELL DEPTH: 132.53' WELL CASING DIAMETER: 2" WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: No floating layer, no odor. (e.g., floating la er, odor, color QUALITY WATER SAMPLING METHOD: Teflon TM bailer ASSURANCE WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHOD: Electronic water level meter PUMP LINES/BAILER ROPES: Cleaned METHOD OF CLEANING BAILER/PUMP: QA/QC METHOD OF PURGING WATER: Bailer pH METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Yes SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Checked COMMENTS: PH STD.1 CALIBRATION STD. FIELD TEMP °C 4.0 34170-127 4.0 7.0 34170-130 7.0 CONDUC- DATE TIME DISCHARGE TEMP. pH TIVITY COLOR ODOR TURBIDITY (Nmhos/cm) (gallons) °C field NTU's 8/12/08 1118 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT START OF PURGING: 120.08' 8/12/08 1129 2 25.9 5.70 856 gray none 58 8/12/08 1141 4 24.9 7.55 783 gray none 61 8/12/08 1159 6 24.3 8.01 877 gray none 74 8/12/08 1210 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT END OF PURGING: 121.01' 8/12/08 1225 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT SAMPLING: 121.01' TOTAL DISCHARGE: 6 gallons CASING VOLUMES REMOVED: 3 METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF DISCHARGED WATER: Stored on site in 55-gallon drums SAMPLE CONTAINERS FILLED: Four VOA vials WATER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (e.g., color, turbidity): gray color, turbidity 74 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: MW-10 DATA COLLECTED BY: Conrad Lopez VEIR 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 661 631-VEIR 8347 FAX(661)631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG CLIENT NAME: Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC DATE:August 12 2008 PROJECT NAME: Downtown Chevron WELL NUMBER: MW-11 WELL DEPTH: 126.31' WELL CASING DIAMETER: 2" WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: No floating layer, no odor. (e.g., floating la er, odor, color QUALITY WATER SAMPLING METHOD: TeflonTm bailer ASSURANCE WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHOD: Electronic water level meter PUMP LINES/BAILER ROPES: Cleaned METHOD OF CLEANING BAILER/PUMP: QA/QC METHOD OF PURGING WATER: Bailer pH METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Yes SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Checked COMMENTS: PH STD.1 CALIBRATION STD. FIELD TEMP °C 4.0 34170-127 4.0 7.0 34170-130 7.0 CONDUC- DATE TIME DISCHARGE TEMP. pH TIVITY COLOR ODOR TURBIDITY (pmhos/cm) (gallons) °C field NTU's 8/12/08 0815 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT START OF PURGING: 124.60' 8/12/08 0824 0.25 23.7 8.75 396 tan none 3,999+ 8/12/08 0831 0.50 23.9 8.77 453 tan none 3,999+ 8/12/08 0844 0.75 23.6 8.79 466 tan none 3,999+ 8/12/08 0856 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT END OF PURGING: 126.08' 8/12/08 0904 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT SAMPLING: 126.08' TOTAL DISCHARGE: 0.75 gallons CASING VOLUMES REMOVED: 2.7 METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF DISCHARGED WATER: Stored on site in 55-gallon drums SAMPLE CONTAINERS FILLED: Four VOA vials WATER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (e.g., color, turbidity): tan color, turbidity 3,999+ SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: MW-11 DATA COLLECTED BY: Conrad Lopez VEIR 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 661 631-VEIR 8347 FAX(661)631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG CLIENT NAME: Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC DATE:August 11, 2008 PROJECT NAME: Downtown Chevron WELL NUMBER: MW-12 WELL DEPTH: 152.20' WELL CASING DIAMETER: 2" WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: No floating layer, no odor. (e.g., floating la er, odor, color QUALITY I WATER SAMPLING METHOD: TeflonTm bailer ASSURANCE WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHOD: Electronic water level meter PUMP LINES/BAILER ROPES: Cleaned METHOD OF CLEANING BAILER/PUMP: QA/QC METHOD OF PURGING WATER: Bailer pH METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Yes SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Checked COMMENTS: pH STD. CALIBRATION STD. FIELD TEMP°C 4.0 34170-127 4.0 7.0 34170-130 7.0 CONDUC- DATE TIME DISCHARGE TEMP. pH TIVITY COLOR ODOR TURBIDITY (Nmhos/cm) _ (gallons) °C field NTU's 8/11/08 1100 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT START OF PURGING: 140.81' 8/11/08 1115 2 26.5 8.56 734 tan none 612 8/11/08 1128 4 24.0 8.49 722 tan none 1,112 8/11/08 1140 6 23.9 8.42 727 tan none 909 8/11/08 1151 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT END OF PURGING: 141.03' 8/11/08 1159 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT SAMPLING: 141.03' TOTAL DISCHARGE: 6 gallons CASING VOLUMES REMOVED: 3 METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF DISCHARGED WATER: Stored on site in 55-gallon drums SAMPLE CONTAINERS FILLED: Four VOA vials WATER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (e.g., color, turbidity): tan color, turbidity 909 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: MW-12 DATA COLLECTED BY: Conrad Lopez VEIR 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 661 631-VEIR 8347 FAX(661)631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG CLIENT NAME: Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC DATE:August 11, 2008 PROJECT NAME: Downtown Chevron WELL NUMBER: MW-13 WELL DEPTH: 154.91' WELL CASING DIAMETER: 2" WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: No floating layer, no odor. (e.g., floating la er, odor, color QUALITY WATER SAMPLING METHOD: TeflonTM bailer ASSURANCE WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHOD: Electronic water level meter PUMP LINES/BAILER ROPES: Cleaned METHOD OF CLEANING BAILER/PUMP: QA/QC METHOD OF PURGING WATER: Bailer pH METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Yes SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Checked COMMENTS: pH STD. CALIBRATION STD. FIELD TEMP °C 4.0 34170-127 4.0 . 7.0 34170-130 7.0 CONDUC- DATE TIME DISCHARGE TEMP. pH TIVITY COLOR ODOR TURBIDITY (Nmhos/cm) (gallons) °C field NTU's 8/11/08 1216 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT START OF PURGING: 143.81' 8/11/08 1220 2 26.1 8.56 865 tan none 991 8/11/08 1233 4 26.2 8.50 858 tan none 1,598 8/11/08 1246 6 25.9 8.48 860 tan none 1,896 8/11/08 1301 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT END OF PURGING: 144.21' 8/11/08 1308 1 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT SAMPLING: 144.21' TOTAL DISCHARGE: 6 gallons CASING VOLUMES REMOVED: 3.3 METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF DISCHARGED WATER: Stored on site in 55-gallon drums SAMPLE CONTAINERS FILLED: Four VOA vials WATER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (e.g., color, turbidity): tan color, turbidity 1,896 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: MW-13 DATA COLLECTED BY: Conrad Lopez VEIR 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 661 631-VEIR 8347 FAX(661)631-8007 � r WATER SAMPLE LOG CLIENT NAME: Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC DATE:August 11 2008 PROJECT NAME: Downtown Chevron WELL NUMBER: MW-14 WELL DEPTH: 157.51' WELL CASING DIAMETER: 2" WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: No floating layer, no odor. (e.g., floating la er, odor, color QUALITY WATER SAMPLING METHOD: Teflon TM bailer ASSURANCE WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHOD: Electronic water level meter PUMP LINES/BAILER ROPES: Cleaned METHOD OF CLEANING BAILER/PUMP: QA/QC METHOD OF PURGING WATER: Bailer pH METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Yes SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Checked COMMENTS: pH STD.1 CALIBRATION STD. FIELD TEMP °C 4.0 34170-127 4.0 7.0 34170-130 7.0 CONDUC- DATE TIME DISCHARGE TEMP. pH TIVITY COLOR ODOR TURBIDITY (Nmhos/cm) (gallons) °C field NTU's 8/11/08 1320 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT START OF PURGING: 143.34' 8/11/08 1330 2.5 26.1 8.56 734 tan none 996 8/11/08 1343 5.0 25.9 8.50 727 tan none 1,890 8/11/08 1402 7.5 24.8 8.46 860 tan none 1,113 8/11/08 1410 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT END OF PURGING: 143.98' 8/11/08 1423 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT SAMPLING: 143.98' TOTAL DISCHARGE: 7.5 gallons CASING VOLUMES REMOVED: 3.2 METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF DISCHARGED WATER: Stored on site in 55-gallon drums SAMPLE CONTAINERS FILLED: Four VOA vials WATER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (e.g., color, turbidity): tan color, turbidity 1,113 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: MW-14 DATA COLLECTED BY: Conrad Lopez VEIR 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 661 631-VEIR 8347 FAX(661)631-8007 WATER SAMPLE LOG CLIENT NAME: Sullivan Petroleum Company, LLC DATE:August 12, 2008 PROJECT NAME: Downtown Chevron WELL NUMBER: VW-1d WELL DEPTH: 116.21' WELL CASING DIAMETER: 4" WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: Well dry, no sample collected (e.g., floating la er, odor, color QUALITY WATER SAMPLING METHOD: TeflonTm bailer ASSURANCE WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHOD: Electronic water level meter PUMP LINES/BAILER ROPES: Cleaned METHOD OF CLEANING BAILER/PUMP: QA/QC METHOD OF PURGING WATER: Bailer pH METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Yes SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE METER: Oakton CALIBRATED: Checked COMMENTS: PH STD.1 CALIBRATION STD. FIELD TEMP °C 4.0 34170-127 4.0 7.0 34170-130 7.0 CONDUC- DATE TIME DISCHARGE TEMP. pH TIVITY I COLOR ODOR TURBIDITY (pmhos/cm) _Agallons) °C field NTU's 8/12/08 0935 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT START OF PURGING: N/A DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT END OF PURGING: N/A DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT SAMPLING: N/A TOTAL DISCHARGE: N/A CASING VOLUMES REMOVED: N/A METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF DISCHARGED WATER: N/A SAMPLE CONTAINERS FILLED: N/A WATER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (e.g., color, turbidity): Well dry, no sample collected SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: VW-1d DATA COLLECTED BY: Conrad Lopez VEIR 4560 California Avenue, Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 661 631-VEIR 8347 FAX(661)631-8007 ATTACHMENT 4. LABORATORY REPORTS FOR GROUNDWATER MOORE pp�� 2527 Fresno Street Aff)� ®1�® Fresno, CA 93721 s s o c I r E s, r M c. (559)268-7021 Phone (559)268-0740 Fax California ELAP Certificate#1371 August 29, 2008 Work Order#: 8H13044 Mark Magaree &I I(I vu n-S Vestech, LLC/dba VEIR SC'I'v I 4560 California Ave., Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: Sullivan's Downtown Chevron Enclosed are the analytical results for samples received by our laboratory on 08/13108 . For your reference, these analyses have been assigned laboratory work order number 8H13044. All analyses have been performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance program. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, Moore Twining Associates, Inc. (MTA) is not responsible for use of less than complete reports. Results apply only to samples analyzed. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at the number listed above. Sincerely, Moore Twining Associates, Inc. Ronald J. Boquist Director of Analytical Chemistry MOO" 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, 93721 HISOCIA (559)268-?021 21 Pflone (559)268-0740 Fax r6S, INC. California FLAP Certificate 91371 Vestech,LLC/dba VEIR Project: SuIlivan's Downtown Chevron 4560 California Avd.,Suite 110 Project Number: 15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93309 Project Manager: Mark Magaree 08/29/08 ANALYTICAL REPORT FOR SAMPLES Sample iD Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Reecivcd MW-7 8H13044-01 Ground Water 08/1I/0808:30 08/13/0818:00 MW-8D 8H13044-02 Ground Water 08111/08 09:41 08/13/08 18:00 MW-8 8H13044-03 Ground Water 08/11/08 10:5I 08/13/08 18:00 MW-12 SH13044-04 Ground Water 08/11/08 11:59 08/13/08 18:00 MW-13 8H13044-05 Ground Water 08/11/08 13:08 08/13/08 18:00 MW-14 8H13044-06 Ground Water 08/11/0814:23 08/13/08 I8:00 Moore Twining Associates,Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain Ronald J.Boquist,Director of Analytical Chemistry custody document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Jun Brownfield,Quality Assurance Manager Page I of 9 MOORE 2527 Fresno Street Fresno,CA 93721 I (559)268-7021 Phone (559)268-0740 Fax A R)$s O C rArer, 1 k C. California EL111?Certificate 111371 Vestech,LLC/dba VEIR Project: Sullivan's Downtown Chevron - 4560 California Ave.,Suite 110 Project Number. 15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93309 Project Manager. Mark Magaree 08/29/08 MW-7 8H13044-0I (Ground Water) Sampled:08/I 1/08 08:30 Reporting FA .lyt, Result Limit Units Dihition Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes. Volatile Organics Di-isopropyl ether(DIPE) ND 2.0 Ag/L 1 T8H1806 08/18/08 08/18/08 EPA 8260B . Ethyl tent-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND 2.0 Ag/L I TSHIS06 08/18/08 08118/08 EPA 82603 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 1.0 Ag/L 1 T8H1806 08/18/08 08118/08 EPA 8260B Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 2.0 Ag/L I T81-11806 08/18/08 08/18/08 EPA 82608 tert-Butyl alcohol(TBA) ND 20 µg/L I T8141806 08/18/08 09/18/08 EPA 8260B Surrogate:4-Bromo17uoro6en:ene 85.6% 70-130 T8111806 08118108 08118108 EPA 8260B i Surrogate:Dibromoiboromethane 102% 70-130 TSH 1806 08118/08 08/18/08 EPA 82608 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 95.4% 70-130 718H1806 06118108 08118108 EPA 8260E Benzene ND 0.50 }tg/L 1 T8H1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 8015BIS021B Toluene ND 0.50 Ag/L 1 T8H1503 08/15/08 081151M EPA 80158/80218 Ethylbenzene ND 0.50 Ag/L I T8H1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 801513/80218 Xylenes,total ND 1.5 Ag/L l T8H1503 08/15/08 08115108 EPA 801513/8021 B Methyl tert-Bury1 Ether(MTBE) ND 2.5 µ91L t T8H1503 08115108 08/15/08 EPA 801513/802113 Gasoline ND 50 Ag/L 1 T81-11503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 8015B/8021B Surrogate:4-8romo luoroben:ene(P1D) 96.7% 75-121 78,YJ503 08115108 08115108 EPA 8015BI8021B Surrogate:4-8romo,/7uorobenzene(FID) 102% 75-125 78HI503 08115108 08115108 EPA 80IJBI8021B Moore Twining Associates,Inc. 77w results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain Ronald I Boguist,Director of Analytical Chemistry custody documeni.)%is analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Jim Brownfield,Quality Assurance Manager Page 2 of 9 moon 2527 Fresno Street Fresno,CA 93721 MINING (559)268-7021 Phone (559)268-0740 Fax A SS O C IA r S, I NC. California ELAP Certificate 91371 Vestech,LLC/dba VEIR Project Sullivan's Downtown Chevron 4560 California Ave.,Suite 110 Project Number: 15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93309 Project Manager. Mark Magaree 0829/08 MW-8D SH13044-02(Ground Water) Sampled:08/11/08 09:41 Reporting - Analyte Result Limit Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes. Volatile Organics Di-isopropyl ether(DIPE) ND 2.0 µg2 1 T81-11806 08/18/08 08/18/08 EPA 82608 Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether,(ETBE) ND 2.0 µg/1, l TSH1806 08/18/08 08/18108 EPA 82608 Methyl tcrt-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 1.0 Rg/L I T8H1806 08/18/08 08/18/08 EPA 8260B Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 2.0 µg2 1 T8H1806 08/18/08 08/18/08 EPA 82603 tert-Qutyl alcohol(TBA) ND Y 20 99/L _ 1 TSHIS06 08/18/08 08/18/08 EPA 8260B Surrogate:Toluene-d8 93.9% 70-130 nH1806 08118108 08118108 EPA 8260B Surrogate:4-BromoJlucrobenzene 87.5% 70-130 718HI806 08118108 08118108 EPA 8260B 1 Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 101% 70-130 78X1806 08118108 08118108 EPA 8260B Benzene ND 0.50 gg/L 1 T8HI503 08115/08 08/15/08 EPA 801513/8021 B Toluene ND 0.50 µg2 t T8H1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 80153/80213 Ethylbenzene ND 0.50 µg2 I T8H1503 08115/08 08/15/08 EPA 801513/80218 Xylenes,total ND 1.5 ILA I T8111503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 8015BI8021B Mcthyl tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 2.5 µg2 1 nH1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 801513180218 Gasoline. ND 50 µg2 I T8H1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 801513/802113 Surrogate.4-8romofluorobeuzene(F/D) 101% 75-12S 218111503 08115108 08115108 EPA8015BI8021B Surrogate:4-8rom0fTuoroben_ene(PID) 961% 75-125 T8HIS03 08115108 MS108 EPA 8015BI6021B Moore Twining Associates,Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain Ronald J.Boquist,Director of Analytical Chemistry custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety. Jim Brownfield,Quality Assurance Manager Page 3 of NOORI 2527 Fresno Street Fresno,CA 93721 IWINING (559)268-7021 Phone � rroctArrr, rnc. (559)268-0740 Fax California ELAP Certificate 91371 Vestech,LLC/dba VEIR Project: Sullivan's Downtown Chevron 4560 California Ave.,Suite 110 Project Number: 15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93309 Project Manager. Mark Magaree 08/29/08 MW-8 8H13044-03(Ground Water) Sampled:08111/08 10:51 Reporting Analytc Result Limit Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes. Volatile Organics Di-isopropyl ether(DIPE) ND 100 992 50 TSH1906 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 8260B Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND I00 µg/L 50 T8H1806 08/I9108 08/19/08 EPA 8260B Methyl tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 18000 50 µg2 $0 TSHI806 08/18/08 08119/08 EPA 82603 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 100 µg2 50 T8HI806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 8260B tent-Butyl alcohol(TBA) ND 1000 µg/L 50 T8H1806 08/18/08 08119/08 EPA 82603 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 95.2% 70-130 T8HI806 08118108 08119108 EPA 82608 Surrogate:Dibromofluoromcthane 103% 70-130 T8HI806 08118108 08119108 EPA 8260B Surrogate:4-Bromu luorobenzene 90.9% 70-130 T8H1806 08118108 08/19108 EPA 8260B Benzene ND 10 µg2 20 T8H1503 08/15 108 08115 108 EPA 8015BIS02IB Toluene ND 10 µg/L 20 T8HI503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA801513=2I13 Ethylbenzene ND 10 µg2 20 T8H1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA SOISB/80213 Xylenes,total ND 30 µg2 20 T8H1503 08115 108 08/15/08 EPA801513180213 Methyl tert-)Butyl Ether(MTBE) 7000 50 µg2 20 T8111503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPABOISBI8021B Gasoline _ A2 8400 1000 992 20 TBH1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 8 015 B/8021 B f Surrogate:4-Bromof7uorobenzene(P1D) 92.8% 75-125 718111503 08115108 08115108 EPA8015BI8021B Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobe=-ene(F1D) 96.8% 75-125 T81f1503 061IS108 08115108 EPA 8015B/8021,6 - Moore Twining Associates,Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analysed in accordance tivith the chain Ronald J.Boquist,Director of Analytical Chemistry custody document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirely. Jim Brownfield,Quality Assurance Manager Page 4 of 9 MOO" 2527 Fresno Street Fresno,CA 93721 TWINING (559)248-7021 Phone HISO CJ A 7Ff, INC. (559)268-0740 Fax California FLAP Certificate#1371 Vestech,LLC/dba VEIR Project: Sullivaifs Downtown Chevron 4560 California Ave.,Suite 110 Project Number: 15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93309 Project Manager: Mark Magaree 08/29/08 MW-l.2 8HI3044-04(Ground Water) Sampled:08/11/08 11:59 Reporting Analyte Result Limit Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes. Volatile Organics Di-isopropyl ether(DIPS) ND 2.0 µg2 1 T8HI806 08/18/08 08/18/08 EPA 82608 Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND 2.0 µg/L 1 T8HI806 08/18/08 08/18/08 EPA 82609 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 1.0 µg2 1 TSHIS06 08/18/08 08118/08 EPA 82608 Tent-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 2.0 µg2 1 T8HIS06 08/18/08 08/18/08 EPA 8260B tent-Butyl alcohol(TBA) ND 20 µg/L i T8HI806 08/18/08 08/16/08 EPA 8260B Surrogate:4-Bromofuorobenzene- 90,2% 70-130 T8HI806 08118108 08118108 EPA 8260E Surrogate:Dtbronrofluoromethane 103% 70-130 78H1806 08118108 08118108 EPA 81608 i t Surrogate:Toluene d8 93.3016 70-130 218H1806 08118108 08116106,6P.4 82608 Benzene ND 0.50 µg2 I T8H1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 80158/8021 S _W; Toluene' ND 0.50 AWL I T91I1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 8015E/80218 Ethylbenzene ND 0.50 992 I T8341503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA SOI SBIS021 B Xylenes,total ND 1.5 µg2 1 TSHIS03 08/15/08 08/15108 EPA 80159/80218 Methyl tort-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 2.5 µg2 1 TSH1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 80 158/802 18 Gasoline _ _ ND 50 µg2 I T8H1503 08/15/08_08/15/08 EPA 801513/8021 a Surrogate:4-Bromofuoroben:ene(P1D) 966% 75-125 nRIS03 08115108 08/15108 EPA8015BI8021B Surrogate:4-Bromofuorobensene(FID) 102% 75-125 78H1503 08115108 08115108 EPA 8015BI8021B Moore Twining Associates,Ino. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with The chain Ronald J.Boquist,Director of Analytical Chemistry custody documem This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Jim Brownfield,Quality Assurance Manager Page 5 of 9 MOORE 2527 Fresno Street Fresno,CA 93721 F1ISOCIA I (559)268-7021 Phone (559)268-0740 Fax rfs, INC. California EI..fIP Cert0cate#1371 Vestech,LLC/dba VEIR Project.Sullivan's Downtown Chevron 4560 California Ave.,Suite I10 Project Number: 15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93309 Project Manager: Mark Magaree 08/29/08 MW-13 8H13044-05(Ground Water) Sampled:-08/I1/08 13:08 Reporting Analyte Result Limit Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes. Volatile Organics Di-isopropyl ether(DIPE) ND 2.0 µg/L l TSH1806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 8260B Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND 2.0 gg1L l T81-11806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 82608 Methyl tort-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 1.0 µg/L 1 T8H1806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 8260B Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 2.0 n/L 1 T8141806 08/18/08 08119/08 EPA 8260B tert-Butyl alcohol(TBA) ND 20 gg/L 1 T8H1806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 82608 Surrogate:1-oluened8 - 94.6% 70.130 78X1806 08118108 08119108 EPA 8260B Surrogate:4-Bromoj%croben_ene 87.2% 70-130 78X1806 081IW8 08/19108 EPA 8260B Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 103 70-130 T8H1806 08118108 08119108 EPA 8260B f Benzene. ND 0.50 µg/L 1 T8141503 08/I5/08 08/15/08 EPA 80I59/80218 Toluene ND 0.50 µg/L 1 TSH1503 08/15/08 MIMS EPA 8015B/802IB l3thylbenzene ND 0.50 Ag/L 1 TSHIS03 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 8015B/8021B Xylenes,total ND 1.5 Ag/L 1 T8H1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 8015B/8021B Methyl tent-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 2.5 Ag/L 1 TSH1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 80I5BIS021B Gasoline_ — ND 50 _ n/L 1 TSHIS03 08/15108 08/15/08 EPA 80153180218 Surrogate:4-BromoJluorobenzene(FID) 101% 75-125 MH1503 08115108 0885108 EPA 80158180218 Surrogate:4-BromoJluorobe gene(PID) 966% 75-125 T8HI S03 08115108 08115108 EPA 8015BIS021 B Moore Twinin;Associates,Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain Ronald J.Boquist,Director of Analytical Chemistry custody document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Jim Brownfield,Quality Assurance Manager Page 6 of 9 900" 2527 Fresno Street Fresno,CA 93721 HI1 (5S)268-7021 Phone (559)268-0740 Fax SOCIA r(S. INC. California ELAP Certificate#1371 Vcstech,LLC/dba VEIR Project: Sullivan's Downtown Chevron 4560 California Ave.,Suite 110 Project Number: 15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93309 Project Manager: Mark Magaree 08/29/08 MW-14 8HI3044-06(Ground Water) Sampled:08 111108 14:23 Reporting Analyte Result Limit Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes. Volatile Organics Di-isopropyl ether(DIPS) ND 2.0 µg/L 1 TSH1806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 82609 Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND 2.0 µ&/L I T8H1806 08118108 08/19108 EPA 82608 Methyl ten-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 1.0 }tg/L 1 TSH1806 08/18/08 08119/08 EPA 826013 Tert•Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 2.0 µg2 1 TSHIS06 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 8260B tert-Butyl alcohol(TBA) ND 20 µg/L 1 TSH1806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 8260B Surrogate:Toluene�d8 I 92.4% 70-130 T8H1806-08118108 08119108 F,PA 8160E ) Surrogate:Dibromajluoromerhane 103% 70-130 T8H1806 08118108 08119108 EPA 8260B k Surrogate:4-Bromojluorobensene 88.6% 70-130 T8H1806 08118108 06119108 EPA 8260B Benzene ND 0.50 µg2 1 T8H1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 801513/80218 t Toluene ND 0.50 µg/L I T8HI503 08115/08 08115/08 EPA 80I53/802113 Ethylbenxenc ND 0.50 µg2 1 TSHI503 08/15/08 015108 EPA 8015B/80218 XyJencs,total ND 1.5 992 1 T11-1I503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 8015B/8021B Methyl tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 2.5 µg2 I TSHI503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 80158/80218 Gasoline ND 50 µg2 I T8H1503 08/15/08 08115 108 EPA8015131802113 1 Surrogate:4-BromoJluorobenz-ene(PID) 96.4% 75-125 T8H1503 08115108 08115M EPA 8015BI80213 r Surrogate:4-Bromatluorobeune(FID) 101% 75-125 M1503 08113108 08115/08 EPA 8015BI8021B ✓ Notes and Definitions A2 Sample does not display a fuel pattern.Sample contains single analyte peaks)in the quantitation range. ug/L micrograms per liter(parts per billion concentration units) niwUl; milligrams per kilogram(parts per million concentration units) mgtL milligrams per titer(parts per million concentration units) ND Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit RPD Relative Percent Difference ' Y Moore Twining Associates,Inc. The results In this report apply to the samples analysed in accordance with the chain Ronald J.Boquist,Director of Analytical Chemistry custody document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Jim Brownfield,Quality Assurance Manager Page 7 of 9 1 � r MOORE 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, 21 Shone � (559)268-7021 Phone (559)268-0740 Fax I. A it a C A 7 S, :N C. California EL1P Certicale#1371 Vestech.LLC/dba VE1R Project: Sullivan's Downtown Chevron 4560 California Ave.,Suite 110 Project Number 15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93309 Project Manager: Mark Magarec 08/29/08 Volatile Organics- Quality Control Analyte Result Reporting Units Spike Source %REC %REC RFD RPD Notes Limit Level Result Limits Limit Batch T8H1503 Blank(T8H1503-BLKI) Prepared&Analyzed_08/15/08 Surrogate:4-BromoJluoroben:ene(PID) 24.5 ,ug/L 25.0 98.1 75-125 Surrogate:4-Branzgluoraben_ene(FID) 218 1491L 25.0 103 75-125 Benzene ND 0.50 µ81I, Toluene ND 0.50 1191 Ethylbenzcno ND 0.50 gg/L Xylutcs,total ND 1.5 99/L -� Methyl tert-Butyl Ether(MT13E) ND 25 µ81L 1 Gasoline ND 50 µ8/L t LCSST8H1503-B� _ _ Prepared&Analyzed:08/15/08 Surrogate:4-BromoJluorobenzene(FID) 24.4 /tg/L 25.0 97.5 70-130 Surrogate:4-BronioJ7uorobemene(PID) 24.9 µlr/L 25.0 99.6 70-130 Benzene 17.9 0.50 µg/L 20.0 89.7 70-130 20 Tolucne 18.4 0.50 µg(L 20.0 91.9 70-130 20 Ethylbetueuie 183 0.50 µg/L 20.0 91.5 70-I30 20 Xylencs,total 56.3 1.5 µg/L 60.0 93.8 70-130 20 Methyl ten-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 91.6 2.5 µ81L 100 91.6 70-130 20 Gasoline 890 50 µg/l, I000 89.0 70-130 20 GCS Duk{T8H1503-13Sn1) - Prepared&Analyzed;08/15/08 Surrogate:4-Bronuofluoroberrene(PID) 24.7 Icg/L 25,0 98.7 70-130 -- Surrogate:4-Bromofluoro6enzene(FID) 24.4 pgIL 25.0 97.8 70-130 Benzene 17.1 0.50 µgtL 20.0 85.7 70-130 4.58 20 Toluene 17.5 0.50 µ;fl, 20.0 87.7 70-130 4.72 20 Ethylbenzcne 17.4 0.50 µg/L 20.0 86.9 70.130 5.16 20 i Xylencs,total 53.5 1.5 WL 60.0 89.2 70-130 5.03 20 Methyl tort-Butyl Ether(MTBL) 89.8 2.5 n(L 100 89.8 70-130 1.96 20 Gasoline 861 5o µ81L 1000 86.1 70-130 3.31 20 Batch T8H1806 Blank(T8H1806-BLKI)_ Prepared&Analyzed:08/18/08 Surrogate:DlbramoJluoromethana 24.9 X&L 2S.0 99.6 70-130 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 23.4 pg/L 23.0 93.6 70-130 Surrogate:4-BromoJluorobe=ene 22.3 alL 25.0 89.0 70-130 Di-isopropyl ether(DIPS) ND 2.0 yg/L Ethyl tort-Butyl Ether(MME) ND 2.0 41, Methyl tcrt-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 1.0 µ81l. Moore Twining Associates,Inc. 77te results in this report apply to the samples analysed in accordance with the chain Ronald J.Boquist,Director of Analytical Chemistry custody document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Jun Brownfield,Quality Assurance Manager Page 8 o£9 moon 2527 Fresno Street Fresno,CA 93721 ® (55)268-7021 Phone 0A 150 r!A r_61, I O C (559)268-0740 Fax California ELRP Certificate 41371. Vestech,LLC/dba VEIR Project: Sullivan's Downtown Chevron 4560 California Ave.,Suite 110 Project Number: I5187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93309 Project Manager. Mark Magaree 0029108 Volatile Organics- Quality Control Analyte Result Reporting Units Spike Source %REC %REC RPD RFD Notes Limit Level Result Limits Limit Batch T8H1806 Blank(T8H1806-BLKi) _- Prcpared&Analyzed:08118/08 Teri-Amyl Mcthyl Ether(TAME) ND 2.0 µg/L tert-Butyl alcohol(TBA) ND 20 pg/L 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.50 µgI Benzine ND 0.50 µ9/L Chlorobcnzenc ND 0.50 µ„/L Toluene ND 0.50 µg/L Trichloroethene(TCE) ND 0.50 µg/L LCS 8H1806-BSI - Prepared&Analyzed:08/18/08 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 23.2 µ91L- 25.0 92.9 70-130 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 21.9 µ91L 25.0 87.6 70-130 -Y l Surrogate:Drbronrofluoromethane 25.4 kgIL 2S.0 101 70-130 1,1-Dichloroethene 22.8 0.50 991L 20.0 114 70-130 20 Benzene 19.7 0.50 pg/L 20.0 98.5 70-130 20 Chloiobcnzene 19.3 0.50 491L 20.0 96.4 70-130 20 Toluenc 19.0 0.50 pg/L 20.0 95.0 70-130 20 Trichloroethene(TCE) 19.2 0.50 µg/L 20.0 96.0 70-130 20 LCS Dup(TSH1806-BSDl - Prepared&AnaIyzcd:08/18/08 Surrogate:4-BromoJluorobenzene 22.9 991L 25,0 91.7 70-130 Surrogate:Dibromo luoromethane 25.4 1191L 2S.0 101 70-130 Surrogate:Tolucne48 23.2 991L 25.0 92.9 70-130 1.1-Diehlorcethene 22.1 0.50 µ9/I. 20.0 110 70-130 3.29 20 Bcnrxne 19.0 0.50 99/L 20.0 95.2 70-130 3.41 20 Chlorobenwie 18.9 0.50 gg/L 20.0 94.6 70-130 1.99 20 Toluene 18.6 0.50 µg/L 20.0 92.8 70-I30 2.34 20 Trichlorocthene(TCE) 1816 0.50 AWL 20.0 93.2 70-130 2.96 20 I i Moore Twining Associates,Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analysed in accordance with the chain Ronald J.Boquist,Director of Analytical Chemistry custody document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety, Jim Brownfield,Quality Assurance Manager Page 9 of 9 • C�CHAI12E8N� MSNO,CUSTODY/ � � a� 9)263-D740 77WININIP 2527 r -A s so c r a r E s, r N c. • ANALYT1CAL CHEMISTRY DIVISION PAG3 OF CALIFORNIA FLAP CERTIFICATION 9 1371 REPORT 70- o INVOICE TO: o REPORT COPY TO: REPORTING: AT7EN7ION, ATTENTION: X STANDARD FORMAT Mark Ma ar ee Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC NAME: NAM1-. 1:3 1b'RITE-Oid(STATE P033a,�) Vestech,LLC/dba VE1R Tim Sullivan GE07RACiCER/COE1T(LUF7) ADDRESS: ADD4:SS: ❑ PDF C SPREADSHZE7 4560 California Avenue,Ste 110 15081 'St.0222 ❑ County DNS: Bakersfield,CA 93309 Bakersfield,Ca 93301 PHONE, PHON¢, ❑ Envirenmenlnl Neallh Ag•°icy 661 631-8347 661 327-5008 FAX: F 0.OTHER: AX, 661 631-8007 (661)861-0938 SAMPLE INFORMA ON SAMPLE TYPES: PR03ECT i1IFORlU4AT7011 SAMPLED BY(PRIIST}s SOLID; CON7RACT/P.O.NO-2 r�, ���L� Bs-BIOSOLID SULLIVANS SIG A7 CR—CERAiUIIC PROJECT NAM£, SL-SOIL/SOLID Downtown Chevron Sery Station LIQUIDS PROJECT NUM13M ❑1'UESLIC SYSTEM X ROUTINE DW•DRINKING WATER 15187 ❑ PRIVATE WELL ❑ REPEAT GW-GROUND WATER PROJ>:CTMANAGER: OL-OIL ❑ OTFER C1 REPLACEME REPLACEMENT SF-SURFACE WATER Mark g�ee TURN AROUND TIMES ❑ RUSH,DUE ON: ST-STORM WATER WW--WASTE WATER ANALYSIS REQUESTED ❑STANDARD NOTES ON R1'CEIVED CONDITION, A ❑CUSTODY SEAL(S)BROKEN D SAMPLES)DAMAGED h r; B � ❑ON ICE ❑AMBIENT TEMP. ❑INCORRECT PRESERVATION f~ IU CLIENT SAMPLE ID DATE TIME TYPE T 9 El/ Iasi r�1 - 13 COMMENTS/ADDITICNAL INSTRUCTIONS: VOC's by 8360 RELINQUISHED BY COMPANY DATE TIME RECEIVED BY COMPANY �' 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA.93721 TWINING (559)268-7021 Phone � ffa clArrJ. ANC. California FLAP Certificate 1371 (554)268-0740 Fax August 29, 2008 Work Order#: 8H13043 Mark Magaree 'Sol,IiVa()S Vestech, LLC/dba VEIR 4 580 California Ave., Suite 110 Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: Sullivan's Downtown Chevron Enclosed are the analytical results for samples received by our laboratory on 08/13/08 . For your reference, these analyses have been assigned laboratory work order number 8H13043. All analyses have been performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance program. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, Moore Twining Associates, Inc. (MTA) is not responsible for use of less than complete reports. Results apply only to samples analyzed. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at the number listed above. Sincerely, Moore Twining Associates, Inc. Ronald J. 13o uis q t Director of Analytical Chemistry MOORE 2527 Fresno Street Fresno,CA 93721 9)268-7021 Phone WININC (5(559)268-0740 Fax � s s o c r A r l S. r H C. California LLAP Certificate#1371 Vestech,LLC/dba VEIR Project: Sullivan's Downtown Chevron 4560 California Ave.,Suite 110 Project Number: 15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93309 Project Manager: Mark Magame 08/29/08 ANALYTICAL REPORT FOR SAMPLES Sample ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received MW-4 8H13043-01 Ground Water 0811210808:08 08/13/08 18:00 MW-11 SHI3043-02 Ground Water 08/12/08 09:04 08/13/08 18:00 GW-1 SH13043-03 Ground Water 08/12/08 11:10 08/13108 18:00 MW-10 8H13043-04 Ground Water 08/12/08 I2:25 08/13/08 18:00 i f c i 'r Moore Twining Associates,Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples anal}rzed in accordance with the chain Ronald J.Boquist,Director of Analytical Chemistry custody document.This analytical mport must be reproduced in its entirety. Jim Brownfield,Quality Assurance Manager Page I of 7 _. /1� 2527 Fresno Street 707NING Fresno, 93721 ff (554)2G8-7021 21 Phone (559)2680740 Fax Si a CIA rfS. INC. California EUP Certificate 41371 Vestech,LLC/dba VELR Project: Sullivan's Downtown Chevron - 4560 California Ave.,Suite 110 Project Number: 15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93309 Project Manager. Mark Magaree 08/29/08 MW-4 8HI3043-01 (Ground Water) Sampled:08/12/08 08:08 Reporting Analwe Result Limit Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Metho=Not'.. Volatile Organics Di-isopropyl ether(DIPS) ND 2.0 µg/L 1 T81.11806 08/18/08 08/19108 EPA 8260E Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND 2.0 491 1 T8H1806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 9260B Methyl tort-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 1.0 pg/L 1 T81-11806 08/18108 08/19/08 EPA 8260B Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 2.0 µ9/L 1 T8H1806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 8260B tert-Butyl alcohol(TBA) ND 20 µ91L 1 T8H1806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 8260B Surrogate:4-Bromofuorobenzene 90.0% 70-130 TSH1806 08118108 08119108 EPA 8260E Surrogate:Toluene-d8 93.1% 70-130 78X1806 08118108 08119108 EPA 8260B Surrogme:Dibramofluoromethane 102% 70-130 T8H1806 08118408 08119108 EPA 82603 Benzene ND 0.50 µg/L 1 T8H1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA SDI 53/8021 B - Toluene' ND 0.50 991I.. 1 T8131503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 8015B/8021B - Ethylbenzene 2.3 0.50 µ@/L t T8H1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 80153/8021B Xylenes,total ND 1.5 µ9/L. 1 T81-11503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 80 15 818021 B Methyl tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 2.5 µg/L 1 T8H1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA SDI5B/8021B Gasoline ND 50 991 1 T8H1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 80I5B18021B Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene(PID) 98.1% 75-125 T8H1503 08115108 08115108 EPA8015B/8021B Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene(FID) 104% 75-125 T8H1503 08/15/08 08115108 EPA 8015318021B Moore Twining Associates,Inc. The results In this report apply to the samples analyzed In accordance with the chain Ronald 1.Boquist,Director of Analytical Chemistry custody document This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety. Jim Brownfield,Quality Assurance Manager Page 2 of 7 - MOORE 2527 Fresno Street ® Fresno, S ffISVC;A (559)268-7021 21 Phone hone{559)268-0740 Fax IFS, IRC. California EL4F Certificate#1371 Vastech,LLC/dba VEIR Project: Sullivan's Downtown Chevron 4560 California Ave„Suite 110 Project Number: 15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93309 Project Manager: Mark Magaree 08/29/08 MW-11 SH13043-02(Ground Water) Sampited:08/12/08 09:04 Reporting Analyte Result Limit Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes. Volatile Organics Di-i5opropyl ether(DIPE) ND 2.0 µg2 1 TSHIS06 08/18/08 08/I8/08 EPA 8260B Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND 2.0 49/L, 1 T8H1806 08/18/08 08/18/08 EPA 82608 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 1.0 µg2 1 T8HI806 08/18/08 08/18/08 EPA 8260B Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 2.0 µg2 I T81-1 1806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 8260B ter[-13utyl alcohol(TBA) ND 20 µg2 1 T8H1806 08/18/08 08/18/08 EPA 9260B Surrogate:7'aluened8 94.4016 70-130 M91806 08118108 08118108 EPA 81608 y Surrogate:Dibromofuoromethane 99,7°l0 70-130 MH1806 08118/08 08118/08 EPA 8260B Surrogate:4-Bromofuorobenzene 86.0% 70-130 TBH1806 08118108 08118108 EPA 81608 Benzene ND 0.50 µg/L 1 T8H1503 08/I5/08 08/15/08 EPA 9015B/80213 Toluene. ND 0.50 µg2 1 T8H1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 801513/8021B Ethylbcnzene ND 0.50 992 1 T8141503 08/15/08 08115108 EPA 8015B/8021B Xylenes,total ND 1.5 991C. 1 T8H1503 09/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 8015B/8021B Methyl tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 2.5 µ91L I TSHIS03 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 80ISB/8021B Gasoline ND 50 µg2 1 T8H1503 08/15/08 08115108 EPA 80I5B/80218 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene(PID) 98.4% 75-115 T8111503 08115108 08115108 BPA 8015B/8011 B Surrogare:4-8romq/tuorobenzene(F1D) 101% 75-125 T8H1503 08115108 081IS108 EPA80IJBI8021B Moore Twining Associates,Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples anaoced in accordance with the chain Ronald J.BOquist,Director of Analytical Chemistry custody document,Phis analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Jun Brownfield,Quality Assurance Manager Page 3 of 7 MOORE 2527 Fresno Street )268-, 21 93721 HISOCIA (SS9)268-7021 Phone (559)268-0740 Fax rf S, INC. California ELAP Certificate#1371 Vestech,LLC/dba VEIR Project: Sullivan's Downtown Chevron 4560 California Ave.,Suite 110 Project Number: 15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93309 Project Manager: Mark Magaree 08/29/08 EW-1 SH13043-03(Ground Water) Sampled.-08/12/08 11:10 Reporting Analyze Result Limit Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Mcthod Notes. Volatile Organics Di-isopropyl ether(DIPE) ND 2.0 µg2 I T8H1806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 8260B Ethyl tort-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND 2.0 µ91L 1 T8H1806 08/18/08 08119108 EPA 8260E Methyl tent-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 12 1.0 4911, l T8H1806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 82608 Tort-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 2.0 9911. 1 T8H1806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 8260B tent-Butyl alcohol(TBA) ND 20 µ9/L I T8H1806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 82603 .......... _..._ Surrogate:4-Bromgjluorobe=ene 87.2% 70-130 T8H1806 08118108 08/19108 EPA 8260B Surrogate:Tolue=48 94.2°/a 70-130 T6H1606 08118108 08119108 EPA 82608 Surroga1w Dibromo•/luoromethane 101% 70-130 T8H1806 08118108 08119108 EPA 82608 I Benzene ND 0.50 µg/L I TSH1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 8015B/802IB Toluene ND 0.50 1491 1 TSH1503 08/15/08 08115 108 EPA 8015B/8021B Ethylbenzcne ND 0.50 µg2 1 T8H1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 80158/80218 Xylenes,total ND 1.5 µg2 I TSH1503 08/15108 08/15/08 EPA 801SM0218 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 11 2.5 µg2 I TSHIS03 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 8015B/802IB ; Gasoline — ND 50 µg/L I TSH1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 801513/9021B 1 Surrogate:4-BromoJluorobemaene(P/D) 96.9% 75-125 T8H1S03 08115108 08115108 EPA 8015MO21B _ Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenrrene(FID) 101% 75-125 T8H1503 08115108 08/15/08 EPA 8015BI8021B _ Moore Twining Associates,Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analysed in accordance ivith the chain Ronald J.Boquist,Director of Analytical Chemistry custody document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Jim Brownfield,Quality Assurance Manager Page 4 of 7 ff 0 90",Ring"If 2527 Fresno Street ® ® Fresno, 93721 � (559)268-7421 21 Phone (559)268-0740 Fax 1 0C1A rr5. INC. California ELr1P Cerlificate iW1371 Vestech,LLC/dba VEIR Project: Sullivan's Downtown Chevron 4560 California Avc.,Suite 110 Project Number: 15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93309 Project Manager- Mark Magaree 08/29/08 MW-1d 8I313043-04(Ground Water) Sampled:08/12108 12:25 Reporting Ana[yte Result Limit TJnits Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes. Volatile Organics Di-isopropyl ether(D1PE) ND 2.0 Ag/L 1 T8H1806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 82608 Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND 2.0 µg/L 1 T8111806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 82606 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 10 1.0 µg2 1 T8H1806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 8260B Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 2.0 µg2 1 T8H1806 08/18/08 08/19/08 EPA 8260B tent-Butyl alcohol(TBA) ND 20 µg2 1 T8H1806 08/18108 08/19/08 EPA 8260B Surrogate:Toluene:-d8 95.0% 70-130 78H1806 06118108 08119108 EPA 8260B Surrogate:Dibromoflucromethone 100% 70-130 78X1806 08118108 08/19/08 EPA 8260B Surrogate:4-Bromgf7;uoroben:ene 84.4% 70-130 7SH1806 08118/08 08119108 EPA 8260B Benzene ND 0.50 Ftg2 l T8H1503 08115108 08/15/08 EPA 80I5B/8021B TI Toluene' ND 0.50 ug2 1 T8141 503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 801513180218 Ethylbenzene ND 0.50 µg2 l T8H1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 801513/80218 Xylenes,total ND 1.5 µg2 I T8H1503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 80158/8021B Methyl tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 9.8 2.5 µg2 1 T8H1503 08 115/08 08/15/08 EPA 80158/802113 Gasoline ND 50 µg2 1 T8HL503 08/15/08 08/15/08 EPA 8015BIS02113 Surrogate:4-Bromglheorobenrene(x1D) 100% 75-125 T8111503 06115108 08115108 EPA 80158180218 Surrogate:4-Bromofluoroben_ene(P1D) 96.3% 75-125 T8H1503 08115108 08115108 EPA 8015BI8021B Notes and Definitions ug/l, micrograms per liter(parts per billion concentration units) mg/kg milligrams per kilogram(parts per million concentration units) ms/L milligrams per Liter(parts per million concentration units) ND Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit RPD Relative Percent Difference Moore Twining Associates,Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analy_ed in accordance with the chain Ronald 1.Boquist,Director of Analytical Chemistry custody document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirely. Jim Brownfield,Quality Assurance Manager Page 5 of MR 2527 Fresno Street Fresno,CA 93721 MINING (559)268-7021 Phone (559)26 9-0740 Fax HISOCIA rtt, INC. California FLAP Certificate 01371 Vestech,LLC/dba VEER Project: Sullivan!s Downtown Chevron 4560 California Ave.,Suite l 10 Project Number. 15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93309 Project Manager: Mark Magaree OM9108 Volatile Organics-Quality Control Analyte Result Reporting Units Spike Source %REC %REC RPD RPD Notes - Limit Level Result Limits Limit Batch T8H1503 Blank f8H1503-BLKI) Prepared_&Analyzed:08/15/08 .... Surrogate:4-Bromofluoroben:ene(PID) US Itg2 25.0 98.1 75-125 Surrogate:4-Sromofluorobemene(FID) 25.8 pgIL 25.0 103 75-125 Benzene AID 0.50 1181L Toluene AID 0.50 gg/L Ethylbemone AID 0.50 pg/L Xylenes,total ND 1s p8/1. Methyl tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) AID 2.5 pg/L Gasoline ND 50 AS/L ? LCS(T8H1503-BS1) Prepared&Analyzed:08/15/08 Surrogate:4-BromQJluoroben:ene(FID) 24.4 µg/L 25.0 97,5 70-130 Surrogate:4-Bromofluoroben:ene(PID) 24.9 Jtg/L 25.0 99.6 70-130 Benzene 17.9 0.50 lig/L. 20.0 89.7 70.130 20 Toluene 18.4 0.50 pg/L 20.0 91.9 70-130 20 Ethylbenzene 18.3 0.50 ltg/L 20.0 91.5 70-130 20 Xylenes,total 56.3 1.5 pg/L 60.0 93.8 70-130 20 Mettyl tent-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 91.6 2.5 pg/L 100 91.6 70-130 20 Gasoline 890 50 pg/L 1000 89.0 70-130 20 LCS Dup(T8H1503-BS)Dl __ Prepared&Analyzed:08/15/08 Surrogate:4-Bromofluaro$rtnxru(PIDJ 24.7 µ91L 23.0 9&7 70-130 Surrogate:4-Bromofluoroberacne(FID) 24.4 1091L 25.0 97.8 70-130 Benzene 17.1 0.50 pg/L 20.0 85.7 70-130 4.58 20 Toluene 17.5 0.50 pg/L 20.0 87.7 70-130 4.72 20 Edtylbenzwe 17.4 0.50 pg/L 20.0 86.9 70-130 5.16 20 Xylenes,total 53.5 1.5 pg/L 60.0 89.2 70-130 5.03 20 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 89.8 2.5 µ91L 100 89.8 70-130 1.96 20 Gasoline 861 50 pg/L, 1000 86.1 70-130 331 20 Batch T8H1806 Blank(T8H1806-BLKI) Prepared&__alyzed-08/18/08 Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 24.9 UgIL - 25.0 99.6 70-130 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 23.4 pg/L 15.0 93.6 70-130 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobetnene 22.3 Itg/L 25.0 89.0 70-130 Di-is9propyl ether(DIPE) ND 2.0 pg/L Ethyl tent-Butyl Ether(ETBE) AID 210 pt/L Metliyl tent-Butyl Ether(MT13E) ND 1.0 pg/L Moore Twining Associates,Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the drain Ronald J.Bogtlist,Director of Analytical Chemistry mod'document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Jim Brownfield,Quality Assurance Manager Page 6 of 7 (� {' �. 2527 Fresno Street Fresno,CA 93721 TWINING (559)268-7021 Phone (559)268-0740 Fax H)ASS 0 CIA FES, Ive. California EL4P Certificate#1371 Vestech,LLC/dba VEIR Project Sultivan's Downtown Chevron 4560 California Ave.,Suite 110 Project Number. 15187 Reported: Bakersfield CA,93309 Project Manager: Mark Magaree 08/29/08 Volatile Organics- Quality Control Analyte Result Reporting units Spike Source %REC %RFC RPD RPD \otes Limit Level Result Limits Limit Batch T8N9806 Blank MH1806-BLKl Prepared&Analyzed:08/18/08 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 2.0 Pg/L tert-Butyl alcohol(TBA) ND 20 ug/L 1,I-Dichloroethene ND 0.50 Pg'L Benzene ND 0.50 Pg/L Chlorobcnwne ND 0.50 P81L Toluene ND 0.50 pg/L Tricliloroethene(TCE) ND 0.50 ltg/L % i LCS(T8H1806-BSI) Prepared&Analyzed:08118/08 ? Surrogate:Toluene-d8 23.2 - pg/L 25.0 92.9 70-130 Surrogate:4-Bromgfluoroben_ene 21.9 /tg/L 25.0 87.6 70-130 Surrogate:Dibromofluoromethane 25.4 /tg/L 2S.0 101 70-130 1.1-Dicliloroettiau 22,8 0.50 lig/L 20.0 114 70-130 20 Bcnzane 19.7 0.50 µg/L 20.0 98.5 70-130 20 Chlorobenzene 19.3 0.50 n/L 20.0 96.4 70-130 20 Toluene 19.0 0.50 pg/L 20,0 95.0 70-130 20 Trichloroetheue(TCE) 19.2 0.50 gg/L 20.0 96.0 70-130 20 LCS Dup(T8HI806-BSD1) Prepared&Analyzed:08/18/08 Surrogate:4-Bromofuorobenzene 22.9 -- WL 25.0 91.7 70-130 Surrogate:Dibromofuoromethane 25.4 'UK 25.0 101 70-130 Surrogate.,Toluene-d8 23.2 pg/L 25.0 92.9 70-130 1,10chlorocthene 22.1 0.50 ug/L 20.0 I10 70-130 3.29 20 Benzene . I9.0 0.50 ug/L 20.0 95.2 70-130 3.4I 20 Chlorobenzene 18.9 0.50 ug/L 20.0 94.6 70-130 1.99 20 Toluene 18.6 0.50 Pg/L 20,0 92.8 70-130 234 20 Trich)oroetheoc(TCE) 18.6 0.50 }tg/L 20.0 93.2 70-130 2.96 20 Moore Twining Associates,Inc, The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain Ronald J.Boquist,Director of Analytical Chemistry custody document.This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirely. Jinn Brownfield,Quality Assurance Manager Page 7 of 7 Mo 0Rj-- CHAIN OF CUSTODY/`14ALYMSREQUIA-i 0? 2527 FRESNO STREET-FRESNO,CA 93721 ONE(559)268.7021•FAX,(559)263-0-740 A s]F�oc t A�r E .E. c. WORK ORDER #.- ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY DIVISION PAGE OF sj4)30 3 i CALIFORNIA ELAP CERTIFICATION#1371 REPORT TO: a INVOICE TO: a REPORT COPY TO.- PEPORTWO: ATTZNTIONt ATTENTION: X STANDARD FORMAT Mark Kagargee Sullivan Petroleum Company,LLC NAMrs NAME: ❑VIRITE-ON(STATE FC)MIA) Vestecb,LLC/dba VEIR Tim Sullivan -KGEOTRAV(!R/COEL1(IU77) AD O ADDRESS; ❑ PDF 0 SPREADSHE-357 4560 Califomia.Avenue,Ste 110 150810 St.#222 Bakersfield, [3 CounTy I)MS Bake rsfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield,sfield,Ca 93301 PHONE. PHONE: ❑ Enviromnentzi Xenith Agency: i 631-8347 1 661 FAX: (661)327-5008 FAX ❑OTHER: (661)631-8007 (661)861-0938 5 SAMPLE INFORMATION SAMPLE TYPES: PROJECT INFORMATION SOLIDI CONTRACT/P.0.NO.3 BS-BIOSOLID SULLIVANS 51 CR-CERAMIC PROJECT NAME. SL-SOIL/SOLID Downtown Chevron Sery Station LIQUID: PROJECT NUMBER; 0 PUBLIC SYSTEM- X ROUTINE DW-DRINKING WATER 0 PRIVATE WELL 0 R-SPEAT GW-GROUND WATER PROJECT MANAGER.15187 OL-OIL ❑ OTFE.R 0 REPLACEMENT SF-SURFACE WATER Mark Magpargee 'z TUaN AROUND TIMZ: ❑ RUSH,DUE ON: ST-STORM WATER 1:1 STANDARD WW-WASTE WATER AMALYSIS REQUESTED NOTES ON RECEIVED CONDITION: L Ga A C3 CUSTODY SEAL(S)BROKEN USAMPLE(S)DAMAGED B u ❑ON ICE ❑AMBIENT TEMP. ❑INCORRECT PRESERVATION S < E CLIENT SAMPLE ID DATE TIME TYPE rr ENT S, 'goo X[X X I 4L) I/1/0 COMMENTS/ADDITIONAL INSMCTICNSi voc's 47 8260 RELINQUISHED By COMPANY a7fE TIME REC31VED BY MRANY 90 ov ATTACHMENT 5. LABORATORY REPORT FOR VAPOR EASEnvironmental Analytical Service Inc 173 Cross Street,San Luis Obispo,California 93401 August 27,2008 Sample Delivery Groups(SDG): 208457 Tim Martin ,n Vestech &A� 1400 Easton Drive, Suite 132 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Dear Tim: Enclosed is the analytical report for the sample(s)received and analyzed by Environmental Analytical Service, Inc. for the following project: Project Name : Sullivans Project Number: None Given Date Sampled: 8/15/08 The report consists of the following sections: I. Sample Description II. Laboratory Narrative and Chain of Custody Forms III. Laboratory Certification IV. Quality Control Reports V. Analytical Results If you have any questions on the report or the analytical data please contact me at (805)781- 3585. Sincer , Stev n . Hoyt,Ph.D. Laborato Director r Analytical Report SDG Number 208457 Client: Vestech Date Received: 8/15/2008 I. SAMPLE DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS REQUESTED Pressure(torr) Client Sample No. EAS Lab No Analysis Requested Date Sample Rec Final INFLUENT 2084571 EPA 18 Modfied TPHQ 8/13/2008 885 927 INFLUENT 2084571 EPA TO-15 MTBE,BTEX 8/13/2008 885 927 EFFLUENT 2084572 EPA 18 Modfied TPHg 8/13/2008 738 920 EFFLUENT 2084572 EPA TO-15 MTBE,BTEX 8/13/2008 738 920 r II. LABORATORY CASE NARRATIVE and CHAIN OF CUSTODY FORMS SDG Numbers: 208457 Analysis performed for: Vestech All laboratory quality control criteria were met for the samples in this report. III. LABORATORY CERTIFICATION I certify that this da a package is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract,both technically and for o pleten ss, for other than the condition noted above. Steven D. Ho4 Ph. Laboratory D' ctor r ANALYTICAL REPORT EwaommENTAL Analytical Service, Inc. SDG: 208457 Analytical Method: EPA 18M Laboratory Number: 01 File: 0845701A.D Date Sampled: 08/13/08 Time: 8:40 Description:INFLUENT Date Received: 08/15/08 Can/Tube#: 362 Date Extracted: Sam—Type: SA Date Analyzed: 08/21/08 Time: 16:47 QC—Batch: 082108-GC1 Can Dilution Factor: 1.05 2 Air Volume: 2 ml Not Detected Flag: U MDL RL Amount MDL RL Amount Flag CAS# Compound ppmV ppmV ppmV mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 TPH(g) TPH (gasoline) 0.75 3.96 32.45 3.01 15.90 130.20 Notes: 1) Reported results are to be interpreted to two significant figures. 2) ug/m3 =ppbV"FW/23.68 calculated assuming conditions at 60 F and 1 atm. 3) MDL and RL are adjusted for sample volume and can dilution. 4) U and ND are Flags used for Not Detected 5)J is a flag for a result between the MDL and the RL(or lower quantitation limit, LQL) Report File Name:20845701.MC1 Environmental Analytical Service Printed on 8/22/2008 Page 1 of 1 ANALYTICAL REPORT EwaommENTAi Analytical Service, Inc. EPA Method TO-15 Modified Full Scan GC/MS SDG: 208457 Analytical Method: TO-15 Laboratory Number: 01 File: 0845701B.D Date Sampled: 08/13/08 Time: 8:40 Description:INFLUENT Date Received: 08/15/08 Can/Tube#: 362 Date Extracted: Sam_Type: SA Date Analyzed: 08/22/08 Time: 14:07 QC-Batch: 082208-MS2 Can Dilution Factor: 1.05 1 Air Volume: 20.0 ml Not Detected Flag: U MDL RL Amount MDL RL Amount Flag CAS# Compound ppbv ppbv ppbv ug/m3 ug/m3 ug/m3 1634-04-4 Methyl tert butyl ether 3.9 39.4 286.8 14.6 146.5 1,067.0 71-43-2 Benzene 5.4 54.1 8.1 17.8 178.3 26.6 J 108-88-3 Toluene 5.4 54.1 5.6 21.0 210.3 21.7 J 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 5.4 54.1 5.9 24.3 242.5 26.7 J 108-38-3 m&p-Xylene 10.8 108.2 71.2 48.5 485.0 319.4 J 95-47-6 o-Xylene 5.4 54.1 53.6 24.3 242.5 240.3 J Spike Amt. Amount QC Flag Surrogate Recovery ppbv ppbV % Rec. Limits *=Out 2037-26-5 Toluene-d8 10.000 10.538 105 70-130 Notes: 1)Reported results are to be interpreted to two significant figures. 2)ug/m3= ppbV*FW/23.68 calculated assuming conditions at 60 F and 1 atm. 3)MDL and RL are adjusted for sample volume and can dilution. 4)U and ND are Flags used for Not Detected 5)J is a flag for a result between the MDL and the RL(or lower quantitation limit, LQL) Report File Name:20845701.MS2 Environmental Analytical Service Printed on 8/27/2008 Page 1 of 1 ANALYTICAL REPORT EwaommENTAL Analytical Service, Inc. SDG: 208457 Analytical Method: EPA 18M Laboratory Number: 02 File: 0845702A.D Date Sampled: 08/13/08 Time: 8:45 Description:EFFLUENT Date Received: 08/15/08 Can/Tube#: 370 Date Extracted: Sam—Type: SA Date Analyzed: 08/21/08 Time: 15:13 QC—Batch: 082108-GC1 Can Dilution Factor: 1.25 2 Air Volume: 200 ml Not Detected Flag: U MDL RL Amount MDL RL Amount Flag CAS# Compound ppmV ppmV ppmV mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 TPH(g) TPH (gasoline) 0.01 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.19 0.10 J Notes: 1)Reported results are to be interpreted to two significant figures. 2) ug/m3= ppbV`FW/23.68 calculated assuming conditions at 60 F and 1 atm. 3) MDL and RL are adjusted for sample volume and can dilution. 4)U and ND are Flags used for Not Detected 5)J is a flag for a result between the MDL and the RL(or lower quantitation limit, LQL) Report File Name:20845702.MC1 Environmental Analytical Service Printed on 8/22/2008 Page 1 of 1 l ANALYTICAL REPORT EwaomwENTAL Analytical Service, Inc. EPA Method TO-15 Modified Full Scan GC/MS SDG: 208457 Analytical Method: TO-15 Laboratory Number: 02 File: 0845702A.D Date Sampled: 08/13/08 Time: 8:45 Description:EFFLUENT Date Received: 08/15/08 Can/Tube#: 370 Date Extracted: Sam_Type: SA Date Analyzed: 08/22/08 Time: 11:49 QC-Batch: 082208-MS2 Can Dilution Factor: 1.68 1 Air Volume: 20.0 ml Not Detected Flag: U MDL RL Amount MDL RL Amount Flag CAS# Compound ppbv ppbv ppbv ug/m3 ug/m3 ug/m3 1634-04-4 Methyl tert butyl ether 6.3 63.0 6.3 23.4 234.4 23.4 U 71-43-2 Benzene 8.7 86.5 8.7 28.5 285.4 28.5 U 108-88-3 Toluene 8.7 86.5 28.9 33.7 336.5 112.5 J 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 8.7 86.5 8.7 38.8 388.0 38.8 U 108-38-3 m&p-Xylene 17.3 173.0 17.3 77.6 776.0 77.6 U 95-47-6 o-Xylene 8.7 86.5 8.7 38.8 388.0 38.8 U Spike Amt. Amount QC Flag Surrogate Recovery ppbV ppbV % Rec. Limits `= Out 2037-26-5 Toluene-d8 10.000 10.549 105 70-130 Notes: 1)Reported results are to be interpreted to two significant figures. 2)ug/m3=ppbV*FW/23.68 calculated assuming conditions at 60 F and 1 atm. 3)MDL and RL are adjusted for sample volume and can dilution. 4)U and ND are Flags used for Not Detected 5)J is a flag for a result between the MDL and the RL(or lower quantitation limit, LQL) Report File Name:20845702.MS2 Environmental Analytical Service Printed on 8/27/2008 Page 1 of 1 1 r I IV. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT SDG Numbers: 208457 Client: Vestech LABORATORY QC REPORT QC NARRATIVE Unless project specific QC was specified,these samples were analyzed with the standard EAS QC for the method as defined in the EAS Quality Manual. STANDARD LABORATORY QC REPORT Unless project specific QC reporting was requested, this Section contains the standard laboratory QC supplied with the analytical reports, which includes the daily method blank and the daily duplicate control samples as described below. Each day that samples are analyzed comprises a Daily Analytical Batch for a particular instrument. A Daily Analytical Batch QC report will be supplied for each method and each day samples from this SDG Group were analyzed. METHOD BLANK A method blank is a laboratory-generated sample which assesses the degree to which laboratory operations and procedures cause false-positive analytical results for your samples. A copy of each batch Method Blank is included with the report. If a compound is detected in the Method Blank between the RL and MDL, it will be flagged with a"J". If a compound is above the RL, it will be flagged with a`B" DUPLICATE CONTROL SAMPLES A duplicate or duplicate control sample (DCS) was analyzed as part of each daily analytical batch. A DCS is a well-characterized matrix (blank water, ambient air, or actual sample) which may or may not be spiked and run in duplicate with your sample batch. The results are on the attached Duplicate Sample/Spike results. Precision is measured in a duplicate test by Relative Percent Difference(RPD)as in: RPD= [%Recovery Test 1 -%Recovery Test 2] x100 (Recovery Test 1 +Recovery Test 2)/2 r � METHOD BLANK REPORT EwaommENTAL Analytical Service, Inc. SDG: LABQC Analytical Method: EPA 18M Laboratory Number: B08218 File: B08218A.D Date Sampled: Time: Description:METHOD BLANK Date Received: Can/Tube#: Date Extracted: Sam_Type: MB Date Analyzed: 08/21/08 Time: 12:07 QC—Batch: 082108-GC1 Can Dilution Factor: 1.00 1 Air Volume: 2 ml Not Detected Flag: U MDL RL Amount MDL RL Amount Flag CAS# Compound ppmV ppmV ppmV mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 TPH(g) TPH (gasoline) 0.7 3.8 0.7 2.9 15.1 2.9 U Notes: 1) Reported results are to be interpreted to two significant figures. 2) ug/m3 = ppbV*FW/23.68 calculated assuming conditions at 60 F and 1 atm. 3) MDL and RL are adjusted for sample volume and can dilution. 4) U and ND are Flags used for Not Detected 5)J is a flag for a result between the MDL and the RL(or lower quantitation limit, LQL) Report File Name: B08218A.MC1 Environmental Analytical Service Printed on 8/25/2008 Page 1 of 1 r METHOD BLANK REPORT EwaomffimAi Analytical Service, Inc. EPA Method TO-15 Modified Full Scan GUMS SDG: LABQC Analytical Method: TO-15 Laboratory Number: B08228 File: B08228A.D Date Sampled: Time: Description:METHOD BLANK Date Received: Can/Tube#: Date Extracted: Sam_Type: MB Date Analyzed: 08/22/08 Time: 10:48 QC-Batch: 082208-MS2 Can Dilution Factor: 1.00 1 Air Volume: 20.0 ml Not Detected Flag: U MDL RL Amount MDL RL Amount Flag CAS# Compound ppbv ppbv ppbv ug/m3 ug/m3 ug/m3 1634-04-4 Methyl tert butyl ether 3.8 37.5 3.8 14.0 139.5 14.0 U 71-43-2 Benzene 5.2 51.5 5.2 17.0 169.9 17.0 U 108-88-3 Toluene 5.2 51.5 5.2 20.0 200.3 20.0 U 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 5.2 51.5 5.2 23.1 231.0 23.1 U 108-38-3 m&p-Xylene 10.3 103.0 10.3 46.2 461.9 46.2 U 95-47-6 o-Xylene 5.2 51.5 5.2 23.1 231.0 23.1 U Spike Amt. Amount QC Flag Surrogate Recovery ppbV ppbV % Rec. Limits *=Out 2037-26-5 Toluene-d8 10.000 10.881 109 70-130 Notes: 1)Reported results are to be interpreted to two significant figures. 2)ug/m3=ppbV*FW/23.68 calculated assuming conditions at 60 F and 1 atm. 3)MDL and RL are adjusted for sample volume and can dilution. 4)U and ND are Flags used for Not Detected 5)J is a flag for a result between the MDL and the RL(or lower quantitation limit, LQL) Report File Name: B08228A.MS2 Environmental Analytical Service Printed on 8/27/2008 Page 1 of 1 QUALITY CONTROL DUPLICATE EwaomwENTAL Analytical Service, Inc. Duplicate of QC Sample SDG: LABQC Analytical Method: EPA 18M Dup File: QC08218B.D Description:ST60064 Can/Tube#: QC Batch: 082108-GC1 LCD LCS RPD Limit Flag CAS# Compound ppbv ppbv %D % *= Out Abreviation Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons: TPH(g) TPH (gasoline) 41,128 41,587 1 25 Report File Name:QC082186.MC1 Environmental Analytical Service Printed on 8/25/2008 Page 1 of 1 } r QUALITY CONTROL REPORT EwaommENTAL Analytical Service, Inc. LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE SDG: LABQC Analytical Method: EPA 18M File: QC08218A.D Date Sampled: NA Description:ST60064 Date Received: NA Can/Tube#: Date Extracted: NA Sam—Type: LCS Date Analyzed: 08/21/08 Time: 10:23 QC—Batch: 082108-GC1 Can Dilution Factor: 1.00 0 Air Volume: 1 ml QC Duplicate: No MDL Spike Conc Amount Matrix Amt Spk Amt Percent LCL UCL Flag CAS# Compound ppbv ppbv ppbv ppbv ppbv Recovery % % Abreviation Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons: TPH(g) TPH (gasoline) 1,429 41,990 41,587 0.00 41,587 99 70 130 Report File Name:QC08218A.MC1 Environmental Analytical Service Printed on 8/25/2008 Page 1 of 1 QUALITY CONTROL REPORT EwaomvmNTAL Analytical Service, Inc. LABORATORY CONTROL DUPLICATE SDG: LABQC Analytical Method: EPA 18M File: QC08218B.D Date Sampled: NA Description:ST60064 Date Received: NA Can/Tube#: Date Extracted: NA Sam_Type: LCD Date Analyzed: 08/21/08 Time: 11:09 QC—Batch: 082108-GC1 Can Dilution Factor: 1.00 0 Air Volume: 1 ml QC Duplicate: Yes MDL Spike Conc Amount Matrix Amt Spk Amt Percent LCL UCL Flag CAS# Compound ppbv ppbv ppbv ppbv ppbv Recovery % % Abreviation Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons: TPH(g) TPH (gasoline) 1,429 41,990 41,128 0.00 41,128 98 70 130 Report File Name:QC08218B.MC1 Environmental Analytical Service Printed on 8/25/2008 Page 1 of 1 QUALITY CONTROL DUPLICATE EwaomvmNTAi Analytical Service, Inc. Duplicate of QC Sample EPA Method TO-15 Modified Full Scan GC/MS SDG: LABQC Analytical Method: TO-15 Dup File: QC0822813.D Description:ST60032 Can/Tube#: QC Batch: 082208-MS2 LCD LCS RPD Limit Flag CAS# Compound ppbv ppbv %D % "= Out 71-43-2 Benzene 1.22 1.23 1 25 108-88-3 Toluene 1.11 1.11 0 25 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1.05 1.04 1 25 108-38-3 m&p-Xylene 2.02 2.00 1 25 95-47-6 o-Xylene 1.03 1.01 2 25 QC08228B.MS2 Environmental Analytical Service Printed on 8/27/2008 Page 1 of 1 FORM II QUALITY CONTROL REPORT EwaomvmNTAi Analytical Service, Inc. LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE EPA Method TO-15 Modified Full Scan GC/MS SDG: LABQC Analytical Method: TO-15 File: QC08228A.D Date Sampled: NA Description:ST60032 Date Received: NA Can/Tube#: Date Extracted: NA Sam—Type: LCS Date Analyzed: 08/22/08 Time: 9:14 QC—Batch: 082208-MS2 Can Dilution Factor: 1.00 2 Air Volume: 1000 ml QC Duplicate: No MDL Spike Conc Amount Matrix Amt Spk Amt Percent LCL UCL Flag CAS# Compound ppbv ppbv ppbv ppbv ppbv Recovery % % 71-43-2 Benzene 0.10 1.03 1.23 0.000 1.23 119 70 130 108-88-3 Toluene 0.10 1.03 1.11 0.000 1.11 108 70 130 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 0.10 1.04 1.04 0.000 1.04 100 70 130 108-38-3 m&p-Xylene 0.21 2.06 2.00 0.000 2.00 97 70 130 95-47-6 o-Xylene 0.10 1.02 1.01 0.000 1.01 99 70 130 Spike Amt. Amount QC Flag Surrogate Recovery ppbV ppbV % Rec. Limits *=Out 2037-26-5 Toluene-d8 10.000 10.690 107 70-130 Notes: Reported results are to be interpreted to two significant figures. ug/m3 calculated assuming conditions at 60 F and 1 atm. QC08228A.MS2 Environmental Analytical Service Printed on 8/27/2008 Page 1 of 1 FORM II QUALITY CONTROL REPORT EmmommENTAL Analytical Service, Inc. LABORATORY CONTROL DUPLICATE EPA Method TO-15 Modified Full Scan GC/MS SDG: LABQC Analytical Method: TO-15 File: QC08228B.D Date Sampled: NA Description:ST60032 Date Received: NA Can/Tube#: Date Extracted: NA Sam—Type: LCD Date Analyzed: 08/22/08 Time: 9:59 QC—Batch: 082208-MS2 Can Dilution Factor: 1.00 2 Air Volume: 1000 ml QC Duplicate: Yes MDL Spike Conc Amount Matrix Amt Spk Amt Percent LCL UCL Flag CAS# Compound ppbv ppbv ppbv ppbv ppbv Recovery % % 71-43-2 Benzene 0.10 1.03 1.22 0.000 1.22 118 70 130 108-88-3 Toluene 0.10 1.03 1.11 0.000 1.11 108 70 130 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 0.10 1.04 1.05 0.000 1.05 101 70 130 108-38-3 m&p-Xylene 0.21 2.06 2.02 0.000 2.02 98 70 130 95-47-6 o-Xylene 0.10 1.02 1.03 0.000 1.03 101 70 130 Spike Amt. Amount QC Flag Surrogate Recovery ppbV ppbV % Rec. Limits *=Out 2037-26-5 Toluene-d8 10.000 10.629 106 70-130 Notes: Reported results are to be interpreted to two significant figures. ug/m3 calculated assuming conditions at 60 F and 1 atm. QC08228B.MS2 Environmental Analytical Service Printed on 8/27/2008 Page 1 of 1 V. ANALYTICAL RESULTS SDG Numbers: 208457 Client: Vestech The following pages contain the certified reports for the analytical methods and the compounds requested. The reports are in order of analytical method then EAS ID number. A brief description of the units that appear on the reports is given below: ppbV,ppmV,Percent Parts per billion by volume (also known as mole ratio) and other related units. This is the primary reporting unit for all volatile organic compound analysis except the hydrocarbon speciation and total hydrocarbons. This unit is independent of temperature and pressure. ppbV=nanomoles of compound moles of air ug/m3,mg/m3 Micrograms of compound per cubic meter of air and other related units. This is the primary reporting unit for semi volatile organic compounds. It is not a primary reporting unit for volatile organic compounds because it is temperature and pressure dependent, so the result will vary depending on the conditions when the sample was collected. EAS provides the units on its analytical reports as a convenience to the client, but they should be used with caution. The following equation can be used to convert from ppbV to ug/m3. ug/m3 =ppbV x MW compound 23.68 23.68 is the molar volume of a gas at 60 F and 1 atm pressure ppbC, ppmC Parts per billion by volume as carbon (methane) and other related units. This unit is the primary reporting unit for hydrocarbon analysis, even if it does not appear on the report. This unit is used because the flame ionization detector response is proportional to the number of carbons in the compound, so an accurate concentration can be reported even if the identification of the compound is not known. ppbC=ppbV x number of carbons in compound Data Qualifiers, Abbreviations and.aeftnttaoras ENMONMMAL Analytical Service, Inc. Qualifiers * See Case Narrative B This compound was detected in the blank above the Reporting Limit(RL) D This report was calculated from a secondary dilution factor E Compound exceeds the calibration range and is an estimated value J The amount reported is an estimated value because it is between the Reporting Limit(RL)and the Method Detection Limit(MDL) F Higher detection limit due to sample matrix G Higher detection limit due to limited sample size Q Compound secondary ion ratio qualifiers are outside the standard acceptance criteria R Compound secondary retention time(RT)is outside the acceptance criteria for the method U Compound is less than the Method Detection Limit(MDL) Abbreviations MDL Minimum Detection Limit—Instrument detection limit The minimum detectable level(MDL)is the lowest concentration of a substance that can be measured with confidence. The MDL is calculated at the 99%confidence level from seven repetitive measurements on a sample whose concentration does not exceed 10 times the estimated MDL (Glasser et. al. 1981; Long and Winefordner, 1983). Generating an MDL study, a sample is prepared in the appropriate matrix with components near the estimated MDL, which is about 3 times the instrument noise level. This sample is run seven consecutive times and the standard deviation(S)is calculated. The MDL is determined using the following formula: MDL=3.14*S ND Not Detected—a reported limit NA Not Applicable RPD Relative Percent Difference The relative percent difference for a pair of duplicate samples is calculated from repetitive runs on sample pairs representative of the types of samples that are analyzed. The RPD provides information on the precision or reproducibility of the actual measurement process. The RPD is calculated for a particular compound from the average using the following formula: RPD(%)=Difference*100 Average RSD Relative Standard Deviation The relative standard deviation is reported as a percentage deviation at a particular concentration using the following equation: RSD(%)=S* 100 Average Definitions ppbV =#nanomoles cmnd =ppbC #moles air #carbons in cmpd Compound is reported as ppb of compound by Volume This unit is temperature independent ug/m3 =ppbV x MW compound 23.68 Compound is reported as ug of a compound in.p m3 of air 23.68 is the molar volume of a gas at 60°F and 1 atm pressure MW=molecular weight This unit is temperature dependent ppbC =ppbV x#carbons in compound ENVIRONMENTAL 173 Cross Street San Luis Obispo, CA t Analytical Service, Inc. 93401 -7597 r�h� An 805.781.3585 CHAIN CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Fax 805.541.4550 Project Number Project Name: �• Quote Number: t Ra BPx�.-. -,:'.O. �_:',"' r .__ :...- -� t uttJ?u s.of x y.^s+t a_!'p4't i rS.ttiY�r,� u'�4,.e E/t ...0'F j i 3-�Z`z } E."tey r. i•-;y;I�y it'i'tc RT,T n _.. . x MATRIX L HCEND Sc 'r(a+.' 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