HomeMy WebLinkAbout3501 MT VERNON AVENUE 008)Craig Perkins-RE: Drilling schedule for Howards and Fastrip Vernon .......... Page 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 55 IE _ From: "Jane McNaboe"<jmcnaboe @ram-env.com> To: "Craig Perkins"<ctperkins @bakersfieldcity.us> Date: 9/10/2008 3:00 PM Subject: RE: Drilling schedule for Howards and Fastrip @ Mt. Vernon CC: "Rena Hamblin"<rhamblin @ram-env.com>, <ctl @consolidatedtesting.com> Craig, I will phone the drilling company and let you know what their next availability is. Jane Ellis-McNaboe Professional Geologist RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. jmcnaboe @ram-env.com 661 324-6152 office 661 324-6172 fax 661 246-9854 cell -----Original Message----- From: Craig Perkins [mailto:ctperkins @bakersfieldcity.us] Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 9:16 AM To: Jane McNaboe Subject: Re: Drilling schedule for Howards and Fastrip @ Mt. Vernon Jane This office would like to be on site when your are drilling, so therefore I would request that you reschedule drilling to the week of September 22nd or September 29 2008. Thank you for your consideration Craig Perkins Hazardous Materials Specialist Bakersfield Fire Department >>>"Jane McNaboe"<jmcnaboe @ram-env.com>9/9/2008 10:41 AM >>> Craig, This email is to notify you of our upcoming drilling schedule for two Jaco service stations in Bakersfield. RAM has tentatively scheduled the drilling and soil sampling at the Fastrip located at Mt. Vernon and University for Wednesday September 17th, or Thursday September 18th; the drilling rig will confirm the date on September 16th. If the work at Mt. Vernon proceeds quickly, we will immediately move the drilling rig to the Howard's mini market on Planz and Wible, if Mt. Vernon is slow, Howard's will be drilled the following week. We will notify you again with the final dates and times. Please call or IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 56 IE (9%112008)Craig Perkins- RE: Drilling schedule for Howards and Fastrip @ Mt. Vernon Page 2 email with any questions or comments. Thanks, Jane Ellis-McNaboe Professional Geologist RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. jmcnaboe @ram-env.com 661 324-6152 office 661 324-6172 fax 661 246-9854 cell RAM 200304, 200370 (9%9/2008)Craig Perkins-Drilling schedule for Howards and Fastrip�@ Mt. Vernon Pages From: "Jane McNaboe"<jmcnaboe @ram-env.com> To: <ctperkins @BakersfieldFire.us> Date: 9/9/2008 10:42 AM Subject: Drilling schedule for Howards and Fastrip @ Mt. Vernon CC: "Rena Hamblin"<rhamblin @ram-env.com> Craig, This email is to notify you of our upcoming drilling schedule for two Jaco service stations in Bakersfield. RAM has.tentatively scheduled the drilling and soil sampling at the Fastrip located at Mt. Vernon and University for Wednesday.September 17th, or Thursday September 18th; the drilling rig will confirm the date on September 16th. If the work at Mt. Vernon proceeds quickly, we will immediately move the drilling rig to the Howard's mini market on Planz and Wible, if Mt. Vernon is slow, Howard's will be drilled the following week. We will notify you again with the final dates and times. Please call or email with any questions or comments. Thanks, Jane Ellis-McNaboe Professional Geologist RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. jmcnaboe @ram-env.com 661 324-6152 office 661 324-6172 fax 661 246-9854 cell RAM 200304, 200370 B �Fl FIRE ARTM T 4114W August 25, 2008 Roy Sanders _ JACO Oil Company Ronald I Fraze 3101 State Road Fire Chief Bakersfield, Ca 93308 Gary Hutton RE: Work plan modifications for 3501 Mount Vernon Ave, Bakersfield, Ca. Tyler Hartley Douglas Greener Deputy Chiefs Dear Roy Saunders: Upon review of the recently submitted work plan for your facility, this office has determined that the extent of the contamination plume will not be fully defined without an additional bore hole. This boring should be located southwest of bore IJOWA.RD H.WINES,III hole # 2 and maintain the same standards for vertical extension as proposed in the DIRECTOR work plan of July 2008. PREVENTION This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and SERVICES Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations) that 1501 Truxtun Ave., 1"Floor further assessment be done to define the vertical and horizontal extent of the Bakersfield,CA 93301 contamination plume. VOICE: (661)326-3979 FAX: (661)852-2171 Please submit the revised work plan for further assessment, to this office, within 30 days from receipt of this letter. The work plan should follow guidelines found in: Appendix A -Reports, Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites; April 16, 2004. Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a rate of$112.00 per hour. If you have any questions, please call me at.(661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Craig Perkins REA-1 Fire Prevention / Environmental Officer CC: M. Jane Ellis-McNaboe, RAM Environmental (9/22/2008)Craig Perkins-RE: Drilling at Fastrip and Howard's N Page 1 From: "Jane McNaboe"<jmcnaboe @ram-env.com> To: "Craig Perkins"<ctperkins @bakersfieldcity.us> Date: 9/16/2008 8:25 AM Subject: RE: Drilling at Fastrip and Howard's CC: "Rena Hamblin"<rhamblin @ram-env.com> Craig, The drilling rig will arrive at 8 am at the Mt. Vernon Fastrip. It takes a while to set up, we should be drilling and sampling by 9 am. We will move directly to Howard's on Planz when we are finished with the Fastrip. Thanks, Jane Ellis-McNaboe Professional Geologist RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. jmcnaboe @ram-env.com 661 324-6152 office 661 324-6172 fax 661 246-9854 cell RAM 200370 -----Original Message---- From: Craig Perkins [mailto:ctperkins @bakersfieldcity.us] Sent:Tuesday, September 16, 2008 7:35 AM To: Jane McNaboe Subject: Drilling at Fastrip and Howard's Jane I receive your phone call about the drilling schedule for the 24th of September. That will work, however you didn't leave a time frame that they will begin. If you could e-mail me back so I can ink it into my calendar. Thanks Craig ' JACO OIL Cry , COMPANY , = FASTRIP ' SELF-SERVE GAS STATION & CONVENIENCE STORE 3501 MT. VERNON AVENUE BAKERSFIELD,CA. ;.� �• ,' gel .,,a ' REVISED SITE INVESTIGATION WORKPLAN 1 r r Aw „ey ' PROJECT # 200370 AUGUST 2008 " A ENVIRONMENTAL ■i , ' m ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. ' 2115 201" Street • Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-6152 • FAX (661) 324-6172 j B E R S F I D F/RE ARTM T September 2, 2008 Roy Sanders JACO Oil Company Ronald I Fraze 3101 State Road Fire Chief Bakersfield, Ca 93308 Gary Hutton RE: Work plan modifications for Fastrip located at.3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue Tyler Hartley Douglas Greener Bakersfield, California. Deputy Chiefs Dear Roy Saunders: This office has reviewed the work plan, dated August 2008, prepared for the above referenced site. HOWARD H.WINES,III DIRECTOR This is to notify you that the work plan is satisfactory. Please give this office five (5) PREVENTION working days notice prior to commencement of work. SERVICES Please be advised that any work done that is not performed under direct oversight 1501 Truxtun Ave., I"Floor by this office will not be accepted, unless previously approved. Bakersfield,CA 93301 VOICE: (661)326-3979 Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a FAX: (661)852-2171 rate of$112.00 per hour. If you have any questions, please call me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Craig Perkins REA-1 Fire Prevention / Environmental Officer CC: M. Jane Ellis-McNaboe, RAM Environmental R"ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. 2115 Twentieth Street Bakersfield, California 93301 (661) 324-6152, FAX (661-) 324-6172 .LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Subject: Revised Site Investigation Workplan located at Date: 08/28/08 3501 Mount Vernon Avenue, Bakersfield, Ca. Send Via: Mail X As Requested Ann: Mr. Roy Saunders X Review X Your Information Approval Address: JACO Oil Company Return 3101 State Road Bakersfield,CA 93308 Project#200370 ;Items Enclosed: One copy.of the Revised Site.Investigation Workplan Comments: RAM is pleased to provide the enclosed Workplan. If you have any questions, you may reach me at (661) 324-6152. Respectfully, Jane Il' -McNaboe Professional Geologist Cc: ClMfr. Craig,Perkins,'Bakersfield Fire Prevention Services, 1501 Truxtun - Courier R:\2000_08\370_LOT_Jaco_3501 Mount Vernon—Revised—Site Investigation Report.doc REVISED SITE INVESTIGATION WORKMAN t Fastrip ' 3501 Mount Vernon Avenue Bakersfield, California 1 Prepared for:. ' JACO OIL COMPANY 1 ' RAM Environmental Engineering Service,Inc. Project#200370 QA/QC TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................2 1.1 RESPONSIBLE PARTY/CONTACT INFORMATION..................................................................2 1.2 SITE HISTORY..................................................................................................................:...3 2.0 INVESTIGATION PURPOSE AND SCOPE..............................................................................4 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION.....................................................................................................................4 3.1 SITE DESCRIPTION...............................................................................................................4 ' 4.0 TOPOGRAPHY,GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY.........................................................4 4.1 TOPOGRAPHY......................................................................................................................4 4.2 GEOLOGY............................................................................................................................4 ' 4.3 HYDROGEOLOGY.................................................................................................................5 4.4 PAST LEAK, 1 994.................................................................................................................5 4.5 PUBLIC DRINKING WATER WELLS........................................................................................5 5.0 QUANTITY OF CONTAMINANT RELEASED........................................................................5 6.0 STRATEGY AND PROCEDURES FOR SITE INVESTIGATION..........................................6 6.1 SAMPLE COLLECTION..........................................................................................................6 ' 6.2 ANALYTICAL METHODS......................................................................................................7 6.3 BORING CLOSURE...............................................................................................................7 6.4 WORK SCHEDULE................................................................................................................7 7.0 WASTE MANAGEMENT.......................................................................................:.....................7 8.0 LIIVMATIONS.......................... ....................................................................................................8 9.0 REFERENCES.................................................................................................... ........................9 10.0 SIGNATURE PAGE.....................................................................................................................10 ' FIGURES Figure 1 Area Map Figure 2 Plot Plan Figure 3 Proposed Borings TABLES ' Table 1 . Summary of Preliminary Soil Sample Analysis ATTACIF M ENTS Attachment A BFD Correspondence Attachment B Health and Safety Plan Attachment C Soil Sampling Plan 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Bakersfield RAM Environmental Engineering,Inc. Project#200370 Revised Site Investigation Workplan ' August 2008 ' REVISED SITE INVESTIGATION WORKPLAN FASTRIP#773,3501 Mt.VERNON AVENUE,BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 1.0 INTRODUCTION ' RAM Environmental Engineering, Inc. (RAM) is pleased to present this Revised Site Investigation Workplan for the JACO OIL owned Fastrip (# 773) self-serve gas station and convenience store. This gas station is located at 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue, ' Bakersfield, California (Site), (see Figure 1 for an Area Map and Figure 2 for a Plot Plan of the Site). Soil samples were collected from beneath piping that was being replaced at the Site on May 6, 2008, analytical results of these samples showed that soil 20 inches below the south end of the piping was impacted with hydrocarbons. A report summarizing the soil ' sampling and analytical results was submitted to the Bakersfield Fire Department(BFD), Prevention Services Division for review on June 2, 2008. Based on their review, the BFD issued a letter on June 17,2008 (see Attachment A—BFD Correspondence), which ' requested a workplan for further investigation of soils beneath the pipe. A Site Investigation Workplan was submitted to BFD by RAM on July 18, 2008. On August 25,2008 BFD responded to the Site Investigation Workplan and requested a Revised Site Investigation Workplan to include a third boring to define the subsurface hydrocarbon plume. This Revised Site Investigation Workplan is being submitted in response to the BFD August 25, 2008 letter to Jaco Oil Company. ' RAM proposes to advance three borings at the site, using a hollow-stem auger, to evaluate the vertical and horizontal extent of the petroleum impacted soils. Soil samples will be collected at 5-foot intervals. Selected soil samples will be analyzed by a 1 California state certified laboratory for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg); Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes (BTEX); and fuel oxygenates. ' This Site Investigation Workplan follows the guidelines presented in Appendix A Reports,Tri-Regional Board Staff Recommendations For Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation of Underground Tank Site (April 2004). 1.1 Responsible Party/Contact Information The responsible party for the Site is JACO OIL. The company contact person is Mr. Roy Saunders, 3101 State Rd., Bakersfield, California, telephone (661) 428- 5761, FAX (661) 393-8738. The consultant contact is RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc., Richard Casagrande or Jane McNaboe, 2115 20th Street, Bakersfield, California, 93301, telephone (661) 324-6152, FAX (661) 324- 6172. ' R:\2000-08\370—revised SI_Workplan_3501 Mt.Vernon Ave.doc 2 3501 Mt.Vernon Avenue,Bakersfield RAM Environmental Engineering,Inc. Project#200370 Revised Site Investigation Workplan ' August 2008 1.2 Site History ' On May 6, 2008 RAM conducted soil sampling at the Fastrip market and gas station located at 3501 Mt. Vernon, Bakersfield, California(Site), as noted in Figure 1,Area Map. Soil samples were taken from beneath piping that was being ' replaced. The sampling was conducted to assess the potential presence.of petroleum hydrocarbons in soils beneath former piping at the station as the equipment was modified under Bakersfield Fire Department(BFD) Permit to Modify Underground Storage Facility, permit number MD0407. An excavation was developed to expose and replace piping leading from the ' USTs to the dispenser islands, as shown on Figure 2,Proposed Borings. The underlying soils were sands, clays and gravels. Soil samples were taken under the direction of BFD from below the former piping at the ends and in the center of the ' piping run. The soil samples were collected from between 9 inches and 20 inches below the excavation. It was not possible to obtain deeper samples due to the ' gravel in the soil. A summary of soil sample analytical results is presented in Table 1 following the text, and on Figure 2,Proposed Borings. In the soil sample collected from below the south end of the piping,hydrocarbons were detected as follows. Sample 1-20"S Soil sample 1-20" S, collected from 20 inches below the south end of the piping contained significant concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes 1 and TPH-g. The key points of this sample's analytical results are: • the concentration of benzene in the soil, 1,600 gg/Kg, exceeds the PRG for industrial soil of 1,400 µg/Kg, and the LUFT value of 1,000 µg/Kg(1 mfg), • the concentrations of toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes exceed the LUFT ' values but do not exceed the PRG's, and • the concentration of TPH-g exceeds the LUFT value. No PRG value has been established for gasoline. R:\2000_08\370_revised SI_Workplan_3501 Mt.Vernon Ave.doc 3 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Bakersfield RAM Environmental Engineering,Inc. Project#200370 Revised Site Investigation Workplan August 2008 ' 2.0 INVESTIGATION PURPOSE AND SCOPE The objective of the proposed Site Investigation is to: • define the vertical and horizontal extent of hydrocarbon impacted soils within the proximity of the known pipe leak; • obtain certified analytical data on hydrocarbon concentrations in soil samples; • if groundwater is encountered, collect grab samples for analysis of potential ' impacts from the fuel leak; • evaluate the Site Investigation results to determine if further investigation or remediation is necessary; and • present the findings of the Site Investigation and recommendations to the BFD. To meet these objectives,the Site Investigation will include the following tasks: • obtain BFD approval of this Workplan and attached Health and Safety Plan .(Attachment B); • sample soils at five-foot intervals from three borings drilled with a hollow-stem auger to evaluate the extent of hydrocarbon containing soils at the Site; • record soil characteristics and field PID measurements in field boring logs; ' • analyze selected soil samples for TPH-g, BTEX; and fuel oxygenates; • evaluate findings of the investigation; and • report Site Investigation results, evaluations, and recommendations for further ' action to BFD. ' 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 3.1 Site Description Currently, the Jaco Owned Fastrip mini-market and self-serve gas station operate on the Site. The gas station distributes gasoline from 2 dispenser islands with 2 dispensers per island and 3 underground storage tanks (USTs), consisting of one ' 12,000-gallon regular unleaded gasoline, one 12,000-gallon premium gasoline, and one 12,000-gallon diesel UST. The service station is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Mt. Vernon Avenue and University Avenue in ' Bakersfield, California. Adjacent to the service station to the south is a residential area, and to the north east and west are parking areas associated with the adjacent Bakersfield College. 4.0 TOPOGRAPHY,GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY 4.1 Topography The Site is at an elevation of approximately 700-feet above sea level. The topography slopes moderately to the southwest (see Figure 1—Area Map). 4.2 Geology The Site is located in the San Joaquin Valley, which is the southern portion of the 1 Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley is a large alluvial plain iRA2000_08\370_revised SI_Workplan_3501 Mi.Vemon Ave.doc 4 3501 Mt.Vernon Avenue,Bakersfield RAM Environmental Engineering,Inc. Project#200370 Revised Site Investigation Workplan ' August 2008 approximately 50-miles wide and 400-miles long; it is a trough in which ' sediments have been deposited almost continuously since the Jurassic (about 160 million years ago). Granitic and metamorphic rocks outcrop along most of the eastern and southeastern flanks of the Great Valley, while marine rocks of pre- ' Tertiary age outcrop along most of the western flank. The post-Eocene-aged continental rocks and deposits in the valley trough contain most of the fresh ground water, and are underlain by or contain saline water at depth in most places. They range in thickness from zero along the flanks of the Great Valley to more than 15,000 feet in the extreme southern part, where the base of the fresh water lies at a maximum depth of about 4,700 feet. The u pp ermost sedimentary ry units in the vicinity of the Site are Quaternary, Recent-fan deposits. Subsurface soils at the site are expected to be sands containing gravels and cobbles. 4.3 Hydrogeology Groundwater within the southern San Joaquin Valley is derived from rivers .flowing from the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the east. The closest river to the Site is the Kern River located approximately 4,700 feet to the northwest. There are no surface waters in the immediate Site area. The regional unconfined ' groundwater at the Site is at approximately 480 feet below ground service (bgs); the groundwater flows to the north (KCWA 2004). 4.4 Past leak, 1994 A survey of Leaky Underground Fuel Tank(LUFT) sites in the area on the California State Water Resources web site"GeoTracker" shows that a leak was discovered at the Site in 1994. According to Mr. Craig Perkins of the BFD,the leak was a"non-petroleum spill". The case was closed in 1995. ' 4.5 Public drinking water wells The Kern County Water Agency map of Water Wells and Spreading Areas (April 2004,Plate 3) shows no water wells in the Site vicinity. ' 5.0 QUANTITY OF CONTAMINANT RELEASED The quantity of contaminant released is unknown. ' R:\2000_08\370_revised SI_Workplan_3501 Mt.Vernon Ave.doc 5 ' 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue,Bakersfield RAM Environmental Engineering,Inc. Project#200370 Revised Site Investigation Workplan tAugust 2008 6.0 STRATEGY AND PROCEDURES FOR SITE INVESTIGATION The goal of this site investigation will be to develop one boring as close as possible to the impacted soils below the piping and two borings to the south and southwest of the first boring. As the leak from the piping is located above the underground tanks, it will not be possible to develop a boring in the same location of the preliminary soil samples (see Figure 3,Proposed Borings). . Soil samples will be collected at five foot intervals progressing vertically below any hydrocarbon impacted soil encountered until two consecutive soil samples have been tcollected that show no field detectable signs of hydrocarbon impacts. Prior to any intrusive methods being conducted at the Site, USA of Northern California will be utilized to map out the underground utilities at the Site. Based on.the clearances obtained, RAM will site the soil borings in safe locations. ' 6.1 Sample Collection To assess the vertical extent and horizontal extent of impacted soil RAM will advance three (3) soil borings (borings B-1 through B-3)with a hollow-stem auger. The borings will be hand augered to a depth of 5 feet before advancing the hollow-stem auger. Boring B-1 will be located as close as possible to the known ' hydrocarbon impacted soil (see Figure 3,Proposed Borings). Borings B-2 and B-3 will be located down-slope from the known impacted soil, avoiding the overhead power lines at the Site. All borings will be deepened to 10 feet below ' the lowest field detectable volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and/or visible staining, or to the depth of the groundwater, if encountered, or until drilling refusal is encountered. A PID model Photovac 2020, 10.6 eV UV lamp will be used to test for the presence of VOCs. Soil samples will be collected at 5 foot intervals, beginning at 10 feet below ground surface (bgs), the soil samples will be field screened with a PID, and described by a State of California Professional Geologist. A lithologic log of each soil boring will be generated. Soils will be described and classified according to the Unified Soils Classification System (USCS); observations of soil staining or discoloration will be included on the lithologic log. Soil sampling will proceed according to the soil sampling plan (Attachment Q. Groundwater is not expected to be encountered. ' R:\2000_08\370_revised SI_Workplan_3501 Mi.Vemon Ave.doc 6 ' 3501 Mt.Vernon Avenue,Bakersfield RAM Environmental Engineering,Inc. Project#200370 Revised Site Investigation Workplan ' August 2008 ' 6.2 Analytical Methods Soil samples will be handled according to RAM's Soil Sampling Plan, which is included in Attachment C. The samples will be labeled, stored in an ice cooler ' cooled with blue ice and then transported to CalScience Laboratory at the end of the working day. The soils will be analyzed as follows: ' • Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g, carbon range C 6- C 10)by EPA Method 8015M, ' • Total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH-d, carbon range C lo- C 28)by EPA Method 8015M, ' • Benzene,Toluene,Ethyl-benzene and Xylene (BTEX) by EPA Method 8260B, and ' • Oxygenates, t-Butanol (TBA) Tert-Butyl Alcohol, Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE),Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE), Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE), ' Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME); by EPA Method 8260B . 6.3 Boring Closure ' When the total depth of the boring is reached, as determined in the field from observations,the boring will be backfilled with cement grout. The surface will be compacted and covered with cement or asphalt to match existing grade. ' 6.4 Work Schedule The Site Investigation will begin within 45 days after the workplan has been accepted by BFD, and after all permits are obtained. Jaco prefers to schedule the work at the same time as the work to be conducted at the Howard's mini-mart on Planz Road. BFD will be notified approximately 48 hours before fieldwork ' commences. 'A Site Investigation Report will be submitted to BFD approximately 45 days after completion of the Site Investigation and receipt of analytical data. ' 7.0 WASTE MANAGEMENT Drill cuttings (soil) generated by drilling soil borings will be placed in labeled drums and left on-site. The drum contents will be properly managed after soils laboratory analyses ' have been received, and the waste has been profiled. 1 1 ' R:\2000_08\370_revised SI_Workplan_3501 Mi.Vemon Ave.doc 7 3501 Mt.Ve rn on Avenue,Bakersfield RAM Environmental Engineering,Inc. Project#200370 Revised Site Investigation Workplan ' August 2008 ' 8.0 LIMITATIONS RAM Environmental-Engineering Services, Inc. has prepared this Revised Site .Investigation Workplan, for the exclusive use of Jaco Oil Company as it pertains to the ' property located at.3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue, in Bakersfield, California. Our professional services have been performed using the degree of care and skill,ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by other professionals practicing in this field. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the professional advice in the ' Workplan. Any use of or reliance on this Workplan by a third party shall be at such party's sole risk. ' RAM assumes no responsibility for site conditions or activities that were outside the scope of the inquiry requested by Jaco Oil Company. It is recognized that regulatory requirements may change, including the revision of accepted action levels, which could necessitate'a review of the discussion, findings, recommendations or opinions of the Workplan. ' R:\2000-08\370—revised SI_Workplan_3501 Mt.Vern on Ave.doc g ' 3501 Mt.Vernon Avenue Bakersfield RAM Environmental Engineering,Inc. > Project#200370 Revised Site Investigation Workplan ' August 2008 ' 9.0 REFERENCES Department of Water Resources (DWR), 1975, California's Ground Water, DWR Bulletin No. 118. ' Kern County Water Agency, 2003 Report on Water Conditions, April 1, 2004. Kern County Environmental Health Services Department. Handbook U.T. 50, Ground- ' Water and Vadose Zone Monitoring, Revised February 1993. ' Appendix A—Reports Tri-Regional Board Staff, Recommendations for Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation of Underground Tank Sites (April 2004). ' RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc., Soil Sampling Report, Fastrip, 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue. June 2008. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc., Site Investigation Workplan, Fastrip, 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue. July 2008. 1 _ 1 . 1 1 1 ' R:\2000-08\370—revised SI_Workplan_3501 Mt.Vemon Ave.doc 9 ' 3501 Mt.Vernon Avenue Bakersfield RAM Environmental Engineering,Inc. g g, Project#200370 Revised Site Investigation Workplan ' August 2008 1 10.0 SIGNATURE PAGE This Revised Site Investigation Workplan prepared for Jaco Oil Company, dated August 2008, was prepared by RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. under the responsible charge of the following professionals: 1 I'`C GEC T. /��' C��, /v/ gip. ,•�:�: ' -McNa PG a/ o M. e Ellis oe b Project Manager 1 > T FOF C 0 �,. CA,%., Richard- Casa gran , HS 1 President R cc No.� 1 •-L, 1 1 1 1 R:\2000-08\370—revised SI_Workplan_3501 Mt.Vernon Ave.doc 10 1 1 1 1 1 ' Figures XMap®4.5 F I� � tea! ' P - '� 'it \�",�'�i �•'�` °i�';�" • T�,t�l J� rl;°rr° °fir '•I- �, .��° °°eai1i Ai/oY r`=. ,;RIVER r �� �g •� �'� �(iordws;'Fei`. °. 9�ro __.•off./, �-'�04 'F/�t' �,�' VC - --. __-•---' � I,',y, ' .L'.. ':i j 's°„"\ fir— �� i .� C'�'' cis + ° �°a��l 9\\ ',•�_ J ') FAS I RIP Z. NO 035 .e. 16aierans_ ' •18. ur2�rn 1 A� L..1 �. 14. , y (g r o Data use subject to license. * e ' ©2004 Del.orrne.XMap®4.5. 0 800 1600 2400 310 4000 www.delorme.com MN(0.0•W1 Data Zoom 130 ' JACO OIL COMPANY FIGURE 1 RAM ENVIRONMENTAL AUGUST 2008 AREA MAP ENGINEERING SERVICES, Project#200370- INC. ' REVISED SITE INVESTIGATION 3501 Mount Vernon Avenue 2115 201h STREET ' WORKPLAN BAKERSFIELD,CA BAKERSFIELD,CA. ' R:\2000-08\370—revised SI_FIG 1 AREA MAP.doc ° Fastrip, 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue LL 1 ; 1 R9f .r 9^ I II, � Canopy Market Building Legend C Address Points s l_ 1 Roads Arterial Preliminary Analytical collector Results Highway Local Sample TPH /TPHd - 3so; r,; L r./Ramp 3-21"N ND Underground w /� Unpaved ±Igs County of Kem Sam le TPH /TPHd -� �� Tanks Q „ Assessment Parcels 2-9 c 1.6/110* ° J '' ��i :.. �' Aerial Photography 2008 Sample TPH /TPHd 1 ` 1-20"S 1,700/61 al UNIVERSITY AV -0 38-, 76 LEGEND REVISED SITE INVESTIGATION RAM Sam le ID Concentration of TPH Hd-m g Preliminary soil sample locations, WORKPLAN ENVIRONMENTAL 1-20"S 11.6/110* below pipeline JACO OIL COMPANY �/ ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. * The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH does not FASTRIP#773 %\ match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. 3501 Mt.Vernon Avenue FIGURE 2 -PLOT PLAN 2009-370-revised 51 w rkplm boring locationg.ai y _ Fastrip, 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue �{$' 1% I �I L L -- r Canopy Market Building �— Legend y c Address Points Roads Arterial ' Preliminary Analytical _ /'/ Collector Results Highway _ � - HI hwe Local rya —I 350 1- i Ramp Sam le TPH /TPHd r _ 3-2 1"NJ ND/ND r-- � �, Underground ! I �+ '� Unpaved I �- Storage a County of Kem Sample TPH /TPHd I; Tanks 4- (1 Assessment Parcels 2-9"C 1.6/110* Aerial Photography 2006 Sam le TPH /TPHd B-2 �- 1-20"S 1,700/61* �. - � . L� 3 v -0 38�� 76 � . 114-* Feet,,..i E _ { A1116 - L All i LEGEND REVISED SITE INVESTIGATION Al RAM Sample ID Concentration of TPH�PHd-m Kg Preliminary soil sample locations, WORKPLAN ENVIRONMENTAL 1-20"S 11.6/110* below pipeline JACO OIL COMPANY ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. * The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH does not Proposed boring locations FASTRIP# 773 match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. B-1 proposed boring number 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue FIGURE 3 -PROPOSED BORINGS 2008-370—revised SI worlplan boring locations.ai 1 1 1 1 1 ' Table 1 TABLE 1 LABORATORY RESULTS PRELEMIINARY SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSIS- 3501 Mount Vernon Avenue,Bakersfield PID Ethyl m, p, & o Sample Depth reading Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes MTBE TBA DIPE ETBE TAME TPH-g TPH-d Number- Inches Depth bgs ug/Kg mg/Kg 1-20"S 10 0.0 1,600 76,000 12,000 76,000 <120 <1200 <250 <250 <250 1,700 61 2-9"C 15 0.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <50 <10 <10 <10 1.6 110* 3-21"N 20 0.0 1 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0. <5.0 <5.0 <50 <10 <10 <10 1 <0.50 <5.0* PRG's 1,400 1520,000 1.400,000 420,000 1 70,000. I No PRG value establised LUFT Values 1,000. 50,000 50,000 50,000 No LUFT Value established 1,000 10,000 <0.05 —compound was not detected in the sample extract at the laboratory practical quantitation limit shown. mg/Kg—milligrams per kilogram ug/Kg-micrograms per kilogram 1,700-The sample results exceed a regulatory value. * -The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH does not match the'chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. Quantitation of the unknown hydrocarbon(s) in the sample was based upon the specified standard. Inches bgs—inches below ground surface PRG's -' Preliminary Remediation Goals, Industrial Soil. EPA Region 9, PRG Table Version 3, 2004. ug/Kg. Notes: 1. LUFT Values: Standards set by the State for protection of groundwater(LUFT Manual, October 1989), based on groundwater more than 100 feet below the sample de th. RA2000_08\370_revised_SI workplan lab results table.xlsSheetl ' Attachment A COPY of BFD CORRESPONDENCE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E R S F I D ��T�� FIRE r r AUG 2 G 2608 6(ATN/P BEY: August 25, 2008 Roy Sanders ' JACO Oil Company Ronald J. Fraze 3101 State Road Fire Chief Bakersfield, Ca 93308 ' Gary utton ry RE: Work plan modifications for 3501 Mount Vernon Ave, Bakersfield, Ca. Tyler Hartley . ' Douglas Greener Deputy Chiefs Dear Roy Saunders: Upon review of the recently submitted work plan .for your facility, this office has ' determined that the extent of the contamination plume will not be fully defined without an additional bore hole. This boring should be located southwest of bore, HOWARD H.WINES,III hole #,2 and maintain the same standards for vertical extension as proposed in the DIRECTOR work plan of July 2008. ' PREVENTION This office requires (in'accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and SERVICES Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations) that '1501 Truxtun Ave., 0 Floor further assessment be done to define the vertical and horizontal extent of the Bakersfield,CA 93301 contamination plume. VOICE: (661)326-3979 ' FAX: (661)852-2171 Please submit the revised work plan for further assessment,'to this office, within 30 days from receipt of this letter. The work plan should 'follow guidelines found in: Appendix A -Reports, Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary ' evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites; April 16, 2004. Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a ' rate of$112.00-per hour. If you,have any questions, please call me at (661) 326-3979. ' Sincerely, Craig erkins REA-1 Fire Prevention /Environmental Officer 1 , ' CC: M. Jane Ellis-McNaboe, RAM Environmental 1 B E R S F I D F/RE ' A TM T ' June 17, 2008 ' Roy Sanders JACO Oil Company Ronald J. Fraze 3101 State Road ' Fire Chief Bakersfield, Ca 93308 Gary Hutton Tyler Hartley RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at 3501 ' , Douglas Greener Mount Vernon Ave, Bakersfield,-Ca. Permit# MD 0407 Deputy Chiefs ' Dear Roy Saunders:.. Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your facility, this office has determined that the extent of the contamination plume, associated with sample HOWARD H.WINES,III 1-20°S (the southern most bore sample), has not been adequately defined. ' DIRECTOR PREVENTION This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California.Health and SERVICES Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of,Regulations) that ' further assessment be done to define the vertical and horizontal extent of the 1501 Truxtun Ave., I"Floor contamination plume. Bakersfield,CA 93301 VOICE: (661)326-3979 Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, within 30 days from ' FAX: (661)852-2171 receipt of this letter. The work plan should follow guidelines found in: Appendix A- Reports, Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary evaluation" and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites; April 16, 2004. ' Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a rate of$112.00 per hour. u If you have any questions, please call me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely,, ' Craig Perkins REA-1 Fire Prevention/Environmental Officer ' CC: M. Jane Ellis-McNaboe RAM Environmental .1 1 1 1 1 1 Attachment ' HEALTH and SAFETY PLAN 1 1 1 1 1 1 HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN.. . ' SOIL SAMPLING ' Jaco Oil Company Fastrip# 773 ' 3501 Mt. Vernon Ave., .Bakersfield, California 1 Prepared for Jaco Oil Company ' Prepared by RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. ' 2115 201h Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 7/14/2008 R:\2000_08\370_revised S1 worplan_H&S Plan.doc 1 1 Required Signatures 1 Signature Name Company Date. 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R:\2000-08\370—revised SI worplan_H&S Plan.doc 3 1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................2 1.1 SITE BACKGROUND.................. ..............................................................................................2 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK.............................................................. ...........................................................2 . 2.0 PROJECT SAFETY AUTHORITY..............................................................................................3 3.0 MEDICAL SURVEIL LANCE........................................................................................................4 4.0 SAFETY/ORIENTATION TRAINING..........................................................................................4 5.0 HAZARD ASSESSMENT...............................................................................................................5 5.1 PHYSICAL HAZARDS......................................... ...........................................................................5 5.2 CHEMICAL HAZARDS .................................. ........................................................................5 5.3 'EXPLOSION AND FIRE............................................................................................................. 6 6.0 AIR MONITORING......................................................................................................................7 7.0 GENERAL PROJECT SAFETY REQUIREMENTS................................................................10 7.1 GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS.,......................... ......................... ...................... ................... 0 7.2 SYMPTOMS OF CHEMICAL EXPOSURE.......................................................................................10 73 HEAT STRESS.............................................................................................................................11 8.0 PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS......................................:...........................12 8.1 OPERATIONS AREA...... ...... .......................................................................................................13 9.0 DECONTAMINATION/CONTAMINATION REDUCTION PROCEDURES.....................13 10.0 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES. ..........................................................................13 APPENDICES: Appendix A Site Location Map and Route to Hospital Appendix B Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan Training Record Forms R:\2000-08\370—revised S1 worplan_H&S Plan.doc 1.0 INTRODUCTION RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. (RAM), as primary contractor for this project, has prepared this Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP). The HASP ' delineates the basic safety requirements for the implementation of the soil sampling at the service station located at 3501 Mt. Vernon. Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Work at the site will include collection of soil samples using a hollow-stem auger, vapor sampling ' during soil sampling using a Photo-ionization Detector (PID) or equivalent equipment, and delivery of soil samples for chemical analysis. The fieldwork is scheduled to be performed within 45 days of approval by the Bakersfield Fire Department. The provisions set forth in this HASP apply to the employees of RAM and their subcontractors working on project tasks, which expose workers to hazardous working ' conditions, to dust, hazardous wastes, or hazardous substances. Subcontractors may elect to modify these provisions, but only to upgrade or increase the safety activities to be ' consistent with their company policies. This HASP addresses the expected potential hazards that may be encountered for this ' project. If unanticipated changes in site or working conditions occur which are not addressed by this plan,'addenda will be provided by RAM.. 1.1 SITE BACKGROUND 1 The project consists of one service-station (Site) in Bakersfield, California. ' 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK The objective of this scope of work is to sample soils in the area of a piping replacement ' project to determine if the extent of soils containing hydrocarbons. 1 1 tR:\2000_08\370_revised S1 worplan_H&S Plan.doc •2L 1 . 2.0 PROJECT SAFETY AUTHORITY ' Personnel responsible for project safety are the Project Manager and the Site Safety Officer or his designee. ' The Project Manager is responsible for the provisions and submittal of this plan, and for J g P p advising the Site Safety Officer on health and safety matters. The Project Manager has ' the authority to provide for the auditing of compliance with the provisions of this plan, suspension or modification,of work practices, and administration of disciplinary actions' for individuals whose conduct does not meet the requirements set forth herein. The ' Project Manager may elect to give the Site Safety 'Officer authority to administer disciplinary actions for individuals whose conduct does.not meet the requirements set forth herein. The Site Safety Officer is responsible for the dissemination of the information contained ' in this plan to all REBRAC personnel assigned to the project, and to the!"responsible representative.of each subcontractor firm working under REBRAC on the project. As such,he or she is responsible for performing or providing the following as necessary: • Adequate on-site safety- supplies & equipment' inventory (see list of ' protective equipment, Sec. 8.0), for RAM personnel. Compliance for having necessary Safety Supplies and Equipment rests solely with each subcontractor, • tailgate discussion of Site Safety Plan; documentation of tailgate safety meetings in field notebook, 1 ' • documentation of all accidents or safety plan violations, 0 emergency contacts as needed,, g Y ' 0 implementation of Decontamination/Contamination Reduction Procedures (see Sec. 9.0), ' on.-site air monitoring as required (see Section 6.0). ' The Site Safety Officer or his/her designee has the authority to suspend work any time he or she determines that the health and safety practices at the site are inadequate and shall also inform the Project Manager of individuals whose conduct is not consistent with the ' requirements of the plan. ' R:\2000_08\370_reviscd SI worplan_H&S Plan.doc 3 3.0 MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE ' RAM personnel and sub-contractors engaged in project operations that may expose them to hazardous wastes, hazardous substances, or any combination of hazardous wastes or ' hazardous substances shall be participants in a Medical Surveillance program, and must be cleared by the examining physician(s) to wear respiratory protection devices and protective clothing for working with hazardous materials. The applicable requirements ' under the CAL OSHA standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (Title 8 CCR, GISO 5192) will be observed where potential hazardous wastes .are encountered. ' 4.0 SAFETY/ORIENTATION TRAINING }. Field personnel from RAM and any subcontractors will review this site-specific Health ' and Safety Plan (HASP) before beginning work as safety training for this project. The Site Safety Officer will conduct a tailgate safety meeting to review the HASP prior to the ' start of field operations. RAM project personnel will certify their review by signing a HASP training'record form (Appendix B). _ Subcontractors will certify their review by signing a HASP training record form or signing the field notebook after the tailgate safety, ' meeting. The Project Manager is responsible for distributing this site safety plan to appropriate personnel and verifying review by obtaining signed review forms. Signed review forms will be placed in project files. ' Whenever a that change of conditions on-site occurs e g at ma y affect safety, the Site Safety . ' Officer or his/her designee will conduct a tailgate safety meeting if appropriate. Changing site conditions.that may affect safety include the following: ' Change of field personnel (RAM or subcontractor), ' change in work activity, • change in weather conditions; and, ' visitors on site. ' All training sessions, safety meetings, and safety briefings will be documented by the Site Safety Officer or his designee in the field notebook. Documentation will include a brief ' description of topics addressed and the signatures of all training attendees. ' R:\2000-08\370—revised Sl worplan_H&S Plan.doc 4 . 5.0 HAZARD ASSESSMENT 5.1 PHYSICAL HAZARDS Working with drilling equipment presents a variety of physical hazards that are continually present unlike• chemical exposures (only a hazard when contaminated materials are present). Some of the hazards are identified below. Physical hazards could include the following: • Falling objects such as tools or equipment, ' • tripping over hoses,pipes, tools, equipment,or uneven terrain, ' • . tipping or overturning of heavy machinery, t • exposure to noise generated by heavy machinery, • exposure to soil dust generated by heavy machinery, • insufficient or faulty protective equipment; and insufficient or faulty operations, equipment, or tools, ' ' • vehicular traffic at and around the Site. ' Safety-.precautions for site hazards are addressed in Section 7.2. 5.2 CHEMICAL HAZARDS ' It is not anticipated that there will be any chemical exposures; however, this section is included as a precautionary measure. It is most likely that the hazard at this site will be from refined products found during the sampling of the soil. Specific precautions will be taken as the situations at each of the sites dictate. Following is a discussion of the ' chemical hazards of petroleum hydrocarbons. ' RA2000_08\370_revised S1 worplan_H&S Plan.doc 5 ' Petroleum hydrocarbons may include a wide range of substances, some of very low ' toxicity and some very toxic. The aromatic volatile petroleum hydrocarbons [benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX)] are generally of greater concern, in part because they are more likely to exist in the worker's breathing zone. In moderate ' exposures, BTEX compounds all produce similar acute effects 'including headache, narcosis, and anesthesia. Table I (from the Hazard Evaluation Plan (HEP)for Leaking ' Underground Fuel Tanks (LUFT) Removal Sites developed by the State Water Resources Control Board) summarizes the exposure criteria and health effects of BTEX (Appendix Q. Among the aromatic volatile petroleum hydrocarbons, benzene is the primary substance of concern because of its association with leukemia and aplastic anemia in ' chronic exposure situations. ' The permissible exposure limits (PEL) set by OSHA and the American Conference of Industrial of Governmental Hygienists' (ACGIH) threshold limit values (TLV) for airborne exposure are provided in Table 1 for BTEX. Even high concentrations (ppm to ' percent level) of volatile organic compounds are not reasonably expected to present airborne concentrations at or approaching OSHA PELs or ACGIH TLVs considering the '. small volume of soils to be generated and processed.during drilling and sampling operations and that all field work will be conducted outdoors in well-ventilated areas. ' Considering relative volatility of each compound and the open working conditions, these compounds are not reasonably expected to present inhalation exposures of concern to ' worker health and safety in open'atmospheres. However, air monitoring for organic vapor concentrations will be conducted for activities which present potential inhalation exposures as described in Section 6.0. Petroleum hydrocarbons can also be absorbed through the skin if contact with highly ' contaminated materials is made (i.e. saturated soils). Dermal exposures will be controlled through the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) as described in Section 8.0 and ' through minimization of exposure to airborne dust generated drilling activities. 5.3 EXPLOSION AND FIRE ' The types of hydrocarbons expected to be present are not expected to'generate vapors at explosive concentrations during any of the tasks to be performed. If vapor monitoring ' detects concentrations at a level that exceed the requirements for respiratory protection ' R:\2000-08\370—revised S1 worplan_H&S Plan.doc 6 a i (>50 ppm), operations will be suspended and the area will be evacuated until an industrial ' hygiene sampling is completed to characterize the exposures. The potential for explosion and fire will be reevaluated based upon this characterization. iTable 1. OSHA PELs and ACGIH TLVs for Aromatic Volatile,Organic Compounds. OSHA PELs ACGIH TLVs ' a b a b Compound TWA STEL TWA STEL (ppm) m)'= (ppm) m ' Benzene 1 5 10 Toluene , 100 150 100 150 Ethyl benzene 100 125 100 125 ' (o-,m-,p-X lene isomers 100 150 100 150 Y ) a - . TWA: Time weighted average is the employees average airborne exposure in any 8 hour work shift of a 40-hour work week which shall not be exceeded. b STEL: Short term exposure limit is the employee's 15-minute time weighted average ' airborne exposure which shall not be exceeded at any time during a work day. 6.0 AIR-MONITORING An organic vapor analyzer (OVA) with a flame-ionization detector (FID) or Hnu ' photoionization detector (PID) will be ,used to conduct air monitoring during activities where potential for airborne exposure exist, specifically during soil sampling. During soil sampling, readings will be taken initially, in the worker breathing zone, the immediate ' operations area; and recorded in the project field notebook. The OSHA PELs and ACGIH TLVs for aromatic volatile organic compounds are listed in Table 1. Benzene ' with an 8 hour time-weighted average (TWA) exposure limit of 1 ppm and a 15 minute ' R:\2000-08\370—revised SI worplan_H&S Plan.doc 7 short term exposure limit (STEL) of 5 ppm is the primary airborne contaminant of concern. Table 2 provides an estimation of airborne benzene concentrations. and ' allowable exposure time based on Hnu readings. Using these estimates of benzene concentration based on OVA readings'would be protective of worker health and safety,' ' because the OVA detects a wide variety of organic vapors whereas the Hnu detects only aromatic volatile compounds and other large organic molecules. For simplicity, the more ' restrictive estimates based on Hnu readings are used to establish air monitoring action, levels described below. A sustained Hnu or OVA reading of 5 ppm (5 units on the Hnu) above background will trigger donning respiratory protection (half or full face APR with organic vapor cartridges) and additional ambient air monitoring (breathing zone will be monitored every 15 minutes). If sustained ambient air organic vapor concentrations equal or exceed 50 ppm, work will be stopped and the area evacuated. Because identified materials of concern are not expected to contain significant levels of volatile organic'compounds, ' sustained readings of 50 ppm or higher indicate the need for industrial hygiene sampling to. characterize the exposure. Based upon the results of this sampling, protection measures will be reevaluated. Air monitoring action levels and associated protective measures are summarized in Table 2. R:\2000-08\370—revised SI worplan_H&S Plan.doc 8 ' Table 2. Air Monitorin g Action Levels and Associated Protective Measures Air Space Action Levels Protective Measures Monitored tAmbient 55 ppm No respiratory protection required. Air Concentrations ' Tyvek and nitrile gloves required when contact with potentially contaminated soil possible. Initial monitoring of ambient air in ' worker breathing zone and operations area.' >5 ppm but Don half- or full-face APRs with ' <50 ppm organic vapor cartridges. Increase ambient air monitoring ' frequency to every 15 minutes. Ambient Air >50 ppm Evacuate work area. 1 ' ' RA2000_08\370_revised Sl worplan_H&S Plan.doc 9 7.0 GENERAL PROJECT SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 7.1 GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ' The project operations shall be conducted with the following minimum safety requirements employed: • Eating and drinking will be restricted to a designated area, ' 0 wearing loose clothing around operating machinery (Geoprobe) will be prohibited, ' 0 all personnel shall be,required to wash hands and face before eating or drinking, ' 0 all personnel shall avoid,.dust on-site by staying upwind of dust generated by sampling activities, • gross decontamination and removal of all personal protective P a q ui ment (if necessary) shall be performed prior to exiting the facility, • shaking or blowing of potentially contaminated clothing or'equipment to ' remove dust or other materials is not permitted, • the Site Safety Officer will be responsible to identify and alert field ' employees to physical hazards present at the site. ' 7.2 SYMPTOMS OF CHEMICAL ExP OSURE Chemical exposure is not anticipated. The information below is provided as a precautionary measure. . Field operations personnel, shall inform each other. of non-visual 1 symptoms that may indicate chemical exposure such as: • Headaches, ' 0 dizziness, ' R:\2000-08\370—revised SI worplan_H&S Plan.doc 10 1 ' ' nausea,. • blurred vision, ' 0 cramps, • coughing, irritation of eyes, skin, or.respiratory tract,. • changes in complexion or skin discoloration, g p . ' 0 changes in apparent motor coordination, ' 0 changes in personality or demeanor, • excessive salivation or changes in papillary response; and • changes in speech ability or pattern. 1 ' ' 7.3 HEAT STRESS The following recommendations will help to reduce heat stress: • Provide plenty of liquids, ' 0 wearing of an undergarment that acts to help ventilation of the body, ' heat stress monitoring. ' Any of the following techniques can be used to screen for heat stress: • Heart rate at the radial artery should be measured as early as possible in ' the resting period.' Should the heart rate exceed 110-beats per minute, the next work period should be shortened by.10 minutes (33%), while the length of the rest period stays the same. If the pulse rate:is greater than 1 100 at the next'rest period, the following work cycle should be shortened by 33%, ' R:\2000-08\370—revised Sl worplan_H&S Plan.doc 11 body temperature can be used to screen for heat stress. if the -oral temperature at the beginning of the rest period exceeds 99 degrees ' Fahrenheit, the next work period should be shortened by 10 minutes (or 33%), while the length of the rest period.stays the same. Thiscprocess should be continued until the body temperature does not exceed 99 F, • body water loss can be monitored using a scale to measure changes in ' body weight. t8.0 PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS Field personnel and visitors are required to wear hard hats, safety glasses; steel-toed boots, and hearing. protection (at the discretion of the Site Safety Officer) in the operations area when work is being performed. Field personnel engaged in work operations are required to wear the following additional equipment if unknown chemicals of concern are encountered: • Long-sleeved . shirts and- pants' or one-piece coverall, such as Tyvek ' disposable, • poly-coated Tyvek suit (when contact with potentially contaminated material is anticipated), ' rubber boots (when contact with potentially contaminated soil or liquid is anticipated), • orange safety vests, ' all personnel shall be required to wash hands and face before eating or drinking, ' personnel are not required to wear protective dust masks. Therefore, personnel shall be required to avoid-breathing dust on site at all times, and work upwind.. Contractors to RAM will provide their own PPE. ' R:\2000_08\370_revised SI worplan_H&S M6.doc 12 8.1 OPERATIONS AREA Dermal contact will be the potential exposure pathway of concern for chemical exposure. Inhalation exposure will only be a significant concern when dusty conditions or organic ' vapors are present. ' Protective clothing, including Tyvek suits, rubber boots, and chemically resistant gloves such as nitrile, will be mandatory for all field operations personnel when contacting potentially contaminated soils. When the ambient air monitoring level,equals or exceeds 5 ppm, full or half-face APR's with organic vapor cartridges will be required. Personnel should approach any unknown substances from upwind. 9.0 DECONTAMINATION/CONTAMINATION REDUCTION PROCEDURES ' Che mi cal exposure is not anticipated at this Srte. This section is included so that procedures are established in the event that unknown chemicals arepresent at the Site. ` Boots, clothing, gloves, and other equipment can become contaminated by direct exposure to contaminated soil or groundwater. Precautions-will be taken to prevent the transport of contaminants off site unless in an approved container or other approved method. All contaminated personal protective equipment or clothing will be ' decontaminated on=site, or placed in appropriate storage or disposal receptacles. ' 10.0 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES A first aid kit, will be taken into the field each day. In the event of a fire, explosion, physical injury or illness due to chemical exposure, the appropriate parties should be contacted using the below listed phone numbers. For injuries or illness other than very ' minor cuts or scrapes,'a physician's attention is required. For treatment of potentially life-threatening injury or illness,call 911 for assistance. For treatment of minor injuries or illness, personnel should be driven to Bakersfield Memorial Hospital, 420 34`h Street, Bakersfield, CA. A map showing the route to the ' hospital from the site is provided in Appendix A. Notify the RAM Health & Safety Officer as soon as possible after appropriate emergency tservices have been notified and appropriate measures taken to protect people, environment, and property. ' Emergency Telephone Numbers: ' R:\2000-08\370—revised Sl worplan_H&S Plan.doc 13 Off-Site ' Fire, Police, Ambulance 911 ' `Bakersfield Memorial Hospital (661)327-4647 Additional Contingency Telephone Number: RAM Environmental Engineering .1-661-324-6152 g g 1-661-619-2345 Contact: Richard M. Casagrande 1 R:\2000_08\370_revised SI worplan_H&S Plan.doc 14 1 1 ' APPENDIX A ' SITE LOCATION AND ROUTE TO HOSPITAL 1 1 Driving Directions from 3501 Mount Vernon Ave, Bakersfield, CA to Bakersfield Memo... Page 1 of 2 ' Health and Safety Plan, Jaco Mt. Vernon _ and Univeristy, RAM 200370 • 1 rA: 3501 Mount Vernon Ave, Bakersfield, CA 933064545 1: Start out going NORTH on MT,VERNON AVE toward CHRISTMAS TREE 0.5 mi ' LN. 2: Turn LEFT onto PANORAMA DR. 2.2 mi 3: Merge onto UNION AVE. 0.9 mi -- 4: Turn RIGHT onto 34TH ST. 0.2 mi 5: End at 420 34th St Bakersfield, CA 93301 Estimated Time: 6 minutes Estimated Distance: 3.72 miles B: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital: 420 34th St Bakersfield CA 93301,(661)327-4647 ' Total Time: 6.minutes Total Distance: 3.72 miles I r . 1 1 1 http://www.mapquest.com/maps?l,c=Bakersfield&l s=CA&l a=3501+Mount+Vernon+Ave... 7/14/2008 Driving Directions from 3501 Mount Vernon Ave,-Bakersfield, CA to Bakersfield Memo... Page 2 of 2 i3 yf o -=1200 fi n Ave 1 - Georgia Dr �� ; Pri cebon A _ p IfadcHffe; - - -- V .�) I r - I I m6tl>� c --l i li i . ' i i" _IA�f�teriSt 'I X I-lat Tma^6r i rene St r �� I n J s 17 I Z(.-[5e1 ' aY Ith Si + i. i rS i� LI Ji CEO ®'20D8�IapQuest Inc T( I I ; ' ;` "Map DAta 4'r 2008'AAVTEQ for Telemas, ' All rights reserved.Use subject to LicenselCopydght Map Legend Directions and maps are informational only.We make no warranties on the accuracy of their content,road conditions or route usability or expeditiousness.You assume all risk of use.MapQuest and its suppliers shall not be liable to you for ' any loss or delay resulting from your use of MapQuest.Your use of MapQuest means you agree to our Terms of Use 1 http://www.mapquest.com/maps?l c=Bakersfield&l.s=CA&1 a=3501+Mount+Vernon+Ave... 7/14/2008 1 - i 1 r APPENDIX B SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND.SAFETY TRAINING RECORD FORms 1 1 1 . r . SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN(HASP)TRAINING RECORD 1 Print/Type Employee Name, Project Number , I have read the HASP listed below and fully understand the material covered: I understand that I am responsible for compliance with the requirements of this HASP and I agree to abide by the same. I also had the opportunity to discuss the information presented in the HASP, and to ask any questions about the information that I want clarified. I understand thafthis record will become a permanent part of my employee health an d safety training file. Employee Signature Date 1 HASP Title Date Employee Verified by Date HASP Date Revision No. Reviewed Initials (Signature). Verified 1 - r 1 1 i . SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN(HASP)TRAINING RECORD Print/Type Employee Name Project Number I have read the HASP listed below and fully understand the material covered. I ' understand that I am responsible for compliance with the requirements of this HASP and I agree to abide by the same. I also had the opportunity to discuss the information ' presented in the HASP; and to ask any questions about the information that I want clarified. r I understand that this record will become a permanent part of my employee health and safety training file. r rEmployee Signature Date HASP Title r rDate Employee Verified by Date HASP Date Revision No. Reviewed Initials (Signature) Verified r . 1 SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN(HASP)TRAINING RECORD 1 1 ' Print/Type Employee Name Project Number I have read the HASP listed below and fully understand the material covered. I ' understand that I am responsible for compliance with the requirements of this HASP and I agree to abide by the same. I also had the opportunity to discuss the information presented in the HASP,and to ask any questions about the information that I want clarified. I understand that this record will become a permanent part of my employee health and safety training file. 1 Employee Signature Date HASP Title r r Date ee Em to Verified b Date Employee Y HASP,Date Revision No. Reviewed Initials Si nature Verified r r r . 1 1 1 1 1 AffnchmeotC ' SOIL SAMPLING PLAN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 JACO Oil—Fastrip Gas Station,.Bakersfield Sampling Plan-Revised Site Investigation Workplan ' 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Bakersfield, California. RAM Project#200370 Task 1 —Soil Sampling ' TASK OBJECTIVE: .Sample soils at 5 foot intervals, beginning at 10 feet bgs in three borings developed at the above referenced Site, as required by the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, for analysis of TPH-d, TPH-g, BTEX and fuel oxygenates on a standard turn around,time basis. ' SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSIS: Laboratory analysis will be conducted by an environmental testing laboratory certified by ' the State of California for the tests to be performed. Test methods and criteria are as follows: ' • TPHg and TPHd Modified EPA Method 8015M • BTEX, and fuel oxygenates EPA Method 8260B • Analytical Laboratory-Calscience, Garden Grove, CA ' Standard sample turnaround time—5 day results. • Report results to RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. ' SOIL SAMPLING PROTOCOL Soil sampling will be conducted in accordance with RAM Environmental Engineering Services Standard Soil and Groundwater Sampling Protocols(RAM, 2003) and will ' incorporate the following project specific criteria. Sampling Locations ' Samples will be collected at 5 foot intervals beginning from 10 feet below grade. Soil samples will be collected with a hollow-stem auger drilling rig and a California modified split-spoon sampler. ' Soil Confirmation Information Sample at 5-foot intervals within the boring- ' Use the hollow-stem auger and a split-spoon sampler to obtain samples, • use Teflon seal and plastic caps to seal metal sleeve from the sampler, • monitor soils and void space with hand held PID or equivalent. Equipment: • Split-spoon sampler, ' • Brass Sleeves (or equivalent), • Teflon tape and plastic caps, • disposable gloves; baggies,permanent marking pens, sample labels,chain of custody (COC) forms, Field Log forms, • PID, Model Photo Vac meter for monitoring work space for volatiles, • Personal Protective Gear per Standard Health and Safety Protocols for fuel ' impacted soils, • pre-chilled non-water cooling material (Blue Ice) for sample storage/shipping ' container. R:\2000-08\370—revised SI workplan_sampling plan.doc 1 Y Sampling Procedure. ' A split-spoon sampler will be hammered into the soil at five foot intervals. The lowermost sample will be used for lithologic descriptions and to measure the presence/absence of volatile organic compounds. The emissions from the soil will be monitored with a vapor monitor and the results recorded. The middle metal sleeve will be properly sealed with Teflon tape, followed by a plastic cap, cooled, and retained for analysis. The metal sleeve will be labeled as described below. Excess soil will be placed in labeled barrels pending waste characterization for management. Sample Identification and Labeling ' Complete sample label information and sample COC information prior to collection of each sample, leaving time for notation just after collection. The sample should be labeled as follows; ' • boring number; • collection depth, • collection time (using military time), ' • collection date, • responsible party, and • RAM Job Number 200370. ' Label the capped metal tube, lace the metal tube inside a zip lock bag, and lace the PP P P g P double-bagged sample in sample shipping container(ice chest). Fill,other containers, and ' label and store in the same manner. Check/complete the COC form and sample logs, and secure,the sample storage/shipping ' container until delivered to the laboratory. Sample container should be kept at 4°C with blue ice. 1 R:\2000_08\370_revised SI workplan_sampling plan.doc 2 0 a 0 a 0 a a 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 1 JACO OIL COMPANY I SOIL SAMPLING REPORT 3501 Mount Vernon Ave. Bakersfield, California , '��, ij� ' v 5 PROJECT No. 200370 May 2008 r - .er_ ! ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING „ SERVICES, INC. 1 2115 20th Street • Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-6152 • FAX (661) 324-6172 1 1 ' SOIL SAMPLING REPORT 1 1 Fastrip ' 3501 Mount Vernon Avenue Bakersfield,California Prepared for: ' JACO OIL COMPANY 1 ' RAM Environmental Engineering Service,Inc. Project#200370 1 QA/QC 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................2 2.0 SOIL.SAMPLING..........................................................................................................................2 ' 2.1 PRE-FIELD INVESTIGATION ...................................................................... .......................:...................2 2.2 SOIL SAMPLING.....................................................................................................................................3 t 2.3 LABORATORY ANALYSIS.......................................................................................................................3 3.0 FINDINGS.......................................................................................................................................4 3.1 PHOTO-IONIZATION DETECTOR..............................................................................................................4 ' 3.2 ANALYTICAL RESULTS..........................................................................................................................4 TABLE 3-1 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS...............................................................6 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS........................................................................7 5.0 LIMITATIONS................................................................................................................................8 6.0 REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9 7.0 SIGNATURE PAGE.....................................................................................................................10 FIGURES n ' Figure 1 Area Map Figure 2 Sample Location Map ' APPENDICES Appendix A Copy of BFD Permit ' Appendix B Sampling Plan Appendix C Health and Safety Plan Appendix D Laboratory Analytical Reports ' Appendix E Site Photographs 1 ' Fastrip,3501 Mt. Vernon Project#200370 ' May 2008 1.0 INTRODUCTION On May 6, 2008 RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. (RAM)conducted soil sampling at the Fastrip market and gas station located at 3501 Mt. Vernon, Bakersfield, California(Site), as noted in Figure 1,Area Map. Soil samples were taken from beneath piping that was being replaced. The sampling was conducted to assess the potential presence of petroleum hydrocarbons in soils beneath former piping at the station as the ' equipment was modified under Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD)Permit to Modify Underground Storage Facility,permit number MD0407 (see Appendix A for a copy of the Permit). This report describes the field procedures, observations, and findings, and ' results of the laboratory analysis of soil samples collected at the Site. Currently,the Jaco Owned Fastrip mini-market and self-serve gas station operate on the ' Site. The gas station distributes gasoline from 2 dispenser islands with 2 dispensers per island and 3 underground storage tanks (USTs), consisting of two 13,000-gallon regular unleaded gasoline, and one 13,000-gallon premium gasoline UST. The service station is ' located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Mt. Vernon Avenue and University Avenue in Bakersfield, California. Adjacent to the service station to the south is a ' residential area, and to the north east and west are parking areas associated with the adjacent Bakersfield College. ' The excavation area was below piping leading from the.USTs to the dispenser islands, as shown on Figure 2,Sample Location Map,and in the photographs in Appendix E. The underlying soils were sands, clays and gravels. Samples were taken under the direction ' of BFD from below the former piping at the ends and in the center of the piping run. The soil samples were collected from between 9 inches and 20 inches below the excavation. It was not possible to obtain deeper samples due to the gravel in the soil. The scope of work for this investigation was developed in conversation with Mr. Ed Carpio of Sunset Construction, Mr. Howard Wines of the BFD, and follows the KCEHSD U.T. 30 "Soil Sampling Guidelines for Underground Storage Tanks," and US EPA, SW 846, 3`d Edition. ' 2.0 SOIL SAMPLING 2.1 Pre-Field Investigation ' Prior to work at the Site, a Sampling Plan (Appendix B) and a Site Safety Plan (Appendix C) were prepared. The sampling and safety plans were reviewed in the field prior to the start of sampling with a representative of BFD. The specific ' sampling plan for this work was developed using RAM's standard procedures for soil sampling and is included in Appendix B. A site layout was reviewed and proposed sampling sites were selected and numbered (see Figure 2,Sample ' Location Map)prior to the sampling. The approximate depth to groundwater below the Site is 400 feet below ground surface (bgs), and the groundwater flow direction is towards the northwest (Kern ' R:\2000_08\370_soil rpt_Mt vemon.doc 2 Fastrip,3501 Mt.Vernon Project#200370 May 2008 County Water Agency, 2004). No municipal water wells are located near this Site ' (Geotracker, 2008). The service station discovered a gasoline leak in December 1994, the leak was reported and the case was closed in 1995. ' 2.2 Soil Sampling Samples were obtained from soils gathered using a hand auger. Undisturbed soil samples were collected in 2-inch by 3-inch brass sleeves by extracting soil from ' the auger. Sample sleeves were then sealed with Teflon and plastic caps. All samples were double-bagged and placed on ice. A PID model Gas Alert/Micro 5, 10.6 eV UV lamp,was used to test for emissions of organic vapors collected in ' the void left when the brass sleeve was removed from the bucket soils. Results were recorded in field notes. ' Sampling was conducted on May 6, 2008 using the site-specific sampling plan (Appendix B). Three soil samples were collected at depths ranging from between 9 inches and 20 inches below the former piping (Figure 2,Sample Location Map). The soil samples were collected below the piping at the south end,the north end and the center of the excavation. It was not possible to collect the soil samples from the recommended depth of 6-feet below the pipeline due to gravels ' in the soil. ' 2.3 Laboratory Analysis All the samples collected were labeled, recorded on chain-of-custody forms, placed in an ice chest cooled to 4°C, and transported.to the laboratory under standard chain-of-custody protocol. Samples were analyzed for the following ' constituents using EPA approved methods: • Total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPHd,carbon range C 12_C 24) using EPA Method 8015M; ' • Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg, carbon range C4—C11) using EPA Method 801513; ' • Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX) using EPA Method 8260B. ' • Five fuel oxygenates methyl tert-butyl ether(MTBE), Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA), Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE), Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE), and Tert- Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) by EPA Method 8260B. ' Calscience Environmental Laboratories, Inc., a California state certified laboratory,performed the above analyses. R:\2000_08\370_soil rpt_Mt vemon.doc 3 Fastrip,3501 Mt. Vernon Project#200370 May 2008 ' 3.0 FINDINGS 3.1 Photo-ionization detector A photo-ionization detector(PID) was used during sampling to monitor for ' volatile hydrocarbons released from the soil. The PID is calibrated with select gasoline hydrocarbons at the parts per million (ppm) level. Detection of other volatiles not included in the calibration mix provides a relative indication of the presence of volatile organics. The PID did not measured volatile hydrocarbons in the soil samples. 3.2 Analytical Results The analytical results are summarized in Section 4.0, Table 3-1 (page 6); the laboratory reports are included as Appendix D,the sample locations and analytical results are illustrated on Figure 2. Laboratory detection limits(DLs) listed in Table 3-1 and discussed below refer to the concentrations below which the analyses cannot detect a particular chemical compound. The DLs are determined by the analytical method,the degree of interference in the analysis by other compounds, or matrix effects, and are subject to the QA/QC test and protocol associated with certified laboratory analyses. ' Concentrations of chemicals of concern in the soil collected from beneath the ' pipeline at the Site have been evaluated according to the following published agency guidelines: ' • LUFT values(SWRCB, 1989), and • Preliminary Remediation Goals (PRGs) for industrial soil (EPA, 2004). ' LUFT values are guidelines for the protection of groundwater at leaking underground tank sites. Preliminary Remediation Goals(PRGs, 2004)published by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and California Environmental ' Protection Agency's (Cal EPA's)modified PRGs are estimates of chemical concentrations in soil, water, or air which, under standard exposure scenarios of either residential or industrial use, are used for an initial screening tool generally ' protective of human health, as an initial cleanup goal, or as a tool to determine the need for additional evaluation of health risk. ' • Soil sample 3-21"N, collected from 21 inches below the north end of the piping did not contain-any constituents of concern. • Soil sample 2-9"C, collected from 9 inches below the center of the piping ' contained minor concentrations of TPH-g and TPH-d. • The lab noted that the sample chromatographic pattern for TPH-d did not ' match the pattern of the specified sample pattern in any of the TPH-d analyses. 1 ' R:\2000_08\370_soil rpt_Mt vemon.doc 4 ' Fastri P,3501 Mt. Vernon Project#200370 tMay 2008 ' Sample 1-20"S Soil sample 1-20" S, collected from 20 inches below the south end of the piping contained significant concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes ' and TPH-g. • The concentration of benzene in the soil, 1,600 µg/Kg, exceeds the PRG for industrial soil of 1,400 pg/Kg, and the LUFT value of 1,000 µg/Kg (1 mg/Kg). • The concentrations of toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes exceed the LUFT ' values but do not exceed the PRG's. • The concentration of.TPH-g exceeds the LUFT value, no PRG value has been established for gasoline. ' R:\2000_08\370_soil rpt_Mt vernon.doc 5 TABLE 3.1 LABORATORY RESULTS SOILS ANALYSIS- 3501 Mount Vernon Avenue,Bakersfield PID Ethyl m, P' & o Sample Depth reading Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes MTBE TBA DIPE ETBE TAME TPH-g TPH-d Number- Inches ug mg/Kg Depth bgs 1-20"S 10 0.0 1,600 76,000 12,000 76,000 <120 <1200 <250 <250 <250 1,700 61* 2-9 11C 15 0.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <50 <10 <10 <10 1.6 110* 3-21"N 20 0.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <50 <10 <10 <10 <0.50 <5.0* PRG's 1,400 520,000 400,000 420,000 70,000 No PRG value establised i LUFT Values 1,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 No LUFT Value established 1,000 10,000 <0.05 —compound was not detected in the sample extract at the laboratory practical quantitation limit shown. mg/Kg—milligrams per kilogram u g-micrograms per kilogram 1,700 -The sample results exceed a regulatory value. * -The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH does not match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. Quantitation of the unknown hydrocarbon(s) in the sample was based upon the specified standard. Inches bgs— inches below ground surface PR 's - Preliminary Remediation Goals, Industrial Soil. EPA Region 9, PRG Table Version 3, 2004. ug/Kg. Notes: 1. LUFT Values: Standards set by the State for protection of groundwater(LUFT Manual, October 1989), based on groundwater more than 100 feet below the sample depth. RA2000 08\370 lab results table.xlsSheetl ' Fastrip,3501 Mt.Vernon Project#200370 ' May 2008 ' 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions: The key elements in evaluation of environmental risk for this project include the ' chemical concentrations, the presence of source material,the depth to groundwater, the reduction of potential for infiltration of surface water, and the location of the impacted soils relative to buildings. 1 Our conclusions are based on the elements noted above, and analytical results: ' • The concentrations of benzene in the soil exceed regulatory values below the north end of the piping. ' • The piping has been replaced and the impacted soils are below concrete which significantly reduces the potential for infiltration of rainwater or surface water that would carry chemicals of concern down to the groundwater. The concrete ' also reduces the potential for,volatile chemicals to diffuse into the air at the Site. • Groundwater below the impacted soils is at approximately 400 feet below ground ' surface. ' • The area of impacted soils is small and not located near the market building. • There is no mechanism to drive the gasoline within the impacted soils towards the ' groundwater. It is unlikely that the small area of impacted soils will leach chemicals of concern to the groundwater. It is also unlikely that any volatile organic compounds from the gasoline impacted soil are migrating into the on-site market building. ' Recommendations: RAM recommends that no further action be taken at the Site. It is our opinion that the recommendations are protective of the groundwater, current use of the Site based on its ' zoning, and biological receptors. 1 1 ' R:\2000_08\370_soil rpt_Mt vemon.doc 7 Fastrip,3501 Mt. Vernon Project#200370 ' May 2008 ' 5.0 LEVHTATIONS RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. has prepared this Report for the exclusive use of Mr. Roy Saunders and of JACO Oil as it pertains to the property located ' at 3501 Mt. Vernon, Bakersfield, California. Our professional services have been performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by other professionals practicing in this field. No other warranty, ' expressed or implied, is made as to the professional advice in the Report. Any use of or reliance on this Report by a third party shall be at such party's sole risk. ' RAM assumes no responsibility for Site conditions or activities that were outside the scope of the inquiry requested by Mr. Roy Saunders. It is recognized that regulatory requirements may change, including the revision of accepted action levels, which could ' necessitate a review of the discussion, findings, recommendations or opinions of the Report. 1 1 1 1 ' R:\2000_08\370_soil rpt_Mt vemon.doc 8 ' Fastri P,3501 Mt.Vernon Project#200370 ' May 2008 6.0 REFERENCES Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9, Preliminary Remediation Goals Table, Version 9, 2004. Stanford J. Smucker, PhD. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9 web site,htp://www.epa. og v/region09/waste/sftind/prg/index.html Kern County Water Agency; Improvement District No 4, 2003 Report on Water Conditions. April 2004. ' RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc.,Soil Sampling Workplan, September 2003. ' State Water Resources Control Board,LUFT Manual. October 1989. State Water Resources Control Board, Geotracker Web site, May 9, 2008, ' www.geotracker.swrcb.gov/reports/luft regulatory.asp? lg obal id=T0602900626 1 1 1 ' R:\2000_08\370_soil rpt_Mt vemon.doc 9 Fastri P,3501 Mt. Vernon Project#200370 ' May 2008 ' 8.0 SIGNATURE PAGE This Preliminary Assessment Sampling Report for Jaco Oil Company, dated May 2008, was prepared by RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc: under the responsible charge of the following professionals: LIS., yr ' M. Jane Ellis-McNaboe, PG o /v Professional Geologist �y� 4127 ' ap CA! ' 3=368 Richard M. Casagrande, REH President, RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. 1 ' cc: Mr. Howard Wines BFD 1 i ' R:\2000_08\370_soil rpt_Mt vernon.doc 10 1 1 1 1 1 FIGURES 1 1 1 1 I XMap®4.5 o, � 0 8•-� \ I ��.�� '_`�„- a�w jj,lam/l �� / �-v' � �, � 0,0 Q r3/1 �l „r �. o rGb'Ua Fei _ �14te wit; � •-�I: QP s FASTRIP �� � -.; t` �•: "'.�` gas.-- � ��r= •mil ��`�. � ' ,7S'^• Wit... l./- F• -7 if Data use subject to license. fl ' ©2004 DeLorrne.XMap®4.5. 0 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 www.delorme.com, MN(0.0°W) Data Zoom 130 i ' OM FIGURE 1 RAM ENVIRONMENTAL JACO OIL COMPANY MAY OM AREA MAP ENGINEERING SERVICES, Project#200370 INC. SOIL SAMPLING 3501 Mount Vernon Avenue 2115 201h STREET REPORT BAKERSFIELD,CA BAKERSFIELD,CA. ' R:\2000_08\370_FIGURE I AREA MAP.doc Fastrip, 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue l i - LL-LL L l Canopy Market Building - - Legend _ O Address Points 4 I N Roads I 0 j Arterial Collector Highway Local Sample TPH /TPHd - 350;,T '; ry/ Ramp Y � 1 / 3-2 "NJ ND/ND i �� Unpaved 0 County of Kern Sample TPH TPHd 2-9"C 1.6/110* • '"" "' 4, I Assessment Parcels a Aerial Photography 2006 Sample TPH /TPHd 1-20"S 1,700/61* - UNI,VERSITtY 9V -0 38- 76 I F : ,r N LEGEND SOIL SAMPLING REPORT RAM ND-soil sample name Sam le ID Concentration of TPH PHd-mg/Kg JACO OIL COMPANY O ENVIRONMENTAL 1-20"S 11.6/110* FASTRIP ENGINEERING Soil sample Location& 3501 MOUNT VERNON AVE., SERVICES, INC. The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH does not / below pipeline match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. BAKERSFIELD, CA FIGURE 2 2008_370_JacoMt.Vemon sample locations.ai i . 1 1 Appendix A Copy of BFD Permit 1 1 i 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 04/30/2008 13:17 1bb13'L2bU1Y 1ZU114=ti I --- ' --- •iu�rxVV%r A..G9i 1i 9-11 r1nui- ILIVVL Va.% UOltlGl 1 BAKERSFIELD FIRE OEPARTMgNT ' yEitGROUND STORAGE TANK Prevenbon Servkes 1501 Truxtun Avenue PERMIT APPLICATION Bakersfield,CA 93301 TO CONSTRUCT INSTALL NEW TANK(NEW FACIL Y)/NFVd pips Qr;orse: 661-326.3979-Fax,d61-852-2171 ' TANK INSTALL(EXK"Ne,PACft.irY)/M00-MTN0R MOD Page I of 1 TYPE OF APPLICATION: 0 NEW TANK INSTALL/NEW FACILITY L7 NEW TANK 7NSTALI4EYdSTING FAULTTY ' (CHECK ONE ONLY) D"MODIFICATT.ON OF FACILITY C MINOR MODIFICATION OF FACILITY STARTIRG DATE/ PROPOSE.^COFIPLEM DATE ' PAS"ME,r,..�, T E amoG PAmm PERMIT• FAmtl'Y AOtntE'a4 GIfY IIP CODE -mfv or WSW ^. � ApN —fl-6.992a�—tnglAnt,TANK PNON><s ADDRE54 ctrr ZrP CDDE ' aoQlaACrrnt CA UCV98* rcc a AODRM f[r Y IIP CADS sea t pM0-r s - 6AIGLRSPIEUI QTY W51NM ticom a WONWARS COMP# DLSURett �Lnv ,Q t1R MY OES PMTMe WORK TO BE DON1, 1 , WAM TO PACAmy PaOYIO¢)eY ' DEM70 6ROM WATER — -- SCiarrvE�ZvtGTEO ATS7TE B OF UNKS TO BE fN 7hU rn ARE THEY FOR M MA FUEL? 9PA.L PNEVENTfOM COUTROL AND CouIRERr muRm PIAR ON FOE? Fy�Yk9 0 roo tY IVE$ o mo ' TW9 SECT' N 13 POR MOTOR FUEL STORAGE TANKS TAWA A V01.UMR UNLEADW WMLAR PREMIUM D'IIcm AVUTMN -Llk ' THIS SNC1'ION IS FOR NOW-MOTOR FUEL STORAGE TANKS TAMlOG0 WOLUM UNI. OM REBUTAR PREMIUM DMBL AMT10% FOR OFFICUL 1rSE OP1LY _ AMUCATIAN DAYS —J FArn ny f t Of TAR NS �FEFS S ' 1HR APPLICANT 14AS RECEVED,UNMRSTA1405,AND wI+.J.COMPLY WM THE ATTAR CDNDCITONS OF THiS PERMIT AND ANY OTMER STAfE, LOCAL,AND FMERAL REGULA7 lORrt mAs OLIN CGMPLC bD wNtrA PeNALTY Of PERIURY,AND TO THE OCST OR MY KNOWLEDGE X YRUE AND CORPELT. ' gy APFCICANT GAME(PRIItt1 APPLICA"W9 ' THIS APPLICATION DECOY-199 A PERMIT WHEN.APPROVED Foa08o(Ra+i oe/uT} 1 1 � , 1 ' Appendix B Sampling Plan 1 ' . JACO Oil—Fastrip Gas Station,Bakersfield Sampling Plan ' 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Bakersfield, California. RAM Project #200370 Task 1 —Soil Sampling ' TASK OBJECTIVE: Sample soils at 2 and 6-feet below former product lines that are being replaced, as ' required by the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, for analysis of TPH-d, TPH-g, BTEX and fuel oxygenates on a standard turn around time basis. ' SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSIS: Laboratory analysis will be conducted by an environmental testing laboratory certified by the State of California for the tests to be performed. Test methods and criteria are as ' follows: • TPHg and TPHd Modified EPA Method 8015B • BTEX, and fuel oxygenates EPA Method 8260B • Analytical Laboratory—Calscience, Garden Grove, CA • Standard sample turnaround time—5 day results. ' • Report results to RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. SOIL SAMPLING PROTOCOL ' Soil sampling will be conducted in accordance with RAM Environmental Engineering Services Standard Soil and Groundwater Sampling Protocols (RAM, 2003) and will incorporate the following project specific criteria. Sampling Locations Samples will be collected from 2 feet below grade (below pea gravel within the ' excavation) and possibly 6 feet below piping if staining is visible in the soil. Samples will be collected at the ends of the piping and at two 15 foot intervals along the piping, as required by the BFD. Soil Confirmation Information Sample at 2-feet and possibly 6-feet below bottom of excavation for piping- • Use a hand auger for excavation of samples, • fill brass sleeve with excavated soil to completely fill sleeve, ' • use Teflon seal and plastic caps to seal sleeve, • monitor soils and void space with hand held PID or equivalent. ' Equipment: • Brass Sleeves, • teflon seals and plastic caps, ' • disposable gloves, baggies, permanent marking pens, sample labels, chain of custody(COC) forms, Field Log forms, • PID,Model Photo Vac meter for monitoring work space for volatiles, ' • Personal Protective Gear per Standard Health and Safety Protocols for fuel impacted soils, • pre-chilled non-water cooling material (Blue Ice) for sample storage/shipping ' container. RA2000_081370_sampling plan.doc 1 ' Sampling Procedure A hand auger will be used to retrieve soils from 2 and 6 feet below the former piping. A brass sleeve,properly capped on one end, will be filled with soil retrieved with the auger. ' The emissions from the soil will be monitored with a vapor monitor and the results recorded. The sleeve will be properly sealed with Teflon tape, followed by a plastic cap. The brass sleeve will be labeled as described below. Excess soil should be returned to the ' excavation. Sample Identification and Labeling ' Complete sample label information and sample COC information prior to collection of each sample, leaving time for notation just after collection. ' Label the brass tube,place the brass tube in a zip lock bag, and place the bagged sample in sample shipping container(ice chest). Fill other containers, and label and store in the same manner. Check/complete the COC form and sample logs, and secure the sample storage/shipping container until delivered to the laboratory. Sample container should be kept at 4°C with ' blue ice. 1 1 ' R:\2000_08\370 sampling plan.doc 2 1 1 �- Appendix C Health and Safety Plan �1 1 /I HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN tSOIL SAMPLING 1 Jaco Oil Company 3501 Mt. Vernon Ave., Bakersfield, California ' Prepared for ' JACO Oil Company ' Prepared by RAM, Inc. 2115 20th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 ' 200370 4/30/08 R:\2000_08\370_Health&Safety Plan.DOC 1 ' SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN RAM Environmental Bakersfield, California Project Number: 200370 ' Project Manager Jane Ellis-McNaboe Site Safety Officer: Jane Ellis-McNaboe, or RAM Technician Date of Issue: 4/30/2008 ' Authorization: Richard M Cas @Fan Health& Safety Officer 1 1 1 ' R:\2000-08\370—Health&Safety P1an.DOC aRequired Signatures Signature Name Company Date a 0 a a 0 a a a a t a a a a a R:\2000_08\370_Health&Safety Plan.DOC ' 1.0 INTRODUCTION ' RAM Environmental Engineering Services Inc. (RAM), as primary contractor for this project, has prepared this Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP). The HASP ' delineates the basic safety requirements for the implementation of the soil sampling at the service station located at 3501 Mt. Vernon Ave., Bakersfield, California. Work at the site ' will include collection of soil samples using a hand auger, vapor sampling during soil sampling using PID or equivalent equipment, and delivery of soil samples for chemical analysis. The fieldwork is scheduled to be performed during May, 2008. ' The provisions set forth in this HASP apply to the employees of RAM and their subcontractors working on project tasks, which expose workers to hazardous working conditions, to dust,hazardous wastes, or hazardous substances. Subcontractors may elect to modify these provisions, but only to upgrade or increase the safety activities to be consistent with their company policies. This HASP addresses the expected potential hazards that may be encountered for this ' project. If unanticipated changes in site or working conditions occur which are not addressed by this plan, addenda will be provided by RAM. ' 1.1 SITE BACKGROUND ' The project consists of one service station (Site) in Bakersfield, California. The service station is being remodeled to include new product lines. ' 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK The objective of this scope of work is to sample soils beneath product lines that are being ' replaced, and show signs of staining in the soil below the former product lines. 1 1 R:\2000-08\370—Health&Safety Plan.DOC 2 2.0 ' PROJECT SAFETY AUTHORITY ' Personnel responsible for project safety are the Project Manager and the Site Safety Officer or his designee. ' submittal f d r The Project Manager is responsible for the provisions and subm o this plan, an fo ' advising the Site Safety Officer on health and safety matters. The Project Manager has the authority to provide for the auditing of compliance with the provisions of this plan, suspension or modification of work practices, and administration of disciplinary actions ' for individuals whose conduct does not meet the requirements set forth herein. The Project Manager may elect to give the Site Safety Officer authority to administer disciplinary actions for individuals whose conduct does not meet the requirements set forth herein. The Site Safety Officer is responsible for the dissemination of the information contained ' in this plan to all RAM personnel assigned to the project, and to the responsible representative of each subcontractor firm working under RAM on the project. As such, he or she is responsible for performing or providing the following as necessary: • Adequate on-site safety supplies & equipment inventory (see list of ' protective equipment, Sec. 8.0), for RAM personnel. Compliance for having necessary Safety Supplies and Equipment rests solely with each subcontractor, ' a tailgate discussion of Site Safety Plan; documentation of tailgate safety meetings in field notebook, • documentation of all accidents or safety plan violations, ' 0 emergency contacts as needed, ' 0 implementation of Decontamination/Contamination Reduction Procedures (see Sec. 9.0), • on-site air monitoring as required(see Section 6.0). 1 ' R:\2000-08\370—Health&Safety Plan.DOC 3 The Site Safety Officer or his/her designee has the authority to suspend work any time he ' or she determines that the health and safety practices at the site are inadequate and shall also inform the Project Manager of individuals whose conduct is not consistent with the requirements of the plan. ' 3.0 MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE RAM personnel and sub-contractors engaged in project operations that may expose them ' to hazardous wastes, hazardous substances, or any combination of hazardous wastes or hazardous substances shall be participants in a Medical Surveillance program, and must be cleared by the examining physician(s) to wear respiratory protection devices and ' protective clothing for working with hazardous materials. The applicable requirements under the CAL OSHA standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (Title 8 CCR, GISO 5192) will be observed where potential hazardous wastes ' are encountered. 4.0 SAFETY/ORIENTATION TRAINING ' Field personnel from RAM and any subcontractors will review this site-specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) before beginning work as safety training for this project. The Site Safety Officer will conduct a tailgate safety meeting to review the HASP prior to the start of field operations. RAM project personnel will certify their review by signing a HASP training record form (Appendix B). Subcontractors will certify their review by signing a HASP training record form or signing the field notebook after the tailgate safety ' meeting. The Project Manager is responsible for distributing this site safety plan to appropriate personnel and verifying review by obtaining signed review forms. Signed review forms will be placed in project files. Whenever a change of conditions on-site occurs that may affect safety, the Site Safety Officer or his/her designee will conduct a tailgate safety meeting if appropriate. Changing site conditions that may affect safety include the following: ' R:\2000_08\370_Hea{th&Safety Plan.DOC 4 • Change of field personnel (RAM or subcontractor), • change in work activity, • change in weather conditions; and, • visitors on site. ' All training sessions, safety meetings, and safety briefings will be documented by the Site Safety Officer or his designee in the field notebook. Documentation will include a brief description of topics addressed and the signatures of all training attendees. 5.0 HAZARD ASSESSMENT ' 5.1 PHYSICAL HAZARDS ' Working with soil sampling equipment presents a variety of physical hazards that are continually present unlike chemical exposures (only a hazard when contaminated materials are present). Some of the hazards are identified below. Physical hazards could ' include the following: • Falling objects such as tools or equipment, • tripping over hoses,pipes,tools, equipment or uneven terrain, • tipping or overturning of heavy machinery, ' • exposure to noise generated by heavy machinery, ' • exposure to soil dust generated by heavy machinery, • insufficient or faulty protective equipment; and • insufficient or faulty operations, equipment, or tools, ' • vehicular traffic at and around the Site. ' RA2000_08\370_Health&Safety Plan.DOC 5 Safety precautions for site hazards are addressed in Section 7.2. ' 5.2 CHEMICAL HAZARDS It is not anticipated that there will be any chemical exposures; however, this section is ' included as a precautionary measure. Specific precautions will be taken as the situations at the site dictate. ' Dermal exposures will be controlled through the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) as described in Section 8.0 and through minimization of exposure to airborne dust ' generated by hand soil sampling activities. ' 5.3 EXPLOSION AND FIRE ' Explosive and Flammable products are not expected to be encountered at this site. ' 6.0 AIR MONITORING No organic vapors are expected at this site. There will be no air monitoring for organic vapors. Visual observations and monitoring shall be conducted for dust; dust inhalation ' will be avoided at all times. However, a photoionizing detector (PID) will be onsite for evaluation of potential organic vapors. 1 7.0 GENERAL PROJECT SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ' 7.1 GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ' The project operations shall be conducted with the following minimum safety requirements employed: R:\2000-08\370—Health&Safety Plan.DOC 6 1 • Eating and drinking will be restricted to a designated area, • wearing loose clothing around operating machinery (Geoprobe) will be tprohibited, • all personnel shall be required to wash hands and face before eating or ' drinking, • all personnel shall avoid dust on-site by staying upwind of dust generated ' by sampling activities, ' gross decontamination and removal of all personal protective equipment (if necessary) shall be performed prior to exiting the facility, ' shaking or blowing of potentially contaminated clothing or equipment to remove dust or other materials is not permitted, ' the Site Safety Officer will be responsible to identify and alert field employees to physical hazards present at the site. 7.2 SYMPTOMS OF CHEMICAL EXPOSURE Chemical exposure is not anticipated. The information below is provided as a ' precautionary measure. Field operations personnel shall inform each other of non-visual symptoms that may ' indicate chemical exposure such as: ' 0 Headaches, • dizziness, • nausea, • blurred vision, ' 0 cramps, ' 0 coughing, R:\2000-08\370—Health&Safety PIan.DOC 7 • irritation of eyes, skin, or respiratory tract, ' 0 complexion changes in or skin discoloration g P ' 0 changes in apparent motor coordination, ' 0 changes in personality or demeanor, ' 0 excessive salivation or changes in papillary response;and • changes in speech ability or pattern. ' 7.3 HEAT STRESS The following recommendations will help to reduce heat stress: ' Provide plenty of liquids, • P tY 4 ' wearing of an undergarment that acts to help ventilation of the body, ' heat stress monitoring. Any of the following techniques can be used to screen for heat stress: • Heart rate at the radial artery should be measured as early as possible in the resting period. Should the heart rate exceed 110 beats per minute, the next work period should be shortened by 10 minutes (33%), while the length of the rest period stays the same. If the pulse rate is greater than ' 100 at the next rest period, the following work cycle should be shortened by 33%, ' body temperature can be used to screen for heat stress. If the oral temperature at the beginning of the rest period exceeds 99 degrees Fahrenheit, the next work period should be shortened by 10 minutes (or 33%), while the length of the rest period stays the same. This Xrocess should be continued until the body temperature does not exceed 99 F, • body water loss can be monitored using a scale to measure changes in body weight. ' RA2000 08070_Health&Safety Plan.DOC 8 8.0 ' PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS ' Field personnel and visitors are required to wear hard hats, safety glasses, steel-toed boots, and hearing protection (at the discretion of the Site Safety Officer) in the ' operations area when work is being performed. ' Field personnel engaged in work operations are required to wear the following additional equipment if unknown chemicals of concern are encountered: Long-sleeved shirts and pants or one-piece coverall, such as Tyvek disposable, ' 0 poly-coated Tyvek suit (when contact with potentially contaminated material is anticipated), rubber boots (when contact with potentially contaminated soil or liquid is anticipated), ' 0 orange safety vests, ' all personnel shall be required to wash hands and face before eating or drinking, 1 ' RA2000_081370_Health&Safety Plan.DOC 9 1 i 1 • personnel are not required to wear protective dust masks. Therefore, 1 personnel shall be required to avoid breathing dust on site at all times, and work upwind. 1 Contractors to RAM will provide their own PPE. 1 8.1 OPERATIONS AREA 1 Dermal contact will be the potential exposure pathway of concern for chemical exposure. Inhalation exposure will only be a significant concern when dusty conditions or organic 1 vapors are present. Protective clothing, including Tyvek suits, rubber boots, and chemically resistant gloves 1 such as nitrile, will be mandatory for all field operations personnel when contacting potentially contaminated soils. When the ambient air monitoring level equals or exceeds 5 ppm, full or half-face APR's with organic vapor cartridges will be required. Personnel ' should approach any unknown substances from upwind. ' 9.0 DECONTAMINATION/CONTAMINATION REDUCTION PROCEDURES 1 1 Chemical exposure is not anticipated at this Site. This section is included so that procedures are established in the event that unknown chemicals are present at the Site. ' Boots, clothing, gloves, and other equipment can become contaminated by direct exposure to contaminated soil or groundwater. Precautions will be taken to prevent the transport of contaminants off site unless in an approved container or other approved 1 method. All contaminated personal protective equipment or clothing will be decontaminated on-site, or placed in appropriate storage or disposal receptacles. 1 1 R:\2000_081370_Health&Safety Plan.DOC 10 1 1 10.0 tEMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES A first aid kit will be taken into the field each day. In the event of a fire, explosion, physical injury or illness due to chemical exposure, the appropriate parties should be contacted using the below listed phone numbers. For injuries or illness other than very minor cuts or scrapes, a physician's attention is required. For treatment of potentially life-threatening injury or illness, call 911 for assistance. For treatment of minor injuries or illness, personnel should be driven to Kern Medical ' Center, 3501 Mt. Vernon Ave., Bakersfield, CA. A map showing the route to the hospital from the site is provided in Appendix A. ' Notify the RAM Health& Safety Officer as soon as possible after appropriate emergency services have been notified and appropriate measures taken to protect people, environment, and property. ' n Emer enc Telephone Numbers: g Y ' Off-Site ' Fire, Police, Ambulance 911 ' Kern Medical Center 1-661-326-2769 ' Additional Contingency Telephone hone Number: ' RAM Environmental Engineering 1-661-324-6152 1-661-619-2345 Contact: Richard M. Casagrande 1 R:\2000-08\370—Health&Safety Plan.DOC 11 1 APPENDIX A ' SITE LOCATION AND ' ROUTE TO HOSPITAL vnving virecuons irom s:)ui mount Vernon Ave, naKersneia, kA to Nem ivieuicai %-tr, ... rage i ui L 1 PAAPOVEST. t.t.M M r x 3; 3, ' Find out instantly! ' A: 3501 Mount Vernon Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93306-1545 1: Start out going NORTH on MT VERNON AVE toward CHRISTMAS TREE LN. 0.2 mi ' O 2: Make a U-TURN onto MT VERNON AVE. 1.8 mi 3: Turn RIGHT onto FLOWER ST. 0.3 mi 4: End at 1830 Flower St# 14 Bakersfield, CA 93305 ' Estimated Time: 5 minutes Estimated Distance: 2.29 miles ' B: Kern Medical Ctr: 1830 Flower St# 14, Bakersfield, CA 93305, (661)326-2769 Total Time: 5 minutes Total Distance: 2.29 miles 1 1 ' http://www.mapquest.com/maps/3501+Mt.+Vernon+Ave.+Bakersfield+ca/Kem+Medical... 4/30/2008 Unvmg virections from.,:)ui iviount vemon tive, riaKersllew, uA W 1\erll lvleuicui %—Lu, ... ritge G U1 G 1 MAPOWEST— aao m Princeton Ave _ Harmw�; 1200 ft _.:.. .__.:: Radcliffe Ave: �akergfleld} ,a Y ' C .•� GreeMarvs �� � w� -- ��r-?��..��Co11ey��� �'��;# D.. ---- Cerfi'etery 6ii �i � - __ _. N � tI .���a I _ _ ,•i ' Ave . r Cnl�tmbus St I I � I !__ view d } ..:. Water St xs Height St. s ` SG' Rom , ---! -_ I -I,- � ,cam, _ ' —— !ernard_St n F I s I I 'I 17 I Del Am ay '� n , T Mina n Jill r: r� O '�90� Fe[rtjvale._Rj ®2008 MapQuest Inc ,'- q'd I:!I ;,Map Data:��2008N70.ViEQ or,SeleAtlas St ' Directions and maps are informational only.We make no warranties on the accuracy of their content,road conditions or route usability or expeditiousness.You assume all risk of use.MapQuest and its suppliers shall not be liable to you for any loss or delay resulting from your use of MapQuest.Your use of MapQuest means you agree to our Terms of Use 1 ' http://www.mapquest.com/maps/3501+Mt.+Vernon+Ave.+Bakersfield+ca/Kern+Medical... 4/30/2008 1 1 ' APPENDIX B SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY TRAINING RECORD FoRMs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN (HASP)TRAINING "CO" ' Ms. Katheryn A Eldredge 200370 Print/Type Employee Name Project Number ' I have read the HASP listed below and fully understand the material covered. I ' understand that I am responsible for compliance with the requirements of this HASP and I agree to abide by the same. I also had the opportunity to discuss the information presented in the HASP, and to ask any questions about the information that I want ' clarified. ' I understand that this record will become a permanent part of my employee health and safety training file. Employee Signature Date 1 HASP Tit1e�11V Date Employee Verified by Date HASP Date Revision No. Reviewed Initials =ie Verified 1 1 1 Appendix D ' Laboratory Analytical Results 1 1 1 Page 1 of 20 alscience nvironmental 1 .e aboratories, Inc. May 13, 2008 Jane McNaboe RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. 2115 20th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 ' Subject: Caiscience Work Order No.: 08-05-0685 Client Reference: Jaco Soil Sampling / 200370 Dear Client: ' Enclosed is an analytical report for the above-referenced project. The samples included in this report were received 5/7/2008 and analyzed in accordance with ' the attached chain-of-custody. Unless otherwise noted, all analytical testing was accomplished in accordance with ' the guidelines established in our Quality Systems Manual, applicable standard operating procedures, and other related documentation. The original report of subcontracted analysis, if any, is provided herein, and follows the standard Calscience data package. The results in this analytical report are limited to the samples tested and any reproduction thereof must be made in its entirety. ' If you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. ' Sincerely, ' Calscience Environmental Laboratories, Inc. ' Don Burley Project Manager CA-ELAP ID: 1230 • NELAP ID: 03220CA CSDLAC ID: 10109 • SCAQMD ID: 93LA0830 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 • TEL-.(714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 ' — Page 2 of 20 alscience Wit._nvironmental Analytical Report Am aboratories, Inc. rRAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: 05/07/08 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 ' Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 35508 Method: EPA 80158 (M) Project: Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 Page 1 of 2 Lab Sample Datelrime Date Date rime Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID 1-20"S 08-05-0685-1-A 05/06/08 Solid GC 45 05/09/08 05/10/08 080509813 09:50 02:05 Comment(s): -The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH does not match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. Quantitation ' of the unknown hydrocarbon(s)in the sample was based upon the specified standard. Parameter Result RL DF Quaf Units TPH as Diesel 61 5.0 1 mg/kg ' Surrogates: REC(%) Control Limits Qual Decachlorobiphenyl 73 61-145 ' 2-9"C 08-05-0685-2-A 05/06/08 Solid GC 45 05/09/08 05/10108 080509813 10:05 02:21 Comment(s): -The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH does not match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. Quantitation ' of the unknown hydrocarbon(s)in the sample was based upon the specified standard. Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Diesel 110 5.0 1 mg/kg ' Surrogates: REC % Control Limits Qual Decachlorobiphenyl 83 61-145 08-05-06853-A 05/06/08 Solid GC 45 05109/08 05/10108 0805091313 10:25 02:36 ' Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Diesel ND 5.0 1 mg/kg rSurrogates: REC(%) Control Limits Qual Decachlorobiphenyl 75 61-145 1 r r RL-Reporting Limit DF-Dilution Factor Qual-Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 • TEL:(714) 895-5494 FAX: (714) 894-7501 1 ' — Page 3 of 20 U alscience s=nvironmental Analytical Report Am aboratories, Inc. ' RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: 05/07108 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 ' Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 3550B Method: EPA 8015B (M) ' Project: Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 Page 2 of 2 Lab Sample Datefrime Date Date/Time Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID ' Method Blank 099-12-275-1,738 NIA Solid GC 45 05/09/08 05/09/08 080509BI 18:51 ' Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Diesel ND 5.0 1 mg/kg Surrogates: REC % Control Limits Qual ' Decachlorobiphenyl 63 61-145 RL-Reporting Limit DF-Dilution Factor Qual-Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 TEL:(714) 895-5494 FAX: (714) 894-7501 — Page 4 of 20 aiscience mw=nvironmentai Analytical Report Am aboratories, Inc. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: 05/07/08 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 50306 Method: EPA 8015B (M) ' Project: Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 Page 1 of 2 Lab Sample Datelrime Date Date/Time Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID ' Fy 0"5-0685-1-A 06/06108 Solid GC 18 05112/08 05112108 080512802 09:50 16:13 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline 1700 500 1000 mg/kg t Surrogates: REC % Control Limits Quai 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene-FID 79 42-126 2-9"C 08-05-0685-2-A 05106/08 Solid GC 18 05/09/08 05110 108 080509603 10:05 11:46 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units ' TPH as Gasoline, 1.6 0.50 1 mg/kg Surrogates: REC(%) Control Limits Qual 1 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene-Flo 77 42-126 3-21"N 08-05-06853-A 05/06/08 Solid GC 18 05/09/08 05/10/08 080509;03 10:25 12:19 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units ' TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 1 mg/kg Surrogates: REC(%) Control Limits Qual 1,4-Bromofiuorobenzene-FID 76 42-126 Method Blank 099-12-279-1,739 N/A Solid GC 18 06/09/08 05/09/08 080509403 22:24 ' Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units ' TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 1 mg/kg Surrogates: REC(%) Control Limits Qual 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene-FID 75 42-126 RL-Reporting Limit DF-Dilution Factor Qual-Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 • TEL:(714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 ' Page 5 of 20 alscience �_nvironmental Analytical Report aboiratories, Inc. ' RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: 05/07/08 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 r Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8015B (M) rProject: Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 Page 2 of 2 Lab Sample Date/Time Date Date/Time Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID r Method Blank 099-12-279-1,743 NIA Solid GC 18 05112/08 05112108 080512802 13:58 rParameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 5.0 10 mg/kg Surrogates: REC(%) Control Limits Qual ' 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene-FID 77 42-126 r r r r r r r r r RL-Reporting Limit DF-Dilution Factor Qual-Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 TEL:(714) 895-5494 FAX: (714) 894-7501 1 Page 6 of 20 aiscience a vironment al Analytical Report _a aboUatoPies, inc. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: 05/07/08 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Units: ug/kg Project: Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 Page 1 of 2 Lab Sample Date/Time Date Date/Time Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Instrument prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID 1-20"S 08-05-0685-1-A 05/06/08 Solid GCIMS W 05/08/08 05/08/08 0805081-02 09:50 16:36 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene 1600 120 25 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 120 25 Ethylbenzene 12000 120 25 Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) ND 1200 25 Toluene 76000 1200 250 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND 250 25 p/m-Xylene 54000 1200 250 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND 250 25 o-Xylene 22000 120 25 Tert-Amyl-Methyi Ether(TAME) ND 250 25 Surrogates: REC f%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 90 73-139 1,2-Dichiorcethane-d4 83 73-145 Toluene-d8 98 90-108 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 90 71-113 2-9"C 08-05-0685-2-A 05/06/08 Solid GC/BAS W 05/08/08 05/08/08 080508L01 .10:05 17:01 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 5.0 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 5.0 1 Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) ND 50 1 Toluene ND 5.0 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND 10 1 p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND 10 1 o-Xylene ND 5.0 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 10 1 Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC f%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 93 73-139 1,2-Dichlorcethane-d4 89 73-145 Toluene-d8 96 90-108 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 93 71-113 3-21"P1 08-05-06853-A 05/06/08 Solid GC/MS W 05/08108 05/08/08 08050BL01 10:25 17:26 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 5.0 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 5.0 1 Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) ND 50 1 Toluene ND 5.0 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND 10 1 p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND 10 1 o-Xylene ND 5.0 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 10 1 Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 94 73-139 1,2-Dichlorcethane-d4 89 73-145 Toluene-d8 97 90-108 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 93 71-113 RL-Reporting Limit DF-Dilution Factor Qual-Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 o TEL:(714) 895-5494 o FAX: (714) 894-7501 — Page 7 of 20 alscience _ = Aw_nvironmental Analytical Report aboratories, Inc. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: 05/07/08 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 ' Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 50308. Method: EPA 82608 Units: ug/kg Project: Jaco Soil Sampling / 200370 Page 2 of 2 Lab Sample Date/rime Date Date/Time Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID Method Blank 099-10-005-16,009 N/A Solid GUMS W 05/08/08 05/08/08 0805081-01 13:41 Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual ' Benzene NO 5.0 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) NO 5.0 1 Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) ND 50 1 Toluene ND 5.0 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND 10 1 p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) NO 10 1 o-Xylene ND 5.0 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 10 1 Surrogates: REC % Control Qual Surrogates: REC % Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 95 73-139 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 92 73-145 Toluene-d8 95 90-108 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 93 71-113 Method Blank 099-10-005-16,020 N/A Solid GC/MS W 05108108 05/08/08 0805081-02 13:16 ' Parameter Result RL OF Quaf Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene ND 120 25 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 120 25 Ethylbenzene ND 120 25 Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) ND 1200 25 Toluene ND 120 25 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND 250 25 p/m-Xylene ND 120 25 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) NO 250 25 o-Xylene ND 120 25 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 250 25 Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 98 73-139 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 94 73-145 Toluene-d8 96 90-108 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 95 71-113 Method Blank 099-10-005-16,025 N/A Solid GC/MS W 05109108 05/09/08 0805091-02 16:01 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene ND 120 25 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 120 25 Ethylbenzene ND 120 25 Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) NO 1200 25 Toluene NO 120 25 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) NO 250 25 p/m-Xylene ND 120 25 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND 250 25 o-Xylene ND 120 25 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 250 25 Surrogates: REC % Control Qual Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual ' Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 100 73-139 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 101 73-145 Toluene-d8 97 90-108 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 103 71-113 ' RL-Reporting Limit DF-Dilution Factor Qual-Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 • TEL:(714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 ' — Page 8 of 20 a/science r � nvironmental Quality Control -Spike/Spike Duplicate yw aboratories, Inc. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: 05/07/08 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 3550B Method: EPA 8015B (M) rProject Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 Date Date MS/MSD Batch Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number 08-05-0474-5 Solid GC 45 05/09/08 05109/08 080509513 rParameter MS%REC MSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers TPH as Diesel 105 112 64-130 7 0-15 1 1 1 r r r 1 r r r RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-Control Limit ' 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 FAX: (714) 894-7501 r ' Page 9 of 20 alscience ' o nvironmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate a aboratories, Inc. ' RAM Environmental Engineer ing Services Inc. Date Received: 05/07/08 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8015B (M) Project Jaco Soil Sampling / 200370 Date Date MS/MSD Batch ' Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number 08-05-0705-1 Solid GC 18 05/09/08 05/10/08 080509502 ' Parameter MS%REC MSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers TPH as Gasoline 75 78 48-114 4 0-23 RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-Control Limit ' 7440 Lincoln Wa Garden Grove CA 92841-1427 TEL: 714 895-5494 FAX: 714 894-7501 _ Page 10 of 20 alscience ' o nvironmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate aboratories, Inc. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: 05/07/08 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 ' Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B ' Proiect Jaco Soil Samplinq / 200370 Date Date MS/MSD Batch ' Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number 08-05-0629-8 Solid GC/MS W 05108108 05108/08 080508S01 ' Parameter MS%REC MSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 83 87 79-115 5 0-13 Carbon Tetrachloride 84 88 55-139 5 0-15 Chlorobenzene 88 93 79-115 5 0-17 1,2-Dibromoethane 85 92 70-130 7 0-30 ' 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 87 95 63-123 9 0-23 1,1-Dichloroethene 74 78 69-123 6 0-16 Ethylbenzene 88 91 70-130 4 0-30 Toluene 88 92 79-115 5 0-15 ' Trichloroethene 88 92 66-144 5 0-14 Vinyl Chloride 77 81 60-126 4 0-14 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 82 92 68-128 12 0-14 Tert-Butyl Alcohol,(TBA) 46 54 44-134 16 0-37 Diisopropyl Ether,(DIPE) 79 86 75-123 9 0-12 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) 81 91 75-117 11 0-12 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) 86 96 79-115 10 0-12 Ethanol 71 79 42-138 11 0-28 RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-Control Limit 7440 Lincoln Wa Garden Grove CA 92841-1427 . TEL: 714 895-5494 FAX: 714 894-7501 ' Page 11 of 20 �.r a/science ' Z nvironmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate aboratories, Inc. RAM Environmental Engineering Services Inc. Date Received: 05/07108 9 9 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Project Jaco Soil Sampling / 200370 Date Date MS/MSD Batch ' Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number 08-06-0691-1 Solid GC/MS W 05109/08 05/09/08 080509501 1 Parameter MS%REC MSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 88 88 79-115 0 0-13 ' Carbon Tetrachloride 85 84 55-139 0 0-15 Chlorobenzene 91 90 79-115 1 0-17 1,2-Dibromoethane 90 91 70-130 1 0-30 ' 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 92 94 63-123 2 0-23 1,1-Dichloroethene 84 83 69-123 1 0-16 Ethylbenzene 89 88 70-130 0 0-30 Toluene 89 90 79-115 1 0-15 ' Trichloroethene 87 86 66-144 2 0-14 Vinyl Chloride 91 89 60-126 2 0-14 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 94 97 68-128 2 0-14 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) 59 96 44-134 48 0-37 4 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) 95 95 75-123 0 0-12 Ethyl-t-Bury{Ether(ETBE) 98 98 75-117 0 0-12 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) 99 100 79-115 1 0-12 Ethanol 95 94 42-138 0 0-28 1 RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-Control Limit ' 7440 Lincoln Wa Garden Grove CA 92841-1427 TEL: 714 895-54 4 FAX: 714 8 -7 1 1 ' — Page 12 of 20 alscience Z nvironmenta/ Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate :w aboratories, Inc. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: N/A 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 35508 Method: EPA 80158 (M) Project: Jaco Soil Sampling 1200370 Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number 099-12-275-1,738 Solid GC 45 05/09/08 05/09/08 080509B13 Parameter LCS%REC LCSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers TPH as Diesel 95 92 75-123 3 0-12 r RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-Control Limit ' 7440 Lincoln Wa Garden Grove CA 92841-1427 . TEL: 714 895-5494 . FAX: 714 894-7501 ' Page 13 of 20 alscience ' �_nvironmental Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate rw aboratories, Inc. RAM Environmental Engineering Services Inc. Date Received: N/A 9 9 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8015B (M) Project: Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 ' Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number 099-12-279-1,743 Solid GC 18 05/12/08 05/12/08 080512602 ' Parameter LCS%REC LCSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers TPH as Gasoline 90 94 70-124 4 0-18 1 RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-Control Limit 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: 714 894-7501 1 ' Page 14 of 20 alscience nvironmental Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate aboratories, Inc. ' RAM Environmental Engineering Services Inc. Date Received: N/A 9 9 ' 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8015B (M) ' Project: Jaco Soil Sampling / 200370 ' Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number 099-12-279-1,739 Solid GC 18 05109 108 05/09/08 080509B03 ' Parameter LCS%REC LCSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers TPH as Gasoline 90 90 70-124 0 0-18 1 1 RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-Control Limit ' 7440 Lincoln Wa , Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL: 714 895-5494 . FAX: 714 894-7501 Page 15 of 20 a/science nvironmental Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate :. aboratories, Inc. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: N/A 9 9 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 ' Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Project: Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 ' Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number 099-10-005-16,009 Solid GC/MS W 05108108 05/08/08 0805081-01 ' Parameter LCS%REC LCSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 96 97 84-114 2 0-7 ' Carbon Tetrachloride 102 102 66-132 0 0-12 Chlorobenzene 102 104 87-111 2 0-7 1,2-Dibromoethane 101 106 80-120 5 0-20 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 104 106 79-115 3 0-8 ' 1,1-Dichloroethene 90 89 73-121 1 0-12 Ethylbenzene 102 102 80-120 1 0-20 Toluene 102 103 78-114 1 0-7 Trichloroethene 103 103 84-114 1 0-8 Vinyl Chloride 97 94 63-129 3 0-15 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 100 107 77-125 7 0-11 Teri-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) 58 73 47-137 23 0-27 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) 96 98 76-130 2 0-8 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) 100 104 76-124 4 0-12 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) 101 106 82-118 4 0-11 ' Ethanol 89 90 59-131 2 0-21 1 1 RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-Control Limit 7440 Lincoln Wa , Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL: 714 895-5494 . FAX: 714 894-7501 Page 16 of 20 a/science X_nvironmental Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate ,;. aboratories, Inc. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: N/A 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301 73710 Preparation: EPA 50306 Method: EPA 8260B ' Project: Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 1 Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number 099-10-005-16,020 Solid GC/MS W 05/08/08 05/08/08 0805081-02 Parameter LCS%REC LCSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 96 97 84-114 2 0-7 Carbon Tetrachloride 102 102 66-132 0 0-12 Chlorobenzene 102 104 87-111 2 0-7 1,2-Dibromoethane 101 106 80-120 5 0-20 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 104 106 79-115 3 0-8 1,1-Dichloroethene 90 89 73-121 1 0-12 Ethylbenzene 102 102 80-120 1 0-20 Toluene 102 103 78-114 1 0-7 ' Trichloroethene 103 103 84-114 1 0-8 Vinyl Chloride 97 94 63-129 3 0-15 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 100 107 77-125 7 0-11 Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) 58 73 47-137 23 0-27 ' Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) 96 98 76-130 2 0-8 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) 100 104 76-124 4 0-12 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) 101 106 82-118 4 0-11 ' Ethanol 89 90 59-131 2 0-21 RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-Control Limit 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 ' Page 17 of 20 alscience .,, nvironmental Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate AM aboratories, Inc. ' RAM Environmental Engineering Services Inc. Date Received: N/A 9 9 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 ' Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B ' Project: Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 ' Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number 099-10-006-16,025 Solid GC/MS W 05109108 05/09/08 080509L02 ' Parameter LCS%REC LCSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 101 102 84-114 1 0-7 ' Carbon Tetrachloride 103 103 66-132 0 0-12 Chlorobenzene 103 102 87-111 1 0-7 1,2-Dibromoethane 102 101 80-120 1 0-20 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 102 101 79-115 1 0-8 1,1-Dichloroethene 101 101 73-121 0 0-12 Ethylbenzene 105 105 80-120 0 0-20 Toluene 103 104 78-114 0 0-7 ' Trichloroethene 106 104 84-114 2 0-8 Vinyl Chloride 114 113 63-129 1 0-15 Methyl4-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 103 102 77-125 1 0-11 Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) 128 129 47-137 0 0-27 ' Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) 103 103 76-130 0 0-8 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) 103 103 76-124 0 0-12 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) 103 104 82-118 1 0-11 Ethanol 99 104 59-131 4 0-21 1 1 RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-Control Limit ' 7440 Lincoln Wa Garden Grove CA 92841-1427 . TEL: 714 895-5494 . FAX: 714 894-7501 ' — Page 18 of 20 s a/science ' nvironmental Glossary of Terms and Qualifiers MW aboratories, Inc. ' r Order um 8-0 Work Or Number: -0685 e N 0 5 Qualifier Definition ' See applicable analysis comment. 1 Surrogate compound recovery was out of control due to a required sample dilution, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. ' 2 Surrogate compound recovery was out of control due to matrix interference. The associated method blank surrogate spike compound was in control and, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. ' 3 Recovery of the Matrix Spike (MS)or Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) compound was out of control due to matrix interference. The associated LCS and/or LCSD was in control and, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. ' 4 The MS/MSD RPD was out of control due to matrix interference. The LCS/LCSD RPD was in control and, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. ' 5 The PDS/PDSD associated with this batch of samples was out of control due to a matrix interference effect. The associated batch LCS/LCSD was in control and, hence, the associated sample data was reported with no further corrective action required. ' A Result is the average of all dilutions, as defined by the method. B Analyte was present in the associated method blank. C Analyte presence was not confirmed on primary column. ' E Concentration exceeds the calibration range. H Sample received and/or analyzed past the recommended holding time. ' J Analyte was detected at a concentration below the reporting limit and above the laboratory method detection limit. Reported value is estimated. ' N Nontarget Analyte. ND Parameter not detected at the indicated reporting limit. Q Spike recovery and RPD control limits do not apply resulting from the parameter concentration in the sample exceeding the spike concentration by a factor of four or greater. U Undetected at the laboratory method detection limit. X % Recovery and/or RPD out-of-range. Z Analyte presence was not confirmed by second column or GC/MS analysis. 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 • TEL-.(714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 _ .I= 144MOLNM 1=;HA= )t-=WT� Rd5WDM GARDEN GROVE,CA 92841-1432 DATE: /na TEL:(714)895-5494.FAX:(714)894-7501 PAGE: 1 OF 1 LABORATORY CLIENT: Jaco Oil Company/RAM Environmental ADDRESS: Jaco soil sampling. 200370 2115 20th Street PROJECT CONTACT: QUOTE NO.: CITY:Bakersfield, CA 93301 jmcnaboe @ram-env.com Jane McNaboe SAMP R(S):(SI NATURE) TEL: FAX E-MAIL 661 324-6152 661 324-6172 IQ TURNAROUND TIME E]SAME DAY ❑ 24 HR [] 48HR E] 72 HR ® 5 DAYS E] 10 DAYS REQUE ED ANALYSIS SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS(ADDITIONAL COSTS MAY APPLY) ❑ RWQCB REPORTING ❑ ARCHIVE SAMPLES UNTIL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Please send results via email to Jane McNaboe. Please bill Jaco Oil. e CD A-AS � c LOCATION/ SAMPLING +. K °rn SAMPLE ID _ _ bNLlf DESCRIPTION DATE TIME + e01 H m F ' 1-20"S under product pipelin 05 106108 0950 Soil 1 x x x x 2-9"C under product pipelin 05106/08 1005 Soil 1 x x x x 3-21"N under product pipelin( 05/06/08 1025 Soil 1 x x x x Relinquished by: nature) Received by:(Signature) Date: Time: CN E-7 Relinquishe by: Ignature) V Received by:(Signature) Da e: Ti t• � Relinquished by:(Signature) Received by:(Signature) D e: Time. (D O O h N O ' Page 20 of 20 . . , "ardal WORK ORDER #: 08 -.. it ?�rra � � Cooler of 1 AURW SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM 1 CLIENT: 70- , DATE: ' TEMPERATURE — SAMPLES RECEIVED BY: CALSCIENCE COURIER: LABORATORY (Other than Calscience Courier): Chilled, cooler with temperature blank provided. °C Temperature blank. ' Chilled,cooler without temperature blank. °C IR thermometer. Chilled and placed in cooler with wet ice. Ambient temperature. ' Ambient and placed in cooler with wet ice. Ambient temperature. ' -C Temperature blank. Initial: CUSTODY SEAL INTACT: ' Sample(s): Cooler: No(Not Intact) : Not Present: �- Initial: ' SAMPLE CONDITION: Yes No N/A ' Chain-Of-Custody document(s)received with samples......................... .. .... ... ... . Sampler's name indicated on COC................................................. ... .... ' Sample container label(s)consistent with custody papers..................... ..... Sample container(s)intact and good condition................................... . Correct containers and volume for analyses requested....................... ... .... ... .... ' Proper preservation noted on sample label(s)..................................... ... .... ... .... VOA vial(s)free of headspace. ....................................................... ... .... ....... ' Tedlar bag(s)free of condensation................................................... . ... . Initi COMMENTS: 1 1 1 1 1 Appendix E ' Site Photographs 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' Jaco Oil Company Fastrip,Mount Vernon Avenue,Bakersfield ' May 2008 Photo 1 View of the southwest corner of the service a station. May 6, 2008 LNr- Photo 2 1 � View to the north of the trench made to replace the piping. , May 6, 20 08 1.• 1. _ Photo 3. Closer view of the piping ' ► �, f''� "'� trench; the soils removed from the piping trench are t� clean. May 6, 2008 ++ y '` 1 ' RA2000_08\370_site photos appendix E.doc B E R S F I E D FIRE ARrM r 446* June 17, 2008 Roy Sanders JACO Oil Company Ronald J. Fraze 3101 State Road Fire Chief Bakersfield, Ca 93308 Gary Hutton RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at 3501 Tyler Hartley Mount Vernon Ave, Bakersfield, Ca. Permit# MD 0407 ' Douglas Greener Deputy Chiefs Dear Roy Saunders: Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your facility, this office has determined that the extent of the contamination plume, associated with sample HOWARD H.WINES,III 1-20"S (the southern most bore sample), has.not been adequately defined. DIRECTOR This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and PREVENTION Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations) that SERVICES further assessment be done to define the vertical and horizontal extent of the 1501 Truxtun Ave., 0 Floor contamination plume. Bakersfield,CA 93301 VOICE: (661)326-3979 Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, within 30 days from FAX: (661)852-2171 receipt of this letter. The work plan should follow guidelines found in: Appendix A- Reports. Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites; April 16, 2004. Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a rate of$112.00 per hour. If you have any questions, please call me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Craig Perkins REA-1 Fire Prevention / Environmental Officer CC: M. Jane Ellis-McNaboe, RAM Environmental C� i R"ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. 2115 Twentieth Street Bakersfield, California 93301 / (661) 3 24-6152, FAX (661) 324-6172 ° LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Subject: Soil Sampling Report located at 3501 Mount Date: 06/02/08 Vernon Avenue, Bakersfield, Ca. Send Vla: Courier X As Requested Attn: Mr. Roy Saunders X Review X Your Information Approval Address: JACO Oil Company Return 3101 State Road Bakersfield, CA 93308 Project#200370 Items Enclosed: One copy of the Soil Sampling Report Comments: RAM is pleased to provide the enclosed Report. If you have any questions, you may reach me at (661) 324-6152. Respectfully, r Rena' H blin Office Manager Cc: ;Mr. Ho" and Wines, Bakersfield Fire Department_Courier ) 2000 08 370 JACO 3501 Mount Vernon FD - 14870 Cust.Type&Number Miscellaneous.Receivables Adjustment 7/28/2008 Date New Account Address Change Manar Haddad Close Account Requested By Finance Charge Other Adjustment X HOPPER PROPERTIES L P Customer Name 3000 MALL VIEW ROAD SUITE 1014 Mailing Address BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 City State Zipcode SAME Site Address Parcel Number(if applicable) Charge Charge Adjustment Date Code Amount 6/17/2008 FDO01 -224.00 R TOTAL: -$224.00 1 REMARKS: Please reverse this charge as the referenced billed location is handled through another division than HOPPER PROPERTIES L P.The char es will be posted to the correct division Jamieson Hill HTE#85311). See attached Approved By S:A-MANARWdjFormBIank.XLS � v�g��?�R�'tfst x,� x w 1�'A bcrxsz^rY er3 Customer/Account, I(MRN2U.O1� M+ 7.,rn-: �l�s''°'t•r",�#i�3 r �,+ ',,. aK.k"WSke K 74e- +�.�,x.Spp1k�.5r ,t,�¢ "3'`a''Ix i si•.. ro °r.'s;'^i >e�!.p� •s1 x ,s N Etvy,: s 'ti'4g1gT 'tlzfn ct+''xt'"+: i y Ate F '*d rr " n4t��. �-uuu � In��' . s.�➢.. ...�rs r+t�,,.'�'°rta'`' Stll/OpgD PU8LIG5ECTCNt 9• I�yR I Navilmo + r.' I � s t. rt �• ,. ✓ .: � 't v CustomerID 85311 1 ($►Balance Detail r, Customer7ype ;r, T� Billing Criteria -M Delinquent Noke ` Customer ID/Status 85321?:/Active ' f.' Alloy cost charge break No M.invoicelnquuy Name ' JANIESON FALL Fy Cash only No` -M'Miscelianeouslnto Name type Coapany Bank draft Noa t.,r Customer type FIRE HAZ MAT IWPECTIO Tax exempt,/Exenptaon number Na Address line one P 0 BOX 82515 Exclude penalties Use customer aypa SAddre ss l>ne tvo Exclude finance charges Use customer'type��? r a, w �Related Customer types tx � `Customer Balance � Customer"h Type a` De3criptiony f Current OO ' t, Name ( Pending Dd E. Previous OD � � JAPIIESON HILL � '� � , FiPE HAZ NAT Deposit ` 00 � r ` � tl i t• q _ I " Locagons � 'i Location ' i Dascnprion o v NO reCO rd3 a%13t i t it t %Previous cost x �1 NeM cuslome { �ats�Ac�uMinquiry rt � y0thertasks i'6? b tlon;or tunCtionPnot,eurren available "� _.ze h t .. a �( W^ q , S. KE, i.`„YraA� .�i......i "ukT*as 'n,` '�`�{`"^i.�. w"u �"hi"'ry"`4"a• r +` "" ,� ; rKt ,e':_rf4, tCustolner./Account:*�II � NZ��I� 4:' NF i Ord e �5� � � nµs �rf uw :byga; i5rsy MO � skpA�wn q .�,`'t k,��"t� r,`!J ar :g ns b� ►y d a� c� �rJ n aw Customer ID 14070 4 . Customer Type Billing Criteria 1 -•J alanceiDetad i ,r .t f -+ � I : i �� ®Delinquent Notice I ' Omer IO%!Status ;`, 14870/Active } " Aitov:cost charge break No ¢' l,I. ®.Invoice Inquiry HOPPER'PROPERTIES L P Cash only 4 No ['miscellaneous Info r type �. '� Coopany -., Bank_draft No }x Omer type FIFE HAZ NAT INSPECTIONS Tax exempt /Exemption nymber Use customer typ r. ess hne;one 31D1 STATE f�AD Exclude penalties Use customertyp�a hne;tvo FiE Fastrip 773 3501 Mt VernoF Exclude financeScharges Use customer typ Related Customer types 2, Customer Balance sf Type Description' Statc Current f 224 00 '- Pending r a 00 h7, i WATER AVAILABILITY M P W FIRE HAZ NAT INSPECTIONS A x, s stmcn'3tateinents Processed tIC�ip ► F � 4 +�l,Exm! r �„' PtefA011S CUSI t:4 S t s i f � � nb: r srr � + `mss -r' -• I t S Next CUSleme I ,'Account lnqurN " r N t y �" r t r a rdf r ri ,� �l• P' r i ffz� x " ;rTr r s,�is Olhet tasks 4+."f .,a. 'r w � ,. y..'..NI�,� _- _ w � ':� i -. r :� ► Page 1 of 1 Manar Haddad-Address changes From: Linda Isle To: "'mhaddad @bakersfieldfire.us"' Date: 7/28/2008 9:20 AM Subject: Address changes Hi Manar, (I hope I spelled your name correctly?M) I pulled my file for the Haz mat invoices and all the invoices are currently showing the current P.O. Box. So, the 14870 invoice is the only one that needs to be corrected. I did check on this particular invoice and Hopper Properties has never had anything to do with this location. It has been Jamieson/Hill since the 1970's! So, I don't know how Hopper ever was ever associated with this location. Whatever, as long as you correct it, we are fine. Thanks so much for all your help. 2T:anf you Linda S. Isfe Speciafftects Coordinator V Co OIL COQ TIV, y Direa Line 661-633-7531 Wain Line 661-393-7000 Ta.Z9V-um6er 661-393-4466 file:HC:\Documents and Settings\mhaddad\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\488D8F7000... 7/28/2008 JACO OIL COMPANY - 1 FASTRIP SELF-SERVE GAS ; STATION & CONVENIENCE STORE 3501 MT. VERNON AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. t SITE INVESTIGATION -- WORKPLAN � � x i PROJECT # 200370 JULY, 2008 rZ4,; ;., ENVIRONMENTAL _ ENGINEERING +C+ z - t:. SERVICES, INC. 2115 201h Street • Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-6152 • FAX (661) 324-6172 1 r r ' SITE INVESTIGATION WORKPLAN r Fastrip 3501 Mount Vernon Avenue Bakersfield,California r Prepared for: rJACO OIL COMPANY r 1 RAM Environmental Engineering Service,Inc. Project#200370 QA/QC A 1 1 1 R"ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. 2115 Twentieth Street Bakersfield, California 93301 (661) 324-6152, FAX (661) 324-6172 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Subject: Site Investigation Workplan located at 3501 Mount Date: 07/18/08 Vernon Avenue, Bakersfield, Ca. Send Via: Mail X As Requested. Attn: Mr. Roy Saunders X Review X Your Information Approval Address: JACO Oil Company Return 3101 State Road Bakersfield, CA 93308 Project#200370 Items Enclosed.- One copy of the Site Investigation Workplan Report Comments: RAM is pleased to provide the enclosed Report. If you have any questions, you may reach me at (661) 324-6152. Respectfully, 1 Rena' flamblin Office Manager Cc: Mr. Howard Wines, Bakersfield Fire Department - Mail 2000_08_370_JACO_3501 Mount Vernon ' TABLE L OF CONTENTS I1.0 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................:.......2 1.1 RESPONSIBLE PARTY/CONTACT INFORMATION..................................................................2 1.2 SITE HISTORY..............................................:.......................................................................3 2.0 INVESTIGATION PURPOSE AND SCOPE..............................................................................4 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION.....................................................................................................................4 3.1 SITE DESCRIPTION......................................................................................:........................4 4.0 TOPOGRAPHY,GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY..........................................................4 4.1 TOPOGRAPHY..........................................................:...............:...........................................4 4.2 GEOLOGY............................................................................................................................5 4.3 HYDROGEOLOGY.................................................................................................................5 4.4 PAST LEAK, 1994.................................................................................................................5 4.5 PUBLIC DRINKING WATER-WELLS........................................................................................5 5.0 QUANTITY OF CONTAMINANT RELEASED........................................................:...............6 6.0 STRATEGY AND PROCEDURES FOR SITE INVESTIGATION..........................................6 6.1 SAMPLE COLLECTION..........................................................................................................6 6.2 ANALYTICAL METHODS.............................................::.......................................................7 6.3 BORING CLOSURE...............................................................................................................7 6.4 WORK SCHEDULE................................................................................................................7 7.0 WASTE MANAGEMENT.............................................................................................................7 8.0 LEWTATIONS...............................................................................................................................8 ' 9.0 REFERENCES......................................................... ...... .. ..9 10.0 SIGNATURE PAGE................................................................................:....................................10 FIGURES ' . Figure 1 Area Map Figure 2 Proposed Boring Locations ' TABLES Table 1 Summary of Preliminary Soil Sample Analysis ' ATTACHMENTS Attachment A BFD Correspondence Attachment B Laboratory Report for Soils Attachment.C Health and Safety Plan Attachment D Soil Sampling Plan 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue,Bakersfield RAM Environmental Engineering,Inc. Project#200370 Site Investigation Workplan ' July 2008 WORKPLAN FOR SITE INVESTIGATION FASTRIP#773,3501 Mt.VERNON AVENUE,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION RAM Environmental Engineering, Inc. (RAM) is pleased to present this Site Investigation Workplan'for the JACO OIL owned Fastrip (# 773) self-serve gas station and convenience store. This gas station is located at 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue, ' Bakersfield, California (Site), (see Figure 1 for an Area Map and Figure 2 for a Plot Plan of the Site). 1 A letter from the Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services(BFD) dated June 17, 2008 requested a work plan for further definition of a plume below one end of the former piping that had been replaced (see Appendix A for copies of regulatory ' correspondence). Soil samples were collected from beneath piping that was being replaced on May 6,2008, ' analytical results of these samples showed'that soil 20 inches below the south end of the piping was impacted with hydrocarbons. A report summarizing the soil sampling and analytical results was submitted to the Bakersfield Fire Department(BFD), Prevention Services Division for review. .Based on their review, the BFD issued a letter on June 17, 2008 (see Attachment A—BFD Correspondence), which requested a workplan for ' further investigation of soils beneath the pipe. RAM proposes to advance two borings at the site, using a Hollow-stem auger, to evaluate the vertical and horizontal extent of the petroleum impacted soils. Soil samples will be collected at 5-foot intervals..Selected soil samples will be analyzed by a California state certified laboratory for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg); Benzene, ' Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes (BTEX); and fuel oxygenates. This Site Investigation Workplan follows the guidelines presented in ' Appendix A Reports, Tri-Regional Board Staff Recommendations For Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation of Underground Tank Site (April-2004). 1.1 Responsible Party/Contact Information The responsible party for the Site is JACO OIL. The company contact person is Mr. Roy Saunders, 3101 State Rd., Bakersfield, California, telephone (661) 428- ' 5761, FAX (661) 393'-8738. The consultant contact is RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc., Richard Casagrande or Jane McNaboe, 2115 20th Street, Bakersfield;California, 93301,ielephone (661) 324-6152, FAX (661) 324- ' 6172. R:\2000_08\370_S1_Workplan_3501 Mt.Vemon Ave.doc 2 3501 Mt.Vernon on Aven u e, Bakersfield Environmental RAM Engineering,I nc. Project#200370 Site Investigation Workplan ' July 2008 1.2 Site History On May 6, 2008 RAM Environmental Engineering Services,Inc. (RAM) conducted soil sampling at the Fastrip market and gas station located at 3501 Mt. Vernon, Bakersfield, California'(Site), as noted in Figure 1,Area Map. Soil ' samples were taken from beneath piping that was being replaced. The sampling was conducted to assess the potential presence of petroleum hydrocarbons in soils beneath former piping at the station as the equipment was modified under Bakersfield Fire Department(BFD)Permit to Modify Underground Storage Facility,permit number MD0407. ' An excavation was developed to expose and replace piping leading from the USTs to the dispenser islands, as shown on Figure 2,Proposed Borings. The underlying soils were sands,clays and gravels. Soil samples were taken under the ' direction of BFD from below the former piping at the ends and'in the center of the piping run. The soil samples were collected from between 9.inches and 20 inches below the excavation. It_was not possible to obtain deeper samples due to the ' gravel in the soil. A summary of soil sample analytical results is presented in Table 1 following the text, and on Figure 2,Proposed Borings. Complete analytical reports are included in Attachment B. ' In the soil sample collected from below the south end of the piping, hydrocarbons ' were detected as follows. Sample 1-20"S Soil sample 1-20" S; collected from 20 inches below the south end of the piping contained significant concentrations.of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes and TPH-g. The key points of this sample's analytical results are: r • the concentration of benzene in the soil, 1,600 µg/Kg, exceeds the PRG for industrial soil of 1,400 µg/Kg, and the LUFT value of 1,000 µg/Kg (l ' mg/Kg), • the concentrations of toluene,ethylbenzene, and xylenes exceed the LUFT values but do not exceed the PRG's,'and • the concentration of TPH-g exceeds the LUFT value. No PRG value has been established for gasoline. 1 R:\2000_08\370_SI_workplan_3501 Mt.Vemon Ave.doc 3 3501 Mt.Vernon Avenue,Bakersfield RAM Environmental Engineering,Inc. Project#200370 Site Investigation Workplan ' July 2008 2.0 INVESTIGATION PURPOSE AND SCOPE The objective of the proposed Site Investigation is to: • define.the vertical and horizontal extent of hydrocarbon impacted soils within the proximity of the known pipe Jeak; • obtain certified analytical data on hydrocarbon concentrations in soil samples; 1 • if groundwater is encountered, collect grab samples for analysis of potential impacts from the fuel leak; ' • evaluate the Site Investigation results to determine if further investigation or remediation'is necessary; and • present the findings of the Site Investigation and recommendations to the BFD. To meet these objectives;the Site Investigation will include the following tasks: • obtain BFD approval of this Workplan and attached Health and Safety Plan ' (Attachment C); • sample soils at five-foot intervals from two borings drilled with a hollow-stem auger to evaluate the extent of hydrocarbon containing soils at the Site; ' • record soil characteristics and field PID measurements in field boring logs; • analyze selected soil samples for TPH-g, BTEX; and fuel oxygenates; • evaluate findings of the investigation; and • report Site Investigation results, evaluations, and recommendations for further action to BFD. ' 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 3.1 Site Description Currently, the Jaco Owned Fastrip mini-market and self-serve gas station operate on the Site. The gas station distributes gasoline from 2 dispenser islands with 2 dispensers per island and;3 underground storage tanks(USTs), consisting of one 12,000-gallon regular unleaded gasoline, one 12,000-gallon premium gasoline, and one 12,000-gallon diesel UST. The service station is located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Mt. Vernon Avenue and University Avenue in Bakersfield, California. Adjacent to the service station to the south is a residential area, and to the north east and west are parking areas associated with the adjacent ' Bakersfield College. 4.0 TOPOGRAPHY,GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY 4.1 Topography The Site is at an elevation of approximately 700-feet above sea level. The ' topography slopes moderately to the southwest (see Figure 1—Area Map). 1 ' RA2000_08\370_S1_Workp1an_3501 Mt.Vemon Ave.doc 4 ' 3501 Mt.Vernon Avenue Bakersfield RAM Environmental Engineering,Inc. , Project#200370 Site Investigation Workplan July 2008 4.2 Geology ' The Site is located in the San Joaquin Valley, which is the southern portion of the Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley is a large alluvial plain approximately 50-miles wide and 400-miles long; it is a trough in which ' sediments have been deposited almost continuously since the Jurassic (about 160 million years ago).. Granitic and metamorphic rocks outcrop along most of the eastern and southeastern flanks of the Great Valley, while marine rocks of pre- ' Tertiary age outcrop along most of the western flank. The post-Eocene-aged continental rocks and deposits in the valley trough contain most of the fresh ground water.and are underlain by or contain saline water at depth in most places. ' They range in thickness from zero along the flanks of the Great Valley to more than 15,000 feet in the extreme southern.part; where the base of the fresh water lies at a maximum depth of about 4,700 feet. The uppermost sedimentary units in ' the vicinity of the Site are Quaternary, Recent fan deposits. Groundwater within the southern San Joaquin Valley is derived from rivers ' flowing from the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the east. The closest river to the Site is the Kern River located approximately 4,700 feet to the northwest. ' 4.3 Hydrogeology There are no surface waters in the immediate Site area. The regional unconfined groundwater at the Site is at approximately 480 feet below ground service (bgs); ' the groundwater flows to the north (KCWA 2004). 4.4 Past leak, 1994 A survey of Leaky Underground Fuel Tank(LUFT) sites in the area on the California State Water Resources web site "GeoTracker" shows that a leak was discovered at the Site in 1994. According to Mr. Craig Perkins of the BFD,the leak was a"non-petroleum spill". The case was closed in 1995. 4.5 Public drinking water wells The Kern County Water Agency map of Water Wells and Spreading Areas (April 2004, Plate 3) shows no water wells in the Site vicinity. 1 ' RA2000_08\370_Sl_Workplan_3501 Mt.Vernon Ave.doc 5 ' 3501 Mt.Vernon Avenue,Bakersfield RAM Environmental Engineering, Inc. Project#200370 Site Investigation Workplan ' July 2008 ' 5.0 QUANTITY.OF CONTAMINANT RELEASED The quantity of contaminant released is unknown. 6.0 STRATEGY AND'PROCEDURES FOR SITE INVESTIGATION The goal of this site investigation will be to develop one boring as close as possible to the impacted soils below the piping, and a second boring to the south of the first boring. As ' the leak from the piping is located above the underground tanks, it will not be possible to develop a boring in the same location of the preliminary soil samples. ' Soil samples will be collected at five foot intervals progressing vertically below any hydrocarbon impacted soil encountered until two consecutive soil samples have been collected that show no signs of hydrocarbon impacts. Prior to any intrusive methods being conducted at the Site, USA of Northern California will be utilized to map out-the underground utilities at the Site. Based on the clearances ' obtained, RAM will site the soil borings in safe locations. 6.1 Sample Collection ' To assess the vertical.extent and horizontal extent of impacted soil RAM will advance two (2) soil borings (borings B-1 through B-2) with a hollow-stem auger. The borings will be hand augered to a depth of 5 feet before advancing the ' hollow-stem auger. Boring B-1 will be located as close as possible to the known hydrocarbon impacted soil (see Figure 2—Proposed Borings). All borings will ' be deepened to 10 feet below the lowest field detectable volatile organic compounds(VOCs)and/or visible staining, or to the depth of the groundwater, if encountered, or until drilling refusal is encountered. A PID model Photovac ' 2020, 10.6 eV UV lamp will be used to test for the presence of VOCs. Soil samples will be collected at 5 foot intervals, beginning at 5 feet below ground I surface (bgs), the soil samples will be field screened with a PID, and described by a State of California Registered Geologist. A lithologic log of each soil boring will be generated. Soils will be described and classified according to the Unified ' Soils Classification System (USCS); observations of soil staining or discoloration will be included on the lithologic log. Soil sampling will proceed according to the soil sampling plan (Attachment D). Groundwater is not expected to be ' encountered. 1 1 R:\2000_08\370_SI_workplan_3501 Mt.Vernon Ave.doc 6 ' 3501 Mt.Vernon Avenue Bakersfield RAM Environmental En Engineering,g g, Inc. . Project#200370 Site Investigation Workplan ' July 2008 ' 6.2 Analytical Methods Soil samples will be handled according to RAM's Soil Sampling Plan, which is included in Attachment D. The samples will be labeled, stored in an ice cooler 1 cooled with blue ice and then transported to CalScience Laboratory at the end of the working day. The soils-.will be analyzed as follows: ' • Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g, carbon range C 6- C 10) by EPA Method 8015M, ' • Total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH-d, carbon range C 10- C 28) by EPA Method 8015M, ' Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl-benzene and Xylene (BTEX) by EPA Method 8260B, and • Oxygenates, t-Butanol (TBA)Tert-Buryl Alcohol, Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE), Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE), Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE), Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME);by EPA Method 8260B. 1 6.3 Boring Closure ' When the total depth of the boring is reached, as determined in the field from observations, bentonite pellets will be placed in the boring and hydrated. The surface will be compacted and covered with cement or asphalt to match existing ' grade. .6.4 Work Schedule The Site Investigation will begin within 45 days after the workplan has been accepted by BFD, and after all permits are obtained. Jaco prefers to schedule the work at the same time as the work to be conducted at the Howard's mini-mart on Planz Road. BFD will be notified approximately 48 hours before fieldwork commences. A Site Investigation Report will be submitted to BFD approximately 45 days after completion of the Site Investigation and receipt of analytical data. 7.0 WASTE MANAGEMENT Drill cuttings (soil) generated by drilling soil borings will be placed in labeled.drums and left on-site. The drum contents will be properly disposed of after soils laboratory analyses have been received, and the waste has-been profiled. ' R:\2000_08\370_SI_Workplan}501 Mt.Vemon Ave.doc 7 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue,Bakersfield RAM Environmental Engineering, Inc. Project#200370 Site Investigation Workplan July 2008 ' 8.0 LUVHTATIONS RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. has prepared this Workplan, for the ' exclusive use of Jaco Oil Company as it pertains to the property located at 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue, in Bakersfield, California. Our professional services have been performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by other professionals practicing in this field. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the professional advice in the Report. Any use of or reliance on this Report by a third party shall be at such party's sole risk. ' RAM assumes no responsibility for site conditions or activities that were outside the P Y scope of the inquiry requested by Jaco-Oil Company. It is recognized that regulatory requirements may change,*including the revision of accepted action levels, which could necessitate a review of the discussion, findings, recommendations or opinions of the Report. 1 ' RA2000_08\370_S]_Workplan_3501 Mt.Vemon Ave.doc 8 ' 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue,Bakersfield RAM Environmental Engineering,Inc. Project#200370 Site Investigation Workplan July 2008 9.0 REFERENCES 1 Department of Water Resources (DWR), 1975, California's Ground Water, DWR Bulletin No. 118 1 Kern County Water Agency, 2003 Report on Water Conditions, April 1, 2004. Kern County Environmental Health Services Department. Handbook U.T. 50, Ground- ' Water and Vadose Zone Monitoring, Revised February 1993. Appendix A—Reports Tri-Regional Board Staff, Recommendations for Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation of Underground Tank Sites(April 2004). R:\2000_08\370_SI_Workplan_3501 Mt.Vemon Ave.doc 9 3501 Mt.Vernon Avenue,Bakersfield RAM Environmental Engineering,Inc. Project#200370 Site Investigation Workplan ' July-2008 10.0 SIGNATURE PAGE This Site Investigation Workplan prepared for Jaco Oil Company, dated July 2008, was prepared by RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. under the responsible charge of the following professionals: G� .-----.o. M. e Ellis-McNaboe, PG Project Manager 4 27 Pro 1 g QF CA ° :r .; No.3361 Richard M. Casagrande, S , ' l o President 1 ' R:\2000_08\370_SI_workplan_3501 Mt.Vernon Ave.doc 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FIGURES 1 1 1 c 0 XMap®4.5 e� 161a MY fff �t,F I,.� `Q\,f% '��l � �p°`:•° �Y��tf��• \»`� to�•°i .^'�" ,;; / � 1 /I�a G\ •mil �?'-\�.r, ° °O°F �' $»�° \ :..,Yn` r° ° r l ° °.P�: ..��;Tji`ie^Y� ,• 1..:,-.,.\ ..�,.�IVE _ "OtF: C��°i j, `� 1. . ilswricc wngma ° o � ` I•' lam, . �..' /� i/ °V 1 �t_..,—+ -•�t 1° I ,•�y` ;ij _.. �•~ L�lj '.�\�•,�6 (.� � �n��`~�t1 V�L-� `r! I 8 } FASTRIP tB li / . 14 (r n 1 f: coat •., 7 - I� 1 1 Data use subject to license. * 8 1 ©2004 DeLorrne.XMap®4.5. ly( 0 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 www.delorme.com MN(0.0-W) Data Zoom 13-0 1 JACO OIL COMPANY FIGURE 1 RAM ENVIRONMENTAL JULY 2008 AREA MAP ENGINEERING SERVICES, Project#200370 INC. 1 SITE INVESTIGATION 3501 MOUNT VERNON AVENUE 2115 201h STREET 1 WORKPLAN BAKERSFIELD,CA BAKERSFIELD,CA. ' R:\2000_08\370—FIGURE I AREA MAP SI workpian.doc er v Fastrip, 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue _ _ _ _ _ _ T , _ L L a� Canopy Market Building Legend o Address Points N' Roads I I I�' - _---' _ - �j ' �Arterial Preliminary Analytical Collector Results Highway Local — 3501 / Ramp Sam le T H /T P d 3-2 "NJ ND/ND unpaved Ar�- County of Kem Sample TPH /TPHd - � 2-9"C 1.6/110* C Assessment Parcels Aerial Photography 2006 B-2 Sample TPH /TPHd 1' y 1-20"S 1,700/61 UMVERS W AV 0 38 76 _ y Z 51 F'Oef LEGEND SITE INVESTIGATION RASA Sample ID Concentration of TPHg/TPHd-mg/Kg Preliminary soil sample locations, WORKPLAN ENVIRONMENTAL 1-20"S 11.6/110* below pipeline JACO OIL COMPANY ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. * The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH does not { Proposed boring locations FASTRIP# 773 match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. �"B-1 Proposed boring number 3501 Mt. Vernon Avenue lFIG�J]fSIE 2 -P][8®P®SlE1(D B®lL�l�1�S 2008 370_Jwo Mt.Vernon sample Imationsm i i � TABLE i i TABLE 1 LABORATORY RESULTS PRELIMINARY SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSIS- 3501 Mount Vernon Avenue,Bakersfield Ethyl m, p, & o Sample Depth PID Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes MTBE TBA DIPE ETBE TAME TPH-g TPH-d Number- Inches reading Depth bgs ug/Kg mg/Kg 1-20"S 10 0.0 1,600 76,000. 12,000 76,000 <120 <1200 <250 <250 <250 1,700 61* 2-9"C 15 0.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <50 <10 <10 <10 1.6 110* 3-21"N 20 0.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 -<5.0 <5.0 <50 <10 <10 <10 <0.50 <5.0* PRG's 1,400 520,000 400,000 420,000 70,000 No PRG value establised LUFT Values 1,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 I No LUFT Value established 1,000 10,000 <0.05 —compound was not detected in the sample extract at the laboratory practical quantitation limit shown. mg/Kg—milligrams per kilogram ug/Kg - micrograms per kilogram 1,700 -The sample results exceed a regulatory value. * -The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH does not match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. Quantitation of the unknown hydrocarbon(s) in the sample was based upon the specified standard. Inches bgs— inches below ground surface PRG's - Preliminary Remediation Goals, Industrial Soil. EPA Region 9, PRG Table Version 3, 2004. ug/Kg. Notes: 1. LUFT Values: Standards set by the State for protection of groundwater(LUFT Manual, October 1989), based on groundwater more than 100 feet below the sample depth. RA2000_08\370_SI workplan lab results table.xlsSheetl ■ 1 Attachment A ' COPY of BFD CORRESPONDENCE 1 f 1 I 1 J1D B E F ' June 17, 2008 ' Roy Sanders JACO Oil Company Ronald J. Froze 3101 State-Road ' Fire Chief Bakersfield, Ca 93308 Gary Hutton RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at 3501 ' Tyler Hartley Mount Vernon Ave, Bakersfield, Ca. Permit# MD 0407 Douglas Greener Deputy Chiefs ' Dear Roy Saunders: • Upon review of the.recently submitted laboratory results from your facility, this office has determined that the extent of the contamination plume, associated with sample HOWARD H.WINES,III 1-20"S (the southern most bore sample), has not been adequately defined. ' DIRECTOR This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California. Health and PREVENTION Safety Code and Chapter 16,Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations) that ' SERVICES further assessment be done to define the vertical and horizontal extent of the 1501 Truxtun Ave., I"Floor contamination plume. Bakersfield,CA 93301 ' VOICE: (661)326-3979 Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, within 30 days from FAX: (661)852-2171 receipt of this letter. The work plan should follow guidelines found in: Aaaendix A- Reports. Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites;April 16, 2004. ' Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a rate of$112.00 per hour. ' If you have any questions, please call me at(661) 326-3979. ' Sincerely, ' Craig Perkins REA-1 Fire Prevention /Environmental Officer CC: M. Jane Ellis-McNaboe RAM Environmental ental o t • 1 1 Attachment B 1 LABORATORY REPORT for SOILS Preliminary Soil Samples 1 �i 1 1 Page 1 of 20 alscience Z nvironmental AL aboratories, Inc. ' May 13, 2008 ' Jane McNaboe RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. 2115 20th Street ' Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 ' Subject: Calscience Work Order No.: 08-05-0685 Client Reference: Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 ' Dear Client: Enclosed is an analytical report for the above-referenced project. The samples ' included in this report were received 5/7/2008 and analyzed in accordance with the attached chain-of-custody. ' Unless otherwise noted, all analytical testing was accomplished in accordance with the guidelines established in our Quality Systems Manual, applicable standard operating procedures, and other related documentation. The original report of ' subcontracted analysis, if any, is provided herein, and follows the standard Calscience data package. The results in this analytical report are limited to the samples tested and any reproduction thereof must be made in its entirety. ' If you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned: Sincerely, ' Calscience Environmental ' Laboratories, Inc. Don Burley Project Manager CA-FLAP ID: 1230 NELAP ID: 03220CA CSDLAC ID: 10109 SCAQMD ID: 93LA0830 ' 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 • TEL:(714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 ' Page 2 of 20 =� alscience ==nvironmental Analytical Report aboratories, Inc. a ' RAM Environmental Engineering Services Inc. Date Received: 05/07/08 9 9 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 ' Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 3550B Method: EPA 8015B (M) ' Project: Jaco Soil Sampling /-200370 Page 1 of 2 Lab Sample Date/Time Date Date/Time ' Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID 1-20"S 08-0 5-0685-1-A 05/06/08 Solid GC 45 05/09/08 05/10/08 080509B13 09:50 02;05 Comment(sl: -The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH does not match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. Quantitation ' of the unknown hydrocarbons)in the sample was based upon the specified standard. Paramete r esul RL DF, Qu ll Uni TPH as Diesel 61 5.0 1 mg/kg ' Surrogates: REC(%l Control Limits Cfual Decachlorobiphenyl 73 61-145 ' 2-9'C 08-0"685-2-A 05/06/08 Solid Gc 45 05/09/08 05/,1 6 080508873 . _010 10:05 ' Comment(sl: -The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH does not match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. Quantitation of the unknown hydrocarbon(s)in the sample was based upon the specked standard. Paramete r Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Diesel 110 5.0 1 mg/kg Sur gates: REC M Control Limits Qu l Decachlorobiphenyl 83 61-145 ' 3-21"N 08-05-0685-4A 05106108 Solid GC 45 05/09/08 05/20/08 086509813 '110.25'. • .3i ' Parameter Result RL PIE Qual Units TPH as Diesel ND 5.0 1 mg/kg ' Surrogates: REC(%l Control Limits (Dual Decachlorobiphenyl 75 61-145 1 . ' RL-Reporting Limit DF-Dilution Factor Qual-Qualifiers ' 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 TEL:(714) 895-5494 FAX: (714) 894-7501 Page 3 of 20 alscience nvironmental Analytical Report 1 aboratories, Inc. ' RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date.Received: 05/07/08 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 1 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 3550B. Method: EPA 8015B (M) ' Project: Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 Page 2 of 2 Lab Sample DateMme Date Date rime Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID ,flAethod:Blank 099'12-275-1,738 k/A Solid GC 45- 05/09/08 05/09108 080509B13 18:51 Parameter Bit. RL Qual Unk TPH as Diesel ND 5.0 1 mg/kg ' Surr ates: REC M Control Limits Qual Decachlorobiphenyl 63 61-145 ' RL-Reporting Limit DF-Dilution Factor Qual-Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 TEL:(714) 895-5494 FAX: (714) 894-7501 i ' Page 4 of 20 alscience = nvironmental Analytical Report aboratories, Inc. e ' RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: 05/07/08 ' 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8015B (M) ' Project: Jaco Soil Sampling/200370 Page 1 of 2 Lab Sample Date/Time Date Daterrime ' Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID 1-20:-S 08-05-0685-1-A 05406108 Solid GC 18 05/12108 •05/12108. 080512602 '09:50 16:13 ' Paramete r Result RL DF Quai Uni s TPH as Gasoline 1700 500 1000 mg/kg ' Surrogates: REC(°kl Control Limits Qual 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene-Flo 79 42-126 ' 2-9''C, 0&.015-0666-24 =06108 Solid GC 18 05/09/08 05/10108 080609603 10,05 11 46 ' Paramete r Result RL DF CQual Units TPH as Gasoline 1.6 0.50 1 mg/kg Surrogates: REC(%) Control Limits Qual ' 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene-FID 77 42-126 t 3-21L"N 08-05=0685-3-A 05106/08 Solid GC 18 05/09/08 05110108 080509803 10:25 12 19 Paramete RgLuft RL DF Qual Units ' TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 1 mg/kg Surrogates: REC °° Control Limits Qual ' 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene-FID 76 42-126 Method Blank 099-12-279-1,739 N/A Solid GC 18 05/09/08 05/09/08 0805091303 ' 22:24• Parameter Res I RL DF Qual Units ' TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 1 mg/kg Surrogates: REC(%1 Control Limits Qu I ' 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene-FID 75 42-126 ' RL-Reporting Limit DF-Dilution Factor Qual-Qualifiers t7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 TEL:(714) 895-5494 FAX: (714) 894-7501 ' Page 5 of 20 �® alscience nvironmental Analytical Report E •. % L aboratories, Inc. ' RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: 05/07/08 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 ' Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 50308 Method: EPA 8015B (M) ' Project: Jaco Soil Sampling/200370 Page 2 of 2 Lab Sample Date/Time Date Datelrime ' Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID Method Blank 099-12-279-1,743 NIA Solid GC:18. :05112108 051,12108 2108 080512602 13:58 ' Parameter Re ul RL DF Qual Unita TPH as Gasoline ND 5.0 10 mg/kg ' Surrogates: REC(°kl Control Limits Quall 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene-Flo 77 42-126 1 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 ' RL-Reporting Limit DF-Dilution Factor Qual-Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 TEL:(714) 895-5494 FAX: (714) 894-7501 t ' Page 6 of 20 alscience nvironmental Analytical Report L aboratories, Inc. F` ' RAM Environmental Engineering Services Inc. Date Received: 05/07/08. 9 9 , 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 82608 Units: ug/kg ' Project: Jaco Soil:Sampling /200370 Page 1 of 2 Lab Sample Daterrime Date Daterrime ' Client Sample Number Number .Collected Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID F'20"S 08-05-0685-1-A, 05106108. Solid GC/MS VV 05/08108 05/68/08 080508L'02 09:50 16c36 ' Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter" Result RL DF Qual Benzene 1600 120 25 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 120 25 Ethylbenzene 12000 120 25 Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) ND 1206 25 Toluene 76000 1200 250 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND 250 25 p/m-Xylene 54000 1200 250 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND 250 25 o-Xylene 22000 120 25 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 250 25 Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qua[ Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits ' Dibromotuoromethane 90 73-139 1 2 Dichloroethane-d4 83 73-145 Toluene-dB 98 90-108 1 4 Bromofluorobenzene 90 71-113 06-05=0685-24 09/06/08 So Id ;GC/MS VV 05108/08 05/08108 080508L01; 10:05 17:01 ' Paramete r Result RL DF Qual Paramete Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 5.0 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 5.0 1 Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) ND 50 1 ' Toluene ND 5.0 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND 10 1 p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND 10 1 o-Xylene ND 5.0 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 10 1 Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual t LIKIlk Limits Dibromofluoromethane 93 73-139 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 89 73-145 Toluene-d8 96 90-108 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 93 71-113 10:25 17:26 3-21"N 08-05 0685-3-A, 05/06/08 Solid GUMS VV 05/08/08 05/08/08 080508L01 ' Parameter Result RL DF Qua( Paramete Rgm RL DF (Qualll Benzene ND 5.0 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 5.0 1 Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) ND 50 1 Toluene ND 5.0 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND 10 1 p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 1 Ethyi-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND 10 1 o-Xylene ND 5.0 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 10 1 ' Surrogates: REC Contra Qual Surrogates: REC!%) Contra g is Limits Limits Dibromotluoromethane 94 73-139 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 89 73-145 Toluene-d8 97 90-108 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 93 71-113 ' RL-Reporting Limit DF-Dilution Factor Qual-Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way; Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 TEL:(714)895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 ' Page 7 of 20 &;=#science 1 -nvironmental Analytical Report A ,�;.. ` aboratories, Inc. ' RA M Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: 05/07/08 ' 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 82608 ' Units: ug/kg Project: Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 Page 2 of 2 Lab Sample Date/Time Date Daterrime ' ' Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Instrument prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID [Method.ilahk 099407005-161009. NIA Solid 6C/MS W 05/08/08 05/08108 080508L•01 :13:41- ' Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Quai Benzene ND 5.0 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 5.0 1 Ethyibenzene ND 5.0 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) ND 50 1 Toluene ND 5.0 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND 10 1 ' p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 1 Ethyl4-,Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND 10 1 o-Xylene ND 5.0 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 10 1 Surroaates: REC Control Qual urr es: ER C(col Control ual Limits Limits ' Dibromofluoromethane 95 73-139 1 2 Dichloroethane-d4 92 73-145 Toluene-d8 95 90-108 14-Bromofluorobenzene 93 71113 ,.• =. Method Blank. 20 tN/A Solid GC/MS'.W 05/08/08 05/08/08 O-8i 050' 8LO2 099-10-005-16 0 13.16 ' Paramete Resu RL DFCual Param6te r Result DF Qual Benzene ND 120 25 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 120 25 Ethylbenzene ND 120 25 Tert-Butyl Alcohol.(TBA) ND 1200 25 ' Toluene ND 120 25 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND 250 25 p/m-Xylene ND 120 25 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND 250 25 o-Xylene ND Surrogates: REC 120 25 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 250 25 (%1 Control Q ual Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qua] Limits Limb Dibromofluoromethane 98 73-139 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 94 73-145 Toluene-d8 96 90-108 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 95 71-113 Method Blank 099-10-005-16,025 N/A ? Solid GC/MS VV,05/09/08 . 05109108 0805091L . Paramete r Result RL DF Qual Parameter Resul R DF Qual Benzene ND .120 25 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND 120 25 ' Ethylbenzene ND 120 25 Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) ND 1200 25 Toluene ND 120 25 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND 250 25 p/m-Xylene ND 120 25 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND 250 25 o-Xylene ND 120 25 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) ND 250 25 Surrogates: REC Control Clual Surrogates: ERC(%) Control Quall Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 100 73-139 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 101 73-145 Toluene-d8 97 90-108 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 103 71-113 ' RL-Reporting Limit DF-Dilution Factor Qual-Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 TEL:(714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 ' Page 8 of 20 �a alscience 1 — nvironmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate Y - 1 L aboratodes, Inc. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: 05/07/08 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 35508 Method: EPA 8015B (M) ' Proiect Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 Date Date MS/MSD Batch Quality Control Sample ID Matra Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number 0845-04745 Solid GC 45 05109108 05/09/08 080509S13 ' Parameter MS%REC MSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers ' TPH as Diesel 105 112 64-130 7 0-15 1 1 RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-.Control Limit 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 ' Page 9 of 20 alscience ' _nvironmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Du licate aborato' es, Inc. 1 RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: 05/07/08 ' 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 50306 Method: EPA 8015B (M) ' Project Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 Date Date MS/MSD Batch ' Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number 08705-0705-1 Solid GC 18 05109108 05/10 108 .086809S02 ' Parameter MS%REC MSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers ' TPH as Gasoline 75 78 48-114 4 0-23 1 ' RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-Control Limit 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 ' Page 10 of 20. �a alscience ' iir nvironmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Du licate aboratories, Inc. Y `` RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: 05/07/08 • , 2115 20th Street Work Order No: .08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 50308 Method: EPA 82608 Proiect Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 Date Date MS/MSD Batch ' Quality Control Sample ID Matra Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number 08-05-0629-8 Solid acims W 05/08/08;' 05108108 080508S01 ' Parameter MS%REC MSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers ' Benzene 83 87 79-115 5 0-13 Carbon Tetrachloride 84 88 55-139 5 0-15 Chlorobenzene 88 93 79-115 5 0-17 1,2-Dibromoethane 85 92 70-130 7 0-30 ' 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 87 95 63-123 9 0-23 1,1-Dichloroethene 74 78 69-123 6 0-16 Ethylbenzene 88 91 70-130 4 0-30 ' Toluene 88 92 79-115 5 0-15 Trichloroethene 88 92 66-144 5 0-14 Vinyl Chloride 77 81 60-126 4 0-14 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 82 92 68-128 12 0-14 ' Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) 46 54 44134 16 0-37 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) 79 86 75-123 9 0-12 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE), 81 91 75-117 11 0-12 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) 86 96 •79-115 10 0-12 Ethanol 71 79 42-138 11 0-28 ' RPD-Relative Percent Difference., CL-Control Limit 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714)895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 Page 11 of 20 &; alscience =„ nvironmental Quality Control- Spike/Spike Duplicate aboratories, Inc, s RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: 05/07/08 t 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 82608 ' Project Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 Date Date MS/MSD Batch Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number 08-05=0691-1 Solid Gc/MSYv 05/09/08 05109108. 080509S01 ' Parameter MS%REC MSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 88 88 79-115 0 0-13 Carbon Tetrachloride 85 84 55-139 0 0-15 Chlorobenzene 91 90 79-115 1 0-17 ' 1,2-Dibromoethane 90 91 70-130 1 0-30 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 92 94 63-123 . 2 0-23 1,1-Dichloroethene 84 83 69-123 1 0-16 Ethylbenzene 89 88 70-130 0 D-30 ' Toluene 89 90 79-115 1 0-15 Trichloroethene 87 86 66-144 2 0-14 Vinyl Chloride 91 89 60-126 2 D-14 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 94 97 68-128 2 0-14 ' Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) 59 96 44134 48 0-37 4 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) 95 95 75-123 0 0-12 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) 98 98 75-117 0 0-12 ' Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) 99 100 79-115 1 0-12 Ethanol 95 94 42-138 0 0-28 1 ' RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-Control Limit 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 ' Page 12 of 20 G=21=science 1 AC nvironmental Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate & aboratories; Inc: RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: N/A ' ' 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 3550B Method: EPA 8015B (M) Project: Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 ' Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch Quality Control Sample ID Matra Instrument Prepared Analyed Number 099-12-275-1,738 Solid GC 45 05/09/08 05/09/08 080509B13, Parameter LCS%REC LCSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers TPH as Diesel 95 92 75-123 3 0-12 1 1 ' ' RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-Control Limit 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714)895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 Page 13 of 20 alscience nvironmental -Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate L aboratories, Inc. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: N/A ' 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8015B (M) ' Project: Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 ' Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number 099-12-279,1,743 Solid GC 18 05/12108 05/12/08 080512B02 ' Parameter LCS%REC LCSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers TPH as Gasoline 90 94 70-124 4 0-18 1 1 RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-Control Limit 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 Page 14 of 20 alscience _nvironmental Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate aboratories, Inc. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: N/A 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 503013 Method: EPA 8015B (M) Project: Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number 099-12-279-1,739 Solid GC 18 05/09/08 05/09/08 080509B03 iParameter LCS%REC LCSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers TPH as Gasoline 90 90 70-124 0 0-18 1 RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-ConVoi Limit 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 ' Page 15 of 20 alscience nvironmental Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate btories, - Inc ' aora RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: N/A ' 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Project: Jaco Soil Sampling /200370 ' Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number 099-10-005-161009 Solid GC/MS vV 05/08/08 05/08/08 080508LOI ' Parameter LCS%REC LCSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Berdene 96 97 84114 2 0-7 ' Carbon Tetrachloride 102 102 66-132 0 0-12 Chlorobenzene 102 104 87-111 2 0-7 1,2-Dibromoethane 101 106 80-120 5 0-20 ' 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 104 106 79-115 3 0-8 1,1-Dichloroethene 90 89 73-121 1 0-12 Ethylbenaene 102 102 80-120 1 0-20 Toluene 102 103 78-114 1 0-7 ' Trichloroethene 103 103 84114 1 0-8 Vinyl Chloride 97 94 63-129 3 0-15 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 100 107 77-125 7 0-11 ' Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) 58 73 47-137 23 0-27 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) 96 98 76-130 2 0-8 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) 100 104 76-124 4 0-12 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) 101 106 82-118 4 0-11 ' Ethanol 89 90 59-131 2 0-21 1 ' RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-ConVol Limit 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove,'CA 92841-1427 .. TEL:(714)895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 1 Page 16 of 20 c alscience nvironmental Quality Control LCS/LCS Duplicate ' L aboratories, Inc. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: N/A ' 2115 20th Street Work Order No:. 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B ' Project: Jaco Soil Sampling/200370 Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch 1 Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared AnaVzed Number 099-1"65`46,020 Solld GC/MS W. 05/08/08. .; ;05408108. 080508L02 ' Parameter LCS%REC LCSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benfene 96 97 84114 2 0-7 ' Carbon Tetrachloride 102 102 66-132 0 0-12 Chlorobenzene 102 104 87-111 2 0-7 1,2-Dibromoethane 101 106 80-120 5 0-20 ' 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 104 106 79-115 3 0-8 1,1-Dichloroethene 90 . 89 73-121 1 0-12 Ethylbenzene 102 102 80-120 1 0-20 Toluene 102 103 78-114 1 0-7 ' Trichloroethene 103 103 84114 1 0-8 Vinyl Chloride 97 94 63-129 3 0.15 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 100 107 77-125 7 0.11 ' Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) 58 73 47-137 23 0-27 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) 96 98 76-130 2 0.8 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) 100 104 76-124 4 0-12 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) 101 106 82-118 4 0-11 ' Ethanol 89 90 59-131 2 0-21 t ' RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-Control Limft 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 ' Page 17 of 20 a/science ' nvironmental Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate AL aboratories, Inc. ' RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. Date Received: N/A 2115 20th Street Work Order No: 08-05-0685 Bakersfield, CA 93301-3710 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 82608 Project: Jaco Soil Sampling /'200370 ' Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch Quality Control Sample ID Matra Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number 05-16;025 Solld . 6C/MSVV 05/09108 05/09108 080509L02 F- ' Parameter LCS%REC LCSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers miizene 101 102 84114 1 0-7 Carbon Tetrachloride 103 103 66-132 0 0-12 Chlorobenzene 103 102 87-111 1 0-7 1,2-Dibromoethane 102 101 80-120 1 0-20 ' 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 102 101 79-115 1 0-8 1,1-Dichloroethene 101 101 73-121 0 0-12 Ethylbenzene 105 105 80-120 0 0-20 Toluene 103 104 78-114 0 0-7 ' Trichloroethene 106 104 84114 2 0-8 Vinyl Chloride 114 113 63-129 1 0-15 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 103 102 77-125 1 0-11 ' Tert-Butyl Alcohol(TBA) 128 129 47-137 0 0-27 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE)' 103 103 76-130 0 0-8 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether(ETBE) 103 103 76-124 0 0-12 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether(TAME) 103 104 82-118 1 0-11 ' Ethanol 99 104 59-131 4 0-21 1 ' RPD-Relative Percent Difference, CL-Control Limit , 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714)895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 ' Page 18 of 20 alscience nvironmental Glossary of Terms and Qualifiers aboratories, Inc. 1 Work Order Number: 08-05-0685 ualifier Definition See applicable analysis comment. 1 Surrogate compound recovery was out of control due to a required sample dilution, ' therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. 2 Surrogate compound recovery'was out of control due to matrix interference. The associated method blank surrogate spike compound was in control and, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. 3 Recovery of the Matrix Spike (MS) or Matrix Spike.Duplicate (MSD) compound was out of control due to matrix interference. The associated LCS and/or LCSD was in control and, t therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. 4 The MS/MSD RPD was out of control due to matrix interference. The LCS/LCSD RPD was in control and; therefore; the sample data was reported without further clarification. ' 5 The PDS/PDSD associated with this batch of samples was out of control due to a matrix interference effect. The associated batch LCS/LCSD was in control and, hence, the associated sample data was reported with no further corrective action required. ' A Result is the average of all dilutions, as defined by the method. B Analyte was present in the associated method blank. ' C Analyte presence was not confirmed on primary column. E Concentration exceeds the calibration range. ' H Sample received and/or analyzed past the recommended holding time. J Analyte was detected at a concentration below the reporting limit and above the laboratory method detection limit. Reported value is estimated. ' N Nontarget Analyte. ND Parameter not detected at the indicated reporting limit. ' Q Spike recovery and RPD control limits do not apply resulting from the.parameter concentration in the sample exceeding the spike concentration by a factor of four or greater. U Undetected at the laboratory method detection limit. X % Recovery and/or RPD out-of-range. Z Analyte presence was not confirmed by second column or GC/MS analysis. 1 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 TEL:(714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 1 I _44v gWN w� = M = = = MMA�1' t�TV E D GARDEN GROVE,CA 92841-1432 DATE: TEL:(714)895-5494.FAX:(714)8947501 PAGE: 1 OF 1 LABORATORY CLIENT: .• Jaco OII Company/RAM Environmental ADDRESS: Jaco soil sampling. 200370 2115 20th Street PROJECT CONTACT: QUOTE NO.: CITY:Bakersfield, CA 93301 jmcnaboe @ram-env.com Jane.McNabbe SAMP R(S):(SI NATURE) ::LR t�FiQNLY:::;`•;:;::i :i:;::: :: TEL: FAX EMAIL 661 3246152 661 32 -6172 ? ' TURNAROUND TIME ❑SAME DAY ❑ 24 HR ❑ . 48HR [] 72 HR ® 5 DAYS ❑ 10 DAYS REQU ED ANALYSIS SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS(ADDITIONAL COSTS MAY APPLY) ❑ RWOCB REPORTING ❑ ARCHIVE SAMPLES UNTIL t / SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Please send results via email to Jane McNaboe. Please bill Jaco Oil. it LOCATION/ SAMPLJNG USF SAMPLE ID DESCRIPTION *-44 "O = _ jp4j) DATE TIME r m as 1-20"S under product pipelin 05/06/08 0950 Soil 1 x x x x ' 2-9"C under product pipelin 05/06108 1005 Soil 1 x x x x 3-21"N under product pipetin( 05106/08 1025 Soil 1 x x x x Relinquished by. nature) / Received by(Signature) Date: Relinquished by.fiffigns ture). Received by:(Signature) Da Ti r Relinquished by.(Signature) ,� Received by:(Signature) D e: Time. (o (D CD O N 0 ' Page 20 of 20 ARILEF vk -Iaftw WORK ORDER #: 08 - ® ,© - 0 El RI K Cooler of 1 SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM t CLIENT: DATE: Z128 ' TEMPERATURE —SAMPLES RECEIVED BY: CALSCIENCE COURIER: LABORATORY(Other than Calscience Courier): ' Chilled, cooler with temperature blank provided. °C Temperature blank. Chilled, cooler without temperature blank. °C IR thermometer. Chilled and placed in cooler with wet ice. Ambient temperature. Ambient and placed in cooler with wet ice. Ambient temperature. ' °C Temperature blank. Initial: CUSTODY SEAL INTACT: Sample(s): Cooler: No(Not Intact) : Not Present: �- ' Initial: SAMPLE CONDITION: Yes No N/A Chain-0f-Custody document(s)received with samples......................... _�... .... ... ... . Sampler's name indicated on COC................................................. _�... ... . ... .... ' Sample container label(s)consistent with custody papers.....................�_... ... . Sample container(s)intact and good condition................................... ... .... Correct containers and volume for analyses requested....................... �... .... Proper preservation noted on sample label(s)..................................... ... .... ... ... . VOA vial(s)free of headspace. ....................................................... ... .... ... ... Tedlar bag(s)free of condensation..................................................: ... .... ... .... Initi • ' COMMENTS: Attachment C HEALTH and SAFETY PLAN 1 1 � 1 1 HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN SOIL SAMPLING Jaco Oil Company Fastrip # 773 3501 Mt. Vernon Ave., Bakersfield, California ' Prepared for Jaco Oil Company t Prepared by ' RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. 2115 201h Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ' 7/14/2008 R:\2000_08\370_H&S Plan_SI workplan.doc 12 SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN 1 RAM Environmental.Engineering Services, Inc. 1 Project Manager M. Jane Ellis-McNaboe Site Safety Officer: M. Jane Ellis-McNaboe, or RAM Technician i . Date of Issue: 7/14/2008 iAuthorization: 6hard M Casagrande,''Health afety Officer 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 . i RA2000_08\370_H&S Plan—S]workplan.doc 12 Required Signatures 1 Signature Name Company Date 1 1 1 1 ' RA2000_08\370_H&S Plan_SI workplan.doc 12 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ' 1.0 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................2 1.1 SITE BACKGROUND.......................................................................................................................2 ' 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK...........................................................................................................................2 2.0 PROJECT SAFETY AUTHORITY..............................................................................................3 3.0 MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE.......................................................................................................4 4.0 SAFETY/ORIENTATION TRAINING.....................................................:..................................4 5.0 HAZARD ASSESSMENT..............................................................................................................5 5.1 PHYSICAL HAZARDS .....................................................................................................................5 ' 5.2 CHEMICAL HAZARDS....................................................................................................................6 6.0 AIR MONITORING.......................................................................................................................8 7.0 GENERAL PROJECT SAFETY REQUIREMENTS.................................................................1 7.1 GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS..................................................................................................1 1 8.0 PROTECTIVE E UIPMENT REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................3 Q Q 9.0 DECONTAMINATION/CONTAMINATION REDUCTION PROCEDURES.......................4 10.0 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES..............................................................................5 ' APPENDICES: Appendix A Site Location Map and Route to Hospital Appendix B Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan Training Record Forms ' R:\2000_08\370_H&S Plan_SI workplan.doc 12 1 2.0 ' PROJECT SAFETY AUTHORITY 1 Personnel responsible for project safety are the Project Manager and the Site Safety Officer or his designee. The Project Manager is responsible for the provisions and submittal of this plan, and for advising the Site Safety Officer on health and safety matters. The Project Manager has ' the authority to provide for the auditing of compliance with the provisions of this plan, suspension or modification of work practices, and administration of disciplinary actions for individuals whose conduct does not meet the requirements set forth herein. The ' Project Manager may elect to give the Site Safety Officer authority to administer disciplinary actions for individuals. whose conduct does not meet the requirements set ' forth herein. The Site Safety Officer is responsible for the dissemination of the information contained ' in this plan to all REBRAC personnel assigned to the project, and to the responsible representative of each subcontractor firm working under REBRAC on the project. As such, he or she is responsible for performing or providing the following as necessary: • Adequate on-site safety supplies & equipment inventory (see list of ' protective equipment, Sec. 8.0), for RAM personnel. Compliance for having necessary Safety Supplies and Equipment rests solely with each subcontractor, • tailgate discussion of Site Safety Plan; documentation of tailgate safety ' meetings in field notebook, • documentation of all accidents or safety plan violations, ' emergency contacts as needed, ' implementation of Decontamination/Contamination Reduction Procedures (see Sec. 9.0), • on-site air monitoring as required (see Section 6.0). ' R:\2000_08\370_H&S Plan_SI workplan.doc 12 The Site Safety Officer or his/her designee has the authority to suspend work any time he ' or she determines that the health and safety practices at the site are inadequate and shall also inform the Project Manager of individuals whose conduct is not consistent with the requirements of the plan. 3.0 MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE RAM personnel and sub-contractors engaged in project operations that may expose them ' to hazardous wastes, hazardous substances, or any combination of hazardous wastes or hazardous substances shall be participants in a Medical Surveillance program, and must be cleared by the examining physician(s) to wear respiratory protection devices and 1 protective clothing for working with hazardous materials. The applicable requirements under the CAL OSHA standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (Title 8 CCR, GISO S 192) will be observed where potential hazardous wastes are encountered. ' 4.0 SAFETY/ORIENTATION TRAINING ' Field personnel from RAM and any subcontractors will review this site-specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) before beginning.work as safety training for this project. The Site Safety Officer will conduct a tailgate safety meeting to review the HASP prior to the ' start of field operations. RAM project personnel will certify their review by signing a HASP training record form (Appendix B). Subcontractors will certify their review by signing a HASP training record form or signing the field notebook after the tailgate safety ' meeting. The Project Manager is responsible for distributing this site safety plan to appropriate personnel and verifying review by obtaining signed review forms. Signed review forms wil,l be placed in project files. Whenever-a change of conditions on-site occurs that may affect safety, the Site Safety Officer or his/her designee will conduct a tailgate safety meeting if appropriate. Changing site conditions that may affect safety include the following: 1 1 ' R:\2000_08\370_H&S Plan_SI workplan.doc 12 1 , • Change of field personnel (RAM or subcontractor), • change in work activity, • change in weather conditions; and, ' visitors on site. ' All training sessions, safety meetings, and safety briefings will be documented by the Site Safety Officer or his designee in the field notebook. Documentation will include a brief description of topics addressed and the signatures of all training attendees. ' 5.0 HAZARD ASSESSMENT ' 5.1 PHYSICAL HAZARDs Working with drilling equipment presents a variety of physical hazards that are continually present unlike chemical .exposures (only a hazard when contaminated materials are present). Some.of the hazards are identified below. Physical hazards could include the following: • Falling objects such as tools or equipment, • tripping over hoses, pipes, tools, equipment or uneven terrain, ' • tipping or overturning of heavy machinery, ' • exposure to noise generated by heavy machinery, ' • exposure to soil dust generated by heavy machinery, • insufficient or faulty protective equipment; and • insufficient or faulty operations, equipment, or tools, • vehicular traffic at and around the Site. 1 ' RA2000 08\370_H&S Plan_SI workplan.doc 12 1 Safety precautions for site hazards are addressed in Section 7.2. ' 5.2 CHEMICAL HAZARDS ' It is not anticipated that there will be any chemical exposures; however, this section is included as a precautionary measure. It is most likely that the hazard at this site will be from refined products found during the sampling of the soil. Specific precautions will be ' taken as the situations at each of the sites dictate. Following is a discussion of the chemical hazards of petroleum hydrocarbons. 1 Petroleum hydrocarbons may include a wide range of substances, some of very low ' toxicity and some very toxic. The aromatic volatile petroleum hydrocarbons [benzene, . toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX)] are generally of greater concern, in part ' because they are more likely to exist in the worker's breathing zone. In moderate exposures, BTEX compounds all produce similar acute effects including headache, ' narcosis, and anesthesia. Table I (from the Hazard Evaluation Plan (HEP)for Leaking Underground Fuel Tanks (LUFT) Removal Sites developed by the State Water Resources Control Board) summarizes the exposure criteria and health effects of BTEX (Appendix ' Q. Among the aromatic volatile petroleum hydrocarbons, benzene is the primary substance of concern because of its association with leukemia and aplastic anemia in ' chronic exposure situations. The permissible exposure limits (PEL) set by OSHA and the American Conference of ' Industrial of Governmental Hygienists' (ACGIH) threshold limit values (TLV) for airborne exposure are provided in Table 1 for BTEX. Even high concentrations (ppm to percent level) of volatile organic compounds are not reasonably expected to present airborne concentrations at or approaching OSHA PELs or ACGIH,TLVs considering the ' small volume of soils to be generated and processed during drilling and sampling operations and that all field work will be conducted outdoors in well-ventilated areas. ' Considering relative volatility of each compound and the open working conditions, these compounds are not reasonably expected to present inhalation exposures of concern to worker health and safety in open atmospheres. However, air monitoring for organic vapor concentrations will be conducted for activities which present potential inhalation ' exposures as described in Section 6.0. R:\2000_08\370_H&S Plan_SI workplan.doc 12 ' Petroleum hydrocarbons can also be absorbed through the skin if contact with highly contaminated materials is made (i.e. saturated soils). Dermal exposures will be controlled through the use of personal protective equipment.(PPE) as described in Section 8.0 and ' through minimization of exposure to airborne dust generated drilling activities. 5.3 EXPLOSION AND FIRE ' The types of hydrocarbons expected to be present are not expected to generate vapors at explosive 'concentrations during any of the tasks to be performed. If vapor monitoring ' detects concentrations at a level that exceed the requirements for respiratory protection . (>50 ppm), operations will be suspended and the area will be evacuated until an industrial ' hygiene sampling is completed to characterize the exposures. The potential for explosion and fire will be reevaluated based upon this characterization. 1 1 ' RA2000_08\370_H&S Plan_SI workplan.doc 12 ' Table 1. OSHA PELs' and ACGIH TLVs for Aromatic Volatile Organic Compounds. OSHA PELs ACGIH TLVs Compound TWA a STEL b TWA a STEL b ( m) ( m) ( m) ( m) ' Benzene 1 5 10 - ' Toluene 100 150 100 150 Ethyl benzene 100. 125 100 125 ' Xylene (o-,m-,p- isomers) 100 150 100 150 ' a TWA: Time weighted average is the employee's average airborne exposure in any 8- hour work shift of a 40-hour work week which shall not be exceeded. ' b STEL: Short term e exposure limit is the employee's 15-minute time weighted average p g g ' airborne exposure which shall not be exceeded at any time during a work day. ' 6.0 AIR MONITORING An organic vapor analyzer (OVA) with a flame-ionization detector (FID) or Hnu . ' photoionization detector (PID) will be used to conduct air monitoring during activities where potential for airborne exposure exist, specifically during soil sampling. During soil sampling, readings will be taken initially in the worker breathing zone, the immediate operations area, and recorded in the project field notebook. The OSHA PELs and ' ACGIH TLVs for aromatic volatile organic compounds are listed in Table 1. Benzene ' R:\2000_08\370_H&S Plan_SI workplan.doc 12 ' with an 8 hour time-weighted average (TWA) exposure limit of 1 ppm and a 15 minute short term exposure limit (STEL) of 5 ppm is the primary airborne contaminant of concern. Table 2 provides an estimation of airborne benzene concentrations and allowable exposure time based on Hnu readings. Using these estimates of benzene concentration based on OVA readings would be protective of worker health and safety, ' because the OVA detects a wide variety of organic vapors whereas the Hnu detects only aromatic volatile compounds and other large organic molecules. For simplicity, the more ' restrictive estimates based on Hnu readings are used to establish air monitoring action levels described below. ' A sustained Hnu or OVA reading of 5 ppm (5 units on the Hnu) above background will P g trigger donning respiratory protection (half or full face APR with organic vapor ' cartridges) and additional ambient air monitoring (breathing zone will be monitored every 15 minutes). If sustained ambient air organic vapor concentrations equal or exceed 50 ' ppm, work will be stopped and the area evacuated. Because identified materials of concern are not expected to contain significant levels of volatile organic compounds, ' sustained readings of 50 ppm or higher indicate the need for industrial hygiene sampling to characterize the exposure. Based upon the results of this sampling, protection ' measures will be reevaluated. Air monitoring action levels and associated protective measures are summarized in Table 2. ' R:\2000_08\370_H&S Plan_SI workplan.doc 12 Table 2. Air Monitoring Action Levels and Associated Protective Measures • Air Space Action Levels Protective Measures ' Monitored Ambient <_5 ppm No respiratory protection required. ' Air Concentrations Tyvek and mtnle gloves required when contact with potentially contaminated soil possible. ' Initial monitoring of ambient air in worker breathing zone and operations ' area. ' >5. ppm but Don half- or full-face APRs with <50 ppm organic vapor cartridges. Increase ambient air monitoring frequency to every 15 minutes. Ambient Air >_50 ppm Evacuate work area. ' R:\2000_08\370_H&S Plan_SI workplan.doc 12 ' 7.0 GENERAL PROJECT SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ' 7.1 GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The project operations shall be conducted with the following minimum safety requirements employed: • Eating and drinking will be restricted to a designated area, • wearing loose clothing around operating machinery (Geoprobe) will be ' prohibited, ' 0 all personnel shall be required to wash hands and face before eating or drinking, ' 0 all personnel''shall avoid dust on-site by staying upwind of dust generated by sampling activities, ' 0 gross decontamination and removal of all personal protective equipment (if necessary) shall be performed prior to exiting the facility, ' 0 shaking or blowing of potentially contaminated clothing or equipment to remove dust or other materials is not permitted, • the Site Safety Officer will be responsible to identify and alert field ' employees to physical hazards present at the site. ' 7.2 SYMPTOMS OF CHEMICAL EXPOSURE ' Chemical exposure is not anticipated. The information below is provided as a precautionary measure. ' Field operations personnel shall inform each other of non-visual symptoms that may indicate chemical exposure such as: • Headaches, ' dizziness, RA2000_08070_H&S Plan_SI workplan.doc 12 0 nausea, blurred vision, ' 0 cramps, ' 0 coughing, irritation of eyes, skin, or respiratory tract, changes in complexion or skin discoloration, 1 changes in apparent motor coordination, changes in personality or demeanor, excessive salivation or changes in papillary response; and ' 0 changes in speech ability or pattern. ' 73 HEAT STRESS ' The following recommendations will help to reduce heat stress: • Provide plenty of liquids, 1 • wearing of an undergarment that acts to help ventilation of the body, heat stress monitoring. ' Any of the following techniques can be used to screen for heat stress: ' Heart rate at the radial artery should be measured as early as possible in the,resting period. Should the heart rate exceed 110 beats per minute, the next work period should be shortened by 10 minutes (33%), while the ' length of the rest period stays the same. If the pulse rate is greater than 100 at the next rest period, the following work cycle should be shortened by 33%, RA2000_08\370_H&S Plan_SI workplan.doc 12 1 1 • body temperature can be used to screen for heat stress. If the oral ' temperature at the beginning of the rest period exceeds 99 degrees Fahrenheit, the next work period should be shortened by 10 minutes (or 33%), while the length of the rest period stays the same. This Xrocess ' should be continued until the body temperature does not exceed 99 F, ' body water loss can be monitored using a scale to measure changes in body weight. 1 8.0 ' PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS ' Field personnel and visitors are required to wear hard hats, safety glasses, steel-toed boots, and hearing protection (at the discretion of the Site Safety Officer) in the operations area when work is being performed. Field personnel engaged in work operations are required to wear the following additional ' equipment if unknown chemicals of concern are encountered: ' 0 Long-sleeved shirts and pants or one-piece coverall, such as Tyvek disposable, ' poly-coated Tyvek suit (when contact with potentially contaminated material is anticipated), ' rubber boots (when contact with potentially contaminated soil or liquid is anticipated), • orange safety vests, ' all personnel shall be required to wash hands and face before eating or drinking, 1 ' R:\2000_08\370_H&S Plan_SI workplan.doc 12 • p er Bonn el are not required to wear protective dust masks. Therefore, personnel shall be required to avoid breathing dust on site at all times, and work upwind. ' Contractors to RAM will provide their own PPE. 8.1 OPERATIONS AREA Dermal contact will be the potential exposure pathway of concern for chemical exposure. Inhalation exposure will only be a significant concern when dusty conditions or organic vapors are present. Protective clothing, including Tyvek suits, rubber boots, and chemically resistant gloves ' such as nitrite, will be mandatory for all field operations personnel when contacting potentially contaminated soils. When the ambient air monitoring level equals or exceeds 5 ppm, full or half-face APR's with organic vapor cartridges will be required. Personnel ' should approach any unknown substances from upwind. ' 9.0 DECONTAMINATION/CONTAMINATION REDUCTION PROCEDURES Chemical exposure is not anticipated at this Site. This section is included so that procedures are established in the event that unknown chemicals are present at the Site. t Boots, clothing, gloves, and other equipment can become contaminated by direct exposure to contaminated soil or groundwater. Precautions will be taken to prevent the transport of contaminants off site unless in an approved container or other approved method. All contaminated personal protective equipment or clothing will be decontaminated on-site, or placed in appropriate storage or disposal receptacles. ' R:\200008\370H&S Plan_SI workplan.doc 12 10.0 ' EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES ' A first aid kit will be taken into the field each day. In the event of a fire, explosion, physical 'injury or illness due to chemical exposure, the appropriate parties should be ' contacted using the below listed phone numbers. For injuries or illness other than very minor cuts or scrapes, a physician's attention,is requited. For treatment of potentially life-threatening injury or illness,call 911 for assistance. 1 For treatment of minor injuries or illness, personnel should be driven to Bakersfield Memorial Hospital, 420 341h Street, Bakersfield, CA. A map showing the route to the ' hospital from the site is provided in Appendix A. Notify the RAM Health & Safety Officer as soon as possible after appropriate emergency services have been notified and appropriate measures taken to protect people, environment, and property. ' Emergency Telephone Numbers: ' Off-Site • Fire, Police, Ambulance 911 ' Bakersfield Memorial Hospital (661)327-4647 ' Additional Con tin enc#iL' p Tele hone Number: — 1 RAM Environmental Engineering 1-661-324-6152 ' 1-661-619-2345 Contact: Richard M. Casagrande 1 ' R:\2000_08\370_H&S Plan_SI workplan.doc 12 APPENDIX A ' SITE LOCATION AND ' ROUTE TO HOSPITAL 1 1 1 1 Driving Directions from 3501.Mount Vernon Ave., Bakersfield, CA to Bakersfield Memo... Page 1 of 2 U? S 'emp"., 1 ' Health and Safety Plan, Jaco Mt. Vernon _ and Univeristy, RAM 200370 ' ' - AM tA: 3501 Mount Vernon Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93306-1545 -------_..--------.------_._.-_---_---..._._.__...._.-.._._.__....._.___ _ 1: Start out going NORTH on MT VERNON AVE toward CHRISTMAS TREE 0.5 mi LN. + 2: Turn LEFT onto PANORAMA DR. 2.2 mi 3: Merge onto UNION AVE 0.9 mi ,F ' 4: Turn RIGHT onto 34TH ST. 0.2 mi . 5: End at 420 34th St Bakersfield, CA 93301 ' Estimated Time: 6 minutes Estimated Distance: 3.72 miles B: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital: 420 34th St, Bakersfield, CA 93301,(661)327-4647 ' Total Time: 6 minutes Total Distance: 3.72 miles 1 http://www.mapquest.com/maps?lc=Bakersfield&l s=CA&1 a=3501+Mount+Vernon+Ave... 7/14/2008 Driving Directions from 3501 Mount Vernon Ave, Bakersfield, CA to Bakersfield Memo... 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L���: I� 1 j8'I I x•-'�� � �'ry�,it�5 ��� 1! _d } I a ' ' rp. : rnardSr ;11; - ,`rit I( .-IF-7, tn� , Atls0 2008 e ; ' All rights reserved.Use subject to License/Copyright Map Legend Directions and maps are informational only.We make no warranties on the accuracy of their content,road conditions or route usability or expeditiousness.You assume all risk of use.MapQuest and its suppliers shall not be liable to yo,u for ' any loss or delay resulting from your use of MapQuest:Your use of MapQuest means you agree to our Terms of Use 1 1 1 http://www.mapquest.com/maps?l c=Bakersfield&i s=CA&l a=3501+Mount+Vernon+Ave... 7/14/2008 SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN (HASP)TRAINING RECORD Print/Type Employee Name Project Number I have read the HASP listed below and fully understand the material covered. I understand that I am responsible for compliance with the requirements of this HASP and I agree to abide by the same. I also had the opportunity to discuss the information ' presented in the HASP, and to ask any questions about the information that I want clarified. I understand that this record will become a permanent part of my employee health and safety training file. Employee Signature Date 1 HASP Title ' Date Employee Verified by Date HASP Date Revision No. Reviewed Initials (Signature) Verified 1 1 SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN(HASP)TRAINING RECORD 1 Print/Type Employee Name Project Number I have read the HASP listed below and fully understand the material covered. I ' understand that I am responsible for compliance with the'requirements of this HASP and I agree to abide by the same. I also had the opportunity to discuss the information presented in the HASP, and to ask any questions about the information that I want clarified. I understand that this record will become a permanent part of my employee health and safety training file. 1 ' Employee Signature Date HASP Title ' Date Employee Verified by Date HASP Date Revision No. Reviewed Initials (Signature) Verified SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN(HASP)TRAINING RECORD Print/Type Employee Name Project Number 1 . I have read the HASP listed below and fully understand the material covered. I ' understand that I am responsible for compliance with the requirements of this HASP and I agree to abide by the same. I also had the opportunity to discuss the information presented in the HASP, and to ask any questions about the information that I want clarified. ' I understand that this record will become a permanent part of my employee health and safety training file: ' Employee Signature Date HASP Title' ' Date Employee Verified by Date HASP Date Revision No. Reviewed Initials (Signature) Verified 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Attachment SOIL SAMPLING PLAN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 JACO Oil—Fastrip Gas Station,Bakersfield Sampling Plan—Site Investigation Workplan ' 3501 Mt. Vernon*Avenue, Bakersfield, California. RAM Project#200370 Task I — Soil Sampling ' TASK OBJECTIVE: Sample soils at 5 foot intervals in a boring developed at the site investigation for the above referenced site, as required by the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, for analysis of TPH-d, TPH-g, BTEX and fuel oxygenates on a standard turn around time basis. SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSIS: Laboratory analysis will be conducted by an environmental testing laboratory certified by ' the State of California for the tests to be performed. Test methods and criteria are as follows: ' • TPHg and TPHd Modified EPA Method 8015M • BTEX, and fuel oxygenates EPA Method 8260B • Analytical Laboratory—Calscience, Garden Grove, CA • Standard sample turnaround time—5 day results. • Report results to RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. ' SOIL SAMPLING PROTOCOL Soil sampling will be conducted in accordance with RAM Environmental Engineering Services Standard Soil and Groundwater Sampling Protocols (RAM, 2003) and will incorporate the following project specific criteria. Sampling Locations ' Samples will be collected at 5 foot intervals beginning from 5 feet below grade. Soil samples will be collected with a hollow-stem auger drilling rig and a California modified split-spoon sampler. ' Soil Confirmation Information Sample at 5-foot intervals within the boring- • Use the hollow-stem auger and a split-spoon sampler to obtain samples, • use Teflon seal and plastic caps to seal metal sleeve from the sampler, • monitor soils and void space with hand held PID or equivalent. Equipment: ' • Split-spoon sampler, • Brass Sleeves (or.equivalent), • teflon tape and plastic caps, ' • disposable gloves, baggies,permanent marking pens, sample labels, chain of custody (COC)forms, Field Log forms, • PID, Model Photo Vac meter for monitoring work space for volatiles, • Personal Protective Gear per Standard Health and Safety Protocols for fuel impacted soils, • pre-chilled non-water cooling material (Blue Ice) for sample storage/shipping container. RA2000_08\370_sampling plan_SI workplan.doc 1 Sampling Procedure ' A split-spoon sampler will be hammered into the soil at five foot intervals. The lowermost sample will be used for lithologic descriptions and to measure the presence/absence of volatile organic compounds. The emissions from the soil will be ' monitored with a vapor monitor and the results recorded. The middle metal sleeve will be properly sealed with Teflon tape, followed by a plastic cap. The metal sleeve will be labeled as described below. Excess soil will be placed in labeled barrels pending waste characterization for management. ' Sample Identification and Labeling Complete sample label information and sample COC information prior to collection of each sample, leaving time for notation dust after collection. ' The sample should be labeled as follows; ' boring number, • collection depth, • collection time (using military time), ' collection date, • responsible party, and • RAM Job Number 200370. Label the metal tube,place the metal tube in a zip lock bag, and place the bagged sample in sample shipping container(ice chest). Fill other containers, and label and store in the ' same manner. ' Check/complete the COC form and sample logs, and secure the sample storage/shipping container until delivered to the laboratory. Sample container should be kept at V C with blue ice. 1 1 RA2000_08\370_sampling plan_SI workplan.doc 2 t LH UU MAI XIAL�),� " •�. TIME CHARGED •,� _ BUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME:_._JPCO © 1 L- 301 e ADDRESS: 31 o I +e �'LcQ PROTECT DESCRIPTION: '�C`'SAV-1 2 3So I rAl �Gc2 Na(..► PROJECT NUMBER: o 3je /ce TIME DATE: NAME: CHGD: COMMENTS: Ci 2 Qe,v� l��o�-t W� �e �e�}o� KeQ\. A c)2 � ate, ���►� _.., _ -�- o.. s��� �,� Soy s�, �14-L 3l off- :5 ,s C� z= _ -- a 18- PR OJEC:T COMPLETION:ETION: DATE: