HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST-MONITORING SYSTEM 5/13/2012 II��II�I�I�I��III��I 19 MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION I For Use By All Jurisdictions Within the Saute of California PzS :1rr.lirorily C ac�d: {hurter 6.', Health and.Saf.);Code; Chapter 16, Division 3, iklc:23, C`rili%urrtiCt Code of Key rtlulion.c 1hi Ibrm must he used to document testing and servicing of monitoring equipmenl Al epltrati ecrtil+critinn or rL; sort ntust. he ro aral for each narniluritt .sslLrn control panol by the technician Who performs the work: A copy of this lbrm must be provided to the tankststcnt o�tncrrulxrntur. I-lu.ownrriopo ator must submit a copy of this form to the local agency regulatin-p LIST systems sti ithin 30 days of tCt7(laic- A. General Information Facility lame: C&M SHELL STATION 13idr, No.:_ _ Site Address: _3.605 ROSEDALE HWY. City: BAKERSFIELD _ Zip: 93308 Facility Contact Person: CHOY Contact Phone loo.: C66"3 4-7747 MakCN10del ohMonittsring Svstern: TLS-350 INSP.-ESTHER Date of Tcsting'Scrvicing: 5113/2010 H. Inventory of Equipment Tested/Certified Check the a ropriate boxes to indicate spcctfic equipment inspectc(Lreer%icc_d: Tank It): REGULAR 87 Tank ID: PREMIUM 91 ®In=Tank Gauging PrPhc, Modd.. MAG M In-kmk Gaoging Probe. ',Model: MAG ®Annular Space or Vault Scnsar. McKtcl: 301 0;annular Space or Vaull Sensor. Model: 302 ®Piping Sump:'ironch tic nsnris). Model 208 ®Piping Surnp i 1'rench Sensor(s), Model: 208 —. ❑}ilf Suntp Scnurc(;). Model: ❑Fill sump Semnr(s). Niedch i ®ivlcchani"l Line leak Detector. Model: FX1V ® Nicehanical Line leak Detector. 1Modc1: FXIV ❑I:Icciroilie l.iire teak I)etcctor. Mmjv,]; ❑I:Iectrunic Linc t cal,Detector. mod& 01'ank Chcrf ll i I ligh-Le.cl Senor. Nlodelt FLAPPER '01 ank Overfrlt:High-Level Scnun. Model: FLAPPER C]Other lspexily equipment type and model in Scetian.E on Pace 2l. [].Other(spxih°equipment type.and rnodel.in Section F o fags 2). -. Tank to: DiESEL Tank 1D: VENT BOX ®Itt-Trull.Gauging Proha. Mimic): MAG ❑In-'funk Gauging i'rfilx,. AM(Acl: v 21;annular Space or Vault Sensor, Niodet: 302 ❑.nnnt7)ar Space ar Vault Sensor: Aiud& ®]';ping Sump:`Tronch Sen,or(s). Modet: 352 ®Piping SUM pl'french Sensor{s). Model: 208. ❑bill Suniii Sensor(;). Model: [}Fill Sump Scnsor(sl. Model: ® Mcehanicai t,inc Lcak l)etacior. NIodcl: FX1DV ❑Mechanical Line UA Detector, lvl.rdcl: ❑l lceironic Lino Leak Detectc,T. Model: ❑Plceuonie Line Leak"Detector. N4odcl; _ ®'tank Ovcrfill.i Iii4h-Level Sensor. Model: FLAPPER []Tank Overfill,''-Hint-lxvcl Sensor. Models ❑OtheT lsPccit}equipment type and model in Section 1=un Pacr2't.. ❑Other(ctte;:ity.cquipment type and modcl.in Si:aion 1:oa fairs 2). T Dispenser Ill: 112 Dispenser to: 314 ®Di,,penser Containment Scnsor(s), NIM67 406 I)ispenscr t:ontatinment Sensi>r(s)_ NWel: 406 LEhear Valve(s). ®Shear valve(s), ispernser Comahnnenl Float(s)and C:hain(s). ❑Dispenser Contaimncnt Flont(s)and C'hain(s). � Dispenser 1D: 516 Dispenser 1D: 718 t I)is cnserContainntent.Scn;,r5} Model: 351 ® P (.•.. } ®L)tspcn;er C:onlaintncnt Scnsorts). Model:1351 ®Shear valve6). ®Shear Valve(s). []Dispenser Containment flovi(s)artd Chain(;). El Dispenser Curitairrrnenl Howls)and Chain(,). t Dispenser I1): 9110 Dispenser ID: 11112 Dispenser Containment Scnsor(s) Model: 406 Model:.406 ®Shear Valve;si. ®Shz a valve(s). ' ❑Oispe:nserComainnunt 1�lunt(c)and Chain(s). Q Dispenser Containment Floatis)and Chain(sl. �Iltht:Caci(ity contains more I.anks or dispensers.copy this form. Inc Iudc in16rrnation for ever)-tank and dispenser at the flocilhy. C. Certification -1 certify that the equipment identified in this document was inspected1serviced in accordance with the manufacturers' guidelines. Attached to this Certification is information (e.g..manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verifv.that this information is correct and a Plot Plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment. For any equipment capable of gene'rxting,such reports,I have also attached a copy of the report- (check all that app(v): System Set-up ® Alarm history report Technician Name(print): STEVEN OBERT Siranature: Certification No.: A28531 !8029980-UT License, No.: C611 D40 809850 t esting Cotnpany Nainc: RICH ENVIRONMENTAL Phone No.:{661) 326-8402 — Testing Company Address: 3305 BRITTAN RD. BAKERSFIELD, CA..93308 _ Date or TestingiSem-icing: 511312010 Pine. 1 of . 5 I:It,-036-114 wwwmuiducs.or); I'lllllllll+�+llllll 20 Rev.iIIA7 )S IE Monitoring Sistern Certification A .Results of Testing/Servicing Software Version Installed: 329.01 Complete the follo ing checklist: ® Yes ❑ No* Is the audible alarm operational'?. ® Yes ❑ Not Is the visual alarm operational? N Yes ❑ No* Were all sensors visually, inspected,functionally tested,and confirmed operational? N Yes ❑ Noy` Were all sensors installed at lowest.point of sccondary�containment and positioned so that other equipment % ill not interfere with their proper operation? ❑ Yes ❑ No* If alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications equipment (e.g.. modem) N N/A operational'? ® Yes ❑ No" For pressurized piping systems. does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment ❑ N!A monitoring system detects a leak, fails to operate, or is electrically disconnected? ll'yes: which sensors,initiale positive shut-down? (Check etif thai apply) N Sunip.!french Sensors; N Dispenser Containmenl Sensors. Did you confirm positive shut-down due to leaks and sensor failureidisconnection? ® Yes: ❑No. ❑ Yes ❑ Noy For tank systems that utilise the monitoring system as the primary tank overfill.darning device (i.e., no ® N/A mechanical overfill prevention valve is installed), is the overfill xrarning alarm visible and audible at the tank fill point(s)and operating properly? If 86,at what percent of lank capacity d(w,,the alarm trigger? % ❑ Yes" N No Was anv monitoring equipment replaced? If vcs, identiG-specific sensors. probes, or Other equipment repriced and list.the manufacturer name and model Corall replacement parts in'Section E, below. ❑ Yes* ® No Was liquid found inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? IC.'h��ck ri1!rlxut ak�pli) ❑ Product: ❑ Water. Ifyes. describe causes in Section )_:, below. ® 1"es ❑ No* Was monitoring system set=up reviewed to ensure proper settings?Attach set,up reports, il'applicable N Yes ❑ No* I Is all monitoring equipment operational per manufacturer's specifications`? In Section E below describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. E. Comments: Page 2 of 5 IIN-t136-2A www'.unidocs.org Ncv,01!17,418 Monitoring System Certification F. in-Tank Gauging/SIR EquiptnenU N Check this box il'tank gauging is used only for inventory control: ❑ Check this box if no tank eaupii7g or SIR equipment is installed. phis section mast be completed if in-tank gau6qng equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. Complete the following checklist: ❑ Yes ❑ Nom I[as all inpoi wiring been inspected l'or proper entry and termination, including testing for(,::round faults:' ❑ Yes ❑ No* Were all tank gau-ine probes visually inspected for damage and residue buildup? ❑ Yes ❑ No* Was accuracy of system product level readings tested? ❑ Yes ❑ No" Was accuracy of system water level readings tested? ❑ Yes ❑ No* Were all probes reinstalled properly? ❑ Yes ❑ No' Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? In Section 11,below,describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): ❑ Check this box if(A.Ds are not installed. Complete the folio ing checklist: ® Yes ❑ No* For cquipmeut start-up or annual equipment codification, was a leak simulated to verify LLk) performance:' [] N;A (Check all rhat apply) Simulated leak rate: ®3 g.p.h.; 0.0.1 g.p.h ; ❑0.2 ® Yes ❑ No* Were all LLDs confir►ned operational and accurate within regulatory requirements? N Yes ❑ No* Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated? Ycs ❑ No* For mechanical LLns,does the LLD restrict product flow if it detects a leak? ❑ N/A ❑. Yes ❑ 'No* For electronic U,Ds,does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? ® N;'A ❑ Yes ❑ No* For electronic LLDs, defies the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitorin g system is disabled ❑c Nina or disconnected? ❑ Yes ❑ No* For electronic LLD-,: does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system.mall'unctians ® N/A or fails a test? ❑ Yes ❑ No's For electronic LLDs.,have all accessible wiring connections been visually inspected? ® N/A N Yes ❑ No* Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? * In Section H,below,describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. H. Comments: Page 3 of 5 t:NAM—3?4 Rev.01l11AM Monitoring System Certification Form: Addendum for Vaeuum/Pressure interstitial Sensors 1. Results of Vacuum/Pressure Monitoring Equipment Testing This page should be used to document testing and servicing of vacuum and pressure interstitial sinsors. A copy of this form most be included with the Monitoring System (Certification Form, which most be provided to the tank system owner/operator. The owner/operator must submit a copy of the Monitoring System Certification Form to the local agency regulating US'I- systeiiis within 30 days of test date. V' tat�ufacturer: NIA Model. � System Type: ❑ Pressure; ❑ Vacuum Sensor ll) 4�� ��1%%❑% ��� %�Y Component(s)Monitored by this Sensor: Sensor Functionality Test Result: ❑ Pass; ❑ Fail interstitial Communication 7'csl Result:❑ Pass- ❑ Fail Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: Sensor Functionality West Result:❑ Pass; ❑ Fail interstitial Communication Test Result: ❑ Pass: ❑ Fail Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: Sensor Functionality Test Result: ❑ Pass: ❑ hail Interstitial Communication'I est Result:'❑ Pass; ❑ lan Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: + Sensor Functionality Pest Result: L] Pass: [] rail Interstitial Communication Test Result: ❑ Pass; ❑ Component(s) Monitored by thi-s Sensor: Sensor Functionality Test Result: ❑ Pass; ❑ Fail Interstitial Communication Lest Result: ❑ Pass; ❑ Fail Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: { Sensor Functionality Test Result: ❑ Pass; ❑ Fail Interstitial Communication Test Result: ❑ Pass. ❑ Fail , Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: Sensor Functionality Test Result: ❑ Pass: ❑ yail interstitial Communication Test:Result: ].Pass, ❑ Fail Componcnt(s) Monitored by this Sensor: Sensor Functionality-Test Result: ❑Pass; ❑ Fail Interstitial Communication Test Result: ❑ Pass; ❑ Fail Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: Sensol-functionaliiy Test result:❑ Pass; ❑ Fail interstitial.Con7muhication Test Result: ❑ Pass; ❑ Fail Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: tl Sensor Functionality Test Result: ❑ Pass; ❑ Fail Interstitial Communication Test Result: ❑ Pass; ❑ rail How was interstitial communication verified'! ❑ Leak Introduced at Far.End of Interstitial Space-' ❑ Gauge;. ❑ Visual Inspection; ❑ Other(l)esciahe in See, d, betr�wl Was vacuum/pressure restored to operating levels in all interstitial spaces? ❑ Yes ❑No (lf no, describe in Sec. .1, h(Zo J. Comments: NONE OF THESE SENSORS ARE PRESENT AT THiS SITE. Page 4 of ._ 5 if the sensor successfully detects a simulated vacuum.-pressure,leak introduced in the ittterstitial space at the Iurthest.point from the sensor, vacuum/pressure has been demonstrated to be communicating throughout the interstice_ UN-036A- 1/1 wwwuhidomorg Rev.01-126100 Monitorin-Svst.eni Certification US's Monitoring Site Plan Site Address: 3605 ROSEDALE HWY. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 9330$ 2falewY . lit 7t�c� ; ` ►Si . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-tla+% pf-C 202 . . . . . . . . . . . : . . f1A�-1A'1ar�bu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1FCdr QCAC &'.roRe?r sip . . . . . . . . . . Doi LA-0 54I�50f" . : . . . o - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ® . : : ; : : : . . : : . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . : : : . . : : Date map was drawn: 5_/13/1.0. Instructions if you already have a diabram that. sho%v a.11 required information, you may include it, rather than this page. with your Monitoring System C:ei-tification. On your site plan, show the general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly identify locations of the following equipment, it' installed: monitoring.. system control panels; sinsors monitoring tank annular spaces, sumps; dispenser pans. spill containers, or other secondary containment areas; mechanical or electronic line leak detectors; and in-tank liquid level probes(if used for leak detection). in the space provided;note the date this Site Platt wa4 prepared. Pagc 5 of 5 t:V-03d-4/j N»t..unidces.org Rev.0 1 it"1118 RICH ENVIRONMENTAL 3305 BRITTAN ST. BAKERSI IELD, CA. 93.31}R OFFIC F,' (661)326-8402 FAX (661),26-8934 PRODUCT LINE IYAK DFITECTOR TEST WORK SHEET W/0#: FACILITY NAME: C&M SIIELL STATION FACILITY ADDRESS: 3605 ROSEDALE HWY. BAKERSFIELD CA.93308 PRODUCT LINE TYPE,: PRESSURE PR ��I.EAK IIETECTOR� ()UUC 'VPE T'ES TRiY P.A�;S BELOW P.S.I. OR SERIAL NUMBER 3 G.P.H. FAI1, S' UNL87 LID TYPE : 1FXIV SERIAL# 9$38 YES IO N.S.I. PASS PREN191 L(D TYPE : FXIV YFS 10 P.S.I. ASS SE"Ii ;�1 L# 0874 i DIESEL L/D TYPE : FXI DV SERIAL.# 4746 YES 10 Y.S.T. :ASS i LID TYPE : I + PASS SERIAL# ! FAIL I CERTIFY THE ABOVE TESTS WERE CONDUCTED ON THIS DA'ITE ACCORDING TO RED JACKET PUMPS FIELD TEST APPARATUS TESTING; PROCEDURE AND LIMITATIONS. THE MECHANICAL LEAK DETECTOR TFST PASS/FAIL IS DETERMINED BY USING A LOW FLOW THRESHOLD TRIP RATE OF 3 GALLONS PER HOUR OR LESS AT 10 P.S.I. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT'ALL DATA COLLECTED IS TRUE ANL)CORRECT TO THE REST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. TECHNICIAN: STEVEN OBERT SIGNATURE: -T DATE: 5/13/10 5V4'ltt.:13,.Januan 2006 Spill Bucket Testing Report Form this term is iwended j"i)r use by cevwiretors performing antral testing of 1," `spill containment struclures. the completed form and p•intolds,1rom tcsls iif applicable), should he provided to the jbcilitj-ownerloperaror for submittal to the local reguaatory agency. I. FACILITY LNFORINFAT1ON _ Facility Nanie: C.•&M Sl IEI.,I.STATION _ Date of Testing: Facility Address: 3605 ROSFI)ALE HWY. BAKI;1iSFIF.I.D,CA.93308 facility,Contact: CHC)Y _ _ _ _511hone: (661)304-7747 Date local Agency Was Notified of Testing: 4(28:'10 Name of Lcxal Agency inspector(if'pre�e,zt darrintr leslingl: E;STI fER 5 _ 2. TESTING C,QNTRACTOR IN-FORMATION Company Name: RICH ENVIRONMENTAL Technician Conducting Test: STEVEN OBERT Credentials: CSLl3 Contractor X [CC Service Tech. SWRCB Tank•I`cster Other(Spec rfyy - License Nutnber(s): 80.29980-U 3. SPILL BUCKET TESTING INFORMAITON Tesi iwthod Uscd: X Hydrostatic -:Vacuum !!Other 3 Test Equipment Used. VISUAL Equipment Resoiution:0 identify Spill Bucket (f 2 PRGM[ihiVt 91- 3 4 Number, Stored PrudeAR 87-FILL FILL D IESEL FILL 87-VAPOR X Direct Bury X Direct Bury i X Direct Bur}' X Direct Bury Bucket Installation Type: Contained in Sum ❑Contained in Sum L_ Contained in Sump : ,Contained in Sum Bucket Diamelei: 12' 12" 12" 12" _. .. [Bucket Ucpth: 14" 14" 14" 14" Wait time between applying Vacuum/water and start oftest: 30 MIN 30 MIN 30 MIN 30 MIN _ Test Start'T•ime(Ti)-. 0900 -� 0900 0900 0900 Initial Reading(Rj): 12" I2" 12" 12" � "Pest End Time(Tr): t 1000 1000 1000 1000 Final Reading(Rr): 12" 12" 12" i2" Test Duration(Ti:-Ti): 1-110UR l-HOUR 1-HOUR 1-1IQUR Change in Reading(RI:-R,): 0 0 0 0 PasS/7aiI Threshold or —t 0.00 +:'-0.00 +l-0.00 (;ritcria: _ est R lt: ; ss.:. fail a Pass.... �, apl X Pass U F. X PaVsFai1_. .:. Comments— (include information on repairs mane prior to teslin�q`and recomtriended Jolluw fiar fiulect rests) CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICIAN RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING THiS°TESTING I hereby cerrlf'v that all the injormation contained in this report is true, accurate,and ire full compliance with legal requirements. "T'echnician's Date:, 5/13/10. ' State laws and regulations do not curren.fly require testin-to he performed by a quali tied,writractor. Howevcr, local requirements may be more stringent. SWRCf3.,3anuary 2.006 Spill Bucket Testing Report Form This form is intended for use by contractors perfrrning annual testing tf UST spill cowainment structures. The coinpleled farm and printouls from ies'is/if applicable), should be provided to the facility otvner%operaror fUr submiluil to the local regulatory agency. y. _ 1. FACILITY INFORMATION _77- _ Facility Name: C&M SHELL STATION Date_ of Tcsth �-13, 10 Facility Address: 3605 ROSF.I)DAE HWY. BAI( RSFIELD,CA. 93308 Facility Contact_ CHOY CHAO Phone: (661)304-7747 Dale Local Agency Was Notified or Testing: 4:28;'10 N'amc of Local Agency Inspector{ifpresent during tesringl: E,STHER _ 2. TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION _ a C( .' Nartte: KICH FNVIRON'1�41:.NTAL -- _ Technician Conducting Test: S TCV EN ()13CRT Credentials': C'SIM Contractor X ICCSet•vice Tech._ SWRCD Tank fester 'Other (.SPeci/j-1 license Number(s): 8024480-UT ..�,. � � __j 3. SKILL BUCKET VESTING INFORMATION r st 1leth(,d Used: X Hydrostatic L Vacuum Other Test Equipment Used: VISUAL EqutpMent Resolution: 0, Identify Spill Bucket (By Tan 3 2 3 I 4 ,\Number. Stored Product, etc. 91-VAPOR o Backei Installation Type: X Direct.Bury Direct Bury _ Direct Bury Direct fluty U Contained in Sump Cl Contained in Sum _Contained in Sump i Contained in Sump Bucket Diameter: IT, Bucket Depth: - 14• - Wait time between apiilying 30 MIN 4 vaeutim/water and stun of test: r 1 est Start•Time(T,): 0900 Initial Kcadin}(R,). - —. Test Find Time(1,,): 1000 Final Reading(RF) �2,• �__-... Test Duration(Ty—T): -_� 1-HOUR Change in Reading(R, -Ri): 0 Pass fail Threshold or 0.00 -- Critc;ria: 1.r— es It: - U Fail j n Pass t:;Fail L1 :Pass Fail .,: ." Pass LI Fail Comments— (include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommended fallow'-Up for`failediesls) CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICIAN RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTIN(: 14411S TESTING, I hereby certify/hut all the information contained in this report is tract,accurate, and in full.compliance with leg01 requirentents- Technician's Signature:_ " _ Date: ;'13 10 ' Stag laws and regulations do not currently require testing to be performed by aqua lifi ed'contractor. However,local requirements may he more stringent. LIQUID SENSOR SETUP OUTPUT .RELAY SETUP T 3:,91 RV H1,STOR4' REPORT - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - _ PRODUCT CODE THERMAL. CUFF : -000' -- SENSOR ALARM ----- L 1 :87 STP R 1 :87 T6W DIAMETER 92 :87 STP TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) TYPE: TANK PROFILE 1 SUMP CATEGORY STP SUMP STANDARD FULL VOL : 9 SOR OUT ALARM NORMALLY CLOSED 13, 2010 9:22 AM L 2:DIESEL STP LIQUID SENSOR ALMS FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 L ALARM DUAL FLT. HIGH VAPOR L I :F.UEL ALARM WATER WARNING 13, 2010 9:04 AM CATEGORY : STP SUMP L 3:FUEL ALARM HIGH WATER LIMIT: SOR OUT ALARM L ?:FUEL ALARM 20. 2009 11 : 12 AM L 3:91 STP L ! :SENSOR OUT ALARM MAX OR LABEL VOL' TRi-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT} L 3:SENSOR OUT ALARM OVERFILL LIMIT I. 3:WATER ALARM f CATEGORY : STP SUMP L ! :HIGH LIQUID ALARM HIGH PRODUCT M HISTORY REPORT L 3:LIQUID WARNING L 4:87 ANN DELIVERY LIMIT S SE14BOR ALARM ----- TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) R 2:DIEEL 91 ANN TYPE: LAR SPACE CATEGORY : ANNULAR SPACE STANDARD LOW PRODUCT OR OUT ALARM NORMALLY CLOSED LEAK ALARM LIMIT: 13. 2010 9:22 AM SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: L 5:DIESEL ANN TANK TILT :IQUIB ALARM DUAL POINT HYDROSTATIC LIQUID SENSOR ALMS PROBE OFFSET F2, 2010 9:12 AM CATEGORY ANNULAR SPACE L 2:FUEL ALARM L 7:FUEL ALARM LIQUID.ALARM L 2:SENSOR OUT ALARM SIPHON MA41fOLDED T� 3-, 2010 9:00 AM L 2:HIGH LIQUID ALARM TO: NONE L 6:91 ANN LINE MANIFOLDED TAN!' DUAL POINT HYDROSTATIC R 3:91 TO: NONE RM HISTORIC ,REPORT CATEGORY : APlNULAR SPACE TYPE: STANDARD NORMALLY CLOSED LEAK MIN PERIODIC: _ SENSOR 1137 ANjq A ARM - SPACE L, 7:VENT BOX L I�+U I D SENSOR ALMS LEAK MIN ANNUM. �R OUT A TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) L 3:FUEL ALARM 13, 2010 CATEGORY : OTHER SENSORS L 7:FUL ALARM 9:22 qM L 3.SENS0R OUT ALARM r ALARM L 7:SE NSOR 4tx►- """" r PERIODIC TEST TYPE 3. 2010 9:07 AI'1 L 8:NONE STP ALARM NOAJ'9ALLY CLOSED--, , 4 :- ..u.._� _ ._._r,.-� ANNUAL TEST .FAIL 0. 21109 11 ;20 � - PMC SETUP ALARM DI. ..-. .... ALARM HISTORY REPORT F'MC VER3I0{`�: t�l_.02 _ PERIODIC TEST FAIL -- SENSOR ALARM __--_ ALARM DI. �Rfh H I STOR`! REPORT L 2:D I ESEL STP VAPOR PROCESSOR TYPE STP SUMP VEEDER-ROOT POLISHI=R GROES.TEST FAIL :VENT SOR 'ALARM SENSOR OUT ALARM ALARM D I S ER SENSORS MAY 13• 010 9:22 FAN ANALYSIS TIMES SOR OUT ALARM TIP1Tr: 1.1 :59 PM I ANN TEST AVERAGING T3, 20I0 9:22 AM MAY 1ALAFM 9:05 AM VELA`f ;INUTES: PER TEST AVERAGING - A J gENSOR OUT ALARM TANK TEST NOTIFY: 13, 2010 9:22 Ay aP.R 20. 2009 11 :12 AM - _ TNK TST SIPHON BRE P`TSE (7R SETUP FOR OUT ALARM - - - - _ DELIVERY DELAY 20, 2009 11 :12 AM ALARM HISTORY REPORT - - - PUMP THRESHOLD s 1 :VAPOR PRESURE -- SENSOR ALARM ----- CATEGORY VAPOR PRESSURE SOFTWA� YEVISION LFV L 5:DIESEL ANN s 2:CARFdO 329.01 ANNULAR SPACE CATZGOR. N CANISTER VFRSION 100 ` SENSOR OUT ALARM VAPOR VALVE a.3A6329. � MA; 13, 2010 9:22 AM s 3:ATM �EA�- 09.'01 .29.1, ►RM HISTORY REPORT LOW LIQUID ALARM CATEGORY ATM P SENSOR NO SOFTWARE ?1ODULE MAY 13. 2010 9: 12 AM FEAT Ass: -- SENSOR ALARM - -- RjOpiC IN-TAW T 1:91 STP HIGH LIQUID ALARM SUMP - MAY 13, 2010 9:08 AM ANNUAL IN-TA TE" JSOR OUT.ALARM 13. 2010 9:22 AM :L ALARM ! 13, 2010 9:07 AM EL ALARM 1 13. 2010 9:06 AM `..^Vln tu .,wnl,vr.rd .aw•v. SIV ,r,.... .-.... _ _ _ — — _ _ PRODUCT CODE EMl_SETUP _ _ _ _ » _ _ _ T 1.;87^ — — —� TSERMAL COEFF [ 13. 2010 8:15 AM PORT SETTINGS: PRODUCT CODE . 1 TANK DIAMETER THERMAL COEFF .000700 TANK .PROFILE COMM BOARD I (RS-232) TANK DIAMETER. 9.2.110 FUEL VOL BAUD RATE 1200 TANK PROFILE 1 PT Em UNITS PARITY ODD FULL VOL 9728 FLOAT SIZE: 4 STOP BIT 1 STOP EMI LANGUAGE DATA LENGTH: 7 DATA WATER WARNING LISH RS-232 SECURITY FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 IN. HIGH WATER LIMIT: EM DATE/TIME FORMAT CODE : DISABLED DD YYYY HH:MM:SS xK WATER WARNING 2.0 MA}{ OR LABEL VOL: COMM BOARD 2 (FXMOD) HIGH WATER LIMIT: 3.0 OVERFILL LIMIT L BAUD RATE 2400 i ROSEDALEE HWY PARITY ODD MAX OR LABEL VOL' 9728 HIGH PRODUCT :RSFIELD CA STOP BIT I STOP OVERFILL LIMIT 90ve DATA LENGTH: 7 DATA 0755 DELIVERY LIMIT RS-232 SECURITY }�1 GH FRODUCT 95U 7T TIME 1 12:00 AM CODE : DISABLED 9241 'T TIME 2 4:00 AM DIAL 'TYPE : TONE DELIVERY LIMIT 4 6 LOS PRODUCT 'T TIME 3 DISABLED ANSWER OD! 1 RING LEAK ALARM{ LIMIT: 'T TIME 4 DISABLED MODEM SETUP STRING LOW PRODUCT 500 SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT PER TST NEEDED WRN DIAL TONE INTERVAL: 32 LEAK ALARM LIMIT: 3 TANK TILT.PROBE OFFSET 1BLED SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: 50 ; ANN TST NEEDED WRN COMM BOARD 5 (RS-486? TFNK TILT 2.20 BLED BAUD RATE 2400 PROBE OFFSET 0.00 SIPHON MANIFOLDEI PARITY EVEN TO' NONE i RE—ENABLE METHOD STOP BIT I STOP LINE MANIFOLDED 3 LINE TEST DATA LFNCTH: 7 DATA SIPHON MANIFOLDED TANKS TO: NONE RS-232 SECURITY T4: NONE PER TST NEEDED WRN CODE : DISABLED LINE MANIFOLDED TANKS iBLED T#,' NONE LEAK M I N—PERIOD I ANN TST NEEDED WRN COMM BOARD 6 (S—SAT ? BLED BAUD RATE 9600 PARITY NONE LIwAF. MIN PERIODIC: 0% LEAK MIN ANNUAL 4T TC VOLUMES STOP HIT i STOP 0 SLED DATA LENGTH: 8 DATA RS-232 SECURITY LEAK MIN ANNUAL : 0% COMPENSATION CODE DISABLED D PERIODIC TEST T' JE (DEG F 7 : 60,0 DTF. NORMAL STATE: HIGH ,K HEIGHT OFFSET z 1BLED PERIODIC TEST TYPE ANNUAL TEST FAT: =1GI:: 90 AUTO TRANSMIT SETTINGS: STANDARD ALARM ROTOCOL DATA FORMAT AUTO LEAV ALARM LIMIT ANNUAL TEST FAIL PERIODIC TEST F GHT DISABLED ALARM DISABLED ALAW LIGHT SAVING TIME AUTO HIGH WATER LIMIT ABLER D I SABLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL GROS,,r. TEST FAI I DIRECT LOCAL PRINTOUT AUTO OVERFILL LIMIT ALARM DISABLED ALARr ABLED DISABLED AUTO LOW. PRODUCT GROSS TEST FAIL ANN TEST AVERA( 0 PROTOCOL PREFIX D I SA$LElj ALARM DISABLED PER TEST 'AVERAI AUTO THEFT LIMIT DISABLED ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF TANK TEST NOTE AUTO DELIVERY START PER TEST AVERAGING: OFF DISABLEB 4 TNK TST SIPHON SECURITY AUTO DELIVERY END TANK TEST NOTIFY. OFF l£ : 000000 DISABLED DELIVERY DELAY AUTO EXTERNAL INPUT ON TNT; TST SIPHON BREAK:OFF PUMP THRESHOLL NTENANCE HISTORY DISABLED :ABLER AUTO' EXTERNAL INPUT OFF DELIVERY DELAY 5 MIN DISABLED PUMP THRESHOLD : 10.094 AU'rO SENSOR FUEL ALARM U{ CHART SECURITY DISABLED TABLED AUTO SENSOR WATER ALARM DISABLED AUTO SENSOR OUT ALARM 3TOM ALARMS DISABLED >ABLED ;VICE NOTICE SABLED } 3166 COUNTRY )E: 3S/DENSITY 33ABLED MONITOR CERT. F)ULURE REPORT SITE NAME : C&M SHELL STATION DATE : 5113110 ADDRESS : 3605 ROSEDALE HWY. TECHNICIAN : STEVEN OBEWf CITY : BAKERSFIELD SIGNATURE : THE FOLLONAING COMPONENTS WERE REPLACEDIREPA.IRED TO COMPLETE TESTING. Rl PAIRS : NONE LABOR: NONE. PARTS INTALLED : NONE NAME : TITLE : SIGNATURE : THE ABOVE NAMED PERSON TAKES FULL RESPONSIBILITY OF.NOTIFYING THE APPROPRIATE PARTY TO HAVE CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN TO REPAIR THE ABOVE: LISTED PROBLEMS AND.NOTIFYI.NG RICH E:NVIRONNIANTAL FOR ANY NEEDED RETESTING.THIS ALSO RELEASES RICH ENVIRONNI.ENTAL OF ANY FINES OR PENALTIES OCCURING FROM NON-COMPLIANC.-E. A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN LEFT ON-SITE FOR YOUR CONVIENENCE.