HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 RESULTS 111#3 as MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION Piss IE For Use dy All Jurisdictions Within the State of Califnrniu .4uthority Cited: Chapter 6.7, Health and Safety Code; Chapter 16, Division 3, Tille 2:3, CuliJbrniu Code of ReAufation.v I'his form must tx; used.to document,tilting,and servicing of-monitoring equipment. A separate eertilication or report Must bC prcrarcd lur catch monitoring system control nanel'b},fhc technician who performs the work. "A.4 iopylo This form.must he pravided lo-file iank system O ner/opmoor. I'ln Owner/operator niust submit acopy of tt isform toahe local,agency. regulating US]'systems within 30 days ol'.te.4 daitc.. A: General information Facility Name: ORANGE BELT STAGES i 1 :No.: Site Address: 3646 SILLECT`AVE City: BAKERSFIELD Zip:. 93308_ Facility Contact Person: MATT Contact Phone No.: MakeiModel of Monitoring System:,TLS-350 INSP..ERNIE MEDINA: Date of TestinrlScr.vic±nb; 64812010 B. inventory of Equipment Tested/Certified. Check the a "ro riateboxes to indicates ecific ui meat ins ected/wrvie.. Tank ID: DIESEL Tank I1): In=rank-Gaup ing Pridx. Model- MAGI C1 In-Tank,Gaugmg.:Probe. Model: .. ®:Annular Spacc,or Vault Sensor. Mod& TRANSDUCER Q Annular Space or Vault Sensor; Model: :0-Piping-Sump/Trench Scno y Model. 208' Q Piping Sump(Trcnch_Sensar(s). Modcl`. Q:MIUSunip Sensiir(s). Model: Q Fill.Sump Scnsor(s). Model: '.?Mechanical Line Lek-Detector. Model:.F)00V Q Mechanical Linca,eak Defector.- Mcidcl '.. ❑f.lcotrimisa.inc.i:eak.1)cti ctor. Model: Q Electronic"Line Leal;b0cetor. Model:. Q°l enk OvcrliR/'l lig)r laud Sensor. Model:, Q Tank Overfill/:I ligh-level Sensor. Model: Q•.Other(specify equipment type and.model in Section I:.on Page 2). Q Chher(specify equipment type and mi d6hii Si u'et>ir,F on•Page 2). Tank i:D: Tank:ID: Q Iri=rank Gauging Pmtx: Model: Q"In--tank Gauging Probe. Mudnl;' Q Annular Spau aw Vault Sensor: Model:. Q:lnnutar Spacc or Vault Sensor., model: Piping Sump!'1'runch Sensor(s). MWO: Q Piping Sump!Treneh Scnsor(.iI Mt 1: . ❑fiii:Sump Sensor(s): Model:. Q'Fill Sump ensor(s). . model: Q Mechanical Line Leak Doke lor. Model: 0,'Mechanical Line 1..cak.1)eiecux. Moili L .. Q Islectrnnic I.ineI utk Ixteclor. Model: Q'Llectronic line Leak,Doectiw: MtOcl: Q.'.I'ank_.0veriill.I l Iigh-t.cwl Sensor. Model: Q Tank(Verrill ,I ligh-l,erci:Scntior. `to k;1: . ❑Other(specify oquipmcnttypc.and.trn)dcl in Section E:on Page 2): []Other(specify equipmenttyprand niodel in.Scction I on,}'are"2j Dispenser ID: 1 Dispenser.ID: ®i)ist+cnurC'pntainincntScnsor(s). .Medci: 001 Q Dispenser,Containmcnt Scnsor(s). Model: ®SIx arValyc(s). ❑Shear Valve(s). Q`1)tspenser Contaitnncnt Floai(�.)'and:C;hai.n(s). Q Dispenser Containment Float(s)'and Chain(s).: ;I)ispepser 1p;" Dispenser ID: ❑I)ispsnscr C'cx►tainiiiciit Scnscir(s) Model. [1 U:9penscr ContuinmentSensnr(s}. Nlndcl:. Q,Shcar YAW,). Q Shear V,aNc(s) �t tspensci•Ccmtaariiiient.11ciat{s)end.Chain(s). 06ispbnscr C:ontainmenc.Flaa1(s}:and Cheiit(s} i B Drspettser ID... Dispenser 1D: a ,Q I>ispcamr,Containmcnt S654(s). Modd:. El Drspcnser ContainmentSensor(s). Motel: El Shear Valve(s). ❑Sheaf-Valve(s). - Q t)is,pPnser 0mainmcw Flnat(s)and:C°hain(0. Q:I)ispenser Containment Ploags}and'C hain(v). "lf the tacility contains more.tanks or:dispcnsers,copy this form.. Include information for;evcry 1ank,and di's0.%,r at the facility. C. Certification -icertify thataheequipmentidentified in_this.documentwas inspected/serviced in accordance with.the man.ufaciurers' guidelines. Attached to this Certification Is information.(e.g..manufacturers` checklists) necessary to verify that this Information is correct and a Plot Plan showing the layout of,monitoring equipment. For any,.equipment.capable_of generating such reports,I have also attached s copy of the report;(&hecA-ad that apply):. ®System,Set-up Alarm history report Technician Name(print): . STEVEN OB.ERT Signature:_c Certification No:: A28531 .1..8029980-UT License-No 0611 D40 809850 1`esting:C o.Inpiiny Name- .RiCtl Environmental Phone N6.;(.661)'192 68687 � T Testing Company Address: 5643 B90OKS CT.BAKERSFIELD, CA-93308, Date.of TestinglServicin-_i 6/2912010 'Page 1 of 5. UN,036-1J4 w%w.unidocs:org 44 Rcv.6.1/1 7 10$ IE Monitoring System Certification !). Results of Testing/$jmvicing Stiitwarc.Vorsion Installed:. 6,01, :coin, aMe'the,follow.in ;checklist: ® Yes. O,No* ls,Ahe audible alarm operational? ---1. Yes. [I..No* Is the visual alarm operational? ® Y'es _p. :No* Wgle.all sensors visually nspected,functionally tested;Ahd confirm ed.operational? N Yes 0 No* Were"gall sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned,sorthtit other equipment will not,interfere with their proper operation? O 'Yes 0 No* If alarms are relayed to a remora monitoring station, is all. .communications egUi.p1.11011 .(e.`,.. modem) N N/A op&.ationaV _ N Yes p No's For pressurised piping system , does the turbine automatically shut down if thc`piping:secondary containment 0 N/A monitoring system detects a'leak,fails to operate,or is electrically disconnected? If yes:which sensors initiate positive.shut=down? (Check ll:that:app'ly) ®Sumprrrench Sensors; -JD DispcnscrContdinnient Sensors. Did you confirm positive shut-down.due to leaks and sensor failureldisconnection2 N Yes; 0.No. 01 Yes O No* For,tank systems that of llze the'•'monitoring system as the, primary tank, pvcrfi)! Warning, device (i.e., no N/A Meehan tcal:overfill prevention valv&Js installed), is:the'z overfill:warning alarm yisibl"c and.audiW at the tank fill.- int(s)Aand o ratin property?'if so;at what . scent bftankcapacity does'lhc:alarin trigger? °iii p Yes* ® No Was any monitoring equipment replaced? If yes, identify specific sensors,probes, or other equiptni nt replaced and list the manufacturer name'and model for:all replacement.parts:in Section+',below. . [] Yes* [D :No Was liquid found inside any secondary containment:systems designed as dry: ystems� lhui'cippl}°j p Product; ❑Water. If yes,describe causes in:Section E,:below. 9 Yes ❑ No* Was mortitorino system set-up reviewed,to ensure proper settings? Attach set:.up reports;;ifap livable Yee 0 Noy`. Is all dionitoring equipment operational per manufacturer's specifications`? jn'Sectil6ri"F below,describe how and whenahese.deficiencies were!.or will be corrected. i E. ;Comments: Page 2 of .5 t N-036—2!4 www.unid,66.irg Rev.01/1?109 M,qhitoring'System Certification F. lii=TankCauging/ StR-Equipment: 9 Check this:.box if tanksau-ingis:u.sed only for Inventory control. ❑ Chdck this box if no tank,gaugibg or SIR equipmencis Instaile(L This section must be completed if in-tank gaugingg.:equipment is used to perforrii leak'dclt cti6n,.moniioring. Complete the following.checklist; El Yes ❑ No* Has all input wiring been inspected for proper entry and term ination,:including te sting for i),round faults? , ❑ Yes ❑ No* Were all tank gauging g probes visually inspected f6r,dabiage and residue buildup? Yes' ❑ No*- 'Alas accuracy of system product level readings tested? Yes ❑ No* Wastaccuracy of systein water-,leVel readirip.tested? Yes El No'l -1 Were all probes reinstalled properly! Yo No*_1 Were all items on the:equipment manufacturer's maintenance:checklist.completed'). in Section.,H below,describe. MW and*-,!ied'tbese deficiencies were or wilibHe corrected: ❑ Check this box if LLDs are not.in stalled. 1,6rnpietelhO foil... inp :checkfist: 0 Y&; No* For equipment -up or.aririuAleqU equipment certification, was :a leak simulated to verif�� 1.1.4) ,per-tormance'.1 -pment�zstart ❑ N/A (Check,all that aPPI Simulated leak rate: 10 3 g p:h:, 00.1 gwp.h, El 6.2-g.p h. jZ Yes ❑ No* Were all LLDs-confirmed Qp ry erational.and accurate within regu ato requirements`.' 0 Yes ❑ No* Was the testing apparatus propefly::calibrat6d? Z Yes ❑ No* For mechanical L.I-Ds,does the LLD restrict product flow,if it:detects a leak? ❑ N/A ❑ Yes 0 No* For electronic LLDs,does the turbine automatically shut off if the LL Udetects a leak.? El Yes ❑ NO For electronic!LLDs &es the turbine automatically shut-off if any portion of the mobit ringsystem is jlsablcd y 0 0 N/A or disconnected? 'For turbine automatically shutbff-if any portion of the monitoring system malfunctions ❑ Y�es� E3,No* electronic LLDs,dotsthe t r .0 g N or'fails a test? Ci8es J_: 3 :No* de-electrbniq LLDs,have-all accessible wiring connections been visually inspected?'. 19 -N/A Yes wo :No-� Wereall itens..on the e qu ip m ent manufacturer's maintenance checklist-completed? (i4�$e-etibn below,describe how and when.theSe, iencies-mere or will betorrected. H.. Comineftts*, Page 3 of UINA34-314. Wwwmnidws.org L %-w, C. I Monitoring. Vai�uuip/Prmtire interstitial System Certification Form: AdMiduni for, a , L esults Of Vacuum/.Pressurt,Monitoring,Equipment.Testing g This pAge,shbuldbe:iised to document testing,.and servicing i_ a of v cuum-drid.pressure interstitial sensor~: A copy ol' .this form must:N included With theMonitoring-System CertifkAtidn Form, which must be provided. to the tank s,ystettiowner/operator. The ownertooerdtdr must submit,a copy of the:.Monitorina System CO%rtification Form to thc Focal agency.regulating UST:-�Ystejhs within 3'O&ys oftest:dAte. Manufacturer:.MORRISON BROS Model-;TRANSDUCER ER System Type' ❑ P.rqssulv! 9 VEICLIUM Sensor If Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: DIESEL ANNULAR L:2 Sensor Functionality Test Result: Pass; D.FaR Interstitial Communication Les[Result.:Kpa"S.-, ❑ Fail Component(s) Monitored by this-Sensor: Sensor iFtinctiona Iity'Fesf.Result:❑ Pass; Fail Interstitial Communication'lest Resull.-"Ej.Pass; ❑ ail Component(s) Monitored by.th.6-Sensor:. Sensor.Functionality TestResult: El Pass,, [I Fail Interstitial Communication 1'e st,gesult. El Patss 'ail Com.ponent(s)IMbriftored by tkis-Seqsor:, Sensor Functionality test Result:[3,Pass;- E] fail ":)Morstilial Communication:restR csu It: pwssj Ej I"ad Component(s)Monitored by 1his!§Sensor: Sensor,Functionality Test Fail interstitial,CQm.murucat'on TestResu It: Naas; toComponents) Monitored'by,thi..s Sensor.. Sensor Functiohalit I Test,R4tilt-,❑ Pass;� Ej, Fall: Interstitial Communication Test.Result:. Pass;. Fail y Com-ponent(s Monitored:by this,Sedwr: qcnsor Functionality Test_Result: El:Pass- ❑ Fail Interstitial Co rimunlcation 1"est,Rest,lt::E]:Paqs; ❑ Fail . Cornponent(s) Monitored:by this,Sensor Scnsor'Funcfionality,-I est,,Rtsult- ❑pass; '[j Fail Interstitial CorrinfunidAtionTesi Result:,❑ Vass; ❑ Fail Component(s)Monitored by this.Sins,or:. Sensor Functionality Test Result: ❑ Pass, ❑ Fail ,Iniersiitial,CommOtiicatiori Test Rd,SLilt'.,❑ Pass; El, Fail omponen't(s) Monitored by this Sensor: Sensor Functionality Test Result: ❑ PAS"; ❑ Fail ;Interstitial Communication Test'Resull:❑ Pass: ❑ Fail How was interstitial'.communication verified? e, Inspeption- ❑ Oiher,(P�=r.*�inSea .1, hehllw) ❑ I-eak,Introduced at Far End of InwTstitial'Space.,' ❑ Gau- 'Visual Was vacuunt/Pressurerestored t1o:opera ting levels,in all interstitial spaces? Z Yes EjNo.(ff no,,davcrihe:im54c:,J, belotv) J. Comments: 'Page 4 of .5 If the sensor successfully detects a si-mutated vacuum/pressure leak introduced in the-interstitial;spdce at the furthest point from the sensor,vacuum/pressure has been.demonstrated to be:comn)UPicati n-g throughout the interstice.. (:N4136A-1/1 .WWw'.unidomorg Rev.01/20/06 v c v Monitdrieig,System Certitication UST Monitoring Site Plan Site Address: 3640 SILL ECT AVE BAORSFIELD;,CA 93308 t,-Vo.IL.- u-kX'. .. . . tNCcrVft}�' . . . . _ .. . .. - .. .. -� . .. . ^r ' . .: . Date map was drawn;;6/28/2010. Instructions if you already'have a diagram that shoo' ws,alt required information, you may include it, rather a6an this;page: with your:'4ioniiori.ng System Certification. On your site plan; show tile'general:layout of'.tanks and piping. Clearly identify locations of the folloeving. cyuipment, if installed: ronitoring,system, control panes; sensors monitoring tank.annular spaces, sumps:. dispenser pans, spill containers, or other secondary containment•areas-,mechanical or e1ectronic1ine IeA detectors; and in-tank. liquid ledcl'probes (if used 1b.r Icak detection). In the space,provided-noie the date ails Site Plan.was prepared. Page S of 5 .l'N 036- '/J "W.Unidocs.org: Re.v:.01'!1.7/08 a RICH ENVIRONMENTAL.. 3305 BRITTAN:ST BAKERSFIFI D,:CA. 93308 OFF 1CF:,(66t)326-8402 t AX (66:1)326-8934 PRODUCT LINE.LEAK DETECTOR TEST WORK SHEET W/O#. FACILITY NAME: ORANGE BELT'STAGES . FACILITY ADMESS': 3640'SILLECT AVEN.UE, .BAKERSFIELD, CA PRODUCT`LINE TYPE: PRESSURE PRODUCT 1EAK;DETECT0R TYPE TEST TRIP PASS' BELOW P.S.I. OR SERIAL NUMBER 3 G.P.H. FAII, DIESEL L/D TYPE : RED JACKET... YES 10 P,S.I. PASS' SERIAL#,. 6857 L/D TYPE:; PASS YES SERIAL# FAIL L/D:TYPF':' .' PASS YES SERIAL#... FAIL L/D TYPE: PASS, YES: FAIL 'I CERTIFY THE ABOVE TESTSVERE CON DUCTED ON THIS DATE ACCORDIN(:TO RFI) _JACKET PUMPS FIELD-TEST APPARATUS TESTING PROCEDURE AND LIMITATIONS. THE MECHANICAL LEAK DETECTOR TESTYASS I FAIL[S-DETERMINED BY USIN( A .LOW FLOW THRESHOLD.TRIP:RATE O1'.3 GALLONS PIER HOUR OR.LESS AT 10 P.S.I.1 ACKNOWLEDGE THAT ALL DATA COLLECTED 1S TRUE AND CORRECT"TO THE BEST OFMY KNOWLEDGE. TECHNICIAN: STEVEN OBERT. SIGNATURE:_� > DATE: 628/10 SWRC1.3,hnuary 2006 Spill Bucket Testing Report Form T his fiwM is into nded fbr use hy.conlractors lierforming annual;lesling:of UST spill containment slrucluhr i,the compl.eied form unil prinfoufs from fes'ts(!f upr(lcahle), should he-provided to the;facility,owherl�iperci or°for.su6+rrittdl it)_lhit toga!regillafilrY agengi 1:: FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Name: ORANGE"BELT STAGES, ,,. Date of`I esiing: 612,5%10 facility Address: 3640 SILL!'CT AVE,8AICERSFl�LD CA, — F•acility Contact: MATT Phone. bate,I:ocal:Agency Was.Notified dtesting 6128/10 Name.of Local Agency Inspector(if present during testinf): 'ERN IE MEUINA 1. TESTING CONTRACTORINFORMAT16N Company Name: RICH..ENVIRONNIENTAL Technician Conducting Test: STEVEN OBERT Credentials'-- 1:I.CSLB Contractor X.ICC Service Tech. [ SWRCB,Tank fester 1 [Other(1n6-i ) _ License Number(s)` 8029480-UT 3. SPILL BUCKET'TESTINC.INFORMATION Test Method.Used: X Hydrostatic .I Vacuum I Other _- `Pest Equipment Used: VISUAL Equipment';Resal ition'.0 Identify Spill Bucket(t3y Tank 1 2 3 4 r finiher, Stored Producl, etc. DIESEL Bucket Insiallation:Type: X Direct Bury. l :Direct Bury Dieect'Bury, !Direci Bur ry i. I Contained in Sump, r 1 Contained in Sump t,i Contained in .Uni i.Contained in Sump, Bucket Diameter: 12" Bucket Depth: 14" Wait-time between applying vacuum/water and start of test: 30:MIN Tesi.Start Time(Ti); 09.04 Initial Readrng,(it;). 12". I' End Time(Ti:.) ;1:000 Final Reading(;Ri_),. t2" -- Pest Duration Cf`f—T;): 1-140A (Change n Reading(R,:_Rr)-- 0: —� 'PassfFail Threshold.or Criteria: Test Result: X Pas&. . L!°1~&1i1 f,�:FMS ;':(�Fair .. k1 Pass, �.i Fail Pass 1"1.Fail Comments (include information on repairs made priur to lesting and rec2mmended full<�w�upf{ir faelcd>te;}L�j CERTI FICATI ON,OF TECH NICAN RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING THIS TESTING 1 here6y certify that-i ll the hiformation contained In this report-u true,'accurate,and to full=compliance with legpl requirements;. Technician's Signature; — Cute:^_-6128/10: ti! 'State laws:and regulations-do not currcently require testing.to be petot7rred by a qualifed eantraclor:Flowever;.)ocal requirements 'may,be more Stringent. GQMtNUNICA'TIOIVS GETUP jYJpy I.N.-TANK SETUP - T 1 :D I ESEL PORT SETT I ialt,�S: PRODUCT CODE 1 ALARM HISTORY REPORT THERMAL C,OEFF . .000450 NONE FOUND TANX DIAMETER 95.OU -- SENSOR ALARM TANK PROFILE . I PT: .232 SECURITY L21—DIESEL ANNULAR FULL VOL 1 4703 CODE :, 00000.0 ANNULAR SPACE FUEL ALARM JUN 28. 2010 8:52 AM FLOAT SIZE: 4:0 1 NCHEB.. =. FUEL ALARM WATER WARNING 2.0 OCT 23. 2009 2:2I PM HIGH WATER LliilV :3:0 RS-232—END OF DRESSAGE <,D,I SABLED FUEL ALARM OCT OR LABEL VOL:: 11.783 : m,'MAX 23:, 2Q09 2:11 PM OVERFILL LIKIT 904 OUTPUT RELAY SETUP 1,0804 ti � - HIGH PRODUCT 95 h:. 11193, R', ! :POSITIVE SHUTDOWN DELIVERY LIih.IT r5% JERSION£: a89 TANDARD LOW.. PRODUCT`. 1000 RMALLY CLOSED LEAK,AIARM�1 I'M I T: 99 TANKN :LOSS LIMIT: 99 QUIDs'SENSOR ALMS ALARM:;HISTORY REPORT TANK T I LT: 0.00 1 :FUEL ALARM ;r 2..FUEL""ALARM ---- SENSOR..ALARM --- MANI FOLDETi. TANKS LL:SENSOR OUT ALARM L' 1 :D STP SUMP .. � ,$ PERIODIC TEST TYPE FUEL-,ALARM STANDARD 3UN 2a. 201fl 8.51 AM " PERIODIC TEST`FAIL FTWARE REVISION I.EV FUEL: ALARM ALARM DISABLED 6.0:1 ,:: OCT 123: '200`3 . 2:20 PM. FTWAREO ;6`12760-006 s GROSS TEST FAIL EATED - 94.02,20,15:."­. FUEL ALARM ALARM DI':SABLED SOFTWARE MODULE IA OCT 231 2009 11 --14 AM PER TEST AVERAGING OFF TANK. TEST NOTIFY: OFF TNK. TST SIPHON BREA}t;OFF LEAK TEST METHOD TEST ON DATE ALL T. DELIVERY DELAY 1 MIN --. . - -; PEAR 30. 2006 "-'- - START. 't.It'1E ItI6ABI:E TEST RATE :0..20 .GAL SYSTEM SETUP `,DURAT,;IOR: 2 . HOUR ...JUN 20.­20-1 0' -g:06 AM ZlQUID ,SENSOR SETUP �. SYSTEM::UTJ I TS I 1-:'DIESEL STP SUMP U 8.. TR I,-STATE SYSTEM LANGUAGE, CA '80ORY STP SUMP ENGLISH :.QRAwGZ BELT STAGES g,,2:D:I'EaEL. AiKNULAR 3640 SI:LLtCT AVE NORMALLY CLOSED BAKERSF 1 ELD. 0,A cFaT£GORY ANNULAR \ SHIFT TIME DISAS.LED SHIFT TIME 2 DISABLED SHIFT TIME 3D1;SABLEn PER I OIx I C TEST .WARN I 1VGS DisABLED WARNINGS ANNUAL I TEST b I SABLED SYra'fEM SECURITY CODE 000000 MONITOR CERT FAILURE REPORT SITE.NAME ORANGE BELT STAGES DATE 6!28/10 ADDRESS: 3640-SILLECT AYENUE TECHNICIAN STEVEN OBERT CITY : BAKERSFIELD SIGNATURE: THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS WERE.REPLACED/REPAIRED TO COMPLETF, TESTING. REPAIRS-• n LABOR: PAR'I'S INTALLED `` O t-1 f N NAME": TTTLE SIGNATURE : THE ABOVE NAMED PERSON TAKES FULL RESPONSIBILITY OF NOTIFYING THE APPROPRIATE PARTY TO"HAVE CORRECTIVE:ACTION TAKEN TO REPAIR THE ABOVE LISTED PROBLEMS AND NOTIFYING RICH ENVIRONMANTAL FOR ANY NEEDED RETESTING,THIS ALSO RELEASES RICH ENVIRONMENTAL OF ANY FINES OR PENALTIES OCCURING FROM NON-COMPLIANCE.. A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS-,BEEN LEFT ON-SITE FOR YOUR CONVIENENCE.,