HomeMy WebLinkAbout3701 MING AVE x IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 53 IE RMENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. 2103'Twentieth Street Bakersfield, California 93301 ' (661) 324-6152, FAX (661) 324-6172 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Subject: Preliminary Investigation @ Fastrip Gas Station Date: 10/18/06 3701 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield Send Ka: Mail X As Requested Attn: Mr. Howard Wines X Review X Your Information Company: Bakersfield Fire Department Approval Prevention Services Signature Return Other Address: 900 Truxtun Ave. Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA. 93301 Items Enclosed: Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation Report Project#200204 Comments: RAM is pleased to provide you with a copy of the Report, a copy was also sent to JACO Oil Company. If you have any questions, please call me at(661) 324-6152. Respectfully, M. e Ellis-McNaboe Professional Geologist IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 54 IE 2000-06-204-lot-Howard Wines 0 JACO OI[IL COMPANY 0 1FASTRff P OAS STATION 3701 MING AVENUE BAK ERR FI EILIID, CA. PRELIMINARY Y Z ffIVIES'l ffGATffQN AND IE VAILUAMN REPORT ilf o PROJECT # 2002041 OCTOBER 2006 a _ _ ENVIRONMENTAL i - -- _ - ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. 2103 201h Street o Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-6152 o FAX (661) 324-6172 0 tTABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVESUMMARY...........................................................................................................................2 ' 1.0 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................3 1.1 RESPONSIBLE PARTY/CONTACT INFORMATION....................................................................................3 ' 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION.....................................................................................................................3 2.1 SITE DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................................................3 2.2 LOCATION AND CURRENT USE..............................................................................................................3 3.0 TOPOGRAPHY,GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY.........................................................4 3.1 TOPOGRAPHY........................................................................................................................................4 ' 3.2 GEOLOGY..............................................................................................................................................4 3.3 HYDROGEOLOGY...................................................................................................................................4 4.0 SITE TANK RENEWAL SAMPLING HISTORY.-... 4 ' 4.1 SUMMARY OF TANK REMOVAL FINDINGS.............................................................................................4 4.2 TABLE:LABORATORY ANALYSES FROM SELECTED SOIL SAMPLES-TANK PULL................................6 4.3 QUANTITY OF CONTAMINANT RELEASED..............................................................................................6 5.0 PRELIMINARY SITE ESVESTIGATION..........................................................................................7 5.1 SOIL SAMPLE LABORATORY ANALYSIS.................................................................................................7 6.0 RESULTS........................................................................................................................................8 6.1 SUMMARY OF RESULTS.................................................................................................................8 7.0 WASTE MANAGEMENT.............................................................................................................9 ' 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................................................9 ' 9.0 LINMATIONS.............................................................................................................................10 10.0 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................11 11.0 SIGNATURE PAGE.....................................................................................................................12 ' FIGURES ' Figure 1 Area Map Figure 2 Plot Plan Figure 3 Soil Sample and Boring Locations APPENDICES ' Appendix A Copies of Regulatory Correspondence Appendix B Summary of Soils Analytical Results, Tank Pull Appendix C Lithologic Logs, Borings B-1, 13-2, B-3 ' Appendix D Laboratory Reports, Site Investigation ' 3701 Ming Avenue,Bakersfield Project#200204 October 2006 ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A Preliminary Site Investigation and Evaluation was conducted at the Fastrip Mini Mart and Self Serve Gas Station (Site) located at 3701 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield following the discovery of fuel impacted soils below an underground storage tank (UST) that was removed when the gas station was modified (see Figure 1, Area Map). 1 Three borings were drilled to a depth of 30 feet below ground surface adjacent to the former UST, Tank#2 (see Figure 3, Soil Sample and Boring Locations). Soil samples were collected at five-foot intervals from 10-feet below ground surface (bgs)to 30-feet bgs. ' The results of the soil analytical data show that no fuel-impacted soils are present in the area adjacent to the former Tank#2. There is no threat to groundwater from a leak or ' spill associated with the former Tank#2 at the Site. RAM recommends that a closure letter be issued for this Site. 1 ' 2000_06_204^PIER,Ming and Real 2 ' 3701 Ming Avenue,Bakersfield Project#200204 October 2006 PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION AND EVALUATION REPORT ' JACO OIL COMPANY'S FASTRIP 3701 MING AVENUE,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA ' 1.0 INTRODUCTION RAM Environmental Engineering Services Inc. (RAM) is pleased to present this ' Preliminary Site Investigation and Evaluation Report (PIER)for the JACO OIL owned Fastrip Mini-Mart and Self serve Gas Station (Site) located at 3701 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield in Section 11,Township 30 South, Range 27 East(see Figure 1 -Area Map). This PIER follows the guidelines presented in "Appendix A—Reports Tri-Re ional Board Staff Recommendations For Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation of Underground Tank Sites (April, 2004 " ' This investigation was required by Bakersfield Fire Department, Office of Environmental Services (BFDOES) in correspondence dated November 29, 2004, after soil samples collected below the former Tank#2 at the site indicated a possible unauthorized release of gasoline and diesel. A workplan was submitted to BFDOES in December 2004. The ' workplan was approved by BFDOES in a letter dated June 8, 2006 (see Appendix A for copies of regulatory correspondence). ' 1.1 Responsible Party/Contact Information The responsible party for the Site is JACO OIL;the company contact person is Mr. Roy ' Saunders, 3101 State Rd., Bakersfield, California; telephone(661)428-5761, FAX (661) 393-8738. The consultant contact is RAM Environmental, Richard Casagrande or Jane McNaboe, 2103 201h Street, Bakersfield, California, 93301, telephone (661) 324-6152, FAX (661) 324-6172. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 Site Description The Site is a JACO owned and operated Fastrip gasoline station and convenience store, ' constructed in 1983. City storm drains are located near the corner of Ming and Real, adjacent to the property. ' Utilities for the Site and adjacent properties are located beneath the sidewalk area of both Ming Avenue and Real Road. There are no overhead utilities present at the Site. ' The UST's at this Site were removed and replaced in February 2004. Soil samples collected and analyzed from beneath the former UST's contained hydrocarbons. ' 2.2 Location and Current Use The current use of the Site is as a JACO OIL-owned Fastrip self-serve gas station and convenience store. Immediately adjacent to the Site are commercial developments 2000_06_204_PIER,Ming and Real 3 ' 3701 Ming Avenue,Bakersfield Project#200204 October 2006 including a car rental business and a small restaurant. Ming Avenue borders the site on the north; Real Road borders the Site on the east (Figure 1). A plot plan of the Site is ' presented in Figure 2. 3.0 TOPOGRAPHY,GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY 3.1 Topography The Site is at an elevation of 308-feet above sea level. The topography slopes gently to ' the southwest. 3.2 Geology ' The Site is located in the San Joaquin Valley, which is the southern portion of the Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley is a large alluvial plain approximately 50-miles wide and 400-miles long; it is a trough in which sediments have been deposited almost continuously since the Jurassic (about 160 million years ago). Granitic and metamorphic rocks out crop along most of the eastern and southeastern flanks of the Great Valley, while marine rocks of pre-Tertiary age out crop along most of the western flank. The post-Eocene-aged continental rocks and deposits in the valley trough contain most of the fresh ground water, and are underlain by or contain saline water at depth in most places. They range in thickness from zero along the flanks of the Great Valley to more than 15,000 feet in the extreme southern part, where the base of the fresh water lies at a maximum depth of about 4,700 feet. ' 3.3 Hydrogeology The regional unconfined groundwater at the Site is at approximately 180 feet below ' ground service (bgs); the groundwater flows to the southeast (KCWA 2004). The Stine Canal is located approximately one-half mile to the west of the Site. ' 4.0 SITE TANK RENEWAL SAMPLING HISTORY ' Soil sampling at the Site was conducted on February 19 and 24, 2004, as the former tanks, piping and dispensers were replaced under BFDES permit#BR-0317. A table summarizing the laboratory results from the soil samples taken during the tank ' removal are included in Appendix B; a table highlighting the samples containing chemicals of concern is included in Table 4.2 (page 6). Sample locations are shown on Figure 3. ' A PID meter was used during sampling to monitor volatiles in the soil. Three significant readings were noted in the field. At sample site 6-2 a reading of 44.9 was recorded. At ' sample site 6-6 a reading of 88.9 was recorded and at sample site 7-2 a reading of 26 was recorded. ' 4.1 Summary of Tank Removal Findings A summary of laboratory analyses from selected soil samples, discussed below, is included in Table 4.2 (page 6). ' 2000_06_204_PIER,Ming and Real 4 1 3701 Ming Avenue,Bakersfield Project#200204 October 2006 The laboratory results from the soil samples collected during the tank removal indicate an ' area of contaminated soil below sampling site number 6, located below the west end of Tank#2, the former mid-grade gasoline UST. Sample 6-2, collected 2-feet below the base of the tank excavation, at the west end of Tank#2 contained: 25 mg/Kg Toluene, 25 mg/Kg Ethylbenzene, ' 240 mg/Kg Total Xylenes, 3000 mg/Kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g), and 2400 mg/Kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH-d). ' Sample 6-6 collected at sample location 6, at 6-feet below the base of the excavation contained; ' 14 m g/Kg Toluene, 13 mg/Kg Ethylbenzene, 13.0 mg/Kg total Xylenes, 2000 mg/Kg TPH-g, and 920 mg/Kg TPH-d. Based on the Leaky Underground Fuel Tank (LUFT) manual, the maximum allowable ' concentration of Total Xylene in soil,with an interval of 100-feet between contaminated soil and groundwater, is 50 mg/Kg. The maximum allowable concentration of TPH-g in soil,with an interval of 100-feet between contamination and groundwater is 1000 mg/Kg. Both soil samples 6-2 and 6-6 contain concentrations of Xylenes and TPH-g that exceed ' the LUFT recommendation limits that can be left in soil. The northern, eastern, and southern lateral extent of the gasoline plume within the soil at the west end of Tank 2 has been defined. There were no chemicals of concern found in the soil samples collected and analyzed from sample locations 10, 11, 8, 5, and 2 (see ' Figure 3 for sample locations). The soil sample from location 7 at 2-feet (sample 7-2) below the excavation contains no contamination. Sample 7-6 contains a low concentration of diesel at 53 mg/Kg at 6 feet below the level of the tank excavation; probably indicating the northern edge of the hydrocarbon plume. The soil sample from location 1-2 (2-feet below the tank excavation) contained no chemicals of concern. The soil sample from location 1-6 contained a low concentration of Total Xylenes, 0.017 ' mg/Kg, likely indicating that the sample was taken from near the southern edge of the plume. ' The western edge and the vertical extent of the plume are undefined. 2000_06_204_PIER,Ming and Real 5 ' 3701 Ming Avenue,Bakersfield Project#200204 October 2006 4.2 Table: Laboratory Analyses From Selected Soil Samples—Tank Pull Soil Depth Benzene Toluene Ethyl- MTBE Total FT PH- 7PH-d Sample p benzene Xylenes g No. Ft. * mg/Kg EPA 8021B 8021B 8021B 8021B 8021B 8015M 8015M Method ' 6-2(Tank 2.0 <0.005 25 25 <0.02 240 3000 2400 2 6-6(Tank 6.0 <0.005 14 13 <0.02 130 2000 920 ' 2 7-2(Tank 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.02 0.028 <1 <10 3 7-6(Tank 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.02 <0.01 <1 53 ' 3 1-2 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.02 <0.01 <1 <10 Tank 1 1-6 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.02 0.017 <1 <10 Tank 1 Values 1 50 50 NA 50 1,000 10,000 ' Laboratory Flag. See Appendix B for specific samples flagged. SO I: Sample result is not within the quantitation range of the method. S09: The surrogate recovery on the sample for this compound was not within the control limits. Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. ' 3000—compounds above LUFT values 25 —compounds above laboratory detection limits < 1 —compound was not detected in the sample extract at the laboratory detection limit shown. mg/Kg—milligrams per kilogram Ft* - feet below tank excavation Notes: 1. LUFT Values: Standards set by the State for protection of groundwater(LUFT Manual, ' October 1989),based on groundwater more than 100 feet below the sample depth. 4.3 Quantity of Contaminant Released ' The location and laboratory analysis of the contaminated soils indicate a gasoline release. JACO Oil has not noted discrepancies in the inventory records. The UST's at the Site ' passed all `tight' testing prior to their removal. The quantity of gasoline released is unknown, but based on preliminary soil samples,the ' quantity is thought to be low in volume. ' 2000_06_204_PIER,Ming and Real 6 ' 3701 Ming Avenue,Bakersfield Project#200204 October 2006 5.0 PRELEW NARY SITE IIWESTIGATION Prior to any drilling at the Site, on September 11, 2006, RAM marked the drilling locations in white paint and Underground Services Alert (USA)was contacted to notify ' the underground utilities in the area of the boring activity, there were no conflicts between drilling locations and underground utilities. ' On September 14, 2006, RAM advanced 3 borings adjacent to the area of the former Tank#2; see Figure 3, Soil Sample and Boring Locations. Boring B-1 was drilled to evaluate the vertical extent of contamination directly below the former Tank#2; Borings ' B-2 and B-3 were drilled to evaluate any potential horizontal spread of contaminants. All the borings were drilled to a depth of 30 feet below ground surface (bgs). ' All borings were drilled using InterPhase Environmental, Inc.'s direct push GeoProbe. Soil samples were collected in acetate tubes, using the GeoProbe sampler, at 5-foot intervals beginning at 10-feet bgs. The tubes were capped with Teflon tape followed by a plastic cap, labeled,placed in zip-lock.bags and stored..in an ice chest with Blue-IceTM, until transported under chain of custody (COC)to ProVera Labs, Bakersfield. ' A California State Professional Geologist described the soil samples and constructed a lithologic log of each boring, see Appendix C—Lithologic Logs. A Photo Ionization Detector (PID)was used to measure the volatile organic compounds (VOC's)in each sample interval; measurements were recorded on the lithologic log. When the total depth of each boring was reached,the boring was backfilled with hydrated bentonite pellets. 5.1 Soil Sample Laboratory Analysis ProVera Labs analyzed the soil samples as follows: ' • Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g, carbon range C4- C 12)using EPA Method 8015M; ' • Total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH-d, carbon range C 12_C 24) using EPA Method 8015M; • BTEX and fuel oxygenates by EPA Method 8260B. ' 2000_06_204_PIER,Ming and Real 7 ' 3701 Ming Avenue,Bakersfield Project#200204 October 2006 6.0 RESULTS A Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results is presented in Table 6.1 (below); complete laboratory reports are included in Appendix D. A PID was used in the field to evaluate soil samples for the presence of volatile organic, there were no significant readings. Soils encountered while drilling included sands, gravelly sands, silts and clay layers. The first 10-feet below the surface were not characterized. Boring B-3 contained a clay layer at 15-feet bgs, and a silty clay interval at 30 fbg. The variety of soils indicates likely ' deposition in a fluvial environment. No groundwater was encountered while drilling. ' 6.1 Su ary of Results Boring No.- Depth Benzene benzene Toluene om, ,lanes MTBE TPH-g TPH-d ' Ft. EPA Method 8026b EPAOMethod Units mg/K ' B-1 10 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.3 <0.1 B-1 15 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <03 <0.1 B-1 20 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <03 <0.1 B-1 25 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.3 <0.1 ' B-1 30 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.3 <0.1 B-2 20 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <03 <0.1 B-2 25 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.3 <0.1 ' B-2 30 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <03 <0.1 B-3 20 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.3 <0.1 B-3 25 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <O.05 <03 <0.1 B-3 30 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 1 <0.05 <03 <0.1 LUFT Values 1 50 50 50 NA 1,000 10,000 ' 140-compounds above LUFT values 25 -compounds above laboratory detection limits <0.05-compound was not detected in the sample extract at the laboratory detection limit shown. mg/Kg-milligrams per kilogram Ft*-feet below ground. Notes: 1.LUFT Values: Standards set by the State for protection of groundwater(LUFT Manual,October 1989), based on groundwater more than 100 feet below the sample depth. 1 ' 2000_06_204_PIER,Ming and Real 8 1 3701 Ming Avenue,Bakersfield Project#200204 October 2006 7.0 WASTE MANAGEMENT 1 No waste was generated by this site investigation. 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS RAM recommends this report be sent to Mr. Howard Wines at BFDEHS. RAM has 1 evaluated the results of the site investigation and soil analysis, and recommends that this site is a candidate for a closure letter. No chemicals of concern were found in the soil samples collected from locations adjacent to the former Tank#2 from 10 to 30 feet below ground, and the area does not contain chemicals of concern that threaten groundwater. i 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 2000_06_204_PIER,Ming and Real 9 a ' 3701 Ming Avenue,Bakersfield Project#200204 October 2006 9.0 LEWTATIONS ' RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. has prepared this Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation Report, for the exclusive use of Mr. Roy Saunders of JACO Oil as it pertains to the property located at 3701 Ming Avenue, in Bakersfield, California. Our professional services have been performed using the degree of care and skill 1 ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by other professionals practicing in this field. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the professional advice in the Report. Any use of or reliance on this Report by a third party shall be at such party's sole risk. ' RAM assumes no responsibility for site conditions or activities that were outside the scope of the inquiry requested by Mr. Roy Saunders. It is recognized that regulatory requirements may change, including the revision of accepted action levels, which could ' necessitate a review of the discussion, findings, recommendations or opinions of the Report. 1 1 1 2000_06_204_PIER,Ming and Real 10 3701 Ming Avenue,Bakersfield Project#200204 October 2006 1 10.0 REFERENCES ' Department of Water Resources (DWR), 1975, California's Ground Water, DWR Bulletin No. 118 tKern County Water Agency, 2003 Report on Water Conditions, April 1, 2004. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc., Workplan for Preliminary Site Assessment at the Jaco Oil Company's Fastrip Market;3701 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, California(BFDESD Permit#BR-0317),December 2004. ' Appendix A—Reports Tri-Regional Board Staff Recommendations For Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation of Underground Tank Site (April, 2004). 1 1 2000_06 204_PIER,Ming and Real 11 1 . 3701 Ming Avenue,Bakersfield Project#200204 October 2006 11.0 SIGNATURE PAGE ' This Preliminary Investigation and Site Evaluation Report prepared for Mr. Roy Saunders, dated October 2006, was prepared by RAM Environmental Engineering ' Services, Inc. under the responsible charge of the following professionals: M. J e Ellis-McNaboe, PG G SAD ' Project Geologist Nl� 4127 9TFOF CA0f g M.CAS 't�, ' Richard M. Casa rand HS -- Noy 3388 4 � g c[ r.t ai President �/ y Egk". 109 1 ' 2000_06_204_PIER,Ming and Real 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 � FIGURES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MEMO MINE — 1■nm �• I®Iii �a■`s:F y OWN a ,ri- ■n■ler■■u�■■ er_up■�■ a' 4 ® �0■■■rr■■■.s.r■o _uoac a� ■rrr■■■■rr■■■e�eea■ �Re'�e>1 � � eP91■m■1� . . ta�f= ... sr•����-��r�r■ntr �■ ■.■rare ■.■..n■a-eY■e1�➢.■=�i�i1■■■eln�mmf� °i ®111:G8® �ree■Room I "� eilMEN ��I�� � yam' i 1�� ■IIIr�1l M,■., �911111IA11 RIM m IN owmalli 411 AIm �►� i®a �� IIII® �® ���� AmGIon tpwrw JACO OIL FIGURE I 1 OCTOBER II . AREA MAP Project#2000204 . . 1 INVESTIGATION 1 ROADS, EVALUATION 1 ' 1 MING AVENUE Sidewalk Driveway NI La'�d ScaA��� Signage Tank 4 c� Diesel 3 a� Tank 3 ,> Premium Q Tank 2 Mid-Grade N Tank l Unleaded � d A N A � ca U Y rn .� a b V) M A MINI-MART Q 3 a� >r, Q LEGEND SCALE 01 20' JACO OIL RAM ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT# 200204 FIGURE 2 PLOT PLAN ENGINEERING SERVICES OCTOBER 2006 INC. SITE INVESTIGATION FASTRIP- 3701 MING AVENUE 2103 20th STREET AND EVALUATION BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA BAKERSFIELD, CA. JEM 10/06 2000_06_204y1ot plan MING AVENUE Sidewalk Driveway La'7d ScaAl�� Signage B-2 Tank 4 -�- 10 11 12 3 Diesel a) Tank 3 > 7 8 9 � Premium Q 6 Tank 2 5 ::4] B-1 Mid-Grade N T 1 Tank 12 3 Unleaded B-3 A N � Q cd U Y N M A MINI-MART Q Q LEGEND SCALE 2 _ TANK PULL SOIL SAMPLE Boring Location O 20, LOCATION AND NUMBER JACO OIL FIGURE 3 RAM ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT# 200204 TANK PULL SOIL SAMPLE ENGINEERING SERVICES OCTOBER 2006 AND BORING LOCATIONS INC SITE INVESTIGATION FASTRIP- 3701 MING AVENUE 2103 20th STREET AND EVALUATION BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA BAKERSFIELD, CA. JEM 10106 2000_06_204_plot plan r 1 . r 1 r . Appendix A rCopies of,Regulatory Correspondence r r � r r r r r r r r r r r November 29, 2004 7BY C EIVED E R S P I:.F/RE Mr. Roy Saunders DEC 0 3 2004 A R rM r Ming & Real Fastrip , P.O. Box 1807 : ' Bakersfield, CA 93380 ' RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at the Ming & Real Fastrip, located at 3701 Ming Avenue in Bakersfield Permit# BR-0317 1 FIRE CHIEF Dear Mr. Saunders, RON FRAZE Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES facility, his office has determined that the of the plume, 2101 "H"Street y e extent e conam p Bakersfield.CA 93301 associated with the west end of gasoline tank #2 (from the south) previously ' VOICE(661)326-3941 located on your property, has.not;:.been,adequately defined. . FAX(661)852-2170 SUPPRESSION SERVICES This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California ' 2101 "H"Street Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Bakersfield.CA 93301 Regulations) that further assessment be done to define the vertical and VOICE(661)326-3941 FAX(661)852-2170 horizontal extent of the contamination plume. ' PREVENTION SERVICES I Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, within FIRE SAFETY SERVICES•ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 30 days from receipt of this letter. The work Ian should follow guidelines 900 Truxtun Ave..Suite 210 y P P 9 ' Bakersfield,CA 93301 found in: Appendix A -Reports. Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations VOICE(661)326-3979 for Preliminary evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites; July FAX(661)852-2171 6, 1990. ' FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed Bakersfield.CA 93301 to you at a rate of$104.00 per hour. VOICE(661)326-3951 ' FAX(661)852-2172 If you have any questions, please call me at (661) 326-3979. TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Sincerely, ' Bakersfield.CA 93308 VOICE(661)399-4697 RALPH E. HUEY, Director of Prevention Services FAX(661)399-5763 By: Howard H. Wines, III ' Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No..7239 Office of Environmental Services H H W/s ' cc: J. Whiting, RWQCB R. Casagrande, RAM 6?w lit"'y 1 ' JARYN E R S F I D y z..�..F/RE JUN 1 4 2006 T I3X: ' June 8,2006 ' Mr. Roy Saunders Ming& Real Fastrip 632 P.O.Box 1807 ' Bakersfield, CA 93380 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ' ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES RE: Work Plan Approval for Ming&Real Fastrip 632 2101 "H"Street 3701 Ming Aver)tie in Bakersfield, CA Bakersfield,CA 93301 VOICE(661)320911 FAX(661)852-2170 ' Dear Mr. Saunders, SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H"Street 1 Bakersfield,CA 93301 32 VOICE(661)326--3941 This Office has reviewed the Site Investigation Work Plan, dated FAX(661)852-2170 i December 2004,prepared by RAM Environmental for the above referenced property. ' PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES•ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 900 Truxtun Ave.,Wile 210 The work plan is acceptable. Please give this Office five (5)working Bakersfield,CA 93301 VOICE(661)326-3979 days notice prior to the commencement of work. Please be advised that FAx(661)852-2171 any work done that is not performed under direct oversight by this Office will not be accepted,unless previously approved. FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave.,31d Floor Bakersfield,CA 93301 If you have any gpestior s,please call me.at(661)326-3649. VOICE(661)326-3951 FAX(661)852-2172 Sincerely, TRAINING DIVISION RALPH E. HUEY,Director of Prevention Services 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield,CA 93308 VOICE(661)399-4697 FAX(661)399-5763 By: Howard H. Wines III Hazardous Materials Specialist Professional Geologist No. 7239 ' Office of Environmental Services ' cc: R. Casagrande,RAM 1 Appendix B Summary of Soils Analytical Results,Tank Pull 1 1 1 1 Ming&Real Rd. Project#200143 June 2004 Summary of La oratory Results ' Soil Boring Depth Benzene Ethyl benzene Toluene X lenes MTBE TPH- TPH-d No. (ft) (mg/kg)' 1-2(Tank 1) 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL ' 1-6 Tank 1 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL 0.017 <PQL <PQL <PQL 2-2(Tank 1) 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 2-6(Tank 1) 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 3-2(Tank 1) 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL ' 3-6(Tank 1) 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <p L <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 4-2 Tank 2 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL P L <PQL <PQL <PQL 4-6(Tank 2) 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL ' 5-2(Tank 2) 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 5-6 Tank 2 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 6-2 Tank 2) 2.0 ft. <PQL 25 25 240. <PQL 3000 �24U0 6-6 Tank 2) 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL 14 130 , <PQL 2000; t 2920 ' 7-2 Tank 3 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL 0.028 <PQL <PQL <PQL 7-6(Tank 3) 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 53 8-2 Tank 3 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL ' 8-6 Tank 3) 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 9-2 Tank 3 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 9-6 Tank 3 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 10-2 Tank 4 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 10-6(Tank 4) 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 11-2(Tank 4) 2.0 ft. <PQL <P L <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 11-6(Tank 4) 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL ' 12-2 Tank 4 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 12-6 Tank 4 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL D1-2 Dis 2.0 ft. <PQL 0.020 <PQL 0.018 <PQL 2.2 15 D1-6 Disp 6.0 ft. <PQL 0.14 <PQL <PQL <PQL 11 60 132-2 Disp 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 46 D2-6 Disp 2 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL .<PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL D3-2 Disp 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL _<PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 133-6 Disp 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL D4-2 Disp 4 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL ' D4-6 Disp 4 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL P1-2 Co.Pie 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL P 1-6 Co. Pie 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <P L ' SP1 Soil Pile 1 <PQL 0.0055 <PQL <PQL <PQL 4.8 96 SP 2 Soil Pile 2 <PQL 0.019 0.44 2.1 <PQL; 9.4 32 SP 3 Soil Pile 3 0.011 9.4 12 84 <PQL 1000 570 Notes: 1. Results shown are above standards set by the state for contamination to water(LUFT Manual,October 1989) ' 2000_04_143_Ming&Real Rd. 5 Appendix C Lithologic Logs,Borings B-1.B-2,B-3 1 SAMPLE CLIENT: JACO OIL,RAM Project No.200204 t BOREHOLE ' PROJECT:Site Investigation,Fastrip Ming and Real > m COMPLETION a LOCATION: 3701 Ming Avenue,Bakersfield EL a 0 T w O o E w DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION 00 a te. No completion. ' (n O co ? J 0 Asphalt 0 5 W 5 t z O z W Co LO 0 10 SILTY SAND;0/80/20,well graded,loose,black,dry, 1.2 SM w 10 ' slight odor,black stain. 0 ' M 0 15 CLAY;0/0!100,dense,good plasticity,moist,no 0.0 CL o 15 odor,no stain. W ILLJ J Go Y U 0 20 SAND;0/100/0,tan,well graded,loose,dry,no odor, 0.0 SW m 20 no stain. W J 1 O W 0 co O 25 as above 0.0 m 25 Go 30 SILTY CLAY;0i0/100,dark brown,minor plasticity, 0.4 ML 30 co' o moist,no odor,no stain ' 35 35 ' 40 40 ' 45 45 1 50 50 1 DRILLING METHOD:GeoProbe DATE DRILLED:September 14,2006 ' SAMPLER TYPE:GeoProbe,Acetate Liner LOGGED BY:J.McNaboe,PG TOTAL BORING DEPTH:30 feet APPROVED BY: DEPTH To WATER:Not encoun ere : n er ase LOG OF EXPLORATORY B-1 ' BORING• RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Page_1_of—I- 2000_06_204_B-I jith log SAMPLE CLIENT: JACO OIL,RAM Project No.200204 r BOREHOLE ' PROJECT:Site Investigation,Fastrip Ming and Real ( > m COMPLETION Q LOCATION: 3701 Ming Avenue,Bakersfield W a U T > m = m to j o W E w DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION p v a w No completion. ' Z W O mZ J 0 Asphalt 0 5 W 5 ' z O z W m 0 0 ' 0 10 SAND;0/100/0,tan,poorly graded, loose,dry, no 0.0 SP W 10 odor,no stain. Q 0 ' 0 15 SAND;0/100/0;tan,well graded,loose,dry,no odor, 0.0 SW 15 no stain. w J J_ O Y rn 20 Q 20 ° as above,finer grained. 0'7 w J O 2 W O of 0 25 GRAVELLY SAND, 10/90/0,well graded,yellow-tan, 0.0 SW a::'::: °m 25 cobbles to 1/2",rounded,loose,dry,no odor,no .a stain. 0 30 SAND;0/100/0,tan,well graded,loose,dry,no odor, 0.0 SW 30 ' o no stain. 35 35 ' 40 40 ' 45 45 1 50 50 DRILLING METHOD:GeoProbe DATE DRILLED:September 14,2006 SAMPLER TYPE:GeoProbe,Acetate Liner LOGGED BY:J. McNaboe,PG ' TOTAL BORING DEPTH:30 feet APPROVED BY: DEPTH TO WATER:Not encountered n er ase LOG OF EXPLORATORY B-2 ' BORING RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Page_1_of_1_ ' 2000_06_204_8-2 lith log SAMPLE ICLIENT: JACO OIL,RAM Project No.200204 .2 BOREHOLE cl. PROJECT:Site Investigation,Fastrip Ming and Real '0 > COMPLETION Q ir T E Uj E U) LOCATION: 3701 Ming Avenue,Bakersfield a- U) U) W 0 Z) 0 ECL x 0 No completion. a- DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION O U :E n. ' ? fn W -i co Asphalt —0 5 W —5 z 0 1-- z W co 10 0 —10 W SAND;0/100/0,well graded,tan,loose,dry,no odor, 0.0 SW no stain. < ' 0 15 15 as above 0.0 W iZ 20 ....... < —20 0.0 SW m GRAVELLY SAND;20/80/0,well graded,brown, W — gravels angular to 1/4",loose,dry,no odor,no stain. ....... 0 ;6 W Go 0 25 ... —25 SAND;0/100/0,well graded,brown,loose,dry,no 0.0 SW co odor, no stain. LO as above 0.0 c') —30 30.. —35 —35-. 40 —40 45 45 50 —50 DRILLING METHOD:GeoProbe DATE DRILLED:September 14,2006 SAMPLER TYPE:GeoProbe,Acetate Liner LOGGED BY:J.McNaboe,PG TOTAL BORING DEPTH:30 feet APPROVED BY: DEPTH-10 WATER: Not encountered MEEED-BY-7 Inter Phase LOG OF EXPLORATORY B-3 RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING BORING Page_11_of-1- 2000-06-204–B-3–lith log 1 ' Appendix D Laboratory Reports,Site Investigation 1 X X rA cn v o v 0 ' 0 0(D cu cu M 'r3 D D rt Z O m C Ca. CI) tp C 0 w a 0) 3 m CD C0 3 7 In X C p 3 L1 z to CD m ^ —i CD rte, { 7JJ . W G5 CD G cri 0 CD V- O 0 N N Li O \. 00 � C' D (n ' rn I BTEX(EPA 8021b) ' CD 0 CD I MTBE(EPA 8021 b) (D z TPH Gasoline(8015M) CD Q S Ch ' �D 100 a Cil TPH Diesel(8015M) `G 00 p < Volatiles(EPA 8260b) O5 Oxygenates(EPA 8260b) ' CA I O 7 Oxygenates(EPA 8260b) Fn* M CD '(� MTBE(EPA 8260b) I c CD Lead scavengers(8260b) a ? BTEX(8260b) ' N N Q C U) Q. 0 0) CD CD 3 W° =a s ' CD - 1 � g > o c VN - 3 0 x C). N ' O 1 PROVERA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Chain of Custody Form Client Name: �� J� 1�f1 hi �/�� �Z o l-D Analysis Requested Sample Matrix Project Name: a j Y K �? f �,^ N N o Aqueous Client Address: r- f 7l- J7►'C'P r o a co . a m Go co w C C N Soil Project Manager: d a C � CM s a a o H a > N W w fied Sampler Name: C � � o _ � m � � Q�� W �. W o o Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type co > tO r- Comments he 2,9 0 173 Sampling Event: EDF Type:GW Monitoring Other Turnaround Time Requested: 24 Hour 48 Hour 5-Day Standard Relinquished Date: of Relinquished By: Date: Received By: Dateq L d�; Received By: Date: 1 ( ProVera Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report ' Certification#2606 CLIENT: Ram/Jaco(Ram#200204) Project Name: Ming and Real ' Matrix: Soil Sampled by: J.McNaboe TPH g Analysis: 9/18/2006 t TESTS: TPH Gas by EPA 8015M TPH d Analysis: 9/15/2006 TPH Diesel by EPA 8015M Date of Report: 9/19/2006 Units:mg/Kg ' Sample#: 8939-001 8939-002 8939-003 8939-004 8939-005 8939-006 8939-007 Date Sampled: 9114/2006 9/14/2006 9/14/2006 9/14/2006 9/14/2006 9/14/2006 9/14/2006 DL mg/Kg Sample Description: B-1-10 B-1-15 B-1-20 B-1-25 B-1-30 13-2-20 B-2-25 TPH Gasoline ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.3 TPH Diesel ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.1 Surrogate Recovery% 91 90 91 91 91 92 90 ' Sample#: 8939-008 8939-009 8939-010 8939-011 Date Sampled: 9/14/2006 9/14/2006 9/14/2006 9/14/2006 DL mg/Kg Sample Description: B-2-30 B-3-20 B-3-25 B-3-30 ' TPH Gasoline ND ND ND ND 0.3 TPH Diesel ND ND ND ND 0.1 1 ,Surrogate Recovery% 91 92 92 90 DL=Detection Limit ND-Non-Detect at given DL 1 1 a t:Alexander Can 1 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 ' Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 },rr , ProVera. !' Certification#2606 Analytical Laboratories,Inc. ' tCLIENT: Ram/Jaco(Ram#200204) ' Project ID : Ming and Real Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 9/16/2006 ' Report Date : 9/1812006 Sample ID : 8939-001 B-1-10 Method RL ' Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor ' 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol. ND mg/Kg 0.10 1 Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) . ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' BTEX Components Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 m,p$o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Internal Standards Results %Recovery Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% ' 11 4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% Surrogate Standards ' Methane,dibromofluoro- 52 104% 1,2-Dichlomethane-d4 54 108% Toluene-d8 54 108% p-B mofluorob"hen e e (BFB) 55 110% Prinitipal Analyst:Alexander Candia 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 i ProVera Analytical Laboratories, Inc. ' Certification#2606 CLIENT: Ram/Jaco(Ram#200204) Project ID: Ming and Real Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 9/16/2006 Report Date : 9/18/2006 Sample ID : 8939-002 B-1-15 ' Method RL Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor ' 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mg/Kg 0.10 1 ' Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' BTEX Components ' Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 m,p&o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Internal Standards Results %Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 49 98% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 48 96% .' Toluene-d8 59 118% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 56 112% Princ al A lyst:Alexander Can is 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA,93313 ' Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 . 4 ProVera Analytical Laboratories,Inc. ' Certification#2606 CLIENT: Ram/Jaco(Ram#200204) ' Project ID : Ming and Real Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 9/16/2006 ' Report Date : 9/1812006 Sample ID : 8939-003 B-1-20 ' Method RL Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor ' 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mg/Kg 0.10 1 ' Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND tug/Kg 0.05 l ' BTEX Components Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 L m,p&o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 I Internal Standards Results %Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 45 90% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 48 96% ' Toluene-d8 46 92% p-Bromofluoroben en e (BFB) 43 86% Princ►pal A yst:Alexander Candia 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 ' Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 t P rove ra )' Analytical Laboratories, bu. ' Certification#2606 CLIENT: Ram/Jaco(Ram#200204) 1 ' Project ID: Ming and Real Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 9/16/2006 ' Report Date: 9/18/2006 Sample ID: 8939-004 B-1-25 Method RL Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor ' 5 Oxygenates ` t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mg/Kg 0.10 1 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 iBTEX Components Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 m,p&o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Internal Standards Results %Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 41 82% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 45 90% Toluene-d8 48 96% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 46 92% 1 \ Principal An st Alexander Candia 5221.Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 ry't: ProVera ' Analytical Laboratories,Inc. Certification#2606 tCLIENT: Ram/Jaco(Ram#200204) ' Project ID : Ming and Real Analysis: EPA Method 8260b ' Analysis Date: 9/16/2006 Report Date: 9/18/2006 Sample ID : 8939-005 B-1-30 Method RL ' Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor ' 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mg/Kg 0.10 1 ' Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Tert Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' BTEX Components ' Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 m,p&o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Internal Sta ndard s Results %Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlombenzene-d4 50 100% ' Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 51 102% ' 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50 100% Toluene-d8 55 110% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 50 100% ' Principal Anal t Alexander Candia 1 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 tPhone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 1 P rove ra Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Certification#2606 Cert CLIENT: Ram/Jaco(Ram#200204) ' Project ID : Ming and Real Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 9/16/2006 Report Date: 9/18/2006 Sample ID : 8939-006 B-2-20 Method RL ' Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mg/Kg 0.10 1 ' Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' BTEX Components ' Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 m,p&o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Internal Standards Results %Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% ' Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 51 102% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50 100% ' Toluene-d8 53 106% p-Bromofluorobenzene BFB} 49 98% t PrKcipll An st:Alexander Candia- 1 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 ' Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 ProVera Analytical Laboratories,Inc. Certlfi cation #2606 CLIENT: Ram/3aco(Ram#200204) t ' Project ID : Ming and Real Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 9/16/2006 Report Date : 9/18/2006 Sample ID : 8939-007 B-2-25 Method RL ' Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor ' S Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mg/Kg 0.10 1 ' Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND mg/Kg 0.05 ' BTEX Components Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 I Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 m,p&o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Internal Standards Results %Recovery Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chioro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% ' Surrogate Standards Methane,dibrornofluoro- 41 82% ' 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 45 91% Toluene-d8 47 94% p-Bro ofluorobenzene (BFB) 47 94% ' Principal An st:Alexander Candia 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 ' Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 !r 1 j I ProVera. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. ' Certification#2606 CLIENT: Ram/Jaco(Ram#200204) 1 ' Project ID: Ming and Real Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 9/16/2006 ' Report Date : 911812006 Sample.ID : 8939-008 B-2-30 Method RL ' Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor ' 5 Oxygenates 1-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mgiKg 0.10 1 Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' BTEX Components Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 m,p&o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Internal Standards Results %Recovery Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 43 87% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 45 89% ' Toluene-d8 45 90% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 46 91% Principal Ana st:Alexander Candia 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 ' Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 1 ProVera Analytical Laboratories, Inc. ' Certification#2606 CLIENT:_ Ram/Jaco(Ram#200204) ' Project ID: Ming and Real Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 9/16/2006 Report Date: 9/18/2006 Sample ID: 8939-009 B-3-20 Method RL Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor ' 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mg/Kg 0.10 1 Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethyl Tert=Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND nTJKg 0.05 1 ' BTEX Components Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 i m,p&o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Internal Standards Results %Recovery Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% ' Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 45 90% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 44 89% ' Toluene-d8 42 84% p-Bro orobenzene (BFB) 41 82% Princip I An f st Alexander Candla 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 ' Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 cr ProVera ' Analytical Laboratories,Inc. Certification#2606 ' CLIENT: Ram/Jaco(Ram#200204) ' Project ID: Ming and Real Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 9/16/2006 Report Date: 9/18/2006 Sample DD: 8939-010 B-3-25 Method RL Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor ' 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mg/Kg 0.10 1 Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND mg/Kg 0.05 i ' BTEX Components ' Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 m,p&o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Internal Standards Results %Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% ' Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 44 89% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 45 90% ' Toluene-d8 41 82% p- r(inofluorobenze a (BFB) 45 91% ' Pnnci al A yst Alexander Can is 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 ' Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 :. ..i i. ProVera J. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Certification#2606 CLIENT: Ram/Jaco(Ram#200204) ' Project ID : Ming and Real Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 9/16/2006 ' Report Date: 9/18/2006 Sample ID : 8939-011 B-3-30 Method RL Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mg/Kg 0.10 1 ' Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' BTEX Components Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 m,p&o Xylenes ND mg/K- 0.05 1 Internal Standards Results %Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% 1,4 Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% ' Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 48 96% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50 99% ' Toluene-d8 46 91% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BF 49 99% IN Yn 1 nc al A a yst:AletanaZrr Candia 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 ' Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 ProVera �..... . EPA 9260B Q Altalytical Laboratories,Inc. ' Q-4-QC Report EPA 801 cM A Q -QC Report Certification#2606 CLIENT: R2m/J9e0(Ram#200204) Projects Covered by this QA-QC: A Ming and Real Analysis Date: Matrix: 9/16/2006 Sal ' BFB: Internal Standards Benzene,fluoro Results %Recovery Benzene-&B,chloro- so 100% 1.4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 IW/o 50 100 a Surrogate Stand''rds Methane;dibromofluoro- 1,2•-Dicltloroethane-d4 40 RO°ib Toluene-dR 42 R4% 41 P-Bi6mofluorobc6z.cu6 (AFB) 40 RO% 1B: Internal Standards Benzene,fluom Results %Recovery Benzene-O'chtoro- 50 100^14 1.4-Dichlorobenzened4 50 100WY 1 50 100% Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro. 1..1-13ichloroethano-d4 43 86% Toluate-dS 44 9.1 p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 44 R.1 41 R2°i n>s: Results %Recovery ' l,l Dichloroethene Trichloroethene 49 99 C610robenzene 47 94% Toluene so 101% Benzene 45 91% p-Bromolluorobenzene(BFB) 4R 96% 39 79% MSD: Results %Recovery ' 1.1-Dichloroethene Trichloroethene 50 100"/° Chlorobenzene so 10()o; Toluene 52 105% ' Benzene 49 990/6 p-Bromofluorobenzene(BFB) 51 102% 34 76% 8015M-TPHG BFB %Recovery 1B 90% NIS 92% MSD 101% 98% 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 13 933 Phone;(661).827-5240 Fax: (661)8 A 9334 B E R S F I D FIRE June 10,2010 44 aRFN r Mr.Roy Saunders 3101 State Rd. Bakersfield,CA 93308 RE: Closure of Tank removal at 3701 Ming Ave,Bakersfield,Ca Dear Mr. Saunders; Ronald J. Fraze Fire Chief This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results of the soils analyses for the above mentioned location that have been presented Tyler Hartley by RAM Environmental Engineering Services dated October 18, 2006. Douglas Greener Based upon the information provided, this department has determined Deputy Chiefs that appropriate actions have been completed, and that at this time, no further investigation, remedial or removal action or monitoring will be required for this site., Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit the rights HOWARD H.WINES,III of any parties with respect to claims arising out of or relating to deposit . DIRECTOR or disposal at any other location of substances removed from the site. PREVENTION SERVICES Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit or preclude the Regional Water.Quality Control Board or any other agency 2101 H Street from taking any further enforcement actions. Bakersfield,CA 93301 VOICE: (661)326-3979 This letter does not relieve the parties involved of any responsibilities FAX: (661)852-2171 mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, additional, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water quality. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (661) 326-3684. Sincerely, <- hornment, vGS.PEq Craig Perkins REA Hazardous Materials Specialist _ ce REA 1.08 30 OFC Expires �/ JACO OIL COMPANY FASTRIP GAS STATION 37011VIING AVENUE ` BAKERSFIELD, CA. SITE INVESTIGATION WORKPLAN �' I PROJECT # 200204 ' DECEMBER, 2004 - ----- --- --- ---- --__- ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. 2103 20'h Street • Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-6152 • FAX (661) 324-6172 1 , SITE INVESTIGATION WORKPLAN t , JACO Oil Company ' 3101 State Road Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 1 � , 1 , or Pre ared P .f ' JACO Oil Company J ; t ` ' Prepared by RAM, Inc. 2103 20th Street ' Bakersfield, CA 93301 ' 200204 01/10/05 ' 2000_05_204_Title Page TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................2 1.1 RESPONSIBLE PARTY/CONTACT INFORMATION............................................................................2 2.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE-,,........................*.........................................................................;...........3 3.0' SITE DESCRIPTION................................. ....................................................................................3 3.1 SITE DESCRIPTION...........................................................I............................................................3 3.2 LOCATION AND CURRENT USE................. ...................................................................................3 4.0 TOPOGRAPHY,GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY...............................................................3 4.1 TOPOGRAPHY.................................................!.............................................................................3 4.2 GEOLOGY...... .............................................................................................................................3 4.3 HYDROGEOLOGY....................I...................7.................................................. .....................I.......4 5.0 PREVIOUS WORK............................................................................................ ...............:.............4 5.1 SUMMARY OF TANKREMOVALFfNDrNGs....................................................................................4 5.2 TABLE:LABORATORY ANALYSES FROM SELECTED SOIL SAMPLES......................6 5.3 QUANTITY OF CONTAMINANT RELEASED............................I.......................................................6 6.0 ' STRATEGY AND PROCEDURES FOR SITE INVESTIGATION.........................................I......7 6.1 WORK SCHEDULE.......................................................................................................................8 7'0 WASTE MANAGEMENT..............................................................................................................8 8.0 LIMITATIONS...................;.........................................1..................................................................8 9.0 REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................9 10.0 SIGNATURE PAGE................................... ..................................................................... 10 FIGURES Figure I Area Map' Figure 2 Plot Plan APPENDICES Appendix A BFDES Correspondence Appendix B Tank Pull, Summary Soils Laboratory Results Appendix C Soil Sampling Plan Appendix D Health and Safety Plan ' Ming&"Real Rd. Project#200204 ' December 2004 WORKPLAN FOR PRELIMINARY SITE INVESTIGATION AT THE JACO OIL COMPANY'S FASTRIP MARKET ' 3701 MING AVENUE,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA(BFDESD PERMIT#BR-0317) ' 1.0 INTRODUCTION RAM Environmental Engineering Services Inc. (RAM), is pleased to present this Site ' Investigation Workplan for the JACO OIL owned Fastrip self serve gas station and convenience store, located at 3701 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield(Site), (see Figure 1 for a Site Location Map). ' This workplan outlines RAM Environmental's proposed methodology for conducting a preliminary Site Investigation at the Fastrip Market, located at 3701 Ming Avenue. Further assessment of the Site is required by the Bakersfield Fire Department Office of ' Environmental Services (BFDES) in its letter dated November 29, 2004 (see Appendix A for a copy BFDES correspondence). ' RAM proposes to advance three borings to an approximate maximum depth of 30-feet below ground surface (bgs) and analyze 15 soil samples for TPH as gasoline, BTEX, and ' MTBE during this phase of site assessment. This work is being required by BFDESD in its letter dated November 29, 2004, as a result of the discovery of gasoline-containing soil in and around the area of the west end of Tank 2, a former mid-grade gasoline ' Underground Storage Tank (UST) at the Site. This Site Investigation Workplan follows the guidelines presented in, Appendix A— ' Reports Tri-Regional Board Staff Recommendations For Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation of Underground Tank Site (April, 2004). ' 1.1 Responsible Party/ Contact Information The responsible party for the Site is JACO OIL; the company contact person is Mr. Roy Saunders, 3101 State Rd., Bakersfield, California; telephone (661) 428-5761. The ' consultant contact is RAM Environmental, Richard Casagrande or Jane McNaboe; 2103 201h Street, Bakersfield, California, 93301, telephone (661) 324-6152. 1 1 ' 2000_04_204_Site Investigation Workplan 2 ' Ming&Real Rd. Project#200204 ' December 2004 2.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ' The purpose of this workplan is to outline the methodology for conducting a Preliminary Site Assessment of the Site, the workplan tasks are the following: • Develop a Workplan and a Health and Safety plan for the Site assessment, • drill and sample 3 borings to evaluate the vertical and lateral extent of ' hydrocarbon containing soils at the Site, • analyze soil samples collected at 5-foot intervals, beginning at 10-feet bgs for TPH, BTEX with the presence of MTBE confirmed and quantified as necessary, t • report Site Investigation Results to BFDES. 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 3.1 Site Description The Site is a JACO owned and operated Fastrip gasoline station and convenience store, constructed in 1983. ' City storm drains are located near the corner of Ming and Real, adjacent to the property. Utilities for the Site and adjacent properties are located beneath the sidewalk area of both Ming Avenue and Real Road. There are no overhead utilities present at the Site. The UST's at this Site were removed and replaced in February 2004. Soil samples collected and analyzed from beneath the former UST's contained hydrocarbons. ' 3.2 Location and Current Use The current use of the Site is as a JACO OIL-owned Fastrip self-serve gas station and convenience store. Immediately adjacent to the Site are commercial developments including a car rental business and a small restaurant. Ming Avenue borders the site on the north; Real Road borders the Site on the east(Figure 1). A plot plan of the Site is ' presented in Figure 2. 4.0 TOPOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY ' 4.1 Topography The Site is at an elevation of 308-feet above sea level. The topography slopes gently to ' the southwest. 4.2 Geology ' The Site is located in the San Joaquin Valley, which is the southern portion of the Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley is a large alluvial plain approximately 50-miles wide and 400-miles long; it is a trough in which sediments have been deposited ' almost continuously since the Jurassic (about 160 million years ago). Granitic and metamorphic rocks crop out along most of the eastern and southeastern flanks of the Great Valley, while marine rocks of pre-Tertiary age crop out along most of the western ' 2000_04 204_site Investigation Workplan 3 tMing&Real Rd. Project#200204 December 2004 ' flank. The post-Eocene-aged continental rocks and deposits in the valley trough contain most of the fresh ground water, and are underlain by or contain saline water at depth in ' most places. They range in thickness from zero along the flanks of the Great Valley to more than 15,000 feet in the extreme southern part, where the base of the fresh water lies at a maximum depth of about 4,700 feet. ' 4.3 Hydrogeology The regional unconfined groundwater at the Site is at approximately 180 feet below ' ground service (bgs); the groundwater flows to the southeast(KCWA 2004). The Stine Canal is located approximately one-half mile to the west of the Site. ' 5.0 PREVIOUS WORK ' Soil sampling at the Site was conducted on February 19 and 24, 2004, as the former tanks,piping and dispensers were replaced under BFDES permit#BR-0317. A summary of laboratory results from the soil samples taken during the tank removal are included in ' Appendix B together with two tables summarizing the results (Table la and Table lb); a table highlighting the samples containing chemicals of concern is included in Table 5.2. Sample locations are shown on Figure 2. ' A PID meter was used during sampling to monitor volatiles in the soil. Three significant ' readings were noted in the field. At sample site 6-2 a reading of 44.9 was recorded. At sample site 6-6 a reading of 88.9 was recorded and at sample site 7-2 a reading of 26 was recorded. ' 5.1 Summary of Tank Removal Findings A summary of laboratory analyses from selected soil samples, discussed below, is ' included in Table 5.2 (page 6). The laboratory results from the soil samples collected during the tank removal indicate an ' area of contaminated soil below sampling site number 6, located below the west end of Tank 2, the former mid-grade gasoline UST: Sample 6-2, collected 2-feet below the base of the tank excavation, at the west end of Tank 2 contained: ' 25 mg/Kg Toluene, 25 mg/Kg Ethylbenzene, ' 240 mg/Kg Total Xylenes, 3000 mg/Kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g), and 2400 mg/Kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH-d). 1 Sample 6-6 collected at sample location 6, at 6-feet below the base of the excavation contained; 14 mg/Kg Toluene, 13 mg/Kg Ethylbenzene, 1 ' 2000_04_204_Site Investigation Workplan 4 ' Ming&Real Rd. Project#200204 t December 2004 130 mg/Kg total Xylenes, 2000 mg/Kg TPH-g, and ' 920 mg/Kg TPH-d. Based on the LUFT manual, the maximum allowable concentration of Total Xylene in soil, with an interval of 100-feet between contaminated soil and groundwater, is 50 mg/Kg. The maximum allowable concentration of TPH-g in soil, with an interval of 100- feet'between contamination and groundwater is 1000 mg/Kg. ' Both soil samples 6-2, and 6-6 contain concentrations of Xylenes and TPH-g that exceed the LUFT recommendation limits for a concentration of Xylene and TPH-g that can be ' left in soil. The northern, eastern, and southern lateral extent of the gasoline plume within the soil at ' the west end of Tank 2 has been defined. There were no chemicals of concern found in the soil samples collected and analyzed from sample locations 10, 11, 8, 5, and 2 (see Figure 2.for sample locations). The soil sample from location 7 at 2-feet (sample 7-2) ' below the excavation contains no contamination. Sample 7-6 contains a low concentration of diesel at 53 mg/Kg at 6 feet below the level of the tank excavation; probably indicating the northern edge of the hydrocarbon plume. The soil sample from location 1-2 (2-feet below the tank excavation) contained no chemicals of concern. The soil sample from location 1-6 contained a low concentration of Total Xylenes, 0.017 ' mg/Kg, likely indicating that the sample was taken from near the southern edge of the plume. ' The western edge and the vertical extent of the plume are undefined. 1 1 1 1 ' 2000_04_204_Site Investigation Workplan 5 ' Ming&Real Rd. Project#200204 ' December 2004 5.2 Table: Laboratory Analyses From Selected Soil Samples ' Soil Depth Ethyl- Total Bonin Benzene Toluene benzene MTBE Xylenes TPH-g TPH-d Laboratory No. Ft. * mg/Kg Flag, See EPA 8021B 8021B 8021B 8021B 8021B 8015M 8015M Appendix B Method ' 6-2 2.0 <0.005 25 25 <0.02 240 3000 2400 S09 (Tank 2) 6-6 6.0 <0.005 14 13 <0.02 130 2000 920 SO1, S09 ' Tank 2 7-2 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.02 0.028 <1 <10 Q02, Q03 Tank 3 7-6 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.02 <0.01 <1 53 Q02, Q03 ' Tank 3 1-2 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.02 <0.01 <1 <10 Tank 1 1-6 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.02 0.017 <1 <10 Q02, Q03 Tank 1 UJFT EL 1 . 50 5 NA 50 1,000 10,000 Values ' Laboratory Flag. See Appendix B for specific samples flagged. SO1: Sample result is not within the quantitation range of the method. 509: The surrogate recovery on the sample for this compound was not within the control limits. ' Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. ' 3000—compounds above LUFT values 25 —compounds above laboratory detection limits < 1 —compound was not detected in the sample extract at the laboratory detection limit shown. mg/Kg—milligrams per kilogram Ft* - feet below tank excavation Notes: 1. LUFT Values: Standards set by the State for protection of groundwater(LUFT Manual, ' October 1989),based on groundwater more than 100 feet below the sample depth. 5.3 Quantity of Contaminant Released ' The location and laboratory analysis of the contaminated soils indicate a gasoline release. JACO Oil has not noted discrepancies in the inventory records. The UST's at the Site passed all `tight' testing prior to their removal. The quantity of gasoline released is unknown,but based on preliminary soil samples; the quantity is thought to be low in volume. 1 ' 2000_04 204_site Investigation Workplan 6 Ming&Real Rd. Project#200204 ' December 2004 6.0 STRATEGY AND PROCEDURES FOR SITE INVESTIGATION tRAM will assess the vertical and lateral extent of soil contamination by advancing three soil borings on the west side of the former Tank 2, (see Figure 2 for soil boring ' locations). Prior to any intrusive methods being conducted at the site, USA of Northern California ' will be utilized to map out the underground structures. Based on the clearances obtained, RAM will site the soil borings in safe locations. ' All work will be conducted according to RAM's Health and Safety Plan, included in Appendix D. ' Boring B-1 will evaluate the vertical extent of the gasoline plume;borings B-2 and B-3 will evaluate the lateral extent of the plume. The borings will be advanced 10-feet beyond the depth of the last encountered positive PID reading. RAM does not anticipate conducting a groundwater investigation, as the depth to groundwater is approximately 180-feet bgs. ' The borings will be advanced with a Geoprobe® 5400 sampling unit. Soil cuttings will be field screened with a PID, and described by a State of California Registered Geologist. A lithologic log of each soil boring will be created; soils will be described and classified ' according to the USCS, observations of soil staining or discoloration will be included on the lithologic log. ' Undisturbed soil samples will be collected at 5-foot intervals, beginning at 10-feet bgs. Samples will be handled according to RAM's Soil Sampling Plan, which is included in t Appendix C. The samples will be capped, labeled, stored in an ice cooler cooled with blue ice and then transported to ProVera Laboratory, Bakersfield, at the end of the working day. The soils will be analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline, ' Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel, and BTEX and fuel oxygenates as follows: • Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g, carbon range C 4- ' C 12) using EPA Method 8015M; • Total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH-d, carbon range C 12_ C 24) Using EPA Method 8015M; • BTEX and fuel oxygenates by EPA Method 8260B ' When the total depth of each soil boring is reached, as determined in the field from observations,bentonite pellets will be placed in the boring and hydrated. The drill ' cuttings (soil) generated by sampling will be returned to the boring. The boring will be compacted and covered with an asphalt or cement patch to match the existing grade. ' 2000_04_204_site Investigation Workplan 7 ' Ming&Real Rd. Project#200204 December 2004 6.1 Work Schedule The Site Investigation will begin within 45 days after the workplan has been accepted by BFDES. The BFDES will be notified approximately 48 hours before fieldwork commences. A Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation Report will be submitted to ' BFDES approximately 45 days after completion of the Site investigation. 7.0 WASTE MANAGEMENT ' Drill cuttings (soil) g enerated by drilling soil borings B-1 B-2, and B-3 will be returned to the borings. ' 8.0 LIMITATIONS ' RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. has prepared this Workplan, for the exclusive use of Mr. Roy Saunders of JACO Oil as it pertains to the property located at 3701 Ming Avenue in Bakersfield, California. Our professional services have been performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by other professionals practicing in this field. No other warranty, ' expressed or implied, is made as to the professional advice in the Report. Any use of or reliance on this Report by a third party shall be at such party's sole risk. RAM assumes no responsibility for site conditions or activities that were outside the ' scope of the inquiry requested by Mr. Roy Saunders. It is recognized that regulatory requirements may change, including the revision of accepted action levels, which could ' necessitate a review of the discussion, findings, recommendations or opinions of the Report. 1 1 1 ' 2000_04 204�Site Investigation Workplan 8 Min g&Real Rd. Project#200204 December 2004 9.0 REFERENCES Department of Water'Resources (DWR), 1975, California's Ground Water, DWR ' Bulletin No. 118 Kern County Water Agency, 2003 Report on Water Conditions, April 1, 2004. ' LUFT Field Manual, State Water Resources Control Board, 1989. ' RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc., Soil Sampling Workplan, September 2003. ' Kern County Environmental Health Services Department. U.T. 35. US-EPA S.W. 846 P. Ed. ' Appendix A—Reports Tri-Regional Board Staff Recommendations For Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation of Underground Tank Site (April, 2004). 1 ' 2000_04 204_Site Investigation Workplan 9 Ming&Real Rd. Project#200204 ' December 2004 10.0 SIGNATURE PAGE This Site Investigation Workplan prepared for Mr. Roy Saunders, dated December 2004, was prepared by RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. under the responsible ' charge of the following professionals: C` 1 ne Ellis-McNaboe, RG N� Project Geologist 9j 4127 1 U�� �� Q.Q�►. CAS'�G' ' ichard M. Casagrande, HS No,� 0 ► President °C ©1/ �� 1 1 2000_04_204_Site Investigation Workplan . 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 � eicurzes �►� v • =WHOM INN■ ►•■■_-• lam lox ml ELI ry��II�II�ir■■. s■�■■�■i■ �V son 0 no .:..—_��::, _■ ..err===�-- �r11�af w............ ��ellh ■u. •` I��I � '�:1 �m� ■111' 11.1 - 1■� 1!a �� ��1'�' ►� � �� �iil��n' �i�uiiiii llt1t - i ` 1w WMILM-C Mow= �111 111 �i• . ,� ..J• IN MEN 1 1 D RAM ENVIRONMENTAL 19 � 9 ' II 9 ENGINEERING SERVICES, III I 1 FASTRIP AT MING&REAL 2103 I 1 ' ROADS, 9 1 CA.93301 BAKERSFIELD, 111 1 MING AVENUE Sidewalk Driveway la17d sqa�lh Signage a° B-2 Tank 4 1 -�- 10 11 12 3 Diesel a� Tank 3 > 7 g 9 Premium Q 6 Tank 2 5 4 B-i Mid-Grade N 1 Tank 12 3 Unleaded B-3 � Q Q � ' U � y ro a Q MINI-MART Q 3 1 Q LEGEND ' SCALE 2 - SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION Proposed Boring 01 20, AND NUMBER Location JACO OIL RAM ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT# 200204 FIGURE 2 PLOT PLAN ENGINEERING SERVICES DECEMBER 2004 INC. SITE INVESTIGATION FASTRIP 2103 20th STREET MING&REAL WORKPLAN BAKERSFIELD, CA. BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA ' JEM 12/04 2000_04_204_plot plan 1 1 1 1 1 ' Appendix Copy of UFUES Correspondence 1 1 1 1 1 November 29, 2004 RECEIVE" E R S F I D FIRE Mr. Roy Saunders DEC 0 3 20104 A R TM T Ming & Real Fastrip P.O. Box 1807 BY: ' Bakersfield, CA 93380 ' RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at the Ming & Real Fastrip, located at 3701 Ming Avenue in Bakersfield Permit# BR-0317 1 FIRE CHIEF Dear Mr. Saunders, RON FRAZE f ' Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES facility, office has determined that the extent of the contamination plume, 2101 "H"Street � y' p ' Bakersfield,CA 93301 ( associated with the west end of gasoline tank #2 (from the south) previously VOICE(661)32 I FAX(661)852-2170 2170 located on your property, has not been adequately defined. . SUPPRESSION SERVICES This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California ' 2101 "H"Street Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Bakersfield,CA 93301 Regulations) that further assessment be done to define the vertical and VOICE(661)326-3941 FAX(661)852-2170 horizontal extent of the contamination plume. ' PREVENTION SERVICES Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, within FIRE SAFETY 00TrvxtunAveR NMENTA SERVICES i 30 days from receipt of this letter. The workplan should follow guidelines ' Bakersfield,CA 93301 I found in: Appendix A -Reports, Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations VOICE(661)326-3979 for Preliminary evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites; July FAX(661)852-2171 ' 6, 1990. ' FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. I Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed Bakersfield,CA 93301 32 VOICE(661)326--3951 ! to you at a rate of$104.00 per hour. FAX(661)852-2172 I` ' If you have any questions, please call me at (661) 326-3979. TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Sincerely, ' Bakersfield,CA 93308 VOICE(661)399-4697 RALPH E. HUEY, Director of Prevention Services FAX(661)399-5763 By: Howard H. Wines, III ' Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services HHW/s cc: J. Whiting, RWQCB R. Casagrande, RAM 1 Appendix B ' Laboratory Results Soils- Preliminary Investigation 1 1 1 Certified Analytical Report Cover- Page 1 of 1 BC Laboratories lne. Cover Report ORIGINAL. RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. Project Number: ,BAKERSFIELD, CA 9330.1 COC Number: Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA BCL Number: 04-01945 This report contains the analytical results for the'samples received under chain of custody by BC Laboratories, Inc. The samples were logged into the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) and BC Lab numbers were assigned to each sample. The result oHhe temperature check, condition of the samples and any other discrepancies were recorded on the cooler receipt form., All applicable quality control procedures met method-specific acceptance criteria, except as noted on the following analytical and quality control reports. This re ort shall not be re roduI ed except in full,.without written approval of the p P P � Pp laboratory.. 1 , 1 ' 1 1 . 1 1 California DOHS.Certification #1186 Authorized Signature Al I result listed in this report are for,he vo-.l usivtc use oi't?=c.sub.nittina party,BC?.abrrutories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,detachment or third party interpretation 4100 Atlas Cou-t Bakersfield,CA 93308*(661}327-4911 *Fax(661)327-1918 * www.bclabs.com Printed 03/01/2004 16:18:28 04-01945 r i♦ Cd Prt M M M Mftge MR BC Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 8015.M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:35 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 1-2 TK 1 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-1 ::::::::::: ::..:.::..........::.... ....-..----: ..:::..:.:.:.:::::...:::::.:. :. .::.:...,,.....:.;..: ..... .......................................................... ................................................................ ........-. . ....._.........:.._-..... ...-.-- . Gi La6: .. ;.U' [fs:#::":::'' 'P.' L°: ':':::a11113L=;:r::a le s;id°_----'-;:>: ..::::.: ::...;d..........: ;::....,:;:::, . C'o.nstltiJent:::,:.::: :.. .. Result................... Q 32u1t a F#rx1 Aaa# t:: :mer Dd 1 a...::::.:Ba...hru3{:__.........::.H1 ......._Ddt>K...-.. # . ..........._ .................. .5.. ............._.................--.......##t..�.. .... t ................................_.. __.....__.. .....-.{Z... ................. 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Tetracosane 91 % 46-137 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 15:46 MAA2 GC-12A 1.0 California DOHS CedifiaalilaraA1t�i$4ort are for the exclusive use of the submitting parry. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court Bakersfield,CA 93308*(661)327-4911'FAX(661)327-1918'wHnv.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:45:09 04-01765-1 .. M Cad AMcal MW M . M M M Mge 1♦ BC` Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103.20TH ST. BAKERSFIEL-D, CA-93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel- Identification J Quantitation Summary (EPA.Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:37 Sampling Location, MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 1-6 TK 1 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-2 s?p{_;_;;:_?' '=_ _ '" :'a t Tl S: :rs _'-'t-'3 z Rt:;r;: =s s s?:t ;°;"``::::-a-z`s'%>. :;::::.>:. ........................................------- ........ ................. ::...:. st ..............M$::_;;::;:;;: to ........ f? Result E...... ::; ;.:: ;> . : #late::.::.....32i�i�t.Da e t.....rl�en [ a c t a h .............................................................. #�.. ....�. s Sate iD.........::::.::,Sta :::::..,..:........ Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 <PQL mg/kg 10. 3. 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 17:25 MAA2 GC-12A 1.0 _ __ =- .... ;;::#s s `:><isr : `..... t i#i rs r :<:>`: [i3::::r:`:: ----- :<s:'f:?:r':s'>s:3: :_'::<T: :::#=-'s ....................................:i iii . ........................:.::: .:::::.':.;:. .::: ........:::.-. ,: :.:.....:::.::..::::..-::..........;..:..::.....:.........::..::.::::..:.::.....,..., :;::.:.:::: st cr ..... 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BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN.MALAMMA Fuel - -identification / Quantitation Summary :(EPA Method 8015M) COC Number- -- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @--16:10 Project Number 200143 ISam pling Date/Time- 02/19/2004 @ 14:40 Sampling Location MING/REAL_ Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 2-2 TK 1 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample,ID 04-01765-3 .. _ s`Pr;:.;;_>-sss:t:-s:_s>sss_is_:::s:#2r _ ::=: =s-` : =-_.=_ _ _ -_- _ _ iits}[fIE` fssr'`:"'>_ >ss:S:'';:>s:; s3>:isrt :sits: s>snub= »:i. MB.........................ta ............. _.... b _EP..... ----- . ... .. . ......_......._....._. ......_.. ........................................................................ Const�tuen.t;;:;;:;;;:::; :: IZe _>::_:: > :>;> : .:::ii>iis::: :: :_.. =..... etti ' :>:.::::::;::;:::, -.:.:::::::::::. .> s :>.:sr:- -..:.: ::::::_: Q>t. i?afe 32[irt i3a#�. Tint i inert .ier pa} Iola .......Bafch3l3... .........13 .................:... .... ....:-.....................:.:-.. ........:.... . ... ...... ........ ... ......... . .................................. ........ ........ . _........ .......64 Ys.. fit..... ._........._....._.. ..... ................ ..._tas............._.._i�uais::.-.:::: Diesel Range Organics-(C12-C24 -<PQL- mg/kg 10. 3. 1 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 [17:501 MAA2 . GC-12A 1 1.0 :........................................ ....................................................................................................................................._.. ......................_.. 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BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02119/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004@-14:45 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 2-6 TK 1 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCIL Sample 1D 04-01765-4 {2=a _ s#-=? Fasts -sfRt1 t sfr x.s _ :s _.. #s,_':::sz ': :.:::: ::::.::_:, -:::.::::::::.-::..::::::::.:-:::::::::::.:::..:::::.-::::.-::::::.:::-.-::::::.-::::::_..::::.::.::::::: .::::::.-::::,-::::::.-::::.:::.-:::::::.-:::.-:::.::::::.:::::.:::.-:::::::::.-:::.::::::::.:::::::::::::::::.:.-:.::::.::::.::::.::::..::::::::-::::::.::::::.:.::::.::::.:-::::.:-.-::::::::: :::::::::.:::::.::.:::.::::::::::.:::::.-.-:::::::..:-::::..........:::..-::::::_...................: [1 U ilAB:iii;>:`i':: .::.-::.::::::::::.:.:::::::::::.::.-: ::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::.:::::::.:: {� ....... ..........................................................................................................................................._........................:.....:::...............:::::: :::..:....:.....::.::::.::::.:::: :::::.::::::::::::__ _::::::.:._::::::::::::.:.................... 1 a rzlt: .s::::::::::::..:.P L ...::..:::::.lV1iL:::;;;:<:::a�l>rtc�#::::.,. ; . , ._.::_ .................. ..._........... ........_.... .._......... ...................t ........................................ .......... ..... .. .. ...:.:: C.o tltue t ._................. . .. ..........:.... 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BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)3274911•FAX(661)327-1918•www.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:45:29 04-01765-4. Laboratories, Inn RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel- Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143. Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:55 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling-Point 3-2 TK 1 Sample Matrix Soil- - Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K-. ELDREDGE JPCL Sample ID 04-01765-5 #:sFfe :::r: :>s%»'ss:?:::::sss:: :::#YJTI::::>s::::-::F::a:: { ;;ft FI:r::ii:issse#:';s>sis:: :ssssai::.'::`";::.is'=_<:sr:ti sfi s>:'<::::::::;: ............... .... .. ..::.........,. ....,.:. :.......:.......................:...:.:.:...:::.:...:::..:.....:......................::.::::..::..:.......................... ............. ............-......: :.......... ........._�............................................................._� ................................................ .. ................ .. ... ......:..::.::.... ...........:..::.. ... .... ... C ..: esc[]t ... ....; nfts:: .......:P L. .:; ....... ILL:;:::::_.... .et:-:a: :.....:;. .. Q.nS:I:ue.n ................. :...................................... . f?afe � n IIa 1'tm .....Anaf s ...men•=fF7ss:f7lf. ._........? ki.._......_#�..........._.._�... ..--._.... ... f..... . fioi; Baf�h.�f3.::::-:::..::<:...Bras................... Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 <PQL mg/kg 10. 3. 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 18:40 1 MAA2 GC-12A 1.0 ......:..................................._............................................ ..................................... ... --................ . ::.-:::::::::::::::::.-.....:.......:..............-.:-:::sz:::s; .......................... .. :. ... ......:....:..................................... ::::::. ::::::::::::: »::;;;.;:.;..:: y::;;;:;:;:;::>:: ;::.>::;:;:_;;;>:_>::;:::..........._:;_....;;:.:>:,::::::::[ huts:?::?:: ;:;;s;sts_:rrs;;>srtfastri:=:ss;;_r;ss:::suus:.:::::i> sri;;rr; ...::..._...._._..........._.... ... ...... . .. . 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BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308 (661)3274911•FAX(661)327-1918•www.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:45:38 04-01765-5 M CMd ANcal Mt M M r M M M age 11M BC Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:58 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 3-6 TK 1 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID- 04-01765-6 ........................ . :-:tF:;;;;;;a,sssf:==#=:?- tr=€'=:F2'i1_:= ?_:_ F:'sns:_: : ::.:-;;:tfr r=:�% = i<:;::»_<:<ti`a ';".:r: _ . ............... .........._..--.................- - R Lab . ................................... ..._.................... ....._ ...:........ ... 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Tetracosane 96 % 46-.137 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 .20:19 MAA2- GC-12A 1.0 California DOHS CE if"'PRA1111$15port are for the exclusive use of die submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court"Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)3274911'FAX(661)327-1918•wHw.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:45:47 04-01765-6 7B7 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / IQuantitation Summary (EPA Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:32 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 4-2 TK 2 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By . KEVIN MA. ..L.A..:.M.........M.1.�#A/tKS.. E. LD:.:;..R_..:..Q.E L D..,-:GE:.._ .. ............:..i.�....a.....e........._.'.£...€..m.....t.e.. ...B........A.C._...L.a....#..S......a....-m....:...�.p.....l..e..n....I..D# ...6....:..;...#..�...i..i..u....t.ta...t..a..:0..:.4=.0. .1..7......6... .5.-...7 - i .... .:..:..: .:...:..: M..B s. . . .. ....._s................ ;;;;;;;;;;;z;;;; . ... .................. . . ... --- ..------ . :...:... :;::: i :>;;: ;:; s:s ; ; .. . .... ....; .s.s..s.:.s.::.:;.:.:.:;.;.._:- Lab-....:. :: a :--------B � .> Diesel : Range Organics(C12-C24 <PQL mg/kg 10. 3. 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 20:44 MAA2 GC-12A 1.0 .. .. ........................ ..._...................................................... ............ ._..............._.............................._...... ....._........ ........_........__............. ................... :,.:; >:;;; c.:.::.:::::::..-.:_.:::-:.-:.::::-:::::::.........................:.::.,-.,::,,::-::::::. e::s:sa:::::::,;:.;;;:tt:;n::<:a°::�t::::t:%::t:t:;;;x;;;r;;;:;;:;:::::tn;;:;s;:e::;:;s;;; »:;::�n::t:ta;:.-::::.:::.-::::.-::::::::::.-::-::_.-::::::... .... ....:::.......:�::_:::::...:.::.—...................:::.:-:::.::::::..........:.......:.::::::............-............::::: ::::::::.:::....;.....:::.-::::::::::::::::::::::::.,........::::::::.-:..;.;.::..::....:�:,:-�:�.,-:�:::: ......::;:s:;sc:; az�;.; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;s:�z�:-tc<s;:=;;::;,t:;;;;r :?:s;;:;i: ;::;::;:;;::;:;;i;;;;;-::::`::r:::;`::�;:;: t�:r;at:•;t:ta;;;;;;;::;-t:::t:a_n;-air:::;-c<;:n:;-<r;>;. :°.:-:t;:;:;;;s=;s::sr';:#FE.,..---;:? ;i::=tt:::i;;;::z-':t;;:=:::�#tFl is€::ii;;_i;:;_:;_�::r;:_t;'#Ia E ti=:::r:;_:::;_::"�::;;�;:r: >_:;��:: :... a:�:::::;;; :::s:: : ..........:: l...... .......................................................................................................................... ... ......:::.:-:::..,......-:_.............:::.::.-:::::.:_:: .:.::::::::::::- :::::::::::::::: ..................................... ....... ................................... _; -- ...:.:...: ....... . :.. F3f:5::a;:':?>;r:..:.:a 3:_4........_#TYt._ 's':?::'..:._ ..._:.:.:..._..':--::t) :;=Raiff 33ate:::T rzte's:i4na#_s :::;>3 erif'ED:;:__D3lul a ::_ BafcY#7D 6 ::a#s:??is:;;> S:urco. ate;.C.om oun.ds.....::.............::.:.::;.;esu....:;:;:;:::;::;> :;:;;....................... + Tetracosane 95 % 46-137 8015M 02/20/04 1 02/20/04 20:44 1 MAA2 I GC-12A 1 1.0 California DOHS CeTJI)A02tiuUcA1t1iHport are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third parry interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court Bakersfield,CA 93308"(661)327-4911"FAX(661)327-1918'e•ww.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:45:55 04-01765-7 M Cad Areal fit- M M M M M M �e 1M ir Laborator es, Ine RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel :Identification / Quantitati.on Summary (EPA Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:34 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth - -- SamplingPoint. 4-6TK.2 Sample-Matrix- Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE IBCL Sample_ID 04-0.1765-8 t>; Pe::;: :ts %s s> s ;:;::f :»s:a ?s s[i3:; `:rs ::_?:'_::#r> st' t:_::> r- s::: : ::.,-:.-,:. .........................:......... .....:......-.... ......;...;.....,.....:.;...::.::;::....::::.......... .......:::::..... .. .. 1� tt str�I 1� ..... .........Mig:: ....,-::::::...:...::::....::.:....: ::::...........-,::::::::::::::::::::.:....-:..;...,,. 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Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 <PQL mg/kg 10. 1 3. 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 21:08 1 MAA2 I GC-12A 1 1.0 :..::::::::.:.:-.:.:.:::.:.:..::..:.:..:::...::::.::::.-:.-.:::-.;-.:.;::...::..: ...........;:.....::.:::::::::.:::::...:.:.:.-:.::.::.:...:...::.:.:..:..:::........:........::....: ............................... . .. .. . . ..._......... -._.......... MB ..._......._........Lab............. .:...:::,:.-.....:...::-::::;:.::::::::<:::: :::: .::::::::<;;;:_:;;; ;;:;.::-::::::::. :::.::::.>:::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::: ._::.:::::::::::::::..::::::::...:: - ----------�------ .................................._.... :::_.:.::::..:_-::: :::::.:::-: ..::.:.-::. :::::::::::::::::.- :. S:urr.:o: aces_ nds::» i>ii t:i:_: _;.:esrz...:::...... �E:_s:::.._. .`QF1:....4_:=:.:.`...FTI.-- :::-'_-::'----�--..._Q:.:_ ::::?__safe :€:-:32ui�33a#e :Forte;:; Ana#st:: ::tnerfs[D>;-::Di..vt .n:: >st:Saf :_.... ::.s':........assi=:::: Gtuatsi:; i Cam ou Tetracosane 99 %- 46-137 8015M 02/20104 02/20/04 21:08 1 MAA2 GC-12A -1.0 California DOHS Ce)4ifcPAWrgdAM48,Fvort are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Iltc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court`Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911•FAX(661)327-1918`www.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:46:03 04-01765-8 CMd AAWal AW M%e 1 BC Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 8015m) COC Number' --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:27 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 5-2 TK 2 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-9 °:Px_:;::;;: r:::'::: ::`...................... s:::�=t...::-::i is_:tit:;-=:::;;y.ii :3:: s° �i s s :::::. :.`::::: :=:`-:F::r?=r:::::: ..... ..........:..........,....:..::.::...-......,., : ......:.. .:.::: .. .......... ............ ........... ..::,.:..., :: ::::::::.::::.:..:.:::::;:;;:::::::::;::::s;: re Run me -»;:::iir :. .: :......................................._ .......................................... .. .........................................._ ._................ .. -::::M-L:%:_:::...--MEN#7Q:d:: :....:::.:.:::.:::;<.,: ::...... ; ;:>:.:;:.-;;:::; ::::::;:.:::;::-;::;:::::::.::::':::; s>:::,.,:;;:.::.:;;: :;;:........................... > :::::>»s'.sr:;:;;;:;;::<:_ C.onstttu.e.nt......: :..:..... ... :.....:. ::.....:;..; s .::>>.:F:QL. .. ....... .Q D Rafe Ftrne Ana# st.... r�.. ....6 t tc.tD._............sla ....... ............... _-............... - - ,�.tg_-._._.__U.._-_..... .._._... Q._. __..._a G ........_.... ............. i�tla#s Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24J PQL mg/kg 1: . :i..s=..i.s.. .. 10. 3. 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04...21:33 MAA2 GC-12A 1 .0 ......- ..._........ ..... ...... ................................... . ... .. ..::.::......:..:....:-......................... ...._......... .... ..................................................................... ......L.a... .........:: : ... ... .... ...--.-............................_........... _... _.............. ......... ._... ..........._ ._ :iiii - ... : ;;...-.:.: ;t2:;:;;;;s:;::;::;;;;:;s<: .�_:t.... �€; ;: :;;. : ;;.. :;; ;:y ;::r is : .:.:.:.:.: _: :t�:..... : :c: :- a . :.:.. .. . 1 . : si ....... ............. : ....:::::.....-;. :;: :s;;:.::;;;�;�3i;�;i;`=;`°r::;.: .: ::�......:.......... ................... ...............;.... . ...........: ...... ....... .:. :. ..........:..... ...... : : : . :><t .... sr : . ..: ::>t t# : :: r: : : : Q .; f. :: : ;::>ts 3 `:: [ r: : uU :F t . ::....r:.;: ;>. : R aUE m ;; :.... ...... b s # a ..:... . Tetracosane 97 % 46-137 8 0 1 5 M 02/20/04 10 2/20/04 21:33 MAA2 GC-11 2A 1.0 California DOHS Ce-ojkgPMJI Agport are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308.(661)327-4911•FAX(661)327-1918`www.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:46:12 04-01765-9 M CAM AAWal FEW M M M M 10%e 1 C Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 8015M) COC Number --- iReceive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Isampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:30 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 5-6 TK 2 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-10 .::::::.....::.::::.:::.....:::.::::::.:::.::::::-:.-.-:::::::::::.::-::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::.::::.::::::::::::.::::::.:.::::..:..::.:::::::::::::::::::::.. :.:-::::..::::..:::::::-::::.... ............-.........:.........:.. :-----:::::::::-::-::::----::::::.:::::::::::::..:.:::::::.::..:::.:::::::.::...::::.::::::.::::. ::..::::::;;;;;-;:;:::: ;;:;:;;: ::::::::.::::::::: ::::.:::.::::....:::::::..::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::...:::::::::: ::: str �......_.. ............. ill/ ssi is'i:::ii:::':;::::; ;s:;: .................................. ............_.... .........._. -._._....................._.... El...... i:ab. C.o.n.S:tl:tue.nt. Resctlt.................. .. Qt-... ... ................. >K...... n 33afe_Tune Arai st ►nenf iE1._F�3i>at�ai Batch ID...............i3ta uar .......... ................................... . .... .................................................. . .............t ......_s.......... Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 <PQL mg/kg 1 10. 1 3. 1 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 21:58 1 MAA2 GC-12A 1 1.0 — :? s?tF►tz:::.__ i�i�i :i:-:=:=: UtE' s�:-s�Si: -#I_::;ar-: :>: :3�'i`i=`:=:is `;:=;: ts: %{f _ # -;-:::. :.:.::.:.::::.. ... .. .:..::.. ..............::: :.:.....::....::.... ..:::.:. .............................. .::.: :............,......,...,.........: . .. .. ................... ::.........:: ................ .......... .... ..... .............................. st 1a . .... C. ............ ..MB... .... .....:.:.:.:<`::`<':i':;::.:::. :.:........:.::..::.....,.......::::......:..:.:::::::::::.:.:.::.,,,:::;;;::.;:.-.................................... :.:°.:::::;.;;;;°:::;: :::.:::;;;:':;::...::.;;;:.::.........::::::;.::.:::i;;sr;;;<: ................................................................... : .................................... ::::::::::::::.: 13 ::::::::::: ......._._........:................. $.UCro: ate..G.om o.:urrds. i-��?..:.` :,:::` .. .Ei[.:5:...:.:.:.:::.= o; ,..fl..:..`:rnt.:...:.::.......:._� Q:. ::::: ::::. ate.;s:':3tsirt'.I7a#e;: xrne: 'Arian st::.,iiaentTD::::. ©3utiIIn:.:;;::Baectim;: Blas::::.:: Tetracosane 101 % 46-137 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 21:58 1 MAA2 GC-12A 1.0 California DOHS Cef4ifdGa1ilarad#11tfIi€rapo t are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)327-4911 'FAX(661)327-1918'www.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:46:20 - 04-01765-10 M CdMI Aral 4W �e 1 M �C Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:20 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 6-2 TK 2 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-11 :..:...:..... ..:...:::.::::::..::.::::..:.:.. ........-:: .........:. . ::.:-:.::::. .. . .... ::::;: ::: .: :::::::...::. ;;::.:.:.:......... .....,-..:........:...... ......... .....:_:.;..-...::::::::::::::::.....::.........::................ :....:..:..... ........:.....:.......:......::::.-::__::Frr . ............................... it s!U 1 AI IS ii`:....:::::::.La[�:;;.::'::. .. .....................:_................................................................................:.....................................................................:4-.. ....... . .......:.................... - �............ ..... ............................_.........................................._-----------..._.........- ................... :........................... ............................................ :<:::;._ Sr:sss »;:p: >: .. ...._.....1YlEt =_:_: i'`-..#2irn 3lat�;?i£lixte:: ;Ana# s : iesf ? :#3i#ufrar�= - . C onstl:tu:e.nt......._..........._._....._..............................__......E2esult....................._Ur�.ft ..................G2L .. Hlas- flats.......... ___......_ate..................................._......--............. .- ....._. ..._..._..... . Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24'. 2400 I mg/kg 200 60 8015M 02/20/04 02/23/04 12:54 MAA GC-12A 20.0 A01,A52 ..............._.......... ........................................................................_.........._....................................................... ._.............._........................................................................................................................... ............................ .................................................................... ;;;; a:.:.:.::...:::: a:: ......::::::::.. ::;:: :::::::::.:..................:.................................:........................... .. .. .::.::-:r:z::.:-::::::::::::::.-::::::::::: :::::::::::._::::;;:::..-::.........-:..........-.......:...... ..-.....:..:.. ....:........................................ ............................................ .. . .�::: -. ........................ .. .::::..........-:;::::.:.-;:::;::;:............................::::. ; :::a:;;c; ......:;:s;;:;::;::a:�:: �;c;;;::;:;: a s;>::::;:z.-s>::::. ;:::;;;;.;;:a::ae;;;.;t:.t:_;.x;;:.::::::s.. ...;;&;;:: _ . ..... ... .:#PrB-- .........: :;::::;:;;:;::;;;:::�::::sii:�:;-R2�itFi?:?�:?i;:s`1;;;;is�;;:;;:;:;�i:#iiStGEl::is�: .� : ....:�:;ii;:::; :e ::.:.....:.:.. ....:....................................:.................................................................................................:......:............................................. .....:...............:.............. . .. #NB.........................Lat}:;:: ............................................................. ....................................................._..................................... ....._ ..................... .................................... .................................... ......... _:............,::..,. .:.......:..::..::...:............,,...... :..:.,......:._... ................._..........................._. ...:..:::::::::::::::::::....:.... ...........-:::::...::::.:. ...l esul.t.::.. t Tr#ts:;:::::.:::::: .orl iO t:aitTtts„.:...` E tQ” mate€.;>.>;Rt s[3 ate'TErite:: Feria[sf iiiertf':fD D�uttc�ri::;:ai;BafcFi:]I3;' 6t ;t::;;;' S:urro ate;:.C.o.m ounds:...:_:....:.::...:..::...::::......................................................._......_...._.............................._.._.......... ........... .................. . . . . .......... . ........._.. ................................. .................... ...... ........... ... 4 ... ..._._.._. Tetracosane 92 % 46-137 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 22:23 MAA GC-12A 1.0 Flag__ Explanations A01 PQL's and MDL's are raised due to sample dilution. A52 Chromatogram not typical of diesel. California DOHS C-V tfff8 Jj5 hijMij6@rt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assutnes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third parry interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)327-4911 'FA.X(661)327-1918'www.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 11:43:08 04-01765-11 M CMd Aral Ir M M M M M M IM%e 1 W Laboratories, .Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301. Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / lQuantitation Summary (EPA Method 801-5M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:25 Sampling.Location MING/REAL Sample Depth- --- Sampling Point 6-6 TK 2 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K, ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-12 ..... .. ..:....::::.....:..: ... .... .... .:........ .......: :::.........:::::-........:.:: ............::-::.......... s:FFe::;::: s ' Vii';`" :?:s::' '__:: :' :::::.::::::: :>' :`s: :::::`> :::;:?::?:<:::.:-::,:-<s: >s.:;:::. s>ssi:ii ::::;;::::s si>i .....utr. >astru +0. ........ ............MB.. La6..._........ ............................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................... ..............................:............................... ....................................... .. ... { --- ------------ --- _onstEtuent:::.;:.....•::•:.:. ...:.. :::. ... .. ......Ftesr:Elt> .::.:.:.:>..ntfssss;::s::i::..:> .:.::.:. :: .... � :a. :-. ., ...:,t2a..te::.::::,;: ... x{, ._a ......trYt�..: a {$.:.::men _u .... .._�:........................._....;3..y.._-- ..._.__........._...................._t......................-_t......._.....- .....................�s.:::::::::::..::::;<fi luals:<:::r:: Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 920 mg/kg 100 I 30 8015M 02/20/04 02/23/04 13:19 MAA I GC-12A 1 10 A01,A52 ::g::;sczt;;,;;:::;:s::sg::;:`i�;;:? ......:;;.::;s.;;=;a_>;:::.;;;_:;::;;:::_:;;::_;:,:;;;;;s;;;:;�::-;;:a::_:rr%::i;::;;:_-:a::;;x::: i iia:.::,::; ,;:r a;:r;::;: :;;;::;i:::;;;:;:::;i;;;:;; :s:::;:::::::;;;::i:::;:;;f:::i;'-:: :te ;s_a;s:s;::::;;::;;:;:::;:;::r t1T};r;`:::::::::::-:-;- :-;:;;;:;f::nstGfJ:�.:::::;s:;ii;;;;::;;;;i:;;;::;;i;;.::................. ?:::';:...._: -- ;:::.�::.�;:a�:;::- ..::... . .........=....:::.::.:::.:....:::: .....MB......:...: .... .... .....:: eS.0 t............: 13EfS;ii::::}1" Qt3tiQ' [II3tS..::_;.>: E .4. :>::.;ii:::Uafe::-::::.:::Bz tt Late::: trite;>s::aria{..st:;;;:ri#ei[t<ED: :Da3uttan;::.:.::Batch]I3..::. ...;..... -:.- rr ............ - ........ .. E3tas._.. ua[s::::::::.: Su a ate..:C.o.m ounds...._.............._..............._........__.... R._.........._......... . Tetracosane 95 %' 46-137 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 . 22:47- 1 MAA I 6C-12A 1 Flag Explanations A01 PQL's and MDL's are raised due to sample dilution. A52 Chromatogram not typical of diesel. California DOHS Gertificatiagi#64W trt are for the exclusive use of the submirting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court`Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)327-4911'FAX(661)327-1918'ww w .bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 11:43:12 04-01765-12 M CJWI Aril"al FOW M M M M M M Efte 1 M BC Laboratories, Inc - 7 RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / -Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 801-5M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 . Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @.13:35 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling_Point 7-2 TK 3 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCIL Sample ID 04-01765-13 :.................... ........................................................................................................................_.:..................-_.._................ .................................................... .......................................... ................................................................. .................................... ........................... ........................................................................................... .................. ............................................................... ........................................................................ ......... ............. :.-.-::.-.-:.-::::.-::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::.:-:::.:......:-::.:::::::..:......:::.:::.......:......:::......:::::::::::.-::::::::::.::::.-._:::::::::::::::::::.:::::.:-.-........: -::::::::::::::::::::.-::::.-.-::::::.::- :.::::::-::::::: ::::::...... .........:::.-::::.-::::::: :. ..... ... .... -.:-......:.......:::......::::,:::.-:.:-::::.::::::.:::::::-:::::.-::.::-:::::::: .-:.:::::::::::::::::::.......-:::::::=: ::�.....:::;.:::::;:.....:.:::.......<.:_=:::.......;:.... .. . :-.:::; ::............:;..........;::#���ss::;s;;:ss>;:-s::__ss_;r:ss:#�i �.... <s>sss: :::> ;;: ;s;_: : ............................................................................................................................................................................ ..... ............................ .Ex.... s... � ........._#1118........................Lab............. ..._. ........... ........ -...................................................................._.. .............................................._...._cl..................... nentss::; :; >: » :. : ::tl ]at :;:::: : ;ss s:_:>.;N1:; :;; E > ist:Sat - -----__=:i :........_ ......,.._: :#ES :u ..i:....... C. n Result .... s..... .. PQL........... #sate........ .....:.......... .. . e i#ot_az1... ...Ba .-.:...8las:;::::::::..:::::.Gloats.:......: ....................................................... t..........._............ . Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 <PQL mg/kg 10. 3. 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04J23:12 MAA2 I GC-12A 1.0 .............._................................................................................................................................................ ........ .................................................................................................. ........::;:::::::::::::::::.:::.:.:;; ; ::::.;;:::;:.:<_:: ;:_;;::::?:«:::; s:-;sss>iisis;°:>>.:::::<::;:.;:.:;:;;::Pra ::::_:::_::::. :i��ri:;;::-r?§rss>ri:ss_r:: :_<#iast�u::: s>>srr<:ss;>;rrs>rrr:_.. r:s;>;:rrss: ;..:tr:;srtt:;:; »::s;: ... 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BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third parry interpietation. 4100 Atlas Court"Bakersfield,CA 93308"(661)327-4911"FAX(661)327-1918'www.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:46:37 04-01765-13 CE1 An al F�. B Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary- (EPA Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:40 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 7-6 TK 3 Sample.Matrix Soil Sampled By 1KIEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE 15CL Sample ID 04-01765=14 ........o.......n....S.....t...r..fi...u.....e......n.....t........................._....... - _..... ..................._.....:.:-.:.:_:.:....:.: ..........__. ....................._.:......... Mel ; 1 .........................L...a.....b..--..........'..>.. .-............-::::.................-:.:.:::: .............. ...................................... -..:.... .:-:.. . . _ :- : ::: : --:: :: : .-:::-:::::::::: asY:::::.. .-::: : ::::... .................. . . .. . .........: .:. . ... ............ ..........................1 . - . . ; . . ::,.::.: ...._.......-..---....... .. ._�a..t�..........�,►_..... -#e.....-_._rx�e._.A...na.. ..........._.._�....#........... ........�................... ti a ........ tiafs:.:.:.... Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 53 mg/kg 10. 3. 1 8015M 02/20/04 1 02/20/04 23:37 1 MAA2 GC-12A 1 1.0 F -r�;`?%:< ;;;ti;%;::;'; i:;_. _l}?t:?i?:';"r5s % s�.[I _.4:ist.::s? ::;: = : s:=: �s :s� ::.:; ..................... ... .. .. .,;..............................::.. ........ ............. . . x:.......__,,,,...- ::: :...........:::.:::......................�a::::::: :::a::.:::::::;: .:-.:a;:::;:.::::a;,;;;::::;;.;:..;:re;;;::a:::;a:;:.;;t:;:::;::: ZG........ .... .....................:................:..._...............................................................................: .....;..;:...: :::.....................-.......................1 ;::,:-: .-:::::::--:..,:::.:-::::::::::::::::.: :..................................... ..........................:......:.....:.............-:: :::.-:: .,.,.........:;: f ...esuit:.....:::::.:...:::atn.[tS............_C.o:r�trfl:>;L�:Mats;>;:::::::: :.Q. .;;:::;;:;:�ate:><:i:�xir Sate=:;r€izce.:. gnat st::>:iienf[D::"Qlia2at:':sii:: Bafcft 135;;:.;:,:;:...................................?: gias ua::,..: . un.ds:................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................----------..--.....---- ... ... ........... .............--......-...........-....-...............................:..... ...............-......-......-.... is S.urro ate:_G.o.m a. _..-.. _...t�........................ Tetracosane 97: % 46-137 8015M' 02/20/04 1 02/20/04 23`.37 1 MAA2 I GC42A 1.0 California DOHS Certifmatiancg,1tfliUpon are for the exclusive use of the submitting patty. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detacliment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 'FAX(661)327-1918'www.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:46:46 04-01765714 - CJW Arl"al F@W q%e 1 1 BC Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:10 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 8-2 TK 3. Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID C;..:. C:.. . : '...... .... ............ 04-01-..7-65..-:.1...5 :::.:'.. _......... :::.:.:.:._:..:.:..M..:.:.::r::::::.::;: :»...5. --: _; ; .:. ... --; : : ;;: ...:. ... s ;;: .................................... ;; ; ..... :t; :: s:_; : ;:- :...;:__..;;;;;;;;;;;;;-s:;r;<:::;: :t ; -;;; :.:... . ... ::s.:::.s_..... _::::: ::_;.;r.a.;....y...b.:....::..;:.:.;.:..". -i;.i:..:t.k3::.:::y;_:=:::_� M . sB : �.:. s : : # :e s.c]t=-*- :a �#t ..>.s i. # --........__...al Diesel Range Organics(C12-C241 <PQL mg/kg 10. 3. 8015M 02/20/04 02/21/04 00:02 MAA2 1.0 ...................................................................................................................:........_....._.........................._............_......... ....................... . ........... ..... .....--.........--............. ...-.......- -------.._.....-----------.-........... .........-........... --- ..... .:::......................::.:::::.-:::.:-.::::::::..............................................-.....:......-..-...............,......_......,.........::...,..........,::...--,.......:.-..--.:. ....._...--._..:..-:.:-.-......:..-....,,..-...:....:....:.:..:..-.:..::.:-..,....:::-..-- .........................--- ::.:...,.. .. .....................-.-- . ... ... .........................:.:::::-.:.:.::...........:..:.:.:, . 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Tetracosane 91 % 46-137 8015M 02/20/04 02/21/04 00:02 1 MAA2 1 1.0 California DOHS Ced1t4?Jtbt�thhJport are for the exclusive use of the subnutring party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 'FAX(661)327-1918'www.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:46:54 04-01765-15 AM Anal FAW M �e 1 M C Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification J Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:15 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 8-6 TK 3 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-16 ........_.........._........ ..............................._............................................................................. 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Sa ...... 3itE g a : : Tetracosane 91 % 1 46-137 8015M 02/20/04 02/21/04 01:41 1 MAA I GC-12A 1.0 California DOHS Cee ifiscatiewAIAB fort are for the exclusive use of the subn-dtting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911•FAX(661)327-1918'www.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:47:03 04-01765-16 M USW Areal MW M M �e I M Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 8015M) COC Number. --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:00 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 9-2 TANK 3 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCIL Sample ID 04-01765-17 -_- - - _ - - _ - - _ -_ F::_-;;;:.>__:__ __ >_ :..:.;:_ _ -_- ::.--;-:;;:- F_ s1f:===a: :_#:<::.-:,:,::,__ :: :=s:< % ::,:::.:::.::z:t'::# :is;>�.`:�:�:::.:iii ........................................ ........ :.-:::::; ..... ...................:.......:.:.......:.::.-.............::::-.....;:;..::: ::................::......... ... ..................................: ::.............. ..................._.._.............._............._........_......_........._......... ....... 1:a#s............. { ................................................... .._................................................................................... 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BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 8-015M) COC Number- --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:05 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 9-6 TK 3 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled'By - KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID - 04-01765-18.- .. -- _ F;::;;;:;;:i a s= s i s s-€s `Ruts i__ s: s ss s} [C1::::rF1 r``s:-#i.. : ::.................: :.:.:''...................... . ::.;:::: •;•:..:..........-::..;:::::::::::::::::::::::: ::.:...................................:.::::::.....-:::.:::::::......:::::::: :......::::: ................. .. . . .,............................. re .. - .... ...... .... st ........ 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ELDREDGE JBCIL Sample ID 04-01765-19 P{:::;:-s.% _:::;°<f_ - >- ::;:;;:: _-= _ s r #;:;;==;r 'r »sit; :;:... ';:`::>:s:? :''sass:.;:-::_ ... ,:..,: M$°`_iii:.;:::::;::. ... . ... .: .....::::::......... :::::::::::::::::::.-:.::,- :....:.-::::::.-::::.:::.::::::::.:-:::::::::.:-....:.::.: .:�:::::.::.....,......: .....:.,:...:....::.:.:..:..:::.::.....:..:: :....... -:::.::::....::;:: :: .- ::. ��::..:s:::s::::::::::..:::. nst c� ........ ....................................... ........ .............. Lab ..............................:.... ............_ ....................................................._:::.-:.:.-:::::.--:::::...::.:._............................._............... ............... .................. ..... a <;;::sVt3EfS;;;;a"=::;::;P.•:;:; ' ::?>: ':"<:a`::: ::: ::.-:;t::::::-:::.._ �::;:.::=::kl]3E`.....<''::aTii'.... ;;i:::- .. .:::.-::: . :::......: ............ ....... 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BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel -Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 801S.M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02119/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:25 Sampling Location MING/REAL = Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 10-6 TK 4 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-20_ .............. _ - <:P :::;;:::.:=: :-:_:'-- :_`_; RtJ _ __'_=_::"__:= #17sft fit:_c _:=:- _ss::: ^: ;:_=;_ii.:: s:: :::.::::::::.::; ;:;:;:;::::.:.:::...:::.:::.:;..::.::.::.:::::;::::::;:;::::. .. ...: -.-:. .........................._....__............... .........iNB:;:ii:::;:::>`` i:L....... ---- .. .. ....... ..._......_.. .:::..:...::.::::::::::::a:-;;:.;;.sr:�;:::a.::;;;;;;:;;s:;;�a::;; ::::;::�zas..:..:::;:::;::;:::,<;;;:::.:.::.:::;::.; ::::.:ts;;;:.:;;::<:;-=.. .. ::::::.-:::::.:::.-::. .. -: ..,.........:.-::a:::�»- tc_�;:-::: --....................:::.:-:::_�::ttt�:tt�:-ta�>cc�-;;;::t;:=;;y;;s- =:s.....:......;.....:::...t......:......:-_:.....:�2ts:;;:;t;�;;::;st�:;:;t�: �;;::;;:;;�;:>� c#lt::::;::::-:::. Ut3E#5::::::::;:::?... s::;.:-- -I111t L:-;::;_:::1S11Ei�Qd;;::_:::: :.;. 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BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,-detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court`Bakersfield,-CA 93308•(661)327=4911•FAX(661)327-1918•www.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:47:37. 04-01765-20 BC Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel -Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 8015M) COC Number --- .- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:27 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 11-2 TK 4 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K:ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-21 ....................... ....... ................... . ........................... :.......:...:....:::..........:.-:. ,......:.:::,-...:.:..:. ..::...:...::.....::..:... ::::.:.::::.:. :::::::::::::::::..:.:.:::. a ut> #>xstr#t:..rsr;: ;> s_::rs::a:::;::::;; s: ,s>:=::;;s:::::_:s;;;::u;: ::::... ..........................................................._.............................................................................. ....... ......................................._..... . fit......... .............._._ill$............. ........:dab:.._.:......, Co'nstituent::::: »:....::.Result.......::,:> :::U #ts;:;::: -;::: ..: :::;<;;;::::;::::; 11C L::::::::::::.1�11� sx#.:::::_;.. _. ..:.- -..:::..... . .::::.:::::::. .. .:.......... �3 O _............... ;:. 32tJrt:.i3a#e::..T#rx[ ....: na[ :..: #6_.,..U�3 >at:.:.-.-..Ba#ch:3D::.;:.-:; :;: :;;;;:;;:: :;: ................... .. ......... ............ate................................ ........-....e..... ....... .s t31as ..... .......... _...._..... f.... .................t......................................................................_........_.. ... .......Clvf ....._... Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 <PQL mg/kg 10. 3. 8015M 02/20/04 02/21/04 07:53 MAA2 GC-12A 1. .,::.,...,,.-..-.:: :::.:...-.:::::.-.-:::...............:-....:........::::;:,...:,::::::..:.:::;:::. ::.-.-.:-::.::.:::-........-.-...................:-...:...:-::...:..::::.::.....:.....-.... .:. ... ..........:: -- _ —___--- : P: ::: ss _ iT:::.::_;:zc.:: :::?<:iii.' i -. ;::s=::;: 3% s: €:'::t: t: sz :: :;`::: : s:_:-::;-.-::::. %1=i-s'�:::_:;�c;s:#: .....................................::.:::::::..:::::::....:::.:.:::.:...... ......::::......:-::.................... f �m fastriJ C............................ 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BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court`Bakersfield,CA 93308 (661)327-1911'FAX(661)327-1918"www.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:47:46 04-01765-21 M M CMW ArMal FJW M M M M M M Ofte 1 M BC Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:30 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 11-6 TK 4 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By JKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-22 .:..:........ .................................. : ........ . .:..-::::.:........::.:.:::.:::...:::.:::..... :.:::...: .:....._................ MB ...........dab............ ._........................... re :::........ _.. _. a . >�strti ::_:#?; ......;'=i>= - >:<; E :Q: <:-::=::3:,:.- >::_: _. :_:::.: ..:..::.'`:;:::.::::::: r::-:::;._:._s:<:_::_.;.._,.,;.::,: ::as...:.:: ... ............. .............._.... ..... Q�te ...ittirx..�3a# .. Erma Ana# st..... i r#f#6..:.::£}�# tiai::.......:Batf h 10 .. 81a :.. ............ ua# ................... . ...... ............ &. fi 5.......::. Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 <PQL mg/kg 10. 3. 8015M 02/20/04 02/21/04 08:17 MAA2 GC-12A 1.0 .:.:::::.:.,................: .::.:.............:::,:..,.,.......,....,...... .. :..........:.. ,:...:.::::::::::::::::...............:.:.......... ......:...................:....:::..:...... ....... _ ::.... .....::::::.........;...::.:.: : .. f.... S.urro ate:,G.o:rn our#.ds:;;::::::_;:;:..:........................._...._...... ..............._._......_....-........ _.............................:.._. ....._ . __.. ......_..._......_ _. __........ . ........... . ................._.. ...._ :...._Q�........_............. Tetracosene 101 % 46-137 1 8015M 02/20/04 02/21/04 08:17 1 MAA2 I GC-12A 1 1.0 California DOHS CerttifaMtbradAt1tdi84o t are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court*.Bakersfield,CA 93308-(661)327-4911 "FAX(661)327-1918"www.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:47:55 04-01765-22 CAW AAWal 4W 1 BC Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification./ Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:50 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 12-2 TK 4 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-23 ................ .................. ......................................................................................................................... ................................. ................................... f�� �I�;;� ;::;:_{ .: ;:;:tJT]Fii: i:::F;::::_s;.'-:�:::=i:;::ET GS7:x:€;::-`;:::i:::t::_ts;;::;;;:;;:;a:;:::i::::. ,.. MAN;�}:>;:::i;:;:`i:»1=:1vt'.:L:_{i>::: C.O.nstltuent ......... .. ReSU..t fUrlEfS.:::..:......._f..... .. Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 <PQL mg/kg 10. 3. 8015M 02/20/04 02/21/04 08:42 MAA2 GC-12A 1.0 ...................................... .............................................................................................--................. _..........._.__.....__..... ............_..-............... -----........ ....... .............. »:;:::::s:;;ar::;r::ra:r::::::::::::::.::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::»:;»::;tr:;;:r:::r:a:;;;;;;;::;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;::;;:a:;:_:;;s:_::;:c:=::::: s;tE i.....- s_i;;' _:t;. tt; .i;; ;:�titi::t:= ;;;: ;::;:;;:;_:#LiSxi U.Y:t;;` ?s: ::s is% ;:s;:::`s:;:; .. .. .. ................................. #NB........................ .:..:::.:::::::....- ::.,...,............. . - rResult»>:i;:::;;i's"l�t3:EfS:.:.;: s:s: S3k3ti32..1�.tffl#:t5s:: ' .E#1Qdiii: is�af ;`°::::32iiriDate_'Ftrtte:_ l4na# sti;;aaent:ED2i:Di3utiurt ::.BafchJT3: ....... F3ias:;.ii::;;:; ,. ... ...... ................__..... �lrafs .....:- S.urro. ate...G.om o..un.ds..:........._...................................... ...... ................................. _.-..._............... Tetracosane 88 % 46-137 1 8015M 02/20/04 02/21/04 08:42 1 MAA2 I GC-12A 1 1.0 California DOHS Celitif9cttilblad*1486port are for the exclusive use of the submitting patty. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third parry interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court"Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)3274911 "FAX(66I)327-1918"www.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:48:03 04-01765-23 M M CaW Arl�al Mn M M M M M M �e.1 M B_C Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA. -Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:57 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth . --- Sampling Point 12-6 TK 4 Sample Matrix Soil_. Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JIBCL Sample ID 04-01765-24 _ _ _ `s`F!{s;;;;:::is ................................. ..............................._;_ _:-.: -tii>ii:;:-::::_-:_;-: :-;—___ — _ ::: :a;:: :' r` s;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;e:::rrr::>:t::t�: t�>s>ra;::;ra;>;;;:r;:;::::::::::;:::;::;;:;::::::;;::;........................:;:::�:;::;:;;r�::::...... ::�:t;:a�:::r:&a;;:rr..t':: ;;a;;;;;;;s;; .:s;;:xra;&;:�:;;:;:;-:;;:;��::;r::::�:�:;;;r:;:.::-�;;;x:»s;::: ...........:............................................: --:::::::::::::..::..... taE� :::.:::::.:: ..:: a:;;;.::;;;: .....:.-::::::.-:.::::::. .. - .:.:.... es 1t:::::::::. :::E# fs... ..:....P:... .............::>::: L# __:;__lt1l ;4: .s;;:::r:;:;:... , ::: G.instttue.nt.....:................:.:._:::.:.:....:.:..: ......R [I .... n[ Q £T st31a# :TFme.•:1 [ t...:one f#F�:::::1?,3i�trat::: :::_Ba#cT}3�3._:_:....:_.::.8 -....._..-....._........................at>'.......... - .._..e...... ........_ ...._ _ .S_........_.......... ..............................................................................._. ...._.............. ................._..........._ 1......._.............. Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 <PQL mg/kg 10. 3. 8015M 02/20/04. 02/21/04 03:45 MAA2 GC-12A 1.0 ............................................................... _....._...._......_..._........._................._.. ................._..._.__..........._.....- ....... ......................................... ........................._....._........................ ................................... _.... ........................ ................. ;:;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;; :;;;;;;;:;:;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;::;;:;:::;;;; .................:;:;;;;:::::::._::.:::::::.::::._.::::::.::::::::::;:.::::::.:::::::.:::.::::::.::::.::.....:...............: ..-:::....... ............................. : ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;s::;;;;rr rrrr&&rr&s:s;:sa:;:;tt;.................;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:;;;:;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;:ss&;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:::;;;;;&r;;;;;;::-::......::::::......::: ::::;:......c._..::#r»ss i s :s :_srr: :=;s; ul}sr>::::::;:;::;::<:sr:>:>:::f[tstrfi.� s_: ;:?s: ;; :::::. ..:__>_>rrs rs;; :==_:<.:: -.::: : _........................................................................... ............. ......................................... - R. ................... . _ .................... - .............. ......................................... - ............................................... ....... ,.. ..... : :::::::::.:._PSL L.:.:::::::.':::::::....._�:F:.�:::.:. i:;;..::_0�3......r4..:....._�E3�t. .::`:: E 4: ::i': 1)ate:;:;:::i��is�_�a#e :Tirtte:::.'Jkna# s� :zii........n�:f[3:: :Q�t�iid�;: i6:a#c}isli3;.:.::: :_ bias :`a:;=:f:ai;�ua#s:i:::::. Tetracosane. 100 %, 46-137 8015M 02/20104 02/21/04 03:45 MAA2 GC-12A 1.0 California DOHS Cedif CatiJ a@A1a K,r-t are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,_detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308"(661)327-4911'FAX(661)327-1918 www.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004-14:48:12 04-01765-24 CAM AnN"al ROM �e 1 BC' Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIEL6, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004.@15:25 - Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample.-Depth --- Sampling Point. D1-2 DISPENSER Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K:ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-31 .-........::..........................:... ..:;.... ....;:::;;.:-:,:;:.:..:;:;•;::,.:..:.:.:-:::::::.;-::::::::...:.:..:.::..:: .:.::. :..:.....::.;;...;.::...::.;;;:::;:. :;>:::s':::srsss::'s; ::_°"_:::::'': ' s rli t ......................................... ............................ ............ MB ab .. ..::::::::.:::-:: :::::::.::::.,:;;;::a;:;;;::�:.a.;: �n:�;:;:-;;:;;:;: asz:;:;:;; �: R-6:s%%) &:iiiii'.i: ::£:;:t-.:-::.-,-::.-:::::::-:::::-...,....'�':a:;:.:__:::::: : ;;=:.;<::...;.:.:...;..-_...:........_.....:...:..-.-::.-::.:....::.:.�:_:::, ::_-_:::::.-;::•_::;;:.:_-.-:::,;:.::::::::;=- ::- :.-._;:-:.:::._:::;:::.y:::, .;::::;::::::......:.-:::::-:; ,;:::-.;:::::;;:s:;:-;:;;;:;;;.:;: ::....:s:�:;;�;;:;�;:::;;:�;;;::� .C.,.. tituent;:;:;.;:::: 1Re salt.......::;.-UnEts: ::::::::;:P.-L::::::::<;.... ILL ....;... Et##c. ;=.s: ...,...sss:;:. #. ;.:.- .: . 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Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 15 mg/kg 10. 3. - 8015M 02/20/04 02/21/04 14:05 MAA GC-12A 1 A52 .. ................. ... .. .... ............................. ....................._.._......._................................._..................................._....:............. .................................._.. ...... .............................................................................................................................................................................................. _.._......--........_..........................._.........._............................................................................ ..... ... ..........-............ .................................- .........................................................._................._......._.................._...................... .......................__........................ --...... . ............................................:.................................................................................. ........... ................................................... ...... .............................. ........................ ::.:::.-::::::::.:::::::::::::::.-:::::....,.....::::::::::::::: i:iiiiiiii:'{: ............;iiiir;:;lsiiiiiii......i:::: i ;:;:;:F:;;:;;;;;;;:tt:>>k€ iiiiFi::irriiiii: ;;iiiiii:ii:ii:srii:`iaSiiiiiii;;iiiiii;:iiiiiiii:?;isi;:°;::i-':......:::i-- -----------�;�:; � :: �:P`�...:=;_� :...� ......:fRttrF��:;:=�_;:_;;:zs;;s:: ::=#.....i::s);;:�::-;;;;°;i��;s; ei:��;:�i`�;;:€i`-���:;;:::;::::.:�:::�:::�:s:�:�:::�:. - .. .. ........ ..... 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Tetracosane 98 % 46-137 8015M 02/20/04 02/21/04 14:05 1 MAA I GC-12A 1 1 Flag lExplanations A52 Chromatogram not typical of diesel. California DOHS Ce"If 16tlbfidffij0liNport are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Ltc.assutnes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911'FAX(661)327-1918`www.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:49:11 04=01765-31 CMi Aral F� M M M M M �e 1 �C Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 , Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel.-Identification / Quantitation Summary (E-PA Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10- Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 15:28 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point D1-6 DISPENSER Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-32 ...................................................._........................................._ _. ------._.._.__....................................................... ...... ....._..........__....... .. . ............--... ..............- .........................................._ ......_................ .. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;:;;;;:;:;:;;;:;;:: ;;;;;::...................................::_;:::;;;;;::::_::::: -;;;::;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;::;;;;;::::::;;:::::::;;:::Pr....._:: s si-;;;: :: ;_:-;:#iii s::;: ss_;ss:;=:sss;sss:srs:#iastrur:ii#;:-: _:-s;;_sssrs sss:: ;_: : :::: .... :ti:>;sss: -...._......._.....- - .............._..._...... . ....... .. MBsrss:stissss:<ssi:s>>s6a[ srr;;rr: ....... . .................... ............._..._.................................................... ..................... :::; :: ..::.......... . . :.::::.::::.:.::::..:.::::.....:..::.:...............:..........-----.............:.:::::::: ::::::::::_:::::::::::.: _::::: . Consttt e. :: ... ....:.::::::: #)ate.:........Rsz33a#e...Tur[e'::A'naE st...:anen:.#F3'::F7att,r.a ...., u. nt........ . Result....:<:;;; U.n[fs.::::. ::::.:r...._ .:..:::.. ..::.. tY :::`:;M ..o batch lD...:......::::::::ar s::_:: s. uaE .......... Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 60 mg/kg 10. 3. 8015M 02/20/04 02/23/04 10:26 MAA GC-12A 1 A52 ..............................._.. ..........................................................._...._................. ............................ .... --- ............... .................>:-;rza;&>;;:>;;>:cc;t:stttttt:;;;...........................: ttct:;:::ttc t t:s:;a s t tct;:a a:;;s r�:ts;;:ass::::::::::::::::.s: :ar;;;:;;;;:::r::::--: ;:: :::::::.::::::::.�:.::::::.-:.-::::.-:::::::-..... .---.....---.................................. ... ... ...,................................................................................... .......... ...... ;>;:::t:s: a:;;;:xticcccc?:::::::...:::::t�a�::; :..::::;a-:,,-:::,,-,..-::_:,:;-:::::::.,.,;::.::; ::.;s-:;;;;-:::::::::::.-:::::..:-:.:-:.;-:::::.-: e:......::: :......ss;:;;;;;s ssas:;s:;ssssss;::ttt;:t�;s:Fr'e�:;iiii;;i€::;;;;_;;ss:szs;;::� i1}iit;:;;:iirr::;::::ii;;;;:::.;:;c#iiS�rFl:iii;:;s:i;;;iii;;:i:i:; ......... .--..................:::::::::.:::::::.-::::::_ :........:................................. .................... ....................................................... ... ................................................. S:u!rCO. ate...GOm o11d1.d5........... .. .. e5[ .:.:'r`:r>>;;; ED: Tetracosane 89 % 46-137 8015M 02/20/04 1 02/29/04 110:26 1 MAA I GC-12A 1 Fla lExplanations A52 lChrornatogram not typical of diesel.- California DOHS Cel•tftatjgAi#ltj S&rt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,[nc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court.Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)3274911 'FAX(661)327-1918'www.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 11:43:20 04-01765-32 CJWI AAWal FOt M M M M M M N%e 1 BC 1111- 'Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA - Fuel -Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 801:5M) COG Number --- . Receive Date/Time, 02/19/2004 @'16:10- . Project Number .200143- Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:50 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point D2-2 DISP. .- Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIWMALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE. JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-25 ... :.::::::. .::;..:.:: ::: .:::: ...............................................: 3`<Pr:_;;:::::s<::: .. ... R n : : s:::asi#ice r;:_:x >:;::::s s:::.`:._: :'i:: :i s s€:.:;-.:: ,...:::..::...:::...::......:::........................ ....... ................:-:......... :. . .......:.. .... ...::.:..::.. .:.... ............................................ .......... ......... ..:........ .:.......... L #u C .........Mg.... i:::;:::::`;::tab::;:;::: .......... ::.::.:::::: _:::............... ._.................._ -..... ............................... l.......................... ss: ssr>:_::;srrrsss::::. . . HEM;r::;::;>r:::tl F.ts>.:srrsr:<ssrs::.:.= .............-s...... ll�L":: :1511��'toE#:'.*.: . . :::.:=:::.;:;::::> :.;;;;;_::.;;:;;;;;_............. ..................... :> ;: __::::;;:=:;::::: :::..» ;::::'r i:::::::.:;:;;.;:> =': srr';;:::.:;;;;;<; Co:nstitue.nt...... .... ................ 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Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 46 -mg/kg 10. 3. 8015M 02/20/04 02/21/04 09:07-1 MAA2 GC-12A 1:0 ....... ::. ..... ............................................................................_....... ..._.................. ......_.....- .....:........_._.... ...... ..P...._ ........................._......-...3...: R .........-_..................#...__ ..... .. .ss.>.. -. ......C....t.>........s....i.r. : - - ..... _ _ _ - .... _-........ ._....-....-._.....:...._. .._.. .... - . . €: >s:..................... .r .. .. .. ... ;...............b::s>r;:;; » ; - :_; € : sss s>i:€>;;r : ................ :. : » s : s;s..... ..... : : r: ..........;.. a..::... ............ : ............ _........... . - --- .... .... -.........._....... -:.... -...- -.....:. .;.;...;..;..;..;..;-:. ............................ ..... .e....................... . . as:: ..................;:. Tetracosane 115' ' %. 46-137 8015M 02/20/04 02/21/04 09:07 MAA2 GC-12A 1.0 California DOHS CmitifieatooreAlda6port are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court*Bakersfield,CA 93308 (661)3273911•FAX(661)327-1918"www.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004,14:48:20 04-01765-25 _ M C4W AnMal RM M M M M M M Me 1 M Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / iQuantitation Summary (EPA Method 8015M) _ COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/1912004 @ 13:55 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- - Sampling Point D2-6 DISP 2 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-26 ................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................._.................................. .-::.....::: -:.-:.:-:...........-:::........-: ::::.-::.:::::- :.:::::::::-::.- :-::::::.:-:::::::::::::::.-::.-::::::.::::::: :: ...... . ............................. .......... ........................................................... ....................... ab ...... ..........................._....... ......._............................................. ....................... .................................... . es :>;;:,;:;>;;;:_::RUM s::;;;;.;;;:;;P:.:..L:::::<>:<>. : Constttuen....:...... .. R..- Lilt ::...: ............. .Q....... Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 <PQL mg/kg 10. 1 3: 1 8015M 02/20/04 02/21/04 09:57 1 MAA2 I GC-12A 1.0 .. .................................. { F�eJ{e #eesfrce.......... ................ C_.......... ...........MB.........................L ::.::.:..::.::::.-:::..-::.-::.:...-:.:.-::::.:-.-:::. :: .... :..:... ............................... ._..:::..:.................... . -........................:.:..:....:.:..:.. ...... ........._Q..._................................ ...... aE2............. .._........ ............ ....................................... ................................. ..................... :;:;: . ............ . ....... .......... Sate:> ::.:32-Jr---- .;.T#site: P;na# st:;.'iiTent:.FD Di#ietiu�e '..... fcFi°ID:ass;. :...... 'sss ;:--------.. iraFs``': S.urro ate:;.Co aunds::... . Tetracosane 98 % 46-137 8015M 02/20/04 02/21/04 09:57 1 MAA2 I GC-12A 1 1.0 California DOHS Certifcatie>nAlt11i8faport are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court*Bakersfield,CA 93308 (661)3274911 'FAX(661)327-1918*www.bclabs.com Printed 02126/2004 14:48:28 04-01765-26 -7 r i M r CAM AMMal I4W M M M Ofte 1 r BC Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 15:20 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point D3-2 DISPENSER Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN . :.o......:....n......s.....t.:.l..t....u...........e.....n.....t..........................s.t.n..s..:.;...>.r.. [iMAL;r=AMM.`.'EA3:f/f K. ELrrrD_ REDs;GE: : -`: .: BCL Sample ID 04--:.B0..,a..1..t76...0 5 I1-3.3s.=.3 .......... .. _-. :.....s....s..:.f..3...1..a..... : :; ; : s : s ; : . ....... ;..;..; .. .......:__. .. >rs : ....:....... .. ..... ........................... >[tj ........ ........_ a : .............. i: . . . . :t ' _.......... --;;-- - g....... ..G ...........................____. : .l . F... ...... . Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 <PQL mg/kg 10. 3. 8015M 02/20/04 02/23/04 11:15 MAA GC-12A 1 ............................................................... ........:......::......: :......:::::. ...... :=:= :=:-=Fu #: `? `:i`i `:?_ .assr_ _s-:?i-.FS a'`:=>:=?�:;`•:: ss's: =i��.;:.-::: - ..:.:::..:: :..:.:::.:.....:::::::::::::..:::::.::::::.:_:::::..:::::::.::::::_:.:::..:.....Ft�e _ ..... �ab..._..._st: ........................................................................................................................ ..............................:..........::::..:..:.....:....:..,...::: ::..:...:::: - {:-..:.:..:::...._:::.................................:..._.....::.:..:: ::::.:....:::::-:: ..........::: ::: ::::;;•.;;::... Surro ate..G.o.m oun.d 5;.;:`::'ri;:':::::.;;::; :.,.P.S. 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MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point D3-6 DISPENSER Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN- ALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-34 M ................................................................... ... .... ...................................-.......-----.........----------........... .............................. ._...........__....._........................................................................ . ........_......... .._................ ................._..................- ................ ....... ......._................. ...... - .... ...... ....................... :.:::......:................................. -....-......... ....._..............._................... -...:::::::::.:::-:..:::.:::::::::::::..::::.: :.--:::::.::::_:.:::::::.:.-.:::: :.: ........ .......................... ... ............ .......::::::::::...............::.::.:::::::::::::::.::::::.:::::::.-::::::::::::::.:.::.:::::::::::: Rr :::::::......::: Rum:::;:_-_............_... iiisfrii ss:= s::;tss :;;rr:r::s_: _:_:;ss;;:rr:.->t:: ::::::::..::.::::..::::::::::::::::::::::::::-::::::::::::.:::.::::::.:.::.:,:::::::_:::::::: :..::::::..:.:::.::_:::::::::: a ;;;::;;:: ;: .............................................................-................................................................................ q MB Lab ....................................................................................................................... ...................................................._.:::...:.:........ ..... ...... :: :::-- ::.:.:::::::.:::::::::::::-:::: p......:::::::::::::::::::::::-::.......::::::::::: : :::::- ::..-.:.:._.........:::::::...................... ....................... ............................._............ ................................... ;; D - ... .....:.: >::;s:::;;s:;:: its;;;::.;:;::;:;. ... ;..::::<;:: >:::;: >rt Q' ;;;:ss: . ::.:-: C nt ::.._. .... - ..::::..:... ... . #? ......_.izurr-IIa ':::'Firtie.-:Arsafi.. ;:::ziaenf.iF2...:.f7�lvtit;ii;:;::;::::::Ba o.ns. .......... ............................... ............ate....................._........_t:±� st......................_....................................... ............fc as ua s Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 <PQL mg/kg 10. 3. 8015M 02/20/04 02/23/04 12:05. MAA GC-12A 1 .............:....:. ...:.::....:...::.,..,...........:..:..:........:....::..,..,...,.,...:::.:..,::::........:.....:..::....,.:: ::::.:::.::.-:::::::.:.:.>...........:.-... ::::........... ........................._._........................ :.......:.................._.....::............................ .....::....:.-.:-.::.:......:...:..;; :;;;;;.;;;:;:::;;.,.:...:::..::.::::::::.::::.:>:;::::::;.;::::;:;::;::...............:......::::>;;......:.....;;:........:..: :::;>Fre....-_:>:::::;;;_::.::._..:::: ;;<_:1�uri_::::::_ _;:__;:.:.:: str� C . ......... ..MB ::_s:... :s:;: .... ..:.............:.:..:................:.:.:..::...........,,..:......:.-_., .......::.,....:.._.:.....::::..:.........:..:...::..:.::.::::.........:::::..:...::.:..:....:.:...:_..:.......,...... ....:::...:..:::......... ----............... .. ..._...._..._.. �3.. ..................................................._............................................................._.........: :.:::::.:::::::,:::..-......: :..........t----.:-.........::::.:...: -::,.:::_-::::-.. t�3:.::::::- :._ .._................................_.. -..............._. ..... ..._.................................................. ::::::: _. ........... ..:.:........ S.UrrO ate;:C.d.m Qun.dS;:x::;o-=;;;r;>::.::::>;:. , esu . '::`::::..',;:.....E3I.s: =.` '_:..(lE�....-4.:...._.... :....:" :'_. ?e...:.:....:....._.:.... #?afe- :3tl r<i#a#e;:'FiRte :Tina#s1 ::..iienfiD'::D3lufiu�:::'':;Bafcti'1i ;:: Bas : . uais::....... :::. - Tetracosane 103 % 46-137 8015M 02/20/04 02/23/04 12:05 MAA GC7.12A 1 California DOHS Gert&atiao i#tM a rt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separdtion.detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court Bakersfield,CA 93308`(661)327-4911 'FAX(661.)327-1918•www.bclabs.com Printed 03/18/2004 08:37:31 04-01765-34 M C4= An=al F� _ �e 1 BC .Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method- 8015M) COC Number: dReceive bate/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 15:00 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 24-2 DISP 4 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled-13y KEVIN.MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample.ID 04-01765-27 tiit: :;;......::_:<::s:::;:>;:;;::>;<:--;>:::>::::t:::;::;::;;::::.:......:r:->;:s;s;:-:s:s»:::::::_;;:;:;;»=:-:;.::::..............;: ::;;;:=:=-;::ss:a::_rra>ss>::;;s;€:;:>;::.:-::_. :::.::::::::.::::....................... ..:::::.: :_:: _-:::::::__.:::: :.-::.:: .::::. ....:.::.::::.-:.:_:.:::-:.-.:-.:_.:.:::::-::-_-.:-.::::.:..:.-::.- :::.::.................. ..:: ;:;::.;::; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::-;::::;::::::::;:_::;:;:;;::;;_::;:::;:::::::::-=:_:::-::;::__;::::::;a.:=:_::__;_:;:::-::::.;Rr_... :i ::_>::::___:-: iii-::_::=:=__ _:# r- :=:_=: _ -. ::;;;_;_; . ..;;:_::::::;::>::;:s;: : ;;:::::;>; nstrst ........._... ..........MB.........................t ..........._.._............_._...._......................_................_............ ............_...._.....................-- .. ab .... ....... _....................... 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MAA2 GC-12A 1.0 - . ........................... ,. .,....:..: : ..:::::.::.:..:..:::::::.-:::. :..:::.......,,...,...:........ ...................................................................... ... . .:.......... .....................-:-::.;,......:.:::..:,.;-.-.....:.: ................ .............. - .............._..... _.............:.. _..... ....................... a{* ..... :.:.......,.. .......... .... :.::.::::....:.:.:::.. ....... ::. ::.::::.-:::.-::.... . ;;<:,::.. ::......_Ress It..... :::;U Ets:::::::.»s>OQi tr I>#=�rnYts; M� a:Q:d.::::-mate::.:=32ti :r to rr e; :atria# st_ iii rir:rD:::; D;3z�tit i3 ;:<:::Baf:::F:jD:;:::........... ......_:::. c 61as ':C.o.m ound. :..:.....:.:.............._......................_..............................................._....... .........-.................._................._...................._.._.._.. _.....-.-.---.......... ..._................._.. ... ....... ....._.................. .... ...... .._..........._....._......_.............._._...._...._.........._............ Surro ate s _.... :..................................t�........................ Tetracosane 06 % 46-137 8015M 02/20/04 02/21/04 10:46 1 MAA2 GC-12A 1 1.0 California DOHS CeAjf g�j?A##,j t §gport are for the exclusive use of the submitting parry. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court"Bakersfield,CA 93308"(661)327-4911'FAX(661)327-1918'www.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:48:37 04-01765-27 FBC Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method. 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number . 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 15:05 Sampling Location MING/REAL . Sample Depth --- Sampling Point D4-6 DISP 4 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BGL Sample ID 04-01765-28 .::.:.::..:. ....,::::::..::.:..................................................... ....................................:.:.........:::. . ..:::::.::.:::::::::::::::::;:.:...:..;::: ::::.::: ::...:.:::..........-...............:.....:...........-::::.:.::::::::.:..:....:.......:..:..:.: `_F;::; is > _::ss=ii€tss_ _:;.:::•;xt sss a>:_<:s`=:-s s s#;;;;:;:;:::r s ............................. :.-::::: :s::. s: ....::::............................ { un nstru MB:: .: .L ........ .... . ................ ... .................................... ........ ab........ :: ............................................................................................................ ....................... _ _........... _................. .... -=............... ...-..........................�........._.... .......... .........._........... .................................. .._..._.._................ ....._..... ................... ..... .... ssss>s: > :.'t:ifs is ss . - �1llf ==_:: eicc#::>_:: .:. ;:: :: ;_ __ :, ;=: r;;:.; ..:.-.,_;.::__:;_:: ::-;::.:::::: : ::..:.:.::::=;::; :::.:> i::::: > _;;;;::::s ?'> ;::;_;;;.::::;;s»s t! 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Tetracosane 94 % 46-137 8015M 02/20/04 02/21/04 111:36-1 MAA2 11 GC-12A 1 1.0 California DOHS CeMificatior A168,6port are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court"Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911•FAX(661)327-1918"www.belabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:48:46 04-01765-28 M M CMd AWcal OW M M M M M M Mge C Laboratori,,, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA -Fuel Identification / Quantitati®n Summary (.EPAWethod 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 15:10 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point P1-2 CONNECTING PIPE Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-29 _.................................................Fie ---:;:;:;;;:;_::;-;:;;;-:;;:::Rti�s::.:.# ;=-. Fr:K;-- -;s;:<==;-;::_-;;:;;;:;;:_:. ;.::-:_:_::;s;:;s;;;:ssss _;;;;;;:;;;:;;;::;:: ......_...... C..........._................MB......................... ........................................................................ ................................... ................................................................................... .............._..............................._..................... ....................................._.. ................---. 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(EPA' Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 15:13 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point P1-6 CONNECTING PIPE- Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-30 :::. ::::.::.-:........... ... ............:.......:.:-..:.... .:..,..._,........:,....:::.-:::::.. .......... ............................. :::. ::::..:::.-:...............::::.::.. ...:::::::....:::::::..:.-::::.......:....-.:. ..:..:.......:...........:.... .::.........::..:.:......::,.: :..:,::::::,........ .:.:........:.......................................:::.......................:::::::.::.:-.:..::.:::::::.::::: :.-::::.:::::::::.::::::.......:..:.: .. :.:: .:.::;:.:...:: :.. ........ ....................................................................................................... ......:...............................::........ ................... .:....-.:................................: ......::;.......... a Rt�n iestr�lr:; : :'. s;; _::._ .`•.:: >::::ss;:>:: C ._.....MB.....-.......:::.-: „ ...... ...:,...: .. :::::..: ..:................... ............................._................. -._......._............_......._..........._...... ..................._............................. ....-- . .... ..................... ...... a ............. u ... ::.::::::..: � Q ...........� _..... 3� rr:33a _:TEtn .-:�A aE t=�:nt ��#D:��Da3 # rt...._:: hs133:;::;.::::..::... :....:... ................................:.:::::::.::-..:.....:.�........_...................- --- ......_..._....dL6...............k#............._Y�...............1t.......tl...... .$.............� sat ....sta Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 <PQL mg/kg 10. 3. 8015M 02/20/04 02/21/04 13:15 MAA2 GC-12A 1 1.0 :::.:,::::.:,.............: :::::::.::-:::::::.-.:::::.::.:.:.... . . .............w...::::.............:::::::.:::::: :::..:.. .... .... . .. . ............................................ ::::_::.::.:::.::::..... ... ===.........: a liu�.... .._.. -......_.........................._.. ....._.......R.._... i} . ..... _._...._..........._....fr-..........._.....— ... _........................ - r:r:: :: :::::::::<;_:es a:;:;::;:.:.::; -tj :;:;::;;:;;: aul:::t�[ .i:. .........Ntt#�Qd>_;;::;::;.. 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BC Laboratories,hie.assumes no responsibility for report a]teratiou,separation,detaclunent or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308 r(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918'ww vi.bclabs.com Printed 02/26/2004 14:49:02 04-01765-30 �-UWa fecal Mri M M M �9e BC Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel -Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/25/2004 @ 14:11 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/2512004 @ 08:45 Sampling Location MING/REAL(JACO) Sample Depth --- Sampling Point SP 1 SOIL PILE#1 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA JBCL Sample ID 04-01945-1 si»s»s>s;:s:»s:s>>t>s>.:s>;>:s;:;;s;:;.s:>.>s>rtsrr>sssr€r>s;:>s:>ssittsssr>:;;:>rrss>;;;s;rr:»s:>rs:>:rs;;r>s: r:<:;sss: :: .-i ;:. ... :: : ......:..s ..._=�.;___: s:=F..fe :__:.::::.__.:::_:.:-_.:.:::_:.:Rtln:--_- _:__=_=:€a r :�_>s_:;:__:-::==:_s:i:_ :;;_:. :..-:::_-._::;::;:=;; st ...._.....__.............MB....................:.... .............. ......_......_.........._._......_....._.._............._..- ...._......................._. ........._..........__........._..._..._. _ — .:::.:::::.::.....:.::::::::::::..::.:..::::...::.:;..::... tss;:ss> ;: ,:. :;:: -:-_::::_::V1I77 :'_ aYl tk:Qd<:___::_._.: ::'::"_::_-:_:- :=;: _-.::::-- :::_:;:::::.;:::-: :- _.::_- :_:.;;::_ _=;_ .:.:; `;:::::..................: ;;;__' t si i3a __T€n.... .Ana€ st_...menY.€E3._.m,tx, C.o.nstl.fiu:ent:::::::::::.:.:.::::.:::;::::; ;Res.ul ........... ..... . xloe B h ...... _e..._.....3Zk►........ # ..._................ ..._.._...... . ate 113.._ .... 13ia ..... ..................... ..................._............._...._....._........................................................._s ::::::....._�ua[s.......... 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BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary (EPA Method- 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/25/2004 @ 14:11 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/25/2004@"08:50 Sampling Location MING/REAL(JACO) Sample Depth --- Sampling Point SR 2:SOIL PILE#2 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA IBCL Sample ID.. 04-01945-2 ....._. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::.:::::::.::::::::.::::_::.:.::::::::::.:::::::°:::.:.:_.:::.:.::::::.::::...:::;:.::.:::-:.E?re i ;::.-::s;::_-:=.i2r�n::>;: :tiffs:- -:?:=t:tsic :Y s=-: ;=:s::=;s::-:.._:::;:ru -; s:;;:;:;;;;::;;:;;;;: ;;; .:.-:. ......- .. >✓ MB......................... ........ ............. . ....................................... ................._.....-................-.........-........_._._.__._.._.._._...... {.. .......-Z -._._..._.....--... ._......._.._...-..-......._...._.._......_.. ._.... .. ..............._.............-..-.........._...............................-.. ......_........-.._... _............................... .._.... ........--........................... - iwQiEM'** .. ..............Result..;:...:.:::-..... rtlfs...............P.Q�..:........::-::; . .�..:::_..........._ . ._._.__.._. _mate 3�ur��3ate 'Ftltte-...AnaE t ttterttEf}.... .E?a] East.......satctt.II3......... ....... ........ . ....._..._.. ........ . .._..... .......... ............-..�-.........._-..._....._.......-.._.--.........-........-_Bias,.::....::.:::.:{�>Jals:::::.::: _ Diesel Range Organics(C12-C24 32 mg/kg 1 10. 3.- . 8015M 02/26/04 02/26/04 14:22 MAA GC-12A 1 :::...::::::::::...........::::............:::.....:.::::.:..:: :::..::.....::::.:::::...... ...:....:::..............::.::::::........::::.::.-:::...::::..:.:.:::.:::::.::. ::....::..... ..:_...::::.. _ _ _ :.::.:...:•..::.::::::.:.:: .:...:...::::.::::.::..::...:.:::. ::...::.:::...:::::::: .::::.:..:.:.:.:::: :.:..:..:::.:::::::........:....:....:::�. ::::...........:::..:... , . .....,:.....:,.:::.::.::::::.:.:,::: ::::::s:;:;:::•::::::. a'.::;x.:::::t ;:;r.a.:.::::;;::;::::::;.r::;:;..:::::.::s::::»:;ar::;;;;rrt_:x:.:.a:::;::.::::::;;; ;;:;;:•::: ..... 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BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911'FAX(661)327-1918*Htivw.bclabs.com -Printed 02/27/2004 13:52:19 04-01945-2 C' Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary ' (EIPA Method 8015M) COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/25/2004 @ 14:11 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/25/2004 @ 09:00 Sampling Location MING/REAL(JACO) Sample Depth --- Sampling Point SP 3 SOIL PILE#3 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA JBCIL Sample ID 04-01945-3 :::,:.:......:.: :::: ::::::.:::::.::.....-:................:...: .. ....... .......: ...............:::::: : ::'i;i'i`': ::ii; :-';:;:;i :::a;;:>:::: : :: _i i.'::`:::_:`: s _ _.....:>tt:: B F[1sfGf1.Y:;_;: :'': ;::': :i: :;;;;`i i=i;:.. ...``;_;;:::;;:_:i;;:::;::; .... ... 1111B.........................Lab..-........... :: :::::...:...:..-..:..::...:.:::::,::.:.:.................-_.......--._._.._..:_:......:_:__.#?....._...:.:.....::::.:..:...........-.:...:::,_......_ ...-.._:_:::::......_...........---- -........._....._... ....................-....._......_....... ..-.. ;, •;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: :::;;:>:;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;; ;; :::.-: E.fs�s_s�_it's:� �:.:= :;;:t:::�i>:;:; : l:'.:L:�::=-�=IYIEt;° ;_::=-: ::-.;:.--;_>-=: -;:-:.:;: :.-:::--:; _�,�::::.;::.: -.;:-;-::;._:::;;;::::::.-.:-:_--:::_-:..,: ; :::_::::;;::.:;:.::.:::--��.:_ ................................: ; ss# C.o.nstltuent...... .... ............................ ............ ....IResU�t... ttt3. 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Tetracosane 83 %. 46-137 8015M 02/26/04 02/26/04 15:27 MAA GC-12A 10 Comments PQL's and MDL's are raised due to sample dilution. California DOHS CejgifiaatamfkA1 t1r &port are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.asstunes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detacliment or third parry interpretation. .4100 Atlas Court Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911!FAX(661)327-1918•www.bclabs.com Printed 02/27/2004 13:52:29 04-01945-3 Certified Analytical Report Cover Page 1 of 1 BC Labor'tories, Inc. Cover Report ORIGINAL . RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ' 2103 20TH ST. Project Number: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 COC Number: ' Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA BCL Number: 04-01765 This report contains.the analytical results'for the samples received under chain of custody by BC'Laboratories, Inc. The samples were logged into the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS).and BC Lab numbers were assigned to each sample: The result of the temperreture check, condition of'the samples.and ' any other discrepancies were recorded on the cooler receipt form. ' All applicable quality control procedures met method-specific acceptance criteria, except as noted on the following analytical and quality control reports. ' This report shall not be reproduced except in full;without written approval of the laboratory. California DOHS Certification 1186 /W 7 Authorized Signature k1l result listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party,BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,detachment or third party interpretation. Printed OA 01100 * 1441°1-1�-, A01 *•C-_.;«,.I-i, 1/11 0 * .._._ i--,_,.- _...nn_n17rr, BC LABORATORIES INC. SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM Rev. No. 10 01/21/04 Page Of ' Submission #: I Project Code: TB Batch # SHIPPING INFORMATION SHIPPING CONTAINER Federal Express ❑ UPS ❑ Hand Delivery Ice Chest 0- None ❑ BC Lab Field Service ❑ Other ❑ (Specify) Box ❑ Other ❑ (Specify) ' Refrigerant: Ice Blue Ice ❑ None ❑ Other ❑ Comments: Custody Seals: Ice Chest ❑ Containers ❑ None Comments: Intact?.Yes ❑No ❑ Intact? Yes ❑ No ❑ ' All samples received? Yes No❑ All samples containers intact? Yes No ❑ Description(s) match COC? Yes No ❑ COC Received Ice Chest ID �G Emissivity b'�� Date/Time Z—�� YES ❑ NO Temperature: C Container 6 st Init y I Thermometer ID: Analyst Y SAMPLIF NUMBERS SAMPLE CONTAINERS 1 1 z 1 3 4 1 5 1 s 1 7 1 8 s to OT GENERAL MINERAL/GENERAL PHYSICAL PT PE UNPRESERVED r INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS PT INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS PT CYANIDE PT NITROGEN FORMS PT TOTAL SULFIDE 2oz.NITRATE/NITRITE 100m1 TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON T TOX PT CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND PtA PHENOLICS 40ml VOA VIAL TRAVEL BLANK 40ml VOA VIAL 1 1 1 JgT_,E PA 413.1 413.2 418.1 PT ODOR RADIOLOCICAL BACTERIOLOGICAL 0 ml VOA VIAL-504 •EPA 5081608/8080 •EPA 515.118150 •EPA 525 •EPA 525 TR-4VEL BLANK 100ml EPA 547 00ml EPA 531.1 T EPA 548 - T EPA 549 T EPA 632 T EPA 801561 •QA1QC •AMBER Z.JAR 1 i 32 OZ.JAR 1L SLEEVE B VIAI, PLASTIC BAG TLERROUS IRON CORE ments: pie Numbering Completed By: Date/Time: > piaUOCS.vJPeO.IAe OOCS�FORMS�SAtv1REC 2.vJP01 BC LABORATORIES INC. SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM Rev. No. 10 01/21104 Page I Of Submission )I Project Code: TB Batch # SHIPPING INFORMATION S,HIPPING CONTAINER Federal Express ❑ UPS ❑ Hand Delivery Ice Chest None ❑ BC Lab Field Service ❑ Other ❑ (Specify) Box ❑ Other ❑ (Specify) . Refrigerant: ICeV Blue Ice ❑ None ❑ Other ❑ Comments: Custody Seals: Ice Chest ❑ Containers ❑ None Comments: Intact? Yes ❑No ❑ Intact?Yes ❑ No ❑ All samples received? Yes No❑ All samples containers intact? Yes No ❑ Description(s) match COC? Yes No ❑ COC Received Ice Chest ID-- �-- �`�► Emissivity Date/Time 2?to o ES ❑ NO Temperature: �`C�N °C C� ont iner Thermometer ID: `� Analyst Init 13AMPLF NUMBERS SAMPLE CONTAINERS /)3 j 1 I1 o 122 Z3 L OT GENERAL MINERAL/GENERAL PHYSICAL PT PE UNPRESERVED T INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS . PT INORGANIC CHEMICAL,METALS PT CYANIDE PT NITROGEN FORMS PJ.TOTAL SULFIDE 2oz.NITRATE/NITRITE 11100nil TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON T TOX PT CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND IPIA PHENOLICS 40ml VOA VIAL TRAVEL BLANK 40ml VOA VIAL T EPA 413.1 413.2 418.1 T ODOR DIOLOGICAL BACTERIOLOGICAL 0 ml VOA VIAL-504 T EPA 508/608/8080 T EPA 515.1/8150 T EPA 525 T EPA 525 TRAVEL BLANK OOm1 EPA 547 00mI EPA 531.1 •EPA 548 •EPA 549 •EPA 632 •EPA 8015M T A/ C •AMBER Z.JAR OZ.JAR }i { SOI1,SLEEVE I I B VIA11 ASTIC BAG 'FERROUS IRON CORE omments: I p(e Numbering Completed By: Date/Time: 1H a00C5tWP801LAB OOCS\f ORMSISAMREC 2.WPD1 BC LABORATORIES INC. j SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM Rev.No. Jo. . 01/21/04 Page .4 Of Submission #: 1 J-LC15 Project Code: TB Batch # SHIPPING INFORMATION �IPPING CONTAINER IFederal Express ❑ UPS ❑ Hand Delivery Ice Chest None ❑ BC Lab Field Service ❑ Other ❑ (Specify) Box ❑ Other O (Specify) Refrigerant: Ice Blue Ice O None ❑ Other ❑ Comments: Custody Seals: Ice Chest ❑ Containers ❑ None Comments: Intact?Yes ❑No .❑ Intact?Yes ❑ No O All samples received? Yes No O All samples containers intact??Yes No❑ Description(sl match COC? Yes No ❑ COC Received Ice Chest 06pp- P Emissivity Date/Time lri--a YES ❑ NO Temperature: °C Container _ Rplo Thermometer ID: Analyst Init SAMPLE CONTAINERS I ( it f I 'z 9 3O 3 T GENERAL MINERAL/GENERAL PHYSICAL 1 T PE UNPRESERVED OT INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS •INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS •CYANIDE PT NITROGEN FORMS T TOTAL SULFIDE oz.NITRATE/NITRITE 100m1 TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON T TOX CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND PtA PHENOLICS ml VOA VIAL TRAVEL BLANK ml VOA VIAL t It t t t i T EPA 413.1 413.2 418.1 ODOR DIOLOGICAL BACTERIOLOGICAL ml VOA VIAL-504 EPA 5081608/8080 T EPA 515.1/8150 EPA 525 EPA 525 TRAVEL BLANK 00ml EPA 547 ml EPA 531.1 EPA 548 T EPA 549 EPA 632 WPA 8015NI 72A/QC BE JAR OZ.JAR ` SLEEVE I VIAL, TIC BAG OUS IRON KRE nts: Numb_ering Completed.By:j.. Date/Time: e 1 : Z J iHAD0CS%VVP8MLA8 r`rr,F.rcnGr.ncrc-.r,,.,�. ••_» - _ . . . . 7. BC LASORATORIES INC. SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM Rev.:No. 10 01/21104 Page Of ISubmission #: Project Code: TB Batch # SHIPPING INFORMATION �IPPING CONTAINER Federal Express ❑ UPS ❑ Hand Delivery Ice Chest None ❑ BC Lab Field Service ❑ Other ❑ (Specify) Box ❑ Other ❑ (Specify) R Ice Blue Ice ❑ None ❑ Other ❑ Comments: als: Ice Chest ❑ Containers ❑ None Comments: Intact?Yes 0 N.❑ Intact?Yes ❑ No All samples received? Yes No❑ All samples containers intact? Yes No D Description(s) match COC? Yes No ❑ COC Received Ice chest IDG1� Emissivity Date/Time '71r1--0 YES Q NO Temperature: °C Container _ 0 Thermometer ID: Analyst Init SA SAMPLE CONTAINERS 3211 33 a 5 s 7 8 9 to OT GENERAL MINERAL/GENERAL PHYSICAL PT PE UNPRESERVED r INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS PT INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS T CYANIDE PT NITROGEN FORMS T TOTAL SULFIDE oz.NITRATE IN ITRITE IOOnitTOTALORGANIC CARBON T TOX iT CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND Iyftl tA PHENOLICS Oml VOA VIAL TRAVEL BLANK VOA VIAL •EPA 413.1 413.2 418.1 •ODOR DIOLOGICAL BACTERIOLOGICAL ml VOA VIAL-504 EPA 508/608/8080 T EPA 515.1/8150 T EPA 525 EPA 525 TRAVEL BLANK 100ml EPA 547 irl EP A 531.1 A 548 QX T EPA 549 EPA 632 EPA 8615M T QA/0C AMBER .JAR Z.JAR ISTICSLEEVE VIAL BAG ERROUS IRON ORE ,nments: 'le Numbering Completed By: J DatelTime:'Z I J� IH:'.DOCSNV/F80"J.E DOCS'dFnRM51:nn+ncr�v 1 Laboratories, Ine RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: . KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total -Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Datg/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date(Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:35 _ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 1-2 TK 1 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA(K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-1 <::::::::.:....:::::...::...:::.:.:.:.:::.:.-.....:::::.:......:..........:......:.............:::......................................... . .......-............ ....::.......::.... ....... . ...:::. rr:::..:s:...:.::::::::::....:zx:..:::.:;;ra:::;:a:::::::::r::;::a.:.:::::.::a:::.::can�::>r'_::rurt;:::t_:::::.:: : _::.-.:.........:. _:::__.-.:_:::::.'::.�__:_;_:..:..:.<...-=_P.':.:.: :::::`:_::<:=i:::`2:'-_a` U�1- [iS ._ _. .. =..._Q. _..... _.. ..................::-........:,-::........:...::......._.......:::..:......::_:..:....:::.......--:=-........:::: _:-::_:--.:::.:::...,-::::--:. --.:.:._::..:::.-: :: _.:.-=__:._.>.:_::: .-.-:-__.:.:_F .=.: . :: ::_::::::_.__. _-_.-:._.:: _::_ __: :-.:-_:.-::: :. ._......... 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Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 80218 02/23/04 02/23/04 11:46 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 11:46 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 11:46 -HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND _ Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B . 02/23/04 - 02/23/04 11:46 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 11:46 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND _ Gasoline Range Organics(C4- C12) <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02123/04 02/23/04 11:46 - HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND .. .. .. ... ................._.............................._............................................... ....... .. ....................................._.. ........ ....... ....... ...._.. .... ........................................................................-................. ................._.... _......................................................._. ......... ..................................._................ ................._................ :: ...........................: : :::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::.::::�:�::::;>;;;:za::;.s:;::;:.;s:a::::;-:.;::.:.::::::;:s:::::::s: a ..:::;:a:::............;::�:;;;:;a;na;:�:;: �;::::>:s:;;;rs:;_;;:;;.:;::.....::;......a:.: �:�:: t.: �x:............:::::::::.:::::::::.::.::.:.:.:::::.::::.::. ..,.....:_::.::::::.::::.:::::.::::::.::::.: .... ................... ................_....... ._............................. -.-:::::::::::::::.::..::.......:::::.:::::. ........................................................::::::::..::::::::.::...::::::::::.::::::::::.:...:::..:::::.::::::::::.:::::::::::::::.::::...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::-.. ................:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.-::_::.::f@ ::::--;::::::::-;;::s::.:-;: Rvri-=:::;:;=::;;;:;::: :;;:;; :::Ensf ru: i_;;:;:??i;:i:i;:i r ss ii:_:;isi<::. ...;s-s; >::>: a:`::; P C MS;:.:::::;;;:::.;s:;;:::Lab::::::::::::: .. ..... ..... 4 ::.:::::.:....:::::::...::.:........::.::......::.-:......::,::..........:;........:,._.......,..::::::...:.::.......,.::_....:..::::.:....: :::.:.__.:::.:::::.:.:::::..::..:..::....::::::_._: _. : .:::_::P::.:.:::_:.-_.:.:......................::..........:._...::.::......:...::.........:.......:::.:_........:::......:.::.......-::::::.:.::.::::..-::::::::::::::..:.:..::::::::..:::::... ..._.,........:................ .................................... ........... ......::.;::...... .... :., .. a:.::;:a:.::::.:... B :C tr:...- L'Enrts;;::<:::.> t�iod:;>:s :::.:_':. rr. $esuli....................... .n.#ts....._........... ..o #. _ot. . . ....... . date ......32srrf33ateirtr�. Ana# st _merit.[D...D..hJtlan...... Saf ch.7 D...................61as... ................. uafs.......... S.0 o ate...C.om oxtn.ds............................... ..................._...................._......_................... ............ ......................................... ....... ...� ..... ......... ......._ ..... ........... ....................................................................................................................... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 75 % 70-130 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 11:46 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 _ a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 104 % 70-130 8015M 02123/04 02/23/04 11:46 1 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 California DOHS Ce Moa.tIon i9t} MIt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third part),interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 FAX(661)327-1918•www.belabs.com Printed 03118/2004 08:37:18 04-01765-1 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons . COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02119/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:37 _ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 1-6 TK 1 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By JKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-2 . .............................. .... .. .......... _.................................................._............................................_............................ ..... ......... ......... ....... .................................. ..... . .. _.......... ..... ................................................... .. .... ..... . ......................................................................................................................... ........ ...... ::::.::::::.-::::•:::::::::::::::::::.:::::.-....................:-:::.::..............:....-:::::............:::.......... .............................::....,..._.......:................... ::...:.:.::...,...:::=;;:::::::..:.::;:;.-::::::::;:::;:::::.::: :.... ...._<...._.......:........_._..... :_.........:...............:::........:.:::.......::.:...:. ...::::::::::.:::.:::::.:::::. :........:::::.:::.::.::::.........:::...:: :.:.:,- :::;::':<;<:r>;:»>:<>:&:.:::::::::::.:::::::: a:;::.:;.:a ;:_:;;;:;.::::;;;:::: s;:.>°s:.;::.s::.:::•:;::;;:ra»}:......:::::;-;:=;::::;:;e::...................................: : : :;;................................< i::..:i::is is ii..: »:::re ,:sa :.:.s:: ;;s-:::.:_sz.ea:s:Rtln:.;:.i:::;;i: ;;:..`_ :_i;nstrll. is>...........r:s>::f??::r:»::>:;:=::s Gt:s::>s;t:< ;>.;t sz>:M ss s;>;::r.9G;:,::;:.:: ... 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B ........ . TtY� .. .......................e.5 U ....................._.........- ....... ..:........E..... .............I.... . _4. .... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 82 % 70-130 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 20:44 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 118 % 70-130 8015M 02/22/04 02/22/04 20:44 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 - Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS C.Orti€iaetilM 464 81v?rt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court Bakersfield,CA 93308"(661)3274911 `FAX(661)327-1918.+wm%,.bclabs.com Printed 03/18/2004 08:37:22 04-01765-2 M = Mu r_tudi�t t dye 7B Laboratories, Ine RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 _ Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:37 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth Sampling Point 1-6 TK 1 Sample Matrix Soil _ Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-2 ^ .......................... .............._......_..... ................................................._.................. ..................................._............................ ..........................................................._..................................._............................_................................. :.-:::.::::::::.. :.:::-::.::.:::::::::.:.::::::::.:::::.::.::::.:::::::::::::.:::::::.::.::::::::::.:::::.::::::::..:::::::::::<:::::::.:.:::::::::.::::::.:::::::..::.:::::.:::::.::::::::-:: .::.::-::.::::::::::::.:::.:............:....... ......................................................................................_... ........ ..... :::::::......:::::.......:::..........::::..........-..........,.................................._..............................._...........:.............::-........;...........::..........._.; ;......::::::::.:-:::::.:-,....::.::::::::::.::::.:.-::::::::.-::::::.,-:::.-::.-::::::.::-::::::::.:.:::::.P, ;:;::z:;;:<:r;::;:a..................:;!�Rult:;c-:;;;;;:�s:::;:a;:s;;;::.;;;::;;:# �#Gil:% 5;?is;iz i::t:;:;:i�r.';;;;::;s:°: G:; ....: ;;i;:;sMBz::;=:;:t;;�:;a:;;ia;:;:;: ..,- re .Q.. 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B.... ............... a _........... R5 ....................................................................................................................................................................................._ M L b..... ... ......................................................... .._....... 13......... ........ ............._.............. ......................................................... ......................._.......... ;,:;;;;::;: e5.i# '`: 'i:. : ii Gf3`(?:; ..::.E37:It :>_44 C.o:m Burt.d.s..............................................................:.::. ... F3....::.........._................ .........:. ..._......_..........................._..........._..........._........._................................_.... ............... .................................._....... ......... ..... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 82 % 70-130 8021 B 02/22/04 02/22/04 20:44 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 118 % 70-130 8015M f 02/22/04 02/22/04 20:44 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 Fla q Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03' Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS Gerrtatifar>A151,Art are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,fine.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308*(661)3274911 *FAX(661)327-1918*www.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:40:10 04-(1178,-9. BC Laboratories, Ine RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons. COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:40 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point. 2-2 TK 1 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE, BCL Sample ID 04-01765-3 ..s:TT- :»» - rE,..'s..,r:..,.=r:is >s ' ?f >;s= a:`>- ';°s<ts:ts::_`a>`:;::::::.:: : ;`:;: ':` : ..........................................: : :.....................................s `:: `. i;; ;`: ;is: i:$ i i ?.. i::t: :=: _:.::.aa : ii:.:;;:::Fre:...;::i::; ;;:::;i:;i:;:_;z-;;:a:#iu n t tI �. ........ ..........MB:i s::;`;: `:;::::Labit::;';s:; -- O? .... ...... ....... ........................... ...... .................................................................................:...............................................................................................(3............. ........................... ............._...........................::........ ...................................................................................._.................................. ...................................:... 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Et .....................Q . ......... .. ......._....#rat ..........�t>Jn�.B t .::'£Ime:., Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 17:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02,S09_ Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 17:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02,S09 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 17:33 1 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02,S09 Q02,Q03,S0 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 17:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 9 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 17:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02,S09 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 I 0.046 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 17:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND S09 ...... .... ...... ............__........ .. ....... ..........._.... ......... ........... ...... ................... ..........__..... ... . ....... ................ .................._.............................................................................................__.........................._..................................................... . ............ ;:;;:;Siii;`.??:;:a;::;`ii:;: :»t:::` ::;:;:::';._.;;?;;;:;:i;;;€:::'.;-;= ::::ttY: :::i::_;=;i_>=:-:i;:a:;iaii:;;::...-:::;--...;i;::= t::'.... :i::P B...::i:i ::i:;`.......2i1TF::::5 �: .....:#i'iStGtl:�::iii:� :�t'-:;t;;is.....:.: ::::i;".s�:i i:`��:�s;:;�:>.�:;i>::ii;;;�:�?'t:IVI:i::::;:is�:;;;; ;:ts:;:°i::i?.....::?�:a;;;°;;: Q B. ....... .........La6............. ::....::::::::.....::::........,...,........::::.......:.::::.;......:.:.-::...,..,:::::::::::::::::::.::::_::..:..:::.:.:::::::::.::::::::: ::::.:: ::.:_::::::.-:::::__:.:-:::: P::::::::::.:.-_:::.:_:::::_:.::::::_::::.::::_: ::::_::::::::::::::::::.:::::.::_:_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::.::::.::......:.::::::.-::::::::::::::.:::::....:::.............:.:. ................._............_.......... ...........,:.`.'.. ..... ..._..... . .. .;:..._....:: .. Bate........3T>sri3ate Ttrrle.... Ana st [ne t[D D � ..... cha..... uar :::.:...: S.u.rro. ate::C.om un .s. ..... .. .. .......... .......... ..........._...................._....... .:-.:.:.:.._...:....._.._:................. ..................................._ . Q s a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 21 % 70-130 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 17:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 S09 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 30 l % 70-130 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 17:33 1 HKS GC-V8 1 1 302-100433 So9 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. 309 The surrogate recovery on the sample for this compound was not within the control limits. California DOHS Cif!I�t�O��h; tllid§A,are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratorics,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteratiou,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918"w-ww.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:40:19 - 04-01765-3 7BI UUIMIL;d1�1L MageMi Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:45 _ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 2-6 TK 1 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE IBCL Sample ID , 04-01765 74 ....._................. .......... ........_......................._....._............................................................................:..................... ............................................................... ......................._............... ................................._....................... .......... ........ ..............._._................ ............................... ............................................................. .................................. .........................................................................................._........ ............. :"? €:;: ;;r:: : ::; ;:r'3'2aii s i; i: :::;i;;isia:isi:_i;% : ::'z:`z=i::i:::::: : `'i€: ;`z::?i::i?:i is z':: a': ::: .P....:...-is i:':=t=::`si:=':`: : i#2t7T1::-:: ii_e::;::;s3::°r;is:=:E[a5rff:=:i`::::.....;;: ;:::::......::i:i:::: his:%:afsis:as:: ::M$:-:;;°'::':;;::;::::i;`:;L ......:;;; r? .......... ......_.............. ..._....._._................... ......._........._......_................................._..t................._... . .......... ....... a. ............................................................._......:............................................................................................................................ ....._...................... .....................::.,.,....._.: f.............:.:.........................._..........._......................_....._...._.................. .................. .._..._......_............ ............: ......:........... ....... ........................................ ...................................... ......................................................._:................... ..........._.................. _.... ....._..... . ......... ._..... ....... ...................................................... . ...................... ............... ....._. :.............._......_......._......... ....._...... ...._.: ..._.::..:......:: : :::. ......................_::.........:::.......... ........... ....._............................................................................. `Q`, ;<sii:ii;:;i;:i; i: ii::i'::.:i:: (3` ::;.. ::: : : : - .:- :.... ;::ED:_: .ir; :E3[�_ n fiU nt................................. ................ .._i eSEflt ...._.... .._1 �3E#5....._ _.. Q ..... :....T? te...:....-R. 3)a#�.. F#me..: a. .._t..._meOt_.._._ .._© ratf. ...._._ ............................ �.. ........... Benzene <PQL mg/kg I 0.005 0.00036 80218 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:24 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 _ Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:24 HKS GC-V8_ 1 302-100436 ND S09 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:24 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:24 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02123/04 02/23/04 12:24 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 _ Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04- 12:24 HKS GGV8 1 302-100436 ND S09 .. .... .... ....... ...... . ...... _...._.__..._._.. -...._..._............_.._...._..__..........-__.._...........I........_.....__....__....................._...... .._........_............................. ... ..:..::::...........:.............:::,.....,;............:•::...................................................;.......::; ;..:.::::. ::.:- .::;:.,::::;;::::::.-::::::;;::::;r;:: ::.:.::.:;:::-::_::::-,:::a.::: .::::::::::. ::::::..........:::::.-:.:_.......:::::::::.:....::_:::...:::........_-:�_:.;...._...._:::.:......::.::.-::::.....:.:. ;.....:::--::-.:..:. .- :- - -_::: .::.-•:..:..:..-::......;.:_:...,;:;...:...........,:.....:................. ............... .... 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Bate..... 3turs Bate �� l� at st: m.nt[. C3.utloa.. afc... ............................ ..... urr ate..G.om Qtfin.d.5.................................................................................................................................. .......... 4..... .................. a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 47 % 70-130 80218 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:24 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 S09 _ a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 66 % 70-130 1 8015M 02/23/04 1 02/23/04 12:24 HKS GC-VS 1 1 302-100436 S09 Flag Explanations S09 The surrogate recovery on the sample for this compound was not within the control limits. California DOHS CYfftfi i l` tj8Fr,are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918'www•bclabs.com Printed 03/03/2004 11:17:28 04-01765-4 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:55 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- _ Sampling Point 3-2 TK 1 ISample Matrix Isoil _ Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-5 _ _ _ = tJ _ a ts_ :asts sfru-;a: s ' % ''z `?sss sfs% ?':':::::;::: 3sr>::: = > ........ :;•:::::: ::::::::::::ass::;;s:::a:;:_:ss::a.;;;r:::s;;:a:::cs;;ss;::sa;s:;::::;::as;;;s;::;:;;:;::;;;;;s;;;::;;:;:: a:a;::;;::;;;;•::::;;Pre #_>i'_;;:_;:s::t;;s;sssi: #2 >7 MB........ ........Lab............ . ........................................................_......................_:....__........:.......:..:.....::_::::::::.- :.:.:.:::::::... ...._......_....._..................._.. ........................_Gi......... ...... .::......,...:.-.:::.-:..-:..:.:.:::.::..:::::..:::.......:...::.::•........_:v.... ....:...::::.:_.-_f...._-.-:::.::..............................:.._...-------::................._. :.......:..::::.:. . ....... .................................. ................................... :..-::-..::...::..:::.:......_........................:............................:::....... .......................................::..:::._.......:::::..:::...-::.:.:::::::: :::..:._.:-:::::.: ::......:.:........ _ e :Q: %:::i__i :: .... .. ._: 11T :i:::%.`17�.,_... `-:t: 13::tDs_:DJI tlfl::: :r:':8'..,'::fi i::.:..: .::i::S:::::':::ii..:.,,....,..;i:;;:;' . . . . . .R .........................................._................................_Res.LE�f...................... .13.Ef .....................QL............. t7 3��ri�33at T#...e A.._.... s... me.._t..... ._.._...._> .......n .......atc. �D_ $fas...._ Quals:....: ... ........ ........... ....................................._..........................._......................_...... ............ate...................................._......... ............ .. ..... Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 18:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 80218 02120104 02/20104 18:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 _ Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 1 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 18:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 _- Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg o.02 0.00056 8021 B. 02/20/04 02/20/04 18:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q021003 Total'Xylenes <PQL - mg/kg 0.01 0:0098 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 18:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 18:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND .................................................................................................................................................._................................................... .............._................................................................ ......._....................................................................................... ................_. ......................................................................................................................... ....... ... ............. ............ ............. . .... ..... ... .. ....., ........................................ ........... ..... ..... ................................................................. :`:;aii::i:`6`-`:'t;:`ri: :::::::>;:;;:;;:;_`':`:;i:;:i: i`ai:: : :;; :::;:»;:>a;::::;:;;:;; ;:;r:°::;`::;iiiat=:::;:... ......-;:: :: c<;....:::° :::_:_......:_: : `:°::::i:`°i::s:i::>:tPC `-;:::-: _:`=::i:. #;;::stlRari:::;:=::s..................: i;;t[C�stGL:.:9i r iii- ::::iir;'>a :?:;_`D;::::i z;.`-:=;:: :::i:`; MB...... . .. ....Lab: . ...:..::-:._.:-...:::::.::....::::..::..:.-........................_...................... :::::..:::::,..... ::::::.........;.;.;...,.........::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::.....:::::::::::::: :::::::::: :::_:......-:::::::.:::::.-::::::::::::::::-::::::::::::::.:::::-:::::................._._..............._..... ......... Q.............................. ....... ..... .: :.. ... Result. .................. n.ds............... n. .4[..L. .t ;::::>::::�>.. .. thQ t) .. S.urro ate..C.o.m Dirt.ds....................................................... .......... ............ ........... .............. .._......._..... ......._._....... ....................... ..................._ate.........� ....._at.........._rre..... ......... . s... ......._� ............ ............. .................._atc...._3� ....... ...H>as.......... .....cluafs..,...... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 82 % 70-130 80216 02/20/04 02/20/04 18:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 115 % .70-130 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 18:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS NlYMOat W64AsIrUrt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretatiun. 4100 Atlas Court"Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)327-4911•FAX(66I)327-191S www.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:40:28 04-01765-5 3:B Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:58 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 3-6 TK 1 Sample Matrix Soil _ Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE ISCIL Sample ID 04-01765-6 . .....:...... .:-.-..:::.................::...........:............;;::;::::::::::.:-:;:;;:::::::::;::>;;;;;;;;::;;:<:::;:::;:::;;;;:;;; ;;;:z::;;>::;;;;;;;;: ;;;;<>;;;:;;::•; . ;::::: ;;:;;;:;;:......:;::;:;.... ;:;:::;:P:e s:s ::s;;;:;t :>s;:: :;:.ran>::>:::: ......:;:> nst>J B s:>>1' >:s..........' r R M La[�.. ... ......................................................................................._.............._............................................................................:................ ........_:,............::::...... .........:...:......:....-.-:::.. .:........._....:#s.....................::::::............:-::.....:.:.-::::.- ...........::::.:..... •::::.:-::: .-:::::::,....:•:.-::::.......::-::...:: :::.:..........:::.....................................-........................................................... . ..;; ..::-:.....- ..; .... C'orast►tuent' >:.. ..:::>;::::; ;:::.:.. ::::..... s:..... ........ `a h`tia>a...... S` fte�.EZlt..._............ n#t P.Q ............ Q Rt1nl3afe T e E .. �, ..............................»:E3Eas uats::: Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 1 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ 002 _ Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 _ Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 80218 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg- 0.02 0.00056 80216 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002,003_ Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 80216 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND a02 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND .. ..._.....-......._............-. - ................ ........... ....... ....._............. __.............................................................................. ............................................... .... ................................................................................................................. ............ ._.. --- ..... ... ....................... ................................_......... . ... -.. ..............................._.......... ... ..... :.:::- s:: z::::=a:::°a.::.- z:::;:: :::::.::::...... :... . . .......:ii:::_.....Rtiris: i r::.......:: EnstrFJ:�': ;:::::i:r s:<;.;:f:;:; C:,s:.-s=sss::>:i::;:lump= s; .. ... M .. .... .........La6........ . :::::......:...................:::.....:.::::.:::....:.,:::.......::::..::...::::::.:...,..,.::.:.:::::....:..:.::::.:..._......................:::...........::-::::........::::::::::..._.:: ::.-::::....:::::......;;:::::::::::-..,..:::::::::::.-::-::. :::...:...:.:P•:.-: _- ::::::::::::::::. :: :::::::::.::.:::::.: ::::.:-:::.::;::.::::::,.:::::::.- :. .....::.-:::::::::.::::: :.::::::::.::::::::...::::.-:......,._,..:......................._:...................................... 2SU:t°ss:::::: :::. ...: .g...:;;;:;:..;::: 'Cl'E3tE'O a' #ET1It5'" ':<: .Et:,Q.. i::s:_:: .... ..,s;.. ::::: D- ....... ....... ....h . . . ............. .. .�l.Et ....:........... #date RiJr�Rafe Tlme kna# s ;;amertt;ED .. ahtran BafchID...............t3tas.:.;::::;:.:: S.u.rro. ate._Co.m t�.ern.tl.s.....................................................................................................................................:.....:_...................... . ............................:.. .........._. ........... ......... ... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 77 % 70-130 80218 02120/04 02/20/04 19:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 _ a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 - -- Surrogate) 106 % 70-130 8015M 02120/04 02/20/04 19:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag lExplanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 IMatrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS Gg ttetaoli#4s1,Urt are for the exclusive use of the submitting partv..BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third perry interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court"Bakersfield,CA 93308"(661)327-4911"FA.\(661)327-1918"www.bclal)s.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:40:38 04-01765-6 �t:W JMIt;di�l L M M M M M M Mage M BC Laboratories, Inc -7 - RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total. Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 _ Project Number 200143 Sampling DatelTime 02/1912004 @ 14:32 _ Sampling Location MING/REAL' Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 4-2 TK 2 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCIL Sample ID 04-01765-7 -:,:::.-.::.::::::::.:.::::::::-::::::.:-:::.:::-::.-:.-:.-:::.-::::.....:::::::::::::::.-::.-:::.:::.::::::::.:::::::::::;::::::::..............:::::.: :......::........:.::::::........... ...:...:::.- .::......_:::::.:-:...- . .... . . .. ................ ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;•;;;:;:.,:::.-::.: ,; ::,::::::-:;:...;;::::::::.;;;,;:;:_:::::::;:;;:::: ;:... ::: .......;:::............:... :: :::::::::::::_::::::;__:;:::::;;_::;:::............:_: .::::::.-:Rr a...:::::_:;:-:;s::::::::::=::::>;;s>_Rii........... nstr C:'_;>: :s>:i>::s>:a B:::<`?>>i: >>:??? ...... ......... ............. . ......... M La :................. ..........._....-..,............. ....._.....:,...,:::::..........-:-:- ..........-:.:.:.............-::-.:..........:......: ..:......-:::-•:............:......::_: ::..... ............-:.-:_::..........-::::..............-.-: :................._.................... ............._................................................... G. e.nf.............................................................................Resu3t.......................f:�.nEfs................P.Q .................. ....._�at�.........R n.i3ate tme Arla. st ....enf.... D..a,tlo. Batch.JI3 .... ..81as............ .......Quals......... Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND- 002 _ Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002,003 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 119:33.- HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND -:.:: -- :.:::::.:..::::: :::::::::::-::._:-:: :::;:: ..... ..........::.-::.:....:...-:::-::::-......::...-:.-::-.............. :.:::::::::--....::::::::::..:.;::::::::: :...:...:::...........::...,........:...;...................:............................................................... . es :::::.::::..::::::::U ts::.>s,=::s.Co�fr `::: �rrirta........ .....:.... ................: :; tI .............:... 17f Q Rate:::;:;: Rur[.Date.:T#me:: ::ana# S u rro. ate...Co.m aurtd.s......................................._................................................._........................................................................... ............................._......................................................................................................................... ............_.................................. ............................................._...................... �2 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 90 % 70-130 8021B 02120104 . 02/20/04 . 19:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 125 % 70-130 8015M 02/20/04 02120/04 19:33 HKS. GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. 003 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS Qerf fjjiokLQfII ifRll1i9 AArt are for the exclusive use of the subnutting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third patty interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308 (661)327-4911'FAX(661)327-1918•www.bclabs.conn Printed 02/24/2004 10:40:46 nd-n17RF-7 MageMi Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA P.urgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date)Time 02/1912004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time :02/19/2004 @ 14:34. Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 4-6 TK 2 Sample Matrix Soil - Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-8 ir::P;:.;;;;;s::�- ::a:'=�:: :: >::.:.,kl :-' -:%3:-a:%% `ECaS:fGf1:�......�:a::% :=: =:.a-.::.:::::: :=; :':::':,::�::.: re R C M. E} .....; �a�t;;;a; :gin°=::s�: :;:;;;::;:;:.;;:;:�r:.....:a;::as:;: :.:x:;;::asaax;;::�::s::s:;::e s:_:�::s:;;:a s::as::::ss:.;;::ss;:;:;:;::-;�a::;;;;;:;e»;:;n:;;:::�::;;;;st::;::� u:ra;;::�;;;:t�:r';:s:s•; .:::::.:....::::... .-:............:::-...............:....::-:::.;..........:::: .:.:::::.-::::::::::::.:::::.:::•:::::::::::::::::.:-.-:.-:.::.:::::::::::::;::::.-::::::::::;:::::::::::::::. -:::::::.-.:.:::::.-::::::.:::-:::::::::::..::::::::: _: ,. :. ;Constltuerit;:i: is:::'s:.:'>s:: ; ::;;:s . :..�. Me ..o :.:::.::_. :: . :..-.:. _.............................E�e .t]lt....................._1.X71.Eta.................P.Q�......_............ .. .......... . ............Date.......Rurl:�ia# ...'Pirate.... At�aT. s# ..tnent..[D... .t�a3�.tiotfi.........Batch.7D_................_Btass:;s;:ta;:;c Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02122/04 02/22104 21:13 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND o02 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 -0.0040 80218 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:13 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:13 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:13 HKS GC-V8 1 -302-100433 ND Q02,c103 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021E 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:13 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:13 HKS GC-V8 _ 1 302-100433 ND .::::::..::::::::::.::.......:.......:°`,::`':::.;:::: a`;i;:;..`s:' :::•:::.;::::::.:::::: a::°:s:;::;.:;:::;:.;:a s:e::;;:;...... ;::: ......... :.:.-::...;......;;.r;:::...::..::::: :.:...:.-:. ...::.::.:.:..:...-...:::-. ...... ................. ..................:.:.. P e a:a:: :isi;:::.r::.::::is Ritrli;:::;:t:i:i:::'-'i`;i:;:: ❑ B La .�.:-E'': ................................ ........ ...... :: Q b. _ ......................................-::........:::::......:::::, :::::.......-::::,:.-:.-::: :_: ...-.::.::.:::::::.:: :::::::.....::::.., :.:::::....::..::::::.: ::::f:-::::::_::::.:.::.::::::::::.:.::::.::..::.::-:: :.....:-:::::::...........:::......................................:::.......::::........:.,......:...--............................... ............. ................................... `ss::> s:_ :::;;:CQ tr* s::.=tiri:Jts ::;.:;. :o: ss;:;:::;_..,.....__: t........ ..... n.Jt .. .. ..L :...a t r ... Bats .. J2usf.J3a#e M. na. st .merit[d.. D Jnt_ora:.;.:.;Batcla.fI3:»>:;'»;»:i§:Bias'ii>ss??:::=:: e.Co.m oun.tl.s............................._............................................................................. ..................................................-...._................ ................. ....._....... ............_.................................................................................... .................. .......... . a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 80 % 70-130 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:13 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 114 % 70-130 8015M 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:13 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 Fla Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS G�rrt�� tjR�;ti r]islt rt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 .FAX(66i)327-1918`ttntw.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:40:56 04-01765-8 BC Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 _ Project Number . 200143 Sampling DatelTime 02/1912004 @ 14:27 _ Sampling Location MING/REAL- Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 5-2 TK 2 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCIL Sample ID 04-01765-9 -:::.::.:......:.:...:::.:::::......:...,...............:.:.......................... .......................................... .. .. . .....:.:-.::;:........ .:-;..............-:::,-.;... ......................................... . ......::............:... ........................ ::-..:..:::::::: :.. :::.. -.. :-....:::::......::::::-.;.;_.,.: ::::::::::::::::......................................;Pre ti:: :..... 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Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 I 0.00036 80218 02/20/04 02/20/04 20:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/20/04 02120/04 20:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0:0018 8021 B 02/20/04 02/20/04 20:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Methyl t-butyl ether ­PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 20:33 HKS GC-V8 1_ 302-100433 ND 002,003 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 80216 02/20/04 02/20/04 20:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 _ Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 20:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND ..... .......................-.. _............. . .................. ....._.............................. .................................................. :.:.::::-:::::,-.:::-::::.-.-,:..:..:::::::::::::...-,-:::::::::.-::: ::...:.::::::.:-::.-::: ::.:-::,,.............::-:::.-::::•.:..:.::.:::::::::::.-:.........-..-..-..::.-..... ........ .-.:..:::::::.-:::::..........:.... .. .......:.........-::......--..................................................:...........#-..:.....;-.::..............;. ..:.:...;.. . ..,.;.;.;;.:;;:.::.....:.;-::: ::•:.: :.-:::::.-;.;....:::;:.:-:::::.::...::...........;,...:......-. .. . .......................:........ .. .,:......::.;....:............. ..:::...:.:-..,-::;.....-.......:..-...;...........:.:::...::::::.:::....::::i;:::i:: : <:>'; .......................?::i:;:?;;: ....:ii::i;ii:;:;s:i:gist :;:2>: :;:;;siiii:iP��:st'si :i:::i>::=:::_ir:;szi::i;aRitni:ii: i;::::::;=:ii::ar:;' nsirtt.-'iiii:':'a;ii::::::: C.........:::: .:::::.-....M B........... ........L a b ... ............................................................................................ .......................................................... .......................................... ....._.....-..............................................................._...................................._...................................................................................... ..........................................-.............-........ ._.........................- .. ... 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Q s S o ou ds......... ......................................................... ..................................... ............. ..._..: ..........--...................... ............-........... ... ..........--...............................-....-.......................-..-............ .......... ...... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 75 % 70-130 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 20:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 _ a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 1 1 Surrogate) 104 % 70-130 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 20:33 HKS _, GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS C.�fl�l t�X�4�4 i U1i3 Wt are for the exclusive use of the submitting parry. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-3911 •FAX(661)327-1918'%v �.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:41:05 04-01765-9 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time . 02/19/2004 @ 14:30 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 5-6 TK 2 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-10 :::::::. ::-::::.:;:::::;::.-:::.:::::::.-::.::;;:::::.:.:.:.:.-:::::::::::::-::::...:... .:.-.:.::::::::::::...:: ..................::::::.... ... .. ....:.:.::. ,-..:.......:........... .::::::::::x;:;: :: ::::......::::::..................:;:: _......:-:...... .r.....:`_:t;;isi;:.::::::;:::i:>:>:ti:#2tiii<;;i:?>::`:s:::r:a::i: :_::ifasfrll.4::;>;s; ';:;>;st:>;;::< °.;;;;s;:•;a? 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Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 80216 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:43' HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02: Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:43 HKS GC-V8 1 1 302-100433 ND Q02,Q03 .Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 80216 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:43 1 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND ... . ii::.......................................:: : ::::t ;i;::>:s :: ii.... s% i?2 i;;;_ i`i ?................. ;: _::<°';. a r 1?: .t::.... :_;......:;;::tt>;i;_:°;;::.:`::°:: :1�27T}:i . .. ....... Lastr lr.... ........... ..... 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Bafch.lD_..::.-.:::.:.Blas...... ........ oafs.......... ,::::::::::................. . :........._........._...:........._.. ................................................................ t� ..............-................................:..:.....:................................................................ . _......._. Y a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 72 % 70-130 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 103 % 70-130 8015M 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:43 HKS GC=V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS CerMfiCati®mir>UJ9Art are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court-Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)3274911 -FAX(661)327-1918'www.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:41:14 04-01765-10 �uu �ticai�rl: r Mage1 BC Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:20 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 6-2 TK 2 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCIL Sample ID 04-01765-11 _" -- ..................................................... ....... ................ ......::.....:::::..._..........:..._.......................::::::::::::..:::::::::::::<.:::::::: ::-:::::.-:_:::::.-: �� :: :.::::..:......:.::-... ............................................................ . . Gansu .e .::. :;::.....::.;:::::• _.:.L;_s s;: �t�t. :__; s::..:.:.:: ..::-._..: ..:...._......> -..,::....::.::.-.-__.:::..,.:.,.::....._:: ...._::. :::.:: is::>:s....:.-:::......:...:..:r:i::< ;;;:.::ss...,:..:::::;s:.;=:'i;; .::.:...:::;:::>.; tU .❑t............ ................... ........ ... ..........Re�c�lt................. .ri.EfS................1?Q ..........._.swum 111I .std.._.... . e........} stl7a#ir £fine Ana[ # n ED Dlli,#la BatchlD Bta ua1s.......... taa .......... ...u....................................:. ......_... s...........e....f......... .......... ?t:...... ... .................$ ...... t�.... ........................................................................................................................._.................. t.. Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/20/04 23:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Toluene 25 mg/kg 3 2.0 .80216 02123104 02123104 19:33 HKS GC-V8 500 302-100436 ND Ethylbenzene 25 mg/kg 3 0.86 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 500 302-100436 ND Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056, 8021B 02/20/04 23:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436" ND Total Xylenes 240 mg/kg 5 4.9 80218 02/23/04 02/23/04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 500 302-100436 ND Gasoline Range Organics 3000 mg/kg 500 23 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 500 302-100436 ND S09 __--- _— .. _.. _ _-- — -- - - -=--- ---- --_-=—::_y_ .. -.%.- ts:_i' __::::1 ;_:::::�-_:: :::-:: ::::i-:>sss::<y n-":true >s=:=::tt r#::<: :<:: :.s :;:;`:;..�_ <i.: a s<>t::;::::::. .:.......a: e:.;:s:.-..:a:-:::.-:. :.- -. -:, ::.::-.....::.:::..-:.:....-........::::............... :-.::........:.::.:.....:::_ :::................. .... .... 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S.u.rro ate...C.om ottnds............................................:..................................._.. .........................._t2........................ a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 109 % 70-130 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 500 302-100436 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 =: Surrogate) 246 % 70-130 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 19:33 HkS GC-V8 500 302-100436 s09 Flao lExpianations S09 IThe surrogate recovery on the sample for this compound-was not within the control limits. California DOHS Certification #1186 All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting part;. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308 (661)327-4911'FAX(661)327-1918.wwtv.bclabs.com Printed 03/03/2004 15:49:09 04-01765-11 lea 4W1caiNWn M image BC` Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeab-le Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:25 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 6-6 TK 2 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-12 __ - - __ �:15'-:i`:-z?=-': z_: ;;:Sr'r`;`:::::: is : c° :::st: s :;'.:::.:.::a ::a ::3_: ::::::::. ....::°..::i....`.`.: ;>::°:::......::::.::::.::::.:`.:::;:::;:;:::::::::.::. >::;t;:;:::::::x.:.:;ii:..:::: :.:..::;:::s:.:;;s:::;;:;::;:.......................:::: ::............::.: r:;:;:::::.::...:::;:;:.::::::::.:.:::::................:......::.::::::. ::::::...........,,....,......:.:::.........: .::.:..... ;;;;......................... , : ....... s�-;::`;;;s;>::::....:.....:::;::�.�:i�... �t:::-;:: �:_�:s::;> .............: �:�;i:....:��:> Pr..:...:;:.::�»r::......:-�:�;;;rt>�s�::�::.:<#iu EC;! tU. 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Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/21/04. 00:03- HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Toluene 14 mg/kg 0.5 0.40 8021E 02/23/04 02123/04 21:33 HKS GC�V8 100 302-100436 ND Ethylbenzene. 13 mg/kg 0.5 0.18 8021 B 02/23/04 02/23/04 21:33 HKS GC-V8 100 302-100436 ND _ Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 80218 02/21/04 00:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Total Xylenes 130 mg/kg 1 0.98 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 21:33 HKS GC-V8 100 302-100436 ND 501 Gasoline Range Organics .2000 mg/kg 100 4.6 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 21:33 HKS GC-V8 100 302-100436 ND s01,s09 -:.............:........................::........::::.........................::...........::::::.....-:::.:::::::..............-......:.::::.:::::::::::::•:::::.::::::::::::-.:::.-::_:_::. .........::_:.I...................::::::::._:...... :.::_:::.._- :_:::.::::::::. M a6........._.. ... ....... Gl L -.... _.................._....... ....................._................ .........-........................................................................................ -.......$...................... ...... . t�tfs>:>:;:...;:. :a trti er>at .-> •Q s;::s=>.- .... ...fa.....� : ::�:.#._..:{._ .:.....eii= a�' ............. >>: :..;. esu . ate s�rr to m a s m Y Asltlor� Bafch':7D<`:i:;:s a?>:Bt a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 123 % 70-130 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 21:33 HKS GC-V8 100 302-100436 ND a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 432 % 70-130 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 21:33 HKS GC-V8 100 302-100436 ND s01,s09 Flag Explanations S01 Sample result is not within the quantitation range of the method. S09 The surrogate recovery on the sample for this compound was not within the control limits. California DOHS Cegiflkq Rst281n1t11§t port are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911"FAX(661)327-1918`www.bolabs.com Printed 03/03/2004 15:49:13 n4-n17Fr�-V) -BC Laboratories, bale RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 _ Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:35 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 7-2 TK 3 Sample Matrix Soil _ Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K..ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-13 '`..;3'<�;;'. . .}?:.'4'2; ##?tlri:?.:::;i ';::::_:`:`-::t stru C-:` �2�� = ?`::.-::.:: � �r:<;;-_;; �'?�. P e MB ........................: _; ff" .:sir:° t;4i.:iS. t :i.ii ;`:W: i :>;;:`}j:.r: :::i : t: t..........................:::<::: ::iaa::`::i: r:isii`.. 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Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 00:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 _ Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02121/04 02/21/04 00:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/21/04- 02/21/04 00:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 _ Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 00:33_ HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND a02,Q03 Total Xylenes 0.028 mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 . 00:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 Gasoline Range,Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 00:33 HKS GC-V8 1 -302-100433 ND ..... ........... ..._....................._.................................................................................................._.................................. ..........................._........._.._........................................... ---..._............_.....................................................................................-................._...._.................................................._....... ...................................... _......... ... ................................................................................................_............................._................. ...................._..................__.. ._............._.... -- = ai:::Ge :-i;::s:ir>st;;::i:;;:_ii;:;;;::::i 27T};;:is's:;si;.`-a-;;:i;;'_;ii. :i:[as UL';;:;;isisiis s;i::_iiiaiii;<iii:�:=:i":. `.:: ai:MB:ii 'r: 5:i ' si::'. ;i;: r;:.;ar:::. ::::::szr<:::::_;z;; ::;::;:::::r::_::>;;s;;s;;<;;;--;-;:rrs a;;:_:;;a...�;�;;;;rr;;;;:s;;:;:_�__:;__;;r::`a&rf;;;_;.;�z�i:-c: _;;;; t?;.:;:r_:=;';:=:=i;:�_;;:::::::::::_1�-....... ..-::::::..............,_.....:......:__.........-:::::.............. �::::::::::::...............::::::.......,................... ....................:::::':=: ���.........-----................. .... Lab ResrJlt :::;:::::;t�..:Ets:::::::::::::: Qtro#..#�er>E:ts: :-:::is1fQd..:':_:<::::......:.:..:= :;::;:;, ""_.:..:.::;:_.::.. .::..:., ::.:.:.. :.....D t7ate.......3T>lnilate. Etrr[e .knaE st ment[D 1]t1t1.on.... .BatcFfTDt:>:... <;;;;::°Bi tia[ss`>?:i::; ro ............... .E7 S.u.r. ate..Com n.ds....... .............. Q a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 72 % 70-130 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 00:33. HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 108 % 70-130 8015M 102/21/04 02/21/04 00:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS Gefdfi0AQ @iA11iJ KArt are For the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308.(661)3274911 'FAX(661)327-1918'www.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:41:22 04-01765-13 TB 7 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: 'KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 _ Project Number 200143 Sampling.Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:40 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 7-6 TK 3 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-14 ... ................................. ....... ...._.......................... .............. ........... ........ ........ ....... .................................................................................._.......................................................................................................... .. ........ :.::::::.::..: :::.. »;:::>:;ri:;;i;>S»::":a:;;ii:>;`:;:sti;:> ;;:: >>i;;>:>t;;iiii;>>:=:;i<:s::<;>:;:::;s:;:a: s;;::; s;:;;;:;:s>t:>:ss:rfi;i>:>isi>si;>:i>;>:..;::s>;; ;sts::;a:s: :i:?Fi::::r;:>st:;t;s;s:::€: s: : ......:' : :: <>:=:sR fis_fi::::;;;;::;_r::si>;;;;:;::: tltti:<;s: >:= ti;;sss;;;:>;ins.rYJ::;s>;€:::trr>;ts:; s;>:a:ss>";:::r ,:sirs::;ssi:r;:>s;;s:si::MB"- .. :::n;;;;»::::::::::::::: re Lab:;::::;;;;: _..........::::::::...................__.{.........................::.:.............::::...........:::::.::................:._....:.::.-::.:.....:....:.........:.....:.......:::........ ....:::::..........:................................................................................................... .::.:.................._............................................................................................:..............................;........ ............................. .. .................. .............. ...................................._............................ ........... ...... :-....•. _._ ....., .......................................... ..............................,..................................... ... ... i:i-s�i::..: ?� �ss1 :;�: -; �;> :D:?:::>=s =' sss=s ;.:,.,::._sss: :;.:::<: r :•::.;:.:::- >s :f=;:;s�?::>..;s> n . . ent................ ... ......... ............... ...... .....ReS>Jlt................_Un.Ets................#.QL..................M. ..L........-NI. thc�. ... gate �...... afe ftr>rte Anat st menf FD....tltlutlan BatcFt.tII......... .......Bras................ taals......... .................................................. Q Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:03 HKS GC48 1 1 302-100433 ND 002 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 80218 02121/04 02/21/04 01:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Ethylbenzene <PQL - mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 _ Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002,003_ Total Xylenes . <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:03 HKS GC48 1 302-100433 ND 002 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND ............................................................................................................................................................................................. .........._......_..................................................................................................................................................................................... .................._............................................... ....... ... ..... .................................................. ..............._.........................._........._................................................................ .............. ......... ... ...................................................................................................................................... ............. ......... ........ .. :.::.::-:::::::::.:::-::::::::.:::::::::.:::::::::::.::.:.::-:::::::::::::::::.::.::: :::::.:::::::::.:::::::::.:::.::::::::::.:::::.-:::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::-:.:::::.:.:::.:::::.:::.:: ::::::.:::::::.:.:::::.::::::::::::.:::::.:-::. .. . ::.::::::::::::-..........::........_..............................,.. .... .................,.:............,.:...... ..................... ........................ .............................. :.::::::.::::: a:...... :.::::;::;>;:......::::.:;;:::>;......-:::: �::.: .::.:;.:::::: ::.::.;::::;.::::::.::::......:::.......�.�:t::.:.:::....................................... : ;;:t�:;; �;s;:ta: ts;:::;x•:;:a;;:;::.;;;:::�;;;a:n..::::: :::......;:�.�....::::::P, ::S;ii: .... �:::.... ::#2`il F;;::............................� ;:::nstLf7��:` i;;s�;;:::�t;:;;:ii `5:::;���i;:i:�i;;�;<i:;�;::as`:�:;::�g:�iii::��ii:;''_;::::'i; f...:�;;;::::i:::: _ re Cl M La ... .................................................................................................................... ....:....................................................................:.:..: ....._...:.,».........:......::.:.......::-:::::::.....................P--..........::-.:..:.......:::::...........,-::.,........::::.:::.........:.-.::-:::......:.:::::::.....-:.::.:::.....,::::::.. .....,-:::.-:.,.....::..:.........:::......................................................::::.............................:....... :..,.:-::.:::::. ;;a;;:a:a:z;:;:: EtS::::;;;'.:;:;i:> �3t1'4ETLLtS: ;:•: >?. .Q. ..i: :::i;;; .. �it>Jn;IIafe:::Txrrre:::. Anat st�:-.::mes'<t_ID......Q.rluttan::::::::Batch;ID:::... .......:Bras;;:-::': uaFs:;:::::... U.rrO. atE...C. .m u: ......... .........................................::................................................................ . .......................... ............._................... ......_............._....................................... Q ....................................._...... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 75 % 70-130 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 106 % 70-130 _ 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:03 HKS GC-V8 , 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. ` 003 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS Oertifwati®IlliMiJAQrt are for the exclusive use of the subnutting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detaclvnent or third patty interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)327-3911 "FAR(661)327-1918•%aw%v.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:41:32 04-01765-14 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling DatelTime 02/19/2004 @ 14:10 _ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 8-2 TK 3 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-15 ... - _...._ ...._....__......_.._............................_................._............._......................................................_.... ........... ................................................................................................................................................................ ......................_...._... ............ ....... ._........... ..... .. .... .. . ................. ......................._.._.............................................................................................................................. .............................._.................................................._........................................................................... .................. ...:.:......... ....::.:.............-:::,-:::..............................::...:_:..........................................................................._......._...... _...,...,::.-:::::.::::::::::::.::.:::.:::.-:::.::. .. .......::_::::_:: ::.:.......----- .:............:. :::....:...:.....::: .. .. .................... ;:::;;€;;':?:ii;?:;:;ii:;: iz.:i`:`::`i:;:>: »;;;;;;•<x•:::::: a;;:; ;;:s:;.s;:aa:;;;;;:ss;:: as.::;:i;`'`.i=::;;;;;;:;: .....................................:: : ... .. .. ...?: <......:_aR: ::::;::::- ;;:;.;:::;:: R€iit::::::::;- >::::t::: stst:(ifs trU:3-€;: i:;n>tt:;;a:;s::s>::s;;t;;::: �:i:iit::>s:::`=-ss>ts: B:f:`s?ssti?i:tt iL'a re ...- ............................................................_....:.....:.... :::.:::.,,,::::::::.:.-:::::.:::::.: :.:-.:::.::::..:{.....::::::_:::::_:::::::.:::.:::::::::::::.::::: :.::.-:_:.::::::.:.......:::.-::::::::::-::.:::.-_:::::_:::::.-:::: .:-:..............:...............-...............................::.:::-::.::.......::...........::...:....-:::::..:.-:.......... .::: .. . g.:i...,..:...:: : <::> 4:sssss a>:i:s;s .... ....::sss.... ::=ss;s:: s I L::>:::: :lylet iQdsi :;::-:-:: .=-;:;-;:_,...._:::.-:: ::.:::.::. ::: >::':::.;.::- :::: z:::.-:;::,:: :% . :< , s_: :_<ii: ::::;...::s:: :`:sss ss:.....:;:. :=s:: r::>?:::::;;::::...;»:::>s:. 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Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:33 HKS I GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002,003' Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:33 HKS I GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 _ Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02121/04 02/21/04 01:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND ..... ............. .........._. .....--.................._...... ............................................................................ ..................... ................................... ................... .............. ....... .. ....... .. ........... ................................................. ................................................. .........t:;:::;;:.:r::;.s>:s_•:;ts:;s.-::::;.. n::a:.... :::.:........:::ta: .... ::::.;.a;..;.;.....::...........::-:::: ::....:::::............:..:::::::::............... .... ...........................::::::......... :. . ...............................::: ........ ............ .:::::::.:::.:::.:s as:.:.::.:......::::::.::-.::::.:a:.;:;:;;s;;::;;:::;:;::::;;::::.;z;::.:::a s.s...;;:::>,;;.::;:;;::::.:.......:;;;:.;::.;;s.:;:;:.:;;:s:;:;;;:;::;:o- r;;:;:;»&sr;::::;;;;;;:;:;;: a:.:;......::::::::::::::::::;:-;:-:::Pre ::;;;;;;;;.....:::.::::::::::::::::::::::;:tsF�tn sis:............................;: s :;is::[RS:rFJ:�%:si;:= : ...... : : :r s:t:a:t G;: Ysa::ssi :>'t:IVIB::;_:s'::s;°:`;`:...L r» (1.. f�. ::;;;;;z. :r;aasI......::.;:::: .:::::.:::::::::::::.:::::.:.-......::.::;.:;:a.::•-..,.:;.z.;;::;::::::::;:;::.:.:. ......:s.:: .:::::.-.::::..�:_..:;......-.::......... . ..s:.::ss -:�::<_--%�:.:::::::::_:;n �a- .::._..._-:.._......::.:.-:.::-......................-�---....... ...._................................................................................... .................................,.,...:....:�:::.-::::.-..,.;::c:.r.:;�r:.-�-;;r;;::::�:::::::::::.::;;;;;.:..:; :...,....: .......... ......::. es ..::::-.:_: U» t »s:::s:>: a sxl:L3En:1 :;1�t�3�ioct::: ..... .......:_::::.:: : .. .......-._::::::-........::::::... . ... ::::;;...........:: .: . .............. 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BC Laboratorics,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)327-4911"FAX(661)327-1918'N+Mw.bclabs.com Printed 02/2412004 10:41:41 04-01765-15 76 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:15 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 8-6 TK 3 ISample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-16 --_ _- --- - - >: in.:..,:.;:: si-stsssi>:s ? >:::as>s`.`;:;.: s:::::y:?:iii:£:::..:::: .:::::::::::::::::-::.:::::::::::::: ;•::;......:::: ::........:.:::::::......::::::::;; ............::::::::::::;-.::::::::::::•......::;:.-.:::::::::::.:::.......::::-.:::::>::_:::......::: ::;.:.::.::;.. ......:::::;:::......:::::::...=..:::.:::-.:.......:::::::.::..;::;......::>......................::.::......::...:::: ......:_.... P1? :;f: i :s:;:::s>;;::t:.::_t:::%#Ztltl;>tt:::s>;_st>t>;;:_;s: stru C..... MBts:sis>;:>;;:>is'?i;}a6'a?;'SS»; ........ .:.::.::::.:.; ..... L ...: :::.:..:....: :.:.-...:::... ::::.:...: ............... ...... :. .... ...:....:::::::::::::.:.::.:........:.:::::-:..:.....:::: :.-.::::... ......-.._._._........... ...:_. t :.:: . . .fs:.:.;:.;�;>:-#�- :; : . :;::.;. ?;s>? :I3a e'.:E e....A ia#......f .[nenf_tD.. Dd�ttio .........Ba D°: ;>..........:; C1.5 ...................................................................:.... .. .EIi;......................... ..t3E ................ ...G2 �::-.::::.;::;;- £?ate. Stun # lln. s.. n fch I Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 02:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND o02 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 02:03 HKS GC-V8 . 1 302-100433 ND a02 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 02:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND o02 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 02:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND x02,003 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/21/04- 02/21/04 02:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND x02 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 02:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND ......... ....... ................_............................. ..........._........_ . ...................._......_............................................................... ............................................_ . ....... .::::::::.-.:::-:.:-::.-.-::..:::..::::::::::.::-:.-::::::::.-:,-:::::::::.::-..........-........:....-:.....::..........................................................................._. .........::::::.:.-......:................:......:::.::::............ :............ ................. ........................... .....::_......:::::::::::::.......:;::::...........::;:::..;;;.- ::::::.::: :;;:.;;;:;..:;:::.::::.................................................. .................................................._................................................._................................................ ......_.............._........::::: ::::::::::::::.:.:.. : s:: s`:;;:::;:;<: < :. ::::;<: i sssss::;;;>s::s:>;i::>::: s <;...s;;s_;::: . s _:>::::;ts=8i re s:==: =8i;s :::::::::::::::::.;;I uT1:?: ::s:s>ss: ::i[�strii i;ss .4 :s<::< >si;`;:>;::. ;9:;;:;`::::>ss; ;;_. ::_:;;::::::::... .::::: .... P ....... C MB.........................La6............. esU.:.:;::.:::::: :::::..: . .::::.- o tra rts::=_::: a :<sr .._...: ............. Btas.:..........:..:.:.:Qua(s:.:'.'. Su.r..ro a Co.m oun.d.s............................._. ... .......... Y a;a,a-Trifluorotoluene 70 % 70-130 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 02:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 94 %, 70-130 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 02:03 I HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations 002 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. 003 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS GearliiAGatiRA1iA1is1AQrt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteratiou,separation,detacltment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308 (661)327-4911'FAX(661)327-1918"Nv w.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:41:51 04-01765-16 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:00 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 9-2 TANK 3 Sample Matrix" Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-17 ..................................... ........ .... . ........... ............. ............. ........... ........... ......... .... ?`sis;':ii:ii:;iii::giiiiiiii.';?is: i;;;ii:`.:;; i;:::;:;;: aiiii:;:<i::;:::::::;t`i::i€;:;z;isr::ai`;i::::i;;::;;;;::ii::?t:::::i:;;::.....:�i:ss:: s- isi::=:;�i;:;-:i�;is::iii::::;:;;::: e:?...�..�......:a�;:::;;�t:;a...�:.::;;:rr:...f::;;:;;�;:::_:::::.:;:t�:.;::::t.::.a::�:t�;';::;i;;;:�;:;;:�;;:�;;::;::- ;`:;::.;:s:;s�;:�-;:a-?;:'3�:::�;:�;;.;�i:a::=.........:.::.:::::............ ::.:::........:.::.-.::::.....::::::.:::::.:::::::::::::::.:::::::::.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.::::::::::::.:::::::::::::.-:::::::. ............. :.:.::::::.:::.::::::::::.:::.....:::.:::::::::. ......:::::::::.:.::::;;.:.:.::::..::.:::::::.::.::.:.............::;-.:::::::::::::.::.;.:.:::.:::::::....::::::......:;- ::::::......::: ::.:-.:............. ::;_.......... ................. :::::::: ::::::: ::::::......::::: .....:;:::-:::::.;;:::Pre ;::;:;:.::::::::::::......_::::..... :;RtJn:•:;;:_.:;;:::•: ;:;::;:#rfs#r........sr:>_::ss:: :>:s:;:::;::>;;:: ::ssrs....:>:;:.... ............. C M$a;:o-a.:;:;;:;.;;;;;;La6:::::::::::. .... ..... ..... ............. ........ . ........ Q :::::::.:.::....:...,._....:........:.-_.::•....._:..:.:.::::.-.:.-..--.....::.::.:.::P::.:..:_::_::::.-:...:._::::_:.:::.. ....:.:::::._.._..:.:.:-:::......_.:..:::.--................ ................................_..................................... ....... o:nstttue ::ss::><:::::::::::::::::i;;;:;:<:;:;;.;': :; :::s::.:::s>:i. s:;::s::........ .::::s>: ::::.ii:-..: ;:;;:.::::. ;::.._;. C nt....... ties t U #fs Q. :;:.::,;.:. :.-:.:.:. :.• # ............... .. .0......................... _t3. ._.... .. ...._...... :.. .sort a e me rla s inert;. :;:.: a utt.onss::;i;::Ba c.;>D:;:i>;s:;;;;:.>°;:fliass;>::>: ;i:.:;t. tlafs::::::::,. Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:54 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:54 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:54 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/23/04 .02/23/04 12:54 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021 B 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:54 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 _ Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/23!04 02/23/04 12:54 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 ......_ ..........._.... ... .. ...._.. . .......... ......... ...... ::.-:::......... ::.::.::::::::.:::.-.:::,:::::::.::.: ::.:.::.::.:.-:::,::.:::.-::: :::.::...:::.:::::::::::........:.::.:_.-:::..._....:....::_..............-:_::::__:: :.:__:,-.:-- ::.........::.:.:: . .� ....;:::::::..,..:.-.:::.:;s ...;:_.:.,:_::......;,:.::......;._..;.;-::............-:,.:::::.:...........-:::a....::.:,;-::,::::::.::::.::::.,:::::.;-. ....s:;.:..::.>;;;>.;a: _.._... a::-:.::::::::::::.::.r.:;;;:,: ;:;:::;:;;:;;:;:>:a::;;;%:::sss:;:: ;s:s; ;i:s::;'?::a:?::: i:::;»:: s:sit: is i';:: ii>:: ::`;:::i::;;=;_s:;;;: .=;>i�_ss:= ::=ir:;__:_- -::: :<tPfe...:= F?: is?_::s:_?-_:.urr3s: :;;;:;;:iiz::.:t::::::.[tstrll s: C::?:;:;is; . { MB....................Lab.......:;. . ........................:-:: >:............:............::......::::_:......::.:......::::::::::::.:::: :...........::::::.......::::.......:.........:......;...........::.:....... .........................................._..................... es :a-:;::::::::: B:......fsi::: iso....:tr '=L�t�i#ts >:::- �t�s ::;:r:_ ._:_:._:><:-: :..; I [ir.._... .._...__. E## ___fl te.-. .t2ctr�Ilate::_Ttme:.:lna# st:: xnent:.#D.::.-Da3uttans<.:.Bafctt:lD._;............Bras...:.:::.......::::: uaf ::.:::;: r. a ......_. _ . s S.0 ro te..C.o.m own.ds......................................_....................................... ................................................................. ..........._... ....._.............._._................................................ -.............- .............._....... _............. ............................................................ ........................................ R .................... ..............................._...................... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 4 % 70-130 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:54 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 S09 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 6 % 70-130 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:54 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 S09 Flaa Explanations S09 The surrogate recovery on the sample for this compound was not within the control limits. California DOHS C4rftfi+atetlan�#U&6ort are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93305•(661)327-4911.FAX(661)327-1916•www.bclabs.com Printed 03/03/2004 11:17:49 04-01765-17 17B? Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH-ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- lReceive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @16:10 Project Number 200143 ISampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:05 Sampling Location MING/REAL Isample Depth Sampling Point 9-6 TK 3 Sample Matrix Soil _ Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-18 ........ ..........................................................._......_......_...........................___Z._...__............. - -...._.............-- -........................... ... -....._........................__.._...._..... -........_......................._..........._..................................._.............._................................................. ........................_............................ .................... .........................._....................... ..... ........_..............._._..........._...--........_...._...-...................... ._._.._..._....... ............ ..........................._..... ..... ;::::;:;::€;ii:;;;;::':;;;::;.;;i;: ;;:--;;;t;;;:ti:::t;a:;t;:;a;;;;;t;;;;:;saa:;;t:tat;;;,;;;;;;;;;,;;;;ttt:;4;:;:�:;:;:;;::t;;::::;;:: :::56:;:;;_;'::�;:'.::::s:i %; _:::;_::::s�.:C:;�:; s::;:it;�:::::`;;:r=::<:;_.w:::_`::;-=:.:.....�::;�:i:P�r.,...i�;�;::: c:: ::��:�: :.:;;-::#Ztlri�;:=�s�==:;;i=;:=:�;ii�......�;:#ASfFJ::=�==:;;i=;s;:::i::�:`::_e�:::�:6:�;:�;`;=;:�:::.-:..;€:�:;�:� s`::�: :.. e........ 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BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA- Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:20 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 10-2 TK 4 Sample Matrix . Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-19 e;• t::x::;;: x;;:: si............................., " :;::::a;:::;::;::.::..:::::::::::.:;a:::;::.-::.;:;c;:s.:;:::.; :;;:;•r:+;;;>:::: :s;".;:;r;;:;s;:;..:"::: ;......s........":_;........ _:::_:[?re = ;;;;;;;;;;s::;>;; n Est 1J G b r.::::::,::-::.-::-:::::;s:::,>:::,; r::::.::::::::::::.:::.... ::::;:s:"::::":.::.:::=..:".:.-:;::;:::; :.-:::•::.-::;:;::::::;:;e>.::;;.;:ai:";;:_::t:a:fi::;::_s-:":_;;;;:_: .,._...__:.-1......::.-:::::.:........-::::::::......::_:.-............. :_.-:_:.-::.........-:_..:-::::::::::::::::....-.:-:::"::.-::.-:::::::::::.-_::::::.-.-._:;...::::_.:::::....::.-::.,:::.::::: ::........,.................. .......................:............ .. ................................................................................................................................_.. _.. .- ... .. 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Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 03:32 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 _ Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 .03:32 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 03:32 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 03:32 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND x02,003 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 6.6698 T 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 03:32 HKS GC-V8 1. 302-100433 ND Q02 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02121/04 02/21/04 03:32 HKS GC-VS 1 302-100433 ND ......................_...................................................................................._.............................._....._............................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................................... .............. ....... ........ ... : :>:;:;;;;;s;::>:::r;;;:a::»: s;:;>;:n;:;;;r;;ss;:a::;:;s;;:�;;st;::�;;:;;;rte:::�;:;; :r:>;....:�::::.r..............�.....;r:�;�...�.. ::................. .:;s:: s�":;;:;;;;n:�;;;a:r::�: e;;:::r:.;:>;;:::::::::<.�:::...................::::....... t::::........:::;;;;r:�;�:��:.::�::::_;ii:::;�:� ......:::.........:;; ..,....:�::::. :::::::: ......:.... ,:-:....... .:-.:;:a:......:::::::.:.:::.:;;:;r:: .;....... r::::::: :-:.::: ::::.::::.:::.......:-:.::....a:::.::..............a:: ss;;s..................................................::;:;;::.;_.. -.=:..;;.:..::-c•;:::::.....e ::_::•:;:::.-::::::::......::_::::.-:::: tti}:;;;:: za::;;:;;;; :;;.:C1...... i t t: :ai: r: i;;;;;:i>.;iis:x; >;i:;;&'i;::::;: i;;;;:;,. .-:::::t.;.........::;.. .....::::.::.. .... 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California DOHS ?`l AfiQ9i iifTUli$AA,1 are for the exclusive use of the subnutting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assunus no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 'FAX(661)327-1918`www.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:42:00 04-01765-19 Laboratories; Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:25 _ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 10-6 TK 4 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By JKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE_ BCL Sample.ID 04-01765-20 _ — — :#: #2;:; >_s s`sss3>st<ti3 €rs: >s s>sssssssf>a% ass..............................:.i:i=a< s:'Si`::_:::::: s>s:Fr:;::::ss3>:>'t:' :::?:>:=;: :; a s t; B::::??:s;:i: ...........::r:::;; e M Lab .. 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T#me Ana# s mere #D Dt3#� ton 13a ch..ID........ .....liras ...... ....... vats.......:.. ........... ..........._...................................................._......................................._.............................................._ ............. .._t................t......... . .........c.........................._t............................................. c1 ... Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 80216 02/21/04 02/21/04 04:02 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 04:02 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 _ Bthylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 80216 02/21/04 02/21/04 04:02 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 _ Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021.6 02(21/04 02/21/04 04:02 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002,Q03 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 80216 02/21/04 02/21%04 04:02 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 - 0.046 8015M 02121104 02/21104 04:02 HKS' GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND .. _ .._ — =`-:P:.:;:<;;: is:.:................. :i;s .:=::t:=s;:Rtins:: ::> a:£i:.`:F:st.i<En'.::t u: `:a s:::s.::srs :>s `:i>:sss>:>r• s;:> t .':s iss:.;-:::, %::::;;:.`;:`:c;:::;: ::;e:;::::;`.:.a:::::::: :::::.`:;e:<ii:.-::.:: ....... :::......::::: :°......>:;:::::'`::::..........;. is-:: `;fr,...........:-::::........:-:::;ss......: re C... ......... .....MB:;;? ;;?: :'2 .;;..;.:; :..... .....:.................. ................................................................. ....................... ................................................................. ... ....... f1::i°.;::::. :. .......... es :..::.t3 t� :s::>>;>s>::;::: a: .a ss:Ltrn# s:;::;_::.:: ���d...<::::::; -::..:. ::.: .. .. .. I#fit.... ;z .... qtr ... . . . ._..----- Sit. . :.;::.:.:. u.. E3. Date_..._Rurr.i3a#e.. Tlme.....Ana# st.....ment.[D......Dtl�1#ton. ....B.....Ds;::s>:;::.....Sias::':......::a::.: oats;:::>:::» rco afe::C. ., . .5 orn Dora.d s......................................................................................................................................................._.................... ....... ........-- ........................-..................................- - ............................. ............... ...................................................................._.. ................ .............._................... ...... Q a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 88 % 70-130 8021B 02121/04 02/21/04 04:02 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 123 % 70-130 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 04:02 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS `ASl&.AWf1 idTtlli)h'Art are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. 3C Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court.Bakersfield,CA 93308-(661)3274911 .FAX(661)327-1918'www.bdabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:42:09 04-01765-20 71B Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:27 _ Sampling Location MING/REAL• Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 11-2 TK 4 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-21 _ _ -- - - - :'': ..........: _s'-'<s>_€ .#<E rvti 3: s..'<:s s 3s:`: _s.. s...........................s :......::. :s::?Fre s: : s_n_ R t C MB:s»::::is s::::'La6i>'.>i ...............1 >s>:si:»>:>;;;a i»rsii;;;;;;;;;t;:;;;:s;;;;t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;e:::;:;;;;;;:::::::;::::;::;::;:;;a;;;;;:;;;:::::;;::;;;:;:::::;;::.::a;:-. ;;:::-_;_:;;;;_;_::;::::;:: ;::::_;;_::;:_-:;::;:_;_;_:;;;= __;__;::__ _......... ..{ .::..,,......_.._::-:...:.:......::.:-..:_::::.::. :.:_.-::::::<-:::::_:_:::::.-:::_-_..._............ :. .... ............................ ......................................................._.................. :.. ................... .... .. -.:......:.;-. ........... .. .................................................................... ..;. ..,.; _: :. :- ...:..: s__ _ .: :...-o,C1Sfi1fiu....n�..:::..:..:.....:. .........................................:::.......Re�u_t:...:.....::::-.:::�t'�Efs_..... ._= QL;...:-::.;...:_:::::___..._..___.._. Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 80218 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 80216 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg' 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02123/04 02/23104 14:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/23104 02/23/04 14:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND ............................ . .._............._.. ... ............_............_..............................................................................._........................ ........................... ...... »::::::::::::::>;;;;;;;;:;::::>:>;;;:::::;::::»;::::;:::: ::::;:;::::;s::s:-:::-z;:::>;;:;:::.-::_-::;;::>;::::::.:_:;-; :::::.:::.-:_.-:::::.-::_::::..-:::::....=.....-:............... :..:...........;::-..............:........_ .. ...._................................. � . :::::::: ::::::::::::::::::......:•;:::::::::::: ;:::::::::::._;::;::::::::::•::;:::::::::::;_:::::::::::::_:: :::::_:::::_::::::_:-::::::::.::::_::::_.:::_::::::_:::::::::::::::;;__;:::: ;:;:: _:::-::-;:E!r :: : ::s:.<s:: ::=:-:iii r- if��ih==t;_;-;-=:is;:>:;ii:;:[fisfrsi::;ii;i=::;€ii::;>i::;i;iiiiii ssi;:;iiiii: G:iii :iir<f. iii:i::N1B-:sii::;:i:::,' lit i ........ ....... ...... ..... .. ......... ............ ............ .............................................................;.........:........ .._.._....... 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S.u.r..o. te:.. ....... .................:. . ........ ... .... f f] of I3 Bras.................. ua{s;::::::;. r a C.om .aun.d.s._....................................................................................._................... ............_.........._.._....._.........._........._....._... _...._._.. ......._.._................. ............:._..........._........................................... .....y................ ....._.......................................................... ................._....................................................Q....................... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 79 % 70-130 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) J 107 1 % 1 70-130 1 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 California DOHS C&"if0BtI0fl i#G18:6on are for the exclusive use of the submitting parry. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court*Bakersfield,CA 93308*(661)327-4911*FAX(661)327-1918*wwtv.bclabs.com Printed 03/03/2004 13:01:11 04-01765-21 M M M �-- `��.a��t = M M M r _age-, Laboratories, Inn RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:30 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 11-6 TK 4 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-22 ........................_............_................_......................._.................................................................................._......_.................. ................................................................................................................................................................. .... ...... . ................... .. .............................. .. ......... .... .. .................................................................._......................................................................................................................... ................................................ ............. ............................................ _...... ....... ..... ............ ......................................................................................................................._.......................................................................... ............................ .......::::._.:..:.........:::.::::::::::.......::.::_:::_::......,::::::::.:.:-:.....:....:::::::::.......,...:......:.......::.-::::.....:......:.............. .......................................... ....... :.: :,: a; :..........:::::::::....:::.:. .,...::::.:..... ..... .... ;:;::;;;»::rsss:; ::. _:::;: = :::::;.::- L::s:: =: e ds_{sss:: :::::;::s> :;. :;:::;;: -'= ::.;:.:::.::::: :.::: .;;;::_. _:;:::;:..:::.;;::_ :::s_:;_::::.: .;:;,:::::_;<; :<:::,::.::;;:;::`>:::»:>.::.:;:.:: :;.;::;>:<:; . 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Benzene <PQL mg/kg I 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 16:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 80218 . 02/21/04 02/21/04 16:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 16:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 16:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002,003 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 16:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 16:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND .............................. ....... ............... ...................... .... ... . . ...... - - s:p:6.:`_`:r-:s: ................. : ... ��.��t iTE��'t`:�_.........?:.:` � [C S:tr' �= ............................:� :> s���� :: ��`::` :::-;_:'': ::� ::.;-.::,. ................:..............::.:-.::.:-.::>,.,....;::.:::,....;....;............................. ::.-::::::,-::::::.....::::::......::.:...::.:::::::.-.:-.:..::.::,:.....:.::...:::....::::-:. :...........::: :::..:.:..:..::. .. 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Rurr i3a#e fttxte k a st ment Ddutton::::.-::Batch::ID;s;>:> 4 S.0 a e Co.m o.tin.d.s........................................................................................................................................... ............... ........ ..................._...................... ......................................_.............................3�................................................... ............................................................................................................................... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 88 %. 70-130 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 16:41 HKS GC-V8- 1 302-100433- _ a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) - 124 % 70-130 8015M 02/21/04 102/21/04 16:41- HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations ' Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS QBrrt#i<aatj@mi AjisIA�n.are for the exclusive use of the submitting parry. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911'FAX(661)327-1918"N%ww.bc tabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:42:18 04-01765-22. Magee Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004=@ 16:10 Project Number , 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/1'9/2004 @ 13:50 Sampling Location MING%REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 12-2 TK 4 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE IBCL Sample ID 04-01765-23 _ — _ - - - - _-_-`- _----_ :_:._I' :--- -- .... Il ls_t:........''__ -. 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Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0:00036 8021 B 02123/04 02/23/04 14:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND _ Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B_ 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 80216 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND _ Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 80218 02/23/04 -02/23/04 14:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 80218 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 - 0.046 8015M . 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND .._..............._........._..._............_. __.._..::=:ai=: ::::: :_ : : ................ . s';. ....................................: :;sssiss:.::::.;:_ss;;s_ it st=:Ft:..=:=;::=:s_;:.i.................-:-:ss:-ir=:=_:::it:tA. -:.:.:.::............_.........I-t....t:: -=;-::_ .... ts:#nstrFi.�t:sss:<;:. . ;:;;:sii;: �ssiis: s: si'is:1111B;sis>sss>s: s: ;:)La::::>;;;s;<;:?;:. ....._:;:.-:::..;:.-.:.-:.,::;: i':::: ...........;s.:...........:::::...._.....r.. ...... .:::_.......:.:;;�:.::::s;��.:................_. :,.._..._......:�_:::::::. ..._ .-:_.- _:. .:_.-::-._.......::::::.._...:: .::., .::�::.-:......:::.-. . ;;_:;:;zt::::;�;:.;s;;;-;;_;; r: ,. ............_� ��1:...... 32>rrr:I�afe �rrcre�:sFtna# st:�=-:rtrent.ID�;;_:D7lvUans:;:....HatchslD........ .......Bras.................::. oafs;::;:;:;:: - S.0 ra ate_Com oltn.ds._............_..._... ....._........._.._............._._.........-- ._._..............._....�_.._._.......__......____—_.__....__....._..._._..___ .._...... ----.._ .......- ___......_ _-- -_..._._....... .....___....._.......- -_......._._ ._.._........ - -_._.........._ .._....._......................................._._r�....................... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 83 % 70-130. 8021B . 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 113 % 70-130 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:35 HKS GC-V8 - 1 -302-100436 . California DOHS Ceftffld8fj0FV}f ji*86ort are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,'separation,detachment or third party interpretation. -4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911'FAX(661)327-1918•www.bclabs.com Printed 03/03/2004 13:01:15 04-01765-23 7B7 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 . Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:57 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- _ Sampling Point 12-6 TK 4 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCIL Sample ID 04-01765-24 ::: :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; s;;::::;:;;;;:::;::.;::;;;;:;:::: ...>:....... :..........:............ ....;::::............... ;;;;;;:;;::: :;:::::;>;; ::;::;_::::;;:::::;:::::;;::<ss r:;;s: ::: :>__.Ere....;;::::::...............................:::#2ty�_:;:s_:;;_ :::::; sfr C MB....... La ..........-.. .._.......... . .............._._.................._......................-..............................................R............ b .:..........:.:.....:...:.._.._:.:-:::.:::___._.....::::::_:._:: ::::._:...-__.....-:::._............ :...._.:_........_..._.........-........:._......._...__.._........_....._....... ._...................:.:..................:.:::::::::......::::::::::::::...............:..................................... ;::;< ::::....::. :.:s;=::i 1 : : ...... Q-._._..... Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Toluene <PQL• mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 80218 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:05 HKS GC48• 1 302-100436 ND S09 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 1 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/23/04 02/23104 15:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 80216 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02123/04 02/23/04 15:05 1 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 ......................................_................... ..............._..................----------------_........_.. ............................ .. .:.,.... :.:,...:.::::::::::......:......:::.::-::::...:.:..,.:....::::.-::::::,...:.:...::::: :.:::.-::::::..:.::.:......::::.-.:::..:::.-:.: :......:...,...:: Pf...;:::_ ;;_>:>.....:....is-i::s_: iits:::s:<i::i<tt:iit_a_si s:[nsfr L:::_<>:si:=:iii s:i:<siii>ii ....: ;;i r >......>?? :::i:F :i> MB..... .... .....LaF}............. ................................................... ............................................_......::::_:::.-:--.:............-::..... :.,_.........:_......: :..:_.-:: � . ::. : : : . .- . : .- .:.::- ......:-:.::......::::::::::::::::::.::::::.:>:::: ............. .................................... _:::::.,.,:::•::::.: s;aa;: Fhtl?4:::=EYf3tB>;iia::: 2i3' .:__ ::: ...........- ::: :;.: :-::-........ELI,;;•;:<.;<:;;;;.: .13.E 5. . c3 . .. . . D 32>Jrfa3ate :7ime....:knai st...::rrlent_[D:.;_ "T jib s::B fch..ID:::?s>;>.......... ....,ssi:i:.:::: , : ro ate:- .o:m. n. . ate......_.._... a ........- Blas.................... oars.......... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 26 _ % 70-130 80218 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 S09 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 38 % 70-130 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:05 HKS I GC.V8 1 302-100436 S09 Flag lExplanations S09 IThe surrogate recovery on the sample for this compound was not within the control limits. California DOHS C6Kffl:a500#ilh*&@ort are for the exclusive use of the submitting part. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)327.4911 -FAX(661)327-1913'www.bclabs.com Printed 03/03/2004 13:01:24 04-01765-24 7B Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeabl"e Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @"15:25 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point D1-2 DISPENSER Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-31 .... ......_..............._.._._.. ..........._.................__....._.._..............._...._....._......_....... ..._..._....................._.. - ............_-............... ................................._..............................._............................................... _.._..............._...............__._....._....__........_.... ....-.__..... .................................._............_._........._.....- ._........_...._..._.. ...._..... ........................................... .........._ . :.::......:...............-_.:...........::::::: ::.:.:.:......:..:.._:......................::_:._....... .............................._......._.... _.....-::_..::..........._..._.. r. >;:-;::;:; ::::::=-::; :72tt�;:::::;;_ ;;°: ;:;;;::::::::#nstr i:�:s>>_ a;>s>s:::=s:r;:;;;rs:;:s:: B:::;ss s r;>;t>s:a:<s::: B;;;;>:>t:;;:;::::::;::.;:-:; .;;;:;:-::; :::;;:;;::;;::;:;;_>: :;-;;;;::;;;:;;;:::;;;;;:;;;:::;;:;:; _::.::;;:;:-_;;;:;;:;:;:;;:;;::_;::;:;_::::-::::;;:_;:;;:_;;;;:_:- ::: ::;:;:.:.:::: ::;:;:-;_::P - M Lab........ - ... ................. _..................................._....._. ..........._4. ....... ._.............:........ r:r:::rr=:a;:;:;: :;;:;::;.: :aa;:;r::;;;;:;;r:.::::::.::::... ..::.;:;z::;:..... -::::.:_;;::;;;=:::::..::::::::::.::::::::::.::::::::::. .. ........•:................ ....................... 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S09 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Total Xylenes 0.018 mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 80216 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Gasoline Range Organics 2.2 mg/kg 1 1 0.046 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:35 HKS GC-V8 1 - 302-100436 ND .._....__.._..._......_.._.................... -..._......._.... ...._....__......_........_.......__.................._.......... . ......:.... .. :: :.::...................::::::::::::.::::.:::s;;::::�_:�::::::::::::;:;t;:a�: e::::;;;:;:s::;:a::::;;::;::sxr:;;s::a::°:::;:::x�;;::::;::::::::::;>::::.....I:..........::::as:::::;;;:::::::: :::::::::;:::::xea;:::::.:.::.::::::::::::.:.::::::::.:.:::::::.:.::::::::::::::::r:::;:::-��a:.r....._:: ::._.a:::.:.....:.--.:-::.::::.::.....:::...........:_::.:::::.:::.......:.::.::::::e::---- -:-:__::::;:::.:.:.;-- :;::.; :;;:.:.-;.::y:::.;:::;;;es:::.:;:;:; :aa:;;;:.:;:::::::;::yt�-.:;:s:.:;:;::t �r=`:-. <:;:-.>s:> ... ...... . ..................................................... . :::::::::::::.:::::::::::.:::::::.::::.::::::::::::::::::::.::::.::::::::::::-: ::::::::::::.:::::::_:-::::°:::::::::=::::::........... ....:-......-_:: ..-.......::::=- .:::-..r ;_;:s:...... :: rm. ----- -=-....:..............._......._................._... ...._..........._................................................ ............................................................... :::;; esultas:::;::::::;:::;;af ._:::s::.........:=: <.;. :- :... ...:._..- R . . n#t ............... 4..1 . ........._.D e....._..R �Mate_,'.£tirie_:::Ama# st.:::.men4::[D::.; ..t3L _:::. B :. :.._;;.-::..:::::. :::::::.:.........:...: ..ro: .....:.:.... ._.... at si fl ttoc afch.lI3 .......::.- S.u.r ate..Cotn o1�n.ds.................................................................._......................................................._............................................. ..................._......................... ......_............_........................................................ ... ............... ........................................................ ............................................_............. Q s a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 44 % 70-130 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 S09 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 . Surrogate) 72 % 70-130 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:35 1 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 Flag lExpianations S09 IThe surrogate recovery on the sample for this compound was not within the control limits. ,California DOHS C1diti'Ftt,&A i#tIt?i Wrt are for the exclusive use of the submitting part-. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court*Bakersfield,CA 93308"(661)327-4911'FAX(661)327-1918'wrw•w.bclabs.com Printed 03/03/2004 11:18:45 . 04-01765-31 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 15:28 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point D1-6 DISPENSER Sample Matrix Soil _ Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-32 '-P#'2 '; ss :�`s;fz:' Rkl .: :::..:..::.::.:::..::....::::..........::...::...:..:: :..:...::........ :: :::.:.-:..::.:.:...::.:.......:..........: .:.....:.::.:::::.:....:::.:.................::..::.:..::.:::-:::: ........ Q Laf} `;::,icp :.................................... i:;= i`-?':s;::;;� 3;::: s :; ;:i: 1 .....:.: . ............:.....:........::.. ............................- .-.: ................::......::�::..........,-::::::,-::.:::..:.................................................. .. - . t flue ::.:.:::::..::::.:.:::.: . es tt..... ........:.:-Ut�EYs-::::.::....:::::P. #:.....::::::.: ::N1 ..L.. ....: . .Q. ;;::: _...::; . ;" ::... . :;:::An � . :;>:.:men Ea: : :.=:........ .............. £Pate n I3a a me a st t 17iluUo Batch3::.;t":?:::;_:;;Hiasas2sis:ss>.;." . fs; -'; Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 80218 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 Toluene <PQL, mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02122/04 02/22/04 18:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 Ethylbenzene 0.14 mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002,003 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Gasoline Range Organics 11 mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:14 HKS I GC-V8 1 362-100433 ND S01,S09 .. P:: rxz;: .-:a :°:: s::%a: f2t]TF:: ............................. tits ttl r' s: :t s a..................................:- : _i=r ;.:5':.;.:: .:.:::...:.:.::.-:::::::.:::.:......: . .. La .... ............................................................:...................................................................................................................... .._R................... .............. ....................................... P.. ................................. ....... ........._...._......... ... . .... .... ... .. .. ...... .... :::;,::::•::: es' sss:::;;::; ;<..t.s:::: >:::::: a rrrt s::::_...:: � :c..: ss: ......:::::s:; .. .... . II .................... .n. ... _Q.. ] .1)ate.........12�tn:.Date,::1't ,4nat. st.....rnent[D......dll utl:on:.. ........Bras.................... fs.......... S.u.rro Co.m �.un.d .. ....................... ................... _................ ...... .. .. ................................................................................. . ... ..... ...................................... ............................................... .............. . ua a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 83 % 70-130 8021B 02/22/04 "02/22/04 18:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 _ a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 208 % 70-130 8015M 102/22/04 02/22/04 18:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 S09 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. S01 Sample result is not within the quantitation range of the method. S09 IThe surrogate recovery on the sample for this compound was not within the control limits. California DOHS OaeFtW a1jrn jslr4&are for the exclusive use of the subntitting party. BC Laboratories,vte.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)327-4911'FAX(661)327-1918'%vvw.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:42:45 04-01765-32 7B 7 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 . Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:50 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point D2-2 DISP. Sample Matrix Soil. - Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCIL Sample ID 04-01765-25 ....... . ......._..................................._............................................................................_....................._.............................. _..................................................................................... ;;>::::::..::::.:;......;;;:::...........::;;: :................;......;-;:;;:;_..........;......:;:::;;:::;;;::;::,-::::.::.._;_:;;;..................::....:::.:............:............. .............._.....::_::.::......:.-:............_...:::.....::. .........:::::.:.....:_-:.......:..... .........................................:::-::..-.-......:.:::::::::.:::....;,............... :::::.,.....::.::::.:.:-:::::.;;;;;;::;;;; >;t;;:<;>.ssr::#:r;:z>;::s:s::;;:;:_;::s ;ssr:::;s>ss::s;;;:;<::s:;::;::;::;:s€:;;€_>s;:»_:_:rrrrr_:: - ::=: ..... ;:Rte l>:::::;......::::......:.... #rfstrtJ.:ss> s;>r;:=ss>s>_>s::;;:s :>::::>:::::::.G:si?:>?':is:_::>:ss:;;:MBs>:s:;::s;`:::::_;_: - ............................. 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TYate..........32>;rrz -a?a .::'£tr�e::,:.Anai st:::.taer�:#D:::::: 13s�tiot3.. ....:-gatCh::iD:>_;;�tr:;:::;.;Hia ;; :;;;:;>;;;;=t.- Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 80218 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:35 HKS GCN8 1 302-100436 ND Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 80216 02/23/04 02/23/04 . 15:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Gasoline Range Organics <PQL- mglkg 1 0.045 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND ...._........_.........._....._._..... ..:_............... :..:.::: :........:..::::::::.-:::::::.......... ....:::::..:::::. :........:: :::.. ::::.:-...::::::::.: ............:. .............. .:..........-:.............. ._•.: :::::::::::...:..:::-::::::::::::..:....:::..:::::.:..-.....::::::..:..._.:..::.:.. : _:..:.::..:::..::__:...::.:..:..._::::..:-=-_lire .: :::._ uti:_;;i;;_;;__.:''::::_: Rs 11 evl$;,:;::;>:.;>;:;;:;f;;;;;.:: - _.. ........La6............. ....... ....._....................._..............................._..........._.._............._........ ....................... .. ._....__....... -....__....- - _ - ......_._..__._.._......................_...... ..........................................-....__............................_.._._Q................................................................. .... .............. es>u ==.. .a se_.= _= ....a>3trt� ;Enrtxt := sa ;-:::::: =.. - ... ..... ... . ..:...............::.......... .......... .. --.date_.._-:32us�:�3a :Futi --Ax�a#.... f-- iiient=#6_>:aalsif#; ?>:;6::::.:, ....-;;;:::>'.....:. ..__... ...........::::...._ _�3...._.:._..........: _.:.... - ...- _.._.. - -- - ....._.. f.....- - - .. .... MOW R. afch 1D ..... Etas.;..;::;;;:; a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 82 % 70-130 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 113 % 70-130 8015M 02/23104 02/23104 15:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 California DOHS CwMoatioja; 11Wrt are for the ekclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court`Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)3274911`FAX(661)327-1918`w"A'w-bclabs-com Printed 03/03/2004 11:18:08 04-01765-25 �age� Laboratories, Inc RAM.ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleu* m Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:55 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point D2-6 DISP 2 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-26 .... ..... .. ... .......................................... ......... ........ ...... ........_............................................................................ .................................. ....... ....... ..... .. ......... .............................................................................................................................................................. ::::.:::::::::.:;:;:;<::::::>::c::.-::::;:::::;::;:::::.....::::;;>;....... .;:;:::s::;:::.;::xa......::;>; e;;;;;;:;;::::;:::::;;:s.....:r.:>:s::::ari;::::;;:::.::3;;;............. :;;;:;;;;;:;:: ......::'::`P::..::.-::.......:.:.....:... :.:......,.._.:_:.................-.::._....._.,:......._..:........_..........:...;...........................:_:;.....:.......:::::.:.,.. :.: :.::.: r::;a;:; ,:::::::i:;:-;;;. .,.; _. .........re :. :.....:... ...... ...MB... ........ ........Lab.....:...- ................................. .......:::.........:::::.:.......:..............:.............................................................................:................................. :,.........:............:...........:.-:-......,- ::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::.-::::::::::...,.:..,.::::::f#.::::::::....:::.:-::::.::-.-::::: :.:.::::::.::.:::::::::. :::......:.::............ .............................:.,....:.::-.........:........................................................ ............................... ................................................................. ... 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Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 18:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 18:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 80218 02121/04 02/21/04 18:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02121/04 02/21/04 18:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002,003 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098. 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 18:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 1 0.046 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 18:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND ..... .... .... ... ...... ..... . ..... . ..... .. ......... ......._................_........ ... .. .... ............... ::::......:.-::::::::.::::::::::::::..............::.:::: ::::::.:::.::....,.;.:............:::;,:::: .:-.::=:::::.........-:::.::a::::.:-.::;;:.: ::.-:.:-:::::-:;::::;::;::;;: :::;:;;•;.-.:::-:::.::..,- .;;:::::::._;_::::::::.-::::::::.::.:-;;.:::::::::::.::::;;;;:::;;s;;=::<;-:; ::_.-;s�_:_--.-..:;:r::::..:;;:-:-r:::::::<:::,.. .;.::::r.::.:;,s:::;::::a:::r:.-.;:t:;::;;:a ;:{;;::::x;;;;.:;;;:;:;::;::::;:::.:;::::::a:::;::: :;:::y:;;-:.:::::::a:;:<::_:: >i ° :::::.; ...................:.. :::;......:::::;.;::::.: :::::.....::::..:::::.....::;,:.....::::::_...........................:._.............:::.:::.....:::;;......:.....:::.:.........:......:. .........::::::.:........... ..................................................................... .................................................................................................._..........................................................._............... {s_..... ......-.........................._ .::::;;s;:::a;:a:s»>;;;;;<:as::;;:;r:.:.;;e::�zs:�::;::ts>:spa::;::;:t��;::<;;n:::r::::>:;:o-::es:;;a:;:r::t.::::.:::::::::,;;;;;:;�;;;:>:;:>;:rt. :::.. ::::.;::::;::;:;; .:,:::.-::.-..:::::::: :-:::.-.:::-_::......:............. . .....::-'s_;a'ts:r's::::::::::.�:::.:::::::::.-:.-:.::::::- ;;_;:::;:r':.--::_:£.-::._;;::;;_:.y;.::r:-::;s::::;i't>. :_i:?:;:;......:: ....................... ::�::............................................� � :;;:;;;;;:�:�;::�;;;.>.s:�;;;:;:::: ;:..........�;::::;: :::;:t�:. :;; es It.:-:...... :;;;:LF:tts::::::::.::::-. ot�1`ral:L rn�ts< -: 'fist:::::;;;_ ..,.... :..._::..::::::. E] 7 . . ............ 3a ::.m ... :A # i,-- a atD....--. Date RfIfE fe Fr a na s [ri nt �utlorr;::;;::::Batch.]D;::a>:<';`:';:::;Eias: :`s;:i>>:s; a S.urro a#e._C.o.rn otx .d. .....::. ..... ....::::::, ..: .... ........_.. . ................. .. u is n s... _.........................._.............. .........._.__...... .........._................................. ........... ............... ........... ......................... .............................................................................................................._.._f?......................... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 75 % 70-130 80218 02121/04 02/21/04 18:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 102 % 70-130 8015M 02/21/04 102/21/04 18:41 HKS GC-V8 1 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix-spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS 0arMF1 at,iGn7#A3s1r9Qrt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third parry interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)327-9911 'FM(661)327-1918:"%vww.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:42:27 04-01765-26 7-1 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics a.nd Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COG Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004_@ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 15:20 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point D3-2 DISPENSER Sample Matrix Soil _ Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 0.4-01765-33 ^ -_ - :::.,-..:.t1"- 5=€:s ��s- :�tl3�-� l: ss:::Fs� ss��:'`:::..::: F� z5::'::` :;-,::. ..,,. .:::::.,.... ::::::::.:::.::`:;::::;;;....3:.::::.:t;:z;:.:::::`f;;;�:;;: :;;;:-`:7- ..................................................: ,:: :::::; : :;;g;:s:;:;,.................. ...�:::. ._;:: >t-:;s;:;;:::s;:-;::::::.;;:::;:::;:::;:.:-.:;:a::;;::;<: :•:�.:.::�;::P.re::... ? -'...�. ........ #? n str l; ....MB'�: s�i:'�::�:;:`� ::.-:::::.......... .............................................................................. .............. .. ...... :-:_....._ ... . :.:....:........::::.... ..............: a :... .�t;s�: ::-;;::>;:-;-: -=-:_:_==.. :. ._ .. ..:i:::: :� �: .,.::. ..; :::: � -: :: ::::;;.::- : -.:::: ss:< <. ...._� .5f�t.._................... .T3.FtS......_.........�Q�................. . . ..... .. .......B ..........Ri:ItYl3af T€rtt .. 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Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 80216 02122/04 02/22104 18:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 NO Q02 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 80216 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 NO Q02 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 NO Q02 Methyl t-butyl ether- <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 80218 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 NO Q02,Q03 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:43 HKS , GC-V8 1 302-100433 NO Q02 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mglkg 1 0.046 8015M 02/22/04 02/22104 18:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 NO __- - -- ___ .- _ --_ - _-=: f2 lri:::< :_:�� �<::assa ::Ei stiEL: -:::.= :s�s`:-:<ts:rs»<s'3>�==: >i:.`:'':'::->s>::a >:t:�?tt:'#s:.;:.:.: :::.:-:::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::.-::::.::.:-::::::::.::::::.::::::::::.::>:::::::::::::.-:::::.:.::.::::::.:.:.:::.::-::::.::::.-:::::::.-: :::::::.:::::.-.:::::::::.::.:-: :::::::::..:...-:::.:::_::::::.-.-::::::::.- ::::::.Pre....;:::iss: ::lu::s:::-::;tts;;t>: C..........................MB:i if::is';s;:i:::'?;_ra6::;;:>st:>t: ........_................................_........__.................... .................................. ................_....................................................... ....... ....... ........R..... ... .. ,... Q: :::.........'i:::s: ::.. Ua ..._.... 3ZUrc33a -:: trrte.... Ana€ sf ...men....lD:... D.dtttlo......:.6a Fla ;......:r:t::. S: :,r : :.. ,: U ...... ....... ... _... ....._ t� fe n tc D Etas.........._ ur o ate.C.om oun.d.s....................:....................................................................................................................._................ ............................:............... .................._.............................. ........................................... ............... ............................................ .............................................._................... .... t� a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 84 % 70-130 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 122 % 70-130 8015M 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is-not within the control limits. California DOHS GerrttfdPe3bQnr#h1slrg&are for the exclusive use of the subntittine party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Coun'Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918'l+m.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:42:54 ^^ 7 ilea OrcicaRor> Im r M'R-ag#R-1 L7cLaboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA- Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004.@ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling bate/Time 02/19/2004-@ 15:23 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point D3-6-DISPENSER Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04701765-34 - —= - _- - #2;;:;.-i::?_ ss.................:::. i .:tr :ti :€s:_: a:s s i::: s:t;s:`: :.`:_t>: s::' >:::::>;:.:. : .::::-:::::::::::::::•::::::.:.-::::::.::::.-:::::::_. ::::::::::::::::::::::::-:.:.-:_::::::::::.::::..:::- :__.:::::::_<::::_:.:-: ::.__::::::_:::.::..-::::.:Pre .::;_:::;:;.rsss;;_: x::;: oxr s D MB:s: is i :'.:.:Lab :;:>:<if . ....................................................... ................................... :.....:.:..._....._...::...:.........::::_::.:.:,._,._-_:::::..:._......_ ..:_:-._..__:fx_::._.... -..... :::::::::::::::.:-.................................................._... .. ..............................................._............... ........ .. :...........: . ., .. .. ............. ._.... ._ .:.. _... ... .... ...... ......... .......... ............. ... ia:::e.. . a_:` ;::i:;s2. fS' ;: :`ii_..:: ..:;:i..............�V1a :: lyl$ 7c3C s__ z ..:::-::.::::F`..:::.::;.a.a ..:-..:�:.:..::;.i :I E%tD;`:D"3 .i.o'::..: :z_:....:::.-`:::. ,;:::-,.-.' ::.:::...::::::: i Ct. .U nf....................... .................... ............_result........ .......1lt3.E l?.CQI ............... a .....R rt i}ate trite Ana st .. a..... 1 rat r� BaCch:1D.::::::.::.::::.Hlas::;::;;<.::;;>;. ................................_. ................................................. - ...........__._ ..._............. . ....a#..._ ... ....kr .............. _........... 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Benzene <.PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 19:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 80218 02/22/04 02/22/04 19:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 80218 02/22/04 02/22/04 19:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 80216 02/22/04 02/22/04 19:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02,Q03 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01- 0:0098 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 19:14 HKS GC-VS 1 302-100433 ND 002 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/22/04 02/22/04 119:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND ...................................................._............................_._...................._............._..._............................._..............._...._............ ._..._.................................._.................................................._.........................._............................................................_................. .......... ...... ........::.:::.:.................:.....:..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.-::.::::::::.::::......::::.:-:..............................::......:::::::::::::::.::...:::-::..:................ ......,::::.-.:::::::.:.:::::::::.:.:::.-.::::::::::........::.:::::.:.._........:............................::.::....:...._.... ..... ........ ::::..... ......::...............:::_.:.:::. :.:::..::.....:......-::::::::::.::::.-:::....;.......:.::::::.-:,:::::::.:- ::::::::::::.:::::::: ::::::.-::::..................::_.......:::.-:.......:::::............:: ....-_:::........................:•..-.::.:::..::..-:............................::.:::::_:.............::::.:::........ ...... ............._:::::=.:,.:.............................f}.......... :._......._,::::.-::.::...:_-::-:::--::.:.::_::::::.:.:::::::....:.::_::::..:..:::::.:::.:.::-•::.:-:::... ..-:..-::::::::....:_-::: .........:............................................................................................ :;:::.;::.::::.:..:......:: :::::::::::: ..... :::::....:::::::.:.:...... .....::... .... ........... .. ..............:..... ...:.......... re . lf. U E s :Ftrrt ::..:An E s..._.tnent EQ....Dt3 Icx -....8 .......... E31tt5` -::=: ::C.. =_>:;:- : .... ........... S. . . . ................................ u....................... .13 ._......_....... .. .El. _ ... i. . . .. ...._ . ... ..._t)ate.........3tusc33a#e .. 2..- a { .... _ of n afchlT3. .........Bras.................... trafs........_ . urro ate._Com curt ds......................................................................................................................_.........................................-................ ......_._....................._.....__.........._.... ......... -...._......................_. J. 3�......... ........._................. ..............................._......................... ..._........................ .................._:R....................... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 80 % 70-130 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 19:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 112 % 70-130 8015M 02/22/04 02/22/04 19:14 ) HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flaq Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS Ceilf 2Iti6TV#4*8&port are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation.detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court*Bakersfield,CA 9330S'(661)327-4911•FAX(661)327-1918"www.bclabs.cam Printed 02/24/2004 10:43:03 o4-n17BS_U Min g&Real Rd. Project#200204 ' December 2004 Table: la Soil Samples From Tank Excavation ' Sample Station Depth Benzene benzene Toluene Xylenes MTBE TPH-g TPH-d Lab NO' EPA Method See lab (Location) Ft * EPA Method 8021B 8015M Reports ' Units M 1-2 Tank 1 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 1-6(Tank 1) 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.017 <0.02 <1 <10 Q02,Q03 2-2(Tank 1) 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 Q02, 03,S09 2-6 Tank 1 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 S09 ' 3-2 Tank 1 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 Q02,Q03 3-6(Tank 1) 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <1.0 Q02,Q03 4-2 Tank 2 2.0" <0.005 �<0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 Q02,Q03 4-6 Tank 2 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 Q02,Q03 5-2 Tank 2 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 Q02,Q03 5-6 Tank 2 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 Q02,Q03 ' 6-2(Tank 2) 2.0 <0.005 25 25 240 <0.02 3000 2400 509.A01, A52 6-6(Tank 2) 6.0 <0.005 13 14.. 130 <0.02 2000 920 S09,SO1, A01,A52 ' 7-2(Tank 3) 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.028 <0.02 <1 <10 Q02,Q03 7-6(Tank 3) 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 53 Q02,Q03 8-2 Tank 3 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 Q02,Q02 ' 8-6 Tank 3 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 Q02,Q03 9-2 Tank 3 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 S09 9-6 Tank 3 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 ' 10-2 Tank 4 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 Q02,Q03 10-6 Tank 4 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 Q02,Q03 11-2 Tank 4 2:0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 11-6 Tank 4 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 Q02,Q03 12-2 Tank 4 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 12-6 Tank 4 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 S09 LUFT Values ` 1 50 50 , 50 NA 1,000 10,000 140-compounds above LUFT values ' 25 -compounds above laboratory detection limits <1.00-compound was not detected in the sample extract at the laboratory detection limit shown. mg/Kg-milligrams per kilogram Ft*-feet below dispensers,piping or tank excavation. Notes: 1.LUFT Values: Standards set by the State.for protection of groundwater(LUFT Manual, October 1989), based on groundwater more than 100 feet below the sample depth. ' 2000_04_204_Site Investigation Workplan 1 Ming&Real Rd. Project 4200204 ' December 2004 Table lb Soil Samples Dispensers and Piping Sample Station Depth Benzene benzene Toluene Xylenes MTBE TPH-g TPH-d Lab No. EPA Method See lab (Location) Ft * EPA Method 8021B 8015M Reports ' Units Mg/K DI-2 2.0 <0.005 0.020 <0.005 0.018. <0.02 2.2 15 S09 ' D1-6 6.0 <0.005 014 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 11 60 Q02, 03,S09 D2-2 2.0 . <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 46 D2-6 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 Q02.Q03 D3-2 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 Q02,Q03 D3-6 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 Q02,Q03 ' D4-2 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 D4-6 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 Q02,Q03 P1-2 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <I <10 P1-6 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 ' Stock Pile-1 <0.005 0.0055 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 4.$ S09 Stock Pile-2 <0.005 0.019 0.44 2.1' <0.02 .1000 Stock Pile-3 0.011 .9.4 12 84 <0.02 <1 570 S09 LUFT Values 50 50 50 NA 1,000 10,000 140- compounds above LUFT values 25 -compounds above laboratory detection limits <1.00-compound was not detected in the sample extract at the'laboratory detection limit shown. mg/Kg-milligrams per kilogram Ft*-feet below dispensers,piping or tank excavation. Notes: 1. LUFT Values: Standards set by the State for protection of groundwater(LUFT Manual,October 1989), based on groundwater more than 100 feet below the sample depth. ' 2000_04_204_site Investigation Workplan ' Appendix C SOIL SAMPLING PLAN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 JACO Oil—Fastrip,Jaco Oil Company,Bakersfield—Sampling Plan Ming and Real, Bakersfield, California. RAM Project#200204, Task 3 —Soil Sampling TASK OBJECTIVE: Collect undisturbed soil samples from borings at 5-foot intervals, ' beginning at 10-feet below ground surface and continuing until 10-feet below visible signs of gasoline staining and PID readings have attenuated to zero or background levels; as necessary, for analysis of TPH-g, TPH-d, MTBE, and BTEX. SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSES Laboratory analysis will.be conducted by ProVera Laboratory a California State Certified rLaboratory. Test methods and criteria are as follows: • TPH-g and TPH-d by Modified EPA Method 8015 • BTEX and fuel oxygenates by EPA Method 8260B • Analytical Laboratory- ProVera, Bakersfield CA • Report results to RAM Environmental Engineering SOIL SAMPLING PROTOCOL Soil sampling will be conducted in accordance with RAM Environmental Engineering ' Services Standard Soil and Groundwater Sampling Protocols (RAM, 2003) and will incorporate the following project specific criteria. ' Sampling Locations ' Samples will be collected from 5-foot intervals in each borehole, beginning at 10-feet below ground surface. Sample intervals and times will be annotated on a lithologic log of each borehole. Soil Sampling Information t Sample at 5-foot intervals with Geoprobe® sampling device - Decontaminate sampler and brass sleeves before using by washing in non- phosphate detergent followed by a double rinse in clean water ' note time and depth, • keep center,brass tube from core for laboratory analysis, • use Teflon seal and plastic caps to seal sleeve, • indicate direction of sample collection on sleeve (arrow), write sample depth, time of sampling, date and-name of responsible party on sample sleeve, • monitor soils in lower brass sleeve with hand held PID or equivalent, note results ' on lithologic log. Equipment: • Brass Sleeves •, teflon seals and Plastic caps • disposable gloves, baggies, permanent marking pens, sample labels, Chain of Custody (COC) forms, Field Log forms • PID, Model Photo Vac meter for monitoring work space and soils for volatiles, • Personal Protective Gear per Standard Health and Safety Protocols for fuel impacted soil • blue ice or equivalent for sample storage/shipping container. ' 2000-04-204—sampling plan ' Sampling Procedure The•split spoon sampler, or Geoprobe® sampler is to be decontaminated and air-dried before each sample is taken: Once'the sampling depth has been reached by the drilling- ' rig, an undisturbed soil sample is collected, the time and depth of sampling is noted on. the lithologic log. The sample is retrieved; the sample container is capped, labeled, and placed in the cooler..A lithologic description is made according to Unified Soil. ' Classification System (USCS) standards, the lowermost brass sleeve.is monitored for, Volatile organic compound (VOC) vapors using the field vapor monitor(PID, Hnu;or OVM), the measurements are recorded on the lithologic log. Any remaining soils are' ' placed with the stockpiled soil, and returned to the boring when the total depth is reached. Sample Identification and Labeling ' Complete sample label information and sample COC information prior'to collection of each sample, leaving time for notation just after collection. ' Label, bag, and place labeled,container containing soil in cooler. Check/complete the COC form and sample logs, and secure the sample storage/shipping. ' container until delivered to the laboratory. Sample container should be kept at 4° C with blue ice or equivalent. 2000_04_204—sampling plan ' Appendix D HEALTH and SAFETY PLAN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN ' SITE INVESTIGATION WORKPLAN 1 JACO Oil Company p Y 3101 State Road ' Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 . 1 1 Prepared for JACO Oil Company 1 1 ' Pre ared p . by RAM, Inc. ' 2103 201h Street Bakersfield, CA '93301 200204 ' 01/10/05 200005_204_Health&Safety Plan 1 1 SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN RAM Environmental ' Bakersfield, California Project Number: 200204 ' Project Manager: Jane McNaboe Site Safety Officer: Jane McNaboe ' Date of Issue: 0 1/10/05 ' Authorization: ,Richard M Casagrande, RAM Health & Safety Officer 1 1 ; t 1 1 2000_05_204_Health&Safety Plan 2 ' Required Signatures Signature Name Company Date 1 , 1 1 2000_05_204_Health&Safety Plan 3 ` ' ^ ' . ^ � � TABLE OF CONTENTS ` . ' � ` Page . - ' � Listof Tables ................. ................. ...................................................................................5 1.0 Introduction...............................................................................................................6 ' l.l Site ---- ....................................~ � � 1.2 SunncufWozk -----.--. ------..'.--------------,'--6' ' 7.0 Project Safety Authority —,----.---------------.--------..7 3.0 Medical,Surveillance .........,------------.--_------_--___..8 ' � � 4.0 Safety/Orientation i ' ---.--.-----..-----_—_—_________g ~~ 5.0 Hazard Assessment................................................................................................lO � ' ll Hazards..-----------------------------.l0 � 5.2 � Chemical Hazards,.. --..—.-------.-.--------------..lO � � � 6.0 Air Monitoring.._--..._�------------_---------------l4 � ` ' 7.0 General Project Safety Requirements ....... -----.------.--------l6' 7'I General Safety Precautions' .......................................................................16 7.2 Safety Precautions -..---------------------l8 ' ` - � ' 08 Protective. Equipment Requirements......................................'............................... —2O _ . 9.0 Emergency Response Procedures ..........................................................................2l ` Appendix A Sbn Location�8ap';dod Route k)Hospital ^ ' Appendix Site-Specific Health and Safe ty Plan Training Record Forms � ' '&Safety Plan 4 ' LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. OSHA PELs and ACGIH TLVs for Aromatic Volatile,Organic Compounds. ......................................................... .................................................13 Table 2. Air Monitoring Action Levels and Associated Protective Measures....................I S t 1 2000_05_204_Health&Safety Plan 5 1.0 INTRODUCTION This Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) delineates the basic safety requirements for the following field tasks to be performed as part of the Site Investigation at the property located at 3701 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, Ca.: collection of soil samples using a Geoprobe® 5400 sampling unit, vapor sampling during soil sampling using PID ' or equivalent equipment, collection and delivery of soil samples for chemical analysis. The fieldwork is scheduled to begin 45 days after approval of the Site Investigation ' Workplan by Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental. Services (BFDES) and is expected to be completed in 1 day. ' The provisions set forth in this HASP apply to the employees. of RAM and their subcontractors working on project tasks, which expose workers to hazardous wastes, ' hazardous substances or any combination of hazardous wastes or hazardous substances. Subcontractors may elect to modify these provisions, but only to upgrade or increase the ' safety activities. ' This HASP addresses the expected potential hazards that may be encountered for this project. If unanticipated changes in site or working conditions occur which are not addressed by this plan, addenda will be provided by RAM. ' 1.1 SITE BACKGROUND ' The project consists of one site in Bakersfield, California. The site is currently in use as a Mini Market and Fastrip gas station. 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK The objective of this scope of work is to collect soil samples from the area below ' underground tanks, piping and dispensers, to define the extent of the hydrocarbon plume in the soil at the Site. Samples will be collected with the Geoprobe® at intervals of five 2000_05_204_Health&Safety Plan 6 ' feet below ground surface or below the depth of the tank excavation, until 10-feet below any visible sign of staining, or until 10-feet below the PID meter measures zero or drops to background levels as determined by field observations, with additional samples collected if required based upon evaluation of the site in the field. The work will be ' conducted under the direction and approval of BFDES. 2.0 PROJECT SAFETY AUTHORITY Personnel responsible for project safety are the Project Manager and the Site Safety Officer or his designee. The Project Manager is responsible for the provisions and submittal of this plan, and for ' advising the Site Safety Officer on health and safety matters. The Project Manager has the authority to provide for the auditing of compliance with the provisions of this plan, suspension or modification of work practices, and administration of disciplinary actions for individuals whose conduct does not meet the requirements set forth herein. The Project Manager may elect to give the Site Safety Officer authority to administer disciplinary actions for individuals whose conduct does not meet the requirements set forth herein. The Site Safety Officer is responsible for the dissemination of the information contained ' in this plan to all RAM personnel assigned to the project, .and to the responsible representative of each subcontractor firm working under RAM on the project. As such, he or she is responsible for performing or providing the following as necessary: ' Adequate on-site safety supplies & equipment inventory (see list of protective equipment, Sec. 8.0), ' verification of medical surveillance program.examinations, and 40-hour training for all potentially exposed to Hazardous Wastes on-site personnel, 2000-05-204—Health&Safety Plan 7 ' verification of respirator fit test and/or SCBA training if respirator protection becomes necessary(see Section 6.0), • tailgate discussion of Site Safety Plan. Documentation of tailgate safety meetings.in field notebook, • documentation of all accidents or safety plan violations, ' emergency contacts as needed, • implementation of Decontamination/Contamination Reduction Procedures, if necessary(see Sec. 9.'0), ' on-site air,monitoring as required(see Section 6.0). ' The Site Safety Officer or his/her designee has the authority to suspend work any time he or she determines that the health and safety practices at the site are inadequate and shall ' also inform the Project Manager of individuals whose conduct is not consistent with the requirements of the plan. 3.0 MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE RAM personnel and sub-contractors engaged in project operations that expose them to hazardous wastes, hazardous substances, or any combination of hazardous wastes or hazardous substances shall be participants in a Medical Surveillance program,,and must ' be cleared by the examining physicians) to wear respiratory protection devices and protective clothing for working with hazardous materials. The applicable requirements under the CAL OSHA standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (Title 8 CCR, GISO 5192)will be observed. 1 2000_05_204_Health&Safety Plan 8 4.0 SAFETY/ORIENTATION TRAINING ' Field personnel from RAM and any subcontractors-will review this site-specific health and safety plan (HASP) before beginning work as safety training for this project. The ' Site Safety Officer will conduct a tailgate safety meeting to review the HASP prior to the start'of field operations that may substantiate prior review of the HASP or serve as the ' primary review. RAM project personnel will certify their review by signing a HASP ; training record form (Appendix B). Subcontractors will certify their review by signing a HASP training record form or signing the field notebook after the tailgate safety meeting. ' The Project Manager is responsible for distributing this site safety plan to appropriate personnel and verifying review by obtaining signed review forms. Signed review forms twill be placed in project files. ' Whenever a change of conditions on-site occurs that may affect safety, the Site Safety Officer or his/her designee will conduct a tailgate safety meeting if appropriate. Changing site conditions that may affect safety include the following: 1 ' • Change of field personnel (RAM or subcontractor), 1 • change in work activity; • change in weather conditions; and 1 • visitors on site. All training sessions, safety meetings, and safety briefings will be documented by the Site ' Safety Officer or his designee in the field notebook. Documentation will include a brief description of topics addressed and the signatures of all training attendees. 1 1 ' 2000-05-204—Health&Safety Plan 9 i 5.0 HAZARD ASSESSMENT 1 5.1 PHYSICAL HAZARDS Working on a site with hydrocarbon-contaminated soils presents a variety of physical ' hazards that are :continually present ,unlike chemical exposures (only a hazard when contaminated materials are present). Some of the hazards are identified below. Physical hazards could include the following:, • Falling objects.such as tools or equipment, • tripping over hoses,pipes, tools, equipment or uneven terrain; • tipping or overturning of heavy machinery, 1 • • exposure to noise generated by heavy machinery, ' • insufficient or faulty P rotective equipment; and ' • insufficient or faulty operations, equipment, or tools, ' • vehicular traffic at and around the 'site. ' Safety precautions for site hazards are addressed in Section 7.2. ' 5.2 CHEMICAL HAZARDS ' It is not anticipated that there will be any chemical'exposures, however, this section is included as a.precautionary.measure. It is most likely that the hazard at these sites will be from refined products found during the sampling of the soil. Specific precautions will be taken as the situations at each of the sites .dictate. The materials of concern in these t 2000-05-204—Health&Safety Plan 10 projects are all petroleum hydrocarbons. Following is a discussion of the chemical hazards of petroleum hydrocarbons. 1 Petroleum,,hydrocarbons may include a wide range of substances, some of very low toxicity and some very toxic.. The aromatic volatile petroleum hydrocarbons [benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX)]"are generally of'greater concern, in part ' because they, are more likely to exist in the worker's breathing zone. In moderate exposures, BTXE compounds all produce similar acute effects including headache, narcosis, and anesthesia. Table I (from the Hazard Evaluation Plan (HEP)for Leaking 1 Underground Fuel Tanks (LUFT) Removal Sites developed by the State Water Resources Control Board) summarizes the exposure criteria and health effects of BTXE. Among the ' aromatic volatile petroleum hydrocarbons, benzene is the primary.substance of concern because of its association with leukemia and aplastic anemia in chronic exposure situations. The permissible exposure limits (PEL) set by OSHA and the American Conference of Industrial of Governmental Hygienists' (ACGIH) threshold limit values (TLV) for airborne exposure are provided in Table 1 for BTEX. Even high concentrations (ppm to percent level) of volatile organic compounds are not reasonably expected to present airborne concentrations at or approaching OSHA PELs or ACGIH TLVs considering the ' small volume of soils to be generated and processed during drilling and sampling operations and that all field work will be conducted outdoors in well-ventilated areas. ' Considering relative volatility of each compound and the open working conditions, these compounds are not reasonably expected to present inhalation exposures of concern to ' worker health and safety in open atmospheres. However, air monitoring for organic vapor concentrations will be conducted for activities that present potential inhalation 1 exposures as described in Section 6.0. Petroleum hydrocarbons can also be .absorbed through the skin if contact with highly ' contaminated materials is made (i.e. saturated soils)., Dermal exposures will be controlled through the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) as described in Section 8.0 and ' through minimization of exposure to airborne dust generated sampling activities: 2000_05_204_Health&Safety Plan 11 ' EXPLOSION AND FIRE ' The types of hydrocarbons expected to be present (gasoline fuel) are not' expected to generate vapors at explosive concentrations during any of the tasks to be performed. If ' vapor monitoring detects concentrations at a level, that.'exceed the requirements for respiratory protection (>50 ppm), operations will be .suspended and the area will be evacuated until an industrial hygiene sampling is completed to characterize the exposures. ' The potential for explosion and fire will be reevaluated based upon this characterization. 1 2000_05_204_Health&Safety Plan 12 ' Table 1. OSHA PELs and ACGIH TLVs for Aromatic Volatile Organic Compounds. OSHA PELs ACGIH TLVs tWA a STEL T T b TWA Compound W STEL b (ppm) ( m) m) ( m ' Benzene 1 . 0 5 1 - Toluene 100 150 100 150 h en Et yl benz e 100 125 100 125 X lene (o-,m-,p- isomers) 100 150 100 150 ' a TWA: Time weighted average is the employee's average airborne exposure in any 8- hour work shift of a 40-hour workweek which shall not be exceeded. 1 b STEL: Short-term exposure limit is the employee's 15-minute time weighted average ' airborne exposure, which shall not be exceeded at any time during a workday. 1 1 2000_05_204_Health&Safety Plan 13 r . r 6.0 AIR MONITORING . ' An organic vapor analyzer (OVA) with a flame-ionization detector (FID) or Hnu photoiomzation detector (PID) will'be used to conduct air monitoring during activities where potential for airborne exposure exist, specifically during drilling and soil sampling. During drilling, readings will be. taken initially in the worker-breathing zone, the immediate operations area, and recorded in the project,field notebook. The OSHA PELs 'r and ACGIH TLVs for aromatic volatile organic compounds are listed in Table 1. Benzene with an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) exposure limit of 1 ppm and a 15- minute short-term exposure limit (STEL) of 5 ppm is the primary airborne contaminant of concern. Table 2, provides an estimation of airborne benzene concentrations and rallowable exposure' time based on Hnu readings. Using these estimates of benzene concentration based on OVA readings would be protective of worker health and safety, because the OVA detects a wide variety of organic vapors whereas the Hnu detects only aromatic volatile compounds and other large organic molecules. For simplicity, the more restrictive estimates,based on Hnu readings are used to establish air monitoring action r levels described below. rA sustained Hnu or OVA reading of 5 ppm (5 units on the Hnu) above background will trigger donning respiratory protection (half or. full face APR with organic vapor ' cartridges) and additional ambient air monitoring (breathing zone will be monitored every 15 minutes). If sustained ambient air organic vapor concentrations equal or exceed 50 ppm, work will be stopped, and the area-evacuated. Because identified materials of concern are not expected to contain significant levels of volatile organic compounds, ' sustained readings of 50 ppm or higher indicate the need for industrial hygiene sampling to characterize the exposure. Based upon the results of this sampling, protection measures will be reevaluated. Air monitoring action levels and associated protective ' measures are summarized in Table 2. 1 1 1 2000-05-204—Health&Safety Plan 14 1 ' Table 2. Air Monitorin Action Levels and Associated Protective Measures g , ' Air Space Action Levels Protective Measures Monitored ' Ambient <_5 ppm No respiratory protection required. Air.Concentrations Tyyek'and.nitrile gloves required when contact with: ,potentially,contaminated soil possible. Initial. monitoring of ambient air in worker breathing zone and`operations area. >5 ppm but Don :half: or full-face APRs with <50 ppm organic,vapor cartridges. Increase ambient air. monitoring ' frequency to every,15 minutes. Ambient Air >_50.ppm Evacuate work area. 2000_05_204_Health&Safety Plan 15 7.0. ' GENERAL PROJECT SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ' 7.1 GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The project operations shall be conducted .with the following minimum safety requirements employed: ' Smoking will not be permitted on project property, • eating and drinking will be restricted to a designated-area, ' wearing loose clothing around operating machinery (generator, etc.) will be prohibited, • a ll personnel shall be required red to wash hands and.face before.eatmg or drinking, • gross decontamination and removal of all personal protective equipment ' shall be performed prior to exiting the facility, ' shaking or blowing of potentially contaminated clothing or equipment to remove dust or other materials is-not permitted, the Site Safety Officer will be responsible to identify and alert field employees to physical hazards'resent at the site. ' SYMPTOMS OF CHEMICAL EXPOSURE ' Field operations personnel shall inform each other of non-visual symptoms that may indicate chemical exposure such as: ' 2000-05-204—Health&Safety Plan 16, rHeadaches, rdizziness, , r •. . nausea, rblurred vision, • cramps 1 , • irritation of eyes, skin,.or respiratory tract, r • changes in complexion or skin discoloration, • changes in apparent.m,,,otor coordination, changes in personality or demeanor, rexcessive,salivation or,changes in papillary response; and rchanges in speech ability or pattern: r HEAT STRESS rThe following recommendations will help to reduce heat stress: r Provide p.lent •of liquids, Y q rwearing of an undergarment that acts to help.ventilation of the,body, rscheduling of activities during the cooler times of the day, • providing sunshade over the work area if possible, r . 2000_05_204—Health&Safety Plan .17 ' establish a work schedule incorporating regular rest periods, ' mandate work slow-downs as needed, ' heat stress monitoring. Any of the following techniques can be used to screen for heat stress: • Heart rate at the radial artery should be measured as early as possible in the resting period. Should the heart rate exceed 110 beats per minute, the next work period should be shortened by 10 minutes (33%), while the rlength of the rest period stays the same. If the pulse rate is greater than 100 at the next rest period, the following work cycle should be shortened ' by.33%: • Body'temperature can be used to screen for heat stress. If the oral ' temperature at the beginning of the rest period exceeds 99 degrees ' Fahrenheit, the next work period should be shortened by 10 minutes (or 33%), while the length of the rest period stays the same. This process should be continued until the body temperature does not exceed 990F. • Body water loss can be monitored using a scale to measure changes in ' body weight. 1 7.2 TRENCHING SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ' The following safety precautions shall be followed'by all field project personnel during drilling operations. • Underground utilities will be located and marked prior to commencement ' of drilling activities, ' 0 during the drilling operation, two persons (one designated as "operator" and the other as "site safety") must be present at all times, ' 2000-05-204-Health Safety&Safe Plan 18 1 , ' the drilling rig or other mechanical equipment must always maintain an overhead clearance of a minimum of 10 feet from any overhead electric ' lines, • hardhat, safety glasses, and steel-toed.boots will be worn in the operations area, ' hearing protection shall be worn when noise levels from operating equipment interfere with normal conversation at 5 feet (noise levels are tlikely above 85 decibels), ' all rotating or energized parts in which worker could become entangled or injured shall be covered or guarded to the extent possible, 1 • wearing loose clothing around operating machinery is prohibited, exposure to generated dusts durin g any activity should be avoided and/or tY ' minimized. Water may be used for this purpose as appropriate. Work upwind to the extent feasible during dust generating activities. 1 , 1 t 1 2000-05-204—Health&Safety Plan 19 8.0 PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS ' Field personnel and visitors are required to wear hard hats, safety glasses, steel-toed boots, and hearing protection, (at the discretion of the Site Safety Officer) in the operations area when work is being performed. ' Field personnel engaged in work operations are required to wear the following additional equipment: '., Long-sleeved shirts and pants or one-piece coverall, ' Tyvek suit (when contact with potentially contaminated soil is anticipated), • rubber boots (when contact with potentially contaminated soil or liquid is ' anticipated), • Nitrile or other chemically resistant gloves • (when taking soil or groundwater samples). ' Contractors,to RAM will provide their own PPE. 8.1 OPERATIONS AREA t Dermal contact will be the potential exposure pathway of concern,for chemical exposure. Inhalation exposure will only be a significant concern when the ambient air monitoring action level is'exceeded. ' When the ambient air monitoring level equals or exceeds 5 ppm, full or half-face APR's with organic vapor cartridges will be required. 2000-05-204—Health&Safety Plan 20 ' 9.0 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES 1 A first aid kit will be taken into the field each day. In the event of a fire, explosion, physical injury or illness due to chemical exposure, the appropriate parties should be contacted using the below listed phone numbers. For,injuries or illness other than very minor cuts or scrapes, a physician's attention.is required. For treatment of potentially ' life-threatening'injury or illness, call 911 for assistance.. For treatment of minor injuries or illness, personnel should be driven to Mercy Hospital ' at'2215 Truxtun Avenue; Bakersfield, 93301.. A,map showing the route to the hospital from the Site is provided in Appendix A: Notify.'the RAM Health & SSafety Officer as soon as possible after appropriate ' emergency services have been notified and appropriate.measures taken to protect people, environment, 'and property.. 1 1 1 2000_05_204_1­lealth&Safety Plan 21 1 ' Emergency phone Numbers: Off-Site ' Fire, Police, Ambulance , 911 • Mercy Hospital, Truxtun Avenue 1-661-632-5000 Additional Contingency Telephone Number: • RAM-Environmental Engipeenng 1-661-324-6152 1 ' 1=661-619-2345 Contact: Richard M. Casagrande 1 ' . 2000_05_204_Health&Safety Plan 22 APPENDIX A ' SITE LOCATION AND ' ROUTE TO HOSPITAL ' 2000_05_204_Health&Safety Plan Driving Directions from 3701 Ming Ave, Bakersfield, CA to 2215 Truxtun Ave, Bakersf.... Pagel of 2 o- / .� v:• .� New CastroL ' 8 Send To Printer Back To Directions GTX start Up­ Start: 3701 Ming Ave Bakersfield, CA Protection ' 93309-5001 US !'r the- r'r'�c�rt°tt�l�t End• 2215 Truxtun Ave °` `' you t1-1m -the key., ' Bakersfield, CA 93301-3602 US ' Distance: 3.52 miles _ Total Estimated Time: 6 minutes •� ` S raj Directions Distance ......................................................................................................................................................................... .. .. 1. Start out going EAST on MING AVE toward WIBLE RD. 0.3 miles ............................................................................................................................................................................................... ........ ' 2. Turn LEFT to take the FREEWAY 99 ramp. 0.4 miles .......................... ......................................I................. onr gg 3. Merge onto CA-99 N. 1.3 miles ........... .................................................................................................................................................................................. ...... ' 4. Take the CALIFORNIA AVE exit toward CIVIC CENTER. 0.2 miles ......................................:.........................................................................................................................................a.............. ........ > S. Turn RIGHT onto CALIFORNIA AVE. <0.1 miles ............................................................................:................................................................................................................ 4%+ 6. Turn LEFT onto OAK ST. 0.3 miles ................. ' 7. Turn RIGHT onto TRUXTUN AVE. 0.6 miles ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8. End at 2215 Truxtun Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301-3602 US t, I J (� 341riSt ' y �1mi J'. 1=r� IDl.t �,_ _ f I � �..i� r f r'�•�! t 4��FJ .'�'�+,�I,• ? J��Lf�1�,1_�',%' y Greenacr �L� ,`•�..:�..�._,� �'.IaS�IO -�✓ r Any d'�?Q � ����",,. °.c J �a 1 r ( \s �~"Y� as`,, �a4I�F,►�Cori �n��'ya:��•'TM"1&��p��` rf�s ,� -�' t. 1 1 1;1 ���.1.• �1`' ' �� .� A w f''4.i1M�'�-.i� � „� --- taus �% �< � , .^� • ry r 99 i . ,Knit Rtl ' � � -nrF •. ±��a,Ifr ljj� �ao��t r. re _ - � -�r - ,f�.-. .: Y..y� x ;w •a7r ? 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Westchester Ave *-�-+-+ +-i-+-+ r-r t i-+a 14tlt St . --�-_-" L -1177 •--Stokes Ave GO�,Q.: 1 Ch St --- jN seohrest Ave _ � .;�. C.alifarnia Holtam n Ave ; ; Park 1M1rayi ( .•Blanche St 14th St 2005 Ma Questconn Inc,;0 2005 NAVT E 1162005 b1a Questcofn Inc.*Q 2005 NAVTEQ NAVTEO Notes: .................................................................................................................... All rights reserved. Use Subject to ...........................................................................:........................................ License/Copy ri ht 9_ These directions are informational only No ' representation is made or warranty given as to their content, road conditions or route usability.or expeditiousness. User assumes ................................................................................:................................... all risk of use. MapQuest and its suppliers ' assume no responsibility for any loss.or ............................................................................ ................................... dela y resulting from such use. 1 1 ' ' http://www.mapquest.com/directions/main.adp?do=prt&mo=ma&2si=navt&Igi=0&un=m... 1/27/2005 1 APPENDIX B 'SITE-SPECIFIC,HEALTH AND SAFETY TRAINING RECORD FORMS ' 2000_05_204_Health&Safety Plan 1 SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN (HASP) TRAINING RECORD ' Print/Type Employee Name Project Number I have read the HASP listed below and fully understand the material covered. I understand that I am responsible for compliance with the requirements of this HASP and I agree to abide by the same. I also had the opportunity to discuss the information presented in the HASP, and to ask any questions about the information that I want ' clarified. I understand that this record will become a permanent part of my employee health and ' safety training file. 1 ' Employee Signature Date ' HASP Title Date Employee Verified by Date ' HASP Date Revision No. Reviewed Initials (Signature) Verified 2000_05_204_Health&Safety Plan ' SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN (HASP) TRAINING RECORD ' Print/Type Employee Name Project Number ' I have read the HASP listed below and fully understand the material covered. I understand that I am responsible for compliance with the requirements of this HASP and ' I agree to abide by the same. I also had the opportunity to discuss the information presented in the HASP, and to ask any questions about the information that I want clarified. I understand that this record will become a permanent part of my employee health and ' safety training file. ' Employee Signature Date HASP Title 1 Date Employee Verified by Date ' HASP Date Revision No. Reviewed Initials (Signature) Verified 1 ' 2000_05_204_Health&Safety Plan J SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN (HASP) TRAINING RECORD Print/Type Employee Name Project Number I have read the HASP listed below and fully.understand the material covered. 1. understand that I am responsible for compliance with the requirements of this HASP and ' I.agree to abide by the same. I also had-the opportunity to discuss the information presented in the HASP, and to ask any questions about the information that I want ' clarified. ' I understand that this record will become a permanent part of my employee health and safety training file. Employee Signature Date HASP Title ' Date Employee Verified by Date HASP Date Revision No. Reviewed Initials (Sig-nature) Verified 1 ' 2000_05_204_Health&Safety Plan RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. 2103 Twentieth Street Bakersfield, California 93301 (661) 324-6152, FAX (661) 324-6172 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Subject: Site Investigation @ Fastrip Gas Station Date: 01/25/05 3701 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield Send Via: Mail X As Requested Attn: Mr. Howard Wines X Review X Your Information Company: Bakersfield Fire Department Approval Prevention Services Signature Return Other Address: 900 Truxtun Ave. Suite 210 Bakersfield,CA. 93301 Items Enclosed: Site Investigation Workplan Project# 200204 Comments: RAM is pleased to provide you with a copy of the report.'A'copy was also sent to JACO Oil Company. If you have any questions,please call me at(661) 324-6152. P Respectfully, ichard M. sagrande President 2000 05 204 lot Howard Wines JACO OIL - � COMPANY , i FASTRIP ' MING & REAL ROAD �. BAKERSFIELD,CA. ti SOIL CONFIRMATION SAMPLING REPORT i ' PROJECT # 200143 JUNE, 2004 ENVIRONMENTAL [ - ENGINEERING (� SERVICES, INC. 2103 20'' Street • Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-6152 • FAX(661) 324-6172 Ming&Real Rd. Project 200143 ' June,2004 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 2 ' 2.0 SOIL SAMPLING................................................................................................... 2 . 2.1 Pre-Field Investigation.................................................................................... 2 2.2 Confirmation Soil Sampling........................................................................... 2 ' 2.3 Laboratory Analysis......................................................................................... 3 3.0 FINDINGS.............................................................................................................. 3 1 3.1 Site Characteristics........................................... ............................................ 3 3.2 Analytical Results.........:.................................................................................. 3 4.0 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS................................................................................. 4 1 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................. 6 6.0 LIMITATIONS....................................................................................................... 6 ' 7.0 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 7 8.0 SIGNATURE PAGE .............................................................................................. 8 1 ' FIGURES Figure I Area Map ' Figure 2 Site Map ' APPENDICES Appendix A Laboratory Results Appendix B Sampling Plan 1 2000_04_143_Ming&Real Rd. Ming&Real Rd. Project#200143 ' June 2004 1.0 INTRODUCTION ' On February 19, 2004, RAM conducted confirmation sampling at the Fastrip Market located at Ming &Real Road Bakersfield, California(Site). Prior to work at the Site, a Job Site Safety Plan and a Site Sampling Plan were prepared. The sampling plan was ' reviewed in the field with Mr. Howard Wines of the Bakersfield Fire Department's Environmental Unit prior to the start of sampling. This investigation was conducted as part of the replacement of existing underground tanks,piping and dispensers at the ' station. This report describes the field procedures, observations, and findings, and laboratory results of the soil samples collected at the Site. ' The current use of the Site is as a JACO OIL-owned Fastrip self-serve gas station and convenience store. Immediately adjacent to the Site are commercial developments including a car rental business and a small restaurant. The site is bordered on the north by ' Ming Avenue and on the east by Real Road. The excavation area consisted of the northeast and eastern portions of the Site. ' The scope of work for this investigation was developed in conversation with Mr. Roy Saunders of JACO OIL and Mr. Kevin Malamma of RAM and follows the Soil Sampling Guidelines for underground storage tanks, Bakersfield City Standards and US EPA S.W. ' 846, 3rd Edition. ' 2.0 SOIL SAMPLING 2.1 Pre-Field Investigation ' The specific sampling plan for this work was developed using RAM's standard procedures for soil sampling and is attached. A site layout was reviewed and ' proposed sampling sites were selected and numbered (see attached Plot Plan of Fastrip Site) prior to the sampling. The approximate depth to groundwater(150- 200-feet bgs) was also determined prior to field work using the Kern County ' Water Agency's 1999 report. 2.2 Confirmation Soil Sampling ' Sampling was conducted on Thursday February 19, 2004 and Wednesday February 25, 2004 using the site-specific sampling plan. Samples were collected at depths of 2-feet and 6-feet bgs at each end and in the center of each tank ' location (four tanks total). Samples were also collected at each of the four dispenser sites at depths of 2-feet and 6-feet bgs. All samples were excavated to depth using the backhoe or excavator at the site. Samples were collected into 2- ' inch by 6-inch brass sleeves by pushing them into the soil collected in the backhoe bucket. Samples were then sealed with Teflon and plastic caps. All samples were double-bagged and placed on ice. A PID model photo vac 2020, ' 10.6 eV UV lamp, was used to sample the void left when the brass sleeve was removed from the backhoe or excavator's bucket. Results were logged in field notes. ' 2000_04_143_Ming&Real Rd. 2 1 Ming&Real Rd. Project#200143 ' June 2004 Samples collected on February 25th consisted of composite samples of the three ' distinct spoils piles left at the site. Each of the piles were divided into grids and samples were collected by removing the top 1-foot layer of soils before collecting a representative sample from each pile in an eight-ounce glass jar. The samples were capped with Teflon tape, labeled, double bagged, and placed on ice. 2.3 Laboratory Analysis ' All the samples collected were labeled,placed in an ice chest, cooled to 4°C, and transported to the laboratory under a completed chain-of-custody form. Selected samples were analyzed for the following constituents using EPA approved ' methods: • Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g, carbon range C 4- C 12) ' using EPA Method 8015M; • Total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH-d, carbon range C 12-C 24) Using EPA Method 8015M; ' • Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX) and fuel oxygenate methyl tert-butyl ether(MTBE) using EPA.Method 8021. Analyses were performed by BC Laboratories, a state certified laboratory for the above analysis. The tentative-results of the sampling were forwarded to the Bakersfield City Fire Department's Howard Wines and Steve Underwood for ' their review. 3.0 FINDINGS ' 3.1 Site Characteristics A PID meter was used during sampling to monitor volatiles in the soil. Three ' significant readings were noted in the field. At sample site 6-2 a reading of 44.9 was recorded. At sample site 6-6 a reading of 88.9 was recorded and at sample , site 7-2 a reading of 26 was recorded. ' 3.2 Analytical Results The analytical results are summarized below and the laboratory reports are ' included as Appendix B. t ' 2000_04_143_Ming&Real Rd. 3 Ming&Real Rd. Project#200143 ' June 2004 4.0 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS ' The majority of the levels analyzed for TPH-g were in the <20 ppm range (11 ppm to 2.0 ppm). One sample location did show results that were higher(site#6-2 & 6-6 were 3000 ppm and 2000ppm respectively). The levels are above the allowable limits for leaving ' soils in place that are referenced in the LUFT Manual (using Table 2-1 Leaching Potential Analysis for Gasoline and Diesel Using Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPD) and Benzene, Toulene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylene (BTEX), page 29). ' TPH-d peaked at 2400 ppm (mg/m) and 920 ppm at sample site#6 (6-2 and 6-6 respectively). At the spoil piles, the soils from the dispenser area recorded a level of 570 ' ppm. All other samples were less than 100 ppm, with the majority being less than the PQL. All of these levels are not above the allowable levels as referenced in the LUFT Manual (using Table 2-1 Leaching Potential Analysis for Gasoline and Diesel Using ' Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPD) and Benzene, Toulene, Ethylbenzene, and, Xylene (BTEX)page 29). ' The concentrations for some of the BTEX constituents analyzed were above the levels allowed in the LUFT Manual(using Table 2-1 Leaching Potential Analysis for Gasoline and Diesel Using Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPD) and Benzene, Toulene, ' Ethylbenzene, and Xylene (BTEX), page 29). Samples 6-2 and 6-6 recorded levels for Xylenes at 240 mg/kg and 130 mg/kg respectively. All other samples were below the standards described in both the LUFT Manual and the Water Quality Goals for the ' Central Valley Region (California Environmental Protection Agency, Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, August 2003). ' The concentrations of MTBE were all less than the practical Quantifiable Limit (PQL) for each of the sites sampled. ' These levels are determined by the analytical method used, the degree of interference in the lab test, and is based on the QA/QC used by the lab for certification. The regulatory threshold (R.T.) is an amount, which varies by chemical that is usually used to determine if further investigation is needed or provide an initial clean-up level. All of these levels are based on risk of contamination to water. All of the samples collected for this report ' were soil samples. Groundwater in the vicinity of this site is between 150 to 200 bgs according to the Kern County Water Agency's 1999 Water Supply Report. ' 2000_04_143_Ming&Real Rd. 4 Ming&Real Rd. Project#200143 June 2004 Summary of Laborator y Results ' Soil Boring Depth Benzene Ethyl benzene Toluene X lens MTBE TPH-g TPH-d No. ft (mg/kg)' 1-2 Tank 1 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 1-6 Tank 1 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL 0.017 <PQL <PQL <PQL 2-2 Tank 1 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 2-6 Tank 1 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 3-2(Tank 1) 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 3-6 Tank 1 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 4-2 Tank 2 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 4-6 Tank 2 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL ' 5-2 Tank 2 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 5-6 Tank 2 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 6-2 Tank 2 2.0 ft. <P L 25 25 240 <PQL 300.0. 2400 6-6 Tank 2 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL 14 130 <PQL 2000 920 ' 7-2 Tank 3 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL 0.028 <PQL <PQL <PQL 7-6 Tank 3 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 53 8-2 Tank 3 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL ' 8-6 Tank 3 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 9-2 Tank 3 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 9-6 Tank 3 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 10-2 Tank 4 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <P L <PQL <PQL <PQL- 10-6 Tank 4 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 11-2 Tank 4 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 11-6 Tank 4 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL ' 12-2 Tank 4 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 12-6 Tank 4 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL D1-2 Disp 2.0 ft. <PQL 0.020 <PQL 0.018 <PQL 2.2 15 ' D1-6 Disp 6.0 ft. <PQL 0.14 <PQL <PQL <PQL 11 60 D2-2 Disp 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL 46 D2-6 Disp 2 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL D3-2 Disp 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL D3-6 Disp 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL D4-2 Disp 4 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL D4-6 Disp 4 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL ' P1-2 Co.Pie 2.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL P1-6 Co.Pie 6.0 ft. <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL <PQL SP Soil Pile 1 <PQL 0.0055 <PQL <PQL <PQL' 4.8 96 ' SP 2 Soil Pile 2 <PQL 0.019 0.44 2.1 <PQL 9.4 32 SP 3 Soil Pile 3 0.011 9.4 12 84 <PQL 1000 570 Notes: 1.Results shown are above standards set by the state for contamination to water(LUFT Manual,October ' 1989) 2000_04_143_Ming&Real Rd. 5 1 Ming&Real Rd. Project#200143 ' June 2004 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ' The levels of BTEX, gasoline, and diesel constituents that exceeded the levels in the LUFT Manual and the Water Quality Goals for the Central Valley Region were limited to one sampling location (6-2 & 6-6). All other samples were below acceptable levels listed in both of the above documents for chemicals of concern. Based on the findings, RAM concludes that levels of BTEX, MTBE, gasoline, and diesel constituents are not present at levels or depths that are likely to affect the groundwater beneath the site. One sampling ' location, tank#2,boring 6, had levels of hydrocarbons that did not fully attenuate. Since this was the only location where levels were above the R.T. noted in the LUFT Manual, it would not be unreasonable to assume that, as an isolated point at the site, TPHg. Levels ' will attenuate at depth. However, at a later date, it would be advisable to review this#6 boring area again as a course of further study. Soil from the soil piles should be removed and disposed of or used for other purposes by JACO. ' 6.0 LIMITATIONS tRAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. has prepared this Report, for the exclusive use of Mr. Roy Saunders of JACO Oil as it pertains to the property located at 785 Ming Avenue in Bakersfield, California. Our professional services have been ' performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by other professionals practicing in this field. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the professional advice in the Report. Any use of or ' reliance on this Report by a third party shall be at such party's sole risk. ' RAM assumes no responsibility for site conditions or activities that were outside the scope of the inquiry requested by Mr. Roy Saunders. It is recognized that regulatory requirements may change, including the revision of accepted action levels, which could ' necessitate a review of the discussion, findings, recommendations or opinions of the Report. 1 1 1 1 ' 2000 04_l43_Ming&Real Rd. ` 6 Ming&Real Rd. Project#200143 June 2004 ' 7.0 REFERENCES ' Department of Water Resources (DWR), 1975, California's Ground Water, DWR Bulletin No. 118 Kern County Water Agency, Water Supply Report, .1999, May 2003. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc., Soil Sampling Workplan, September 2003. Kern County Environmental Health Services Department. U.T. 35. US-EPA S.W. 846 3rd. Ed. i ' 2000_04_143_Ming&Real Rd. 7 Min g&Real Rd. Project#200143 June 2004 8.0 SIGNATURE PAGE t This Soil Characterization Report for Mr. Roy Saunders, date June 8, 2004 was prepared by RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. under the responsible charge of the following professionals: 1 Kevin Malamma, REA Project Manager t r Richard M. Casagrande, REHS ' President 1 1 � M � t ' 2000_04_143_Ming&Real Rd. 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 � eIcuxes ,q Dr.LoRM1 MINE Iii ■i���~a�► Ion —0-14 ■■��■Ilii.aaa _r:'iaaa�rara■ �rP n p ■ra�atia��noon f1rriz WOM ION liaauurrrau�us__eu . ...•. II1�i,R --`-��_-r�* �■ ■rya.====__= ��I��s� f ■a�ar_s�=�=+ tir —�_7/+ -f�4rrral�aarr�a.ra} r � ■rrrrrr. . �'�+l �arr.aaf� ��i ��ra■ ■ .I�j�g Il��1 GIIIC,■ 1� � 1 u:�� ■.■:III ��'i #It1� 9f` j� ,�,�� of 1�1f d—C� ■mill � MO VIM�Cl � ^nom Pupal..,1111 '1 0 Elm INN gum �,-.4'�d�lll ���— .�� � 1 C� ,�, r gal w►i t. Will IGI1111t FIGURE I AREA MAP i ■ � . V� •iri "I,: - rr � ii 1 / / FAST&ITAT MING&REAL , � . ROADS, 1 BAKERSFIELD, 111 1, F.46" _ urt Fastrip Market Site 'lie. ;.'.` a ♦ . ,,, ., �•`.' Rads L I i:lw I-Lqf)N Data use subject to license. fl ©2004 Del-orme.XMap®4.5. 0 180 360 540 720 900 www.delorme.com MN(13.9-E) Data Zoom 15-0 JACO OIL FIGURE 2 RAM ENVIRONMENTAL JUNE 2004 SITE MAP ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. SOIL CONFIRMATION FASTRIP AT MING& 2103 20TH STREET SAMPLING REPORT REAL ROADS, BAKERSFIELD,CA.93301 BAKERSFIELD,CA 2000-04-143—FIGURE-2—SITE MAP I a _ 1 TANKS DISPENSERS PIPING J rI 1 �r I TK-1 D1-2 P1-2 1-2 D1-6 P1-6 1-6 D2-2 I 2-2 D2-6 2-6 D3-2 j I 3-2 D3-6 Soil Pile I v 3-6 D4-2 ------ -------p ----- PROP. MARKET BLDG. D4-6 SP-1 1 i TK-2 D5-2 SP-2 ' D 4-2 D5-6 SP-3 3 - i 4-6 D6-2 1 5-2 D6-6 - 5-6 6-2 S P 3 6-6 Q TK-3 I Q i 2 1 7-2 i i 4 : 8-2 d 1 ' Q P 1 1 8-6 W ----- ! ----- ( 9-2 PARKING(7 1 Lie 3 2 1 ° I Tkl 9-6 . L--------------------J f I mP.) ` .- TK-4 1°°4 5 6 ° 1 Tk2 SP2 10-2 ' L--------- --------------------J ' I AC PAVED PARWNG _ 11 -2 1 i !°° 9 S 7 ° , Tk3 --------------==--- 11-6 --------------------, . i 12-2 L12 11 10'- ; I 12-6 IL--------------------JI + l.•.a SQA 1 IPAR" G IS CAPS) dv 1 i I 1 u , I o I - I CL05E IEJ DRIVE t REPLACE s/CDZB t GU(.t wALKViAY l ' MING AVENUE I i ' 785 - MING & REAL - ;SITE PLAN 2000_04_143_TDP APPENDIX A ' LABORATORY REPORTS 1 Certified Analytical Report Cover- Page 1 of 1 tIBC Laboratories Inc. Cover Report ORIGINAL RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ' 2103 20TH ST. Project Number: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ' COC Number: ' Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA BCL Number: 04-01765 This report contains the analytical results for the samples received under chain of ' custody by BC Laboratories, Inca The samples were logged into the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) and BC Lab numbers were assigned to each sample. The result of the temperature check, condition of the samples and ' any other discrepancies were recorded on the cooler receipt form. ' All applicable quality control procedures met method-specific acceptance criteria, except as noted on the following analytical and quality control reports. ' This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. 1 \ 1 t ' California DOHS Certification 1186 Authorized Signature All result listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party.BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration;detachment or third party interpretation. Printed Q-R/0J�MQQ6.o1A:4ta_ersfield,CA 93308 * (661)327-4911 * Fax(661)327-1918 *,w%,rv.bclabs.corrQ4-01765 BC LABORATORIES INC. SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM Rev. No. 10 01/21/04 Page 1 Of rSubmission #: -019 Project Code: TB Batch # SHIPPING INFORMATION SHIPPING CONTAINER Federal Express ❑ UPS ❑ Hand Delivery Ice Chest O. None ❑ r BC Lab Field Service ❑ Other ❑ (Specify) Box ❑ Other ❑ (Specify) ' Refrigerant: Ice Blue Ice ❑ None ❑ Other ❑ Comments: Custody Seals: Ice Chest ❑ Containers ❑ None Comments: Intact? Yes ❑No O 1 Intact?Yes ❑ No ❑ ' All samples received? Yes No O All samples containers intact?y�Y/es No ❑ Description(s) match COC? Yes No ❑ COC Received Ice Chest ID t"G w Emissivity � '�� DatelT(me Z—� YES O NO Temperature: °C Container Oil LFWX ZI Thermome er ID: 1 Analyst Init SAMPLE NUMBERS SAMPLE CONTAINERS t 2 3 4 5 6 j 7 1 10 ' OT GENERAL MINERAL/GENERAL PHYSICAL PT PE UN PRESERVED 1'INORGANIC CHEMICAL NIETALS ' PT INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS PT CYANIDE PT NITROGEN FORMS ' PT TOTAL SULFIDE 2oz.NITRATE/NITRITE 100ml TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON ' T TOX PT CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND PtA PHENOLICS ' 40ml VOA VIAL TRAVEL BLANK 40ml VOA VIAL T EPA 413.1 413.2 418.1 ' PT ODOR RADIOLOGICAL BACTERIOLOGICAL ' 40 ml VOA VIAL-504 T EPA 508/608/8080 T EPA 515.1/8150 ' T EPA 525 T EPA 525 TRAVEL BLANK I00ml EPA 547 ' 100m1 EPA 531.1 . T EPA 548 I T EPA 549 ' 11T EPA 132 T EPA 80151 T QA/0C T4 AMBER 1 ' dZ.JAR l 32 OZ.JAR SOIL SLEEVE ' PCB VIA[, PLASTIC BAG FERROUS IRON �t ENCORE Comments: ' Sample Numbering Completed By: �j_ Date/Time: to 1 tN'.00CS,WP80 LAII UOCS%FO(ttNSiSr NIREC2.v,'PC BC LABORATORIES INC. SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM Rev. No. 10 01/21/04 Page J Of -5 tSubmission #:Q "OI Project Code: TB Batch # SHIPPING INFORMATION `S,HIPPING CONTAINER ' Federal Express ❑ UPS ❑ Hand Delivery Ice Chest,� None ❑ BC Lab Field Service ❑ Other ❑ (Specify) Box ❑ Other ❑ (Specify) ' Refrigerant: IceV Blue Ice ❑ None ❑ Other ❑ Comments: Custody Seals: Ice Chest ❑ Containers ❑ None Comments: Intact? Yes ❑No ❑ PIntact?Yes ❑ No ❑ ' All samples received? Yes No❑ All samples containers intact? Yes No❑ Description(s) match COC? Yes kNo ❑ COC Received Ice Chest ID S-- ) Emissivity Date/Time ES ❑ {�� Temperature: C v °C c`�n[t finer G 1(� IV IV ' Thermometer 1 -\ Analyst Init SAMPLE CONTAINERS 1 //3 1 o+ I X I I I1 1 2-0 1 lez-1 ZZ Z3 2 ' OT GENERAL MINERAL/GENERAL PHYSICAL PT PE UNPRESERVED T INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS ' PT INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS PT CYANIDE PT NITROGEN FORMS ' PTTOTALSUI.FIm 2oz.NITRATE/NITRITE IOOmI TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON ' T TOX PT CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND PtA PHENOLICS ' 40mlVOA VIAL TRAVEL BLANK 40m1 VOA VIAL T EPA 413.1 413.2 418.1 ' PT ODOR RADIOLOGICAL BACTERIOLOGICAL. ' 40 ml VOA VIAL-504 T EPA 508/608/8080 T EPA 515.1/8150 T EPA 525 T EPA 525 TRAVEL BLANK 100ml EPA 547 ' 1 OOmI EPA 531.1 . T EPA 548 T EPA 549 ' T EPA 632 T EPA 8015M T QA/ C T AMBER 8 OZ.JAR 32 OZ.JAR SS SOIL,SLEEVE I ' PCB VIAL, PLASTIC BAC FERROUSIRON ' ENCORE Comments: ' Sample Numbering Completed By: Date/Time: IFI::DOCS`.WPBOLLAB DOGS+FORMS-`.Sq MREC 2.vJPDi 1 BC LABORATORIES INC. SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM Rev. No. tD . . 01/21104 Page . Of Submission #: �� Project Code: TB Batch # SHIPPING INFORMATION IPPING CONTAINER Federal Express ❑ UPS ❑ Hand Delivery Ice Chest None ❑ BC Lab Field Service ❑ Other ❑ (Specify) Box ❑ Other ❑ (Specify) Refrigerant: Ice Slue Ice ❑ None ❑ Other ❑ Comments: Custody Seals: Ice Chest ❑ Containers ❑ None [ Comments: llntac,?Yes ❑No ❑ Intact?Yes ❑ No ❑ / ' All samples received? Yes No ❑ All samples containers intact??Yes No ❑ Description(s)match COC? Yes YNo ❑ COC Received Ice Chest ID4g-ti o Emissivity Da Thermometer ID: te/Time rl�t`D ' YES 0 NO Temperature: °C Container � o Analyst Init SAMPLE NUMBIFIFIR SAMPLE CONTAINERS ux 1.rw l .� �� 30 3 OT GENERAL MINERAL/GENERAL PHYSICAL PT PE UNPRESERVED ' 111 INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS PT INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS PT CYANIDE PT NITROGEN FORIVIS PTTOTALSULFIDE 2oz.NITRATE/NITRITE 100ml TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON ' T TOX PT CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND PIA PHENOLICS ' 40ml VOA VIAL TRAVEL BLANK 40ml VOA VIAL 1 I I I ! I ! I I I I ! I I I I I I T EPA 413.1 4 13.2 418.1 ' PT ODOR RADIOLOGICAL BACTERIOLOGICAL ' 40 ml VOA VIAL-504 T EPA 5081608/8080 T EPA 515.1/8150 T EPA 525 T EPA 525 TRAVEL BLANK I00mI EPA 547 100m1 EPA 531.1 T EPA 548 T EPA 549 ' T EPA 632 T EPA 8015M T QA/ C ' T AMBER 8 OZ.JAR 32 OZ.JAR ll ' SOIL SLEEVE I I PCB VIAL, PLASTIC BAG FERROUS IRON ENCORE Comments: ' Sample Numbering Completed By: j Date/Time: 2 I' !H:IDOMW-801LAe l'.0-5�FOFrA5k54MPEr12.%'/PDj BC'LASOR;4TOAlES INC. SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM Rev:No. 10 01121/04 Page Of Submission #: Project Code: TB Batch # SHIPPING INFORMATION f SHIPPING CONTAINER ' Federal Express ❑ UPS ❑ Hand Delivery Ice Chest/— None ❑ BC Lab Field Service ❑ Other ❑ (Specify) Box ❑ Other ❑ (Specify) ' Refrigerant: Ice Blue Ice ❑ None ❑ Other ❑ Comments: Custody Seals: Ice Chest ❑ Containers D None Comments: Intact?Yes ❑.No .❑ Intact? Yes ❑ No ❑ All samples received? Yes No D All samples containers intact?//Yes No❑ Description(s) match COG? Yes No ❑ COC Received Ice Chest IDv1Q Emissivity Date/Time��l�t"b y I YES ❑ NO Temperature: °C Container Thermometer ID: Analyst Mit SA SAMPLE CONTAINERS �44 33 a 5 s 7 a s io OT GENERAL MINERAL/GENERAL PHYSICAL PT PE UNPRESERVED -r INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS PT INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS PT CYANIDE PT NITROGEN FORMS PT TOTAL SULFIDE 2oz.NITRATE I NITRITE ' 100mI TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON T TOX PT CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND PtA PHENOLICS ' 40m1 VOA VIAL TRAVEL BLANK 40ml VOA VIAL T EPA 413.1 4 13.2 418.1 1 PT ODOR RADIOLOGICAL BACTERIOLOGICAL ' 40 ml VOA VIAL-504 T EPA 508/608/8080 T EPA 5 15,118150 T EPA 525 T EPA 525 TRAVEL BLANK 100ml EPA 547 100ml EPA 531.1 T EPA 548 T EPA 549 T EPA 632 T EPA 8015M T OA/QC ' T AMBER 8 OZ.JAR 32 OZ.JAR SOIL SLEEVE l PCB VIAtr PLASTIC BAG FERROUS IRON ENCORE 'Comments: Sample Numbering Completed By: J Date/Time: Z I 5— IH:'UOCS\VJFd01l_!•.E_DOCS+'�^RMS�S�P'AF,C�.'J' �� Laboratories. Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:35 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 1-2 TK 1 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-1 - -- - - [ns rte:->s>:ss s'=:t >r :»s 3:>>s»::G':»s?:?:; »">:: ;:: :: ;;;: :;::.:;: :.: s::;:::::t s;_..:: ;:_t;;.,..::t :::::.:<:;:;:.:.:t rc::t::::... :.:::::::.:a:;::t;:;:;;;s ;:;:sr;;:............ ::. ::: :: ::::::::__----::.._...:: _:..::. :::::...:....:.....:::....:::: ......::::.:::::::. _..... .................... .. ._..._.v.... s= ::_:-:::__�_::-: -::..;:;_:;.::._._::::__::;.;:;_..:_::;-_.._:::::�<::a:::::.;::.:::::,-.....;;a.:::........: .:<:;....;:::.:.-:..::.:......:>:>ss;:;�>.�>; i>sB.asa.J�»�S »»`.::..ualsai:>i ....:....: .........:..:_nt..:.:. ............. .... ........t�es�l.t.,=,...:. ..-��.#.t� ......._.F�#.-_:.:�-_.::.:=.M1��-=:::_ Me v. 32�rriiaf�,'Flme...�inaf st....;cnent..[D.... DHaJtun... .... Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 11:46 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 11:46 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 11:46 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND_ Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg I 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 11:46 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 11:46 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Gasoline Range Organics (C4- C12) <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 11:46 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND :::::.::::.-::.::::::-::::::::::::::::.:-:::::.::-::::.-::::::::::::::.:::.::::::::::.:...:.-:::::::.:.:::::::::.:..:::::::.::::::::--..:::....::.::.::.:.:..::...:::..--::::::.-::::::.-......:::: ::.:::::.......:.......::.:-...:..:::::::......:::.........:::::.:::_.::.:::::.::::::.:::::::::::.:-: :::::::::.:::::.::::::::::.-::.... :.-:.......:.::::::::::::::::::::::.-::::..:.......:.......... .......::::::::::.......................... .: ...................s: :;;:;: :t::;;:;:ts:-.:.....t t:c;::s;::;;:::;>;;;;;;;;;;;;;t:;::::::;:::::;: t:;;:;:;;::._:;:;;:..:;::;:t_.:;;:_;;:.:;:::;::;;::;:::;t_;;:i:`:isr;:;:::::r.:;;;:t;.:;;:: a;;:`i;:%i;;i;;;;»?::: ii ;iii;::.. :.:::...:::.-::.::.:::::..:::.::.:::::. ::::.::::.-:::::::.:::::...........::::::::.:.-:::-.:-::::::::::.::::..::::::.-::::.:, ........................ ::.........::......:...:..............:....:....... ................................... .................................................... ..._..... ::.:::::.::::.::::::_..:: :;:s a:• r.. h:•::.......:::.-:::::;;;;;:::s;;:c:::fnslGtl.-:;;:s::;::a::;;:;;;;::a:;;:;•s:•;;•;;;;;::.. ..,:;;;;;;;;;:s;;;;;;;;>:>;.. ......................_......_..._........_ Pce ........................_ R>J 4 :,-::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::,:::.::......::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::.:::::::::.-:_.::::-:::::::::.:.:::::.::::::_::_::__...................-:__:::.:::_::::::::::::::.-::_:.: _::.:::::::::;::::.:::.. ..................�......................_................__.................. .......................................................................................-....... ...-.......................:...................................::....:::................,........_.. :. ::::: - ::;._:. .....:.. ._.. .................... .. ............... E •.. .......: rra..ate......e :Ana# st::..rnerrt<:[D°;r..Da3tJtian. .....Batch:ID.;:...... ........._.........................._C� ....................... S.urro. ate...Co.m. . ................................>tie$.f��t=._................_[#�f.#1;s.............._1r�trfl[..�.�rnf�s_.........1�1t. fit.... -.::=..._t�ate....:.......................... ..............................................�............................................................................_................................... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 75 % 70-130 8021 B 02/23/04 02/23/04 11:46 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 104 % 70-130 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 111:46 } HKS J GC-VS 1 1 302-100436 California DOHS Ce"ifia®tIOM+#U8&rt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersficid,CA 93303`(661)327-4911 'FAX(661)327-191 S•www.bclabs.com Printed 03/18/2004 08:37:18 04-01765-1 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:37 _ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth _ Sampling Point 1-6 TK 1 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-2 :.:.:::::. .:...:::..::;:::.:::.:. .......:;;:::::..: :. :::;::....::::::::::::::.:...::::: .......:............... .::: .:::t: :::::::.::. G::.:...:.::. : :::.:M B Lab - .......t?ce .......... ................................RrJn................. .. 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Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 20:44 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 . ND 002 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 20:44 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 20:44 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 20:44 HKS GC-VS 1 1 302-100433 ND 002,003 Total Xylenes 0.017 mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 20:44 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ 00_2__ Gasoline Range Organics(C4- C12) <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/22/04 02/22/04 20:44 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND ::::::..::::.r.::...... .....,..:.:..................:........ .................::.........:.............,... ...........::........ ................ . ............. :.::..... .;;;::.;a;::;.:.:..:::::x:._ ::..:.....,-..........::..... ....................._.............................._......................_.... .-.-....-..-....................._...-...--................ .......�::. .:....::,..... ......:............. a.......... .......:.... :.::::::;:;::: .._..:::.: :::_:......:.::_::.::: :::;_x�:.::::: ..................................: .: :.::.::.-. ;::;::::::::::;-:.::::.....:.-::.:::;:i: ::.:>-;-.. ........................,:-.............:... .;a:;;::.>:.:::::..:.:,..::..::;...::....:;...::..::-..:: ,..:......::.E�esEZEt>_:;::;::::t: :;;:::�.EIS;-:.- t#ID afe�._C.am cl>:rr�.ds..........................................................................:::.:::..._�.......-....._... .........._:...:�....::....................._.-.:_.:..::::.-::::.: a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 82 % 70-130 8021B 02/22/04 102/22/04 20:44 HKS GC-V8, 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 I Surrogate) 118 j % 70-130 8015M 02/22/04 02/22/04 20:44 1 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS Certifaetioia 4618,5trt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersrteld,CA 93308«(661)327-4911 'FAX(661)327-1918•v.,Nv\v.bciabs.com Printed 03/18/2004 08:37:22 04-01765-2 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- lReceive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 ISampling Date/Time 02/19/200.4 @ 14:37 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 1-6 TK 1 iSample Matrix Soil Sampled By (KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-2 QtlStttCfN...,R...:t i% ti::: ::.:::..::: is.;::.ist:::;::i;:i"f.:e:..:S..::U.::(:t:ii.`.,?.:.i.'.:,i._:;.:::::.:.'..E.::3:•.Ef:S.....:.::.:.:. ....' :.::: . ......... .... ......... . .. .......r... •:::. :;:.:;;i::;:,..::::. . .. QC . 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Lab..;. Fre ......... Ran...:..............................Enstru.::•; :..,...:.-:..::...... ..... .QC. ...: $f.'SUIt ..... . lfl3E S (3E3t3?4 :: tt�::::::.:.... +2 .Od».. un t#a#e: Fime:: knaT st ment.[D:::>::Dl3ution..:......[3aYctID?s:::: 'B`as Quals e...C.o.m otrnds.......................................... t .. ....... . .. . . !L�E� .......M t>h . .............gate........R..................._.......................... ............... ...........................__.........................._......_.......................................................... _... ... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 82 % 70-130 I 8021B 02/22/04 1 02/22/04 20:44 1 HKS j GC-V8 1 1302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 1 1 Surrogate) 118 I % 70-130 j 8015M i 02/22/04 102/22/04 20:44 HKS GC-V8 I 1 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS 0erMdeatlan,#f;is1r&Art are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation.detachment or third part,interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court-Bakersfield.CA 93308•(661)3274911 'FAX(661)337-1915,www.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:40:10 04-01765-2 Laboratories, Ine -7 RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10_ _ Project Number 1200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:40 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 2-2 TK 1 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 104-01765-3 ....... ....... . ......... ........................ ... .....:....... ........................tun..:- .. [nsiru-:.:.: QC IVIB Lab :' Pre ......... .. =:.:;_: .:. :>.i: r:':::`.::;;;: :: "`:;: e;:..... ... a(s LfeRt..._.......... es a .00I. ... n-IIafe.._Ftrtte:>:: Ai�at st`>::meri4'ID fl�luttori: 13M6 ID Bjas Qu._..._.._._.. ................P.QL._................iV1T3L..._...__M th. . .....:,...Uaie......_..3z ............_......................................._.... .._......................................_. ._........................... Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 17:33 HKS I GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ Q02,s09 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 17:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 _ND _ Q02,S09 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 17:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02,S09 Q02,Q03,S0 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 17:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 _ND __ _ 9__ Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 17:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002,S09 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL I mg/kg 1 1 0.046 8015M 102/20/04 1 02/20/04 17:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND S09 ..................................:;:::::_:a..:::::;::es;:;;_;:s s;;: ;;;............:::::;: &a;:e;:::::::;::;;:::s::; ::r;:... :;::; ;;>::;;;::r:<:::;:.;:ilt ;c=iiii?iis::;:r:::?;;>:s>:t: ..........................................................Pre .........................._..... u Q.............. .:..:.:::.:.....::::...:..::.:. s;a;::: ;;:.:::;;.............................. . ;;::y:=:;•;;;:::::.;.:..,..::a:::.:;.:;::;:.:_: ....:::::.-.-............:.,.:........-:.,:-: ::::_.,..:::.:-:.::::......:.:_;::.;;::;;.::•;:::. ::_;:;;::....:.::t: :a;: as:::.: Ut�EfS ;:-:;:......lh.fit.........fLTt�.... ......fit..... ...........Ante.. .....�2>JSI::�a>'ea>is�trne... Ana4 st:::,:.ment'fD Dllufion: :BaEch:'ID bras Quals ., a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 21 % 70-130 3021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 17:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 s09 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 1 Surrogate) 30 % I 70-130 1 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 17:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 1 s09 Flaq Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. S09 The surrogate recovery on the sample for this compound was not within the control limits. California DOHS C�(; I�t�lti4tetl'i�tHi�PArt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,[tic.asstnnes no responsibility for report altetatiou,separation,detachment or third part),interpretation. 41 00 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 .FAX(661)327-1918"www.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:40:19 04-01765-3 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:45 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 2-6 TK 1 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-4 .. . ..... :...:.:....:.:::.-:.::::::::::::.:...:.::... :..:..:.::.::.........:........::..::::.::..::.::.:-:.:::::::::::. ..:.:............................... .... . : -::xa-;::::;:;::a;;e;; .-:;:: ::...: ....:-::::-::::::.::.::.:: ;:' Tf::; :....:::;:i:ftik::i:::: .:-%= ...... ::.:-:.:. ........... ....-......:;;:;Fr�str�- .:; Pre ............................................Rem Q................................................. ........................ o:nstFtue :; . ................ .-. _;;::;...... ;;;:::::<:.:: ;::..-: ❑t............................................................ eSCilt.................. .. d.......... crte....,Ana st;:a:mentdD:;;::D.dutton::i;:?F3aYcft'IfJ i;.. B#as . Qu ].Fts...._........... Qt`..........._......M.CAL..._.......i�tt>' c. .............t��t6..........r- --* t� of ..............................._..._..................._.. ....................................__._.._................. ___........ Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 80218 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:24 1 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND _ S09 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:24 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09__ Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 6021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:24 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:24 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND _ S09 _ Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:24 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09__ Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:24 HKS G648 1 302-100436 ND S09 ............................................................................................................:....... .--...-..............................-.-...................... ..........-....-........-..........-.............................................::....,..:.:.........:.:..::... _............. R . i � S �d �rQ tts Meth] st:::;rnent::[D::`Di]utian::>:;:>;:Batcfi`ID>' S.u.rro ate.-.Co.m ottn.d. . . .. ............ �........................ .�l.ft .-................ .. .�1. .. .I..��eli.. .-.......... . . .. . ...........--fats ...Rct.................... .............--..-...-- ............... .........................................................................................-..................................................................... . ............. a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 47 % 70-130 8021B 102/23/04 02/23/04 12:24 1 HKS I GC-V8 I 1 302-100436 --I — S09 _ a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 66 %t, 70-130 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 112--24 1 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 S09 Flag Explanations _ S09 IThe surrogate recovery on the sample for this compound was not within the control limits. California DOHS C6"66jIbi 1 iff ljWn are for the e-cclusi,,use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308°(661)327-4911 -FAX(661)327-1918'www.bclabs.com Printed 03/03/2004 11:17:28 04-01765-4 M raboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 1200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:55 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 3-2 TK 1 Sample Matrix ISoil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 104-01765-5 _...::...:.. ,;....:.: MB ........... r ..............................:...:..........#2ttn.....................................Eristru............. ......:.:::.....:QC: . ......................................... ........................................................_................................................................................. P e ............_............ ........................................................ Rt....... ual nt-[D;:?;D.ilLtian ......Batch ID....: bras Q s. _::..._.:...::::::..:..:................................. .. .....E� .. . 1 ._......... .... Ott .................P.�L...................tu1C�L::,...::....Met}tod..... .....Date...:,.:.,3z�n.. ........._..........._......_........._........... .........._................................._.._.........................._............................... ...... _.... Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 1 8021 B 02/20/04 1 02/20/04 18:33 HKS I GGt-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ 002__ Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 80218 02/20/04 02/20/04 18:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 18:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 _ Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 I 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 18:33 HKS GC-V8 ( 1 302-100433 ND _002,003 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 18:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 N_D__ _ 002 Gasoline Range Organics I <PQL I mg/kg 1 0.046 I 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 18:33 1 HKS I GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND ::::: i .........................................::::.::::.::.-.-::.::::::::::.::-::::.:::::::::::.........................:::::.............:::::::.::::::::::.-::::.:::::::::::::.-::::::::::::::::::::::: .::::::::::::::::::::::::.-:::.:::::: :::::::::::::::::.::.:::.:.:::::.-:.::::::::::::::.:::::. ::::::.:::::::::.:::::.:.:.-::.�:::::::.::::::.:::.:: ::.-::::.:-::::.::::::::-.`:.-.::::.:::::::::::::.::::::-:.:::-::�:::: :......:::::-:::::::::.-.-.::::::...........:::::.-.::::::::::.:.:-::.-::::::::::::.-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::: :::..::::::.-::.-::::::::.:::::::.:::::..:.-:::.-:.:::::::::::::::::..::::::::::::: ..... ........................................ Pre ::::.:::::-.-:: :.::.:::::::::::.... tJr�..... .... ..............._...................................................:... .....,..........................._........_......-.............:..:::.:....:::::. ::.-:.:.::._:._.._.._................ ......P............................................................... ........................................._ ..............._..............................................................................._.................... ..................._...... :;..... . ment.[D:::.i.D(lution......:.Batch;ID::• . Blas::..,. ..:.Quals::::: es . ....................tf. tS tS ........ et#tQ.d;;;;:::::::::a e;;:;;;;32>Jrx.Late: :Ecme.::;Anat st ........................R .. .ait:....................... .�.t ................t3at�tr..o1..1..�.rn><.. ............t...... :....:...:.................._U._t_............... ..........._..................................._.............X............._..._................................._..................................................................................... ................_...._...._........... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 82 % 70-130 80216 02/20/04 02/20/04 18:33 1 HKS I GC-V8 1 1 302-100433 _____ a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 115 % 70-130 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 18:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS Q6JRf 4Mati0nridslr8,6rt are for the exclusive use of the subntitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third part),interp retatiun. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)327-4911 •FAA(66i)327-1918'www.bclat)s.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:40:28 04-01765-5 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:58 _ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 3-6 TK 1 ISample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL SamplL& ID 04-01765-6 - - Lab<:« s;:;:..r":mss`` :`s>'>:': »> :: a;::;:;::>;;ss:;; c::.:::::::::::::a;:<s:;x::>:;::;;;:a;z•:..::::::,-::::.-.:.:.-::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::a::;;:;;s:�::ss;:; ::::s: r;;;; ;;;;::;-: ;::;:;s:::s:�aa::;:s»::�:;:; ;::;.�:;:::s::s::�s�rss:�;c;;as;::;s;:;:::a:a;::;;:;;::aas:::: ... 'Er..st u Q ......_:::ii a>;::»;i�t:-;-fit;:;si::;;zRtlrii?;»:s:::;:iv:;:;�;s�>:;t: .............................................................. .Pre : ..:,,•:;.;;:;;. : ...... .....:. i::Tlrr[e;;. Ana[ st: ::menti[D:;: :. 61as iQuals.:.. :> _...... . ................._...................... ::::::.U.n.ftS..:::::_:::::::.:Pt.2�..::::..::.:::.:.-.MI�L............l�t�tt�od........Bate......� �gate.........._........._....... _ . ................._.._... ......._. __.... ... _......... Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 1 80218 02120/04 02/20/04 19:03 HKS I GC-V8 1 1 302-100433 _ND I o02 Toluene <PQL mg/kg j 0.005 0.0040 1 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:03 HKS GC-V8 1 1 302-100433 ND _---002 _ Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 1 0.005 0.0018 1 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002_ Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 1 80218 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND __002,003 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL I mg/kg 1 1 0.046 8015M 1 02/20/04 1 02/20/04 1 19:03 I HKS I GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND L'al7i€ii'?'" :�;:;;:;:iii:3F.:::::;::::;;;'; ;:i;;fs;:t:�;:;;-:;i:;i �::€;isi�;: x::;:s:;;;::::>:;::;;::;::;i;`:;::s:;:::;ii:_:::::;;:::::::�;::;;:;::::::::: ii�si:>;`;:;;;::_:a:_;::::;r::_;:::;_.. ..:;a::>.;;:a;:_;;:: s::t;;i::;:;ts::a::;rsr:.;;:>;;:;;;;:;;i;s�:;:�;:;ia:;;:....�:�;;�::��:`_�:�::;�sa; ... . ...........:....-. ..............:.:.......;....;...........;....-..........;.:;.;.................:::....... -; ........ :........:.:::::.-.�:::...;..::...;...-:..;......:...:.:..:.:: RIJh . fns .................... .. Pre ::::.:.;;:;::;;;;:::::_::::....:;;:::;. ........ .;.. ::-:. .. :... .......:::: of est�t# l . ts... .....Ca f4:.. f. .ttS::::::... l�llet#3od.s:>:€;;;.:Ba e::;:.-:::Run£fate:; tr>te;;:::An st::;;.tnent::[D. Dllutlon.......;.Bateh;.IB; Bras.....:: !Quals :: .: S.u.rro ate...C.o.m ourrd. :..::....:............ ....R rff f3. .. .[..L.rrr....::...:....................................................._t............................................... ................................... ..................... .. s.. ......................................................................................................................................................._.............. a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 77 % 70-130 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:03 HKS I GC-V8 1 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 106 % .70-130 8015M 102/20/04 02/20/04 19:03 I HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS are for the exclusive use of the subnutting party. Be Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third pate interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court`Bakersfield,CA 93308-(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918'www.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:40:38 04-01765-6 �C Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- lReceive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Isampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:32 Sampling Location MING/REAL Isample Depth --- Sampling Point 4-2 TK 2 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 104-01765-7 E st ....:Batch ID:: . . .:Bjas s.Qu. . _.._..... Benzene <PQL 1 mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 1 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 119:33 HKS I GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ 002 _ Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 1 80218 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND___ 002 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg j 0.005 0.0018 80218 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 _ ND f Q02 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ 00_2,003 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg i 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/20/04 02/20!04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 _ Gasoline Range Organics PQL< ( � mg/kg 1 1 1 0.046 8015M 02/20/04 102/20/04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND s ;;a;;;;::>;`;:;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;`sfii;iz1=;;;iir;::: s;;;;;;i;:;;:;;i::;;;:;;;:;;;:;:;;;i;:;:;:i::.`.;;: :;;`;;;;;::::%;;;r,';;;::;':;:;:::isi;;;::`:`:;::ai;:i::;a::a;;:;;`rt<i;;::=:;: ::;;;;::;::::;:;i . .gin::;;:`'>::` ss`>»st Q MB ' s Lal]`.?i' ' i .............. _ Pre. �::>;:s>s�t;:srisrr;;tsri;it:s>�s ;::..;,: ..... ..R .........:.; .: ,:..::: .......; ,.:., :... ,......; .::.; .:.:.nai st.. :::rnent:.iD... Dilution>i`;:Batch'?ID::::'':=: ::[3ias r:Quals <: S.u.rro. afe._C.o . ...............Res:ult...:.::.:.:::::::.;:::Utz.E.fs.-..::::.::::::avo�tto1..�t.mtis::.::.:-:::a�Ce�.o..d_...........Date::::.:...�t>:Irr:�ate �trr�e..k....._... ..............................................................._.............._....................._....._.............._.._.._...... . a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 90 % 1 70-130 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 19:33 1 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 _ - a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 125 i % 70-130 8015M 02/20/04 1 02/20/04 119:33 HKS I GC-V8 1 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS QertdfL0j-jQ@i#?11iJ 4�6rt are for the exclusive use orthe submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assutnes no responsibility for report alte2don,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. X3100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield.CA 93308•(661)327-3911'FAX(661)327-1918'w,A,%v.bc labs.corn Printed 02/24/2004 10:40:46 04-01765-7 Laboratories, Inn -RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004@16:10 Project Number 200143 Isampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:34 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 4-6 TK 2 Isample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE IBCL Sample ID 04-01765-8 :? » M .............................................................................................................................................................Pre fist u �O ..... .:...__. ._,.; ;::::.:_ .:- .::::: =:.:i_i :< ID.?: Bias.:.. :. O.St#tlte.rlt =iiii':`r :........:_:;.._._. ;<. ;x:#me:;;::.na# 8t;< mer at:;iD>;ii::EJ7lvfiort>=: ::'Batch Q_._.................. result....................._U #t�.................tQ�...................M.CAL.........-..Mt#zod............. t�-......... >,.�ate .....-...A.._.... . ................._............ ...._.._.._ _...... .................... ..................................................... ..................................................................... .............................................. .................... . ........... ......................_...........-.................... Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 I 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:13 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 _ Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 1 80218 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:13 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND I_ Q02_ Ethylbenzene <PQL, mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 1 80216 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:13 HKS GG`-V8 1 302-100433 _ ND Q02 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0,00056 1 80218 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:13 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02,Q03 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021 B 102/22/0 4 02/22/04 21:13 HKS i GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _-_ 002 _ Gasoline Range Organics I <PQL I mg/kg 1 0.046 I 8015M 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:13 HKS GC-V8 _ 1 302-100433 ND F::;:: .......................:.......::::::::.::::.. .::::::: :::::::::::::::::.::::::.::::::::.:::::..:::.:::..:...::.::.:.:....::..::.., ,...:::.:-::::::::::::.-:::.:::..:.:..::::. :::::.-..::::::::..-::..,.: . ........ ::: ...................................... #nsirrJ ::;:..:-::;-:.:;::::;.: ::. :: ..: C....::. MB. . : Lab..; Pr E2un::::............ Q...................................................... ................ ::.:-.-::::::.- .::- :::...............:.::::_...................-:::_:::::.:::.- P :.:::::::...::....-............. .......................................::......:.:::.::: ::............: ::........;.....::.: ReSLiI :...... ... .. �E7l.EtS:::: <3t3t30.:: �FTIt tS..•:r:. Et�iOi�.:::::..:.Date.:;:::::.:RzJSt:: ate. #me:::::/rna# st .:Rierlt>.?#D'. Dilution 6..atch:ID, uals urro ate._C.om Ql3nds...._.::...._:::.:..:..:...................... ...................................._.................-..... ..... Y [a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 80 % 1 70-130 8021B 1 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:13 1 HKS GC-VS 1 302-100433,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 urrogate) 114 % I 70-130 8015M 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:13 HKS GC-V8 i 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations _ Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS Certttf&AfiQ�i itnt11is1kW;rt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court*Bakersfield,CA 93308-(661)3-17-4911 *PAA(66 i)327-1918*anvw.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:40:56 04-01765-8 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 _ Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:27___ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth i--- Sampling Point 5-2 TK 2 Sample Matrix Isoil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-9 Q €s>La ...................................................................::.::.::::::::::..:.::::::::::::.-::::::::::::.::::::::::.:::::.::::::::.-::::::::::::::.: ::::::...-:.::::::::::::::::.:::.::: ::::.:::::::.:::.:::::::.::: :: ..................::::.:: :::::.::::::.::::::::::::::.:::.::.:::::::::::::::..:.....::::::::::::.::.:: ::........................._.......................... .....:. :.::::::::::.:::::::::::::::.-.-: . ...:..................::.-:.-.::::............................................... ..:::.:::.::.::::::::::::.:::.::.:.......:::,:.................... ...............::,P:::::::::.:.::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::: . . .:,:::::.::::::::.::-:.:::::.:::.:::.::::::::.-:::.-::::..::,::::.::: ::.-::,::::::::::::..::::.:..:.:::::;::::::::. ::::.::::.:::::::::::::::;:. .,:.;.......:::::::::::,::::.::: ttUeRt iii»:) :? ... ....... c:;;i:: .. . U81S ........ ... ... .... @ 5u1 .... .::::.:.::::::.::..:. Od IIat�:.:Tirxre:;>::kna[ st...:;tneHf[t?# Dilution:.....BatcK::ID.'.:, :.'.Bias.. Q_......._......... l .. . .t............_......._l)]3.Ef5....._..........1`?.Q�...................1nI3 ........_.. E17. _ .............L1ate... 32un._.._.................._.................... ............................................__.........._.............._... .......... ...._....._.................... ....... .................................................................................... Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 80218 02/20/04 '02/20/04 20:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND_ L 002_ Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 20:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 - ND_ 002 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg j 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 20:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ 002 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 20:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002,003 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 20:33 HKS GC-VS 1 302-100433 ND 002 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg I 1 0.046 I 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 20:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND `:..`:L2b' z> ..::.........:.........:.:..:.::..:....:::-.::.::..::::;-...,:.......-.:...:..:......::.::.-:.;.;:-.:..:.:;...;::::.,-..:.;;;:,-.:.;;-.-::;:r-';:::-::::::.;-::::s'aa�:.-:.»a: :_;::::::.::t::..::. :.:.....:..:... ::::..:::.::::'a:::::::an;:t;:::::::.;:.......::-:ar-:. :::....:-..::......x�::;.... ...... ......... Hi�:..... .:.......:::.:.:..:.:.........:..... ....;..::...:......:v-::.:;:......:::;:... .... .......................... ................ :.......:.:.::.�::..�::.::�:::inStr ....... Q ....... .......... ...............::.......:.....:::: eSCt...:::::.::::::........ .. _ ............ ©d.::: S.U.CCO afe.<C.o.rn actrrds.:..................-..........-R--..:.........l t.._.................-UI�.Ets..:._.- ::1Yfe .......... :::::�.-.:::date.:.::.::...R>ifl..........t.__...._�............. ...............y................................................._........._.............._._.......... _... .. . a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 75 % 70-130 8021B 02/20/04 02/20/04 20:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 — a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 8015 Surrogate) 104 I % 70-130 j 8015M 02/20/04 02/20/04 120:33 HKS I GC-V8 I 1 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. __ _. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS QW010MAU Nij Wt are for the exdwive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third part),interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)327.4911 'FAx(661)327-1918•www.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:41:05 04-01765-9 M = = M MM Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:30 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- ------- -...--- ------ Sampling Point 5-6 TK 2 Sample Matrix Isoil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-10 ;.. :..::.RtJn;:::::::.:..::.:::y°<s:::::.tnste�r,:::...:•.. ..:::.:...QG ... MB-. .... .Lab.;' 'QnStltlt ......, .......... .. .::::...:: Pre ......... .........:. .. .... :.:..:.;:_: ;:::. :. s:ei::: a_s'.`:::. Blas. .. tialS:.' ..........Res:pit..................._kf.n.[ts.. .......P_.QL.................MILL.:...... Vi t trod:;;:::=;;:;:D3t :=.°;s: :�a�:::rin�e Rna[ st ment;[D Dilution Batch ID`. .. ......_ Q__.. ..... Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 1 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:43 1 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ 002 _ Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ Q02----- Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg j 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 00_2_ Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ 002,003 Total Xylenes <PQL j mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/22/04 102/22/04 21:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND — _— a_02 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 j 8015M - 1 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:43 HKS GC-VS 1 302-100433 ND ...... . re :.:-::::.::::::....:.:..::..: :.:::.:. Faun..........:.... . ......... .[nst QC...:.. ... MB..... .: Lab, ...-.:;..;;-.:.. :...;- :::;: � ::::; ;;;; >;;;;-::::>ass::::::.: ::::::.:s ::-.:::: ..:::: ::. �Et�3OC�::..- Uat�.:<:..3�tarl:Bate=:�irite::;Anat st ment;:[D.::::Dilutton.. ....Batch.ID...::..';z.-::..Bias. Quals`:. '. a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 72 % 70-130 8021 B 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 Surrogate) (8015 103 I % I 70-130 8015M 02/22/04 02/22/04 21:43 HKS G648 I 1 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations _- Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. _ _....--_.._--------- Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS GertW#CElUQMi&A8Art are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,[tic.assumes no responsibility for report alteratiuo,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 -FAX(661)327-1918""ww.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:41:14 04-01765-10 BC Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 _ Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:20 _ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 6-2 TK 2 Isample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-11 : :trttt�::;;a�::ttt�::;:s::r:::: :.ts_:t:r:::::� :aat[ t:;:;:::::>:::::::;:::;:::::::::::::�::x:::t�:;rstsars:ra:::: i :;� r : isiss:::;:::::>t:;:::;:::::;:_:t:'t=z;:=5if:;;;;;:=t:::::::::::::::.::::'°;:a:'_s;;:::::::s: ::sss:::::::s::;:t::a::: E?r t] . ._.............. ................................... :: e Rt..... ...................................... ......_... -_ .. .:.,.,...... '-;: _Tfrtte.....�naE st.....merit_[D.....D.ifutio °Batcti;IDs; B1as ..............................:..... . . ... ... . Result....- ........_.E#��ts................-#�.CN1DtNt�t�vd....._....Bate:.::..:..tx>�:.�at�..-..................- ..........._-. ...-.._........._........_................. ..._.............. .. .. ... .... _ Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/20/04 23:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Toluene 25 mg/kg 3 2.0 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 500 302-100436 ND Ethylbenzene 25 mg/kg 3 0.86 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 500 302-100436 ND Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/20/04 23:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Total Xylenes 240 mg/kg 5 4.9 8021B 02123/04 02/23/04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 500 302-100436 ND _ Gasoline Range Organics 3000 mg/kg 500 23 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 19:33 1 HKS GC-V8 500 302-100436 ND s09 .................. _................. ........ _ ii:`.5<i; i&`a'��: ;in::........: ........:; ::=:;s��i`::::is:::::::is'::>:::i_ i�:::::::.;:::z s_E:s' ii'z ::....................:`�;;: :::: ...:...;::;:::'s z:s::':•t:::;x;:::a::::;:;:; .::::,::.::::a s;:;:::.....::::y:::..........::.::::�-::::::;'::::::.:::::.-.: .............� � ::;.;s:::�;;:�:�;;;:;:a a:;s r::.:-::::::::: : ::::�:::::::�::::::::. -::::. ; .:..:.... ...................... ..........._...._.......__.....: -.. ...........:....... ........................._ _.. .. ::;:: :::::::: ...._............................--... [?r F�tm fi sfrL_:::............a; QD. .....;;.;:::,.:::.:.1VI6':;::i;:':::..' .k _..........._........._............_.........................................::::::::::::.-::.:::.::::.::_:_::....::_:_:..::_::_. ..=%.::.:::.::::::::::::-:.:.. .............. ............................._. . ._ : :.:-.,:_ ......-....,:..:_.............._._.:-__::._....>-.:=::=:::...._....::;::::::......::......:::;:...........::...........:.:r::::......::a:<;:,;>:;:;..::...... :- _.. . rr. ;Efine: lknaf st.- ::.:Ddvfton.....:Bafch iD > s:.: o ate._C.om vtind R u ................_....U .Ets..............._ .o> tr41..#gifts.........-.lfet#zrx# .......-.-..-....... .._...._..... ......... ........ ...........-.. __.........................................._.................. ........ s............................._....................._..._..............._........_._-................ .._......-.-....--...............................__.......-...... ' � a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 109 % 70-130 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 500 302-100436 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 246 I % 70-130 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 19:33 HKS GC-V8 500 302-100436 s09 Flacl Explanations _ S09 IThe surrogate recovery on the sample for this compound was not within the control limits. California DOHS Certification #1186 All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court.Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)3274911'FAX(661)327-1918'www.bclabs.com Printed 03/03/2004 15:49:09 04-01765-11 M = M 77BC � .L aboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:25 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 6-6 TK 2 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-12 #fiist Q :s:: :::+;;;;ss;:;:;;;;;;:s;:::;:;a;:::::a:s:at:;;:::_;:;;;;;;:;::;;;:s's;;;s:t::s;:::::;;;;;:;;:;::�a;:;;r:;;;x::;;;;;;;>::::::::.-::.-:::::::::.:::.-:.-.:-:.:.:.:...........:::.-::::: .............. .......................... x;;a;;;:: :s:;: :;;a s;: a: ;:;;;;;::;;:;:::t;-aat t:s ss:;:a:;;ar,;;:s::;:;:;;_;;;::;;:::::_;:a:::::::::::::.....::.................... :.:.::::::::::::::::::::::s::a s::;;;;;:a-ra;_;;:::a::»:t; ;:a:;;;:;;;;:;a::;::;;aa:_;:;:ss::?;.:..........:.....:.:............................ :::....................................................................................................................... :... s::::t:::ttt€sz>>_>s_>€t t:Run::;::>t;::rs:::>s:;:>::::: ... 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O r1.Da#e:.:£une.....Anat st...-ment[D D1Jvtror� Batch ID Bias ........................_............................._...._.......::::...:::::::::..........:_..: .....: ::.:._::.:...:>3.t5....._...._:... Q ,_:...... Q�..._:_._ Et}L...:C�..::::::: :::safe..........32>j_..._...................................._..............if.............._...........:......... ... ... . Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 80218 02/21/04 00:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 _ Toluene 14 mg/kg 0.5 0.40 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 21:33 HKS GC-V8 100 302-100436 ND Ethylbenzene 13 mg/kg 0.5 0.18 80218 02/23/04 02/23/04 21:33 HKS GC-V8 100 302-100436 ND _ Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/21/04 00:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Total Xylenes 130 mg/kg 1 0.98 80218 02/23/04 02/23/04 21:33 HKS GC-V8 100 302-100436 ND S01 Gasoline Range Organics 2000 mg/kg 100 4.6 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 21:33 HKS GC-V8 100 302-100436 ND s01,s09 ............:::..................................... ......::;::; r:::: a;::;;:; ::;:;:;;;;;:;:;:a:::::::::;:::::;;::; r::_;;_:::a;;;;;t;;:;:::::::::::::;.:::::::;;::.;;;;:;::;:;:;:;:;::;:::;::: ;>;:;;:.;;;::::;a::;:;.:;;::::;::::;;;;;::::.;;:::;;;;;:::;;;:-;;:;:;;»:a::: ::;;;:;;;;;;:::a:..::.......a......;;:;a:::;;;:;:;;;;:a a;:;;:;::::::::::..-:::.::;::a;:;;:a;;;::;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;::a;:;;; ;;;;;;: ..........:::.::::::....:::::::.::::-.-:.-::::::.:-::.::::::.::::::.-::.:::::.:-::::::::::::::::::_::::::.-::::::::.-:::::::::..::::::::::::.::::::..:.::__.::::::_:::..::.-:: :::::::.-_:...::::.:: _::::::::::::...............:_...- ::::::.....::.::::::. _.._........_. ;;::=;;;::s:;;;:::i><:>;;r;::;i;:rtstrel ass;;>::;;i:r;>:>{x;;ds;'::>i: >s:;;`;;:. _......................._.._..............................._....::: P. Run....... ............... J?r ............. . ....................................................... _._..................._.................:...:...._::-::.:::._.::.:::__.:.:..._..:_::- :_:_:::.-:::::.::::.- ..:_:.:::-::.::.-::::::::: ...:........_ ::::::::,:::::::.:-::::...:......................................................:..:.............._.............: ................... .. ;;;:;;:::::;::::;s::a;... . ;.::;::;;;;; ........ . Da#e:.< �cr[e...:7 riat st:; rtierif?:?[D::.:.D11ut.... ?'::B.... D :.. ......;81as...:..... S.err..o ate_Gont oun. _......l�esu�t_...........---�f�.Ets::.::_:. .:a4a�tt'oL::#.�mtt's...........l�f�i�'tost............Date........,�r�............_............_._........ ..........._.. ......................._........................................................................................_.................. . ........ ....... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 123 % 70-130 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 21:33 HKS GC-V8 100 302-100436 ND a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 432 % I 70-130 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 21:33 HKS I GC-V8 100 302-100436 ND s01,s09 Flag Explanations _ S01 Sample result is not within the quantitation range of the method. S09 The surrogate recovery on the sample for this compound was not within the control limits. California DOHS Ceaitct ���}1 1q 411 SIIIS 17sQd�n 09port are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911,FAX(661)327-1913'w vw.bclabs.som Printed 03/03/2004 15:49:13 04-01765-12 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- (Receive Date/Time 102/19/2004@16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:35___ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth I--- Sampling Point 7-2 TK 3 Sample Matrix jSoil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-13 ..,.....::"::...... ::::-:::..::::::::::.:::.:.::::.:...... :......:,::..................... ..:.::.: ...................::- :::::.......:...:....:...-.:...::.:::...::::.: ::.::: ;:.::::: :.;............::.........:::..- ..a........................;:;:.... .::: :. :......::::::.-:.:.:.. M:B Lab ..............re Run. .........:..-.::::::....:::.tnsiru-; QG: .......-._.................... .... . ...._............................. P ::..-..:..::................... ... :'.: .-::. :::.:.';;:::i';: -""'ri:;�=f;:i;:i:: `.. '.:"'::::::::. :..:.::::..,::>%`.i;;i .....::::.:.' ;y':: ..:....,.,....:::::,.,.. .. .:.,:_.:. :,:;.::...:.:-::-'::.f' :.-,::::.:,.....,. -"ias .::.:�».EfS...:.........:-:.}................. .... .. ....._.....-........................ .. ..................... Benzene <PQL mg/kg I 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 00:33 HKS GC-V8 1 1 302-100433 I ND _ __Q02 Toluene I <PQL mg/kg ( 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 00:33 HKS GC-V8 i 1 302-100433 ND L 002 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 00:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 I _ND 002 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 00:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ 002,003 Total Xylenes 0.028 mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 00:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 _ND_ _ 002__ Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 I 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 00:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND .:::::.:::.- ......:..:::::. .:::::::.. ::..:.::..::::.:::`:::":::::;;:;;:;:::_.;;::;:i:::;_:;:::ss:;v;:.:.:::;:::,;:::;;y.::::�_:;:::`::<::::ist`i:;;: ai::;;s::`:::.a.:..`;:.. r.:::;;;c:;:::;;:;:;;::......;:>..:i.:.i;:.:..Sits`;;;:::;;:_;i;:::-.:.i';:::s: a;:<:>:::;»;:r;:: ..:....:r .:.:r:::.:.;" ;.......::.:.�...::.;.;:•... .................................,......:::::: ::.:::...:::::::::.:::. ........... .. ................ ............. ..............._._............. .. .. ... Rtln.-..................-..............-instrtl.................... .. QC.. .;:::::.. ......................... ..........................................................................--......... Pr. ......................:-:.-:::::...................................................................................................-............:::::.:::-::_::..........:::.-:.........:-........... ........:::::::.__................... ..........-::........-........................-. :............_�.:::::.:.::::::.-::::.-::.::::.::::::.:-:.............-.... ........................--........... ..........:.-:::.::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::•::::::::.::. ..:a. s:;:::. . .... F�esult .........t� s..,........a4©. .caf.::L . s.....,.. >r--�c�d - ,....... _.. S.t�rro ate,.C.om . : ..................... ..�Ef ...... .._ . . .�tf ... �rr�rt ..._.... � . .. . _. .. Olt.. � ......Uaf�..-::.::::.32tJri;3�a#e;;:'Furi�:;`:.Ana{st:':;Riertt;[�.::.. Dilution. .....Batch.,l:�..... ... ........................................ a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 72 I % 70-130 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 00:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 108 % 70-130 8015M i 02/21/04 02/21/04 00:33 HKS GC-VS 1 1 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. ---------------._ _.._ Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS C^e ?"I S @iti IJ KArt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918•tvww.bc tabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:41:22 04-01765-13 i ON M = = M LB C Laboratories, Inc -7_ RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 102/19/2004 @ 13:40 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth I--- __ Sampling Point 7-6 TK 3 Sample Matrix Isoil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 104-01765-14 .......... :.:::.:.::::::::.:::.: r : ,.::;......c;;;.::.:.. G.. : .::: .iN6.. Lab ..........................................................................................................................................................::.::.::::::.:...:...::...::.:: re f2un... .... fnsi Q _n:.........,uent.... . .......:BeS.i.Eit...:.:.:::..........1[r1 ff5.:..:...:...:�.Qt_,,:::..:...-:.MIL.:�.:.:..:1�1:�3o.d::: ...:..i??a3e:..;.....:32un:L3a#e-:'Ffrr[e ....Bias Benzene <PQL mg/kg i 0.005 ' 0.00036 1 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:03 1 HKS I GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ Q02 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 80218 102/21/04 02/21/04 01:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND __ _ Q02 Ethylbenzene <PQL 1 mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 80216 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 80216 02/21104 02/21/04 01:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02,a03 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _Q02_ Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg I 1 0.046 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:03 HKS- I GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND :..::. :r:':::i:: Pr. . ............... R>Jn.::.::.::.::::....:....::::.: fns�3ru_:: ;:....QC::;:::': .. MB.. Lab ..; ..........................:.................................................:::::: ::::.:::.::::::.: :::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::.:::::.: ::::::.::::::.::::.::-:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;::;:. ep............................................................... ............................ ......................:::.:..........:::. .::::.:::.::::::::::..::.-:::::..:::.:::::: :::::::::::::.-:.:::::::::: :::::.::;-:.-::.-:::::::::::.:::::::::::;; ::::::::.::::::.:::.::::::::::::. :: ....., ....•... .... ....;...: ; .:;: ..:::.:::;.:::....:..;.:::::::.:::.:::......:::::;:::::.- .:: ..:::._:.:::: ::::..;::.;-:::...;...: :...:.;;-:..:: ::.:-.......:...:: :...... ...........:. ..:.:::-..::...:::::... :..... :. _. ......ReStII't :.:::.::::tlt3ft5.:.:.:..:.:::�oF3f3'OC.::L�f�IktS..:-.::a�lE�'20Cd.::.:.:..L1aie::...... 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BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 1200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:10 _ _.__-.------------ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 8-2 TK 3 Sample Matrix Isoil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCIL Sample ID 04-01765-15 _._. Fr Imam-.;-' i :::::::: :. : :: :. ..,..::.:,-: ::::;:?:-::::;:-:::::»........._i::;..:....,..:;::.,. :.:':::i iii.....;.. :-.::.:.,.....,a::' i....: ::;:;:::::::;¢'_d .. ... e...Ffine..... nat st..... ...... D......D.11>Jtton Eatch..ID..... . . ...�t�.........��,a_�at......... .............. .....__...... ....._............................................. ._.._....._.........._................................. . . Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 X01:33 HKS 1 GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 _ Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 1 8021B 102/21/04 02/21/04 01:33 1 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002_ Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:33 1 HKS GC-V8 1 1 302-100433 __ND 002 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg I 0.02 0.00056 80216 1 02121/04 02/21/04 01:33 1 HKS GC-VS 1 1 302-100433 _ ND 002,003 Total X lenes <PQL mg/kg mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 1 0.046 1 8015M 102/21/04 1 02/21/04 101:33 HKS 1 GC-V8 1 1 302-100433 ND .:.::.::::::::::.:::-::::::.:: :..: ::::.:.:...::..:.....::.:...-.:::::::::.:::::::::::.:-:::::::::::.:::::::.-:::::::::::::::.........:::.::::::::::.-.:::::.-::::::::::.-.:::::. :.-::::.-::::::::::.-:::.:::::..Rv G ri ::._:.i_' M .. ..........:.................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................;.:....::::. .......-.. ... _ ___ _ :..:.:....:....:................................. ::.,..::.:..:.......::.;...:.:::: - .:.:.:. :::. ...: ::. ::.;:::. ::.::.:. na. .. ri ED.t;: Batcti':ID`:..: Quals:..- ;' :::.: 32�t�;I3..... tme::;:I A t st:>;::me t S.u.rro afe::C.om ....................:.::.::.:..E�es�Elt.:.::.....:.:-:.:::::: J�.E#s_..........._.�aE�tra(:.t.�rntts.:::.:::::-l�tfettzod.............t�at� _.............. ............... ..............._............................_.............................._........................__......._...............................:...._......................: a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 75 % 1 70-130 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 104 % 70-130 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 01:33 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS Gertdfcalfi alDjAiIij gbrt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpre tit ion. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308-(661)327-4911•FAX(661)327-1918's+-+Nv.bc labs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:41:41 04-01765-15 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 102/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling DatelTime 02/19/2004 @ 14:15_ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth I--- Sampling Point 8-6 TK 3 Sample Matrix Isoil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 104-01765-16 Pc Ran Q... .MB . Lab :::.:..:::::::..::::::::::.::: ::.:::::::::::.::.::::.:::::::.-:::::::::::.:::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::.::.-::::::::::::.............-..... .........-:...::::.-:::::::.:..:::.-::: ::.::::::::::.:-::::.::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.-::::.:-::::::::.::::::.::::.-:::.-::::.-:.:::::. ::.-::::::.:.:......::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:::::::::::.:::.-;:.::::::::::::.::::: :::::::::::.:::::. O.nStttt . ........_.:...,...: :::...::. ::;:- :..... Bras �Rt . . .:..:::::..:.::..... . Dlluti.on...:.:.Batch ID::: . Q .. Benzene I <PQL mg/kg I 0.005 0.00036 1 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 02:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ 002 _ Toluene —7--PQL I mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 1 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 02:03 HKS GCVS 1 1 302-100433 ND__ 002 _ Ethylbenzene <PQL j mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 02:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ 002__ Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL I mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 02:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 1 002,003 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 02:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND� 002 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg ; 1 0.046 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 102:03 1 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 1 ND .In tru-.:., `-::;:;;,.:..;.::;i.=: C ..: MB Lab Pre Ran..... s Q... ::.: ReSU .......... ...:. :.::. ;'me::;.;Anat sY::c.me ID......D1lution..:....Batct':ID?. Bias Quals ..;: S.urra afe._C.o.m aun.d i ................... �.Its........-.......Iranfirat.i�mtts-.-........Met#zod.............Date..........�>JS,_�ate .T�.............................. ....._..... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 70 % I 70-130 ' 80216 02/21/04 02/21/04 02:03 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 I _ a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 I I Surrogate) 94 j % 70-130 1 8015M 0 02:03 HKS j GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS Cerrffl%�IWaliMJAQrt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteratiou,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)327-4911'FAX(661)327-1918'www.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:41:51 04-01765-16 Laboratories, Inc . RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:00 _ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth I--- Sampling Point 9-2 TANK 3 Sample Matrix Isoil _ Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE IEZCL Sample ID 04-01765-17 �i??:.....is.`.i t`;: »`M >':ff s�fcti�=s`=:s'#>``:.:>i :?.::...:.i.> s>s?>? : ;;;;;;;:;;::;:;n::sr::::::::.-.-:::::.:::.: :::::::::::::::::::.�::::.-::. .�::.::.....;::-:::.-:::.::.-::::::.-: ......................................................................................................................................_......_.......... .............................._... P e �1..............................:.........................................._............. _. f#:::..:::::..::::::::::::.::::::.-::::::.................... ::::::::::.-:::::::::.::::::::-:::.......:......:......................................................................... .... ...........................:-:::::...,...............::::::::::::.:- .. s::: : :: ::::;>ss;;a::::rss:>.: ::et:srs:::: . :::::::: sss-::- . :s ia_:5:_:::;: &>:s; . :._,, ,::.-..:::.:>: :::.;-.,::> ..:.::.: ::...,..._...;::...._.::: ..........,:::,:_;,.,.::::::; ...:.uars.»s».. ent .......... ............ es . ..................... Ett10 £t>trf.fla#e.._£;rcte.....Ana[ st..._ment_[L} Dllutlon 6atch.lg.... fleas......:. . :Q.. F. f�€t............._.......un.ft5..............PQL...................M.CIL.... . 1t . ... d.......E? te.............................................................. ............... ....._......_..__......................_....... . Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:54 HKS I GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:54 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 80218 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:54 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND _ S09 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL I mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:54 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 _ Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:54 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:54 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND 509 ;;;:::�;;;:r;; ::::::::::::;.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�;;z::s::::�.........�.. ...-.:::::;:r;::.;::::::a::a::��a::........................................:..::.......::::::�..�:::::s.... .............::. ��:_:::;:�:::s::::;�;;:;:�;:r:�:;s;:n;.. ;:::::::;-:..;:;:;;: a::�;:;;x�::::�;s:;�:;:_;:a:;��;:;;z�:���n:�::::;�;; :s:......::::;::::::::::::::�:;s;;;;.............................. ......... : .: ;;::;;;;; r;;:;;;:;;:t:::t::;;%t:ea:;sssas:::r:;;:t;;:;::;;a:r:>a;.......................................;t>:;;:;>r_:;;a:rr::a;_:;>_;s:;:_;;>:>::;.:__ :.:_;;a: ;;;;;::__:s;;;:•:;:;::ta;;:::;»x;;;;:;s;;;::: _;;;;r;:s:;c;:;;;:... ::.-::::........:..... :::::::::::::: : .::;;;;;:s:;ssss:;:<;=rr;:; r�i.;;;:r isss>r:;»>:>s>s>;;r:: i;;;s:?>:; >: G;t;;sts>t>t>:t r;»;:;>::. ...... ......... .... .. _. P. . [ vr>........ fast ::::. .......::::... _.. ::::::::: :: .. ::.:. # st=:K. nt.:[D;;:;;Dllutlon.........Batchs.ID;; Surr a ::. ;,;;;;;;;;;;;,,;;;;;;;;;;:;;.t�esc�€t:.:_:::::....:::_.af .[ts................ trQ€.. f3ft ._::::.::a�t€ethos...._......gate.......... .ta#�.._ tme Ana me to C.om ottnds.............. .................._.... ......................... .......... .................... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 4 % 70-130 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:54 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 S09 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 6 % 70-130 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 12:54 HKS GC-V8 , 1 302-100436 S09 Flag Explanations S09 The surrogate recovery on the sample for this compound was not within the control limits. California DOHS C45rK06tkM 46,18$ort are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Eric.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)3274911 •FAX(661)327-1918•www.bclabs.com Printed 03/03/2004 11:17:49 04-01765-17 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics 'and . Total Petroleum hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 _ Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 14:05 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 9-6 TK 3 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE IBCL Sample ID 04-01765-18 = -- ........ ....... ::. ... .. ................... .. . .._....... .. ................. ...... f2�n:;s;: fristen=>;:t Pre ......... .. .:..:......................................................._.........._.................................................._........ ........ _._...................... .......................... ...._.........__.................:...: :: .....::::::::::_::.::::-:::::::::-:----::.-:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::.- .:.:: .:::...::...::::..:::..:.::....:...::::; !+ ......... :.... .. .... :::.:::::_-:.._:---. ta005tIt a ............_.. - ztD;i:.;Dl}.u.tto.ra.......:BafchilD a:. :.......Btas.:;.. Quals:.�;? U. .❑t........_..................... es ....................._ ..................... .......... ....... 3 ::::::.::::. It@ 1305#:;:.:si-i.:: ...:.........32 tt:.I3afe;;::ffR[e.... :Ana st:;;;anent ................_.._....._.. ....... ......_........... .. .flit....................... .t...... ................ Q�..._.............. ..l_...............:_:...:.....:._...........:......._f? te................. ............-............-.... ......... ............... ................--................................................................... ... ............_..........._..._..........._.......................... Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 1 8021B 02/23/04 13:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND_ Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 80218 02/23/04 13:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 80218 02/23/04 13:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/23/04 13:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND _ Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/23/04 13:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/23/04 13:35 HKS GC-V8 1 1 302-100436 ND ..... :;;::::::..:.:-::::::::.;»;;:e;;r_:,. ...................... r;:::.:::::.::.::::::::::. .--............:......:............: ...................................... �:.......-._:... ................:::•: ::.;rt�sx:.::s;;�ss:;;ss::;s:.:::.;:::.-:::::::.-:::;�:s:::�;��::::::;;-.::::::::::..;::a�:��::;_;;::-::.�::�;x;;;�:�=:as=�;::;�€::;::;:a;::;is�:%�:�i:is�i'�; :�i:::;;:r:;:r�:;:::::::.;::.;::::.;;:.�;:;:...�s.....;:��:�;;;;;>;:.;:;;:,::::;:::..:,:;:.:.:;;.s;r:..:s;;;;:a;:::::.:::B;>::�:;;;���:;::.:.:i .......... .:..:...........:.......................... ..., ........::.... ..... . :..._.............:.::....:..:. ::..:::::::.::::.- :::_:::..::::::::.:-:::.:.-::::::::.:.:...:.:..::::.....:::::::. :..: :.....::::::::.:::.::..::: ;::;:.:..;::.:;.:::.s:::;:.:.::;.:;:.::. ......................... ............................_.............................. ..................-_........._. fnsi rct.............. ............... ........... 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BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:20 _ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 10-2 TK 4 Sample Matrix Isoil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 104-01765-19 ;::::-:; ;ss:;;; ;;;:::;;::::.: :::ts;;;:;s:;;;;-<;;-a:;;;;;;;s:=r:�r:» aa;;;;;;;:;::;;s;;;:�;;;;;;;;;; -:.:.-::.-:::::::.:_.:.:::: .:..:::::::::::.-:::::.:::::: ::::::..Pee ;;ss:>::ttts:::::::::::::::::�:::: U: ..........:::.r is i; f:;'ti s?`: i;::.`.:<;;r iiii::;::s t:.::-..:;:;::: :i:.i;;i:;:; : : : =..... ; -:>:::;: ::;: i ii::t: ;`':':r: ;:i:;;;;i.....:.;:::.:-..::._: ;; ....:.;::: -:: a '...:::::..,:.:::,.,..: ii ':: :::;':..... :;,ii F i::''i;`'-::.;:;::::..::r:s E3Sttt1lent...... :.... Trrtte.....At�af st.....merit_tD.....D.IIu.l.on..,.....Batch..ID.... bras Quals......:... ................ ........................ ......... ......................................._Besult...................._ >?tts...............::PQL........... ._....MCL............Nl6t�.tad:.- :......::.mate:........ �,n.. ate t...._............._._....... .......... .. ... .. Benzene <PQL mg/kg 1 0.005 0.00036 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 03:32 1 HKS G(;-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 _ Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 80216 02/21/04 02/21/04 03:32 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND �- Q02 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 03:32 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 _ Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 03:32 HKS GGV8 1 302-100433 ND _ 002,003 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 03:32 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg � 1 0.046 I 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 03:32 I HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND ................ ....... ........::.-::: .-.:,-::::..:::....:.......... ............:.,:........... .... . ........... ... .. :;:::;:;::;;::::;;::: ;::: .::::::::::::::::,..::.:;:::::.:. :.::,:::: :::::.-:::.:.:.....:..::::- ... .....:... ............................. �e ....:.:................................... tJn.... .................... . ..[nstcu .............. ::::::::: .QC........ : :::::..:M6 ... Lab P ..... : :::::::. .......... .:. e::._. :.::::;;;:: :: ......,:....... ::.:.: Sai.rro :.::.....:..:.....$esult,...-:..:.::.::.::..:tlitEfS oFltrO(:La.rtitt5.:.::..:- M£t11.Qd #Oate...... rl.iiate un .:..:I�naf st:.,...ment..ID oiluclon.. .._Batch... B.as... .:......Q a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 70 % ; 70-130 1 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 03:32 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 8015 III I Surrogate) 96 % 70-130 I 8015M 102/21/04 02/21/04 03:32 1 HKS ' GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flagg Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS CoMftg jQgi#0jij td§irt ,,for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,htc.assumes no responsibility for report aIteratiou,separation,detaclu lent or third party interpreratiun. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 'FAX(661)327-1918'"ww.bc labs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:42:00 04-01765-19 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number I--- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 1200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:25_ _ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 10-6 TK 4 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE +EICL Sample ID 04-01765-20 .....:,:::......;::. . . . . ..--- ::....: 12 Ef ru:i is i;s:.:r::<:z. . C............. MB ......... . ....................... ......... .. ................ ......-.-...........................-...-.........................................-..........--.........._. 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S...................... .-.-........... .. ....... .. .. . .. #Pate 3?�f _ ......_..............................._....._............. ..........................._........... . .. ................... Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 04:02 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ 002 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02121/04 02/21/04 04:02 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 _ ND a02 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg I 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 04:02 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002-_.,_ Methyl t-but I ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 04:02 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND —_ 002,003 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 04:02 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 _ Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 04:02 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND ` .....:.........:. ............... :::::::..::..: . .....,...,:.,...::.:,....:.....:.......,...:::..:.. ....................... ................. .. Pre S.11LCO. at@ L eSLEIt:......... ....lf�.Ets..........._' ff)E3i?SLL. #E1IIt5::::::::: 1�1+2t 3SQSI: :-......32>rss itaafe:.:Etme:::: ,na( st. irieriti:[D:..:Noltion, ..:::Batch..LD s. Bias .... :: Quals;: ,,; CoEn awnds............................................................................. i� ......... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 88 % 70-130 80216 02/21/04 02/21/04 04:02 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 123 % 70-130 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 04:02 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHSl4(�0i itPllli�tfrt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assures no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court.Bakersfield.CA 93308.(661)327-4911 .FAX(661)327-1918.«,vw.bc tabs.cont Printed 02/24/2004 10:42:09 04-01765-20 T Inc M m M M M M M ' RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:27 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 11-2 TK 4 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-21 ............................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ...... ?;t{(i r:<s:;;:s;>;:;->:;�i;i;:;:;:::s:::<> <?;:::;;:r:-:;<;a:;::'i::::r ;;:;: : r--....;;;:.........:::::::::.::>:>�:::**-*,*;:;,::::'***:;;isi>: :�s;i:;>r:;;;:t ::;::;;::;:;:::::_:;;�::�s�s�ss .. _>r<>:>r>:>:>:s>s;;:;rrrr;>ts;;;;;;;;;;;;;;>;:; ;;;:;r;_;rss:::s;rs;:;:< ;;;; ssrrst;sr ss:t:;i:_:s>:a:r > :s;;;:;_::_ rr:;;:::r;_;::;;s:_;;::::;ss:: ss;::__;;:::::;sss:<:_:= s__::_;s:__;::r:.-::_:::::: p:-::::-::::::.::-_-::.::::::::::_-:::: :::::.:-:::::.:.—:.:::.:::::_:::::.:-.:::.:-::.:..........z..::::::: :.......................::::::.::::.: :.:::.::::.::::.- -.:::.;. .:; :... ..... .... .. . .. :D.ilil. _..................... _.........._.._ --......... .eSfztt..................- . .n.f�8--- .......P__QL..................M.0�L:.::-:.-:.::�CEi�'fod............Dafe::::::::3?tsr-;�Iafe_ :Ie.....Ana[ sf. .menf f c o _tc....__..........._.............__....................._Q.._.............. Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:05 1 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:05 1 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:05 1 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Gasoline Range Organics <PQL I mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 1 ND ............. ........ :.:::...._:.::_::::_.::::_.:.........-..::, .--::.:.......... .::......_:.:...::....-::::.. ...._......::::._:.-::.:::_.:......._.-......_.....:..........;; :.;,:.....:..:..:.,..:.:::::.-:.;:-.::.:::::::.:;-:;::::::;:.-..;:....................-.::.::.::.::.::::::.::::, ...:.:.:,........ ........,............. ..:................. ............................•....... - ........:....................... .. ..:. ........ ::...,... ...... ...:...,. t�tln................................ .fast Q ..:: ...... a::;;-;;;:;: :;;:_;;;::_;:::_;ra_>r;;;::;r:.r:;:r_;::;a_t...............................- ::;;;;_-::t a;;::;z:r__.:s r:_;_;;;_;:a:::::;;r=-_:;__- ........:::::::;_e:;__r:::_:..:._s.;_ ;=:-r';_;*__-;__:;_rr_::::::::::::_::::•:::::.:::::.::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.:.::::::::::: :::::::::::.::.:::::..................:.................::::::::......................::::::........... .......................... ........................................... .... : _..............._.._....�`eSf�{.t � �� � st.....menf..[D......Di3iJfioii»:>?::Bafcfi'>ID:>:`::.: :-Bras: S.ureo. te...C.om otsnds.__....... ..... .._................ .�. .._.._._... _c�. .. .(..���. ._........�1C. t#t. ..._.._..Date �v�.--...._t......_............ ... -........... .........._............ a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 79 % 70-130 80216 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 107 % I 70-130 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:05 HKS GC-V8 I 1 302-100436 California DOHS C@41'M0atI0M 1#[ItikWrt are for the exclusive use of the subnvtting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,det'3chment or third part),interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 •FAX(661)327-1918'www.bclabs.com Printed 03/03/2004 13:01:11 04-01765-21 Laboratories.- Ine RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 1200143 Isampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:30___ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 11-6 TK 4 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 104-01765-22 - B' ':'s>?`> Lab>>: :_:: ........................................................................................................... .......................................... ........................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................... e:::::..:::::.::::::..::::::::tae a tt:a;:;a: •as -- ;sa:s:;:ss:s......::.:-:::::::::_:::-:::;:: .... .::::::;::;;:::... ::;:.:;:::.:::;:;:::;:::;::::;::_:::a::::;...,...::,:. :<::::;;:s:;::: ;:.::::;a;;::;:;. s::....::.;:::.::; t;:»;£ >s;;;:;;;::;;;;::::f:::::::::::.::.::.:-::::::.::::::::::.:,.:::,:::::::::::....,�::........;...,...,...,... ::..:..::.:.:...::. ..................... .:_:::::......::::::.....:.....:::::::::::::.................::::::............................................:::::::.::::.::::.:::::::::: :,.....:...................:::::.......... :...:..............:::::::.-::.-.- .::-::.::.-:::::::.-::.::::. [7e.rlt .... .... ::.:-:...... :i:>:is::i.::<.:-. ........_....... Ba h:: �eS.LF�t.... �3.EtS... ..... �L e �ISiC�............ :Q.11utt:o.n tc....ID s . ...__Q _.....__...._. .......I�Q .. ........... . . .. D......................................-...........................-....................-. .-. .................................... Benzene <PQL I mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 80216 02/21/04 02/21/04 16:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ _ 002 Toluene i <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 16:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ 002 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 16:41 HKS GG48 1 302-100433 _ ND ___ 002_ Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 16:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 _ ND_ 002,003_ Total Xylenes <PQL I mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 16:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND ----002 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg I 1 0.046 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 16:41 HKS GC-VS 1 302-100433 ND :;:.....::.::.:............:.......:......:;..:.:.::::::: :..:.::::- ......._.... ......................... .. .................................. ....Pr :. S.u.rro. R Batch ID.;.:. Bias < t�..C.Om 4liiT.dS.....;,..................... ..�S,f��1<,::. . . .._Un.EIS.,;,............�QF3�34�.�..tFII�5.-;;:;:::a�lt�#3ad;;:::.::::.:�at2.;>:;.<it�rt:.i#afe::.:.;T#irie;:;;Ana#yst.;.:; rtienb[D.... Dtfution . a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 88 % 70-130 8021B 02/21/04 102/21/04 16:41 1 HKS GC-V8 1 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 124 ' % I 70-130 8015M 02/21/04 102/21/04 16:41 HKS GC-V8 ' 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS 0erUfiaaU mit:Qis14Art are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,demcltment or third party interpretation. - 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 'FAX(661)327-1918'www.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:42:18 04-01765-22 Tabo'ratories,, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 ISampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:50 _ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- _ Sampling Point 12-2 TK 4 Sample Matrix (Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-23 .....................:::... MB.. Lab ;:. ................... ................-...................._............................................. ... _.. ........_...._..::_:::.......::::_:.::-:.-.._...........__.- .....:::-::_:f#:.:::::::.::.:::::-::.:-:::::::::. :.....................:......:::...............:::.::.......::.:-:::............:.:::::.:::.-:::::::::.::::::::..................................:::- ::::::::.:.....-:::::............ . ::.:.:; ;;:: .....: = ::.,,..:....;.. ............................. _::........,.::.. :.:. :...::::;_- ...--. ........,::.:: .._. ..::::::...... n ........:..:......... ._......._ ...._.. ...__ :..::::.:.. :..::.:.. _.............._.-.........�e517�#.......... t��T.E#S.- ...-...--�. �.-..:.......:--n�i�L......:....:.lv��t�o�....-..._-.E�ati?..........32>irx.Iiat�-.'£ecrte....Ariat st.. menf.........._.._._....__......_..............._.....____.._._...................__.._..__......... ........_ _...._............. Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Gasoline Range Organics <PQL I mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:35 I HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND x::xx::ssa;:sss: : : : ; . - ::_;_;;=;�s�:;;;; ................................ s:::-;;_�-:::::..�:a;;..;.; . :-::::�................................ ;--;:.m;:s ::�ss s s:;r:a;;;::i.:.;..:i.i:. .:.1..3. .La..;;.;;.;t;.:;.;:.1;.o;-;�.;.;.:..in.;;.:;.:;..5:;..i.ri:.;:.:f.;>:.;r..::.:;;..:.:.:.::.....s...;:..;..-:..::..e...:;.:.e....I::..;.D.:..:.;.:....:....::.;..:.s.:..;..;.. �;:..:>e.;.. .......::,>6c::..,.�:.:.a..:.:::.s..,::::.;:s;.;.;:s:s->:;:::::.:s.:s :.:.:.:.::.....-._:.:._.s:.:� - . t:rc ;;::;t......:::: :;:;_ ».........� ;:::-: ;;:r;_::: :: ::: ;_:..::;: P ........ ..................... Q ............:: : ...................... ::sr�:: ;: r :r;; ; :s:::__: : . . ....... .. .....::, :;; : ; : -.:...... ns � _ ;� s :::;;:;a�:.:.::.;:....:..,...r..:.:.:..:;. .:. a .:=_-:_?:::a; om o _raten MOW f . ; ............................. .: .. . a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 83 % 70-130 80218 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 113 % 70-130 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 14:35 f HKS GC-V8 1 302100436 California DOHS CeKffldr113§ WJ#111h$86ort are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,[nc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)327-4911 'F.ALX(661)327-1918'www.bChLbs.com Printed 03/03/2004 13:01:15 04-01765-23 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:57 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point 12-6 TK 4 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-24 ............................. ....._........_.............._.......__......._. r EnstrlJ_: QC' ::':::: MB Lab . `> ...................................................................................._. ........_....._................_......__....... ::.:::::_:_-__:_.::::::.::: :::___:-..._..._....... ............................. ......._...........;.................._.... .......................:........................................................................................................................................... ...................................................:.............................:.....:...............................:......................................................... ................................;::.:::;::-:::::: >; .s _;::::.:::ss::::r.. ::::: ;:::.:::::,::::. ;;s::.:.;::_::::r...-::>;s;;......:::: ..... .:.: :::::,......isr>.;>; nt l�tt#gas#.........fl�fe.......... x»f�.rate__T�rrrte.... Ana sf:. Tnenf;[D::..Ddutian ....Batch ED.;> . ..flias Q . ... . ... Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND --S09-.— Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 80218 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL I mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:05 HKS I GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND 109 °i;:::::.-::::::::::::;:..,:::::_;;.:;:.. ............:::.::....................:.. .::.:. .............._.._.................._..:._........... .:..............................._................_._.:. ::::.-:::::::_:: :_......._::_:_:.-:.-_.:_: ::::—_:___::::_:_:_ ::::_:_:::: ::__. _.-:::-.._...:.�P:--:::.-:::.:-::::::::_::::: :: ::::..:::.::::::: :::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::.-:::::::.::.::::::::::::::::,-........::::::.:..::::::..;.::.::::::,:.....::........:.::::...:.:,::.,......::::..-,::....:::..... :..,. . :::::_;:;:: ;;::. ;;:.. # st..;::menu.[D. DiliJflon.......:BafchJD::.::..:.:...Bras..:. ..; ..Q s.: E�� ............. UJ.ES............ f?�3fi4_ Js�;ffafeeme kna Surro to C.om olxnds....._.............._..._.... - ._.........._............._._.... ._. ......_.........__........................................_1?........... 70-130 80216 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 S09 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 26 /° _ a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 38 I % j 70-130 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:0.9 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 s09 Flao IlExplanations IS09 IThe surrogate recovery on the sample for this compound was not within the control limits. California DOHS C6ftIf#dt3600 are for the exclusive use ofthe submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93305'(661)327-4911 'FAX(661)327-1918'Nvw•w.bclabs.com Printed 03/03/2004 13:01:24 04-01765-24 7 B!710- M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 15:25 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point D1-2 DISPENSER Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-31 ....................... :...:. ......................_.._...... ............... ..... .. . ................. . . ... _.._......................................_.........._..... ......_..........................._............._............_...-..._.._................._........._.._.........._..._......... 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Benzene <PQL mg/kg I 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 80218 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND_ `S09 Ethylbenzene 0.020 mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND _S09 _ Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND ,S09 Total Xylenes 0.018 mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 _ Gasoline Range Organics 2.2 mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:35 I HKS GC-V8 1 1 302-100436 ND a.:;a:;::s.:s::�s:;�s�:s::z�;c:;s:;::s.<: as:::.tats.::r;;:::......:::::.:::ss:;........�....aa�a�.;;�:;:ssnss.::.::.::sz�:s;:;::;.t.:�:s;:s.:a5:;:-as:�:::�xasssssss::;:�;;sssz;;.:............ .........��c�:�:s::;�.............: ::;:�;::s�::s:�:a:�::;:;-�::.:s:::-:;::_s:�:a:.as s:;;;.�:sss as»:ass:�-s:;s:::aa:�:�:�a:;�;::t�:�:::;:;z;:;;a:�e s s:;�;:;;;s:::;::: �;;;;:; �:�:��:.:..,..:.:. ................:.:. r:r:::rr::;:;>;;;;:;;;; :: : :...::...::.:...a:::;;;;;:;;:;:�;;;;:te;:;:;;::»:;;::s;;:.e:... :::..::-:::::.::.-:.-::::.-::::::::::. .::::.: ::::. .:::.::...:::.::::.:- ::::.-::::::.. 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BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court-Bakersfield,CA 93305"(661)327-4911 *FAX(661)327-1913'alvw.bclabs.Com Printed 03/03/2004 11:18:45 04-01765-31 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum hydrocarbons COC Number --- lReceive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 15:28 --------------- Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth Sampling Point D1-6 DISPENSER Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-32 ::.:.::::::::::_::..:::::; .::::...:ai: ::aa::a:::::::;:: :i<:i. e:: n:::.:; t:Rktn ..;::::;::<;: .........Pre Q. COrlStttLte ;'°.•.:.: ;`-.,.::..;'i`-:i:'::ai::::i' :..:.::;::::.;:: . > .. ..: ::.:::::r'::>ii: ;:z:::::.:. ID...i...: .::613s.... 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Y Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 1 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:14 HKS I GC-V8 1 1 302-100433 ND _ 002 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021E3 02/22104 02/22/04 18:14 HKS GG-V8 1. 302-100433 ND 002 Ethylbenzene 0.14 mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 80218 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ ___002 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 80216 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ _002,003 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 -0.0098 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Gasoline Range Organics I 11 mg/kg 1 0.046 1 8015M 1 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:14 HKS GC-V8 I 1 302-100433 ND 801,809 5 Cliri:ii > >?`>tY:?: :iF is `sst>>'s: ;•......:::::::::......: ii:RsJn:;si:t:::s::;>s;>:tsr:sis;tr>:.[n t Siii:_r:.-.._!::::.:'_ '.;.:;::::;:.;: [ i;; :::.:::iiir: r;;:_:: iii; .......Pre ................................ ...:. :.: ;:;a rnerat::[D.:.... .Iluteorai::;;:6atch:ID ` B a Q ....:...�ate::...:...�,r�:�a#e:;:�{r>z�_ knat sts::::: _...................._._......._..._.. ...... S.u.rro te._C.om o R . . .1 ....................... .n.[t ................. .. .rt. .. .C..�� . . ............ _..... ..................................................................... ._....................... ........_......................................................... .. a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 83 I % 70-130 8021B 102/22/04 02/22/04 18:14 HKS I GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 208 j % I 70-130 8015M 1 02/22/04 102/22104 18:14 I HKS I GC-V8 1 302-100433 I I s09 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. S01 Sample result is not within the quantitation range of the method. S09 IThe surrogate recovery on the sample for this compound was not within the control limits. California DOHS �'s�4lklrteaQfh>#ftlslrrt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Etc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court*Bakersfield,CA 93308*(661)327-9911 •FAX(66i)327-1918"www.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:42:45 04-01765-32 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 _ Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:50 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point D2-2 DISP. Sample MaVix Soil _ Sampled By IKEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-25 ::r;:?:;?_:: >: s:>ts;;>ts:;;;>:r;::s ss:s:;sss;:;>ss;;>:sr ...... ...........::::::.............. .....: : ::::::::::.:::::.::::. .........................................................................................................::..............::....................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .................................. ::::::::::: ::.:.::::::::::......................._........... .............................................................._............................::::::.-:.::::.::::.Fri...:;::»:::r: : ::<# r�n:a::zs:::::::ss:;;:=:>: CO,.:..;..°.:'.::.,...,.:., ..................................................:: s`: ::i;i;::`:k`:?:. ------ ;i:::sii::; ii:i::i:;' i'_:i-;: _-iiii_ :;::-' :i° :?::: :i;i.:r :::_:_::_:-_..:-.. :.:c ::::.;:.:a.::.._:.:;.::: ;:::::., i s :.::::.:....:.:.i a' i?':: i...... .............................. ......_ es f.........•.. ..... 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Benzene <PQL mg/kg 1 0.005 0.00036 1 80216 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND _ Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 1 80218 02123/04 02/23/04 15:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 80218 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND _ Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02123/04 02/23/04 15:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Emin;;;;;;;;;;;;s;:a;::::;;:;sss;;-az:;;;:;;;;;;a;:::�;;;;;;;::-�:: ::::::..........::�.:..:::::::::::�::;:::;------ s::------.-::::�l;:......:::.........�.............. ss; �:::;:::.. .....::-: �...... s'i r_E;;:e:s;;:;,;;;;;;;=;s:;:: ::::;::;::::;:;:;;;;:r:r:;;s;;;;;::;:;::-r:;:::s_:::s;_:&:_:�::x a_;;:::�_-;:;;;:t�_a:_:_::__.»:-::;:.:r'z=:::____-:::;::;::�;_:t-t.::t- =:::t=::_.:—::=:_;=:::::;;z:_:;s;:....... �-;:-- :s;;_�;::�:s:;ss:�;;;_sx::;:...................................._. :: <.Dl rl... . . . .... . .. . :::::::::.::.:...::::: :.:::. eS . ....... .... _ -.... .:_::;_ -..:::> . :-;s: e.. ##. ._..Ana# si;:a:.ateta.#D nt fe.:Com alp ...................# . t{t...................._U l.#fs.............._ c��ifr�t(...�...... ...._._1�1Cef#3.v..C#............�ate lz s11 a1F..............r>t ... ......._...... ................._............................................-.._ ....... ........................... ............ ....._ . .... a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 82 % 70-130 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 113 % j 70-130 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 15:35 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 California DOHS Certification i{#&IWrt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,loc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 of Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308*(661)327-4911 'FAX(661)327-1918'H•ww.bcl;tbs.com Printed 03/03/2004 11:18:08 04-01765-25 i r � � � � r■ � � � � � it � � � � � Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 _ Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 13:55 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point D2-6 DISP 2 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-26 . ..................................................................:........................................... ............. :Pre :: Run:.:-:.::: (nstrL-...•;:.::;:.:::: Q .. . MB ......... -....... ....... .........::..:::::::..::, ...,:::..,........,............................... ,...:.;,... .:..:::..,-:.:-:..,,......,,...,.. COf 1St[ttf2.....:.::::..::.:'::::..:.:::.: ..:,:-: r -- ...... .....:::;:;;:.;:_ ....:,,:.; Bras uals.s: nt .............. n [D .D.13utt.on.::;;:;;.-BatchID.`. Q tes.utt ......_........-tEfs_...._.........PQL. st..._me.t ... ............. Benzene <POL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 8021B 02121/04 02/21/04 18:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 _ ND _ 002 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 1 8021B 02121/04 02/21/04 18:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND_ 002 _ Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg i 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 18:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ _002 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 18:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002,003 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 1 0.01 0.0098 8021 B 02/21/04 02/21/04 18:41 HKS j GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL I mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 18:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND -- _—-'=_ -_ - — -= --- - - -- - - - :`>Ss=MB s`.... t?'?;slab? ?': :::.-:.:-:::::::: :.-.:.::::::::::::::::::.-.::::-::::::::::.-::..::..:..:.:-::::::::::::.-::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::.-:::.:::..::-.:::::::::::::.-::::.:-::::::::::.-.-::::::.-:.........-: :-_::: :_:.. -t` `r . Siir°';;;i::;:;;°iiiss;i ii ;; : ::;:; :i;:i'iiii::::=:i:;;a: ;; rii:'::t;i;;:;;;;;;:;iiii;;;i;;;:;::;:; :;:: ::; ,;;;;;;;;; : i_;;;;:;;:r::_;:;:::s;;iiiii;. .........::......................................_. ................-.-.-.-...-Pr ::::::: :::::;.:;:: ;zrssr. } . ; ; ; ;::::;;;.r.,;::::;:;-;::;::::;t:_;;;:;:: ; ;;;;:i;;;:: :i:.'.i`:>};;;;;;r.;::;::;;;;:gta;:;;:i;:;:::c:;;;;.;:>:>:;`:;;:_;:;;;;:>;;;: > :`i :;:;;::;: ;: ;;;;::i:;i;;:;:;;:;;;::;:;;;S;;;:;;>;;;: :; eti> :AnaE st_:;;:rrient;fD:.::Ddu.Uan. ::.Batch;ID..... ...-:Bras;,:: .:: S.tt.rro. Ye.:GOrn Cl ........-�eS.LE�t................._._ 1[3.E'`S::::.-<:::.-::��Eitt'Q�..�d.E'IIttS:::::::::.-��t�3.flS�.............Date..........321Jrt..i�a#e Tx�....... .............. ........................__.........................................................................................................................,......................._........ it Ct.CIS.........................................................................................................................................._..-.-..............................._....... ................_.............................................-................-...-................ a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 75 I % I 70-130 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 18:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene($015 Surrogate) I 102 % 70-130 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 18:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS 0el71 4W§GnM-s1,Urt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third parr;interpretation. 4100 AllaS Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308-(661)327.4911 -FAX(661)327-1918"www.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:42:27 04-01765-26 Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10__ Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 15:20 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point D3-2 DISPENSER Sample Matrix Soil _ Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE 113CL Sample ID 04-01765-33 n sia:::::_.;_:::..:....:a»:; ` '....::;:::::.:=:3:.iii::;::;.. ..:.;:::::,..s ?>: .:. bias,.. Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 80218 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:43 HKS I GC-V8 1 1 302-100433 ND _ Q02 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 _ Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 80218 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:43 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002,Q03_ Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 . 0.0098 8021B 02/22104 02/22/04 18:43 HKS I GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:43 I HKS I GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND :::::::............: ::. -...................... ::::::,::,:-.-::::::.: ...-.Pre .. fr�str�................. .::.._:.—.. _ :.:._::.:_ :...::..: 3ii:i:;!4444. ;::::: . a afe::rEtme....;l mat ...... Dllufton Batcfi':ID;:>::::;.: f.....................:::::::::::rate.......... z>,........................._..............._............. ..........._-............._........................ .. a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 84 % 70-130 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 18:43 1 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 i a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 122 I % 70-130 1 8015M 102/22/04 102/22/04 18:43 HKS I GC-V8 1 302-100433 i Flag Explanations _ Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS Cori dr,atdratrtt#t1t 1* rt are for the exclusive use or the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court-Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)327-4911 -FAX(661)327-1918'NvHnv.bclabs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:42:54 04-01765-33 Laboratories, .Inc M M M M RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 1200143 Isampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 15:23 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point D3-6 DISPENSER Isample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE IBCL Sample ID 04-01765-34 e ...................................... tun. st Q Hr:'a:,::;::.:::: Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 1 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 19:14. HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02 Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 1 80216 02/22/04 02/22/04 19:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ Q02 _ Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/22/04 02/22/04 19:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 80216 02/22/04 1 02/22/04 19:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND Q02,Q03 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/22/04 02/22104 19:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002____ Gasoline Range Organics I <PQL I mg/kg 1 I 0.046 8015M 02/22/04 02/22/04 19:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND s:�:::;.::;e:;;a;::;:;::....................................... ;;: �:s;;::::�s:::.............�:::::::.........�..... ssa:::ss;:»s:�s:�';:s;::;;:-'ssr:::'rs;;�;s;ts:-: s::a: ::a:':�::;; ::: :::t:t�;as:=--'::�::;:snn&;;::as:�s;;;a:::s::sn�.':;-:: :stz::::::::.:;:;;;;;;rs>;;;;;a;:;::::c<:a�:;an;;:•;;::;;;;s:�;s t;;ss;;:a:;';;;;::::;:;;c.;a:�;;;; c;::::::::::::::::::.::::::::.::::::;:s;;::;::::::.,:::':.-:.�.:: :::::_:::::: .:-..:::::::.::::.:.::::.::-:':.:::::::.:::::::::::::::::::.-:.::..':::.;..:.,..;.:.:...::::::::::::::::::::::.-::::::::.:.::::::::::::::::::::.-.:: :_:'-::......::::.-.............::.-_::::.... ...::...........-::............:......::.:::::::.' ::::.-:::.:.::::.:::-::.:.:-:::::;'::.::::.:::::::::::::::.-::..........:.:::..:.:.:.::., tJ Q Pre .................. .. . . ...... ... ....._....p..........................................................................................:.::.........................,.:...:::,-::.::::.:::..::::::..., ... .......................................- : ::';;...;;yt::;;;;;.._;.;,::zy. :x;;:,.<:- <-:; :fii_:a_:_ --:i__:- -1-=i`:?:;'_ :::_�f`:-::- :is_ ?....::_.:: :;;.,. :::::_: .:a_•::s:::. ._;;:_;::;:::.:: .,,,:.:,:::::...:..::;;-:..::::::.::::.::. ::..•...;.:.... :.. . BaYcf<>Il);: °:`::::.. bias. .:.:: uals.:::: ::::.::.::.:................. eS ........;....... .._...._ o.�r..... n�.. .............. t . . .............rate tz r............................................................ ................................................................................................_._..............................._.._........... ........ a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 80 % 70-130 80218 02/22/04 02/22/04 19:14 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 I _I a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 112 % 70-130 8015M 102/22/04 02/22/04 119:14 HKS 1 GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS Ce4ftdfi6M#4 t�$Qport are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third part),interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court"Bakersfield,CA 93308'(661)327-4911 'FAX(661)327-1918.www.bclahs.com Printed 02/24/2004 10:43:03 04-01765-34 ' B m m = " m " " m = m m " " m " m .laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 15:00 _ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point D4-2 DISP 4 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCIL Sample ID 04-01765-27 .....:::::;:=; ;;:;;; :;;=:::: ::_:.::;::::.:;_ _;;: ::: ;.::::::::: :: ::::;:..:::: ;: ....: :::_.;_:::: ;s<s::-r;r; s>rs: s::;::;; ; :;;:?ss::r;;;;s:>: s::r:: ::.;:.-::.:-::;.,-::.,;............... : ::::::::.:;:::;;;:: ....... .. ...... ..... ................................ ::.::.:.-::....:.._...:.... .:.....:.....:.::...:.....:_::..:::.:::...::....::..::::.:..::..:::..:.::....::.. ...:.: ............................................................... .................................Ertstru................... ::..... .....:..:.....:.::...::::::...:::...:.a..:.:::::::.:...: ........Pr ..................................Rt3n = ass:::::.._ ;:.; :::::::::::_ ,:.;.-_:::.;-.::_:..._: ......:.:: .......;. ,........:.:: ; .... :::::..::.-......::::.:.:: ....,..::.:::..................... .... 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Benzene <PQL mglkg mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 80216 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:05 HKS I GC-V8 1 1 302-100436 ND Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND _ Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-140436 ND Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:05 HKS GC-V8 I 1 302-100436 ND ;rrs:;:a;;.::.; ;;;:a;:;::xc:;=aa-:=:.-_.:::::;s::;;;:_:::_;snr:;:s;:;;:::;s:::s;;;::_::;-:::t:;;;::::. :::::::: :::;-:...;:, :: r::::::..:.::.::r::- ac;: :-:se:::_::::.::.::.:::: :::-::;:::.::.:::::::::;:;=r.......::��;;:..:.::t::::=:::;::.a;::�::�s::;s:.;;;;;:s:;:::-n;;:.x:.»s:::�::;:;t`�iiia:;:a;»;;:::r:i:;<;'ri;<;;a;:;; 3:4i ;;:;:;i::ii ;:'s_:;ii:;;::i:_;; :::::;:;ir::::;;;::i::;;;;;;;s: ::;;::;;;x::;;::_::.:::::.::.:.:.:::::.::_::;:::;==t;_;r:;___;;;:;a-;___:::_:_:_:::-__:r::s_;:_;':;: :_ :_..::__;;_;_i`=;:.. - _z:_a::_ x;;::;;:::: Eli:``s:;:;:;r:;;::i:::::;::: ................... .. ..........................._.. .........._......._...__._....... - _........ .........._....._.--.. 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Et�tt :-:.::.:.-t #............�at ......�t ......... ....__x..._.................__.. ........_...._.... ............................_............................_..................................................................... .. a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 76 % 70-130 8021B 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:05 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 103 % 70-130 8015M 02/23/04 02/23/04 16:05 HKS GC 48 1 302-100436 California DOHS 0dWt't fi30P)i#li1®6trt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court-Bakersfield,CA 93308.(661)3274911 'FAX(661)327-1918'wu•w.bclabs.com Printed 03/03/2004 11:18:17 04-01765-27 B7 SI m m m m m m m m m m m i m m m m m Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 ___ Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 15:05 - Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- _ Sampling Point D4-6 DISP 4 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-28 : ;;>;;;;a; t z:;:;;::::::s::: ::::::::::.:a;::;. r::;::;; ii : :: -::. :..::::::::::::. ::.:. ......................................... ;;;;;;r';;::::sa:;;;;s_ _:aa:;s:::;:;: ::;s:�:;s:-;::t::;e:::trs;:::a:_�s;:...:;_;:_;;:;;xa::a:::;;;::;;:;;;:;:;:::�:::;;;: .::: ;;;:: :::::;;;;:s:s:::;t:.:.....,....:::::::::.-::.-:::::::: ::.:::::::.-:.::::--:::......:::::..:::::.:-: ......................................._. ......Pc :.::::::_:::.:::::::::.:::::::::::::,-.::Kiln;.: >.:::s:;:;>:a:;;:>::: i;.mertt;.fd...:.D.tlutran 6`a ID.: Bias: Quals; ... . :: _..............................................._...................:.:..:::.:::::....:.:::..:........:..:....:.:....�--_ .i.Eft.......................l:�k?.Eta.._.............�Q�.............. ..�._�.....:..::�.._��3._.:..._-:::::::::#Y�i e..........3�>j........................................... ......_.._... ._...................._....._............_...._ Benzene <PQL I mg/kg 0.005 1 0.00036 1 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 19:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002_ Toluene <PQL mg/kg I 0.005 0.0040 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 19:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ Q02 _ Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 19:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ 002 _ Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 19:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND _ 1 002,003 Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 19:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100433 ND 002 _ Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 19:41 . HKS I Gr✓-V8 1 302-100433 ND ::.:-::.::-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..:::.-::.::.-::.:-.:-:::.:::::.:::::::.:.. ....... ::::........::.-::::::.......::.::::::::::::::::::.:-..::.::.::.-::.-..:,:::-:::::.::.-::: ::::::::.:::.-,::::.::::-:.-..:::.-:::..:::.::::::,..... ............................................. C: z?:' `.s>:.La . . .. ...:................._.......................................................................----............. .............,_::;: :>:r:;fi;>_>i>ii:;ri:;::i:;:t vnc:i;:iiii:i::r::: :?::?::;>.:? :; Pre ... ::::: :. ....... e5U1t....................1�. . ............._gyp. ... RtS........�i2�#3Q{'1:::.:r;:? ;;;;;s;i2�n::�ate€;;�Ime.>;::�Qlnal st�::.::.merlt:.fD::;:::D.11utlon Batch ID:.. 6ias S.urro fe._C.om oun =Raw=. .. .... t�[fs....... ..... _�trctt..#.�rrt. ......_.... .. . .. . ... ...#]ate.._......................._......................_........ . a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 91 % 1 70-130 1 80218 02/21/04 1 02/21/04 19:41 1 HKS I GC-V8 1 302-100433 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 122 % ' 70-130 I 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 19:41 1 HKS I GC-V8 1 302-100433 Flag Explanations _ Q02 Matrix spike precision is not within the control limits. Q03 Matrix spike recovery is not within the control limits. California DOHS Cear0#'1&-atiQfll iAfliAA1 are for the exclusive use of the subrai ting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)327-4911 -FAX(661)327-1918'Nv%v%v.bclabs.cotn Printed 02/24/2004 10:42:35 04-01765-28 JB! Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 15:10 Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point P1-2 CONNECTING PIPE Sample Matrix Soil _ Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE JBCL Sample ID 04-01765-29 _ =_ ---- =_= _ _ _ = Lab';:?::r?`: ?: ;:::t:? >stiis:ts:::matt: ;::>:;s:._-:;:fi:_:<::;.> rs:_::it:::::s:>:::��::::rfis:sss;::: :: ":'' ; ':.. ii"r Pr :a::;;;:s:<s>:_;s:r:s: R.......::.:..:......:..:.....:........................... ................................... nstEtu .es u: 1 S d _;::.naE s ;:sment:.E[lt:>_.DiEu.lion:::.::::Batch:.ID>......:....::;.:B ........ . .Eit.... .............. . 7.E. .................I...� ..................M. L............�1't}]S3. Ftme A.......... ..._t............_...................._............._ ......_............................................................. ........_.. ....... ._................ Benzene <PQL mg/kg mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 80216 02/21/04 02/21/04 20:12 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 20:12 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND _ Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 20:12 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 20:12 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 20:12 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg 1 0.046 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 20:12 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND [I S:feb iii% =...........................;`'``':; C s::r:`: .._................._.........._....._..................::.:..__:::::.:__:..::::.:.:_:.:::_:_::::::::::::::_:.:::_:::::::::___:__.:.:::::::.::::::::_........:.::::_.:: F.........._........ ..._..............._...................._ .......................................................................................:::::......::;:::::.::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::.::::::: ::::::::::::::.....::::::::::::::::::::: . .. e5 .-:.:::::::�::,,....... ,::-.::::: .. _.... ..... :::::.:::::: .....� :.�. :;::.. . ::::;knat st::.::rnenf::[D 'Dlititlan......:.E3ateh 1D:;. ......:61as:.:i S.urro. to_C.om ..........................R Eztt......................Ut�Ets....._........_�a�tra€..L�nzxt�.........-l�f�et#�c�d.._.......sate.........�r>:.�ate T►rn�... ............... ......................................... ........._........................._......................... ......._ . __....... ... . _.._........ a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 76 I % 70-130 80218 02/21/04 02/21/04 20:12 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 104 % 70-130 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 20:12 HKS GC48 1 1 302-100436 California DOHS Ceriff cation M#$.Iwrt are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court•Bakersfield,CA 93308-(661)327-4911-FAX(661)327-1918'ww'v.bclabs.com Printed 03/03/2004 11:18:26 04-01765-29 i JB� m m m m m m m m m m* m m m m m m - m Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 16:10 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/19/2004 @ 15:13_ Sampling Location MING/REAL Sample Depth --- Sampling Point P1-6 CONNECTING PIPE Isample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA/K. ELDREDGE BCL Sample ID 04-01765-30 - _ = -- - = - = _ = Lab>;>''>i;>3>` n:;;:x::;<;;: s:;s•s::::;;;;;>;::;::; :x:;:ss_:r:: :.-.:. ::::::.-.:::::::.:.-:::.-:::.-::::::..:::::: _:::::.:::.::.:::::::::_:::::: ::::.....::.....::.;;;;::::. :::;;:;:::i;_:::::iiiisi::i ;::=:_;>tt:isssss;:::::_;si:i::::a;i;::tt,:.. ..:::-...........:...:::..................... ... ... ............... .................. 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Benzene <PQL mg/kg mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 1 80216 02/21/04 02/21/04 20:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Toluene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0040 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 20:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Ethylbenzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.0018 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 20:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 20:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND - Total Xylenes <PQL mg/kg 0.01 0.0098 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 20:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Gasoline Range Organics <PQL mg/kg I 1 0.046 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 20:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND ;;;;;;;:::taa:;;;;a;::;;;:z:;;;:;:::>;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;s;:;:;;;;s: :;;;;: :,:s;::;;;rr-;;:z»:;::;:s::;;;sa;;;s;::=;;:t: :::::ss t�-:::::::;r;;::.;�s: :::s;:;;;:;;;::;;:;-;a:;;:::;�;;;::.:::::;-: : _;-•;;...........................;;:;:;::-:::;:;;:;::_;;:;;;;>;:::;;;r:;;:;;::>::::.::a:��a;;;::;•;;; :;;:>:s;s:<;:��:�:;:�r�:�:;;:�;;:�;; a:;;;;;;r::_::::c;;»>;;;:;......... �;:::;- ;;;i;;;;;;;;; ;;,;;;;;;sa;::;;;;;;;;;;:;;::;:;:::;;:::;;;_;;:;;;;;;:_::_ts:::::;::er::;:: ;;:;;;;::::s_:;::t r:;;::s::_:::;-s;:__;;tts tr ;;:_;_;;;:t_-;;::_;;:;;;;;;;e;::;;;;;:_;;;:;;::;;:;;; ;_: ;;;;;:;;;;;::::::::;;r::::;: :n::::... 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S.urro ate_C.om Resr��t..................._.l .Es..............._ o .trot..Lrritt ............l�ltthod_...........� t .........Rr.:safe..: ?r> .............._.. ....................... ................... .._......_............................._..................._........................_ . our>�ds....................................._................_......_..................._.... ......._........._......._.__.._..................................._.............................._ ................ ...._....._...................._... . a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 82 % 70-130 8021B 02/21/04 02/21/04 20:41 1 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 _ a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(8015 Surrogate) 112 % 70-130 8015M 02/21/04 02/21/04 20:41 HKS GC-V8 1 302100436 California DOHS Cerfificatiosa#1,11,are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for report alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308*(661)327-4911 'FAX(661)327-1918'www.bclabs.com Printed 03/03/2004 11:18:35 04-01765-30 BC Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CDC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/25/2004 @ 14:11 _ Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/25/2004 @ 08:45 Sampling Location MING/REAL(JACO) Sample Depth --- _ Sampling Point SP 1 SOIL PILE#1 Sample Matrix Soil _ Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA JBCL Sample ID 04-01945-1 -- - ...................`.......... rr::;: i; :::z:€ za `=:sa::;;: s:;:;;'; ::?% :;;_ ;i;:::::;; :;:s ;`°_:;;:i:a::....... ::::r_:`::_;i:;;:_a:: :;:_ t;:.;;;::;;::;::_:":;::'::;;;;__ii.'-:t:>_. ;:;;;:::;__. .. .:;:: : : `_ ;;: :`-ttlTY:s_ isz:`iisii:•r; `i§�:�>:fnsf EI _..._..._.Pr...... ............_....._ ... ..............-y..,.,.........:.:::-:::::::;:;,;;::;;:asa:::;:::;::s:;e::;::::;;:;:;::a;:;:;a;;: a:;::::;::.:: :::::...._:.::a;;:;:::;-_ :;:......:::::;.:= s;--:a=:;:- ::__ -,;;:: ..--:.-:::.......-...........: ::-:::..:.-.:,:._....::_:.::::.;....::::.;:::.-::::...:::.,;:::::::.-:::::.::.....::::.,;..-....-::::::::::::::.:;-:::::.,....:.::: ual.......,..,.. :.... 4E}SttfLl. . ,.............. .. ..............._......... . ..._. 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BC Laboratories,Inc.assumes no responsibility for repot alteration,separation,detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'Bakersfield,CA 93308•(661)3274911 'FAX(661)327-1918"www.bclabs.com Printed 03/03/2004 15:49:23 04-01945-1 B7 C7o, Laboratories, Inc RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/25/2004 @ 14:11 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/25/2004 @ 08:50 Sampling Location MING/REAL(JACO) Sample Depth Sampling Point SP 2 SOIL PILE#2 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA BCL Sample ID 04-01945-2 ::::::::-:.:::::::::: ::::::::: :..::.-:::::. :.....:.-::::::: :.....::-.- -:.-:::::::.::....:: ::::.:...-::... :::::.....:::.:;.::ii;;;: ::::is.'.=°.....;....r.:::a:-:::t: :sssr:::::s;::::;;>;::::::::;:;::::<::_;:.....: ...........................: cs;: MB;:.:::.;::-:::. :;:s <::_:iris:;;isisf::::::f�:;::::: si?>::;:;:;�::ti::i; :t;; :::€:tTi";: ;:::::___;::.`_::=_::t:t_:::_:_ '-:::f:;: t�::ts:_:a:::_:;_t;:::-:;:a::=:_;:;;:i:::;;_ t:=:: ::si=:::::€:::::;a.... . ........................ .-.-:.-::.-.-::::::::.- :.:...._ .:::>s..r_f : :i: �_� ::irtstru.�t::t;:�>:�::� .�.�t::�..�:;:t:::ai:::�:: �::is:::a;::;:>r::>:�:�t:�:�s:�;t: �:.:::::::::.::.. - _...._....._._.............. ---.._............._.._... ....._.__....._................. ...__..._......_..Pr-e ...._... ----._....._.........._....._.Rt�n 4................... .........................:::..:::-::. .:................................. ::::::::::........ ......._....._....._........_... .._....._..— ----..._ ...--- -—-- - - _.....#...__.:._::_:::::::::_:::.-::::.:-::__:_:::....._:.::.:::::::::::.-::::::::::::.. ......................................:.:...:,:::.......................................................................................................................... :.._.........x .._..._....... - _.._....._...... .- -- _._._.......--- :_.. --_ _ ._...._.._.....__....... . 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Benzene <PQL mg/kg 0.005 0.00036 1 8021B 02/26/04 02/26/04 00:50 1 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND Toluene 0.44 mg/kg 0.3 0.20 8021B 02/25/04 02/25/04 18:50 1 HKS GC-V8 50 302-100436 ND Ethylbenzene 0.019 mg/kg 0.01 0.0035 8021B 02/25/04 02/25/04 23:50 HKS GC-V8 2 302-100436 ND Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/26/04 02/26/04 00:50 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND _ Total Xylenes 2.1 mg/kg 0.5 0.49 8021B 02/25/04 02/25/04 18:50 HKS GC-V8 50 302-100436 ND Gasoline Range Organics 9.4 mg/kg 2 0.092 8015M 02/25/04 02/25/04 23:50 HKS GC-V8 2 302-100436 ND 'M.B:' r"::'s'Si: :-.-::::::::::::::::a::: n :r::;;;;;;:;;:;a::a;;:;c;;:s;;;;;;::;s&:nn;:;:r:- >;;;;z:;:�: ss;:�s;::c:;;::;s:;;:xa:;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;::-::rr;:::::�;:;:s;:::s-;x:s::;::re:::;:.::::;;:;;;;::s;;::s:;;;:�;: ::;;::s:-a;;::;;;;;::s::::;;;;s:::;;;:a:;:s:a:::-;;;;;;;;;;;::::;;x::::::�;::;n::�;;;;;;;;;:::::............:::;as ::;:a:;;;;:;:r;;s::s:;:s::::�;;;;;;:a. .................................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................... 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BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: KEVIN MALAMMA Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number --- Receive Date/Time 02/25/2004 @ 14:11 Project Number 200143 Sampling Date/Time 02/25/2004 @ 09:00 Sampling Location MING/REAL(JACO) Sample Depth --- Sampling Point SP 3 SOIL PILE#3 Sample Matrix Soil Sampled By KEVIN MALAMMA JIBCL Sample ID 04-01945-3 ::::::::......... ::::::::.._...::::::.-..:::::::::::::::.:...:::::::::::.:..:_........ ............:........ ::::...... :....,..:::::::::::::::. _ _ ........................ ...... ' ;.:-=:_sr::: :_ :s -:s ::=: :; :_=<_:_ _- i;;- :_;-::._:_;-.._.__..... : :::-=_:._:_:: s::::.::::.-. n5ttttle.Llt........... ..... ..:. ............:.:::._.: :::.:- P.Sf�lt ..........._ . 1 ff # ...._.............. L ayl>r1#zQS#:: ........ :::::.:32 stl3af� =£trite.:.. tea st.....m .t_fQ Di3ut[un. .....Batch ID... Bras Quals::. -.....-:..........._..... Q---------------:--:_..._......_. }ati?..........._.>i........................................... ............... . ?............:............ ----- - Benzene 0.011 mg/kg 0.01 0.00072 8021B 02/26/04 02/26/04 00:20 HKS GC-V8 1 2 1 302-100436 ND Toluene 12 mg/kg 3 2.0 8021B 02/25/04 02/25/04 19:20 HKS GC-V8 500 302-100436 ND _ Ethylbenzene 9.4 mg/kg 3 0.86 8021B 02/25/04 02/25/04 19:20 HKS GC-V8 500 302-100436 ND Methyl t-butyl ether <PQL mg/kg 0.02 0.00056 8021B 02/26/04 02/26/04 01:20 HKS GC-V8 1 302-100436 ND S09 Total Xylenes 84 mg/kg 5 4.9 8021B 02/25/04 02/25/04 19:20 HKS GC-V8 500 302-100436 ND Gasoline Range Organics 1000 mg/kg 500 23 8015M 02/25/04 02/25/04 19:20 HKS GC-V8 500 302-100436 ND S09 S.ui.irs.::r.o S.............:.:.:...:.-.:.;.:.:.::.:.::.s..R. eSf�llt.::::.>:.::::.:::•# .Ef= :::..�:.... � ::` : _ _ ....:.....:.:.... r..4 L.It it . m: � ............... ............................. 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Chain of Custody ' PLEASE CO PL Form 12329 BCLQUOTEID: : p o r To* 'RAM �Jq Page /— Of i ent: - P 11 ►ttn:Kk4-('l`,) NALAHMA ProJect Name: M 1pc. Comments: street Address:2101 W h To crQ-r-,vo u t-" PrQject Code: 'T L .ity,State,Zip:U5Fcl �03301 Sam ler(s): � MA6mmda 40 Tw �hone- 24�JS�1— Fax:3Z4 �11 1- 11- d"Y- .L Sample Matrix Are there any tests holding times iess that}- 41 or equal to 48 boon? ;mail Address:k M"mq om rs ;ubmittal#: 2.--z! ❑ Yes ❑ No — 0 E Standard Turnaround= 15 work days e 'Date Time Description 0 Sampled Samp C0/)led Other Notes , 7k I Sck\ Sam ['1 1 3,5 - 1-0 T V, I Sol I SAMPLE -TL 1 5ptl SAM21,6 cbl9r4NL4 9 - _5 f)nLt SA Nt 9 Le L-?n— -rL I Sod 5A W 0 A/ [!!k— 1 5 wl 5AYAP LC I'-Z TL 3ZNo 2- Tk- L 0 1 G -F 60 OIQ101101'-L�nb 10, 1 L 2- Tk- Z. 1 I I 7 t—.7-- 'TL 3 'Wid I t5 I 3 2�Nilcfml 0 Sample Disposal Special Reporting Same as above Report Drinking Disposal by lab Qc 11 Waters on State Form? E] Return to Client Archive: Months______—_ WIP Raw Data lient: ❑Yes�-N No 1. Relin Uis Dar Time S 1.Aeceive!ZW Date Time Adress' 7 1146 fc -t-) t6-It, sty: State Send Copy to State of .7 2. Relinquished By Date Time 2\4tWeived By Dale Time —Zip— CA? Atn: Yes �No Relinquished By Date Time 1. Received By Date Time '0#: r I I BC Laboratories,Inc.-4100 Atlas Ct.-Bakersfield, CA 93308-661.327.4911 . Fax. 661.327.1918-www.bclabs.com PLEASE COMPLETE: =LaborMatories, Inc. Chain of Custody Form 13CL QUOTE I D: Rep-i To: 12330 Client:FAKEKV. &A ProJect#: _*i*3 Page Z- of Attn: IN IN KALAM Al A —Project Name:AJlAA-f&AL- Comments: 21 D3 24ft Project Code: Street Address: Z r J cN A u t,,f City,State,Zip: Sampler(s): kM1AMMf&. (A Phone: 15 Fax: (All. Are there any tests with holding thAes less than Email Address: Sample Matrix or equal to 48 hours? ❑ Yes 1:1 No Submittal#• C -01 _+((25 r 0 e Description r Standard Turnaround = 15 work days ..amp Date Time 0 Sampled Sampled Other Notes 9-2- IN V TL3 _�0'1 1415 ;9,18 DO L4o z) -rL I '-!!)n_mJfz I I 0-2, TL L4 Iq 1 .5011 '9�noq 7.,2 Vem, 0­0 in, I �om -0, 011) c4j 3�,5 1)10 I-'Z TLq C (-t' T - D1 1 , - �f eno I �,d I I rA Y�3 o T4 "y Z-7 t "IV q 5 160 4 N 1- lei V N IV q D15P.-- Soil 544e[e L 1/110Y 1,35D 1 1,151 T)\c> F_t 5 ` _\' 011 , 01 - Q15FL4 Same as above Report Drinking Sample Disposal Special Reporting Waters' State Form? ❑ Return to Client Disposal by lab ❑ Archive: Months______—_ ❑ oc 1:1 WIP ❑ Raw Data 'Aient: 1. Relinquishe 4y Dat Time Date Time E_ 3 No 4 kddress: gmtof—_ ?I f �5_ -1 Send Copy to State of shed By Dafe Time 2.�Rec6ived By Date Time 'ity: State—Zip— CA? kttn: Yes El No 3. Relinquished By Date Time 3. Received By Date Time \E] BC Laboratories,Inc.-4100 Atlas Ct.-Bakersfield, C4 93308-661.327.4911-Fax:661.327.1918-www.bclabs.com PLEASE COMPLETE: =LaborMatories, Inc. Chain of Custody Form 12331 BCL QUOTE ID: 'rpou To: Analysis Requeste Page of- Ment: Project#: !�D04;5 . L,* i. . . . ­ - \. V Comments: kttn: Project Name-M I AA 1Ur N,:C)Project Code: ;treet Address: ?J n�) 'ity,State,Zi Sampler(s): ,vi ".4n- 1'honeap�q 4 V"X: 7, Jer i*13 , , ",( ? � ; E► %IQ Sample Matrix Are there any tests with holding times ICNS than ?,mail AddresS:"bVNM n6w66M Az 2"$ or equal to 48 hours? 6- El Yes El No -ni A -al#: V 0 e.w."— E 3 Standard Turnaround= 15 work days amp , Description Date Time 0 Sampled Sampled vloa: C/)V)Q 6 Other Notes k 1A 2 y o ID \1 It Aff v �)V •2- /nm& V11) - I ill o4 15 e,-n P it C?- 3.21 I -L i ity f5 - Z I - 33 1 Report Drinking Sample Disposal Special Reporting Same as above Water Client ,NU Disposal by lab ac ❑ WIP ❑ Raw Data ers_on State Form. ❑ Return to Cl Archive: Months--—----- El 11 lient: Yes No 1. Relinquis y Date Time Date Thne ❑Adress: No 1 ;� likyl 1U)_5 nE4k -_ I [� Lo ;IF--2. kelinrw rshdrBr Dtl Time 2.\Rt<'eived By Date Time -sty: Send Copy to State of State-Zip:- CA., I Atn: Yes No 3. Relinquished By Dale Time 3. Received By Date Time '0#: I BC Laboratories,Inc.—4100 Atlas-0.—Bakersfield, CA 93308—661.327.4911-Fax:661.327.1918-www.bclabs.com : =Laboratories, PL Inc. Chain of Cu- S- tody Form . BCLQUOTECOMPLETEID: Repoil To: 12332 Client:R AM 6 Q\P Project#• 2z n iY3 Page- Z of .kttn: Vaylw NuA AU A Project Name:M)11(,,d QPA C6mments: Ar —F;", Street Address: 24?) 2D!!' <2:5 11 Project Code: C-) City,State,Zip: C-# 53 Q Sampler(s):IL— )14c&yXMc(. e4 -T� Phone:to 3 2-4(j 5 L Fax:�;2 Email Address ha Sample Matrix Are there any tests with holding times less than nr equal to 48 hours? :"�nm I&A T El Yes No Submittal#: E�t Standard Turnaround 15 work days Description Date Time 0 ple. 0 led cd.� Notes Sampled, Sample 0 En C�6 Other P 0 1 50( ( Pao tf 17-5 10 U X X 10 2� -5011 (0 --d3 D j M A X I N4 I I H ZCHK ISTRI TRI B UTION Same as above Report Drinking Sample D Special Reporting Waters on State Form? Disposal Disposal by lab Archive: Months_--- QC ❑ WIP ❑ Raw Data ❑ Return to Client ❑ Ej 1:1 'lient: Relinquis By Date Time I Received Date Time EJ Yes "D No Zlz$�,Dq 141� Adress: 'ity: State Send Copy to State of Date Time ' R ved By Date Time Atn: Zip— CA? No El Yes I�Ej r Relinquished By Dale Time 7 Received By Date Time - BC Laboratories,Inc.-4100 Atlas Ct.-Bakersfield, CA 93308-661.327.4911-Fax. 661.327.1918-www.bclabs.com APPENDIX B 1 SAMPLING PLAN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' JACO Oil—Ming and Stine—Summary Sampling Plan RAM Project#200143, Task 1 —Confirmation Soil Sampling TASK OBJECTIVE: Sample soils at 2-feet and 6-feet below bottom grade of USTs, piping, and dispensers, as necessary, for analysis of TPH-g, TPH-d, MTBE, and BTEX ' on a rush basis. SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSES ' Laboratory analysis will be conducted by an environmental testing laboratory certified by the State of California for the tests to be performed. Test methods and criteria are as follows: ' TPHg and TPHd by Modified EPA Method 8015 • BTEX and fuel oxygenates by EPA Method 8260 ' Analytical Laboratory- BC Laboratories, Bakersfield CA • Rush sample turnaround time—24 hr results. • Report results to Kevin Malamma, RAM Environmental, Engineering SOIL SAMPLING PROTOCOL Soil sampling will be conducted in accordance with RAM Environmental Engineering ' Services Standard Soil and Groundwater Sampling Protocols (RAM, 2003) and will incorporate the following project specific criteria. ' Sampling Locations Sample locations will be as follows: ' 12,000 gallon UST—3 sample locations 10,000 gallon UST—2 sample locations Connecting Pipes—sample locations at Tees and 90s as verified in the field ' Dispensers— 1 sample location per unit Soil Confirmation Information ' Sample at 2-feet and 6-feet below bottom of hole for USTs, Dispensers, and Connecting Piping- • Use backhoe or excavator bucket for excavation of samples ' • Push brass sleeve into excavated soil to completely fill sleeve • Use Teflon seal and plagtic caps to seal sleeve • Indicate direction of sample collection on sleeve (arrow) ' Monitor soils and void space with hand held PID or equivalent Equipment: • Brass Sleeves • Teflon seals and Plastic caps • Disposable gloves, baggies,permanent marking pens, sample labels, COC forms, ' Field Log forms, residuals (IDR) labels • PID, HNU or OVM meter for monitoring work space for volatiles ' 2000_04_143_SummarySamplingPIan ' Personal Protective Gear per Standard Health and Safety Protocols for fuel impacted groundwater. ' Three (3) 5-gallon steel buckets with secure lids for disposal of rinse and purge water. • Pre-chilled non-water cooling material for sample storage/shipping container. Sampling Procedure Once the equipment is removed, the first soil removed should be sampled using the ' handheld meter and the meter reading recorded. Soil should be returned to the excavation. The backhoe can excavate a bucket's width to 2-feet bgs,bringing the soil to a safe ground level away from the pit. A brass sleeve, properly capped on one end, will ' be hand pushed into the soil in the backhoe bucket (at the point closest to the teeth of the bucket). The sleeve will be properly sealed and a directional arrow drawn to indicate the sample direction. The soil (and the void space) in the bucket will be monitored with the ' handheld meter and the results recorded. Sample Identification and Labeling Complete sample label information and sample chain of custody information prior to collection of each sample, leaving sampling time for notation just after collection. ' Label, bag, and place in foam holders in sample shipping container. Fill other containers supplied by laboratory, and label and store in the same manner. ' Check/complete the chain-of-custody form and sample logs, and secure the sample storage/shipping container until delivered to the laboratory. Sample container should be kept cool with pre-chilled non-water icing material. 1 t 2000_04_143_SummarySamplingPlan <_ y HAZARD JUS -MATERIALS D t_ SION_ _-- TIME: CHARGED •, � BUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME: ADDRESS: 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: USA PROJECT NUMBER: 2-7 2� DATE: NAME: CHGD: COMMENTS: Lv Fe j.,e,_j rc.o-.-�- — issue e„J C jor L :JUN 1,4 7nnF OCT - 91006 A&L J Oldq' a� Uto/ u CP60.IL _, �92_ Clot'.., 66 5� f� Co•.1�'w ,nti�"` :� +a PROJECT COMPLETION: DATE: ;4 V` j - i f 4 " l B E R S F I D FIRE ARTM T June 8, 2006 Mr. Roy Saunders Ming.& Real Fastrip 632 P.O. Box 1807 Bakersfield, CA 93380 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES RE: Work Plan Approval for Ming& Real Fastrip 632 2101 "H"Street Bakersfield,CA 93301 3701 Ming Avenue in Bakersfield, CA ' VOICE(661)326-3911 FAX(661)852-2170 SUPPRESSION SERVICES Dear Mr. Saunders, 2101 "H"Street Bakersfield,CA 93301 This Office has reviewed the Site Investigation Work Plan, dated VOICE(661)326-3941 g FAx(661)852-2170 December 2004,prepared by RAM Environmental for the above referenced property. PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES•ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 900 rruxtun Ave.,suite 210 The work plan is acceptable. Please give this Office five (5) working Bakersfield,CA 93301 VOICE(661)326-3979 days notice prior to the commencement of work. Please be advised that FAx(661)852=2171 any.work done that is not performed under direct oversight by this Office will not be accepted, unless previously approved. FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave.,31d Floor Bakersfield,CA 93301 If you have any questions,please call me at(661) 326-3649. VOICE(661)326-3951 FAX(661)852-2172 Sincerely, TRAINING DIVISION RALPH E. HUEY, Director of Prevention Services 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield,CA 93308 VOICE(661)399-4697 FAX(661)399-5763 By: Howard H. Wines III Hazardous Materials Specialist Professional Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services cc: R. Casagrande, RAM November 29, 2004 B E R S F I D FIRE Mr. Roy Saunders A R r r Ming & Real Fastrip P.O. Box 1807 Bakersfield, CA 93380. RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at the Ming & Real Fastrip, located at 3701 Ming Avenue in Bakersfield Permit# BR-0317 FIRE CHIEF Dear Mr. Saunders, RON FRAZE Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results ,from your ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H"Street facility, this office has determined that the extent of the contamination ,plume, Bakersfield,CA 93301 , associated with the west end of gasoline tank #2 (from the south) previously VOICE(661)326-3941 located on your property, has not been,adequately defined. FAX(661)852-2170 SUPPRESSION SERVICES This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California 2101 "H"Street Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Bakersfield.CA 93301 Regulations) that further assessment be done to `define the vertical and VOICE(661)326.3941 FAX(661)852-2170 horizontal extent of the contamination plume. PREVENTION SERVICES I Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, within FIRE SAFETY SERVICES-ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 30 s da from receipt.of this letter., . The work Ian. should. follow.guidelines 900 Truxtun Ave..Suite 210 y p p g Bakersfield.CA 93301 found in: Appendix A -Reports. Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations VOICE(661)326-3979 for Prelimina evaluation and Investigation of Under round Tank Sites; Jul FAX(661)852-2171 ry g g y 6, 1990. FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Additionally, be advised.that oversight cost for this project will be billed Bakersfield.CA 93301 ! to you at a rate of$104.00 per hour. VOICE(661)326-3951 FAX(661)852-2172 If you have any questions, please call me at (661) 326-3979. TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Sincerely, Bakersfield,CA 93308 VOICE(661)399-4697 RALPH E. HUEY, Director of Prevention Services FAX(661)399-5763 By: Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services HHW/s cc: J. Whiting, RWQCB R. Casagrande, RAM `� Ly, mC Ml/1%