HomeMy WebLinkAbout4800 FAIRFOX RD �II�IIIVIIIIIIIIII 51 IE Appendix VI (Copies of Monitarfng System Cerlific0on form and UST Monitoring Plot Plan available at h1tD:ll tAam Wrboardg.CS,gov,) MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION rvr use sy ow dunwttbns Wfth the stare or ceffm e AuthodW Cited:Chapter 6.7,HeaRh and Safety Code;Chapter 16, Division 4 Title 23, Califtrn/e Code of Regulations This form must be used to document testing and servicing of monkaring equipment.A separate certftsdion or report must be prepated for each monRo"system corrhol panel by the technidan who performs the work. A copy of this form must be provided to the tank system ownedoperator. The ownerroperator must submit a copy or this Form to the local agency requkding UST systems within 30 days of test date. A. General f ormatlon FW Rty Kane: —if 9-5-2 4-1. rJ'9.f Okla,Na: SlteAddreas: �t-n glr44C�. o7 - r Zip; 2 12 a Facility Contact Person: lecsa Contact Phone No.: Make+Model of Mbnhoring system: kg.,& id al �-� -�' Dale of Testwarwana J. 1.�1 ) 8. Inventory of EquipmeM Tm tedrCertwed Check merropfte boxes to k0kate eqftment Insi adogivervism: Tank K) Tank fO In-Tank GRouging Probe. Model: ln-TanX7GbLqklg Probe. Model: Ammar$pecie Cr Vaull Sensor. mom: - Annular Spac*ar Vault Sensor. Model: M*-71 7 ea, PipD1g Sump r Trend+Sensor(s). Model: Piping Sump r Trench Sensor(a). Model: F'iil Sump Sertsor(s). Model:„r[ Fill SWP Sensor(s). model: unin Mechanical Une Look Defector. Mode!; !Lhf Machonk et Une Look Detector, Model: t,1 ❑ Eledronlc Line leak Detedor. Model:_. 0 Etectronk Line Leak Detector. Model: ❑ Tank Overfill(HkgM4A%, l Sensor. Model: 0 Tank Dvarfsl r High-Level Sensor. Model: 0 Qttw LSM oWpMQM fte and model In Se*m E an P 2). her L02M @Wpment We and mmW in Section E an P Tank ID: tank I0: iQ In-Tank GYuging Frrobo. Model: 0 In-Tw*Csauping Probe. Model: A Armular&pope or Vewl Sensor. Model:--.r Tda�f.rS re r 0 Annular Space or Vault Sensor, Model: IK Pipiny Scarp!Trench Sensor(s). Modet t y,_1 SAa = ❑ Pipkrp Sump!Trench Sensor(s). Model: IQ Fsl Sump Sensor(s). Model: n Fill Scamp Sensor(s). Model; X.Mechanical Line Lank Detector. Model; L� ❑ Mechanical Lkie Leak Detector. Model: 0 Electrode Line Leak Oetedor. Model: 0 Electronic lane Leek Detector. Model• p Tank Overfill l High L”Sensor. Modet: a Tank Overfill r H'qh-Level Sensor. Modet 0 Other LaM eWpment tym and model in Section E on Pago . n Other and made)In$ecfi(nFonPano2l. Dlsponasr 10: L Drepenaer;lo. 1-y Dispenser Conralnmw Sensor(s). Model: Dispenser C)MaWnerd Sensor(s). Model:sgAr-_Sdc r Shear Valve(s). $hear Valve(s). ❑ Mw Cords(renent Ftaat s and Chain a. 0 Dispenser Containment Floats and 8. Dispenser I0: 7-U Pleperrsor t0: Dispenser C htelnment Sensar(s). Model: rab4 o r' 0 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: Sheer Vabie(s). 0 Sheer Valve(s). 0 pis set Containment FMqqjs and Chat a. U Cartotnmenl Flo As)and Chains. Dhwor aer ta; -G Dlaperlser ID: 0� Olspenser Containment Sensor(s)_ Model•,�,I./-s�sir ❑ DlspensetComlatmment Secreor(8). Model: ko-Sheer Valve(s). -�- ❑ Shear Va&e q n Me=Cardst em Floats and Cha s ❑ Dispenser Containment s and Chaln s. 'ff the fwft contains more tanks or(Jispensens,copy this form. Include Irdormatlon for every tankand dispenser at the focsiRy. C. Certification - I certify Met the oquipmnt Identified In 114% document was hrspectedla Mced in accordance with the manufacturers' gukialinos, Attached to this Cartlfkatian Is Information(e4 mmufaeturens'chacldlsts)w4ftary to verify that thb Infornuffim Is correct and a Plot Plan Ahpyphrp the payout of nwnkwlr qequllMWL For luny oquom at able of generating such reports,1 have also attached a copy of the report;(check AN that appd�J: ystarn 80"M his Techniolsn Name(Print): Signoto Certmawa+No.: Testing Company Name: a -V . 41.6 Phone No.:("/ Testlnp Company Address 2 53hn A:/ " -1 AT m 7 Date of TesunprSen tchv: _ Moaltoring System CerifFlcaBoo Page 1 of; 1sf0? 1 2121/07 I Iiliiii fliii lil 1111 52 lE t D. Routh of TesUngMervicing Sothware Verslon installed; L K-0,0 Corn CD41 ate followli im checklist Yes I 0 No* Is the otbave alarm gmrellorRR Yes 0 NO W the visual alarm aperetlonarl Yee ❑ Nor Were all sensors y Inspimaed,hmdf&)My tested.and oonllrmed opaQwmn �. Yes n No' Were aH Sensors installed at lowest point d secondary contatnmor t and positioned so U►at other equipmerg will not Irdw%M with their ❑ Yes 0 C' If Nam are relrtyed to a remote rrlordtwng station.Is an Oommunicalllans mr,nK(e.g.modern)openmotu l? N/A . Yes 0 No' For preasurtzed WpotQ Systems,does the Itimine automatically Mut down If Ure pipirre secondary containment mom7WM"an ❑ WA detects a took foals to operate,or Is deaftally dlfto0nnacted? If yes:which sensors htgate p*Wve shulirown? (Check all that APM) KSurnonY rtclt Sons=; ADisperlm Containment Senson. Did you eWrm po 1We *Mdown due to looks vA senwar feaurekliaconrteCUOn? Y 0 Not ❑ Yes 0 No' For WA Systems VA Win the System as the prtmary lank overfill wamtng device¢.e.nO megfarticat OWWM 1 NIA valve is indoMM,isthe overQ wand g atom vtelble and aud;bft sift tank fill polyd(s)and operating prwedy? f(so,aid what perMA of tank MaM does the alarm 95 0 Yes• No Was any rnorAorft MAwWN* replaced? If yea. Idendfy spedec sensors, probes, or Other bliApmorg and Hsi the MWwr otWer name and mWel for all rgftwnent In Section E.below. 0 Yea' No eta rrgaM leund ihtelde s secondary corRalrirtrant systems dsslUned as ary Systems aN that apply)n>'rgdttd; 0 water. M be causes in section E below. as 0 W Was manttorIN system Odd p renewed to ensure proper settings set up reports,If a P0114:ahle as ❑ "W is OR monnoe ll equfpme't opMWxW per MMUUMWs spedficaw •In Section E below,describe how and when these doWenctes were or wul be corrected. E Comments: IYlenhtorinq 8"Iern Cortinoation Pap&z of 4 IzW 2 2/21/47 F. III-Tank Gauging t SIR 6qulpmrit: 'I&- Check this box it tank gauging is used only for Woordory control. ❑ Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is Instatied. This sa%on must be oornpleted if indank gauging equ',pmenl is used to perform laak detection monitoring. {:omoMe thefollowin ahackbxt 0 Yes D No* Has all input wiring been Mpeoted for proper en try and terrninalkn including testing for ground(auks? ❑ Yes b No' Were 811 tank gauging probes visually klsp—for darnage and resfdue bur up? a Yes ❑ No, Was accuracy of system product lave!readings tested? ❑ Yes ❑ No* Was accuracy of system water level readings tested? D Yes ❑ Ne Were all proves rehrstaUW proper y, ❑ PS ❑ No' Were 0$f rtns on the equipment manufacturers maintenance cheakilst oompleteW? •in the Section H,below,describe how and=theta daflctencies were or VAI be corrected. G. Lime Leak Detectors(LLD): D Check this brmf If LLDs are not installed. Corn fete the following chsokttst; IF-Yes Q Nor For equipment start-up Of annne egUIpmmt oertiflMlion,Was a leak stmulated to verify LLD ormance?(Check eif ❑ NIA lnet appy; Simulated leak rate: 43 g.p.h.; ❑0.1 g-P.h; ❑0.2 g.rO. Yes ❑ No* Were se LLD&confirmed operational and m=afe within regulatory mqulrem me? Yes ❑ No' Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated? Yes q Na• For i LLDS,does the LLD restrict product now if R detects a leak? n NIA a Yes ❑ No" or electronic LLDS,does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? JA NIA Lthe iocn) H,No* For electronic I l rfe the turbine automatic y shut off If any portion of the monitoring system Is or NIA disconnected? No' For electronic LLV S, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the men oring system maHunodons or NIA fags a test? No* or efectrvnlo LLDs,have all accessible wiring oonnecfierm been visus ly Inspected?WA N Were all items on the equipment manufacturers maintenance checldim completed?below,dascrlbe how and when trommedeficiencleswere or will be corrected. K Continents: fdon%ortog Systorn CB+dflcaMn Page 3 of it 12W 3 2/21107 Monttori"System CertirrcOon p�� �^ UST Monitoring Site Plan Site Address: H I-n Cf..L . . . . . . . . . . . .. I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 s- r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date map was drawn_ bmtruodons It you already have a diagram than shows all required Information, you may include it. reOw than Wit page, with your Monitoring System Certffioatlon, On your site plan,show the general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly identify locations of the following equipment,V Installed: monitoring system control panels; se9sors monlorIng tank annular spaces, sumps, dispenser pans, 801 containers, or other secondary containment areas; meoharkal or eleotronio One leak detectors; and Indank liquid level probes (it used for leek detection). In the space provided,note the date tt3s SRO plan was prepared. Monitoring System Cortifkatlon Page 4 of i 12W 4 2/21/07 Cal-Valley EyWpmsnr 3500 Gilmore Aw- Bakorsfreld. CA 93308 661-327-9341 F.4AV 661-325-2529 VAPOIRLESS 1ViAMFACTU G,INC. L�►T-890 Leak Dcbec g r Test Ord Cant:actor - �r uuct �b Ie Pmp Idamd on Mamtfar M del a. Ser'�1 N ..��� �.• � — L Mk DtftCtW Ide tian � Iimtia�n f Style Lem Det�x Tauupw1tWa of iaswlod? Yes Na Detector G PUMP Test at Dispmw L opmtwg lump a ama. ls) z. per iianr rake 22) 3. lAmc prta mm wi&pump shot off (pars 23) 4. Bleedback Tear wide pump off &0 ml (pa m 26) 5. Sftp iime 0"flow. , s ow&(pare.30) 6. Lmk dewwor s"s in Ink sreh poaridom(pomQ) Yes L,--- - No LEAK IDEWBCWR TSS'I' Notes fart4Gedadebatertoscoprobr�[ AN -L *dc aaw 8Vc amp pr*&x*t Paris Fab l�rm�s9oC�(9-tom -Oo *amid oW mdm best betom&MV lcwk eMotor. 19%Vapodess MjtoufiwwbW.tar..Prrscoat VsDey,AZ a~ Cal-Yauey Equoment 3500 Gilmore Am �,fWd, CA 93308 661-3279341 FAX#661-325-2329 VA.PORLESS bMMFAGTLTMG,INC. LD 4_M Leak Detector Test Reoord Contractar near _ � Lfl c. Sete P■utp Idei�i6aa�ifoaae L L m2ki 1Vo. SesI Nambcr r_ XA&k dtwt[tirsdoa " n O—dw SWk Leak Dow—W Pisa-ty,�,e � Ta va-%W fwd named? Yes Na Xomk Doctor is amble Pawp Test at Dispewer 1. Opmthag Pump Pw*m" 2,g r>w (pama. Is) 2. Gallam per how rase 22) 3. Lme poicam wdh pmV cbid off, Y - (p=.23) 4. BWaftack Test wi&pwmp off xf g O mgt (pa.26) 5. Stg�g time to fen flow � sraoods(pins.30) 6. Leek detector stays is laic seanh podbou.(pa m4Z) yes No Natee A�s tde deaolar tBet Est p+waeot FO 't.0�t[d�feiYgp Atlt kii afp�ppt 1996 vvadfta mw"fiCwrbw,b ,ps yAU9%AZ CVE Cal-Valley Zqutpmertl 3500 Cribnore Aw. BalarsfW, CA 93308 661-327-9341 FAX#661-325-1529 VAPORLESS 1 Lk"FACTUMG,INC. �,ei_ *Detieewr Tat Itmrd Conaaccorvmcr Rim ftbmarsible Famp ldmti &iGm aaoggrx Model No. No za �k D�tvr lJdon Maw D�tiaai O�{Strle Ltalc 17etc�ux Tam pm-VrWsew!is~. Y��No X,eak DOwtw It a Pump Test at Dhgxm er I. Op"aft Pump Presses (pffi,e: 25) 2. QalWw per hour raf ,� (pare.22) 3. Lbw pmamm with VwV dmtoff Z pat (pars.23) 4. Black Test with pam*off J Lp ml (pus 7,6) 5. sUP*Mq*time fp fGH tiow 1 seoM&(pare.30) 6. Leak detacaur stars in leak mrch poddom(p&mA2) Yes NOW t��tdtcereeraar Sts�� Flit �Lt�raeaeceor A8s ka poecot Pam i 4C�(9-!96) `Comple t dpftmd a gandm tea ze0m &Oft MA dubcaor. 1"G V"Md as Mamftmthl&hw,Pr vallm AZ SWRCB,January 200 Spill Bwket Testing Report Form This form is intena6d for use by contractors performing annual testing of UST spX eonfainmem sirwivres. 77w eom#wed forma u prbuouts ftom tests fif applicable),should be praviak-dto the facUlty owmMoperator for submittal to the local regulatory agency. 1. FACILMY INFORMATION Facility Name: Mto of Testing: Facility Address: C �r Facility Contact: Phone: Date Local Agency Was Notified of Testing: Namc of Local Agency Inspector ff present during testing): 2. TESTING CONTRACrOR 10=01ATION Company Name: Technician Conducting Test: CTedCrlt!W-. U1ffSLBC0ntMCW U ICC Service Tech. 0 SWRCB Tank Testea ❑Othea(S)ec fy) Lice me Number(s); ZU170 3. SPILL BUCKET TESTING INFURMATI(ON Test Method Used: tic 0 Vacuum Omer. Test Equipment Used: LA41ta Equipment Resolution: Identify Spill Bucket(By rank I 2 3 r d Number,Stored Product eta Bucket Installation'Type: 0 Direct Bury 0 Direct Bury O Muct Bury f.1 Direct Bury 9-Co in Sum [<ontainod in Sum Contained in Sum ❑Contained in Stain Bucket Diameter: L" 1 2-" Bucket Depth: Wait titre between applying vacuum/water and start of test: Test Start Tune(TO: :w o Initial.Reading(Ra): 'C Test End Time(Tp): Final Reading(RF): Test Du ution(TF-Tt): Change in Reading(Rp-N: Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: 'Pest litesult: Nap Baas 0 raid 0 Fars Ovid Camm•enfs-(include InfonnatYen on n Vairs made prior to testing,cold mcommended fona%-up far failed tests) CERTIFICATION OF TE CMOCIA N RESPONSIBLE FO.R CONDVCTING THIS TESTING I hereby ceny that aA the infomm"N coact - ed In thus report la awe,acmn2w,mid in fair cons Iwee whk legal�fegadremdrilc. Technician's Signature: 4 Date: _Zr"J- 'State laws and regulations do not cu neatly require testing to be performed by a qualified contractor.However,local requirements may be more stringent. ALARM HISTORY REPORT ALARM HISTOP.Y REPORT SENSOR ALARM ----- -` SENSOR ALARM ------ L 9:PREMIUM STP ALARM HISTORY REPORT L 6:PLUS STp STP SUMP STP SUMP FUEL ALARM --- SENSOR ALARM ----- FUEL ALAR14 OCT 16. 2008 9:14 AM L12:NO. 5 AND 6 DISPENSER PAN OCT 16. 2008 9:12 AM FUEL ALARM FUEL ALARM FUEL ALARM OCT 18, 2007 12:32 PM OCT 16, 2008 9:06 AM OCT 18, 2007 12:31 PM FUEL ALARM FUEL ALARM FUEL. ALARM AUG 17, 2006 9:03 AM OCT 18. 2007 12:27 PH AUG 17, 2006 9:03 AM FUEL ALARM AUG 17, 2006 9:05 AM K END x x x r x xx ENDx .►� x x x x * x END x m x x k ALARM HISTORY REPORT ALARM HISTORY REPORT ----- SENSOR ALARM ----- `— SENSOR ALARM --- L10:NO. 1 AND 2 ALARM HISTORY REPORT L 7:PREMIUM ANN DISPENSER PAN ANNULAR SPACE FUEL ALARM SENSOR ALARM ----- FUEL ALARM OCT 16, 2008 9:09 AM L13:NO. 7 AND 8 OTHER SENSORS OCT 16. 2008 9:47 AM FUEL ALARM FUEL ALARM FUEL ALARM OCT 16, 2005 9:00 AM OCT 16. 2008 9:04 AM OCT 18, 2007 1 :03 PM FUEL ALARM FUEL ALARM FUEL ALARM OCT 18, 2007 12:21 PM OCT 18, 2007 12:26 PM AUG 17, 2006 10:43 AM FUEL ALARM AUG 17. 2006 9:06 AM xxxxxEND xxxxx �txxxxENDxx x �ex * * x x END x * x x x ALARM HISTORY REPORT ALARM HISTORY REPORT --- SENSOR ALARM ----- -- SENSOR ALARM ,---- L11 :NO. 3 AND 4 L+B:PRFl1IUM FILL FUEL PAN FUEL ALARM OTHER SENSORS FUEL ALk;RM OCT 16. 2008 9:02 AM OCT 16, 2008 9:27 AM FUEL ALARM FUEL ALARM OCT 16, 2007 I2:23 PM OCT 18. 2007 12:34 PM FUEL ALARM FUEL ALARM AUG 17, 2006 9:06 AM AUG 17, 2006 8:59 AM L 4:FUEL ALARM _ ALARM HISTORY REPORT L 5-FURL ALAR P L 6:FUEL ALARM --_-- SENSOR ALARM ----- LIO:FUEL ALARM L 3:UNLEADED STP L11 :FUFi. ALARM STP SUMP L12:FUEL ALARM ALARM HISTORY REPORT FUEL ALARM L13:FUEL ALARM OCT 16, 2008 9:11 AM L 4;SENSOR OUT ALARM ----- SYSTEM ALARM ---_` L 5:SENSOR OUT ALARM PAPER OUT FUEL ALARM L 6-SENSOR OUT ALARM OCT 9. 2008 2:10 PM OCT 18. 2007 12:29 Pt1 L1D:SENSOR OUT ALARM PRINTER ERROR Lit ;SENSOR OUT ALARM OCT 9, 2008 7:10 PM FUEL ALARM L12:SENSOR OUT ALARM BATTERY 1S OFF AUG 17. 2006 9:02 AM L13:SENSOR OUT ALARM JAN 1, 1996 6:00 AM L 4:SHORT ALARM CLOCK IS INCORRECT L 5-SHORT ALARM MAR 11, 2007 3:06 AM L 6:SHORT ALARM LIO:SHORT ALARM L11 ;SHORT ALARM L12:SHORT ALARM L13:SHORT ALARM R 3:PREMIUM STP TYPE: xlcxxxEND xxxx �e STANDARD NORMALLY CLOSED xxxt� x END xxxxx LIQUID SENSOR ALMS L 7-FUEL ALARM L 8:FUEL ALARM L 9:FUEL ALARM L 1 O:1=UEL ALARM L11 -FUEL ALARM L 12:FUEL, ALARM L13:FUEL ALARM ALARM HISTORY REPORT L 7:SENSOR OUT ALARM L 8:SENSOR OUT ALARM ---` SENSOR ALARM ----- L 9:SENSOR OUT ALARM ALARM HISTORY REPORT L '4:PLUS ANN L10:S£N80R OUT ALARM ANNULAR SPACE Lll :SENSOR OUT ALARM -- SENSOR ALARM ----- FUEL ALARM L12:8ENSOR OUT ALARM L I :UNLEADED ANN OCT 16, 2008 9:57 AM L13:SENSOR OUT ALARM ANNULAR SPACE L 7:SHORT ALARM SENSOR OUT ALARM FUEL ALARM L B:SHORT-ALARM. OCT 16, 2008 9:38 AM OCT 16, 2008 9;55 AM L 9:SHORT ALARM LIQ:SHORT ALARM FUEL ALARM FUEL ALARM LII :SHORT ALARM OCT 16, 2008 9:35 AM OCT 16, 2006 9:55 AM L12:SHORT ALARM L13:SHORT ALARM SENSOR OUT ALARM OCT 16, 2006 9:31 AM R 4:0VERFILL TYPE: STANDARD NORMALLY OPEN IN—TANK ALARMS AL.L:DVERFILL ALARM x x x x x END x x x * x ALL:HIGH PRODUCT ALARM ALL:MAX PRODUCT ALARM xxxx * END x x ALARM HISTORY REPORT SOFTWARE REVESION LEVEL --- SENSOR ALARM ----- VERSION 18.00 ALARM HISTORY REPORT L 5:PLUS FILL SOFTWAREO 346018-100—A STP SUMP CREATED — --°" SENSOR ALARM -- FULL ALARM L 2:UNLEADED FILL OCT 16, 2008 9:24 AM NO SOFTWARE MODULE OTHER SENSORS SYSTEM FEATURES: FUEL ALARM FUEL ALARM PERIODIC IN—TANK TESTS OCT 16, 2008 9:17 AM MAR 6, 2008 12:23 PM ANNUAL IN—TANK TESTS FUEL ALARM FUEL ALARM FEE 3, 2008 2:47 PM MAR S. 2008 11 :15 AM Ltd;NO. 1 AND 2 TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOA LEAK TEST METHOD CATEGORY : DISPENSER P T3;PREMIUM 3 - - - - - - -. - - - - _ PRODUCT CODE 000700 TEST ON DATE : ALL TANK TMERMAL COEF'F 99.00 JAN 1', 1996 L i l:NO. 3 AND 4 TANK DIAMETER START TIME : DISABLE TANK PROFILE 4 PTS D A' TR1-STATE (SINGLE FLO FULL VOL : 11627 TEST RATE .0.20 GAL;HR CATEGORY ; DISPENSER Pi 74.3 INCH VOL 1012e DURATION 2 HOURS 49.5 [NCH VOL G403 24.8 INCH VOL 2453 LEAK TEST REPORT FORMAT TRI-S'T'ATE AND FLOA' FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 IN. 8496 NORMAL CATEGORY : DISPENSER Pi DATER WARNING I .5 HIGH WATER LIMIT: 2•5 L13:N0. 7 AND 8 MA5{ OR LABEL VOL: 11627 TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOA1 OVERFILL LIMIT 9(r. CATEGORY ; OTHER SENSOF 10464 NIGH PRODUCT 959 11045 - DELIVERY LIMIT ION 1162 LIQUID SENSOR SETUP - - - - - LOW PRODUCT 500 - - - - - LEAK ALARM LIMI'C: 99 L I :UNLEADED ANN SUDDEN LOGS LIMIT: 175 TRI-STATE iSINGLE FLOAT) TANK TILT CATEGORY : ANNULAR SPADE MANIFOLDED TANKS TO: NONE OUTPUT RELAY SETUP L 2;UNLEADED FILL - - - - - - - - - - - LEAK MIN PERlOD1C: 50i TRI•-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGORY : OTHER SENSORS R [:UNLEADED STP 5813 TYPE: LEAK MIN ANNUAL ; 5C% STANDARD 5913 L 3:UNLEADEA ST NORMALLY CLOSED TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) PERIODIC TEST TYPE CATEGORY : STP SUMP LIQUID SENSOR ALMS STANDARD L I ;FUEL ALARM L 4:PLUS ANN L 2;FUEL ALARM ANNUAL TEST FAIL L 3-.FUEL ALARM ALARM DISABLED TRI-STATE {SINGLE FLOAT) LSD:FUEL ALARM CATEGORY ; ANNULAR SPACE LII;FUEL. ALARM PERIODIC TEST FAIL L12:FUBL ALARM ALARM DISABLED L13:FUEL ALARM L 5:PLUS FILL L 1:SENSOR OUT ALARM GROS5 TEST FAIL L 2:REN'SOR OUT ALARM TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) L 3:SENSOR OUT ALARM ALARM DISABLED CATEGORY ; ST? SUMP L10;SENSOR OUT ALARM ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF L1I :SENSOR OUT ALARM OUT ALARM PER TEST AVERAGING: OFF L 6;PLUS STP L12:8NSOR OUT ALARM TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) L13:>3EN961i TANK TEST NOTIFY: OFF CATEGORY STP DUMP L ] :SHORT ALARM L 2:9HORT ALARM tN1{ TS T, SIPHON BREAK'-OFF L 3=SHORT ALARM L10:SHORT ALARM L 7:PREMIUM ANN DELIVERY DELAY 5 MIN TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) L11 :SHORT ALARM CATEGORY ANNULAR SPACE L12:SHORT ALARM *, Ll3:SRT ALARM R 2:PLUS STP TYPE: L S:PREMIUM FILL STANDARD TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) NORMALLY CLOSED CATEGORY : OTHER SENSORS r L 9:PREM I U>1 STP TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGORY : STP SUMP „OMMUNiCATIONS SETUP T 2:PLUS _ .. PRODUCT CODE - - - - - THERMAL COEFF ; .0007 IN-TANK SETUP TANK DIAMETER 99• PORT SETTINGS: - - - - •- - - - - - - TANK PROFILE 4 P FM SETUP FULL VOL 116 C BOARD : I tS-SAT > T 1 ;UNLEADED 74.3 INCH VOL 101 OMM 16. 2008 12,'08 PM SAUD RATE : 9600 PRODUCT CODE 1 49.5 INCH VOL 64 PARITY : NONE THERMAL COEF'F :.000700 24.9 INCH VOL : 24! STOP BIT : 1 STOP TANK DIAMETER • 99.00 EM UNITS DATA LENGTH: 8 DATA TANK PROFILE 4 PTS FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 IN. 84' FULL VOL : 11627 1. 74.3 INCH VOL : 10123 EM LANGUAGE RECEIVER SETUP: 49.5 INCH VOL ; 6403 WATER WARNING 1 •LISH 24.6 INCH VOL : 2453 HIGH WATER LIMIT: 2. 'EM DATE-/TIME FORMAT DD YYYY HH:MM:SS xM NONE MAX OR LABEL VOL: 116', FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 1N. 9496 OVERFILL LIMIT • 9t 593 AM PM 82599 104E FAIRFAX RID. WATER WARNING 1 .5 HIGH PRODUCT 9c �RSFIELD• CA- ' HIGH WATER•LIMIT. 2.5 110c DEL I V>~R5f LIMIT l C MAX OR LABEL VOL: 11627 11E FT TIME 1 ; DISABLED OVERFILL LIMIT • 90% FT TIME 2 DISABLED 10464 LOW PRODUCT : 50 FT TIME 3 DISABLED HIGH PRODUCC 95; LEAK ALARM LIMIT: 9 FT TIME 4 ; DISABLED 11045 SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: 9 AUTO DIAL TIME SETUP; DELIVERY LIMIT 10% TAB TILT : 1 .5 IK LSt)PERIODIC WARNINGS 1162 MANII:OL•DED TANKS lABLED NONE T�: NONE IK ANNUAL WARNINGS LOW PRODUCT 500 ;AELED LEAK ALARM LIMIT: 99 IS PERIODIC WARNINGS SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: 99 TABLED TANK TILT 1 .00 LEAK MIN PERIODIC: 50 IE ANNUAL WARNINGS 58I. iABLED MANIFOLDED TANKS LEAK MIN ANNUAL 50' � : TO: NONE 581;NT TC VOLUMES ( • 1BLEQ LEAK MIN PERIODIC: 50” I PERIODIC TEST TYPE 1p COMpENSATION 60.0 : 5813 STANDARI UE (DEG F ): RS-232 SECURITY tCK HEIGHT OFFSET CODE : 000000 LEAK MIN ANNUAL 50y ANNUAL TEST FAIL 3ABLED 5813 ALARM DISABLEI PROTOCOL DATA FORMAT PERIODIC TEST FAIL 1GHT PERIODIC TEST TYPE ALARM DISABLF-I �L•IGHT SAVING TIME I STANDAF.D BLED R0-232 END OF MESSAGE GROSS VEST FAIL ART DATE D I BABLED ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALARM D I SAHL,EL R WEEK 3 SUN ALARM DISABLED ART TIME AUTO DIAL ALARM SETUP ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF J •05 AM r - - -1ERIODIC TEST FAIL PER TEST AVERAGING: OFF D DATE SUN ALARM DISABLED J WEEK 1 D TIME vROSS TEST FAIL TANK TEST NOTIFY: OFF :DO AM ALARM DISABLED TNK TST SIPHON BREAK;OFF -DIRECT LOCAL PRINTOUT ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF SAHLED PEI? TEST AVERAGING: OFF DELIVERY DELAY 5 MIN STEM SECURITY TANK TEST NOTIFY: OFF DE : 000000 TNK TST SIPHON PREAK:O F DELIVERY DELAY : 5 MIN CAL—VALLEY EQUIPMENT 3500 GILMORE AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 CAL-VALLEY (661)327-9341 FAX: (661)325,2529 EQUIPMENT CONTRACTOR'S LIC.#784170 A HAZ Fm To: ] y'�,�, t t�c� Fmm, Fax Pages: INCLUDING COVER Att: Orate: Re: CC: 0 Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑Please Reply Cl Please Recycle Comments: