HomeMy WebLinkAbout6401 H ST Still! 4 5 IE — ---- RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. 2103 Twentieth Street Bakersfield, California 93301 (661) 324-6152, FAX(661) 324-6172 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Subject: Site Investigation @ Fastrip Gas'Station Date: 01/25/05 6401 South H Street, Bakersfield Send Via: Mail X As Requested Attn: Mr. Howard Wines X Review X Your Information Company: Bakersfield Fire Department Approval Prevention Services 'Signature Return Other Address: 900 Truxtun Ave. Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA. 93301 Items Enclosed: Site Investigation Workplan Project# 200203 Comments: RAM is pleased to provide you with a copy of the report. A copy was also sent to JACO Oil Company. If you have any questions, please call me at (661) 324-6152. Respectfully, 2icia4rdM. C agrande President IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 46 - -- IE 2000-05-203-lot-Howard Wines 1 JACO OIL ' COMPANY [ \ \ k FASTRIP GAS STATION AND CONVENIENCE STORE ' 6401 SOUTH H STREET .' BAKERSFIELD,CA. ` .p v : SITE INVESTIGATION . - ' '. •- � . ' WORKPLAN � �r s� r: �G. ' PROJECT # 200203 DECEMBER, 2004 ,. ENVIRONMENTAL ' Y ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. 2103 20'' Street • Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-6152 • FAX(661) 324-6172 1 1 , 1 . SITE INVESTIGATION WORKPLAN '1 JACO Oil Company 3101 State Road Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 1 . 1 Prepared for ' JACO Oil Company 1 i ' Prepared by RAM, Inc. 2103 20th Street ' Bakersfield, CA 93301 1 200203 01/10/05 1 1 2000_05_203_Title Page � TABLE OF CONTENTS � l.0 —'_-- _---._.----__—'---------------------2 l.l RESPONSIBLE CONTACT INFORMATION........................................................... 2 2.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE...................................................... ..................................................3 � 3l0 SITE DESCRIPTION...............................................................................................................3 ^ 3.1 SITE DESCRIPTION---------------------------------- 3 � 3'2 LOCATION AND CURRENT USE................................................................................... 3 ` 4 � <������?�/��D (�� 3 . ^�" `^`'^^^�^^^, ^^+�'�^'`'^~`��`� --------------' � 4.1 TOPOGRAPHY----------.----.--------------------- ] � 4'2 GEOLOGY...................................................................................................................4 4.3 HYDROGEOLOGY----------------------------------' 4 ` 5.0 PREVIOUS WORK-----------------'--------------------' 5 5.1 OfIANK RBmO,VAL FINDINGS----------------------. 5 5.2 QUANTITY OF CONTAMINANT RELEASED ................................................ --____ 6 5.3 TABLE: LABORATORY ANALYSES FROM SOILSAMPLES,TANK PULL........................ 7 6.0 STRATEGY AND PROCEEDURES FOR SITE -------. 8 � 6.1 WORK SCHEDULE ................................................................................................ y 7.0 WASTE MANAGEMENT--------------'--------------------y ' 0.()` -�-----------_--------------------0 . ` -- 9'0 REFERENCES'..-----------------------------'---------- lO 10.0 SIGNATURE PAGE------------------------.------------. 11 � � -- FIGURES _ Figure I Area Map Figure Site Mon . — ' Figure 3 Proposed Boring Locations ' APPENDICES ' Appendix A BFDES� oodeuun. Appendix |� �oD � � �P�u� -- Sampling � Appendix C. � Health and Safety Plan ` � ` � South H and Panama Lane Project#200203 December 2004 WORKPLAN FOR PRELIMINARY SITE INVESTIGATION AT THE, ' 'JACO OIL COMPANY'S FASTIP MARKET#362 6401 SOUTH H STREET,i-BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA(BFDESD PERMIT#BR-0325) ' 1.0 INTRODUCTION RAM Environmental is pleased to present this Site Investigation Work Plan for the JACO OIL owned Fastrip self serve gas station and convenience store (Fastrip #362), located at 6401 South H. Street,Bakersfield (Site),see Figure 1 for an Area Map. ' The following Work P lan outlines RAM Environmental's P ro osed'methodolo gY for conducting a preliminary site assessment at the Fastrip Market, located at 6401 South H. ' Street. Further assessment of the Site is required by the Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services(BFDES).in its letter dated November 29, 2004 (see Appendix A for a copy BFDES correspondence).; RAM proposes to advance 8 borings 4o an approximate maximum depth of 30- feet below. ground surface(bgs)with a Geoprobe® and analyze 44 soil samples for TPH as gasoline, ' BTEX, and MTBE during this phase of site assessment. This work is being required by the Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services Division (BFDESD) in its letter ' dated November 29,'2004, as a result of the discovery of hydrocarbon containing soil beneath the area former Tank 4 (an unleaded or medium grade gasoline UST)'and the former Tank 1 (a diesel UST). This Site Investigation Workplan;follows the guidelines presented in, Apperdix A Reports Tri-Regional Board Staff RecommendationSTor Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation of Underground Tank Site(April, 2004). ' 1.1 Responsible Party/ Contact Information The responsible party for the Site is JACO OIL;.the company contact person is Mr. Roy Saunders, 3101 State Rd.,Bakersfield, California; telephone (661) 428-5761.The ' consultant contact is RAM Environmental, Richard Casagrande or.Jane McNaboe; .210320th Street, Bakersfield, California, 93301, telephone (661) 324-6152. 1 ' '' 2000_203_Site Investigation Workplan 2 South H and Panama Lane Project#200203 December 2004 ' 2.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this workplaii is to outline the methodology for conducting a Preliminary Site Assessment of the Panama and South H Fastrip (Site), the workplan-tasks are the '.. . following: ' • Develop"a Workplan and a Health and Safety plan for the Site assessment, • sample 7 borings with a Geoprobe®to evaluate the vertical and lateral extent of hydrocarbon containing soils at the Site, ' • analyze soil samples collected at 5-foot intervals, beginning at 10-feet bgs for TPH-g, TPH-d, and BTEX with the presence of MTBE confirmed and quantified as necessary, • collect water samples (if encountered) and analyze for TPH-g, TPH-d, and BTEX with the presence of MTBE confirmed and quantified, • report Site Investigation Results to BFDES: 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION ' 3.1:Site Description The Site is'a JACO owned and operated Fastrip gasoline station and convenience store. ' Overhead electrical utilities parallel South. H Street above the.sidewalk adjacent to the Site. Underground utilities also-parallel South H Street adjacent to the service station. There is a storm drain located at the northwest corner of the intersection of South H Street and Panama Lane. 3.2 Location' and Current Use t The current use of the Site is as a•JACO OIL-owned Fastrip•self--serve gas station and convenience store. Immediately adjacent to the Site.are commercial and residential developments. South H Street borders the Site to the east; and Panama Lane borders the ' site to the south, (see Figure 1 - Area Map). A plot plan of the Site is presented in Figure 2. 4.0 TOPOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY 4.1 Topography ' The Site is at an elevation of approximately 363-feet above sea level; the topography slopes gently to the south. ' 2000_203_Site Investigation Workplan 3 1 South H and Panama Lane Project#200203 December 2004 4.2 Geology The Site is"located in the San Joaquin Valley, which is.the southern portion of the-Great ' Valley geomorphic.province. The Great Valley is a large alluvial plain approximately 50-miles wide and 400-miles long; it is a trough in which sediments have been deposited almost continuously since the Jurassic (about 160 million years ago). Granitic and metamorphic rocks crop out along most of the eastern and southeastern flanks of the ' Great Valley, while marine rocks of pre-Tertiary age crop out along most of the western flank. The post-Eocene-aged'continental'rocks and deposits in the valley trough,contain ' most of the fresh ground water, and,are underlain by or.contain saline-water at depth in most places. They range in thickness from zero along the flanks of the Great Valley to more than 15,000 feet in the-extreme.southern part, where the base'of the fresh water lies ' at a maximum depth of about 4,700 feet. 4.3 Hydrogeology ' The regional uncorifined'groundwater at'the Site is at approximately 185 feet below. ground service(bgs); the groundwater flows to the southwest.(KCWA 2004). ' The Kern Island Canal,an unlined canal, runs parallel to South H Street, on the,east side of the street. The JACO Fastrip�Site is on the west side of South H Street. ' The Geotracker web site shows an-active LUFT site.one-mile to the north of'the Site; a 7- Eleven,gas station located at 1701 Pacheco Road (Regional Board—Case#: 5T1500351). Groundwater measured in the monitoring wells at the Pacheco.Road site is between: ' 40.94=feet and 57.284eet bgs. It'is likely that the groundwater found at the Pacheco Road site is present due to water leaking from the unlined Kern Island Canal. The JACO Fastrip at Panama and South H Street is located in the same'position'relative to the Kern Island Canal as the Pacheco Road'site; it is reasonable to believe that groundwater may also be encountered between 40 and 60-feet-bgs beneath the JACO ' Fastrip Site. The surface of the groundwater, if encountered, would likely slope away from the canal, to the'west.'. ' KCWA maps show two water wells within one half mile of the Site,both located approximately one half mile north of the Site;near Fairview Road. 1 t ' 2000_203_Site Investigation Workplan 4 South H and Panama Lane Project#200203 December 2004 1 5.0 PREVIOUS WORK Soil sam lin at the Site was conducted on May 25, 2004, as the four former 12,000 p g Y • gallon UST's, piping and dispensers were replaced under BFDES permit#BR-0325. ' The laboratory results from the soil samples taken during the tank removal-are included in section 5.1; the sample locations are shown on Figure 2. A PID meter was used during sampling to monitor volatiles in the soil. Three significant readings were noted in the field. At sample site 8-6 a reading of 22.0 was recorded. At sample site 8-10 a reading of 23:0 was recorded and at sample site 8-12 a reading of 21.0 ' was recorded. Laboratory analyses of soils collected and analyzed during the tank.pull are given in ' Table 5.3, below: 5.1 Summary of Tank Removal Findings ' Dispensers 1 through 4, and Tanks 1 through 3 Results of soil sample analysis (Table 5:1) for samples collected from beneath ' Dispensers 1 through 4 and Tanks 1 through 3 indicate concentrations of TPH-R in soils of"non-detect" (less than the PQL of 0.005 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg)) to a maximum of 8.4 mg/kg. TPH-d in these samples was predominantly at non-detectable concentrations (less than the PQL of 10 mg/kg), with detections of low concentrations in three samples ranging from 11 mg/kg to 400 mg/kg. Benzene, Tuolene, Ethybenzerie and Xylene BTEX) concentrations in the samples from below dispensers 1 through 4 and Tanks 1 through 3 were ' predominantly"non detect" at the PQLs shown in Table 5=1 (generally less than 0.01 mg/kg). ' The data indicate that concentrations of TPH-g, TPH-d, and BTEX remaining in soils beneath the former Tanks 1 through 3 and Dispensers 1 through 4 are generally one to two orders of magnitude less than the applicable, allowable ' concentrations published in the LUFT Manual (SWRCB, 1989). Historically the LUFT Manual has been used to estimate concentrations that can be left in place ' without posing a threat to groundwater based on site-specific conditions, such as depth to groundwater beneath the sample and average annual rainfall. ' MTBE concentrations from the samples below Tanks 1 through 3 were predominantly less than 5 mg/kg with a maximum concentration of 31 mg/kg in the sample 2 feet below the center of Tank 3, decreasing to 0.092 mg/kg at 12 feet ' 2000_203_Site Investigation Workplan 5 South H and Panama Lane Project#200203 December 2004 below the tank(sample location 8), indicating rapid attenuation to very low concentrations of MTBE. Beneath Dispensers 1 through 4, MTBE concentrations ' ranged from "non-detect" at a PQL.of 0.02 mg/kg, to 0.62 mg/kg. Tank 4 ' The highest concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in soil -samples from beneath the center of Tank 4 (sample location 11). At this center location, TPH-d ranged from 6,800 mg/kg at 6-feet below tank bottom (btb) to ' .620 mg/kg 10 feet btb. Both results are less than the LUFT Manual recommended concentration of 10,000 mg/kg for TPH-d remaining.in soil(with groundwater greater than 100-feet below ground surface) and show a 10-fold decrease in concentration within a few feet. TPH-g concentrations increased with depth at sample location 11 (Tank 4), ' concentrations increased from 350 mg/kg at 6-feet btb to 660 mg/kg at 10-feet btb, but again these concentrations were below the LUFT Manual recommended concentration of 1,000 mg/kg for TPH-g, for groundwater 100-feet below ground surface. BTEX concentrations detected at sample location 11 were also below the LUFT ' Manual values with the exception of the'l0-foot sample (sample l 1-10), which, with a concentration of Xylene of 51 mg/kg, was just above the recommended value for Xylene of 50 mg/kg. ' The concentration f MTBE in sample location - e o o M p anon 11 increased from 49 mg/kg at 6. feet btb to 71 mg/kg at 10-feet btb, there is no recommended concentration of ' MTBE that can be left in soil. Samples collected from beneath the south and north ends of Tank 4 (stations 10 ' and 12) showed concentrations of TPH-g, TPH=d, and BTEX ranging from not detected at PQLs to generally one to two orders of magnitude below the LUFT ' Manual values (Table 5-1). MTBE concentrations ranged from "non-detect" at a PQL of 0.02 mg/kg to a maximum of 8.2 mg/kg.-at 10-feet btb on the south end of Tank 4 (sample number 12-10). ' 5.2 Quantity of Contaminant Released ' The location of the contaminated soils together.with.the laboratory analysis indicate both gasoline and diesel leaks. ' JACO Oil has not noted discrepancies in the inventory records for the former tanks. The UST's at the Site passed all `tight' testing prior to their removal. The quantity of hydrocarbons released is unknown. ' 2000_203_Site Investigation Workplan 6 South H and Panama Lane Project#200203 ' December 2004 Table 5.3: Laboratory Analyses From Soil Samples,Tank Pull Sample Station Depth Benzene Toluene Ethyl benzene X lens MTBE TPH- TPH-d No. (Location) ft btb m /k 1-2 Tank 1 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 ' 1-6 Tank 1 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 2-2 Tank 1 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 1.5 2.0 <10 2-6 Tank 1 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.02 <1 <10 ' 3-2 Tank 1 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 0.0070 0.068 6.4 8.4 400 3-6 Tank 1 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.029 3.1 4.2 <10 3-10 Tank 1)* 10 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 2.9 2.8 <10 ' 4-2 Tank 2)* 2.0 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 0.0042 <0.05 <10 4-6 Tank 2)*. 6.0 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 0.098 0.11 <10 5-2(Tank 2) 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.91 <1 <10 5-6 Tank 2 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.96 1.2 <10 ' 6-2 Tank 2)* 2.0 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 2.4 5.1 <10 6-10 Tank 2 10 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 2.2 1.7 <10 7-2 Tank 3)* 2.0 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.001 <0.05 <10 i -6 Tank 3 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.033 <1 <10 8-2 Tank 3)* 2.0 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 31 3.2 <10 8-6 Tank 3)* 6.0 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 21 4.7 <10 ' 8-10 Tank 3) 10 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.58 <1 <10 8-12 Tank 3 12 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.092 <1 <10 9-2 Tank 3 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 1.2 1.4 <10 9-6 Tank 3 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 3.0 11 <10 ' 9-12 Tank 3)* 12 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 0.68 0.77 <10 10-2 Tank 4)* 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 10-6 Tank 4)* 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.26 <1 <10 11-2 Tank 4 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.085 <1 <10 11-6 Tank 4 6.0 <03 3.5. 2.9 23 49 350 6800 11-10 Tank 4 10 0.66 9.4 7.0 51 71 660 620 ' 12-2 Tank 4 2.0 <0,1 11 4.2 48 7.7 620 630 ' 12-6 Tank 4 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.018 2.1 5.2 39 12-10 Tank 4 10 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 8.2 33 <10 D1-2 Dispenser 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 11 ' D1-6 Dispenser 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.026 0.034 <1 <10 D2-2 Dispenser 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 0.0051 0.10 <0.02 1.7 <10 D2-6 Dispenser 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 . <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 133-2 Dispenser 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.016 0.094 <1 <10 133-6 Dis enser 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.62 1.2 66 D4-2 Dispenser 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0'005 - 0.19 <0.02 3.3 <10 ' D4-6 Dis enser 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 LUFT Values 1 50 50 50 NA 1,000 10,000 <0.005-compound was not detected in the sample extract at the laboratory practical quantitation limit shown. *Laboratory QC surrogate recovery was not within control limits for EPA Method 8021 analysis(BTEX,MTBE). ' Notes: 1.Results shown in bold are above standards set by the State for protection of groundwater(LUFT Manual, October 1989),based on groundwater more than 100 feet below the sample depth. Mg/kg-milligrams per kilogram NA-not available ' Ft btb-feet below tank bottom,or dispenser bottom 1 ' 2000_203_Site Investigation Workplan 7 South H an Lane Sou d Panama , Project#200203 December 2004 6.0 STRATEGY AND PROCEEDURES FOR SITE INVESTIGATION Prior to.,any intrusive methods being conducted at the site, USA of Northern California will be utilized to map out the underground structures.•Based on the clearances obtained, ' RAM will site the•soil borings i.n'safe locations. The highest concentrations of chemicals of concern found in the soil are located at ' sampling location 11. RAM proposes to.asses the-vertical extent of soil'contamination by advancing'a soil boring*(boring B-1) with a Geoprobe®5400 sampling unit. Boring B-1 will be located,as close to sample,location 11.as possible,(see,Figure 3 =Proposed Boring Locations). The boring will be deepened to 10',feet below the lowest,field detectable contamination, or to the depth of the groundwater, if encountered.' The;presence of contamination will be determined by visual inspection of staining or discoloration and by ' using a PID. RAM will assess the lateral and vertical extent of soil contamination by advancing a total ' of six borings. Three borings B-1, B-2 and B-3 will be located in the area of Tank 4, boring B-5 will be located closer to Panama Lane to asses the lateral limit of the plume, and to ensure the plume has not spread toward any conduits formed by underground ' utilities located adjacent to Panama Lane: Boring B-6 will be located to the west of the former Tank 4, beneath the canopy; to assess the lateral limit of the plume to the west. Borings B-8 and B-7 will assess the lateral limits of the plume to the north and east. ' All borin will be advanced with a gs anced Geoprobe® 5.400 sampling unit Soil cuttings will be field screened with a PID, and described by a State of'California Registered Geologist. ' A lithologic log of each soil boring will be created; soils will be described and classified according to the USCS, observations of soil staining or discoloration will be included on the lithologic log. Undisturbed soil samples will be collected at 5-foot.intervals,beginning at 10-feet bgs in the area beneath the former tanks, and beginning at 5-feet bgs in the borings outside the former tank area, for a total of approximately 44 soil samples.i.Samples will be handled according to RAM's.Soil Sampling Plan, which is included iri?Appendix B. The samples will be labeled, stored in an ice cooler cooled with blue ice and then transported to ProVera-Laboratory, Bakersfield, at the end of the working day. The soils will be analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons. ' as Diesel, and BTEX and fuel oxygenates,:as follows: Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline(TPH-g; carbon ran_ge C ' 4=.0 12) using EPA Method 8015M; • Total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel.(TPH-d, carbon range C 12_ C 24)Using EPA Method 8015M; • BTEX and fuel oxygenates by EPA Method 8260B 2000_203_Site Investigation Workplan 8 ' South H and Panama Lane Project#200203 December 2004 1 When the total depth of each soil boring is reached, as determined in the field from observations, bentonite pellets will be placed in the boring and hydrated. The drill ' cuttings (soil) generated by sampling will be returned to the boring. The boring will by compacted and covered with,an asphalt or cement patch to match the existing grade. If groundwater is encountered a groundwater sample will be collected and analyzed. The Geoprobe boring will be abandoned with bentonite pellets, and backfilled with drill cuttings. If the laboratory analytical results from the groundwater show the presence of 1 hydrocarbons; a Groundwater Site Investigation Workplan will be prepared to characterize any groundwater contamination beneath the Site. ' 6.1 Work Schedule The Site Investigation will began within 45 days after the workplan has been accepted by BFDES. BFDES will be notified approximately 48 hours before fieldwork commences. ' A Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation Report will be submitted to BFDES approximately 45 days after completion of the Site Investigation. ' 7.0 WASTE MANAGEMENT Drill cuttings (soil) generated by drilling soil.borings B-1 through B 78 will be returned to ' the borings. 8.0 LIMITATIONS ' RAM Envir onmen tal Engineering g Services, Inc. has prepared this Workplan, for the exclusive use of Mr. Roy Saunders of JACO Oil as it pertains to the property.located at ' 6401 South H Street, in Bakersfaeld,'Califomia. Our professional services have been performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by other professionals practicing in this field.No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the professional advice in the Report. Any use of or reliance on this Report by a third party shall be at such party's sole risk. RAM assumes no responsibility for site conditions or activities.that were'outside,the scope of the inquiry.requested by Mr. Roy Saunders. It is recognized that regulatory requirements may change, including the revision of accepted action levels, which could necessitate a review of the discussion, findings, recommendations or opinions of the Report. 2000_203_Site Investigation Workplan 9 t 1 South H and Panama Lane Project#1200203 December 2004 9.0 REFERENCES 1 Department of Water Resources.(DWR),.1975, California's Ground'Water, DWR .. Bulletin No. 118 Kern County Water Agency, 2003 Report on Water Conditions April 1''2004. ' RAM.Environmenial Engineering Services;Inc., Soil'Sampling Workplan, September 2003. Kern County Environmental Health Services Department. U.T. 35. US-EPA S.W. 846 3rd. Ed. Appendix A-Reports Tri-Regional Board Staff Recommendations For Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation of Underground Tank Site (April, 2004). . ' 2000_203_Site Investigation Workplan 10 1 South H and Panama Lane Project#200203 December 2004 10.0 SIGNATURE PAGE 1 This Site Investigation Workplan prepared for Mr. Roy Saunders, dated December 2004, was prepared by RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. under the responsible 1 . charge of the following professi `'�EFtF D n., q fX L.�,..,•'r /G�• :� Jane Ellis-McNaboe R "' ? Project Geologist `P�yT 4127 ON CASAG' 9 No.3WN 9 ► c ar Casa REHS cc / i President E, (' c ti 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 . 1 1 1 . 2000_203_Site Investigation Workplan 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ficuxes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ZMESM XMRP04A nith Sch plat V. 113 ' r^•tl wRr�re .ala uwa p bra 97' _ WOW Pit. - 7) w1u.0rrl29rd •� - pawn T f i F copA Drive•i i •�� i� � � � �JF tah h �� �Theate � � �• i 4 FDi fich ,• • 366 � fAm.IAE°.',J 19 D• � D• ••r'uRVIrw J%d ROAD �• �^ �.-.965 Ir � � •� i1FA STRIP -' Parh� � • :2;: •RANA I�2 : �. N • •t 1 ! Q BM 361 •• 0Ul C ,I hinD Plar.2 25' BERNBMlRE 30 Mp 29- c • ROSKI � AD •JIM 356 MD r 36 I• 31 U .�¢fG 32 F . ' 3 W _.... reen[Ja F Dclkern PO •i Data use subject to license. N ©2004 Oel-orme.XMap®4.5. D 000 1hm 2400 3200 4000 www.delarme.com MW(13.9-E) Data Zoom 130 ' JACO OIL FIGURE 1 RAM ENVIRONMENTAL JULY 2004 AREAMAP ENGINEERING SERVICES, Project Number 200203 INC. ' SITE INVESTIGATION FASTRIP 2103 20`b STREET WORKPLAN PANAMA Ln.&SOUTH H St. BAKERSFIELD,CA. BAKERSFIELD,CA. ' 200004203F 1—AREA MAP 1 N ,PARKING LOT �J\ sIDEWALK Former Under round Storage Tanks 10 6 3. 1 D4 D1 �; 11 5 2 ' DISPENSER ISLANDS �.8. 12 • 7 4 1 D2. ' TANK 4 .TANK 3 TANK 2 TANK 1 1 ' . PANAMA LANE LEGEND, Sample Station Number D1 D•ispenser Scale in Feet 0 Sample Number 0 , 8 16 16 JACO OIL FIGURE 2 RAM ENVIRONMENTAL JULY 2004 ENGINEERING SERVICES, ,•,' PROJECT NUMBER 200203 PLOT PLAN INC. SITE' INVESTIGATION FASTRIP,MARKET 210320th STREET PA,NAMA1N.'& SOUTH H STREET WORKPLAN BAKER,SFIELD, CA. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 2000 04_203_fig2 plot plan 1 1 1 1 � Leo, of eFOes Co:e=p „a<nce 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r ` November 29, 2004 R 1VE� E S F I D F/RE Mr. Roy Saunders DEC 0 3 2004 a R rlN r Fastrip #362 Y: , P.O. Box-1,807 - ' Bakersfield, CA 93380 ' RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment_conducted at the Fastrip #362, located at 6401 South H Street in Bakersfield Permit# BR-0325 FIRE CHIEF Dear Mr. Saunders, RON FRAZE ' Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES facilit this office has determined .that the extent of the contamination lume, 2101 "H"Street y, p• Bakersfield,CA 93301 ! associated with the center of the westernmost gasoline tank previously VOICE(661)326-3941 located on your property, has not been adequately.defined. FAX(661)852-2170 SUPPRESSION SERVICES This.office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California 2101 "H"Street Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Bakersfield,CA 93301 Regulations) that further assessment be done to define the vertical and VOICE(661)326-3941 FAX'6611112-2170 ! horizontal extent of the contamination plume. ' PREVENTION SERVICES Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, within FIRE SAFETY SERVICES•ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 900 Truxtun Ave.,Suite 210 , 30 da s from receipt of this letter. The work Ian should follow guidelines ' Bakersfield,CA 93301 i found in: Appendix A -Reports. Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations VOICE(661)326-3979 for Prelimina evaluation Investigation Underground Tank Sites; Jul FAX(661)852-2171 ry on a g on o er g y 6, 1990.' ' FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. I • Additionally., be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed Bakersfield,CA 93301 to you at a rate of$104.00 per hour. VOICE(661)326-3951 FAX(661)852-2172 If you have any questions, please call me at,(661) 326-3979. TRAINING DIVISION ! 5642 Victor Ave. Sincerely, Bakersfield,CA 93308 VOICE(661)399-4697 RALPH.E. HUEY, Director of Prevention Services FAX(661)399-5763 By: Howard H. Wines, III ' Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No.'7239 Office of Environmental Services I HHW/s ' cc: J. Whiting, RWQCB R. Casagrande, RAM Appendix B SOIL SAMPLING PLAN 1 1 1 1 1 ' JACO Oil Fastri P�Jaco Oil Company, Bakersfield=Sampling Plan Ming.and Real, Bakersfield, California. RAM Project#200203, .. ' Task 3 —Soil Sampling TASK OBJECTIVE: Collect undisturbed soil samples from.borings at 5-foot intervals, ' beginning at 10-feet below ground (bgs) surface in the former tank area and at 5-feet bgs outside_the former tank area, and continuing until 10-feet below visible signs of gasoline . staining and-PID readings have attenuated to,,zero or background levels; as necessary, for analysis of TPH-g, TPH-d,MTBE, and BTEX. SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSES Laboratory analysis will be conducted by ProVera Laboratory a California State Certified Laboratory. Test methods.and,criteria are as follows: ' TPH-g and TPH-d by Modified EPA Method 8015 • BTEX and fuel oxygenates by EPA Method 8260B Analytical Laboratory- ProVera, Bakersfield CA tReport results to RAM Environmental Engineering SOIL SAMPLING PROTOCOL ' Soil sampling will:be.conducted in accordance with RAM Environmental Engineering Services Standard Soil and Groundwater Sampling Protocols (RAM, 2003) and will ' incorporate the following project specific criteria. Sampling Locations ' Samples will be collected from 5-foot intervals in each borehole,beginning at 10-feet or 5-feet bgs. Sample intervals and times will be annotated on a lithologic log of each borehole. Soil Sampling Information ' Sample at 5-foot intervals with Geo robe® sampling device- Decontaminate sampler and brass sleeves before using by washing in non- ' phosphate detergent followed by a double rinse in clean water, • note time and depth', • 'keep center,brass tube from core'for laboratory analysis, ' use Teflon seal and plastic caps to seal sleeve, . • indicate direction,of sample collection on sleeve (arrow),write sample depth, time of sampling, date and name of responsible party on sample sleeve, . tmonitor soils in lower brass sleeve with hand held PID or equivalent, note results on lithologic log; ' Equipment: • Brass Sleeves, • teflon seals and Plastic caps; ' disposable gloves,'baggies, permanent marking pens, sample-labels, Chain of Custody(COC) forms, Field Log'forims, • PID, Model Photo Vac meter for monitoring work space and soils for volatiles, ' 4 Personal Protective Gear per Standard Health and Safety Protocols for fuel impacted soil ' 2000-04-203—sampling plan 1 .. • , blue ice, or equivalent, for sample storage/shipping container. 1 . . Sampling Procedure The split'-spoon sampler, or Geoprobe® sampler is to be decontaminated and air-dried ' before each sample is taken. Once the sampling depth has been reached by the drilling- rig, an undisturbed soil sample is collected, the time and depth of sampling is noted on the lithologic,log. The sample is retrieved; the sample container is capped, labeled, and tplaced in the cooler. A lithologic description is made according to Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) standards, the lowermost brass sleeve is monitored for volatile organic compound(VOC) vapors using the field vapor monitor(PID, Hnu, or OVM), the measurements are recorded on the lithologic log. Any remaining soils are placed with the stockpiled soil, and returned to the boring when the total depth is reached. ' Sample Identification'and Labeling Complete sample label information and sample COC.information prior to collection of each sample, leaving time for notation just after collection. Label, bag', and place labeled container-containing,soil in cooler. ' Check/complete the COC form and,sample logs; and secure the sample storage/shipping container until delivered to the laboratory. Sample container should be kept at 4° C with blue ice or equivalent. 1 . 1 . 1 1 , 1 1 ' 2000_04_203_§ampling plan t Appendix C HEALTH and SAFETY PLAN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 ' 1 ' HEALTH'AND SAFETY PLAN ' SITE INVESTIGATION WORKPLAN JACO Oil Company 3101 State Road ' Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 �1 1 Prepared for JACO Oil Company Prepared by RAM, Inc. , ' 2103 20th Street Bakersfield,.-CA 93301 200203 ' 01/10/05 2000_05_203_Health&Safety Plan 1 SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN RAM Environmental Bakersfield,California "Project Number: 200203 Project Manager: Jane McNaboe Site Safety Officer: Jane McNaboe. Date of Issue: 01/10/05 ' Authorization: .Richard 1V1 Casagrande,'RAM Health & Safety Officer 1 1 1' ' 2000_05_203_Health&Safety Plan 2 Required Signatures Signature Name. Company . Date 1 . 1 1 . 1 r , ' 2000_05_203_Health&Safety Plan 3 ` TABLE OF CONTENTS � Page � � List0f Tables .......................................................................................................................5 1.0 . Introduction---.----._----------------.--------___.6 � � Ll Site _--'—.—..--------------.--------.—..6 � . l.2 �cnneofl�7or�' �--- -- ---. ---'^ . . 6 --_r- —� _---'' -- '' ' ---'.----- � 2.0 Project Safety Authority................--------...:—.--------------.7 3.0 D�bedioa} Sorvc�looue ----------...--------------------0 ` � . . .' � 4.� ....................................................^ ...............................g 5.0 Hazard Assessment................................................................................................lU . ll }�ozurdo�--------------------------..`--.lO -_ . 5.2 Chemical Hazards-------------------..--------..l0 6.0 Ai .--------.------------------.------..l4 � � 70 �rn�on1 �»f��v Requirements . ' l6 ' General ---'/ -----------------r_---' � 7.1 General� Safety Precautions........................................................................l6 7.2 Trenching Safety Precautions -------'---------------.l8 � � . ' 8.0 �rmt�ot�v� Equipment uim:o�coto--------------------.---.20 ~~ ' � � � 9.0 e Pruucdorco --------.---------.-------..2l � . -Appendix A Site Location Map and Route tnHospital, 'pp_'--- B Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan ^^.^..i ^g Record,Forms � � � � ' ' &Safety Plan 4 � LIST OF TABLES ' ` Page Table 1. OSHA PELs and ACGIH TLVs for Aromatic Volatile Organic ' Compounds. ................................................................................................ .....1.3 Table 2. Air Monitoring Action Levels and Associated Protective Measures...................15, t 1 1 1 ' 2000-05-203—Health&Safety Plan 5 1 ' ' 1.0 INTRODUCTION This Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan. (HASP) delineates the basic safety requirements for the following field tasks to be performed as part of the Site Investigation ' at the property located at 6401 .South "H" Street, Bakersfield, Ca.: collection of soil samples using a Geoprobe® 5400 sampling unit, vapor sampling during ,soil sampling tusing PID or equivalent equipment, collection and delivery of soil samples for chemical analysis. The fieldwork• is scheduled to begin 45 days after approval of the Site Investigation Workplan by Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services (BFDES) and is expected to be completed in 1 day: �. ' The provisions set forth in this HASP apply' to the employees of RAM and their subcontractors working on project tasks,:which .expose workers to hazardous wastes, ' hazardous substances or any combination of hazardous wastes or hazardous substances. Subcontractors may elect to modify these provisions; but only to'upgrade or increase the ' safety activities. ' This HASP addresses'the expected potential hazards that may be encountered. for this project. If unanticipated changes in•site, or,•working conditions occur which are not addressed by this plan, addenda will be provided by RAM. ' 1.1 SITE BACKGROUND The project consists of one site in Bakersfield, California: The site is currently in use as a Mim Market and Fastrip gas station. t 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK ` The objective of this scope of work is to. collect soil samples from the area below ' underground tanks, piping and dispensers,to define the extent of the hydrocarbon plume in the soil at the Site. Samples will be collected with the Geoprobe® at intervals of five 2000_05_203_Health&Safety Plan 6 ' feet below ound.surface or below the depth of the tank excavation, until 10-feet below �' . P any visible sign of staining, or until 10-feet below the PID meter measures'zero or drops to background levels as determined by,'field observations, with additional samples collected if required based upon evaluation of the site in the field. The work will be conducted under the direction and approval of BFDES. . 2.0 PROJECT SAFETY.AUTHORITY ' Personnel res onsible for ro'ect safety are the Project.Manager er and the Site p p J: .. Y J g Safety Officer or his designee: 1 The Project Manager is responsible for the provisions-and submittal of this plan, and for ' advising'the Site,Safety Officer on health and,safety matters. The Project Manager has .the authority to provide for the,auditing.of compliance with the provisions of this plan, suspension or modification of work practices, and administration of disciplinary actions for individuals whose conduct does not meet the requirements set forth. herein. The ' Project Manager may. elect to give the Site Safety Officer authority to. administer disciplinary actions for individuals whose conduct does'not meet the requirements 'set forth herein.' 1 The Site Safety Officer is responsible for,the dissemination of the information contained in this plan to all RAM personnel assigned to the project, and to the responsible representative of each subcontractor firm working under RAM on the project. As such, he or she is responsible for performing or providing the following as necessary: • Adequate on-site safety supplies & equipment inventory (see list of ' Protective equipment, Sec. 8.0 ), • ,verification Of inedical- surveillance program examinations, and'40-hour training for all.potentially exposed to Hazardous Wastes on-site personnel, 2000-05-203—Health&Safety Plan , 7 • verification of respirator ft test and/or SCBA training if respirator protection becomes necessary(see Section 6.0), • tailgate discussion of Site Safety Plan. Documentation of tailgate safety. meetings in field notebook, ' documentation of all accidents or safety,plan violations, ' emergency contacts as needed, • implementation of -,Decontamination/Contamination Reduction ' Procedures,if necessary(see Sec. 9.0), ' on-site air monitoring as required (see Section 6.0). The Site Safety Officer or his/her designee has the authority to suspend work any time he or she determines that the health and safety practices at the site are inadequate and shall ' also inform the Project Manager,of individuals, whose conduct is not consistent with the requirements of the plan. 1 3.0 ' MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE 1 RAM personnel and sub-contractors engaged in project,operations that expose them to hazardous wastes, hazardous substances, or any combination of hazardous wastes or hazardous substances shall be, participants in a Medical Surveillance program,.and must ' be cleared by the examining physician(s) to wear respiratory protection devices and protective clothing for working with hazardous materials. .The applicable.requirements ' under,the the CAL OSHA -standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (Title 8 CCR, GTSO.5192)will be observed. ' 2000-05-203—Health&Safety Plan 8 t 4.0 SAFETY/ORIENTATION TRAINING ' Field personnel from RAM and any subcontractors will review this site-specific health and safety plan (HASP) before beginning'work as-safety training for this project. The ' Site Safety Officer will conduct a tailgate safety meeting to review the'HASP prior to the start of field operations•that may. substantiate prior review of the HASP or serve as the ' primary review. RAM.project personnel will•certify their review by signing a HASP ' training record form (Appendix B). Subcontractors will certify their review by signing a HASP training record form or signing the field'noteb'ook after the tailgate safety meeting. ' The Project Manager is responsible for distributing this. site safety.plan to appropriate personnel and verifying review by obtaining signed review.forms. 'Sign ed.review forms ' will be placed in project files. Whenever a change,of conditions on-site occurs that may affect safety, the Site Safety Officer or his/her designee will. conduct a tailgate safety meeting if appropriate. ' Changing site conditions that may affect safety include the following: ' Change of field personnel (RAM or subcontractor), • change in work activity; . 1 • .,change in weather,conditions; and visitors on site. All'trammg sessions, safety meetings, and safety briefings will be documented by the Site ' Safety Officer or his designee in the.field notebook. Documentation will include a brief description of topics addressed.and the signatures of all training attendees. I 1 • 2000-05-203—Health&Safety Plan 9 5:0 HAZARD ASSESSMENT 5.1 PHYSICAL HAZARDS Working on a site with gasoline contaminated soils presents a variety of physical hazards ' that are continually present unlike chemical exposures (only a hazard when contaminated materials are present). Some of the hazards are identified below. Physical hazards could include the following: • Falling objects such as tools or equipment, •, tripping over hoses, pipes, tools, equipment or uneven terrain; • tipping or overturning of heavy machinery, 1 • • exposure to noise generated by heavy machinery, • insufficient or faulty protective equipment; and ' • insufficient or faulty operations,erations, a ui merit or tools qp � , • vehicular traffic at and around the site. ' Safety precautions for site hazards are addressed in Section 7.2. 5.2 CHEMICAL HAZARDS It is not anticipated that there will be any chemical ex pos ur es, however, this section is , included as a precautionary measure. It is most likely that the hazard at these sites will bey ' from refined products found during the sampling of the soil. Specific precautions will be taken as the situations at each of the sites dictate. The materials of concern in these 1 ' 2000-05-203—Health&Safety Plan 10 projects are all petroleum hydrocarbons. Following is a discussion of the chemical hazards of petroleum hydrocarbons. Petroleum hydrocarbons may include a wide range of substances, some of very low toxicity and some very toxic. The aromatic volatile petroleum hydrocarbons [benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX)] are generally of greater concern, in part ' because they are more likely to exist in the worker's breathing zone. In moderate exposures, BTXE compounds all produce similar acute effects including headache, ' narcosis, and anesthesia. Table I (from the Hazard Evaluation Plan (HEP)for Leaking Underground Fuel Tanks (LUFT) Removal Sites developed by the State Water Resources ' Control Board) summarizes the exposure criteria and.health effects of BTXE. Among the aromatic volatile petroleum hydrocarbons, benzene is the primary substance of concern because of its association with leukemia and aplastic anemia in chronic exposure situations. ' The permissible exposure limits (PEL) set by OSHA and the American Conference of Industrial of Governmental Hygienists' (ACGIH) threshold limit values (TLV) for ' airborne exposure are provided in Table 1 for BTEX. Even high concentrations (ppm to percent level) of volatile organic compounds are not reasonably expected to present airborne concentrations at or approaching OSHA PELs or ACGIH TLVs considering the small volume of soils to be generated and processed during drilling and sampling operations an d that all field work will be conducted outdoors in well-ventilated areas. ' Considering relative volatility of each compound and the open working conditions, these compounds are not reasonably expected to present inhalation exposures of concern'to ' worker health and safety in open atmospheres. However, air monitoring for organic vapor concentrations will be conducted for activities that present potential inhalation texposures as described in Section 6.0. ' Petroleum hydrocarbons can also be absorbed through the skin if contact with highly contaminated materials is made (i.e. saturated soils). Dermal exposures will be controlled through the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) as described in Section 8.0 and through minimization of exposure to airborne dust generated sampling activities. ' 2000_05_203_Health&Safety Plan 11 ' EXPLOSION AND FIRE The types of hydrocarbons expected to be present,(gasoline fuel) are,not expected to generate vapors'at explosive concentrations during any of the tasks to be performed. If ' vapor monitoring detects concentrations at 'a level that: exceed'the requirements for respiratory protection (>50 ppm), operations, will be suspended and the area will.be evacuated until an industrial hygiene sampling is completed to characterize the exposures. The potential for explosion and fire will be reevaluated based upon-,this characterization. 1 , 1 ' 2000_05_203_Health&Safety Plan 12 Table 1. OSHA PELs and ACGIH TLVs for Aromatic Volatile Organic Compounds. OSHA PELs ACGIH TLVs Compound TWA.a STEL b TWA a STEL b m (PPM.) ( m m Benzene 1 5 10 - ' Toluene 100, 150 100 150 ;Ethyl benzene 100 -125 100 125 Xylene(o-,m-,p- isomers) 100 A50 100 150 a TWA: Time weighted average is the employee's average airborne exposure in any 8- ' hour work shift of a 40-hourworkweek which shall not be exceeded. r b STEL: Short-term exposure.limit is the employee's 15-minute.time weighted average airborne exposure, which shall not be exceeded at any time during a workday. 1 . .2000-05-203—Health&Safety Plan 13 ' 6.0 AIR MONITORING An organic vapor analyzer (OVA)" with a flame-ionization detector (FID), or Hnu photoionization detector (PID) will be used to conduct air monitoring during activities ' where potential for airborne exposure exist,' specifically during drilling and soil sampling. During drilling, readings will be taken initially in the worker-breathing zone, the immediate operations area, and recorded in the project ,field notebook.., The OSHA PELs and ACGIH TLVs for aromatic volatile, organic, compounds are listed in Table 1. ' Benzene with an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) exposure limit of 1 ppm and a 15- minute short-term exposure limit (STEL) of 5 ppm is the primary airborne contaminant of concern. Table 2 provides an estimation of. airborne benzene concentrations and allowable exposure time based' on Hnu readings. Using these estimates of benzene concentration based on OVA readings. would be protective of worker,health and safety, because the OVA detects a.wide variety of,organic vapors whereas the Hnu detects only aromatic volatile compounds and other large organic molecules. For simplicity, the more ' restrictive estimates based on Hnu readings are used to establish air monitoring.action levels described below. A sustained Hnu or OVA reading of 5 ppm (5 units on the Hnu) above background will trigger donning, respiratory protection (half or full face APR with organic vapor cartridges) and additional ambient air monitoring (breathing zone will be monitored every 15 minutes). If sustained ambient'air organic vapor concentrations equal or exceed 50 ' ppm, work will be stopped and the area evacuated. Because identified materials of concern are not expected to contain significant levels of volatile organic compounds, sustained readings of 50 ppm or higher indicate the need-for industrial hygiene sampling to characterize the exposure. Based upon the results of this sampling, protection measures will be reevaluated.- Air monitoring action levels and associated protective measures are summarized in Table 2. ' 2000-05-203—Health&Safety Plan 14 Table 2. Air Monitoring Action Levels and Associated Protective Measures 'Air Space Action Levels Protective Measures Monitored ' 'Ambient <_5 ppm No respiratory protection required. Air Concentrations ' Tyvek and nitrile gloves required when contact with potentially contaminated soil possible. Initial monitoring of ambient air in ' worker breathing zone and.operations., area. >5 ppm but Don, half or full-face APRs with ' <50 ppm organic vapor cartridges. Increase ambient air monitoring frequency, to every 15-minutes. ' Ambient Air >50 ppm Evacuate work area. ' 1 ' 2000-05-203—Health&Safety Plan 15 1 - . 7.0 ' GENERAL PROJECT SAFETY.REQUIREMENTS 7.I GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The project operations shall be conducted ' with the following minimum safety requirements employed: • Smoking will not be permitted on project property, eating and drinking will be.restricted to a designated area, ' wearing loose clothing around operating machinery (generator, etc.) will be prohibited, • all personnel shall be required to wash hands and face before eating or ' drinking, • gross decontamination and removal of all .personal protective equipment shall be performed prior to exiting.the facility, • shaking or blowing of potentially contaminated clothing or equipment'to remove dust or other materials is not permitted, • the Site Safety Officer will be responsible to identify and alert field ' employees to physical hazards present at the site. ' SYMPTOMS OF CHEMICAL EXPOSURE ' Field operations personnel shall inform each other of non-visual symptoms that may indicate chemical exposure such as: 1 . 2000-05-203—Health&Safety Plan 16 • Headaches • dizziness, ' nausea, . ' blurred vision, • cramps • irritation of eyes, skin, or respiratory tract, • changes in complexion or skin.discoloration, • changes.in apparent motor coordination, • changes in personality or demeanor, ' excessive salivation or chan es•in papillary response; and • changes in speech ability or pattern. HEAT STRESS The following recommendations will help to-reduce heat stress: • Provide plenty of liquids, wearing f an undergarment that acts to help ventilation of the body, g g p Y, ' scheduling of activities during the cooler times of the day, ,. providing sunshade over the work area if possible, 2000-05-203—Health&Safety Plan 17 • establish a work schedule incorporating oratin regular rest periods, rP g • mandate work slow-downs as needed, • heat stress monitoring. ' Any of the following techniques can be used to screen for heat stress: • Heart rate at the radial.artery-should-be measured as early as possible in the resting period. Should the heart rate exceed 110 beats per minute, the next-.work period.should be shortened by 10 minutes (33%),, while the length of the rest period stays the same. If the.pulse rate is greater than 100 at the next rest period, the.following work cycle should be.shortened ' by 33%. ' Body temperature can be used to screen for heat stress. If the oral temperature at the beginning of the test period exceeds 99 degrees Fahrenheit, the next work period should be shortened by 10 minutes (or 33%), while the length of the rest period stays the same. This process should be continued until the body temperature does not exceed 990F. • Body water loss can be monitored,using a scale to measure change's in, tbody weight. i 7.2 TRENCHING SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The following safety precautions shall be followed by all field project personnel during drilling operations. 1 • Underground utilities will be located and,'marked prior.to commencement ' of drilling activities, ' during the drilling operation, two persons (one designated as "operator" and the other as "site safety") must be present at all times, 2000_05_203_Health&.Safety Plan 18 • the, drilling rig or other mechanical equipment.must always maintain an overhead clearance of a minimum of 10 feet from any overhead'electric lines, '. •• hardhat, safety glasses,'and steel-toed,hoots will be worn in'the operations area, • hearing .protection .'shall be worn when noise levels from operating ' equipment interfere with normal conversation at 5 feet (noise levels are likely above 85 decibels),, • all rotating or ener g ized parts in which worker could become entangled or injured shall be covered or guarded to the extent possible; • wearing loose clothing around operating machinery is prohibited, • exposure to generated dusts during any activity should be avoided and/or ' minimized. Water,may be used for this,purpose as appropriate. Work upwind to the extent feasible during dust generating activities. 1 2000-05-203—Health&Safety Plan 19 8.0 PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS ' Field personnel and visitors are required to=wear hard hats, safety glasses, steel-toed boots, and hearing protection (at the' discretion. of the Site Safety Officer) in the ' operations area when work is being performed. ' Field personnel engaged in work operations are required to wear the following additional equipment: ' 0 Long-sleeved shirts and ants or one-piece coverall g p p , • Tyvek suit (when contact with potentially, contaminated soil is anticipated), , 1 • rubber boots (when contact with,,potentially contaminated soil or liquid is ' anticipated); ' Nitrile or other chemically resistant gloves (when taking soil or groundwater samples). Contractors to RAM will p rovide their own PPE. 1 8.1 OPERATIONS AREA 1 Dermal contact will be the potential exposure pathway of concern for chemical exposure. ' Inhalation exposure,will only be a significant concern when,the ambient air monitoring action level is exceeded. t When the ambient air monitorin g q .level a uals or exceeds 5 full or half-face APR's ,pp m with organic vapor cartridges will be required. 1 •, 2000-05-203—Health&Safety Plan 20 9.0 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES A first aid kit. will be taken into the field each.da . In the event of a fire,'explosion, Y p physical injury or illness due to chemical exposure, the appropriate parties should be contacted using the below listed phone,numbers. ;For injuries or illness other than very minor cuts or scrapes, a physician's attention is required. For.treatment.of potentially ' life-threatening injury or illness, call-911 for assistance: For treatment of minor injuries or illness, personnel should be driven.to Mercy Hospital ' at 2215 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, 93301. A map showing the route.to the hospital from the Site is provided in Appendix A. 1 Notify the RAM Health & Safety Officer as soon as possible after appropriate ' emergency services have been notified and'appropriate measures taken to protect people, environment, and property. 1 1 . 2000_05 203_Health&Safety Plan 21 ' n Telephone Emerge cy Numbers. Off-Site • Fire, Police, Ambulance 911 ' Mercy Hospital, Truxtun Avenue 1-661-632-5000 Additional Contingency Telephone'Number: • RAM Environmental Engineering 1-661-324-6152 1-661-619-2345 ' Contact: Richard M. Casagrande 1 2000_05_203_Health&Safety Plan 22. 1 1 ' APPENDIX A SITE LOCATION AND ' ROUTE TO HOSPITAL 1 1 1 1 Driving Directions-from 6401 S H St, Bakersfield, CA to 2215 Truxtun Ave, Bakersfield, ... Page 1 of 2 �loe.ccan r�� e' ':'' ' ke t rs s e s fttElE68b,`AbLln$tL7i7tM@53 @t7 8t': MNYA AkPPR 4 Directions ' Print I•E-Mail I Send to Phone I PDA I New Directions Bakersfield'offe ..-...Select...-.. . 6401 S H St Bakersfield, CA 93304-7149, US - Hotel Offers Flight Offers New Cars - Deal ' New Car Buyers - Find in your area with the Ic 2215 Truxtun Ave www.pricequotes.cor Bakersfield, CA 93301-3602, US - Hotel Offers - Flight Offers Bakersfield Hot Get Guaranteed Low R; the Hotel Experts for G www.hotels.com Find .Nearby: Bakersfield, CA (e.g., Theaters) Hotel Photos, Info&Vi Find the Hotel You War 6401 S H St, Bakersfield CA 93304-7149 �i ( www.Expedia.com l � . .... _.... -__.._ _ ._ Or Top Categories Search ` C�I the o�n is Flight owest Fares Book Flights, Hotels, ' Maneuvers www.ORBITZ.com Distance Maps Reverse Route I Avoid Highways I Revise Route Bakersfield Car: =I:1:Start out going SOUTH on S H ST toward PANAMA LN.<0.1 milesMan Save Hundreds or ThOL our Fast and Free Price www.invoicedealers.t �,�-'°2:Turn RIGHT onto PANAMA LN. 0.3 miles Map , ca g'9 3:Merge onto CA-99 N. 4.8 miles Mao Bakersfield Car: ' 1000s of used cars Ba dealer sales, photos, cl 4:Take the CALIFORNIA AVE exit toward CIVIC (:ENTER.0.2.miles Mao www.BakersfieldCarS ' �:° 5:Turn RIGHT onto CALIFORNIA AVE. <0.1 milesMan �'i1 California Hotel .110% Lowest Price Gu; ' ! 6:Turn LEFT onto OAK ST. 0.3 miles Mao Exclusive Rates at 29,C www.Lodging.com 7:Turn RIGHT onto TRUXTUN AVE. 0.6 miles Mao =8:End at 2215 Truxtun Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301-3602 US Mao Cheap Flights A� ' Deals Available From N Total Est. Time: 8 minutes Total Est. Distance: 6.70 miles Book Online And Save Bakersfield Hotels Bakersfield, CA Hotels us,price-paradise.cor http://www.mapquest.com/directions/main.adp?go=1&do=nw&un=m&I n=KERN+COUN... 1/10/2005 Driving Directions from 6401 S H St, Bakersfield, CA to 2215 Truxtun Ave, Bakersfield, ... Page.2 of 2 Get Guaranteed Low Rates-,Book with Hotel Photos, Info&Virtual Tours ' the Hotel Experts for Great Deals Save up to 50%on Hotels at Expedia Other Offers: www.hotels.com www.Expedia.com Bakersfield Hotels Make this map interactive Bakersfield Real Estat ' Bakersfield Insurance Bakersfield Schools Route Overview Map Bakersfield Jobs Bakersfield offe i A o" s alq H Y isd 7 , 0. k mi I- Select- o„ Cross Vatlpy 5i�YT Cun $ f � Bli o is v "� About these results 5tockdale Hw ir o "�; r ir t '1' �,Y � k "� „' ,�" ytb'"�lr`"""" y � �` Ci 2� � '��r. .i� x3�„�s �}�•,���9}�E a >' `2 E a z �d41{1 d � 87 1 } CL ' % a gT' _ � Arvtn Edison Ganrsi f{/ `.::.. P ! ' X290$M1aPQoest,c4m Inr,;tJ 2005'NAVTEQ N—AV TE-G II rights reserved Use Subject to License/Copyright I Map Legend These directions are informational only. No representation is made or warranty given as,to their content, road conditions or route usability or expeditiousness. User assumes all risk of use. MapQuest and its suppliers assume no responsibility for any loss or delay resulting from such use. Business Solutions Advertise I Wireless Settings Link to Ma uest Hel Contact I9_ I PQ Iel Us I About I Privacy I Legal ' © 2005 MapQuest.com, Inc. All rights.reserved. http://www.mapquest.com/directions/main.adp.go-1&do=nw&un—m&1 n—KERN+COUN... 1/10/2005 1 1 1 ' APPENDIX B ' SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY TRAINING RECORD ' FoRMs 1 1 1 1 SITE-SPECIFIC'HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN (HASP) TRAINING RECORD ' Print/Type Employee Name Projeci'Number ' I have read the HASP listed below and fully understand the material covered. I understand that I am responsible for compliance'with the requirements of this HASP and I agree to abideby the same. I also had the opportunity to discuss the information t resented in the HASP and to ask an uestions about the information that I want p .� y q . clarified. I understand that this record will become a permanent part of my employee health and ' safety training file. . ' Employee.Signature Date ' HASP Title Date Employee Verified by Date ' HASP Date Revision No. Reviewed Initials Si ' ature Verified 2000_05_203_Health&Safety Plan SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN (HASP) TRAINING RECORD ' Print/Type Employee Name . Project Number I have read the HASP listed below and fully-understand the material covered: I understand that I am responsible for compliance with the requirements of this HASP and ' I agree to abide by the same. I also had the opportunity to discuss the information presented in the HASP, and to,ask any questions about the information that I want clarified: I understand that this record will become a permanent part of my employee health and ' safety training file. ' Employee Signature Date ' HASP Title Date Employee Verified by Date ' HASP Date Revision No. Reviewed Initials (Signature) Verified ' 2000_05_203_Health&Safety Plan 1 ' SITE-SPECIFIC' ITE- ECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN HASP TRAINING RECORD S SP (HASP) 'Print/Type Employee Name Project Number I have read the HASP listed below and fully understand the material covered. I understand that I am responsible for compliance with the requirements of this HASP and.. ' I agree to abide by the same. I also had the opportunity to discuss the information presented in the HASP, and to ask any questions about the information that I want clarified. I understand that this record will become a permanent part of my employee health and safety training file. Employee Signature Date HASP Title 1 . Date Employee Verified by Date ' HASP Date.. Revision No. Reviewed Initials (Signature) Verified y ' 2000_05_203_Health&Safety Plan D ENVIRONMENTAL D ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. June 11, 2007 Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention Services 1600 Truxtun, Suite 401 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Casing,Abandonment's, 6401 South H Street. FFastrip #362 Dear Mr. Wines, On May 29, 2007, under the direction of RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. (RAM), Consolidated Testing's drilling rig removed the sand and gravel from the upper three feet of the four conductor casings at Fastrip #362 on South H Street in Bakersfield. A thin cement mixture, with bentonite added, was poured into each conductor casing to within two inches of the surface: The man-hole covers were replaced after the conductor casings were abandoned. The following three pages contain photographs of the work conducted on May 29,_2007. The locationssof the four abandoned conductor casings are shown on the attached figure.. ease call with any questions or comments. Thank you, Liu— ; M. J Ellis-McNaboe, PG Project Manager cc Mr. Roy Saunders, Jaco Oil Company Mr. Richard Casagrande, RAM Attachment 2103 20th Street o Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-6152 o FAX (661) 324-6172 4 Y •,m _ r "T Ir err, ai ' I 1 ' • • 1 1 t out conductor casing,B-1. 1 k rM,4 `Y.i/' i! 3!'S. .• t �. +��vyy.'l c ' t f r y a• hI ,1 i. r •u.` % .} t ]1) ` i i s T 13a yb y ,t �=t Z,• � `tt 1 F t�.f tthf'9 �+ k rt t, .1t4 T.l an �' 111 1 1 Faststrip at Panama& So. H Well Abandonment's May 29, 2007 Photo 4- Photo of cleaned out tM r conductor casing B-5. S R '- ��• "�'� � m e 1. t J' " Photo 5- Photo of abandoned conductor casing B-5. L P° .. •A Photo 6-Photo of abandoned ` conductor casing B-1. e£�,- 'mss �•'ss'i�' - O ..: x ow n V y � R:\2000_07\203_faststrip at Panama&So.H photos.doc 3 Faststrip at Panama& So. H Well Abandonment's May 29, 2007 Photo 7- Photo of abandoned conductor casing B-2. ,0 Photo 8- Photo of abandoned 'a$ conductor casing B-3. { y s�� �y� ,.,�� dp ice• T R:\2000_07\203_faststrip at Panama&So.H photos.doc 4 - N PARKING LOT 1 SIDEWALK Former der round Storage Tanks F-1 I• � \1 B-2 DISPENSER ISLANDS B-1 ro o v. B-3 TANK.4 TANK 3 TANK 2 TANK 1 B-5 PANAMA LANE LEGEND - - Abandoned Conductor Dispenser Scale in Feet 13-5 Casing Location 0 8 16 1" = 16' JACO OIL FIGURE 2 RAM ENVIRONMENTAL _ JUNE 2007 PLOT PLAN ENGINEERING SERVICES, PROJECT NUMBER 200203 INC. CONDUCTOR FASTRIP MARKET 2103 20th STREET CASING PANAMA LN. & SOUTH H STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. ABANDONMENT'S BAKERSFIELD, CA. 2000_07_203_plot plan 1 JACO OIL COMPANY k-1 FASTRIP GAS STATION AND CONVENIENCE STORE - ' 6401 SOUTH H STREET \ y r BAKERSFIELD, CA. 'I l INVESTIGATION and 1 EVALUATION REPORT 1 1 PROJECT # 200203 ' JULY 2006 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. 1 2103 20`h Street • Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-6152 ® FAX (661) 324-6172 1 r ' TABLE'OF CONTENTS ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...........................................................................................................................2 1.0 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................3 1.1 RESPONSIBLE PARTY/CONTACT INFORMATION....................................................................................3 1.2 SITE HISTORY............................ 3 1.3 QUANTITY OF CONTAMINANT RELEASED..............................................................................................4 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION-___.........................................................................................................4 2.1 SITE DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................:.........................................4 3.0 TOPOGRAPHY,GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY.........................................................5 ' 3.1 TOPOGRAPHY.............................................................................................................................:..........5 3.2 GEOLOGY..............................................................................................................................................5 3.3 HYDROGEOLOGY...................................................................................................................................5 4.0 SITE INVESTIGATION...............................................................................................................6 4.2 SOIL SAMPLE LABORATORY ANALYSIS.................................................................................................6 5.0 RESULTS........................................................................................................................................6 r � . 5.1 SUMMARY OF RESULTS.....................:..................................................:................................................7 TABLE 5.1: LABORATORY ANALYSES FROM SOIL SAMPLES,PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION.....................8 ' 6.0 WASTE MANAGEMENT.............................................................................................................9 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS.................:..............................................................................................9 ' 8.0 LIMITATIONS...............................................................................................................................9 9.0 REFERENCES.....................................................................................................:.......................10 10.0 SIGNATURE PAGE.....................................................................................................................11' 1 FIGURES ' Figure 1 Area Map Figure 2 Plot Plan Figure 3.. Tank-Pull soil sample locations ' Figure 4 Site Investigation, Boring Locations APPENDICES ' Appendix A Copies of Regulatory Correspondence Appendix B Summary of Soils Analytical Results, Tank Pull Appendix C` Lithologic Logs, Borings B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5 and B-7 ' Appendix-1) Laboratory Reports 1 1 1 1 ' 6401 South H Street Bakersfield Project 4200203 July 2006 ' EXECUTIVE SUNM ARY A Site Evaluation was conducted by RAM Environmental Engineering, Inc. (RAM),.on ' June 22, 2006, in the area of former underground storage tanks (UST's) located at the Jaco Fastrip service station, 6401 South.H Street, Bakersfield, California. The site evaluation was requested by the Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental ' Services (BFD) after a preliminary site assessment resulted in the discovery of gasoline and diesel impacted soils beneath the f6rmer UST's when the tanks were removed for replacement. Soil samples were collected from five,borings s develo ed with a GeoProbe in the former, p g P. UST area, to a maximum depth of 35 feet below ground. No groundwater was ' encountered while drilling. During the fieldwork there were no visible signs of stained soils and the Photo Ionization.Detector did not detect any volatile organic c6mpounds. Permission was obtained from Mr. Ralph Huey of the BFD to decrease the number of ' borings scheduled in the Workplan. The deepest two soil samples from each boring were analyzed by a California Certified ' laboratory for chemicals of concern; all results were non-detect(below the laboratory detection limit). RAM recommends that a"No Further Action" letter be issued by the BFD for this site. 1 1 1 1 ' 2000_03_203_PIER,Panama&S H 2 ' 6401 South H Street,Bakersfield Project#200203 ' July 2006 PRELEVIINARY INVESTIGATION AND EVALUATION REPORT JACO OIL COMPANY'S FASTRIP SERVICE STATION 6401 SOUTH H STREET,BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 ' RAM Environmental Engineering, Inc. (RAM) is pleased to present this Investigation and Evaluation Report(Report) for the JACO OIL owned Fastrip self serve gas station ' and convenience store (Fastrip#362), located at 6401 South H. Street, Bakersfield (Site), see Figure 1 for an Area Map and Figure 2 for a Plot Plan of the Site. tA letter from the Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services (BFD) dated November 29, 2004 requested a Workplan for further definition of;a plume below ' the former western Underground Storage Tank(UST) located at the property (see A Appendix A for copies of regulatory correspondence)... Workplan was submitted to Bakersfield Fire Department in December 2004; a letter dated April 18, 2006 from the ' BFD approved the Workplan (Appendix A). This Report follows the guidelines presented in, Appendix A—Reports Tri-Re ional ' Board Staff Recommendations For Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation of Underground Tank Site (April, 2004). ' 1.1 Responsible Party/Contact Information The responsible party,for the Site is JACO OIL; the company contact person is Mr. Roy Saunders, 3101 State Rd., Bakersfield, California; telephone (661) 428- ' 5761, FAX (661) 393-8738. The consultant contact is RAM Environmental, Richard Casagrande or Jane Mc'Naboe, 2103 20'h Street, Bakersfield, California, 93301, telephone (661) 324-6152, FAX (661.) 324-6172. ' 1.2 Site History Preliminary soil sampling at the Site was conducted on May 25, 2004, as the four ' former 12,000 gallon UST's, piping and dispensers were replaced under BFD permit#BR-0325. A Table summarizing the laboratory analytical results from ' the soil samples taken during the tank removal is included in Appendix B. The preliminary soil sample locations are shown on Figure 3. A PID meter was used during preliminary sampling to monitor volatile organic ' compounds (VOC's) in the soil. Three significant readings were noted in the field. At sample site 8-6 a reading of 22.0 was recorded. At sample site 8-10 a t reading of 23.0 was recorded and at sample site 8-12 a reading of 21.0 was recorded. I The highest concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in soil ' samples from beneath the center of Tank 4 (sample location 11). At this center location, TPH-d ranged from 6,800 mg/kg at 6-feet below tank bottom (btb) to ' 620 mg/kg 10'feet btb. Both results are less than the LUFT Manual recommended ' 2000_03_203_PIER,Panama&S H 3 6401'South H Street,Bakersfield Project#200203 ' July 2006 concentration of 10,000 mg/kg for TPH-d remaining in soil (with groundwater greater than 100-feet below ground surface) and show,a 10-fold decrease in ' concentration within a.few feet. TPH-g concentrations increased with depth at sample location 11 (Tank 4), concentrations increased from 350 mg/kg at 6-feet btb to 660 mg/kg at 10-feet btb, but again these concentrations were below the LUFT Manual recommended concentration of 1,000 mg/kg for TPH-g, for groundwater 100-feet below ground ' surface. BTEX concentrations detected at sample location 11 were also below the LUFT Manual values with the exception of the 10-foot sample(sample 11-10), which; with a concentration of Xylene of 51 mg/kg, was just above the recommended value for Xylene of 50 mg/kg. ' The concentration of MTBE in sample location 11 increased from 49 m at 6- p tag feet btb to 71 mg/kg at 10-feet btb, there is no recommended concentration of ' MTBE that can.be left in soil. Samples collected from beneath the south and north ends of Tank 4 (soil sample ' locations 10 and 12)showed concentrations of TPH-g, TPH-d, and BTEX ranging from not detected at PQLs to generally one to two orders of magnitude below the LUFT Manual values (Appendix B). MTBE concentrations ranged from "non- ' detect" at a PQL of 0.02 mg/kg to a maximum of 8.2 mg/kg at 10-feet btb on the south end of Tank 4(sample number 12 710). ' JACO Oil left conductor casings in place at the Site to aid in further evaluation of the soils beneath the former UST's. ' 1.3 Quantity of Contaminant Released The location of the contaminated soils.together with the laboratory analysis ' indicates both gasoline and diesel leaks. JACO Oil had not noted discrepancies in the inventory records for the former ' tanks. The UST's at the Site passed all `tight' testing prior to their removal. The quantity of hydrocarbons released is unknown. ' 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 Site Description The Site is a JACO owned and operated Fastrip gasoline station and convenience store. Overhead electrical utilities parallel South H'Street above the sidewalk ' adjacent to the Site. Underground utilities also parallel South H Street adjacent to the service station. There is a storm drain located at the northwest corner of the intersection of South H Street and Panama Lane. . 1 ' 2000_03_203_PIER,Panama&S H 4 ' 6401 South H Street,Bakersfield Project#20b203 ' July 2006 3.0 TOPOGRAPHY,GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY ' 3.1 Topography The Site is at an.,elevation of approximately 363-feet above sea level; the topography slopes gently to-the south. ' 3.2 Geology The Site is located in the San Joaquin Valley, which is the southern portion of the ' Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley is a large alluvial plain approximately 50 7miles wide and 400-miles long; it is a trough in which sediments have been deposited almost continuously since the Jurassic (about 160 . ' million years ago): Granitic and metamorphic rocks crop out along most of the eastern and southeastern flanks of the Great Valley, while marine rocks of pre- Tertiary age crop out along most of the western flank. The post-Eocene-aged ' continental'rocks and deposits in the valley trough contain most of the fresh ground water, and-are underlain by or contain saline water at'depth in most places. They range in thickness from zero along the flanks of the Great Valley to more ' than 15,000 feet in the extreme southern part, where the base of the fresh water lies at a maximum depth of about 4,700 feet. The Site is underlain by an. ' alternating sequence of well-graded sands and clayey silts. 3.3 Hydrogeology ' Groundwater within the southern San Joaquin Valley is derived from rivers 'flowing from the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the east. The closest river to the Site is the Kern River which is located approximately'6 miles to the north. The.., ' regional unconfined groundwater at the Site is at approximately 185 feet below ground service (bgs); the groundwater flows to the southwest(KCWA 2004). ' The Kern Island Canal, an unlined canal, runs parallel to South H Street, on the east side of the street. The JACO Fastrip Site is on the west side of South H Street. The Geotracker web site shows an active LUFT site one-mile to the north ' of the Site; a 7-Eleven gas station located at 1701 Pacheco Road (Regional Board —Case#: 5T1500351). Groundwater measured in the monitoring wells at the Pacheco Road site is between 40.94-feet and 57.28-feet bgs. It is-likely that the ' groundwater found at the Pacheco Road site is present due to water leaking from the unlined Kern.Island Canal. ' The JACO Fastrip at Panama and South H Street is located in the same position relative to the Kern Island Canal as the Pacheco Road site;*it is reasonable to believe that groundwater may also be encountered between 40 and 60-feet bgs beneath the JACO Fastrip Site. The surface of the groundwater, if encountered, would likely slope away from the canal, to the west. ' KCWA maps show two water wells within one half mile of the Site,both located approximately one half mile north of the Site.,,near Fairview Road. 2000_03_203_PIER,Panama&S H 5 ' 6401 South H Street,Bakersfield Project#200203 ' July 2006 4.0 SITE INVESTIGATION ' Prior to any drilling at the Site, the boring locations were marked with white paint and Underground Services Alert was called in preparation for drilling and soil sampling. On June 22,2006 a GeoProbe operated by InterPhase Inc. advanced 5 soil borings at the Site ' (see Figure 4 for boring locations). Four,of the borings were advanced through conductor casing left in place by JACO Oil for soil sampling, one boring (boring B-7) penetrated the asphalt to the north the former UST location. Soil samples were collected ' in acetate tubes using the GeoProbe at 5-foot intervals beginning at 10-feet below ground surface (bgs). The tubes were capped with Teflon tape followed by a plastic-cap,.labeled and stored in an ice chest with Blue-IceTM, until,transported under chain.of custody ' (COC)to ProVera Labs, Bakersfield. A California State Reg_ istered Geologist described the soil samples and constructed a ' lithologic log of each boring see Appendix C—Lithologic Logs. A Photo Ionization Detector(PID) was used to measure the VOC's in each sample interval; measurements ' were recorded on.the lithologic logs. When the total depth of each boring was reached, the boring was backfilled with bentonite grout. During the site investigation, the PID measured 0.0 except for one soil sample which ' measured 4.2 in Boring B-1 at 25 feet bgs. No visible signs of staining were observed, and no odors were noted. No groundwater was encountered. As there were no signs of ' impacted soils,permission was asked from the BFD (Mr. Ralph Huey) to reduce the number of borings in the Workplan. Mr. Huey reviewed the field data and agreed to reduce the Workplan boring and sampling. Proposed boring B-4 was not used as the ' conductor contained monitoring equipment for the service station. Five borings were developed at the site instead of the planned eight borings (Figure 4). ' 4.2 Soil Sample Laboratory Analysis ProVera.Labs.analyzed soil samples from each boring as follows: ' • Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g, carbon range C4- C 12) using EPA Method 8015M; t • Total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH-d, carbon range C 12-C 24) using EPA Method 8015M; ' • BTEX and fuel oxygenates by EPA Method 8260B. 5.0 RESULTS ' A Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Resu 1 is is p re sented m Table 5.1 (page 8). All PID readings were zero except for one reading of 4.2 from Boring 1 at 25 feet bgs. As ' field screening did not detect any hydrocarbons, only the lowermost two soil samples collected from each boring were analyzed by the EPA methods described above, all analytical results were "Non-Detect." ' 2000_03_203_PIER,Panama&S H 6 ' 6401 South H Street,Bakersfield Project#200203 July 2006 1 Soils encountered while drilling included sands and clayey silts. Well graded sand ' extends from the surface to approximately 15 feet bgs; from approximately 15 to 20 feet bgs the site is underlain by moist clayey silt; this in turn is underlain by well graded sand followed by a layer of silt beginning at approximately 30 feet bgs. No groundwater was encountered while drilling. 5.1 Summary of Results ' Table 5.1 (following page) summarizes the soils analytical results, complete Laboratory Reports are included in Appendix D. All analytical laboratory results were "Non-Detect." 1 1 1 1 ' 2000_03_203_PIER,Panama&S H 7 TABLE 5.1 LABORATORY RESULTS SOILS ANALYSIS - SITE INVESTIGATION 6401 SOUTH H STREET, BAKERSFIELD Sample Ethyl m,p,&o Number Depth PID Benzene Toluene benzene X lenes MTBE TBA DIPE ETBE TAME TPH- TPH-d Boring Number- Feet bgs reading mg/Kg Depth BI-10 10 ' 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BI-15 15 0.0 . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BI-20 20 0.0 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.10 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.3 <0.1 B1-25 25 4.2 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 -50.05 <0.05 <0.10 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.3 <0.1 B1-30 30 0.0 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.10 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 50.3 <0.1 B2-10 10 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA B2-1'5 15 0.0 <0:05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.10 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.3 <0.1 B2-20 20 0.0. <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.10 <0.05 <0.05 - <0.05 <0.3 <0.1 B3-10 10 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA B3-15 15 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA B3-20 20 0.0 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.10 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.3 <0.1 B3-35 35 0.0 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.10 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.3 <0.1 B5-10 10 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA B5-15 15 0.0 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.10 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <03 <0.1 B5-20 20 0.0 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.10 <0.05_ <0.05 <0.05 <0.3 : <0.1 B7-10 10 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA B7-15 15 0.0 <0.05 -50.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.10 <0.05 <0.05 _ <0.05 <0.3 <0.1 B7-20 20 0.0 <0.05 <0.05 <0M <0.05 <0.05 <0.10 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.3 <0.1 LUFT Values I 1 50 50 50 No LUFT Value established 1,000 10,000 <0:05-compound was not detected in the,sam le extract at the laboratory practical quantitation limit shown. m -milligrams per kilogram A-not analyzed Feet b s-feet Ltes: 1.LUFT Values: Standards set by the State for protection of groundwater(LUFT Manual,October,1989);based on groundwater more than 100 feet below the sample de th. 2000_06_203_site investigation results 6401 South H Street,Bakersfield Project#200203 July 2006 1 6.0 WASTE MANAGEMENT Soil cuttings produced by drilling the borin s were returned to the borings' : ' 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS RAM recommends this report be sent to.Mr. Howard Wines, III, at BFD. As no ' chemicals of concern were found in soils analyzed from the Site, RAM recommends that based on our evaluation of the laboratory results, there is not a risk to groundwater or biological receptors and that a"no further action" or"closure" letter be issued to the ' owner as appropriate for this Site. RAM recommends thafthe conductors installed for this Site,investigation be abandoned to eliminate possible conduits from surface spills leading towards the groundwater. ' 8.0 LEMTATIONS ' RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. has prepared this Report, for the exclusive use of Mr. Roy Saunders of JACO Oil as it pertains to the property located at 6401 South H Street, in Bakersfield, California. Our professional services have been ' performed using the degree of care and,skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by other professionals practicing in this field. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the professional advice in the Report. Any use of or ' reliance on this Report by,a third party shall be at such party's sole risk. RAM assumes no responsibility for site conditions or activities that were outside the ' scope of the inquiry requested'by Mr. Roy Saunders. It is recognized that regulatory requirements may change, including the revision of accepted action levels, which could necessitate a review of the discussion, findings, recommendations or opinions of the t Report. 1 ' 2000_03_203_PIER,Panama&S H 9 6401 South H Street,Bakersfield Project#200203 July 2006 1 9.0 REFERENCES ' California State Water Resources Control Board, Geotracker Web Site, Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Report, 7-Eleven #16329. ' http://www.geotracker.swrcv.ca.gov/reports/electronics submittals.asp?table name=SUB December 21, 2004. ' Department of Water Resources (DWR), 1975, California's Ground Water, DWR Bulletin No. 118 ' Kern County Water Agency, 2003 Report on Water Conditions, April 1,2004. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc., Soil Sampling Workplan, September ' 2003. Kern County Environmental Health Services Department. U.T. 35. US-EPA S.W. 846 ' 3rd. Ed. RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc., Site Investigation Workplan, 6401 ' South H Street, December 2065. ' Appendix A—Reports Tri-Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation of Underground Tank Site (April, 2004). ' 2000 03_203_PIER,Panama&S H 10 6401 South H Street,Bakersfield Project#200203 ' July 2006 10.0 SIGNATURE PAGE ' This Site Evaluation Report prepared for Mr. Roy Saunders, dated July,2006,was prepared by RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. under the responsible charge ' of the following professionals: GC J� M. Jane Ellis-McNaboe, PG ' Project Geologist NyT •4127 Fo A 4 � %0 +� NO'3385 ' Richard M. Casagr e, REHS 4 0 f President �' o v f. 2000_03_203_P1ER,Panama&S H I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FIGURES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' XMaitp®4.6 Airport /� ' ,•• +I -Hire. wa k jig taros 0 '414-7 111 wH / 3r` . t ��77ii' 0•`Wibla Orch6nl .........' ..� :t Packins COW �Dd e•i '�t r u. th� ~' _•�l'� v 41 t; BM 365 ase 4 Nalrv�ew Sch 19 r O 9 Y • ^�i . ••.PA/RVIEW I 7,ry ROAD'• • f2Q 1 - Y 2-75 r.Pprk ` �J _ - FASTRIP —AMA My • - - r f f.- ! BM 36l � �I ,`\ 25 "BERX8IIIRE - 30. 9 2 a z �L 0 •tom* . 7 ^.:_�. f. HO¢KI r 1p a ' MCKEEM1l •' a J: •a36- .' •• 31 :U'QP:JctF?.�' 32 1 4 ` ; m �' •W p...... ,teen{ie�a t�r 3 w w +e i lY 6clkemPO Data use subject to license. ft ' ©2004 DeLarme.XMap®4.5. 0 600 1600 2400 3200 0000 www.delorme.com MN(13.9°E) Data Zoom 13-0 JACO OIL FIGURE 1 ,RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ' JULY 2006 AREA MAP: ENGINEERING SERVICES, Project Number 200203 INC. PRELIMMATY • FASTRIP 2103 20th STREET ' INVESTIGATION and PANAMA Ln.&SOUTH H St. BAKERSFIELD,CA. EVALUATION-REPORT BAKERSFIELD,CA. ' 2000_06_203_figure I_area map N PARKING LOT SIDEWALK Former U der round Storage Tanks D4 D1 1 • DISPENSER ISLANDS 0 w ' D3 D2 TANK 4 TANK 3 TANK 2 TANK 1 PANAMA LANE ' LEGEND D1 1 Dispenser Scale in Feet Sample Number 0' 8 16 1" = 16' JACO OIL FIGURE 2 RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ' JULY 2006 PLOT PLAN ENGINEERING SERVICES, PROJECT NUMBER 200203 INC. ' PRELIMINTARY FASTRIP MARKET 2103 20th STREET INVESTIGATION PANAMA LN. & SOUTH H STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. ' AND EVALUATION REPORT BAKERSFIELD, CA. 2000_06_203_plot plan • N ' PARKING LOT SIDEWALK . ' Former U der round Storage Tanks y y 10 D4 D1 • •9 • 6 � 3 . ' 11 8 5 •2 DISPENSER ISLANDS • 12 D3 w 0 �7 •4 o1 TANK 4 TANK 3 TANK 2 TANK 1. 1 ' PANAMA LANE ' LEGEND 1 Sample Station Number D1 Dispenser Scale in Feet Sample Number ' 0 8 16 1" = 16' JACO OIL FIGURE 3 RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ' JULY 2006 TANK - PULL ENGINEERING SERVICES, PROJECT NUMBER 200203 SOIL SAMPLE LOCATIONS INC. ' PRELIMINTARY FASTRIP MARKET 2103 20th STREET INVESTIGATION PANAMA LN. & SOUTH H STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. ' AND EVALUATION REPORT BAKERSFIELD, CA. 2000_06_203_plot plan ' N PARKING LOT SIDEWALK Former U der round Storage Tanks i D4 D1 Not drilled 0 g-2 6- Not drilled B-6 B-8 DISPENSER ISLANDS b B-1 y E w I D3 D2 B-3 TANK'4 TANK 3 TANK 2 TANK 1 i B-5 i ' PANAMA LANE ' LEGEND F-711 Dispenser Scale in Feet ' Sample Number 0 8 16 1" = 16' JACO OIL FIGURE 4 RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ' JULY 2006 SITE INVESTIGATION ENGINEERING SERVICES, PROJECT NUMBER 200203 BORING LOCATIONS INC. PRELIMINTARY FASTRIP MARKET 2103 20th STREET INVESTIGATION PANAMA LN. & SOUTH H STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. ' AND EVALUATION REPORT BAKERSFIELD, CA. 2000_06_203_plot plan 1 1 1 Appendix A 1 Copies f Re gu lato ry Correspondence i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i �Jo kl- 'B E R S F I D FIRE L P 4 zoos ARTM _ April 18, 2006 1 " Mr.'Richard Casagrande RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. 2103 20`1i Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 FIRE CHIEF ' RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES RE: Fastrlp Gas Statical#362 2101 "H"Street 6401 South H Street in Bakersfield ' Bakersfield,CA 93301 i VOICE(661)326-3911 FAX(661)852-2170 ' Dear Mr. Casagrande, SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H"Street Bakersfield,CA 93301 32 VOICE(661)326--3941 This Office has reviewed the work plan, dated December 2004, for the ' FAX(661)852-2170 above referenced property. i PREVENTION SERVICES The work plan is acceptable. Please give this Office five(5)working ' 'FIRE SAFETY SERVICES•ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES i - 900•Truxtun Ave.,suite 210 days notice prior to the commencement of work. Please be advised that Bakersfield,CA 93301 '. VOICE(661)326-3979 i any work done that is not performed under direct oversight by this FAX(661)852-2171 Office will not be accepted,'unless previously approved. FIRE INVESTIGATION ! If you have an uestiorls lease call me at(661 326-3649. 1715 Chester Ave.,3m Floor Y Y q s p ( ) Bakerst'ield,CA 93301 ' VOICE(661)326-3951 FAX(661)852-2172 ! Sincerely; RALPH E. HUEY, Director of Prevention Services TRAINING DIVISION ' 5642 Victor Ave. ; Bakersfield,CA 93308 VOICE(661)399-4697 FAX(661)399-5763 ' By: Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Matefials Specialist ' Professional Geologist No. 7239 ! Office of Environtnental Services ' cc: R..Saunders, Jaco Hill ' �/�'j.2Uj2g. �f2Pi CJr/772�/?2�L/i7?iG%i :✓d :��C"�� cJ�Cri�2 c%�'' C'JB12TiGLf d W o-.-;2- 1 Pei E R S F I D FIRE I�,PR :A 4 zoos ARTM T April 18, 2006 Mr. Richard Casagrande RAM Environmental Engineering Services, Inc. ' 2103 20 Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 FIRE CHIEF ' RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES RE: Fastrlp Gas Statioll# 362 2101 °H°Street 6401 South H Street in Bakersfield ' Bakersfield,CA 93301 VOICE(661)326-3911 FAX(661)852-2170 SUPPRESSION SERVICES Dear Mr. Casagrande, ' 2101 "H"Street Bakersfield,CA 93301 This Office has reviewed the work plan, dated December 2004, for the VOICE(661)326-3941 FAX(661)852-2170 I above referenced proper. PREVENTION SERVICES The work plan is acceptable. Please give this Office five (5) working FIRE SAFEFY SERVICES•ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ' 900 Truxtun Ave.,Suite 210 ; days notice prior to.the commencement of work. Please be advised that Bakersfield,CA 93301• VOICE(661)326-3979 any work done-that is not performed under direct oversight by this FAx(661)852-2n1 Office will not be accepted,unless previously approved. ! ' FIRE INVESTIGATION i 1715 Chester Ave.,31d Floor If you have any.questioris5 please call me at(661) 326-3649. Bakersfield,CA 93301 VOICE(661)326-3951 FAX(661)852-2172 Sincerely, RALPH E. HUEY, Director of Prevention Services TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. ' Bakersfield,CA 93308 .VOICE(661)399-4697 FAX(661),399-5763 may` ' By: Howard H. Wines; III Hazardous Materials Specialist Professional Geologist No. 7239 ' Office of Enviromental Services cc: R. Saunders, Jaco Hill 1 -_A2- 4,2 JWCG92 I �BJZCGGf2� 1 1 Appendix B 1 Summary of Soils Analytical Results,Tank Pull 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 South H and Panama Lane Project 4200203 December 2004 Table 5.3: Laboratory Analyses From Soil Samples,Tank Pull ' Sample Station Depth Benzene Toluene Ethyl benzene X lenes MTBE TPH- TPH-d No.(Location) ft btb m 1-2 Tank 1 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 1-6 Tank 1 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 2-2 Tank 1 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 1.5 2.0 <10 2-6(Tank 1) 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.02 <1 <10 ' 3-2 Tank 1 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 0.0070 0.068 6.4 8.4 400 3-6 Tank 1 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.029 3.1 4.2 <10 3-10 Tank 1)* 10 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 2.9 2.8 <10 ' 4-2 Tank 2)* 2.0 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 0.0042 <0.05 <10 4-6 Tank 2)* 6.0 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 0.098 0.11 <10 5-2(Tank 2) 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.91 <1 <10 5-6 Tank 2 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.96 1.2 <10 6-2 Tank 2)* 2.0 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 2.4 5.1 <10 6-10 Tank 2 10 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 2.2 1.7 <10 7-2 Tank 3)* 2.0 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.001 <0.05 <10 ' . 7-6(Tank 3) 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.033 <1 <10 8-2 Tank 3)* 2.0 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 31 3.2 <10 8-6 Tank 3)* 6.0 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 21 4.7 <10 ' 8-10 Tank 3 10 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.58 <1 <10 8-12 Tank 3 12 <0.005 <0.005 . <0.005 <0.01 0.092 <1 <10 9-2 Tank 3 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 1.2 1.4 <10 ' 9-6(Tank 3) 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 3.0 11 <10 9-12 Tank 3)* 12 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 0.68 0.77 <10 10-2(Tank 4)* 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 10-6 Tank 4)* 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.26 <1 <10 ' 11-2 Tank 4 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.085 <l <10 11-6 Tank 4 6.0 <0.3 3.5 2.9 23 49 350 6800 11-10(Tank 4) 10 0.66 . 9.4 7.0 51 71 660 620 ' 12-2(Tank 4) 2.0 <0.1 11' 4.2 48 7.7 620 630 12-6(Tank 4) 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.018 2.1 5.2 39 12-10(Tank 4) 10 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 8.2 33 <10 D 1-2 Dispenser 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 11 ' D1-6 Dispenser 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.026 0.034 <1 <10 D2-2 Dispenser 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 0.0051 0.10 <0.02 1.7 <10 D2-6 Dispenser 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 . <0.02 <1 <10 D3-2 Dispenser 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.016 0.094 <1, <10 133-6 Dispenser 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.62 1.2 66 D4-2 Dis enser 2.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.19 <0.02 3.3 <10 D4-6 Dispenser 6.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.02 <1 <10 LUFT Values I 1 50 50 50 NA 1,000 10,000 <0.005-compound was not detected in the sample extract at the laboratory practical quantitation limit shown. ' *Laboratory QC surrogate recovery was not within control limits for EPA Method 8021 analysis(BTEX,MTBE). Notes: 1.Results shown in bold are above standards set by the State for protection of groundwater(LUFT Manual, October 1989),based on groundwater more than 100 feet below the sample depth. ' Mg/kg-milligrams per kilogram NA-not available Ft btb-feet below tank bottom,or dispenser bottom ' 2000_203_Site Investigation Workplan 7 1 1 ' Appendix C ' Lithologic Logs,Borings B-1,B-2,B-3,B-5 and B-7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SAMPLE CLIENT: JACO OIL,RAM Project No.200203 t BOREHOLE ' a) PROJECT:Site Investigation,,,Fastrip#632 > @ COMPLETION Q LOCATION: 6401 South H Street,Bakersfield a- a U T > = v>w o o H E a DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION p a No completion. 1 W J Z fn W m Z J 0 ........ 0 Pea gravel inside conductor casing. 5 5 1 z O z W o m 0 10 SAND: 0/70/30,well.graded,tan,micaceous,loose, 0.0 SW w 10 ' dry,no odor,no stain. �. 0 ' M > 0 15 CLAYEY SILT:0/20/80,brown,pliable,moist,no 0.0 ML o 15 odor,no stain. W ' J Y ' U C20 CLAYEY SILT:0/0/100;brown,pliable but not plastic, 0.0 CL m 20 moist,no odor,no stain. W O W W M 0 25 SAND:0/100/0;tan,loose,dry,no odor,no stain. 4.2 SW m z5 0.0 CL 0 30 30 SILT:0/0/100;brown,firm,minor plasticity,dry,no ' odor, no stain. ' 35 35 ' 40 40 1 45 45 50 50 1 , DRILLING METHOD:GeoProbe DATE DRILLED:June 22,2006 SAMPLER TYPE:GeoProbe,Acetate Liner LOGGED BY:J:McNaboe,PG TOTAL BORING DEPTH:30 feet APPROVED BY: DEPTH TO WATER: Unknown n er ase LOG OF EXPLORATORY B-1 ' BORING RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Page_1_of_1_ ' 2000_06_203_B-l_lith log SAMPLE CLIENT: JACO OIL, RAM Project No.200203 t BOREHOLE PROJECT:Site Investigation, Fastrip#632 > Q. COMPLETION ' Q LOCATION: 6401 South H Street,Bakersfield a a U T a) 2 W D � o H E W DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION p U a rm. No completion. 0 0 Pea gravel inside conductor casing. o 5 H 5 �a ° 10 10 SAND: 0/100/0,well graded,brown,loose,dry, no 0.0 SW w ' odor,no stain. J Y U o r 15 m SILT:0/20/80,brown,pliable,dry,firm,no odor, no 0.0 ML J W 15 stain. o z MO ' w W ow ° m 20 20 SILT:0/20/80;brown,pliable but not plastic,moist, 0.0 M m , L no odor,no stain. 25 25 ' 30 30 ' 35 35 ' 40 40 45 45 50 50 DRILLING METHOD:GeoProbe DATE DRILLED:June 22,2006 ' SAMPLER TYPE:GeoProbe,Acetate Liner LOGGED BY:J. McNaboe, PG TOTAL BORING DEPTH:20 feet APPROVED BY: DEPTH TO WATER:Unknown 77TE50-13771FlerPhase LOG OF EXPLORATORY B-2 ' BORING RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Page_1_of_1_ ' 2000_06_203_B-2_lith log SAMPLE CLIENT: JACO OIL,RAM Project No.200203 ° BOREHOLE t ' PROJECT:Site Investigation,Fastrip#632 > @ COMPLETION Q �? LOCATION: 6401 South H Street, Bakersfield a a U T > _ cn w 0 Z ) o W E a- DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION 0= a w No completion. ' Z pp z J 0 J Pea gravel inside conductor casing. W H z 0 5 z 5 W m 0 W N � ' ' 0 10 10 SAND: 0/100/0,well graded,brown, loose,moist,no 0.0 SW odor,no stain. _ o W M 15 —� 0 SILT:0/0/100,olive brown,slight plasticity,dry,firm, 0.0 ML iZ 15 no odor,no stain. Y U Q m 0 20 O SILT:0/20/80;olive brown,as above,moist, no odor,' 0.0 ML w 20 no stain. Ix o m 25 SAND:0/100/0;light tan,well graded,dry, no odor, 0.0 SW 25 o no stain. ' 30 30 35 35 ' 40 40 45 45 50 50 DRILLING METHOD:GeoProbe DATE DRILLED:June 22,2006 SAMPLER TYPE:GeoProbe,Acetate Liner LOGGED BY:J.McNaboe, PG TOTAL BORING DEPTH:25 feet APPROVED BY: DEPTH TO WATER:Unknown JURILLLD BY:InterPhase LOG OF EXPLORATORY B-3 . ' BORING RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Page_1_of_1_ ' 2000_06_203_B-3 lith log 1 SAMPLE CLIENT: JACO OIL, RAM Project No.200203' " BOREHOLE r PROJECT:Site Investigation,Fastrip#632 > COMPLETION Q ~ LOCATION: 6401 South H Street,Bakersfield a a U T af 2 W p o af W CL E a DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION p v ate. No completion. Z <n 0 m Z J 0 ........ 0 Pea gravel inside conductor casing. p 5 5 0 t- ° 10 10 SAND: 0/100/0,well graded,brown,loose,dry,no 0.0 SW w ' odor,no stain. J Y LL- 00 Q 15 SAND: 0/100/0,well graded,brown,loose,dry,no 0.0' ML J H 15 odor,no stain. O z = O w � '. O w Co 20 SILT:0/0/100;brown,minor clay,moist to wet,no 0.0 ML m 20 odor,no stain. 25 25 30 30 35 35 40 40 1 45 45 1 • 50 50 DRILLING METHOD:GeoProbe DATE DRILLED:June 22,2006 ' DEPTH AMPLER TYPE:GeoProbe,Acetate Liner ' LOGGED BY:J.McNaboe, PG OTAL BORING DEPTH:20 feet APPROVED BY: n nown : n er ase LOG OF EXPLORATORY B-5 ' RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING BORING Page_1_of_1_ ' 2000_06_203_8-5_lilh log SAMPLE CLIENT: JACO OIL,RAM Project No.200203 r BOREHOLE PROJECT:Site Investigation, Fastrip#632 > @ COMPLETION Q' ! LOCATION: 6401 South H Street,Bakersfield a a 0 T °—' _ w o o H E a DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION O'U a No completion. ' Z (n 0 Co Z J 0 ........ 0 Pea gravel inside conductor casing. 5 5 H ' 10 10 SAND: 0/100/0,well graded,yellow-brown,loose, 0.0 SW p dry, no odor, no stain. w J J LL Y U ' Q 15 SILT: 0/100/0,minor clay,dark brown,micaceous, 0.0 ML Wco W 15 slight plasticity,moist,no odor,no stain. 0 ' w t- Ow mm 20 20 SILT:0/0/100;as above. 0.0 ML 25 25 ' 30 1 3l) ' 35 35 ' 40 40 45 45 1 50 50 DRILLING METHOD:GeoProbe DATE DRILLED:June 22,2006 ' SAMPLER TYPE:GeoProbe,Acetate Liner LOGGED BY:J.McNaboe,PG TOTAL BORING DEPTH:20 feet 1APPROVED BY: Unknown JURILLED BY: InterPhase LOG OF EXPLORATORY. B-7 ' BORING RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING • Page_1_of—1— ' 2000_06_203_B-7_lilh log 1 1 1 1 Aawaai. o � Laboratory Reports 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PROVERA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Chain of Custody Form Client Name: f�,( l, ii�,��,� �:� Analysis Requested Sample Matrix Project Name: ' I y �Cl VILI i'Vl Cc "r S'. °tCD g Aqueous N N �co Client Address: l (J o2C S zc� �' o Q ¢ :6 o iy N co W W o Soil Project Manager: M C''�� ¢ a 2 < a CC I��, a a W a w w D N w Acidified Sampler Name: ���' (C��� m =CU _ T m Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type m > o o J m . Comments ( - 10 X31 1 D - i5 u �o� J -vc� 2S X x � c 132 I `i_3 - i 5 0 r. v� 3 ALc-ei Sampling Event: EDF Type:GW Monitoring Other Turnaround Time Requested: 24 Hour 48 Hour 5-Day Standard Relinquished Date: ( zL 6 Relinquished By: Date: Received Dat 3 ,Q�, Received By: Date: PROVERA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Chain of Custody Form Client Name: Analysis Requested tiV11 6 e1v- z Sample Matrix Project Name: _ S �, r o o C' .ti (D (0 o Aqueous Client Address: a a N O to N d d O En soil N O S O - `w-' `w-' N d � CJ Project Manager. MC(J(,l F�c ¢ aO � w °O = o a a o N c c d > w w ; In m a) w Acidified Sampler Name: C�� x w o - T w N w m = _ 2 X X m v m a. F- > O O U m Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type n Comments 11 00 1 �02-/7 7 /Ul x Sampling Event: 1' EDF Type:GW Monitoring Other Turnaround Time Requested: 24 Hour 48 Hour 5-Day Standard Relinquished ;' Date: ' 2 Relinquished By: Date: Received Date:(���3� Received By: Date: ' P rove ra it m�11/ticr�l Lirlmrrtnrrcti..lrrc. ' Laboratory Report Certification#2606 ' CLIENT Jaco Project Name: Panama&S.H,Site Investigation Matrix: Soil Sampled by: 3 McNaboe TPH g Analysis: 6/23/2006 TESTS: TPH Gas by EPA 8015M TPH d Analysis: 6/23/2006 ' TPH Diesel by EPA 8015M Date of Report: 6/29/2006 . Units:mg/Kg Sample#: 8782-001 8782-002 8782-003 8782-008 8782-009 8782-004 8782-005 Date Sampled: 6/22/2006 6/22/2006 6/22/2006 02/2006 6/22/2006 6/22/2006 6/22/2006 DL mg/Kg Sample Description: B 1-20 B 1-25 B 1-30 B2-15 B2-20 B3-20 B3-25 ' TPH Gasoline ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.3 TPH Diesel ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.1 Surrogate Recovery% Sample#: 8782-006 8782-007 8782-010 8782-011 ' Date Sampled: 6/22/2006 6/22/2006 6/22/2006 6/22%2006 DL mg/Kg Sample Description: B5-15 B5-20 B7-15 B7-20 ' TPH Gasoline ND ND ND ND 0.3 TPH Diesel ND ND ND ND 0.1 Surrogate Recovery% ' Sample#: Date Sampled: DL m g/Y.g Sample Description: TPH Gasoline 0.3 TPH Diesel 0.1 Surrogate Recovery% ' DL=Detection Limit ND-Non-Detect at given DL ' Analyst.Alexander andia ' 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax:. (661)827-5244 ' Pr.oVera %l III?h/tirnl L.abol-W Oric'S. Inc. ' Certification #2606 CLIENT: Jaco Project ID : Panama &S. H. Site Investigation Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 6/24/2006 Report Date: 6/29/2006 ' Sample ID : 8782-001 B1-20 Method RL ' Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mg/Kg 0.10 1 Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 I ' Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0:05 1 Ter(-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' BTEX Components Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 l Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 m, p&o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Internal Standards Results %Recovery Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% Surrogate Standards ' Methane,dibromofluoro- 52 104% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 51 102% Toluene-d8. 50 100% -p-Bromofluorobenzene (B ) 54 108% rinc.pal A alyst:Alexande andia 1 ' l 3221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield,.CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5210 Fax: (661)827-5214 1 ' ProVer'a ,111t,71116071 b7b007f 1-h'c, //W. ' Certification #2606 CLIENT: Jaco Project ID : Panama & S. H. Site Investigation ' Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis.Date: 6/24/2006 ' Report Date : 6/29/2006 Sample ID : 8782-002 B1-25 Method RL ' Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor ' S Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mg/Kg 0.10 1 Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' BTEX Components Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 m, p&o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Internal Standards Results %Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% ' Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 46 92% ' 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 52 104% Toluene-d8 50 100% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB 56 112% r Prin6lbal ArWyst.A ex nder Candia ' 5221 Woodmer•e Drive, Bakef-sfreld, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-52;10 Fax.: (661)827-5244 ' P roVe ra /l nr7l ytical Laboratoric s. Inc. ' Certification# 2606 CLIENT: Jaco Project ID : Panama &S. H. Site Investigation ' Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 6/24/2006 Report Date : 6/29/2006 ' Sample ID : 8782-00361-30 Method RL ' Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor 5 Oxygenates ' t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mg/Kg 0.10 1 Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Diisopropyl.Ether(DIPE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND n,g/Kg 0.05 1 ' BTEX Components Benzene ND mg/Kg. 0.05 1 ' Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 M, p&o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Internal Standards Results %Recovery Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 37 ' 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 38 76% Toluene-d8 35 70% p-Br mofluorobenzene (BF ) 56 112% rincipal A lyst:Alexander Candia ' 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA, 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 ProVera it imllrri�nl 1_171101-17f0l-h'�. I/W. ' Certification #2606 CLIENT: Jaco Project ID : Panama & S. H. Site Investigation Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 6/24/2006 Report Date: 6/29/2006 Sample ID : 8782-004 B3-20 Method RL Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor ' 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND -g/Kg 0.10 1 Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Dlisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethyl Tert=Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 I Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' BTEX Components Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 m, p&o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 ! ' Internal Standards Results %Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-05,chloro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenz6ne-d4 50 100% Surrogate Standards . Methane,dibromofluoro- 56 112% ' 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 52 104% Toluene-d8 54 108% p-Bromofluorob ene ( FB ' 52 104% nci al Analyst:Alexander Candia ' 5221 Woodmere Drive, Baker#ield, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5241 P rove ra '1r1c71iiricr711_rt1?�1r�rtrrrics, lrrr. 1 Certification#2606 ., CLIENT: Jaco ' Project ID : Panama & S. H. Site Investigation Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 6/24/2006 Report Date : 6129/2006 Sample ID : 8782-005 63-25 Method RL Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor ' 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mg/Kg 0.10 1 ' Methyl Tert=Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 I ' Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 BTEX Components Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' m,p&o Xylenes ND Ing/Kg 0.05 I Internal Standards Results %Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% ' 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 7d4 50 100% Surrogate Standards ' Methane,dibromofluoro- 52 104% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 57 114% Toluene-d8 57 114% ' p-Bromofluorobenzene ( 60 120% ' Princ' al An 1yst:Alexander Candia ' 3221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5210 Fax: (661)827-5244 ' ProVera ;'lrrnh1tic•al L171?01-17tol-ic";, Inc. ' Certification#2606 CLIENT: Jaco Project ID : Panama & S. H.,Site Investigation ' Analysis: EPA Method 8260b. Analysis Date: 6/24/2006 Report Date: -6/29/2006 ' Sample ID : 8782-006 65-15 . Method RL ' Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor 5 Oxygenates ' t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mg/Kg 0.10 1 Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND ' mg/Kg 0.05 ] ' Diisopropyl Ether(DIPS) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' BTEX Components Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 m, p&o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 1 0 Internal Standards Results /o Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% ' Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 47 94% ' 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 57 114% Toluene-d8 54 108% p-Bro ofluorobenzene (BF 52 104% Principal An lyst:Alexander Candia ' 5221 Wooclmere.Drive. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 . 1 ' Pr Vera 1lnahltical I oboratorieS, Inc. .' Certification'# 2606 CLIENT: Jaco 1 • Project ID : Panama & S. H. Site Investigation ' Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 612412006. Report Date : 6/29/2006 Sample ID : 8782-007 65-20 Method RL ' Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mg/Kg 0.10 t Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 ' Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 I Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' BTEX Components Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1, ' Toluene ND mg/Kg 0"05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 m,p&o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 o Internal Standards Results /o Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% ' Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 45 90% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 45 90% Toluene-d8 47 94% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BF 41 82% 1 Princ al alyst:Alexander Candia ' 3221 Woodrnere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 K ' ProVera I nc7lutic'nl 1171701'17!(WICS, Inc°. Certification#2606 CLIENT: Jaco Project ID : Panama &S. H.'Site Investigation ' Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 6/24/2006 Report Date : 6/29/2006, ' Sample ID 8782-008 132-15 Method RL ' Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor ' 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA),Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mg/Kg 0.10 1 1 Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 I Diisopropyl.Ether(DI PE) ' ND mg/Kg 0.05 l Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Teri-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' BTEX Components Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 I Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 m,p&o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 o Internal Standards Results /o Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro .5o 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% ' Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 52 104% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 52 104% Toluene-d8 54 108% p-Br mofluorobenzene (BFB)A 51, 102% 1 ` Principal An lyst:Alexander Candia . ' 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 1 PrbVera /'l 1171urical Laboraforles, Inc. ' ,Certification # 2606 CLIENT: Jaco Project ID : Panama & S. H. Site Investigation ' Analysis: EPA Method 8260.b Analysis Date: 6/24/2006 Report Date: 6/29/2006 ' Sample ID : 8782-009 B2-20 Method RL ' Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor ' 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mg/Kg 0.10 1 ' Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethyl Terl-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' BTEX Components Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 m, p&o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Internal Standards Results %Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50' 100%, 1,4-Dichlorobenz6ne-d4 50 100% Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- _ 53 106% ' 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 58 116% Toluene-d8 54 108% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BF 55 110% Princ pal A lyst:Alexander Candia ' 3221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 ProVera Aualvtical Loboratoric's. 111c. ' Certification # 2606 CLIENT: Jaco Project ID : Panama & S. H. Site Investigation ' Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 6/24/2006 ' Report Date : 6/29/2006 Sample ID : 8782-010 B7-15 Method RL Multiplication ' Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol TBA Tert-But I Alcohol ND m 0.10 1 ( ) Y 1�g Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg . 0.05 1 Diisopropyl Ether(DIPS) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' BTEX Components Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 m,p$o Xylenes ND mg/Kg. 0.05 1 1 a Internal Standards Results /a Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 52 104% ' 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 49 98% Toluene-d8 49 98% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB 52 104% 1 . Princ pal A lyst:Alexander Candia ' ?221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 1 ear sf. ' P rove ra Annli/ticrtl b-iborato�rieti, btc. ' Certification# 2606 CLIENT: Jaco 1 Project'ID : Panama & S. H. Site Investigation ' ' Analysis: EPA Method 8260b Analysis Date: 6/24/2006 Report Date: 6/29/2006 ' Sample ID : 8782-011 137-20 Method RL ' Multiplication Analyte Result Units Method RL Factor 5 Oxygenates t-Butanol(TBA)Tert-Butyl Alcohol ND mg/Kg 0.10 1 Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1' ' Diisopropyl Ether(DIPE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 I Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether(ETBE) ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) ND ing/Kg 0.05 1 ' BTEX Components Benzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 ' Toluene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 Ethylbenzene ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 m, p&o Xylenes ND mg/Kg 0.05 1 o Internal Standards Results /o Recovery ' Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% ' Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 52 104% ' 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4. 54 108% Toluene-d8 54 108% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 51 102% 1 rinci al An st:Alexander Candia ' 3221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661) 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 ' ProVera rl nnh�ticr�l b71201.OtOl-it'S, Inc. ' EPA 8260B QA-QC Report EPA 8015M QA-QC Report Certification#2606 CLIENT: Jaco 1 Projects Covered by this QA-QC: Panama&S.H.Site Investigation Analysis Date: 6/24/2006 Matrix: AQ BFB: ' Internal Standards Results %Recovery Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro- 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100 ' Surrogate Standards Methane,dibranofluoro- 56 112% 1,2-Dichloroethanc-d4 54 108% ' Toluene-d8 51 102% p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 55 110% IB: Internal Standards Results %Recovery Benzene,fluoro 50 100% Benzene-d5,chloro 50 100% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 100% ' Surrogate Standards Methane,dibromofluoro- 56 112% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 55 110% Toluene-d8 49 98% ' p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 54 108% MS: Results %Recovery ' 13-Dichforoethene 56 112% Trichloroethene 56 112% Chlorobenzene 51 102% Toluene 58 116% ' Benzene 51 102%• p-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 53 106%', MSD: Results '%Recovery ' I,l-Dichloroethene 49 98% Trichloroethene 51 102% Chlorobenzene 52 104% ' Toluene 58 116% Benzene 59 118% p-Bromo(luorobenzene (BFB) 60 120% 8bl5M-TPHG ' %Recovery BFB 96% IB 98% MS 101% ' MSD 103% ' 5221 Woodmere Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone:(661)' 827-5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a