HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOTICE OF NONE COMPLIACE 6/20/2007 IIIIIII VIII III IIII 09 IE State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Quality Linda S.Adams 1001 1 Street,Sacramento,California 95814 (916)341-5866 Arnold Schwarzenegger Secretary for Mailing Address: P.O.Box 2231,Sacramento,California 95812 Governor Environmental Protection FAX(916)341-5808 Internet Address: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov JUN 2 0 2007 NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE 15021 STUART'S MOBILE 215-000-0003 800 34TH ST BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 SUBJECT: Noncompliance with Enhanced Leak Detection (ELD)Testing This important notice of noncompliance is sent by your local Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA), (copied on-this letter), and the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board), Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program. Our records show that the State Water Board notified you of the requirement to conduct ELD testing at your UST facility due to the proximity of public drinking water wells (within 1000 feet). (See Cal. Health Saf. Code Sections 25292.4 and 25292.5.) If you have single-walled tanks, you were notified in 2001 or in 2002, and if you have double-walled tanks, you were notified in 2003. Testing deadlines specified in all notifications have passed. Our records further show that you have not provided testing results, nor did the UST Program Manager determine, based on submittal of a Request for Reconsideration, that your UST is exempt from ELD testing requirements. This request was due within 60 days of your notification. You are, therefore, out of compliance with this testing requirement. You must take steps to bring your facility into compliance. The CUPA in your jurisdiction is the enforcing agency for this requirement and your past and continued failure to comply could lead to administrative or other formal enforcement measures. If you meet certain criteria, you may be eligible for the RUST Grant and Loan Program to help you pay for testing. (See enclosure.) This program is administered through the State Water Board's Division of Financial Assistance., Contact Kelly Valine at (916) 327-6976 to see if you qualify. If you have conducted the ELD testing, send the results to this office and to your local CUPA agency immediately. If you possess information that demonstrates that the UST system in question is not subject to the ELD testing requirement, please submit such information to this office immediately for review. Otherwise, make an appointment today to conduct this important test. A list of qualified testers can be found in LG161-3 located at website: http://www.waterboards.en.gov/ust/leak_prevention/igs/index.htm . Also see: htttp://www.waterboards.ca.gov/ust/leak_prevention/ethanol/index.html for additional information. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact your CUPA Representative at: (661) 326-3649 . Sincerely, Kevin L. Graves, P.E. Undergound Storage Tank Program Manager Enclosure IIIIIII VIII III IIII 10 IE Request for Reconsideration (RFR) Form UR NO. For SWRCB use only. Ii FACILITY PSITE INFORMATION B{1SINESS NAME(Fwcwry NnMa) ,� FACILITY ID# 00 (S 34 ST k STREET ADDRESS � 3Q�h COUNTY CITY ZIP �6- g33p� EMAIL ADDRESS NE - 1 ina qks @ �tliall u� PHONE i ) mob- n68G.. NADESS'OF ..WNLOERATOR:SBA .TrIG EIa.NMA RQUEST'r NAME ❑1.OWNER BOTH 1&2 ❑2.OPERATOR TITLE.OF APPLICANT ,OW l� / O��OD PHONE MAILING ADDRESS (MAILING ADDRESS SAME AS FACILITY ADDRESS) CITY STATE ZIP CODE EMAIL ADDRESS Please check reason(s)why you believe that the California State Water Resources Control Board(State Water Board)notification is in error.If you are requesting reconsideration for reasons#1 through#3, documentation is required.If you do not include required documentation,your request for reconsideration application will be considered incomplete and will be returned.Include all supporting documentation you wish the State Water Board to consider when reviewing your request.All information submitted. with requests for reconsideration is subject to verification. 1. ❑UST system(s)is permanently closed.(DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED.) 2. ❑UST system(s)is exempt from regulation,according to Section 25281(x)(1)(A)-(D)of the Health and Safety Code, or Section 2621 of Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations.For example,certain farm tanks and heating oil tanks are exempt. (DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED.) 3. Closest component of UST systems)is greater than 1,000 feet from well head of any public drinking water well. Check applicable reason(s): If the request for reconsideration is based on evidence that the UST system in question is greater than 1,000 feet from a public drinking water well,include a demonstration that the well head is more than 1,000 feet from the closest component of the UST system. (DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED.) UST facility incorrectly'located in Geotracker database. ublic drinking water well(s)incorrectly located in Geotracker database. 4. Other(explain): EJZ,,-,- kS U" W e u. WrXWW tc= F r N Tws ka 3 v STP+rCt yt�1 �lCE-tile'( F�� d.R 'CEsz l�rcj _ NOTE: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM M.APPLICANT SIGNATURE. Certification—I certify that the information provided herein.is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.Knowingly submitting a request for reconsideratic based on false or misleading information may be considered a violation of Health and Safety Code,Section 25299,punishable by fine up to s5m. NAME OF APPLICANT(print) PHONE L�Ana x100 (66()33a M10 SIGNATURE OF APPLiG I�NT _ � DATE b a� FOR SWRCB-USE ONLY 'D AILED DATEREOUESTgFCENEI� )ATF:NOTiFICATION rI2hC IEXIF D :RECEIVED BY '+ 06/29/2007 10:32 661-836-3177 REDWINMSTINGSERVIC PAGE 02/04 .1 Sail Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District WWW.Val I eya i r org Permit Application For: { ) AUTHORI'TY TO CONSTRUCT(ATC) . -New Emission Unit. AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT(ATC) -Modification Of Emission Unit With'valid PTONAI1d ATC. j AUTHORITY '1'O CONSTRUCT(ATC) -Renewal of Valid Authority to Construct. PERMIT TO OPERATE TO -Existing Emission Unit Now Regtrifin nFernmitto2mte. I. rck rTT)peyssu ro: 7 MAILRIG ADD � � j7` ST VRM P,0.50*1­31M ) Q tTrY 9T,Ta; WD& 3. LOCATION WIJERE THE EWIPMENT WILL BE OPERATED: WITHIN 1.000 FT OF A SCHOOL'I �00 r 4 �Lr Crrr:18 ;.__ra stl=014, !TOW"".,�.�� ILANG6� S.I.C.CODE(S)aP FAC1LrTv (If knc M): 4. GENERAL NATURE OF BUS(NESS: ,�. � INSTALL DATE 70 5. T1T Y V PERMfT HOLDERS ONLY:Do you requctt a CDC(1rl+A Rtvtew)prior to receiving your ATC? [ )YES [ ]NO , 6. DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT OR MODIFICATION FOR WHICH APPLICATION IS MADE(Ineluck P"it tr^s if known,and ass additioail-sheets i r imma y): R&W4C C- /101W C X CAO f fV 7. HAVE YOU EVER APPLIED FOR.AN ATC OR r)+4YES ( ]NO Optional Section PTO IN i146 PAST? If yes,ATWTO tt to pnt$�P YOU 3. IS MS PROPERTY ZONED PROPERLY FOR (�Q YES [ ]NO T[Tf4t VOLIMtMY rR00RAMS � THE PRbPOSED USE? "SPARE THE A1R" 1. IS THIS APPLICATION SUBMITTED AS THE j ]YES 03 No j ]Yca [ ,]No ( )Send info 1tyS ��t VZULT:OF EITHER A NOTICE OF VIOLATION 'MSPBCT' [)yes,NOV/Ni'C 1#: ( )yes ( ]No [ )Send into OR A NOTICE TO COMrLY? I. TYPO PRINT NAME F LICANT: TITLE OF APPLICANT:dr l2. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: DATE: PHONE ( ) r-AX 0. ( ) E-MAIL: A APCD rr�R ONLY: DATE STAMP FILING FEE RECEIVED: S CHECK N: DATP PAM- PROJECT 0: FACILITY ID: Northern Regional Office•4230 Kieman Avenue,Suitt 130•Modesto,California 95356-9321.(209)SS7.6400•FAX(209)$37.6475 Cei*al Regions!Office'1990 Sw Osnysburg Avenue•Fresno.California 937264PAa•(SSP)230-S900'FAX(SS9)330-GWI Southem Kegional Office•2700 M Street,Suke 275'Bakersfield.California 93301-1370+(661)326-6900•FAX(661)326-6985 06/29/2007 10:32 661-836-3177 REDWINETESTINGSERVIC PAGE 03/04 17:56 MlON3177 r4m1 w TMINS Svcs PAGE 02 San Joaquin Valley Uhi&W Air PoRudon Control District SuWemental Application Porm GASOLINE DISPENSING MM fWW MWf k a MOMW AWkW=fW.A4W ro C&"t vex&W PWM*IV owe 6M t+ER1Mff Y0 M ISSM TO: LOCA110W VMME TH*6 ENT MILL.Of OPERATED: CARB EXECU FIVE ORDER CERTIFICATION Pilaso I Ptmise 11 PHASE I VAPOR RECOVERY EQVIPNIENf DESCRIPTION loll i5xe i it •i. .` OMirfiN Prosoeibn . A@s" COMM"m on Reverse Srdo - t I Water Boards: UST Program - Enhanced Leak Detection- Sample: Formal Notification t... Page 1 of 2 California Home Friday,June 22.2007 a Nye C.i11�0/A1i �RWIOA��Rt�pfON@iiOACy _ Search Board Business STATI.WATU�URCES COPS. MY CA r� This Site L��Reoulatbna � �� Newel Ia Info UST Program-Enhanced Leak Detection-Sample:Formal Notification to Operators Tonal Boards SAMPLE Water Pducadon FORMAL NOTIFICATION TO OPERATORS fir Gus* TO IMPLEMENT ENHANCED LEAK DETECTION TESTING Water Rights This is a formal notification that your underground storage tank(UST)system is subject to a new requirement for Enhanced Leak Detection(ELD)testing,based on information in the State Water Resources Control Board's LIST PROGRAM HOME (SWRCB's)Geographical Information System(GIS)mapping database("GeoTradwl). UST Program Elements Finding:Our information indicates that your UST system is subject to ELD testing because it has a single-wailed Leak_Prp_v_entfon component and is located within 1000 feet of a public drinking water well.Based on this information,the owner or operator is required to submit and have a program of ELD testing approved by your local permitting agency within cleanup six months from the date of this formal notification.An approved program of ELD testing must be implemented no F_"f moment later than 18 months following this formal notification.Your UST system will be subject to this requirement every three years thereafter,or until you replace all singWwalted components with double-walled components. Tank Teeter Lliaerlsing Cleanup Fund Information Sources:Local permitting agencies provided information regarding UST systems,including single- UST Information regarding components,to the SWRCS.The Department of Health Services and water districts provided information regarding locations of public drinking water wells to the SWRCS.Both UST system information and well location Online Access to information are available on the GeoTracker web site(http:/lgeotradcer.waterboards.ce,gov).Due to recent security Gt43C4o-or concerns,the well locations are not available to the public.To view well locations,you will need to enter the Facility ID and PIN numbers,which are located next to the address block On EnCk>gure.l,on the following web page: EIeC.troil.IC.S1t411tI1I..4f http:l/geotracker.watertwarda,ca.gov/opwst.The SWRCB has ad6empted to improve the accuracy of the information Information_IESI)to in the GeoTradcer database.However,the database may still require updating to make it current and complete.As Geotracker described below,it you believe GeoTrackees Information regarding your UST system or nearby public drinking Tralnl_, water wells is inaomirate,you may request reconsideration. ngl_W.grkshops Publications Authority:ELD testing is required by Section 25292.4 of the Health and Safety Code and by fie SWRCB's 4"Ito"A_ KWOO fl! implementing regulations(California Code of Regulations,Title 23,Sections 2640 and 2644,1-see EnVo.s-re.2, How to File a.Pg�tlgn Local Guidance Letter 161).These regulations require ELD testing for UST systems with one or more of the following:single-walled tank,single-walled pressurized piping,or single-walled conventional suction piping.The Reoulatory A9enctes regulations also require ELD testing if the UST system has any dispensers that do not have under-dispenser 4@� containment,or if the UST system has any turbines that are not secondarily contained.However,vent or tank riser piping,vapor recovery piping,and"safe"or"European"suction piping are not considered single-walled components Forms if they meet the applicable criteria in the regulations[California Code of Regulations,Title 23,Section 2636(a)]. Emall Subscription ufvlbavlile Subscribe Urrsube:rbe (sNa nje le g-d w aoElolLemD d p Tt oaennsektins nt sg,a:t.cd Tc ouo'narddvieunlrg d d tEio sL ptD hee nt"sareestigr n uogloa,r ttoytsory iu n cmmreiatenyrt'i uabp'udgt i schecedum e s ssyienod gu lr ae Ub-woSvaT etl e.s C Fyso ptr e{pem ixn a9smo,yptohleau,t c ift t a ydn o oauev�rs oU ind So"TEt:.h L s"aD yvs te tee sam ti: double-walled piping.Ifyou deride to replace single=walled components with double walled components in order to avoid ELD testing,you should notify boM the SWRCB and your local permitting agency and Sete MoD follow all required permitting procedures.You should also submit an ELD plan,as required by regulations,and complete the replacement work at your facility by the date that ELD testing is required for your UST system. C~Us _...._.._.._._.__..._._ Low interest bans and grants are available to help quatifred owners and operators of small independent UST Re91ona18oards. facilities remove and replace UST components.See E.ndosuris 3(Yellow)for details. (1).NGrth_.Coaet Under-Dispenser Containment Requirement:Under-dispenser containment is required at all UST facilities by 12)San Franclsco Bov Section 25284.1(a)(5)(A){C)of the Health and Safety Code and Section 2636(h)of Title 23,CCR.If you have any questions regarding this requirement,including the applicable time frames,please consult your local permitting (1)Co.n"i Coast agency.It is important to mote that performing ELD testing does not relieve you from the requirement to install 141Los Angelm under-dispenser containment. (0)centraf_Yaliedr To Request Reconsideration of this Nodf=ion:If you believe that your UST system is not subject to the ELD (6Lgh_ontan testing requirement,you may request reconsideration from the SWRCB's Underground Storage Tank Program Manager.Information on this request for reconsideration process is included in Enclosure 2(LG 161)and Enclosure (T)Colorado R.iver_Sssln 4(Blue Request for Reconsideration Form).Enclosures 1 and 5 are details and a map of your facility and nearby public drinking water welts,according to GeoTracker. (8)Santa Ana (9)$en_Qleg4 The request for reconsideration must be in writing,Submitted to boat the local permitting agency and the UST Yoo's 34th St Mobil 80034th St _ Cry 913 7 t_ Bakersfield, CA' 93301 -7� nom; , j L1�� E_ r �.. a Corner of 34th.& Q St _ . lko —Trcj/c-f vO (I/V-P— -1 o I c j �(IIIY71j�11l�it1�1 111111 11 fill 111f11l111401111.111111 fit 111111