HomeMy WebLinkAbout2900 UNION AVE_NO FUTHER ACTION LETTER 10.9.09E2C Remediation Environmental Engineering, Consulting and Remedlatlon, Inc. October 9, 2009 Mr. Nassri Jaber 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 SUBJECT: No Further Action Request Report Minit Stop Market '2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Jaber: E2C Remediation (E2C) is pleased to present this No Further. Action Request Report for the Minit..Stop Market located at 2900 Union Avenue (Site), -Bakersfield, California. This report has been, prepared in accordance with State of Califomia Regional Water'Quality Control Board — Central Valley Region (RWQCB.) directives. It is a pleasure to be of service, should you have any questions regarding. this submittal, do not hesitate to call the undersigned at 661- 8317-6906. Respectfully .Submitted, E2C Remediation wlwv/Oc /yg\04AL CEO :AEXP. I- William A. Lawson, P.G.71 Director of Technical Operations of+ cc: Mr. John Whiting, P.G. Regional.Water Quality Control Board — Central Valley Region" 1685 E Street Fresno, CA 93706 Mr. Howard H. Wines III, P.G. HazardousWaterials Specialist City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Office of Environmental Services 1.501 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105, Bakersfield, CA 93313 tel 661.831.6906 fax 661.831':6234 wwwe2cr.net E 2C Remediation Environmental Engineering, Consuking and Remediation, Inc. NO FURTHER ACTION REQUEST REPORT Minit Stop Market 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California October 9, 2009 Project Number: 1803BK29 Prepared For: Mr. Nassri Jaber 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 9330.5 Prepared By: E2C Remediation Environmentai'Engineering Consultants 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield,, California 93313 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105, Bakersfield, CA 93313 tel 661.831.6906 fax 661.831.6234 www.92cr.net Proiect Number 1803SK29 October 9 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLEOF CONTENTS ................................................................................ ..............................1 LISTOF FIGURES ....................................................................................... ..............................2 LISTOF TABLES ......................................................................................... ..............................2 LISTOF APPENDICES ................................................................................ ..............................2 1.0 NO FURTHER ACTION REQUEST REPORT ..................................... ..............................3 1.1 Current Site Conditions and Site History ........................................ ..............................3 1.1.1 Current Site Conditions .......................................................... ..............................3 1.1.2 Site History ............................................................................ ..............................3 1.1.3 Site Assessment Status ......................................................... ..............................5 1.2 Site Geology .................................................................................. ..............................5 1.2.1 Site Geology .......................................................................... ..................:...........5 1.2.2 Boring Logs and Cross - Sections ............................................ ..............................6 1.3 Site Hydrogeology .....................................:................................... ..............................6 1.3.1 Site Hydrogeology ................................................................. ..............................6 1.3.2 Groundwater Elevations and Depths to Water ....................... ..............................7 1.4 Sensitive Potential Receptors ........................................................ ..............................7 1.4.1 Wells ...................................................................................... ..............................7 1.4.2 Surface Water ....................................................................... ..............................8 1.5 Site Areas of Impact ...................................................................... ..............................8 1.6 Volume of Excavated Soil .............................................................. ..............................9 1.7 Fate of Monitoring Wells ................................................................ ..............................9 1.8 Tabulated Analytical Results ......................................................... ..................:.:.........9 1.9 Concentrations and Mass Changes over Time .............................. ..............................9 1.10 Current Extent of Groundwater Impact ......................................... .............................10 1.11 Remedial Methods ........................................................................ .............................10 1.11.1 Summary of Historical Remedial Actions .............................. .............................10 1.11.2 Remedial System Operations — Thermal Oxidizer Mode ....... .............................10 1.11.3 Remedial System Operations - Thermal /Catalytic Mode ....... .............................11 1.11.4 Fuel Hydrocarbon Mass Removal Rates ............................... .............................12 1.11.5 Evaluation of Influent Vapor Rebound .................................. .............................13 1.12 Remaining Mass in Soil and Groundwater .................................... .............................14 1.13 Risk Assessments ........................................................................ .............................14 1.14 Fate and Transport Modeling ........................................................ .............................14 1.15 Water Quality and Human Health Impact ..................................... .............................14 1.16 List of Technical Reports .............................................................. .............................16 1:17 Additional Comments Supporting Site NFAR ................................ .............................16 2.0 LIMITATIONS AND REPORT CERTIFICATION ................................. .............................17 3.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................... .............................18 E2C Remediation Protect Number 1803BK29 October 9. 2009 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Plan Figure 3 Second Quarter 2009 Groundwater Gradient Plot Figure 4 Second Quarter 2009 Benzene Distribution Plot Figure 5 Second Quarter 2009 TPHg Plot Figure 6 Groundwater MtBE Concentration Trends LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Summary of Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Table 2A Summary of UST Removal Soil Analytical Results Table 2B Summary of Soil Analytical Data Table 3 Summary of Historical Groundwater. Analytical Data Table 4A Summary of VES Monitoring Data Table 4B Summary of VES Monitoring Data Table 5 Summary of Hydrocarbon Mass Removed Table 6 Summary of Influent Vapor Analytical Data Table 7 Summary of Effluent Vapor Analytical Data Table 8 Summary of August and September 2009 Influent Vapor Analytical Data Table 9 Comparison of Existing Groundwater Impact to Water Quality Limits LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Boring Logs Appendix B Geologic Cross - Sections and Cross - Section Transect Plot Appendix C Soil Impact Map and Soil Impact Cross - Sections Appendix D Influent Vapor Analytical Laboratory Reports Appendix E GeoTracker Reports Appendix F List of Technical Reports E2C Remedlation 2 Per sect Number 1803BK29 October 9 2009 1.0 NO FURTHER ACTION REQUEST REPORT E2C. Remediation (E2C) has prepared this No Further Action Request (NFAR) report for the Minit Stop Market (Site) located at 2900 Union Avenue in Bakersfield, California (see Figure 1). The Regional Water Quality Control Board — Central Valley Region (RWQCB) document Appendix A — Reports, TO — Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation of Underground Storage Tanks Sites dated April 16, 2004 was used in preparing this NFAR. The purpose of the NFAR report is to provide a document upon which a regulator may make an objective decision regarding the requested closure of the site. 1.1 Current Site Conditions and Site History 1.1.1 Current Site Conditions The Site is a Texaco gasoline station and convenience store ( Minit Stop Market) located in Bakersfield, California, at 2900 Union Avenue, on the northeast corner of Union Avenue and Pacific Street (see Figure 1 for Site Location Map). The Site is located within the southwestern quarter of the southwestern quarter of Section 20, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, and MDBM. The Site is at an elevation of approximately 428 feet above Mean Sea Level (msl) and the topography is relatively flat with a slight slope to the southwest. The Minit Stop facility consists of a convenience store and a canopy - covered fueling area consisting of one fueling island located west of the building. The lot covers an area of approximately 14,950 square feet with one (1) structure of approximately 2,000 square feet in the east center of the parcel. Formerly located at the Site were three (3) 10,000—gallon gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs), and four (4) multiple product dispensers (MPDs) on a single dispenser island (also, two 5,000 - gallon gasoline USTs were abandoned in place). The former USTs were .located to the north and east of the present fueling area. Currently present at the Site are a 20,000 - gallon, doubled - walled, split- chambered UST and two (2) dual - sided MPDs on a single dispenser island, with the 15,000 - gallon chamber used to store regular unleaded gasoline and the 5,000—gallon chamber used to store premium - unleaded gasoline. The surrounding area consists of mixed industrial, commercial and residential uses along Union Avenue. The sites directly adjacent to the subject property are described below: • North: Located adjacent to the subject site is a service shop (Air- Draulics Sales and Service); • South: Pacific Street bounds the Site to the South and beyond is a general contractor (Silver AC & Heating); • East: An alley bounds the Site to the East and beyond is a single - family residence; and • West: Union Avenue bounds the Site to the West and beyond are a canal and a storage warehouse (Kern Ice & Cold Storage Co.). ' 1.1.2 Site History Based on a review of available documents, a summary of the Site history follows. ' On March 18, 1999, the City of Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) issued a temporary closure permit for the Site. The underground storage tank upgrades had not been completed and temporary closure was in effect as of that date. ' The Eldorado Bank retained DCI Services to perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment on the subject property located at 2900 Union Avenue. The purpose of this due diligence ' investigation was to assess the subject property for evidence of hazardous waste contamination E2C Remediation 3 Proiect Number 1803SK29 October 9. 2009 and the possibility of underground storage tanks, in a effort to minimize the subject property owner's exposure to liability pursuant to Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). A records review and environmental database survey of the subject site and surrounding sites was performed. In addition, a site reconnaissance survey was conducted on March 2, 2000. DCI reported that based on prior site usage, interviews with the owners and persons knowing past history, review of available records, and a physical site inspection, it did not appear that hazardous substances had impaired the subject site. DCI further reported that the underground storage tanks had passed a leak detection test performed in 1998. However, underground storage tank upgrades had not been completed and temporary closure was in effect. DCI further stated that the owner had contracted with an underground tank company to perform the necessary work to bring the site into compliance with current regulations. In May 2000, three (3) 10,000- gallon USTs', and four (4) multiple product dispensers (MPDs) on a single dispenser island and associated product piping were removed as follows. ■ Tank #1 — 10,000 - Gallon Gasoline (Removed - May 9, 2000) ■ Tank #2 — 10,000 - Gallon Gasoline (Removed - May 9, 2000) ■ Tank #3 — 10,000- Gallon Gasoline (Removed - May 9, 2000) Upon removal of the above tanks, two (2) additional 5,000 - gallon USTs were discovered to the east of the three 10,000 - gallon USTs. The two (2) 5,000 - gallon USTs were abandoned in place in accordance with KCEHD guidelines and KCEHD permitting. • Tank #4 — 5,000 - Gallon Gasoline (Abandoned in place) • Tank #5 — 5,000 - Gallon Gasoline (Abandoned in place) At the time of tank removal, soil samples were collected from beneath the inverts at each end of the USTs. Soil samples were also collected beneath each MPD. Three (3) hand -auger soil borings (TK -4W, TK -5W, and TK -5E) were also slant - drilled beneath the inverts of the two (2) 5,000 - gallon newly discovered USTs, with soil samples collected at depths of 12 and 16 feet bgs in each boring. Elevated concentrations of adsorbed -phase Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) and the volatile aromatic compounds of benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and total xylenes (BTEX) were reported in soil samples at location TK -3E at depths of 14 and 18 feet bgs beneath the eastern end of the southern 10,000 - gallon gasoline UST, and in soil sample TK -4W -16 which was collected at a depth of 16 feet bgs beneath the western end of the western 5,000 - gallon USTs. The maximum concentrations for TPHg and BTEX were reported at location TK -5E at the eastern 5,000 - gallon UST. Trace concentrations of benzene and the fuel oxygenate of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MtBE) were reported in soil sample TK -3E -14 collected at a depth of 14 feet bgs beneath the eastern end of the southern 10,000 - gallon UST, but were reported as non - detect at the 18 -foot depth at that same location. TPHg, BTEX, and MtBE were reported as non - detect in the remaining twenty -three (23) soil samples analyzed. The fueling facilities were subsequently upgraded with a 20,000 - gallon double - walled, split chamber UST and two dual -sided MPDs on a single dispenser island. E2C Remediation Proiect Number 1803SK29 October 9. 2009 1.1.3 Site Assessment Status Groundwater Monitoring Wells To date, five (5) groundwater monitoring wells have been installed, four (4) onsite (MW -1 through MW -4) and one (1) offsite (MW -5). See Figure 2 for the monitoring well locations. Vapor Extraction and Air Sparge Wells Three (3) double - completion (two separate screen intervals, shallow and deep) vapor extraction (VE) wells and one (1) deep completion VE well have been installed at the Site. Four (4) groundwater air sparge (AS) wells have also been installed. Vapor Extraction Pilot Test Conclusions A VE Pilot Test was conducted in March 2003. The site stratigraphy and lack of resistance to flow (0.4- to 1.45- inch H2O at different wells) suggested that this site was an ideal candidate for vapor extraction. The extremely high removal rates documented also suggested that this site had a significant soil and groundwater on -site source (Le., area requiring remediation). It was calculated that the radius of influence for a full -scale remediation would be at a minimum 55 feet, and could exceed 70 feet. It was found that the use of well VE -3S tended to dilute the influent vapor stream and should only be used during the initial stages of remediation. Use of VEA S and VEA D yielded the highest influent concentrations, thus the focus of remediation would be at these two (2) wells after 100% of the well field became utilized. Note: VE -1 S and VE -1 D are located in the highest source area of soil and groundwater impaction. Therefore, these wells would yield the highest removal rates. It was estimated that hydrocarbon removal rates initially could be greater than 1,000 pounds per day (lbs /day), with a subsequent decrease as remedial operations progressed. 1.2 Site Geo logy 1.2.1 Site Geology The property is located in the south central area of the San Joaquin Valley where the Sierra Nevada, Great Valley, and Coastal Range physiographic provinces meet. The southern end of the Sierra Nevada Province is composed of a massive block of igneous and metamorphic rock of Mesozoic age and older. This Sierran block, 40 to 100 miles wide and 400 miles long, slopes five to seven degrees beneath the San Joaquin Valley. The Coastal Range province on the west consists of tectonically deformed and fractured marine and non -marine sedimentary rocks of Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary age, which dip eastward beneath the San Joaquin Valley. The Great Valley province is a broad asymmetrical synclinal trough, which is known as the Sacramento Valley in the north and the San Joaquin Valley in the south. Beneath the southern San Joaquin Valley floor, the Sierran plutonic and metamorphic rock block is overlain by consolidated marine rocks of Jurassic and Cretaceous age. These rocks are overlain by continental marine and non - marine sedimentary rocks of Tertiary age, which are comprised of continental deposits of consolidated to semi - consolidated, fossiliferous sandstone, siltstone, and shale, which thicken toward the south and west. The Tertiary rocks in turn, are overlain by unconsolidated continental deposits, which consist of Pliocene to Holocene river and lake sediments of gravel, sand, silt, and clay. Surface features of the floor of the San Joaquin Valley consist of dissected uplands, alluvial fans, overflow areas, and lake bottoms. Dissected uplands lie between the mountains and the nearly flat Valley floor and are manifest in low -lying hills through which perennial and intermittent streams flow. These features consist of reworked older alluvium. The alluvial fans ' are the sites of active stream deposition of sands and silts derived from the Sierra Nevada and the dissected uplands. The overflow lands and lake bottoms lie in the central part of the Valley where silt and clay accumulate in quiet lake and marsh environments. E2C Remedlation 5 Proiect Number 1803BK29 October 9. 2009 The Site lies in the northeast portion of the City of Bakersfield on a geomorphological feature loosely termed "the Panorama Bluffs ". The Panorama Bluffs achieve an elevation of approximately 900 feet mean sea level (MSL) and slope to the south - southwest. The Panorama Bluffs are a slightly tilted (uplifted) erosional remnant of the deposition along the Kern River. The Kern River is located just north of the Bluffs at its base. The depositional environment of the bluffs is alternating between high- energy deposition (gravel, cobbles, and boulders) and low- energy deposition (silts and clays in overbank deposits). The subsurface beneath the Site is characterized by interbedded silt, clayey silt, silty to clayey sand, and sand with gravel and clay lenses. Beneath the Site, dense layers of gravel to cobbles of weathered granite exist between depths of approximately 50 feet and 75 feet below ground surface (bgs). Off the Site, in the downgradient direction at the location of MW -5, dense layers of gravels to cobbles of weathered granite exist between 30 feet and 75 feet, and between 90 feet and 105 feet bgs, with a layer of fine to medium grain size sand (SP) between them. 1.2.2 Boring Logs and Cross - Sections Copies of the boring logs are included in Appendix A. Copies of the cross - sections and the cross - section transect plot are included in Appendix B. 1.3 Site Hydrogeo/ogy 1.3.1 Site Hydrogeo/ogy A broad, thick hydrogeologic unit consisting of soil and rock with varying porosity and permeability underlies the Central Valley of California. Physical dimensions are approximately 50 miles wide at the widest point in the Valley, 400 miles long, and as much as 2,000 feet deep. Recharge to regional aquifers consists of infiltration of seasonal precipitation and percolation of surface waters. The Valley aquifer of greatest storage, highest quality, and greatest accessibility for domestic and agricultural use consists of the alluvial and lacustrine continental deposits extending to the depths of 1,500 to 2,000 feet beneath the San Joaquin Valley floor. Lithologic and hydraulic properties of these sediments are largely the product of the sediment source and the depositional environment. The sediments range in size from clays to boulders and include all mixtures between the extremes. Western sediments are derived largely from the Coastal Ranges, and tend to consist of shales and fine sandstones with limited permeability. Eastern sediments are derived mainly from granitic materials of the Sierra Nevada, and are generally coarser and much more permeable. Sediments encountered during the borings at the Minit Stop site consisted of alluvial and fluvial deposits of interbedded silt, clayey silt, silty to clayey sand, and sand with gravel and clay lenses. Dense layers of permeable, weathered granite gravel and cobbles exist between depths of approximately 50 feet and 75 feet bgs. Regionally, the depth to groundwater ranges between 200 and 220 feet below grade, according ' to the 1996 Water Supply Report published by the Kern County Water Agency in July 2000. During February 2002 drilling activities, first encountered groundwater was found at a depth of approximately 120 feet bgs. During January 2003 drilling activities, first groundwater was also ' encountered at a depth of approximately 120 feet. During July 2003 drilling activities, first groundwater was also encountered at a depth of approximately 119 feet bgs. ' Historical groundwater flow at the Site has been interpreted as generally southeasterly at moderate gradients, approximating 0.020 to 0.035 ft/ft. These conditions were interpreted for the Second Quarter 2009 (see Figure 3). ' EzC Remediation 6 PPr fact Number 1803BK29 October 9. 2009 ' Note: Groundwater flow and gradient beneath the Site may be influenced by recharge from the nearby canal. The canal is unlined and parallels Union Avenue along its west side. Stream flow in the canal is southerly. ' 1.3.2 Groundwater Elevations and Depths to Water Site - speck hydrogeologic characteristics show depths to groundwater levels have ranged from approximately one hundred eleven (111) to one hundred twenty -nine (129) feet bgs (see ' Table 1 for summary of historical groundwater elevation data). Groundwater elevations in wells have been used to estimate groundwater flow directions. 1.4 Sensitive Potential Receptors 1.4.1 Wells Research of the surrounding area identified six (6) water supply wells within a 2,500 -foot radius of the Site. Descriptions of each well are provided as follows: Well CWS 22 -02 is located approximately 2,350 feet west - southwest of the Site at 706 Espee Street (northeast corner of Espee and "Q" Streets). According to the CWS, the well has been non - operational since April 2002 due to water quality problems caused by high iron and manganese concentrations. The well was located during the field reconnaissance and was non - operational at that time. Well CWS 33 -02 is located approximately 2,150 feet northeast of the Site at 522 33`d Street. Total depth of the well is 600 feet and the casing is 16 inches diameter decreasing to 12 inches diameter. The well is pumped at a depth of approximately 320' feet though according to the CWS it has been non - operational for several years due to high iron and manganese contents in the water. The well was located during the field reconnaissance and was non - operational at that time. Well CWS 34-02 is located approximately 2,100 feet north - northeast of the Site at 317 34"' Street. Total depth of the well is 600 feet and the casing is 16 inches diameter. The well is pumped at a depth of approximately 320 feet though according to the CWS it has been non- operational since 2000 due to high iron and manganese contents in the water. The well was located during the field reconnaissance and was non - operational at that time. Well CWS 58 -01 is located approximately 2,500 feet northeast of the Site at 267 Bernard Street (across from Green Frog Market just west of the southwest corner of Bernard Street and Alta Vista Drive). According to the CWS, the well has been non - operational since 1991 or 1992 due to high iron and manganese contents in the water. The well was non - operational during the field reconnaissance. Well CWS 78 -01 is located approximately 1,900 feet south - southeast of the Site at 1030 Sacramento Street (southwest corner of Sacramento and Lake Streets). According to the CWS, the well is approximately 600 feet deep and has a sanitary seal to a depth of 50 feet. The well has been taken out of service due to high iron and manganese contents in the water. The well was observed to be non - operational during the field reconnaissance. Well CWS 140 -01 is located approximately 1,900 feet southwest of the Site at 503 Espee Street (just south of the Highway 178 overpass). According to the CWS, the well has a total depth of 825 feet. Well screen interval data was not available. The depth to water during pumping was last measured in 2002 at a depth of 220 feet and according to the CWS production superintendent, this likely represents a drawdown of about 20 feet. Production from this well in 2002 was 801 acre -feet of water (approximately 261 million gallons). This E2C Remediation Project Number 1803BK29 October 9. 2009 represents a pumping rate of approximately 500 gallons per minute (gpm) based on continuous pumping during 2002. The water is piped to storage tanks located at the intersection of Mount Vernon Avenue and Bernard Street and is used for domestic purposes. There is currently no water quality issues associated with this well according to the CWS. The well was operational during the field reconnaissance. 1.4.2 Surface Water Research of the surrounding 'area identified two (2) surface water bodies within a 2,500 -foot radius of the Site. There are two unlined canals located west of Union Avenue across from the Site. The nearest canal, the East Side Canal, is located approximately 25 feet west of Union Avenue and trends north -south in the Site vicinity. The canal passes into a culvert on the north side of Niles Street that turns east - southeast into an unlined section of the canal that runs parallel to Lake Street. The second canal, the Kern Island Canal, is located approximately 600 feet west of and trends sub - parallel to Union Avenue. The canal passes into a culvert on the north side of Niles Street that runs beneath Highway 178 and continues southward past Golden State Avenue (Highway 204). Water was observed to be flowing in both canals during the field reconnaissance. 1.5 Site Areas of Impact ' At the Site, the detected impact to soil and groundwater are as follows: Soil: ' Soil impact was first discovered during tank removal operations. The date the discharge began and the source and the cause of the discharge is unknown. Fuel hydrocarbons were detected in soil from 14 to 18 feet below ground surface (bgs) during tank removal operations in May ' 2000 as follows: • Eastem end of southern 10,000 gallon tank; • Western 5,000 gallon tank; ' • Eastern 5,000 gallon tank; and 0 Western end of western 5,000 gallon tank. In January 2001 additional site characterization was performed. Concentrations of TPHg were reported in all samples analyzed from boring B -1 at concentrations ranging from 2,000 milligrams per kilogram (mg /Kg) to 6,300 mg /Kg. Concentrations of benzene and MtBE were reported in samples from B -1 ranging from 3.7 mg /Kg to 10 mg /Kg and 34 mg /Kg to 480 mg /Kg, respectively. Analytes were reported as non - detect in samples from boring B-2, analyzed to a depth of 35 feet bgs, and boring B -3, analyzed to a depth of 50 feet bgs. The lateral extent of hydrocarbon- impacted soils was not established due to drilling refusal at borings B -2 and B -3 at 50 feet bgs. Selected soil samples collected during February 2002 from soil borings B1 -RD, 62 -RD, B3 -RD, and B -4 were chemically analyzed. A summary of the concentrations of detected analytes follows: TPHg was reported in samples collected from soil boring B1 -RD at a maximum concentration of 1,610 mg /Kg at a depth of 110 feet bgs; however, TPHg was previously reported by Holguin, Fahan and Associates, Inc. at a maximum concentration of 6,300 mg /Kg at a depth of 30 feet bgs adjacent to this location; TPHg was reported in samples collected from borings B2 -RD, 133 -RD, and B -4 at a maximum concentration of 9.75 mg /Kg at B3 -RD at a depth of 102 feet bgs; Benzene was reportedly only detected in samples from boring 131 -RD at a maximum concentration of 58.8 mg /Kg; and EzC Remediation 8 Proiect Number 1803BK29 October 9. 2009 • MtBE was reportedly detected in samples from boring B1 -RD at a maximum concentration of 138.9 mg /Kg, B3 -RD at a maximum of 4.2 mg /Kg, and B -4 at a maximum of 8.2 mg /Kg. MtBE was reportedly not detected in samples from 132 -RD. Fuel hydrocarbons were detected in soil samples collected during January and February 2003 at depths ranging from 20 to 125 feet bgs during the drilling of MW -2 through MW-4 and VE -1 through VE -3. Fuel hydrocarbons were detected in July 2003 in soil from 90 to 120 feet bgs during the drilling of AS -1 and AS -2. Tables 2A and 2B summarize historical soil sampling data for the Site. Historical impact to soil is depicted in a plan view map and cross - sections that are presented in Appendix C. Appendix C, Figure 10 depicted the approximate lateral extent of fuel hydrocarbon impacted soils beneath the Site. Impacted soils occurred over an area of approximately 7,500 square feet (sf), as depicted on Appendix C, Figure 10. The thickness of the impacted soils varied based on location. Appendix C, Figures 11A through 12B depict cross - sections of the Site that showed approximate extent of impact at depth. Appendix C, Figures 11A and 11B depicted TPHg and MtBE impacts, respectively, along Cross- Section A -A'. Appendix C, Figures 12A and 12B depicted TPHg and MtBE impacts along Cross - Section B -B'. Based on available data, approximately 22,000 cubic yards of fuel hydrocarbon- impacted soils were estimated to have occurred beneath the Site with the degree of impaction varying dependent upon location and distance from the source area, which appears to be located near well MW -1. Groundwater: E2C initiated groundwater monitoring at the Site by sampling well MW -1 on February 19, 2002. TPHg, MtBE, and total xylenes were reported in MW -1 at concentrations of 380 µg /L (390 µg /L in duplicate), 1,570 µg/l_ (1,770 µg /L in duplicate), and 130 gg /L (140 "/L in duplicate), respectively. Benzene, toluene, and ethylbenzene were reported as non - detect in the samples. Subsequently, monitoring was performed on a quarterly basis through April 2009. Historical groundwater monitoring data for the Site is summarized in Table 3. 1.6 Volume of Excavated Soil Soil excavation did not occur at the Site. 1.7 Fate of Monitoring Wells Five (5) groundwater monitoring wells (MW -1 through MW -5) are present at or near the Site. Each of these wells were monitored and sampled on a quarterly basis through the Second Quarter 2009. Additionally, four (4) air - sparge wells (AS -1 through AS-4) and four vapor extraction wells (VE -1 S -1 D, VE- 2S -2D, VE- 3S -3D, and VE-4) are also present at the Site. 1.8 Tabulated Analytical Results Historical soil analytical data is summarized in Tables 2A and 2B. Historical groundwater monitoring analytical data for the Site are summarized in Table 3. Summaries of influent and effluent vapor analytical data are presented in Tables 6 and 7. 1.9 Concentrations and Mass Changes over Time Concentrations of constituents of concern (COCs) in groundwater have shown dramatic decreases over time, such that in April 2009 all COCs were reported as non - detect. A comparison plot of historical MtBE concentration trends at MW -1, MW -2 and MW -3 from May 2002 to April 2009 is presented in Figure 6. E2C Remediation 9 Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 1. 10 Current Extent of Groundwater Impact The most recent groundwater analytical data from April 22, 2009, are depicted on plots included as Figures 4 and 5 and are summarized following: • Benzene was reported as non - detect in all wells (See Figure 4); • TPHg was reported as non - detect in all wells (See Figure 5); and • Toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, MtBE, tertiary butyl ether (TBA), di- isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), and tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME) were reported as non - detect in all groundwater samples collected this quarter. 1.11 Remedial Methods This Section presents a summary of the remediation status of the site. 1.11.1 Summary of Historical Remedial Actions During the period of April 9, 2004 through August 6, 2006, remedial operations at the Site were conducted using a combined vapor extraction /groundwater air sparging system (VE/GASS). The groundwater air sparging components performed two (2) functions: 1) increased dissolved oxygen in groundwater to enhance microbial degradation processes, and 2) mechanically stripped hydrocarbons (volatilization process). Upon volatilization, the hydrocarbons rose and were collected via the vapor extraction system. The vapor extraction system also removed hydrocarbons from the vadose zone. Extracted hydrocarbons were then routed in a vapor stream to a thermal treatment unit. Extraction of the hydrocarbons - occurs via remediation wells consisting of three (3) multiple - completion vapor extraction (VE) wells (VE-1D/1S, VE- 2D /2S, and VE- 3D /3S)], one (1) deep completion VE well (VE -4), and four (4) air sparge wells (AS wells) plumbed to manifolds located in the onsite equipment compound. See Figure 2, Site Plan, for the location of the AS wells, VE wells and the onsite remediation equipment compound. ' In September 2003, the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) issued the Permit to Operate (PTO) for the remedial equipment. On April 29, 2004, after the installation gas and electrical services by PG &E, the remediation system (utilizing a Baker Furnace 250- , CFM Thermal Oxidizer (BF 250) for effluent vapor treatment), was brought on line. On April 26, 2006, the system was switched over to Thermal /Catalytic mode for the treatment of effluent vapors. The system operated in Thermal /catalytic mode until August 20, 2006. The remediation system was to be modified to treat effluent vapors using granular activated carbon ' (GAC). However, the rebound of dissolved COC concentrations in 2007 precluded the efficient use of GAC at that time. A description of remedial systems operations is presented below. 1.11.2 Remedial System Operations —Thermal Oxidizer Mode For initial site remediation, E2C utilized the BF 250, which was designed to be modified in the field for use with a modular catalytic cell when fuel hydrocarbon concentrations declined and ' stabilized at or below 2,000 parts per million by volume (ppmV). The unit's minimum operating temperature in thermal mode was 1,400 deg. F, and its minimum operating temperature in catalytic mode was 600 deg. F. These temperatures were set to ensure cost effective vapor oxidation. The unit was equipped with a positive displacement (PD) vapor extraction blower. For improved reliability and safety, the valve controls, actuators, and components were controlled by a relay logic system. The unit was equipped with a water knockout pot, automatic air dilution, a noise - reducing muffler, and a blower sound reducing enclosure. This equipment ' was designed to shut down and lock out in the event of a system malfunction. The various safety features included sensors to detect high and low oxidizer bed temperatures, high and low blower pressure, high intake LEL, high and low air pressure, high and low exhaust temperature, E2C Remediation 10 Proiect Number 1803BK29 October 9. 2009 and water knockout malfunction. The manufacturer's specifications for this remediation unit indicate that this unit has 99% (minimum) destruction efficiency. During remediation system operations, the remediation equipment was typically monitored on a weekly basis to perform routine maintenance, to record oxidizer parameters (temperature, flow rate and operating hours), to measure and document influent and effluent hydrocarbon concentrations and to optimize the wellfield. Although the oxidizer parameters were continuously recorded digitally on a Zip disk, weekly monitoring of these parameters verified continued accuracy of the measuring devices. Hydrocarbon concentrations were measured with a portable hydrogen flame ionization detector (FID) and the data is used in applicable formulas to calculate hydrocarbon mass removal rates (on both a monthly and on a cumulative basis). Adjustments were continually made to the configuration of the unit to maximize vapor flow from the wellfield, while maintaining the chamber temperature above 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit ( °F) (as required in the SJVAPCD permit) and keeping the chamber temperature below the manufacturer's recommended temperature limit of 1,850 OF in the stack. The wellfield was optimized on a weekly basis (i.e., control valves are opened and closed to achieve the highest influent concentration possible). Due to declining influent concentrations, E2C instituted a cycling program to promote fuel hydrocarbon rebound, which resulted in improved efficiency in removal costs. E2C cycled the thermal unit off for the periods of October 31, 2005 through November 11, 2005 and November 28 through December 12, 2005. E2C continued to enhance rebound by cycling the thermal unit off from February 7, 2006 through March 6, 2006. It should be noted that as of July 2007, the rebound of dissolved COC concentrations was sufficient to warrant restarting the existing remedial system. The RWQCB in verbal communication with E2C concurred with this conclusion. As such, E2C restarted the remedial system using thermal catalytic treatment on August 22, 2008. 1.11.3 Remedial System Operations - Thermal /Catalytic Mode In early March 2006, influent concentrations remained low even after numerous cyclic optimizing episodes. These low levels of extracted influent were not cost effective for continued use of the thermal unit. As such, E2C notified the SJVAPCD of the intention to convert the thermal unit to a thermal /catalytic unit. During the remainder of March 2006, and through most of April 2006, the thermal unit was cycled off and modified for thermal /catalytic operation, which commenced on April 20, 2006. The system was operated in thermallcatalytic mode until August 2006 when it was found that influent concentrations had reduced to levels that precluded efficient continued use of the thermal /catalytic unit on a full -time run basis. Therefore, on August 2, 2006, the system was shut down pending an evaluation of the system efficiency and to determine if any modifications could be made to the system to enable operations that are more efficient. Prior to shutdown on August 2, 2006 the previous two (2) months of operational influent laboratory analytical data indicated influent concentrations that averaged approximately 500 ppmV, with an average flow of approximately 175 SCFM, which equated to a removal rate of approximately 24 to 33 Ibs /day (approximately 850 Ibs /month). Additionally, system cycling data indicated, that following periods of shutdown, influent concentrations were lower than pre - shutdown levels and on system restart after off - cycling periods, influent concentrations would initially be high, however would rapidly decline. Finally, it was found that costs to operate this system at these levels of influent were extremely disproportionate per pound of hydrocarbon removal and did not match up to cost per pound of removal as indicated at other nearby sites undergoing remediation. The utility costs (electricity and natural gas) necessary to operate that system averaged $6,000.00 per month, which equated to approximately $38.00 per gallon of E2C Remediation 11 Proiect Number 1803SK29 October 9. 2009 ' fuel removed. As these energy costs seemed extraordinarily high, E2C contacted PG &E on two (2) occasions to have PG &E verify these seemingly excessive costs and to verify that their lines were not leaking. After extensive conversations with PG &E, PG &E affirmed that there were no leaks in their lines and that their invoices were properly billed. E2C also performed extensive testing to verify that there were no leaks in the site remedial system plumbing and the BF 250 and associated equipment. None were found. ' Based on the above data, continued full -time use of the BF 250 in thermal /catalytic mode was deemed infeasible. E2C then performed an evaluation to see, if an electrical /catalytic oxidizer unit could be utilized, which would eliminate the supplemental fuel costs, thus making the ' remedial operation more efficient and more cost effective. Based on the influent concentrations over the last few months of BF 250 operations, the concentrations were at the low end of the range needed for efficient use of an electric /catalytic (ECAT) oxidizer. At the time it appeared the expense necessary to meet the permitting requirements for the ECAT would not be justified by the limited ECAT run time that could be expected prior to modification of the remedial system to a granular activated carbon system (GAC) absorption system, which could be used near the end of remedial operations to polish residual fuel hydrocarbons. ' Although, it was found that carbon change -outs would occur frequently during the initial stages of GAC operations, a GAC remedial system would be substantially more cost effective than operation of either the BF 250 or the ECAT. However, as of July 2007, the rebound of dissolved COC concentrations was sufficient to warrant restarting the existing remedial system using the catalytic treatment mode. E2C restarted the remedial system using thermal catalytic treatment on August 22, 2008 and continued through June 5, 2009. Note: Electrical difficulties plagued the remediation system in the Second Quarter 2009. Initially, the blower motor for the soil vapor extraction (SVE) portion of the remediation system burned out in early May 2009. The blower was subsequently replaced and the remediation system was restarted in late May 2009. However, on June 5, 2009 the remediation system shut down again. E2C determined that the motor starter burned the contactor to the groundwater air sparging system (GASS) compressor. E2C made numerous attempts in June and July 2009 to fix the 'GASS compressor. Ultimately, a licensed electrical contractor fixed the remediation system. The SVE portion of the remediation system operated cyclically from August 28 to September 4, 2009 and from September 14 to September '18, 2009, primarily to evaluate influent vapor rebound. The GASS operated continuously from August 28 to September 18, 2009. Based on groundwater analytical data from March 6 and April 22, 2009, it appears that the remedial system using thermal catalytic treatment has reduced COC concentrations in groundwater to non - detect in all wells. 1.11.4 Fuel Hydrocarbon Mass Removal Rates The first method to calculate mass removal rates uses a straight -line extrapolation of influent measurements based on actual hourly run -time. Based on this method, the mass of fuel hydrocarbons removed from startup through August 2, 2006 and from August 22 to September 18, 2009 were calculated at approximately 178,848 Ibs (see Table 4A). The second method to calculate mass removal uses the average influent concentrations over the average daily run- time per month. Based on this method, the total mass of fuel hydrocarbons removed from 1 startup through the August 2, 2006 and from August 22 to September 18, 2009 were calculated at approximately 186,115 Ibs (see Table 5). The average of the above two (2) methods (182,482 Ibs) provides a conservative estimate of the total mass removed. ' E2C Remediation 12 Prolect Number 1803BK29 October 9. 2009 1.11.5 Evaluation of Influent Vapor Rebound Two periods of remedial operations utilizing soil vapor extraction (SVE) and groundwater air - sparging (GASS) occurred at the Site, from April 9, 2004 through August 6, 2006 and from August 22, 2008 to June 5, 2009. From April 9, 2004 through August 6, 2006, the SVE/GASS operated for 12,011.6 hours. During this period of operation, field influent vapor concentrations averaged 5,790.6 parts per million by Volume (ppmV), decreasing from approximately 50,000 ppmV on April 9, 2004 to 540 ppmV on August 6, 2006. Laboratory influent vapor concentrations averaged 2,106.7 ppmV from January 31, 2005 to July 24, 2006 (See Table 4A). An estimated 173,133 pounds (Lbs) of fuel hydrocarbons were removed from beneath the Site during this period of operations at a removal rate of 14.4 pounds per hour (Lbs /hr). A significant mass of fuel hydrocarbons were removed during this first period of operation. From August 22, 2008 through June 5, 2009, the SVE/GASS operated for 4,580 hours. During this period of operation, field influent vapor concentrations averaged 568.8 ppmV, decreasing from 2,850 ppmV on September 5, 2008 to 35 ppmV on June 5, 2009, when the SVE/GASS was turned off. Laboratory influent vapor concentrations averaged 676.5 ppmV from August 25, 2008 to September 22, 2008 (See Table 4A). An estimated 5,714 Lbs of fuel hydrocarbons were removed from beneath the Site during this period of operations at a removal rate of 1.25 Lbs /hr. The SVE portion of the remediation system operated cyclically from August 28 to September 4, 2009 and from September 14 to September 18, 2009, primarily to evaluate influent vapor rebound. The GASS portion of the remediation system operated continuously from August 28 to September 18, 2009. During this period of operation, extensive monitoring data were obtained. SVE/GASS operating parameters (operating hours, flowrate, destruction chamber and stack temperatures) were recorded, and field influent/effluent hydrocarbon concentrations were measured and recorded (field measurements are summarized in Table 4A). Additionally, hydrocarbon concentrations were measured in the field with a portable flame ionization detector (FID). Influent and effluent vapor samples were collected almost daily via Tedlar® bags during the August and September 2009 rebound monitoring period to assist in verification of fuel hydrocarbon removal rates. These vapor samples were chemically analyzed for the following COCs using the appropriate EPA Method: ■ TPHg using Modified EPA Method TO -3; and I , BTEX, 1,2- dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA), ethylene dibromide (EDB) and MtBE using EPA Method TO -15. ' The detection limits utilized are as follows: ■ 0.1 ppmV for Modified EPA Method TO -3; and ■ 0.01 ppmV for EPA Method TO -15. Note: Although not required to assess hydrocarbon t rebound, EDB was analyzed at a much lower detection limit of 0.53 parts per billion by volume (ppbV) due to its extremely toxic nature. n Influent vapor analytical data from August and September 2009 indicated that benzene, 1,2 -DCA and EDB were non - detect and TPHg, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes and MtBE were reported at very low concentrations. Influent vapor analytical data are summarized in Tables 6 E2C Remediation 13 Project Number 1803BK29 October 9. 2009 and 8, while effluent vapor analytical data are summarized in Table 7. Copies of influent and effluent vapor analytical reports for August and September 2009 are presented in Appendix D. From August 28, 2009 through September 18, 2009, the SVE/GASS operated for.293 hours. During this period of operation, field influent vapor concentrations averaged 28.4 ppmV, ranging from a high of 35 ppmV on September 3 and 4, 2009 to a low of 10 ppmV on September 14, 2009. Field influent vapor concentrations were never higher than the 35 ppmV measured on June 5, 2009 when the SVE/GASS was previously turned off. Laboratory influent vapor concentrations averaged 1.844 ppmV from August 29, 2009 to September 17, 2009 (See Table 4A). Based on laboratory data, an estimated 0.978 Lb of fuel hydrocarbons were removed from beneath the Site during this period of operations at a removal rate of 0.0036 Lb /hr. Based on the influent vapor data from August and September 2009, hydrocarbons did not rebound and soil beneath the Site appears to have been effectively remediated. As such, the continued operation of the SVE/GASS is not warranted. 1.12 Remaining Mass in Soil and Groundwater Soil Analytical results of the August and September 2009 influent vapor sampling (See Section 1.11.5), indicate that fuel - related hydrocarbons were either non - detect (benzene, 1,2 -DCA and EDB) or detected at very low concentrations (TPHg, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes and MtBE) (See Table 8). Based on this data, little or no hydrocarbon mass remains in vadose zone soil beneath the Site. Groundwater Based on recent groundwater analytical results in which all COCs in groundwater were reported as non - detect, it appears that little or no hydrocarbon mass remains in groundwater at the Site. If COCs had been detected in groundwater, then the residual mass of COCs in groundwater could be calculated using the following formulas: • Volume = Length X Width X thickness of water - bearing column X 7.34 gallons /cubic foot = gallons; • Residual mass in pounds = gallons *3.28 liters /gal *influent (Ng /L) /1,000,000 pg /gram *l lb/454 grams; and ■ Concentration = total of COCs in highest concentration well. 1.13 Risk Assessments Since benzene was reported as non - detect in groundwater at all groundwater monitoring wells at the Site in March and April 2009 (See Table 3) and was also reported as non - detect in influent soil vapors during September 2009 (See Tables 6 and 8), a Tier 2 risk assessment is not required. 1.14 Fate and Transport Modeling Fate and transport modeling is not applicable for this Site because all COCs have been reported as non - detect in groundwater. 1.15 Water Quality and Human Health impact ' Recent fuel hydrocarbon analytical data for groundwater was compared to water quality numerical limits adopted by the RWQCB to assess water quality and human health impact. The most recently available groundwater analytical data for TPHg and selected fuel ' E2C Remediation 14 IPPr iect Number 1803BK29 October 9. 2009 hydrocarbon constituents (March 6 and April 22, 2009 and earlier for some constituents) are compared to water quality numerical limits in Table 9 and as follows: TPHg ' TPHg was reported as non - detect (< 50 µg /L) in all groundwater monitoring wells on March 6 and April 22, 2009. It should be noted that the TPHg detection limit of 50 pg /L is higher than Toxicity and Tastes and Odors Water Quality Objectives (WQOs) of 21 pg /L and 5.0 pg /L, respectively (Table 9). However, as individuals are not drinking groundwater at this location, human health is not being impacted. Benzene Benzene was reported as non - detect (detection limit of 0.5 pg /L) in all groundwater monitoring wells on March 6 and April 22 (not analyzed at MW -1), 2009. Water quality numerical limits for benzene were not exceeded; however, it should be noted that the benzene detection limit of 0.5 ' pg /L is higher than the benzene Public Health Goal (PHG) of 0.15 pg /L (Table 9). However, as individuals are not drinking groundwater at this location, human health is not being impacted. ' Toluene Toluene was reported as non - detect (detection limit of 0.5 pg /L) in all groundwater monitoring wells on March 6 and April 22 (not analyzed at MW -1), 2009. Water quality numerical limits for Toluene were not exceeded. Ethylbenzene Ethylbenzene was reported as non - detect (detection limit of 0.5 pg /L) in all groundwater ' monitoring wells on March 6 and April 22 (not analyzed at MW -1), 2009. Water quality numerical limits for ethylbenzene were not exceeded. X lv enes Xylenes (total) were reported as non - detect (detection limit of 0.5 pg /L) in all groundwater monitoring wells on March 6 and April 22 (not analyzed at MW -1), 2009. Water quality numerical limits for xylenes were not exceeded. MtBE MtBE was reported as non - detect (detection limit of 0.5 pg /L) in all groundwater monitoring wells on March 6 and April 22 (not analyzed at MW -1), 2009. Water quality numerical limits for MtBE were not exceeded. DIPE ' DIPE was reported as non - detect (detection limit of 0.5 pg /L) in all groundwater monitoring wells on March 6 and April 22 (not analyzed at MW -1), 2009. The water quality numerical limit for DIPE was not exceeded. ' TBA TBA was reported as non - detect (detection limit of 2.5 pg /L) in all groundwater monitoring wells on March 6 and April 22 (not analyzed at MW -1), 2009. Water quality numerical limits for TBA were not exceeded. 1.2 -DCA 1,2 -DCA was reported as non - detect (detection limit of 0.5 pg /L) in all groundwater monitoring wells on October 27, 2008. The water quality numerical limits for 1,2 -DCA were not exceeded, however, it should be noted that the 1,2 -DCA detection limit of 0.5 pg /L is higher than the ' 1,2 -DCA PHG of 0.4 pg /L (Table 9). However, as individuals are not drinking groundwater at this location, human health is not being impacted. I I EzC Remediatlon 15 Project Number 1803BK29 October 9. 2009 EDB EDB was reported as non - detect (detection limit of 0.5 pg /L) in all groundwater monitoring wells on October 27, 2008. The water quality numerical limits for EDB were not exceeded, however, it should be noted that the EDB detection limit of 0.5 pg /L is higher than the EDB California Primary MCL of 0.05 pg /L and the PHG of 0.01 pg /L (Table 9). However, as individuals are not drinking groundwater at this location, human health is not being impacted. Lead Lead was reported as non - detect (detection limit of 0.05 pg /L) in groundwater monitoring._well MW -1 on December 9, 2002. Water quality numerical limits for lead were not exceeded. 1.16 List of Technical Reports A list of Technical reports is presented in Appendix F. 1.17 Additional Comments Supporting Site NFAR Remedial efforts at the Minit Stop Market Site have been highly effective. This is supported by all COCs being reported as non - detect in groundwater in the First and Second Quarters 2009. Additionally, based on August and September 2009 influent vapor analytical data, rebound has not occurred and little or no hydrocarbon mass remains in soil beneath the Site. Based on these data, the site warrants case closure and No Further Action. Note: Upon approval of this NFA Request, E2C will prepare a Site Decommissioning Workplan for RWQCB review and approval. After approval of the Workplan, E2C will obtain the necessary permits, after which, E2C will mobilize to the Site and properly abandon the monitoring and remediation wells in accordance with State and Local Agency guidelines. E2C will also decommission the remaining remediation system appurtenances and demobilize them from the Site. Upon completion of the Site Decommissioning activities, a Site Decommissioning Report of Findings will be submitted as the final step in obtaining the NFA Letter. E2C Remediation 16 2.0 LIMITATIONS AND REPORT CERTIFICATION E2C Remediation prepared this Report in accordance with the generally accepted standards of care that exists in California at this time. It should be recognized that definition and evaluation of geologic conditions is a difficult and inexact science. Judgments leading to conclusions and recommendations are generally made with limited knowledge of subsurface conditions present. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. This report has been prepared under the professional supervision of the professional geologist whose seat and signature appears herein. This Report was prepared for the sole use of Mr. Nassri Jaber and /or agent(s), the RWQCB, and the BFD. Prepared By: Daniel Hidalgo Senior Hydrogeo,� C.H.G. #659, Reg. Ex. 6 -30-11 Reviewed By: 1 1 E2C Remediahon 1 17 Prolect Number 1803BK29 October 9. 2009 3.0 REFERENCES Additional information may be found in the following documents: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), "Standard Guide for Soil Gas Monitoring in the Vadose Zone, ASTM Standard D 5314 -92," January 1993; Re- approved 2001; website http: / /www.astm.org California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal /EPA), Office of Environmental Health Hazard (OEHHA), Toxicity Criteria Database; website http: / /www.oehha .ca.gov /risk/ChemicalDBAndex.asp California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region, "General Laboratory Testing Requirements for Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacted Sites," June 22, 2000 California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, Jon Marshack, "Beneficial Use - Protective Water Quality Limits for Components of Petroleum Based Fuels" April 1, 2004 California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region, "Screening for Environmental Concerns at Sites with Contaminated Soil and Groundwater — Interim Final" November 2007 (revised May 2008) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical /Chemical Methods, EPA Publication SW -846, Third Edition," November 1986, as amended by Updates I (Jul. 1992), II (Sep. 1994), IIA (August 1993), IIB (Jan. 1995), III (Dec. 1996), IIIA (Apr. 1998), IVA (Jan. 1998) and IVB (Nov. 2000); website http://www.epa.gov/SW- 846 /main.html U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "U.S. EPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Organic Data Review, EPA 540/R- 94/012," February 1994; website http:// www. epa. gov /region09 /ga/superfundclp.html United States Environmental Protection Agency, Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) Database; website http: / /www.epa.gov /iris/ E2C Remediatlon 18 Project Number 1803BK29 October 9 2009 FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Plan Figure 3 Second Quarter 2009 Groundwater Gradient Plot Figure 4 Second Quarter 2009 Benzene Distribution Plot Figure 5 Second Quarter 2009 TPHg Distribution Plot Figure 6 Groundwater MtBE Concentration Trends E2C Remediation Figures AS -1 VE -2S-2D UST MW-4 MW -1 vE- 1S -1DM e Fuel Dispensers Remediation AS -2 Equipment ® Compound VE -3S -3D M IMW-2 C z 0 z M z C M n M z M r z M 0 40 FT SCALE AS -3 MW -3 AS-4 VE-4 Q� ® M PACIFIC STREET • MINIT STOP MARKET FIGURE EC Remediation 2900 NORTH UNION AVE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 831 -6906 SITE PLOT 2 Fax: (661) 831 -6234 LEGEND MWI Groundwater Monitoring Q5 Well Location AS -1 Air Sparge Well Location VE Vapor Extraction Well Location M AS -3 MW -3 AS-4 VE-4 Q� ® M PACIFIC STREET • MINIT STOP MARKET FIGURE EC Remediation 2900 NORTH UNION AVE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 831 -6906 SITE PLOT 2 Fax: (661) 831 -6234 I AS -1 VE- 2S -213 M U$T Ia MW-4 -0.93 MW -1 VE -1 S -1 D M 0 Fuel . a Dispensers FjeKediation AS -2 i Equipment ® 0 i Compound 00 i VE -3S-3D M ,y00 -1.68 00 MW -2 i X00 c z 0 z M z C M n M z M m 0 ' 40 FT SCALE AS-4 VE-4 ® A3 -3 MW -Nb ® M i iZ PAC IFIICSAW6T OR OG \'Ii ' Z MW -5 0 -7.34 MINIT STOP MARKET E2C Remediation 2900 NORTH UNION AVE FIGURE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 831 -6906 SECOND QUARTER 2009 3 Fax: (661) 831 -6234 GROUNDWATER GRADIENT PLOT LEGEND MW -1 Groundwater Monitoring Well Location with Groundwater Elevation in Feet Above Mean -0.93 Sea Level (MSL) Groundwater Elevation Contour �p In Feet Above MSL (dashed whet approximate, queried where unknown) AS -1 Air Sparge Well Location VE Vapor Extraction Well Location AS-4 VE-4 ® A3 -3 MW -Nb ® M i iZ PAC IFIICSAW6T OR OG \'Ii ' Z MW -5 0 -7.34 MINIT STOP MARKET E2C Remediation 2900 NORTH UNION AVE FIGURE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 831 -6906 SECOND QUARTER 2009 3 Fax: (661) 831 -6234 GROUNDWATER GRADIENT PLOT AS -1 VE -2S -2D UST MW-4 e ND MW -1 VE -1 S-1 D 111111111 e Fuel NA Dispensers Remediation AS-2 Equipment ® Compound VE -3S -3D M MW -2 e ND AS -3 MW -3 AS-4 VE-4 ND PACIFIC STREET I C Z O MINIT STOP MARKET EZC Remediation 2900 NORTH UNION AVE FIGURE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Zt�htne: d, CA 93313 661) 831 -6 906 SECOND QUARTER 2009 4 Fax: (661) 831 -6234 BENZENE DISTRIBUTION PLOT C z O z M z C M n M z M r Z M 0 40 FT SCALE m VE -2S-2D M UST MW-4 Q5 ND MW-1 VE -1 S-1 D jb Fuel ND Dispensers Remediation Equipment ® Compound AS -2 E -3S -3D M MW -2 ib ND AS -3 MW-3 AS- VE-4 ND PACIFIC STREET LEGEND I MW -1 Groundwater Monitoring e Well Location with TPHg MW-5 Concentration in Micrograms e per Liter (ug/L) ND S- 0 Air Sparge Well Location VE Vapor Extraction Well Location ND TPHg Not Detected MINIT STOP MARKET EZC Remediation 2900 NORTH UNION AVE FIGURE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Bakersfield, CA 93313 - Pone: (661) 831 -6906 SECOND QUARTER 2009 5 TPHg DISTRIBUTION PLOT Fax: (661) 831 -6234 Project Number 1803BK29 80,000 70,000 60,000 October 9, 2009 FIGURE 6 GROUNDWATER MtBE CONCENTRATION TRENDS ------- - - - - -- ` - - - - -- - - - - -- -------------- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- -- - -- - --------------------- -- - - - - - -- +MW 1 -� MW -2 —�— MW -3 START;REMEDIATION ,4/29'/04 0 AFL `L A`l. '9 A� �'b o'b p� Ab O� Ah Ah ah Ah ro A0 0 orO 01 Al 1 A'1 p0 A0 p0 A� 0 A9 Month -Year E 2 C Remediation Figure 6 50,000 �------- - - - - -- --- - - - - -� - - - -- C C C 40,000 c c� p30.000 ----------------------------- - - -- 20,000 ------ -------- -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - -- 10,000 October 9, 2009 FIGURE 6 GROUNDWATER MtBE CONCENTRATION TRENDS ------- - - - - -- ` - - - - -- - - - - -- -------------- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- -- - -- - --------------------- -- - - - - - -- +MW 1 -� MW -2 —�— MW -3 START;REMEDIATION ,4/29'/04 0 AFL `L A`l. '9 A� �'b o'b p� Ab O� Ah Ah ah Ah ro A0 0 orO 01 Al 1 A'1 p0 A0 p0 A� 0 A9 Month -Year E 2 C Remediation Figure 6 ero)ect Number 1803BK29 October 9. 2009 TABLES Table 1 Summary of Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Table 2A Summary of UST Removal Soil Analytical Results Table 213 Summary of Soil Analytical Data Table 3 Summary of Historical Groundwater Analytical Data Table 4A Summary of VES Monitoring Data Table 413 Summary of VES Monitoring Data Table 5 Summary of Hydrocarbon Mass Removed Table 6 Summary of Influent Vapor Analytical Data Table 7 Summary of Effluent Vapor Analytical Data Table 8 Summary of August and September 2009 Influent Vapor Analytical Data Table 9 Comparison of Existing Groundwater Impact to Water Quality Limits E2C Remediation Tables Project Number 1803SK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield California WELL ID DATE TOTAL DEPTH feet BTOC DEPTH TO GW feet BTOC TOC ELEVATION feet MSL GW ELEVATION feet MSL GW ELEVATION CHANGE feet MW -1 4/19/02 135.44 117.68 sp 5/23/02 137.00 117.70 -0.02 8/15/02 135.37 114.98 2.72 12/9/02 - 135.32 118.22 -3.24 2/28/03 135.50 121.10 199.91 78.81 -2.88 615/03 137.00 119.15 80.76 1.95 10/10/03 135.50 113.93 85.98 5.22 12/9/03 135.45 115.82 84.09 -1.89 3/30/04 135.50 119.64 80.27 -3.82 6/14/04 135.50 116.87 83.04 2.77 913104 135.50 113.50 123.15 9.65 3.37 12/10/04 135.45 116.39 6.76 -2.89 3/16/05 135.45 119.20 3.95 -2.81 5/31/05 135.45 116.77 6.38 2.43 8/24/05 135.45 111.93 11.22 4.84 11/8/05 135.45 113.25 9.90 -1.32 2/7106 135.45 117.75 5.40 -4.50 515/06 135.45 117.60 5.55 0.15 8/11/06 135.45 112.62 10.53 4.98 10/30/06 135.45 113.60 9.55 -0.98 1116/07 135.45 115.72 7.43 -2.12 4119/07 135.45 115.76 7.39 -0.04 7/17/07 135.45 112.54 10.61 3.22 10/16/07 135.45 112.06 11.09 0.48 1/17/08 135.45 117.04 6.11 -4.98 4/19/08 135.45 119.50 3.65 -2.46 7/15/08 134.45 115.32 7.83 4.18 10/27/08 134.45 117.97 5.18 -2.65 3/6/09 134.45 123.95 -0.80 -5.98 4/22/09 134.45 124.08 -0.93 -0.13 IE 2 C Remediation Table 2 -1 � I � I Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield California WELL ID DATE TOTAL DEPTH feet BTOC DEPTH TO GW feet BTOC TOC ELEVATION feet MSL GW ELEVATION feet MSL GW ELEVATION CHANGE feet MW -2 2/28/03 134.80 120.50 198.42 77.92 6/5/03 134.66 118.60 79.82 1.90 10/10/03 135.50 113.50 84.92 5.10 12/9/03 135.74 115.20 83.22 -1.70 3/30/04 135.50 118.96 79.46 -3.76 6/14/04 135.50 116.31 82.11 2.65 9/3/04 135.50 112.98 121.86 8.88 3.33 12/10/04 135.74 116.00 5.86 -3.02 3/16/05 135.74 118.76 3.10 -2.76 5/31/05 135.75 116.18 5.68 2.58 8/24/05 135.75 111.28 10.58 4.90 11/8/05 135.75 112.81 9.05 -1.53 2/7/06 135.75 116.80 5.06 -3.99 5/5/06 135.75 117.08 4.78 -0.28 8/11/06 135.75 112.08 9.78 5.00 10/30/06 135.75 113.18 8.68 -1.10 1/16/07 135.75 115.33 6.53 -2.15 4/19/07 135.75 115.25 6.61 0.08 7/17/07 135.75 112.02 9.84 3.23 10/16/07 135.75 111.66 10.20 0.36 1/17108 135.75 116.65 5.21 -4.99 4/19/08 135.75 119.07 2.79 -2.42 7/15/08 135.75 114.92 6.94 4.15 10/27/08 135.75 117.71 4.15 -2.79 3/6/09 135.75 123.71 -1.85 -6.00 4/22/09 135.75 1 123.74 -1.88 -0.03 E 2 C Remediation Table 2 -2 Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield California WELL ID DATE TOTAL DEPTH feet BTOC DEPTH TO GW feet BTOC TOC ELEVATION feet MSL GW ELEVATION feet MSL GW ELEVATION CHANGE feet MW -3 2/28/03 134.90 121.76 199.01 77.25 6/5/03 134.85 120.08 78.93 1.68 10/10/03 134.90 115.09 83.92 4.99 12/9/03 134.85 116.62 82.39 -1.53 3/30/04 134.90 120.25 78.76 -3.63 6/14/04 134.90 117.94 81.07 2.31 9/3/04 134.90 115.08 122.29 7.21 2.86 12/10/04 134.85 117.41 4.88 -2.33 3/16/05 134.85 120.10 2.19 -2.69 5/31/05 134.85 118.95 3.34 1.15 8/24/05 134.85 112.94 9.35 6.01 11/8/05 134.85 114.35 7.94 -1.41 217/06 134.85 116.85 5.44 -2.50 5/5/06 134.85 117.75 4.54 -0.90 8/11/06 134.85 113.80 8.49 3.95 10130/06 134.85 114.64 7.65 -0.84 1/16/07 134.85 116.66 5.63 -2.02 4/19/07 134.85 116.73 5.56 -0.07 7/17/07 134.85 113.66 8.63 3.07 10/16/07 134.85 113.13 9.16 0.53 1/17/08 134.85 117.91 4.38 -4.78 4/19/08 134.85 120.46 1.83 -2.55 7/15/08 134.85 116.59 5.70 3.87 10/27/08 134.85 119.10 3.19 -2.51 3/6/09 134.85 124.26 -1.97 -5.16 4/22/09 134.85 125.19 �-�90 -0.93 tE 2 C Remediation Table 2 -3 Project Number 1803SK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield California WELL ID DATE TOTAL DEPTH feet BTOC DEPTH TO GW feet BTOC TOC ELEVATION- feet MSL GW ELEVATION feet MSL GW ELEVATION CHANGE feet MW-4 2/28/03 135.00 121.40 200.00 78.60 6/5/03 136.21 120.02 79.98 1.38 10/10/03 136.20 114.80 85.20 5.22 12/9/03 135.05 116.25 83.75 -1.45 3/30/04 136.20 120.00 80.00 -3.75 6/14/04 136.20 118.05 81.95 1.95 9/3/04 136.20 114.36 123.25 8.89 3.69 12/10/04 135.05 117.00 6.25 -2.64 3/16/05 135.05 119.80 3.45 -2.80 5/31/05 135.05 117.65 5.60 2.15 8/24/05 135.00 112.88 10.37 4.77 11/8/05 135.00 113.98 9.27 -1.10 217/06 135.00 117.80 5.45 -3.82. 515/06 135.00 117.96 5.29 -0.16 8/11/06 135.00 113.62 9.63 4.34 10/30/06 135.00 114.32 8.93 -0.70 1/16/07 135.00 116.35 6.90 -2.03. 4/19/07 135.00 115.56 7.69 0.79 7/17/07 135.00 113.48 9.77 2.08 10/16/07 135.05 112.80 10.45 0.68 1/17/08 135.05 117.50 5.75 -4.70 4/19/08 135.05 120.16 3.09 -2.66 7/15/08 135.05 116.29 6.96 3.87 10/27/08 135.05 118.66 4.59 -2.37 3/6/09 135.05 124.43 -1.18 -5.77 4/22/09 135.05 124.41 -1.16 0.02 II E 2 C Remediation Table 2-4 Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 II E 2 C Remediation Table 2 -5 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield California TOTAL DEPTH TOC GW GW ELEVATION WELL ID DATE DEPTH TO GW ELEVATION ELEVATION CHANGE feet BTOC feet BTOC feet MSL feet MSL eetL. 10/10/03 135.05 119.90 12/9/03 135.03 121.10 -1.20 sp 3/30/04 135.05 124.12 -3.02 6/14/04 135.05 122.18 1.94 9/3/04 135.05 119.13 2.71 3.05 12/10/04 135.03 121.58 0.26 _ 2.45 3116/05 135.03 123.90 -2.06 -2.32 5/31/05 135.00 122.00 -0.16 1.90 8/24/05 135.00 117.86 3.98 4.14 11/8/05 135.00 118.84 3.00 -0.98 2/7/06 135.00 121:95 -0.11 -3.11 5/5/06 135.00 122.70 -0.86 -0.75 MW -5 8/11/06 135.00 118.37 3.47 4.33 10/30/06 135.00 119.20 2.64 -0.83 1/16/07 135.00 120.81 121.84 1.03 -1.61 4/19/07 135.00 120.83 1.01 -0.02 7/17/07 135.00 118.26 3.58 2.57 10/16/07 135.00 117.70 4.14 0.56 1/17/08 135.00 121.90 -0.06 -4.20 4/19/08 135.00 124.49 -2.65 -2.59 7115/08 135.00 121.38 0.46 3.11 10/27/08 135.00 123.51 -1.67 -2.13 3/6/09 135.00 128.68 -6.84 -5.17 3/6/09 135.00 129.18 -7.34 -0.50 NOTES: BTOC = Below Top of Casing Ave. Water Level Change (feet) GW = Groundwater 2Q.05 - 3Q.05 4.93 MSL = Mean Sea Level 3Q.05 - 4Q.05 -1.27 OC = Top of Casing 40.05 - 1Q.06 -3.58 sp = Survey pending 1 Q.06 - 2Q.06 -0.39 2Q.06 - 3Q.06 4.52 3Q.06 - 4Q.06 -0.89 40.06- 1Q.07 -1.99 1 Q.07 - 2Q.07 0.15 2Q.07 - 3Q.07 2.83 3Q.07 - 4Q.07 0.52 4Q.07 - 1 Q.08 -4.73 1 Q.08 - 2Q.08 -2.54 2Q.08 - 3Q.08 3.84 3Q.08 - 4Q.08 -2.49 4Q.08 - 1Q.09 -5.62 1 Q.09 - 2Q.09 -0.31 II E 2 C Remediation Table 2 -5 Project Number 1903BK29 l• i Illlr Illr r Illr r Illlr rr rr rr r lllr rr lllllr October 9, 2009 TABLE 2A SUMMARY OF UST REMOVAL SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 North Union Avenue Bakersfield, California Sample Location Date Sampled Depth (feet) Sample ID Benzene Toluene Ethyl- I Benzene Total I X lenes TPH as Gasoline MTBE (Detected Concentrations in mg/Kg) EPA ANALYTICAL METHOD 8020 8015M 8020 Northern Dispenser 5/8/2000 2 D -1 -2 ND ND ND ND ND ND 5/8/2000 6 D -1-6 ND ND ND ND ND ND North Central Dispenser 5/8/2000 2 D -2 -2 ND ND ND ND ND ND 5/8/2000 6 D -2-6 ND ND ND ND ND ND South Central Dispenser 5/8/2000 2 D -3-2 ND ND ND ND ND ND 5/8/2000 6 D -3-6 ND ND ND ND ND ND Southern Dispenser 5/8/2000 2 D-4-2 ND ND ND ND ND ND 5/8/2000 6 D-4-6 ND ND ND ND ND ND Eastern End Northern 10,000 -gal. 5/8/2000 14 TK -1 E -14 ND ND ND ND ND ND 5/8/2000 18 TKA E -18 ND ND ND ND ND ND' Western End Center 10,000 -gal. 5/8/2000 14 TKA W -14 ND ND ND ND ND ND 5/8/2000 18 TKA W -18 ND ND ND ND ND ND Eastern End Center 10,000 al. 5/8/2000 14 TK -2E -14 ND ND ND ND ND ND 5/8/2000 18 TK -2E -18 ND ND ND ND ND ND Western End Center 10,000 -gal. 5/8/2000 14 TK -2W -14 ND ND ND ND ND ND 5/8/2000 18 TK -2W -18 ND ND ND ND ND ND Eastern End Southern 10,000 al 5/8/2000 14 TK -3E -14 0.49 52 35 590 4,800 4.4 5/8/2000 18 TK -3E -18 ND 46 37 620 4,500 ND Western End Southern 10,000 al 5/8/2000 14 TK -3W -14 ND ND ND ND ND ND 5/8/2000 18 TK -3W -18 ND ND ND ND ND ND Western 5,000 al* 5/8/2000 N/A TK-4 26 9.4 1.8 12 490 ND Eastern 5,000 al* 5/812000 N/A TK -5 4,800 15,000 1,100 7,700 45,000 10 Trip Blank* 5/8/2000 N/A TBA ND ND ND ND ND Western End Western 5,000 -gal 5/8/2000 12 TK -4W -12 ND ND ND ND ND ND 5/8/2000 16 TK -4W -16 ND 32 43 400 6,200 ND Western End Eastern 5,000 al 5/8/2000 12 TK -5W -12 ND ND ND ND ND ND 5/8/2000 16 TK -5W -16 ND ND ND ND ND ND Eastern End Eastern 5,000 -gal . 5/8/2000 12 TK -5E -12 ND ND ND ND ND ND 5/8/2000 16 TK -5E -16 ND ND ND ND ND ND N/A = Not applicable. ... = Not analyzed. ND = Not detected *Liquid samples analyzed for BTEX and MTBE using EPA Method 602. EZ C Remediation Table 2A -1 Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 SUMMARY OF SOIL ANALYTICAL DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakenafield. California °n' g Date ..amps --- - -- - - ---- - -- PHA- ..Mt - - A E ETBE A 6-1-20 3.8 160 30 430 3,000 34 na na na na 1/4/2001 B-1 -30 10 500 140 1,100 6,300 130 na na na na B-1-40 3.7 190 53 390 2,000 50 na na na na B-1 1/10/2001 B -1 -50 6.6 220 65 450 3,100 480 na na na na B-1-60 4.7 480 110 930 4,900 160 na na na na 1/11/2001 B-1 -70 14 240 84 660 3,100 35 na na na na 8 -1 -75 6.4 500 87 620 4,600 77 na na na na B -2 -10 nd nd nd nd nd nd na na na na B 1/12/2001 B -2 -20 nd nd nd nd nd nd na na na na -2 B -2 -30 nd nd nd nd nd nd na na na na B -2 -35 nd nd nd nd nd nd na na na na B-3-15 nd nd nd nd nd nd na na na na 8-3-25 nd nd nd nd nd nd na na na na B-3 1/12/2001 B -3 -35 nd nd nd nd nd nd na na na na 8-3-45 nd nd nd nd nd nd na na na na B -3-50 nd nd nd nd nd nd na na na na B1 -RD-75 nd 18.9 10.3 37.1 330 36.7 na na na na B1 -RD -95 10 46.8 33.2 52.1 1,000 67.3 na na na na B1 2/13/2002 B1- RD-110 58.8 208.4 104.7 189.9 1,610 138.9 na na na na -RD B1- RD-115 9.4 298.1 71.9 220.4 1,020 9.3 na na na na B1 -RD -120 nd 0.4 0.1 0.6 1.5 nd na na na na BI-RD-1351 nd nd nd nd nd nd na na na na B2 -RD-50 nd nd nd nd 0.1 nd na na na na B2 2/12/2002 B2-RD-701 nd nd nd nd 0.1 nd na na na na -RD B2 -RD-85 nd nd nd nd 0.1 nd na na na na B2- RD-100 nd nd nd I nd nd nd na na na na B3 -RD-60 nd nd nd nd nd 0.1 na na na na B3 -RD-74 nd nd nd nd 0.28 2.6 na na na na B3-RD 2/15/2002 B3 -RD-80 I nd nd nd nd 0.70 4.2 na na na na B3-RD-921 nd nd nd nd 0.20 1.8 na na na na B3-RD-1021 nd nd nd nd 9.75 1.2 na na na na B4-20 nd 0.3 nd 0.1 nd nd na na na na B4 -31 nd 0.1 nd nd nd nd na na na na B4-40 nd nd nd nd nd nd na na na na B4-65 nd nd nd nd nd nd na na na na B-4 2/14/2002 B4-75 nd nd nd nd nd 0.2 na na na na 84-80 nd nd nd nd 0.43 0.9 na na na na B4-86 nd 0.4 nd nd 0.285 0.8 na na na na B4-92 nd nd nd nd 0.28 2.3 na na na na B4-105 nd 0.5 nd 0.2 0.25 8.2 na na na na B4-110 nd 0.4 nd nd 0.30 3.2 na na na na MW -2 -20 0.16 3.43 3.96 4.95 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 2/3/2003 MW -2-45 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 0.0358 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 MW -2 -70 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 0.0356 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 MW -2-80 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 0.1396 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 MW -2 MW -2 -90 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 MW -2 -100 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 0.2 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 ., nd <O.l 2/4/2003 MW -2 -110 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 MW -2 -120 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 151 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 MW -2 -125 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 E 2 C Remediation Table 28-1 Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 2B SUMMARY OF SOIL ANALYTICAL DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, Callifonnia Boning ID Date - -ampe --- -- -- - - - -- - - -E.__ T -Hq- __MtB --. _ TBA I E ETB A E m /K 1/30/2003 MW -3-40 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 MW -3-65 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 MW MW -3-90 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 MW -3-100 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 -3 1/31/2003 MW -3 -110 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 0.519 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 MW -2 -115 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 0.064 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 MW -3-120 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 MW -3-125 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 0.147 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 MW -4-115 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 MW-4 1/29/2003 MW -4-120 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 MW -4-125 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 VE -1 2/7/2003 VE -1 -90 nd <0.1 0.68 0.63 1.84 7.53 1.8 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 VE -1 -100 0.16 3.43 3.96 4.95 27.7 452 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 VE -2 -25 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 VE -2 -30 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 VE -2 -35 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 VE -2-45 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 VE 2/6/2003 VE -2 -70 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 -2 VE -2 -75 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 0.183 0.2 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 VE -2 -80 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 0.041 0.9 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 VE -2-85 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 6.04 0.8 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 VE -2 -110 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 VE -2 -115 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 VE -3-40 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 VE -3-75 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 VE 2/6/2003 VE -3-85 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 0.341 0.7 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 -3 VE -3-95 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 0.494 1.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 VE -3-105 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 0.726 1.9 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 VE -3-115 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 AS1 -90 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 282 51 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 AS -1 7/7/2003 AS1 -105 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 0.6 nd <0.1 370 7.6 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 AS1 -120 4 nd <0.1 2 3 361 nd <0.1 nd <0.5 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 nd <0.1 AS -2 -90 nd <0.5 3 10 19 20,094 12 nd <10 nd <2.0 nd <2.0 nd <2.0 AS -2 -105 1 720 6,970 761 6,060 1 15,541 2,800 nd <10 nd <2.0 nd <2.0 nd <2.0 AS -2 7/10/2003 AS -2 -115 370 6,480 114 5,050 11 414 400 1 nd <10 nd <2.0 nd <2.0 nd <2.0 AS-2 -120 2.1 40 330 520 844 nd <2.0 nd <10 nd <2.0 nd <2.0 nd <2.0 AS -2 -125 I nd <2.0 1 3.5 1 5.5 6.5 360 nd <0.1 nd <10 nd <2.0 nd <2.0 I nd <2.0 MW -5-50 I nd <0.05 nd <0.05 nd <0.05 nd <0.05 nd <0.1 nd <0.05 nd <0.1 I nd <0.05 nd <0.05 nd <0.05 MW -5 10/4/2003 1 MW-5-1 101 nd <0.05 nd <0.05 nd <0.05 nd <0.05 nd <0.1 nd <0.05 nd <0.1 I nd <0.05 nd <0.05 nd <0.05 MW -5 -120 nd<0.051 nd <0.05 nd <0.05 nd <0.05 nd <0.1 nd <0.05 nd <0.1 I nd <0.05 nd <0.05 nd <0.05 Notes: B = Benzene DIPE = Di- isopropyl Ether E = Ethyl tertiary-butyl Ether mg /Kg = Milligrams per kilogram (equivalent to parts per million) MtBE = Methyl tertiary-butyl ether PHg = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline nd = Not detected at or above 0.1 milligram per kilogram. na =not analyzed = Toluene BA = Tertiary butyl Alcohol (a.k.a. tert- butanol) = Total xylenes 1 E 2 C Remediation Table 2B -2 ! ! ! ! Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield California Well Sample B T E X TPHg I MtBE -T--T-BA DIPE ETBE I TAME 1,2 -DCA ED97 Dis. Lead ID Date N9/L 2/19102 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 130 380 1,570 nd na na na na na na duplicate nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 140 390 1,770 nd na na na na na na 5/23/02 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 5,200 4,040 nd na na na na na na duplicate nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 5,350 3,730 nd na na na na na na 8/15/02 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 6,000 5,780 na na na na na na na duplicate nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 6,250 5,590 na na na na na na na 12/9/02 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 130 12,300 11,630 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 2.2 nd <0.5 nd <0.05 duplicate nd <0.5 nd <0.5 1.0 130 13,730 11,660 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 1.9 nd <0.5 3.7 nd <0.5 nd <0.05 2128/03 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 21,000 20,900 68.0 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na duplicate nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 19,200 19,100 98.3 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 6/5/03 3,270 10,600 383 7,944 40,800 12,700 157 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na duplicate 3,550 11,500 371 8,185 48,000 13,500 171 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 10/10/03 590 1,960 25 10,080 18,900 74,600 180 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na duplicate 580 2,120 25 10,180 18,850 67,000 172 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 12/9/03 1,292 3,471 475 2,540 14,032 31,188 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 21 20 nd <0.5 130 na MWA duplicate 1,450 4,246 470 2,544 14,130 31,804 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 26 20 nd <0.5 140 na 3/30/04 174 1,605 2,690 2,508 66,407 12,365 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na duplicate 181 1,589 2,570 2,455 67,152 12,210 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 6/14/04 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 307 9.0 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 9/3/04 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 4.3 270 19 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na duplicate nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 4.2 330 20 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 12/10/04 nd <0.5 16 9.4 78 1,700 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na duplicate nd <0.5 15 9.3 78 1,700 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 3/16/05 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 5.4 750 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 5/31/05 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 8/24/05 nd <0.5 10 12 260 3,200 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 11/8/05 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na duplicate nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 2/7106 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 5/5/06 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 8111106 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 17 1 4,600 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na E 2 C Remedfation Table 3-1 Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 E, C Remed/atlon Table 3-2 TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield Califomi_a Well Sample B T E X TPHg I MtBE I TBA DIPE ETBE TAME 1,2 -DCA EDB Dis. Lead ID Date Ng /L 10130/06 11 2.0 5.2 28 13,000 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 1116/07 5.5 2.8 2.8 12 6,300 nd<0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 4/19/07 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 980 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd<0.5 nd <0.5 na 7/17/07 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 81 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 10/16/07 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na MW -1 1/17/08 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 427 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 4/19/08 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 1,630 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 7/15/08 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd<0.5 nd <0.5 na 10/27/08 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 3/6/09 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na na 4/22/09 NA NA NA NA nd <50 NA NA NA NA NA na na E, C Remed/atlon Table 3-2 Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California Well Sample B T E X TPHg I MtBE I TBA DIPS I ETBE I TAME 1,2 -DCA I EDB I Dis. Lead ID Date L 2/28/03 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 3.74 1,600 11590 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 I nd <0.5 1.92 nd <0.5 na 6/5103 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 76.0 212 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 10/10/03 40 44 180 452 4,155 3,280 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 12/9/03 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 0.6 14 226 2,286 12 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 4 nd <0.5 na 3/30/04 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 273 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 6/14/04 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 13 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 9/3/04 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 8.0 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 12/10/04 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 3/16/05 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 5/31/05 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 8/24/05 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 11/8/05 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 20/06 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na MW -2 5/5/06 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 8/11/06 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 10/30/06 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 1/16/07 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 4/19107 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 7/17/07 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 10/16/07 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 1/17/08 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 4/19/08 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 7/15/08 duplicate nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na 10/27/08 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 d <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 3/6/09 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 9nd<0.5 d <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na na 4/22/09 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 d <0.5 nd <50 nd <0. 5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 I nd <0.5 na na E 2 C Remedlation Table 3-3 M M M = M M MI Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California Well Sample B T E X TPH9 I MtBE I TBA DIPE ETBE TAME 1,2 -DCA EDB Dis. Lead ID Date L 2/28/03 nd <0.5 I nd <0.5 nd <0.5 63.9 2,950 2,870 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 15.9 nd <0.5 na 6/5/03 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 0.8 429 305 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 10/10/03 110 170 nd <0.5 260 5,370 550 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 1219/03 1,129 5,328 766 2-,6-6--9 10,026 928 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 7.0 nd <0.5 8.0 3.0 na 3/30/04 9,800 18,050 3305 3,310 68,121 19,626 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 22 nd <0.5 na 6/14/04 duplicate nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd<0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na 9/3/04 nd <0.5 4.3 nd <0.5 3.0 330 780 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 3.3 na 12/10/04 54 2,700 190 2,300 25,000 410 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 1.3 710 na 3/16/05 duplicate 650 650 1,200 1,200 540 540 2,000 2,000 32,000 32,000 22 21 nd <2.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na 5/31/05 duplicate 10 10 10 10 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 870 860 3,100 3,100 23 24 nd <2.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na 8/24/05 duplicate nd <0.5 nd <0.5 8.8 8.7 3.2 3.1 100 98 1,100 1,100 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na 11/8/05 nd <0.5 9.5 3.4 99 1,100 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 2/7/06 duplicate nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na MW_3 5/5/06 duplicate nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 I nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 I nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 I nd <0.5 na na 8/11/06 duplicate 4.0 4.0 78 78 15 15 2,300 2,300 25,000 25,000 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na 10/30/06 duplicate 3.0 3.0 320 320 170 170 11600 1,600 42,000 42,000 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na 1/16/07 duplicate 18 18 320 320 250 250 1,500 1,500 44,000 44,000 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na 4/19/07 duplicate 33 33 900 900 740 740 11800 1,800 22,000 22,000 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na 7/17/07 duplicate nd <0.5 nd <0.5 2,900 2,900 1,000 1,000 4,700 4,700 55,000 55,000 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na 10/16/07 duplicate nd <0.5 nd <0.5 3 3 190 1 190 190 190 14,000 14,000 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na 1/17/08 duplicate nd <0.5 nd <0.5 49.0 48.2 133 134 242 239 9,420 9,440 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <M nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na 4/19/08 nd <0.5 1 27.3 39 79.8 1,490 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 7115/08 nd <0.5 1,370 145 593 11,100 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 10/27/08 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 8.93 1,300 0.748 23.4 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 3/6/09 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na na 4/22109 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na E2 Remediation Table 3-4 Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield California Well Sample B T E X TPH9 I MtBE TBA I DIPE 1. ETBE I TAME 1,2 -DCA EDB Dis. Lead ID Date lig/L 2/28/03 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 6/5/03 0.8 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 10/10/03 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 8.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 12/9/03 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 0.6 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 3/30/04 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 6/14/04 1.0 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 1,388 nd <2.5 1.0 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 9.0 nd <0.5 na 9/3/04 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 12110104 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 3/16/05 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 5/31105 nd <0.5 2.3 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 8/24/05 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 11/8/05 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 217/06 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 5/5/06 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na MW-4 8/11/06 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 10/30/06 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 1/16/07 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 4/19/07 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 7/17/07 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 10/16/07 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 1/17/08 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 4/19/08 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 7/15/08 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 10/27/08 duplicate nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na 3/6/09 duplicate nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na na na na na L 4/22/09 nd <0.5 I nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na i I- I i E, C Remediation Table 3-5 M M w M M M M M M M M M M Ili M = M M M Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfleld, California Well Sample B T E X TPHg I MtBE TBA I DIPE I ETBE I TAME 1,2 -DCA I EDB EDIs. Lead ID Date pg/L 10/10/03 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd<50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 12/9/03 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 0.6 0.6 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 3/30/04 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 6/14/04 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 193 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 1.0 nd <0.5 na 9/3/04 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 12/10/04 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 3/16/05 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 5/31/05 nd <0.5 3.7 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 2.3 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 8/24/05 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 11/8/05 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 2/7/06 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 5/5/06 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 I nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 I nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na MW -5 8/11/06 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 10/30/06 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 1/16/07 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 4/19/07 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 7/17/07 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 10/16/07 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 1/17/08 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 4/19/08 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 7/15/08 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 10/27/08 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na 3/6/09 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <0.5 �nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na na 4/22/09 duplicate nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <50 nd <50 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <2.5 nd <2.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 nd <0.5 na na na na na na E2 C Remediation Table 3-6 Q Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California T E X TPHg I MtBE I TBA I DIPS I ETBE AN tesults in micrograms per liter (pg/1) = parts per billion (ppb) Lnalytical Methods: BTEX, oxygenates, 1,2 -DCA, and EDB by EPA Method 8260b; TPHg by EPA Method 8015M; Dissolved Lead by EPA Method 3010A/6010B lethod Detection Limits: BTEX - 0.5 pg/L; TPHg - 50 pg/L; MtBE, ETBE, TAME, and DIPE - 0.5 pg/L; TBA - 2.5 pg/L JA: Analysis not valid due to GCMS malfunction. ,2 -DCA = 1,2- Dichloroethan EDB = Ethylene dibromide T = Toluene 1= Benzene ETBE = Ethyl tertiary-butyl Ether TAME = Tertiary-Amyl Methyl Ether WE = Di- isopropyl Ether MtBE = Methyl tertiary-Butyl Ether TBA = Tertiary Butyl Alcohol (a.k.a. tert- butanol) )is. Lead = Dissolved lead na = Not analyzed TPHg - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline = Ethvlhervene nd - Not r)atarted at or ahnve Methnrt r)etectinn L imit_ indicated by value X = Total xvlenes E 2 C Remediation Table 3-7 Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 4A SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California Date Monitored Cumulative Calendar Days Operating Hours Cumulative Operating Hours Inlet Flow (scfm) Combustion Temp. ( °F) Stack Temp. ( °F) Field TPH in (ppmv) Lab TPH in ppmv Field TPH out (ppmv) Lbs. /Hr. Extracted Cumulative Lbs. Extracted Cumulative Gallons Extracted 4/29/04 0 81 0 276 1515 1505 50,000 0 187.64 15,290 2,389 4/30/04 1 105.5 24.0 284 1525 1485 50,000 0 193.08 19,924 3,113 513/04 4 177.5 96.0 265 1495 1360 50,000 0 180.16 32,897 5,140 5/4/04 5 201.8 120.3 264 1489 1314 50,000 0 179.48 37,259 5,822 517/04 8 273.0 191.5 261 1477 1379 48,408 0 171.79 49,490 7,733 5/10/04 11 345.5 264.0 271 1471 1351 37,000 0 136.34 59,375 9,277 5/13/04 14 417.5 336.0 268 1486 1358 19,300 0 70.33 64,437 10,068 5/17/04 18 516.0 434.5 267 1476 1355 17,000 0 61.72 70,517 11,018 5/24/04 25 685.0 603.5 266 1481 1353 4,000 0 14.47 72,962 11,400 6/1/04 33 876.0 1450.0 267 1488 1354 7,700 0 27.95 96,625 15,098 6/7/04 39 1024.0 3100.0 258 1483 1341 9,515 0 33.38 151,699 23,703 6/14/04 46 1189.0 3800.0 261 1489 1383 7,000 0 24.84 169,088 26,420 6/15/04 47 1203.0 2400.0 230 1488 1354 6,950 0 21.73 138,660 21,666 6/21 /04 53 1357.0 2554.0 220 1479 1477 6,600 0 19.74 141,700 22,141 7/2/04 64 1620.0 2817.0 220 1480 1337 6,320 25 18.91 146,672 22,918 7/6/04 68 1716.0 2913.0 214 1481 1341 3,000 20 8.73 147,510 23,048 7/20/04 82 2050.0 5100.0 214 1482 1345 7,550 23 21.97 195,555 30,555 7/26/04 88 2198.0 3625.0 212 1473 1333 4,020 28 11.59 178,463 27,885 8/4/04 97 2409.2 1701.0 215 1470 1472 6,300 15 18.42 143,029 22,348 8/10/04 103 2551.4 1588.5 215 1477 1465 5,300 21 15.49 141,286 22,076 8/17/04 110 2724.2 1412.5 223 1489 1475 2,800 0 8.49 139,792 21,842 8/24/04 117 2789.0 1000.0 216 1485 1361 5,980 15 17.56 132,547 20,710 9/1/04 125 2978.0 1189.0 199 1487 1341 4,185 30 11.32 134,687 21,045 9/3/04 127 3023.0 430.0 210 1415 1395 4,950 28 14.13 123,960 19,369 9/7/04 131 3117.0 2100.0 201 1474 1335 4,260 14 11.64 143,402 22,407 9/13/04 137 3258.2 840.0 184 1482 1354 4,110 0 10.25 130,482 20,388 9/20/04 144 3258.2 505.0 181 30 1354 5,230 20 12.87. 126,170 19,714 9/27/04 151 3258.2 600.0 185 27 1354 6,560 21 16.54 127,741 19,960 10/4104 158 3258.2 600.0 222 0 0 3,175 10 9.58 127,741 19,960 10/11/04 165 3936.0 1277.9 187 1479 1482 1,775 0 4.51 130,800 20,438 E 2 C Remediation Table 4A -1 Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 4A SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California Date Monitored Cumulative Calendar Days Operating Hours Cumulative Operating Hours Inlet Flow (scfm) Combustion Temp. ( °F) Stack Temp. ( °F) Field TPH in ppmv Lab TPH In (ppmv) Field TPH out ppmv) Lbs. /Hr. Extracted Cumulative Lbs. Extracted Cumulative Gallons Extracted 10/18/04 172 4056.0 1397.9 191 1483 1485 1,850 12 4.80 131,377 20,528 10/27/04 181 4280.0 1621.9 194 1490 1479 1,900 10 5.01 132;499 20,703 11/1/04 186 4403.0 1744.9 192 1486 1481 2,700 20 7.05 133,366 20,838 11/8/04 193 4567.5 1909.4 191 1483 1482 1,550 10 4.03 134,028 20,942 11115/04 200 4740.0 2081.9 179 1488 1482 2,650 20 6.45 135,141 21,116 11/22/05 572 4906.0 2247.9 179 1481 1480 2,350 20 5.72 136,090 21,264 11/29/04 214 5072.0 2413.9 189 1474 1334 2,275 0 5.85 137,061 21,416 12/10/04 225 5334.0 2675.9 193 1493 1487 2,200 0 5.77 138,573 21,652 12/17/04 232 5369.0 2710.9 200 1489 1491 1;850 10 5.03 138,749 21,680 12/23/04 238 5369.0 2710.9 0 0 0 0 0.00 138,749 21,680 12/28/04 243 5496.3 2838.1 120 1489 1480 1,500 0 2.45 139,061 21,728 1/4/05 250 5667.0 3008.9 212 1482 1477 1,350 10 3.89 139,725 21,832 1/14105 260 5793.0 3134.9 221 1481 1481 710 0 2.13 139,994 21,874 1/18/05 264 5800.0 3141.9 204 1483 1483 1,200 10 3.33 140,017 21,878 1/24/05 270 5942.0 3283.9 201 1483 1479 1,850 10 5.06 140,735 21,990 1/31/05 277 6110.0 3451.9 190 1481 1482 1,300 1,900 10 4.91 141,560 22,119 2/11/05 288 6110.0 3451.9 0 0 0.00 141,560 22,119 2/14/05 291 6113.0 3454.9 184 1485 1485 1,166 1,000 20 2.50 141,567 22,120 2/21/05 298 6279.0 3620.9 184 1481 .1481 1,950 10 7.76 142,855 22,321 2/28/05 305 6451.0 3792.9 180 1480 1480 2,550 20 7.59 144,160 22,525 317/05 312 6546.0 3887.9 187 1480 1480 3,150 5,200 21 13.22 145,416 22,721 3/16/05 321 6572.0 3913.9 186 1480 1479 2,800 0 9.61 145,666 22,760 3/21/05 326 6650.0 3991.9 190 1485 1480 2,850 20 9.82 146,432 22,880 3/28/05 333 6819.0 4160.9 185 1478 1475 2,550 20. 9.56 148,047 23,132 4/4/05 340 6985.0 4326.9 183 1480 1480 1,600 6 9.46 149,617 23,378 4/13/05 349 7196.1 4537.9 184 1478 1480 1,600 70 9.51 151,623 23,691 4/21/05 357 7196.1 4538.0 184 1495 1495 2,150 100 9.51 151,623 23,691 4/26/05 362 7360.0 4701.9 181 1490 1490 1,800 2,400 0 5.91 152,591 23,842 5/2/05 368 7505.0 4846.9 180 1478 1478 1,600 5 5.87 153,443 23,975 5/4/05 370 7673.0 5014.9 182 1480 1480 1,550 5 5.94 154,441 24,131 E 2 C Remediation Table 4A -2 Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 4A SUMMARY OF YES MONITORING DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California Date Monitored Cumulative Calendar Days Operating Hours Cumulative Operating Hours Inlet Flow (scfm) Combustion Temp. °F) Stack Temp. ( °F) Field TPH in (ppmv) Lab TPH in (ppmv) Field TPH out (ppmv) Lbs. /Hr. Extracted Cumulative Lbs. Extracted Cumulative Gallons Extracted 5/16/05 382 7837.0 5178.9 183 1480 1479 1,900 2,400 7 5.97 155,420 24,284 7/25/05 452 7936.0 5277.9 177 1506 1409 1,500 9 8.90 156,302 24,422 7/29/05 456 8125.0 5466.9 177 1488 1478 2,950 15 8.90 157,985 24,685 8/4/05 462 8168.0 5509.9 180 1482 1477 2,250 20 9.06 158,374 24,746 8/12/05 470 8364.0 5705.9 177 1474 1473 800 0 8.90 160,120 25,019 8/19/05 477 8530.0 5871.9 160 1481 1490 3,500 18 8.05 161,456 25,227 8/24/05 482 8651.0 5992.9 164 1483 1482 3,600 20 8.25 162,454 25,383 8/31/05 489 8823.0 6164.9 159 1478 1484 3,300 5,000 17 10.81 164,313 25,674 917/05 496 8983.0 6324.9 157 1482 1493 3,100 70 10.89 166,055 25,946 9/7/05 496 8992.0 6333.9 154 1740 1423 3,300 50 10.68 166,151 25,961 9/26/05 515 8992.0 6333.9 225 1494 1496 5,300 5,200 90 15.91 166,151 25,961 10/3/05 522 9157.5 6499.4 178 1477 1482 2,950 55 8.77 167,603 26,188 10/17/05 536 9158.0 6499.9 180 1484 1488 2,050 2,050 50 5.02 167,606 26,188 10126/05 545 9160.0 6501.9 193 1483 1489 4,050 70 4.46 167,615 26,190 10/31/05 550 9281.0 6622.9 191 1476 1481 2,350 0 4.42 168,149 26,273 1117/05 557 9282.0 6623.9 190 1482 1486 1,850 0 4.39 168,154 26,274 11/14/05 564 9282.0 6623.9 196 1479 1483 1,850 0 4.53 168,154 26,274 11/22/05 572 9283.0 6624.9 183 1488 1483 1,352 1,352 0 3.36 168,157 26,275 11/28/05 578 9428.0 6769.9 176 1480 1484 1,589 0 3.80 168,708 26,361 12/5/05 585 9429.0 6770.9 183 1487 1490 1,589 0 3.95 168,712 26,361 12/12/05 592 9429.0 6770.9 180 1486 1492 1,825 1,825 0 4.47 168,712 26,361 1/24/06 635 9430.0 6771.9 184 1460 1487 1,000 1,000 0 2.50 168,715 26,362 1/31/06 642 9597.0 6938.9 185 1479 1479 1,000 0 1.80 169,015 26,409 217/06 649 9769.0 7110.9 185 1481 1490 2,850 0 1.80 169,324 26,457 2/13/06 655 9770.0 7111.9 190 1481 1487 3,750 0 1.85 169,326 26,457 2/20/06 662 9770.0 7111.9 195 1483 1490 5,500 0 1.90 169,326 26,457 2/27/06 669 9770.0 9688.5 0 0.00 169,326 26,457 3/6/06 676 1.4 9689.9 200 1453 1459 4,450 0 1.94 169,329 26,458 317/06 677 23.0 9711.5 199 1435 1456 512 430 0 1.16 169,354 26,462 3/13/06 683 23.0 9721.6 0 0.00 169,354 26,462 E 2 C Remediation Table 4A -3 M M M M M r M M M M M M M M M=11 IM M M Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 4A SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California Date Monitored Cumulative Calendar Days Operating Hours Cumulative Operating Hours Inlet Flow (scfm) Combustion Temp. ( °F) Stack Temp. ( °F) Field TPH in (ppmv) Lab TPH in (ppmv) Field TPH out (ppmv) Lbs. /Hr. Extracted Cumulative Lbs. Extracted Cumulative Gallons Extracted 3/20/06 690 23.0 9721.6 0 0.00 169,354 26,462 3/27/06 697 23.0 9721.6 0 0.00 169,354 26,462 4/3/06 704 23.0 9721.6 0 0.00 169,354 26,462 4/20/06 721 23.4 9722.0 192 649 648 3,200 0 0.56 169,354 26,462 4/25/06 726 142.2 9840.8 195 650 652 1,600 .2,100 0 5.57 170,016 26,565 5/5/06 736 380.0 10078.6 181 654 646 3,100 0 1.03 170,262 26,603 5/8/06 739 455.1 10153.7 181 655 653 2,700 0 1.03 170,339 26,615 5/22/06 753 720.1 10418.7 177 662 651 800 840 0 2.02 170,875 26,699 6/1/06 763 960.1 10658.7 185 659 648 720 0 1.57 171,252 26,758 6/6/06 768 1080.1 10778.7 179 651 662 780 0 1.52 171,435 26,787 6/12/06 774 1224.1 10922.7 181 660 650 640 0 1.54 171,656 26,821 6/23/06 785 1488.0 11186.6 180 652 651 540 0 1.53 172,060 26,884 6/27/06 789 1586.0 11284.6 180 646 650 1,100 410 0 1.00 172,158 26,900 7/3/06 795 1732.0 11430.6 181 646 650 980 0 1.24 172,340 26,928 7/12/06 804 1949.0 11647.6 177 652 659 1,060 0 1.22 172,603 26,969 7/17/06 809 2070.0 11768.6 179 658 659 880 0 1.23 172,752 26,993 7124/06 .816 2235.0 11933.6 168 642 644 650 600 0 1.37 172,978 27,028 8/2/06 825 2313.0 12011.6 222 665 662 540 0 1.98 173,133 27,052 8/22/08 1576 2314.0 12012.6 187 649 638 460 0 1.67 173,134 27,052 8/25/08 1579 2327.0 12025.6 187 653 653 800 713 0 1.81 173,158 27,056 8126/08 1580 2348.0 12046.6 187 656 643 590 0 1.72 173,194 27,062 9/2/08 1587 2522.0 12220.6 187 644 657 1,150 0 1.72 173,493 27,108 9/5/08 1590 2591.0 12289.6 187 649 652 2,850 0 1.72 173,612 27,127 9/8/08 1593 2663.0 12361.6 187 653 655 590 0 1.72 173,736 27,146 9/15/08 1600 2825.0 12523.6 187 656 658 540 0 1.72 174,015 27,190 9/22/08 1607 2998.0 12696.6 187 654 655 604 640 0 1.63 174,296 27,234 E 2 C Remediation Table 4A-1 M � r r r Project Number 1803BK29 r r r r it r r r r rr r r r r October 9, 2009 TABLE 4A SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California Date Monitored Cumulative Calendar Days Operating Hours Cumulative Operating Hours Inlet Flow (scfm) Combustion Temp. ( °F) Stack Temp. ( °F) Field TPH in ppmv Lab TPH in (ppmv) Field TPH out (ppmv ) Lbs. /Hr. Extracted Cumulative Lbs. Extracted Cumulative Gallons Extracted 9/29/08 1614 3168.0 12866.6 187 653 654 600 0 1.53 174,556 27,274 10/6108 1621 3336.0 13034.6 187 650 651 540 0 1.37 174,786 27,310 10/24/08 1639 3764.0 13462.6 187 653 655 500 0 1.27 175,330 27,395 11/7/08 1653 3809.0 13507.6 187 649 651 440 0 1.12 175,381 27,403 11/10/08 1656 3880.0 13578.6 187 651 653 410 0 1.04 175,455 27,415 11/21/08 1667 3951.0 13649.6 187 653 653 430 0 1.09 175,532 27,427 11/24/08 1670 4021.0 13719.6 187 653 651 510 0 1.30 175,623 27,441 12/1/08 1677 4155.0 13853.6 187 651 651 440 0 1.12 175,773 27,465 12/8/09 2049 4350.0 14048.6 187 655 655 510 0 1.30 176,026 27,504 12/15/08 1691 4516.0 14214.6 187 653 654 460 0 1.17 176,220 27,534 12/22/08 1698 4553.0 14251.6 187 656 658 510 0 1.30 176,268 27,542 117/09 1714 4935.0 14633.6 187 655 658 420 0 1.07 176,676 27,606 1/15/09 1722 5143.0 14841.6 187 655 656 460. 0 1.17 176,919 27,644 1/19/09 1726 5223.0 14921.6 187 654 656 480 0 1.22 177,017 27,659 1/26/09 1733 5393.0 15091.6 187 650 654 610 0 1.55 177,280 27,700 3/3/09 1769 5626.0 15324.6 187 654 658 540 0 1.37 177,600 27,750 3/19/09 1785 5740.0 15438.6 218 646 648 440 0 1.30 177,749 27,773 3/23/09 1789 5835.0 15533.6 227 650 651 490 0 1.51 177,893 27,796 4/3/09 1800 6100.0 15798.6 225 655 657 510 0 1.56 178,306 27,860 4/13/09 1810 6340.0 16038.6 240 653 655 500 0 1.63 178,698 27,922 5/29/09 1856 6722.0 16420.6 220 651 630 75 0 0.22 178,784 27,935 6/4/09 1862 6867.0 16565.6 220 646 624 140 0 0.42 178,844 27,944 E2 Remedlation Table 4A -5 � M m m' m r m m m MM A m M� M M M Project Number 1603BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 4A SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California Date Monitored Cumulative Calendar Days Operating Hours Cumulative Operating Hours Inlet Flow (scfm) Combustion Temp. ( °F) Stack Temp. ( °F) Field TPH in (ppmv) Lab TPH in (ppmv) Field TPH out (ppmv) Lbs. /Hr. Extracted Cumulative Lbs. Extracted Cumulative Gallons Extracted 6/5/09 1863 6893.0 16591.6 185 653 623 35 0 0.09 178,847 27,945 8/28/09 1947 6893.0 16591.6 185 - 652 34.5 0.385 - 0.001 178,847 27,945 8/31/09 1950 6965.0 16663.6 183 659 627 30.0 0.912 6.0 0.002 178,847 27,945 8131/09 1950 6967.0 16665.6 183 649 622 32.0 0.912 6.3 0.002 178,847 27,945 9/2/09 1952 7013.0 16711.6 183 647 611 30.5 0.396 0.0 0.001 178,847 27,945 9/2/09 1952 7015.0 16713.6 183 650 614 29.8 0.396 0.0 0.001 178,847 27,945 913/09 1953 7037.0 16735.6 183 645 612 25.0 0.810 0.0 0.002 178,847 27,945 9/3/09 1953 7039.0 16737.6 183 642 612 35.0 0.810 0.0 0.002 178,847 27,945 9/4/09 1954 7061.0 16759.6 181 651 627 35.0 3.630 0.0 0.009 178,847 27,945 9/14/09 1964 7062.0 16760.6 187 655 629 10.0 2.296 0.0 0.006 178,847 27,945 9/14/09 1964 7064.0 16762.6 189 646 625 28.0 3.045 0.0 0.008 178,847 27,945 9/15/09 1965 7088.0 16786.6 181 653 615 26.5 2.879 6.0 0.007 178,847 27,945 9/15/09 1965 7090.0 16788.6 184 648 615 30.0 2.879 6.4 0.007 178,847 27,945 9/16/09 1966 7114.0 16812.6 182 651 617 22.5 2.290 6.0 0.006 178,847 27,945 9/16/09 1966 7116.0 16814.6 180 647 611 31.0 2.290 7.0 0.006 178,847 27,945 9/17/09 1967 7138.0 16836.6 181 650 617 28.3 2.784 11.1 0.007 178,847 27,945 9/17/09 1967 7140.0 16838.6 185 646 608 29.2 2.784 12.0 0.007 178,847 27,945 9/18/09 1968 7162.0 16860.6 183 647 618 27.2 9/18/09 1968 7164.0 16862.6 182 649 608 26.2 Average Field and Lab TPH (April 29, 2004 to August 2, 2006) 5,790.6 2,106.7 Average Field and Lab TPH (August 22, 2008 to June 5, 2009) 568.8 676.5 Average Field and Lab TPH (August 28 to September 18, 2009) 28.4 1.844 Lbs Extracted Based on Lab Data (August 28 to September 17, 2009) 0.978 E 2 C Remediation Table 4A -6 1=1 1r m m� r � M m m m� r� M M M mm Project Number 1603BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 4A SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California Cumulative Cumulative Inlet Combustion Stack Field Lab Field Cumulative Cumulative Date Calendar Operating Operating Flow Temp. Temp. TPH in TPH in TPH out Lbs. /Hr. Lbs. Gallons Monitored Days Hours Hours (scfm) ( °F) ( °F) (ppmv) (ppmv) (ppmv) I Extracted Extracted I Extracted Notes: Hydrocarbons Removed (lbs/month) = Influent Concentration (ppmv) X 10-6 X Influent Flow Rate (scfm) X 1 lb- mole /379.5 ft3 X 86 (Ib/Ib -mole) X 1440 (min/day) X Run Time (days/month) /14/05 - Bag analytical data used in calculations for this time; PID malfunction /29/04 - VES (BF -250 CFM) operation starts with all wells open, air sparge on, and 3/4 dilution air on air filter. Starting influent was measured with FID at a concentration greater than 50,000 ppmv. 12/22/2000 - System down, no supplemental fuel flow as supply was 'zero'; notify PG&E 12/27/2000 - Restart system; collect Tedlar bag samples; Influent TPHg = 1,550 ppmv, BTEX = 47 ppmv; effluent TPHg = 0.6 ppmv, BTEX = non - detect 5119/2005 - City of Bakersfield issued a 7 -Day Notice to Abate, due to noise levels from remediation system. System shut down on 5/23/2005. 7/25/05 - New air compressor, and insulation for blower installed; City of Bakersfield Inspector approves restart. 9/7/2005 thru 9/26/05 - System cycled off to allow for contaminant rebound. 10/3/2005 thru 10/17/05 - System cycled off to allow for contaminant rebound. 10/31/2005 thru 11/22/05 - System cycled off to allow for contaminant rebound. 11/28/2005 thru 12/12/05 - System cycled off to allow for contaminant rebound. /06 thru 3/6/06 - System cycled off to allow for contaminant rebound. March 6, 2006 - Hour meter reset to 0.0 by Baker Furnace during repair March 7, 2006 - Bag data used for influent 17/06 thru 4/20/06 - System cycled off to allow for contaminant rebound. /2/06 - System cycled off to allow for contaminant rebound. open = O; partially open = PO; closed = C E 2 C Remediation . Table 4A -7 IProject Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 4B SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California Date Monitored Well VEA S valve Well VE -1 D valve Well VE -2S valve Well VE -2D valve Well VE -3S valve Well VE -3D valve Well VE-4 valve Dilution Air Valve 4/29/04 0 O 0 0 O 0 O 75% 4/30/04 0 O 0 0 O 0 O 0% 513/04 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0% 5/4/04 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0% 517104 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0% 5/10/04 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0% 5/13/04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 5/17/04 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0% 5/24/04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 6/1/04 0 O C 0 O O 0 0% 617/04 0 O C 0 0 0 0 0% 6/14/04 0 0 C O 0 0 0 0% 6/15/04 0 0 C 0 0 0 O 0% 6/21/04 0 0 C O 0 0 0 0% 7/2/04 0 0 C O C 0 0 0% 7/6/04 0 0 C 0 C 0 0 0% 7/20/04 0 0 C 0 C 0 0 0% 7/26/04 O 0 C C C 0 0 0% 8/4/04 0 0 C C C 0 0 0% 8/10/04 0 0 C C C 0 0 0% 8/17/04 O 0 C O O 0 1/2 0% 8/24/04 0 0 C 1/2 1/2 O 1/4 0% 9/1/04 0 0 C 1/2 1/2 1/2 C 0% 913/04 0 O C 1/2 1/2 1/2 C 0% 917/04 0 0 C 1/2 1/2 1/2 C 0% 9/13/04 0 O C 112 1/2 1/2 C 0% 9/20/04 O 0 C 1/2 1/2 1/2 C 0% 9/27/04 O 1/2 C 1/2 1/2 1/2 C 0% 10 /4/04 1/2 1/2 C 1/2 1/2 1/2 C 0% 10/11/04 1/2 1/2 C 1/2 1/2 1/2 C 0% 10/18/04 1/2 1/2 C 1/2 1/2 1/2 C 0% 10/27/04 1/2 1/2 C 1/2 1/2 1/2 C 0% 11/1/04 1/2 1/2 C 1/2 1/2 1/2 C 0% 11/8/04 1/2 1/2 C 1/2 1/2 1/2 C 0% 11/15/04 1/2 1/2 C 1/2 1/2 1/2 C 0% 11/22/05 1/2 1/2 C 1/2 1/2 1/2 C 0% 11/29/04 1/2 1/2 C 1/2 1/2 1/2 C 0% 12/10/04 1/2 1/2 C 1/2 1/2 1/2 C 0% 12/17/04 1/2 1/2 C 1/2 1/2 1/2 C 0% 12/23/04 112 1/2 C 1/2 1/2 112 C 0% 12/28/04 1/2 1/2 C 112 1/2 1/2 C 0% 1/4/05 0 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0% IE z C Remediation Table 48-1 Protect Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 1/18/05 TABLE 46 1/2 112 1/2 SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA 1/2 1/2 0% MINIT STOP MARKET 0 1/2 1/2 2900 Union Avenue 1/2 1/2 1/2 Bakersfield, California 1/31/05 0 0 Well Well Well Well Well Well Well Dilution Date VE -1 S VE -1 D VE -2S VE -2D VE -3S VE -3D VE-4 Air Valve Monitored valve valve valve valve valve valve valve 0 1/14/05 0 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0% 1/18/05 0 1/2 112 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0% 1/24/05 0 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0% 1/31/05 0 0 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0% 2/11/05 0 0 1/2 112 1/2 1/2 1/2 0% 2/14/05 0 0 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0% 2/21/05 1 0 0 C C C C 1/2 0% 2/28/05 0 0 C C C C 1/2 0% 317105 0 0 C C C C 1/2 0% 3/16/05 0 0 C C C C 1/2 0% 3/21/05 0 0 C C C C 1/2 0% 3/28/05 0 0 C C C C 1/2 0% 4/4/05 0 0 C C C C 1/2 0% 4/13/05 0 0 C C C C 1/2 0% 4/21/05 0 0 C C C "C 1/2 0% 4/26/05 0 O C C C C 1/2 0% 5/2/05 0 0 C C C C 1/2 0% 5/4/05 O 0 C C C C 1/2 0% 5/16/05 0 0 C C C C 1/2 0% 7/25/05 0 0 C C C C 112 0% 7/29/05 O 0 C C C C 1/2 0% 8/4/05 0 0 C C C C 1/2 0% 8/12/05 0 PO C C C C 1/2 0% 8/19/05 0 PO C C C C 1/2 0% 8/24/05 0 PO C C C C 1/2 0% 8/31/05 0 PO C C C C 1/2 0% 9R/05 0 PO C C C C 1/2 0% 917/05 0 PO C C C C 112 0% 9/26/05 0 0 C C C C 1/2 0% 10/3/05 0 0 C C PO C 1/2 0% 10/17/05 0 0 C C PO C 1/2 0% 10/26/05 10/31/05 0 0 C C PO C 1/2 0% 1117/05 0 0 C C PO C 1/2 0% 11/14/05 0 0 PO C PO C 1/2 0% 11/22/05 PO PO PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 11/28/05 12/5/05 12/12/05 0 0 PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 1/24/06 0 0 PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 1/31/06 0 0 PO PO PO PO 112 0% 2/7/06 0 0 PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% E 2 C Remediation Table 4B-2 IProject Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 4B SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California Date Monitored Well VE -1 S valve Well VE -1 D valve Well VE -2S valve Well VE -2D valve Well VE -3S valve Well VE -3D valve Well VE-4 valve Dilution Air Valve 2/13/06 O O PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 2120/06 O O PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 2/27/06 3/6/06 O O PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 3/7/06 O O C C C C 1/2 0% 3/13/06 3/20/06 3/27/06 4/3/06 4/20/06 O O PO PO PO PO 112 0% 4/25/06 O O PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 5/5/06 O O PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 5/8/06 O O PO PO PO PO 112 0% 5/22/06 O O PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 6/1/06 O O PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 6/6/06 O O PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 6/12/06 O O PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 6/23/06 PO PO PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 6/27/06 PO PO PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 7/3/06 PO PO PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 7/12/06 PO PO PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 7/17/06 PO PO PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 7/24/06 PO PO PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 8/2/06 PO PO PO PO PO PO 1/2 0% 8/22/08 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 112 1/2 1/2 0% 8/25/08 O O O O O O O 0% 9/5108 O 1/2 1/8 1/4 1/4 118 1/2 0% 9/8/08 O O 1/4 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/2 0% 9/22/08 O O 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/2 0% 10/24/08 O O 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/2 0% 11/7/08 O O 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/2 0% 12/8/08 O 1/2 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/8 1/2 0% 12/22/08 O O 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/8 O 0% 117/09 O 1/2 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/8 1/2 0% 1/19/09 O O 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 O 0% 1/26/09 O O 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 112 0% 3/19109 O O 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 112 0% 3/23/09 O O 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0% 5/29/09 O O 112 1/2 1/2 1/2 112 0% 8/31 /09 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0% 9/2/09 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0% 9/3/09 1/2 1/2 1/2 112 1/2 1/2 1/2 0% IE s C Remediation Table 4B-3 IProtect Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 II E C Remediation Table 4811 TABLE 4B SUMMARY OF VES MONITORING DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California Date Monitored Well VE -1 S valve Well VE-1 D valve Well VE -2S valve Well VE -2D valve Well VE -3S valve Well VE -3D valve Well VE-4 valve Dilution Air Valve 9/4/09 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0% 9/14/09 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2. 1/2 1/2 1/2 0% 9/15/09 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0% 9/16/09 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0% 9/17109 C 1/2 C 1/2 C 112 O 0% 9/18/09 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0% open = O; partially open = PO; closed = C II E C Remediation Table 4811 Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 5 SUMMARY OF HYDROCARBON MASS REMOVED USING VE /GASS (based on influent concentrations) MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California Date month/ ear HC Removed Ibs/month) Cumulative HC Removed (Ibs) Influent Concentration (DI)my ) Flow Rate (scfm) Actual Run Time (da s Dally Removal Rate Ibs/da Apr -04 6,730 6,730 50,000 275 1.5 4,487 May -04 85,407 92,138 31,490 268 31.0 2,755 Jun -04 17,455 109,593 7,348 243 30.0 582 Jul -04 12,296 121,889 5,632 216 31.0 397 Aug -04 8,623 130,512 4,764 213 26.0 332 Sep-04 8,965 139,477 4,639 197 30.0 299 Oct -04 5,340 144,816 2,993 195 28.0 191 Nov -04 4,103 148,920 2,238 187 30.0 137 Dec -04 1,095 150,014 1,835 152 12.0 91 Jan -05 1,751 151,766 1,450 206 18.0 97 Feb-05 2,650 154,416 3,100 185 14.2 187 Mar -05 4,212 158,628 3,800 186 18.3 230 Apr -05 3,228 161,856 2,400 182 22.6 143 May -05 2,846 164,702 2,400 182 20.0 142 Jul -05 836 165,538 :' 2,400 178 6.0 139 Aug -05 8,745 174,283 5,100 170 31.0 282 Sep-05 1,446 175,729 3,625 175 7.0 207 Oct -05 856 175,139 1,701 193 8.0 107 Nov -05 580 175,719 1,589 187 6.0 97 Dec -05 0 175,719 1,413 181 0.0 0 Jan -06 421 176,141 1,000 185 7.0 60 Feb-06 319 176,460 715 190 7.2 44 Mar -06 39 176,499 430 200 1.4 28 Apr -06 1,326 177,825 2,100 194 10.0 133 May-06 553 178,378 840 184 11.0 50 Jun -06 895 179,273 505 181 30.0 30 Jul -06 980 180,253 600 185 27.0 36 Aug -06 0 180,253 600 222 0.0 0 Aug -08 305 180,558 713 187 7.0 44 Sep-08 1,172 181,729 640 187 30.0 39 Oct -08 793 182,523 520 187 25.0 32 Nov -08 410 182,932 448 187 15.0 27 Dec -08 698 183,630 440 187 26.0 27 Jan -09 747 184,377 510 187 24.0 31 Feb -09 175 184,553 575 187 5.0 35 Mar -09 674 185,227 490 211 20.0 34 Apr -09 805 186,031 505 233 21.0 38 May -09 57 186,088 75 220 10.5 5 Jun -09 26 186,114 88 203 4.5 6 Jul -09 0 186,114 0 0 0.0 0 Aug-09 0.12 186,114 0.65 184 3.0 0.039 Sep-09 1.00 186,115 2.10 183 8.0 0.125 here: Hydrocarbons Removed (ibs/month) = Influent Concentration (ppmv) X 10-6 X Influent Flow Rate (scfm) X 1 lb-mole/379.5 ft3 X 86 (lb/lb-mole) X 1440 (min/day) X Run Time (days/month) E 2 C Remediation Table 5-1 Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 5 SUMMARY OF HYDROCARBON MASS REMOVED USING VE/GASS (based on influent concentrations) MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California FUEL HYDROCARBON MASS REMOVED TRENDS 200,000 90,000 180,000 ------- -- -- -- 80,000 160,000 .. - --- ------- - - - - -- --- ----------------- - - - - -- 70,000 140,000 ----------------------------------------------- - - - - -- L 120,000 ------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 50000 0 a100,000 --------------------------- ----------------------- - ----- E 80,000 ........ ....... ........ ------------------------- - - - - -. 40,000 -a E60,000 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 30,000 a 40,000 --------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 20,000 20,000 - . ----- ------------------------------- - - - - -- 10,000 0 0 \`LpS�K .el pph pph \`Lp5 \`L0 \`L& `L61 \`L6, \`L59 tiQ5 \`Lppp 4 total in Ibs \� �p \3 p \"� �p \ p \ �p \`b p \ 11p \`� t Ibs/month Month -Year 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 c 2,500 2,000 E 1,500 1,000 500 0 FUEL HYDROCARBON MASS REMOVED (Ibs /day) ------------------------------- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- �aii Pounds per Day .. --------- -- -------------------- - - - - -- -- �i ----------------------- - - - - -- - - - -- - 2 per. Mov.Avg.(Pounds -- -------------------------------- - - - - -- ---per Day) ----------- - -._.. ..q ----------------------------------- ------------------------- ------ - -h coo �A�o `A'l ,p'l �,p� PQ �a QQ Oo d P4 Oo PQ PQ Oo Month -Year E 2 C Remediation Table 5-2 ' Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 6 SUMMARY OF INFLUENT VAPOR ANALYTICAL DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield California Date _FkV9*_ MtBE B ..... (PP mV) __OTAL mV _____FID m % Difference 01/31/05 1,747 7.3 7.0 70.0 1 42.0 34.0 .1,900 1,300 46.15 02/14/05 840 6.0 ND 50.0 40.0 70.0 1,000 2,600 -61.54 03/07/05 4,937 20.0 ND 83.0 63.0 117.0 5,200 3,150 65.08 04/26105 2,221 1.5 23.0 58.0 54.0 44.0 2,400 1,800 33.33 05/09/05 2,270 12.0 9.10 51.0 34.0 36.0 2,400 1,550 54.84 08/31/05 4,580 50.0 60.0 150.0 80.0 130.0 5,000 3,300 51.52 09/26/05 4,770 43.0 60.0 180.0 50.0 140.0 5,200 5,300 -1.89 10/17/05 1,907 7.0 18.0 33.0 50.0 42.0 2,050 11/22/05 1,209 5.0 15.0 36.0 50.0 42.0 1,352 12/12/05 1,659 9.0 24.0 31.0 52.0 '59.0 1,825 01/24/06 918 3.2 8.70 12.0 28.0 33.0 1,000 03/07/06 348 ND ND 20.0 34.0 28.0 430 512 -16.02 04/25/06 1,909 15.0 28.0 35.0 61.0 52.0 2,100 1,600 31.25 05/22/06 755 ND 10.0 22.0 38.0 15.0 840 800 5.00 06/27/06 367 ND 4.2 10.0 19.0 10.0 410 1,100 -62.73 07/24/06 530 ND 9.4 12.0 22.0 27.0 600 650 -7.69 08/25/08 626 ND 10.2 15.4 29.8 31.3 713 800 -10.88 09/22/08 567 ND 9.6 13.1 25.7 24.2 640 604 5.96 08/28/09 0.385 NA NA NA NA NA 0.385 30.5 -98.74 08/31/09 0.912 NA NA NA NA NA 0.912 30.0 -96.96 09/02/09 0.396 NA NA NA NA NA 0.396 30.5 -98.70 09/03/09 0.810 NA NA NA NA NA 0.810 30.0 -97.30 09/04/09 0.937 ND ND 0.894 0.151 1.648 3.630 35.0 -89.63 09/14/09 0.509 ND ND 0.017 0.702 1.067 2.296 10.0 -77.04 09/14/09 0.244 0.042 ND 0.327 0.110 2.322 3.045 28.0 -89.13 09/15/09 NA 0.061 ND 0.692 0.152 1.974 28.3 -89.81 09/16/09 0.361 0.039 ND 0.427 0.083 1.380 26.8 -91.44 09/17/09 0.236 0.042 ND 0.513 0.112 1.881 28.8 -90.32 A35,O79 Avera e 1.191 11.2 19.7 36.8 32.2 39.4 -32.78 TOTAL Total 32,165 179 296 884 774 945 25,344 na = Not analyzed nd =Not detected at or above the method detection limit ppmv = Parts per million by volume PHg analysis method includes BTEX and MtBE E 2 C Remedlation Table 6-1 Project Number 1803BK29 TABLE 6 SUMMARY OF INFLUENT VAPOR ANALYTICAL DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Date tt ---- L ........... J .... 4'- ---- (Ppmv) (Ppmv) 11 (Ppmv) October 9, 2009 SUMMARY OF TEDLAR BAG INFLUENT CONCENTRATIONS > 6,000- E CL CL5,000 - ---- - : ------- --- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------ ------- ,E- 0. ------- ----- ----------------------------- ------- ------ --------------------- ------ ------------- ------- ------ ------ ------- 0 3,000 - --- --- --- - I ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------ ------- 2,000 - - --------- ------- ------ ------ ------- ------ ------- I ------ ------- ------ ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ 1,000 ------ -------------------- ------- - -- - -- - ------ 0 0 11\1ZIP "'0", "\,,Z"" 4ZIP 1\61 46, 11,41 4d, ,01 40, 44, 441 441 ono h 0olzo 4111 -1\111 AIF, ono izo z Ci Q, (Z) Month/DayYear E 2 C Remediation Table 6-2 ' Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 E 2 C Remediation Table 7 -1 TABLE 7 SUMMARY OF EFFLUENT VAPOR ANALYTICAL DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield California Date --- TPH/G._- .... MtBE ___ ....... B ....... T mV ....... E I ......X TOTAL mV 01/31/05 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.10 1.72 02/14/05 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 03/07/05 2.80 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 2.82 04/26/05 0.60 0.00 0.00 1.02 0.00 0.00 1.62 05/09/05 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 08/31/05 4.40 0.00 0.80 0.50 0.00 0.50 6.20 09/26/05 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 10/17/05 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 11/22/05 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 12/12/05 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 03/07/06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 04/25/06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 05/22/06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 06/27/06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/24/06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/16/09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/17/09 0.00 0.00 0.011 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.011 Average 0.62 0.00 0.05 0.09 0.01 0.04 0.80 TOTAL Total 10.50 0.00 0.81 1.54 0.12 0.60 13.57 Notes: na = Not analyzed nd = Not detected at or above the method detection limit ppmv = Parts per million by volume E 2 C Remediation Table 7 -1 Project Number 1803BK29 M M i♦ M M M M M M M M M M M October 9, 2009 E 2 C Remediation Table 8 -1 TABLE 8 SUMMARY OF AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER 2009 INFLUENT VAPOR ANALYTICAL DATA MINIT STOP MARKET 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California Sample Sample Time B T E X TPH� MtBE DCA EDB ID Date Sampled ....................................... ............................... .......... ppmV ...... .... ............................ ............................... by Influent 8/28/09 15:10 na na na na 0.385 na na na Influent 8/31/09 14:05 na na na na 0.912 na na na Influent 9/2/09 17:30 na na na na 0.396 na na na Influent 9/3/09 17:00 na na na na 0.810 na na na Influent 9/4/09 17:00 nd <0.01 0.894 0.151 1.65 0.937 nd <0.01 nd <0.01 nd <0.53 Influent 9/14/09 16:30 nd <0.01 0.017 0.702 0.976 0.509 nd <0.01 nd <0.01 nd <0.53 Influent 9/14/09 17:30 nd <0.01 0.327 0.11 2.322 0.244 0.042 nd <0.01 nd <0.53 Influent 9/15/09 17:00 nd <0.01 0.692 0.152 1.96 na 0.061 nd <0.01 nd <0.53 Influent 9/16/09 17:40 nd <0.01 0.427 0.083 1.38 0.361 0.039 nd <0.01 nd <0.53 Influent 9/17/09 17:20 nd <0.01 0.513 0.112 0.501 0.236 0.042 nd <0.01 nd <0.53 Notes: pmV = Parts per million by volume pbV = Parts per billion by volume B = Benzene; T = Toluene; E = Ethylbenzene; X = m +p, o-Xylenes PHg = Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline 1,2 -DCA = 1,2- Dichloroethane EDB = 1,2- Dibromoethane (a.k.a. ethylene dibromide) MtBE = Methyl tertiary-Butyl Ether nd = Not reported at or above method detection limit, which is indicated by value na = not analyzed E 2 C Remediation Table 8 -1 Project Number 1803BK29 October 9, 2009 TABLE 9 COMPARISON OF EXISTING GROUNDWATER IMPACT TO WATER QUALITY LIMITS Minit Stop Market 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California Analyte Most Recent Maximum Analytical Results (u /L Water Quality Objective" Water Quality Numerical Limits Source Limit u L TPHg (All Wells) nd <50 (4/22/09) Toxicity LISEPA Provisional Cancer Slope Factor 21 Tastes and Odors McKee & Wolf, Water Quality Criteria, SWRCB, p. 230 5.0 Benzene (All wells) nd <0.5 (3/6/09) Chemical Constituents California Primary MCL 1.0 Toxicty California Public Health Goal (OEHHA) 0.15 Tastes and Odors Amoore and Hautala, J. Applied Tox. , Vol. 3, No. 6, 1983 170 Toluene (All wells) nd <0.5 (3/6/09) Chemical Constituents California Primary MCL 150 Toxicty California Public Health Goal (OEHHA) 150 Tastes and Odors Federal Register, Vol. 54, N0. 97. pp 22138, 22139 42 Ethylbenzene (All wells) nd <0.5 (3/6109) Chemical Constituents California Primary MCL 300 Toxicty California Public Health Goal (OEHHA) 300 Tastes and Odors Federal Register, Vol. 54, N0. 97. pp 22138, 22139 29 Xylenes (total) (All wells) nd <0.5 (3/6/09) Chemical Constituents California Primary MCL 1,750 Toxicty California Public Health Goal (OEHHA) 1,800 Tastes and Odors Federal Register, Vol. 54, N0. 97. pp 22138, 22139 17 MtBE (All wells) nd <0.5 (3/6/09) Chemical Constituents California Primary MCL 13 Chemical Constituents California Secondary MCL 5.0 Toxicty California Public Health Goal (OEHHA) 13 Tastes and Odors California Secondary MCL 5.0 DIPE (All wells) nd <0.5 (3/6/09) Tastes and Odors Amoore and Hautala, J. Applied Tox. , Vol. 3, No. 6, 1983 0.8 TBA (All wells) nd <2.5 (3/6/09) Toxicty California Drinking Water Action Level (DHS) 12 Tastes and Odors Amoore and Hautala, J. Applied Tox. , Vol. 3, No. 6, 1983 290,000 EDB (All wells) nd <0.5 (10/27/08) Chemical Constituents California Primary MCL 0.05 Toxicty California Public Health Goal (OEHHA) 0.01 Lead (MW -1) nd <0.05 (12/9/02) Chemical Constituents California Primary MCL 15 Toxicty California Public Health Goal (OEHHA) 2 1,2 -DCA (All wells) nd <0.5 (10/27/08) Chemical Constituents California Primary MCL 0.5 Toxicty California Public Health Goal (OEHHA) 0.4 Tastes and Odors Amoore and Hautala, J. Applied Tox. , Vol. 3, No. 6, 1983 7,000 E2 C Remediation Table 9- 1 M Project Number 1803BK29 TABLE 9 COMPARISON OF EXISTING GROUNDWATER IMPACT TO WATER QUALITY LIMITS Minit Stop Market 2900 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California October 9, 2009 Analyte Most KeCent Maximum Water Quality Water Quality Numerical Limits' Anal ical Results (u /L Ob ective" Source Limit WIL g/L = micrograms per liter EDB = ethylene dibromide 1,2 -DCA = 1,2 -dichloroethane BA = Tertiary Butyl Alcohol (a.k.a. tert- butanol) TPHg = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline MtBE = Methyl tertiary-Butyl Ether TPHd = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel a = not analyzed or not applicable nd = Not reported at or above method detection limit, which is indicated by value MCL = Maximum Contaminant Limit = Downgradient Compliance Point 3 = Jon Marshack, CVRWQCB, 1 April 2004 = Water Quality Objectives for groundwater from the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River Basin and the San Joaquin River Basin, Fourth Edition E 2 C Remediation Table 9- 1 ■ 8Mte -ct Number 1803BK29 October 9. 2009 1 ■ Appendix A Appendix B ■ Appendix C ■ Appendix D Appendix E ■ Appendix F � I 1 1 I I I I I I APPENDICES Boring Logs Geologic Cross - Sections and Cross - Section Transect Plot Soil Impact Map and Soil Impact Cross - Sections Influent Vapor Analytical Laboratory Reports GeoTracker Reports List of Technical Reports ■ E2C Remediation Appendices Bmiect Number 1803BK29 October 9. 2009 APPENDIX A Boring Logs E2C Remediation Appendix A I..- -- - -- -- - - -- EXPLANATION I Groundwater Monitoring Well Location CB) February 2002 Soil Boring ;s Preliminary Assessment Soil Boring I( o @ Dispenser soil sample location TK -5E Soil Boring Location; arrow Indicates slant EXISTING SPLIT e boring and direction 20,000 -GAL UST / Dual completion VE well f i CINDER 8LGCl' WALL v� TK -1 W — TK •1 F VE -2S-2D 0 i TIC -4W TK -5W TK -5E I� B2 RD TK -2E g 0 B -2 0 TK•3F FA MW -1 - - -- MW-4 I 6:3 -ND Q' TK -3W VE -1 S-1 D B-t I ID -2 • i FORMER 5.000- GALLON GASOLINE IJST _ D3 0, i j `ti. Lhi I'AARKE7 VE -3S-3D B -a MW -2 I i f EXISTING DISPENER ISLAND i MW -3 Af.PHAL ': I PACIFIC STREET Notth 0 15 30 ft E2C Remediation, LLC MINIT STOP MARKET FIGURE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 2900 North Union Avenue Bakersfield, California 93313 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Telephone: (661) 831 -6906 2 Facsimile: (661) 831 -6234 SITE PLAN FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. 0 TE f a z CLIENT _ �� :' S o,o LOCATION LOGGED BY DFfLLER laV 5 t' BORING N Q !-/zip . Sheet of --L_ Casing Installation data Drilling method Hole dia. )o- a o° 0 E5 ° c a F- v> a. a M cn z ° c E to CL ..° v' ti aE N o to Water level Time Date DESCRIPTION fl n r " - ( i i 1 t 1M.�•. %� i 1 O t�l -� � ��i - r , Z z-: E REMARKS: FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. (Poi /311-'o1 DATE 13 O_z_ CLIENT M LOCATION o w LOGGED BYT a DR1 LER6 ---IS BORING No, ,)ed Sheet of Casing installation data Drilling method °i�•"' "� Hole dla. /01 N L .- ` 0 o p ` `o a 0 o F-N —° � a CnZ r a ° m CL o N a c `o ti M U �� ONv Cn Water level Time Date DESCRIPTION 3:1 Y• L da, v. V, , a 'c' *-A• < to G o ZI-- I I I ^' v e. t �h O + I I I I a e _­­r� I •- c� I - I 014.1 1 v` iE' E, 1 ' [ [ mow„ G. �' o+•-- . s• -io 1�`-z `' REMARKS: FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. f�3 ��� f DATE Z 13 a CLIENT _ �"�� .� :� S`i-o d LOCATION D O w --- LOGGED BY DFjILLER ! 5 a 7C2>1 G No. �A of —7— Casing installation data Drilling method A-` Hole dia. )0 N q` o o m . p t M �°, c T a }-• V) a.o a M N Z a a o Cn a ,. -0 V — E,N O(n V Water level Time Date DESCRIPTION I q 5 IQO r i e tt lc t C i � o �L w t( i 1A 1, 14 c- K 4) �. VC I I .t �_ icti W C i n c. ewets i 1 ell o r ,K ' c zC1 "ZD W REMARKS: FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. 18D3 6K"( DATE 3 0 _ CLIENT — J-'1',�, ;+Slop LOCATION LOGGED BY Q� DRrLLER �r BORI` G No. Sheet of Casing installation data Drilling method A- Hole dia. /p y o ° c a n a a M a 0 z � 0 Q a N a �— ° a° N �0q o cn N Water level Time Date DESCRIPTION 70 ?s k!�- 6 l t� ve c W G✓ o r e 4. I Z , IZC) — O rood Soy,— �' r-�ve ti _ -� c a•a-�s 5 I o „-- • I I 1000) I I . Ibt -.. r va �✓ q o , I no0 f lAx 2� L a-; b(-0-0-,Z-5.0 4- i ow !G Z_ 5- '-at�u REMARKS: FIELDfEXPLORATORY BORING LOG 'Field ' location of boring: PROJECT No. _1 9D3 i�Kar DATE r3 02 CLIENT' LOCATION w Cr 4 Aw s-, _ LOGGED BY �T •PSI DR� LER Lo T,$ BORING No. Sheet S of ? T Casing Installation data -Drilling method Hole dia. !p '' ' ' .. N 3 0M o E E E i Z o o E CnN o v v ui 0 E , � Mater level Time D a t e DESCRIPTION ' ' ' ' a / I lob 110 P � &c sM f?� 5 • s Ev-L s!� s �-� � A n !D U0 j IS w 4, I lt03 Coa�•� _ I I /s� - co W.� IL I I I I I Lf Za 00-3" L lZ o � r Y s ,.. e- Lrt,5 --r vcot gC.Io ©� S 41-2P` d�,o' �.- 1 5 8- p0-110, ' REMARKS: FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. lgo3 DATE a-L CLIENT T '1`a 47 LOCATION JUA o ° (k • LOGGED eY a`` DR�LLER��'S �'- BORING No. Sheet of Casing installation data Drilling method Hole dia.. jD N o o � o � C) c � V) L as ° n z z a ° Q• i a "-° V C7 o U) N Water level 7A • / , Time ('ZZo Date DESCRIPTION .1130 a- I r3 Ids o I o L 1J �'. o Grc4rS f� Jam✓ ac-7h V 41i z C. c, •— h� , L4 L! J ( 3o I I 2 7 7 go _ 130. ra A— c-,-, w-s e — � '� / O _,v o �-- IZ� 1y W `-1 REMARKS: -,) i I FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECTNo. 4201 RK-6t DATE Z a CLIENT —Ptt` :�41'..r� LOCATION ZR00 uk? A LOGGED BY`� -k DRj�LLER LD"T5 '49� FSheet,-2,— Casing installation data Drilling method A � r (�� -wow- � Hole dia. 10 rn CL .. o � 'n O ` ° c C T a I- to o as a M u� Z a � m a E vi a SM(3 CU E o to v � Water level Time Date DESCRIPTION 72 a.v 6A 0. C :JG Ir D Z-0 L l b-}' I 10 I C. I I I I I I I I REMARKS: -FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of .. - - PROJECT . ATE CLIENT _ LOGGED BY:n .- k. :.- Casing Installation data oil,DESCRIPTION �=M U � -�_ FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Fle'id location of boring: �BORING No. asing Installabon data 1 ma NMI _ -- FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ' Field location of boring:.: PROJECT No. a 3 —c DATE I Z -Z- CLIENT LOCATION LOGGED BY ( DRIL LER sI'°5 BORING No. Sheet. 3 of Casing Installation data Drilling method' Hole dia. I o tr. N a o "° '� a w m ° — W CL aCL �Eq m. CL m £ NZ 1 o Ck. m N a . ° —N ° = D.,N Date •NNv- Water level Time . DESCRIPTION ' �5 c- J LA) �P 1. 6 I r�-6' s -�D• ` - r. T � (ioov — 5 14 &Q n. 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RILLER" :.- Sheet asing Installation data method Drilling .:.: DESCRIPTION ��� v • �:���? � - _tea ME M �■���� FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of .. -. DATE CLIENT Ki LOCATION a 0 0- e LOGGED B .- :.- sheet Installation Casing data method Drilling Hole dIa. IV Water - - - -� DESCRIPTION �s� s EM FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Installation Casing data method Drilling Hole-dia. 10 Water level DESCRIPTION w �ww�ww w ww�www■w�� � wwwws w ®■wow iw iw� &UN FEES". ww�ww w T ��wwwwr� w swwww w w�ww■ww��� ow wwww�w w �www■w w ��w■ w �w■��w s wr�w® w w�ii�i �ww i Sheet LG of Field location of .. S S'C)3 DATE PROJECT No. - 3,.p LOCATION 2500 Sheet LG of ' FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boilng: -. • ,. L LO -.. .: ��- . - LL :.- t '� _ asingInsWiation data method Drilling .. DESCRIPTION - R .� m M REMARKS: 4, ` r Field location of .. v I • • , BORING � Ca sing Installation data Drilling method • : . DESCRIPTION � • �r�iii■�� i —� r�im, AR WM rim MWM PRIME - emorFAM1 TWO s M MpAr FAVM � FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. DATE Z ( o Z CLIENT �"�:r:ri -6-f�� LOGATION2900 �- a vx . _ LOGGED BYE DRILLERi BORING No. 64 -- ' Sheet I of Casing Installation data -- Drilling method Hole dia. i0 f, N 3 0� ° q m CL m '0 o _ aE in m U E E E ca z' a � ° m a E� N a -. o o vi � � �j `o .� N V Water level Time Date DESCRIPTION 1 ' REMARKS: i 10 2'' ML r 4 ­ �JS - 10, a .� a-- ^1cS Z2 s a14—LS-,0 o4 `- Inc"` o - o � . owe 5 - 7-0,o i v roux W C>j 3 'D _ ! FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: 1 . '• . i DATE CLIENT i • • • LOGGED •' : •' L Installation aeing data • .. r� s DESCRIPTION _ 100m Vim'- • ■ REMARKS: FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of borl ng: PROJECT No. 911-3 6VC( DATE CLI ENT A 4- <tc.;, LOCATION LOGGEDBYa-- -DRILLER""--�7�-H—e6-i BORING No. Sheet Casing Installation data. Drilling method Hole dIa. DESCRIPTION 0 9-9-9 0 M-AW M --WrWW -W-APTNW--Yp- �MUMEM WORM 0�fflw 9, VA I w- W, - RX"WIN M REMARKS: 6 is FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: CLIENT 1 LOGGED BY A. RILLER G installation Casing data DESCRIPTION - - - -� ! PM 0FZ_M '1- _isMrffCWV_'pA - M 0 1 1 1 FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT (803 6 V-0 I DATE LOCATION , LOGGED �' BORING NO—. Sheet • • installabon data DESCRIPTION �- 6w,%�r - �mnmm. rc ...+! ARM • el- ' FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of .. PROJECT No. DATE CLIENT d9t0v LOCATION LOGGED BY :L DRILLER. :.- , Casing Installaton J �_ ru./ • 1=111111to M`711� wj m� • ►. �� �! L I oimm. 70 M OEM ww.�1111111111 -�- 9 - 10.7 r1j �,Y1�E71- • � � I �,��- ice. • I ►_r, FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. DATE ��BORING WENT —Min rr STw LOCATION LOGGED BY MWL DRILLER, No— Sheat .. menjiffiT. =u- I- ea�� ; . da ,. CA I' FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG 1 1I it I 1 � I � I � I I I . Field location of boring: PROJECT No. DATE 03 CLIENT STT)p LOCATION - LOGGED BY .- • MIN,�. r -�- 11w; � ��® � A N �� /� • '- Lei+ ,.J� =>> � t m MAR N ��� � � c• _ ....�r A. ► . Lam+ 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. DATE 2 (ot3 BORING No. CLIENT Nid.N(T'p VE -ZS LOCATION Sheet LOGGED BY m��- DRILLER L--C- of 3 Casing Installation data Drilling method s �� /c.AS194 rtW Hole dia. Q Water level Vi Erim nio 5 a a .. o�v Time c� 0z 0 ate CL in �v DESCRIPTION ©=W w V 151 , (- r,(E 5 I! xz I VEZ.-?iS SM 71Li'-i SIW1) j5P , !)' 2IC 2�cE �3�3�IGu G I ::P�9r1't7 =4tL vpore 0 51411jPi C O-C- - VL92 REMARKS: M16 • IYC711 S'C , 6�lOr S•f For. �1 Erim e w V 151 , (- r,(E 5 I! xz I VEZ.-?iS SM 71Li'-i SIW1) j5P , !)' 2IC 2�cE �3�3�IGu G I ::P�9r1't7 =4tL vpore 0 51411jPi C O-C- - VL92 REMARKS: M16 • IYC711 S'C , 6�lOr S•f For. �1 FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING.LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. DATE Db ,23 CLIENT AIM 1T- ! "r LOCATION LOGGED BY AWC' DRILLER L-C BORING No. � Sheet =L of -3 Casing installation data Drilling method R ma, W Cpowa Apywam Hole dia. I,Q��, v i a 3: a E 1M E E r n. a o v Water level Time Date DESCRIPTION 4b. 5 VF-Z-60-' 90 6° 70 G� G� S p sp S., LT,4 57"to M Y, L uw '. n = '1 VE 2 C4 211- LI E�At-L-' oWfZ. /ttdiE ; pqcwtit 1i Moiinia.i a r ILLI -Y-0M LK SD nt �ItT 50a. Tb W,_ pit), rllzam 5-0 t-T. 7 ff, so t - G t - 1771-t SA E1,Law- I _— s� , (�o. 0 5 I I OLCR I @ (o -G, 2f r .. s PRED S-&M PLC a SOU PCTZ - S I , 1 Sq-3111 veZ -"7D 1-001ST I I A—r 757(-r, Ttf M4)aZATE EueL6W I 20 « Y G2i�U D sn 20wx/, I l%t-xsstr oi� wiEv acv �� M DoD VE2• --11b5 e--`t` wtrr4 5f)Lo&IG F-"CL OZ%,t- REMARKS: FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG d location .... PROJECT DATE e. CLIENT LOCATION LOGGED DRILLER :.. Sheet • Installation Casing data P• -- Drilling method • a • _ ' w • DESCRIPTION MUM ii�%i. 00 M17WrWJ ■ n'�r'�C�� FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT NO. DATE CLIENT -Mk)I4 LOCATION :Shee LOGGED BY DRILLER tmv".. . Casing Installation data ,. �. - ��w® � w:I. �wwsww ■� w wwwwww w wwwwww �w wwww�� w I M 117 w w t��f�C.3i� ►�����rii ���� G. v i. . - w �■ w w _ w w e �l�N�i�lR�l� ' � ■ w w ww w w�iwsw�iwwwww w i w FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No DATE Z O BORING No. CLIENT &A r ,D LOCATION Sheet_ LOGGED BY LAIL DRILLER G of Casing installation data <Z212 /JG! Cis Drilling method c QN Hole dia. 10 t' N a Water level d o o ° — c d o ° ° U Time c° q °: a o a ° m >E Date m © H U1 U) 2 U1 O U) j DESCRIPTION a N -59(" ■ r REMARKS: 5P C KM ONOWRIM.. r ■1G�§f1IAk4wAq, Imo■ w b T-- I I � I I I FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. DATE CLIENT LOCATION LOGGED BY -DRILLER, BORING No. Sheet Casing Installation data DESCRIPTION EMNWZW� "AjL WNFAW I Nom M, 2 0.1111 IS= RVA W MO m MWIR WI-Iffm 121MMMM21011 "M m mievl�_ Man REMARKS: FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: acs �� sr PROJECT No. I1?o3 DATE 00_ 63 CLIENT h�'�w,ti S�° -P LOCATION Z2oe 0-'°a �' LOGGED BY Cam- L-Ic- ---� DRILLER I—C-- 7310RING of L_ Casing Installation data Set. J��G e- . Drilling method 1-112 & °an p-ft, Hole dla 7 a y c ° a ° a n (n Z CL a In a �? o -o — O en v Cn Water le vel Time Date DESCRIPTION I S 10 Is 20 2S 30 iiiiiw 3<' ' I 0 gm SP SP 5p G P SP So p CsP rnw? poon�y F.ZeoGp ��,aqr so ✓ 'MC-010 A)Ce $Ct�t� rc or1 fu To w Gn ,S n5 t0 2w 5o to t M OIL 4r 10 sat- Na odcp r I I b 12y ys I rnw 3 -1 1—c AoouE I I I 12"! it' 1-231 Mw 3-2.a 2c.y Ga* -0C- &P UELS 3s'o✓ .J �- (rH *� I nl EORuw. Enfs' /"C- I IN t; o SjA N0S IJ4 It" . T /I- L> ° li I 0 11 1 cvl 1 My- ?-2s a-cy GBC1060 s4NOC( P ) 7� bFwSC I uc>4TS w- tN t 6 ¢- 0-1t-t0> A,--/Oi I m O o2 I I I I I 0 IZJ 1 M€ 6auc- sP I I i I POO¢-k Y G¢A or- O �S2r4✓F�c— Gp) ��✓✓ �oSE 0 0 I b 36 Sa rr W ii 0 Sum, REMARKS: FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: . PROJECT No. 3 DATE 1-10-61 CLIENT LOCATION 2100 V W !o"— LOGGED BY G`,- DRILLER BORING No. Sheet of Casing installation data n Drilling method A�. '�°�'� �/G Hole dla. 7 c ion ° c aE r EE 0 = r a ° E a N 0 N �Ev _ >, vi O v N Water level Time Date DESCRIPTION I yS St) (oQ GS 10 -7 S SD Gp C>P 6-Q 6-P c P SP t RIr3- Yr ooe -t_ MFD/UOL �N Q P p ILA leg Ar ✓r� f i i Gn of & L a 0 oo (L- it TO MW 3 AT So t sµ i taut& Q QIIUR_.. 1 I Z -,-5 r r-- D rum SPNO 'E-DtU�� G I I i I a I Sa I w►w,3- 60 AT 6 4 c -s o La,4a.LE t/EL I I I V 1 SAr-c- aS 3a v "E Gf I I i I I I 0 I" ro I I rhU - 7D S4-^^ C As- OoVC I I I I I Poo L61 6;V-;O &o SAJDS So LT. Bedc.✓v T)Jt S C N 0 0 po C�- I 0 Zt So' vhw 3- ( REMARKS: FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field locatlon of boring: - " u r o N N � A PROJECT No. -I$01 DATE f 24 o3 CLIENT Y OLL S10" fA .e L J 3a 3 LOCATION 2900 ft^Am.� avC- LOGGED BY DRILLER ` BORI',G No. M W - q Sheet of _ Casing installation data P(Q, Sc26-c-N 2A (°,O-c, 5le -rs \ I�SGc- i10ff rfVL MMVA CASOOG 04r - 11IJkt. Wt,3 -,Awp Drilling method , IQ Re+aeu. Hole dla. IDS dm I35- -c-r 14vwaTvp .� E„c _ o �tD N �, a ' F3 ° c v N c� a : c)z r ° n a a to a oAU? , U = > nvo y Water level Time Date DESCRIPTION I ►vS IJo' ►IS Izo I J34 13, SP SP SP �7 5P /$►`1 CGS (7P v M3 15-a w4- JoS 1-1-7 &-Oko S GP -qeWv aer✓ a Y 1, EAis6c UIUrY t AN N o wy -I 10 SA, -C-- dS A-0 vs. I I I l?dw,✓ It: Ily 10 1 1 mw y -115 - M Ac__Zly X060 s," Oro,o ME0jCA*q -0 CVAeS& 6,04,1�60 OS NO Q�YL I i I I p y ( s-r. 11f e _ u /� f f 20 t*r . �i vjb za M c n rv.� G-a c r rvG o I I rAdfST' a vo4_ auUOwa - yr -2. 7 f Zo�'r. 9 6: I I 9 1 YO SD 1 Mw 4 -Ibf vn� tu2uRaTE'0 -in/C- To M'elrc�r^- I u PL /o'lo 1 N o rt I I H- olso Y -13D L4 CC ,44 a 6w J &C'p i? .otj J b'(— FrNE 1 v QR/. I r+b ODO2 I I I I I SaM.C- QS Y.tCta fT CGPI I I I REhIARKS: FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. DATE 2 7 03 CLIENT M 114 STV LOCATION LOGGED BY MV4G DRILLER BORING No. VE _ I S She t I p L of Casing Installation data 70 2`'Pm,P✓G&4,(K0r70twr :Si)w%�No,3) Drilling method A2 Rkm5$1C q a w(6�5(,44 Hole dla. f O fAj , - • S S Lew H a lL ..� _o ° 0 c T 4 u` cn A z c c, a— v� _ 0 o N � ;,ui in u> Water level Time Date DESCRIPTION gs 9D 95 1 G° iuS f10 G, p S� $Off, - WG Im OD SVSV VE I -00Q PEV PIs of S u7v7 f= FsTdZ�l : AR- C 2" lbo I VE - 9th i I •- Y ooa I Ibilso VE i- o 0 0 I I I i N D REMARKS: Vim- VE -(S Cor 14 to , 2 -01A, SCM, PVC S4Lt N CAV14q'i0.t'ZO - BUTS) 15-65% 2 "- p14, fVC- "te- l plAtq 0 -(5r-T:; v ttC v. 3) 1'� - C„� 1�7, 9 - 12, r- -7 . 1.4-8 "_0i �12 o _ T TZ. a� m 0 T T 47 N LO M r L a WATER Q o l AB — o Approximately 122 feet bgs ~ f Removable Cap Concrete Well Monument Neat - cement grout 3 feet hydrated Bentonite Lonestar #3 Sand to 2' above top of screen m Schedule 40 PVC, 2 -inch diameter, 0.020 Slot Size N Flush Thread Cap NOT TO SCALE E2C Remediation, LLC TEXACO SERVICE STATION RGURE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 5316 West Shaw Avenue Bakersfield, California 93313 Fresno, California MW% _G 2 Telephone: (661) 831 -6906 Facsimile: (661) 831 -6234 MW -2 AS -BUILT DIAGRAM *8 *_P� o .F. r � F 1 ui co L a WATER O fAULF — Approximately 122 feet bgs .f Removable Cap Concrete Well Monument Neat - cement grout 3 feet hydrated Bentonite Lonestar #3 Sand to 2' above top of screen Schedule 40 PVC, 2 -inch diameter, 0.020 Slot Size Flush Thread Cap NOT TO SCALE E2C Remediation, LLC TEXACO SERVICE STATION FWRE a� 5316 West Shaw Avenue Bakersfield, California 93313 m ^ W-3 'V' V V 0 T T Qi MW -3 AS -BUILT DIAGRAM ui co L a WATER O fAULF — Approximately 122 feet bgs .f Removable Cap Concrete Well Monument Neat - cement grout 3 feet hydrated Bentonite Lonestar #3 Sand to 2' above top of screen Schedule 40 PVC, 2 -inch diameter, 0.020 Slot Size Flush Thread Cap NOT TO SCALE E2C Remediation, LLC TEXACO SERVICE STATION FWRE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 5316 West Shaw Avenue Bakersfield, California 93313 Fresno, California ^ W-3 'V' V V Telephone: (661) 831 -6906 Facsimile: (661) 831 -6234 MW -3 AS -BUILT DIAGRAM 144-81_*� �12 w o .. o f 1 ,1 CD 0 T T a LO M T WATER 0 O 6 Approximately 122 feet bgs ~ 4f f Removable Cap Concrete Well Monument Neat - cement grout 3 feet hydrated Bentonite Lonestar #3 Sand to 2' above top of screen Schedule 40 PVC, 2 -inch diameter, 0.020 Slot Size n N Flush Thread Cap NOT TO SCALE E2C Remediation, LLC TEXACO SERVICE STATION FIGURE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 5316 West Shaw Avenue Bakersfield, California 93313 Fresno, California MW -4 Telephone: (661) 831 -6906 Facsimile: (661) 831 -6234 MW-4 AS -BUILT DIAGRAM i II � I APPENDIX E January- February 2003 Soil Analytical Laboratory Reports EC Remediation, LLC AAwndy E FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field locatlon of borin : PROJECT No. _ 1 ko3 DATE 7 is i3 BORC;G t o tc�r v CLIENT Mtrt,-r- S-� AO As- f Q LOCATION 2906 u0vr0p/ A..&, She o LOGGED BY DRILLER L! -4A/C- cf Casing installation data Drilling method A,c -VW Ae:!:� Hole dla. Water level r c a o vi Time rIO c b U Date P o u ►'"c°n in z' ou �n c j f1�Cl^C]IOTI!'1V G N —is" /5- = SP G{0 AS I - yS _] %-Lw Se REMARKS: ru K*_ a I 7`[7 t\A r'r o t a rK Gl1P t t✓GrJ . M E D t W OF ,T6�/ I ki f exKZ, . F / r " W ODO l� FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. I XU DATE ? fr o 3 305 p;o CLIENT N4rwcr' Srl;.y LOCATION Z9oo Uw�o� + �vu Sheep 2- LOGGED BY DRILLER Casing ins:allalion da,a Water level Time Date DESCRIPTION IDS MC-V UA Ly Darn.A ' O OJ& 7-ci t A V o o UM 5,410 S SLt 6�wr s Drilling method Ro"f4�4 Hole dla. C V a 0 o p 3o c cE cn E E c a E �J3 Ev 0 l�.i f-CA C!!Z D N O(n11 1 G Nv I I Z o s I - o bo GP -= 1P I z i I 0 I ! I I I i I t 7 S W l U I 0( 1 1451-1 S I I I I I i I I I ! I ! I I I i i I I I I I I I ! I I 1 i s = 90 R0 CrvJ I I _ ; I i 4. I t 0 - -- �v ' REMARKS: Water level Time Date DESCRIPTION IDS MC-V UA Ly Darn.A ' O OJ& 7-ci t A V o o UM 5,410 S SLt 6�wr s 105- - G P aev 2�Av�Gs o is 1t MOIST- 1V1 6 of U un. 6 -44.1 ,5v SAVOC. ao sc SCr Opt li9 a!d 120 ' r2o 6f SA -r,^e PrS► X40 GP G FJ A� ¢�tcicS�sCG�° �T. i J3o776m. 0,4- pr -I Iy0 6 R_=MAS FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: /�i PROJECT No. Ci3 DATE `3 3I ��~, ►� CLIENT _ MIN(1'. S- LOCATION 2100 UN�o^' �iyC Sheet 3 j LOGGED BY G' �'Zc= DRILLER Ltt-5- cf - Casing installation data M IMPo TLoLtS SPAQlrE FbuvT` 00hr -138 -Fr, Pre �c � 4o 'FLA" SI castes G / ?84 - o;i. 1� ��- ��"j. Drilling method -_ 063 si o 1'+ofr -.` Hole dia. rt - I t. L wr GEµC- w.,,r EravtA �r LO ,. Water level r a E "' lU Time c° M a a G 0 ❑ TU! Date p v F- VS VIZ N O N Ln DESCRIPTION 105- - G P aev 2�Av�Gs o is 1t MOIST- 1V1 6 of U un. 6 -44.1 ,5v SAVOC. ao sc SCr Opt li9 a!d 120 ' r2o 6f SA -r,^e PrS► X40 GP G FJ A� ¢�tcicS�sCG�° �T. i J3o776m. 0,4- pr -I Iy0 6 R_=MAS FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG j Field location of boring: h5 Z u a' S ?Act;-4r- 5r, � � � 3 PROJECT No. DATE - M UZ CLIENT Mt) t-r STOP LOCATION 1900 LOGGED BY &, f"Fa Lcuij DRILLER ,jc')"yN If- SORIP;G l,'o. A 5^2 1 cf �, Casing installation data , Drilling method V-0-r P"`7 Hole dia. s, N o<°n �°, c c� c°n z a o a y 2 M N Water level Time Date DESCRIPTION ' ' I I IQ Zo 30- 5a �0 90 &00 01c jbAM g 'To W E O! cAc �—,-- C�- A1.�rr�E �N- Tor0u2 IorJa a SP A "C- S 60r-,Lk- sio --SA--Mc- AS I I I 000 i- WI , P/u ,A 44!ar/Le/J i I i ipoo �- I oR�SLe~ ✓c � ant p 2- 3 t� oe�ee -5 1ti[ Dcr,�w� Gea,. c_s FINC io AACiv �. c.- pour P SAm - Rs A56 I ' I I �+nn I I i I I loon+ - I I UC-L up 5 t C-T rJ o�►v L�-STr�- � i _ I —10 C` %D (W e-t. C%-Z-&4 r.J I I I nn>- -o c t,tmi 6;ZA vc —L� c— -0 t� 3o I S1f'2a "C, d 4 cr r` D 150 I I — WT G,440 DS w'- /10 Su 0`1 Mao � �✓ -. �c Nro No v PL�Si 1L S 2- 5 o M !: tD ays E S 7' W a 0 ud L_..- I I ° ylSlf-' rSa7/�- ' REMARKS: 2 REMARKS: ;# VVO 6 �) t Ova O L AISE(. - Z A A -6ouiv tL ii2'o G- S G u�a lv�r�2 - rvcamure.e0 7 si-►zo' 1110 5P 2L cisc G,4-pVC G i c.U2� ran nAc o t u s--� . Tee SA ns 7W O fvC�- O o 2 2- 2S IZS SP `AAAC— 5LlGEtr 0001 1 FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. DATE /� %0 3 CLIENT " kW l'F' 5T6 P 30RtA;3 A;o S -2 LOCATION ZQoa UkwtO I-J PyE , Sh.a! -? LOGGED BY & t +a-Co-d DRILLER LA V /JC- ct 2. Casinginstallationdata MICjZoPduAa.(S 5P4e6€ �bl&T' j?4ANK &sr-j&. 0CI — 138 fr.�� Drilling method __ AIR vo7r- e`{ Hole d(a. b 'ild3 SaN t —iyo�. rEp 6,Xk.�IE C�u(ws [(� fr. S Ea-r Carr G«- 2 -117 N 3 `o �" a u c` c c T a F- cn c a a to z c ° o, a a -. ° N 2.0 5.v? N Water level Time Date DESCRIPTION 2 REMARKS: ;# VVO 6 �) t Ova O L AISE(. - Z A A -6ouiv tL ii2'o G- S G u�a lv�r�2 - rvcamure.e0 7 si-►zo' 1110 5P 2L cisc G,4-pVC G i c.U2� ran nAc o t u s--� . Tee SA ns 7W O fvC�- O o 2 2- 2S IZS SP `AAAC— 5LlGEtr 0001 1 FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field locatlon of boring: PROJECT No. - 1'5'03 DATE 7 -114 3OR"�1G fro. A CLIENT __W 4- S A5 -3 40 LOCATION 2900 U�ic,g AdlL Shea; E3 LOGGED BY J 7,r DRILLER °kf-3 Casing installation data Drilling method Ate " Hole dla, N .. Water level o " r ° c ° Time ' CA 0 cE E E c E C� Ev �, o a 7 u c = a.N Date \1 d cj F- cn U) z ° N ti cn c DESCRIPTION 0 5- to REMARKS: S' to i �S M V' yS ,.., f Af s r CAW,, -f- FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. DATE CLIENT LOCATION 2�1iw C/ia/io•� She:; LOGGED BY DRILLER •pj- Casing installation data Drilling method __ IG 4M?sjz Hole dia. SL's z .' I .^ I I I I -s I �.,•d I I i I I I _ a ARKS iA! 53 -5v' - sV y Water level ° c ca r a .. 2.0 , Time o cE EE c E 0Ec� Q ►-cn viz — a vi Date V CA G DESCRIPTION SL's z .' I .^ I I I I -s I �.,•d I I i I I I _ a ARKS iA! 53 -5v' - sV FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ' Field location of boring: PROJECT No. DATE i— �`1"O� 3aAIrrG r;o. CLIENT 1p LOCATION AiJf_ Sheet i Q LOGGED BY DRILLER' c' _ N +. •�? Casing Installation data ' iJ�S . �i1 ya �}�. BI.�, Grlsiwc i3£i = o' �3 Sa,✓�_ Drilling method A ' A,ae #0f / S� Hole dla. �±v! in Water level I m o Z.2 cd L �° N Time u U c° ac a a= a 2 E N Date E !- cn cn z c I DESCRIPTION MEW ' I .,v I I I o I -A L I - os D�, 1, .q..- I I I I I I I I I � I I I I I ( fig `cw 1 I I I I I I I 1 5 0* 14 A4 ,.� I I I 1 I I I b I I I I 1 I 1 I R�h(ARKS: i3s F1 1 I 1 1 1 FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: Sk s as-y N r PROJECT No. DATE CLIEAlT t lk)ll' STOP LOCATION Z906 t# -"(C)" AuG LOGGED BY & P-&Lcav DRILLER YAK AS--`{ Sheet c. - Casing installation data Drilling method t1Io- 90tz--N Hole dia. " o ° n ❑ � a 0 1- cn 4 v� z � a cn .. >N o to � N v Water level Time Dale DESCRIPTION I 1D Zo 3 o y0 5 v V0 Sp �� a LCbS� ANC 70 M'-L ?Its AA A -I n 'C4D " ¢ate InE AiNCm t=+ r vK aG I i 1 S V",k, S"nn -Ac, A t I I I I i rWE 7.0 MC0IAA,,L't 2;wco n/o O no "- I ' I I I I I I I I w rrj L;- T o c c D2 U r�►E� K I I o38C : P Td 'o I ! I I 6-(A VGt 4 N - rv, -0(L, w S.a wn fir, L 1 6-,4 r L. paw J,� T' S1GT I 1 I I I I �- -4D I I too G-P 6p 2oc 2 L—` iLA bGO �sQAtiG� 2-41 wt5,0 S u ('447- L D -4 A.P 110 -00 obcf- REMASKS: FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. 1 �03 DATE 7 9 °3 Rt,;G No. CLIENT LOCATION _ 29 )O 1,A, VJ( o UJ VC Sy_., Z ' LOGGED BY G. NgLCc,✓ DRILLER "qVe - c! _ Casing installation data Mabowtous SRPeG6 po)a.,Jr 1 I40 - PJC.SGN i-(4 aw%u,�- COSW(, Oar - f3A� A((K- 201-A Drilling method LAI Nn 3 S,.,No )35'4+ 140 fT. [-fyot -re-o ��vtowtrE eaiK Hole dia. y a r YJa ter level y C. �� o �°, c ca r -°n .0 U Time '+'� 0 O^ P ,�G. E E E v � E 0 E lA Date I d � f- �n cn z cn o cn N .. c` DESCRIPTION I I Zr 1 40 1 V�.i4 t✓4TCL. NCc�Uw� J ! - �r- ' �Ao 0 s14-124' 12D ( I G'd W � l,.J E'r Yv� E �3 r ut, w�. (,i L• ry �' C— . SL t G 'J? 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CLIENT "�X' LOCATION LOGGE,O BY XUT— DRILLER Sheet Z c` + . 1 Casing Installation data Drilling method Hole dia. Water level U Time o° a o c o E N Date F^ N VI Z N O In v C I I DESCRIPTION 4' mom o&do./` F I sv I I I I I I I I I I awo I Soy f a S I I _ I I I s 10, • • I I _ I I � I ! f I ! So REMARKS: x REMARKS: 90' A.-1s- //o /Z` FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. DATE �iLS f�3 SOR" 'G No CLIENT - /Gi�„i��(� j —� LOCATIONIi/io.✓ Sheet �_ LOGGED SY—Li-V DRILLER c. _3 f� �► 1��'f Casing ins;allalion data ydyZ-o lw—f� $ .2 ' less Drilling method - -7, Hole dla. in .. Water level o, 16.2 t � N Time 0 o o° M s c.°n o G a �° Date #1 a Z a T�? DESCRIPTION C. 1 I . x REMARKS: 90' A.-1s- //o /Z` FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. DATE 10/4/03 BORING No. CLIENT MMW, I LOCATION Sheet t/v - LOGGED BY �_ DRILLER i--C of _ I� ve,r A Ic Casing installation data Drilling method A r Q t'rlmer Hole dia. 15 Cp REMARKS: Water level o — C o C-.. o C 6 U Time o � ac a o o >.N Date Z y ONE DESCRIPTION a cn 15 Cp REMARKS: FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. DATE 1014/09 BORING No. Mvt1 -5 CLIENT — Slmp "IV -5 LOCATION Sheet i- , LOGGED BY DRILLER J L,(, of of lr�� A / c Casing Installation data Drilling method Hole dia. Wla ter levet ..: d a 2 c ° � ca r � a 0 Time o° N T c c j c4, c E v7 Date -7 N 0N� DESCRIPTION 5 C--r P ry _ S F/ Gr f oCl �P 5P SX REMARKS: I �- ;- r -tz i on ed r xIm n rG r` �.o c{ _ _ _ i V- 1 1 • % _ _ 1 .. _ _ ♦ 1 1 FIELD EXPLORATORY BORING LOG Field location of boring: PROJECT No. DATE 0L4 O3 BORING No. CLIENT i'I in, � .5�-0 � M LOCATION Sheet ?� LOGGED BY $K DRILLER .Lj�' of � • 3. AlC Casing Installation data 110 SP SP Water level Time Date DESCRIPTION F tcv,-e64ar 3 REMARKS: Drilling method _ it a.mtmh to Hole dia. N o CL o b0 e p uE c- E t C E BEN Ei O k� U! (n Z t!1 c CJ S GP 110 SP SP Water level Time Date DESCRIPTION F tcv,-e64ar 3 REMARKS: Pmiect Number 1603SK29 October 9. 2009 APPENDIX 6 Geologic Cross - Sections and Cross - Section Transect Plot EZC Remediation Appendix B i w z w } Q z _O z I j cXI''ST I N sF'LI; E2C Remediation, LLC MINIT STOP MARKET FIGURE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 2900 North Union Avenue Bakersfield, Califomia 93313 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA �� Telephone: (661) 831 -6906 Facsimile: (661) 831 -6234 SITE PLAN WITH CROSS - SECTION TRANSECTS EXPLANATION Mw -1 Groundwater Monitoring Well Location 32 -RD ® February 2002 Soil Boring 13-1 �- Preliminary Assessment Soil Boring D., 0 Dispenser soil sample location ® Soil Boring Location; arrow Indicates slant boring and direction 10 Dual completion VE well E2C Remediation, LLC MINIT STOP MARKET FIGURE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 2900 North Union Avenue Bakersfield, Califomia 93313 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA �� Telephone: (661) 831 -6906 Facsimile: (661) 831 -6234 SITE PLAN WITH CROSS - SECTION TRANSECTS eesrs�o`• CINDER BLOCK WALL �® TK -1 W — TK -1 E VE -2S -2D ® TK4 ® 62 -RD ®'5W � TK -5E t U, H G ASOLINE USTs fiP TK -2W 6 TK -2E B -2 I B -3 TK -3E • MW -4 I ._ MW -1 B TK _ �B3-RD VE-1S -1D B -1 P5 ❑tIALI D -1 D -2 FORMER 5,000- GALLON FORMER O GASOLINE USTs DISPENSER ISLAND D -3 0 D -4 LU 0 z MIN -IT STOP ® MARKET LU V S-3D a -4 U Q' MW -2 kX13TiNG � i I- I i MW -3 PACIFIC STREET — — - North I i I 0 15 30 ft E2C Remediation, LLC MINIT STOP MARKET FIGURE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 2900 North Union Avenue Bakersfield, Califomia 93313 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA �� Telephone: (661) 831 -6906 Facsimile: (661) 831 -6234 SITE PLAN WITH CROSS - SECTION TRANSECTS y� `fie oonmau 101Q � 150 -' 30 ML�SA97IC 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 SP GP BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SP/GP Telephone: (661) 831 -6906 SP Facsimile: (661) 831 -6234 CROSS- SECTION A -A' SP/GP SM/ML _ SP GP /GM/GWIGC SP /GP SM SM/SC GP /GM SP/SM/SC 120 GW /SCSM GP /SC I GP — SP SP \ — — OP — — GP 60 SP /GP SP/GP / GPSP SP — SMlML 90 SP /GP — GP/GM/(3W/GC — — SP SM SP/GP — OP — — SP - - -� - -� - -- 120 $z water at 122' 7 - SP /GP — -7 � 150 -' SCALE 1" = 30 feet 150 EXPLANATION MW -1 - Boring Location VE -3S /D - VE Well Boring Location GP /GW - Gravel, Sandy Gravel MUCL - Silt, Clayey Silt, Sandy Silt SM/GM - Silty Sand, Silty Gravel SP /SM /SC - Sand, Silty Sand, SP -Sand Clayey Sand SP /GP - Sand, Gravelly Sand, Sandy Gravel, Gravel E2C Remediation, LLC 30 ML�SA97IC 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 SP GP BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SP/GP Telephone: (661) 831 -6906 Facsimile: (661) 831 -6234 CROSS- SECTION A -A' SP/GP SM/ML 90 GP /GM/GWIGC SM GP /GM SP/SM/SC 120 GW /SCSM GP /SC SCALE 1" = 30 feet 150 EXPLANATION MW -1 - Boring Location VE -3S /D - VE Well Boring Location GP /GW - Gravel, Sandy Gravel MUCL - Silt, Clayey Silt, Sandy Silt SM/GM - Silty Sand, Silty Gravel SP /SM /SC - Sand, Silty Sand, SP -Sand Clayey Sand SP /GP - Sand, Gravelly Sand, Sandy Gravel, Gravel E2C Remediation, LLC MINIT STOP MARKET FIGURE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 2900 North Union Avenue Bakersfield, California 93313 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 11 Telephone: (661) 831 -6906 Facsimile: (661) 831 -6234 CROSS- SECTION A -A' M .E .c 120 150 ' 0,31, 5�d1` v�`° PP SCALE 1" = 30 feet 30 .X 120 150 i EXPLANATION MW -1 - Monitoring Well Boring Location VE -3S /D - VE Well Boring Location GP - Gravel, Sandy Gravel SM - Silty Sand SP - Sand SP /GP - Sands, Gravelly Sands, Sandy Gravel, Gravel E2C Remediation, LLC MINIT STOP MARKET RGURE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 2900 North Union Avenue Bakersfield, California 93313 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 12 Telephone: (661) 831 -6906 Facsimile: (661) 831 -6234 CROSS - SECTION B -B' � I Proiect Number 1803BK29 October 9. 2009 APPENDIX C ISoil Impact Map and Soil Impact Cross - Sections � I � I � I I I I I I I II E2C Remediation Appendix C w Q G i FORMER 10,000 -GAL GASOLINE USTs EXISTING SPLIT 20.000 -GAL UST CINDER BLOCK WALL TIC -1 W ^ . TK -1 VE -2S -2D ::: : "'� " "':fry:" ;62 -R[ -4W TK- W : TK -2E B -2 MW -1 N ..:s KFT VE -3S -3 B-4 D MW -2 • .... .. xlsrlN� P?Sp.r�i.Fij.k.,. D .. MW-3 PACIFIC STREET — — North f I /h i 0 15 30 ft r LJ J T: 4 :r u: r_ x E2C Remediation, LLC MINIT STOP MARKET FIGURE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 2900 North Union Avenue Bakersfield, California 93313 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA O Telephone: (661) 831-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831 -6234 LATERAL EXTENT OF IMPACTED SOILS EXPLANATION rav' Groundwater Monitoring Well Location February 2002 Soil Boring c- Preliminary Assessment Soil Boring -, 0 Dispenser soil sample location TK C,F Soil Boring Location; arrow indicates slant boring and direction Dual completion VE well CINDER BLOCK WALL TIC -1 W ^ . TK -1 VE -2S -2D ::: : "'� " "':fry:" ;62 -R[ -4W TK- W : TK -2E B -2 MW -1 N ..:s KFT VE -3S -3 B-4 D MW -2 • .... .. xlsrlN� P?Sp.r�i.Fij.k.,. D .. MW-3 PACIFIC STREET — — North f I /h i 0 15 30 ft r LJ J T: 4 :r u: r_ x E2C Remediation, LLC MINIT STOP MARKET FIGURE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 2900 North Union Avenue Bakersfield, California 93313 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA O Telephone: (661) 831-6906 Facsimile: (661) 831 -6234 LATERAL EXTENT OF IMPACTED SOILS e e�vnen d�C� te< cone l SP rSP S \ — — = — — — D Ej3 30 I ! 30 \ GP SfA Sr D 9 j — / —/ 0.03 S SP \ / GP P a P L ND — SP /G' , 60 S GP / 60 SP /GP .0356 � � — — / SVP —� — — — 330 _. .1396 SP / -- / loll 0.341 / — _ S, SM/ML, 90 ! — = L — .53 90 SP /GP /GM/GW/GC 1 GW /GC Ogo SP / M — / / S — f — — — 27'� GP /GM GP/ _ 0. / SP GP— _ — Approximate limits of _ — r SP / /fNSc _ _ TPHg- impacted soil mass ND r 120 sdVgw hnerfam ,� 151 water at 122' \� GW/SC/SM 120 SPIGP — _ i? GP:SC 150 ' TPHg analytical data in mg /Kg SCALE 1" = 30 feet 150 EXPLANATION MW -1 - Boring Location VE -3S /D - VE Well Boring Location GP /GW - Gravel, Sandy Gravel MUCL - Silt, Clayey Sift, Sandy Silt SM/GM - Silty Sand, Silty Gravel SP /SM/SC - Sand, Silty Sand, SP -Sand Clayey Sand SP /GP - Sand, Gravelly Sand, Sandy Gravel, Gravel E2C Remediation, LLC MINIT STOP MARKET FIGURE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 2900 North Union Avenue Bakersfield, California 93313 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 11 A Telephone: (661) 831 -6906 Facsimile: (661) 831 -6234 SOIL TPHg PROFILE CA 30 M .E 120 150 m j u II fie s Feu /'P1 MtBE analytical data in mg /Kg SCALE 1" = 30 feet 30 1--U .l 120 150 EXPLANATION MW -1 - Boring Location VE -3S /D - VE Well Boring Location GP /GW - Gravel, Sandy Gravel MUCL - Sift, Clayey Silt, Sandy Silt SM /GM - Silty Sand, Silty Gravel SP /SM /SC - Sand, Silty Sand, SP -Sand Clayey Sand SP /GP - Sand, Gravelly Sand, Sandy Gravel, Gravel £2C Remediation, LLC MINIT STOP MARKET FWRE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 2900 North Union Avenue Bakersfield, California 93313 BAKERSMELD, CALIFORNIA Telephone: (661) 831 -6906 Facsimile: (661) 831 -6234 SOIL MtBE PROFILE gp° eEpf gR �T jp �O '9i jp �2� I I SP SP GP 30 SM,S SM \ — N GP — SM — N SP SP SP;GP GP 60 — — — GP — — — SP 0.34 90 — SP,GP 0.4 P 0.726 0.519 —_ SP — — 0.064 D 120 water at 122' SP Approx. limits of TPHg - impacted soil mass 150 — TPHg analytical data in mg/Kg SCALE 1" = 30 feet 30 60 90 1 7 120 —150 EXPLANATION MW -1 - Monitoring Well Boring Location VE -3S/D - VE Well Boring Location GP - Gravel, Sandy Gravel SM - Silty Sand SP - Sand SP /GP - Sands, Gravelly Sands, Sandy Gravel, Gravel E2C Remediation, LLC MINIT STOP MARKET FMRE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 2900 North Union Avenue Bakersfield, California 93313 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 12A Telephone: (661) 831 -6906 Facsimile: (661) 831 -6234 SOIL TPHg PROFILE �PP i Approx. limits of MtBE- impacted soil mass 150 — MtBE analytical data in mg/Kg SCALE 1 " = 30 feet 150 EXPLANATION MW -1 - Monitoring Well Boring Location VE -3S/D - VE Well Boring Location GP - Gravel, Sandy Gravel SM - Silty Sand SP - Sand SP /GP - Sands, Gravelly Sands, Sandy Gravel, Gravel E2C Remediation, LLC MINIT STOP MARKET SP 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 2900 North Union Avenue SP — — BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 12 B Telephone: (661) 831 -6906 30 SOIL MtBE PROFILE 30 — - SM GP — SM — — — — — - -r _ —__— D SP SP — S GP P /GP 60 — — — 60 — GP — — — — 02 SP 0.9 0.7 .8 90 — — — -- 90 P P — — GP JNDG1 SP D 120 water 120 Approx. limits of MtBE- impacted soil mass 150 — MtBE analytical data in mg/Kg SCALE 1 " = 30 feet 150 EXPLANATION MW -1 - Monitoring Well Boring Location VE -3S/D - VE Well Boring Location GP - Gravel, Sandy Gravel SM - Silty Sand SP - Sand SP /GP - Sands, Gravelly Sands, Sandy Gravel, Gravel E2C Remediation, LLC MINIT STOP MARKET FIGURE 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 2900 North Union Avenue Bakersfield, California 93313 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 12 B Telephone: (661) 831 -6906 Facsimile: (661) 831 -6234 SOIL MtBE PROFILE APPENDIX D Influent Vapor Laboratory Analytical Reports E2C Remediation Appendix D PROVERA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Chain of Custody Form Client Name: A-'e'Ale'd ,' /.�'�„ Analysis Requested Sample Matrix Project Name: a W m M ° Q w m .2 o a � = EL o w_ W ( H L5 7 0 w U a J LL Air Client Address: S3 vU CJOC�c ��'� 7�. StE lv 5 � Project Manager: �wi� Sampler Name: S ` Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type Comments 6 , lv Turnaround Time Requested: 24 Hour 48 Hour 5 -Day Standard Relinquished By: Date: -�� �c� Relinquished By: Date: Received By: Date: Received By: Date: I ProVera' /1«17!11ticcil LcTbnratorics, Iitc. E2C Remediation Project: Minit Stop Report Date: 9/10/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis EPA Method TO -3 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: ' Sample ID: 10530 -001 Reporting Dilution Analysis Analyte Result Units Umit Factor Date Notes 0.385 ppmV 0.01 '1 1 1 1 1 IPrinQip�lfnalyst: Jeff Scheidemantel 1 8/31/2009 ' 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 I� 1 1 1 1 1 ProVera A17171i1tictl b7b01'r7t01-ie5, frtc. E2C Remediation Project: MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/30/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis Y EPA Method TO -3 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. PHIL GOALWIN Type: Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Analyte c %, Recovery /o Analyte Result Units Concentratio Units Recovery omits n 0.0904 ppmV 0.1 ppmV 90% 80-120 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 PROVERA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Chain of Custody Form Client Name: Ii Analysis Requested Sample Matrix Project Name: 1 P j O Q ° F p Q w m 2 d ~ a w c CU = 6 r Ui a L 2 6 a > � LL N m in oa $ "' rr—�l Air Client Address: 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 101. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: � p Sampler Name: Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type Comments O 3 F wi Turnaround Time Requested: 24 Hour 48 Hour 5 -Day Standard _A-- Relinquished By: — Date: c Relinquished By: Date: Received By: �' �' Datel6 Received By: Date: �t ProVera / nal.iltical Laboratorics, Inc. ! 7 E2C Remediation Project Minit Stop Report Date: 9/10/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis EPA Method TO -3 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: ' Sample ID: 10531 -001 Reporting Dilution Analysis Analyte Result Units Limit Factor Date Notes TPH1Gas 1 t I � . 1 P n al Analyst: Jeff Scheidemantel 0.912 ppmV 0.01 1 8/31/2009 ' 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 I' i� ProVera it 11171ytical Laboratories, 111( -. E2C Remediation Project: MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/30/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis is EPA Method TO -3 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. PHIL GOALWIN Type: Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Analyte o . % Recovery /o Analyte Result Units Concentratio Units Recovery omits n 0.0904 ppmV 0.1 ppmV 90% 80-120 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 PROVERA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Chain of Custody Form Client Name: Analysis Requested Sample Matrix Project Name:����,,. p a W } X m in Q w 5 0 o a C 6 H- w W i ProVera Analytical Laboratories, III(-. E2C Remediation Project MINIT STOP Report Date: 9114/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Project Site Analysis EPA Method TO -3 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: 10540 -001 Reporting Dilution Analysis Analyte Result Units Limit Factor Date Notes TPH/Gas 0.396 ppmV 0.01 1 9/3/2009 Principal Analyst: Jeff Scheidemantel 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 i ProVera Analytical L71701atrn-ics, hlc. E2C Remediation Project: MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/14/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis is EPA Method TO -3 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. PHIL GOALWIN Type: Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Analyte o % Recovery % Analyte Result Units Concentratio Units Recovery Limits n TPH /Gasoline 0.102 ppmV 0.100 ppmV 102% 80-120 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 ProVera AnalYti.cal Laboratories, Inc. r t I - E2C Remediation Project: MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/14/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Project Site Analysis EPA Method TO -3 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: ' 10540 -001 Reporting Dilution Analysis Analyte Result Units Limit Factor Date Notes TPH/Gas 0.396 ppmV 0.01 1 9/3/2009 P al Analyst: Jeff Scheidemantel ' 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 PROVERA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Chain of Custody Form Client Name: y Analysis Requested Sample Matrix Project Name: d w m W m j ° (L w m 0 a C w o U = ►�- o w w z � 2 0 v o J L Air Client Address: 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 101. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: �� Sampler Name: — Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type Comments P165� 3- I Turnaround Time Requested: 24 Hour 48 Hour ' 5 -Day Standard -JX— I 1 1 1 ProVera Anallitical Lnbora.tnrirs, 111c. �: 3 E2C Remediation Project MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/15/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Project Site Analysis EPA Method TO -3 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: ' Sample IDA 10543 -001 Analyte TPH /Gas 1 1 I I 1 J R Principat.Analyst: Jeff Scheidemantel I' Result Units Limit Factor Date 0.810 ppmV 0.01 1 9/4/2009 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 Notes i 1 ProVera Ana iltiatl Laboratories, Inc. ; E2C Remediation Project: MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/15/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis EPA Method TO -3 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. PHIL GOALWIN Type: ISample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Analyte % Recovery Analyte Result Units Concentratio Units % Recovery Umits n TPH /Gasoline 0.106 ppmV I' 0.1 ppmV 106% 80-120 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -6240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 m mm m m m m m m m m m m m mm Mm PROVERA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Chain of Custody Form Client Name: �� Analysis Requested Sample Matrix Project Name:jM 5 , o a } m � w o a m Y O w w i W :F O w U o J LL Air Client Address: 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 101. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Sampler Name: �.� j �-� Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type Comments [Turnaround Time Requested: 24 Hour 48 Hour 5 -Day Standard Relinquished By: �- " -- Date: Relinquished By.- Date: Received By ,-- N Date: Received By- Date- t 1 I ProVera Anal ytical Labora.torics, Inc. 4 i E2C Remediation Project: MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/15/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Project Site Analysis EPA Method TO-3 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: 1 Sample ID: 10544 -001 Reporting Dilution Analysis Analyte Result Units Limit Factor Date Notes 0.937 ppmv 0.01 1 9/4/2009 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 1 TPH/Gas Principal Analyst: Jeff Scheideman'tel 0.937 ppmv 0.01 1 9/4/2009 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827-5244 I ProVera Awillltical Lal»rat I-ics, 1110. 1 E20 Remediation Project: MINIT STOP Report Date: 9115/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Project Site Analysis EPA Method TO -15 Bakersfield CA 93313 , Project Mgr. PHIL GOALWIN Type: ' Sample ID: 10544 -001 Reporting Dilution Analysis Analyte Result Units urnit Factor Date Notes - Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/4/2009 Benzene ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/4/2009 Toluene 0.894` ppmV 0.01 1 9/4/2009 ' Ethylbenzene 0.151 ppmV 0.01 1 9/4/2009 m, p & o Xylenes 1.65 ppmV 0.01 1 9/4/2009 1,2 Dichloroethane ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/4/2009 1 Ethane, 1,2- dibromo- ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/4/2009 Prind'pal A6Wyst: Jeff Scheidemantel ' 3300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 527 -3240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 1 1 1 i i Pro -era Analytical Labnra.torirs, lnc. r t EX Remediation Project MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/15/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis EPA Method TO -3 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. PHIL GOALWIN Type: ' Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Analyte % Recovery Analyte Result Units Concentratio Units % Recovery Limits n rTPH/Gasoline 0.106 r r r r 'r r r r r r ppmV 0.1 ppmV 106% 80 -120 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 ' Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827- 5244 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ProVera / nali/tical l abnratorics, Inc. < 1 E2C Remediation Project MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/15/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis EPA Method TO -15 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Analyte Result Units Conce tyatfon Units % Recovery %Limits ry Propylene 201 ppmV 100 ppmV 201.0% 65-135 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) 182 ppmV 100 ppmV 182.0% 65-135 Ethane, 1,240- 1,1,2,2- tetraF (F -114) 104 ppmV 100 ppmV 104.0% 65-135 Chloromethane 53.6 ppmV 100 ppmV 53.6% 65-135 Ethene, chloro- (Vinyl Cloride) 133 ppmV 100 ppmV 133% 65-135 1,3 Butadiene 94.7 ppmV 100 ppmV 95% 65-135 Methane, bromo- 109 ppmV 100 ppmV 109.0% 65-135 Chloroethane 102 ppmV 100 ppmV 102.0% 65-135 Trichioromonofluoromethane (Freon 11) 107 ppmV 100 ppmV 107.0% 65-135 Isopropyl alcohol 156 ppmV 100 ppmV 156.0% 65-135 Freon 113 108 ppmV 100 ppmV 108.0% 65 -135 1,1 Dichloroethene 112 ppmV 100 ppmV 112.0% 65 -135 Acetone 103 ppmV 100 ppmV 103.0% 65-135 Carbon Disulfide 103.0 ppmV 100 ppmV 103.0% 65-135 Methylene Chloride 104 ppmV 100 ppmV 104.0% 65-135 MTBE (Propane, 2- methoxy -2- methyl -) 104 ppmV 100 ppmV 104.0% 65-135 trans 1,2 Dicloroethene 106 ppmV 100 ppmV 106.0% 65 -135 n- Hexane 99.8 ppmV 100 ppmV 99.8% 65-135 Vinyl acetate 110 ppmV 100 ppmV 110% 65-135 Ethane, 1,1- dichioro- 58.2 ppmV 100 ppmV 58% 65-135 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 109 ppmV 100 ppmV 109% 65 -135 cis 1,2 dichloroethene 109 ppmV 100 ppmV 109% 65-135 Tetrahydrofuran 103 ppmV 100 ppmV 103.0% 65-135 Chloroform (Trichloromethane) 109 ppmV 100 ppmV 109.0% 65-135 1,1,1 Tricloroethane 103 ppmV 100 ppmV 103.0% 65-135 Cyclohexane 102 ppmV 100 ppmV 102% 65-135 Carbon Tetrachloride 106 ppmV 100 ppmV 106% 65-135 Ethyl Acetate 102 ppmV 100 ppmV 102% 65-135 Benzene 107 ppmV 100 ppmV 107% 65-135 1,2 Dichloroethane 104 ppmV 100 ppmV 104% 65-135 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 x, P rove ra Analytical Laboratorics, Inc. E2C Remedlation Project: MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/15/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis EPA Method TO-15 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goahvin Type: Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Analyte Result Units Analyte Units % Recovery % Recovery Concentration Limits n- Heptane 105 ppmV 100 ppmV 105% 65-135 Trichloroethylene 111 ppmV 100 ppmV 111% 65-135 Propane, 1,2- dichloro- 105 ppmV 100 ppmV 105% 65-135 1,4 Dioxane 105 ppmV 100 ppmV 105.0% 65-135 Methane, bromodichloro- 118 ppmV 100 ppmV 118% 65 -135 cis-1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro- 100 ppmV 100 ppmV 100% 65-135 MIBK (2,4- Pentanedione3- (1- methyleth* 0 ppmV 100 ppmV 0% 65-135 Toluene 105 ppmV 100 ppmV 105 % 65-135 trans -1- Propene, 1,3- dichloro- 108 ppmV 100 ppmV 108% 65-135 Ethane, 1,1,2- trichloro- 107 ppmV 100 ppmV 107.0% 65-135 MBK 106 ppmV 100 ppmV 106% 65-135 Tetrachloroethylene 103 ppmV 100 ppmV 103.0% 65-135 Methane, dibromochloro- 95.7 ppmV 100 ppmV 95.7% 65-135 Ethane, 1,2- dibromo- 98 ppmV 100 ppmV 98.0% 65-135 Benzene, chloro- 103 ppmV 100 ppmV 103% 65-135 Ethylbenzene 105 ppmV 100 ppmV 105% 65-135 m +p- Xylene 105 ppmV 100 ppmV 105% 65-135 o-Xylene 103 ppmV 100 ppmV 103% 65-135 Styrene 98.8 ppmV 100 ppmV 99% 65-135 Bromoform (Methane, tribromo-) 103 ppmV 100 ppmV 103% 65-135 Ethane, 1,1,2,2- tetrachloro- 99.3 ppmV 100 ppmV 99% 65-135 4- Ethyltoluene 104 ppmV 100 ppmV 104% 65-135 Benzene, 1,35- trimethyl- 104 ppmV 100 ppmV 104% 65-135 Benzene, 1;2,4 - trimethyl- 102 ppmV 100 ppmV 102.0% 65 -135 Benzene, 1,3- dichloro- 112. ppmV 100 ppmV 112.0% 65-135 Benzene, 1,4- dichloro- 97.6 ppmV 100 ppmV 97.5% 65 -135 Benzyl chloride 103 ppmV 100 ppmV 103% 65-135 Benzene, 1,2- dichloro- 103 ppmV 100 ppmV 103% 65-135 Benzene, 1,2,4- tdchloro- 117 ppmV 100 ppmV 117% 65-135 1,3- Butadiene, 1,1,2,3,4,4- hexachloro- 107 ppmV 100 ppmV 107% 65-135 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 MM M l MM M m m m' � M M M it i PROVERA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Chain of Custody Form Client Name: _ l Analysis Requested Sample Matrix Project Name: a% d ►- w r X w m '" n "' w f2 w •o 0 0 a w w a : 0 0 w U o -, LL Air Client Address: 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 101. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: L Sampler Name: Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type Comments P1055S--4 Turnaround Time Requested: 24 Hour 48 Hour 5 -Day Standard n n Relinquished By: Date: �- Relinquished By: Date: Received By: r Date: Received By: Date: /111 i 1 1 1 P roue ra fln alYti.cal Laboratories, Iitc, E2C Remediation Project: Minit Stop Report Date: 9/17/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Project Site Analysis EPA Method TO-3 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: 1 Sample ID: 10555 -001 Reporting Dilution Analysis LAnalyte Result Units Limit Factor Date Notes TPH/Gas I 1 Princ' a nalyst: Jeff Sch idemantel 0.509 ppmV 0.01 1 911612009 ' 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 - 52;44 1 t >fi t�Z;-L Z8iI99) _W y otZ;-L ZS (199) : auogd FIFF6 VD PPVS- 10�bd `F0I alms 'ae"G a.raurp00A1 WF E2C Remediation Project MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/30/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Project Site Analysis EPA Method TO -15 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. PHIL GOALWIN Type: ISample ID: 10555 -001 Reporting Dilution Analysis Anaiyte Result Units Limit Factor Date Notes Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m, p & o Xyienes 1,2 Dichloroethane Ethane, 1,2- dibromo- t 1 Prin p AI alyst: Jeff Scheidemante 1 ( t ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 0.017, ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 0.702 ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 0.976 ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 •attj 'sa�.iv�r�.ivgc' % It»i�fi�rnlV ea anoa d ProVera /1milliltical Labrncatorics, Iric. E2C Remediation Project: Minit Stop Report Date: 9/17/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Project Site Analysis EPA Method TO -3 Bakersfield CA 93313 -Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: ISample ID: 10555 -002 Reporting Dilution Analysis Analyte Result Units Limit Factor Date Notes TPH /Gas I Pri halyst: Jeff Scheidemantel I' 0.244 ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 I' ProVera Anallltical 1 171 oratorle5, Inc. I E2C Remediation Project: MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/30/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Project Site Analysis EPA Method TO -15 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. PHIL GOALWIN Type: . Sample ID: 10555 -002 Reporting Dilution Analysis Analyte Result Units Limit Factor Date Notes Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 0.042 ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 Benzene ND ppmV 0.01 1 ' 9/16/2009 Toluene 0.327, ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 Ethylbenzene 0.11 ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 m, p & o Xylenes 2.32 ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 1,2 Dichloroethane ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 Ethane, 1,2- dibromo- ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 I� 1 1 . i Pri j I Analyst: Jeff Scheidemantel 1 (/ 5300 Woodmere.Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 ProVera Anall/tical b7horatories, Inc. 1 E2C Remediation Project: Minit Stop Report Date: 9/17/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis EPA Method TO -3 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Analyte o % Recovery /o Analyte Result Units Concentratio Units Recovery Limits n TPH /Gasoline .0.088 ppmV 0.1 ppmV 88% 80-120 3300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -3240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 it .i ,iy ri,.ra ProVera Anall/ticn! Lnbnratorics, h1c. E2C Remediation Project MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/1712009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis EPA Method TO -15 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Analyte Result Units Analyte Units % Recovery % Recovery Concentration Limits Propylene 382 ppmV 100 ppmV 382.0% 65-135 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) 346 ppmV 100 ppmV 346.0% 65-135 Ethane, 1,2 -diC1- 1,1,2,2- tetraF (F -114) 133 ppmV 100 ppmV 133.0% 65 -135 Chloromethane 118 ppmV 100 ppmV 118.0% 65-135 Ethene, chloro-(Vinyl Cloride) 302 ppmV 100 ppmV 302% 65 -135 1,3 Butadiene 157 ppmV 100 ppmV 157% 65 -135 Methane, bromo- 122 ppmV 100 ppmV 122.0% 65 -135 Chloroethane 120 ppmV 100 ppmV 120.0% 65 -135 Trichloromonofluoromethane (Freon 11) 114 ppmV 100 ppmV 114.0% 65-135 Isopropyl alcohol 21.2 ppmV 100 ppmV 21.2% 65-135 Freon 113 123 ppmV 100 ppmV 123.0% 65-135 1,1 Dichloroethene 124 ppmV 100 ppmV 124.0% 65-135 Acetone 133 ppmV 100 ppmV 133.0% 65 -135 Carbon Disulfide 131.0 ppmV 100 ppmV 131.0% 65-135 Methylene Chloride 130 ppmV 100 ppmV 130.0% 65 -135 MTBE (Propane, 2- methoxy- 2- methyl -) 123 ppmV 100 ppmV 123.0% 65-135 trans 1,2 Dicloroethene 130 ppmV 100 ppmV 130.0% 65-135 n- Hexane 135 ppmV 100 ppmV 135.0% 65-135 Vinyl acetate 29.5 ppmV 100 ppmV 30% 65 -135 Ethane, 1,1- dichioro- 125 ppmV 100 ppmV 125% 65-135 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 123 ppmV 100 ppmV 123% 65-135 cis 1,2dichloroethene 131 ppmV 100 ppmV 131% 65 -135 Tetrahydrofuran 128 ppmV 100 ppmV 128.0% 65-135 Chloroform (Trichloromethane) 134 ppmV 100 ppmV 134.0% 65-135 1,1,1 Tricloroethane 132 ppmV 100 ppmV 132.0% 65-135 Cyclohexane 126 ppmV 100 ppmV 126% 65-135 Carbon Tetrachloride 134 ppmV 100 ppmV 134% 65-135 Ethyl Acetate 122 ppmV 100 ppmV 122% 65-135 Benzene 129 ppmV 100 ppmV 129% 65-135 1,2 Dichloroethane 128 ppmV 100 ppmV 128% 65-135 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 P rove ra Analytical Laboratories, Inc. r i E2C Remediation Project MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/17/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis EPA Method TO -15 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard ° Analyte Result Units Concentratantra Units % Recovery /0 Recovery n- Heptane 132 ppmV 100 ppmV 132% 65-135 Trichioroethylene 125 ppmV 100 ppmV 125% 65-135 Propane, 1,2- dichloro- 128 ppmV 100 ppmV 128% 65-135 1,4 Dioxane 105 ppmV 100 ppmV 105.0% 65-135 Methane, bromodichloro- 134 ppmV 100 ppmV 134% 65 -135 cis -1- Propene, 1,3- dlchloro- 131 ppmV 100 ppmV 131% 65-135 MIBK ( 2, 4- Pentanedione3- (1- methylethyl} 0 ppmV 100 ppmV 0% 65 -135 Toluene 134 ppmV 100 ppmV 134% 65-135 trans -l- Propene, 1,3- dichloro- 130 ppmV 100 ppmV 130% 65-135 Ethane, 1,1,2- trichloro- 129 ppmV 100 ppmV 129.0% 65-135 MBK 123 ppmV 100 ppmV 123% 65-135 Tetrachloroethylene 132 ppmV 100 ppmV 132.0% 65 -135 Methane, dibromochloro- 135 ppmV 100 ppmV 135.0% 65 -135 Ethane, 1,2- dibromo- 134 ppmV 100 ppmV 134.0% 65-135 Benzene, chloro- 126 ppmV 100 ppmV 126% 65-135 Ethylbenzene 130 ppmV 100 ppmV 130% 65-135 m +p- Xylene 132 ppmV 100 ppmV 132% 65-135 o-Xylene 133 ppmV 100 ppmV 133% 65-135 Styrene 125 ppmV 100 ppmV 125% 65 -135 Bromoform (Methane, tribromo-) 119 ppmV 100 ppmV 119% 65 -135 Ethane, 1,1,2,2- tetrachloro- 132 ppmV 100 ppmV 132% 65 -135 4- Ethyltoluene 100 ppmV 100 ppmV 100% 65-135 Benzene, 1,3,5-trimethyl- 56.2 ppmV 100 ppmV 56% 65-135 Benzene, 1,2,4- trirriethyl- 129 ppmV 100 ppmV 129.0% 65-135 Benzene, 1,3- dichloro- 119 ppmV 100 ppmV 119.0% 65-135 Benzene, 1,4- dichloro- 118 ppmV 100 ppmV 118.0% 65-135 Benzyl chloride 108 ppmV 100 ppmV 108% 65-135 Benzene, 1,2- dichloro- 118 ppmV 100 ppmV 118% 65-135 Benzene, 1,24- trichloro- 121 ppmV 100 ppmV 121% 65-135 1,3- Butadiene, 1,1,2,3,4,4- hexachloro- 120 ppmV 100 ppmV 120% 65-135 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 PROVERA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Chain of Custody Form Client Name: �� Analysis Requested Sample Matrix Project Name: 0 a m w 2 Z o w _ W 2 0 6 w >> J LL Date: Air Client Address: 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 101. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Sampler Name: J ,i - Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type Comments 3 Turnaround Time Requested: 24 Hour 48 Hour 5 -Day. Standard Relinquished B y Date: j Relinquished By: Date: Received By' Date: 0q Received By: Date: ProVera Analytical I abnratories, Inc. E2C Remediation Project: MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/30/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Project Site Analysis Ys EPA Method TO -15 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. PHIL GOALWIN Type: Sample ID: 10556 -001 1 Reporting Dilution Analysis Analyte Result Units Limit Factor Date Notes Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 0.061 ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 Benzene ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/1612009 Toluene 0.692, ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 Ethylbenzene 0.152 ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 m, p & o Xylenes i.96 ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 1,2 Dichloroethane ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 ' Ethane, 1,2- dibromo- ND ppbV 0.53 1 9/16/2009 1 Pri i Analyst: Jeff Scheidemante E ' 3300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax. (661)827 -5244 ProVera _C Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 1. 1 E2C Remediation Project: Minit Stop Report Date: 10/6/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis Y EPA Method TO -15 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Analyte o % Recovery Analyte Result Units Concentratio Units /o Recovery Limits n Propylene 131 ppmV 100 ppmV 131.0% 65-135 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) 175 ppmV 100 ppmV 175.0% 65 -135 Ethane, 1,240- 1,1,2,2- tetraF (F -114) 138 ppmV 100 ppmV 138.0% 65 -135 Chloromethane 216 ppmV 100 ppmV 216.0% 65-135 Ethane, chloro-(Vinyl Cloride) 107 ppmV 100 ppmV 107% 65-135 1,3 Butadiene 133 ppmV 100 ppmV 133% 65 -135 Methane, bromo- 132 ppmV 100 ppmV 132.0% 65-135 Chloroethane 128 ppmV 100 ppmV 128.0% 65-135 Trichloromonofluoromethane (Freon 11) 210 ppmV 100 ppmV 210.0% 65-135 Isopropyl alcohol 134 ppmV 100 ppmV 134.0% 65-135 Freon 113 136 ppmV 100 ppmV 136.0% 65-135 1,1 Dichloroethene 137 ppmV 100 ppmV 137.0% 65 -135 Acetone 134 ppmV 100 ppmV 134.0% 65 -135 Carbon Disulfide 131.0 ppmV 100 ppmV 131.0% 65-135 Methylene Chloride 134. ppmV 100 ppmV 134.0% 65 -135 MTBE (Propane, 2- methoxy- 2- methyl -) 128 ppmV 100 ppmV 128.0% 65-135 trans 1,2 Dicloroethene 128 ppmV 100 ppmV 128.0% 65-135 n- Hexane 138 ppmV 100 ppmV 138.0% 65-135 Vinyl acetate 107 ppmV 100 ppmV 107% 65-135 Ethane, 1,1- dichloro- 138 ppmV 100 ppmV 138% 65-135 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 128 ppmV 100 ppmV 128% 65-135 cis 1,2 dichloroethene 132 ppmV 100 ppmV 132% 65-135 Tetrahydrofuran 130 ppmV 100 ppmV 130.0% 65-135 Chloroform (Trichloromethane) 134 ppmV 100 ppmV 134.0% 65-135 1,1,1 Tricloroethane 133 ppmV 100 ppmV 133.0% 65-135 Cyclohexane 131 ppmV 100 ppmV 131% 65 -135 Carbon Tetrachloride 133 ppmV 100 ppmV 133% 65-135 Ethyl Acetate 129 ppmV 100 ppmV 129% 65-135 Benzene 136 ppmV 100 ppmV 136% 65-135 1,2 Dichioroethane 130 ppmV 100 ppmV 130% 65-135 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 ProVera Anraliitical L17t7O?'I-7tOriCS, Inc. 4 a E2C Remediation Project: Minit Stop Report Date: 10/6/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis Y EPA Method TO -15 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Analyte % Recovery Analyte Result Units Concentratio Units % Recovery Limits n n- Heptane 140 ppmV 100 ppmV 140% 65-135 Trichloroethylene 131 ppmV 100 ppmV 131% 65-135 Propane, 1,2- dichloro- 130 ppmV 100 ppmV 130% 65-135 1,4 Dioxane 112 ppmV 100 ppmV 112.0% 65-135 Methane, bromodichloro- 130 ppmV. 100 ppmV 130% 65 -135 cis-1-Propene, 1,3- dichloro- 135 ppmV 100 ppmV 135% 65 -135 MIBK ( 2 ,4- Pentanedione3- (1- methylethyl)- 0 ppmV 100 ppmV 0% 65-135 Toluene 135 ppmV 100 ppmV 135% 65-135 trans- l- Propene, 1,3 -dichloro- 134 ppmV 100 ppmV 134% 65-135 Ethane, 1,1,2- trichloro- 131 ppmV 100 ppmV 131.0% 65.135 MBK 121 ppmV 100 ppmV 121% 65-135 Tetrachloroethylene 129 ppmV 100 ppmV 129.0% 65 -135 Methane, dibromochloro- 134 ppmV 100 ppmV 134.0% 65-135 Ethane, 1,2- dibromo- 132 ppmV 100 ppmV 132.0% 65-135 Benzene, chloro- 132 ppmV 100 ppmV 132% 65-135 Ethylbenzene 135 ppmV 100 ppmV 135% 65-135 m +p- Xylene 132 ppmV 100 ppmV 132% 65-135 o-Xylene 130 ppmV 100 ppmV 130% 65 -135 Styrene 124 ppmV 100 ppmV 124% 65-135 Bromoform (Methane, tribromo-) 122 ppmV 100 ppmV 122% 65-135 Ethane, 1,1,2,2- tetrachloro- 128 ppmV 100 ppmV 128% 65-135 4- Ethyltoluene 105 ppmV 100 ppmV 105% 65-135 Benzene, 1,3,5- irimethyl- 109 ppmV 100 ppmV 109% 65-135 Benzene, 1,2,4- trimethyl- 130 ppmV 100 ppmV 130.0% 65 -135 Benzene, 1,3- dichloro- 127 ppmV 100 ppmV 127.0% 65-135 Benzene, 1,4- dichloro- 130 ppmV 100 ppmV 130.0% 65-135 Benzyl chloride 96.9 ppmV 100 ppmV 97% 65-135 Benzene, 1,2 -dichloro- 125 ppmV 100 ppmV 125% 65-135 Benzene, 1,2,4 - "Toro- 102 ppmV 100 ppmV 102% 65 -135 1,3- Butadiene, 1,1,2,3,4,4- hexachloro- 120 ppmV 100 ppmV 120% 65-135 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 M M M M M M M m m m r m m r i M M M PROVERA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Chain of Custody Form Client Name:Z�i Analysis Requested Sample Matrix Project Name: ►� - O F a w r X m � O < w w M o ~ a W -- (D - M ,°- o H Q a w w a g 6 H Q a w v o LL j�l Air Client Address: 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 101. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: , t Sampler Name: Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type Comments KI Turnaround Time Requested: 24 Hour 48 Hour 5 -Day Standard_ Relinquished By. Date: r Relinquished By. Date: Received By: '� Date: 'j �� Received By: Date: i P rove ra Analllticnl L bonatorics, hu:. F2C Remediation Project MINIT STOP Report Date: 10/2/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis Date 10/1/2009 Analysis EPA Method TO -3 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: ' Sample ID: 10557 -001 Reporting Dilution Analysis Analyte Result Units Limit Factor Date Notes TPH /Gas I 1 1 ' Prh*p Analyst: Jeff Scheidemantel I' 0.361 ppmV 0.01 1 10/1/2009 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 ProVera Analytical I abrnzatorics, lnc. E2C Remediation Project MINIT STOP Report Date: 9130/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Project Site Analysis EPA Method TO -15 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. PHIL GOALWIN Type: ISample ID: 10557 -001 Reporting Dilution Analysis Analyte Result Units Limit Factor . Date Notes Methyl Tert -Butyl Ether (MTBE) 0.039 ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 ' Benzene ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 Toluene 0.427, ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 ' Ethylbenzene 0.083 ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 m, p 8 o Xylenes 1.38 ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 1 1,2 Dichloroethane ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 Ethane, 1,2 -dibromo- ND ppbV 0.53 1 9/16/2009 1 i 1 Prjt%i alyst: Jeff Scheidemantel 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 ProVera Analytical Lnborratories, hic. s 1 E2C Remediation Project: MINIT STOP Report Date: 10/2/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis Date 10/1/2009 Analysis EPA Method TO -3 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: Sample ID: 10557 -002 Analyte Result Units Reporting Dilution Analysis Notes Umit Factor Date TPH /Gas 0.12 1 1 ' V Prin Ipa alyst: Jeff Scheidemantel ppmV 0.01 1 10/112009 ' 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 t ProVera Ilr alliltical Laboratories, 112c, I E2C Remediation Project: MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/30/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Project Site Analysis EPA Method TO -15 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. PHIL GOALWIN Type: Sample ID: 10557 -002 Reporting Dilution Analysis Analyte Result Units Limit Factor Date Notes Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ppmV 0.01 1 9116/2009 Benzene ND ppmV 0.01 1 9116/2009 Toluene ND ppmV 0,01 1 9/16/2009 Ethylbenzene ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 m, p & o Xylenes ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 I 1,2 Dichloroethane ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 Ethane, 1,2 -dibromo- ND ppbV 0.53 1 9/16/2009 S' "JA Prirgci !analyst: Jeff Scheidemantel (� 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 1 i N 7�, P roVe ra /lncill/tical I rrboratorics, Inc. <' i E2C Remediation Project: MINIT STOP, Report Date: 10/2/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis EPA Method TO -15 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Analyte Result Units Analyte Units % Recovery '% Recovei Concentration limits 231 ppmV 100 Propylene 231.0% 65.135 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) ppmV 100 Ethane, 1,2 -diC1- 1,1,2,2- tetraF (F -114) 175.0°% Chloromethane 138 ppmV Ethane, chloro-(Vinyl Cloride) ppmV 138.0% 1,3 Butadiene 316 Methane, bromo- 100 ppmV Chloroethane 65-135 176 Trichloromonofluoromethane (Freon 11) 100 Isopropyl alcohol 176% Freon 113 1,1 Dichloroethene 172 Acetone 100 Carbon Disulfide 172% Methylene Chloride 133 MTBE (Propane, 2- methoxy -2- methyl -) 100 trans 1,2 Dicloroethene 133.0°% 65.135 n- Hexane ppmV 100 Vinyl acetate 132.0°% Ethane, 1,1 -dichloro- 129 ppmV Methyl Ethyl Ketone ppmV ' cis 1,2 dichloroethene 211 Tetrahydrofuran 100 ppmV Chloroform (Trichloromethane). 65-135 135 1,1,1 Tricloroethane - Cyclohexane 135.0% Carbon Tetrachloride 137 Ethyl Acetate 100 Benzene 137.0°% 1,2 Dlchloroethane 138 ppmV 100 ppmV 231 ppmV 100 ppmV 231.0% 65.135 175 ppmV 100 ppmV 175.0°% 65-135 138 ppmV 100 ppmV 138.0% 65-135 316 ppmV 100 ppmV 316.0°% 65-135 176 ppmV 100 ppmV 176% 65-135 172 ppmV 100 ppmV 172% 65-135 133 ppmV 100 ppmV 133.0°% 65.135 132 ppmV 100 ppmV 132.0°% 65 -135 129 ppmV 100 ppmV 129.0°% 65-135 211 ppmV 100 ppmV 211.0% 65-135 135 ppmV 100 ppmV 135.0% 65-135 137 ppmV 100 ppmV 137.0°% 65 -135 138 ppmV 100 ppmV 138.0% 65-135 134.0 ppmV 100 ppmV 134.0% 65-135 131 ppmV 100 ppmV 131.0°% 65-135 134 ppmV 100 ppmV 134.0°% 65 -135 129 ppmV 100 ppmV 129.0°% 65-135 138 ppmV 100 ppmV 138.0°% 65-135 7.19 ppmV 100 ppmV 7% 65-135 138 ppmV 100 ppmV 138% 65-135 128 ppmV 100 ppmV 128% 65 -135 132 ppmV 100 ppmV 132% 65 -135 130 ppmV 100 ppmV 130.0°% 65-135 135 ppmV 100 ppmV 135.0% 65-135 134 ppmV 100 ppmV 134.0% 65 -135 132 ppmV 100 ppmV 132°% 65-135 134 ppmV 100 ppmV 134% 65 -135 129 ppmV 100 ppmV 129% 65-135 137 ppmV 100 ppmV 137°% 65-135 130 ppmV 100 ppmV 130°% 65 -135 1 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 II ProVera / wdYtical I ahoratorics, h7c. E2C Remediation Project: MINIT STOP Report Date: 10/2/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis EPA Method TO-15 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Analyte Result Units Analyte Units % Recovery % Recovery Concentration Limits n- Heptane 140 ppmV 100 ppmV 140% 65-135 Tdchloroethylene 131 ppmV 100 ppmV 131% 65-135 Propane, 1,2- dichioro- 130 ppmV 100 ppmV 130% 65 -135 1,4 Dioxane 113 ppmV 100 ppmV 113.0% 65-135 Methane, bromodiehloro- 130 ppmV 100 ppmV 130% 65 -135 cis-1-Propene, 1,3- dichloro- 136 ppmV 100 ppmV 136% 65-135 MIBK ( 2, 4- Pentanedione3- (1- methylethyl} 0 ppmV 100 ppmV 0% 65-135 Toluene 136 ppmV 100 ppmV 136% 65-135 trans -l- Propene, 1,3- dichioro- 135 ppmV 100 ppmV 135% 65 -135 Ethane, 1,1,2- trichloro- 131 ppmV 100 ppmV 131.0% 65 -135 MBK 122 ppmV 100 ppmV 122% 65 -135 Tetrachloroethylene 129 ppmV 100 ppmV 129.0% 65-135 Methane, dibromochloro- 134 ppmV 100 ppmV 134.0% 65-135 Ethane, 1,2- dibromo- 132 ppmV 100 ppmV 132.0% 65 -135 Benzene, chloro- 132 ppmV 100 ppmV 132% 65-135 Ethylbenzene 135 ppmV 100 ppmV 135% 65-135 m +p- Xylene 132 ppmV 100 ppmV 132% 65-135 o-Xylene 130 ppmV 100 ppmV 130% 65 -135 Styrene 124 ppmV 100 ppmV 124% 65-135 Bromoform (Methane, tribromo -) 122 ppmV 100 ppmV 122% 65-135 Ethane, 1,1,2,2- tetrachloro- 129 ppmV 100 ppmV 129% 65-135 4- Ethyltoluene 106 ppmV 100 ppmV 106% 65-135 Benzene, 1,3,5- trimethyl- 109 ppmV 100 ppmV 109% 65.135 Benzene, 1,2,4- bimethyl- 131 ppmV 100 ppmV 131.0% 65-135 Benzene, 1,3- dichloro- 128 ppmV 100 ppmV 128.0% 65-135 Benzene, 1,4- dichioro- 130 ppmV 100 ppmV 130.0% 65-135 Benzyl chloride 96.9 ppmV 100 ppmV 97% 65-135 Benzene, 1,2- dichloro- 126 ppmV 100 ppmV 126% 65 -135, Benzene, 1,2,4- trichloro- 102 ppmV 100 ppmV 102% 65-135 1,3- Butadiene, 1,12,3,44- hexachloro- 120 ppmV 100 ppmV 120% 65-135 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 mm r M llllllr mm M r r M r Ir Illlillr M M MI MM PROVERA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Chain of Custody Form Client Name: �' Analysis Requested Sample Matrix Project Name: /Z4 r' �V&e O a n w O a a O ~ d w = a M o a w w �' 6 ►- w ° I - m � o ° c w FV1 Air Client Address: 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 101. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Manager: Sampler Name: J � SaDate mple Sample Time Sample Description and Container Type Comments I/, Icq I X1 Turnaround Time Requested: 24 Hour 48 Hour 5 -Day Standard_ Relinquished By: Date: g Relinquished By: Date: Received By: ></ U Date: Received By: Date: 1 1 1 Aft ProVera Analytical Laboratories, Inc. ; B2C Remediation Project: MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/30/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Project Site Analysis EPA Method TO -3 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: Sample ID: 10558 -001 1 Reporting Dilution Analysis Analyte Result Units Umit Factor Date Notes TPI Yeas 0.236 ppmV I Pr' cip, Analyst: Jeff Scheidemantel e 0.01 1 9/29/2009 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 Prouera Ann /i/tical Laboratories, Inc. E2C Remediation Project MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/30/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Project Site Analysis EPA Method TO -15 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. PHIL GOALWIN Type: Sample ID: 10558 -001 Reporting Dilution Analysis Analyte Result Units Limit Factor Date Notes Methyl Tert -Butyl Ether (MTBE) 0.042 ppmV 0.01 1 9/29/2009 Benzene ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/29/2009 Toluene 0.513' ppmV 0.01 1 9129/2009 Ethylbenzene 0.112 ppmV 0.01 1 9129/2009 m, p & o Xylenes 0.501 ppmV 0.01 1 9/29/2009 1,2 Dichloroethane ND ppmV 0.01 1 9/29/2009 Ethane, 1,2- dibromo- ND ppbV 0.53 1 9/29/2009 i t i PTIcip i'Analyst: Jeff Scheidemantel 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: 661 827 -5240 Fax: 661)827 -5244 <> r 1 km ProVera Anna iltical Laboratories, Inc. I E2C Remediation Project: MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/30/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Project Site Analysis EPA Method TO -3 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil Goalwin Type: Sample ID: 10558 -002 Reporting Dilution Analysis Analyte Result Units Urnit Factor Date Notes TPH/Gas 0.012 ppmV 1 Pr' c' Analyst: Jeff Scheidemantel 0.01 1 9/29/2009 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 ProVera Anal i /tical Laboi-atorics, Inc. f E2C Remediation Project MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/30/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Project Site Analysis EPA Method TO -15 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. PHIL GOALWIN Type: 1 Sample ID: 10555 -002 Reporting Dilution Analysis Analyte Result Units Limit Factor Date Notes 0.042 ppmV 0.01 Methyl Tert -Butyl Ether (MTBE) ' ND ppmV Benzene 1 Toluene 0.327 Ethylbenzene 0.01 m, p & o Xylenes 9/16/2009 1,2 Dichloroethane ppmV Ethane, 1,2- dibromo- 0.042 ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 ND ppmV 0.01 1 9116/2009 0.327 ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 0.11 ppmV 0.01 1 9/16/2009 2.32 ppmV 0.01 1 9/1612009 NO ppmV 0.01 1 9116/2009 ND ppbV 0.53 1 9/16/2009 Pri dal Analyst: Jeff Scheidemantel ' 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 ' ProVera Analytical Laboratories, lnc. t E2C Remediation Project: Minit Stop Report Date: 10/6/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis EPA Method TO -3 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil GoaWn Type: sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Analyte o % Recovery % Analyte Result Units Concentratio Units Recovery omits n TPH/Gasoline 0.096 ppmV 1 0.1 ppmV 96% 80 -120 3300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -3244 P rove ra 1lrlall /tical l albnratorics, Inc. C.- I E2C Remediation Project: MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/30/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis EPA Method TO -15 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil GoaWn Type: Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Analyte Result Units Analyte Units % Recovery % Recovery Concentration Limits Propylene 18.8 ppmV 100 ppmV 18.8% 65-135 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) 20 ppmV 100 ppmV 20.0% 65-135 Ethane, l,2 -diCl- 1,1,2,2- tetraF (F -114) 73 ppmV 100 ppmV 73.0% 65-135 Chloromethane 72.5 ppmV. 100 ppmV 72.5% 65-135 Ethane, chloro- (Vinyl Cloride) 20.2 ppmV 100 ppmV 20% 65 -135 1,3 Butadiene 31.7 ppmV 100 ppmV 32% 65-135 Methane, bromo- 70.5 ppmV 100 ppmV 70.5% 65-135 Chloroethane 74.7 ppmV 100 ppmV 74.7% 65-135 Trichloromonofluoromethane (Freon 11) 77.6 ppmV 100 ppmV 77.6% 65-135 Isopropyl alcohol 111 ppmV 100 ppmV 111.0% 65-135 Freon 113 77.1 ppmV 100 ppmV 77.1% 65-135 1,1 Dichloroethene 73.6 ppmV 100 ppmV 73.6% 65=135 Acetone 73.3 ppmV 100 ppmV 73.3% 65-135 Carbon Disulfide 75.8 ppmV 100 ppmV 75.8% 65-135 Methylene Chloride 73.8 ppmV 100 ppmV 73.8% 65-135 MTBE (Propane, 2- methoxy- 2- methyl -) 76.2 ppmV 100 ppmV 76.2% 65-135 trans 1,2 Dicloroethene 75.3 ppmV 100 ppmV 75.3% 65-135 n- Hexane 72.5 ppmV. 100 ppmV 72.5% 65-135 , Vinyl acetate 79.5 ppmV 100 ppmV 80% 65 -135 Ethane, 1,1- dichloro- 78.7 ppmV 100 ppmV 79% 65-135 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 66.7 ppmV 100 ppmV 67% 65-135 as 1,2 dichloroethene 75.1 ppmV 100 ppmV 75% 65-135 Tetrahydrofuran 74 ppmV 100 ppmV 74.0% 65-135 Chloroform (Trichioromethane) 75.9 ppmV 100 ppmV 75.9% 65 -135 1,1,1 Tricloroethane 77.1 ppmV 100 ppmV 77.1% 65.135 Cyciohexane 78.7 ppmV 100 ppmV 79% 65-135 Carbon Tetrachloride 75.2 ppmV 100 ppmV 75% 65-135 Ethyl Acetate 71.8 ppmV 100 ppmV 72% 65-135 Benzene 77.6 ppmV 100 ppmV 78% 65-135 1,2 Dichloroethane 77.1 ppmV 100 ppmV 77% 65-135 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 =5244 I P rove ra AIIIIlttttcctl Le71701-ratories, (11c. E2C Remediation Project: MINIT STOP Report Date: 9/30/2009 5300 Woodmere Dr. Suite 105 Analysis EPA Method TO -15 Bakersfield CA 93313 Project Mgr. Phil GoahMn Type: Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard I Analyte Result Units Analyte Units % Recovery % Recover Concentration Umits 79.4 n- Heptane ' ppmV Trichloroethylene 65-135 Propane, 1,2- dichloro- ppmV 1,4 Dioxane ' 77% Methane, bromodichloro- 77.1 ppmV cis -l- Propene, 1,3- dichloro- ppmV MIBK ( 2, 4- Pentanedione3- (1- methylethyl} ' 76.7 Toluene 100 ppmV trans -l- Propene, 1,3- dichloro- 65-135 Ethane, 1,1,2- trichloro- ppmV 100 MBK 78% 65-135 Tetrachloroethylene ppmV Methane, dibromochloro- ppmV 77% Ethane, 1,2 -dibromo- 0 ' Benzene, chloro- ppmV Ethylbenzene 65-135 m +p- Xylene ppmV ' o-Xylene 76% 65-135 Styrene ppmV Bromoform (Methane, tribromo-) ppmV ' Ethane, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro- 79.1 ppmV 4-Ethyltoluene ppmV. Benzene, 1,3,5-trimethyl- 65-135 77.6 Benzene, 1,2,4- trimethyl- 100 ppmV Benzene, 1,3- dichloro- 65 -135 Benzene, 1,4- dichloro- ppmV 100 Benzyl chloride 78.3% 65-135 Benzene, 1,2- dichloro- ppmV Benzene, 1,24- trichloro- ppmV 1,3- Butadiene, 1,1,2,3,4,4- hexachloro- ' .76.7 ppmV 100 ppmV 76.7% 79.4 ppmV 100 ppmV 79% 65-135 77.1 ppmV 100 ppmV 77% 65-135 77.1 ppmV 100 ppmV 77% 65-135 76.7 ppmV 100 ppmV 76.7% 65-135 78.1 ppmV 100 ppmV 78% 65-135 77 ppmV 100 ppmV 77% 65 -135 0 ppmV 100 ppmV 0% 65-135 75.9 ppmV 100 ppmV 76% 65-135 76A ppmV 100 ppmV 76% 65-135 79.1 ppmV 100 ppmV. #VALUE! 65-135 77.6 ppmV 100 ppmV 78% 65 -135 78.3 ppmV 100 ppmV 78.3% 65-135 80.8 ppmV 100 ppmV 80.8% 65-135 .76.7 ppmV 100 ppmV 76.7% 65 -135 79.2 ppmV 100 ppmV 79% 65-135 45.7 ppmV 100 ppmV 46% 65-135 78.2 ppmV 100 ppmV 78% 65-135 77.4 ppmV 100 ppmV 77% 65.135 71.2 ppmV 100 ppmV 71% 65-135 83.1 ppmV 100 ppmV 83% 65 -135 82.3 ppmV 100 ppmV 82% 65-135 79.3 ppmV 100 ppmV 79% 65-135 79.4 ppmV 100 ppmV 79% 65-135 81.2 ppmV 100 ppmV 81.2% 65 -135 78.5 ppmV 100 ppmV 78.5% 65 -135 73.9 ppmV 100 ppmV 73.9% 65-135 59 ppmV 100 ppmV 59% 65-135 80.9 ppmV 100 ppmV 81% 65-135 86.2 ppmV 100 ppmV 86% 65-135 80.3 ppmV 100 ppmV 80% 65-135 ' 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 103, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 827 -5240 Fax: (661)827 -5244 P—miect Number I MSK29 October 9. 2009 IIT; aJU : I'Ll1I] K " GeoTracker Reports E2C Remediation Appendix E GeoTracker ESI MINIT STOP,MARKET https:Hgeotracker. waterboards .ca.gov /...oad _geoedd. aspT cmd= uploadstatus &checktype= GEO_REPORT &confirmation number-6787171721 [8/24/2009 2:48:31 PM] GeoTracker ESI t t is n r k SUCCESSS F t 7. y. Y No errors we�e;found! P.rocesstng is complete. r has', been.succes SN Y submitted! Your#ife GEO ^=;WELL r c :�rnittal Title. Ge0 Well QUM 70602993722 G��i��,. SSfobal ID: STOP Mp►RKET MINIT 1 GEO WEMA �,� Ffle� Nam ®Y Naine� E2C Remedlatton, LLC > � Oraanhat{on ' t2C,REMEDIATION,'LLC , k ►laefname , IP Address 81241'2009 2- 50 5 T PM ���+��mation Numhe� . 5088705778' : 1 S 1 1 1 id = 10712675 &checkonly=False[812412oo9 2:51:37 PM � oP.nedd.asD ?cmd= uploadstatus &chec e =GEO WELL& upload_ �'P tProiect Number 1803BK29 October 9 2009 APPENDIX F List of Technical Reports E2C Remediation Appendix F Proiect Number 1803BK29 October 9. 2009 APPENDIX F LIST OF TECHNICAL REPORTS E2C, Inc., "Additional Site Characterization Workplan," Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, March 15, 2001. E2C, Inc., "First Quarter 2002 Groundwater Monitoring Report and Report of Findings for Additional Site Characterization," Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, March 7, 2002. E2C Remediation, LLC, "Letter to Regional Water Quality Control Board," Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, June 11, 2002. E2C Remediation, LLC, "Second Quarter 2002 Groundwater Monitoring Report," Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, August 5, 2002. E2C, Remediation, LLC, "Soil Vapor Extraction Pilot Test Workplan," Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, August 20, 2002. E2C Remediation, LLC, "Third Quarter 2002 Groundwater Monitoring Report," Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, October 11, 2002. E2C Remediation, LLC, "Fourth Quarter 2002 Groundwater Monitoring Report," Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, February 10, 2003. E2C Remediation,, LLC, "First Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Additional Site Characterization Report of Findings, Report of Surrounding Area Well Survey, SVE System Installation and Pilot Test Report of Findings and Interim Remedial Action Plan" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, April 18, 2003. E2C Remediation, Inc., "Second Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Report of ' Findings — Install Additional VE /GASS Elements and Remediation Status Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, September 8, 2003. ' E2C Remediation, Inc., "Request to Relocate Offsite Groundwater Monitoring Well" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, September 22, 2003. ' E2C Remediation, Inc., "Third Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Additional Groundwater Characterization Report of Findings and Remediation Status Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, November 4, 2003. ' E2C Remediation, Inc., "Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring Report and Remediation Status Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, January 9, 2004. E2C Remediation, Inc., "First Quarter 2004 Groundwater Monitoring Report and Remediation Status Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, May 18, 2004. ' E2C Remediation Appendix F Proiect Number 1803BK29 October 9. 2009 E2C Remediation, Inc., "Second Quarter 2004 Groundwater Monitoring Report and Remediation Status Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, July 30, 2004. E2C Remediation, Inc., "Vapor Extraction System Startup Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, October 5, 2004. E2C Remediation, Inc., "Third Quarter 2004 Groundwater Monitoring Report and Remediation Status Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, October 13, 2004. E2C Remediation, Inc., "Fourth Quarter 2004 Groundwater Monitoring Report and Remediation Status Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, January 10, 2005. E2C Remediation, Inc., "First Quarter 2005 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Second Quarter 2005 Groundwater Monitoring Report and Remediation Status Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, August 3, 2005. E2C Remediation, Inc., "Third Quarter 2005 Groundwater Monitoring Report and Remediation Status Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, October 5, 2005. E2C Remediation, Inc., "Status of Site Investigative and Remedial Activities" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, December 5, 2005. E2C Remediation, Inc., "Fourth Quarter 2005 Groundwater Monitoring Report and Remediation Status Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, February 21, 2006. E2C Remediation, Inc., "First Quarter 2006 Groundwater Monitoring Report and Remediation Status Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, June 2, 2006. E2C Remediation, Inc., "Second Quarter 2006 and Third Quarter 2006 Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation Status Reports" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, November 3, 2006. E2C Remediation, Inc., "Fourth Quarter 2006 Groundwater Monitoring Report and Remediation Status Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, January 18, 2007. E2C Remediation, Inc., "First Quarter 2007 Groundwater Monitoring Report and Remediation Status Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, March 26, 2007. E2C Remediation, Inc., "Second Quarter 2007 Groundwater Monitoring Report and Remediation Status Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, July 20, 2007. E2C Remediation, Inc., "Third Quarter 2007 Groundwater Monitoring. Report and Remediation Status Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, October 19, 2007. E2C Remediation Appendix F •i h l�. 11 �: :�� •h��.. ' llt E2C Remediation, Inc., "Fourth Quarter 2007 and First Quarter 2008 Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation Status Reports" Minit Stop Market,, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, July 1, 2008. E2C Remediation, Inc., "Second Quarter 2008 Groundwater Monitoring Report and Remediation Status Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, October 6, 2008. E2C Remediation, Inc., "Third and Fourth Quarters 2008 Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation Status Reports" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, January 12, 2009. E2C Remediation, Inc., "First Quarter 2009 Groundwater Monitoring Report and Remediation Status Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, July 9, 2009. E2C Remediation, Inc., "Second Quarter 2009 Groundwater Monitoring Report and Remediation Status Report" Minit Stop Market, 2900 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, August 21, 2009. Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc., March 28, 2001. E2C Remediation Appendix F