HomeMy WebLinkAbout3500 BUCK OWENS BOULEVARD_HMBP 5.14.10UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLI SECTION 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program Prevention Services >t A e R S F I o 900 Truxtun Ave., Suite 210 FIRE Bakersfield, CA 93301 D ARAM T Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 Fax: (661) 872 -2171 FACILITY NAME KING, m� 1 �� INSPECT ON DATE J INSPECTION TIME ADDRESS HO NO. NO OF EMPLOYEES 3-50Q Ora 33 e r s � FACILITY CONTACT BUSINESS ID NUMBER VISIBLE ADDRESS 15 -021- Section 1:, Business Plan and Inventory Program ❑ ROUTINE COMBINED ❑ JOINT AGENCY ❑ MULTI - AGENCY ❑ COMPLAINT ❑ RE- INSPECTION C v ( C= Compliance OPERATION V= Violation COMMENTS ❑ ❑ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND ❑ BUSIfteSS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE ❑ VISIBLE ADDRESS ❑ CORRECT OCCUPANCY ❑ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS eb ❑ VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES ❑ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION ❑ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL ❑ 1Z VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY ❑ tom. t T VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING 0 VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES D:2T �+ ❑ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE ❑ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED I!P ❑ HOUSEKEEPING ❑ FIRE PROTECTION ❑ IU4 SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND Ut -bUIJ ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? 4�1<ES ❑ NO EXPLAIN: QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326 -3979 Inspector (Please Print) Fire Prevention / 1 In / Shift of Site /Station # Business Sit ,;,RMponsible P 2 rK (Please Print) White — Prevention Services Yellow - Station Copy Pink — Business Copy FD 2155 (Rev. 09/05 HAZARDOUS WASTE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS y s Prevention Services PINS 1501 Truxtun Ave 1s'r FLR HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR ' ARM r Bakersfield; CA 93301 INSPECTION REPORT Phone: 661- 326 -3979 • Fax: 661 - 852 -2171 Facility Name �� IV G 5 I ' vt Q t Date :5_/ / y /0 Site Address C)0 I w G O V'Q F N S Time In Time Out Owner /Operator Phone Z �— 3;3 Misc. Type of Inspection Inspection Consolidation EPA ID # ❑ Routine ❑ Re- inspection/Follow -up ❑ Combined Routine Inspection ❑ Joint Inspection ❑ Complaint ❑ Focused ❑ Other ❑ Integrated or Multi -Media Inspection CUPA Facility tD# ❑ CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name / Title): Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, review and copying of records, and determination of compliance with hazardous waste handling requirements I - Class 1 Violation. 11- Class 11 Violation, M - Minor Violation Page of I 11 M HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENTS Code I Y N I N/A I COMMENTS/NOTES/DOCUMENT(S) REVIEWED MISSING INFORMATION/ UNRESOLVED ISSUES Recordkee in documentation GRO1 I Generator has an EPA ID number GR02 Hazardous waste determination made for all wastes ❑ Analysis Menerator Knowledge GR03 Contingency lan information posted near phone GRO4 Facility personnel demonstrate training/awareness GR05 Manifests/Consolidated Manifest receipts complete GR06 Blue co (s) of manifest mailed to DTSC GR07 TSDF signed copy of manifest available Win 35 days of waste shipment GR08 Bills of Lading/receipts available GR09 LDRs available and complete p GR10 Onsite recycling reported using UPCF Container /tank management GCO1 Containers are in good condition GCO2 Containers are closed except when addin removin S- GC03 Empty containers are empty GCO4 Containers inspected weekly 6 GCO5 Tanks inspected dail GC06 Satellite containers at or near point of generation GC07 Satellite containers under control of operator 0008 One container per wastestream at satellite area GC09 Exclude recyclable materials stored in accordance with local ordinance/hazardous materials codes p Accumulation Time Limits GA01 Waste is accumulated not more than 90/180/270 GA02 Satellite wastes accumulated for less than I year GA03 Empty containers managed within one year GA04 Universal waste accumulated less than one year S!i GA05 Used oil filters offsite within 180 (1 year if <1 ton) ` GA06 Pb -acid batteries offsite within 180 1 yr. if < l ton) Labeling/Markin GILD Containers are properly labeled a GL02 Satellite containers have 2" ASD marked once full )�O GL03 Excluded recyclable materials marked properly �.o GLO4 Universal waste container properly labeled GLO5 Used oil filters marked "drained used oil filters" GL06 Date written on spent lead -acid batteries GLA7 "Used Oil" marked on all used oil tanks /containers GL08 Tank marked with "haz waste" , contents, start date GL09 Empty containers marked with date emptied Treatment Transport and Disposal/Other Print and sign in this box for receipt of this report. Signature does not imply agreement with findings, only rec ip o rep GT01 Have permit/authorization to do treatment GT02 Waste sent with authorized transport (en. eli ible GD01 Waste dis osed of to authorized oint/ art GH01 Failed to properly handle appliance wastes POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: • Refer to the back of this inspection report for regulatory citations and corrective actions • Correct the violation(s) noted above by • Within 5 days of correcting all of the violations, sign and retum a copy of this page to; Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, California 93301 Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date F132179 (Rev 10/11 /08) White — Prevention Services Copy Yellow— Business Copy Regulatory Citations and Cotrective Actions yU1J 79a f Hey 10 13 is h Description of violation Re ulatory /statutory citation I Corrective actions to be taken fibr minor violations (marked in the 'ri'll" colunnn on runt) GR01 The facility failed to obtain an EPA ID number [Title 22, CCR, 66262.121 For a California EPA iD # contact the Department of' Toxic Substances Control at 1- 800 -61X -6942. For a EPA ID # call 415- 495 -8X95. Write the monber in the s ace marked "EPA ID # "on the front ofthis page. GR02 The facility failed to make a waste determination for the noted in the [Title 22, CCR, 66262.11 ] Alake a determination of the waste based on your knowledge (),ou can use AISDS or other documents for help) or have the waste sampled and sent to a state certified laboratory for analvsis. Ifsatn pling is conducteal tell the lab to analv_e for GR03 The facility did not have the name and phone number of the emergency coordinator, the location of fire extinguishers and spill control equipment, or the fire department telephone number posted next to the telephone. Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(d)(2) Prepare and post the above infornunion ;next to a phone. GR04 Facility personnel did not demonstrate that they were familiar with proper waste handling procedures due to Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(cl)(2) Provide training to personnel re adding GR05 The facility failed to properly complete a hazardous waste manifest. Manifest # was missing [Title 22, CCR, 66262.23(x)(1)]. Correct the information on the tnanrfect in Box(es) . initial and date. Submit ar letter to DTSC, GiSS:: P.O. Box 806 Flr1 -1: Sacramento, CA 95x1'/2- 006 stating the nhaifest #, the ship date. pour EPA iD #. the Box # and correction made and pour signature. (Correction for more than one manifest nhav be included in the same letter) GR06 Facility failed to submit a copy of the manifest to DTSC within 30 days of shipment. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.32(a)(4)] Mail the blue color gfma rifest # to: DTSC. PO Box 400, Sacramento. C'.4 95N12-0400 or a hotoco v of the TSDF cow to: DTSC. PO Box 3000. Sacramento, C4 95812 GR07 The facility failed to file an exception report to DTSC after not receiving the signed TSDF copy of a manifest within 35 clays. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.421 Make a copv of the manifest and send it with a letter to DTSC. PO Box :\XX Sacramento, CA 95812 stating what pot are doing to_find out whty you have /lot received the linal, signed cool: of the rmmifest. Include a s4enature and roar lindin s while looking fa• the manifest in the cover letter. GR03 The facility failed to have copies of receipts for the removal of . [HSC 25160.2 - Consolidated manifests/ 66266.31(a)(6)(B)- lead acid batteries /66266.130- oil filters The facility shall contact and request copies ofrecei is between ci GR09 The facility failed to complete or maintain a Land Disposal Restriction notification for manifest # [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(a)(4)] The facility shall determine il'its waste is subject to LDR requirements, and ifso, ensure that a LDR is prepared and submitted with each shipment ollvaste. GR10 The facility did not submit a recycling report [HSC 25143.10] Thefatcilit- shall complete and submit the UPCF,form "Recvelrble,IJaterials Report ". The form can belbundat www.calepa.ca.c-,ov/publications/title27/default.liti-n (Hu-f;ecvc.p(f) GC01 The facility failed to maintain containers holding hazardous waste in good condition. The container of was 1'1'itle22,CCR,66262.34(a)(1)(A)I The contents of the container of shall innnediateh; be transferred to a container in good condition GC.02 The facility failed to keep containers closed except when adding /removing waste. The container of was observed open ['Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(a)(1)(A) I. The fiacilitr .thud/ in+n+ediataly close all containers and ensure that containers remain closed except when adding or removing waste. GC03 The facility is handling contaminated containers as empty when they are not. A container of was noted as not meeting the definition of empty. [Title 22, CCR, 66261.7] The facility shall murk the container as hazardous waste or consolidate the contents gl'the container with a like waste and immediately label the emptied container with the words "en+ lv "and the date. GC04 The facility could not demonstrate that containers were being inspected weekly. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(a)(1)(A)] Thefiicility shall develop and implement a plan that ensures that all containers holding waste are inn• pected weekhr GC'05 The facility could not demonstrate that tanks were being inspected daily. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(a)(1)(A)] The facility shall keep a log showing that tanks holding waste are inspected daily. GC06 Containers utilizing satellite accumulation rules were not at or near the point of generation. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(c)(1)(A)] The futility shall move the container holding to a location that is ant a• near the point ofgeneration or shall ensure that the waste is removed within 911118012711 days of first drop ollvaste being added. (il the futility generates less than 100 k.g. the clock does not start until 100 kz. are.Qen2wied) GC07 Containers utilizing satellite accumulation rules were not under the control ofan operator. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(e)(I)(A)l The.litcility shall ensure that an operator is at a• near the point ofaccumadation or shall ensure that the waste is removed within 9011801270 days of lirst drop of waste being added GC03 The facility kept more than one satellite container of at a satellite accumulation area. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(e)(I )] 711e.lac•ih(y shall immediately remove all but one container from the accumulation area or shall demonstrate that it is not practical or safe to do such. GC09 The facility stored excluded recyclable materials not in accordance with local ordinance /fire code /hazardous materials codes [HSC: 25143.9(c)] Theflcililr shall return to code by GAO] The facility accumulated waste for greater than allowed time limits (Storage without a permit). A container of had an start date of marked on it. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(a)] The facilit- shall innnealalely arrange for the removal of'the waste, and shall supply a copy ol'dre manifest or bill or lading denhohsttating removal within days. GA02 The facility held satellite accumulation wastes for greater than one vear. "title 22, CCR, 66262.34(e)(I )(13) See GAIL/ above for corrections. GA03 The facility failed to properly handle contaminated containers within I vear. Title 22, CCR, 66261.7(f) See 6.401 above for corrections. GA04 The facility held universal wastes for greater than one vear. Title 22, CCR, 66273.15(a) or 66273..35(a) .See GA01 above for corrections. GA05 The facility held drained used oil filters for greater than 130 days /one vear. Title 22, CCR, 66266.130(c)(4) See GAOi above for corrections. GA06 The facility held lead acid batteries for greater than 130 days /one vear. ITitle 22, CCR, 66268.8 1 (a)(6)1 See GA01 above for corrections. GL01 The facility failed to properly label all containers. Containers, contents and missing information are noted on the front of this page. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(f)] The futility shall clearly nark all containers with the following: l) the words "Hazardous waste ". 2) composition and plrns•icail state. 3) hazard property, 4) narne and address of generator, and 5) accumulation start date. GL02 The facility failed to mark the date the container was moved from the satellite accumulation area [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(e)(1)(B)] Thefitcilitiv shall mark all satellite accumulation with the cline waste is first added as well as the date the container is full. G1_03 The facility failed to mark tanks /container(s) ofexcluded recyclable materials properly [HSC 25143.9(a)] The tankslcontaners Of materials shall be clearly marked with the words "Excluded recyclable material" instead of 'haz rdots waste ". GL04 The facility failed to mark a container ofuniversal waste properly. [Title 22, CCR, 66273.14 for SQH or 66273.34 for LQI11. The.l acilih =shall imnrediatelr mark all containers holding universal waste with the words "Universal Waste- " GL05 The facility failed to mark a container ofdrained used oil filters with the words "drained used oil filters ". [Title 22, CCR, 66266.130(c)(3)] The./acilim shall mark all filter containers with the words "drained used oil filters ". GL06 The tacility failed to mark the date on which the battery was received. ITitle 22, CCR, 66266.8 1 (a)(6)(D)l The facilin'shall v rnar•k the date on each batterv. GL07 The facility failed to mark a tank /container of used oil destined for recycling with the words "used oil" [HSC 25143.9(x)] Clearly mark all tanks and containers with the words "used oil" GL03 The facility failed to mark the tank of with the [Title 22, CCR, 66234(f)] The•facilit shall clearly nnark the tank with GL09 The facility failed to mark contaminated containers with the (late em died. I Title 22, CC: R, 66261.7(t) Cleariv nhark all containers with the date emptied. GH01 The facility failed to remove from an appliance prior to crushing, baling, shredding, sawing or disposing of the appliance [HSC 25212(a)]. The f zeility nest submit to DTSC an application to be certified as a "Certified A liance Recyc•ler'" GT01 The facility failed to obtain a permit or other authorization for treatment of hazardous waste. 11-1 SC 25I39.5(cl) G "1'02 The facility foiled to use a registered trans carter /used a transporter or consolidated waste when they were not eligible tISC 2i 165(a)/25I60 GD01 The facility disposed of hazardous waste at an unauthorized point. [HSC 25139.5(a) yU1J 79a f Hey 10 13 is h