HomeMy WebLinkAbout513 COLUMBUS ST_ REINSP 7.23.10 11111111111111111111 29 IE HOODS ALARMS SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SPRAY BOOTH AST UST Permit No. Permit No. Permit No. Permit No. Permit No. Permit No. File Number: /&6c2CQ677 Address: S-/ -6 U) • CLAAA. ��S A Bakersfield, CA 933 Date Received: 7-23 —/0 Business Name: �•�,�•� • SYSTEM: BUILDING SQUARE FEET: INSPECTION LOG 1 New Mod. ❑ ❑ Commercial Hood System Building Sq. Feet: Date Time ❑ ❑ Fire Alarm System Calculation Bldg. Sq. Ft: 1. ❑ ❑ Fire Sprinkler System 2. ❑ ❑ Spray Finish Systems 3. ❑ ❑ Aboveground Storage Tank 4. ❑ ❑ Underground Storage Tank minor Signature modification Underground Storage Tank removal Underground Storage Tank Signnt�rr� ❑ CC!a" Other: ,�L J Lc ACS(Cowr`-� Comments: 1111111111111111 . IE 30 ' I _ M,� BILLING & PERMIT STATEMENT "' "' BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT mow' B"-40-Fl__R S_F [,�rt.1._D Prevention Services PERMIT # FIRE #114 2101 H Street ^µ Bakersfield CA 93301 SITE INFORMATION LOCATION OF PROJECT PROPERTY OWNER. STAG NG DATE COMPLETION DATE NAME PROJECT NAME^ \' ADDRESS PHONE# PROJECT ADDRESS CITY F�rCICFi�S�iELD STATE CA ZIP CODE CONTRACTOR INFORMATION CONTRACTOR NAME CA LICENSE# TYPE OF LICENSE EXPIRATION DATE PHONE# CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME FAX# ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE All permits must be reviewed, stamped, and approved PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. • • ONLY J NO ❑ Alarm - New &Modification (minimum charge) $280 — 0 Over 10,000 sq ft $0 .028 x sq.ft — ❑ Sprinkler- New& Modification (minimum charge) $280 --. ❑ Over 10,000 sq ft $0 .028 x sq ft --__ ❑ Minor Sprinkler Modification (<10 heads) $96 (inspection only) 84 ❑ Commercial Hood (New& Modification) $470 ❑� Additional hood $58 ❑ Spray Booth (New & Modification) $470 98 ❑ Aboveground Storage Tank(1 inspection per installation) AST $180/tank _ 82 ❑ Additional Tank ATI $96/tank 82 ❑ Aboveground Storage Tank (Removal, Mod,or Inspect'n)ATR $109/tank 82 ❑ Underground Storage Tank (Installation/Inspection) NI $878/tank 82 • Underground Storage Tank (Modification) MOD $878/site 82 • Underground Storage Tank(Minor Modification) MTM $167/site 82 • Underground Storage Tank (Removal) TR $573/tank 84 ❑ Mandated"Leak Detection (test)/Fuel Mont Cert/SB989 $96/hr(2 hrs minimum)=$192 82 NOTE: $96/hr for each type of test/per site even if cheduled at the same time TT _ ❑ Oil well (Installation, Inspection, or re-inspection) X $96/hr 82 Q Tent` # $96/tent 84 �❑ After-hours inspection fee $121/hr(2 hrs minimum)=$242 Q Pyrotechnic (1 permit per event, plus an inspection fee of $96/hr+ (5 hrs min standby fee/insp)=$576 84 $96/hr during business hours)' Py _ NOTE: After hours Pyrotechnic event inspection is @ $121/hr (5 hrs min standby.fee ins f=�6C5 __ Re-inspection/Follow-up Inspection $96 1hr "-�- T— 84" Q Portable LPG (Propane): #of Cages? $96/hr }� 84 Q Explosive Storage $266 84 Q Copying & File Research (File Research fee$50/hr) $0.25/page. 84 0 Miscellaneous 84 —TED2021 (Rev 04/10) 1 Cityq �►4 'Aakers lel� Cllg.TflP1ER RECMPT * Ge , t ;;iFi]'�tD Type:'OC 9rawer 1 I Irate: 7/c'�f,:l�l 4�1- Recei,p� na •15Ye` Ues riptson �SAFEiY ' SCTIGW t � fienee� detari r i � y/{ ngyA{ 1 1 f I 6417 - C1, G41E CK9 i Tat' pav trans dale: Taae 2@`: 1 FCELP CL1hiTkGL 1! T`P 'LATIGR I plCAaE av;!'OR,RENTER . a S C.A.R.D.,INC.' Bakersfield Fire Department 7/23/2010 24473 General:Taxes& Licenses NPA Certification Renewal 96.00 a Operating Account- 1 NPA Certification Renewal ...,. 96.00. 4� • / �' BAKERSFIELD' FIRE'®EPAR'i'MEN'T' Prevention Services FIRE :PREVENTION INSPECTION R � it-it 1501 TruxtUn Avenue 1$t Floor FIRM Bakersfield, CA 93301 ARrM ,d/T Phone 661-3267-3979: ® Fax: 66.1 852 2171. - .. _._._.W _ _ _ {{ BLOCK NO. I DISTRICT DATE EE: � t FACILITY ADDRESS > •y �p �,., _ �,,, CITY STATE 2IP t FACILITY.NAME. '1 MA�fiA R'5 NA E PH NO. MAC ----- ._._. .. _ _. ... _ c cyC.trr _ .. _ cif BUSINESS OWNER'S NAME'ANQAOORESS, - CITY,.STATE,ZIP- 'PH NO.. RICL'TOi;(IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE)NAME,:ADDRESS CIT.Y;STATE,ZIP,: PH NO. p! I: OC3?PEj, OCCkOAD NO.;OF FLOORS. ' HIGH RISE BLDG RISER DATE; O YES ❑ NO . - CORRECT ALL VIOLATIONS VIOLATION REQUIREMENTS CHECKED'SELOW: "NO. :1 Remove:and safely dispose of all hazardous refuse and dry.vegeta.tion on:th.e above,prem:ises (CFC: VEGETATION TIBLE:WASTE:/OHV __ 304.1.:1) , VEGETATION .. : .. .... z Provide'non-combustible.conta'iners''with tight fitting lids foe the'storage of'cbmbustible waste.and ru'bbisti,p.ending its safe disposal, (CFC.304.3.1) —_— -._ _.._. _.._.. .-__... _ __-- -�_ COMBUSTIBLE 5YORAGE .3 Relocate combustible.storage to provide at least 3 feet clearance around,.motor fuse box/fire door (CFC 605 3)' _ a Relocate fire extinguisher(s) so that they will be in a conspicuous location hanging on brackets with the top to the extinguisher not'inore'than 5 leek above the.floor. (CFC 90.6.5 & 906.9) EXTINGUISHERS 5. P"roVide and install (amounh) approved (type:&size) _ -__ portable fire e.ktinguisher to be immediately accessible for use in,(area) ;_ __,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_---------- (CFC: TABLE 906 3.(1)).. . ... - J e'- 'Re=ch'arge"ai) fire exlingu.ishe,rs. Fire extinguis.4'ers sha l be sery ice'd'at-'i'east-once=,za:ch-year; and'/.cr- after 'each.use,:by a person:hay.ing a valid license.or'certificate.. (CCR TITLE T9i. 575.1) ...... ...._____.__.___ __-- -_- --.---_-_ __._ _ _ 7 Provide and maintain."EXIT" sign(s) with letters S or more inches in height:over each.re.quir:ed exit sicns: (door/wind,ow) to'fire escape. (CFC.:1011.5.1.j ........ ...........—_—-- . a Provide and maintain appropriate numbers on a contrasting background and'"visib'le fromahe street to indicate the correct:address:of the building. (CFC 505.). - g Repair all (cracks/holes/openin s) in plaster'in (location) ------------------------------------------ FIRE OODRSi` Plastering shall return the surface.to it original fire resistive condition� (CFC 703.a FIRE SEPARATIONS j --- - � - - 10 Remove/repai.r (itern;& location)'.------------------------ - Self-closing doors shall be"designed:to close:by gravity, or.b,y the action:of a mechanical device or by pan approved.'smoke and heat:sensitive device. Self-closing doors shall:have.:no•attachments capable of preventing.thiioperation of the closing device. (CFC 703.2), a1 Remove all obstruction from hallways Maintain all,means'gf egress free of any,storage;,E%ITS I �,r.,,�._, - .... -:....:. --:_-..�.__ __::.... '. . .: ..... ..:... :._ _�_.. .. .�. _ Lz Provide:a contrasting colored and permanently installed electric hght.ove.r or near required exit ti�.r c (location) _____________------------to clearly, indicate it as an exit. (CFC 2403..1.2.6). STORAGE, 13: Remove all storage and/or other obstructions front fire escape land I1, gs.and stairways stair'shafts. (Fire 'escapes/stair.shaf.ts are to be:maintained free from obstructions at a'll times':,) (:CFC 1028.3) .. _ A4 Extenslon cords shall not be used in lieu of permanent approved wiring Install additional.approved ELECTRICALAPPLIANCES electrical outlets where needed (CFC.605 5) 15 Remove multipie attachment cords fi"om specific electrical convenience outlet (one plug per outlet) (CFC.. I' + 605A) ------- ._..........._................... ................................................................ _............... OVTDOOR'BURNING I i5 'R'ecrea6onal`fires or open burnincj_(iCFC -- '' FIREWORKS 177 Vrol6tioos:of Section 7802 (CFC) & 8:49.040 (B:M.C.) OTHER 1g ._. CU$TO.MER:. _1.._y.. .... 1� - C.F.C.ND: CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE; 3 Signa (Please not N e Legibly,T(itl . C B C CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE .f - B M C:' BAKERSFIELD'MUNICIPAL CODE. N F.P.A. NATIONAL'FIRE PROTECTION INSPECTORi ...__ .: __ - AP NO.:'.-- AssoclATloN . (Sigria Ve) , Nx.c. NATIONAL ECECTRIC CODE _:. .... rD:2022:(Rev.'0.3106) White,-.Customer/Original: Yellow -station Copy Pink-, Prevention-Services CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT --- INSPECTION RECORD Post this Card at the Job Site and DO NOT Remove for Duration of Work Inspection Request Phone No. 326-3979 SPRINKLER INSPECTION -- 13 SYSTEM FIRE ALARM SYSTEM DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE SPRINKLER INSPECTION -- 13D SYSTEM UNDERGROUND PIPE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE SPRINKLER INSPECTION -- 13R SYSTEM SPRAY FINISHING SYSTEM DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE FM -- 200 SYSTEM I?RLO.I�TO_OCC_U.PANCY OF AfVY-STRUCTURE, QLTFIR'E-PROT-ECTION-SYSTEMS-SHALL B'E) INSTALLED,_COIVIPLETED—AND ACCEPTED; UL -- 300 SYSTEM [BY TH.E CITY_FIRE-D'EPARTM.ENTj 'ELRE-DERA-RTMENT3FINAL) _T, -REMARKS: N BUILDING ADDRESS t;-/3 Ca tJb � ew JOB DESCRIPTION ,'T Lr 'lti i' OCCUPANCY TYPE ,3 OWNER A R PERMIT NO. Rf CONTRACTOR