HomeMy WebLinkAbout630 FRONTAGE Road_HAZ 12.20.1012/21/2010 16:37 8059298948 B &T SERVICE STATION PAGE 02 Zaboratorres Ian EnvifOrknentsl Testing LaDOratory 9irrve 1948 Date of Report: 12120/2010 Chris Wilson B & T Service Station Contractor 630 S. Frontage Road Nipomo, CA 93444 RE: FoodsCo (Bakersfield) BC Work Order: 1017764 Invoice ID: 8091986 IE Enclosed are the resuf#s of analyses for samples received by the laboratory on 12117/2010. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, r- AukOOLOL - Contact Person: Linda Phoudamneun Client Service Rep Authorized Signature C ditetiona: CA ELAP #1188; W #CA00014 77w mxalo in thrx rrprw rely to #x .% mpka amdywd M xvo►dmxrt with tke ehatn ofenatody dncvmene 71ttc m%dy jm1 m4-,r mtca ha m1w dacod In I& cn*rjy. All nwalD listed in N5.-Part m for the exdawe ar of the mbmittiim Pane. 0C lAabm tfim Inc, mm m nn "wpmgbitity rc r .emm Mowk-ol ro"roko, deiaohn m or t►rird Ntq i�MtAprOTldM,, 4100 Ades Crnnt Bekerg0eld, CA 99308 (01):W-49111 FAX(WI)327-1918 www.h '119119 mm Page 1 of 10 fT[ E 12/21/2010 16:37 8059298948 B &T SERVICE STATION PAGE 03 E"—mental TeVjfV Laboratory $" 1949 Table of Contents Sample Information Chain of CusN * and Cooler Receipt f oml ........................................................................... ............................... 3 Laboratory 1 Ctrent Sample Cross Reference ........................................................................ ............................... 5 Sample Results 4017784.01 - Station Bump Water Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydroombons ..................................... ............................... 6 Duality Control Reports Purgeable Arornafts and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons MethodBlank Ana" is. .................................................................................................... I..................... 7 Laboratory Control Sample ............:........................................................................ ............................... 8 Precisionand Accuracy ............................................................................................ ..............................9 Notes Notesand Definitions .....................................................................,....,.,,...,.,,....,,.,,...........,... ............................... 10 11Nr rrsrrlcf M rhh repcn grrprylo the .®,.Prot anial }®d to accrn+da+a wttk rrM cHtun ofaaloAy dxwrvan. 97tH tprollKrm! nrporl rnrv! be d ih icr cmrery. All retina listed in ddN report ere fm the erctpdveva of ft md+erittlnit INKY. 5C 1.Nbt7nrrori0 tat tatut. no ra anmbility far report allax6m , aq-. an, detach=s t a dmd party inmpreetllm. 9100 AjW Court SakerOeld, CA 03308 (861) 327 -4911 FAX (801) 327 -1019 www.bclaba.oan Pape 2 of 10 a y �s 9� 3 9� 5 .O(; I b � m 07 a $a3 d v ? I, sample rF ,analysis Requested a.a.asr�•;—O.TAA Desrriplvon oate T.ma Sampled Sampled Sampled ■i ■�■ ■ ■ 11115 �. 1111 ■■!■ 1111 Ar ■� �� 111�� ■ �■� �■o ■ ■f Ill ErUI � ■E■ ■� Il1■ �ro ■ ■ 111 11 ■ ■f , :� . ill on ■■■■�� hill �� ■��� ® ■Il ■■ iME �r i�linir iir■Il fil�lill,k `y I FW N IQ IQ F-' N m N m F-� e ao WA cn rJ 00 LO A io /AO bi co m n m 12/21/2010 16:37 8059298948 B &T SERVICE STATION PAGE 05 Laboratories, Inc. Envimmmentel Tesdn9 Labwatory Si 1949 Chaln of custody and Cooler Receipt Form for 1017184 Page 2 of 2 SHIPPING INFORMATION SHIPPING CONTAINER "RYES 0 NO PROW SAr»pk Nun+br -:n9 Co.�etetedB4:�� -� - - OatcT�rr+r O � 1 K. A - faetmi i C = Cprreala! piroPGSaletw. no+:sreatns sn sRac: aicn Thr. rrrarjRv Jn linty rRy�pre Gp/dy to lTtr.a'rrnplaa anolysad rrr aeenrdaxee wflh the char /n ofenetody document This aaadyNw! ra7xrrr mica he reprodwoed in fe. ermn-ry. All •duke liviod in Brie roport uu fortba mtcheivome ofthe eabmitfma mM. BC Ld mandes. tm, namna noremoiulblllty fix report •gapron. sepia 00". demomwos Or ttriA tarty ;nreiprentron. 4100 Atlas Ctwrt Bekerelleld, CA 933W (991) au -4911 FAX (691) 3Z7 -1918 www wabs.00m page 4 of 10 •... �����w■�w�wwwrw�w .. a, �■wiw■�wwww�w��■iw ����wwwwww■w���w . - �■wwww�w��w■i■� ' � �wrwwwwrrrwwwwwr�w�iw ■w . �wwwwwwww■�■irr■■i�wwww, . ���i■wi��wwwww.� .:. _ ;�rww�rww wwww■ SHIPPING INFORMATION SHIPPING CONTAINER "RYES 0 NO PROW SAr»pk Nun+br -:n9 Co.�etetedB4:�� -� - - OatcT�rr+r O � 1 K. A - faetmi i C = Cprreala! piroPGSaletw. no+:sreatns sn sRac: aicn Thr. rrrarjRv Jn linty rRy�pre Gp/dy to lTtr.a'rrnplaa anolysad rrr aeenrdaxee wflh the char /n ofenetody document This aaadyNw! ra7xrrr mica he reprodwoed in fe. ermn-ry. All •duke liviod in Brie roport uu fortba mtcheivome ofthe eabmitfma mM. BC Ld mandes. tm, namna noremoiulblllty fix report •gapron. sepia 00". demomwos Or ttriA tarty ;nreiprentron. 4100 Atlas Ctwrt Bekerelleld, CA 933W (991) au -4911 FAX (691) 3Z7 -1918 www wabs.00m page 4 of 10 12/21/2010 16:37 8059298948 B &T SERVICE STATION PAGE 06 Laboratories, Inc. Environmental Testier laboratory Sirme 1949 6 & T Service Station Contractor Reported: 17/2012010 7:25 630 S. Frontage Road Project: FoodsGo (Bakerafield) Nipomo, CA 93444 Project Number. [none] Project Manager. Chris Wilson Laboratory / Client Sample Cross Reference Laboratory C(ientSernptc Iniormatk)q 1017764 -01 COC Number. -- Recat" Date: i2117/2010 09 :15 Project Number. — Sampling bate: 12/17/2010 06:55 Sampling Location: — Sample Depth; — Sampling Paint Station Sump Water Sample Matrix. Water Sampled By: Mika Graham The i Ift in Aft re,A" i am(v fn flr..aer Irw" aaaplyMf OF aCCa, A nor with fhe ekalrc 0/cfesh* d0ownew. 7hic mrafytiavf mr wi m=Y )nT mPrm&P ! In lip rnfhrty, All roold laded M thiq rmmt are fm ft, rx1u6v*,w affTo v*Rdt6rat party. DC tabma aim, Im ww w rammAHlity fa te{wxt 11flerndM,*gwml0on. dIXYlprtr•Ml of t1144 Weft iMU9irte0w. 4100 Atlas Cart Bakersfield, CA 232108 ((161) 327.4911 FAX (001) 327.1918 www.bclfs.com Page 5 of 10 12/21/2010 16:37 8059298948 BST SERVICE STATION PAGE 07 Environmental Tea" Labom tDry Since 1949 B & T Service Station Contractor Reported: 12/20/2010 7.25 630 S. Frontage Road Project: Food3Co (Baker3Neid) Mlporno, CA 83444 Project Numtler. [none] Project Manager. Chris Waon Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons BCL Sample 10: 1017764 -01 CIIeIttSample Name: Station Sump Water, 1211712010 8 ;55:OOAM, hike Graham NIB Lab Constituent Resuft Units PQL MOL Method Bias Quafs Run # Gaacllne Range organip (C4 . C12) 10 u91L 60 610 LuR NO J 1 a,9,a•TrMuomto1uene (FiD Surrogata) 98.2 Q;, 70 -130 (LCL • UCL) LuR 1 Run QC Lt:wqk Method Prep Date deUJT" Analyst Insttuhwnt 01hMon Batch ID 1 Luft 12117110 12/17/10 11;19 ph GC-V4 1 BTL1131 The re."d t for vdx repnrr d7irdy m mr..ottwpfeu mWyf d M aornndwrm, a wph the chant e'cersto* dbayensnJ. This awealyff *1 rapwrf mrctr hr roltrrrdbved in ifs vsYre y. All eepdts VWJ On lldp re0ort ero rot Ilto 0,Clusi•o use or tlro wtindtt7rmvwW. BC Labommriel Inc ar;i no remmraldfky. 1tw rc7Kwt ahaadm, w,— on, deMchmarr. m ttdrd pnry hacip— nil on. 4100 AMS Court Bakarafield, CA 03308 (061) 327 -911 FAX (091) 927 -11918 WWw,bclabs.com Pape 0 of 10 12/21/2010 16:37 8059298948 B &T SERVICE STATION PAGE 08 EnWron"rital Testing Laboratory Since 1949 6 & T Service Station Contractor Reportod: 12/20/2010 7:25 630 S. Frontage Road Project: FoodsGa (Bakersfield) Nipomo, CA 93444 Project Number [none] Project Manager. Chris Wli son Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Quality Control Report - Method Blank Analysis LCon Ment QC Sample 10 UB Result Units PQL W101. Lab Quata QC Balch ID! BTL1131 Gasoline Range organics (C4 - C12) BTL1131.BLK1 NO ug /L 50 6.0 a,a,a- Trtrtuorotokaene (FID Surrogate) BTL1131 -BLKI 71.8 y, 70 -ISO (LCL - UCL) 77rc r .I& fn thrx rgxnT a rty fn the .m PJl awf)= d to My a nlythv!,.;,xm i mutt hr. renrndr .d On ftr enti rty. Alt milts 11att0 to NN reaon. arc to the exchlmva ure orthe wornittim Pam RC t,WDM0fiK tne. AMMOS n0 roeuoneibility ru 100on ahannien, serawlioh, detheInnM at f" pent/ i MP eM i0n. 4100 Atkn Court BekereFiM, GA 93308 (661) 327.4911 FAX (881) 327 -1010 www.t laD9.00n1 Page 7 or 10 12/21/2010 16:37 8059298948 BST SERVICE STATION PAGE 09 L na _W= Environmental To" Laboratory Since 1949 8 & T Service Station Contra or Ropu ted: 72!2012010 7:26 630 S. Frontage Road Project PoodsCo (Bakersfield) Nipomp, CA 93444 Project Number. [none] Project Manager: Chris Wilson Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Quality Control Report - Laboratory Control Sample Control Limitb Spike Portent Pament =411) Conattdrant OC Sample ID Type fi mult Loral Unft Recovery RPD Recovery RPD Quota 4C Batch ID: BTL1131 Gmllne Range Organics (C4 - C12) BTL1131.8$1 LCS 875,89 1000.0 ug/L 87.6 85.115 a,8,e- Tdfluorptplvene (FID Sunvgate) STL1131 -651 LGS — 38.590 40.000 UglL 96.5 70-130 77ir rrwle; to thLc rmporl aM* to Ibe saerplcs anolywd M aec»rdwre wlih thr chtdit ofcacmdy dr.rm ..7kc mwowpcl mp" mm" be rrPM*%vrd /n ILe mmrry. Anroeatilrnedm ,Iri.rowonarerwthc- xducvcr orthewbmitdngpmq, KI TAcit, roc. apsurntso9mr1omibUig far mMnaivmdm %wpucdMdGUdwc crtmrdwrtrintuprMdoo. 41100 Ades Court Sakenfietd, CA 93308 (661) 3274911 FAX (661) 327 -1918 www.belabs.00m Pape 8 Of 10 12/21/2010 16:37 8059298948 B &T SERVICE STATION PAGE 10 Embonmentai TeSthV LsOmstory Slnos 1949 B & T Selvioa Station Contrwor Reported: 12J2Gf2O10 725 830 S, Frontage Road Project FoodsCo (Bakersfield) Nipomo, CA 93444 Project Number, (none] Project Manager: Chits Wison Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Quality Control Report - precision t& Accuracy Control UmNs Source Source Spfke Percent Percent Lab constituent Type Sample ID Result Result Added Untts RPD Recovery RPD Recovery 4uale t7C Batch ID: BTL1131 Used client sample: N Gasoline Range Organics (04 - C12) M$ 1010M-25 ND 672,95 1000.0 uglL 87.3 70-130 MSD 1016833 -26 ND 899,14 1000.0 uglL 0,4 97.0 20 70-130 a.a,a- Trtflumotal0ene (FIO Surrogam) M5 1016633 -26 ND 39.305 40.000 UWL 98,3 70-130 MSD 1016633.28 ND 36.896 40,000 UgiL 1.1 97,1 70.130 77te rrurto tm rhrc nvxW 6µo1y to ft mwWey &iEdy=d to ac rd—e vuh the dwfm ofcawady drmnnenr. Thin ww10 m! mprN moan be reprod "d in ru ermtriy. All rcndtetietodinchia -, amfor the e xdtndwunevffta*rr4tmptVM. BCLebmvtatie3 ,fm,w%"neRn0reaponelhifihfmlaw. dtarvbon,.%. pcmtat ,detedrmenln(hifdDArtYiRMMJVMM. 4100 Atlas Court 6akeraWd, CA 93308 (861) 3274911 FAX (861) 327 -1918 www,bdatts,wn Page 9 af 10 12/21/2010 16:37 8059298948 B &T SERVICE STATION PAGE 11 Laboratories, Ina Envkwff*T,ta1 Testing Laborewry Since 19449 B & T Service Station Cordrartor Imported• 12120/2010 7:25 630 S. Frontage Road Project: FoodsCo (BakemflM) Nipomo, CA 03444 Project Number., [mm] Project Manager: Chris Wistm MOWS And U@finjoons J ESUn atoll Value (CLP Plag) MDL MMod Dete inn 1_fmlt ND ARaW Not DetWed at or ebm ttre reportirtg Ilmh POL Prockwil Owntitabon Limit RPD P01Wwe Percent DiffArence Tkt: rraulct fn ILfr rtfmrf ajrply m nc� ,tumplea mmlyzod In ocnndapncTe w�!!h !R! chain r j'tantrady tixrmicrrf. T1NS andyNm! rcprnt 7nunY /x 7Cp117dn[td In fh enffrety. MT nntilto fiihd hi this rtgro t arm forth* exClusiwme arthe xubmWN psiy. aC Labarntarin, Inc. nanrmp n0 t460M.vbility fb report shanalon, maps 1cn, dvmd=ewn ddtd ryrry int6t9+eC6 hon. 4100 Attar Court f3alte, Id. CA 93308 (851) 327.4911 FAX (961) 327-1996 wWw.bCfab4.00m I-we 10 of 10