HomeMy WebLinkAbout810 CONTINENTAL AVENUEPage of pages Form Approved OMB No. 2050-0072 Facility Identification Owner /Operator Name Name United States Cold Storage Name Brian Ford Phone ( 559 )686- 1110 Tier Two Street 810 East Continental Ave Mail Address 810 East Continental Ave EMERGENCY City Tulare County Tulare State Ca 93274 AND HAZARDOUS SIC Code 4222 Dun & Brad Number 60- 924 -6392 Emergency Contact CHEMICAL Name Eugene Harding Title Chief Engineer INVENTORY, Phone ( 559 )688 -5077 24 Hr. Phone (559 )259 -2382 FOR ID # Specific OFFICIAL Name Brian Ford Title Plant Manager Information USE Date Received Phone ( 559)688-2487 24 Hr. Phone (559 )786 -5980 by Chemical ONLY Important: Read all instructions before completing form Reporting Period From January 1 to December 31, 20 _ [) Check if information below is identical to the information submitted last year. ChemlcaS DescripUcin Physical and Health Hazards check all that a l Inventory C —j! £ 0 a E Storage Codes and Locations (Non - Confidential) Storage Locations a M o Trade CAS 27 -55-6 Secret no Chem. Name Propyle—n—e—gy—c—oF [ ] Fire Sudden Release Max. Daily 2 47 Amount (code) X X Phase 2 under floor heating of Pressure [ ] Reactivity 475 Avg. Daily Amount Check all x I H Ix I I I ] that apply Pure Mix Solid Liquid Gas EHS EHS Name [ ] Immediate (acute) [ ] Delayed (chronic) code 3 5 1 No. of Days [ ] On -site (days) Trade CAS 57 -56-6 Secret Chem. Name Propylene OTy—coT [ ] Fire Sudden Release Max. Daily 0 0 Amount (code) Phase 3 and 4 under floor heating of Pressure [ ] Reactivity 6 0 0 Avg. Daily Amount Check all x [x [ [ ] that apply Pure Mix Solid Liquid Gas EHS EHS Name [ ] Immediate (acute) [ ] Delayed (chronic) code 3 6 1 5_j No. of Days [ ] On -site (days) Trade Shop CAS 74 -86 -2 Secret Chem. Name Acetylene as [x ] Fire [ ] Sudden Release Max. Daily ®2 Amount (code) of Pressure [ ] Reactivity 10 Avg. Daily Amount Check all [x [ x [ [ ] that apply Pure Mix Solid Liquid Gas EHS EHS Name [x ] Immediate (acute) [ ] Delayed (chronic) code 1 3 1 6 1 5 1 No. of Days [ ] On -site (days) Certification (Read and sign after completing all sections) Optional Attachments I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in pages one through L and that based [ ] I have attached a site plan on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I beI' that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. f= UC4B^& 1-1 t4"/.cam Gc.rrt� Z- 7-3 -i 0 [ ] I have attached a list Of Site Coordinate abbreviations [ ] 1 have attached a description of dikes and other Name and official title of owner /operator OR owner /operator's Sign lure authorized representative Date signed safeguards measures Page of pages Forth Approved OMB No. 2050-0072 Facility Identification Owner/Operator Name Name States Cold Storage Name Brian Ford Phone ( 559)686 -1110 Tier Two _United Street 810 East Continental Ave Mail Address 810 East Continental Ave EMERGENCY City Tulare County Tulare State Ca 93274 AND Emergency Contact HAZARDOUS SIC Code 4222 Dun 8 Brad Number 60- 924 -6392 CHEMICAL Name Eugene Harding Title Chief Engineer INVENTORY Phone _( 559 )688 -5077 24 Hr. Phone (559)259 -2382 FOR ID # SpeciJk OFFICIAL Name Brian Ford Title Plant Manager Information USE Date Received Phone _( 559)688-2487 24 Hr. Phone (559)786 -5980 by Chemical ONLY Important. Read all instructions before completing form Reporting Period From January 1 to December 31, 20 _ [ ] Check if information below is identical to the information submitted last year. Physical I! Storage Codes and Locations e Chemical Description and Health Inventory (Non-Confidential) Hazards ° d up a ~ 0 C check all that l Storage Locations Trade CAS 7664 -41 -7 secret no [x ] Fire Max. Daily x x Engine and throughout plant Chem. Name Anhydrous ammonia [x ] Sudden Release 22 0 0 Ibs Amount (code) of Pressure [I Reactivity 2 000 bs Avg. Daily Amount Check al? Ix I ] x ] that apply Pure Mix Solid LiquW Gas EHS [x ) Immediate (acute) code EHS Name Ammonia [ ] Delayed (chronic) 3 6 5 No. of Days [ ] On -site (days) Trade CAS 766 -49 -39 secret no [ ] Fire Max. Daily x Chem. Name SuUudcWc-Ti Sudden Release a Amount (code) Battery Room and in Forklifts of Pressure ] Reactivity 1 10,7301 a . Avg. Daily Amount Throughout Plant Check all I I Ix x I that apply Pure Mix Solid Liquid Gas EHS [ ] Immediate (acute) code EHS Name [x ] Delayed (chronic) 1 3 No. of Days ( ] On -site (days) Trade CAS 7664 -93-9 Secret no (] Fire Max. Daily x Batte Room and in forklifts Chem. Name Lead Sudden Release 12 0 Ibs Amount (code) Throughout plant. of Pressure [ ] Reactivity 1 212,806 Ibs Avg. Daily Amount Check all Ix I ] Ix I ] that apply Pure Mix Solid Liquid Gas EHS [ ] Immediate, (acute) code EHS Name [ x] Delayed (chronic) L3 1 6 1 5 1 No. of Days [ ] On -site (days) Certification (Read and sign: after completing all sections) Optional Attachments I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in pages one through Z— and that based [ ] I have attached a site plan on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I belitv e4at the subm' d information is true, accurate, and complete. [ ] I have attached a list of site coordinate abbreviations 67C.66t-B ff*e/li R-6 �' #jer &. /,L °!C.- [ 2 -23 -1 U (] 1 have attached a description of dikes and other Name and official title of owner /operator OR owner/operator's Signature Date signed safeguards measures authorized representative Material Safety Data Sheet Revision Issued: 1/24/2008 Supersedes: 12/27/2006 (Sections changed: II, VI, IX, XIV) First Issued: 12/01/85 ^- Section II - Chemical Product And Company Identification Product Name: Anhydrous Ammonia CAS Number: 7664 -41 -7 HBCC MSDS No. CA10000 ok0s ckt-", M ononyuE,no Y Sin e y e s's 19-3 1675 NORTHMAINSTREEr . ORANGE, CALIFORMA02907 -3499 (714)999 -88CO . FAX: (714)9986310 " /Aii11h VftM,can 1675 No. Main Street, Orange, California 92867 Telephone No: 714 - 998 -8800 1 Chemtrec: 800 - 424 -9300 Section IIII - Compositioon /X nfformatioun On Ingredients F— 1 F Exposure Limits (TWAs) in Air Chemical Name ICAS Number % ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL [STEL Ammonia 7664 -41 -7 100 25 ppm y150 ppm 135 ppm 18 mg /m3 i35 mg /m3 127 mg /m3 ^ -- F— Cal -OSHA_ �— 25 ppm i - - -- --- - -- I��� –I �� —__ - 18 mg /m3 - -�- j^ �� -- Oregon -OSHA I -- 118 mg /m3 �. �^ Section III - Hazard Xdeuntiffia atioon Summary of Acute Health Hazards X nayestioQn: This material is a gas under normal atmospheric conditions and ingestion is unlikely. Ingestion of liquid ammonia may result in severe irritation or ulceration of the mouth, throat and digestive tract which may be displayed by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and, in severe cases, collapse, shock and death. Unhaiatioun: Irritation to the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and lungs is noticeable at 100 ppm. Concentrations above 400 ppm will cause throat irritation and may destroy mucous surfaces upon prolonged contact. High concentrations can cause pulmonary edema. Breathing air containing concentrations greater than 5,000 ppm may cause sudden death from spasm or inflammation of the larynx. Skin: Liquid Ammonia produces severe skin burns on contact. Ammonia gas may cause skin irritation, especially if skin is moist. The liquid can cause skin damage resulting from combined freezing and corrosive action on the skin. Atmospheric concentrations above 30,000 ppm will burn and blister skin after a few seconds of exposure. Eyes: Exposure to high gas concentrations may cause temporary blindness and severe eye damage. Direct contact of the eyes with liquid ammonia will produce serious eye burns. Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Can cause burning of the eyes, conjunctivitis, skin irritation, swelling of the eyelids and lips, dry red mouth and tongue, burning in the throat, and coughing, and in more severe cases of exposure, difficulty in breathing, signs and symptoms of lung congestion, and, ultimately, death from respiratory failure due to pulmonary edema may occur. Effects of Overexposure: Can cause irritation and bums of the skin and mucous membranes, and headache, salivation, nausea, and vomiting. Difficult or labored breathing and cough with bloody mucous discharge. Can cause bronchitis, laryngitis, hemoptysis, and pulmonary edema or pneumonitis. Death may result. Can cause ulceration of the conjunctiva and cornea, and corneal and lenticular opacities. Damage to the eyes may be permanent. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Ammonia is a respiratory irritant. Persons with impaired pulmonary function may be at an increased risk from exposure. Also pre - existing skin disorders may be aggravated by exposure. Section IIM - First Aid Measures - -- Ingestion: If this gas is swallowed in liquid form, keep victim warm and OBTAIN IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. If signs of respiratory obstruction develop, immediately transport to medical facility. Do not induce vomiting. Never give fluids or induce vomiting if patient is unconscious or having convulsions. Inhalation: Remove victim to fresh air. Give oxygen if breathing is difficult. If breathing has stopped, start artificial respiration. OBTAIN IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. Slain: Apply water immediately to exposed areas of skin and continue for at least 30 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing, shoes, and constrictive clothing while continuing to apply water, being careful not to tear the skin. If skin surface is damaged, apply a clean dressing. If skin surface is not damaged, cleanse the affected area(s) thoroughly with mild soap and water. Do not apply salves or ointments to affected areas. OBTAIN IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. Eyes: Remove victim to fresh air. Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 30 minutes with the eyelids held apart. OBTAIN IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. Section M - Fire Fighting Measures - - -� Flash Point: N/A Loeser Explosive Limit: 16% by Volume A utoignition Temperature: 651° C; 1204 °F Upper Explosive Limit: 25% by Volume Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Gas may ignite at vapor concentrations between 16% and 25% in air. However, ammonia -air mixtures are difficult to ignite and burn with little vigor. In the absence of oxygen enrichment, the risk of initiating an accidental fire or explosion is low. Do not allow ammonia vapors to accumulate in confined areas where ignition may occur. Intense heating particularly in contact with hot metallic surfaces may cause decomposition of ammonia generating hydrogen, a flammable gas. Extinguishing Media: Use Water Spray or Water Fog, Carbon Dioxide, Polar or Alcohol Foam, Dry Chemical. Halon may decompose into toxic materials. Carbon dioxide can displace oxygen. Use caution when applying halon or carbon dioxide in confined spaces. Special Firefighting Procedures: Stop flow of gas. Use water fog to keep fire - exposed containers cool and to protect personnel effecting the shut -off. Wear self - contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and encapsulating chemical protective clothing. Approach fire upwind and evacuate area downwind. Emergency responders in the danger area should wear bunker gear and self- contained breathing apparatus for fires beyond the incipient stage (29CFR 1910.156). In addition, wear other appropriate protective equipment as conditions warrant (See Section VIII). Isolate damage area, keep unauthorized personnel out. Stop spill /release if it can be done with minimal risk. If this cannot be done, allow fire to bum. Move undamaged containers from danger area if it can be done with minimal risk. Stay away from ends of container. Water spray may be useful in minimizing or dispersing vapors. Cool equipment exposed to fire with water, if it can be done with minimal risk. Scion VX - Accidental Release Measures Steps To Be Taken In Caste Maiteriai Is Released Or Spilled: Isolate and evacuate the leak or spill area immediately for at least 150 feet in all directions. For larger spills, isolate at least 300 feet in all directions and then evacuate area downwind at least 0.4 miles in width and at least 0.8 miles in length. Keep area isolated until gas has dispersed. Note that although ammonia gas is lighter than air, sudden release may generate an aerosol of liquefied ammonia which may cling to the ground for long distances. May ignite in the presence of open flames and sparks. Narrow lower to upper combustion range (16 -25 %) makes ignition difficult. Keep all sources of ignition away from spill /release. Do not apply water onto leaking tank. Stop the flow of gas or liquid. Wear full protective clothing and self- contained breathing apparatus. Use water to protect personnel effecting the shut -off. Approach from upwind. Dike liquid spills to contain liquid. Evacuate the area immediately. Eliminate all open flames in vicinity of indoor spills or released vapor. Water fog can be used to cleanse atmosphere of ammonia vapor. Downwind areas can be protected by water fog nozzles positioned downwind. - - - - - -- Sion VEX - Handling and Storage - -- — - Contents are under pressure. The use of explosion -proof equipment is recommended and may be required (see appropriate fire codes). Do not enter confined spaces such as tanks or pits without following proper entry procedures such as ASTM D -4276. Protect against physical damage. Outside shaded area or detached storage is preferred. Inside storage should be in a cool, dry, well ventilated, noncombustible location, away from all possible sources of ignition. Separate from other chemicals, particularly oxidizing gases, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and acids. Avoid ingestion, inhalation, and contact with skin or eyes. Section VXXX - Exposure Contro0s / Persona 0 Protection - - - - -- - —� Respiratory Protection: Unless ventilation is adequate to keep concentration below permissible exposure limit (PEL), wear NIOSH approved ammonia chemical cartridge or canister full facepiece chin -style respirators with an-air- purification factor (APF =50). In emergency or planned entry into unknown concentrations, use self - contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or any supplied -air full facepiece chin -style respirators. Ventilation: Local exhaust is essential. Spark -proof fans desirable with mechanical ventilation. Ducts should be located at ceiling level and lead upwards to the outside. Protective Clothing: Rubber or synthetic chemical gloves and boots should be worn as well as cotton clothing and underwear. Rubber or synthetic chemical coats or aprons should be available, an encapsulating chemical protective clothing garment is desirable for heavy exposures. Eye Protection: Gas -tight chemical safety goggles must be wom if there is a likelihood of exposure. Persons subject to ammonia exposure must not wear contact lenses. Other Protective Clothing or'(Equipment: Eyewash fountain and safety shower should be available in work area. The use of long sleeved clothing closed at the neck is advised. Change if clothing becomes contaminated. F_ Section XX - Physical and Chemical Properties IPhysical State: Compressed Gas PH: 11.6 for 1.0 N @70 °F Melting Point/Range: -77.7° C; - 107.9 °F Boiling Point /Range: - 33.35° C; - 280F Appearance /Color /Odor: Colorless gas or liquid with extremely pungent odor Solubility in Water: 100% Vapor Pressure (mmHg): 6610 @ 20° C; 68 °F Specific Gravity (later =3l): 0.68 @ - Molecular Weight: 17.03 33.4° C; -28 °F ° Vapor Density (Air =il): 0.6 (gas), >1 % Volatiles° 100% (aerosol) ° Bulk Density: 630 kg /m3; 39.3 Ib /ft3; 5.3 Lbs. /Gal. (US). �— -� Section X - Stability and Reactivity Stability: Stable Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur Conditions to Avoid: Avoid all possible sources of ignition. Heat will increase pressure in the storage tank. Materials to Avoid: Avoid contact with oxidizing gases, chlorine, bromine, mineral hypochlorite, iodine, halogens, calcium, and strong acids. Avoid contact with copper, silver, zinc, and alloys of same. Mercury, silver oxide can form explosive compounds. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Combustion will generate oxides of nitrogen. Intense heating of the gas, particularly in contact with hot metallic surfaces, may cause decomposition of ammonia to hydrogen and nitrogen. I Section XIt - Toxicologgcal E nfformatioon Oral LD50 350 mg /kg IRat JATSDR 1991 96 mg /kg Mouse JEPA 1989 Section XIIII - (Ecological E nfformatioun Inhalation LC50 19,770 ppm F Rat JEPA 1989 F— 114,140 ppm M Rat JEPA 1989 I — 17,401 ppm Rat JATSDR 1991 -- Section X11H - Disposal Considerations Consult Federal, State, or Local Authorities for proper disposal procedures. If possible, allow spilled liquid ammonia to evaporate, as it is too volatile to absorb. Diking will contain the liquid and allow it to stabilize. Keep unprotected personnel away from area until it is free of ammonia. Do not apply water directly to ammonia liquid as this will cause boiling and splattering. Section XXV - Transport Unfformatioon A Domestic Transportation DOT Proper Shipping Name: Ammonia, Anhydrous DOT Hazard Class/I. D. No.: 2.2; UN1005 International Transportation DOT Proper Shipping Name: Ammonia, Anhydrous DOT Hazard Class /I.D. No.: 2.3, (8); UN1005 Sections X@9 - Regulatory IIunfforovnatioon� .`_________--- _ - - -�� CIERCLA Reportable quantity: 100 Pounds (45.4 Kilograms) (19.43 Gals) Additional Description Requirement: Inhalation Hazard MlFPA Rating: Health - 3; Flammability - 1; Instability - 0 O= Insignificant 1= Slight 2= Moderate 3 =High 4= Extreme According to the (UFC) Uniform Fire Code Standard 79 -3 (2000), the degree of Hazard is 3 -3 -0 in a confined space. EPCRA Section 302 - Ammonia 7664 -41 -7 - TPQ - 500 Pounds EPCRA Section 304 RQ - 100 Pounds EPCRA Section 312 : Ammonia 7664 -41 -7 EPCRA Section 313 - Ammonia 7664 -41 -7 CAA 112® TQ - 10,000 Pounds Ammonia - TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory RDLH baOue*: 300 p9ptm * The Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health Value Carcinogenicity Lists: No MTfP: No EAIRC NoQnograp h: No OSHA (Regulated: Yes — - - -- - —_ -- Section XVII - Other Information � -- -- — -- Synonyms /Common Names: Anhydrous Ammonia; Ammonia; NH3 Chemical Fam ley /Typxe: Hydride, (Alkaline Gas), Inorganic Base Sections changed since last revision: II, VI, IX, XV IIRblfs ORTANTl Read this MSDS before use or disposal of this product. Pass along the information to employees and any other persons who could be exposed to the product to be sure that they are aware of the information before use or other exposure. This MSDS has been prepared according to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard [29 CFR 1910.1200). The MSDS information is based on sources believed,to be reliable. However, since data, safety standards, and government regulations are subject to change and the conditions of handling and use, or misuse are beyond our control, Hill Brothers Chemical Company makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, with respect to the completeness or continuing accuracy of the information contained herein and disclaims all liability for reliance thereon. Also, additional information may be necessary or helpful for specific conditions and circumstances of use. It is the user's responsibility to determine the suitability of this product and to evaluate risks prior to use, and then to exercise appropriate precautions for protection of employees and others. EWPENMmaturingca,ice. . — Material Safety Data Sheet -- Lead Acid Battery Wet, Filled With Acid ::.� '. ... >...,.i•.: 1:_' ^:�. %L ?C.I �i`'F sue.: <:,4:::�_:::::::..: - 'a SON . t .: : ., .. ,. .., ._ .. .. .. ... .... ...:...:.. .. ���:,, { .. _ , ..... :. :............ .,- .._.._.__., -:t. Manufacturer's Name: Date: March 16, 2005 East Penn Manufacturing Co., Inc. Deka Road, Lyon Station, PA 19536 Trade Name: Electric Storage battery, SLI or Industrial battery Telephone Number for Information: (610) 682 -6361 Classification: Battery wet, filled with acid, electric storage Emergency Telephone Number: CHEMTREC: 1 -800- 424 -9300, UN2794 In Washinixton D.C. or outside continental U.S. call 1- 202 -483 -7616 .::'.::.T.:t:...::.-.'.`.:C; 1. ..:. .. ... :. T . .... ..... :. ..- ...... ...- ..a.., ...... ..,, ,. ... -_.. .. ..:;-- _ :. f-yi' c�":;_ i': s4"<" t',' :','::Si:;::YS:���'?..ti.'ri:'2a S.::' D ..: :......<. _.... ..:.........:.���IAZARDO.0 INGitE..�EN�S Hazardous Components Specific Chemical Identity Range (Common Name (s)) Percent OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV By Weight Averapte Lead CAS #7439921 0.05 mg/m, 0.05 malm 43 -70 65 Sulfuric Acid CAS #7664939 1.00 m m 1.00 MPJM 20 -44 25 Antimony, CAS 07440360 0.50 m m 0.50 m m 0 -4 <1 Arsenic CAS #7440382 0.01 m 0.01 MPJM3 <01 - Polypropylene, CAS #9003070 - - 5 -10 8 Calcium CAS #7440702 1.0 mpjm 1 1.0 m I <I <1 s.. ,.,_ _....... .. -_t..t :...a... ..... . .: . ...... :.. ...,.> -._ _..:._......:. , ....: ........ _ �. - ,�_n.. ..,. ... _ .�<- f.P._ ?:•U:6�nv .::t ::,: _ ti- !y:: <yi^: :r .Ril: ECTI. N III .,.. .'. ". ... :PHYI, /IG`ALICHEMICAZ-CSARACTET CT: _ Electrolyte (Sulfuric Acid): Appearance and Odor: Clear, Odorless, Colorless Solubility in Water: Completely Boiling Point: approximately 235° F Specific Gravity (H2O =1): 1.220 - -1.325 Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate =l): less than 1.0 Vapor Density (AIR-1): N/A Meltin Point: N/A Vapor Pressure mm Hz): 13 SE. - "AT -, TiEa Flash Point (Method Used): Non - Flammable Flammable Limits: *Hydrogen, Gas Extinguishing Media: Class ABC extinguisher, CO2 LEL: 4% UEL 74% Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Cool exterior of battery if exposed to fire to prevent rupture. The acid mist and vapors in a fire situation are corrosive. Wear special respiratory protection (SCBA) and clothing. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: *Hydrogen gas, which may explode if ignited, is produced by this battery, especially when charging. Use adequate ventilation; avoid open flames sparks, or other sources of ignition. :....,.. -. -:._ a ..:. .. .: .., ..::� . .. ..:......... .......... _.. .......:\.......: -., .. .... _ ... _.. .: - .i., lt4�� �i!e .. >.'�"' +:` .. tit ::::'�:i� <::n::•::c.::r:i'•q�•, Stability: Stable Condition to Avoid: Prolonged overcharging, sources of ignition Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): Sulfuric Acid: Contact with combustibles and organic materials may cause fire and explosion. Also reacts violently with strong reducing agents, metals, strong oxidizers and water. Contact with metals may produce toxic sulfur dioxide fumes and may release flammable hydrogen gas. Hazardous Decomposition of By- Products: Sulfuric Acid: Excessive overcharging or fire may create Sulfur trioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfuric acid mist, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen. Lead - Contact with strong acid or base or presence of nascent hydrogen may enerate highly toxic arsine gas. EAST PENN man urinysa.in <2049NItim q — Material Safety Data Sheet — Lead Acid Battery Wet, Filled with Acid .... .:............... ..................... . 4 - 4n t - Manufacturer's Name: Date: March 16, 2005 East Penn Manufacturing Co., Inc. Deka Road, Lyon Station, PA 19536 Trade Name: Electric Storage battery, SLI or Industrial battery Telephone Number for Information: (610) 682 -6361 Classification: Battery wet, filled with acid, electric storage Emergency Telephone Number: CHEMTREC: 1- 800 - 424 -9300, UN2794 In Washington D.C. or outside continental U.S. call 1- 202 - 483 -7616 _...... . J;..i :...:: ........ :.....:......: '......:...... . ...... ... ... v ... .. . ... ..... . ... ... .. .. ......... ... .... .. .. .. . .... . ... ..:.K:'::_.:� ::: is :'::'•..: �t "':� 4 - Y:r v - �:,,�i: `'_:::.�'�^ �''_� .mot :�;,;y `% kIAZARDOUS.° IDNTTI` Y= INORMATI4N •y INGItEDIEN./ Hazardous Components Specific Chemical Identity Range (Common Name (s)) Percent OSHA PEL ACGIA TLV B 'Weight Avera e Lead CAS #7439921 0.05 m m 0.05 mg/m, 43 -70 65 Sulfuric Acid CAS #7664939 1.00 mg/mi mg/m 1.00 MRIM3 20 -44 25 Antimony, CAS #7440360 0.50 mg1m, 0.50 m m! 0 -4 <1 Arsenic CAS #7440382 0.01 j]ijt/M3 0.01 mg/W3 mg/W3 <.01 - Polypropylene, CAS #9.003070 - - 5 -10 8 Calcium CAS #7440702 1.0 MRtM3 1.0 MgIM3 <1 <1 • CHE C ..PHYSIC .. Electrolyte (Sulfuric Acid): Appearance and Odor: Clear, Odorless, Colorless Solubility in Water: Completely Boiling Point: approximately 235° F Specific Gravity (H2O =1): 1.220 —1.325 Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate -1): less than 1.0 Vapor Density (AIR =1): N/A Meltin Point: N/A Vapor Pressure mm HE): 13 .........:.:... T......... . .Z.. DS XPL ON IIA . .. _E ; ;- Flash Point (Method Used): Non - Flammable Flammable Limits: *Hydrogen Gas Extinguishing Media: Class ABC extinguisher, CO2 LEL: 4% UEL 740A Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Cool exterior of battery if exposed to fire to prevent rupture. The acid mist and vapors in a fire situation are corrosive. Wear special respiratory protection (SCBA) and clothing. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: *Hydrogen gas, which may explode if ignited, is produced by this battery, especially when charginit. Use adequate ventilation, open flames s }cs, or other sources of ignition. . 1 . .........: .......:.... ....... ........ .... ... .. .. _ ..._ ..,. , .... , .. ......:.. .'.l =i' Stability: Stable Condition to Avoid: Prolonged overcharging, sources of ignition Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): Sulfuric Acid: Contact with combustibles and organic materials may cause fire and explosion. Also reacts violently with strong reducing agents, metals, strong oxidizers and water. Contact with metals may produce toxic sulfur dioxide fumes and may release flammable hydrogen gas. Hazardous Decomposition of By- Products: Sulfuric Acid: Excessive overcharging or fire may create Sulfur trioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfuric acid mist, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen. Lead Cojmpon& Contact with strong acid or base or presence of nascent hydrogen ma enerate highly toxic arsine gas. MSDS: Battery Wet Filled with Acid• Pa e 2 of 3 ................ . ........... HAZ HEAZTH ARD .- Route(s) of Entry: Not Applicable under normal use. (Inhalation, skin contact, and ingestion) Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic): Do not open battery, avoid contact with internal components. Internal components are Oxide lead and electrolyte. Short term exposure: Sulfuric acid may cause irritation of eyes, nose, and throat. Prolonged contact may cause severe burns. Long term exposure: Repeated contact causes irritation and skin burns. Repeated exposure to mist may cause erosion of teeth, chronic eye irritation and/or chronic inflammation of the nose, throat, and bronchial tubes. TARGET ORGAN: (Electrolyte) respiratory system, eyes, skin, and teeth Carcinogenicity: Sulfuric Acid: The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified "strong inorganic acid mist containing sulfuric acid" as a Category I carcinogen, a substance that is carcinogenic to humans. This classification does not apply to liquid forms of sulfuric acid contained within a battery. Inorganic acid mist (sulfuric acid mist) is not generated under normal use of this product. Misuse of the product such as overcharging, may result in the generation of sulfuric acid mist. Lead Compounds: Lead is listed as a 2B carcinogen, likely in animals at extreme doses. Proof of carcinogenicity in humans is lacking at present. Ancitic: Listed by National Toxicology Program (NTP), IARC, OSHA and NIOSH as a carcinogen only after prolonged exposure at high levels. Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Acid contact may cause irritation of eyes, nose and throat. Breathing of mist may produce' respiratory difficulty. Contact with eyes and skin causes irritation and skin burns. Sulfuric acid is a CORROSIVE chemical. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Sulfuric Acid Mist exposure may aggravate medical conditions such as, pulmonary edema, bronchitis, emphysema, dental erosion, and tracheobronchitis. Pregnant women and children must be protected from lead exposure. Emergency and First Aid Procedures: (Sulfuric, Acid) 1) Flush contacted area with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and obtain medical attention if necessary. Eye wash and/or emergency shower should be readily available. 2 If swallowed large volumes of water. DO NOT induce vomiting, obtain medical treatment. .... ...:..:: .. .::.............. . :.:... ......... ..:..:.:. . .........:. .. P.RECAU ONS.T R S FE.H AND. S "•� ............... _ .:..:............. 'T ... ... ANA ...IN Steps to be Taken in Case Material Is Released or SpWed: SULFURIC ACID: Dilute spill cautiously with five to six volumes of water and gradually neutralize with sodium bicarbonate, soda ash or lime. When exposure level is not known, wear NIOSH approved positive pressure self - contained breathing apparatus. Reference North American Emergency Response Guidebook, # 154. Waste Disposal Method: Lead -acid batteries are completely recyclable. For information on returning batteries to East Penn for recycling, contact your East Penn Representative. Dispose of any collected material in accordance with local, state or applicable federal regulations. Precautions to be Taken in Handling and Storing: Store away from reactive material as defined in Section V, Reactivity Data. Place cardboard between layers of stacked batteries to avoid damage and short circuit. Do not allow metallic materials to simultaneously contact both terminals. Other Precautions: Sodium bicarbonate, soda ash, sand, or lime should be kept in same general area for emergency use. Keep away from sources of ignition during charging see Section 1V on generation of hydrogen gas. If battery case is broken, avoid dined contact with internal components. ..:::...::...:.... ..:.:....:... ......::... ...........: Respiratory Protection (Specific Type): Respirator required when PEL is exceeded'or employee witnesses respiratory irritation. (see Section VI, Health Hazard Data). Ventilation: Must be provided when charging in an enclosed area. (29CFR1910.178(g) and .3050)(7) Mechanical (general): Acceptable at I to 4 air exchangesthour or to maintain air concentrations below the PEL. Local Exhaust: Preferred Other: Local buildiniore codes may require explosion proof fans and equipment Protective Gloves: Acid resistant Eye Protection: Preferred, safety glasses, goggles, face shield Other Protective Clothing or Equipment: Acid resistant aprons, boots, and protective clothing Work Hygienic Practices: Good Personal hygiene and work practices are mandatory. MSDS: Battery Wet Filled with Acid• Pa e 2 of 3 ...'.:...:.: : ........... ........_ ...... : ...:........ ALTH .HAZ Route(s) of Entry: Not Applicable under normal use. (inhalation, skin contact, and ingestion) Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic): Do not open battery, avoid contact with internal components. Internal components are Oxide lead and electrolyte. Short term exposure: Sulfuric acid may cause irritation of eyes, nose, and throat. Prolonged contact may cause severe burns. Long term ex sure: Repeated contact causes irritation and skin burns. Repeated exposure to mist may cause erosion of teeth, chronic eye irritation and/or chronic inflammation of the nose, throat, and bronchial tubes. TUGET ORGAN (Electrolyte) respiratory system, eyes, skin, and teeth Carcinogenicity: Sulfuric Acid: The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified "strong inorganic acid mist containing sulfuric acid" as a Category 1 carcinogen, a substance that is carcinogenic to humans. This classification does not apply to liquid forms of sulfuric acid contained within a battery. Inorganic acid mist (sulfuric acid mist) is not generated under normal use of this product. Misuse of the product such as overcharging, may result in the generation of sulfuric acid mist. Lead Compounds: Lead is listed as a 2B carcinogen, likely in animals at extreme doses. Proof of carcinogenicity in humans is lacking at present. nic: Listed by National Toxicology Program (NTP), IARC, OSHA and NIOSH as a carcinogen only after prolonged exposure at high levels. Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Acid contact may cause irritation of eyes, nose and throat. Breathing of mist may produce respiratory difficulty. Contact with eyes and skin causes irritation and skin burns. Sulfuric acid is a CORROSIVE chemical, Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Sulfuric Acid Mist exposure may aggravate medical conditions such as, pulmonary edema, bronchitis, emphysema, dental erosion, and tracheobronchitis. Pregnant women and children must be protected from lead exposure. Emergency and First Aid Procedures: (Sulfuric Acid) I) Flush contacted area with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and obtain medical attention if necessary. Eye wash and/or emergency shower should be readily available. 2 If swallowed ive larRe volumes of water. DO NOT induce vomiting, obtain medical treatment. : ........... OR< AFE:° I� G: =AND., S PRECA ONS S H IN E °:,= - _ I ANA.. - UT Steps to be Taken In Case Material Is Released or Spilled: SULFURIC ACID: Dilute spill cautiously with five to six volumes of water and gradually neutralize with sodium bicarbonate, soda ash or lime. When exposure level is not known, wear NIOSH approved positive pressure self - contained breathing apparatus. Reference North American Emergency Response Guidebook, #t54. Waste Disposal Method: Lead -acid batteries are completely recyclable. For information on returning batteries to East Penn for recycling, contact your East Penn Representative. Dispose of any collected material in accordance with local, state or applicable federal regulations. Precautions to be Taken in Handling and Storing: Store away from reactive material as defined in Section V, Reactivity Data. Place cardboard between layers of stacked batteries to avoid damage and short circuit. Do not allow metallic materials to simultaneously contact both terminals. Other Precautions: Sodium bicarbonate, soda ash, sand, or time should be kept in same general area for emergency use. Keep away from sources of ignition during charging see Section IV on generation of hydrogen gas. If battery case is broken, avoid direct contact with internal components. : Respiratory Protection (Specific Type): Respirator required when PEL is exceeded or employee witnesses respiratory irritation. (see Section VI, Health Hazard Data). Ventilation: Must be provided when charging in an enclosed area. (29CFR1910.178(g) and .3050)(7) Mechanical (general): Acceptable at 1 to 4 air exchanges/lwuror to maintain air concentrations below the PEL. Local Exhaust: Preferred Other. Local building/fire codes may require explosion proof fans and equipment Protective Gloves: Acid resistant Eye Protection: Preferred, safety glasses, goggles, face shield Other Protective Clothing or Equipment:. Acid resistant aprons, boots, and protective clothing Work Hygienic Practices: Good Personal hygiene and work practices are mandatory. MA Hazard Rating Sulfuric Acid Lead Health(Blue) 3 3 Flammability (Red) Reactivity (Yellow) Note: Sulfuric acid is water- reactive if concentrated. U.S. DOT: Battery Wet, Filled with Acid Hazard Class/Division ID Number UN2794 Packing Group III Label Requirement Corrosive RCRA: Spent lead -acid batteries are not regulated as hazardous waste when recycled. Spilled sulfuric acid is a characteristic hazardous waste, EPA hazardous waste number D002 (corrosivity). CERCLA (Sunerfund) and EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know ACT) a) Reportable Quantity (RQ) for spilled 100% sulfuric acid is 1000 lbs. b) Sulfuric acid is a listed "Extremely Hazardous Substance' under EPCRA with a Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) of 1000 lbs. c) EPCRA Section 312 Tier ll reporting required for batteries if sulfuric acid is present in quantities of 500 lbs or more and/or lead is present in quantities of 10,000 lbs or more. California Prop 65: Batteries, battery posts, terminals and related accessories contain lead and lead compounds, and other chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. WASH HANDS AFTER HANDLING. For additional information concerning East Penn Manufacturing Co., Inc. products or questions concerning the content of this MSDS please contact your East Penn representative. This information is accurate to the best of East Penn Mfg. Co.'s knowledge or obtained from sources believed by East Penn to be accurate. Before using anv product. read all warnings and directions on the label. MS) )S: Battery Wet Fllled with Acid; Page 3 of 3 ...::::... .::.:.,...:.: : _ OTHER.REGULATORY: INFORMATION =::: >= ':::'' NFPA Hazard Rating Sulfuric Acid Lea Health(Blue) 3 3 Flammability (Red) 0 0 Reactivity (Yellow) 2 0 Note: Sulfuric acid is water- reactive if concentrated. U.S. DOT: Battery \Vet, Filled with Acid Hazard Class/Division 8 ID Number UN2794 Packing Group III Label Requirement Corrosive RCRA: Spent lead -acid batteries are not regulated as hazardous waste when recycled. Spilled sulfuric acid is a characteristic hazardous waste, EPA hazardous waste number D002 (corrosivity). CERCLA (Sunerfund) and EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know ACT) a) Reportable Quantity (RQ) for spilled 1000A sulfuric acid is 1000 lbs. b) Sulfuric acid is a listed "Extremely Hazardous Substance" under EPCRA with a Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) of 1000 lbs. c) EPCRA Section 312 Tier 11 reporting required for batteries if sulfuric acid is present in quantities of 500 lbs or more and/or lead is present in quantities of 10,000 lbs or more. California Prop 65: Batteries, battery posts, terminals and related accessories contain lead and lead compounds, and other chemicals known to the Mate of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. WASH HANDS AFTER HANDLING. For additional information concerning East Penn Manufacturing Co., Inc. products or questions concerning the content of this MSDS please contact your East Penn representative. This information is accurate to the best of East Penn Mfg. Co.'s knowledge or obtained from sources believed by East Penn to be accurate. Before using any product, read all warnings and directions on the label.