HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 119-11RESOLUTION NO. -149 -11 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OPPOSING THE HIGH SPEED RAIL PROJECT, AS CURRENTLY PROPOSED RECITALS WHEREAS, with the passage of Proposition 1 A in November 2008, California voters approved $9.95 billion in bond funding for high speed rail in California; and WHEREAS, the California High Speed Rail Authority (Authority) is proposing to utilize said bonds to fund a high speed electrified train service for travel between major metropolitan areas of California; and WHEREAS, federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) money has also been allocated to the California high speed rail project; and WHEREAS, the cost estimate for the project has grown 2.5 times the amount stated on the November 4, 2008 state ballot; and WHEREAS, the State of California continues to experience recurrent deficits with no long-term solution to balance the budget; and WHEREAS, a significant, yet to be determined additional amount of debt would be incurred by the State as a result of the Authority's proposed High Speed Rail project; and WHEREAS, the current secured funding provides for a track from Borden to a southerly point not yet clarified by the Authority; and WHEREAS, there is no train; and WHEREAS, there is no electrification to the track; and WHEREAS, the first segment of track has no independent utility; and WHEREAS, the Authority's business plan contains no less than six significant issues for legislative consideration as identified by the non-partisan Legislative Analyst's Office; and o`~0AK~9s - Page 1 of 5 Pages - ? m v ° ORIGINAL WHEREAS, the proposed alignments through metropolitan Bakersfield contain comparable negative impacts to the community; and WHEREAS, the proposed alignments will damage significant amounts of local residences, businesses, schools, churches, historical structures, culturally significant structures, freeway projects, open spaces and other basic critical infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the proposed alignments could ultimately damage tens of millions of dollars in City assets, with no significant mitigation; and WHEREAS, the proposed alignments will significantly impact the availability for the City to secure conventions and events at the arena and convention center due to elimination of venue parking; and WHEREAS, the loss of said conventions and events is anticipated to significantly impact transient occupancy tax and sales tax revenues; and WHEREAS, the current plan proposes a station which would negatively impact numerous significant structures within downtown Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, the station proposed by the Authority is over five times the size of the station that was first envisioned in a previous study; and WHEREAS, the Authority circulated a draft EIR for public comment, and the document did not address the requirements of State law under CEQA; and WHEREAS, the draft EIR document does not adequately address mitigation in all applicable areas; and WHEREAS, the Authority provided insufficient review time for the draft EIR document; and WHEREAS, the City requested additional review time for the draft EIR document and received no response from the Authority; and WHEREAS, the original draft EIR implies substantial negative impacts to East Bakersfield, but does not provide detail or mitigation for said impacts; and WHEREAS, the Authority provided only one complete draft EIR document for public review in the entire 8,100 square mile County of Kern; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield has submitted over 100 pages of ~gAKF9 o s-~ - Page 2 of 5 Pages - m U ~ ORIGINAL comments to the Authority regarding deficiencies in the draft EIR and the Authority provided no response to those comments; and WHEREAS, City staff relayed concerns with the Authority in person, via e- mail and in phone conversations in recent years, but said concerns were not adequately addressed; and WHEREAS, numerous citizens of Bakersfield and Kern County have addressed the City Council and other local legislative bodies and elected officials with numerous and varied significant concerns regarding the Authority's proposal. WHEREAS, the State of California should not be borrowing money through the sale of bonds until it can balance its budget without raiding the treasuries of cities and counties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct. 2. The City Council hereby confirms its complete and unwavering opposition to the Authority's entire High Speed Rail project as it is currently proposed. 3. That a copy of this Resolution be sent to the following: a. Honorable President of the United States, Barak Obama; b. Honorable Secretary of Transportation, Ray LaHood; c. Honorable Congressman, 22nd District, Kevin McCarthy; d. Honorable Congressman, 20th District, Jim Costa; e. Honorable Governor of California, Jerry Brown; f. California Secretary of State, Debra Bowen; g. California State Treasurer Bill Lockyer; h. California State Director of Finance Ana Matosantos; i. California State Secretary of Business, Transportation and Housing Agency Traci Stevens (Acting) j. Honorable California State Senator, 16th District, Michael Rubio; k. Honorable California State Senator, 18th District, Jean Fuller; 1. Honorable California State Assemblymember, 30th District, David Valadao; m. Honorable California State Assemblymember, 32nd District, Shannon Grove; n. State Controller, John Chiang; o``gAKF9~ - Page 3 of 5 Pages - m U CD ORIGINAL o. State Director for the Office of United States Senator Barbara Boxer, Tom Bohigian; p. CEO, California High Speed Rail Authority, Roelof van Ark; q. Board Members, California High Speed Rail Authority: 1) Chairperson, Thomas J. Umberg; 2) Vice Chairperson, Lynn Schenk; 3) Vice Chairperson, Thomas Richards; 4) Russ Burns; 5) Matthew Toledo; 6) Robert Balgenorth; 7) Jim Hartnett; 8) Dan Richard; and 9) Michael Rossi r. Chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, John L. Mica; and s. Republican and Democratic Members of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. 4. That the City Council requests the State Legislators, Congressional Delegation, and other officials being noticed with this Resolution take appropriate actions to oppose the Authority's entire High Speed Rail project as it is currently proposed. ----------000---------- - Page 4 of 5 Pages - o" eNK4 v o ORIGINAL HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on DEC 14 201) by the following vote: 40~ ES ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ COUNCIL MEMBER SALAS, WEIR, COUCH, HANSON, SULLIVAN, JOHNSON COUNCIL MEMBER 0 ~043a COUNCIL MEMBER 'e- COUNCIL MEMBER Qg2 ROBERTA GAFFORD, CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED By DEC 14 2011 APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GEN ARO City Attorne By J j0SHUA'H. RUDNICK Deputy City Attorney - Page 4 of 4 Pages - o``~,AKF9~ U r O ORIGINAL