HomeMy WebLinkAbout17.60 SignsBakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 1 Chapter 17.60 SIGNS Sections: 17.60.010 Purpose 17.60.020 Permits 17.60.030 Comprehensive sign plans 17.60.040 Sign area computations 17.60.050 Sign location restrictions 17.60.060 Sign development standards • Residential/Agriculture Zones (R, E, A, OS, MH, TT, FP) • C-O (Professional & Administrative Office) zone • C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) zone • C-2 (Regional Commercial) and M (Manufacturing) zones • C-C (Commercial Center), C-B (Central Business) zones • Overlay zones (P, CH, HOSP, AD, AA, FP-S, SC) • PUD, PCD zones • Bakersfield Auto Mall area 17.60.070 Specialized signs • Residential subdivision directional (kiosk sign program) • Special events • Political election • Freeway oriented • Outdoor advertising (billboards) • Skyline • Electronic message displays • Projecting business identification (Downtown/Old Town Kern) 17.60.080 Exempt signs 17.60.090 Prohibited signs 17.60.100 Non-conforming signs 17.60.110 Violation and abandonment 17.60.120 Interpretation and enforcement Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 2 17.60.010 PURPOSE. The purpose of this chapter is to promote the growth of the city in an orderly and attractive manner and to provide standards to safeguard life, health, property and public welfare by regulating and controlling the type, number, area, height, quality of materials, construction, illumination, location and maintenance of all signs and sign structures. The use of signs is regulated by zone. Their placement and physical dimensions are regulated primarily by type and length of street frontage. This chapter is not intended to, nor shall any of its provisions be construed to modify or repeal the Uniform Sign Code, Chapter 15.36, except as specified. The sign regulations of this chapter are intended to accomplish the following results: A. Protect and enhance the character of residential neighborhoods and property values by prohibiting obtrusive and incompatible signs. B. Promote and maintain healthy commercial centers and property values for effective identification and communication of the nature of goods and services and avoidance of wasteful and unsightly competition in signs. C. Attract and direct persons to various activities and enterprises, in order to provide for public convenience. D. Provide a reasonable system of sign control throughout the city. E. Encourage signs which are well designed and pleasing in appearance and to provide incentive and latitude for variety, good design relationship and spacing. F. Encourage a desirable urban character. G. Enhance the economic value of the community and each area thereof through the reasonable regulation of such things as type, number, area, height, location and illumination of signs. H. Encourage signs which are harmonious with adjacent land uses and to encourage architectural compatibility. I. Reduce possible traffic and safety hazards through good signing. J. Provide a reasonable amortization period for the removal of nonconforming signs. K. Implement the objectives, policies and programs of the general plan. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 3 17.60.020 PERMITS. A. Permit required: No sign shall be painted, placed, pasted, posted, printed, tacked, fastened, constructed, erected, re-erected, installed, altered or otherwise permitted or maintained without first obtaining a permit from the building director in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and Chapter 15.36. B. Permit not required: Regardless of subsection A, permits from the Building Director are not required for the following signs: 1. Real estate sales, rent lease or open house; construction/home improvement; future facility use or tenant signs; and agricultural signs not exceeding 16 square feet in area and 6 feet in height, placed on the property subject to such sign. 2. Changing of the advertising copy or message on a theater marquee, readerboard, menuboard, or similar such sign. 3. Repainting or cleaning of an outdoor advertising structure or changing the advertising copy or message thereon shall not be considered an erection or alteration which requires a sign permit unless a structural change is made. 4. Non-illuminated promotional window sign as regulated by the zone district in which it is located. 5. Garage/yard sale and estate sale signs, pursuant to the requirements of Section 17.60.060(B). 6. Political election signs, pursuant to the requirements of Section 17.60.070(C). 7. Flags for model homes as regulated in the residential districts. 8. Name plate, as regulated. 9. Signs that are exempt as specified in Section 17.60.080. 10. Non-profit special event signs subject to the provisions of Section 17.60.070(B)(5). Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 4 11. Pole banners, pennants/streamers in compliance with the provisions of Subsections 17.60.060(B)(4), (5), and (9). C. Other actions: Uses permitted under conditional use permits, wall and landscape plans, zone changes, specific plans, and other such projects may include signage as part of and in accordance with, the permit or project. The Board of Zoning Adjustment, Planning Commission, or City Council may approve, deny, limit or grant modifications to such signage consistent with the provisions of this chapter. If a comprehensive sign plan is required as a condition of approval for such project, a separate application for said plan shall be required pursuant to Section 17.60.030. D. Exceptions: The Building Director may, in writing, grant exceptions to the following sign regulations provided it has been determined that strict application of the provisions of this chapter places an unnecessary hardship in satisfying the purposes of this chapter: 1. Reduction of the minimum sign setbacks or minimum distance between signs of not more than 10 feet. 2. Signage on properties having no street frontage provided that any such sign permitted shall not exceed the regulations as delineated by the zone district in which they are located. 3. Additional on-site residential project identification signs, not to exceed 2 additional per project; or an increase in sign area of 1 residential identification project sign to 64 square feet. 4. An increase of a monument sign located within a commercial or industrial zone district to 60 square feet in area and 12 feet in height, provided the total number of monument signs per street frontage shall not exceed 2 signs and no pylon sign exists along that street frontage or will be permitted. E. Modification of regulations not permitted: Signs shall only be permitted provided they meet the regulations of the zone district in which they are located for that type of sign. With the exception of subsection D. of this section or Section 17.60.030 regarding comprehensive sign plans, no waivers of, exceptions to, or modification of any regulation of this chapter shall be permitted. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 5 F. Fees: The City may impose fees to offset the costs associated with permit administration and monitoring pursuant to Chapter 3.70. 17.60.030 COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLANS. A comprehensive sign plan is a program that may allow developers or business owners of a shopping/business center or other such project, to request special consideration of signs that are specifically integrated into the overall architectural style or theme for that project. Because signage can play an important role in the overall site design in order to set it apart from other similar projects, a comprehensive sign plan can create an effect both desired and unique that will enhance the overall environment of the development. However, it is not the intent of this section to be used to request relief of the sign regulations in order to circumvent any requirements or purpose of this chapter. A. General requirements: Any person may file with the City a comprehensive sign plan application for only the following projects: 1. Shopping/business center developments as defined in this title, including office and industrial complexes. The application for the plan shall be signed by more than 50% of the property owners, not including royalty interests, of the real property constituting the center. 2. P.C.D. (planned commercial development) projects. 3. Areas covered by a specific plan where signage was not identified in said plan. 4. Public and semi-public institutional projects. 5. Neighborhood/subdivision identification sign program. This program is limited to developments of 100 acres or more that have frontage along an arterial and/or collector street of ½ mile or more. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 6 B. Condition of project approval: Comprehensive sign plans may be required by the City Council, Planning Commission, or Board of Zoning Adjustment as part of any project approval as specified in Section 17.60.020 C. C. Application information: Any comprehensive sign plan application shall be submitted to the Planning Department on a form provided by that department. Information submitted shall include, but is not limited to, location, size, height, color, lighting, number, visual effects, and orientation of all proposed and existing signs as they pertain to the comprehensive sign plan. D. Authority and review: The Planning Commission shall have the authority under the conditions provided in this chapter to permit the utilization of comprehensive sign plans and may approve signs that are more or less restrictive than the sign regulations set forth in this chapter. 1. All comprehensive sign plan requests shall be heard by the Planning Commission at a public hearing. The applicant, their authorized agent, property owners and operators of the businesses affected shall be notified by mail of the time and place of the hearing before the Planning Commission at least 10 days before hearing. 2. Exceptions to the sign regulations in this chapter may be permitted, provided the Planning Commission finds that the comprehensive sign plan as a whole is in conformity with the purpose of this chapter and such exceptions are for the general welfare resulting in an improved relationship among the various signs, building facades, or overall project covered by the plan. 3. The Planning Commission may require special conditions on approved plans such as but not limited to, bonds or other type of security to ensure the removal or abatement of signs that are abandoned or are in violation of any condition of an approved plan, or a time schedule for any sign program where signage is not considered permanent. 4. The Planning Commission shall either approve, conditionally approve or disapprove the comprehensive sign plan at the public hearing. All decisions by the Planning Commission are final and conclusive. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 7 5. An approved comprehensive sign plan may be changed or modified subject to the same process as a new application. 6. Where an application for a comprehensive sign plan has been denied by the Planning Commission, no reapplication or new application for the same or nearly the same such plan on the property shall be considered for a period of 1 year from the date of the decision. However, where a change has occurred which, in the discretion of the Planning Commission, indicates that the new application is significantly different and that reconsideration would serve the public interest, this time period may be waived provided the Planning Commission makes such a finding. 7. The Planning Director may grant minor changes to an approved comprehensive sign plan provided any such change does not alter the overall architectural design or style of signs approved by such plan, and there is no increase in the total area of signs. E. Future signs: A comprehensive sign plan may be approved where signs for satellite pads or other such detached future buildings have not been identified and considered under such approved plan. In these instances, unless otherwise conditioned, such future signs shall be subject to the requirements of the C-1 zone district. F. Existing signs as part of a comprehensive sign plan: If any new or amended comprehensive sign plan is filed for property on which existing signs are located, those signs shall be integrated into the plan and shall be in compliance with that plan prior to issuance of a permit for any new sign permitted under said plan. G. Permits prohibited until decision rendered: No permit shall be issued for any sign on property where a comprehensive sign plan has been applied for and is pending a decision from the Planning Commission. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 8 H. Withdrawal of plan: An approved comprehensive sign plan may be withdrawn by the applicant provided, (1) it is not required as a condition of project approval, (2) no signs have been installed pursuant to such plan, (3) all signs installed since approval of said plan comply with the requirements of the zone district in which they are located, or (4) all signs in the center or project comply with the provisions of the zone district in which they are located. The withdrawal shall be submitted in writing to the Planning Department. I. Binding effect: After approval of a comprehensive sign plan, no signs shall be erected, placed, painted, installed, or otherwise permitted, except in conformance with said plan. The plan shall be enforced in the same manner as any other provision in this chapter. The comprehensive sign plan shall be attached to the lease agreements or sale of space within the project and becomes binding for the entire site for both existing and future owners/tenants. In case of any conflict between the provisions of the plan and this chapter, the approved plan shall control. 17.60.040 SIGN AREA COMPUTATIONS. The following criteria shall control the computation of sign area and sign height: A. Area of individual signs (single face): The area of a sign face, which is also the area of a wall sign or other sign with only one (1) face, shall be computed by means of the smallest measurable polygon that will encompass the extreme limits of the writing, representation, emblem, color, logo, or other display, together with any material or color forming an integral part of the background of the display, or used to differentiate the sign from the background or structure against which it is placed. If a sign is composed of individual letters or symbols with no added decoration, the total sign area shall be calculated by measuring the area of each individual letter and/or symbol; the combined areas shall be the total sign area. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 9 B. Area of multifaced signs: The sign area for a sign with more than one face shall be computed by adding together the area of a single sign face pursuant to subsection A of this section. When sign faces are placed back to back or in a way that only one face can be viewed from any point, and when such sign faces are part of the same structure and are not more than 2 feet apart, the total sign area shall be computed by measuring one of the faces if they are all of equal area or the largest face if they are of unequal area. C. Structural support area: The area of a sign does not include any supporting framework, bracing or other support, whether or not it has been architecturally treated, provided said support does not exceed 25% of the allowable sign area for a pylon sign, and 50% of the allowable sign area for a monument sign. If the support area exceeds these percentages, any excess shall be computed as part of the total sign area. D. Sign height: The height of a sign shall be computed as the distance from the base of the sign including any of its structural support, at grade as defined in this title, to the top of the highest component of the sign. 17.60.050 SIGN LOCATION RESTRICTIONS. A. Signs shall not be placed on any curb, sidewalk, post, pole, light standard, hydrant, bridge, tree or other surface located on public property, and shall not be located within, over or across any public right-of-way or public parkway including street median islands, except as may otherwise be authorized by this chapter. These restrictions do not apply to signs by a public agency that identify public facilities; such signs shall be subject to the zone district in which the facility is located. Any such sign hereby prohibited constitutes a nuisance, and shall not become a legal nonconforming sign. B. Signs shall not be permitted near the intersection of any street, pedestrian crosswalks, alley or any vehicle access in such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision of motor vehicle operators, or at any location where by reason of its position, shape, illumination or color, it may interfere with or be confused with any authorized sign, signal or device, or which makes use of a work, symbol, phrase illumination, shape or color in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead or confuse traffic. Any such sign constitutes a nuisance and shall not become a legal nonconforming sign. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 10 C. Permanent freestanding signs, except monument and directional signs, shall be prohibited in the following areas: (NOTE: Refer to the map at the end of this chapter.) 1. The Truxtun Avenue corridor between the west right-of-way line of State Highway 99 and the east right-of-way line of Coffee Road, a width of 500 feet from the right-of-way of Truxtun Avenue or between the north right- of-way line of the Cross Valley Canal and the south right-of-way line of the Carrier Canal/Santa Fe Railroad, whichever distance is greater. 2. Along or within 1,000 feet of the right-of-way of State Highway 178 east of Oswell Street, commencing at a point 500 feet east of the centerline of Oswell Street. 3. Along or within 1,000 feet of the right-of-way of Alfred Harrell Highway. 4. Along or within 1,000 feet of the right-of-way of Stockdale Highway west of the Arvin-Edison canal. 5. Along or within 1,000 feet of the right-of-way of Panorama Drive. 6. Along or within 1,000 feet of the right-of-way of the Westside Parkway from State Highway 99 to its western terminus. 17.60.060 SIGN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. A. General regulations: The following provisions shall apply to all signs unless otherwise stated in this chapter: 1. Signs or their supporting members shall not be erected, altered, relocated, or maintained so as to interfere with or restrict access to a window or other opening in a building in such manner as to limit air circulation or obstruct or interfere with the free use of a fire escape, exit, standpipe, stairway, door, ventilator or window, or similar opening. Any such sign constitutes a nuisance and shall not become a legal non-conforming sign. 2. All signs shall be constructed, installed and maintained to structurally comply with all applicable requirements of the Building Code and Uniform Sign Code, as adopted and amended by the City. Those signs incorporating electrical components shall be constructed and maintained to also comply with the Electrical Code as adopted by the City. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 11 3. Where signs are permitted to be illuminated, the following regulations shall apply: a. Floodlighting is permitted only when such lighting is installed on private property or property maintained by a maintenance district, and is hooded or shielded so that the light source is not a nuisance or detrimental to persons viewing such area, nor affect or interfere with vehicular traffic, pedestrians, or adjacent properties in any manner. b. Outlining of a building by means of exposed neon tubing is permitted only where the amperage does not exceed 30 milliamperes. Outlining of a building by means of exposed incandescent lighting is permitted if the wattage does not exceed 40 watts per bulb and the units of lights forming the line marking the outer limits or edges of a building, or window or roof of a building, are at least 2 feet apart. c. Exposed bulbs forming a part of a sign are permitted provided they do not exceed 15 watts per bulb; signs in the C-2, C-C, C-B, M-1, M- 2 and M-3 zone districts may be allowed up to 40 watts per bulb. Neon signs shall not exceed 30 milliamperes. Bulbs providing indirect lighting not visible from off the premises of the sign are not subject to this subsection. Exposed reflector-type lamps forming part of a sign or used to illuminate a sign are prohibited in all instances. d. Flashing signs are only permitted in the C-2, C-C, C-B, M-1, M-2, and M-3 zone districts and shall not exceed a total of 60 milliamperes for neon signs, and 10 watts for incandescent signs. e. Signs that contain changeable copy produced by light emitting diodes (LEDs), incandescent or low voltage lamps or bulbs, cathode ray tubes (CRTs), plasma, or other such lighting devices, shall include automatic brightness compensation features to adjust brightness to compensate for sun angle and ambient light conditions, and ensure that the sign is visible but not excessively bright to adversely affect motorists or nearby residents. 4. Placards or posters advertising special community events are permitted as window signs or on public bulletin boards. 5. Public service signs may contain or include trade or professional name identification and logo only. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 12 6. Theater marquee signs are permitted pursuant to the regulations of the Uniform Sign Code as adopted and amended by Chapter 15.36. 7. Permitted signs for a particular street frontage of a parcel may not be combined with that allowed for another street frontage for the purpose of placing the combined area of signs on one street frontage. 8. Any commercial sign which does not identify or advertise the occupant of a building, lot or premises, or relate to any merchandise or to any business or other activity available or being conducted at the building, lot or premises where the sign is located, except outdoor advertising signs and subdivision directional signs, is prohibited; however, in each instance and under the same conditions under which this chapter permits a sign, a sign containing copy with ideological, political, or other non-commercial message and constructed subject to the standards of the zone district in which it is located, shall be permitted. 9. Persons owning or controlling any sign shall keep such sign, together with all supports, braces, guys and anchors in good repair and in proper state of preservation at all times. Signs shall be fully operational and present a satisfactory appearance in regard to painting, cleaning, broken faces, electrical outages, landscaping, or anything deemed related to the appearance of the sign. 10. Any sign structure, can, supports, anchors or other related component of a sign that will not be utilized due to new signs being permitted, shall be removed prior to any new sign being installed. B. Regulations by zone district - sign matrix: The following tables identify the signs permitted in each zone district. In addition to the following regulations, all signs shall be in compliance with all other provisions of this chapter: Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 13 June, 2013 1. Signs permitted in the Residential and Agricultural/Open Space Zone Districts (R, E, A, OS, MH, TT, FP-P, DI Zones): Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed? Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks a. Name Plate Wall or door 1 per residence 1 sq. ft. Below roofline Yes a. Shall be on premises. b. Sign shall be attached to and parallel with the front wall or front door. Shall identify only the name and/or street address of the occupant. b. Apartment ID (over 4 units) Wall or monument 1 per street frontage 32 sq. ft. each 20' for wall sign and 6 ft. for monument sign Note: Wall signs may exceed the height max. if building is 3 or more stories per skyline sign standards. Yes Setbacks: - 10' from interior property lines. - 0' from street rights-of-way. a. Copy limited to project name and address only. b. Signs shall not be internally lighted. c. Building wall sign shall not exceed a horizontal length greater than 70% of the linear frontage elevation that sign is placed. d. If skyline signs are utilized, such signs as well as all other wall signs shall be subject to Sec 17.60.070 F. c. Neighborhood Subdivision ID (includes parks) Subdivision wall or monument 2 per major entrance not to exceed signs at 2 entrances 32 sq. ft. each 6 ft. Yes Signs shall be located at the entrances where arterial and/or collector streets intersect with local streets into the development. a. Copy limited to project/neighborhood name only; use of developer/subdivider name or logo, or commercial advertising is prohibited. b. City Parks Div. shall approve of all material used in the sign to assure continued maintenance. d. Temporary Signs i. Residential Project ID (on-site) Freestanding 2 per subdivision (multiple phases of a tract shall be considered a single subdivision) 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No Shall be within the subdivision or project. Signs shall be prohibited on lots developed with residences. a. Limited to new projects only. b. Copy may include direction to model homes/sales office, the developer/builder’s name, logo, prices, and any other information related to home sales. c. All signs shall be removed within 30 days after the initial sale/rent of the last unit in the project/ subdivision tract, or 2 years after recordation of the final map, whichever occurs first. The Bldg Director may grant up to 2 time extensions not to exceed 1 year each if necessary to complete all sales. Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 14 June, 2013 Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed? Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks R Zones (cont.) ii. Residential sub/project directional (off-site) See section 17.60.070 A. iii. Real Estate (sale, rent, lease) Freestanding 1 per parcel 6 sq. ft. 6 ft. No a. Shall be on premises being sold, rented or leased. b. Setbacks: - 10' from interior property lines. - 0' from street rights-of-way. a. Copy shall pertain to advertise the sale, rent or lease and not for the purpose of commercial advertising of a business. b. Signs shall be removed within 10 days after the sale, lease or exchange has been completed. iv. Real Estate (open house) Freestanding 6 per residence (1 on-site, 5 off- site directional) 3 sq. ft. 6 ft. No Off-site directional signs shall not be located more than 1 mile from the open house. a. The maximum duration of the use of these signs shall not exceed 3 consecutive days each week. b. Use of A-frame signs are permitted provided they are not located in the public right-of-way or maintained parkway/landscape area. c. Balloons, pennants, streamers and banners may be used in conjunction with onsite signs but not offsite signs. v. Garage, yard and estate sales Freestanding 2 per residence (1 on-site, 1 off-site) 3 sq. ft. 6 ft. No Off-site sign shall not be placed within right-of-way and shall not be affixed in any manner to any utility pole, street sign, fence, etc. a. No property shall be allowed signage for more than 2 sales per calendar year. b. The maximum duration of the use of these signs shall not exceed 3 consecutive days. c. Balloons, pennants, streamers and banners may be used in conjunction with onsite signs but not offsite signs. vi. Construction/ Home Improvement Freestanding 1 per project or residence 4 sq. ft. 6 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. b. Shall be setback 10' from property lines. a. Copy limited to type of construction occurring on-site and name of company including logo. b. Sign shall be removed within 10 days after completion of project. Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 15 June, 2013 Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed? Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks R Zones (cont.) vii. Future Use Freestanding 1 per undeveloped parcel 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. b. Shall be setback 10' from property lines. a. Copy limited to identify future use consistent with existing zoning and may include ownership ID. b. Sign shall be removed upon initial occupancy of site or building. viii. Model Home/ Tract Sales Office Freestanding and Flags Signs: 1 per sales office 1 per model home Flags: 20 per subdivision Sales office: 24 sq.ft. Model home: 8 sq.ft. Flag: 15 sq.ft. Sales office: 8 ft. Model home: 4 ft. Flag : 25 ft. (pole height) No Signs for sales office and model homes shall be located on the lot containing said office or model. Flags may located anywhere on the project site where the new homes are being constructed for appropriate identification of the project, model homes or sales office, provided they are not located within any street right-of-way or public parkway. Flags shall be prohibited on developed lots with occupied residences or lots not owned by the builder/developer advertising on said signs. a. Limited to new projects only. b. Copy limited to name of development and/or company name/logo. c. All flags shall be removed within 30 days after the initial sale of the last unit in the project/subdivision tract, or 2 years after recordation of the final map, whichever occurs first. The Bldg Director may grant up to 2 time extensions not to exceed 1 year each if such flags are necessary to complete all sales. d. Signs shall be removed when model home is sold, sales office closed, or per subsection c above, whichever occurs first. e. Special event permits are not required for balloons (as limited per 17.60.070 B.3.) or banners 6 ft. or less in height if only used on Saturdays and Sundays. ix. Special Event See Section 17.60.070 B. x. Political Election See Section 17.60.070 C. Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 16 June, 2013 Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed? Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks R Zones (cont.) e. Agricultural Products Freestanding 1 per parcel 32 sq. ft. 8 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. b. Setbacks: - 10' from interior property lines. - 0' from street rights-of-way. a. Copy limited to products produced on the property or agricultural related affiliation, and may also include name of owner. b. Sign is only permitted in the A and R-S zone districts. f. Churches and Schools Uses are subject to the CH (Church) zone sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.7.c. Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 17 June, 2013 2. Signs permitted in the C-O (Professional and Administrative Office) Zone District: Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed? Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks a. Residential Uses Subject to the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.1 b. Business ID Wall No limit; total combined area of all signage shall not exceed the maximum area per elevation. Street elevations: 1 sq. ft. per linear foot of the business' elevation sign is located or 100 sq. ft., whichever is less. Non-street elevations: 0.5 sq. ft. per linear foot of the business' elevation sign is located or 32 sq. ft., whichever is less. 30 ft. Note: Wall signs may exceed the height maximum if building is 3 or more stories per skyline sign standards. Yes Sign shall not project above roofline of building. a. Each business shall be entitled a minimum of 16 sq. ft. of wall signage per elevation. b. Sign shall not exceed a horizontal length greater than 70% of the linear business frontage. c. If skyline building signs are proposed, such signs as well as all other wall signs shall be subject to Section 17.60.070 F. Pylon or Monument 4 per street frontage (see remarks for additional monument signs) 32 sq. ft. each 8 ft. Yes a. Setbacks: - 25' from interior property lines (not part of a center). - 0' from street rights-of-way. b. Minimum 50' between signs. c. 100' from existing outdoor advertising structures. a. Business or center is limited to use of either pylon or monument. b. Business or center name is limited to being listed on only one sign per street frontage. c. If center name incorporates the name of an on-site business in any form, said name shall not be allowed on other sign per item b d. One additional sign per street frontage is permitted that only identifies the center. e. Centers with over 500' of street frontage are allowed one additional monument sign, then one for each 200' of additional frontage along that street. Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 18 June, 2013 Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed? Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks C-O (cont.) Window 1 per street frontage 8 sq. ft. Below 2nd floor or 15', whichever is less Yes Ground floor windows only. Area limitation and location does not apply to customary noncommercial holiday decorations maintained pursuant to 17.60.080 R. Shingle 1 per elevation 6 sq. ft. 7 ft. min. ground clearance Yes Shall be at entrance(s) utilized by the public during business hours. Sign shall be oriented for sidewalk pedestrian traffic perpendicular to the store front. Name Plate (wall or door) 1 per loading entrance 2 sq. ft. each 6 ft. No Adjacent to or on door of loading entrance of each tenant. a. Copy shall be limited to business/tenant name. b. Sign is limited to loading entrance only, not public entrance. c. Building ID (multiple buildings on site) Wall 2 per building 10 sq. ft. each 10 ft. Yes Wall only a. Illumination shall be indirect or backlit; internal lighting is prohibited. b. Copy shall pertain only to the name of the building to assist in providing direction to the public, commercial name/advertising copy is prohibited. d. Temporary Signs i. Real Estate Freestanding, wall or window 1 per saleable or leaseable space 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises being sold, rented or leased. b. Shall be setback 10' from all property lines. a. Copy shall pertain to advertise the sale, rent or lease and not for the purpose of commercial advertising of a business. b. Signs shall be removed within 10 days after the sale, lease or exchange has been completed. ii. Construction Freestanding 1 per project facing street 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. b. Shall be setback 10' from property lines. a. Copy limited to type of construction occurring on-site and name of company including logo. b. Sign shall be removed within 10 days after completion of project. Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 19 June, 2013 Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed? Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks C-O (cont.) iii. Future Facility, Use or Tenant Freestanding, wall or window 1 per street frontage 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. b. Shall be setback 10' from property lines. a. Copy limited to identify future use consistent with zoning, or future occupancy and may include ownership identification. b. Sign shall be removed upon occupancy of building or site. iv. Promotional Window Allowed on up to 3 building elevations 40% of window area per building elevation Below 2nd floor or 10', which- ever is less Yes Ground floor windows only. a. Copy limited to promoting merchandise, services, sales, etc. of business activity. Business identification is prohibited except as permitted under 2.b. b. Area limitation does not include business identification under 2.b. c. Area limitation and location does not apply to customary non-commercial holiday decorations maintained for a reasonable time during a holiday season. Pole banners 4 per light pole (2 on each side of pole, back to back) 30" wide x 96" tall (each) Cannot extend above the top of the light pole Yes Only allowed on permanent onsite light poles a. Copy limited to promoting merchandise, services, sales, etc. of business activity. Business name/logo is limited to a maximum of 25% of the banner area. v. Special Event See Section 17.60.070 B. vi. Political Election See Section 17.60.070 C. Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 20 June, 2013 3. Signs permitted in the C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) Zone District: Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed? Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks a. Residential Uses Subject to the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.1 b. Business ID Wall No limit; total combined area of all signage shall not exceed the maximum area per elevation. Street elevations: 1 sq. ft. per linear foot of the business' elevation sign is located or 150 sq. ft., whichever is less. Non-street elevations: 0.5 sq. ft. per linear foot of the business' elevation sign is located or 75 sq. ft., whichever is less. 30 ft. Note: Wall signs may exceed the height maximum if building is more than 3 stories per skyline sign standards. Yes Sign shall not project above roofline of building. a. Each business shall be entitled a minimum of 16 sq. ft. of wall signage per elevation. b. Sign shall not exceed a horizontal length greater than 70% of the linear business frontage. c. If skyline building signs are proposed, such signs as well as all other wall signs shall be subject to Section 17.60.070 F. Pylon or Monument Pylon: 1 per street frontage Monument: 4 per street frontage (see remarks for additional signs) Pylon: 150 sq. ft. Monument: 32 sq. ft. each. Pylon: 25 ft. Monument: 8 ft. Yes a. Setbacks: - 25' from interior property lines (not part of a center). - 0' from street rights-of-way. b. Minimum 50' between signs. c. 100' from existing outdoor advertising structures. a. Business is limited to either pylon or monument signs; however if center identification is provided on a pylon then monuments are permitted. b. Business or center name is limited to being on only 1 sign per street frontage. c. Pylon sign that does not have a minimum clearance of 8' from the ground to the bottom of the sign face shall not exceed the maximum height & area of monument sign. d. If the center name incorporates the name of an on-site business in any form or variation, said business shall not be allowed on other signs per item b. e. See Section 17.60.070 D for pylon sign requirements if proposed as a freeway oriented sign. Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 21 June, 2013 Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed? Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks C-1 (cont.) f. Centers with over 500' of street frontage are allowed one additional monument sign, then one for each 200' of additional frontage along that street. g. Centers with over 1000' of street frontage are allowed one additional pylon sign along that street; a minimum of 300' shall be maintained between pylon signs. Window 1 per street frontage 8 sq. ft. Below 2nd floor or 10', whichever is less Yes Ground floor windows only. Area limitation and location does not apply to customary noncommercial holiday decorations maintained pursuant to 17.60.080 R. Readerboard/ Menuboard (wall or freestanding) 2 per business 32 sq. ft. each 12 ft. Yes a. Shall not be portable. b. Shall not be placed or maintained upon any sidewalk area. c. Minimum 1' between signs. Copy limited to indicating prices, merchandise, or services offered; official public services provided on premises; credit cards honored; directions to customers; and like matters. Use of streamers, pennants and banners are prohibited. Shingle 1 per elevation 6 sq. ft. 7 ft. min. ground clearance Yes Shall be at entrance(s) utilized by public during business hours. Sign shall be oriented for sidewalk pedestrian traffic perpendicular to the store front. Name Plate (wall or door) 1 per loading entrance 2 sq. ft. each 6 ft. No Adjacent to or on door of loading entrance of each tenant. a. Copy shall be limited to business/tenant name. b. Sign is limited to loading entrance only that is not the business' public entrance. c. Building ID (multiple buildings on site) Wall 1 per building 10 sq. ft.. 10 ft. Yes Wall only a. Illumination shall be indirect or backlit; internal lighting is prohibited. b. Copy shall pertain only to the name of the building to assist in providing direction to the public, commercial name/advertising copy is prohibited. Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 22 June, 2013 Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed? Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks C-1 (cont.) d. Temporary Signs i. Real Estate Freestanding, wall or window 1 per saleable or leaseable space 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises being sold, rented or leased. b. Shall be setback 10' from all property lines. a. Copy shall pertain to advertise the sale, rent or lease and not for the purpose of commercial advertising of a business. b. Signs shall be removed within 10 days after the sale, lease or exchange has been completed. ii. Construction Freestanding 1 per project facing street 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. b. Shall be setback 10' from property lines. a. Copy limited to type of construction occurring on-site and name of company including logo. b. Sign shall be removed within 10 days after completion of project. iii. Future Facility, Use or Tenant Freestanding, wall or window 1 per street frontage 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. b. Shall be setback 10' from property lines. a. Copy limited to identify future use consistent with zoning, or future occupancy and may include ownership identification. b. Sign shall be removed upon occupancy of building or site. iv. Promotional Window Allowed on up to 3 building elevations 40% of window area per building elevation Below 2nd floor or 10', which- ever is less. Yes Ground floor windows only. a. Copy limited to promoting merchandise, services, sales, etc. of business activity. Business identification is prohibited except as permitted under 3.b. b. Area limitation does not include business identification under 3.b. c. Area limitation and location does not apply to customary non-commercial holiday decorations maintained pursuant to 17.60.080 R. Pole banners 4 per light pole (2 on each side of pole, back to back) 30" wide x 96" tall (each) Cannot extend above the top of the light pole Yes Only allowed on permanent onsite light poles a. Copy limited to promoting merchandise, services, sales, etc. of business activity. Business name/logo is limited to a maximum of 25% of the banner area. Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 23 June, 2013 Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed? Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks C-1 (cont.) v. Special Event See Section 17.60.070 B. vi. Political Election See Section 17.60.070 C. Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 24 June, 2013 4. Signs permitted in the C-2 (Regional Commercial) and Manufacturing (M-1, M-2, M-3) Zone Districts: Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed? Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks a. Residential Uses Subject to the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.1 b. Business ID Wall No limit; total combined area of all signage shall not exceed the maximum area per elevation. Street elevations: 2 sq. ft. per linear foot of the business' elevation sign is located or 250 sq. ft., whichever is less. Non-street elevations: 1 sq. ft. per linear foot of the business' elevation sign is located or 125 sq. ft., whichever is less. 30 ft. Note: Wall signs may exceed the height maximum if building is more than 3 stories per skyline sign standards. Yes Sign shall not project above roofline of building. a. Each business shall be entitled a minimum of 16 sq. ft. of wall signage per elevation. b. Sign shall not exceed a horizontal length greater than 70% of the linear business frontage. c. If skyline building signs are proposed, such signs as well as all other wall signs shall be subject to Section 17.60.070 F. Pylon or Monument Pylon: 1 per street frontage Monument: 4 per street frontage (see remarks for additional signs) Pylon: 250 sq. ft. Monument: 32 sq. ft. each. Pylon: 35 ft. Monument: 8 ft. Yes a. Setbacks: - 25' from interior property lines (not part of a center). - 0' from street rights-of-way. b. Minimum 50' between signs. c. 100' from existing outdoor advertising structures. a. Business is limited to either pylon or monument signs; however if center identification is provided on a pylon then monuments are permitted. b. Business or center name is limited to being on only 1 sign per street frontage. c. Pylon sign that does not have a minimum clearance of 8' from the ground to the bottom of the sign face shall not exceed the maximum height & area of monument sign. d. If the center name incorporates the name of an on-site business in any form or variation, said business shall not be allowed on other signs per item b. e. See Section 17.60.070 D for pylon sign requirements if proposed as a freeway oriented sign. Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 25 June, 2013 Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed? Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks C-2/M (cont.) f. Centers with over 500' of street frontage are allowed one additional monument sign, then one for each 200' of additional frontage along that street. g. Centers with over 1000' of street frontage are allowed one additional pylon sign along that street; a minimum of 300' shall be maintained between pylon signs. Window 1 per street frontage 8 sq. ft. Below 2nd floor or 10', whichever is less Yes Ground floor windows only. Area limitation and location does not apply to customary noncommercial holiday decorations maintained pursuant to 17.60.080 R. Readerboard/ Menuboard (wall or freestanding) 2 per business 32 sq. ft. each 12 ft. Yes a. Shall not be portable. b. Shall not be placed or maintained upon any sidewalk area. c. Minimum 1' between signs. Copy limited to indicating prices, merchandise, or services offered; official public services provided on premises; credit cards honored; directions to customers; and like matters. Use of streamers, pennants and banners are prohibited. Shingle 1 per elevation 6 sq. ft. 7 ft. min. ground clearance Yes Shall be at entrance(s) utilized by public during business hours. Sign shall be oriented for sidewalk pedestrian traffic perpendicular to the store front. Name Plate (wall or door) 1 per loading entrance 2 sq. ft. each 6 ft. No Adjacent to or on door of loading entrance of each tenant. a. Copy shall be limited to business/tenant name. b. Sign is limited to loading entrance only that is not the business' public entrance. c. Building ID (multiple buildings on site) Wall 2 per building 10 sq. ft. 10 ft. Yes Wall only a. Illumination shall be indirect or backlit; internal lighting is prohibited. b. Copy shall pertain only to the name of the building to assist in providing direction to the public, commercial name/advertising copy is prohibited. c. See Section 17.60.070 F if Building ID sign is proposed as a skyline building sign. Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 26 June, 2013 Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed? Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks C-2/M (cont.) d. Temporary Signs i. Real Estate Freestanding, wall or window 1 per saleable or leaseable space 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises being sold, rented or leased. b. Shall be setback 10' from all property lines. a. Copy shall pertain to advertise the sale, rent or lease and not for the purpose of commercial advertising of a business. b. Signs shall be removed within 10 days after the sale, lease or exchange has been completed. ii. Construction Freestanding 1 per project facing street 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. b. Shall be setback 10'from property lines. a. Copy limited to type of construction occurring on-site and name of company including logo. b. Sign shall be removed within 10 days after completion of project. iii. Future Facility, Use or Tenant Freestanding, wall or window 1 per street frontage 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. b. Shall be setback 10'from property lines. a. Copy limited to identify future use consistent with zoning, or future occupancy and may include ownership identification. b. Sign shall be removed upon occupancy of building or site. iv. Promotional Window Allowed on up to 3 building elevations 40% of window area per building elevation Below 2nd floor or 10', whichever is less. Yes Ground floor windows only. a. Copy limited to promoting merchandise, services, sales, etc. of business activity. Business identification is prohibited except as permitted under 3.b. b. Area limitation does not include business identification under 3.b. c. Area limitation and location does not apply to customary non-commercial holiday decorations maintained pursuant to 17.60.080 R. Pole banners 4 per light pole (2 on each side of pole, back to back) 30" wide x 96" tall (each) Cannot extend above the top of the light pole Yes Only allowed on permanent onsite light poles a. Copy limited to promoting merchandise, services, sales, etc. of business activity. Business name/logo is limited to a maximum of 25% of the banner area. Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 27 June, 2013 Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed? Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks C-2/M (cont.) Pennants/ Streamers 2 strands Each strand cannot exceed a height of 18" Cannot extend above the roof of a building or top of the light pole No May only be placed around the perimeter of the area approved for outdoor sales a. Text or copy is prohibited. Pennants/streamers may include single or multiple colors, metallic hulas, and flags. v. Special Event See Section 17.60.070 B. vi. Political Election See Section 17.60.070 C. e. Outdoor Advertising (billboard) See Section 17.60.070 E. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 28 5. Signs permitted in the C-B (central business) and C-C (commercial center) zone districts shall be subject to the C-2 sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.4., except as follows: a. Agricultural uses permitted by the Planning Director under Section 17.26.011 B. shall be subject to the residential and agriculture/open space sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.1. 6. Signs permitted where there are overlay or combination zones (P, CH, HOSP, AD, AA, FP-S, SC, PE) shall be subject to the sign standards of the underlying zone district unless otherwise permitted as follows: a. Signs within the FP-S (Floodplain Secondary) zone where it is not used as an overlay or combining zone, shall be subject to the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.1. b. Signs within the P (Automobile Parking) zone where it is not used as an overlay or combining zone, shall be subject to the same standards which are applicable to the adjacent zone where the parking use is incidental to and intended to serve the use in such adjacent zone. c. Within the CH (Church) zone, churches, sanctuaries and Sunday schools shall, in addition to that permitted by the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.1., be allowed 1 illuminated or nonilluminated monument sign for each street frontage not to exceed an area of 32 square feet and a height of 8 feet; and 1 nonilluminated wall sign not to exceed an area of 32 square feet and a height of 20 feet. Monument signs shall be setback 25 feet from all adjacent property lines. There shall be no setback of any sign from property lines fronting a public street. d. Within the HOSP (Hospital) zone, hospitals, sanitariums, rest homes, convalescent homes, maternity homes and homes for the aged shall, in addition to that permitted by the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.1., be allowed one 1 illuminated or nonilluminated monument sign for each street frontage not to exceed an area of 32 square feet and a height of 8 feet; and 1 illuminated or nonilluminated wall sign not to exceed an area of 32 square feet and a height of 20 feet. Monument signs shall be setback 25 feet from all adjacent property lines. There shall be no setback of any sign from property lines fronting a public street. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 29 7. Signs permitted in the P.U.D. (Planned Unit Development) and P.C.D. (Planned Commercial Development) zone districts: a. Residential development shall be subject to the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.1. unless otherwise conditioned by the Planning Commission or City Council. b. Commercial development shall be subject to the C-1 sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.3. unless otherwise conditioned by the Planning Commission or City Council. c. When a P.C.D. or P.U.D. zone is used as a combining zone, the sign regulations for the base zone shall apply unless otherwise conditioned by the Planning Commission or City Council. Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 30 June, 2013 8. Signs permitted in the Bakersfield Auto Mall area shall be permitted as follows regardless of the underlying zone district: (a map delineating the area these regulations apply is shown at the end of this chapter) Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks a. Residential Uses Subject to the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.1. b. Business ID Wall No limit; total combined area of all signage shall not exceed the maximum area per elevation. Each building elevation: 2 sq. ft.. per linear foot of the business' elevation sign is located or 450 sq. ft., whichever is less. 30' Note: Wall signs may exceed the height maximum if building is 3 or more stories per skyline sign standards. Yes Sign shall not project above the roofline of the building. a. Each business shall be entitled a minimum of 50 sq. ft.. of wall signage per elevation. b. Sign shall not exceed a horizontal length greater than 70% of the linear business frontage. c. If skyline building signs are proposed, such signs as well as all other wall signs shall be subject to Section 17.60.070 F. Pylon or monument Pylon: 2 per street frontage Monument: 4 per street frontage (see remarks for additional signs) Pylon: 300 sq.ft. Monument: 32 sq. ft. each. Pylon: 50 ft. Monument: 8 ft. Yes a. Setbacks: - 25' from interior property lines (not part of a center). - 0' from street rights-of-way. b. Minimum 50' between signs. c. 100' from existing outdoor advertising structures. a. Business is limited to either pylon or monument signs; however if center identification is provided on 1 pylon and there is no 2nd pylon, then monuments are permitted. b. Business or center name is limited to being on only 1 sign per street frontage. c. Pylon sign that does not have a minimum clearance of 8' from the ground to the bottom of the sign face shall not exceed the maximum height & area of a monument sign. d. If the center name incorporates the name of an on-site business in any form or variation, said business shall not be allowed on other signs per item b. e. See Section 17.60.070 D for pylon sign requirements if proposed as a freeway oriented sign. f. Centers with over 500' of street frontage are allowed one additional monument sign, then one for each 200' of additional frontage along that street. Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 31 June, 2013 Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks Auto (cont.) Window 1 per street frontage 8 sq. ft.. Below 2nd floor or 10', whichever is less Yes Ground floor windows only. Area limitation and location does not apply to customary noncommercial holiday decorations maintained pursuant to 17.60.080 R. Readerboard/ Menuboard (wall or freestanding) 2 per business 32 sq. ft. each 12 ft. Yes a. Shall not be portable. b. Shall not be placed or maintained upon any sidewalk area. c. Minimum 1' between signs. Copy limited to indicating prices; merchandise or services offered; official public services provided on premises; credit cards honored; directions to customers; and like matters. Use of streamers, pennants and banners is prohibited. Shingle 1 per elevation 6 sq. ft.. 7 ft. min. ground clearance Yes Shall be at entrance(s) utilized by public during business hours. Sign shall be oriented for sidewalk pedestrian traffic perpendicular to the store front. Name Plate (wall or door) 1 per loading entrance 2 sq. ft. 6 ft. No Adjacent to or on door of loading entrance of each tenant. a. Copy shall be limited to business/tenant name. b. Sign is limited to loading entrance only that is not the business' public entrance. c. Building ID (multiple buildings on site) Wall 2 per building 10 sq. ft. 10 ft. Yes Wall only a. Illumination shall be indirect or backlit; internal lighting is prohibited. b. Copy shall pertain only to the name of the building to assist in providing direction to the public, commercial name/advertising copy is prohibited. c. See Section 17.60.070 F if Building ID sign is proposed as a skyline building sign. d. Temporary Signs i. Real Estate Freestanding, wall or window 1 per saleable or leaseable space 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises being sold, rented or leased. b. Shall be setback 10' from all property lines. a. Copy shall pertain to advertise the sale, rent or lease and not for the purpose of commercial advertising of a business. b. Signs shall be removed within 10 days after the sale, lease or exchange has been completed. Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 32 June, 2013 Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks Auto (cont.) ii. Construction Freestanding 1 per project facing street 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. b. Shall be setback 10' from all property lines. a. Copy limited to type of construction occurring on-site and name of company including logo. b. Sign shall be removed within 10 days after completion of project. iii. Future Facility, Use or Tenant Freestanding, wall or window 1 per street frontage 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. b. Shall be setback 10' from all property lines. a. Copy limited to identify future use consistent with zoning, or future occupancy and may include ownership identification. b. Sign shall be removed upon occupancy of building or site. iv. Promotional Window Allowed on up to 3 building elevations 40% of window area per building elevation Below 2nd floor or 10', whichever is less Yes Ground floor windows only. a. Copy limited to promoting merchandise, services, sales, etc. of business activity. Business identification is prohibited except as permitted under 4.b. b. Area limitation does not include business identification under 4.b. c. Area limitation and location does not apply to customary non-commercial holiday decorations maintained pursuant to 17.60.080 R. Pole banners 4 per light pole (2 on each side of pole, back to back) 30" wide x 96" tall (each) Cannot extend above the top of the light pole Yes Only allowed on permanent onsite light poles a. Copy limited to promoting merchandise, services, sales, etc. of business activity. Business name/logo is limited to a maximum of 25% of the banner area. Pennants/ Streamers 2 strands Each strand cannot exceed a height of 18" Cannot extend above the roof of a building or top of the light pole No May only be placed around the perimeter of the area approved for outdoor sales a. Text or copy is prohibited. Pennants/streamers may include single or multiple colors, metallic hulas, and flags. Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.60 - Signs Page 33 June, 2013 Sign Type Sign Style Maximum Number Maximum Area Maximum Height Illumination Allowed Location Restrictions (also see 17.60.050) Remarks Auto (cont.) v. Special Event See Section 17.60.070 B. vi. Political Election See Section 17.60.070 C. e. Outdoor Advertising (billboard) See Section 17.60.070 E. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 34 17.60.070 SPECIALIZED SIGNS. A. Off-site residential subdivision/project directional kiosk sign program: The following is intended to provide for the administration of a uniform, coordinated sign program of kiosks that offer developers of new residential subdivisions a means of providing direction to their projects. The kiosk signs will minimize confusion among prospective purchasers of new homes to find those developments, promote traffic safety by removing competing signs from busy streets, and reduce visual blight of incompatible sign types in residential neighborhoods. No such off-site directional sign other than those in conformance with this chapter shall be erected or maintained within the City. 1. Requirements for directional kiosks. a. Kiosks shall be permitted in all zone districts except on a lot developed with a single family residence. They may be permitted on private land or public right-of-way that is maintained by the property owner provided the property owner's permission has been granted in writing. Signs may also be permitted within the public right-of-way or parkway that is maintained by the City of Bakersfield or as contracted by the City subject to approval and issuance of an encroachment permit by the City. All other location restrictions in Section 17.60.050 shall remain in full force and effect. b. Kiosks shall be constructed of wood or similar product with individual panels provided for placement of subdivision or project names and direction. c. Kiosk locations shall be approved by the Building Director or appointed designee. A kiosk shall not be placed closer than 1,000 feet from an existing kiosk or approved site where a kiosk is to be constructed. The Building Director or appointed designee may reduce the distance between kiosks where: i. Kiosks are located at different corners of an intersection and face different directions. ii. The street intersection where the kiosk is proposed is less than 1,000 feet away from a street intersection that contains a kiosk and it is necessary to provide direction to subdivisions or projects to which that street provides the most direct or only access. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 35 iii. Kiosks (2 maximum) are necessary to be placed adjacent to one another because the number of subdivisions or projects that are being identified exceeds the number of panels allowed on 1kiosk. d. Architectural design, color, letter style, and any other design elements of the kiosk shall be approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. All kiosks and other off-site residential directional signs allowed by Section 17.60.060 (B.1.d.ii.) that are installed within the city limits shall be in accordance with adopted design criteria. e. Kiosks shall not exceed a height of 12 feet and a width of 6 feet. When a kiosk is sited immediately adjacent to a residential development, it shall not exceed a height of 8 feet. An individual panel shall be limited to a maximum width of 6 feet and a height of 10 inches. No more than 8 individual name panels shall be permitted on a kiosk. f. Kiosks may have more than 1 face. Multiple faces are encouraged where the kiosk can be sited to serve traffic traveling in opposite directions, or where it would reduce the amount of kiosks needed to provide adequate direction to residential subdivisions. Multiple faced kiosks shall be approved by the Building Director or appointed designee. g. A name panel shall be limited to a single line of text that may contain only the subdivision, project, builder or developer's name, or combination thereof. All panels shall include a direction arrow pointing in the direction of the identified project. Name panels shall conform to all design elements as approved in accordance with subsection A.1.d. h. Tag signs, streamers, banners, balloons, devices, display boards, or other appurtenances shall not be added, placed upon or erected adjacent to or within a 100 foot radius of any existing kiosk. i. Kiosks shall not be illuminated. j. Kiosks shall not obstruct the use of sidewalks, walkways, bicycle or hiking trails, and shall not obstruct the free and clear vision of motor vehicle operators, cyclists, pedestrians, or the visibility of traffic control signs and lights as determined by the Public Works Director or appointed designee. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 36 k. Kiosks shall be setback a minimum of 25 feet from side and rear property lines. No setback shall be required from street frontages or those kiosks located within public rights-of-way. 2. Permits. a. Any builder or developer of a new recorded residential subdivision which contains approved lots or homes which have never been sold, may apply for a permit to install a kiosk or to place a name panel on an existing kiosk to provide direction to their subdivision. b. Applications for a kiosk or name panel (including name changes to an existing name panel) shall be made on forms provided by the Building Director or appointed designee, be signed under penalty or perjury by the applicant, and shall require at minimum, the following information: i. The name, mailing address, title, and telephone number of the property owner, subdivider and developer/builder of the specific development; ii. The name and location of the specific development; iii. A plot plan showing the exact location of the proposed kiosk, or the existing kiosk(s) where the panel(s) will be attached; iv. A statement that the development contains approved lots or new homes which have not yet been sold; v. If the permit is for a new name panel or a name change to an existing name panel, the copy proposed for the panel; vi. If the permit is for a new kiosk that is proposed to be located within a public road right-of-way, a copy of the approved encroachment permit issued by the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department. c. The Building Director or appointed designee may issue a permit if: i. The application is complete and truthful; ii. The applicant is the person or entity selling new lots or new homes; Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 37 iii. The development is located entirely within the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan area; iv. The kiosk or panel meets all of the design criteria within this section; v. The permit is for a name panel and available space exists on the kiosk(s); or if there is no space available, the applicant has agreed to be placed on a waiting list for future placement on a kiosk(s); vi. If the permit is for a kiosk, the location criteria in this section has been satisfied; vii. Appropriate fees have been paid. 3. Program administration. a. The City may delegate portions of or the entire administration of the directional kiosk program to another entity by contract that includes but is not limited to installation and maintenance of kiosks, and issuance of permits for kiosks and name panels. b. Kiosks and sign panels permitted in accordance with this section shall be continuously maintained in good condition by the permit holder. Upon approval by the city, sign maintenance may be assumed by a responsible party other than the permit holder. c. Kiosks shall be sited based on demand and where they will provide the best direction to residential subdivisions where homes/lots are being sold. d. Sign panels shall be available to all developments selling new homes on a first-come-first-serve basis. Sign panels shall be placed on a kiosk beginning with the highest position on the kiosk and progressing downward. Panels shall be grouped based on the direction of travel with the priority of placement from top to bottom as follows: i. left turn; ii. right turn; iii. straight ahead. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 38 e. Waiting lists shall be established for each kiosk (existing or proposed) for new name panels on a first-come-first-serve basis of applications that have met the requirements of subsection A.2.c. f. When a panel name is changed or a panel is removed from a kiosk, all lower panels within each directional group as defined in subsection A.3.d. shall be moved upwards so that any new panel is placed on the bottom of its respective directional group on the kiosk. g. All panel changes shall be approved by the Building Director or appointed designee through the permit process. h. A specific project or builder is limited to 1 panel for each kiosk. Multiple panels shall not be combined to identify or provide information regarding the same specific project or builder. There shall be no limit on the number of kiosks a specific project may be identified. i. Within 10 days after selling the last lot or home or within 2 years after recordation of the final map for the subdivision of which the project is located, whichever occurs first, panel signs that identify said project shall be removed from all kiosks. Two (2) extensions of time may be granted by the administrator of the kiosk program not to exceed 1 year for each request if the extension is needed to complete any sales in that project. If administration of the program is delegated to an entity other than the City and that entity denies the extension, the permit holder may appeal the denial within 5 days of the decision in writing to the Building Director. The Building Director shall render a decision on the appeal within 10 days of receiving the appeal which shall be final and conclusive. j. Any kiosk shall be completely removed by the permittee whenever any of the following occur: i. The kiosk is no longer needed at the location. ii. The permittee has been notified by the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department to the remove or relocate the kiosk on the basis of public safety or necessity, or because of planned road improvements. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 39 k. For any kiosk erected within the public road right-of-way, a performance bond in an amount sufficient to remove the structure shall be approved by and posted with the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department. 4. Violations and abatement. a. Off-site residential subdivision/project directional signs that were legally permitted as of June 1, 1997 shall continue to remain for a period of 6 months from said date. After that time, all signs not in conformance with this section shall be removed by the owner at the owner's cost. Any signs not removed within the required period shall be subject to summary abatement by the city in accordance with Section 17.60.110. This subsection shall not apply to existing kiosk programs that were legally established and maintained by a private entity where that program contains 5 or more kiosks. b. Existing kiosk sign programs that were legally established as of June 1, 1997 that are owned and maintained by a private entity where that program contains 5 or more kiosks, may continue as a nonconforming kiosk program. These kiosks may be maintained but shall not be replaced except with a kiosk that conforms to this section. A nonconforming kiosk shall be removed if it is no longer necessary at the location, or no longer meets the separation requirements of Subsection A.1.c. regarding kiosk separation due to placement of a conforming kiosk. A nonconforming kiosk that is required to be removed shall be done by the owner at the owner's cost. Any nonconforming kiosk not removed as required, shall be subject to summary abatement by the City in accordance with Section 17.60.110. c. Any permit issued in accordance with this section shall be immediately revoked by the Building Director if it has been found that the permit holder has erected and maintained any sign in violation of this section. The Building Director shall order any panel currently in place on a kiosk identifying the builder's/developer's specific development to be removed immediately after the appeal period has expired if no appeal has been filed, and that builder/developer shall be prohibited from having any off-site directional signs or name panels on any kiosk for that specific development for a period of 180 days. After the 180 day period, the builder/developer may be allowed kiosk panels but they shall be placed at the bottom of any waiting list and/or kiosk hierarchy as described in subsections A. 3. d. e. and f. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 40 d. Any order of the Building Director shall be made in writing, addressed to the permit holder, and shall set forth the findings for revoking any permits and the method to appeal the decision. If no appeal is filed, the decision of the Building Director shall be final and conclusive. e. If the City is not the administrator of the kiosk program, the administrator shall immediately notify the Building Director regarding any violations in accordance with subsection A.4.c. and the Building Director shall notify the party in violation in accordance with subsection A.4.d. 5. Appeal. a. Should any permit holder be dissatisfied with the decision of the Building Director to revoke a permit, then the permit holder may, no later than 10 days after notice of such decision was deposited in the United States mail, make written objection, subject to the required appeal fee, to the Board of Building Appeals in care of the Building Director, setting forth the grounds for dissatisfaction. The Board of Building Appeals shall hear the objections at a regular meeting no later than 30 days following the filing of the objection. The permit holder shall be given written notice of the hearing no later less than 3 days prior to the hearing. The Building Board of Appeals may sustain, suspend, or overrule the decision of the Building Director, which decision shall be final and conclusive. b. Pending hearing before the Building Board of Appeals, all signs, kiosks and/or name panels in dispute may remain in place until a final decision is rendered. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 41 B. Special event signs: Special event signs may be approved by the Building Director as a means of publicizing events such as grand openings, carnivals, parades, charitable events, community holiday activities, and other such events. This section does not include events promoted by the City of Bakersfield pursuant to Section 17.60.080 O. Special event signs shall be limited to the following provisions: 1. Signs shall be limited for each business to 60 days a calendar year. This time may be utilized in any combination of durations; however, the number of special events shall not exceed 8 a calendar year, and no single event shall exceed a duration of 15 consecutive days. 2. Balloons and inflated devices provided they do not exceed a height of 100 feet, search lights, beacons, pennants, flags, banners and streamers may be allowed subject to approval by the Building Director. Flags for model homes/tract sales offices are not subject to this subsection. 3. Copy on a banner or balloon shall not exceed an area of 100 square feet, and may include the name, symbol or logo of the business or sponsor, but in no event shall such name or logo exceed ¼ of the total permitted copy area. 4. Signs may be illuminated and contain movement upon approval by the Building Director provided they do not adversely affect neighboring properties or motorists. 5. Nonprofit organizations, as defined in this title, shall be permitted to advertise a maximum of 5 charitable events per calendar year in accordance with the following: a. Signs shall not exceed an area of 32 square feet and a height of 6 feet. b. Off-site signs may be permitted by the Building Director not to exceed a total of 8 locations within the city for each event. No off- site sign shall be allowed within any residential zone district or project of a residential nature. c. Signs shall not be erected sooner than 14 days before the event being advertised, and shall be removed within 3 days after the event has ended. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 42 d. The Building Director may grant no more than 2 additional signs or events if it has been demonstrated that the limits in this subsection place an unnecessary hardship on the nonprofit organization inconsistent with the intent of this chapter. e. No fee shall be assessed for permitting said signs. C. Political election signs: Political election signs are permitted to be placed on private property in the city in addition to that permitted by the zone district in which they are located subject to the following regulations: 1. Signs shall not be erected sooner than 60 days before the election and shall be removed within 10 days following the election. The owner of the property on which the sign is placed shall be responsible for removal. 2. Signs shall not be placed on private property without the consent of the property owner. No such sign, either freestanding or posted on any object, shall be placed or erected on public property, within the public right-of-way, or any maintained parkway/landscape area. 3. Except for paid political election signs placed on legally established outdoor advertising structures, signs shall not exceed an area of 8 square feet and a height of 6 feet in residential districts, or 32 square feet and a height of 8 feet in the commercial, industrial and agricultural districts. 4. Signs shall not be illuminated. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 43 D. Freeway oriented signs: Freeway oriented signs identify premises where food, lodging and places of business engage in supplying goods and services essential to the normal operation of motor vehicles, and which are directly dependent upon an adjacent freeway. These signs shall be subject to the following regulations: 1. Signs shall be within the C-1, C-2, C-C, PCD, M-1, M-2 or M-3 zone districts; and shall also be within one of the rectangular areas 2,000 feet in width and 3,000 feet in length, the center of which is concentric with the intersection point between the centerline of the freeway and accessible surface street, said intersections identified as follows: (NOTE: Refer to the maps at the end of this chapter.) a. State Highway 99 and Olive Drive. b. State Highway 99 and Airport Drive, except that said rectangular area shall extend south to Gilmore Avenue. c. State Highway 99 and State Highways 58/178 (Rosedale Highway/24th Street), except that said rectangular area shall extend north to Gilmore Avenue. d. State Highway 99 and California Avenue. e. State Highway 99 and Ming Avenue. f. State Highway 99 and White Lane. g. State Highway 99 and Panama Lane. h. State Highway 99 and State Highway 119 (Taft Highway). 2. Only one of the allowable onsite pylon signs permitted in the zone districts specified in this section shall be allowed to exceed both the area and height limitations imposed by the particular zone district provided no such sign exceeds an area of 350 square feet and a height of 75 feet. All other sign regulations of the particular zone district shall apply to this sign and the specific business. 3. The Building Director shall determine if the location of the business and the service offered satisfy the criteria and intent of this section and the definition of a freeway oriented sign. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 44 E. Outdoor advertising signs (billboards): All outdoor advertising signs are regulated as follows: 1. Signs are permitted in the C-2, M-1, M-2 and M-3 zone districts, in addition to that permitted in those respective districts. 2. Signs shall not exceed an area of 300 square feet, excluding cutouts or extensions provided they do not exceed 30 square feet in area. 3. Signs shall not exceed a height of 35 feet in the C-2 district, or 50 feet in the M-1, M-2 and M-3 districts. 4. Signs shall not be located less than 1,000 feet from another such sign, or 100 feet from any other freestanding sign. 5. Signs shall not be located in, nor project over public property or public right-of-way. 6. Multifaced signs are allowed provided the faces are placed back-to-back, are no more than 2 feet apart, and are equal in size and configuration. 7. Signs shall be setback a minimum of 300 feet from any property zoned residential or developed with residential uses. 8. Signs shall not project over or be placed upon any building or structure. 9. Signs shall be setback 25 feet from adjacent property lines except those fronting public streets where no setback is required. 10. Signs may be illuminated provided no lighting is directed onto adjacent properties or public rights-of-way. 11. Electronic message displays as defined in Section 17.04.547 are permitted. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 45 F. Skyline building signs: Wall signs for a building that is 3 or more stories may be permitted that exceed the height limits delineated by the zone district in which it is located, to provide long distance visual identification of a building or its primary tenant, subject to the following regulations: 1. Signs are permitted in the C-O, C-1, C-2, C-C, C-B, PCD, M-1, M-2, and M-3 zone districts. 2. Signs may be installed on all elevations of the building. 3. Signs shall be located on the top story or between the top story and the top of the building. 4. Signs shall be comprised solely of individual letters or logos installed a minimum of 3 inches and a maximum of 12 inches from the surface of the wall on which they are located. Illumination may be provided by indirect reverse lighting or internal illumination as approved by the Building Director. Floodlighting shall be prohibited. 5. Signs shall not have a horizontal dimension exceeding 100 feet or 70% of the horizontal dimension of the building elevation where the sign is placed, whichever is less. 6. The property owner shall designate in writing or on the sign plan, the primary tenant of the building if such tenant is to be identified by the sign. 7. Signs shall not have letters exceed the following height: Building Height (feet) Max Letter Height (inches) Capital Letter (inches) Logo (inches) 35 - 59 24 36 48 60 - 69 36 54 72 70 - 79 48 72 96 80 - 89 60 90 120 90 - 99 72 108 144 100 - 119 84 126 168 120 or more 96 144 192  Letter height is if all letters used are capital letters.  Maximum height of a capital letter (1.5 times max. height) if used in conjunction with lower case letters. Lower case shall not exceed maximum height.  Maximum height of a logo (2 times max. height). Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 46 8. All signs shall be limited to two lines of letters and/or logo. 9. Pylon signs shall not be permitted on the site if skyline signs are utilized; only monument signs in this instance would be permitted subject to the regulations of the zone district in which they are located. 10. All other wall signs permitted by this chapter which are placed on a building with a skyline sign pursuant to this section, shall not exceed 60% of the area which would otherwise be allowed in the particular zone district, a height of 20 feet from grade, and letters that are taller than the skyline letters. 11. Comprehensive sign plans may permit skyline signs to be more or less restrictive than the requirements of this section. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 47 G. Electronic message displays: 1. Only large retail developments as defined in Section 17.04.367, or shopping centers encompassing 5 acres or more are permitted use of an electronic message display on a pylon sign. 2. Only one of the allowed pylon signs permitted along a street frontage may include an electronic display. 3. If a pylon sign contains an electronic message display and monument signs are also permitted for the center, only one of the allowed monument signs along a street frontage may contain an electronic message display. If a pylon sign does not contain an electronic message display and monument signs are permitted for the center, only two of the allowed monument signs along a street frontage may contain an electronic message display. 4. Pylon signs that contain an electronic message display shall be setback a minimum of 150 feet from any R, PUD, or OS zone, and 50 feet from any interior property line not within that center. 5. Electronic message displays are not permitted on pylon signs located on properties that do not meet the definition of a large retail development or are shopping centers less than 5 acres as noted in subsection 1. However, one of the allowed monument signs along each street frontage is permitted to contain an electronic message display. 6. Electronic message displays shall not be permitted on building walls or in windows. 7. All other sign regulations that pertain to the particular zone district and specific business shall apply. 8. Outdoor advertising signs (billboards) may contain electronic message displays subject to the regulations in Section 17.60.070 E. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 48 H. Projecting business identification signs: 1. Projecting business identification signs are only permitted within the following areas: a. Central District Area as defined in Section 10.08.020A. except that projecting signs shall not be permitted along the street frontages of State Route 178, State Route 204, and any street south of the Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad. Where the Central District boundary follows a street, permitted projecting signs shall be allowed for business frontages along both sides of that street. b. Baker Street frontage between Truxtun Avenue and Monterey Street. Projecting signs are also permitted along the frontages of the intersecting streets and alleys with Baker Street one (1) block in either direction, except that projecting signs shall not be permitted along the street frontages of Truxtun Avenue and Monterey Street. 2. In addition to other signs as allowed by this chapter, one projecting sign is permitted for a ground floor business along each street it fronts. A second floor or basement business may have a projecting sign only if it has its own dedicated public street entrance and the sign is located above or within 5 feet of that entrance. 3. A sign shall not project more than 5 feet beyond its supporting building. Within an alley where vehicles will pass underneath a sign, that sign shall not project more than 3 feet beyond its supporting building. An encroachment permit from the City is required for any signs that project into the public right-of-way. 4. A sign shall not be placed higher than 15 feet on a building wall or above the first floor of a multiple story building. Within an alley where vehicles will pass underneath a sign, that sign shall not be placed higher than 20 feet above the alley surface. 5. A sign shall not exceed an area of 16 square feet. 6. A sign shall not be closer than 10 feet to another projecting sign or to a freestanding sign, or 5 feet from an interior property line or line dividing two separate business frontages. A sign shall be at least 2 feet from the face of the street curb. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 49 7. A sign shall not be less than 8 feet above the surface over which it projects. Within an alley where vehicles will pass underneath a sign, that sign shall not be less than 15 feet above the alley surface. 8. A sign shall not exceed a maximum thickness of 12 inches. 9. Internally illuminated signs shall have opaque face panels so that only the letters, logos, numbers, and/or symbols appear illuminated at night; use of bulbs or neon for such lettering and symbols is allowed subject to the provisions of this chapter. Electronic message displays and flashing signs are prohibited. 10. A sign shall not project above the roof or an apparent eave or parapet, including the eave of a simulated hipped or mansard roof. A sign shall not be attached to the sloping face of mansard overhangs or other architectural features intended to resemble or imitate roof structures. 11. A two-dimensional fabric banner suspended perpendicular to a wall may be displayed in lieu of a projecting sign provided the banner is anchored to not hang freely and meets all of the requirements of this subsection for a projecting sign. 12. Businesses that occupy a space with public access from only an alley or courtyard may share one directory sign as defined by this code along each public street to direct pedestrians to those businesses. A directory sign shall not exceed a maximum height of 8 feet or an area of 6 square feet; only indirect external illumination is allowed. 13. A single vertical projecting sign may be installed along each street frontage on a building that is three or more stories tall that identifies the building name or use, or that of a major tenant. The sign is subject to all provisions of this subsection except that there is no minimum sign area; it must be mounted at the second floor or higher, and is limited to a single line of text. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 50 17.60.080 EXEMPT SIGNS. The following signs shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter: A. Address signs used for dwelling unit identification as required by Chapter 15.42 and 15.52. B. Advertising signs that are in or on public buses or other public conveyances which may be permitted by the City Council. C. Business or merchant directory provided it does not exceed an area of 16 square feet and a height of 6 feet. D. Commercial vehicle signs on licensed commercial vehicles; provided, however, that such vehicles shall not be utilized as parked or stationary outdoor display signs. E. Directional, warning or information sign, including traffic control and street signs, as authorized by federal, state or municipal authority. F. Directional or informational signs such as entrance/exit signs, open/closed signs, signs indicating business hours, and similar such signs, provided they contain no commercial advertisement, and not exceed 6 square feet in area and 6 feet in height. Business logo is permitted provided it does not exceed 25% of each total sign area. The Building Director shall limit the number of such signs on the site based on actual need in order to provide adequate direction or information. G. Flags of the United States, the State of California and other states of the nation, counties, municipalities, foreign nations, and national/international recognized non-profit organizations. A site is limited a total of 3 flags with no duplication of flags. The Building Director may approve additional flags if warranted by the type of business or proposal on the site. H. Holiday decorations, in season, displayed for an aggregate period not to exceed 90 days per calendar year. I. Interior signs within a public or private structure, including a stadium, ball park or other similar private or public recreational use, not intended to be seen from a public street or adjacent properties. J. Memorial plaque, table, cornerstone or tombstone. K. Neighborhood Watch and similar type notices. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 51 L. Notices posted on public bulletin boards or public kiosks designed for such notices. M. No trespassing, solicitation, hunting, minors, and similar such signs, provided they do not exceed 4 square feet in area and 6 feet in height. N. Official and legal notices issued by a court, or governmental agency. O. Promotional signs by the City of Bakersfield that promote or advertise city-wide celebrations, awards, recognition, or other events. Such signs may be permitted within or project over public right-of-way. P. Public utility signs placed by public utilities for the safety, welfare or convenience of the public, such as signs identifying high voltage, public telephone or underground cable. Q. Signs being manufactured, transported and/or stored within the city limits; provided, however, that such signs are not used, in any manner or form, for purposes of advertising at the place or places of manufacture or storage. R. Signs expressing political, social, religious or other noncommercial message, but not including political election signs as regulated in Section 17.60.070 C., provided the sign does not exceed an area of 8 square feet and a height of 6 feet. S. Taxicab signs as authorized and approved as to size, form and contents by the city manager under Section 5.50.100. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 52 17.60.090 PROHIBITED SIGNS. The following signs are specifically prohibited: A. Animated, moving, revolving and rotating signs. B. Banners, flags, pennants and balloons, except as specified in this chapter. C. Bench signs. D. Electronic message displays, except as specified in this chapter. E. Flashing, blinking, and reflecting signs, except as specified in this chapter. F. Outdoor advertising signs, except as specified in this chapter. G. Permanent "for sale" signs. H. Portable signs including A-Frame signs, except as specified in this chapter. I. Projecting signs except as specified in this chapter. J. Roof signs. K. Signs which simulate in color or design a traffic sign or signal, or which make use of words, symbols or characters in such a manner to interfere with, mislead, or confuse pedestrian or vehicular traffic, as determined by the Building Director. L. Vehicle signs -- Vehicles including trailers, wagons and similar utility vehicles, shall not be utilized as support for any mobile, portable or stationary signs, or conspicuously parked or left standing so as to constitute a device or sign. There shall not be maintained on any vehicle or trailer parked in a public right-of-way, or on public or private property so as to be visible from a public right-of-way, which is attached to, located on or leaning against such vehicle or trailer, any sign for the purpose of providing advertisement of a business, service or products, directing people to a business activity located on the same or other property for any purpose. This prohibition shall not apply to standard advertising or identification practices where such signs or advertising devices are painted on or permanently attached to a commercial or business vehicle used in the conduct of such business provided it is not parked on the site being advertised abutting public right-of-way, to bumper stickers, to placards identifying the vehicle itself as being for sale, or to window stickers or placards on vehicles in any vehicle sales lot. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 53 17.60.100 NON-CONFORMING SIGNS. A. Signs for a legal non-conforming use are permitted. Such signs shall be deemed to comply with the provisions of this chapter if they comply with the sign regulations for the most restrictive zoning district which permits the non- conforming use as a permitted use. Such signs shall be permitted only as long as the non-conforming use is permitted. Any such sign legally existing on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, but which does not comply with the regulations of this chapter shall be deemed to be a non- conforming sign. B. For the purposes of this chapter, a "non-conforming sign" is one which does not conform with the provisions of this chapter, but which: 1. Was lawfully in existence and in use within the city prior to the effective date of the ordinance first enacting this chapter; 2. Was lawfully in existence and in use on property outside of the city on the date upon which the annexation of such property to the city was completed; 3. Was lawfully in existence and in use within the city on the effective date of any zone change or specific plan or comprehensive sign plan for the property on which the sign is located; or 4. Was lawfully in existence and in use within the city on the effective date of any amendment of this chapter, the zoning regulations contained in this title or other provision of this code, making such sign non- conforming. C. For the purposes of this section only, a non-conforming sign exceeding the height or area restrictions contained in this chapter by no more than 5% shall be deemed to conform with the provisions of this chapter limiting height and area. D. A non-conforming sign shall not be replaced, altered, reconstructed, relocated or expanded in any manner unless and until the sign is made to conform with the provisions of this chapter. This shall not be construed to prevent ordinary maintenance and minor repairs, as determined by the Building Director. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 54 E. A non-conforming sign destroyed or damaged to an extent exceeding 50% of its replacement cost immediately prior to destruction or damage, shall not be continued in use or maintained thereafter and shall be removed or made to conform with the provisions of this chapter within thirty days of the date of such destruction or damage. F. Each non-conforming sign, other than an outdoor advertising sign subject to the California Outdoor Advertising Act, shall be removed or made to conform with the provisions of this chapter at the sole cost of the owner thereof, whenever any of the following events occur. 1. There is a change in ownership of the property; inheritance by a member of a deceased owner's family shall not be deemed to constitute a change of ownership; 2. The business or activity is discontinued or sold; 3. The property is rezoned, subdivided or parceled or the real property upon which the sign is located is severed from the real property upon which the business or primary use of the entire parcel is located, by lease, lease-back, or any other arrangement, method, devise or scheme which would otherwise circumvent the intent of this section; 4. A conditional use permit or modification is granted for the property or use of the property; 5. A sign permit is issued permitting installation or construction of a new or additional sign on the property; 6. Any change in the signage is made, excluding minor repairs and precise repainting. 7. Whenever there is a change in ownership or tenancy of any business or tenant space within a business/shopping center, new wall signage and/or a monument sign conforming to the requirements of this chapter to signify such change is permitted although non-conforming signage exists within such center. However, no change of sign copy to signify such change shall be permitted on any non-conforming sign. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 55 8. If an existing off-premise business identification sign was permitted under a special sign permit by the city and has remained in effect and in compliance with the provisions of that permit, the sign may remain and can be upgraded or altered to reflect a change of business or ownership names even though on-premise signs are being changed or added. However, this sign shall be subject to the following before any new permits are issued: a. The sign shall continue to only identify the business or services offered, and shall include direction to the property for which the sign was originally permitted by the special sign permit. b. The area of the sign shall not exceed 96 square feet. If the sign is larger, it shall be reduced to not exceed this area. If the sign is smaller, it shall not exceed its present size. If a sign is reduced in area, under no circumstances shall it be enlarged even if previous approvals granted a larger size. c. The sign shall not be moved or reoriented, except under direction of the building director, to improve traffic visibility or safety, to relocate it outside the public right-of-way, or to increase separation from other legal freestanding signs. G. Each such sign determined by the Building Director to be of historical significance, in accordance with criteria established by the city's historical preservation commission, shall be exempt from the removal and conformance requirements of this chapter. H. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as authority for the city to remove without just compensation those signs which, under the California Outdoor Advertising Act, are subject to removal with compensation to the owner. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 56 17.60.110 VIOLATION AND ABANDONMENT. A. Any sign that has been abandoned or installed illegally is hereby declared to be a danger to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Bakersfield. Any sign which is partially or wholly obstructed by the growth of dry vegetation or weeds, or by the presence of debris or litter, also presents a danger to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Bakersfield. B. It shall be the duty of the owner and occupant to make immediate repair to any sign deemed by the Building Director to be imminently dangerous or perilous to the public safety. A sign maintained in violation of this section constitutes a public nuisance. Nothing in this section shall be constructed so as to nullify the requirements and remedies as to maintenance established by the Uniform Sign Code or this chapter. Upon a written notice from the Building Director of a sign deemed unsafe and dangerous to public safety, necessary repairs shall be made immediately. Otherwise, upon a written notice from the Building Director, the necessary maintenance, alterations or repairs as required by this chapter pursuant to Section 17.60.060 A.9. shall be made within 10 days after the date of such notice. In the event the owner, or person in lawful possession fails to maintain, alter or repair in accordance with such notices, in addition to any other penalty or remedy provided for in this chapter, such sign may be abated by the Building Director in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. C. Any signs which are not removed within the required period specified within this chapter, shall constitute a public nuisance and shall be subject to summary abatement at the expense of the owner and the person in lawful possession of such sign, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 38773-38773.7 of the Government Code; the expenses of abatement of such nuisances are a lien against the property on which they are maintained and a personal obligation against the property owner. Said property owner or person in lawful possession shall first be served with a 10 day notice to abate the nuisance by removing the sign and shall be given the opportunity to explain to the Building Director why such sign has not been removed. If, after such opportunity to explain, the Building Director orders the removal of the sign, the agents of the city shall have authority to enter upon the private property to remove the sign constituting the nuisance. The provisions of this subsection may be utilized separately from, as an alternative to, or in conjunction with, any other remedy provided in this chapter or otherwise provided by law. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 57 D. In the event any person erects, installs, alters, relocates or maintains any sign after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, which sign is in violation of any provision of this chapter, and the same is not removed after notice as specified in subsection C of this section, the same is a public nuisance and shall be subject to abatement at the expense of the person creating, causing, committing or maintaining it, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 38773-38773.7 of the Government Code. E. The Building Director may, in writing, suspend or revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this chapter, whenever the permit is issued in error on the basis of incorrect information supplied by the applicant which results in there being a violation of any ordinance, regulation, or any provisions of this chapter. F. With exception to those signs deemed nonconforming and subject to Section 17.60.100, the owner or person in lawful possession of any sign which is not operational or not used for a period of 90 days, or which was used to advertise or identify that which has been moved or discontinued for a period of 90 days, shall cover or remove all display copy from such sign immediately upon the expiration of such period. If said display copy is removed, any bulbs or other mechanical equipment that becomes exposed shall be covered or removed. If said display copy is not covered or removed within 30 days after notice by the Building Director, the city may cause said display copy to be removed or covered and the cost shall become a lien against the property on which the sign is located. Extensions for 30 day periods may be granted by the Building Director. The provisions of this subsection may be utilized separately from, as an alternative to, or in conjunction with, any other remedy provided in this chapter or otherwise provided by law. G. All signs, except nonconforming signs pursuant to Section 17.60.100, which do not conform with the provisions of this chapter, are public nuisances and shall be removed at the owner's sole expense within 60 days after the effective date of this ordinance. If said sign is not removed within said period, the city may cause said sign to be removed and the cost shall become a lien on the property on which the sign is located. Extensions for 30 day periods may be granted by the Building Director. The provisions of this subsection may be utilized separately from, as an alternative to, or in conjunction with, any other remedy provided in this code or otherwise provided by law. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 58 17.60.120 INTERPRETATION AND ENFORCEMENT. A. It shall be the duty of the Building Director to enforce the provisions of this chapter. B. Any decision or interpretation of this chapter shall be final and conclusive by the Planning Director or official designee. C. Any sign erected or maintained, or any use of signs contrary to the provisions of this chapter shall be, and the same is, unlawful and a public nuisance, and the Building Director in conjunction with the City Attorney may immediately commence actions for the withholding and/or revocation of permits, abatement, and removal in the manner provided by law. Violators will be liable for all enforcement costs by the city. D. This chapter may also be enforced by injunction issued out of Superior Court upon suit of the City, or the owner or occupant of any real property affected by such action. E. Permits issued in conflict with the provisions of this chapter shall be null and void. F. Any City official or employee for the purpose of permit review, complaint, or enforcement of this chapter, shall have the right to enter upon the premises for inspection. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 59 Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 60 Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 61 Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 62 Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 63 Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 64 Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 65 Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 66 Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 67 Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 68 Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 69 Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 70 SIGN TYPES Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance Signs June, 2013 Chapter 17.60, Page 71 RESIDENTIAL DIRECTIONAL KIOSK