HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 138-91 RESOLUTION 'I 3 8 - 91 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE KERN RIVER FREEWAY SPECIFIC PLAN LINE. WHEREAS, areas west of State Highway 99 are rapidly urbanizing and becoming developed with residences and businesses; and. WHEREAS, urbanization creates significant increases in the demand for transportation facilities; and WHEREAS, the provision of a freeway facility west from State Highway 99 to Interstate 5, is necessary to meet present transportation needs and the projected needs of the Circulation Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to adopt a specific plan line to preserve a freeway alignment from encroaching development; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield and county of Kern have actively cooperated in this effort to protect and secure the same right-of-way for this freeway project, as an implementation measure of the Circulation Element of the Metropolitan Bakers- field 2010 General Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield held a public hearing on the proposed specific plan line and the EIR for the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan, notice of the time and place of hearing having been given at least ten (10) calendar days before said hearing by publication in the Bakersfield Californian, a local newspaper of general circulation; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended approval and adoption of the proposed Kern River Freeway specific plan line by this Council and this Council has fully considered the findings made by the Planning Commission as set forth in that resolution and re-adoption of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan EIR with environmental finding as set forth in SS 15091 and 15093; and WHEREAS, the rules and regulations relating to the preparation and adoption of Environmental Impact Reports as set forth in the california Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and City of Bakersfield Resolution 107-86 have been duly followed by the City staff and Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, on April 10, 1991, the Council of the City of Bakersfield conducted and held a public hearing on the above- described specific plan line, notice of time and place of the hearing having been given at least 10 calendar days before said hearing by publication in the Bakersfield Californian, a local newspaper of general circulation. 'AAXf..- 'f'~ " ~;:."'\ ') ;-~.I.li;\lk: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. All of the foregoing recitals are hereby found to be true and correct. 2. The Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan EIR with environmental findings as set forth in SS 15091 and 15093 is hereby re-adopted. 3. The proposed freeway alignment is consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 Circulation Element and is necessary to maintain a Level of Service "C" in the west Bakersfield area. 4. The Kern River Freeway Specific Plan Line set forth in Exhibit "A", with interchanges as set forth in Exhibits "B", "C", "0", liE" and "F"., is hereby adopted. 5. The issue of percolation ponds and Kern River wetlands shall be carefully considered in the environmental document prepared by the California Department of Transportation. ----------000----------- 2 ~ ""I<,~,,, ..) .:,. ) ";:\:; 1,,-,; r-.ir.. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held .Jill 1 7 1991 by the following vote: AI'ES; COUNCILIIEMBERS; EDIVA S,IloMDNO. _, BRUNNI, PETERSDN, McDERMOTT SALVAGGIO NOES; COUNCILMEIIBERS; 'AlE . ABS!NT COUNCILMEMBERS ABSTAIN' COUNCILMEMBERS' e- ~4~~k~~ CITY CLERK and Ex ficio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED JUL 1 7 199\ ~ tU.12k . KrnNl:: W. P1"1'E;.~J Vice-MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: ~/Jt~~ LAWRENCE M. LUNARDINI CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield pjt a:rspl 3 it. ';"AK/!-,,:;;._, , .' ') i.:~: ~ .:1\& .',1 DESCRIPTION KERN RIVER FREEWAY specific Plan Line From half a mile West of Enos Lane to East of future /1ohawk Street extension. All those portions of Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6, Township 30 SOuth, Range 26 East, M. D. M., Sections land 2, Township 30 SOuth, Range 25 East, H. D. M., Sections 34, 35 and 36, Township 29 South, Range 26 East, M. D. M., and Sections 27, 31, 32, 33 and 34, Township 2~SOuth, Range 27 East, M. D. M., County of Kern, State of California, being a strip of land 210 feet wide, lying 105 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 2; TIlE!CE (1) South 00 49' 52" West, along the West line of said Section, a distance of 2609.25 feet; TIlE!CE (2) South 880 53' 26" East, a distance of 2670.30 feet to the Point of Beginning; TIlE!CE (3) Continuing South 880 53' 26" East, a distance of 2640 feet to a point on the West line of Section 1, which bears South 010 17' 27" West, a distance of 2613.35 feet from the NOrthwest corner of said Section; THENCE (4) South 890 23' 26" East, a distance of 5324.73 feet to a point on the West line of Section 6, which bears South 010 08' 16" West, a distance of 2572.30 feet from the Northwest corner of said Section; THENCE (5) SOuth 890 48' 16" East, a distance of 5362.84 feet to a point on the West line of Section 5, which bears South 00 06' 19" East, a distance of 2534.70 feet from the Northwest corner of said Section; THENCE (6) South 890 45' 10" East, a distance of 5292.89 feet to a point on the West line of Section 4, which bears South 00 10' 18" West, a distance of 2507.66 feet from the Northwest corner of said Section; THENCE (7) South 890 08' 03" East, a distance of 2195.53 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 5000 feet; 'ffiENCE (8) Northeasterly along said curve, through a central angle of 470 40' 45", an arc length of 4160.79 feet; TIlE!CE (9) North 430 11' 12" East, a distance of 1234.04 feet to a point on the North line of Section 3, which bears South 890 27' 46" East, a distance of 1452.96 feet from the Northwest corner of said Section; TIlE!CE (10) North 430 11' 12" East, a distance of 194.8972 feet to a point on a 5400 foot radius curve, concave Southeasterly; 'V .;./<,~.y- " J.<(:. T' 33 :DESC.KRF RTI':lh i:-i:( ':\:i-\i THENCE (11) NOrtheasterly along said curve an arc distance of 4201.79 feet, through a central angle of 440 34' 57" to POINT "A" on the west line of Section 35, Township 29 SOUth, Range 26 East M. D. B. & M., which bears North 00 23' 13" East, a distance of 1880.4154 feet from the Southwest Corner of said Section 35; THENCE (12) continuing along said curve, an arc distance of 183.82 feet, through a central angle of 10 57' 01"; THENCE (13) North 890 42' 50" East, a distance of 2215.5073 feet to a point on a 3600 foot radius curve, concave northwesterly; THENCE (14) NOrtheasterly along said curve an arc distance of 1178.36 feet, through a central angle of 180 45' 15"; THENCE (15) North 700 57' 35" East, a distance of 1196.9995 feet to a point on a 3600 foot radius curve, concave southeasterly; THENCE (16) Northeasterly along said curve an arc distance of 615.90 feet, through a central angle of 090 48' 08" to POINT "B" on the West line of Section 36, Township 29 South, Range 26 East, M. D. B. & M., which bears South 000 40' 25" West, a distance of 2588.4444 feet from the Northwest Corner of'said Section 36; THENCE (17) continuing along said curve, an arc distance of 634.83 feet through a central angle of lOo 06' 13"; THENCE (18) South 890 08' 04" East, a distance of 4628.4472 feet to POINT "C" on the West line of Section 31, Township 29 SOUth, Range 27 East, M. O. B. & M., which bears South 000 17' 45" West, a distance of 2544.3234 feet from the Northwest corner of said Section 31; THENCE (19) South 890 08' 04" East, a distance of 5341.0751 feet to POINT "0" on the West line of Section 32, Township 29 SOuth, Range 27 East 11. O. B. & M., which bears South 00 43' 24" \'1est, a distance of 2542.1867 feet from the Northwest Corner of said Section 32; THENCE (20) South 890 08' 04" East, a distance of 2363.5561 feet to a point on a 3600 foot radius curve, concave northwesterly; THENCE (21) NOrtheasterly along said curve, an arc distance of 2074.74 feet, through a central angle of 330 01' 14"; THENCE (22) North 570 50' 42" East, a distance of 115.5231 feet to a point on a 3600 radius curve, concave southeasterly; THENCE (23) Northeasterly along said curve, an arc distance of 962.4B63 feet, through a central angle of 150 19' 06" to POINT "E" on the West line of Section 33, Township 29 SOUth, Range 27 East M. D. B. & M., which bears SOUth 00 40' 42" West, a distance of 1490.6020 feet from the Northwest Corner of said Section 33; THENCE (24) continuing along said curve, an arc distance of 1110.9649 feet, through a central angle of 170 40' 54"; THENCE (25) South 890 09' 18" East, a distance of 2475.7577 feet to a point 6000 foot radius curve, concave northwesterly; on a 'OAK,' . '!'! '''",'" . ...~\ " 33:DESC.KRFP2 RTf: lh -~:'\I(jiNAi THENCE (26) Northeasterly along said curve, an arc distance of 1852.82 feet, through a central angle of 170 41' 35" to a point on the West line of Section 34, TOwnship 29 South, Range 27 East M. D. B. & M., which bears, South 00 36' 04" i"est, a distance of 968.1802 feet from the Northwest Corner of said Section 34; THENCE (27) continuing along said curve, an arc distance of 1764.08 feet, through a central angle of 160 50' 45"; THENCE (28) North 530 20' 42" East, a distance of 127.8144 feet to POINT "F" on the North line of Section 34, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M. O. B. & M., which bears South 890 06' 11" East, a distance of l722.8615 feet, from the Northwest Corner of said Section 34; THENCE (29) North 530 20' 42" East, a distance of 817.3064 feet to a point on a 4200 foot radius curve, concave Southeasterly; THENCE (30) Northeasterly along said curve, a distance of 1373.705 feet through a central angle of 180 44' 24" to the end point of this description. The sidelines of said strip are to be shortened or lengthened so as to be perpen- dicular to the beginning point and end point of this description. :;,; ~,.Ai(..,?,.~ '-;" ".:s, 33:0ESC.KRFP3 RT'I: lh ):;.-:~. 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