HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-0187REQUEST 513 BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: James W. Fitch Assessor— Recorder SABRINA Kern County official Aecofft 910612007 &01 AM CITY ENGINEER Retarded at the, re4u8st Qt CITY OF BAIL FIELD T100.1 Title ........... 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 D o c # 0207183751 Stat Types: I Types: paves, 7 r-tAT ar. fees 47,i-00 Taxes OAS Others ........... PAID 7 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499,35, GOVERNMENT CODE) The City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Ad M.' ory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers, Lot Line Adjustments, and Certificates of Compliance and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby states that the real property described and shown on Exhibits "A" and `13', attached hereto and made s parts hereof, complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of. Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. The above- mentioned real property is a result of LOT LINIE ADJUSTMENT 05-0187,, being an adjustment of the boundaries of the following portions of land.: 1. All of lock 292 per Map of the City of Bakersfield recorded November 25,1898 in Map Book 1, Page 13; 2. Parcel "'A" of Parcel Merger 05-0177 per Certificate of Compliance recorded April 03, 2007 as Document No. 000207073390; all as filed and recorded in the office of the Kern County. Recorder, and being portions of Southwest quarter of Section 30, T. 29 S,, R. 28 E., M. D. M., in the City of Bakersfield, County of fern, State of California. Property Owner: CC.Plazaj LL Co a Calffornia Limfted Liability Company Centennial Center UC, a Calffornia Limited Liability Company Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 006-222-02-0.., 006-22203-8, 006-222-04-6, 006-222-05-3 and 006-230-01 -5 This Certificate of Compliance is being issued and recorded for 2 parcels. This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcels may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated: April 4, 2007 RCE No. 39880 Expiration December 31, 2007 City Engineer Gity of Bakersfield Signature must be notarized Page 1 of 7 S:\Land Division\Minor I-and DivLLA\2005\05,01.87 coc.d-oc CAL-TO-RHI.A..A.LLoPURPOSE ° ....... ............ State of California County of KERN On a 11 2007 before me, �� a i�r t 3 �i42�.o Nam# and a iVe of "' . r��: •^�j ;��ji€:�`i personallyappeared k r..:H�.N....�.:� ... »x.....a......�k . ».N..x�.,N .�.k k. N N�N :.N.N,..:.:x ....:........:m:..�k..:: H:: »... ».k..:...k.��.....H, wN.... Ci personally known to me I.... (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory. evidence) to be the person(s) whose n rn (s ) islare subscribed to the �K ;� . x within instrument and acknowledged to m that em counhr } ° h1lth�€% the In his/her./their authorized .... 20M ca cit (les), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the. entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS nay hand and official s.eal. "...1' Notary Nbi c OPTIONAL Though the information &Now is of raqu r d by law, if miny prove va. €cable .to persons refying on the document and could prevent frauddlen removal and reattachment of this foam to another document. Description of Attached Document. Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above. pcftie) Claimed by er ,Si nerfs Name. InVIVIOUal _ Corporate Officer — Titia(s): ane€ -€nitd r .'oral rma Attorney in Fact.; Fop & thumb nf.'re, Trustee tj Guardian or Conservator f Other: Signer Is Representing: - -, ...................... .. ............................ _ ........... ...................... : Number of Pages. Signer's Name: Individual r t'':€%mn -rota n ar<ar ..... MM- ok -.`v Partner r LImited F...l General HUM Attrnyat l'::9j r Q£F3ii m ?fi�ii Guardian or Conservator m Other: Signer is Representing: X. C� 2006 Eat €onM Wavy Assoc €anon -.%50 De Sato ,gym. PD. Sox 2402. C€ aftw th, r' A 91 a1 3-124 2 �a�� inn, 5Q0 Reorder-, C ,all TNI -Free i v�tM -8 i 6.6€ 2.7 O EXHIBIT ttx.!� LT LPNE ADJUSTNIE NT 05-0187 .LEGAL, DESCRIPTION AN ADJUSTME-NT OF THOSE LANDS.DESCRIBED AS PARCEL A OF PARCE.1, MERGER 0-5-0177.RF,CORDED-ASI*.)(�)�....,N('....'.". om- O.R.,JN "rpE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNITY''RECORDER AN ......L OF THOSE LANDS DESCRIBED AS BILOCK 292 LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST 1 /4 ff THE SO-L!"THWEST'J'40F SECTI0,'!NT 30, TO)NNISHIP 9., .BANFF 28, N'THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD,, COUNTY OF K STA-IrE OF CALIFORNIA ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF SAID LAND RECORDED NOVEMBER 25, 1 898 BOOK. I, PAGE 13 OF MAPS., IN 114E OF: ICE OF 1TIE KERN COUNITY RE CORDER MORE, PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARC COMMENCING AT T14E CENN"'IrERLINE CONCRETE MONIUMENT OF TRUXTUNI AVI.- 'UE ALSO BEING THE INTERSECTIONN OF TRUXTUNN AVE NUE ANTID "0"' STREET. THENCE: NORTH 8905920" EASTALONG "17H.E. C-E,*.Nv7-.ERLF..NE OF TRUXTUN AVENUE A DISTANCE OF 1.73.28 FEET TO AJOINT ON THE SOUTHWEST COR� ER. OF SAID PARCEL A ALSO SET, NIG THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINT N I NT G THENCE: NORTH 00'02'1 8"WE.ST A DISTANCE OF 363.22 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL A. ALSO BEING THE CEINTERLINE OF 17 TH -STREET; THENCE: SOUTH 89P-59'59" EAST A DISTANCE OF 192-26 FEET ALONG THE CENTEERLINE OF 17TH STREET TO A POINT ONI THF� NORTH EAS"I'COJERNER OF SAID PARCEL A; THEINTCE: SOUTH 0000118" EAST ADISTANCE OF 199.73 FEET; 1-11-JENCE: SOIJI 33041!24" EAST A DISTANCE OFF 46.17 FEET; ,rHENCE.- SOUTH 0000voo" WEST A DISTANCE OF.] 25.03 FEE,71"TO A PONT ON'TTIE CENTERLNE OF TRUXTUN AVE-,NNUE; THENCE: SOU"I'll 89059220" WlST ALONG THE CEN-1-1-TERLINE OF TRUX­111-11N AVENUE ADISTANI("'E OF 217.73'T0 THE TRUE P-0-BINIT OF BEGID ING-ANDTHE El,-,,'.'D OF THIS DESCRIPTION. CON.111NAINS 1.6875 AC S., MORE OR LESIS PAGEL 3 OF 7 CON4MENCING AT THE CENTERLIN CONCRETE MONUNIIENT OF TRUXTILINI AVENUE I$( ALSO BEING THE INITERSECTION, OF TRU.NXTIJN -AVENUE AND Yl STREET; THENCE: NOWI'H 89059'20" EAST ALONG T11"'M CENTERLINE. OF TRUIXTUN. AVENUE A DISTANCE OF ]-73.28FE-,r-'-T; NORTH. 8905970"EAST CONTINUING ALONG THE CENITERLINE OF TRUXT71JIN AVE- NUE A DISTANCE OF 217.73'TO- A POINT ON THE S01.71-1WEST CORINER OF SAID BLOCK 292 ALSO BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; `.IENCE: NORTH 00P-90'00ry EAST A DISTANCE, OF 125.03 FEET; TRE'NCE: NOR1 ".1:11.330411 4" Al EST A DISTAINCE OF 46.17 FEET; Tf IENCE.- "NORTH 0000.1'38" WEST A DISTANCE OF 199.73 FEET TOA POINT ONITHE CEN171"ERLINE OF 17TH. STREF71 ',., ALSO BEING THE NORM %,T� ST C01 U-N EM OF SAID BLOCK 294 AND THE N 1 E T CO1 E OFSAIDPARCEL A.- I- e .% SOUTH 8905TS9" EAST ALONG THE C.l."."N TERLINE OF 17TH ST REET A. DISTANCE OF 327.79 FEET TO A POIN7 ONT THE N ORTT TAST CORNT-,R OF SAID BLOCK 292, ALSO BEING THE JNTERSECTION� OF 17TH. STRE ET AND t$Qtv S'J"R. � EE.-T- THENCE: SOUTH 00WI 7" EAST ALONG Tl-TE CIF:.'�N`TE-RLINE OF "Q" SIR L."ETA DISTANCE, OF 363.12 FEE T TOAPOINT ONNT14E SOUTHEAST CORNNER OF SAID BLOCK 292, ALSO BEING THE INTERSECTION OF "Qlt ',S'-'M%,E.ET AND TRUXTUN AVENUE, THENCE: sou-.7,14 89059120" WEST ALONG THE CENPT---,RLlNE OF TRUXTUN AVENUE A DISTANNICE OF 30112 FEET 'll."'O, THE SOUTHWEST CORNER. Or. SAID BLOCK .292, ALSO BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING AND THE END OF THIS DESCW.. TIO.N. C(C)IN'TIAINS 2.6475 ACRES, MORE ORE LESS " tl 117 PAGE 4 OF 7 LOOT LINE ........ ADJUSTMENT #05t--.0187, EXHIBIT BB' NOTES; -OTHIS MAP IS PROVIDED FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY, PREPARED BY: SMITHTECH/USA,, INIC, 1424 17TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 BASIS OF BEARINGS ALL BEARINGS AND DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON, UNLESS OTHERWISE IND ' ICATED ARE RECORDED ON OR CALCULATED FROM RECORD OF SURVEY FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN C"gUNTY SURVEYOR, FILED MAP 15-2 BOOK 18, PAGE 80, STATISTICS OWNER; CENTENNIAL CENTER, LLC AS TO PARCEL IAO GEORGE AND ACNE S PLANTENGA AS', TO PARCEL "B" ZONE_ C-C WATER, CAL WATER POWER., P, G, & E. GA& P.G. & El SEWER, CITY SEWER CABLE: COX CABLE TELEPHONE: PACIFIC BELL ARN PARCEL I., 006-222-03, 02; 05 AND 04 11 APN PARCEL 2,006-230-01 0 EASEMENTS$ FLOWAGE EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF BAKE*RSFI EL. D RECORDED JANUARY 10, 2002 AS DOC. NO, 0202004053 O. R. 02 25t ALLEY EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RECORDED DECEMBER 10., 2001 AS DOE. NO. 0201189869 O- R, 30 AN EASEMENT ER PUBLIC ACCESS PURPOSES RECORDED JANUARY .311, 2005 AS DOCUMENT NO, 02050241,55 Ok LEGEND 0 FOUND 6" CITY O E B AKERSFIELD CONC, MONUMENT IN LAMPHOLE (NO RECORD) PROJECT SITE ST REET I La Li ae AVCj 4— VICINITY MAP 7 a- N-T-S, �Qj �� }'` Z: > CL coo) CL CL Lj X w Mgr ta) wk 1--i Az WO SdVW AD S CT '9d T' X M CR X30"M 133MIS A, 3 eLLOOM S cu: NIVW 83A3S XC 'X3-7 LO CQ- .R.—., AID: 7,--, L--2: LJ -j aA T"�.7a� 10 mls I yy gar 0,110 'isIX3 >< - - --- ---- ----- --------- Nr L7 Ln coo a- UJI all. CU. co >< co cm Cr Is Ln coco co &Oo) >< .NIVW N31VA LAJ Lij 5w Li z873 j > (931VOVA) 133&.S At ---------- tie ce. 61'69-S 3 86,10*00 S too CL LZ >< 4-11 uj CV) CK Uj > Lj L3 I Lrl) ul CL ON C41 toll LJLd ED I >< ct t:>5 4—r LAI: .... . . ....�.-. CL-------- --------- - 9- ..... ... ................ A s8l.,20,X0 N '.8*0 SdVW Al WO SdVW JO El TJ I"NO' N3d El '9d- I'Al 93d 162 YmIff Ja 9 1.01 LJ Li cn C*l Cj 0 cul col ,r92'696 A A-SiK*00 N 31OHNVW 8,3A3S--/"-- ................... wo Li . i . . . . ..: H. �:..: LO LJ t-4 CZ ( ♦.mayt.. x q^ Lai CIO) k- -4 6 .(Ay' El :> '9d TA Ed 133NIS 6s VT CL FOP cu r as a...F . wa° ifr�E �. L&j CL a- co ON L v') all co VIA age' s' OJ co crN iO'N ! A cu +.wwwww► r Li yr } L&I VI ce LL, UJc3 p» LAJX cloo Coe) rr i ♦3 CL p, ED LJ: +� ,/ ice �e 7". --- `�.,, Awe € AJ C tn -M-i IXI .� s jt 3 C� W. US i WIA '60 SdVW M WO iW JO co °+ ET 11d Xa1134 CT '9d Uff - .. 162 1 101 162 NOOIU 30 9 Al d } w 32"69C. A z89,2040 N 310,