HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-055744�- t UOMIW'i 4. .040 RF-OUESTED BY ND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO. CITY ENGINEER -CITYOF BAKERSFIELD 1501 T1 XTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA, 93301 James W. Fitch Assessor.ecorder Kern County .Official Ascores Reco-rdie d at the Mque-st 01' First American Title. ------- - -- DO C#: 0206033630 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 6649935, GOVERNMENT CODE,� SABRINA V0912006 8:00 AM SW Types: 1 Pages* 6 Fees .22.00 Taxes 0.0 0 0 .them 0 ,00 .PAID $22.00 The City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of. said it as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel. Map Waivers Lot Line Ad"ustments, and Certificates of Compliance and acting h6irein on behalf -of the City of Bakersfield, hereby states that the.real property described and shown on Exhibits "A" and "B ", aftached h#reto and made parts hereof compli les wdhth-e provisions of the Subdivi"S"I'lon Ma p Actof the State :of Calitomia and Chapter 16 of the City. of -Bakersfield: M�unicipail Code. regulating divisions. of land. The above-menti.ioned real property is a result of Lot Line Adjustment 05t 57, being an adjustment of the boundades of the. following portion....'s of land*. 1. Lot 30 as shown on the Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of J.B. Haggin dated March 1:6,. 188% filed May 31 1,889; 2. Remainder of Lot 32 as shown on the Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands. of CAB, Ha. in dated March 16t. 18897 filed M 31 -- ay 18891 all as filed and recorded in the of of the Kern County Recorder, and being portions of Section 35, T. 30 S., R.. 27 E.� M. D. M., In the City of Bakersfield, County' of Kern, State of California. Property Owner: Claudia G1111 Keith & Michael Shinault, successor trustees of the: Peter Gftft Jr. and Mildred Gills living trust dated June 13, 1995; Doris Lee Gil l Hildenbrand, a married woman as her sole and separate property; John Everett GUH, a married man as his sole and separate,property.; William E. G1111, a marrW.imsn as his sole .end 's-ep"arate property; Assessor's Parcel Numbers-. 514.-.020-12-2 & 514-020-17-1. This Certificate of Compliance Is being issuad and recorded for 2 parcels', This certificate rotates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivis."on Map Act and local ordinances. com 'he parcels day bed herein may. be sold, leased, or e nacted: T: financed without further p1j pursuant thereto. an with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parc-els may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated.* November 29,2005 .......... — .... RAULM-1 RCE No.. 3:9880 Expiration December 31, 200-5 City Engineer Q itya of Bakerff seld Sig-nature must be notarized Page I of 6 $+\-Land DivisionU.nor Land Div\LLX,2.005\05-0557 coc.doc -MARIA ROSH PERALEZ 1379368 . MV . . . . . . . Pubr -C.fornia 1C NC K m Cnty eou 2006 W Cort Wrt. Expkes Nov 6,. =6. Place Notary SeW Abo-,-t-e to. be the persor** who nama(4. i -e CIS)W subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me tha h cnbreAkll"hem xecuted CA Y e &-a rdib the same in r authorized Aft ^6- ca pa city+�es) and that by (a s`gnature�&) on the rment instu the personie) I-1 , or the entity upon behalf of which the persont,gt' acted, executed' ' the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seat. 3. 'lot a .1 s . . . . . . . ........... .... ............ ..... Al . ..................... ... ------ OPTIONAL 4rhough, the inhormabionbelow is n(.)t requiredby law, it meet prove valuable to pomons re yirlg on the Clocuftlenit and o ut pre. vent fratidulent re. rnovwl and reattachment of this form- to another doc ument, Desc.rilipfion:of Attac-hed Document T .1 IFICATE OF COMPLIANCE for LL& 05-0557 ite or Type of Document GERT W. ........... . . ............................... .......... DocumentDate: November 29, 2005 . ................. Number of Pages: Includes 6, this ac .a page Signer(s) Other Than Named Above, No her—s-igugra . . ..................... Capacit-.-y(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's M. R-o J. as . ......... .... . ... ......... . Na I i f i ia M�Ia r� Ax m aa, U o n 94M() D e 6 vll x) -Av o R 0, B ox P.4 0 2 C •ba 5mv a rt. 1- C A R T 3 1 2 �M %kv,! w.,. no 1 o n a I n o m. ry .0 r g Fwxf:.::No-- 51.'A')7 Rewwrl- Call -800-876-027 LEGAL DESCRI ON FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05-0:557 Being an adjustment of Lot 30 and a portion of Lot 32 in the Southwest quarter of Section 35, Township 30 South,. Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Men"dian, 'in the City Of Bakersfield, County of Kern State of California as shown on the Kern bounty Sales Map of Lands of:18. Haggin dated Pied May 3. 18,89 in the of of the Kem County Recorder, more particularly described as oil s: "Aff Parcel A-M.... The South 3.85,00 feet of the West 340.00 feet of said Lot 30. Contains 101. acres more or less, .1 It"Av All of said Lots 30: and 32 'in said Section 35., Excepting therefrom; Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No:, 7797 filed 'in Book 33 of Parcel Maps at Page 14 in the office of the Kern County Recorder,, Also Excepting therefrom-- The South 385.00 feet of the West 340..00 feet -of said Lot 30.. Contains 27,00 acres more or less. P4 Page of 0 Plages Q AKERS ROAD-] 04 ROAD ,««»x �►Y cm `.� W 5 COTTON WOOS .� ROAD < ow _ 0 to KK m m L M . I ) --4 > m m mm r Xs (7) > 9 Mimi { ..... x F r— s 1V D �( < 0 �. ti m > CC # mmmw =< m Z r V) mg � W —Tj 0 Z m 0: � . 1 .0 = --4:Z Cj). r ..— .� z 0 fA z > t LIP s " b x o o r- A 0 �, U) z M . = kmi - �. l 0 71 z 'M co RE > > to W _ " �, rn U. 0 MU 1 -TI 0 00 y z CD ;: ' 0 0 > THE FOLLOWING- EASEMENT CANNOT BE PLOTTED FROM RECORD INFOIRMATION: Fn I- BOOK 12. OF" DEEDS AT PAGE 114 2. BOOK 38 OF DEEDS AT PAGE 24 > F I EED AT PACE 49 I BOOK 80 0: 0 > -0. rr, Z X. :0 " .. 0 :5� SaA'�LES LOT 29 > 76*1 M. V) > 0 7- x M M >M z M rn > - 0 all, 0) M, > 0 M lx M c: -M Im ji 0 mmcz r 0.X cre Z + w K CD M rn M. M > IZ ul %-4 x ert 0 V11 ---i z z C. < oom z -Z 0 M > M Z 0 :N) > :-h, 0 Z 0 M -------- N --00*35*30"' E 1318.4-6 �q 0 -n en 0 M> 659,2.3 - tn X 0, 6:59.2,3:' MC)MO z 0 M /44� > X M M > L ""Tj -n- 0 M tn M MZ0 > > T Z>M c M >OX x > > u l) z rQ X c M r1l 0 M X WMA x riz > -tl 0>M0 0 OD 0( . �n > cz �„ z 0. (A 0 0 > -A 0 rZ,) M - M=40 uj -cr) Z Q) < r Ln Z M, Z M > L M M Aga 0M > M OQ J-0 c M Z M 1J. 65-9.30- - ------ --- z -M .............. 2 clillk 0 cc rl At, E N 0.0*3549"' r co > M3 to 0 C (n 660.00' z M. �0 E rl " 2 WIDE STREET M 5 �z r -c R i GG H T - Ot F -'WA Y' DEDIGATION M a -ER DOCUMENT No. im Z 020-437925 0 Gi OM> M Z. S) r ( r 25' WIDE STREET R!GHT-0E--WA'Y DEDICATION PER DOCUMENT No. ---------- 020437925 --------- -- .............. 6:60,00 65-&73 N 00035`49" E 'Al C. ROAD M �,.CENTERLINE OF COUNTY ROAD BY VIEWERS REPORT �N :L VO UKAE 3, PAGE 364, BOARD OF SUPERVISOR'S MINUTE BOOK AIND PER SALES MAP OF LANDS OF -J,B, HAGGI:N �A- - 0 70 � > M (3 ,�J4 -u > > 0 011-1m. > ,7W THE. FOLLOWING EASE10,111-ENT CANNOT BE PLOTTED F ROM E CORD INFORMATION: 1. BOOK 12 OF DEEDS AT PAGE 114 2, 'BOOK .38 OF DEEDS AT PAGE 24 a 3-, BOOK 80 OF DEED: T P A AGE 49 S0,LES Lr,,)T 29, f4 N 0 0 9 E 1318-32 9:33.32 m � to 0 �2. -4- C . . ......... . —4 M... C). > > 385.01: M M z r- x Im 0:0 wrl r V) x IV U) 0 0 c ---1 rl -11 Ir - rri z 7Q 2 C , < cjt -cr, Z m r M 0 65 0. r-- X co > 13, N.) Z>X Orl M z 0 >< 10 • r> I Z > 0 m 44i. Cul. CQ- 4N. 59 7, z 0 3 ou.) m w- .0 0 co z z cQ < C) e- m ec T 5 ODI m Co 0 00 01.) rn OD cw (A c- N) 0 0 659.30 r T1 E x^ 30. N 00*3549' 30 660-00 25* WIDE STREE RIGHT—OF—WAY DEDI.CATION cc �0 PER DOCUMENT' No. a- 3 C3 020437925 t-rl D-E STREET 2- 5 Wl RIGHT—OF—WAY DEDICATION PER DOCUMENT No. 020437925 -66.0.00* 65& 73 > N 004335749 E 1,318.7-3 C,) m r W18-LE ROAD '---CENT----ERLfNE OF COUNTY ROAD BY VIEWFR$ S REPORT IN VOLUME 3, PAGE 364, BOARD OF SUPERVISOR"S WNUTE Fn BOOK AND PER SALES MAP OF LANDS OF J.3. H:.AGGtN -TI C) > m (110. x 00 M x 0 m (11) 0 m E75 -o a) x m 00 ami m m z 0 00 T, > MO > MR > L11) *.rn 0azz z in Z 0 rn ;0 c: z rr) > > M. c >>00 .n>z Ad2b. z CO 00 m AIMMA MO X m U) jo m Q7 REG/ X ca 4b- a co