HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-0542REQUESTED BYAND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: James W, Fitch Assessor — Recorder Kern County Accords RAWSONM CITY ENGINEER official 10117/2006 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Recortled or the request of Public 1:06 PM 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 DOC #: 0206258652 6tst Types:1 Pages: 13 Few 40.00 III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Others PAID S43.00 CONDITIONAL CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) The City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated byordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers, Lot Line Adjustments, and Certificates of Compliance and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby states that the real property described and shown on Exhibits "A" and 'B', attached hereto and made parts hereof, complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. The above- mentioned real property is a result of LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 06-0542, being an adjustment of the boundaries of the following portions of land: 1. Lot 24 of Tract No. 6406 Unit 1 recorded February 22, 2006 in Map Book 54, Pages 144 through 148; 2. Lot 25 of Tract No. 6406 Unit 1 recorded February 22, 2006 in Map Book 54, Pages 144 through 148; 3. Lot 26 of Tract No. 6406 Unit 1 recorded February 22, 2006 in Map Book 54, Pages 144 through 148; 4. Lot 38 of Tract No. 6406 Unit 1 recorded February 22, 2006 in Map Book 54, Pages 144 through 148; all as filed and recorded in the office of the Kern County Recorder, and being portions of Southwest quarter Section 17, T. 29 S., R. 29 E., M. D. M., in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California Property Owner: D.R. Horton Los Angles Holding Company, Inc. a Califlomla Corporation Assessor's Parcel Numbers: portions of 531 - 010 -39-5 This Conditional Certificate of Compliance is being issued and recorded for 4 parcels. This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto, provided, however, that BEFORE ANY BUILDING PERMIT OR OTHER DEVELOPMENT FULFILLED.. These conditions are Construct 49.51 lineal feet of 6 foot high concrete block wall along that lot line of Parcel "A" & "D" as designated as C7 as shown on Exhibit B, page 12. Dated: September 19, 2006 Z " (�---� RAUL M. ROJAS RCE No. 39880 Expiration December 31, 2007 City Engineer City of Bakersfield Signature must be notarized Page 1 of 13 S:LLand DivisionWinor Land DiALLAt2006\06 -0542 condr ional coc.doc CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of On 09-19 -7one before me, TYNDA F SKTBNER_ NDRARY PtmT Tf`. Dale Name a.' i IN Olrier )e , °J¢,p npe. NMery PUElk'r personally appeared Names) Mel)" TRECTUR CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 11 personally known to me L (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) IyMD K. SKINNER to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the _ C— ol'"onk753pppp within instrument and acknowledged to me that }� Notary R1t"- Contomia he /she/they executed the same in histher/their authorized Kem County - capacity(ies), and that by his/herAheir signature(s) on the MY COO""'E "ar- DOC<.200 instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official se . Pla¢S Ndary Seal Pbwe (,�/N /Lti[/*� SyroWre W NNSry Pubic OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persona relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reanachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Signers) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signers) Signer's Name: I I Individual 11 Corporate Officer - Tile(s): I I Partner - D Limited ❑ General LL Attorney in Fact Top pnnume Here El Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: i Number of Pages: Signer's Name: ❑ Individual ❑ Corporate Officer - Ti le(s): ❑ Partner - ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attorney in Fad ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer is Representing: 0 e2W'6NSXOnpIN ry P a11on - 50 D Sab PV¢..P.O. BOx 2<02'Clabwplh. CP 91313�2�02 0¢m Np. 59p] PgIXM,: Cetl TdLRea 1 8Pob]fi 0827 P S O M A S 1 EXHIBIT "A" 2 LorLuaE AD1usTMENT No. 06 -0542 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4 PARCEL A 5 6 Being an adjustment of Lot 24 and that portion of Lot 38 of Tract No. 6406 -1, in the City 7 of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, as per map recorded February 22, 8 2006 in Map Book 54, Pages 144 through 148, inclusive, filed in the office of the Kem 9 County Recorder, being portions of the Southwest quarter of Section 17, Township 29 10 South, Range 29 East, M.D.M., and being described as a whole as follows: 11 12 Beginning at a the most northerly comer of said Lot 24; thence along the northerly line of 13 said Lot 24 and its westerly prolongation South 79 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds West 14 131.84 feet to a line which bears South 03 degrees 45 minutes 18 seconds East and which 15 passes through a point on the westerly prolongation of the northerly line of Lot 25 of said 16 Tract No. 6406 -1, distant thereon South 79 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds West 123.76 17 feet from the most northerly comer of said Lot 25; thence along said line, South 03 18 degrees 45 minutes 18 seconds East 32.39 feet to the beginning of a non - tangent curve, 19 concave southwesterly, having a radius of 60.00 feet, and being concentric with the 20 curved southerly line of said Lot 38, said curved southerly line being concave southerly, 21 and having a radius of 50.00 feet; thence radial to said curve, South 23 degrees 50 22 minutes 20 seconds West 2.00 feet to the beginning of a non - tangent curve, concave to 23 the southwest, having a radius of 58.00 feet and to which beginning a radial line bears 24 North 23 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds East; thence southeasterly 49.51 feet along said 25 curve through a central angle of 48 degrees 54 minutes 21 seconds to the southerly line of 26 said Lot 38; thence along southerly line and the southerly line of said Lot 24, North 79 27 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds East 112.34 feet to the easterly line of said Lot 24; thence 28 North 10 degrees 50 minutes 40 seconds West 75.00 feet to the most northerly corner of 29 said Lot 24 and the point of beginning. Page 3 of 13 Pages v:W horton\Idrh01200\sarvcyVepisU \parcel aJla 2.dm rwc 8, 2006 RM.. 1 Containing 9,496 square feet. 2 3 This legal description is delineated on accompanying "Exhibit `B" and is made a part 4 hereof for reference purposes. 5 Prepared under the direction of 6 7 y �QZ C. Q(S GF< G yy� 10 a %0 5490 Robert C. Olson, PIS 5490 11 * FyDs' \. PSOMAS 12 Q� 13Ah` 14 OF 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2s 29 30 Page 4 of 13 Pages P S O M A S 1 EXMBIT "A" 2 Lor UNE AmusTmENr No. 06 -0542 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4 PARCEL B 5 6 Being an adjustment of Lot 25 and that portion of Lot 38 of Tract No. 6406 -1, in the City 7 of Bakersfield, County of Kem, State of California, as per map recorded February 22, 8 2006 in Map Book 54, Pages 144 through 148, inclusive, filed in the office of the Kem 9 County Recorder, being portions of the Southwest quarter of Section 17, Township 29 to South, Range 29 East, M.D.M., and being described as a whole as follows: 11 12 Beginning at a the most northerly comer of said Lot 25; thence along the northerly line of 13 said Lot 25 and its westerly prolongation South 79 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds West 14 123.76 feet; thence South 03 degrees 45 minutes 18 seconds East 65.50 feet to the 15 westerly prolongation of the southerly line of said Lot 25; thence along said prolongation 16 and southerly line North 79 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds East 131.84 feet to the 17 easterly line of said Lot; thence along said easterly line, North 10 degrees 50 minutes 40 18 seconds West 65.00 feet to the most northerly corner of said Lot 25 and the point of 19 beginning. 20 21 Containing 8,307 square feet. 22 23 This legal description is delineated on accompanying "Exhibit `B" and is made a part 24 hereof for reference purposes. 25 �,pND $U9 Prepared under the direction of 26 yOmP � 9 28 29 srArE Cp�� O, �O Robert C. Olson, PLS 5490 Page 5 of 13 Pages v: WrMrton\ 1drh01200\surveyJegalsUla2�parcei b_Ila 2. o Juu 7, 2006 RCO:rco P S O M A S 1 EXHIBIT "A" 2 LoT LugE AD1osTm ENT No. 06 -0542 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4 PARCEL C 5 6 Being an adjustment of Lot 26 and that portion of Lot 38 of Tract No. 6406 -1, in the City 7 of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, as per map recorded February 22, 8 2006 in Map Book 54, Pages 144 through 148, inclusive, filed in the office of the Kern 9 County Recorder, being portions of the Southwest quarter of Section 17, Township 29 10 South, Range 29 East, M.D.M., and being described as a whole as follows: 11 12 Beginning at the most northerly corner of said Lot 26; thence along the northerly line of 13 said Lot 26, South 79 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds West 110.00 feet to the most 14 westerly comer of said Lot 26; thence along the westerly line of said Lot, South 10 15 degrees 50 minutes 40 seconds East 44.87 feet to the most northerly corner of said Lot 16 38; thence along the northerly line of said Lot 38, South 85 degrees 53 minutes 46 17 seconds West 13.16 feet to a line which bears North 09 degrees 01 minutes 13 seconds 18 East and passes through a point on the westerly prolongation of the southerly line of said 19 Lot 26, distant thereon South 79 degrees 09 "minutes 20 seconds West 123.76 feet from 20 the southeasterly corner of said Lot 26; thence along said line, South 09 degrees 01 21 minutes 13 seconds East 21.68 feet to said westerly prolongation; thence along said 22 prolongation and southerly line, North 79 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds East 123.76 feet 23 to the most easterly comer of said Lot 26; thence along the easterly line of said Lot 26, 24 North 10 degrees 50 minutes 40 seconds West 65.00 feet to the most northerly comer of 25 said Lot 26 and the point of beginning. 26 27 Containing 7,431 square feet. 28 Page 6 of 13 Pages v:\ drhortw \Idrh01200�SUrveyJegalsVla2 \parcel c_aa2. o luue 7, 2006 RCO:rco 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 This legal description is delineated on accompanying "Exhibit `B" and is made a part hereof for reference purposes. Prepared under the direction of LOF 0 � L Robert C. Olson, PIS 5490 J Z° PSOMAS Page 7 of 13 Pages P S O M A S 1 EXIMIT "A" 2 LOT UNE ADIUSTN= No. 06 -0542 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4 PARccFS. D 5 6 Being an adjustment of that portion of Lot 38 and Lots 24, 25, and 26 of Tract No. 6406- 7 1, in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, as per map recorded 8 February 22, 2006 in Map Book 54, Pages 144 through 148, inclusive, filed in the office 9 of the Kern County Recorder, being portions of the Southwest quarter of Section 17, to Township 29 South, Range 29 East, M.D.M., and being more particularly described as 11 follows: 12 13 Beginning at the southwesterly corner of said Lot 38; thence along the westerly and 14 northerly lines of said Lot, the following three (3) courses: 15 1. North 45 degrees 10 minutes 36 seconds West 16.40 feet. thence 16 2. North 00 degrees 39 minutes 03 seconds West 122.66 feet, thence 17 3. North 85 degrees 53 minutes 46 seconds East 63.09 feet to a line which bears 18 North 09 degrees 01 minutes 13 seconds East and passes through a point on the 19 westerly prolongation of the southerly line of Lot 26 of said Tract No. 6406 -1, 20 distant thereon South 79 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds West 123.76 feet from 21 the southeasterly corner of said Lot 26; 22 thence along said line, South 09 degrees 01 minutes 13 seconds East 21.68 feet to said 23 point; thence South 03 degrees 45 minutes 18 seconds East 97.89 feet to the beginning of 24 a non - tangent curve, concave southwesterly, having a radius of 60.00 feet, and being 25 concentric with the curved southerly line of said Lot 38, said curved southerly line being 26 concave southerly, and having a radius of 50.00 feet; thence radial to said curve, South 23 27 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds West 2.00 feet to the beginning of a non - tangent curve, 28 concave to the southwest, having a radius of 58.00 feet and to which beginning a radial 29 line bears North 23 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds East; thence southeasterly 49.51 feet Page 8 of 13 Sheets v:Vrh n \lftOI200\swveyV p Wa2'V r Id _I 2.dm Sp 1, 2006 RCO:. I along said curve through a central angle of 48 degrees 54 minutes 21 seconds to the most 2 southerly line of said Lot 38; thence along the southerly and southwesterly lines of said 3 Lot 38, the following two (2) courses: 4 1. South 79 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds West 8.06 feet to the beginning of a non- 5 tangent curve, concave to the south, having a radius of 50.00 feet and to which 6 beginning a radial line bears North 71 degrees 42 minutes 48 seconds East, thence 7 2. westerly 102.01 feet along said curve through a central angle of 116 degrees 53 8 minutes 24 seconds to the southwesterly comer of said Lot 38 and the point of 9 beginning. 10 11 12 Containing 8,967 square feet. 13 14 This legal description are delineated on accompanying "Exhibit `B" and is made a part 15 hereof for reference purposes. 16 17 18 19 20 p �G 21 oF. ' Q�SF� Prepared under the direction of 22 � NO. S490 23 * E0.9&30�20 B 24 25 OF CP��� V i 26 ` Robert C. Olson, PLS 5490 27 9 v/ PSOMAS 28 29 30 Page 9 of 13 Pages EXHIBIT " SHEET 10 OF 13 "LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 06 -0542" BEING AN ADJUSTMENT OF THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 24, 25, 26 AND 38 OF TRACT NO. 6406 -1, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS PER MAP RECORDED FEBRUARY 22, 2006 IN MAP BOOK 54, PAGES 144 THROUGH 148, INCLUSIVE, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, BEING PORTIONS OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, M.D.M. OwrIEFt D.R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Company, Inc. 4100 Guardian Street Simi Valley, CA 93063 (805) 577 -7100 Attn: Dale Blanchard ZONE: R -1 Existing Lot 24: 8,250 SF Existing Lot 25: 7,150 SF Existing Lot 26: 7,150 SF Existing Lot 38: 11,650 SF Proposed Parcel A: 9,496 SF Proposed Parcel B: 8,307 SF Proposed Parcel C: 7,431 SF Proposed Parcel D: 8,967 SF AM NO APN'S ISSUED FOR SUBJECT PROPERTIES. STREET ADDRESSES: Parcel A - 5312 Menton Lone Parcel B - 5402 Menton Lane Parcel C - 5406 Menton Lane Parcel D - 9812 Andalusia Lane 1L 1 ® - 6" GONG. MONUMENT W/BRASS TAG, LS 5490, IN MONUMENT ENCASEMENT, PER TRACT NO. 6406 -1, M.B. 54/145 -148. © - 6" CONIC. MONUMENT W/BRASS TAG, LS 5490, IN MONUMENT ENCASEMENT, PER TRACT NO. 6406 -3, M.B. 54/152 -160. 1" I.P., LS 5490 AT REAR LOT CORNERS. L & TAG, LS 5490 AT FRONT LOT CORNERS ON OFFSET. NOTES: Property is currently under construction. No buildings built. SURVEYOR: PSOMAS 28470 Avenue Stanford, It C• p G Suite 300 Cf F< Santa Clarlta, CA 91355 -1460 No 5490 z (661) 219 -6000 * (661) 775 -2718 (Fox) 9_30 -2006 _ Attn: Robert C. Olson, PLS 5490 BASIS OF BEAMGS, THE BEARING OF N 10'50'40" W AS THE CENTERLINE OF MENTON LANE, AS PER MAP OF TRACT NO. 6406 -3 RECORDED FEBRUARY 22, 2006 IN BOOK 54, PAGES 152 THROUGH 160, INCLUSIVE, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. UTILITY PURVEYORS: Water: California Water Service Co. Sewer: City of Bakersfield Gas: Southern California Gas Go. Electric: Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Telephone: SEC /j BAKERSFIELD DRIVE I T w z z, QI / DI L Ld `S z 5�. SITE VICINITY MAP NO SCALE P S O M A S Plotted: 06 /0B /06 13:07:18 V: \WWRTON\10RH01 200 \9JRVEY\E%HIBIT\UA\Plot\PL {LA l.dw btait SCALE: I"=50' EXHIBIT "B" SHEET 11 OF 13 EXISTING "LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 06 -0542" BEING AN ADJUSTMENT OF THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 24, 25, 26 AND 38 OF TRACT NO. 6406 -1, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED FEBRUARY 22, 2006 IN MAP BOOK 54, PAGES 144 THROUGH 146, INCLUSIVE, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, BEING PORTIONS OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, M.D.M. C D��< 0 0 * No 5490 z N Exp. 9 -30 -2006 Q G" 9TfOF pCtEO� =�q�¢+ I II 28 I to- - -SLOPE LIMITS (TYP.) row 3 1Tt I 37 m N 38 'MO a 11,650 S.F. o PAD = 726.9' I N _N01'44'21 "W L1 ,TO C2 B.C. o �$ M 6.• "NOTE: REFER TO SHEET 13 FOR LINE AND CURVE DATA NOT SHOWN HEREON. ISO WAY IS P q•Ss 27 I �o `m 1 20wW £ 579'09 tto.00' 1 1 Pub/,a Ufaity Easemenrll �� per Tract No. 6406 -1 1 100 M8 541145 -148 1 I 3 30• 26 7,150 S.F. 1 I 'AD= 720.9' 0 "Y7 - S79'09 110.00 1 to cIv 25 'j, 11 Io 7150 S.F. ro o PAD = 721.3' °o 1 I a 0 "W o C 00.0 � S79 4 11 2 0S:F PAD =721 7' 41: 1 15' Ste Dro /n Eoseme t J per Troct Na. 6406 1 1 p cP MB 54/145 -14b 1 90 I phi p \ 1 0� '7 c79'09�\N ANDALUSIA LA E TO n 1 B. 3"w -- - - - - -- C� 0 a ;�s t5 N - 0 W 1TV Vr11 .n S79.092 io m PARCEL D 11 11 0 L.L.A. 06 -0541 C.O.C. DOC. NO. 10' Pub /ic Uti /ity Et 1 per Tract IV& 6406 -1 1 { M8 541145 -146 r0 1 00 ^0 1 ';0-0 "00 P S O M A S Plotted: 06/09/06 13:66:04 v: \9 RTM \lMM1200 \9 WEY\EMIBIT \L \PIot\PLiLA 2.Ewg etolt SCALE: 1"=50' EXHIBIT "B" SHEET 12 OF 13 AS ADJUSTED "LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 06 -0542" BEING AN ADJUSTMENT OF THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 24, 25, 26 AND 38 OF TRACT NO. 6406 -1, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED FEBRUARY 22, 2006 IN MAP BOOK 54, PAGES 144 THROUGH 148, INCLUSIVE, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, BEING PORTIONS OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, M.D.M. Plotted: 00 /02/OD 11:21:19 V:\DRMRTM\lDF 1200 \9 VEY\EMIBIT\LIA\Plot\PLiLA 3.Mg rolam c f P S O M A S EXHIBIT "B" SHEET 13 OF 13 LINE & CURVE DATA "LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 06 -0542" BEING AN ADJUSTMENT OF THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 24, 25, 26 AND 38 OF TRACT NO. 6406 -1, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED FEBRUARY 22, 2006 IN MAP BOOK 54, PAGES 144 THROUGH 148, INCLUSIVE, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, BEING PORTIONS OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, M.D.M. LINE TABLE NO. BEARING DISTANCE L1 N4510'36"W 16.40' L2 S79'09'20"W 14.83' L3 S10'50'40 "E 15.00' L4 N79'09'20 "E 10.40' L5 N23'50'20 "E 2.00' L6 N79'09'20 "E 8.72' L7 S79- 09.20 "W 18.43' CURVE TABLE NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH C1 3'24'34" 2460.00' 146.38' C2 2'12'30" 2430.00' 93.66' C3 43'26'15" 25.00' 18.95' C4 1T59'43" 50.00' 15.70' C5 42'14'58" 25.00' 18.43' C6 2'14'06" 2490.00' 97.12' C7 48'54'21" 58.00' 49.51' v ZiB °7 �O C a R O A \ lr S LT C. °s F L5 (R) �\\c�L Z C 0 ?' �1p DETAIL 'A' No. 5490 z NOT TO SCALE 9 -30 -2006 Q G. P S O M A S Platted: 06/08/08 10:49:47 V:\DR TM \1DPo 12W \SURVEY\UHIBIT \L \Plot\PL -LLA -O .dr btait