HomeMy WebLinkAboutP00-0738REQUESTEDBYAND WHEN REC' .I ORDED, MAL TO: CITY E . INEER CITY OF BAKE: FIELD .1.501 TRUXTLJN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA,, 93301 James mapfes,A.ssessor-Re coral der JASON Stat Types: -1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO- POD 073 Being a merger and redivision of those portions of land shown as B.Ioc6 2, & 3, portions of'Lots .1 & 2 of Block 6, portions of lots 1& 2 offflock 7,, all ofthe Amended.Map ®f the Graysion-Addition tq the Town of Kern led December 1. 1., 19.1.3, in Map 1 ok:.3 . Page. 11.3 Lots, t thro4gh 15 of"Tract 13,33, filed. in :gip Book. 6, Page 2.4; Tats l.3 through .52 of Tract 1.301, filed in Map Book 5., Page 141, all in: Section. 32; -and.. a portion of th ti on 33 e northwest quarter of Sec Township .29 South, Range 28.East, M. D. M, in the City of akersfield, Countyof Kern, Stats of Califonu*a. AssessoesParcielNumber's". 18-031-0-45 18-0-32-01, 18-033-01, 18-040-011- 8_040-02118-040-03, and 1.8-040-04. 'I ProPertY Owners; HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE'COUNTY OF KERN, STA TE OF CALIFORNIA. This Certificate of Compliance is being issued. and recorded for 4 varcels. At the: request .of the property owner,, the undersigned City Engineer- of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances ofsaid City as Advissory ,ogee with respect to-Parcel M Waivers Lot Line Adjustments, and. Certificates nc ap X of Compliance and acting herein on behalf offlie City OABaketsfield, hereby-states. that those portions. of land tips on the- attadhedExhibit "'A"' and shwvM on. Exhibit "B" com.ply- with the .pr ovisions:of 'the Subdiv-11.91on Map Act of'the State- OfCalifidrnlia and Chapter 16 -of the City of B. - e. sf eld Municipal Code. -regulating d ak r i ivisions of land. This certificaterelates only to issues ssues of Compliance. or n oncompliance With the Subdivision M. p .tact - and local. al ordinances enacted: t thereto. The parcels described herein may be. s Id, leased, or.financed with pursuan out further compliance with the SubdiNrision Map Act or any local .din enacted pursqant thereto. Development of the parcels inayreqwre issuance ofa permit or pennits, or other grant. or grants, ofapproval-. Date.d. Oct-ober.10, 2000 77777 RAUL M.ROJAS R No. 391980 Expiration Decern. ber.31, City Engineer City. of Bakersfield StGNATURE MUST BENOTNRIZED H!14 SAL-and DivisionMinor Land Di0pinloOP00-0:738 coc.wpd Pa I of 5 Pages CALIFORNIA ALLoPURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California SSx County of ........ . .... ... A _101MY. On /1"I. V /2 A'n levn 'Oft IA%"l A Me &4�&K before me. N;r zi nd TiVe OVOM"er " F..<: rater • personally appeared 0 ..... ..... '7':77 ........... .......... ...... .......... ... .. , 'personally known to me to be the person. whose. name( }t 118. subscribed to the with-,in instrum.en- and acknowledned to me; tha, executed ;h1f, the same in /1rMrV1'_Me it uthorized capacityoe-&), an that by 'hi t Ott, ruir signa-ture ry(v)., or on the instrument the perso the entity upon behalf of which the person* acted, executed the instrument. WITNE..SS' my hand and official seal.. Art fllacL> N-o!ary SeW Abuve Sjgnalwe [NoOry'Puhlic Tho.ugh, the intbrination below is riot quired by la w. it may prove. valuable to persons' relying on the docurnent and cauld prevent fraudulent removal and reatlechment of this form to. another docum-ent. Description-of Attached Do'cument r tif I C. te'. /* . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. Title or .hype of, Document, . . . . . . . .. .. .. Document. Date . ................... Number of Fr ages: . .......... . .. . Y ........ lo, ...... AOOO Signer(s) Other Than Named Above'. I. Capacfty(ies) CIaimed by Si-9 1; Sigher's Name: . .......... . ..... ........... Inctividual 0., thumlb- h. R'.1 .r"t Corporate Officer Title(s) Partner Limited 1 1 General Attorney in Fact 1 ..... 1 T I ee Ust Guardian or Conservator 1 1 Other, t 0 L5 C-X Ck Signer Is Representing-. ......................................... ........ ....... . .. . ..... ........... ....... ...... n) ...................................... . . .... ....... .............................. ................... 7% W..'.Wo►val Notary A�e.-,,-,=(..a r.,*,t{)11,,..; t-I - D350 Dt-,'� solw.twv, RID. BCD,, 2-40*2 Chalz-iwo?Ah, CA 91311�­2402 'N<�, 15007 Tk'xy-­Trec 1 .800•876-6827' -.Dfir.4 P 11 0 A;Z PAr-,CC' EXH 16 1 T '"A" BEING A. VERGER AND RE-S: UBDIVISION OF PORT I M OF THE AMENDED MAP OF THE GRAYSON ADD ITiON TO THE TOWN OF KERN,. MAP BOOK 31. PAGE 1: TRACT NO. 1301 MAP BOOK 5 PAGE 141; T 1333, MAP BOOK 6 PAGE 24, ALL IN SECTION 32 AND A POIR.T[ON OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 331 TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTW AAN03'E 28 EAST, M.D,M., IN THE CITY: OF B.AKERSFIELD, I COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PART ICULAR-LY DES CRI BED AS FOLLOWS: P-ARC EL 111 TO If Beginning at the inte-rsectioh* of the center -lines of So.. Owe-ns Street (Owens Street) and California Avenue as shown on said Grayson Addis tion: t.hence N8-9045'0011E along said center li ne: of Cal 'i for a Avenue, 1001 .21 feet to the c..enter I ine of So. Rob.inson Street , a.s. shown on said Tract 1301+ ti.hienc..e 1.70241 0 "W ailong. last said centerliin-e 207.52 feet to the center t . ne o f the al I ey described in Book 4588, Pace 823, in th.. off-ice of the Kern q , 1 0 Cou,.nty Recorder .thence. S8 9114 5 1: 0 0 "W a I on g. i a s. t s a* i d cuter I i ne 938.33 feet to a oblint on said centerline of So. Owens St asst :a thence N0014' 18",W along last said penter .1 ine 1*97'.75 fee. to the point of beginnmg. Gontaining .4, 402 a.cres, m:ore v0 less, P 'ARC%EL .1 4. inte i .rsect on of the center I thes of So. Owens B*eq nn i n,q at the StrdPet and E. loth Street (Owe-ns and Tenth) as shown on said Tract No. 1333; thence.N89045'00"E alon.- g said center - line of E. 10th Street 6-45.`00 feet to a pot -nt on the centerline of So.. Robinson Street: t-hence N0015`00"W along last said center. l"ine 35-0.00 fee-t to a point :on the center liin,e of E. 1-1th Street; theOATe N8904-5"00".E along last saild centerline, 1:063,19 feet to the beginning of a 70,,.15 toot radius tangent c.urve,. concave Sou t he,r I- thence Easier ly a I on.g sa i d curve t..h rou central anq1e of 35044154". an arc distance of 43 '77 feet; thence 554030'06"E, aiong last said -c-enteriine., 68.94 feet to a point 887.46 foot radius non- tangetnt curve in the centerline of Lakeview A- venue, a radial from said point to the c.enter of- said curve bears S540301:06"E-, thence Northeasterly aion l '-d curve sa a l ': S d centerfine thr-ouqh a central angle of 2,041'3811, an are d.istance o.f 4.1.73 feet to a 887.46 -f*oot radius. reverse cur-ve,, concave Northwest eriy; thence Northeasterly one g said curve in said center litne, through a- cen*tral anale of 1211071,03" an arc distance of 187. 6.9 feet to a point bn­the Easterly extension or t he cen ter I ine o f t he a I I ey as de.s.c r ib-e-d i n Sock. 4588. Page 8'°31 0..-H. . in the Of f-i ce of the Kern County, Recd r*d-er; thence X891145' 00 "W al-ong last said center fine and Wester I. on PARCEL. IMAP WAIVER. O. P0048"00738 PACE 3 OF 5 n arena ion thereof., as shown on said Tract 1301 and further 'Westerly extension as descril3ed 'in Book.. 4588, Page 823, O.R. 'in the (Dffice of the Kern County Recorder, 1930.53. feet to said. center 11 in-e- of So. Owens Street Y thence S0013' 18"E along 11ast said centerline 487. 9,03, erat to the point of beginning. Containing 11.244 acres, more or less. HCH PARCEL B-eginning at -the inIter sect ion of the centerline of- So. Owens Street and So. Robinson St- reet; thence N89045100 III E allong said. center- l'ine of So. Ow-ens Street 4 523 t -eet to the cente.rline of 09 Clyde Street, th.en.ce N:011*15.'00-"W a I ong I I ast said cent.erline 350,00 feet to the..centerline of E� 11th Street-; thence .589.045 1 00"W a I ong last said centerline., 523.0.9 feet to said centerline line -of So. Robinson St.reet; thence S0015'00"'E along last said centerline. 350.00 feet to the. ooint of I . :0 e i n n i n q, Containing' 4.203: atres, more or less.. PAR-CEL "D of -4 Beginning at the intersectio-n of the centerline of Cl.yde Street and 10th Stree.t; thence-N89cl:45'00"E along. sald centerline of -E. 10th- Street -35 1 50 f eet tol a. Doi nt or . I the Souther-ly extensiton of -th.e West line of Lo-t 53 of Tract No. '1301., thence N00006-30"E. .alonq said West itne and S - outherly ex -tension thereof, 159.00 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot.* thence N89114510,0"E along the North line of Lots 5.3 and 54 of jast said Tract and Easterly e on. thereof, 263.27 feet to a point on, a 8-87.46 toot radius non-tanqent curve in h c. enterlin. t , c caof Lakeview Avenue. a radia f rom s.aid p-oint to the.. cen'ter of said curve -bears S6411491.41":E- thparice or theasterly along -said cuL ve Jn said cen'terline through a central angle of 10019"3511, an arc dii-stance of 15-9.94 feet- to a po'int on the centerline o E. 11-th St , th.ence x` 18 along last said ce -nterlin.e, feet t.o. the beg ! inning- of a 70_15 foot radius, tangent curve thence concave Southerly,, Westerly along said ic.-Vurve- center ne n sai t h r o uq.h a. cen-t r a I an:gle of -351144154", an airc dist'ance of 43.77 test ; -thence ' " i . I -cenlie.. 540.10 teet to said S8-*9-04500W along ast sa t d ter ni centerline of CJYde Street; Ihence SU--a-15aOVE along last -said centerline, 350.00 feet to the bof of beg" i tin i no Containi.ng 3.894 acres,, more or le�ss. ,QEL.MAR.TER AND D-EfFEL James K. Delmarter RCE#17564/E.x.p. -6/30/01 PARCEL 14APWAIVER INO. POO-0738 PAGE 4 OF 5 � Vii ♦ � *� �=r rq '-4 . RD W:0 CO: V Y Y Y .... a) N On a i 1: • : ...a F �► .: Z . rnw) gmik- . eon tv NV -4 JMT Ow R 0 R OM iswn P 159-00" w CL S. 6 2 rq 5 10 ;�e .. �R R�w:ww. rrw.� ir.r.• �e z rn Ae ZU &15 IVY .. ' jut —CO . . do.M 14% .. o V � Vii ♦ � *� �=r rq '-4 . RD W:0 CO: V Y Y Y .... a) N On a i 1: • : ...a F �► .: Z . mk^r C ^C P rnw) gmik- . eon -4 JMT mk^r C ^C P . eon mk^r C ^C P