HomeMy WebLinkAbout10826 & 10830 Pointe Royal DrREQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL. TO: CITY ENGINEER CITY 0-F BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 James W. Fitch ASeSSoC— ecoI`ef Kern -county offic-taii ecords Recorded at the request W Public Doc#:,. 0210013222 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GOVIMNMENT -CODE) SABRINA 2101-12010 19:54 AM Mat Types: 1 Pages* Fees CIO-0 Taxes 0.00 Others 0.00 PAID $01:00 That certain portion of Lots 105 and 106 of Tract 6328, Unit 2 recorded June 12, 2007 n Map Book 58 at Page 3., filed in'the office of-the Kern County Recorder- also be* onion f O ing a o p the Northwest quarter of Section .30 Township 30 South, Range 27 East M.D.M., in the City of-.- Bakersf leld,, County- of Kern, State of California. Assessor's Parcel Number: portion of .541-072-16 & 541-072-17- Property Owners: Cit of Bakersfiel o a y d. m.uniclpal co-rPoration Th"s Cert"ficate of Compliance is being issued and recorded for 1 parcel. At the request of the property owner, the undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bak erstielld,, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers, Lot Line Adjustments, Parcel M ergers wd.Certificates of Compliance and acting herein on behalf of the Q of Bak-ersti ity eld, hereby states that those portions of land described on- the attached Exhibit "'A" and Exhibit "B" -comply with the provisions. of the Zubdiviston Map Act of the State of California and Ghapter 16 of the Ci ty of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating -divislons -of land. This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompl-liance with the Subdivision Map Act and 10 .1: ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described he-rein may be sold, leased, or financed . without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcels may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated: January 8. 2010 RA UL M. R.OJ.AS: RCE No. C-39880 Expiration December 31, 2009 City Engineer City of Bakersfield Signature must be niotadzed Page I of 6 S:kLand DivisioWM-inor Land DiViCertific-ates of -Comp11ancdQ009\:PM 09-085M.Certificate of Compfiance.DOC CALIFORNIA ALLaPURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of AEW.. On January I I. �, 2010:1 before me, klm-ner* Not.arN 2U111jr.— Dafte, Here Ines. Name end Title 0 Me Offic-ler personally appeared. Raul K Roj as Public Works Director Na me(s) of Sigrier(s) G.4Akv- of 1� rs.f ield COMMSSIM 182,552:02 Nowy Pow, calftmo Z Ke Are t M OM Exp s ON,, 4�. 20 Place Notaiy Soal Above. who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) Ware subscn*bed to the within: instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in -his/her/their authorized capacity(les), and that bylhislhefteir signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the per (s) acted., executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the la-vis of the State ofCafifornia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.. WITNESS my Vn nd icial seel. Signature Sid arturo OWtopi Public, .............................................................. mmm -OP TIONAL ............... ---- Though the infort'nation below is not required by faw**', it :m prove valuable -to persons relying on the .document and` c. ould prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of.Aftched Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Ab.ove'; : Ca-pacity(les). Clatmed by Signe-ir(s) Siginer's Name.: .......... . . . . ................ L.J Individual t..,.*",: Corporate Officer Title(s)- fted 'L..".1 General: Partner E Limi 0 Attorney in Fact rQ kr ef thumb here [ 31. ""Rustee ITO WPt t h [7 Guardian or Conservator C) Other.- Signer Is Represenfin.g. Number of Pages: 'Sigper's Name: ...................... Ire `I Corpora Wl Officer — Title(s): "I Partner General MIME; Aftomey in Fact ..... C of thumb here Tr N, . ustee `11111_ Guardian or Conservator I Other: .S.Igner Is Representing-. (020 ffKationW -Notwy • "-z Waton . 9350 De Soto Ava, P.0, Box 2. .4022 - Chatsworth,. CA 91313-2402 P mwNa.A0na[-NWk-arV-org Item #590-7 Reorder*., Call Tol-Free 14M-876-6827 r% 4 me-ing a merger of Lot 1.05 and Lot 106 of Tract 6328 Unit 2 recorded June 12, 2007 'in Map Book 58 at Page 3 in the off'. ce -of the Kern County Recorder also being a portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 30, Township .30 South, Range 27 East, Mount DI"...'ablo Base and MeridjAn in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern., State of California, more particularly described as follows: -2. Lot 10.5 together with Lot 106 of sa" Tract 63-28 Unit Contain..ing 0.34 net acres END OF DESCRIPTION Page .3. of 6 ificates of CompfiancieN2-009\,PM 09-085MEXHIBIT kdoc SALand Divislon\Knor Land- DIV\Cert. EXHIBIT* "B" BEING A MERGER OF ;SOT 105 AND LOS 106 OF' C AP 6328 UNIT EC * ORDED JUNE 12t 2007 IN MAP BOOK 5, PAGE: 4 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY' RECORDER • KERN C UN T A-d-SO BEING THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, T. S :, R.27E., M.D.M. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, F CALIFORNIA, BASIN OF BEARINGS: "THE BEAR ' IN I" I 89-'0 3'34 "' V, ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY LI I E OF TRACT MA Igo. 6328 UNIT IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 30t T S/R27 , I <.Dy lfy AS SHOD FOR T `TH BO N Y LINE TRACE' MAP No. � ' UNI RECORDED IN M BOOK g RAGE 4 IN THE OFFICE OF THE. KERN COUNTY RECORDER WAS OAKEN HE A' OF BEARING SHOWN HEREON. SITE ADDRESS: -POINTE ROYAL. DRIVE 0830 POINTE. ROYAL DRIVE ASSESSOR'S 'S DUMBER: 541-072-16 AN' 54.1-0:72-17 TOTAL AREA: 1 :f. 0011 . Fy .. C., UTILITIES WATER-CITY OF' BAKERSFIELD GAS—PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC : -: ACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC `ELE— . .. AND T. SEWER-CITY OF BAKE: SFIELD CABLE-BRIGHT* HOUSE ZONE E — Il l GENERAL PLAN — ONE FAMILY DWELLING EX'tS71NG USE — VACANT SOTS LEGEND: MONUMENT S S I IBED — FF11I I L RECORDS I L PROPERTY LINE EX.. EXISTING FH FIRE HYDRANI wv WATER V SITE T OF PROJECT . ROYAL 0826 IN` DRIVE MH — MANHOLE RAD. — RADIAL. Rl — RADIAL CURVE El — EASEMENT r� c� PA-NAtA LANE ca c� z NrcCE1TCHN ROAD MCINITY M. T OWNER: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 600 TRU.XTU.-:N AVENUE AK E I LD, 93,301 SHEET 4 OF 6 cN, w EXHIBIT "B" 0 6328—UNI:T I M.G. 56 G. 177 S89406'34t S89*06`3 65=!. .. ........ . . LOT 105 LOT 106 to csq 00 1* Z:*Z: PO. C. :uj 0.17 AC. LO C 0. 17 A �ft 0 < b U-0 0 0 aE U') 0 --- ------- z CL S0::0*.53`26"W 3.00" IN *06"34"E SS 706-12 S89*0634"F " A �E PA LOT 107 LOT 108 TrRUTA, 6-328 u IN I M.B. 581 P 41- 0 0 ch N89*06'34.*'W Is cv. Z0-41 rr N� - --------- 1. 5" SEWER EASEMI-11-ENT C/L POINTE ROYAL DR. N89*06'340V RAD. I 10,00, 1V PUE :0 Po I LOT 102 LOT 101 Lc F LOT 104 LOT 103 Rl N. 0* NORTH. C-1 C-2 C-3 R2 NO:8*00'52"'E m R=25.00 R-5-0.00 R 50.00 L-1 8,,69:, L=31,16' L=84.76 T-9,81 T=l 6.11 T=56.64 A--42*50"00"' A--35*42*34" A--.97*07*26" El = 20' WIDE. "'SEWER LINE" EASEMENT TO THE C.O.B. PER DEC. # 0206319725t :0&,R* E2 = 60' WIDE "ROAD EASEMENT" TO THE C.O.B. MAP IS FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY 610.96 45 50- 0 50 ------------------- -- -- ---------------- - -------------- - --- - ------ 1 501 > z < 0 z SHEET 5 OF 6 EXHIBIT "B" CL 1\ i S89q'06t34s*E M1, )ilk 610.96 0 131 12 ....... PA Ui to LOT 107 LOT 108. 4 5 LO T A"' " A TNACT 6320 Z �4k to 0 .34 N UNIT 2 < l4n. - w 0 pcN: Ov� M. B.. 58s P. 4 ui 0 Z N89*06"34 w 10" :pLJE 20,< 21'* > .. . ............. z — - --------- ------ < E .7 15"' SEW., R EW ENT,,, - C/L. E ROYAL R. 0 z 0. N.89*06"34"W RAD. 0. 10.00 LOT 102 LOT 101 LOT 104 LOT 103 NORTH C—1 C-2 Ri NOO*4343"E R=!25.00" R=50-001 GRAPIRC SCALE -1 . I L =11 •. -2 .50 50 T=9.81 T 14,.54 :Voo A-- 42* $+* 50 A--1 32*50'00"* m --------------- El 20" WIDE '*'SEWER LINE EASEMENT TO THE C.O.B. '50 PER DO C. # 020631972.5o O.R. E. = 60' WDE "ROAD EASEMENT" TO THE SHEET MAP IS FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY