HomeMy WebLinkAbout139-90at s IM:r The z000rdation of document certifies that the above-ftscribed s r a=el- cwplies with the Si divisioa Map Act only, and should. not be Int"Vmted as the sole requirement for obtaWng construction . p mi e . M m F. Karpe,, Inc.. is tbe. ownex of the described parcels of land. Dated this 19th day of April,, 1991. TED a 10, 1ar q ices City Of Kern Rosy W., Ei senor Planner 4 Q 6:51.4.. POE X25 Vw* C UCD BY Fv* A, . Me SIP f "t+�: 6i • 1 a � 'Y� f R'-" • BY �y IR E 8yyy 4' �w�f1 i�O'WVp M PM RM o MIL M: 100760>.5--17 , V IT. 2 Ir 3. 0 Co '$�'t Dep=tment of PlamiJ + ', and Mvelo.p en A4d xv ce 2700 "Mo Street, Suits 1 Bakersfield,,. •h 933:01 t w t N, 139-90 AEME 4M CHM 11040 OQ 11.3 *40 CERTI r1F F CO P L I 'fatl! (SEMON 66499,350 RNCODE) Mie m1expigned,, Mad Jams,, Director, Pluming and Demlopwnt Sakes of the count of Keme. Oes by Board of Supervisors of Ooty as Advisory Agency nth. respect to Parcel K-*ps,. and acting hemin on. bobalf, of the parcel OMRIY with the provisims the SubcUvision Map Act of °: he. Sate of Califomia, a .et.ng dims: of land. Wcel of land being. � C*�y o Kern.. n . e ate o + ifo=ia.,r � mow^ �' more ' i � p 4. MGG?K4'�r+ � follow q. attach gal description s IM:r The z000rdation of document certifies that the above-ftscribed s r a=el- cwplies with the Si divisioa Map Act only, and should. not be Int"Vmted as the sole requirement for obtaWng construction . p mi e . M m F. Karpe,, Inc.. is tbe. ownex of the described parcels of land. Dated this 19th day of April,, 1991. TED a 10, 1ar q ices City Of Kern Rosy W., Ei senor Planner a J026- Job No. 12401 LEGAL DESCR I PT I ONS ADJUSTED PARCELS FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT #139-90 PARCEL t The South 660.00 feet of the West e6o.00 feet of r of Parcei Map No. 6837, recorded Apr 1 1. 17, 1884, in Parcel Map Book. 30 at Page -168 In the office of the Kern 0-ounty Recorder, 0ontaining 10400 Atres., morLe ar l ess: PARCEL 2 Al I thole Port . o Parse l 2. and farce l 3. of Panel. Map o 6837 recorded Apr 11 17 R 19-94, Farce.I MA boob 30 at Page in the Office of the Kern Recorder., being more :r t i ou I a r I y d6scr I bed as f o] I ows,: Bed -nnin.g, as the Northeast o r r of said : rcel 3; thence aliong .. Sough r� ter a/R r r 3 , 'o h South., Rama 2:8 11 M" It of said Pamela, :N09: 3- .1 1711 , 13o7 feet t tL he t corner t 660. feet d West 8501.00 feet of d Parse ,, t'hence along the Ea s: t I ine of. said Siout:-h. 660' o'.0 feet the W t' 66'00 feet of sai.d PaLrcel 2 N 00 0 3 8 ' SL. 3'.'E 660-00 feet to the Nartheast cornet` of said South 6 0 `t the West. . 60,00 feet o said Parcel thence along the 1 f said . 64_,_00 asst of the W feet l Parcel . ,. LS ; 3 1 " the Wes t i. e Of 6a:LILd Parcel 2.*-thence along said West Fins, NO 6.48 >. 60 feet "to the Northwest corner f said Parcel thence along the North I line of sate Farce I i * ' "E, 1 . .* thence part. ].. l with and I .0 feet t the centerline Melville - r a h on 49.29-Uni t Trac-t Nom, of f 1 of the County � Recorder, , 103 1 "W: 19. - ; t i e ,+ t d ° l . of the West Fine of said Lot 30j S001130 .3" 's 36 0.0 feet* thence parallel with and 36.00 feet South of the South line of said Lot 3b, 0 1.0.7 "E j. 270,00 feet* t hence I ons the Eas t 11 d a 1 d l. Lit and � Southey rot , 01 11, 155.00 feet t the North o d Farces the � d North,line, 0 107"Ej 6SI.09 fart to the Point 't Beginning. Containing .. 47 acres, more or teas.. 4 KOX 65i4..?A;E J027 PARCELS Ong al.1 of Lot 30 of Tract No. 4192$ -U I t "A",.-recorded june 8, 1990 in Map aock 38 at Page 8 and that portion cat parcel 3 of r cc 1 Ma -p No . X037 1: recorded: Ap r 11: 17 1904, 1 n Parse i Map Book 30 at Pay 158o both In the office of the :Kern County Recorder, being more particularly described as follows: SeginMing Ot the Northeast sorter . of saild Lot; tense along the East line of said Lod and its Southerly Aral* atlon, 900*30'63"Wr 140.00 feet* thence parallel with and 36,00 feet t tb of the South fine of Lot; N8 '02; 1 7" # 270.00 feet-, thante along the 'hest line of said Lot and Fte Southerly prolongation, 006 1' 11 1 40.0 fvel to, the Northwest corner of sald Lots; thence. along the North Line o - a -aid Lot, 26 : 1 " j 270-00- feet to the Po i. m t o f -S J i ng Con to 1. i 3-71800 square feet,,. more or liess.. Wayne A. Deltel L. S. 5275 x 12131/91 , x9 a a I 1028