HomeMy WebLinkAbout2424 & 2500 Dracena St2.1 fo A F 2 1 F. 1 rw. f w AGE2123. 033083 -HR AL N .COL%Ty bCC_c R• ;if ' PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD 93301 's eo CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE This is to dertli-f y that the r e in Exhibit. "A" attached. hereto has been divided in pl the Subdivision Mai Ac -thy State of, California Government Code Section 66412(d). et seq and the it vis3 n Regulations o the of Bakersfield (.Title 16 of the Municipal Code ) enacted pursu&A-t P said map act. The ilo. refer.red to above (Lot Line shown on the mad attached hereto as 'Exhibit "BO-was approved by the Planning mm ssi- Resolution No. 12-86 in accordance with. the Provisions of Section 1 ., , 6 ( ) of the City"s City" Municipal Code. I certify under Penalty of Per that the :foregoing is true! and correct. .. Executed on the 1.6th day of January$ 1986,v at Bakersfield, California. DATED t January 16., . LEGAL OWNER Wilbur Rickett 0 :0 2JL2- t-XHIBIT "Ago All thoseportions. of Lot 3 and Lot 4 oi Block 10 of the "Chester Tract" filed December 5. 1901, in Sook I of HaPs at Patio .26 in the Office of the Kern County ftcardtr, and that: portion of the North :9*25 ieot of Dracena Street vacated by Resolution No. 548 .0 adopted February 14, 11927p by City Council of the City ai bakerefield-0 being more partiou larly4eacribed as PA a RCEL IS Saginniocat the Northwest Corner ofthe Rest Half of said Lot So thence a along. the North 11ne Of said. Loof 287. X25 feet to the Fast line ai the Wa 135,00 feet of &aI4 Lot 4:* thence souther, ly along P said Itest lineo 81.00 feet; thence. ves tar ly'o. parallel with tho South line of said Lots o, 11 o-00 feet to the East line of the West 17.P aka O feet of said Lat 40 thence.z out herly are langsaid East line. 194.00 feet to the South line 0i � said X*V'th 9..,.25 fe-ot. of -vacated Drace'na Stroet; the.aco westerly along aiaid South. line a e 62 * 00 1 t W . to I the West 11 no of the east 45 * 00 toot of said Lot 2; thence northe . rly o 1 asid Vost 11060 125*00 feet to,tho M' t jj :tbe S th 115*75 or. h no af ou feet Olt asid :110t 3,; th*nce wiesterly long said Morth llnej, 1.070:625. feet to the Woot line of the East Ha lid of said Lot 3; thence northerlY *1 1 -ong &aid Went lin*, 150.00 ioat to the point of beginningo Contalning 44r 28*75 Square Foot.., More of Lees.. PARCEL 2* Commencing at the intersection of the Morthline of asid of with.the Reat line of the. West 135.00 feet Of &aid Lot 4.; thance.sautherlV to sold East'linev 81000 feed to: the 'Tr la of aj Zeginnth: Ist thence 9-_ westerly parallal -with the south line of soid Lotao- 118,00 foot to the Rest 1 ne of the Vest 17s.. .00 ie of said Lot 4;. thence acutherly al-cho-said Beat lines, 194.00 feet to the South lite of said North 9*25 feet of vacated Drecana Street, thence eas tai r. .1y along said Scuth.lineo 16-8*00 f*et to the West llne Of the seat 120.25 toot of said Lot 4; -thence northerly along Id West line,,. 1.25..00 feet to the North line of the South 115.75 feet of said Lot 4t thence-westerly along said North .111ne# 50*00 Foot to thhe Sest line of the West 2.35o:00 toot of aoid Lot 4; 1 thence northerly along said Ea at Ii-ne* 69v00 feet: to the True Point of Beginning-, Containing 2:9,142 Squere Feet, More or Lees* R . �.