HomeMy WebLinkAbout818 & 830 21st StREQUE, ST - NID ED BY A, AMN RECORDED, MAIL TO: CITY E N CTINE ER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 150.1 TRUXRWAVENUE BAKER- SFIELD,. CA. 93301 E RECORDED* AT THE R: QUESTOF ANUGAN TITLE COMPANY James Map les, Assessor -Recorder SABRtNA S .tat, Typ-est I -Me :City Engines .o.dCiy o Bakersfield. ndeged..k orfidciantaences oosaidi-Ciy as.Advioy.Ageny - viii rept e, of Line.Adjes, and Cris oCmp iance and. acting herein on behalf of Oie City of Bakersfield, hemby states 'that the real property descn*' and shown on the attached bed Ex-lu*bits 'A'.' and -B Complies with. the provisiolls of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of Califoniia and g. div' fl d Chapter 16 -of the City of Bak-ersfiteld Munici.--pal Code regulatin iisions The above-ment ioned real propert3r.is a result of Lot.Li djustment P -0754, adjusting the boundaries. of those portions of land: shoxvn as Lots 5 6 and the south. -half of Lots 7 & 8 - C� of Bakers-flield Block,. 187 per the map recorded-m'..'Map M Bodkk 1,.'Page 13, also beingportions" -Of the NE'/'4of Secti-on 30, 1 T. 29 S., R. 28 E.- M. Dy M. Property weer :. L . EHNER and' NIA RIE L. POEHNER, as Co- Trusteey of THE POEHNER REVOCABI.oE LIVIN- G TRU TED OCTOBER 5, 1992. Assessor's Parcel Nwnbers: 5-251-06-00-3C11 5-251-07-00-6C, & 5-251-08-00-9C... This Certificate of Comphanceis bcing issue.d. and recorded for 2 parcels.. This mrfificate relates only issue of compfia= or noncompli c - i c Subdivi.s.1on Map Act d an c NN th th an local ordinances enacted pursuant ftr describcd herein maybe sold, leased, or financed'Without furdw compliancc with dw Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted purstiant thereto. Development of the - arcels. may .P reqwre issuance of a pennit or perm.-its,, or other grant or ants of approval. Dated. October 1. 0. 1996 RAUTL M. R. A. RCE No. 39880 Expiration December 31., 1997 CitZ� Engineer City of Bakersfield -dg:p:X11a\1x)6-0754.coc 16:30 afire I -of 7 Pages *oALIFORNIA ALLoPURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of —...Ca,l i f n-r-nal-a. County -of Kern I Nod 5907 .. ...................... ... N: :4. ............ ....................... ............ ............ .... ....... .......... ..................... ............................. ..... I ..... ­ ..... I ........... ....... ......................... ................................ .............. ........... ................... ................ 1.11 ........ ..... .... ....................... . . . ....... I _ 1 .1 .. . 1111:�. :1. "A" ..... ­­­ ..... ­ ...... ....... Though the data below is. not required by law., -it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and -could prevent fraudulent reattachment of thils. -form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE OFFICER PARTNER(S) UMITED GENERAL - TTORNEY-IN -FACT TRUSTEE(S) El GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR 0 OTHER., X SIGNER IS REPRESENTING.. NAME OF PROS() OR ENMITY(166) CITY OF BAKER I SFIEL munl*_ c.* pa DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT CERTIFIC . ATE OF: COMPLIANCE Re- RALPH J* P-OEHNER a-nd KARIE L.. POEHNER, etc, TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT SEVEN (7) PAGES NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER(S) OTHER. THAN NAMED 0�illi ('01,993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION o $2,36 Rernmet -Ave.., P.O. Box.. 18 ,& -Canoge. Park, CA 91309-7184 rRc7f 2 47$c .9 P.46SY INFORMAT I ON SHEET LOT LINE -ADJUSTMENT NO. P96-0164- September 9, 1996 [*�M RALPH J. POEHNER AND MARIE L. POE.HNER, as Co-Tru.stees of the Poehner Revocable. Living Trust, dated 0-ctober 5,, 1992 1109 Princeton Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93305 SURVEY-OR: RICKETT, DELIVIARTER & DEIFEL 2901 "H" Street B.ake.r s f i e .1 d I CA .93301 c/o Wayne A. Deitel ,GENERAL NOTES ZONE: 0-2 (Commerciall 2010 PLAN DESIGNATION: 4 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL. NO.,,. 'WATER SUPPLY: SEWER SUPPILY1 EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE: Zone Map #103-30 D-4 (High Density Residential w/Major Commercial) 5­251-06-07 & 08 California Water Service City of Bakersfield .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .......... ...... . .. ......... ... ......... .... . ............ ...... 'AUMV. ----------- - ------------- ------ It ,00 > O:dv 2• ST. Si' I .0 • IA 4Aw4 S): IGO Af IL 717 bob"" 112 12 ------- --- Ul. ----------- - S7 t. ZOTH. ST 9j- 9 SNK ............. . .0 LOT-_.L ... INE ADJUSTMENT NO. P96-0754 EXH IP I T "All BE I NG AN ADJUSTMENT OF LOT L INES BETWEEN LOTS 5 AN D THE SOUTH HALF OF LOTS 7 AND 8 IN BLOCK 187' IN THE CITY OF S-AKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALI FORK I.A, AS PER MAP RECORDED NOVEMBER 2. 5, 1898 IN MAP BOOK I AT PAGE 13 IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. P R A: :CE L. I All those portions of Lots 5 and 6: in Block 187 "n, the City of Bak.ersfleld, Count y of Kern, 'State of California,, -as per Map recorded November 25, 1898 1 n Map Book, I at Page 13 'in the Offric-e of the Kern County Recorder, being more particularly described as f oi I I ows;- Be-glinning at -the Sou -t haves t corner of said. Lot 5; thence along the West of sai I d Lot 5, North:, 122 feet -to the Northwest corner of sald Lot 5* thence along the North line of said Lots Ea . st :0 "d Lot -8* theno..e alon.g the 132 feet to the -Northe&st corner f sal East line of said: Lot 6, South:, 61 f:eet t o the Southeast corner 0 f * the North Half of said Lot 6; thence along the South I I ne Of d- for th Ha I f West 66- f eet to the East I ine o f sa i d Lo t 5 thence along said East line, South, 61 feet to the. Southegst corner of said Lot, 5; thence along the South line of said Lot S., 4 - West, 66 feet -to the Po t. nt of Beginning. Containing 12.,,078 square feet, more o*r less, PARCEL .2 All those portions of Lots 6. 7 and 8 In Block 18-7 in the City o*f Bakersfleld,. County of Kern,, State of California, as per Map recorded November 25, X898 in Map Book 1 at Page 13 'In the Of f *1 Ce of the Kern *Ccunty, Recorder being more Per bed as I . rticufarl:y descri f 0 1 Vows BegInning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 8; . thence along the South line of said Lots, West, 198 feet to the Southwest corner of sald Lot 6; thence allong the West li"n.e.of said Lot 6, North, 61 feet to the Northwest corner of the South Half of said Lots; thence along the North 11ne -of said South Half, East, is$ feet to the East I i ne o f: said Lo: t 8 thence a I ong sa i d East I i ne , South 61 feet to the Point of Beginnin.g. Cont.a.1ining 12: 078 squa re. f .I' eet, more or less. RICKETT5 DELMARTER AND DEIFEL .................. Wayne A. Delfel L.S. 5275/Expires: .� �.. .. fy \ Ax y >. It. .......... . . . . . . .... it �i �I �e d04 I