HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 4664ORDINANCE NO. 4664 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 1.12.040 AND 1.12.060 BY ADDING ANNEXATION NO. 620 TO WARD 4 AND ANNEXATION NO. 622 TO WARD 6. WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) adopted a resolution for Annexation Nos, 620 and 622 recently ordering the territory annexed to the City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, the territory ordered to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield is required to be within a City Council Ward Boundary; and WHEREAS, the LAFCo recently completed the annexation for the territory to the City of Bakersfield, the exterior boundaries of Annexation Nos. 620 and 622 which are described in the attached Exhibit "A" and shown on the maps in Exhibit "B ", attached hereto and incorporated as though fully set forth herein. follows; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as Section 1. All of the foregoing recitals are hereby found to be true and correct, Section 2. Annexation No. 620 shall be included in Ward 4, Section 3. Annexation No, 622 shall be included in Ward 6, Section 4. Sections 1, 12.040 and 1. 12.060 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding thereto the legal descriptions set forth in Exhibit "A ", Section 5. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective upon the annexation of the above - described territory to the City of Bakersfield, but not less than thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. --- - - - - -- 000-- - - - - -- O� oo > m F- r U � ORIGINAL.. HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on APR 18 2012 by the following vote: AYE COUNCILMEMBER: SAL S, BENHAM, WEIR, COUCH, SULLIVAN, JOHNSON NOES: COUNCILMEMBER: r\rT4N L COUNCILMEMBER: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER: APPROVED APR 18 HARVEY L. HALL Mayor of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form VIRGINIA GENNARO City Es 41 4 Aa� ROBERTA GAFFORD, CMC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio CI of the Council of the City of Bakersfield Attachments: EXHIBIT "A" - Legal Description. EXHIBIT "B" - Map, 2 o�gAKF9� r U O ORIGINAL ANNEXATION NO. 620 TO THE MY OF BAKERSF ELD (VERDUGO NO. 2) BEING A PORTION OF T:HE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN IN THE UNrINCORPORATED TERRITORY OF THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS_ COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF STATE ROUTE V1- KER -58 (ROSEDALE HIGHWAY), 25.00 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID 5'EC`f7UN 19, AND VERDUGO LANE (COUNTY ROAD NO. 1703" & 225); THENCE N 00'06'06"E ALONG SAID CENrTnU.JNE OF VERDUGO LANE, A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FEET; THENCE N8749' 10" W. 45.00 FEET, TO THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID VERDIIGO LANE AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE 1) N 00°06'06" E ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF VERDUGO LANE, A DISTANCE OF 1247.75 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID SECTION 19, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 37 OF TRACT 2771 FIND IN MAP BOOK 13 AT PAGE 64 IN THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICF; THENCE 2) S 89. 59'30" E, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID SECTION 19, A DISTANCE OF 1386.48 FEET, TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 31 OF THE SALES MAP OF LANDS OF JB. HAGGIN IN SECTION 19, AS PER MAP FILED AUGUST 201,1890 IN THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE, SAID POINT BEING A POINT ON THE EXISTING CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CORPORATE BOUNDARY; THENCE 3) CONTINUING S 89 °59'30" E, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE AND SAID CORPORATE BOUNDARY, A DISTANCE OF 303.07 FEET, TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER No. 693 AS EVIDENCED BY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED IN BOOK 5829, PAGE 37 OF OFFICAL RECORDS IN THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE; THENCE 4) S 00°01'20" W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3 AND SAID CORPORATE BOUNDARY, 5633T FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3; THENCE 5) LEAVING SAID CORPORATE. BOUNDARY, N 89058'40" W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3, A DISTANCE OF 251.53 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3, SAID POINT BEING A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF SAID LOT 31 OF SALES MAP OF LANDS OF J.A. HAGGIN; THENCE 6) S 00°01'20" W ALONG LAST SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 689.37 FEET, TO A POINT ON SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF STATE ROUTE VI-KER 58; ] OF 2 AK% U O ORIGINAL THENCE 7) N89°49110" W ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 1639.76 FEET TO TEE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 50.29 ACRES MORE OR LESS LS. 5880 � aF EXI+-� �'�I-I0 .• • -ti • r s. gAKF 2 OF 2 �- m r V O ORIGINAL. O N^ W z 0 Z Q z O D 'J^^ V/ LU 0d O ILL I U. ON 0 Z Q b E 1 z 0 0 w 7 E; o w 11. w w CID U- 0 w H O 0AKF9� T m r J O ORIGINAL m Bs y � � —Zt—Q m'' d ■ U) X w Q I' it I- - - - -- ---------- j 1 1 I , I I I I I I I R• I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I mWlWil Wa YI III IQlYN 1t a A n N11 sa uWln M1M O ]lyl lafa A7LLI , ar a 4 lay? yy � I 1 CTOa 16001 u,,,,.I,l {LLjlY1LLLL"I- ,,AlD�IILL - __- __ - - -_� w RI - NN3N A A1N110o I IA� 1 1 Q�Mlra L-- ------ V. tali ]ly a s Vl>,p! 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If I1� 111l } e1 :I el el e1 : el e1 e: e1 013LAVZWG a utl +u M A A.LWWI W el 1i� I I 1 � L 1 �_ --�I T � sc ON'au 00� g3 lit 'L L ------- _i I « I I 3 EiejE! �p ; ---- -- --- - - - - ' ?1 x I I 1 1 1 — I Ibl byy 7 E� i E� , r C I IJ --------------------------------- -- ------- ------------------ ----- I I I I 1 I n (1 I O tj II ' 11 -- ------------------------------- LU'4 I 1 III ----- --------- ------ ---- - - - - -i I'S I — — _ _ — �y ,^.L•U3l 1 I — 1 I 3,90.9600N I y!a r>Or I I I — i ryn � � rlol; •loll 1 rin l s 1 r1e1 1 idol l rul 1 rlal I win 1 0101 I rul Irin i iN"tiY1�1 I I I I I I I 0AKF9� T m r J O ORIGINAL EXHIBIT "A" ANNEXATION No. 622 FRAZIER No.1 TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD That portion of land located in the Northwest quarter of Section 2, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kem, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest comer of said Section 2; thence North 00°05'40" West along the West line of said Section 2 a distance of 3634.24 feet to the Southwest comer of Tract 1645 recorded December 18. 1952 filed in Map Book 8 at page 38 in the office of the Kern County Recorder, thence continuing North 00005'40" West along said West line of Section 2 and West line of said Tract 1645 a distance of 106.28 feet to the Southwest comer of Lot 113 of said Tract 1645 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence ( 1) continuing North 00°05'40" West along said West line of Section 2 and West line of said Tract 1645 a distance of 77.42 feet to the Northwest comer of said Lot 113; Thence (2) South 80°11'39" East along the North line of said Lot 113 a distance of 114.67 feet to the Northeast comer of said Lot 113 and the beginning of a non - tangent curve concave to the East having a radius of 850.00 feet, radial to said point bears North 80011'39" West; Thence (3) Southerly along said curve and East line of said Lot 113 through a central angle of 04 °35'00" a distance of 68.00 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 113; Thence (4) North 84 046'39" West along the South line of said Lot 113 a distance of 104.41 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 113 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 0.18 Acres END OF DESCRIPTION by KERN COUNTY SURVMRS OFFICE Dft Approved b!+ A o``gAKF9� m r V p ORIGINAL } i 66 AMH Of J < W Q z OVON lV3a i p � z o a a' N U N z � m � m LL LL m Z d Z avow ]NUS Q p T W W n U AVM OIVNOO�VI u J (n ¢ Lo w } Z Z p Q W Q W o uQ-1 I t Z p m V a z Own a �� k3NLLSM3N p �lu tL Q � C, I] p /r xW v, e— z o J o Ln 0 N W Z j Q U= U w a a In = w o W ax Z J Q ( a 9 W W 4 6 a ja =8 mss o� w 'gym 1 1 R Q w R I €$ 8 R {j ^ Q R �l1 o N I , J , _ V oenn ;z Z a° `.°uo � 4 pUWa OUOp I Q I ¢m_ o v 4rW.W u a2 0 Nbm OQ _ � a.� o �ou� av .�� O�' Z ~ a �1 ,89'Zbl \��� \` ", C\_ �bZ'bf 9f M „Ob,S0.00BF�OFf M0N A311d —_ V 80 -ZO0 -061 LO -ZOb 6 101 L 101 8 101 S9 39Vd 1V U N008 dVW 0910 10V81 ffS440691 ON '000 6961-01 -1 030A10338 f ON 31VOM0015 NOIIVX3NNV g AKF9� p U 0 ORIGINAI AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) ss. County of Kern ) ROBERTA GAFFORD, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 23rd day of April, 2012 she posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of the following: Ordinance No. 4664, passed by the Bakersfield City Council at a meeting held on the 18th day of April, 2012 and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 1.12.040 AND 1.12.060 BY ADDING ANNEXATION NO. 620 TO WARD 4 AND ANNEXATION NO. 622 TO WARD 6. ROBERTA GAFFORD City Clerk and Ex Officio of the Council of the City of Bakersfield B- DEP City CI rk SADOCUMENl1FORMSWOP.ORD.wpd SPkKF9 ORIGINAL