HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-0207RE- �)U.ESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 Jamey W. Fitch Assessor— Recorder SOFIR Kern County official Records 712812004 8:00 AM Recorded at the request of First American Title coca: 0204175760 Mat Types: 1 Pages: $ Fees 52.88 Taxes 8.88 Others 8.88 PAID $52.08 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) The City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers, Lot Line Adjustments, and Certificates of Compliance and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby states that the real property described and shown on Exhibits "A" and "B ", attached hereto and made parts hereof, complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code ,regulating divisions of land. The above - mentioned real property is a result of Lot Line Adjustment 04 -0207, being an adjustment of the boundaries of the following portions of land: 1. The remainder of lots 6 & 7 of Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of Land of J.B. Haggin, dated March 16, 1889 filed in the office of the Kern County Recorder on May 3, 1889. Property Owner: NORMAN A. TAUCHEN, as his sole and separate property. Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 172 - 140- 30 -00 -2. This Certificate of Compliance is being issued and recorded for 2 parcels. This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcels may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated: June 29, 2004 s RAU L M. ROJAS RCE No. 39880 Expiration December 31, 2005 City Engineer City of Bakersfield Signature must be notarized S: \LAND DIVISION \MINOR LAND DIV\LLA \04 -0207 COC.DOC Page 1 of 8 Pages CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California ss. County of fern On July 1. 2004 before me, Maria Rosa Peralez , a rotary Public Date Name and Title of Officer (e.g., "Jane Doe, Notary Public ") personally appeared Raul M. Rojas Name(s) of Signer(s) X personally known to me ei Ve ee MAMA ROSA PERALEZ Co mission # 1379368 - Z Z =.. Notary Public - California D Kern County ��tiFas++`f y Comm. Expires Nov 6, 2006 to be the person(r) whose namefs) is afe- subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me tha (he executed the same in r authorized capacity (- i�es), and that by his .r signature*) on the instrument the person*), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(&) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. �770+.ia, &:; I Am4t000� Signature of Notary Public OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Title or Type of Document: for Lot Line Adjustment 04 -0207 Document Date: June 29, 2004 Number of Pages: 8.9 includes this ack. page Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: No other signers Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: Raul Mo Rojas ❑ Individual Top of thumb here X Corporate Officer — Title(s): City Engineer ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attorney -in- Fact°°°"'`` ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: - 1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a municipal Signer Is Representing: corporation . D 1999 National Notary Association • 9350 De Soto Ave._ P.O_ Box 2402 • Chatsworth - CA 91313 -0402 • www natinnninntani nrn Prnd Nn 5Qn7 " Rciirrlor (all Tnll_Frcc 1 _t2nn_R7F_FS297 EXHIBIT °A" LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 04 -0207 Being an adjustment of the common line between Lots 6 and 7, Kern County Sales Map No.1 of Lands of J.B. Haggin, dated March 16, 1889 and filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County on May 3, 1889. Also bein g a portion of the west half of Section 17, Township 30 South, Range 28 East, Mount Diablo Meridian, in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, being more particularly described as follows: PARCEL "A" Commencing - at the southwest corner of said Lot 7 of said Kern County Sales Map No. 1; Thence S 89 030'25" E a distance of 642.25 feet along said Lot 7 southerly line to THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence parallel with the west line of said Lots 6 and 7, being the westerly line of the herein described Parcel A, a distance of 1291.71 feet more or less to the north line of said lot 6, also being the northwest corner of the herein described Parcel A, marked by a 2 inch iron pipe marked LS 3555 per Parcel Map 6987 recorded in Book 30 of Parcel Maps at page 64 in the Kern County Recorder's Office; Thence S 89 028'52" E along the north line of said Lot 6 a distance of 64.24 feet more or less to the centerline of the Kern Island Canal Right of Way, being 150 feet in width per grant of Right of Way by deed recorded June 25, 1928 in Book 128 Page 254 of Official Records of Kern County (canal Right of Way centerline PAGE 3 OF 8 PAGES determined by as -built survey of existing canal improvements on October 2, 2003); Thence S 00 040'05" E along the centerline of said canal Right of Way a distance of 92.11 feet to the beginning of a non - tangent curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 750.34 feet, a radial line through said beginning of the non- tangent curve bears S 86 °34'00" W; Thence southeasterly 320.06 feet along said non - tangent curve through a central angle of 24 026'22" to the beginning of a non - tangent line, a radial line through said point bears S 62 °07'38" W; Thence S 33°56'59" E along the centerline of said canal Right of Way a distance of 349.36 feet to the beginning of a non tangent curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 5031.27 feet, a radial line through said beginning of the non- tangent curve bears N 55032'14" E; Thence continuing along the centerline of said canal Right of Way southeasterly 483.27 feet along said non - tangent curve through a central angle of 05 030'12" to a point where the centerline of said canal Right of Way intersects the east line of said lot 7, a radial line through said point bears N 61002'27 E; Thence departing the centerline of said canal Right of Way S 00 036'38" W along east line of said Lot 7 a distance of 197.60 feet, more or less, to the southeast corner of Lot 7, also being the southeast corner of herein described Parcel A, marked by a 2 inch iron pipe marked LS 2263 for which no record was found; Thence N 89 030'25" W along the south line of said lot 7 a distance of 612.44 feet, more or less, to THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PAGE 4 OF 8 PAGES Containing 9.87 acres, or 429,937 sq. ft., more or less PARCEL "B" Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 6 of said Kern County Sales Map No. 1; Thence S 89 028'52" E along the northerly line of said Lot 6 a distance of 706.49 feet , more or less, to the centerline of the Kern Island Canal Right of Way, being 150 feet in width per grant of Right of Way by deed recorded June 25, 1928 in Book 128 Page 254 of Official Records of Kern County (canal Right of Way centerline determined by asbuilt survey of existing canal improvements on October 2, 2003), also being THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing S 89 028'52" E along the northerly line of Lot 6 a distance of 547.48 feet, more or less, to.the northeast corner of Lot 6 marked by a 2 inch iron pipe per Parcel Map 6987 recorded in Book 30 of Parcel Maps at Page 64 in the Kern County Recorder's Office, also being the northeast corner of herein described Parcel B; Thence S 00 °36'38" W along the easterly line of Lots 6. and 7 a distance of 1093.83 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the easterly line of Lot 7 with the centerline of said canal Right of Way, said point also being the most southerly corner of herein described Parcel B, also being a point of cusp with a non tangent curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 5031.27 feet, a radial line through said point of cusp bears N 61'02'27" E; PAGE 5 OF 8 PAGES Thence northwesterly 483.27 feet along said non - tangent curve through a central angle of 05030'12" to the beginning of a non - tangent line, a radial line through said point bears N 55 032'14" E; Thence N 33 °56'59" W along centerline of said canal Right of Way N 33 056'59" W a distance of 349.36 feet to the beginning of a non tangent curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 750.34 feet, a radial line through the beginning of said non - tangent curve bears S 62 007'38" W; Thence continuing northwesterly and northerly 320.06 feet along said non - tangent curve said through a central angle of 24026'22" to the beginning of a non- tangent line, a radial line through said point bears S 86 °34'00" W; Thence continuing along the centerline of said canal Right of Way N 00 040'05" W a distance of 92.11 feet, more or less, to the north line of said lot 6, also being THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, Containing 8.28 acres or 360,677 sq. ft. more or less PAGE 6 OF 8 PAGES r R EXHIBIT "B" "EXISTING" P.M., 6987 r: M. 8K. 30 IPG. 64 I °� "THIS MAP I PA R 8 �- ca Ln IS PROVIDED FOR QP I=C- I PAR 9 : `�0pILLUSTRA T/V/E PURPOSES ONLY 30 WIDE IRREVOCABLE py I OFFER OF DEDICATION WIDE STREET & P.U.E. . QD TO C.O.B. FOR ROAD PER BK. 5384, Q- C- PURPOS S PER BK.53 349 �0 �PG.10 5, O.R. PG. 102, O.R. ( NE. CORNER �. - ._._ .� ,_,_ _ 6U B &GUTTER OF LOT 6 AS ' -p 706.49 i?, 6 _ - - - -_T -- -- SALES MAP (642 25' I N89.55 21 W 611 92 0 w Q. � a0 \ 9.28 ACRES GROSS 6 Cs z Q w ca \ �� Z (n � N v tC CL Ci ilk A M N 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 V) v 200 0 100 200 m• 1 . W N >- °° LOT 7 00 I . w °: �1 � FOUND 2" I.P. Q ., '�'� PER P.M.6987 BK. d w w IL N ° ; ' 5615, PG. 2310. Cfl i LO 0000 �n o h w o w o o- o J O J2Y S$ • � I 0 Z 30' 1 w z I COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY ��` � �, P OR TI ON OF- ZG 1 0 {��-' N /'1w ` DoT 6 0 w Q. � a0 \ 9.28 ACRES GROSS 6 Cs z Q w ca \ �� Z (n � N v tC CL Ci ilk A M N 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 V) v 200 0 100 200 m• 1 . W N >- °° LOT 7 00 \ \ \ �Q Z \ ` EXISTING v- li 4F CHAINLINK Q •� \ FENCE o \\ o 00 0000 IN FEET) � t. o 0 1 inch = 200 ft. BASIS OF BEARING: ALL BEARINGS HEREON ARE DERIVED FROM GPS OBSERVA 110NS IN U.S FEET, NA 83 CALIFORNIA ZONE 5 COORDINATE SYSTEM 130.68' FOUND 2" 1. P. \ W/HUB &TAG \ \ IS 4404 NOT \ ` • OF RECORD \ P OR Tl ON OF N pe N 0 3 a M w M vi c0 0 ..., N 0 co oz 1= w 0 U-w z� wQ ww Q >- wm w W 0 Z O z �QD QD O `t cl-m LLJ � O O� J `j Q J M 0 u- ° 04 C) o z 0� ?\ (D0 U- N cc 9 30 25 E (642.25') - - •�. - - -N _ ........ 611-44................,_........w _.......,. WHITE LME >- °° LOT 7 �,, o ; � co Q d- W 1 0 04 UOp w a0 \ \ 8.87 ACRES GROSS v- li 4F O' 00 \` Q \ o =ON Z Z 150' WIDE CANAL RIGHT '� o o o �`�o a 0 w 0 o Q -OF -WAY \ PER BK 128 PG ` I o L 0 T 7 w o w o o- o LO 254 0. R. EDGE OF PAVEMENT - S$ • � I N 30' \ N pe N 0 3 a M w M vi c0 0 ..., N 0 co oz 1= w 0 U-w z� wQ ww Q >- wm w W 0 Z O z �QD QD O `t cl-m LLJ � O O� J `j Q J M 0 u- ° 04 C) o z 0� ?\ (D0 U- N cc 9 30 25 E (642.25') - - •�. - - -N _ ........ 611-44................,_........w _.......,. WHITE LME VICINITY MAP \r N07 R7 SCALE AN EASEMENT FOR ALL EXIS11NG EASEMENTS, SERI/TUDES AND RIGHTS OF WAY FOR CANALS, DITCHES, ROADS, HIGHWAYS, TELEGRAPH LINES RAILROADS AND OTHER PURPOSES IN FA VOR OF KERN COUNTY LAND. COMPANY, A CORPORA TION RECORDED JANUARY 9, 1892 AS BOOK 38, PAGE 13 OF DEEDS. THE EXACT LOCA TION IS NOT DEFINED OF RECORD. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 04-0207 BEING AN ADJUSTMENT OF THE COMMON LINE BETWEEN LOTS 6 & 7, KERN COUNTY SALES MAP N0.1 Of LANDS OF J.B. HAGGIN, DATED MARCH 16, 1889 AND FLED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY ON MAY 3, 1889. ALSO BEING A POR770N OF THE WEST HALF OF SEC. 17, T.30S., R.28 E. M.D.M., !N THE CITY Of BAK�RSfIELd, COUNTY OF KERN, STA iE OF CALIFORNIA. STA 77S17CS. OWNER: NORMAN A. TAUCHEN A.P.N.: 172-140-30-00-2 WATER: C.O.B. POWER: PG&E GAS: PG &E SEWER: C.O.B. CABLE: BRIGHTHOUSE TELEPHONE: SBC PREPARED BY.• CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. 2505 'M' STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 661) 325 -9474 up * � No. 7883 7k Reg. Exp. 3/07 ��9TF OF CAI.�F���\P ARN Wl�IITAKER DATE LS 83 (EXP. 3- 30 -07) PAGE 7 OF 8 PAGES �` BAKERSFIELD MUNI IPA L AIRP RT LEGEND E. PLANZ RD. Q 0 - FOUND MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED HEREON DA - DRI VEWA Y APRON Q s l) - DISTANCES PER KEW -9� Q � Q COUNTY SALES MAP NO. 1 OF LANDS o o � OF J.B. HAGGIN, DATED MARCH 16, 0 1889 AND FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY y ON MA Y 3, 1889. [I - RECORD PER P.M. 6987 PM 8K. 30 PG. 64 < > - RECORD PER P.M. 5221 P.M. BK. 24 PG. 24 & PM 3930 PM BK. 171174 - E. W 11 TE' LANE VICINITY MAP \r N07 R7 SCALE AN EASEMENT FOR ALL EXIS11NG EASEMENTS, SERI/TUDES AND RIGHTS OF WAY FOR CANALS, DITCHES, ROADS, HIGHWAYS, TELEGRAPH LINES RAILROADS AND OTHER PURPOSES IN FA VOR OF KERN COUNTY LAND. COMPANY, A CORPORA TION RECORDED JANUARY 9, 1892 AS BOOK 38, PAGE 13 OF DEEDS. THE EXACT LOCA TION IS NOT DEFINED OF RECORD. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 04-0207 BEING AN ADJUSTMENT OF THE COMMON LINE BETWEEN LOTS 6 & 7, KERN COUNTY SALES MAP N0.1 Of LANDS OF J.B. HAGGIN, DATED MARCH 16, 1889 AND FLED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY ON MAY 3, 1889. ALSO BEING A POR770N OF THE WEST HALF OF SEC. 17, T.30S., R.28 E. M.D.M., !N THE CITY Of BAK�RSfIELd, COUNTY OF KERN, STA iE OF CALIFORNIA. STA 77S17CS. OWNER: NORMAN A. TAUCHEN A.P.N.: 172-140-30-00-2 WATER: C.O.B. POWER: PG&E GAS: PG &E SEWER: C.O.B. CABLE: BRIGHTHOUSE TELEPHONE: SBC PREPARED BY.• CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. 2505 'M' STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 661) 325 -9474 up * � No. 7883 7k Reg. Exp. 3/07 ��9TF OF CAI.�F���\P ARN Wl�IITAKER DATE LS 83 (EXP. 3- 30 -07) PAGE 7 OF 8 PAGES EXHIBIT 19 SAS ADJUSTED OFFER OF IRREVOCABLE P. M. 6987, THIS MAP IS PRO�10E0 FOR TO C O.B. FOR ROAD PURP S R BK.5384, ILL USTRATII�' PURPOSES ONLY" 11- 1g�° ��• TRUE POINT OF QP 30' BEGINNING PARCEL "B' � �• 706.49_ _ i (64 .25') �O M d - •w •to a I w M °^ w LO 1.L N ' o° LOrl*-- CO Z nWto H t„_ 0 ' Oj � I N 0 En m Y O �n. OO i OUO F-Op ~ U w Li m �z I CL w 0 w Qo wao V I O� cr_ N O cZ/ '� LOT 7 a c Lou a o � I ' z CL (642.25') (n w w !_ JIM C�0o w cV ham- Ix Z =o O \a -3:: li z GRAPHIC SCALE . m 200 0 100 �. - 200 ° - w — - �O M ( IN FEET) c° w M 1 inch = 200 ft. o° t„_ 0 ' � co IV- m O N LL- 10- �� OUO F-Op ~ 0 ' �N O O 0 w 0 w Qo wao V I ryow O cZ/ '� LOT 7 a c Lou a o � I ' 589'30'25 "E (642.25') -�- TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING PARCEL "A" LEGEND O - FOUND MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED HEREON DA - DRI VEWA Y APRON () - DISTANCES PER KERN COUNTY SALES MAP NO. 1 OF LANDS OF J.B. HAGGIN, DA TED MARCH 16, 1889 AND FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY ON MA Y J, 1889. NOTE.• P.M. BK. 30, G. 64 PAR 8 PAR 9 �60' WIDE STREET & P.U.E. P PO PER BK. 5384, PG. 1 1025 0 R I o� Ln � � Cl- � ' NE. CORNER - -6 "CUR 8c GUTTER OF LOT 6 A DA - 11.92' S SALES MAP .r o c0 T _ 547.48' - di • N � � I ,� N, -P :.. FOUND 2 I.P. '+ ° PER P.M.6987 BK. A o II— *34'00 E RAD c = y � 5615, PG. 2310. +m PROPOSED ai , ©+ PARCEL LINE NORTH LINE ID + �N� 1 LOT 6 PORTION OF 1 ,0� N 1 1d ILA a LOT 6 s5 EXIST \ ING CHAINLINK FENCE O Q 1 \ PORTION of \ LOT 7 ` N M 00 M O M db M \ 0° Cn M■ 150' WIDE CANAL \ ` RIGHT —OF —WAY PER BK 128 PG 254 O.R. 22i \ SrON \ N EDGE OF PAVEMENT-1 A 30' —� — N89.30'25 "1v►'..... ,.,w...,... r .........,...._.612.44'.. y WHITE LANE BASIS OF BEARING: ALL BEARINGS HEREON ARE DERIVED FROM GPS OBSERVA 110NS IN U.S. FEET, NA 83 CALIFORNIA ZONE 5 COORDINA TE SYSTEM AN EASEMENT FOR ALL FX1577NG F4.5FRIFA /7 A40 RIG,H. Li Or 3, A Y FOR CA ii VA LS, DI TCHE5 � ROADS, cLELS"fr- Fif LINE. RAILROADS AND OTHER PURPOSES IN FAVOR OF KERN COUNTY LAND COMPANY, A CORPORA TION RECORDED JANUARY 9, 1892 AS BOOK 38, PAGE 13 OF DEEDS. THE EXACT LOCA TION IS NOT DEFINED OF RECORD. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 04-0207 BEING AN ADJUSTMENT OF THE COMMON LINE BETWEEN LOTS 6 & 7, KERN COUNTY SALES MAP N0.1 OF LANDS OF J. B. NAGGIN, DATED MARCH 16, 1889 AND FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY ON MAY 3, 1889. ALSO BEING A PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF SEC. 17 T.30S., R.28 E., M.D.M., IN THE CITY OF BAKERSF/ELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. N U. 1 oz Pcw ^ G V �Cn -z ow L �- F- zQ wCL :2w wV) w� M ww oz �w 0 a- nCL z CD 0 O � Z � CL m 00 Q 0 __j o w J <� O Q CL Q O CV c;6 O z j =�o L° Nw- ��� LAND 0 '* ¢ No. 7883 Reg. Exp. 3/07 kj�x,�F OF CA� �-�\� ARN J. WNITAKER DATE L.S. 7883 (EXP. 3- 30 -07) PAGE 8 OF 8 PAGES