HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-0287REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKE RS F I E LD, CA. 93301 James* W. Fitch Assessor — Recorder PATTI Kern County Official hec rds 7!1512004 Recorded at the request of 8:00 AM Chicago Title ooc#: 0204163816 CERTIFICATE OF MERGER (SECTION 66499.20'/<, GOVERNMENT CODE) PARCEL MERGER NO. 04 -0287 Shat Types: l Pages: 5 Fees 34.00 Taxes 0.00 Others 0.00 PAID $34.00 Being a merger of those portions of land shown as Parcels 18 and 19 of Parcel Map 7145 recorded in book 31 of parcel maps, pages 109 and 110 and per certificate of correction recorded in book 6033. page 1024, O.R., that portion of Lot 26 per Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of J.B Haggin, recorded May 3, 1989 and that portion of Pacheco Road vacated by Resolution No. 138 -87 recorded in book 6034, page 76, O.R., all in the office of the Kern County Recorder, all being portions of the NW 3 of Section 32, T. 29 S., R. 28 E., M. D. M., in the city of Bakersfield, county of Kern, state of California. Assessor's Parcel Number: 405 - 260 -16, 405 - 260 -171 405 - 260 -18. Property Owners: Masoud Bashirtash, a married man, as his sole and separate property; Alireza Bashirtash, a married man, as his sole and separate property; Farhad Bashirtash, a married man, as his sole and separate property; James Elias Haddad, trustee of the James Elias Haddad revocable trust; Jeffrey Elias Haddad, trustee of the Jeffery Elias Haddad revocable trust; John Bradley Elias Haddad, a single man. This Certificate of Merger is being issued and recorded for 1 parcel. At the request of the property owner and in accordance with Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 16.38, the undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, states that those portions of land described above are hereby deemed merged in accordance with provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code. The resulting merged parcel is described on the attached Exhibit "A" and shown on the attached Exhibit "B ". This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcel described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcel may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated: June 30, 2004 Y— RAU L M. ROJAS RCE No. 39880 Expiration December 31, 2005 City Engineer City of Bakersfield SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED S: \Land Division \Minor Land Div \mergers \04 -0287 certificate of merger.DOC Page 1 of 5 CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California ss. County of Kern On July 1, 2004 before me, Maria Rosa Peralez , a Notary Public Date Name and Title of Officer (e.g., "Jane Doe, Notary Public ") personally appeared Raul M. Roi as , Name(s) of Signer(s) NIA IA ROSA PERALEZ Commission # 1379368 Z w Notary Public - California D Kern County My Comm, Expires Nov 6, 2006 IAP�� � C personally known to me tit°rce to be the person(a) whose nameEs) is/ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that executed the same in his r authorized capacity(. ees and that by hi her�r signature(* on the instrument the perso*), or the entity upon behalf of which the person( acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ao-t� (4��A? Signatur of Notary Public OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document CERTIFICATE OF MERGER Title or Type of Document: for Parcel Merger Ho- 04 -0287 Document Date: June 302 2004 Number of Pages: 5.9 includes this ack, page Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: No other signers Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: Raid 14.. Roias OF SIGNER ❑ Individual Top of thumb here X Corporate Officer — Title(s): City Engineer ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator a r ❑ Other: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a municipal Signer Is Representing: corporation ©1999 National Notary Association • 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Box 2402 • Gnatswortn, GA 91 31 3-24UZ • www.nationainoiary.org Moo. No. oyui rteoruer. %,dn yen -rree I- we -010-0041 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL MARGER No. 04 -0287 Legal Description Being a merger of Parcels 18 and 19 of Parcel Map No. 7145 recorded in book 31 of Parcel Maps at page 109 & 110, as per Certificate of Correction recorded in book 0033, page 1024 0. R., and that portion of lot 28 according to the Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of J.B. Haggin, recorded May 3, 1 989 in the office of the County recorder, Also that portion of Pacheco Road vacated by Resolution No. 138 -87 recorded in book 8034, page 78 0. R.. Also being a portion of Section 24 and the southwest g uarter of Section 13, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M.D.M., in the County of Kern, State of California. Parcel A Point of beginning being the northeast corner of said parcel 19 marked by a 2" iron pipe tagged RCE 22407; Thence S 12 028'45" E along the boundary line of said parcel 107.43 feet; Thence S 14 034'3$" E, 233.01 feet; Thence N 89 019'53" 1N, 700.27 feet; Thence S 82"46'17" W, 383.49 feet along the north right of way line of Pacheco Road to a point on a tangent curve concaved to the north and having a radius of 955.00 feet; Thence Westerly along said curve through a Central angle of 8 024'47" an arc length of 108.89 feet to a point on a non tangent line a radial through said point bears N 0 048'55" W to the center of said curve; Thence N 44 °4841" W7 27.90 feet; Thence N 0 035'21" E, 9.12 feet to a point on the south line of said section 13; Thence N 0 035'05" E, 30.00 feet; Thence N 89019;53" W7 30.00 feet; Thence N 0 03605" E, 42.34 feet to a point on a non tangent curve Concaved to the north having a radius of 5780 feet, from said point the Center of said Curve bears N 7 04548" W; Thence easterly along said curve through a central angle of 11 035'15 ", an arc length of 1158.95 feet to the point of beginning. 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