HomeMy WebLinkAbout163-85l' i i BOOK 5846pha 241L 01g542. I% FEB 214 A10.30 REC01WI G GALE S. Ei•15TAD REQUISTED 81, KERN COUNTY MERK-RECORDER & MAIL TO • PLANNINQ DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSF I £LD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIEL.D CA 93301 OR #� 9.� o cool /Zol r1I. . r MD �-�► CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE .This is to certify that the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto has been divided in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California (Government Code Section 66412(4) et seq) and the Subdivision Regulations of the City of Bakersfield (Title 16 of the Municipal Code) enacted pursuant to said map act. The division referred to above (Lot Line Adjustment) as shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit "B" was approved by the Planning Commission by Resolution No. 16385 in accordance with the provisions of Section 16,12.060(j) of the City's Municipal Code. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the 2nd day of January, 1986, at Bakersfield, California. DATED: January 2, 1986 OeZ Y E E Plan ng Director LEGAL OWNER Louise B. Mickelberry i r 4 s t 3 i s f i I i i i I •S 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 4 r l M BOOK 5$4PaGE 242 AV Exhibit "A" Legal Descriptions Parcel "A" The South 96.00 feet of Lot 1 thru Lot 51 inclusive, of Block 385, in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, according to the map thereof, recorded November '2 5 , 1898 in Map Book 11 Pages 13 and 14 in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern. Containing 25,344 square feet. Parcel "B" Lot 6 thru Lot 100, inclusive, of Block 374; TOGETHER WITH Lot 1 thru Lot 5, inclusive, of Block 385; all in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, according to the map thereof, recorded November 25, 1898 in Map Book 1r Pages 13 and 14 in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern; ALSO TOGETHER WITH all that portion of 13th Street between the easterly line of "R" Street and the westerly line of "S" Street, vacated and abandoned for public street purposes by Resolution of Intention No. 668, adopted by the Bakersfield City Council on December 1.5 j? 1947 and recorded February 19, 1948 in Book 1341, Page 464 of Official Records; EXCEPTING THEREFROM the North 70.00 feet of Lot 7 thru Lot 10, inclusive, of said Block 374; ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM the South 96.00 feet of Lot 1 thru Lot 5, inclusive, of said Block 385. Containing 42,930 square feet. Parcel "C" The North 70.00 feet of Lot 7 thru Lot 10, inclusive, of Block 374, in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, according to the map thereof, recorded November 25, 1898, in Map Book 1, Pages 13 and 14 in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern. Containing 14,490 square feet. a l �i ..■ r r r w r rrr■■wr r. Al -IC r.rw ■r r r ..r 33` BOOK 5846PACE 243 13 TH. STREET rL Ir STREET r w 13x0 b'. 115.50 12&001 70.00 'S" STREET � - ■ r w■ r■ w rwr ■.. rA v � RE�j�i' ! wrr wr rr■.■wr iw�wr ww r «r o lrr X.• r rrr■.w rr.rr r r.-l\ N I Vi ■rr �-w$ • rrrww w■■ r rw iww �ww a +r w rwwr 115.50' ! 12&00; 70.00i 33' uj _ ,. _ r m rr rr wr Z rr.■ W ■r ■.■ rte�. ++-a w ,V �► r. w r ._ r 33! w■r ■ •. � w w 313.50' r r' r i■■wr■irr �■ 'S" STREET � - ■ r w■ r■ w rwr ■.. rA v � RE�j�i' • CHRi`��o o X.• h C7 ! v - �-■-�, "R" STREET • ..w.ww rn ur •■w■.w i ■r w ir■ rr■rw.■■■■ rr Try ■■ 313.50` try 33' 96.00 21.50! 1 s I .• �, :y 33` IM ■.■rw.w r.. wrr r.rrrrr r■+ wy �■.■.■r.■ rM�Nl w .00 y gigw.r sAA ..rrrwrrrw •w)wr y� wrrrw■■w w� r��� i. wrwr w.ww rrr w.w w.■w.►w �� rr rr rr _w wrlarr rw rr � �rrw rww�rr. .w w■w r_r► $ a M r ro rrrwwr■rr -_ y■rw- rw-r-rrwrT�r.� tr_r.■r rwrrwwr rr�wwrrr • 33 "" s 33 w.■ 9f3�0` 147.50`' 70.00' �w 313.56 'N mow► STREET �w • ww rwri r ■■.rwwL.rlri■ ■ ■■ 1■ i+ ��r rwrrrr.+_.r�r.r.■rrr ■ 13 TK STREET, rr.r. ii irirrIt r_ur■ru 0- tr, rn"Sao z rn 3: .LM a cm C � to rn z "=I ,t i i 1 1 t f '7