HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0601Oti Oi�' 1-11'1" NTION NO. 601 i �U7,tl'f lON 01 IN'.1 "I.NT'.� OP1 T'O 1MPROV'1,: )TRT: i� :T 1)I,"TR l ;T N0. IN `17-ih !') ' Ui BP.Ir '.Iarl_l), CA.,Ih'0 TiJ ",, ;`1dD TO IS,>ULl BOND,, IN PAYT,'YN`.0 lli' iII;Yolz . li.': IT :,k ` OL'J :;!1 BY V" !; C:OUTV"1L OF `.'Z.i�; ';ITY OF ns follows: That it is the intont1on of the 7ity ,ounci.l of t e ty of Pal,,or: e-Id to orclei the following; work to be done and JM! ;rove- ment to be, mn e in sni. ,ity, to -wit: SECTION 1. That 17th ,troet between t�;e east•erly line of Y" `itreP.t and the westerly line of Union Avenue be improved by t1le construe - t1on nr)d. inntsllntion thereon of an ornamental electrolier street l.igJ�ti.ng system wi.tl? sixty -eJFht (68) electrolier standards and nll ne ,cssar;- conduit and anpurtens !ces, including electxol ier standar,�„ of the Union Metal h':anuf.aat ,,r•ing �'ompnny, design No. 11:91, buJlt to obtain a 1.it;1 t center of fifteen (1,5) feet; ayid ten (10) inches, cowl)lete as d.escri..bod, with ',atalogue Eo. 260302 General. !slectric Form 12 Novolux Unit, and 'Catalogue No. 4X569, Genera]. li:lectric T. 1- Transfoniker. All eleetrol.iers ar.e to be set on Portland 'ement concrete fouiidritions as sl,.own on they i)1an. for seid work. ill so, ti-,eat con,•i,i.it, bF: iustnlled to trr4r)4,1'ornie ; r locat.i.ons or ;onnectjon to ra.rre:,it sup, ly lines. L11 ,If ,�nid °;orl and :improvement is to 1.,e io ac- cor.'rt: ce the plans rind specifications heretofore ran(-J, on the ay of - , 1930, adopted by the 7ity Coun- cil of Baker •field, said plans being entitled "PLAN OIN TF- Ilv'PROV7:- M1• :N`I' OF S7'R'�i',i'.(' DI'Y11hl,*`l' NO. 601 ° and said speci.ficr,tJ.ons beinC, ent:tled. t,o I'i;1.,� O� , Tli'), :T 1j1.. 'liU ,T (00 / " rend w1,JCl- s <i.i.d glans and specif•i:;ations are on file in the o,T l ce of the ; J tI1 Jl- e�r']s of the i tv of and are herf Oi r,n 'cr•rc d. to and by such reference ma_1e a past an�i por- -1- ItIoro hnreor. t t,,),i t I o n J. .9 called t o tI) e j J. c e n r P, P i- r, n t of t)' i t r f: (,, t L 1 c-, �, t i T, t 1: X-. i i ipme n t : oyi i.1) tin I,, of 'P I ifo -i, i i in , of d a t e —I 1930, ond on Vile in the offine of the tY And whereas said contemplated work snn, impi-ov(.!�,ent in the op:Indon of the said Council is of more than local or ordinai°y public benefit., said i3oiuic'l T;ereby malres the costs Rn.d expenses of ,vorl� rind impi,ov(-oftiont chargeable upon a d1sti,io;t, %Odch list"'I -,t sil Id CJ t,7 ,oiincll I,o -eb-,T declares, to he tlic - lstx� 7 ct bene- b1T zAi vforl FTI inrrovo:-eyit pia to )o asserwe,a to P::.- the: anr' -xpnrises I-,hereof, qnd vJiJ.cl. ,,,r-.iJ fft.-Lstrir;t is bounded nnd .os ts , 11 , e . G desci,ibo,.! as follovis: Re-.Inn.ing I) T�Oj.nt on the easterly 1ine. o."' Y -,treot 0 L 140.5 feet northerl,7 fror-., the northerly line of l7th "treet; thence nnrl t;e iiort.. oPl7v line of jr(,th •to tl-n west t•l-- of tJ,c T'j,j.jr,c I,- t)-enae, souti), rly stlid west- erl,v I ' ne of Lhe .I I, a :t 5 feet; tf)e�:-,e eRe terr1711 an, : pni;- I lei ,71•t1r, the nort' -rl-v I.liv, of 1.7th `�trpnt to tl•e (,s,t^r17 1 7 1-1 e -nlor), Pv(mue; Sout-lierly along t,I)e iwst(rly lii,e of Un-7on venue to v c)oint 142 feet southerly from ',-he soiitI)erl7 line of 157th ;',trpet: t1i' jice westerly and. parallel with the sout'norly line of 1'7tli :Itreet to the westerly line of the Eruso '2ra(,t; thence we,,,L:!r17 line of the 1,1,use fr-..et; thence vlestr�r'i,, rnr nnrallell with the soutri.erly line of 17th ,tr(, t to tl,e -1 'lie of 1�. th.cizifo nor,thorl.�, slonr !,,n 17r lane of F. ',r.r^)ot to ti,.(., point of b0L;I-TIn'nL- All in the .,,I-ty of Bal- or;-fiPld. Jal:lfornir;., rs s? own on maps thereof filed in the office of' the County itecorder, as follows: of tI.,e ity of Yern ;',ounty, i.1'c,rn3an filed November 25, 1&98. rPnap of ub(tJvjs on of f; t, 1,ruse, Tra^t", fil(od 1911. NoIJI. o Is her(,L-7 given dint serial bonds to reprr-ent lin- 2 -1 - paid assessments rind bear Int(,,re�,t at tjl(', P -te ,f seven (T,-) per .sent per annum will bo issued iterounder in the manner z)rovj,,ie(:i by the Improvnme),t Bond A.,t of 1915, and all aots, Rmenclator7 thereof, t7,e last inptallment of which, bonds sti,a11. mature yearn from he 4;nd rin, of Jjil, ,I next nu;,cqedliig ten morths from tl.?oj.j- 1,;x(;ept as heL,r,1.n;-,o •*a Provided. for the issuance of :;;Ad serial bonti.s oll of t:.Cl horolin pro; o:,e�l work; shfill 7)e done in pur.suance of s,na !:ct of' the Legislature of ti -P, ;',tn'n o.v r :Ilfovriia, design ted the "Improvement Act of 191.111, RPT)rO%!(-J tpria 7t�-, 1911, and all vi r_ t1riendatory thereof. 1J 0 t-J -,e J. P hereby 1. ve n th n t on W o nd. a 72., the -1 fry of -, 1960, at 6 olclock 11. 1 oL !, irretint7 of' the S'ni(t 'it,; '01.111C.11 In tl�e Joi)nc,111 Jhajr�bnrs of Fqid 'Ity ounc.!] In the At-Y '",qll of the J.11ty of B P 1, n i, ,- f. loll, t�n-y rind all persons 1-.1aving object-loris to tbn nioposerl work or Impi,overr.rnit may npj-.)ear afore ce aid I fy 3oinoi I and show cause why . :F.id pro,:oscd Improvement should not be (3,-irried. out in accor`ance with said Resolution. Die I'It7 )lerk of said %-;!ty of Baker.,ifield shall cause this Resolution of Intention to be published twice in the The Baker-,field Clnllf'oionian, a daily newspaper printed, publis•ed and ,irculated in said "it7 of Bokorsfield, and hereb, 7 de-ignated for t1ant nur,pose by said Jity 'o 'ricil. 111ho ,�trf,et ��uporintondent of said ,:It7,- of al cause to be conspicuously posted along tT)c liner of 3ontemplatf',d work and im;•rovement and along all the open strrets within. raid dis- trict, notice of the passn,�,"e of this Resolution of Intention in the manner za,i,` form ref-Ared by law, and in said. notice lie nl-;nll call attpnt,on to the TA,,-nnse ',grocnont of tiv-; T.Ijjrl;tinj; Mort .;orir,rn7 of 'nlifornia, of date 19301 on I'lle in the office of tho -`t7 '',lcrk. -----000----- I 11'N&-J3Y (,0:RTIPY that the foregoing Resolul.'•Jon of Inten- -3- tion was rclgiilarlz, introduced, passed and adopted by the Joixncil of the City of nt, a regular meeting of said Co;:;-Icil halt on the?*-- day of 1930, by the following vote: Ayes: kek Corbett Readen, Johnson, Martin. Walters Poes: "sniI%c,ar""4 A sent ..I......- .... ................. .............. .... .............. 7-r .... .............. ........ .......I....._._.............._ 4,1 �Pt ir n, o r 17 en( Vx -Crf TI. Fei o 7,5-1—e irk of — -the Coun- cil of the '.I.t7 of Bpker:w-ffteld. of 1930. of,/khe CTt7 of bRkersi'leicL.