HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0604�:` >OLI7TT02d OJ' INT�;NTTOA< NO. �07- HESOLUITION OF INTENT;-ON TO UPtIOVE STREET DISTRI T NO. (Po l� IN THE CITY OF' B.KER: b'TliL, II0ri2d:[A. BE IT Rli.EsOLVED BY `.PHIS COi7NCIL OF THF� CI`17 OT BAKEriS! II D, as follows: That it is the intention of the 'City %ouncil of the City of Bakersfield, to order the foll wing work to be done and improve- ment to be made in said City, to -wit: SECTION 1. Work. (a) That cement concrete sidewalks be constructed to the official line and grade where shown to be constructed on the plan for said work on either side of 18th Street between the westerly line of the Kruse Tract and a line 132 feet westerly from snd parallel with the westerly line of R Street. (b) That a cement concrete driveway, with 7 foot radius curb returns, be constructed on the northerly side of 18th Street where shown on the plan for said work. All in the jity of Bakersfield as shown on that certain map entitled "Map of the City of Bakersfield, Bern County, California" filed in the office of the County Recorder of said Kern County, Nov- ember 25, 1898. All of said work and improvement is to be done in accordance with the plan and specifications he.retof ^re and on the �ay of 1930, adopted by the Council of the City of Ba ersfield, said plan being entitled "PLAN FO , TIFIF TIMPI; OV . ;,:!,IT OF DISTHIGT N0. �� " and said specifications being entitled n �I,CIFI,ATTO r'ON TIiL IP�'0" eh: N'`l' 01' STHE ":T DIBIP.tI;T NO.��� and whi,]z said plan and specifi +rations are on file in t' -e ofF'ice of the City Clerk of the i ity of Bakersfield, end are hereby referred to and by such reference m=ade a part and portion hereof, and in this connection the said plrn rnd specifications also show the exact lo- cation of the aforesaid work and improvement. ?A D ',`k'.E ;?K ;AS, said conteinplated works and improvement in the -1- opinion of said City Council is of more than local or ondinar- public benefit, said Council hereby mares the costs and expenses of sail work and improvement chargeable upon a district, w'rich. district said City 7ouncil hereby declares to be the district benefited by said wort, and im- rovement and to be assessed. to pay the costs and expenses thereof, and which said district is bounded and described as follows; Beginning at a point in the center line of 1.8th Street where the samie is intersected by the westerly, line of R Street; thence northerly along the westerly line of Ii Street to a point 115.5 feet northerly from the northerly line of 18th Street; t'r.eace easterly and parallel with the northerly line of l8th Street to a point 271 feet easterly from the easterly line of 4 :';treet; thence southerl,7 and parallel wi.t',' the easterly; line of S Street to a point 115.5 feet soutrerl:�= from the sout?-�eriy line oi' 18th Street; thence westerly and pan-llel wj t>, the southerly line of 1�_t'r Street to a point 132 feet > ^res erly from tl,e westerly line of 1 �'treet; thence nort-beriv and parallel_ with the wester37r line of F Street to file center line of 18th Ftr(,et; thence easterl;* along the center line of 18'-.h ;3 -reet to the point of beginning. All in the :7ity of Bek_ersfield, County of Kern, state ,; ^f ,al.ifornia. All of the herein r:roposed work shall be -one in Pursuance of an act of the Legislature of tr,e State of wa_' .if err ie, desii-na.ted the "Improvement ^ct. of 1911" approved Apr=il 7th, 1911, and 81_1 acts amendatory thereof. // Notice is hereby given that on Monday, the �� day of 1930, at 8 olclocic p. 11. at a. regular neet ink of �e said Ci y 'lounc �l in the Council Chamber of said City Council Hell 0%' the City of Bakersfield, any and all pe; ions hrvling in the ity any objections to the !,roposeY a k or i,rrrovem, r)t may ap;:sar tD -fore said ;;ity „ouncll a'; d show _,al_iNe why sairi proposed it]Shl'o\7eiT7ent Sl'olald not be carried out in accordance with said re=u>lut -on. The Jit ,ler'_< ,f s=. __d ,ity sl,lall cause t'r.is Iies.o,iuticn of Intention to be punlishe ,.i t; "11ce in the The lre''Si181C 1� ,r' 7 , a daily newspcper printed, publisled and cl.rculated in r:i.d '717-v of Bakersfield, -nd hereby deli -neted for tip! t T ose by said ;itzr ;ouncil. The : trect Superintendent of said ity of Bakersfield s " -11 cause to be conspicuously- °,osted along- the ',ire, of said cor- temolated -.work and imp °ovenent and aloe, the open streets ,r „it; ^in s, id district notice of f,,.e nassaEe of this :esc+i__tior of Int nlion in the manner anti fore recuired by lave. that the f re o ;ink; %�A „sol ition .,f Int llt i.on was regule.rl- intro,:9.uced, passed and adopted by the :,ounci?. of � e ,ity of Bakersfield, at a regular neetinE of said ':ouncil held. on `he ►N�-- _ d, of 1930, by the followinf; vote; 1 x et C�� h Crrb it, II ter., J al sort, T, a Ein, i*' i....... P.nd ? ,ouncil of t'-.e ,ity o1' } a;-ers :i.el i l� T, 1930. /W / ,