HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0608RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 66 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION FOR P LIC IMP ii OVEME NT DISTRICT NO. 60W, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIEL , - ORNIA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF TFE CITY 01, BAKERSPIELD, as follows: That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield., to order the following work to be done and improve- ment to be made in said City, to -wit: SECTION 1. ALLEY PAVING. (a) That the alley running northerly and southerly through Block 166, between the northerly line of 22nd. Street and the south- erly line of 23rd Street, and for the full width of said alley, be graded and that a pavement of cement concrete five (5) inches in thickness be laid thereon. (b) That the alley running northerly and southerly through Block 153, between the northerly line of 23rd Street and the southerly line of 24th Street, and for the full width of said alley, be graded and that a pavement of cement concrete five (5) inches in thickness be laid thereon. (c) That the alley running northerly and southerly through Block 126, between the northerly line of 24th. Street and the southerly line of 25th Street, and for the full width of said alley, be graded and that a pavement of cement concrete five (5) inches in thickness be laid thereon. (d) That the alley running northerly and s outherly t' rough Block 113, between the northerly line of 25th; Street and the southerly line of 26th Street, and for the full width of said alley, be graded and that a pavement of cement concrete five (5) inches in thickness be laid thereon. (e) That the alley running northerly and southerly through Block 487, between the northerly line of 26th Street and the souther - -1- ly line of 27th Street, and for the full width of said alley, be graded and that a pavement of cement concrete five (5) inches in thickness be laid thereon. (f) That the alley running northerly and southerly through Block 514, between the northerly line of 27th Street and the southerly line of 28th Street, and for the full width of said alley, be graded and that a pavement of cement concrete five (5) inches in thickness be laid thereon. (g) That the alley running northerly and southerly through Block 527, between the northerly line of 28th, Street and the south- erly line of 29th Street, and for the full width of said alley, be graded and that a pavement of cement concrete five (5) inches in thickness be laid. thereon. (h) That the alley running northerly and sou tlierly through Block 114 between the northerly line of 25th Street and the southerly line of 26th Street, and for the full width of said alley, be graded and that a pavement of cement concrete five (5) inches in thickness be laid thereon. (i) That the alley running northerly and southerly through Block 486, between the northerly line of 26th Street and the south- erly line of 27th. Street, and for the full widtY of said alley, be graded and that a pavement of cement concrete five (5) inches in thickness be laid thereon. SECTION 2. SEWER. (a) That an eight (8) inch sewer of vitrified salt glazed sewer pipe be constructed along the following described lines: Along the cent <r line of the alley running northerly and southerly through Bl-,cks 114, 486, and 515, and the extension southerly of said center line from a point 29.25 feet southerly from the northerly line of 25th Street, northerly to a point 20 feet southerly from the southerly line of 28th Street. -2- Along a line F?9.25 feet southerly from and parallel with the northerly line of 25th Street, from a point 23.85 feet easterly from the westerly 'Line of I Street, easterly to a point 132 feet easterly front tY.e easterly line of I Street. (b) That a six (6) inch sewer of vitrified salt glazed sewer pipe be constructed along the following described line: Along the center line of the alley running northerly and southerly through Blocks 527 and 554 and the extension northerly of said center line from a point 20 feet northerly from the north- erly line of 28th Street to a point 28.75 feet northerly from the southerly line of 30th Street. SECTION 3. MANHOLES AND LAMPHOLES. To construct manholes and lampholes where shown to be con- stru3ted on the p: an for said wort: and to place "Y" branches in said sewer for house connection at each lot, piece or parcel of land in the district; the exact location of the "Y" branches to be designated by the ".ity Engineer. The "Y" branches from the eight (8) inch sewer shall be 8 inch x 6 inch "Y" branches. The "Y" branches from the six (6) inch line sx;all be 6 inch x 4 inch "Y" branches. SECTION 4. HOUSE CONNECTIONS. House connections shall be laid between the sewer and the property line in all alleys where pavement is to be constructed. SECTION 5. SIDEWALK AND CURB. That cement concrete sidewalk and curb be. constructed to the official line and grade along the northerly line of 27th Street between the westerly line of K Street and. a line 125 feet westerly therefrom ,and parallel therewith. SECTION 6. MAP REsF�,'zElv.E. The Blocks herein mentioned are as shown on "Map of the 'ity of Bakersfield, Kern County, .",alifornia ", filed in the office of the ,ounty Recorder of Kern County, California, November 25, 1898. -3- SECTION 7, GRADES. All of the above described work shall be done to such grades as are shown on the plan and profile for said work and to the official grades as have been established by Orc;.inance No. 175 of the City of Bakersfield. SECTION 8. PLANS AND SPECI7r ^aATIONS. All of said work and improvement is to be done in accord- ance with the plan and specifications heretofore and on the day of _P , 1930, adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, said plan being entitled "PLAN FOIE THE IMPROVE- KENT OF PUF'ILI1 IIriP OVF'MENT DISTRICT NO. 666 rr and said specifica`ions being entitled "SP'' "IFICATIO'�S FOrt THEW IMPROVEMENT OF PUBLIC Iit1P:0�k- MENT DIS` f ' ii- NO. �09 " and which said plan and specifications are on file in the office of the 3ity Clerk of the "ity of Bakersfield and are hereby referred to and by such reference made a part and por- tion hereof, and in this connection the said plan and specifications also show the exact location of the aforesaid work and improvement. SECTION 9. LICENSE AGREMIENT. Attention is called to the License Agreement for use of "Hunt Pro -ess" of date lY , 1930, issued by McF.verlast Inc. of Los Angeles, California, and on file in the office of the ,ity Clerk. SECTION 10. DISTRICT. AND MEiEAS, said contemplated work and improvement in the opinion of said City council is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, said Council hereby makes the costs anc'. FxT�enses of said work and improvement chargeable upon a district, which district said City Council hereby declares to be the district benefited by said work and improvement and to be assessed to pas the costs and expenses thereof, and w'nich said district is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of 22nd -4- Street with the westerly line of K Street; thence northerly al ng the westerly line of K Street to the center line of 30th Street; thence westerly along the center line of 30th Street to the easter- ly line of Chester Avenue; thence southerly along the easterly line of Chester Avenue to the southerly line of 28th Street; thence westerly along the southerly line of 28th Street to the easterly line of I Street; thence southerly along the easterly line of I Street to the southerly line of 26th Street; thence westerly along the southerly line of 26th Street to the westerly line of I Street; thence southerly along the westerly line of I Street to the center line of 25th Street; thence easterly along the center line of 25th Street to the easterly line of Chester Avenue; thence southerly along the easterly line of Chester Avenue to the northerly line of 22nd Street; thence easterly along t,,--,e northerly line of 22nd Street to the westerly line of K Strcet, and the point of beginning. SECTION 11, SERIAI= BONDS. Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments and bear interest at the rate of seven (7,%) per cent per annum will be issued. hereunder in the manner provided by the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, and all acts amendatory there- of, the last installment of which bonds shall mature four (4) years fron. the 2nd day of July next succeeding ten months from their date. SECTION 12. IMPROVEN.,1NT ACT. Except as hereinabove otherwise provided for the is�ouance of :paid serial bonds all of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, desi�gi ated the "Improvement Act. of 1911 ", approved April 7th, 1911, and all acts amendatory thereof. SECTION 13. PROTEST DA`.!1;. Notice is hereby given that on Monday, the �� day of 1930, at 8 o'clock P. M. at a regular meeting of the said city Council in the Council Chamber of said City Council in the City Hall of the City of Bakersfield, any and ell persons having any -5- objections to the proposed work or improvement may appear before said City ,ouncil and show cause why said proposed improvement should not be carried out in accordance with said Resolution. SECTION 14. PUBLICATION. The City Clerk of said City of Bakersfield shall cause this Resolution of Intention to be published twice in the The Bakersfield Californian, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in said City of Bakersfield, and hereby designated for that purpose by said City Council. SECTION 15, POSTING. The Street Superintendent of said City of Bakersfield shall cause to be conspicuously posted along the lines of said contemplated work and improvement and along all the open streets within said dis- trict, notice of the passage of this Resolution of Intention in the manner and form required by law, and in said notice he shall call attention to the License Agreement of McEverlast Inc. of Los Angeles, California, for "Hunt Process ", of date Y y 1930, on file in the office of the City Clerk. ----- o0o - - - -- I HERIBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution of Inten- tion was regularly introduced, passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting of said Council ?geld on the %%"'-� day of � , 1930, by the follow- ing vo te: Ayes: , Carioek. Corbett. Haaden. Johnaon. Martin. Walters Abr::nt - -- - —__ - - -- — coo � erk o ie ity of Bakersfield. , 1930.