HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0620RESOLUTIM' of IDMIMol No.6yo Rt,1S()LUTION OF INTENTION 1110 CLOSE A PORTIOI'i OF ` lil;' ALLEY IN .CLOCK 178, GODM' TRACT, IN 'a!E CITY OF BAKF;IYS1IELD, CAL1F'Oi`J!1A. 21; IT :R.!,SOLVEE, B`'" 'ITE COUNCIL OF `1'}:Ii:; Cl,_; OF 1'AJILE 61.'IELD, as follows: That it 1s toe intention of tl•)e Council of the City of Bakersfield to order the closing of that portion of an alley herein described; and that the lands :included within the boundaries; of such portion an described, be abandoned; save and e.7cept the perpetual ri8ht and easenent to use and enjoy any or all of the property des- cribed herein., for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing, laying, maintaining or repairing the following: A sewer line and all of its component parts used or enjoyed in connect-i-on therewith; also any other instrumentalities of sanita- tion; also water pipes, fire hydrants and appliances for fire protec- tion and all appurtenances thereto belonging; also water pipes and connections for the distribution of a domestic wator supply; also any other oublic system or thinf,, and all of its component parts which may be used and enjoyed in connection therewith, that the City of Bak- ersfield may desire to place, or to have placed therein. The alley in that portion of Block 178, Godey Tract, as said block is shown on a Plat of The Godey Tract filed in Book 1 of laps, Page 33, Records of Kern County, California, lying southwesterly of Golden State Avenue. All of the herein proposed work and inprovement shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of Calif- ornia, entitled 'W1 ACT '20 KOVIDE F01 THE LAYIT�G OUT, OPr.i,Ib;G, ING, JIDEIIING, STRAIGIITLNIi :G OR CLOSING UP, I1.1 MIOL'E OR Ii,! PART ANY ST'REE'T, S�,;UAti1, LAt;,'h, ALLEY, COURT OR PLACE 44ITFIIN UUNICIPALI`1`IUh AND TO COPM1 :2i AND ACQUIRE h Y AIiI) ALL LAND NBCESSAk"" OF CON%1 ENIf :,N'T .OR THAT PURPOSE" approved March 6, 1889, and the several acts amendator; � thereof or suppleuental thereto. The district benefited by said closing is described as follows: All that portion of Block 178, Godey 'Tract, as said block is shovni on a Plat of The Godey Tract filed in Book 1 of Daps, PRt.e 33, Records of Kern Cou:itv-, California, lyJ.rig southwesterl-.v of Col:-en State Avenue. The The Bakersfield Californian is hereby designated as the daily newspaper published and circulated in said City in w1hich the Street Superintendent's notice of the passage of this Resolution shall be punished. I FF':H'RY CERT17 that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfiel "d., on the 1-44-4 day of ! 1937, by the following vote: Coca 6 Rug T � '7 C1Z�t ity C er z and t= icio Clerk of the Council oof' the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED me this /—*44 day of !tom—, , 1937. IIAYOTI, of the City o Ba�tersfie1ci. '_.