HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0624P.LSULJ i0I' UY' i.., .:1I iu .0.6i'4 ESOLU'._1O Oi ,`l_'.0.. '1'0 LO�i, R A POR'2_r OI,, OF 11TI -I STREET AlZi ALLZY Iii BLOCKS 12, 13, 36 AND 37, LOVT,LL ADDITICi, Ii' `1' -L CITY or, ;Ar7i tY S2'IELD, "AJ 1'0«:I1? . F 1T i " ;OLV ;D EY _::F COU1XIL OF ' i% CITY 011 as follows: 1,r.,t it is the intention of th© Council of the City of i',ai�:ercfield to order the closin,t of the following described portions of streets and alleys; and that the lands included within the boundaries of such portions as described, be abandoned; {save and except ',he perpetual ric,-ht and easenent to use and. enjoy any or all of the property described Herein, for the purpose of con - Etr?1CtJ.ri€, reconstruCtin ,, :InstallinL,, L,:.'f_ntaininE or repairi r_ the followinE;: A seiier line and all of its compo-.ent parts used or enjoyed in connection therewith; also any other instrumentalities of sanitation: also water pipes, fire hydrants ano. ap?:)liances for fire protection= and all appurtenances thereto Belo, i`n. ; also water pipes and connections for the distribution of a domestic water supply; also any other ;:,n' ^lic system or thing and all of its coriponent parts which may be used ai_d enjoyed in connectio - there, :Iith., that 1,-he City of r>akerefield may desire to tile.ce, or to have ,laced Herein. Eleventh Street bet,:een the easterly line of Q Street and the easterly boundary lire of the Lowell Addition to the Toi of Bakersfield, the lands necessary and convenient to be abandoned_ for said purpose being, particularly described as follows: Bed inn. n.` at the point formed b-;r the intersection of the easterl�� line of Street and t'ne southerly line of 11th Street, as said streets are laid down and shown on that certai__ map entitled "Yap of the Lowell Addition to the Town of Bakersfield ", recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, January 11, 1892, -1- and as amended January 7, 1897, and runn.i�.g thence northerly aloe : the easterly line of said Q Street to ital point of '_ ntersection with the northerly line of se id 11th Street, thence easterly aloe.- the norther- ly line of said 11th Street to its point of intersection with the easterly boundar,r line of the Lowell Additio_. to the Town of -Lahers- field, thence southerly alon . the eastcrl; bounda-ry line of said i.owell. Addition to its point of intersection with the southerly line of slid 11th. Street, thence westerly along the southerly line of said 11th Street to its point of intersection with the easterly line of said � Street and the point of be 7innin ;. ExceptinE, however, fro-f­, the above described parcel of lalxi a portioe thereof, described. as follows: Beginnin; at tie point of Intersection of the southerly line of saiCL 11th Street with the westerly= line of R Street, as F Street is laid down and shown on said map, and rL ning thence northerly alon., the said westorly line of said lift Street to its po'.nt of i.nter- sectiotl with the northerly _line of saic'. 11th Street, thence easterl,. alone, t'-_e northerly tine of said lith Street to its point of inter - sectio't .rith the easterly line of said F Street, thence southerly along, the easterly line of said h Street to its point of intersec- tion with the soi therly line of said 11th Street, thence westerly along t 'r;e southerly line of said 11th. Street to its intersection with the westerly, line of said R Street and the point of beEinnir_g. Also, further excepting fro.-i� the said above described par- cel of land a l,ortion thereof, described. as follows: SeE,inning at the po- rit of intersection of the southerly line of said lltT_ Street with the westerly line of S Street, as S Street 9_s laid_ dorIr and shown on said r. ap, and. run:, i n_° thence northerl,:- alone; said westerly line Of said S Street to its point of intersection ;arith the northerly line of eaic'- 11th Street, t'.- !.ence easterly alon, ti:;.e northerly line of said_ lltl: Street to its point of intersectio». ,vitl: the easterly line of said E Street-, t. ence southerly along the easterly line of said S street to its point of -2- intersection. :�Titl the souti::erly line o:' sai . llt ?: trc: et, thence westerly aloe. the ro :tl er1 - line of said llt1- 6t.reet to its ,o� ,_ -.t of intersection with, the westerly Nine of seid S Street anc, the point of be­ 1=1n(. Also, fvrther.• excentinL: _'rorm the said above fescribed parcel of land a nort'. on hereof described as follows: e E at a po'._,:t in the sout,)erly line of said lltl Street distant therein one hundred t�,Venty (120) feet easterly from. the ea tleriy, line of Street and running; thence northerly aloe.` a. line one hundred tent (120) feet easterly fror:: and parallel -Lvitn the easterly line of said 0 Street a distance of ei�ty -t-:ro ,md one-h.,.-If (82') feet to a point in iaie northerly ii-ne of said liti: Street, the -ice easterly a.lonU the norther7_,,T line of said 11th Street a of twenty -four (24) feet, thence so-:t'nerly alone; e li_,e one hundred forty-four (144) feet easterl from end Parallel wit'­ the easterl;r line of said. rG Street a ;'istance of eie,I,ty -t�ITo and one -half (82 ) feet to a po`_nt in t"-,e so,, ltherl,r ilne of saie llth Street, thence tiiesterlt, alon,= the so -,-,.therly line of Fic; ilt', Street P. twenty -four (24) feet to the no2nt of b e _gi, n_r, Also, fu.rtl -er excer:t`.n` from the said above described parcel of land a Portion thereof, described as folloivs: at a co r.t in the sou.thei,l,T line of said 11th Street distant therein one hu-ndred twenty (120) feet easterly fro.;: the east:erl,T 11ne of said . Street snd ru2:1nL_i�; tl_ence ly aloi.,; a 1`,n.e o; e: hundred t,.Iie ,t,- (120) feet easterly from and parallel vii ti:. the ea- terly line of said l'L Street a distance of eighty-two any. one -half (82') feet to a oolnt in the northeri,: line of sai:, ll t'.,i Street, tL.er_ce easi eri;;? aloe � tt ~.e northerly line of said 11th Street a distance of t,ventyy -four (24) feet, thence sou.tl,.erly along; a 171_ne one hundred fort? -four (144) feet easterly from and. parallel - ith -3- the easterly IfIne of said 1 :street 7. distance (D.f and one-half (82-;2L-) feet to a l;oi_nt L i the sou-Iher'L -,.- D-'.ne of said iltin Street, then.ce ,veste�rlY alo, ,L­ -the southerly ­ line of said! _Iltl� Str( et a distance o' t•enty-four (24) feet to tlne poi__nt O.'r. :)e­i-nnI_-,,g. That -the follow!_n_,-_, described ,) o r t i o, i of that c e rt- a I n a I -I e - r rumnln_ northerly and southerly In -3locks 12, 13, 36 and. 37, LoTveil Addition., as said "31ocks 12, 13, 36 and 37 at lai,-I donrn and shm-in on that certain T-ap entitled `i'ap of the Lo-viell Addition to the Town Of recorded in +1-1-ie office of t,,e Cou--rity, 'Pecorder of Coimt', Januf:r7r 11, 1892, r.nd as amended Ja-_nuf_ry 7, 1397, I*ro,,�l the southerly 1.Y1 of tl.-n. alie-- east- ^rl,r and. i-,q Sala 3loc'. 12 to the nortlerl- line of 8th Street, as Cthl Street is la'­5 do-:.-n and shovrn on said ",.'ap of the Lowell Add�.t' on. to the To in of 3ako­s'Lield" be closed, and that the lands included wlthiei the boun.`ai,ies of suc,I Port .o, as described be abandoned. `Oh��t tl.(- lands i necessary and conven-e nt, to ^e abandoned for said pur,,ose are partilcularl-1, described as follo!,!s: 11::17.1 ^.`. at the -;Do!-,,t f m ored by the. intersection of the southerly llne of t'-,,e alley rimni-n-- easIterl- and westorl- in said Bloch 12 mill_ aest=ly line of the alle %running northerly and southerl�� --*,.n saki `.lock, 12, and runlli 1U thence easterly aloyi-, -the said so,,_)t'c.erI-,., 17ne of said alley runnin- easte,ly and ,vesterl-.% 7locir 12 �­.stance of ('24) feet to its -oO*nt of intercect-1-on the easterlz-, line of the said alley ranni--al-,, north- and soat'herl-,r in said 7_,lock 12, thence soi.,,t-I-.ej-l-- s•id eastl�.­!­ line of saIrIL alley to its noint of terSeCt On '71th the U In iortl�erl-s, lli-e of llt'r,, Street as lit], Street Ls a i d, d o,,- anc. si,own on said " -_­o of the Lowell Ad�atl_o; ., -to the Twvn of Mahe;-3field", 'hence wes terl alon, the nort,-_erly line of sai,a lltI Street & dis- tance of twenty -four (24) feet to its -ooi.nt of wf-t'n westerl- line o__ maid. alle- -nortller­ and sout-r.erl.; n. S` `d Block 12, the lce nort` erl­ alo-ti- ;-he riesterly line of said aile-%r to its po-.-.It of ntersection wit-f, the so,--therly, line of said. alley runnii---t , easterly and westerly in said Mock 12, 7-*nd wl i ch. -,-,)o'.nt is the ool.nt o-'-' Also, a parcel of land particularly described as follows: BeL-,i-n-a-I.n( at the point formed by the intersect' on of the LI sout',,erl'T line of said 11th Street -,vitl', the aesterly 1-1-iie of the alley ru:,minE norther-F and southerly through said Blochs 13, 36 and 37, and runnirC, t'l-le-nee easterly alonE,, the sald southerly line o:, ` said 11th Str-';et a distance of twenty (20) feet to its -go'-nt of intersection the easterl-,,- line of said alley, thence, southerly along the easterl,,- line of saia' alley- to its pol:ct of intersect.7-o, the nort'f-erl-y line of said Pthl Street, thence vies 1orly alor)E t' -- nortlr,erl;' , 1°.ne of said 3tr Street a -Iistance of t-menty (20) feet to its point of lnte.,L-I-ectlon with the westerly line of said alley, thence nort".erly along the westerly line of said alley to it,• point of inter,.,ectlon with the southerly line of said 11th Street and tl--,e '00int of beginning. Excepting, hovever, from the aL)ove described parcel of land a ,-.,ortion thereof, described as follows: The L-atersection formed by said alle-Y runnin-- ortherl,-, and so-o-the-r,--,-,,j- in said Elocks 13, 36 and 37 with 9th Street, as 9th. Street is lai". f-ov7n and shown on said '?'.-ap of the Lowell Addition to the Town of T-lakersfleld." Also, further excepting from, the said alcove described parcel of land a port-7ori thereof, described as follovis: The intersection formed b-- said slle-,r northe--ly and so,..Ilhe,,rl,r In said �-'Dloclxs 13, 36 and 37 -,.pith lOt'-,- Street, as Lowell 10-1-'11 Street is laid (-Iown shown on said Aftrdit'.on to th.e Town of -ake sfield.lz All of '-D- he pror�osc:u -t tr,,e of e, S'-, "-e of be dore �-n cursuance of Le_- J<::1__'_., , ,, - J. a , , L 1 1,- 1 r --'� _'- , Z - , -_ v; v, -� J" .0-- u �- - L... .; 'J'.; J-1 Tii- J as A I t j F, d a n cl I r c ul of --------- "Jo ---------- LL o / �/ �i - '0ZE': "y - � 1-11 1 AYES: GIST M MILLAN, SMITH, SOLLERS, WILSON 0 "' GIST, .. I . . . .... .......... - .......... . ... HOES....... ol AB'-Z..T: ........ . ........ ........ . ...... —.— ...... . ... . ....... 7, L -f-7- Gowi';il of tl p t r)f jwv�' il�3�31. o-C