HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0638A 1:0,111CILUIT J".0 ,,,j 0.,' iO_: T,_', GLOL)l . a (,,1E1�Ti.L IN F01',T101; 0.1- T L)TREET, 27Th 28TH 297i,', 30TI-I 6", rz ',b A-i4D 31S` OTT, THT, alit: Y I. LO 497, 504, 5371 544, 5 7 A!�J, 594, 1 RT; Q Y )1` )_ ! BE 1T BY THE COU1,41CIL. 01c 7:11-h .,1'_`Y '-di' as follows: That it is tire intention of the Council of the City of Bakersfield to order the closing oC a portion of certain streets and an alley herein described, &nd that:. the I,Fjcluded within the boundaries of .such portior, as described, be abandored: All of those certain portiens of unopened stxeets and an lley, described as follows, to-vilt: (a) All the portion of T Meet lyirp zasonly of the East line of Parl,:, as per map thereof recorded in Book 3 at page 9 of Paps, hecords of 1,ern C,ounty, California, from l,he Pro- longati.on Westerly of the Southerly line of Flock 49'7 to the line of 30th 6treet as per Deed thereof recorded _,%ov--n-jer 15, 1940, in Boor 974, at page 49, official Recorbs, Kerr. 1-ca7int., ;:street the prol,,_)ng.ati­� and 1'rom the nartharly line of s<,id 3')t?, ' �t Gesterly of the Northerly 11ne of Bloc,,, '9A. (b) A11_ those portions c)i' streets jyi,,,).L' bet,Teerl njocks 497 _,,nd 504; Slocks 504 and 537; Blocks 537 and 544; -31oc*i),,_, 544 v-tTI6 5'i7; f,1o(-;.-s 5377 and 594, from the hasterly line t the c, viientlon.ed T Street to a I.I.ne 264 feet La,--terl- y o!' and -,()��rail(,l with svic Eas"rly line of T Street, excepting therrfrc)m anit portion corit,11-nea in the aforesaid Deed of iRigM-of-v;aY for 3"Oth �tT­--yet- (c) All of that all" lying 122 feet Llast:� -rlY of the East line of the abm,e mentioned T 2)t2 eet and. exle.nding and Sowjwrljf,froir the South Nine of Block 497 to the rjor` ii-C, of ',loc'-: 594, excepting, therefrom any z ortLon contained it the afore- said Deed for street. -I- All of the above mentiorod. blocc—, ,­Jua bloo',.s are Did mt arA shown an Map of tine City of a:er field, hecorciRd 1dovc-mljer 2,5, ill Boo4 1, at pages 13 and 14 K laps, Reconis of Kern. County, California. A.( J. of t.ne erein proposed wor.; improverneat shal-JL be done in pursuance of an act a-,,' the Le,Islaturc of the btate of Caiiforni.s_, entitled "AN ACT To _iYlj."G OUT, OPEC ."i G, WENDINU, 11DIKYU) 6TAMUHTs-10 OIL GLOWIG 6PI E WK, Cn. 104 PART, aNY WHEEL SQUA.`J TO Abb ACIA14 Wl hAD ahL LANJ UCKWA-Y o . C-01,!V' iUl"POW, approved T.jarch S, 13 q, and the several acts amendatory thereof or sup;lemrmtai thereto. The district benefited by s-, id closing is described a.-; f a Llnws: All of the aforesaid Blacks 497, 554 13" 544 §37 sn,,,i 941 as c),,it ��,nr)'_ shfpin an that ce.i-tai.- ma, entitled of , i,he City of i3aForsf.Kld, KErn Colinty, Caliiori ial', fliec', in the office of the County hecorker of said Kerr County, Novn ber 25, 1893, in Lap Book 1, pages 13 and 14. The Tl�e _iakf-rsfield Cal-j.f.'orYi.Jjan is hereby designated &s !-,he daily neklispaper pl:i(;lis1-ied and circulated in s ­idl' City ir, VV icn the 6treet buperintendent's notice of the a G.re of tr A_s Ke_sr)lutlo shall be published. ------------- T r!T,; i.EBY CEETIFY that the foregoing ReFv)lUtlon w,, ;,s rasp rd. ..nd adorted by the Council of the Gity of on the ;Z_7*�l day of 1941, by the vote: AYES; CL04ENTS, 04ft"I b1%'U*ke;:2'P am"' SIEV40H, SMITH, I SOLLERS, VERCAMMEM NOES, - ' -jam ASSE14T --------------- ------------------- o -------------- ---------------------- City Cfp_;� �-he 'r,-, 6_la X-Officio 1 Council of the City of baknrsfleld. A i E' -,OVID by me this ay of 1841. ,f o" le City 0 Its y of T T T�l ", Cfiy a f 4-L , �1