HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0640RESOLUTION OF II'aTENTION No. 640 RE36OLUTIO `; OF I:17TE11TIO N TO . CLOSE PORTIONS OF THE EAST -WEST ALLEY IN BLOCK PTO. 4, IN 711U] CITY OF BAIMRSVIELD, CALIFORNIA. DE IT - UoOLVED 171' TIM, COUNCIL 07 TIIIJ CITY OF :3A"TR6'i'IrLD, as follows: That it is the intention of the Council of the City of Dalcersfield to order the closirIC of those portions of the alley herein described, and that the lands included within the boundaries of such portion, as described, 'be abandoned; save and except the perpetual right and ease - inent to use :.nd enjoy any or all of the property described herein for the purpose of coptruct i aC, reconstructing, installing, laying, maintaining or repairing; the following: A sealer line cnd all of its component parts used or enjoyed in connection therewith; also any other 'instrumental itie s of sanitation; also aat6r pipes fire hydrants and appliances for fire protection and all appurtenances hereto belonginei also water pipes and connections for the distribution of a domestic water supply; also any other public :,yste�n or thing and all of its component parts which may be used and enjoyed in connection therewith that the City of 3al:,ersfield may desire to place or to have placed therein. All of those portions of the east -west alley in Block No. 4, as said Uloc;, is shown on "The Revised . ap of the Bernard Addition to :ern" filed in the office of the County Recorder of .Kern County, June 12, 13;'3, in 11'ap I;ooh 1, pa-.-e 43, described as follows: '.he westerly line of .;u',er Street to the easterly line of the north - rout;- <�llel' in 3ai(3 ::loc', No. 4, and rtlso frorl the -:iesterly line of said north -south alley to the south line of -3ernard Street. All of the herein proposed wor_, and improvement shrill be done in pursuance of an act of the Legi: ;lature of the State of California, en- titled "All ACT TO PROVIDE FOR TIt� LAYING OUT, OPENING, Fsr:7' � TOIITG, ',IIDi IT- 1. ITTTG, STIIAIGI7E-NTING 0., CLOSIT;G T.TP, IT, ', 1-10LF OR ITT T'Aa'IT � ANY ST1IEFT, ,itiUA1iT3, LAITY, ALL77, COI.':t^ O:t PLACL - JIT;TIS,T ,, ?aTICIPALI "'IES WTU TO CO ; DET..."I A :T:) Ai`Y AM ALL LA77.) TI_ECE,86SARY of C0i7.7'i'IT:;'". 00:1 THA'" :11RPOS; ", approved T.:arch a, l "39, and the several acts emendator; thereof or supplemental thereto. The district benefited by said closing is described as follows: All of Dlor,'_ 'No. 41 as saicl ''Iocic is shovm on "The Revised ir:ap of the 'ernard Addition to :ern", filed for record in the office , the County iecorder of ::ern County, rune 129 1'�939 in Trap 13ooI: 1, Page 43. "." ie : a!— ersfield Californian is hereby desi,nated as the daily ne,,,ispaper .11,iblishecl and circulated in said City in which the Street Superi i.t:.en(,1nnt's notice of the passave of this :ieoolution :hall be pu1:�1 i aTtcil . I TIT+r:lE Y CERTIFY that the foreeoinr, tesolution cTas passed slid adopted bar theiCounnil of the City of Ba'.ersfield, on the —day of / , 1943. AYES: GLF.ME MI MMtMA XE, now, SlfN ". W", W W W1, YMMY" NOFS:. ----------'---- ------ ABSENT: ------ ^'------'-^^---'_--^---"----"- �rf�lcio City C.l er' of the Council of the City of ",a'.ersfield. APPi077ED 1n1 n C' `;1?I day of 1943- ' —_ `he "it.- o_`' Da_.er3f=17. 6`X-107 of 2.