HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0641RESOLUTION OF IAMMON LTO . 641. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CLOSE A CERTAIII PORTION OF JE'dETT AVEIM IN ThE CITY OF BAIMRSFIELD, CALIFORII.IIA. -jE IT '-.M1S'oLVED ",Y Ti 4E "'OUITUIL OV THE CITY 0Y as follows: Thtit it is the intention of the Council of the City of 13a',-cersfield to order the closing of that portion of Jewett Avenue herein described; and that the lands included within the boundaries of such portion, as described, be abandoned; save and except the perpetual right and ease- rent to use and enjoy any or all of the property described herein for the purpose of constructing, reconstructin,;, installing, laying, maintaininS or repairing the following: A sewer line and all of its component parts used or enjoyed in connection therei,rith; also any other instrumentalities of sanitation; also water pipes, fire hydrants and applicances for fire protection and all appurtenances thereto belonging; also water pipes and con- nections for the distribution of a domestic water supply; also any other public systen or thing and all. of its component parts which r.a',,r be used and enjoyed in connection therewith tl7 At t1,1e City of 3a'.:ersffield may desire to place or to have placed therein. All of that certain portion of Jewett ive--lue lyin-- soutlierl' r of the proposed southerly line of 30th Street, describe',- as follows: 3eginninC at a point in the westerly line of Jewett Avenue feet southerly from the southerly line of 30th ;)treot as sai(I streets are sho,,,:n L,nd delineated on -'..ap o'. the City Of ."'ern -y, recorded in �'00'�� 1 ol -.ars .;ounl. 11 California, - &t pares l-) and 14, ecords of -..�crn County, Caliornia; thence easterly and. parallel with the Southerly line of said d 30th L)treet to the easterly line of said ipviett Avenue; thence southerly along said !_",t of V�ay line easterly line of Jewett avenue to t-he northeasterly ri _:�l of the Coothern PP �-cific Company's main line ris,,Pt Of way; thence north,uesterli, L,,lonE said northeasterly rig,-,t of wa,-,'r line of the 1. Southern Pacific Company's main line ri;ht of way '..;o saic' westerly line of Jewett Avenue; thence northerly along said westerly line of Jewett Avenue a distance of J_32) feet to the p01 -:'t of beginning,. All of the '.erein proposed _;or'- and improvement shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Le,-islature of the Mate of (4L.lifornia, en- titled "AT.d Al;' _'0 F1 U 1DE i C?, _�, dj !,rY` .0 (,1 '., CPS ,., _, ..u, �: `� _; D_�.G, 0':L CLOSI 1U �i, 1111 l„10LE Oil 11. LXi _, 11:`1 Li'l -' , ALLEY, U)U'iiT Oi" PLACE , 11 iI- iV l"CIPALITIi;S k-:) '0 UO:M11:'.' n_`D AC�UIRi Ai-1' r:iii "L LA l) :TC` SSA Y 0 1-1 C0 ]VI 1'10 z01; 11_x7 yu ,P06B", approved ..arch �, 1339, and the several acts amendatory thereof or sup - plemental thereto. *"he district benefited oy said closing is described as i:ollovis: All real property lying westerly of a line distant 1�7)0 feet ea sterl',y fro:r: and parallel with the easterly line of Jewett avenue and between the north- easterly right of way line of the L)outl-.ern Pacific t;or!pany's main line ri,ht of way Lind c, line 6 .Z2 feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of ­' th Ljtreet ,:s said 30th L)treet is shot, ^n on ly.alp of the �:ity of .,sal:ersfield recorded i'ovember 2�1, 1J9 v, in �o0.: 1 of l::a `S at pages 1" and 14, =ern County Recerds. '1hc a ersfield ":aliforniun is hereby Ce l 'nated .. the daily neVrspaper published �.nd circulated .:n sL.id !'ity in ,:hich t;ie btreet �,uperi�.tend- ent's not -.ice o--' the pass,:--c n ' this ` esolution shall be z:;u:;lished. ---- - - - - -- 000---- - - - - -- that the foregoing esolution was 1,,.aassed and a�do�p�teed_ , by the Council of the City of�'ersfi.eld, on the %%day ofo"" 1 ()43, by the followin? vote: F-- AYES: CLLE'MEENTSS,, M,ARMADUKE, NORRIS, SIEMON, SMITH, VANDES:E�r VERCAMMEN AR NOES: __ G�_-=--J -------------------------------- 1_1P 1- ---- --- - -- ABSENT: -- -- -- -------------------------- CityU err and Lx— ficio Cleric of the Council of the City of _Sa''ers field. APK'0`dED by me tr?is 2A day of pxPi% , 1943. ti : of-the City of Ba'cersfield.