HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0646. 0.0- 1 11 Ti"1, , ,L' 10 11 io 64 01-' liTiLiLIOI,I _O !U'" - b"I Ll'iLLE'l 17 411.1) '_Ila_; KLL'TZ _JU iIiTG L if ..-IOC K6 415 U '.L'O aiq) i,LW>'l- z�17 D in the CITY O ' I iSL 12 ilLp"80LVED CC)U-L.,-'(;IL C)!,' 03' f-s follows: What -hat it is the intention of the Council of the City of -'alIzers-field to order the closing of a portion of certain streets a "r _31 more n1artici)-larly descri, '�jed -rid an alley in the o-l' i a)-ers-i'ield, an(. set -1 orth as follows: (a) till that -portion of 1,lm Street lyin.r, beti.veon the southerly line of l6th 6trect anCj the northerly line o',he 4_chison , r_' opelza and manta c -.ail- -.7a,7 ..'eservation, , _,,hich line -as 1-or,ien-ly 1-,he noi t orly line of l)t' zt reot. (1) 4L13- that portion of -,eech L)treet lyin', oetween the southerly line of 16th 6treet and the northerly line of the kitc)iison, 'copeka and Santa fie 'E 1; j - c�, -i,.erly 1 1 7, I , tail y Aeserva -on, line 1. s fori the nortilerly line of 1 5th utreet. (c) kll that portion of L,yrtle 6treet, lyinr., betv!eon the southerly line of 16th Gtreot Lind the nortrierlY line of the htchison, '.,.opelm and Santa A ilailvray r enervation, ,which line was formerly `,he northerly line of l5th 6treet. (d) loll that portion of Spruce street- lyin-, between -;-,he southerly line of 16t-h Street and LIie northerly l I ��-opci-a an�, �anta ?r, iuil way ine of the aticoi ;�, 1,eservation, whic.a line -;,ras zormerly she nort,he.--117 : line o . i L lath street. 1. (e) The alley running easterly and westerly through .5loc ks 415 , 9 415 D, 416 U, 416 D, 417 i; and 417 D, including said alley across that portion of poplar atreet abandoned under resolution of Intention lio. 4,.31 of the Council of tlfe Cite of �a":e.rsfield, California, and. e,vclu &inn that portion of the alley in rsloc'. 417 U lying ;westerly of the westerly line of Oak Street as said ;iesterly line of Oa_: Street was established byr deed from t�fe - -ern ::ounty Land :;ompany 1-o the State of Cali- fornia and recorded in i3oo]r 372 of Deeds at ylage n?_, ',iecords of .:ern County, California. 'eservinf, to the i,ity of 3akersfield from the lands above descri_'.,ed. a perpetual easement, for utility purposes, 10 feet in tiwidtri and feet on either side of a line distant 1?2 feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of 16th Street and 1 yinr; heti,reen the easterly line of Oal. Street and the westerly line of Pine Street. (f) all that portion of Cedar Street lyin between the southerly line of 'ruxtun avenue and the .northerly line of 16th atreet, excepting therefrom a strip of land 20 feet in -'.,,idtit across said (7edar atreet, distant 122 feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of '2ruxtun avenue. (g) io-1 of that portion of 17th Street lying between the westerly line of Cedar Street and the easterly line of Pine "Street. all of the above described property is as shown and delineated on L.an of the city of Saicersfield recorded iiovemuer 25, 1 �gc3, in >>oo' J_ of i. aps, panes 1?. and 14, �`ecords of iiern County, California. all of the herein proposed ,°;orI> and improverient shall be done 2. in nursuance of an act of the Le-islature of the utate of California entitled 11r "1_ aCT TO T, 1A111 11,7 fY LAY 1,,TG OU',.� 7 A O ,' -LOjI!FG 'bP III 01i Ii,41 t�i,L-r,-Z, O� RT 01�� FL&Cl,� w�D`HIIT 1,JUi,,TICIFaLI.'I`6 T) ­0 I . 11 aid) iiLL Lei_lkjl) _J2C1,6,Sa._t1 C)" CCiAMLiI_111Z 20it' "IL-HA' P_L;rIIPOSEIII, approved ,,;arch 6, 1,339, and the several acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. 'i.'he district benefited 'by said closin,,! is described as fol- lows: 31oc`ls 414 A, 414 i3, 41;5 C, 415 D, 416 C, 416 D, 417 L;, 417 D, 421 Und 11.21 U, as said 31ocks are shown and delineated on !,Iap of the City of Ba"'ersfield recorded in boo!,, 1 of Laps at -oages 13 and 14, 'records of ".ern County, California. -he Ijallrersfield Californian is hereby deli ,mated as the daily newspaper published and circulated in said City in which the street 6uperi.aterident's notice of the passage of this ilesolution shall be published. ---- - - - - -- 000---- - - - - -- CEIt'."IVY that the fore,,_,oin Iesolution was 1-)asse(.L u.nd adopted by the Council of the City of 3a'.ersfieldj on the 2nd day of tLpril, 194j, by the following vote: AYES: CARNAKIS, INOIR:,, SIEMON, SMITH, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN, WILLIS N 77 UFF3: -X-0--R ------- ------------------------------------------- A--- --------------------- nd x-Of. E City4 a io Clerl,- of the Council of the City of 3alkersfield. this 2 ay of iipril, 194j. e7 t' 'itY OF 3, k 1�,,&!Ojf fie - sfie d. 3-