HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 16-30 X16 30 RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE CLOSING OF CERTLIN PORTIONS OF S STREET IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, AND TO REDUCE THE WIDTH OF ALLEYS IN BLOCKS 264 AND 265 IN SAID CITY. BE IT RESOLVI D BY THE COUNCIL OF THI CITY OF BAi EHSFIELD, as follows: WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did on the 30th day of June, 1930, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 605, to order the following work to be done, to-wit: That the following described portion the northerly line of 18th Street to a line field,115.5 feet southerly from the south- of S Street, and the lands included 115.5 feet northerly from and parallel erly line of 18th Street;thence westerly within the boundaries of such portion therewith. and parallel with the southerly line of as described, be abandoned; save and Also— 18th Street 264 feet; thence southerly except the perpetual right and easement and parallel with the easterly line of to use and enjoy any or all of the prop- That the alley running easterly and Block 264,City of Bakersfield,6.5 feet; erty described herein, for the purpose westerly through Blocks 264 and 265, thence easterly of Bakersfield,be reduced from 33 y and parallel with the of constructing, reconstructing, install- southerly line of 18th Street 264 feet; ing,laying,maintaining or repairing the feet to 20 feet. thence northerly along the easterly line following: The lands necessary and convenient of Block 264, City of Bakersfield, 6.5 to be abandoned for said purpose are feet to the point of beginning. A sewer line and all of its component described as follows: parts used or enjoyed in connection The streets and block herein men- therewith; also any other instru- (a) Beginning at a point in the east- therewith erly line of R Street 115.5 feet northerly tinned are as shown on that certain map mentalities of sanitation; also water entitled"Map of the City of Bakersfield, pipes, fire hydrants and appliances for from the northerly line of 17th Street; Kern County, California," filed in the fire protection and all appurtenances thence easterly and parallel with the P pP office of the County Recorder of Kern thereto belonging;also water pipes and northerly line of 17th Street 264 feet; County, California, November 25, 1898. connections for the distribution of a thence northerly and parallel with the domestic water supply; also any other easterly line of R Street 6.5 feet;thence All of the herein proposed work and public system or thing and all of its westerly and parallel with the northerly improvement shall be done in pursuance p parts which may be used line of 17th Street to the easterly line of of an act of the Legislature of the State component R Street; thence southerly along the of California, entitled AN ACT TO and enjoyed in connection therewith, easterly line of R Street 6.5 feet to the PROVIDE FOR THE LAYING OUT, that the City of Bakersfield may desire point of beginning.g• OPENING, EXTENDING, WIDEN- to place,or to have placed therein. (b) Beginning at a point in the east- ING, STRAIGHTENING OR CLOS- That the following described portion erly line of R Street 115.5 feet southerly ING UP, IN WHOLE OR IN PART of S Street be closed and the land in- from the southerly line of 18th Street; ANY STREET, SQUARE, LANE, eluded within the boundaries of such thence easterly and parallel with the ALLEY,COURT OR PLACE WITH- portion as described be abandoned. southerly line of 18th Street 264 feet; IN MUNICIPALITIES AND TO CON- That S Street between the northerly thence southerly and parallel with the DEMN AND ACQUIRE ANY AND line of 17th Street and a line 115.5 feet easterly line of R Street 6.5 feet;thence ALL LAND NECESSARY OR CON- northerly from and parallel with the westerly and parallel with the southerly VENIENT FOR THAT PURPOSE," northerly line of 18th Street be closed line of 18th Street 264 feet to the east- approved March 6th, 1889,and the sev- and the lands included within the boon- erly line of R Street; thence northerly erals acts amendatory thereof or sup- daries of such portion as described be along the easterly line of R Street 6.5 elemental thereto. abandoned. feet to the point of beginning. For further particulars reference is (a) A strip of land 82.5 feet in (c) Beginning at a point in the east- hereby made to Resolution of Inten- width and 41.25 feet on either side of erly line of Block 264, City of Bakers- tion No. 605, for the above described the center line of S Street and extend- field, 115.5 feet northerly from the work, on file in the office of the City ing from the northerly line of 17th northerly line of 17th Street; thence Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. Street to a litre 122 feet northerly from westerly and parallel with the northerly and parallel therewith. line of 17th Street 264 feet; thence northerly and parallel with the easterly (b) A Strip of land 82.5 feet in line of said Block 264, City of Bakers- width and 41.25 feet on either side of field,6.5 feet;thence easterly and paral- the center line of S Street and extend- lel with the northerly line of 17th Street ing from the southerly line of 18th 264 feet; thence southerly along the Street to a line 122 feet southerly from easterly line of Block 264,City of Bak- and parallel therewith. ersfield, 6.5 feet to the point of begin- (c) A strip of land 82.5 feet in width fling: and 41.25 feet on either side of the cen- (d) Beginning at a point in the east- ter line of S Street and extending from erly line of Block 264, City of Bakers- WHEREAS, no objections have been filed against said work and improvement, and more than ten (10) days have elapsed after the expiration of the time of publication of said notices of the passage of said Resolution, and the Council of the City of Bakersfield has acquired jurisdiction to order said work as proposed in said Resolution to be done; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that said work and improvement be done as aforesaid and as specifically described in said Resolution of Intention No. 605, and that said portions of S Street be closed, and that the width of the alleys in Blocks 264 and 265 be reduced, said street and alleys being as shown on that certain map entitled "Map of the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California, filed in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, January 12th, 1889 o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Ba' ersfield, on the 'day of September, 1930, by the following vote: AYES,BENSON,CARLOCII,CORSETT,HEADER,JOHNSON, MARTIN,WALTERS NOEk _, _ _ ASSENT....,_.. - A. City C erk and Ex�fficio Ulerk of the /' Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPRO // ��� .f Sep; /ber, 1930. 'A`•-!`''l" i ty o Bakers leis .